Posts Tagged ‘John Tyler’


October 5, 2011







*The present book will be available in English and Portuguese languages. Portuguese version underneath the page. Sorry folks, my English is not enough good to be considered from a real writer but is good enough for most readers understand the meaning of my writings.
*Este livro esta disponivel em Ingles e Portugues. A versao portuguesa esta abaixo da versao inglesa.



The present book can be the last one I ever write. Despite the name I am not planing to go. The reason for it be the last one is very simple. I don’t remember since when I have been writing things with been no paid for. I always do it for the pleasure of giving my advise with the intention of be helpfull to people I don’t even know and to my friends. Buy the way it is taking much from my time. And I have a life. A life everybody say is modern. And in a modern life you have to pay for everything that you uses. And even sometimes for things that you will never use. And I’m not talking about anything out of the essential. In today’s money it is not chip. And, time is it.

By the way, as a hobby that I got, many times I have been paying for it. As a responsible father I think I need sacrifice myself pleasure in favor of to construct a safe future to my offspring.

Just a mere coincidence I am becoming a naturalized American citizen. Probably, as the 1st of september, 2011 is coming fast, today is August 11, I will not be able to finish it before that. I don’t know if it will be good enough and for how many people that would try to dismiss what I have to say using the old excuse: “But he’s not American!”. But I see those things from the bright side. As a new American nobody can say that I am a allien with envy.

Another positive side is that, I may be a Brazilianist with insights that the natural born American can’t have.

It is not new to me but is always usefull know that, speech is “one right or freedom from the First Amendment” on our Constitution. Although freedom of speech is a right “of everyone living in the United States”. Does not matter if is or not citizen. And finally, “give an elected official your opinion on an issue” is one “way that Americans can participate in their democracy”. In my way of see things, give an opinion is our right in first place and, secondly, is also our duty. Everything is in the brochure: “Learn About the United States Quick Civics Lessons for the Naturalization Test”, printed in name of the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security [U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services].

I will offer this advise to all elected official in our Country, specially the presidents.

But somethings must be clear and loud around here. I’m not a doctor of anything. I don’t know nothing but what I had experienced in my own life. The opinion which I will express in these writings don’t come from any institution or nationality. I am the solely responsible for to think and write. The responsability for read and understand will be not mine. So I will ask you reader to excuse me for some incorrectly use of the words that can drive you to any wrong conclusion. You need know that I came to our country only after my 35th anniversary, without knowing almost nothing of English. And what I know now come from observation and nor from schoolling. As I am  used to write in Portuguese language I know that, some small change on the words can meant a big difference on what you want to say. So disregard the meaning of big man if I write it instead great man. In Portuguese language we have the same difference. But you write “homem grande” when you mean big man and “grande homem” when you mean great man.

What I want to write in these book is something about History, economics, politics, migration, prejudice and pride. Maybe, something about genealogy. I will use also some of my autobiography. I will try avoid the citations of names when it doesn’t make the issue. Otherwise I will be glad to name the people who I want to be clear about whom I am talking.

Since I don’t know details from the History of other countries, I mean, I know something about de Worldwide History collectively but not details from the particularly History of much of the countries, I will need to use Brazil’s History, which I know the most, for do some comparisons. I don’t mean to compare United States to Brazil. But I want point out some events where both of them were close allies, or events where each one were affected by events on another. I think that, in some historical facts many other countries were together, under the lead of United States, but certain details are out of my reach, even belonguing to Brasil itself.

My intention is organize my way of thinking in separated articles. Each one about a different issue. I will try to post it in a chronological events order. So, any reader can read the articles separated. But the meaning of everything shall be perceived when you read the articles altogether.

     Some who read these book shall be feel offended by my opinions. It does not come from my will. These is a problem from the human nature. Some people just cann’t allow others to think different of them. They just think the world in their mind is the best one. So, everything that appear to contradict it should be treated as abomination. I cann’t controll their feelings. I try to controll myself feelings letting them have themselves opinions although I donn’t agree with them. If they want to reasoning with me in a civilized way I am totally open to it.
     Some of those people will try to assume that, I am writing something for to harm United States. Maybe they will think that, I am part of a plot, like on some theory of conspiracy, to weak American image before the world. I am writing these before anyone read and get on such excuse to say specific that, I totally believe in truth. I don’t think any truth is made for harm. What harm is see the truth and deny it. What harm is see the truth and not take the responsability for it. Those who see the truth and assume their responsability on it are the ones who are dignified by respect.
     By the way, I get two big reasons for not try to harm United States. The first one is that, I am a Brazilian born. If somebody think I am writing to harm United States is because also think I would do it for, I don’t know in what way, benefit Brazil. For those who don’t know about the relationship that does exist between Brazil and United States know that, Brazil have a monetary reserve of about 320 billion dollares. And it is its only safeguard for any eventuality. Two thirds of it is invested in American Bounds. To harm United States would be the same as to do it to Brazil. Brazil is taking a serious risk to help United States on its moment of difficulties. If United States goes down, almost certainly, Brazil will be in trouble too. I wouldn’t do the same as Brazil is doing if it was not for family or great friendship.
     Another reason in my favor is that, I fathered two kids. My only ones. They are born and lives in United States and I never told them to be more Brazilians than Americans. I don’t put preasure on none of them. If on any day they feel like to choose between one or another country it will be their decision, not mine. What I want is the best for them by their own choice. As I would never harm my children I also have not intent on harm their country.
     Particularly, I think the better way of we solve our problems is get together. Peoples and countries. Until now, what we have been told is that, we need to compete because it will make us the best. I totally disagree on it. To compete impose that, some will be harmed in some way. I am in favor of team work. Everybody work for it. Everybody get the prize. Any time you compete you don’t get the best prize. When you are competing you expent to much energy doing things that harm yourself. If these energy wasted from both sides be used for do good things, the prize will always be doubled or tripled.
     This chapter will not obey my will of put things in a chronological order. But it will explain the name on the book and capture a similar issue present as a Public Health problem in modern American life.
     I use to hear 90.9 FM, Boston University Radio. Every time I get in my car I drive hearing something useful. It can be international or national news, shows about music or simple interviews. Usually they interview authors of best sellers books, movie producers or anything else linked to culture. And I love it.
     I have a long history learning from them. No longer after I came to United States I discovered the 89.7 FM Public Radio which transmit almost the same content. It helped me learn English, because they speaks in a good accent, so we can pick up it word by word. And I have interest in learn much of the issues showed on those radios stations. My only regret is that, along all those year, almost 17, I never had money to contribut with those Radios.
     Well, just by coincidence, recently I heard a show of interview about de suicide problem in United States. The interviewed was a doctor who wrote a book about the problem. Unfortunately I didn’t had much time for see everything. Not even learnned his name. I got only some importante information. So I looked for some more informations at the site of American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – AFSP.
     The statistics are some kind of shoking. The last data is from the year of 2007. About 34.000 Americans lost their lives in that year in suicidal attempts. It is the “11th leading cause of death in the United States.” “Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 years in the United States (28,628 suicides).” “Ninety percent of all people who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.” “There are four male suicides for every female suicide, but three times as many females as males attempt suicide.” “There are an estimated 8-25 attempted suicides for every suicide death.”
     We got many more interesting information about the problem at the site such as, “suicide is the third leading cause of death among those 15-24 years old”,  but their conclusion was that: “Studies indicate that the best way to prevent suicide is through the early recognition and treatment of depression and other psychiatric illnesses.”
     Learning about the problem through the interview on the 90.9 FM Radio, things doesn’t look so clear as the statistical numbers from the AFSP. First of all, the interviewed doctor let it clear: nobody knows exactly what drive people to suicide. They had a theory which say that, it come from the preassures of our times. Would be something linked to modern times. In opposition to it he pointed out that, a indigenous tribe in Amazon Region laughted when they knew that, suicide is a problem in America. They couldn’t understand because never knew none among them who took such idea. For them, suicide is a tabut.
     When the argument that in their primitive stile of life they probably shouldn’t have the same kind of preasure as in modern life came out, it is not so easy to have foundation in truth. The tribepeople is in the edge of existence. They get frequent tropical deseases. Their infant rates of death is about 50%. At the end, they got so much preasure as a New Yorkian. The difference would be that, New York offers much more ways of fun things to do than the entire Amazon River Basin.
     The doctor author interviewed said, not only that specific tribe but observing the humanity as a whole you can detect amazing endurance in people that live in the edge of life too. Why shouln’t the same be truthful for the now most successful societies in the world?! Suicide is not a problem only for United States.
     I don’t know if the interviewed doctor told anything about the relationship between suicide and genetical tendency. The data from AFSP doesn’t mention it. When I was living in Brasil I remember such mention. I don’t remember from who it came, but looks like some families have the problem with more frequence.
     On the interview the doctor also said that, often you know some fact that end triggering a suicidal attempt but you don’t know the origin of such will. He also said that, even suicide be a problem bigger than assassination you don’t see it in the news. Asked why it is happen, he wasn’t sure but offered an explanation. In assassination cases you have a clear vilain and a obvious victim. So, is easier to work with such news. I am not so sure about it. As hard is to sale the news of a suicide it a bigger problem and then it should be more important the public know the truth. But looks like even to our more advanced culture does exists something that are tabut. The suicide victim can be ourselves image and ourselves likeness.
     What amazed me in the AFSP report is that, they calculate in “8-25 attempted suicides for every suicide death.” So, it mean that, there are between 272,000 and 750,000 attempted suicides each year in United States. This is a big number! But if it is true, I am not convinced that it translate the whole truth. I am in doubt about some part of American population be affected by the tendency for suicide. These selfdestructive behavior is manifested through the prejudice shown by the Tea Party, KKK, Neo-Nazis and sectors from the Republican Party.
     Maybe, such behavior is unconscious and unintentional but bring the same result as it was. Those mad people don’t realize how their attitudes are driving United States to selfdestruction. I hope my concerns help them to reconsider their positions for the selfdestruction don’t come to happen.
     In my poor point of view I think assassination and suicide are part of the same problem. Those are result of frustrations. The different response come from the person be more egoistic or altruistic. The altruistic prefer to attempt against his or her own life. The opposite is verified on the the egoistic person. Case apart must be considered the “suicide bombs” because their are manipulated before they do it.
     The doctor also said that, whatever the number of attempted suicides come true it doubled the number of assanations. Yes, in United States the assassinations are more frequents than others industrialized countries. And, not matter how big this number is, suicides comes in doubled number.
     Now I have to assume some speculation. Is that all? And if, only if, is something much bigger than that? If part of deaths ruled as accidents is not but successful suicidal attempt. I am not thinking only in car accidents. You know. Most of deaths by car accidents is ruled as consequent of high speed. So, as it is well known as cause of death, why so many people still driving above the speed limit in every and each high way?
     Why should people keep smoking knowing that, it is a factor of risk to their health? Everybody know or heard about the polution problem but why only a small number of people is taking from their lives some modern comforts that result in polution? Is well known that, if each person in the world start consume like an average American we would have nowhere to extract goods for everybody. Then, why it is not enough to people to understand that is something wrong in our way of life and it need to be rethinked? Why so much resistence against the cleaner technology? All of it and many more issues couldn’t be ruled as attempt of suicide?
     I really mean that. I think does exist two types of suicide. One you could call by Acute Suicidal Syndrome. This is the one the interviewed doctor and the AFSP told us about. The other is a Chronical Behavioral Syndrome. This more like, I know I will die someday, then I want it but have no guts to do it quickly, so I better take some risk measurements that will end at where others do it quickly.
     I think such type of syndrome is present in people like George W. Bush, at those who controlls Wall Street etc. I am in doubt if the same behavior still inside the White House at the Obama administration!
     What they did and are doing looks like a cowardish type of behavior. They don’t want a peaceful life for themselves. So what they do is make others life an inferno. Looks like they think like that, if I have to go is better take everybody with me. Alone I donn’t want.
     I don’t blame nobody for to be in a suicidal mode. I think every and each one of us have it as secret plan B for life. Most just will never use it because life goes as it can be and not like we want. If I would say one word to those in these edge I would say that, Not matter how big your problem appear to your eyes if you take a time it will disappear by itself. Think about one problem you had 10 years ago. You probably not even remember it was there anymore. But if you attempt against your life and be successful on it, is a decision you cann’t repent for take because it is a non return decision. Never take a definitive decision in times of crisis. Nobody is perfect. A bad judgment can make you create a big problem from a non problem situation. Just be more pacient.
     We can take some interpretations about the numbers shown at the data from AFSP and the general causes of suicide. Those conclusions are not from academic research based but it from myself observations of modern life. In my point of view the primitive societies were adapted to conditions the world offered to it. Its ideal were look for happiness. Happiness can be found in simple things from life, like family, friendship etc. “Pursuit of happiness” is one answer for the question: “What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?” of United States.
     Actually, our society is based on to have things. People are looking for to have their whole life. It includes to have another people for them. For that, they sacrifice the simple things in life and never find satisfaction on what they are doing. Like that, the depression comes inevitable and what is happen later is only the consequences.
     Maybe it explains why so many more women attempt suicide. Despite of women emancipation in the last century we still living on a macho oriented style of life world. We need to understand that men were competing against each other since thousands of years ago. Women were always among them but nature put us on the front of all risk. And we learn to be more aggressive, sometimes, irrationally aggressive. Because of that, reasonble women can be in more distress in such manly oriented world.
     Usually, the lay person attribute to ancient people or to non educated at school people some kind of inferiority. The lay person look at those people and think how their lives must be! They walk instead of drive a car. They don’t even have electrical devices or watch tv! Their lives must be so out of context! But what they lay person don’t know is how much more the “primitive people” giggles and laughs. How much more they take care of each others.
     We think that, the life we are having now is the best one since the rise of man in the face of Earth. The problem is that, so much of advance should be translated in more time for fun, more time for love and, specially, more money in the wallet of everyone. But what we are always getting is more and more bills to pay, less and less quality time with our family. So, like that I don’t think we are really in a way to Heaven. We are more in a way to doomsday.
     In a posterior chapter I intent to record something about some non schoolling educated people and persecuted non documented immigrant had proved wrong those unfounded in truth modern conceptions.
     I heard from a lay person that, “you are relative of somebody only until the fourth degree”. To me it is a little complicated to explain on exactly words in English. But she did mean something like that, You don’t need to consider as relative your cousin if yours common ancestors are from your greatgrandparents generation or beyond. I don’t know from where she took such wrong idea. She mentioned something about religion, which I believe in a possibility of mistake made, or medical source, which I doubt. The reality is quite different.
     I have studied the genealogy of my family. So I got some good idea about what I am about to say. And I am a medic veterinarian by train and have a degree from college as animal doctor. One class that I got in trouble were just one that workes with, translating from Portugues language, Animal Development. Is something involving genetics and teachs how to make cows produce more milk, chickens lay more eggs, etc. Yes I had some trouble to complete the course because the math involved and I never was good in memorize formulas. I always felt more confortable rationalizing the problems. Getting in trouble in these case doesn’t mean I didn’t learned. Sometimes we learn better when we make mistakes but revise what went wrong. Well, I did it.
     Long ago before time some facts were truthfull for genealogy. Although genealogy wasn’t even thought. And when it came to be observed by some people many mistakes were made. Even today the first thing you think you know about genealogy is that, you come from that family with your last name. This is one of the wrong ideas the lay person have about it. Usually, your last name come from your father, who inherited it from his father and so on. So it is true only if you are thinking about what we call paternal lineage. But genetically it do mean little, sometimes, nothing.
     We know that, half and a little plus of our genetics come from our mother, and the rest from our father. Then you have to know that, If your greatgrandfather was marriaged to a woman not related to him, your grandparent will be practically half/half. If your grandfather were marriaged to another woman also not related to him, your father will be one quarter of whatsoever your greatgrandfather was. Then, if your mother is in not way found related to your father, you will receive only 1/8 from your greatgrandfather, although you can still have his last name. And you can pass it on to your children, and children of children and so on. Although your gradchildren could get almost nothing from your greatgrandparents.
     If you are a lay person, probably you now that, you have a mother and a father. And also, each one of them have a mother and father. So you got four grandparents. What you expect is to get 8 greatgrandparents. And the thing goes on. From each generation before yours you should doubled the number of your great-great-great… So if you are up to do a little exercise, then pick up your calculator and multiply 2 X 2 and keep multiplying the results by 2 for 33 generations. If you be persistent on that work you will learn that, on the 33rd generation before yours, you are supost have 8,589,934,592 great-greats. Too much for you? From the next generation your big number is more than 17 billions. And so on.
     The time! Time is more than precious. If you calculate for each generation an average of 30 years, at the end of 33 generations you will find roughly 1,000 years. It mean that, one thousand years ago you are supost have more than 8.5 billions of 33-great-grandparents. And it only from the generation number 33 not the adding of all of it. Now I say it to you, If you don’t have each and every one of those places fill up by some of your ancestors you don’t exist. And you who know something about the existent population from one thousand years ago shall ask, But how!? One thousand years ago we didn’t have people enough. Even today the whole population in the world is less than 7 billion people!
     That question get a simple answear. It is because some of your 33-great-grandparents are your ancestors over and over again. Some are probably millions of times and it is why is possible you be, despite of have so inferior number of ancestor than we should expect.
     But the extension of the problem is greater. If you do the opposite calculation, you will get the same numbers. What I mean is that, suppose you have two children. And each one of them have two children. And your four grandchildren have two another children for each one, and so on, for about 33 generations. You are expected to get 8.5 billions and plus of descendants just from that generation. It mean that, if you were born on one thousand of years ago, you were supost to have, at least, such number of offsprings. But, as does not exist enough number of people on Earth, where they are?! It is simple to answear.
     If your grandchildren, instead of marriage to someone else out of the family marriages to each other you will have not 8 great-grandchildren as expected but only four. I meant, if you have two grandaughters and two grandsons. To you get the expected number, they must have four children for each couple that they formed. Each time a cousin marriages to another our multiplication is expected to decline. When more generations come to pass and cousins marriages to cousins repeatedly, the average number of children to keep the expectation of your offspring is greater and greater. In some cases some couple had to have thousands or millions of children and it is not yet a simple task for human beings.
     The truth is that, not only your ancestors fill up repeatedly the places as your ancestors. They do the same to an enourmous number of another people. They are more or less cousins of yours even if you don’t know them. Let me say that, even if from one thousand years ago you have 10,000 couples as ancestors, which is just a fraction of we should expect, you can be in such kind of genetical trap. It is because your 10,000 couples of ancestors would be already close relatives. What prevented us from be extinct as especies were migration and multiplication without limit. Today, solely migration and marriage between different gentical lineages is the best way to keep out our species from extinction.
     If you want to simplify things, then know that. If 300 years ago, on the tenth generation before yours, one 10-great-ancestor couple had 10 children and everyone got marriaged, and also got 10 children and so on untill your generation. Then none of the offsprings from them had marriaged to each other, they were supposed to have 10 billion children, only from your generation. It is that cool?! As the people back then had as much children as nature allowed, we are suppost to have at least a couple of common ancestor from that generation with every and each one of our neighbors.
     But the thing is not so simple. Not everyone back then got so many children. Many of our uncles and aunties never had children. Even so, we expect that, all couples back then who had some children who got marriaged and had their own children until our generation must be great-grandparents of  thousands, maybe even 1 million people. And I am not talking about any polygamist person.
     Then, when some site of genealogy announces that, some personality found to be relative of some historical person through its site is because it is using the popularity of the personality for take advantage of the obvious. If you go after your ancestors, even don’t feeling like you are somebody of respect and, naturally, with some lucky because many of our ancestors didn’t have their records well done, you probably will find some historical figure as your ancestor. And then, the people from nowadays whom is said to be personalities are probably your cousins. Somebody once said about my family: “We come from the blood lineage of kings and kings come from our blood lineage.” It is absolutely true for all of us.
     And it is one of the reasons I start to study our genealogy. I am not exactly interested in identify kings in my list of ancestors. I am interested in history itself. Then when I find any personality as my ancestor I will be more interested in to know about his or her history. And it should be considered usefull to anyone nor for some.
     People use to say that, “History repeat itself over and over again.” I don’t think so! History can’t do nothing by itself. People repeat their mistakes over and over again because they ignore History. Know History is not a hobby for eccentric people but an way of selfdefense to people.
     Another reason that make genealogy important to me is that, the medical implications it means. Despite of we know so much about genetics in our days I think the consequences from our close kinship to most of humanity have been largely ignored by the governments. So I do think people should know better those things to prevent some future collapse of our society. Since we learned that we can’t keep having to many children as our ancestors did because our planet is limited we need to try avoid to have children with preventable problem. Our ancestors could have the luxury to have as many children as they preased and nature permited because some took care of others but if we have one healthier and another lack health, the problem will be greater in such small family. And if two children from the your family lack health?!…
     So, when somebody say that we are related to another people for about any number of generations is because he or she don’t know nothing about genetics. What is happen is that, our lives is too limited when we consider it by the space of time. Then we have the privilege to know such a small number of generations of our close relatives. Sometimes we consider more some people less related to us as relative than others more related because we are driven by the wrong idea that, relatives are those that we know.
     Based on what I know about genetics and animal management I could say that, human beings are more like a poultry bunch.
     And I say it consciously. Most people don’t know how ours scientists got to the poultry lineages that lay eggs and produce white meat for us today. What they did were that, selected the ones that naturally already laid more eggs or grow meat more quickly. Then they crossed the more productive to each other. And they repeatedly did it time after time for years in a roll. They even did it crossing mother to its children and father to its offspring.
     After they got what they wanted, it is, a lineage that laid more eggs or grew meat more quickly then started to commercialize it. But they have some secrets. They developed at least two lineages for each blend. So what you get on markets is the crossing of the two of them. Then if you try to start your own business from the chickens you can buy alive, it will not be productive as the original is. Unless you do a knew research which will take more time and money from you. For you have your own business in this area you need to partnership with them. And in this case you will do much of the work and them will share the money you made. It is business as they say.
     But what this kind of research also brought to our poultry bunch is that, it’s largely more susceptible to deseases and genetics problems. Also the management the chickens are submited, with so many in a small space, can make they spread the deseases to each other in a blink of eyes. So that is why our poultry bunch need many vaccinations and antibiotics added to its regular food. If you go to a farm that produces chicken eggs or meat you will be asked to use an appropriate garment to protect their business against contaminants that you can delivery, even not been aware of nothing.
     As our knowledge about genetics advances we learn how to read what is written in our DNA sequence. And, just after the first researchs, the scientists were amazed by the similitudes that does exist in the DNA of each one of us. Doesn’t matter if you are an Inuit, a Caucasion, a native South African or aborigene from Australia. We are more like poultry bunch in our DNA.
     If is that true, why we have so much differences on our appearences? I may have one explanation for these. In our primitive lives we were trained to look at the differences. To look at our similitudes was not so important. It is related to our enviroment. In Brazil we have an example of it. Some plants were used by peoples as basis in their diet. The Orientals had rice. The Middle Easterns got wheat. The North Americans through the Occidental South Americans got corn. And the Brazilians have mandioca (Manihot utilissima).
     It is a root like potato with more fiber and plenty of starch. We have many ways for cook it. And it can be delicious. But the plant of mandioca have its identical twin. Brazilians call it mandioca brava. I think we could call wild mandioca. The wild mandioca have one of most effective venoms in itself. It got the cyanide. So a little bit of the plant in your stomach and you will be history. Then know the difference between it was a question of life and death.
     Mandioca can bring a large amount of food to your table in a cultivated small area. Even the good mandioca can delivery enough syanide to kill anyone or anything that eats it. The good news is that, cooking it evaporates the poison. Brazilian use to feed their cattle with the natural product which is poisonous. But was learned that, if you slice that potato and expose it to sun light it will be clean. So it is done before the cows eat it.
     The most venomous part of the plant is its leaves. But a cleaver group of researchers developed a food supplement in there based on mandioca’s leaves. It is used to enrichment of poor in nourishment foods. A small daily quantity from this supplement in a nutritional inadequate food can quickly deliver good healty to malnourished children. The secret is just to take off the venom before it becomes food.
     And it all were learned from the called primitive native Brazilian. Now I can see a relationship between the mandioca leaves and undocumented immigrants. If you try to look them with less prejudice you can take off what you think is venom and could make from them a glorious future to United States. Although, I am sure about that, the venom is in the eyes of the people who got prejudice in themselves and not in the undocumented immigrants themselves. Later I will talk more about this issue.
     The prejudicial people were intelligent to detect their differences in the faces of others but not enough to learn separate what is different for bad from the difference with not malice.
     All enviroment had so many others examples of such things. People everywhere had to look carefully at the landscape before get out of their caves. Predators are known for to merge to the enviroment and not be detected. Who were not able to look hard at the differences probably had not any chance to pass enheritance to us.
     So the problem is not because we are so different from each other. Sometimes, back in Brazil, I was often mistaken by my cousins. Even in United States is common people look at me and to think I am an European American from old times. These can be like craziness but I intent to be back to these fact. My close relatives and frieds that I had in visual contact for long time never mistook me for somebody else. But those who had occasional contact just kept doing the same mistake. Even close relatives with less contact did it.
     It can be easily verified by parents who have identical twins. If they are identical how to make the difference from one and another? Minimal difference are the answear. You need to have all of your sense in alert to look at those. And it is a natural sense to anybody but you can be trained to enhance your natural sense. Depending on the culture you live on it can be largely used to drive prejudice against the differences. Prejudice is not a natural or rational sense. It is learned from devious cultures.
     Maybe, some dislike on what is different is not an intentional prejudice. Is just a natural reaction learned from millennia. What became intentional prejudice is the person start fight against reasoning. I mean, when you start see your skin is different from your neighbor and you know that, it is not any sign of danger but you accommodate on your first impression keeping the warning sign on, even start taking actions against your neighbors as they were really theating your life or your possessions.
     By the way, collor of skin is something linked to the enviroment. You have dark skin because of your ability to live on “caliente” tropical and equatorial enviroment. Is just a protein that almost all of us got the skill for produce it. Is called melanin. It works as a natural sun blocker. Lighter skin only mean that you had ancestors who lived long long time in a less luminous enviroment. Then they were selected by nature to let more sun light come through their skins for that they be able produce D vitamin.
     The problem is that, sometimes a good thing have some collateral damages. If somebody got pale face together with blue eyes and think it is a great advantage, can slow dow your horses. Blue eyes mean not melanin in your iris. Maybe it don’t make your vision bad but can bring you earlier cataract, if you have the tendency for this illness, if you be exposed to more sun light than you deserve.
     If a lighter skin people be submited to an hot enviroment for thousands of generations and the selection be natural, at the end of it every and each of their descendant will have a darker skin. The same is true if a people with darker skin be submited to conditions like in the North Pole. If they refuse to evolve on the apropriated way, they will be history. Unless the darker skin find another source of D vitamin like in pills and the lighter skin people start using a natural sun blocker. Otherwise the lighter skin have to have their activity only at night and sleep on day light.
     The prejudicial people are clever enough for see differences but not enough clever to be or to make the difference. Later I may get back to this topic.
          04. WHAT IS BE AN EUROPEAN?
     Probably, even Americans know that European is someone who was born in Europe. Even they don’t know exactly what or where Europe is. I am not say it by myself but just making fun of myself as it is wild spreaded the American geographical ignorance around the globe. But I am not only talking about the people who live in Europe today. Maybe I should name this chapter as, From Where Did The European People Came? This is a most interesting question.
     Fistly, not only European but the Human race came from Africa. If you don’t believe and can prove this theory wrong you probably will win the Nobel Prize just after you turn public your new knowledge.
     Sometimes I saw people screamming against this and others scientific theories because dislike or it appear to contradict their old religious beliefs. But I also saw the same people watching tv and believing that, some images were generated in Japan and almost instantly can be watched in United States. They also are capable of believe in doctors taking your heart from your chest, doing some surgical procedure, and reimplant it for you get another chance of life. Does not matter. Those things only are possible today because the long time gathering of knowledge scientists came up with.
     I know very well that, scientists make mistakes every day. I don’t have issues about it. We all make mistakes. It is in human nature. The problem is when somebody make any mistake and don’t learn nothing from it. And it is one reason we need some of us know better about human history because tracking all mistakes maybe you can try to avoid repeat it. One good example of it is that, in United States the population was learning to let go prejudicial feelings but looks like this illness were able to reinvent itself and rapidly overcomes the good will of part of the population. It is back now. And is more strong than ever.
     So, is really convenient believe in some scientific sayings but not that, all human beings had their origins in Africa. And that, every and any human being is close relative to each other. I don’t know what drive people not believe in such things but I am pretty sure have a big amount of prejudicial feeling on deny it.
     From Africa came not only one species of human being but many. But anyone else besides Homo sapiens sapiens is now extinct. The scientists attributed our endurance to our ability of adaptation. Adaptation can be translated as capacity of to solve problems. Not exactly as in math but is something like that. Sometimes it does not depend on our will. For example, it is happen when we encounter an epidemic situation where some new illness take down most of us but some survive because those got an inherent defense against that bad agent.
     Then the survivors pass on to their offspring that ability. We are plenty of examples of adaptations inherents to human beings. We live almost in every type of climate on Earth and it is possible only because we are able of modify our body accordling to each different ambient. But we need to say that too: “Slow down the stand because the saint were cast out of clay.” Its just a Brazilian saying for be careful and make no mistakes. Some adaptations need time for be effective and nobody is prepared for every sudden big change.
     Let’s though be back to our issue. From Africa all of us came. And some migrated to an area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. That region is called Caucusus. And this first group of people who made their dwell there is called Caucasian. Caucasian thrived there and probably on nearby areas untill 75,000 years ago. Around this date is well known that a supervolcano erupted in Indonisia. Scientists are not sure if only it or something else were responsible for start a new ice age era.
     Scientists theorized that, the supervolcano erupted and launched so much dust and gases in the air that it blocked some amount of sunlight. And the polution stood on for an enough time to down the average temperature in Earth for some years. And it drove nature to keeping making snow but not melting it. When the atmosphere were clean again the sunlight returned but it were deflected by the now bigger Earth’s white surface. We know that, white sufaces reflects light, dark surfaces absorbs it. So Earth entered in a vicious cycle with no return.
     Down the temperature went. More snow came. Bigger the white surface becomes. More sunlight was deflected. Then the winter’s time went longer and colder. At 70,000 years ago the scientists can measure a clear sign that Earth was again in a new Ice Age. Cycles of lower and higher temperatures left their signatures on Earth’s landscape.
     Our planet is just like a book with layers of sediments as pages. If you don’t take dust out of your house for one entire year you can imagine what will be at the end of it. Earth also works in the same way. What happen on its surface for thousands of years transforms in sediment at lakes and ocean’s bottons. If it be for long time under pressure can become hard as a rock. And the layers can be distinguished from each other depend on the climate where it was formed. And each time it were formed can be measured by some atoms present in the material.
     So as the planet became colder it made food less available to many animals, included human beings. We were in a brink of extinction. Some scientists once says that, they calculated around 1,500 people or so alive just a little time after the supervolcano erupted. Today, some wild animals are returning from this condition with the help of animal protection foundations. Human beings at the time have not protection besides themselves adaptability. But they also used some of intelligence.
     Now you have to learn a great lesson from it. At that time we had at least two Homo Sapiens sapiens lineages, the pure African and Caucasian, struggling to keep life going on in Earth. Even the Neanthertal culture managed to do it so but not for too long. It just proved that, some of us, does not matter our genetic background, are made to be resiliant. And all of us who live today in Earth are simbols of this resiliancy from our most ancient ancestors.
     But, everyone of us must think about it and try to answear this simple question, If such kind of disaster strick us again how would you manage to keep your life and pass on to your offsprings the prof of your existence? If it happen again I must say that, probably, more than 90% of us will not survive. But the only way to try to keep your own genes around for the next million year is to give this counsel to your kids: be the most diversified as you can and teach your children and children of your children do the same. Stay in love with diversification and put any racial prejudice you learn from your ancestors behind you. To be racial pure is to take a disnecessary risk.
     Rather than say if I better should say when human being get back to a situation of near extinction the first victims will be the poultry bunch. Unfortunately, the scientists already know that many of enormous disasters that happen in the past will be happen again so it is not a question of if but when. And this answear nobody knows. When the poultry bunch be forced to live from what nature brings it will not be able to do so because the modifications that scientist did on those animals made it totally dependent on human beings. Is possible that the same come to human being himself because now almost everybody is not linked to natural conditions anymore. For the worse, a disruption such as an eruption of a supervulcano can alter nature itself in a such way that a feel natural things can survive for keep sustenable life by nature.
     From the North Pole came a big wall of ice. As layer after layer of snow gathered there it became too heavy. Then the preasure made the glaciation walk down in direction to subtropical places. In a sloth’s paces, year after year after year, it was gaining the landscape. Human beings were clever enough to know that, they had to look for shelter in a warmer place. And they were driven away southbound direction. And the population were divided in groups that ended in South India, probably in Middle East, and along the road through Iberian Peninsula. Basically it means Portugal and Spain.
     Let me now just take by loan from the Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary – Revised Edition – the definition of Caucasian: “Of or being a proposed human racial classification distinguished by light to brown skin color and including peoples indigenous in Europe, N. Africa, W. Asia, and India – n, 1, A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus. 2, A member of the Caucasian racial classification.”
     What’s wrong with such definition? Firstly we now know that human being can not be classified by race. Yes! For we divide human being in groups of races we need certain amount of differences accumulated on some group and it can be verified in our DNA, but doesn’t have enough differences in it. We are just too similar, like a poultry bunch. Color of skin can’t be used in our case. Skins in Caucasians is not distinguished by light to brown skin color. If you get to some places in India you can verify that, their skin very from light to black color and don’t end in brown.
     Another thing, Caucasians were the first inhabitants of North America and their presence in here is measured from, at least, 17,000 years ago. And it is one of the big mistakes scientists made along History. The old ones theorized that human being was not able to come from Asia to America unless by foot and around 7,000 years ago when the meltdown of the Ice Age made a natural passage from Russia to the Great Plains in United States. Then they theorized that, those classified as Asian people was the first because in Americas after Europeans arrived had only Asians around.
     But now is wild known that, long before, Asians Caucasian had been here. But is possible that, Caucasian in North America became extinct even before Asians came. Nobody is really sure yet. A mega fauna which did existed in North America at the Ice Age was also extinct. Sabre toot tiger, mammoth, gigantic slots and car size armadillos were present in North America untill a catastrophic event happen swipping up the big fauna. Man could be among those. What we know for sure is that, man was here many thousand years before we had the passage between Asia and North America open. And Asiatic people could be among them.
     Another thing is that, the characteristics of Asiatic people starts to show in the records only from 25,000 years ago. What it suggests is that, they came from a Caucasian family who once lived in Mongolia. From there they multiply and took over Asia, Pacific Islands and Americas. Japan is a good example of both presence. The completely Caucasian people lived there untill 2,000 year ago when the Asiatic came. Even in the begining of the XX century had a small population of native Caucasian there but they were absorbed by the bigger number of Asian looking people.
     One more extra information. The first South Americans were not Caucasian nor Asian. They were African like people. It is shown in a skeleton found in Santa Luzia City, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Older than 10,000 year, this fossil was revived through forensic techniques and had the face of Africans or Aborigenes from Australia. And if you take a look at your Mapa Mundi you can imagine that, If ice was so present at the Northern parts of the Globe is possible that it could be even more present in the Southern parts. It is because, at the North Pole you don’t have any land but in the South Pole we have an entire continent.
     Old scientists appear to tend ignore how resourceful any human being is. So they don’t like to imagine anyone from more than 10,000 years ago been able to navegate long distances or use the ice edges to do it. But the edge of ice around South Pole could be attractive to Africans because its plenitude of food. At the Ice Age it was much more close to South Africa and people from there could navegate to the edge of the ice cap and by just following the food or by accident ended up in Australia and South America.
     But in certain times of the years the climate were not welcoming to human life, so they had to migrate northbound. And it could explain how Aborigene Australian got there or in Brazil. And they walked far far away from South Pole. I can indicate a page on Internet for you make up a better conclusion. It is: Is about the work of professor Niede Guidon in Brazil. It explain what evidences are that man inhabits South America before 36,000 years ago. Maybe 50,000 as professor Guidon believe.
     May does exist other possibilities how to explain the presence of human beings in South America in times so prior than we are used to believe. If you look at the map you wont see exactly what was 50,000 thousands years ago because the small islands were bigger and the space between continents was smaller. Even so, the distance between it would be enormous to travel by primitive boats. Although the distance between Brazilian Northeneast and West Africa is the least, I think that, the travel via Southern Atlantic was more likely to happen because ice would help as reference to where to go.
     Let’s though be back to our main issue in this chapter. Around 40,000 years ago Spain and Portugal was the better places in Europe to people live the entire year despite the cold. The same group of people found their way across Gibraltar and dwell in North Africa. At that time, they were living in the rushest stage of Ice Age.
     So much of water were transformed in ice that, at the edge of the glaciation in the line of New York City we got an wall of ice one mile thick. The line which comes through New York also pass on Portugal, Spain, Italy and over Greece. Since were much less liquid water around, the ocean’s level was much lower than today. So around about today’s shores had no water. To see the shore line in some cases you would need to walk more than 100 miles into the today’s seas and in dry feet.
     Even the Black Sea didn’t exist at the time. It was because the Mediterranean Sea was so lower that the communication between it was cut. What we had on its place was a much smaller body of sweet water. It was fed by the rivers around it. As the atmosphere preasure is higher in lower places and it turns to an higher temperature, in that time it could be a good place to live. But a good part of dry land in that Europe is now the botton of its seas. So is possible that, some evidences of existing at the time prehistorical primitive civilizations can be found if we dig in at seas bed sediments.
     So, from 40,000 to 13,000 years ago, Europeans were living on only at its southern parts. Around the year 13,000 ago something happen and the ice starts to meltdown. Some scientist theorized that, some iced deposit of gas at the ocean’s botton must have been ignated by a smaller volcanic eruption and it boiled at the botton of the North Atlantic. It produces to much CO2 and it have the ability on to absorb heat from sunlight to warm out the atmosphere. Then the glaciation start to move back to North Pole direction. 10,000 years ago, the big fat European family start to migrate again. Now their movement was northbound.
     Now use your imagination and make the links. As human beings are able of multiply themselves like I wrote before, I mean, just a couple having 2 children, who get 2 others each and so on untill the 33th generation, then it could become 8.5 billions in just 1 thousand years, you must understand that in Iberian Peninsula the European were sheltered for 30,000 years. What you expect from it is that, The first group that went there were at least close relatives. But Spain and Portugal together, plus some area under the sea, are not so big and not too small. That group must were organized like a tribe.
     After a while they probably were some thousands of people and still cousins. But as their numbers were added they must subdiveded themselves in others tribes. Although they stood close relatives and cousins it is inherent to alive beings have what is called variability. One practical example of it is that, my parents had nine children. Then each one of us, even having much of similitude also, have our differences. I am taller than everyone else. Some are short. My skin is an European like color and one of our brothers have darker skin. Some have curled hair and others waved. Some have dark and others brown hair, although as children the last ones were clear blonded hair. If we look at each item from our bodies we can see multiple combinations.
     Lets though imagine that. Our parents were kings and decided to divide the nation in 9 kingdons and each one of us would become new kings and queens. More, if in the division of that kingdom the king stablishs that, the people from the old kingdom would be divided by its looks and the most look alike to the new queens and kings should follow them by their own similitudes with each new sovereign. In this case, the tallest, more European looking, waved hair etcetera had to follow me. And so on to the others.
     Imagine though if we stood separated not by a generation but for thousands of years. The descendants of each one of us are expected to be more like ourselves but what should be most visible should be our differences. It should be a shocking meeting again in a reunion of our descendants. Some could never seen another people so taller in their whole lives. Others should never seen people in a such kind of dark skin. And as I said before, the differences could immediately sound the alarm to many. Remember, we are conditioned by nature to identify first the differences and to link it as warning of danger.
     A part of it was just what happen to European people. The History didn’t flow like that because about 10.000 years ago the people sheltered in Iberian Peninsula start to move to places more northbound but they kept a cultural link between them. Their religion were alike, they had meetings in some geographical points at their annual festivals, they didn’t have overpopulation and had more wild land to conquest. Also, aroud 7,000 years ago the Atlantic cost worked like an free way to trade from North Africa to Scandinavia. But at some time they totally forgot about be offsprings from one same group of people.
     Before I forget, the scientific community is yet to find out if had or not genetical crossing between Caucasians and another kind of human that florished from Middle East to the end of Europe. They are the Neanthertal people. As the Caucasian advanced in the European landscape that people appear to disappear. But have not enough evidence to say that, they made war and Neanthertal became extinct. What evidence show is that, in some cases they lived nearby each other. And does exist a skeleton of a child, from 25-28,000 thousands years ago found in Portugal that appear to be an hibrid between the two human families. Then European can have a little from Neeanthertal but not enough for anybody say it yet.
     Even if that possibility is true what I wrote above still valid because about 30,000 year ago neeanthertal man had vanished from the records. So at that time the European population was last gathering in Spain and Portugal. Then the families must have exchanged genetical material between themselves and everybody got the same inheritance. Some could have a little more than others but not enough to make any difference.
     What happen after is the big deal. Human beings start to develop all around the world what we call civilizations. Around the Mediterranean Sea we have the Foenicians or people of the sea. Greece came later and named the rest of Europeans as Keltai. Romans came after and inherit the same prejudice adapted to their languase, Celtae. In our language it is translated as Barbarian.
     Why the name? Was just because Barbarian were a people more rural than urban. They didn’t learn yet how to write their History. They use to bring their food to their mouth with their nives not spoons or forks. The civilized people would never do something like that! Instead, civilized people started to hunt and make war against them. Just because civilized people wanted their lands, whatsoever they were able to produce and to make slaves out of them. And with such intention Rome became the superpower on its time.
     Rome conquered the whole land around the Mediterranean Sea making from it its own lake. It even conquered England. England, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece are among the land conquered by Rome. Mostly the European from the Northern parts were saved by have nothing but slaves valiable to the Roman interest. Then Rome didn’t conquer North Europe but made incursions there to hunt slaves.
     And Rome implanted its Pax Romana. It meant that you are under Roman authority and had to follow its lead or otherwise you could be swept from existence. Under Roman lead you had to pay taxes but get nothing in return. Rome put its troops in your land as an excuse to protect you against alien invasion but mainly the troops were used against yourself interests. You had not right to have a different opinion.
     Although was like that, in one issue Roman administration was more open to democracy. You could follow your religion since it didn’t represented any obstacle to its interests. Even Jews could practice their religion despite they couldn’t worship the emperor. At first Romans were against Christianity, having or not reason for that, but later the Emperor Constantius made Christanity the official religion to the whole Empire. And it was not for good. What he wanted was that, everybody were subdued to himself and his followers.
     From there on the Empire start to disarray. Christianity were divided in various creeds. Constantius wanted a Church behind himself and wanted settle down the differences. For that he ordered the bishops to do a council at the city of Nicaea. After the Council of Nicaea they published the Creed of Nicaea that instituted everybody in the Empire had to be Christian and follow the dogma of the Trinity as statuted by the Creed of Nicaea. The opositors to these dogma as it was imposed were the Arian.
     The Arians gain this name around the time of the Council of Nicaea because the main defender of these Theology was called by the name Arius. The Arian Theology was  older than Arius and by obvious reasons knew that, have a Superior Entity which were not created. And the first Christian obvious knew that, Jesus was a creature begotten by that Entity. It is cristal clear through the words attributed to Jesus himself at John, 14:28, “for my Father is greater than I.” If it is so, then we can’t deceive ourselves saying Jesus and God are the same because not even God is Greater than Himself.
     The Arian Theology were considered as heretic by the first Council of Nicaea at 325 and later were reaccepted but it may have contributed to the fall of Rome. Even Jesus had warned his followers about the divided kingdom. What I am saying here is that, is important to allow different opinions among us, if in a respectfull way, because you can be alerted of your mistakes by somebody else. If everybody thought everything in the same way you would never know when you is wrong, mistaken or deceived.
     When you try to impose to another something which is not essential you will make enemies by an action that is not worthfull. In every dictatorship must have one group of people that believe in their supremacy into decide what are the best solutions in name of others. It is just a kind of selfishness, to attribute to oneself the destiny of others without even hear and be open to do what the others also want.
     So, untill the year 381 Arianism were tolerated and Rome were administrated by Arian Emperors. Even they sent some clergymen to teach Arian Christianism to Barbarian peoples outside the Empire’s borders. Then, at that time, in the first Council of Constatinople, Arianism were again considered heretic and the followers were persecuted. Much for a mere coincidence, the Barbarian lead by the Goths invaded and conquered the Empire at 411.
     Roman Empire was divided into two parts. Goths took Rome itself for them but the east part of the Empire with the capital in Constantinople or Bizantium stood stand. Later on it was renamed as Byzantine Empire.
     The Goths divided their conquest into two parts. On West Europe which includes Central and South France and Spain plus Portugal were taken by the Visigoths. And Italy and nearby lands were taken by Ostrogoths. Since the beginning of Ostrogoths administration the things didn’t worked well. They tried to conciliate things like be a stranger power governing another people in these people own land. The people had ties with the Roman Constantinople which was aways trying to conspire against Goths. Goths was Arian and the population was Nicaean oriented religion. They was open to tolerate different opinion about it but the others not.
     Historians classify this period as Middle Ages, sometimes it is remembered as Dark Ages. Ostrogoths were not long in power although their offspring stood in charge. Visigoths stood for longer. The splendor of ancient Rome was gone. Europe became a place for yearly wars. Each separated people trying to subdue its neighbors or trying to freed themselves from their despotism.
     Franks were another people from the same background as the Goths in Germany but were long ago allowded to live in Northern France by Roman Empire. Then they opposed to the Goths invasion and were defeated by them. Later on this people became the solely superpower in Europe. But something else happen before it.
     Muhammad started his Messianic preaching in the Middle East and 100 years later the Muslins Empire was the biggest ever. It elongated from India to North Africa. In 711 the Visigoths were in warfare against each other because succession disputes. Muslins seized the moment, crossed Gibraltar and invaded Europe from Spain to France. Immediately after came the reaction against it.
     One of the Frank’s leaders was Charles Martel or Charles the Hammer. He organized the counter attack and were in part successfull. He stop the advance of the enemy forces and made them retreat to Spain. From there they were unable to remove the invasor.
     Later on, the grandson of Charles the Hammer, Charlemagne, was in charge and conquered whole Central Europe. From Italy to Germany. Only some small kingdons were left out. At his time, the Pope in Rome was just a puppet in the hands of the Lombardians. Charlesmagne became not a regular Catholic but an extreme kind of it. Then he defeated the Lombardians and put himself under the blessing of the Roman Catholic Church. At 800 he was crowned as Sacred Roman Emperor. It was an attempt to restore the Roman Empire in the helm of Catholic Church.
     It didn’t went far. The Barbarians had the tradition on partnership. All sons of a king was also kings. And each one had the right of to take one part of the kingdom for themselves. Just after was common they make war against themselves to unify the kingdom again under one ruller. The best thing which could happening from it was when they agreed on just create new kingdons and leave the others alone. So, along the time, Europe was again more and more divided. But the real power ended in the Pope’s hands. So the Catholic Church became the real superpower in Europe.
     Charlemagne was a king that some wanted santify after his death. But alive he was capable of ordered the death of 10,000 Saxons because they refused let go their beliefs on Paganism. He is considered the father of France and Germany’s monarchies. Catholic he was but also had many wives. He was a schooling non educated person but created the regular system of schooling and ordered his children, even daughters, to be educated. He is more than one controversy.
     One information about his reign or his son, Charles, the Pious, that is useful is that, he was unable to reconquest Spain and Portugal and had his only defeat in life when was retreating from Spain and the rear of his army were surprised by the Basques. Later on Charles, the Pious, was able to reconquest Barcelona and the around about became a Frankish Kingdom of Aragon.
     What I have to mention about Europeans is that, they forgot about their primary origins. They divided themselves in little families. They named their families as Saxons, Bretons, Gauls, Goths, Lombards, Basques, Luzitans, Franks, Vikings and many many others. They created many opressions against each other and exported it through the America’s invasion and the colonial exploitation in every corner of the globe. They recreated slavery and worsened it. Europeans were able of create also the Inquisition. They exported wars like the Napolean’s wars, I and II World Wars.
     The present charpter was designed to point out some bad dids of Europeans. I don’t ignore their good did’s. But I think is necessary to look at the dark side of Europeans because much of the today’s prejudice in the world come from them or their offsprings. So if the prejudice that they feel against others is born from any feeling of superiority, the prejudicial people must be remembered about this dark side. Because if you don’t recognize your weakness and don’t fight against it, it always will turn against yourself.
     Not long ago I start to take a look at myself genealogy. It is a tradition in my family back in Brazil and my father was kind of inspiration to whole family on it. My studies begun just at his and my mother 50 anniversary of marriage. My wife and I just got the notice that we got our green cards in november, 2001. We went Brazil for the first time after 8 years not been allowed to go there. I mean, we could go but had not guarantee to come back. In January 10, 2002 was the 50 anniversary.
     The commemorations took place on December because at January 7, 2002, we had another aniversary of marriage. Was the 60th aniversary of my aunt Odila and uncle Eurico. That day was also my father’s birthday. So we had not little to commemorate.
     Aunt Odila was my father’s sister until he died in 2003. And her daughter, Ivania, had authorship a book, Family’s Coelho Genealogic Tree. We had grown up with the book at home but never taked a close look in it. Sometimes it felt not necessary because much of the content in the book we already knew by knowing much of the people recorded in there. If we didn’t knew some personally, because they passed away long before we were born, they was still in our memories through our family’s around the fire meetings. I think a can name it like that but mostly of that meetings was at my mother’s father house or many others relative’s kitchen. In this case the fire was present in the stove, where the wood was light.
     Kitchen in our big family is a symbol and a way of life. Does not matter if the others use or not appropriated roons to do their meetings. Sometimes our birth place get a little cold, something under 60 Fahrenheit, even around 32. But our meetings around the fire would easily make us forget about the cold. The human heat ignited by the continous laughter was what driven our talking. And always the issue had something to do with our ancestors and their relatives.
     Then, at my aunt Odila’s house, my father had the idea of buy more samples of the book. My aunt gave him some and he gave me one. I brough it with me and start to study some details that I never took notice before. Specially how runs our kinship with almost 90% of the population in our town and others town around. But the book was lack on many of our family’s branchs genealogical tree. We call it Coelho’s Family but these name is not but a mention to one of our ancestors who was born in the middle of 1,700s.
     This ancestor himself was from Portugal and marriaged to a Brazilian woman. They had five children and two of them were marriaged. At that time, our birth state in Brazil was less than one hundred years old in terms of a bigger European colonization. The Minas Gerais State (General Mines) is what the name says. A big place, just about something less than Texas, with a cord of mountains lined up in what is called Serra do Espinhaco (Spine’s Mountain Hanger) from south to north. There was the place where gold, silver, iron, diamonds and much more stood together untill Europeans came.
      So, at the fist half of 1,700s, Brazil had its Gold Rush and Minas Gerais was the place. As a Colony, Portugal was in charge and tried to block migration to there. It wanted to control everything but it was not any easy. The rain forest dominated everything. The rivers, except for some, were difficult to navegate. It flowed to all four and intermediary directions. Sometimes the state is even called by the name, Brazil’s Water Tank. It is where most high altitude in Brazil take its place and its waters feed the rivers which make contact with many others states in South and Brazilian Northeast. Among the problems, some more hot places in the state was full of unknown tropical diseases.
     Then Europeans, specially Portuguese people, and Brazilians from others colonies disorderly invaded the place. And they started to bring African slaves. The native Brazilian was there long before anyone else and became subject to prey for slavery, forced conversion and the women was used to marriage after that.
     Our genealogy in that book starts on a little later, when the gold became rare and when the Mineiros (miners, the inhabitants of Minas Gerais) started to be more farmers than miners. The Portuguese ancestor who brought our family name, which many of us still using, had the name of Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Coelho means rabbit. And I will talk later about the reason that name start to be used. Maybe, at the end of his life, he became known by the nickname, Jose Coelho da Rocha.
     Later on I learned that his wife, Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha, also called Eugenia Maria da Cruz, was a daughter of Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha and Maria Rodrigues. He was an half/half Italian and Portuguese. But untill now we don’t know nothing about his ancestors. Maria Rodrigues was Brazilian and some say she got others surnames which was, de Magalhaes Barbalho. Just like in my name but I am not sure about that. We have reasons to doubt it and one reason to admit that, at least the surname Barbalho was present in the area she probably was born in. But I am keeping looking for evidences to prove how was composed her real name.
     What I am interested now is to go back to the issue that entitled the present chapter. We had a tradition on that, our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes came from another Portuguese named Manoel Rodrigues Coelho. These Portuguese person was a rich man, who got his fortune from gold mining and went Minas Gerais State on the earlier days of the Gold Rush there. Then the tradition is lack on timing because we know that, both of them was born in Portugal. Jose was born around 1,750. Manoel became a public servant at Ouro Preto City, in 1,719. That time he had to be around his 25 or more years old because he took a good position.
     It is a little bit too complicated for a man at that time be around his 60s years old, rich and take a risk on to travel through the ocean, be remarriaged, have a son and get back one more time. On that time the expectation on to be successfull on any travel through the ocean was not more than 50/50. The things had to be like that because we have evidences that he was in Brazil later on. Manoel made big contributions to the construction of the Bom Jesus do Matosinhos Sanctuary, in Congonhas City. It is the most recognizable monument from that era in Minas Gerais State, and still been a mark in the marketing of the state. It beginning to be constructed in 1,757 and it ended around 30 years later.
     Then I start looking elsewhere for our ancestor origins. And I found someone with the same name, probably the same age, in a internet site. The site is named – Portugal, and gathers genealogical information from the whole Europe and elsewhere. It is about ten years old but got records from old documents, maybe, since the activity of genealogy started on Earth. They don’t have everything but just enough data to amaze any lay person.
     From the Middle Ages or before what they got is something about the called noble families. But what is a noble family? Is nothing more than a regular family with titles. Then I say why it’s that so. It comes from since our tribal origins. A tribe is necessarily a group of people with many kinship ties. Scientists calculated ancient Egyptians that constructed the Great Pyramids in a number around 100,000 persons. But ancient Egyptian was a nation, not only a tribe.
     And, as far as I know yet, I have more than 100,000 relatives and counting. No. I am not talking about people that I know being my relative but I can’t point out any of their ancestors. I am talking just about the direct descendants of the pioneers that populated the cities around my birth place. So, in ancient times my family would be called a nation, not a family.
     Among us have some that have good positions as public servants. Others got their positions because their diplomas at colleges. Some got rich as business people. We have those as clergypeople and whatsoever you can say it, they are successful people. But, most of us are just common people. As they say in Brazil, “I have rich people as my relative but they don’t know me, and I also have poor people as relative but I don’t know them.”
     Nowadays if somebody say he or she works as weld nobody pay attention on them. 1,000 years ago they would be from the most noble family. That is what made the called nobility then and it came through the ages by genealogy. And nobility is not a exclusivity to Europeans. All around the world we had this kind of differenciation that separated some from the others. Although for too many of us looks like in Africa or ancient Americas you had not nobility it comes from ourselves ignorance about History. The Europeans crushed all existent cultures on those continents and monopolized the right on be noble. It was made easier because mostly of those crushed cultures didn’t use writings.
     Nobility doesn’t necessarily mean a noble character. Sometimes it is better applied to an adventurer, soldier of fortune or one who unscrupulously seeks wealth and social position, as defined in the dictionary.
     The justification for the existence of genealogy in ancient times had everything to do with succession. You need to think about it. If someone was king and had many children and just one of them had the immediate right to be the successor, the others was put aside but not away. They had to see if the new king was able or not to also have children and if his children would be able to be king. If so, everyone would still be in the line as eventual successor. We need to remember that, wasn’t uncommon that an epidemic situation or an disastrous war wipe out most of the noble people. Then, the next on the line would be choose by the proximity of his kinship with the dead king.
     But sometimes the line of successor was never broken for generations. And the brothers and sisters of the first king had themselves their offspringhood. At first, they was usually named for the best positions around the throne. Then their children was downgraded in favor of the children of the king. The grandchildren was dawngraded some more unless they marriaged to someone else equally graduated. Keeping the downgrade, five or ten generations later, most of the offsprings of the first king would be not more than simple peasant. And as a peasant they had to marriage to another from the same kind. It happens to most of us.
     In some cases it was why some families were more used to marriage to their kin. In Brazil the lack of information about it let the people start make fun on these in that saying, Is for not spread the fortune. But the intention was not to loose link with the royal blood. By the ignorance those families was putting their offspring at risk get degenarative deseases.
     Well, let be back to the issue again! Some of the offsprings of my ancestors, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha are already recorded in the site Based on some data that I gave, the first generation after them are also posted as descendents of the Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, the nobleman. Before it he was without family. But in reallity I can’t yet say they are the same person. But it does not matter so much. Why?
     If the nobleman is not our ancestor he must be our relative. If not him must be another person linked to the royal families that passed on to us the many surnames we have in our genealogy. As I demonstrated before any person born 1,000 years before us could easily be ancestors to everyone alive in Earth today. But because there was borders and prejudice since before 1,000 years ago, just a small number of ancestors must have generated the whole population of each country today. This little number can be thousands or even couple millions. It does not matter.
     Let take it as example. One thousand years ago Portugal must had less than a million persons. And there must had at least hundreds or couple thousands called noblepeople. Despite of some immigration occurred along History to there, it didn’t changed anything because the newcomers easily were marriaged to the initial families. So, our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, born 750 years latter, would be a totally anomaly if he had not familial ties with them. And his surnames are the most significant evidence of those ties.
     Must be easy we be simultaneously descendants of every and each person who lived and made offspring in Portugal a thousand years ago. Since we know that, is possible we have more than 8.5 billions ancestors living in that time, we have more than enough space for be offspring of every and each one Portuguese 33 greats (grandparents) from that time plus a great quantity of Africans and native South Americans. I just wont include here the Asians from India to Japan and Islands around Pacific and Indian Oceans because we have not data that link us to them as our ancestors. Based on my calculations we have enough room to be offsprings of every and each noble and poor person from Iberian Peninsula repeatedly many many times, from 1,000 years ago.
     Now I need to do a briefing on the main events that made the Iberian and Portuguese genetics. As I said before the people living in, now and then, Iberian Peninsula was descendants from the group of Caucasians that stablished themselves in that area since around 40,000 years ago. Around 10,000 years ago some moved toward north and populated Europe. At the time before Chist the genetics kept unchanged.
     The people which lived in Portugal was called Luzitani. And their cousins lived around. They first had the cultural influence from Celtic culture. Later on they stood as Celtic but had a little influence of Greek and Cartaginean cultures. But those was cultural influences nothing that could make any changing in the genetics. After Romans conquered Cartago they were resistants to Roman influence.
     From 219 to 19 B.C. the Luzitani were the most ferocious battle frontier to Rome. Romans born wouldn’t be happy to be deployed in around Luzitani territory. But in 19 B.C., Julius Caesar with help of treason conquered that territory. So it became the Roman Province of Hispania Luzitania. But the name was short lived because the differences between the inhabitants of both territories. It were divided in two, Hispania and Luzitania.
     Curious fact occurred around 70 A.D. After the fierce repression on the first Jewish revolt in Israel, Romans sent part of the israeli people to live in Iberian Peninsula. They called themselves by the name of Saphardins with mean that they now was living far way from home. Now imagine that, if 1,000 is enough time for a couple have so much offsprings the Jews first comers there had almost 1,000 years for be ancestors of ours ancestors from 1,000 years ago. And they were not just a couple but, at least, a couple thousands.
     But their number was small compared to the whole population living in Iberian Peninsula that could be around 300,000. And the Jews multiply themselves in both ways by marriaging to each others and converting the Celtic Pagans Iberian inhabitants. Like that, the Jewish community became important part of Iberian life. Although their presence didn’t change much the genetics of the population as a whole.
     Another significant influence came around 400 years later. With the Goth invasion of Roman Empire, Iberian Peninsula was taken too. With the Goths came a people named Suevi. They installed themselves at the North Atlantic Cost of Spain and Portugal. They found the first considered true Medieval reign in there which was called Gaelecia. They must had been blonded hair because later on the word galego in Portuguese became synonym to blond.
     I don’t know exactly the genetical impact they had on Iberian genetics. But some had said that, the Goths and their allies were around 10% of the local population. If so, their impact was not so big and not too small. The Iberian people was long ago cuturally Roman and Catholic Christian since and after Constantius reign. And the Suevi people was absorbed by their cultural background. The Suevi reign endured for almost 200 years until be conquered by the Visigoths around the year 700.
     Two more interesting information. Must be before that time it had a migration from the Gaelecia area and populated Ireland and some parts near in England and Scothland. This migration must have occurred before the conversion to Catholicism because Ireland and others parts populated by that stood culturally Celtic. Even the modern studies of DNA had indicated that, the Ireland and English peoples are the most close relatives of Portuguese and Spanish in whole Europe. Genetically those people are just like cousins. And the blonded hair people from the old Gaelecia moved also in great numbers to Brazil at it’s Gold Rush times, in Minas Gerais, on 1,700s.
     On 711 the Muslins came and conquered almost the whole Iberian Peninsula. Later on I had to be back to these issue because what they didn’t conquered was only a small part called by the names of Cantabria and Asturias. It is a mountaineous terrain which stretchs from the Pyrinees in North Spain. In there, Pelagio from Asturias and Pedro from Cantabria was able to managed a resistence which at the end, in 1,496, Muslins were thrown out back to Africa.
     The Muslins invasion also didn’t made any difference in genetical terms for the genetics in Iberian Peninsula. Arabs were small in numbers and their Empire was too extensive. So what they did was conquer a territory and offered conversion to the conquered population. Then, after that they train the people in religion and arms. Formed the new army which was lead by a small number of Arabs they departed to a new conquest. What they brought to Iberian Peninsula was the Moors. The Moors were the ancient inhabitants of North Africa in connection with Gibraltar. They were just the Caucasian people that crossed Gibraltar at the last Ice Age and was close relatives to Europeans.
     But a small number of Arabs were present in that. And they left not only some words in Spanish and Portuguese languages. They also transmited some cultural and genetical components. Not much for say that we are Arab in constitution but enough to say, we are like distant cousins.
     The last genetical contribution to the Iberian Peninsula came from others people from Europe Itself. During the period called Reconquista (Retaken) which last for around 500 year for Portugal and almost 800 years for Spain, after the Christians retaken some parts of the territory they invited others Europeans to live in there, which it was called by the name of repopulation. So, some Neederlandians and Bourgandians also became part of our genetical mixture.
     Statistically some part of the today’s European population have smaller contribution from Subsahara Africans and Asians from the diverses parts of the Globe.
     After said that I may come back to my ancestors. Then I dived dip in the genealogy of the Jose Coelho de Magalhaes first present in the site more than sure that, if he is not our ancestor his ancestors are. And from these I learned something that I would like to pass a few details to whosoever be interested in what I am writing. I will post here a sequence of ancestors he has. I will start from the older couple who will be parents for the next person under. And so on untill we goes to, Pedro (Peter), the duke of Cantabria.
Graciano, the Old – unknown wife
Valens I, Emperor of Occident – Justina
Gala – Theodosius I, Emperor of Rome
Gala Placida – Athahulf, King
Theodoric, King – Flavia Gala Placida
Theodoric I, King – unknown wife
Euric I Balthes, King – Ragnahild
Alaric II Balthes, King – Theodegota of Ostrogoths
Amalric I Balthes, King – Clothilde de France
Leovigild of Septimania Balthes – Theodosia from Cartagene
Hermenegild II Balthes – Ingunda d’Austrasie
Antanagildo Balthes – unknown wife
Adrebasto Balthes – unknown wife
Ervigio Balthes – Liubigotona Balthes
Peter, duke of Cantabria – unknown wife
     In that lineage we can see others interesting crossings. For example, Clothilde de France was daughter of Clovis, the Frankish king. Her mother was Saint Clotilda from Bourgandy. So, the powerfull in the end of Roman Empire and beginning of Middle Ages became ancestors of most of royal families throughout the whole Medieval Period in Europe.
     We have many crossing lineages around but I am limiting it to not become something confusing. Peter, as his title say, was the duke of Cantabria. And from that territory he lead the resistance.
     The other leader were Pelagio. We don’t have his ancestry but he supposed came from noble family because he was taken as hostage by Muslins forces. Then managed to escape and gathered another group of resistence with his fellowmen in Asturias. Pelagio fathered a son but he was killed by a bear in his test to adulthood. It was an ancient tradition that all leader had to be proved. For that his daughter Ermesinda of Asturias became in the line as heir.
     Peter of Cantabria had a male heir called by the name Alfonso. Alfonso marriaged to Ermesinda and became Alfonso I, King of Asturias. Since then the name Cantabria disappear from the records and the kingdom was united. They had a heir who became king under the name of Alfonso II. Alfonso II became the most celebrated king to Christians in Iberian Peninsula from that time. He was called, the Chaste because was unmarriaged and entirely dedicated to the Christian cause of reconquest.
     His reign endured for 52 years. Some say that he transformed a vaste area between Asturias in the north and Muslins territory in the South in a desert of alive people. But others say it was done by the plague. Important was the results from that. Asturias was a kingdom to small to survive for long against the superior power of Muslins. Then the desert gave time for the kingdom became more populated.
     And one event was the key for the salvation of the kingdom. A grave was founded and identified as of Saint’s James, the Minor. Saint James, also called by the latim name Tiago or others languages as Lago and Iago was the disciple of Jesus. The legend says that, he was the first Christian to enter Spain to preach Christianity. Then later he went back to Jerusalem and were decapitated by King Herod Antipas. And his followers brought his body back to Spain for his final rest place.
     After the identification of the grave in Compostela (it mean a place by the name Star’s Field) it became famous as pilgrimage center. Christians from all corners of Europe start to go there and experience something magical. Os Caminhos de Santiago (Saint’s James Paths) have an extension of about 500 miles. And the pilgrim had to go there by foot. After the experience they took vows to defend the land and pledged for donations which helped the Reconquest. The legend even say that, Saint James in person came from the sky in a resplendent horse and costume for do battle among Christians.
     The Paths of Saint James of Compostela were roamed about by the most famous Brazilian writer from nowadays, Paulo Coelho. He attributed his carrer as books writer to a beginning linked to this starting. But I have not idea if the Coelho in his name come from some known figure to me.
     But Alfonso II had not heir by himself. Then the lineage produced by his brother Froila were enthroned in his place. And it followed as the sequence I am posting now,
725 Froila I – Munia Froilaz
743 Froila of Asturias – unknown wife
760 Bermudo, prince of Asturias – Ursina Muniadona from Coimbra
780 Ramiro I, King of Asturias – Paterna from Castilla
800 Ordonho I, King of Asturias – Munadona de Vierzo
838 Alfonso III, King of Asturias – Ximena Garcez, from Pamplona
860 Ordonho II, King of Asturias – Elvira Mendes of Portugal
900 Ramiro II, King of Leon – Onega?…
     As you can see, the lineage that I am presenting is only paternal. And usually from the king’s first born. But if anyone is more interest on genealogy can go through the site – Portugal and take a look at the ancestry of each mother who appear. They are from noble families and most of them come from Iberian Peninsula. Since that time existed some prejudice against Iberians. They were said to be kind of Barbarians what their only civilized activity was make steel and tools from it.
     Alfonso III have an important link on the retaken of Portugal. He were the king that commisioned Vimara Peres to retaken the North of Portugal. Vimara is the Portuguese hero from that time. He dominated the land between the River Minho at the North and the River Douro at the South. He constructed a fortification which became a village named Vimaranes after his name. He was stablished as Count (English earl) and his title became hereditary. Some say that in others monarchies in Europe his title would be duke. The name Vimaranes was also modified to Guimaraes. It became family name and, probably, everyone who have it as name is an offspring of Vimara Peres.
     Later on the descendant of Vimara, Nuno Vimaranes tried to freed Portugal from the domain of the Kingdom of Galiza but he was killed in the battle.
     Ramiro II were a fierce warrior against Muslins. They called him “El Diablo” (The Demon). His reign coincides to a famous leader in Muslins side. His name, Adb al Rahman III ibn Muhammed, the Great. You can see interesting details from this period in video produced and distributed by PBS HOME VIDEO. At it’s site you can call for ISLAM, EMPIRE OF FAITH. What is remarkable about that is the comparison between North Europe, represented by Christian faith then, and Islamic Iberian Peninsula. Is said that, after a nun know the beauty and hygiene in Islamic Spain she had not doubt in say that, Is like to compare darkness and light.
     Adb al Rahman III were able to conciliate the three differents faiths under his power. Jewish, Christians and Muslins would serve him in all aspects as equals. But he confronted the opposition from his own counterparts on it. Some felt neglected and his reign became although a great progress in enlightenment but also a constant battlefield.
     Despite of the rivalry between the faiths, Ramiro II and Adb al Rahman III agreed on to marriage one of the Ramiro’s sons to a Adb’s cousin. Then the marriage of Lovesendo Ramires to Zayra ibn Zayda was designed to bring peace between the both people. And I will post some more from their genealogy. About Zayra and Adb al Rahman III you can follow their ancestry on the mentioned site. They are direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad himself. Then, what follow is some of their descendance.
  940 Lovesendo Ramires – Zayra ibn Zayda
  960 Aboazar Lovesendes – Unisco Godinhes
  980 Ermigio Aboazar – Vivili Turtezendes
1,000 Toda Ermiges – Egas Moniz de Ribadouro, Lord of Ribadouro
1,020 Ermigio Viegas, Lord of Ribadouro – Unisco Pais
1,050 Monio Ermiges, Lord of Ribadouro – Ouroana
1,080 Egas Moniz, o Aio – Dordia Pais Azevedo
         Lourenco Viegas – Maria Gomes de Pombeiro
1,135 Egas Lourenco (Coelho) – Unknown wife from Pombeiro
1,160 Soeiro Viegas Coelho – Mor Mendes de Gandarei
     Here we have an interesting sequence. Through an woman, Toda Ermiges, the royal blood was pass to entered in a family that dominated the region called Ribadouro. What the name mean is, Over the Douro River. It is the region in the north of the Douro River. By that she became a greatgrandmother of Egas Moniz, o Aio. In Portuguese language aia means baby sitter. Aio would be baby sit by a male. The nickname given to Egas Moniz is because he accepted be mentor to Afonso Henriques who later became to be the first king of Portugal.
     At the sequence he became also grandfather of Egas Lourenco Coelho. Some authors say that, Egas Lourenco was the first one to use the last name Coelho. It would be happen because he own a farm with the name of She Rabbit Farm. Coelho means rabbit. But it is not proven because he didn’t gave such name to his offsprings.
     But his son did. And the reason for his son Soeiro make use of such name have origins in the fight for the Reconquest. Others said to the king that, he was able to penetrate the enemies line without be noticed, as it was done through rabbit’s burrows. Then he adopted Coelho as his last name and passed it on to his children.
     Another lineage of historical importance, born from the kings of Asturias is that,
   900 Ramiro II, King of Asturias – Ausenda Guterres, from Coimbra
   925 Ordono III, King of Leon – Elvira Pais Daza
   956 Bermudo II, King of Leon – Elvira Garcez, from Castilla
   994 Alfonso V, King of Leon – Elvira Mendes, Sovereign Countess of Portugal
1,015 Sancha, heir of Leon – Fernando Magno, King of Leon and Castilla
1,039 Alfonso VI, King of Castilla – Ximena Moniz
         Teresa, from Leon, Countess of Portugal – Henri, from Bourgandy
     Teresa, Countess of Portugal, like Egas Moniz, o Aio, was a descendant of King Ramiro who was offspring of Peter and Pelagio. And her father, Alfonso VI, sent a message to whole noble families in Europe promessing riches and even his daughters to those who was willing to help him in the fight against the Moors. Henri, who was son of Henri, Duke of Bourgandy and others accepted the challenge. Alfonso VI kept his word and marriaged Teresa to Henri. They had many sons and daughters.
     One of the children was baptized with the name of Afonso, son of Henri or Afonso Henriques as it is the History of Portugal. And was these one child that Egas Moniz promised to his father to take care of him. After Henri of Bourgandy died his wife Teresa had another man and maybe it was the reason for Afonso Henriques start a rebellion to try separate Portugal from the Kingdom of Leon.
     At first the he failled on to do it. As his mentor, Egas Moniz gave his word to king Alfonso VII, giving him guarantee that Afonso Henriques would never try it again. But he did and were successful. And is said that, his mentor went from Portugal to the Leon City with an wood attached to his neck in company of all his offsprings to offer their lives because of a broken word. Seen such gesture of nobility, the king gave him pardon and more riches. Nobody knows exactly what happened but some think that, in the first place he gave his word for give more time to Afonso Henriques reorganize his troops and get the second chance to defeat his own mother’s army. But is hard to believe that, Egas Moniz was a such crazy person and able to play with his own and all of his children lives like that. He was probably sincere in everything.
     The next sequence of genealogy starts with the King Afonso Henriques.
1,109 Afonso Henriques, first King of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
1,154 D. Sancho I, King of Portugal – Dulce, from Barcelona
1,185 D. Afonso II, King of Portugal – Urraca, princess of Castilla
1,210 D. Afonso III, King of Portugal – Maria Peres de Enxara
1,260 D. Afonso Dinis – Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,305 D. Diogo Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes Pacheco
1,330 D. Alvaro Dias de Sousa – Maria Teles de Menezes
1,350 D. Lopo Dias de Sousa – Maria Ribeiro
1,370 Violante de Sousa – Rui Vasques Ribeiro
1,410 Pedro (or Rodrigo) Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – unknown wife
1,440 Francisco Queiroz Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – Maria Goncalves
1,470 Isabel Francisca de Queiroz – Diogo Anes Ribeiro de Vasconcelos
1,495 Manuel Dias Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – Joana Ferreira
1,525 Violante de Freitas, the Liar – Lancarote Pinto
1,550 Simeao Pinto Machado – Ana da Mesquita
         Antonio Pinto de Mesquita – Maria de Lemos
         Simao Pinto de Mesquita – Maria Barbosa
         Antonio Pinto de Mesquita – Angela Vieira de Seixas
         Bernardo Antonio Pinto de Mesquita – Ana Josefa de Magalhaes Pinto
1,750 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes – (?) Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
     Again, I can’t say with not doubt that this Jose Coelho de Magalhaes is really one of number 5 grandparent of mine and my family. But, if not, someone else will be and his lineage will have a link to some of those presented here. Sure would be a mathematical improbability if it be not like that. Then I am not dying for to be part in that specific lineage. Nobody need to be. Unfortunately most of us does not know from which lineages we came but any and everyone is supposed to have some links with royals lineages. It is a club which does not demands exclusivity.
     One important historical figure in that lineage that I want to mention is D. Afonso III, King of Portugal. During his administration portuguese people reconquered the last stand lands in Muslins power in Portugal. He was not to be king because had an older brother who became King Sancho II. But Sancho II was not willing to be submissive to the powerful Catholic Church and it demanded his removal from power. Afonso III was surprised by the decision where he became unespectedly the number one in Portugal.
     D. Afonso III was the one to complete the reconquest when he took Algarves and the City of Faro which are at the south of Portugal and next to Gibraltar. His administration to Portugal represents a downturn to what was happening before. Take this excerpt from the Wikipedia as example, “Afonso III paid special attention to what the middle class, composed of merchants and small land owners, had to say. In 1254, in the city of Leiria, he held the first session of the Cortes, a general assembly comprising the nobility, the middle class and representatives of all municipalities. He also made laws intended to restrain the upper classes from abusing the least favoured part of the population. Remembered as a notable administrator, Afonso III founded several towns, granted the title of city to many others and reorganized public administration.” He was the true creator of Parliamentarism long before it became known as government system.
     Like others king around his time, Afonso III had wives and concubines. One of his concubines was Madragana, later she was rebaptized as Mor Afonso. About her have some interesting informations. First of all she was daughter of the mayor of Faro. And they were Jew. I think that is interesting because we know every person with genealogical links with Iberian Peninsula is probably a Jewish descendant because Jews were brought by Romans to there since around 70 AD. But is almost impossible to have records of that through this way. Otherwise is not so difficult to track such inheritance by the ascendency on her and others. Through her, personalities of today such as Queen Elizabeth II, of England, are prove to be Jewish descendant as much as Arabian descendant through Zayra ibn Zayda, the daughter-in-law of Ramiro II, King of Asturias.
     I am in debt with you because I started to show the lineage Coelho from which my family got one of its most important last names. Well, the lineage above which ends on my supposed ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes have lot of links to the first person, Soeiro Viegas Coelho, to use it as last name. But his most close ancestor with Coelho in his name was his maternal grandaddy. So I will show another sequence of genealogy in opposite way this time. I will start with my ancestor and the couple under his name will be his parents, the next line will get his grandparents and so on.
1,750 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes – Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
         Ana Josefa de Magalhaes Pinto – Bernardo Antonio Pinto da Mesquita
         Joao de Magalhaes Coelho – Isabel Maria Pinto
         Jeronimo Ribeiro – Maria Teixeira de Seixas
         Domingos Coelho de Magalhaes – Antonia Ribeiro
         Isabel Pinto de Magalhaes – Belchior Dias
         Ana Coelho – Gregorio Magalhaes de Azevedo
         Fernando Coelho – Violante Pinto
1,450 Diogo Coelho de Sampaio – Isabel Sampaio
         Rodrigo de Sao Paio Coelho – unknown wife
1,370 Fernao Coelho – Catarina de Freitas
1,340 Goncalo Pires Coelho – Maria Silva
1,320 Pero Esteves Coelho – D Aldonca Vasques Pereira
1,290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1,260 Pero Anes Coelho – D Margarida Esteves
1,200 Joao Soares Coelho – Maria Fernandes
1,160 Soeiro Viegas Coelho – Mor Mendes Gandarei
     From these point we can just link Soeiro Viegas Coelho to himself at the second lineage presented in this chapter. What we can see in the site – Portugal is that, many of the people present in those lineage had familiar links to each other. The site provide us with a facilitator resource to identify it. When somebody is descendant of some kings he or she gets a small ball under the name. Each king is linked to one collor. If you point your computer arrow to the ball will appear the name of the king. This way it become easier to track some lineages, although, often you get both parents identified by the same ball so you need to choose what one to follow first. Good thing is you write in a paper the lineage that you are following. If you needed go back will be easier not to get lost.
     Now I need to justify the title on these charpter. Its name mention European Genealogy and not only Iberian. The reason I am talking specifically about Portugal is only because I am more familiarized to its History and genealogy. If I had took any other country in Europe as example, even the smallest of them, the results could be mostly similar because all royal families in there got their main ancestors from the same lineage. They are just an extended same family and because all the time they was exchanging brides and bridegrooms was not so different of a poultry bunch.
     In the second genealogical sequence above I post just some of the kings of Portugal because didn’t identify others than D. Dinis, son of Afonso III and also King of Portugal, as my ancestor. Don’t be mistaken by the name Afonso Dinis, also son of Afonso III, but not king. We don’t need an extense list of ancestors kings to be relative of everyone else. We can take the mother of Afonso III, Urraca, princess of Castilla, as example to start show the linkage. Lets take some genealogical sequence from her,
Urraca, princes of Castilla – Afonso II, King of Portugal
Eleanor Plantagenet, princess of England – Alfonso VIII, King of Castilla
Henry II, King of England – Eleonor d’Aquitaine
Matilda, Queen of England – Godefroy V Plantagenet, Count d’Anjou
Henry I, King of England – Saint Mathilda, Princess of Scotland
William I the Conqueror, King of England – Mathilde de Flandre
Robert I, Duke of Normandy – Herleva of Falaise
Richard II, Duke of Normandy – Judith of Bretagne
Richard I, Count of Normandy – Gunnor, Princess of Denmark
     Looking at such genealogical sequence we can make many links in the European map. Just for you know, the mother of Urraca, Eleanor Plantagenet was sister of Richard the Lionheart. Anybody who knows something about History must see much more than a genealogical sequence in that list. It is more. It History itself on each name and title. The next sequence I will present starts on Judith of Bretagne. See then,
Judith of Bretagne – Richard II, Duke of Normandy
Ermengarde d’Anjou – Conon I, Duke of Bretagne
Adelaide de Vermandois, dame de Donzy – Geoffroi I Grisegonelle, Count d’Anjou
Robert I, Count of Vermandois and Troyes – Adelaide Werra de Bourgandy
Herbert II, Count of Vermandois – Luitegarde or Adele de France
Herbert I, Count of Vermandois – Berthe de Morvois
Pepin II, Count of Vermandois – Rothaeide de Bobbio
Bernardo, King of Italy – Cunegonde de Gellome de Toulouse
Pepin I, King of Italy – Ingeltude d’Autun
Karl der Gross (Charlemagne) – Hildegarde von Vintschgau
     Just remember, Normandy is a name that mean, men from north. It was colonized by a group of Vikings that wanted to settle down after the time their cause so much terror to European population. As you can see, Judith and Richard II was granparents of William the Conqueror who took England from the hands of its old lords, the kings of Wessex. The Kings of Wessex are also ancestors of the Iberian royal families. But I will not show any sequence showing that because is yet enough. I want list just one more genealogical sequence in this chapter.
     Luitegarde or Adele de France, wife of Herbert II, Count of Vermandois was daughter of Robert I, King of France and Adele de Perthois. But King Robert I, as usual to royal men, had another wife whos name was Beatrice of Vermandois. So, I will post this one more sequence to reveal something that looks like coincidende but is not. Lets see it though,
Robert I, King of France – Beatrice of Vermandois
Hugues the Great, Duke of France – Heduvige von Sachsen
Hugues I Capet, Kinf of France – Adelaide of Poitou
Robert II the Pious, King of France – Constance d’Arles
Robert I the Old, Duke of Bourgandy – Helie de Semur
Henri, Duke of Bourgandy – Beatriz (?) of Barcelona
Henry of Bourgandy – Teresa of Leon
Afonso Henriques, 1st King of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     So, we start these tour from the mother of Afonso III, King of Portugal, Urraca, Princess of Castilla, and ended it now with his greatgradparents. I will not post any genealogical sequence for demonstrate it but just mention. Mahaut of Savoie, as the name say it, come from the House of Savoia, the later on royal family of Italy. The House of Savoia is heir of Umberto I Biancamano, Count of Savoia. On the level of greatgrandparents he was descendant of Louis III l’Aveugle, Emperor of Occident and Anna from Bizantium. I think I don’t need to mention that Louis III was also descendent of Charlemagne. But is Anna from Bizantium that bring to us more History.
     As her title explains, her ancestry starts on the Empire of Bizantium, passing through Saint Theodora, Empress of Bizantium; Saint Isaac and Saint Narso, kings of Armenia and it goes on diving in times long before Christ. Around the year 500 BC two of her ancestors are Xerxes I, King of Persia and his wife Esther, the woman who had her name naming one of the books of the Bible. After that, her ancestry dives again and ended on a sequence of Egyptian Pharaohs, even Ramses II the Great. But it is too long for post here. Through the House of Savoia, all the royal families in Europe are multiple times descendants of those historical figures.
     Many others Europeans royal families appear as our ancestors but I don’t want to loose more time showing it. I can mention some like: Aragon, Navarra, Pamplona, Leon, Galiza, Holland, Hungary, Constantinople, Germany, Kiev, Polland, Osterreich, Danmark, Luxembourg. Even from the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which didn’t stood for long and was just a branch from the French royal family we got some ancestors.
     I also can give examples of brides and bridegrooms from the Portuguese Royal Family that marriaged to higher nobility of the rest of Europe. And I verified before if their marriage resulted in offspring because we have many cases where it wasn’t happen, probably in consequence of excessive consanguinity. In this case we have Berengaria, daughter of D. Sancho I and Dulce of Barcelona, who marriaged to Valdemar II, Count of Danmark; D. Afonso, son of D. Afonso II and Beatriz of Castilla, who marriaged to his cousin, Violante Manoel, princess of Castilla. We also have D. Constanca, daughter of D. Dinis and Saint Isabel of Aragon, who marriaged to King Fernando IV, King of Castilla.
     To be short and to stay only at the earlier kings of Portugal we have the example of D. Maria, daughter of D. Afonso IV and Beatriz of Castilla, who marriaged to Alfonso IX, King of Castilla. D. Maria and King Alfonso IX were the parents of King Pedro I of Castilla. These one got two daughters with one of his partners, Maria Padilha. The first one, Constanza was marriaged to John of Gand, Duke of Lancaster. The second one, Isabel, was marriaged to Edmund of Langley, Duke of York. And in a quick looking in the genealogy present at the site – Portugal I learn that, the Duke of Manchester of today is a direct descendant from these lineage.
     Now I will break the sequence that was given to my writings. It is because I want show something practical from my studies.
     It come from the observation that, practically every and each person with a long genealogical History in the Occident is descendant of the most historical figures from 800 or more years ago. Not only from them but from most of the population that lived in their time. How it is possible? Well, what the available genealogy can show us is not more than a glimpse of what is true.
     Was a common practice the kings have their wives and concubines, even when it was not a bigamous relationship because they marriaged more than one time after a previous wife had died. Sometimes they had concubines paralell to their official marriages or in between it. What they wanted was make sure to have heir to their throne. But what is useful to us now is to know that, their paralell offsprings usually was taken as lower rank nobility. And as the generations pass on their offsprings was mingled amongst the common people. And as common people their data were not always took with care. The lower ranking nobility themselves thought had things more important to do than to make sure their ancestry was remebered.
     But if we take the descendance of Charlemagne as example we can assure that, from the richest to the poorest, mostly of the people in western countries are his offspring. Some eastern also are. And mathematically it is not a bit of surprise because he lived until his death in 814. So, about 1,200 years ago. And he had many wives and concubines securing him a vaste inheritage.
     Based on my calculations, anybody who got two or more children could easy be ancestor of the whole population of today’s Earth just by being born around 1,000 years ago. Remembering, if somebody have two kids, four grandchildren, eight greatgrandchildren and so on, at the end of 1,000 years, he or she could have more than 8.5 billions offsprings. The most important is that, our population of today could be descendant of every and each person alive 1,000 years ago simultaneously, since they had children.
     It is because the mathematical possibility works in both ways. In 1,000 years long you have the power of produce much more than 8.5 billions offsprings as much you can also be descendant of something more than 8.5 billions ancestors. And I am talking only about the 33th generation after yours and the 33th generation before yours. In 1,000 year you don’t need have more than two children for be ancestor of as much as 15 billions people alive. It is because you can make the addition of the 31, 32 and 33th generations because they will be the grandparents, parents and children.
     I know. The mathematical model doesn’t work so well in our practical life. It is because for that be true the marriage between your descendants must be avoided. In practical termes it were almost impossible because some families pass on too much time living in a small territorial area. Then, the descendance of the first people kept marriaging to each other repeatedly. It make from them something like the poultry bunch that I mentioned before. But even only one who person gets out from that vicious circle, let me say 300 years ago, is enough to be responsible for enormously multiply the family number. In these case I am thinking about that person didn’t obey any limitation on have children.
     Anyways, even when the descendance of someone keep marriaging to each other for 1,000 years, based on what was our History during such period, what we can expect from it is that, the people who had kids around 1,000 years ago and their children were enough health to keep their lineage until our times, are probably ancestors of millions of people.
     It is another consideration you must take from the mathematical model. Not until recently nobody limited their children to a small number like two. If my paternal granddaddy had been born 1,000 years ago and had had so many children and grandchildren as he got, today the Earth population would be many many times his descendant. He got 14 children. 13 of them was marriaged and produced him 101 grandchildren. Only from his side we are around 500 people counting dead and alive. And he was born in 1,890. So, who knows what will be our big number in 880 years from now!
     What is the most important question nowadays? I think is that, What will be happen to our children? Most of us want and say that, I wanna construct a better future to my children and children of my children. And I think is something wrong with the construction of that phrase. Firstly we need to construct a better world for them have any future. Secondly, we need better people in our world and it includes ourselves kids.
     What I mean by that is that, probably, Charlemagne fought his whole life thinking in give a better future for his children. But he probably also thought only about the children that he knew and, maybe, expected it would keep going for some generations after his departure. I am sure he never thought about his children of today. And it is the biggest mistake everyone can make.
     If he knew what I am talking about now maybe would try something different of what he did. It is happen to me in our days. I am different because to me were granted to know something better. Charlemagne thought about a better world to those he already knew or expect to come after him. I think about everybody known or unknown to me. Why? Because is just happen I know that, for I have some millions maybe billions of children in the 33th generation after me is urgent that I take care of everybody who lives in my time because my children will marriage to their children. So to love them and care for them is the same as do the same to my own children.
     I know. Once it was thought to you in your church, for those who believe in religion, by your priests. The religious thinking is based on, If we have a Creator responsible for the birth of us then you should honor Him loving all of his creature. But it were never taken well by all human minds. Now what I am saying is that, we have another reason for do the same thing. And this another reason don’t demand you believe in God or have an especific religion. If you plan to have or already have kids, then you must start thinking what will be happen to your children 1,000 years from now because if you don’t prepare them for it, maybe they don’t will make to there and all your time dedicated to them will be wasted.
     It could even appear magical but is not. Almost 1,000 years ago the worsest enimies in the world was the Muslins and the Crusaders. Today we are the children of both. So, what good their wars did to us? I can answear only to myself, nothing. Each one reading these text shall respond these question to themselves.
     The same thing will happening again. Does not matter the motivations for todays Crusades or Holy War. What the involved in it are doing is wrong. And 1,000 or less years from now the children of Osama Bin Laden will marriage to the children of George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama. No. I am not putting a course on nobody. And I am not divinizing any future. I am just saying what is proved by my calculations.
     I can be terrible wrong in my calculations because I am talking about 1,000 years from now without knowing even what will happen tomorrow. My conscience is clean though. I am not saying it will be happen without any condition. As a believer I know that, for it happens God need allow us those 1,000 years from now and the multiplication of everyone need to be smoothly as possible. In these case, we need everybody getting your part on our multiplication.
     I am making those calculations presuming that the population in Earth should not excede much more than our todays population in 1,000 years from now. I think it is a good precaution if we don’t have more than two children from now on because our planet is already almost overpopulated by human beings. Some skeptics are saying that these warning had been among us for long time and the population keep growing and nothing happen. They say that, human being is always resourceful and when the problem come somebody will get the answear to solve it.
     Our biggest problem is that, the resources in our planet are limited. And it is already sending signs of exhaustion. The planet itself is limited. So, I don’t think have any intelligence on not be cautious about it. If we go all the way untill the point of no return what will happening is nothing more than terrible wars for whatsoever be the last resource of life on Earth. And we should always remember that, today we have enough resource for maybe take care of 50 billions of people on Earth but even if we keep the number stabilized on it, the generations will keep coming.
     So 1,000 years from that point we will have 33 generations of 50 billions people living on Earth. It is the same as 1.65 trillion living on Earth at the same time. And we don’t have the least idea how many thousands of years we will have only these one mother Earth to give as food and shelter. Be precautious is not a matter of not be bold is a matter of know the facts.
     If you want another practical example of what genealogy and genetics can give you take the couple Bill and Melinda Gates. I think they are the most richest couple in the world. Now lets imagine that, their children will have children and so on multiplying as I said before. Even though the initial generations they will have no problem for lack of money when they become as numerous as 5,000 people they will be not rich as their ancestors and some probably will live a poor life.
     If they keep growing in number as I said, they will end marriaging to the children of all of us, from the richest to the poorest of each one of us. And if we don’t take care of each other since now, every criminal, all the politician, each sufferer will be our collective offspring as much as the most successful and intermediary people in their times.
     Iberian Peninsula Genealogy, on its beginning, is not so complicated. What is not so easy from its studying is just when you start getting back to the same ancestors over and over again. That is for sure, the same thing is happening to all other genealogies in the world. Even if we had the complete data from the Middle Ages until today it wouldn’t be different. The only thing that I would expect to be different from what we already have is that, although we would find some lineages that we never suspect that we had we also, certainly, would be back to the same ancestors more times than we yet do.
     It is not any surprise that we have more data only from the known historical personalities and, when the most, from people who was around about their historical records. Often we encounter some data of someone who just appear in the records because he or she were marriaged to some personalities or to one of their children. This person that appear to be brought to life out of nowhere brings within only the father or also the mother. It is like this newcomer not even had a beginning back to thousands years before just like everyone else.
     This newcomer is a person usually known as common or peasant. Sometimes also known as poor. But what I am sure is that, forgot in the lack of data and in the spoken tradition, in some point of the time in the History of each people, all of us had the same ancestors, not too far as a lay person can suppose. Our History of privileges of some and exclusion of others is the responsible for such differenciation. And the common people is not more common than anyone else in this planet. We all came from both, common and privileged. And what separates us from others today is more linked to have or not have money.
     As I said before, Iberian Peninsula was invaded by the Muslins in 711. The only space that was kept by christian was the two small parts of the territory called by the names of Cantabria and Asturias. From there, christians start to fight and try to reconquest their lands. But the wars prolonged from generation after generation after generation. Some generations even forgot what the fight was about.
     As I also mentioned before, only one christian reign in Iberian Peninsula were implanted by other power than Iberians themselves. During the History it became known as Aragon. And the responsible for it was Louis I the Pious, Emperor of the Occident. He was son of Charlemagne and who inherited his crown.
     The kingdom of Leon came about only in 910. At that time it was dispopulated and were reconquered by King Alfonso III of Asturias, and his son Garcia I transferred and adopted it as the capital of the kingdom. Since then it became the most important Christian kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula.
     Another people present were the Basques. Their domain was the South Atlantic Cost of France and the Central North of Spain. Firstly they had a kingdom named Pamplona and it became known as Navarre.
     At the reign of Alfonso III, King of Asturias, the North of Portugal were seized and became a County in the hands of Vimara Peres.
     Later on or at the same time Fernan Gonzalez reunified the Kingdom of Castilla. It gainned such name because have a line of castles for the defense of the Kingdom of Leon. In the Wikipedia we can read it, “In 931 the County was reunified by Count Fernan Gonzalez, who rose in rebellion against the Kingdom of Leon, successor state to Asturias, and achieved an autonomous status, allowing the county to be inherited by his family instead of being subject to appointment by the Leonese king.”
     One more kingdom were added to this mixture. It was the Kingdom of Galicia which inherited the County of Portugal as its territory. But in 1,128 Portugal also became a separated kingdom. Then those all Christians Kingdoms in the twelve century had taken back around half of the Iberian Peninsula from Muslins conquerors. And they sometimes were more involved in wars against each other than against the Muslins Kingdoms located at the south parts. The shape and sizes of those kingdoms was in constant movement until Portugal was reconquered by Afonso III of Portugal and Fernando, the Catholic, King of Aragon, and Isabel, the Catholic, Queen of Castilla, marriaged to each other and united the whole Spain.
     All those kingdoms produced its nobility. And they exchanged brides and bridegrooms within each other and all the others royal families in Europe. And then, as I said before, their blood that came from common people went back to the ordinary people. How?
     Basecally when the dominations were exchanged like from the old local power to Romans, from Romans to Suevis and Visigoths, from Goths to Muslins, from Muslins back to Christians, each nobility stood there but lowered to a small ranking. Also, as the wars was going on many considered common people fought side by side their lords. The ones who detached themselves from the others by bravery were granted riches, possess and even brides from the new dominant power. We can observe it when men apparently coming from nowhere beeing marriaged to noble women. As well women without noble background being marriaged to noble men.
     But more often we see a new name coming to light and when we start digging for answers we find that, at the ancestors level we find a king or relative in its begining. Later all give examples of it. But let start on how the surnames were adopted.
     Around 1,000 years ago we hadn’t had exactly family’s name. Let put here one more genealogical sequence for make easier to explain.
Moninho Viegas, the Gasco – Valida Trocozendes
Egas Moniz de Ribadouro – Toda Ermiges
Ermigio Viegas – Unisco Pais
Monio Ermiges – Ouroana
Egas Moniz, o Aio – Dordia Pais Azevedo
Lourenco Viegas – Maria Gomes de Pombeiro
Egas Lourenco – unknown wife from Penagate
Soeiro Viegas Coelho – Mor Mendes de Gandarei
     This is the paternal lineage of the known first user of the surname Coelho (Rabitt). If you look by their second names probably will see not pattern. But it is a clear pattern in that. At that time we was supposed use ourselves names plus a mention to our fathers. The names was given and add one expression that meant, son of. The first one in the list probably had the name Monio and not Moninho. Usually the suffix inho in Portuguese language means little. So, Egas Moniz his son is Egas, son of Monio. Sometimes the expression, son of, comes as prefix as in Viegas. So Viegas means, son of Egas.
     From that time we have many names used today. Along History the last names were adopted. Then some names of paternal origins were kept although it are not correspondent to the father’s name. In this case we still having family’s names as Viegas and Moniz but now it mean that, some time in the past its users had ancestors named Egas or Monio.
     And also it is why we have names such as, Rodrigues, which mean, son of Rodrigo. Nunes meaning son of Nuno. Peres/Pero. Fernandes/Fernando. Esteves/Estevao. Soares/Soeiro. Martins/Martim. Mendes/Mendo. Vasques/Vasco. Another exception is the surname Anes. It comes from Joao. The difference come from the old writing of the name which was Johanes. So Anes mean son of Johanes or Joao, the modern equivalent for Johanes in Portuguese language. In Spain the tradition is the same only changing the letter s by z. In there the names are Rodriguez, Nunez, Perez and so on. A little difference for Martins whch could become Martinez.
     But usually Iberians use two last names or more. It came from old tradition too. At the twelve century this system of naming people was kind of exausted. The population begun to grows and was too many people with the same name. Then the Catholic Church incited the people to use one more surname. Some already was identified by the second name in that time. It was preceded of the words da, de and do. All the three means from the place where the person were born. Da is used when the place have a female name which is the opposite of do. The de doesn’t mean sex.
     The American system wrongly identifies the three words as surname. So is common my name come write as De Magalhaes but it shouldn’t be this way. De means from and should always be written by small letters. Along the History some people also suppressed the three words in their names not knowing its importance. It is the case of some members in my family who inherit just the Magalhaes without de.
     Examples of names and their mean are, 1. Geraldo Rodrigues da Costa, which should mean, Gerald, son of Rodrigo, born on the coast. 2. Antonio Alvares do Couto. Anthony, son of Alvaro, from a little place. 3. Jose Anes de Guimaraes, Joseph, son of Joao (Johanes), from the Guimaraes City.
     As the time past many others names were added to the list. Some were the remembrance of a physical characteristic from the first user. Examples of it are, 1. Alvim, is the same as whitish, 2. Rouco, grating voice. 3. Barbalho, beard like garlic’s roots (Barba is beard and alho is garlic in Portuguese language). Not long ago I heard another explaination for my last name. Someone said that, it came from the Eastern side of the planet and the original name was something like Barb Al, which became Barbalho in Portugal. But we have not evidence about it.
     Also profession of ancestors became surnames for some. One example is Cavaleiro which mean horseman. Another is Sapateiro or Zapatero which is the same as Shoemaker. There are those who have the name Navegante that means Navigator.
     In some literature I found that, in Portugal were five noble families. And their names were Baiao, Braganca, Maia, Ribadouro and Sousa. But it is not an exact information. What probably could be happen is something like in my family back in Brazil. It is called by the name of Coelho’s Family. But why should I call my family by such name if I don’t use it as surname?
     What is happening is that, when the European begun to colonize the area where we came from my ancestors were in charge and were the first Europeans to live in there. Although others was together or came later, most of them ended marriaging to some of Coelho’s relative. Then the family assigns in many names but is commonly called by the name Coelho. And everybody really is at least one time Coelho. And was more than one branch with this same name around. I have in the list of my ancestors who signed Coelho, Coelho de Magalhaes, Nunes Coelho, Coelho de Andrade and Coelho de Almeida. And I am not talking about the others combinations that came later but just the original branches that we don’t know any link to each other.
     My doubt about the number five as equals the number of noble families comes from the many different names we have among the nobles and its origins. Like we can see the surname Coelho came later. But it was part of the family called by the name Ribadouro. Then I can show another genealogical sequence to demonstrate it. If we come to the chapter 5 can take a brief looking at the second and third lineages posted there. The second ends with the King Ramiro II of Asturias. And the third starts with his son, Lovesendo Ramires. Then I will start again with them.
  900 Ramiro II, King of Asturias – Onega (?)
  940 Lovesendo Ramires – Zayra ibn Zayda
  960 Aboazar Lovesendes – Unisco Godinhes
  980 Trastamiro Aboazar, 1st lord of the Maia – Dordia Soares
1,000 Goncalo Trastamires, 2nd lord of the Maia – Unisco Sisnandes
1.020 Mendo Goncalves, 3rd lord of the Maia – Ledegundia Soares Tainha
1,060 Goncalo Mendes, the Striver – Urraca Teles
1,080 Moninha Goncalves da Maia – Rodrigo Forjas de Trastamarra
1,100 Forjaz Vermuis de Trastamarra – Elvira Goncalves de Vilalobos
1,130 D. Rodrigo Froias de Trastamarra – D. Urraca Rodrigues de Castro
1,150 D. Goncalo Rodrigues da Palmeira – D. Froille Afonso de Celanova
1,170 D. Rui Goncalves Pereira – Sancha Henriques de Portocarreiro
1,220 D. Pedro Rodrigues Pereira – Estevainha Rodrigues Teixeira
1,250 D. Goncalo Pereira – D. Urraca Vasques Pimentel
1,280 D. Vasco Pereira, Count of Trastamarra – Ines Lourenco da Cunha
1,320 D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira – Pero Esteves Coelho
     If you go back to the chapter 5 and take a look at the genealogical sequence number 6 posted there, you will find the last couple as Pero Esteves Coelho – D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira. So, what I want show here is how new names was created. At the generation of D. Rodrigo Froias de Trastamarra, the Palmeira (Palm tree) starts without a better explaination. His children adopted Palmeira as surname and his son, D. Goncalo Rodrigues da Palmeira, named all his children after such name except for one, D. Rui Goncalves Pereira. And from there on the name Pereira (Pear tree) also became one of the most common surname in Iberian Peninsula.
     Taking a look at the surnames of the wives you can see many others important families names. And it come from noble families too. Estevainha Rodrigues Teixeira, wife of D. Pedro Rodrigues Pereira is descendant of Charlemagne and Fernando Magno, King of Leon and Castilla. The same who appear as greatgrandfather of King Afonso Henriques of Portugal at the 5th genealogical sequence in the chapter 5.
     I want show some genealogical sequences that is in the core of Portugal’s History. I will start with Estevao Coelho who was father of Pero Esteves Coelho.
1,290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1,330 Branca Pires Coelho – Joao Pires Alvim
1,360 Leonor Alvim – D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, 2nd Condestavel of Portugal
1,380 D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim – D. Afonso, 1st Duke of Braganca
     In it we can see that, my ancestor Pero Esteves Coelho was brother of Branca Pires Coelho, who was mother of Leonor Alvim and grandmother of D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim who was wife of D. Afonso, 1st Duke of Braganca. At that time the Braganca family already was established in Portugal and only later the Dukes of Braganca adopted it as their surname but they were also descendants of ancestors from Braganca. I want show the paternal ancestry of D. Afonso.
1,377 D. Afonso, 1st Duke of Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,357 D. Joao I, King of Portugal – Ines Pires
1,320 D. Pedro I, King of Portugal – Teresa Lourenco
1,291 D. Afonso IV, King of Portugal – Beatriz, princess of Castilla
1,261 D. Dinis, King of Portugal – Saint Isabel of Aragon
     Here we came back to the first kings of Portugal and D. Dinis was son of Afonso III. But D. Joao I was not fit for be king. His brother, D. Fernando I was the righteous heir and he became king. The problem came later because his heir was D. Beatriz and she was marriaged to King Juan I of Castilla. Juan I demanded his right of to be King of Portugal after king Fernando I died. It starts what is called by the name of Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385. For that Castilla and Portugal were involved in a fierce war. And the hero who save the day was D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, who was the father-in-law of D. Afonso, 1st Duque of Braganca. And lets post one more genealogical sequence to show one more thing.
1,360 D. Nuno Alvares Pereira – Leonor Alvim
1,310 D. Alvaro Goncalves Pereira – Iria Goncalves do Carvalhal
1,280 D. Goncalo Pereira, archbishop of Braga – Teresa Peres Vilarinho
1,250 D. Goncalo Pereira – D. Urraca Vasques Pimentel
     As you can see above, the greatgrandparents of D. Nuno Alvares Pereira was grandparents of D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira. And her husband, Pero Esteves Coelho, was uncle of Leonor Alvim, the wife of D. Nuno. I will post one more sequence.
1,377 D. Afonso, 1st Duke of Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,402 D. Isabel of Braganaca – D. Joao, prince of Portugal
1,428 D. Isabel, princess of Portugal – Juan II, King of Castilla
1,451 Isabel the Catholic, Queen of Castilla – Fernando II the Catholic, King of Aragon
1,485 Catalina of Aragon, princess of Aragon – Henry VIII, King of England
1,506 Mary I, Queen of England – Felipe II, King of Spain
     In this last sequence we can see something larger than life. Queen Mary I had not have children. Her nickname was Blood Mary because her father separated the Anglican Church from Catholic Church and she wanted restore it. But as part of the people didn’t wanted it came the clashs and in just one time around 300 people were killed. Also, Felipe II demanded his right to use the English Crown and it ended with his supposed unbeatable army sank in the battle. At the time it was really the most powerful army in the world. But it is another History.
     I just want talk a little bit about D. Nuno Alvares Pereira and how he saved the day for Portugal at the Crisis of 1,383/85. He was a young nobleman who had 25 siblings. At least two of his sisters became ancestors of the noble Jose Coelho de Magalhaes who could be my ancestor too. Otherwise some of my other ancestors got the surname Pereira. But we don’t have yet the ways to find the links between my ancestors Pereira from the 1,700 to beyond that. See though this one more sequence,
1,280 D. Goncalo Pereira – Teresa Peres de Vilarinho
1,310 D. Goncalo Pereira – Unknown wife
1,360 D. Brites Pereira – Lourenco Mendes de Vasconcelos
1,400 Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos – Ana Rodrigues Carvalho
1,440 Brites Mendes Carvalho – Fernao da Mesquita, the Old
1,475 Lopo da Mesquita – Violante Machado
1,500 Joao Lopes da Mesquita – Ana Roiz Sobrinho da Mesquita
1,530 Miguel Sobrinho da Mesquita – Catarina Vaz
1,560 Ana da Mesquita – Semiao Pinto Machado
     The last couple is already in the 5th sequence from the chapter 5 above. They are ancestor of Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Many of his ancestors got the surname Vasconcelos. It come from the Vasconcelos Tower where D. Joao Peres de Vasconcelos was the Lord around 1,220. He was marriaged to Maria Soares Coelho, daughter of Soeiro Viegas Coelho. Until now I had shown his descendance through his son, Joao Soares Coelho. In the third line is D. Brites Pereira who was half sister of D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     The position that D. Nuno had was like a Prime Minister and Secretary of Defense together, as well as Commander in Chief of the Army. As Portuguese people was not willing to become subject to the Castillian king the war came about. Portuguese forces was way beyond that of his enemies. And it was transformed in great confidence to the enemy forces. Castillians was assisted by Frensh forces too. D. Nuno Alvares then armed a trap and lead his army to wait the advance from them. And they used a narrowed and mud terrain as battle field. As the heavy anemies forces couldn’t move well in the field, they became like seating ducks to Portuguese forces.
     D. Nuno made sure that was not escape and even the common people came with workers tools to kill the soldiers. Historians think that thousands of noblemen were killed. It broke the moral of the enemy. And, probably, most of them was from the same family of the Portugueses. After that battle which became known as Aljubarrota (also called Padeira – she breadmaker) he organized many raids in the enemy territory to secure that nobody would react. And sure he won the war. The recognition of the Portuguese Independence only was signed in 1,411 in the Treaty of Ayllon. But D. Joao I, who was not fit to be king, ended with the throne and the crown.
     Coincidently, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira died of natural causes in the same day Joanna d’ Arch was executed.
     In that battle was 200 warrior from England. They brought their archbalests and made some difference for the Portuguese side. Since then, Portugal and England got a Treaty to help each other on its struggles. It is probably the oldest on its genre in the world.
     D. Joao I, marriaged to Philippa of Lancaster, princess of England. Later on her surname was adopted in Portugal as Lancastre. The family Lancastre in Portugal is direct descendant from the Lancasters from England. But these second dynasty in Portugal were short live. Portugal kept sending brides and bridegrooms to Spain’s kingdoms and in 1,560 they got a similar situation. Only that time the king in Spain was the powerful Felipe II, who had marriaged to Mary I, Queen of England.
     After others broken lineages in the successory process in Portugal Manuel I came to the throne. He was called by the nickname of the Lucky One. It was because he inherited the throne without be the first in line. Later in his administration the Great Discoveries took place. Vasco da Gama turned the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa openning the way to India for the Portuguese commercial interests and Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered Brazil.
     But it was too good. He fathered the next King of Portugal, Joao III, who fathered Maria, princess of Portugal, who had been the first wife of Felipe II, King of Spain. Joao III, King of Portugal had also a righteous son to be king with the name of Joao. And he fathered only one son, Sebastiao. Sebastiao became king but was kind of lunatic who wanted reedict the Cruzades and assembled his armies intended to conquest the Moors territory in North Africa. In there he disappeared from sight without leaving any heir. Felipe II saw in it his opportunity to conquer Portugal, unifying the two crowns. He got almost no resistance.
     Only 60 years later, from 1,580 to 1,640, the sovereign Reign of Portugal were restored. Who became the king was D. Joao IV. These fourth Joao, King of Portugal, was algo the VIII Duque of Braganca. Going back in the lineage he was 5greatgrandson of D. Afonso, 1st Duke of Braganca and D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim, the daughter of D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     Byond the name Coelho be involved in the ancestry of the kings of Portugal the women who was marriaged to the Duques of Braganca had many ancestors that also was ancestors of the lineages that fathered Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Around the years 1,820s the Portuguese royal family was divided in two branches. One kept the reign in Portugal and another was established in Brazil. Later the Republic were proclaimed in Brazil in 1,889, what in Portugal came to happen only in 1,910.
     In Spain we have the same families names as Portugal’s. Sometimes is said that, some just translated from one language to another. Even the Coelho is said to be signed as Conejo, which is the same Rabitt on both sides. But Portuguese people also use the names imported from Spain. Examples of it are, Menezes, Gurgel, Giron, Ponce de Leon, Lima, Bezerra, Lara, Maldonado and many more. One that I never saw in Brazil is Bivar. It appear in the name of D. Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar. He was called by the nickname of El Cid. Also Matamouro. Matamouro means Moors killer. A something that don’t add to ours ancestry but he is Jose Coelho de Magalhaes ancestor too. He is mentioned in the video “Islam, Empire of Faith” produced by
     I want to add one more event from Portuguese History in these chapter, intended more to show some curiosity than genealogy. A name often remembered from the Iberian Peninsula History is of Ines de Castro. Castro also is a noble name from Spain backyard, more precisely from Galicia, and is in our ancestry. But usually nobody knows who she was.
     To start, lets read a little excerpt from the Wikipedia: “Ines came to Portugal in 1340 as a maid of Infanta Constance of Castile, recently married to Prince Pedro, the heir to the Portuguese throne. The prince fell in love with her and started to neglect his lawful wife, endangering the already feeble relations with Castile. Moreover, Pedro’s love for Ines brought the exiled Castilian nobility very close to power, with Ines’s brothers becoming the prince’s friends and trusted advisors. King Afonso IV of Portugal, Pedro’s father, disliked Ines’s influence on his son and waited for their mutual infatuation to wear off, but it did not.”
     Afonso IV did everything on his power to separate the couple and didn’t reached his will. Then he ordered three of his most trustfull advisors to kill Ines. One of them was Pero Esteves Coelho, who is in our ancestry. Pedro gave his word to his father that he wouldn’t seek vengeance for the assassination. But after he succeeded his father it was just what he did. He captured two of the executioners and killed them by openning their chests and taking their hearts by hands, in a public exibition. It was for symbolize his own heartbroken.
     Those passages where celebrated by the poet Luis Vaz de Camoes in his memorable epic, Os Lusiadas. The elements are all in there and I think that, Shakspeare did use it as inspiration for his novel, Romeo and Juliet. He though had the genius to soften the facts and displace the stage. I am not saying that, he copied Camoes. But, as usual, every artist is inspired by others works. And the best thing he did was just soften the facts because the truth was too much cruel. If he had his writings too close to the facts he would buy trouble for himself because the close relationship between England and Portugal.
     The History is better than the novel in some way. Anybody who get the curiosity for it, the Internet is plenty on others informations.
     In no moment is my goal show that I am descendant of Europeans royals and nobles families. I don’t think will get any benefit from it. What I want is show that, I don’t have any exclusivity on it. Since the Americas were colonized by Europeans I believe in that, the absolute majority of people born in all the Americas, with links to the Europeans families, is unquestionable descendant of royals and nobles Europeans families. It doesn’t guarantee to us no other privilege than we all be, in some way, cousins.
     Commonly the History of United States is presented as an extension from the English History. But it is more a consequence of what had been occurred in Europe as a whole and it have close links to Brazilian History, although Brazil as an autonomous country didn’t exist yet.
     Every major historic event in Europe, from the last centuries of Middle Ages left some fingerprint in our common History. Firstly, at the end of Middle Ages we have a powerful Catholic Church dominating everything of the day-by-day life in Europe. At the XIII century we have some discontentement with the deviation of the churchpeople behavior from what it should be. The Church Office is the superior power and allowed the aristocracy to exercise it on its behalf. The Church became an incestuous field where it as mother generates the aristocracy and together they generated the next generation of aristocratic people.
     The people under their power was nothing more than slaves. Many new ideas, included religious ones, are discharged as simple heresies. The Church didn’t paid any attention to what was the craving from poor souls and fleshs. The Church put itself in a defense mode instead of allow any different form of thinking. It instituted the Saint Office Tribunal, commonly known as Inquisition. It meant that, not matter what you did, you would be accused of heresy if it involved any questioning about religious issues or authority issues. Everything became God’s mandate.
     Another interesting chapter is about Renaissance. Some historians classifies it as an intellectual movement from the XIV to XVII centuries. And it started and came to us from Italy, bringing a changing in “literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, and other aspects of intellectual inquiry” as it is described by the Wikipedia. Although this one is important one, we had a prior Renaissance within the Muslim Empire.
     The Muslins already had translated many ancient texts from Latim and Greek origins. And they were the ones that applied it in they arts and lives. By bringing some reborn knowledge to Iberian Peninsula they caused the comparison to they Empire as light in contrast to the rest of Europe as totally darkness at earlier centuries of Middle Ages. Is because of that the Middle Ages are also called Dark Ages.
     And I think that, was for the reason Europe was culturally behind Muslim world that the Reconquest in Iberian Peninsula took so long. After their establishment in there and demonstration of be a more tolerant power and more just at the time toward poor people, the people had not reason to revolt against them knowing that, it could meant a downgrade to their lives.
     To push the people against the Muslins lords the Christians strategists came up with a series of demonizations, even accusing Abd al Rahman III ibn Muhammed, the Great of be an homossexual. They took advantage of the fact that, the Muslim leader had sent an young Christian, Pelagio, to death because he refused to convert to Islam. Although it is also horrible, Christians never felt ashamed of do the same to those who had other faiths. We known what were done to Pagans, Jews and even Muslins at that time. So, to accuse Abd al Rahman of homossexualism were more appealingly to the ignorant mobs from the Middle Ages. It still do, although it is not anymore the seven-heads-beast to most of us today.
     Another chapter linked to it was the Crusades. The Crusades were a diversion tactic used by the Catholic Church for take from itself the attention for many missleadings commited by its administrators. It is an old practice used by bad leaders. Crusades are not exactly what is usually said to be. We had around a dozen Cruzades against Muslins power over Jerusalem and around others three dozens against them in Iberian Peninsula and against Europeans who had different beliefs from the Catholic dogmas. Even the Catholics from Iberian Peninsula was dismissed from fight against Muslins in Jerusalem because they were already engaged on it at their own lands.
     But the Church tactics fired back. During the Crusades the European soldiers learned a better way of life and brought it to home. In their luggage came also new knowledge and the taste for goods that Europe didn’t offered. Even after the end of the Crusades for Jerusalem in the last years of the XII century the established trade didn’t stop. Muslims had the control of commerce from Asia and Africa but Italians were the ones who distributed it to the rest of Europe.
     And is in these context that Europeans also start to look for humanistic knowledge which lead to break the Church’s monopoly. The clergy and aristocracy were no more the only ones able to produce and consume knowledge and expensive products. The population start growing in number and riches. The urbanization of the population once living most in the countryside is responsible for the emerging of a new class, the burgesses. The therm reffer to urban dweller.
     The use and production of paper which Muslins had intensively trade from China and the invention of the press by Gutenberg were the preconditional tools to make knowledge available to the increasing number of schooling educated people. More knowledge also brought more available universities.
     Portuguese people was long trying to make oceanic navivation and on that the great name is prince Henry the Navigator, son of king Joao I and Philippa de Lancaster, princess of England. He dedicated his entire life to the cause of navigation and it paid off. Firstly they started navigating around the African Coast where in 1,415 they conquered Ceuta from Moors forces. At that time they also asked permission to the pope for practice enslavery out of conquered Muslins and the authorization was granted. Later on this permission was reinterpreted for justify the enslavery of subsaharian Africans.
     Along the XV century Portugueses also discovered the Archipelagos of Madeira and Azores. It is the begining of the Great Discoveries and the new colonization out of Iberian Peninsula. In 1,498 Vasco da Gama achieved the most of the Iberian ambitions finding the way to India through oceanic navigation. In april 21, 1,500, the capitain Pedro Alvares Cabral find what his tripulation thought to be an island but they had arrived in Brazil. Later the mistake were corrected but the Portuguese crown dedicated itself almost entirely to the easier way to make riches through commerce with the East. Brazil stood as minor interest for 50 years.
     At the Spain’s side the monarchs Fernando II, the Catholic, King of Aragon and his wife, Isabel, the Catholic, Queen of Castilla ended the Reconquista of Spain, taken the last Muslim Reign, Granada, at 1,492. In 1,494 they stroke great luck as Christopher Columbus arrived in Americas sayling westbound ways instead of India as he was looking for. At the same year Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesilhas that guarantee a sharing of whole Americas for both. The part granted to Portugal was no more than what is today almost all of Brazilian Northeast and half of Southeast regions. It is around a quarter of today Brazil’s lands but dozens of times bigger than Portugal itself.
     Now we have to use our brains to understand the situation. Just after those facts the long time hardwork in Portugal was paying back. And Spain was struggling with the incompetence of its administrators. They had conquered Granada and soon after what they did was to kill or enslave one fifth of Muslims population. Two fitths were expelled back to Moors dominion in North Africa. The two fifth left were persecuted in such ways that they also left later. They did the same to Jews. And these ones migrated to a more tolerant places where today is Netherland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Polony and another countries around. Later on their offsprings will regret such decision although not one knew what was to come.
     As I said before, Portugal had not more than 1.7 million inhabitants at that time. Spain expelled around one million which was a considerable part of its population. Among the expelled, killed or enslaved was most of its craftsmanship and entrepreneurs. They used the religion as excuse to do that. But what they was really looking for was to make a quick money to finance the exploitation of the promessing new colonies.
     It is what we always see in History. Bad governors don’t look further to do their acts. If their administration is in needy of a major amount of money they first thinking is from whom they will take it. The Muslins and Jews were the first victims of the Spainish discoveries. The Amerindians and Africans were affected just after. But as we will see later, the people from Spain became also victim by the foolishness of their kings.
     I didn’t mention before but was another major fact that help design our History from the XV century on. It started with Eramus of Rotterdam’s critics on Churchmen behavior. His intent was that, to change the behavior within the Church. But the extreme pride among clergypeople wouldn’t allow such thing. After him came others like Martin Luther and John Calvin (Jean Cauvin) who were more explicit in their criticism of the old ways used by the Catholic Church. Their attitude lead to the movement called Reformation. And even Luther regretted the upheaval he had unintentionally provoked.
     Along the centuries the Catholic Church had acting as deaf in front of the demanded changings by the people. It monopolized the knowledge and interpretation of the Christian Scriptures. The written books were only in latim language which was a dead language out the priesthood corners. Even second class priests didn’t knew some aspects of the language. Then, when Luther translated it to common language many people could see the difference between what was written and what was being thought.
     After that the Reformation was in place. We had many conflicts around Europe and some princes and kings seized the opportunity to get rid with the Vatican. Basically the Reformation gave them the opportunity of have a national religion with could be used on themselves interests. Later on it brought to the Enlightened Despotism or Enlightened Absolutism which was administrations of kings that thought that, they don’t had to render account to nobody but God Himself. Examples of countries that were freed from the Vatican’s influence, Sweeden, Finland, many parts of Germany, England and many more. Examples of those that opposed Reformation was Portugal, Spain and Italy.
     And the kings from those nations linked the upheaval just after the begining of Reformation to the literacy. So the illiteracy became a tool in their hands for the domination of themselves peoples. They kept the biblical text in latim and the people without letters. These was one of the reason that fired back against the people and those countries and their colonies. The upheaval was not a direct consequence of the Reformation but of the Papacy and kings hardheaded.
     For I make the chapter a little more interesting, I need to post here two more sequences of genealogy. The first one is one example of how the king Fernando II, was descendant of the kings of Portugal.
1,261 D. Dinis, king of Portugal – Saint Isabel of Aragon
1,290 D. Constanca, princess of Portugal – Fernando IV, King of Castilla
1,311 Alfonso XI, king of Castilla – Leonor Nunez de Guzman
1,335 Fradique Alfonso de Castilla – unknown wife
1,354 Alfonso Enriquez de Castilla – Juana Mendoza de Ayala
1,390 Fradique Enriquez de Castilla – Mariana Ayala de Cordoba
1,425 Juana Enriquez – Juan II, king of Aragon
1,452 Fernando II, the Catholic, King of Aragon – Isabel, the Catholic, Queen of Castilla
     The second is from the ancestry of king Felipe II. It will help us to explain some links between the Histories of United States, Iberian Peninsula and Brazil.
1,357 D. Joao I, king of Portugal – Philippa of Lancaster, princess of England
1,391 D. Duarte, king of Portugal – Leonor, princess of Aragon
1,434 D. Leonor, princess of Portugal – Friedrich III, kaiser des Heiligen Romischen Reiches
1,459 Maximilian I von Osterreich – Marie, duchesse of Bourgogne
1,478 Philipp I der Schone, Erzherzog von Osterreich and king of Castilla – Juana, la Loca, Queen of Castilla
1,500 Karl V, Kaiser des Heiligen Romischen Reiches, king of Spain – D. Isabel, princess of Portugal
1,527 Felipe II, king of Spain – D. Maria/Mary I/Elisabeth of Valois/Anna von Osterreich
     Now what we have here?! Felipe II had four strategical marriages that put him in the way of successory process of other countries. His first wife, Maria, was daughter of D. Joao III, king of Portugal. Mary I, was queen of England. Elisabeth was princess of France, daughter of Henry II, king of France. And Anna was daughter of the Kaiser Maximilian II. His mother, D. Isabel, was daughter of D. Manuel I, king of Portugal. And his grandmother, Juana, the Crazy, was daughter of Fernando II, the Catholic and Isabel, the Catholic. Waw! It is something to be counted for!
     His father, Charles V, kaiser of the German Sacro Empire was in the front line of opposition against the Reformation. And he just followed his steps.
     After the Reformation in its way the Catholic Church and the kings that was against it called for the Counter-Reformation. And the Catholic Church were also reformed but although it became a better Church than what was before, was not enough to regain the lost power. The countries that adopted new faiths didn’t returned to Catholicism, except for Polony, Bohemia, Hungary, and were partially effective in Netherlands, France and South of Germany. Among the changes approved by the Counter-Reformation was the creation of the Order of Jesuits by Ignacio de Loyola.
     As the Old World was no more a monopoly of Catholic Church and faith the Jesuits were used as spear points in the catechism of the New World. And as the domain of Spain and Portugal were set up worldwide the Catholicism was also brought with them.
     I have to turn back to an important issue. The Spanish Inquisition. Inquisition was long used by Catholic Church at Middle Ages times. And it was disarmed for good. But the Catholics kings, Fernando II of Aragon and his wife Isabel the Castilla blackmailled the pope to authorize them to have its tools at hand for use against their enemies. They said to the pope that, if they don’t got what they wanted they would call back the army that was in use to protect the Vatican’s interests.
     As the pope was in a inferior position he accepted but later regreted because the Spanish Inquisition was used against good Christians also. The permitission was intent to give power to the kings to prosecute forceful converted Jews or Muslins that returned to their old faiths. Those kings had decided to forcefully convert the followers of others faith in a decree which statuted that, the conversion was an obligation and the option was, move out of their helm of power. Many people had been baptized as Christians but secretly kept practicing their faith.
     But the Spanish Inquisition in the hands of Tomas de Torquemada, the old confessor of Queen Isabel, became a tool for terrorize any opposition. And it sent part of the Spanish people to others corners of the planet just because they had Jewish or Muslim faiths.
     Later I must get back to these issue. In our days we have a part of American population trying to send back 12,000,000 of undocumented immigrants as it was the right way of solve our economics problems. They are been mislead by false prophets and false prophecies. Even the President of the United States Mr. Barack H. Obama and his staff, after around just 2.5 years in power, had been complying with their distorted ways of see things, and already deported around 1,000,000 of our valuable undocumented citizens. It is already firing back unto us.
     Recently Mr. Obama suspended the massive deportation in an attempt to review it case alleging his administration want send back just those that are involved in crimes. The suspicion is that he is using just a strategy for not lose the immigrants votes in the election next year. Without it he probably will lose his reelection. The truth if that, by his words appear the president understand the risks of United States loses such population but by the past posture of his administration he looks just like a fool.
     The proof that D. Manuel I, the Lucky One, was not so lucky came with his marriages. He had three wives. The first was Isabel de Aragon y Castilla; the second was Maria de Aragon y Castilla. Both was sisters and daughters of Fernando II and Isabel. The third one was Leonor de Austria, princess of Spain. She was daughter of Charles V, the Kaiser, and king of Spain, who was also father of Felipe II, king of Spain. So he was not only strained by the borders with Spain but also by the marriages.
     And one condition on his marriages was that, he had to do the same in Portugal as the kings in Spain. D. Manuel I was not willing to apply it on the Portuguese people. But he had to do something. And the Portuguese were more liberals in these issue and allowed Jews migrated to its colonies, even Brazil. Probably at that time the Muslim population in Portugal was already small because Portugal had long reconquered its territory and who hadn’t converted on that another time, around 1,250, thought better move to Muslim’s territories in Spain.
     Portugal had being the responsible for the begining of the Great Navigations and as the Brazilian saying teachs us, Killed two rabitts in an only one stick swing. Slowly but surely, the worldwide commerce was dislocated from Italian Cities and Muslins around the Mediterranean Cities to Lisbon. The cities state in Italy had the monopoly before to make commerce with the Muslins.
     But Spain had some share on it because Granada was part of the Muslim Empire. When Fernado II and Isabel conquered Granada and start to persecute Muslims because their faith it fired back on its economy. Lisbon became the attractive port for merchants once residents in Italy and the Muslim world. It is the first migration in History where the rich people migrated to a new place searching for new opportunities. Usually, migration is related to poor and persecuted.
     The enviroment that they encountered in Portugal was different from what they had in Italy. In Portugal and Spain the kings was looking for businesses that pay taxes and wanted the monopoly for the State. But in Italy they had begun the first notions of capitalism. They had banks and already worked with papers. The only one other place that they could find a similar economic enviroment was in the cities where today is Netherland. The cities there were like the long gone Cities States of ancient Greecy.
     Netherland was before just a County, territory of Burgandy. But it were inherited by Charles V, the kaiser of the Sacro German Empire, and king of Spain. Charles V had fighted against the Reformation but were not able to impose his will. Part of his old possessions became more liberal in relationship to religion. Then, Protestants, Jews and Catholics was freed to make their businesses in the cities like Amsterdan and Rotterdan as well as practice their religions. But that part of the Empire were gave to Felipe II, as present from his father, Charles V.
     One sign about the Italian importance in the commerce and transcontinental navigation is the names of some of the explorers on the Great Discoveries. As we know, Christopher Columbus is credited as the first capitain to drive a fleet to the New World. Amerigo Vespucci was in the fleet capitained by Pedro Alvares Cabral that first went to Brazil. And Giovanni da Verrazzano was the first to navigate the North American Atlantic Coast, under the service of France, in 1,524, where he entered the New York Harbor and Narragansett Bay.  Martin Waldssemuller named the new continent America on his world map of 1,507 in Lorraine, after the latinized name Amerigo, in honor to Vespucci.
     The general public learned about the discovery of the New World only in 1,503, through the publication of a letter attributed to Amerigo Vespucci. We must never forget that, at the time of the Great Navigations the sailors was like the astronauts of today. What they encountered could be comparable to discover a new planet with life, plenty of alien plants, plenty of alien animals and plenty of alien civilizations. And the secrecy looked out for the monopoly of exploration.
     I will post here two more genealogical sequences. The first one pertain to Nicolau Coelho. He was pilot of ship and navigated in the expedition of D. Vasco da Gama. Whem they went back he was so excited about the discovery that departed in the expedition of Pedro Alvares Cabral who arrived in Brazil. Later he died, in 1,504, returning from India, probably at the Mozambique Coast.
1,450 Nicolau Coelho – Brites Rodrigues de Ataide
1,420 Pedro Coelho – Luisa de Gois
1,400 Catarina de Freitas – Fernao Coelho, I lord of Felgueiras and Vieira
1,380 Mecia Vaz Sampaio – Martim Fernandes de Freitas
1,360 D. Maria Pereira – Vasco Pires de Sampaio
1,370 D. Maria de Menezes – Alvaro Pereira
1,330 D. Afonso Telo de Menezes – unknown wife
1,310 D. Guiomar Lopes Pacheco – D. Joao Afonso Telo de Menezes
1,290 D. Maria Rodrigues de Vilalobos – D. Lopo Fernandes Pacheco
1,260 Rui Gil de Vilalobos – Teresa Sanchez
1,240 Maria Diaz de Haro – D. Rui Gil de Vilalobos
1,220 Lope Lopez de Haro, el Chico – Berengaria Gozalez Giron
1,190 Urraca Alfonso de Leon – Lope III Diaz de Haro
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – Inez Iniguez de Mendonza
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut de Savoie
     Well, I don’t think we need to repeat what comes next. At the third line from these genealogical sequence we can see the names Catarina de Freitas and Fernao Coelho. Back at the chapter 5 they are there as ancestors of my supposed ancestor, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Some time ago I looked at the site – Portugal to verify if Nicolau Coelho had our blood in his veins and the site was silent about it. Now looks like an actualization were done. So, it is new even for me. In the present lineage we can point out many others common ancestors like the name Pereira from Nicolau’s greatgrandmother come from the same ancestors of D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     Only one observation about that sequence. If we look at the dates prior the names we will see some incoherence in the sequence because appear that, D. Maria de Menezes were born after her daughter, D. Maria Pereira. But it comes because the dates come from differents documents and not always from the birth certificates. Some of the dates come from estimations because not everyone of our ancestors had a birth certificate or baptism certification. Usually, the dates come from the registrations of marriages.
     Lets post also the genealogical sequence for Pedro Alvares Cabral.
1,468 Pedro Alvares Cabral – D. Isabel de Castro
1,433 Isabel Gouveia de Queiroz – Fernao Cabral
1,405 Joao Gouveia de Queiroz – Leonor Fernandes Coutinho
1,380 Leonor Alvares de Queiroz – Vasco Fernandes Gouveia
1,350 D. Elvira de Castro – Fernao Goncalves de Queiroz
1,310 D. Alvaro Pires de Castro – Maria Ponce de Leon
1,290 Pedro Fernandes de Castro – Aldonca Lourenco de Valadares
1,270 Violante Sanchez – Fernando Rodrigues de Castro
1,250 D. Maria Afonso Teles de Menezes – Sancho IV, king of Castilla
1,225 D. Afonso Teles de Menezes – Maior Gonzalez de Giron
1,205 D. Teresa Sanchez – Alfonso Tellez
1,154 D. Sancho I, king of Portugal – D. Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut de Savoie
    To simplify our data here I didn’t mention the many titles those personalities used. But as I extensively searched the ancestors of Jose Coelho de Magalhaes I noticed many others links between his ancestry and these bunch of historical figures. One example of another common ancestor that those navigator shared is D. Alfonso IX present in the lineage of Nicolau Coelho. He was ancestor of Sancho IV, king of Castilla, present as ancestor for Pedro Alvares Cabral.
     Another important personality in our History books is Fernao de Magalhaes (Magellan), the navigator. He was the capitain of the fleet that circumnavigated Earth the first time in History. He died during the voyage, in 1,521, but his name stood as the one who did it. He also is descendant of many of those ancestors above. And was direct descendant of D. Afonso III, king of Portugal, and Maria Peres de Enxara.
     About Vasco da Gama the most wolrdly known navigator from that time we don’t have data saying he had familiar links with the royal or noble families. But his wife, Catarina de Ataide had. She was descendant of Egas Moniz, o Aio and so of Charlesmagne; Hugues I Capet, king of France and Fernando I Magno, king of Leon and Castilla. From the side of Egas Moniz, she was in the lineage that created the family name Fonseca (dry fountain). D. Vasco da Gama became the second vice-roy in India. And although it don’t come from him I found in the Internet a family from there with the signature Fonseka and they claim be descendants from the Portuguese Fonseca.
     The fact of all major Portuguese explorers were from nobles families indicates to us that, the secrecy of the exploration was in course. And it was used to avoid the competition with other countries. Since the begining, Portugal and Spain did everything in their power to keep the monopoly of the colonization of the New World. But, as Brazilians say, they just wanted to hug the world with their legs. The world was to big to such small population that lived in Iberian Peninsula. And the kings of Spain, with their pride and prejudice just let go a better rule for themselves in our History.
     Before I take the issue we have to recall some of the common History of Americas. Prior to 1,600 the Americas were pratically a monopoly of Spain and Portugal. And just after the modern discovery it was not paying back the expenses for its discovery. What drove most of the expeditions on the earlier days was to find a new way to Oriental Indias, as Portuguese and Spanishs called Asia. Portugal was already profiting for his discovery around Africa. And except for the luxurious biological diversity they thought Americas had nothing more to offer. The mention of “Em se plantando, tudo da.” (If you plant anything, will harvest), by the scriber of the Cabral’s expedition, Pero Vaz de Caminha, wasn’t taken seriously at first.
     So, as the difficulties of initial exploration was amountening the use of imagination also exploded. Three legendary accountings populated the heads of the adventurers at the time. One was the Fountain of Youth. It came from Greek mythology as if was possible to have a spring of waters that give us eternal life in our bodies. The second was the “El Dourado” or a city casted in gold. And the third was the “Emerald Mountain”.
     In the earlier days of exploration, Juan Ponce de Leon came to Americas in the second voyage lead by Christopher Columbus. He was a veteran of the War of Reconquista and helped in the fight for Granada in Spain. Following directions gathered with caribbeans natives he conquered Puerto Rico. After he be established as governor of the island he was overthowed by his adversaries. But he kept his dreams and went to Bimini Island, Bahamas, following a native legend of an Youth Fountain there. At these voyage he experienced the Gulf Stream which is a strong current from the Gulf of Mexico to Europe, later on used to boost the sail boats returning to there.
     From Bimini he kept looking for the Fountain of Youngh and ended at the Florida Coast. The name Florida come from the time he discovered Florida which was Easter (Pascua Florida in Spanish). The name also is linked to the lush vegetation. Florida in English means Blossom and should not be pronounced with ascent on its first syllable since the name is not translated. Flores and flowers are the synonyms for Spanish and English. Juan Ponce the Leon never found what he was looking for and died from a wound of an indian arrow, in 1,521, after be retrieved from Florida to Cuba.
     More than twenty years after the discovery, Vasco Nunez de Balboa were the first one to find a passage from the Atlantic Boundaries to the Pacific. He crossed the Isthmus of Panama in 1,513 opening the way to Spanish people to conquer the West Coast of Americas.
     Only in 1,519 Hernan Cortez with cleverness and help of the enemies of Mayans conquered the City of Mexico and its Empire. Immediately after begun the flow of riches that Spanish kings was long looking for. The Mayan Civilization had long the knowledge to work with precious metals and gems. Then, instead of have to work for it they just took from the others treasury.
     Since the passage through the Isthmus of Panama was open it made easier to Spanishs make contact with the Incas living in the high Andes in 1,532. And Francisco Pizarro conquered the people and brought more riches to Spain.
     But what excited the European Imagination were a desastrous voyage made by Francisco de Orellana and his companions. He tried something different for the time. From Peru they travel into the Amazon Forest. First they disassembled their boats, carried it through the mountains and forest until found navigable rivers at Amazon Basin. Then they start a difficult voyage looking for the way to the Atlantic again.
     His voyage were recorded by Friar Gaspar de Carvajal and were done at the years 1,541 and 1,542. Just some of the initial group survived but was enough to Friar Carvajal describe a civilization that lived on the Amazon Basin that was so large that they could see their houses shining white during the day and their fires during the night for hundreds of miles. Constantly they had to navigate in the middle rivers to avoid native’s arrows.
     But they also were invited by some to eat their surprising abundant table. The Spaniards never had seen such variety of hunt, fish, fruits and vegetables. And the descriptions of Friar Carvajal was taken as legend because later on that civilizations were never found, until now. But it created the legend of “El Dourado”. For centuries Europeans were looking for cities casted in rock and covered in gold as they was used to see in many ancient civilizations around the world. But in the Amazon Basin rock is scarce.
     Only recently the account of Friar Carvajal is been proven. The Amazon loam is a poor soil. And if wasn’t for the rain forest it would be like a desert. Archaelogists then found numerous sites of habitations on the margins of the rivers. More than that, they also found miles and miles of man made loam. Those sites are called “Terra Preta” or “Terra Preta de Indio” (Black loam” or “Indian’s Black Loam”). They discovered also that, it begun to be built in around 500 years BC and extended to after 900 AD. It is the common loam added by charcoal, animal bones and manure and broken pottery.
     The length is variable between 3 to 6 foots from the superficie. And thousands of years later the soils still working fine even suggesting that are some microbiological components because are accounts of regenerations after part of the soil be removed. What is amazing is that, there are the equivalent of France and Germany size together of man made “Terra Preta” in the Amazon Basin. Scientists are trying to reproduce such formidable agricultural advance but didn’t realized yet how it was made. The “Terra Preta” production of food may be better than our most advanced technology of today. If so, can be used for save billions of lives in the future.
     Yet, in the stage of civilization the European people was at XVI century they may wouldn’t conquer the Americas from native population if had not help from Hell. What I mean is that, inadivertently they brought with them their common diseases like measles, smallpox, tuberculosis and even cold or influenza. Since millennia the peoples from Africa, Asia and Europe were in contact to each other and also in contact to big domestic animals. It gave them certain amount of immunity against many germs that was deadly to Americans natives peoples. In a rough calculation some say that around 90% of the population were dead after encounter the Europeans. In some cases, they were infected before even knew any European and it was cause of the extermination of entire civilizations.
     Now, scientists are taking the conclusion that it was just what was happen to Amazon Basin Civilizations. And the European who was looking for cities made out of rock were totally mislead by their ignorance. The civilizations that lived in the Amazon Basin constructed from what was most available to them, wood, soil and others parts of plants.
     At that voyage made by Francisco Orellana the name of the river was changed to Amazon. The legend says that, the navigators saw what appeared to them be horsewomen riding their ponies at the river banks. Then the name of the river was a remembrance of the Amazons from the Greek History. Still in Portuguese language the word amazonas means horsewomen or cowgirls.
     All the Spanish explorers are from noble families. I took a look at the – Portugal but the site is not showing it yet. Some of them like Juan Ponce de Leon have some ancestors there without the links to the royal families. But I know that, the name Ponce de Leon is a result from the marriage between Aldonca Alonso de Leon and Pedro Ponce de Cabrera. D. Aldonca was daughter of Alfonso IX, king of Castilla and Leon with D. Aldonca Martins da Silva. And she was born around 1,215. Otherwise the last names of the female ancestors of Juan are commonly used in noble families such as Guzman, Baeza, Ayala, Figueroa y Manuel.
     Another interesting observation is about Francisco Pizarro, the Conqueror of the Inca Empire. The site doesn’t indicates he come from the royal families but, as a conqueror, the first treasure he took from the Incas were two of the daughters of Atahualpa, the last Inca Emperor, who was killed by the Spanish to pave their way to keep the Empire. Angelina and Ines Youpanqui were part of a pattern of behavior of Portuguese and Spanish conquerors. At the XVI century most of them didn’t brought their Caucasian women. Instead, they marriaged to or simple pass to live with some new converted native.
     Lets go to the Portuguese side of the History. Although Pedro Alvares Cabral is said to be the first Portuguese to went Brazil, have some controversy about it. We know that, the Spanish explorer Francisco Yanez Pinzon were at the Brazilian Coast before. And he went the Amazon River. His expedition even gave the name “Mar Dulce” (Sweet Sea) to it, maybe not realizing it was a river, three months before Cabral. But there was not Brazil yet because by the Treaty of Tordesilhas it belonged to Spain.
     Others Portuguese explorers are also said to be in Americas, even before Chrstopher Columbus. Is said that, Afonso Sanches was the one who indicated where was the Antilhes Islands because he had been there before, when the famous explorer arrived in Madeira Island. And at least two other Portugueses, Joao Coelho and Duarte Pacheco, had been in Brazil before the year 1,500. But officially the one who got the orders from D. Manuel I, the Lucky One, to take posse of the land were Cabral.
     For thirty years the only economic activity Portugal had in Brazil was the exploitation of brazilwood which offerred a prized red dye to Europeans. Brazil also had many others wood along its lush green carpet at the whole coastal area. The exploitation were so intense that today Brazil’s Coasts have just a remote remembrance of what was before. Mostly of Brazilians don’t even know the brasilwood tree that gave name to the country.
     About the thirty initial years is said that, Brazil became the place for expatriated criminals. And is current a mockery about it. “An Angel asked God, My Lord, all the others countries in the world have serious problems such as vulcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, Hurracanes, enormous mountains, snow, cold winters, deserts and more, why should You grant to Brazilians a so Eden like place? And God responded to the Angel, My friend, you need to take a better look. Did you noticed the quality of people is destined to live there?
     The mockery is repeated by the ignorant people not realizing that, the initial expatriated that was sent to Brazil was probably not criminals like assassins and thieves. They were exiled because their different beliefs or because were in a political opposition party. The joke was also used by prejudicial people every time Brazilian economy went one of its downs. And it was more often than highs. And those prejudicial people, usually the rich or descendants of noble origins, referred as “Joe little people” the descendance of native Brazilians, Africans and the exileds, linking them to the mockery.
     As we will see later, most of Brazilian, at least those who have roots from the Brazilian colonial times, are descendants of all of them. And more, the “Joe little people” was never in fall. They never were in charge of nothing and their hardwork was allways used for the riches of a small elite. The mockery was always a trick from the cowards and the evil-minded who wanted to blame the victims for their own crimes.
     In the thirty first years the Portuguese colonization in Brasil isn’t resumed only to trade valuable wood for trifles between indigenous peoples and the colonizers as it is mentioned by some historians. The most important event from that time was just the initiation of the genetics of Brazilian people. We must remember that the English colonization begun more than one century after the one of Spanish and Portuguese. The begining of each one have a different motivation. And, most of all, Spanish and Portuguese didn’t sent women with the colonists since their culture was malecentric and the oceanic travelling yet was in an experimental stage.
     Then the Portuguese men couldn’t help themselves against their maleish instincts. And they felt in love with the “indias” at the first sight. They had too much time for gather the brazilwood with the help of the indians and pile it up along the shore lines, in some improvised warehouses, waiting the next shipment that could be in six months or next year. They never was sure. Meanwhile they occupied their time making the next generation, literally.
     Martim Afonso de Sousa was sent to Brazil to organize the first attempt of colonization there. Portugal was aware about the incursions of English, French and Dutch expoiling the brazilwood in the absence of Portuguese defenders. Sousa went Brazil to establish colonies and organize the defense of the territory. With the help of Jesuits he found Sao Vicente, the first Brazilian City and Sao Paulo de Piratininga, where today is Sao Paulo, the biggest city there and Also Santos City, the busiest port in South America, and Santo Andre, which became a industrial city, near Sao Paulo City.
     In 1,533 he went back to Portugal and was sent to India where he also was needed to defend the Portuguese possessions there. In 1,542 he was named Vice-Roy of India. He end his days back in Portugal, where he died at 1,571.
     The next chapter of Brazilian History is known as Hereditary Captancies. Just after Martim Afonso de Sousa been in Brazil, the king D. Joao III start taking others measures to defend Portuguese colonies from alien invasions. What was decided was to divide the Brazilian territory in colonies given to noblepeople to start the European Colonization effectively. To Martim Afonso de Sousa was given two of the colonies, Sao Vicente and Rio de Janeiro. But he never went back there. Only his descendants inherit it.
     Martim Afonso de Sousa established a pattern of organization that prevailled in Brazilian adminstration for centuries. His son Pero Lopes de Sousa inherited the Capitancy of Sao Vicente. And, probably, his son-in-law, Estevao Gomes da Costa inherited the Capitancy of Rio de Janeiro. I am saying probably because I am not so sure but my doubt is based in facts. Is my intention to show one more genealogical sequence to give a better idea of what was going on in Brazil at that time.
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana or Mor Afonso
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares
1,280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1,320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel
1,341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Aldonca Rodrigues de Sa
1,385 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes de Tavora
1,425 Pedro de Sousa – Maria Pinheiro
1,460 Lopo de Sousa – Brites de Albuquerque
1,490 Martim Afonso de Sousa – unknown wife
         Isabel Lopes de Sousa – Estevao Gomes da Costa
         Felipa Gomes da Costa – Vasco Pires da Mota
         Atanasio da Mota – Luzia Machado
         Eufemia da Costa Mota – Joao de Godoy Moreira
         Gaspar de Godoy Colaco – Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais
         Maria Pedroso de Morais – Joao Correia da Silva
         Escolastica de Morais – Joao da Cunha Ataide
         Maria Candida da Cunha Ataide – Francisco Joaquim de Andrade
1,798 Francisco de Paula Andrade – Joana Rosa de Andrade Lage
1,835 Elias de Paula Andrade – Rosa Amelia Silveira Drummond
1,860 Carlos de Paula Andrade – Julieta Augusta Drummond
1,902 Carlos Drummond de Andrade – Julieta Augusta Drummond
     From what was going on in Brazil I decided to elongate the genealogical sequence were Martim Afonso is almost in the middle. First of all I wanted to show the first couple which is formed by our known ancestor, king Afonso III of Portugal and his lover, Madragana. I already mentioned her because she was daughter of the mayor of Faro when the Reconquista of Portugal was done by that king. She came from a Jewish family and is ancestor of many important others, like queen Victoria of England.
     But I also wanted to remember the Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade who was just one of the descendants of Martim Afonso de Sousa. His family Andrade were established in Itabira City, Minas Gerais, since his greatgrandfather. One of my greatgrandmothers, Ercila Coelho de Andrade, was born there and passed to us that, she was the poet’s cousin but nobody paid attention on what degree or how it come. Through other lineage I discovered that, the poet is also descendant of D. Dinis, king of Portugal and also is cousin of the most famous Portuguese poet, Luis Vaz de Camoes.
     Today we have tried to find the link but untill now we are empthanded. At the time all registers was made by the Catholic Church and the ink of some pages of the books from Itabira evaporated. To see what is written on it today we need special tools that we can’t afford. So we need patience and luck because in Brazil some people can take the books and just throw it away imagining that, it have not any interest.
     Since now I will indicate the following video in these address: Don’t worry, is in English language and was produced by the American International Affair Department. It does a little idea about the links of partnership between Brazil and United States back in 1,948. Is interesting to you see it because it shows Itabira, Belo Horizonte, Ouro Preto City and Minas Gerais. Pay special attention on what is said about the strategic position of the State to the American defense at that time. I will remind later the video.
     But I also intend to show something interesting about Brazilian History. In United State we have the Legend of Pokahontas based in real facts. Brazil also have many stories that looks similar to one of Pocahontas. One of this is about Joao Ramalho. The legend about him say that, he was about to be killed by a indian chief when the daughter’s Chief put herself between the two and asked for his life because she planned marriage him. And it is only in the legend.
     In fact, what we know is that, when Martim Afonso de Sousa arrived in Sao Vicente his staff were surrounded by members of the local tribe. When they thought they had to fight for their lives someone came to just announce that, everything was ok. Was Joao Ramalho, a Portuguese adventurer who had long been friend with the indians. Ramalho had left his wife in Portugal. And the father Manoel da Nobrega, who was a Jesuit among the Sousa’s staff, marriaged him to a old companion named Bartira. Bartira was also Christianized with the name fo Isabel Dias. She was daughter of Tibirica, the great cacique (chief) of the trbe.
     But it is not the entire truth. The indians hadn’t rules against man have more than one woman. As they regarded Ramalho with great respect many other chiefs also brought him their daughters. And he was a many times bigamous. But nobody was concerning about it in such enviroment. Ramalho and his many sons lived around where is Sao Vicente, Santos, Sao Paulo and the Ribeira Valle. They furnished to the coming ships goods from the land, made repairs on ships, and hunted indians from others tribes to sale them to slavery. Also is said that, the sons of Joao Ramalho was particularly cruels to their own kins.
     Like that it is how the Brazilian genetics starts. And I will put one more genealogical sequence showing one way how, probably, millions of Brazilian are direct descendants of native Brazilians. I want show one example how the descendants of Martim Afonso de Sousa and Joao Ramalho are the same. He was with Sousa in the foundation of Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo and Santo Andre and if was not for him, maybe we would have a different History in Brazil. Another observation about Joao Ramalho is that, some historians suspect he were a New Converted (Jew converted to Christianity). His parents names was Joao Velho Maldonado and Catarina Afonso.
         Tibirica – unknown wife
1,500 Isabel Dias (Bartira) – 1,493 Joao Ramalho
         Catarina Ramalho – Bartolomeu Camacho
         Unknow Camacho – Jeronimo Dias Cortes
         Ana Camacho – Domingos Luis, the charcoal maker
         Bernarda Luis Camacho – 1,575 Amador Bueno da Ribeira, the acclaimed
         Isabel da Ribeira – Domingos da Silva Guimaraes
         Isabel da Silva Bueno – 1,670 Domingos de Castro Correia
         Joao Correia da Silva – Maria Pedroso de Morais.
     From that point we came back to the ancestors of the poet Carlos Drummond. The couple above is one of his 3greatgrandparents shown in the previous genealogical sequence.
     Our next topic will be the Hereditaries Captaincies. As I said before, the king Joao III of Portugal must had been advised by Martim Afonso de Sousa about the raids that pirates from others Europeans nations was doing to take goods from Brazilian Coast and he decided to create the Hereditaries Captaincies. It was based on an previous experience done in Madeira Island. The Brazilian territory colonised by Portugal were divided in 15 parts. Each one given to a nobleman to administrate. All the risks and financial obligations was assumed by the Captain-Mor, the private entrepreneur. The entrepreneur got the power to do decisions there.
     But only two of the captaincies brought good results. Both of them had prioritized the exploration on sugar cane fields. One was the Pernambuco Captaincy which was owned by Duarte Coelho. Today, in the same place we have the Pernambuco State replacing that Captaincy. Begining in that time the Brazilian History Books classifies the next 150 years as Sugarcane Cycle. Lets post one more genealogical sequence.
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1st lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – Catarina de Freitas
1,420 Martim Coelho – Joana de Azevedo
1,435 Goncalo Coelho – (Violante Magalhaes)
1,480 Duarte Coelho, lord of Pernambuco – Beatriz de Albuquerque
1,539 Jorge de Albuquerque Coelho – D. Catarina da Silva
1,591 Duarte de Albuquerque Coelho, count of Pernambudo – D. Joana de Castro
     I started from Fernao Coelho and Catarina de Freitas now because they are already present at the chapter 5 as ancestors of Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and at the chapter 7 as grandparents of Nicolau Coelho, the pilot of ship from the voyages of D. Vasco da Gama and Pedro Alvares Cabral. So Duarte Coelho was a close kin of Nicolau. We have to take some precaution here into interpret that Violante Magalhaes was the mother of Duarte Coelho. Probably not. He was son of Goncalo Coelho, 3rd lord of Felgueiras and Vieira, but none is sure about the name of his mother.
     Duarte Coelho was called by king Sebastiao of Portugal to his desastrous adventure in the North of Africa and where he disappeared. The death of D. Sebastiao ended been taken to Felipe II as opportunity for united the two crows. The period between 1,580 to 1,640 Portugal and Spain formed the Iberic Union under the crown of Spain. This period is classified as Philipine Dynasty because Portugal were administrated by three kings named Philip, from Spain.
     In Pernambuco, Duarte Coelho founded his capital, Olinda. (Oh Beauty). The legend says that, at the first sight Coelho said the words and the name were stamped. He probably also brought with him a family of colonists that signed Barbalho. The Barbalho family is present in the next chapter of Brazil’s History but is largely ignored by historians outside the State of Bahia. The family also have an important link in the History of New York, although it is indirect.
     Just to illustrate the undermeaning of what of the facts that helped construct our common History I will put here something happen to me in United States. I saw a advertisement on tv from the Historical Research Corp saying that, we could contact them  and they would send us something about our family name origins. And more, we could ask about a second name, charge free. So I asked about my two names, Magalhaes and Barbalho. The Magalhaes name they got right. But about the Barbalho they sent me the answer that I will copy here.
     “The Historical Research Center has been researching names for nearly 20 years. Our database is the most extensive of its kind in the world covering over 1,000,000 names from 135 different countries and cultures. Each name is researched individually and specific information is provided relating to the name.
     Unfortunately, one of the names you ordered for the free Origin and Meaning scroll is not currently on our database. We are sending out the rest of your order. Our database is constantly being updated with new names and information about the names that we have already researched. As a valued customer, we are offering a 25% discount if you wish to place an order for a Celebration Scroll for this name that is not currently on our database. By ordering a Celebration Scroll for this name, our researchers will compose a document that will contain fascinating information about the name including the earliest recorded date and the circumstances surrounding that event, the meaning and origin, specific historical references to bearers of the name, immigration details, variant spellings and notable bearers. We also provide a written description of the Coat of Arms and a full color rendering of that Coat of Arms. By placing an order for a Celebration Scroll for this name we will add it to our database and other members of your family will be able to get the same information about this name.”
     I know. This is just a commercial correspondence. But I would expect something more from anyone who alleged have more than 1,000,000 names in his database. The Coat of Arms I found later at the blog of some of my friends back in Brazil. His name is Ormuz Barbalho Simonetti. In the Brazilian internet is plenty of informations about the name and, unfortunately, most of all about a politician who recently was processed and impeached for bad doings. I will continue my description to show the link between my family name and the History of New York.
     Unfortunately, what looks like success to Brazilians brought not good results to Africa. The cultivation of sugarcane at the time, as any other agricultural activity, demanded too much hardworkers and the Europeans made the option for import slaves from Africa because was much more difficult to enslave the natives in their own land. Since then the Africans were exchanged by a product from the sugarcane itself, the cachaca (an alcaholic beverage), or bought for money.
     The commerce of people were not only disgasting for the reduction of an human being to such kind of disregard. It provoked the disrupture of African Society. Brought wars to the continent and adventurers with only one thing in mind, make easy money. Africa became hostage for at least four and half centuries to the madness of our ancestors.
     After the negative results of most of the Hereditaries Captaincies in Brazil the Portuguese Crown decided to change its tactics for colonise Brazil. Now was named a General Governor who had the power of a Vice-Roy. The chosen one for the position was Tome de Sousa. Someone who had the same genetical background of Martim Afonso de Sousa. He went Brazil in 1,549 with 1,000 people. They were at the militar service, priests (the first Jesuits in Brazil) colonists and 400 exiled for minor crimes in Portugal.
     Tome de Sousa founded Sao Salvador City which still Bahia State capital. It was an strategic point, equidistant from Sao Vicente in the south and Olinda in the norte. It was to be the first Brazilian capital and stood until the next fase of Brazilian History where the capital were transferred to Rio de Janeiro. Sousa stood in Brazil only four years, since 1,549. After he went back to Portugal he became the king adviser in Brazilians issues. And he advised the creation of many villages along the coast to attract more colonists.
     At that time, Portugal was having some problems with the competition for the Oriental commerce, the Spanish was been more successful by the mineral riches they were already taking from Americas and Brazil was been under siege from others Europeans, who wanted to settle down in Americas too. The English, French and Dutchs didn’t recognized the Treaty of Tordesilhas alleging they never heard about any Will of Adam giving the monopoly to Spain and Portugal. It is a sign of our common History. The law is always imposingly high, until the interests become higher.
      One problem that Tome de Sousa encountered in Brazil was the absence of respect for the law. One of his companions, Pero Borges, who went there as a guardian for the law expressed something like these in a letter, “Have in this land many marriaged men back in the reign whom live here for many days, doing nothing for live but to live in concubinage with at least a pair of gentile women, been worse than the gentile people…”
     Pero Borges asked punishment to everybody and the king Joao III, wisely, gave an amnesty to everything that was done before the presence of Tome de Sousa in the land except for,” cinco casos de heresia, sodomia, traicao, moeda falsa e morte de homem cristao”. (five cases of heresy, sodomy, treason, false coin and killing of a Christian man). He was well informed how hard life appeared to those so far away from home and was more judicious to have such courageous people as allies than enemies. And it paid off later.
     Since the begining of Brazil’s colonization, as I mentioned before, also the Brazilian genetics start to form. And also the Portuguese language start gaining new words to define new situations. So the kids of a Portuguese with the native women had to be defined. And they started to call them caboclo (female, cabocla). Since Africans was brought to Brazil in a condition of slaves, soon made more sense to take there women together because was cheaper produce slaves kids in Brazil than import the original.
     But a much higher number of European men was in Brazil than Caucasian women. Portuguese men was not shy on have sex with any kind of women. From these relationship was formed the mulato (female, mulata). Even along the centuries to come, rich people who had many slaves, kept having concubines from their “senzalas”. (the place where the slaves was kept when was not working). To Brazilians, the interracial marriages or relationships wasn’t taken as amazement. It became prejuditially watched later on, when more Europeans went to Brazil and was formed an whiter elite.
     Even so, the prejudice in Brazil was softened by the presence of a bigger part of the population that was already product of interratial marriages. Even I can say from my time of young age. Brazilian music was plenty of three words. Mulata, cabocla and saudade. Back then, no man had a dream of Cinderela, Snow White or Aurora. Those was just stories for children. Our princesses was called not by their names but their genetic contents. Was said that, is almost impossible to man resist the charming of the mulata or cabocla.
     And I think Americans experienced the magical power from the result of an interracial marriage in the presidential elections of 2008. President Obama make a mistake identifying himself as black person. He is mulato which is not a bad or a super happening. He is just proof that, when love does exists all the borders will be gone. Love doesn’t recognizes barriers. I will be back to these issue later.
     Saudade is a word that Brazilians believed not other language was able to reproduce. Is a feeling of missing someone or something so much that it become close to a desease. It was the feeling from the Africans and Portuguese about their ancestors lands and relatives. Is a feeling from the bottom of indians hearts who recorded the lost freedom. Now is the feeling of all who are result of the interracial ancestry.
     Then with its riches in the loams and beauty in its sceneries, Brazil instigated the avarice of others European peoples. We have a chapter dedicated to the attempt of invasion of Brazilian lands. We have two chapters in the Brazilian History called, Frensh Invasions and Dutch Invasions (Invasoes Holandesas).
     The French Invasions have some influences in Brazilian History. Since Martim Afonso de Sousa went Brazil he had recomended the construction of a city at Guanabara Bay. But the indians around was not friendly to Portuguese then the project was not but it. At the time of the second general governor, Duarte da Costa, a Frenchman, Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon, who new the place convinced some to establish a Frensh colony there. The name given to the project was Antartic France.
     And they started by constructing a fort, making contact to the hostile tribes to Portuguese, making trade with the indians to valuable goods from the land and sending it to France. The commerce was going well until the third General Governador of Brazil don’t came. His name was Mem de Sa, and a small part of his ancestry is shown in the next genealogical sequence.
1,500 Mem de Sa – Guiomar de Faria
1,460 Goncalves Mendes de Sa – unknown wife
1,410 Joao Goncalves de Miranda Sotomaior – Filipa de Sa
1,380 Fernao Anes Sotomaior – Constanza de Zuniga
1,340 Pedro Alvares de Sotomaior – 1,360 Elvira Mendes de Benevides
1,310 Fernan Anes de Sotomaior – Maria Anes da Novoa
         Alvaro Pires de Sotomaior – Ines Anes de Castro
1,290 Elvira Anes Marinho – Pedro Alvares de Sotomaior
1,270 Joao Pires Marinho – Teresa Pais Marinho
1,250 Sancha Vasques Sarraza – D. Pedro Anes Marinho
1,230 Vasco Peres Sarraza – unknown Anes da Novoa
1,210 Pedro Soares Sarraza – Elvira Nunes Maldonado
1,190 Maria Afonso de Leon – Soeiro Aires de Valadares
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – D. Teresa Gil de Soverosa
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Sovoie
     Usually, the noble people is not linked through just one lineage to royal families. In the case of Mem de Sa it is not different. One of the alternatives that link him to royal families can be shown by the genealogical sequence. Starting from D. Sancho I, second king of Portugal and also son of D. Afonso and Mahaut of Savoie.
1,154 D. Sancho I, king of Portugal – D. Maria Pais Ribeira, a Ribeirinha
1,205 D. Teresa Sanches – Alfonso Tellez
1,225 D. Joao Telo de Menezes – Elvira Goncalves Giron
1,250 D. Goncalo Anes Raposo – D. Urraca Fernandes de Lima
1,280 D. Beatriz Goncalves Raposo – Joao Pires da Novoa
1,310 Maria Anes da Novoa – Fernan Anes de Sotomaior
     The last couple is already at the genealogical sequence above as 3greatgrandparents of Mem de Sa. And paying a little more attention to the names we also can see links to the genealogical sequences presented for the navigators. As I said before, everybody is relative in some way.
     Mem de Sa had to secure the rest of the Brazilian Coast and pacify revolts of tribes around the capital, Salvador, Bahia State. He sent his nephew, Estacio de Sa, to deal with the Frensh problem. He made an alliance with indians from the now Espirito Santo State and asked for help from Sao Vicente. They were successful onto destroy the Fort Coligny, constructed by Villegagnon. And also founded a new city named after the name of the infant king, D. Sebastiao. Like that, the City of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro was born. Later on the name were reduced to Rio de Janeiro.
     But the war was just on its begining. The Frensh settlers went to the interior among their allies indians where they kept trading and attacking Portuguese settlements. Estacio de Sa reorganized the defense and continued the fight untill the Frensh were totally subdued. At the time he had the help of two Jesuits. Manoel da Nobrega and Jose de Anchieta. The two of them are like legend in Brazil. They were the ones that catechized the indians, organized them in settlements like Europeans and introduced them to the European culture.
     Although the job done by the Jesuits reduced the Indians to a less level in the Brazilian society they also tried to prevent them to be enslaved. They were never successful in that case and the descendants of Indians and Portugueses were the responsibles for conquered the Brazilian interior in ways not friendly to others indians there. Another name from the time was of the chief Arariboia. For his help to Estacio de Sa he was presented with lands next to Rio de Janeiro. He founded a settlement which is today Niteroi, ex-capital of Rio de Janeiro State.
     At the end of the conquest, Estacio de Sa died in consequence of wounds in battle. But the Frensh was expelled. Later on they tried another settlement at the Brazilian Northeast and were more successful. They founded the City of Sao Luiz, now Maranhao State capital. In there they planned to establish a colony name Equinoctial France. Around 1,616 they also were expelled by the Portuguese settlers. At the end they were successful onto find a place in South America where became to be the Frensh Guiane. Brazilians and Frenshs had others difficulties in their relationship but nothing so serious as those two.
      Now we are back in business. The promise in the title of these chapter is talk something about the beginning of New York and United States. But it start in Europe with the mess created around the question of religion and the question of economic power. When Charles I, the kaiser and king of Spain left the power, Philip II, king of Spain inherit Spain and what later became known as Low Countries. And over there had some freedom of religion and economy. But Philip II didn’t take it for granted. Then the northern part of the possession declared its independence.
     They held eight years of war, after 1,581, against Philip II forces. And the war was spreaded throughout the world. Is said that, the war against Spain created the nationalistic feeling that created a new nation. But the key component of these new nation was the creation of the first world’ big corporation. The Dutch West India Company. The company begun to look for a new way to India but found a good field to fur trade in today’s New York State, around the Hudson River. The company were the responsible for initiate the colonization, bringing colonists and giving lands to their work. They are responsible for the foundation of New Amsterdan which became to be called New York after the colony be taken by the English king, and for the foundation of New Orange, which is known today as Albany.
     We need to remember that, that big corporation was an imense investiment. From the middle of the XVI century until England took the power, the Dutchs were the biggest naval force in the world. Maybe Philip II had assembled the most powerful navy at the time but the Dutchs controlled a merchant navy and an armed navy together. And since the Invencible Armada of Philip II were dismantled by the English Navy, the Dutchs dominated the trade around the Globe.
     The Dutchs that in Brazil are called Hollandians are also responsible for three attempt of invasions there. They had invested in the production of sugarcane in Brazil and since they was at war with Spain, and Brazil became colony of the United Iberia, they thought to have the right of retaliate the decision of king Philip II in prohibit the commerce between Dutchs and the possessions under his helm.
     Their first attempt were against the capital, Salvador, at the State of Bahia. It occurred during the years of 1,624 and 1,625 but the people repelled the attackers. The adventure was proven too costly for the company but in 1,630 they seized the intire shipment of one year of silver from the Spanish Colonies. And used it to finance the Invasion of the Captaincy of Pernambuco. During 24 years the colony were held by the Dutchs.
     At first the resistence were done only by the population. Basically leadered by the “Senhores de Engenho” (Lords of Mills). The resistence had not an unified command. Each leader had his group and attacked in an Indian’s fashion or guerrilla. It made the Dutchs don’t go too far in the interior. But the long war made some Lords of Mills adhere the cause of the Dutchs.
     Between 1,637 to 1,644, the Brazilians even celebrates it, were the time of the presence of the Count Maurice of Nassau who had a good administration to the people. He remodelled the City of Olinda and its port, Recife. Later on Recife became the State’s Capital. He also was tolerant in question of religion and open the colony to immigration of Protestants and Jews alike. Even is in Pernambuco the oldest Synagogue in Americas.
     The Monarchy of Portugal was restored in 1,640 ending the 60 years under the Spanish Crown. Brazilians adhered to the party of the Duke of Braganca who became king under the name of Joao IV. But the Dutchs conquered more lands taken the whole Coastal area from Pernambuco to Maranhao State, even the capital, Sao Luis. And then they start the invasion of the interior. It brought the people to insurrection. Many of the leaders moved to Salvador, Bahia.
     The count Maurice of Nassau visualized a more powerful colony if he also taked Salvador. And prepared a new expedition to the city with his main force, many times superior than that of Portuguese and Brazilian. At the Brazilian side although was a specialist who’s name was Luis Barbalho Bezerra. Luis organized the defense and gave to Nassau a Pyrrhic Victory. The victory didn’t have a prize because the Dutchs were unable to take Salvador and the costs were that high that Maurice of Nassau was called back to Netherland.
     The situation then deteriorated when the new administrators of the company requested more taxs and liquidations of loans given to the Lords of Mills. The Brazilian people came together this time and the Brazilian nationality start to be constructed. The History books always mention three liders of the revolt, the Lord of Mill Andre Vidal de Negreiros; the native Felipe Camarao and the African descendent, Henrique Dias. They represented all the people who fought to liberate Brazil from Dutch colonization with all of its genetics.
     The end of the war is accepted as 1,654 but only in 1,664 was signed the final Treaty and Portugal agreed to pay 63 tons of gold for the constructions they had done in Brazil. It was paid in 40 years with the production of sugar. With the end of Dutch domination many Jews and Protestants moved to New Amsterdam. The Dutchs who learned how to process sugar transferred the production to their Caribean Islands. When it was practically a Brazilian monopoly the product was valuable almost as gold, costing around US$ 50,00/pound in today’s money. Since then the production soared and the price got down. It was the end of the first Cycle of Sugarcane in Brazil.
     Luis Barbalho Bezerra, the hero, lost his health and fortune in the war. Long before it ended he moved to Rio de Janeiro where he became governor in 1,643 to 1,644 when he died. He left two young sons, Agostinho and Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra who enherited the prestige of their father. Agostinho later was also governor of Rio de Janeiro and died of an unknow fever while was looking for precious metals and gems at the Sweet River (Rio Doce).
     Jeronimo was leader of an important revolt called “A Revolta da Cachaca” in Rio de Janeiro. That revolt was caused by the corruption in the administration. He was hanged in a counter-revolt leadered by the old corrupt governor, while they was waiting for a decision from the Portuguese Crown. But the reason was given to the revolted people of Rio de Janeiro who removed the corrupt governor from power. Later on we will see that a great number of mineiros (citizens born in Minas Gerais State) are descendants of those Barbalho Bezerra.
     At the American side, before the country be United and even States, the king Charles II of England was the responsible for unify the Colonies, taking control of it. From the 13 initial colonies, four were created from the New England Territory. As we know, this part of the country was colonized by a population eagering for religious freedom. But what we can say also is that, they wanted their own freedom of religion but the pilgrims are known by be religious intolerant with others. From New England came the colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut.
     The other eight, south and west of New York, was more diversified but had not an eagerly desire to make from this country a Democratic State where everyone would live as equally created by God. Names of those are, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. So, New York, the last of the 13 initial colonies to adhere the Union of all, had fundamental intellectual, religious and economic influences in the constitution of the liberties in United States. Without the principles of freedom established by our Forefathers in the Constitution, probably, United States would never be the great country of today.
     And, in some way, United States is a product of the whole historical chapters preceding its creation. Even in a least degree of importance the chapter of Brazilian History called by the name “Invasoes Holandesas” (Dutchs or Hollandians Invasions) and “Insurreicao Pernambucana” (Pernambuco’s Insurrection) which was lead by whites, Indians and Blacks against economics impositions. Ironically, the opressor in Brazil brought Brazilians to United States who’s descendants later on helped to create these noble nation. And, inadvertently, the Barbalho Family was involved in the whole History of United States.
     Only after 1,664 king Charles II of England took from the Dutchs the Colony of New Netherland. It was renamed New York after the title of Duke of York and Albany. The Dutchs reconquested the province during the years of 1,673 and 1,674 when they exchanged it for what is today Suriname, in the north of South America. And to end these chapter I want to show one more genealogical sequence.
1,630 Charles II, king of England – D. Catarina de Braganca, princess of Portugal
1,600 Charles I, king of England – Henriett Marie de Bourbon – princess of France
1,566 James I, king of England, Scots and Ireland – Anna, princess of Danmark
1,545 Henry Stewart, Duke of Albany – Mary Setwart, queen of Scotland
1,516 Matthew Stewart, 4th earl of Lennox – Margaret Douglas
1,490 John Stewart, 3rd earl of Lennox – Anne (Elizabeth) Stewart
1,475 Elizabeth Hamilton – Matthew Stewart, 2nd earl of Lennox
1,450 Mary Stewart, princess of Scotland – James Hamilton, 1st Baron of Hamilton
1,430 James II Stewart, king of Scotland – Maria van Egmond
         Joan Beaufort – 1,394 James I Stewart, king of Scotland
1,373 John Beaufort, 1st earl of Somerset – Margaret Holland
1,340 John of Gand, Duke of Lancaster – Catherine Swinford Roelt
1,312 Edward III, king of England -Philippa de Hainaut
1,284 Edward II, king of England – Isabelle, princess of France
1,240 (?)Leonor, princess of Castilla – Edward I, king of England
1,200 Fernando III, the Saint, king of Castilla – Jeanne d’Aumale, countess of Ponthieu
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – 1,137 Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     The lineage above doesn’t show all the many times Charles II is descendant of the same kings of Portugal and Spain. Only if we follow each one of his maternal ancestry we can see it clearly. His wife, D. Catarina de Braganca was daughter of the first king of Portugal after the restoration in 1,640, king Joao IV and his wife Luisa de Guzman. Charles II had not children with D. Catarina de Braganca but took 8 concubines and fathered 15 children. And it was not an exception for the kings behavior at his time. And we can imagine, why shouldn’t every and each one of us be offsprings of such productiveness?!


Here in United States the English colonization starts from 1,607. And was a more culturally diversified colonization. Even people from others nationalities like Germans, Dutchs, Scots, Irish and also Portuguese came to the Atlantic Coast. About religion they were all sort of denominations that sparkled from the Protestant Reformation or else. Also a minor number of Catholics. After a hard begining the colonies became more successful as Europe expanding its population demanded more agricultural products.

Products like tabaco and cotton were examples of what represented the success of the Colonies. And just like the rest of Americas, the Colonies, specially those in the south, became dependent on hardwork hands. In the south sanitary conditions were not ideal to European labors so the importation of slaves from Africa became essential part of the business. In the north the economic activity was not so lucrative then the presence of African slaves was least.     The first Europeans to inhabit Americas after its Columbus rediscovery was the Spaniards. Florida yet was Spanish Colony and around the Gulf of Mexico they had been established. And the Frensh established themselves at the Lousiana Territory.

We must remember that, the European population begun its growth thanks to a more availability of foods such as corn, potatoes, tomatoes and many others from Americas. Probably, the spices from the Oriental Indias also helped on the prevention of infectious deseases too. And the wealth in many kind of forms brought from the Colonies from the whole world made possible the advancing in science, technology and knowledge as an whole.

Back in Brazil, at the XVII century, Portuguese colonists had established themselves in a strait shore line, from north to south. The number one product of exportation was the sugar. And while it was more valuable, the Portuguese Crown prohibit the creation of cattle in there. So, as it was needed for nourishment to people and for transportation of everything a timid interiorization begun at the Northeast of the country. It accounts for the conquest of the “Sertao”. Sertao is a Portuguese word to describe an wild west.

Since the establishment of the General-governors in Brazil they organized some expeditions to the interior in name of the Portuguese Crown. Those was called “Entradas” (Enterings) and had the objective of seek for something valuable, specially precious metals and gems. These ones was limited by the Treaty of Tordesilhas. Usually the point of departure was the capital, Salvador.

Another kind of expedition was called “Bandeiras” (Flags). It was of private initiative and most of all begun from the Sao Vicente Capitancy. Sao Vicente was the capital which was at the shore line and most of the expeditions begun from the villages of the uplands, usually Sao Paulo. It is why the men in the Bandeiras was called Bandeirantes, and today sometimes the people born at the State of Sao Paulo are also called by that name, like their ancestors was also called. But at that time they also was called Vicentinos (from Sao Vicente Capitancy). Today they are called Paulistas.

One of the motivations for those expeditions was the legend mentioned before, “The Emerald Mountain”. Native Brazilians passed on the story to Portuguese colonists that had a Sacred Mountain in the interior of the land made of green gems. Then because of the natural riches Spaniards had encountered on their side of Americas, Portuguese concluded that it would be emerald. So, they start looking for it.

They also collected an indian account for the legend of Sabarabussu (Resplandent Mountain). Was a legend like El Dourado. Later on Portuguese interpreted as it been the “Serra da Piedade” (Piety Mountain). It is a peak of around 5,200 feet high above sea level. Today it is part of the City of Caete, is one of the symbols of Minas Gerais and is a touristic point with a old Chapel (construction ended in 1,770) and astronomic observatory. But many other peaks made history in the State as it was used as referencial points for travelers and because its around abouts be rich in minerals and gems. Examples are the Itambe Peak (Acute Peak) and Caue Peak (Brothers Peak).

Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, who was Governor of Rio de Janeiro (1,660-1,661) was sent by the king Afonso VI to look for the Emerald Mountain in December 17, 1,663. He did good services to the Portuguese Crown, and fought among his father Luis and brother Jeronimo at the war against Dutchs, and even were presented with the Santa Catarina Island. Today is where the state capital, Florianopolis, of Santa Catarina State stands. But in one of his expeditions he contracted an unknown fever and died in around 1,670, Rio de Janeiro.

So, the job to look for the Emerald Mountain was passed on to Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Fernao was a Bandeirante and he is the most inspiring researcher of his kind in that time. Usually, Bandeirantes entered in the future Brazilian Territory looking for indigenous people and taken them as slaves. Fernao Dias did the same. He lead Bandeiras that entered the Brazilian South and established a village, Parnaiba, Sao Paulo, with 5.000 enslavered indians. His main concern after be chosen, was to locate the Emerald Mountain. And with it in his mind established many farms along the ways where later became to be the Minas Gerais State. Those farms originated villages which became cities.

Is possible that, the legend of the Emerald Mountain made the Paulistas blinded for other riches in around Minas Gerais State. Despite of years researching, some green gems located by Fernao Dias expeditions revealled to be just turmalines, a less worthy gem. In 1,681 he also died by an unknown fever. His son Garcia went back to Sao Paulo and his son-in-law, Manoel de Borba Gato kept his work. And lets post one more genealogical sequence. This time for Fernao Dias.

1,609 Fernao Dias Paes Leme – Maria Garcia Betim
Pedro Dias Paes Leme – Maria Leite da Silva
Fernando Dias Paes Leme – Lucrecia Leme
Pedro Leme – Izabel Paes
Antao Leme – unknown wife
1,505 Antonio Leme – Catarina de Barros
1,480 Maria Adao Ferreira – Martim Leme
1,440 Adao Goncalves Ferreira – Brites Pires
1,407 Goncalo Aires Ferreira – Isabel Ferreira
1,380 Isabel Pereira Lacerda – Gomes Ferreira
1,360 Martim Goncalves Lacerda – D. Violante Pereira

1,345 unknown Lacerda – Diogo Anes Serpa
1,320 Carlos de la Cerda, count of Angouleme – unknown spouse
1,289 Alfonso de la Cerda, lord of Lunel – Isabelle d’Autoing
1,270 Alfonso de la Cerda, prince of Castilla – Mathilde de Brienne
1,255 Fernando de la Cerda, prince of Castilla – Blanche, princess of France
1,221 Alfonso X, the Wise, King of Castilla – Violante, princess of Aragon
1,200 Fernando III, the Saint, king of Castilla – Elisabeth von Schwaben
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     Just to enrich our data I will post a little genealogical sequence. It starts from the the parents of Fernao Dias Paes Leme.
         Pedro Dias Paes Leme – Maria Leite da Silva
         Maria Dias – Domingos Rodrigues de Mesquita
         Maria Leite de Mesquita – 1,646 Pedro Vaz de Barros
1,705 Maria Leite Pedroso – Gaspar Correia Leite
         Isabel Leite de Barros – Antonio Galvao de Franca
1,739 Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
     Alternative sequence for ancestor of Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao.
1,739 Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
         Isabel Leite de Barros – Antonio Galvao de Franca
         Gaspar Correia Leite – Maria Leite Pedroso
         Ana Ribeiro – Pascoal Leite de Miranda
         Ana Ribeiro – Sebastiao Fernandes Correia
         Maria Pedroso de Alvarenga – Sebastiao de Freitas
         Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Ana Ribeiro
         Mecia Monteiro – Baltazar de Alvarenga
         Lopo Monteiro – Catarina Dias
         Isabel Rodrigues de Vasconcelos – Goncalo Monteiro
         Rui Goncalves de Sequeira – Ines Anes de Vasconcelos
         Goncalo de Sousa de Sequeira – Beatriz de Sousa*
1,430 D. Guiomar de Sousa – Rui Vaz de Sequeira
1,380 D. Goncalo Rodrigues de Sousa – Catarina Casada
1,350 D. Rui de Sousa, mayor of Marvao – Isabel Ribeiro
1,330 D. Goncalo Rodrigues de Sousa – Maria de Monforral
1,305 D. Rodrigo Afonso de Sousa – Constanca Gil
1,260 D. Afonso Dinis – D. Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Maria Peres de Enxara
     Just for everybody know, Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao is the Saint Friar Galvao, the first saint born in Brazil canonized by the Catholic Church. I don’t see it like amazement because at the time the Brazilian population as an whole was too small. Then the genealogical links between the most prominent personalities shoudn’t be difficult to find. As both came from Sao Paulo State’s ancestry they had to be relatives.
     Another important note here is the record of the begining of a new family name. Acording to researchers the son of king Alfonso X, Fernando, was born with hair which was called cerda in Spanish language. Later on was translated as Lacerda (the hair) to Portuguese. It is a common family name around the Portuguese descendents. In the State of Minas Gerais is an extensive family that migrated to the city of Itambe de Minas (around about the Itambe Peak) and from there to others places. In my family we have a branch called Coelho Lacerda that came from that city. Many of my cousins sign it on their names.
     At the date 1,360 in Fernao Dias Paes Leme’s genealogical sequence we have the name D. Violante Pereira. She was one of the half sisters of D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, the great general that helped Portugal from be dominated by Spanish Dominion at the Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385. She is ascendent from both Brazilian personalities. And from another lineage that I look at, from the Saint Friar Galvao, he got an ancestor, Isabel Rodrigues de Vasconcelos, who come from the Vasconcelos family which is descendant of D. Joao Peres de Vasconceloss, lord of the Vasconcelos Tower and husband of D. Maria Soares Coelho, the daughter of Soeiro Viegas Coelho, the first one to bear the family name Coelho.
     In remembrance of the service of Fernao Dias, the highway from Sao Paulo City to Belo Horizonte City got his name. He really opened the doors to the next chapter of Brazilian History.
     If we take the last years of Fernao Dias Paes Leme to measure his success or failure certainly many would say that, he was a totally failure. He not only didn’t find what he was looking for. His dictatorial decisions lead to an uprising against his leadership and condemned one of his own son to be hang for conspiracy. And his life was also cut short by the desease he contracted.
     Thirteen years after his death  his successors found some amount of gold that was sent to Rio de Janeiro for analysis and the blessing from Portugal. Imagine, in 1,694 how long any answear from Portugal could come. In our days nobody would stand for it. But the find must lead the people to have a second thought about what they was looking for. The gems until then was not there despite of so much searching. And they begun look for gold in places less harzardous to their health, with temperatures more agreeable to them who was adapted to European climate. It is along the Espinhaco (enormous spine) Mountain Range.
     Like magic, since 1,698 on, the gold mines were discovered in a extension of 1,000 kilometers line. The excitement was great. The word was spread to the rest of Brazil. Thousands of people abandoned what else they was doing to go there. The Portuguese Crown was in disbelief questioning if it was just an wave or the gold would sustain production for long time. Anyways it starts to acting to keep its monopoly making regulations and even censuring and recalling the book: “Cultura e Opulencia do Brasil por suas Drogas e Minas”. Culture and Opulence of Brazil by its Drugs and Mines. 1,711.
     The author was the Italian Jesuit Giovanni Antonio Andreoni or father Andre Joao Antonil (1,649 – 1,716). His work is the best documentation of what was going on in Brazil at that time. Although his opinions are distorted by his beliefs. But the Portuguese Crown censured his work because he pinch point the locations where the mines were and it was considered confidential. Nevertheless Portugueses was not up to open its crown jewel to the world.
     The Portuguese Crown did everything on its power to take control of was happening. The prohibition of communications between the colonies was a total failure. The construction of roads was dependent on the king’s decisions and it was not his interest since his policy was to keep the Colonies incommunicado. In earlier stages of colonization the Portuguese Crown did everything to make its Colonies weak and easier to dominate. It was afraid that, a free communication through roads would lead to a common interests and a coalition of Colonies would lead to a not easy to control sovereign nation.
     Anyways, the people from the other Colonies begun to flock in and also from Portugal many came along. Basically, Brazil was resumed to Capitancies such as Pernambuco, Bahia, Espirito Santo and Sao Vicente. The cities was small and the ones that would fit in a map was Sao Luis, Olinda, Salvador, Ilheus, Vitoria, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Santo Andre. None of them with more than 15,000 inhabitants on its strets. Anyways, around 1,706 was a calculated 30,000 newcomers to the mines place. Possibly the number excluded the slaves and surely the native Brazilians.
     The founders of the mines was the Paulistas. At first, they saw the newcomers as a good source of income to them. The newcomers left their places on elsewhere and went the region in a poor condition. Walked hundreds of miles, through boats when the rivers offerred good conditions and feet when not. They had to protect their legs with garments from fabric or leather. And the Paulistas called them “Emboabas” which in native language meant “Chick in boots”. To start, the Paulistas gave warm welcoming, tools, shelter and loans. But Paulistas also started to monopolize the right of exploration of mines and the commerce of everything. And put the prices up way to the skies.
     Only later the people became concerned about it. The gold was so abundant that the price was worthy to pay. When more and more people came they perceived what was going on and the tensions begun. Paulistas and Emboabas begun to acquire guns and the situation deteriorated. In 1,707 occurred one assassination that sparkled the war. That war is called “War of the Emboabas”. The superior number of newcomers prevailled. They were lead by the Portuguese Manuel Nunes Viana. The Paulistas were lead by Manuel de Borba Gato, the son-in-law of Fernao Dias Paes Leme.
     The war ended and the army of Paulistas were expelled from the future State of Minas Gerais. Then they went the lands where today are the States of Goias, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and there they discovered new mines. One mark of these finds is the foundation of the City of Pirenopolis, one remembrance because the mountains around recorded the Perinees to the colonists.
     At the time, each Captaincy had a governor. So of the experient and brave of them one was called to pacify the conflict. His name, Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho de Carvalho. Like him, his father of same name had been governor of Maranhao Captaincy. He was born in Portugal, lived in Brazil at his father time and was brought back to Portugal. He returned to serve Portugal’s interests and even fought against French invasors in a different attempt to colonize the Brazilian North.
     As governor of the Sao Vicente Captaincy, which at the time united Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and most of South and West Brazil, he was able to negociate peace and organized the administration. He was governor from 1,710 to 1,720 and on his watch was thought better separate Rio de Janeiro and later create the Captaincies of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. Those moves were taken for settle down the disputes and better control the riches coming out of the land.
     Among of his first acts were the creation of the Villages of Mariana, Ouro Preto, Sabara, Pitangui, Sao Joao del Rei, Serro and many others. Those are today’s names of the places. At the time their names was a long phrase. The governador was able to name the old anemies as mayors of the new created villages so the tensions was set down. The first one created was Mariana which became the first capital of the State and it’s first bishopric. It was a privilege in a country dominated by the Catholicism.
     Next, Sabara City was also created and given to Manuel de Borba Gato as mayor. It was a recognition to the great services of that Bandeirante who, after the death of his father-in-law Fernao Dias, had lead the colonozation. Sabara was his headquarters even before the gold be discovered. And in the division of the Judicial Branch it became one of the first centers in the State. Its jurisdiction was so extense that most of West Brazil fitted in. Only after these phase of Brazilian History other Center was created and the power were transferred to Serro City. Probably, Sabara was the first settlement like town in the whole State of Minas Gerais.
     Borba Gato had interests in other places beyond Sabara. Even exists a little town not so far from Itabira City that got the name Borba Gato after him, which was where he lived for some time and got part of his gold.
     Minas Gerais State became to be the Crown Jewel of Portugal. But the mines was in the open field. And was clear that, part of it was going out without taxation. Even the penalty been death sentence the smugglers was way ahead of the small contingent of tax collectors. Only around 1,720 Portugal dicided take more drastic measurement and create the “Casas de Fundicao”, or Melting Houses. Portugal prohibit the circulation of the gold as it comes from nature and ordered all production be melted in bars. Among the decisions one fifth of all the production was taken as taxes.
     Soon the revolt broke out. The leader of the revolt, Felipe dos Santos, were imprisioned and executed in a most crude way. He was put to death pulled by horses from opposite sides. The other participants were pardoned and the institutions of the Casas de Fundicao were kept.
     The amount of gold that Minas Gerais produced is kept in debate until our days. Some authors calculated in around one thousand tons of the metal was kept as taxes by the Portuguese Government. Some say that, what was smuggled maybe were the biggest part. What we know for sure is that, Minas Gerais could be transformed in the Center of our Civilizations if wasn’t for the the Portuguese monopolization. During that period occurred one of the biggest migrations in the world until then but just a hand of people wasn’t Portuguese, Portuguese descendants or slaves.
     More than one hundred towns were established at that time. If we extend the period to an one century is calculated that, around 400,000 Portuguese immigrated to Brazil from 1,700 to 1,800. Portugal’s population at that time never exceeded two million people so an handful of young people transferred themselves to Brazil on each generation gaving the impression there that, some villages was aways empty.
     The gold production stood strong for five decades. From 1,750 on the administrators start financing new expeditions to look for new mines. Until then the European settlements was lined up around only one road that was officially established by Portuguese Crown. It was made to keep the control of the production. The road gave access to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Cities. And is more than one thousand miles of curves-up-and-down-like-coils-road. Royal Road still the name. And from that road as center new ones radiated to conquest new lands.
     Fortunately, after the Gold Cycle, in more modern times, others roads in different directions replaced the first one. Old and influential cities from the period were isolated by the new ways life got in that State. In consequence the Cultural and Material Patrimony was preserved. Today we can visit places like Ouro Preto, Mariana, Sabara, Sao Joao del Rei, Serro, Diamantina, Congonhas do Campo and others less known historic cities to see good examples of remnants preserved buildings and culture.
     The Gold Cycle in Brazil  made possible the surge of a cultural field. It is less expressed in writings. As I mentioned before, the Portuguese Crown wasn’t so happy on see its Colonies develop anything that could motivate independence. It monopolized the education. Colleges was not allowed to exist in Brazil. Anyone who wanted learn something more had to go to Portugal and study there. Most of the Brazilian population was kept illiterated. Untill 1,808 Brazilians hadn’t any newspaper.
     Then the cultural manifestation were present through the engineering of buildings, paintings and sculptures. See any of the preserved cities of the time is like look at a painting of the most famous artists of the Renaissance. The sculptures of Aleijadinho (little handicapped), who’s real name was Antonio Francisco Lisboa are the stamp of the arts from the State of Minas Gerais. He was able of transcribe some good humor through his characters, like putting facial likeness of Portugueses in the Roman soldiers that was crucifying Jesus. He was a mulatto, son of a Portuguese father, Manuel, and his slave, Isabel. The apex of painting was master Ataide.
     Most of the arts was linked to the Scriptures of the Bible. The little what was different is the poetry. Some of our master poets of the time was Portuguese born or Brazilian born who had studied in Portugal. The musical manifestation also come from inumerous pieces made in seminaries and convents. The profane production of music and literature was limited because the monopolist control and was used by abolitionists and sepatists.
     The great work that the gold did to Minas Gerais and Brazil were to attract population to there. And also the historical constructions. As a monopolist metropolis, Portugal didn’t allowed the Colonies have its own industry except for the day-by-day consumption. Everything else has to be imported from Portugal itself. And as Portugal itself was a rich mentally third world country have to import from others like France, England and Germany. But it didn’t allowed the direct commerce between Brazil and others coutries. So, its income was made in great part by been intermediary in those commercial operations.
     As Brazilians had not where to expend the gold in investments and industrialization they was driven to expent it with superfluous or not durable things. The gold didn’t brought not any university or industry to Brazil. But it brought riches to elsewhere. Even constructions like the Louvre Museum in Paris is a product from Minas Gerais gold. In 1,755 a monstruous earthquake leveled Lisbon putting Portugal on its knees. But the gold of Minas Gerais was used to pay all the reconstruction. And it may have contributed to create a stronger feeling of nationalism that soon was responsible for the Independence of Brazil.
     I will put some genealogical sequences here as an openning to mention the Revolution of American Independence. Maybe some will be surprised by the kinship between American personalities and our cousins from Iberian Peninsula, but as I previewed before we all are supposed to have ties with everyone else in western countries. And accordingly to my theory, it shall be much more close than a lay person would ever imagine. Lets try it though. I just learned how it come for three of the forefathers of United States of America.
1,732 George Washington – Martha Dandridge
1,693 Augustine Washington – Mary Ball*
1,659 Lawrence Washington – Mildred Warner*
1,627 John Washington – Anne Pope
1,602 Lawrence Washington – Amphyllis Twigden
1,568 Margareth Butler – Lawrence Washington
         William Butler – Margareth N.
1,487 Margareth Sutton – John Butler
1,461 John Sutton – Margareth Charroll
         Sir Edmund Sutton – Joyce Tiptoft*
1,400 John Sutton, 1st baron of Dudley – Elizabeth Berkeley
1,380 Sir John Sutton – Constance le Blount
1,361 John Sutton, master of Dudley – Alice Despencer
         Catherine of Stafford – 1,338 John of Sutton
1,318 Margareth of Audley, baroness of Audley – Ralph Stafford
1,290 Hugh of Audley, earl of Gloucester – Margareth of Clare*
          Isolda of Mortimer – Hugh Audley
1,268 Marguerite of Fiennes – Edmund, 7th baron of Wigmore
1,250 Blanche of Brienne – Guilhaume of Fiennes
1,230 Jean of Brienne – Jeanne de Chateaudun
1,198 Berengaria, princess of Castilla – Jean I of Brienne
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     Here I used the sign * to indicate other ways that the forefathers are descendants of the Iberian kings. In many cases, their ancestors are more than one time descendants of those kings. So, our kinship become more close each time it happens. Lets take Thomas Jefferson as example now. He were the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence. At the Declaration of Independence, wrote in 1,776. Some of the main ideas how government should work was first in the Declaration and later became part of the American Constitution which was written in 1,787. In the Declaration of Independence is the main ideal to mankind, Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
1,743 Thomas Jefferson – Martha Wayles Skelton
1,720 Jane Randolph – Peter Jefferson
1,685 Isham Randolph – Jane Rogers
1,650 William Randolph – Mary Isham*
1,621 Richard Randolph – Elisabeth Ryland
1,589 Dorothy Lane – William Randolph
         Elisabeth Vincent – Richard Lane
1,529 Anne Tanfield – Clement Vincent
1,510 Francis Tanfield – Bridget Cane
1,488 William Tanfield – Isabell Staveley
         Catherine Neville – 1,461 Robert Tanfield*
1,420 Edward Neville, lord of Abergavenny – Catherine Howard*
1,363 Ralph of Neville, 1st earl of Westmorchand – Joan Beaufort*
1,330 John of Neville, 3rd baron of Neville of Raby – Maud of Percy
1,300 Alice Audley – Ralph of Neville, 2nd baron of Neville of Raby
1,270 Hugh Audley – Isolda of Mortimer
     The last couple is already in the genealogical sequence of George Washington. Joan Beaufort, wife of their greatgrandson Ralph of Neville was daughter of John of Gand, duke of Lancaster and Catherine Swinford Roelt which ones are already in the genealogical sequence of Charles II, king of England posted at the chapter 9. And the last sequence for today.
1,735 John Adams – Abigail Smith
1,691 John Adams – Susanah Boylston
1,665 Hannah Bass – Joseph Adams
1,640 Ruth Alden – John Bass
1,602 Prisilla Mullins – John Alden
1,578 William Mullins – Alice Atwood
1,545 Frances Moulineux – John Mullins
1,510 John Molyneux – Johanna Montacute*
1,475 William Molyneux – Anna Rugge
1,445 Thomas Molyneux – Anna of Dutton*
1,425 Elisabeth Stanley – Richard Molyneux
1,409 Jean Goushill – Sir Thomas Stanley, 1st baron of Stanley
1,360 Elizabeth Fitzalan – Sir Robert Goushill
1,342 Elizabeth of Bohum – Richard Fitzalan, 10th earl of Arundel
1,311 William of Bohum, earl of Northampton – Elizabeth of Badlesmere
1,282 Elisabeth, princess of England – Humphrey of Bohum, 4th earl of Hereford and Essex
1,240 Leonor, princess of Castilla – Edward I, king of England
     From these point we can go back to the genealogical sequence of Charles II, king of England, at the chapter 9. D. Leonor, princess of Castilla is a greatgreatgrandaughter of D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal and his wife Mahaut of Savoie. With those three examples we have also James Madison as cousin. He was one of the writers for the Federalist Papers that supported the passage of the United States Constitution.
     Before the Brazilian Independence, came the American Independence. The principal causes that move the American people toward the independence were the understanding of the British Crown that the costs of its army used to protect the Colonies should be paid, at least half, by the Colonies. In the conception of the king the army was serving more the Colonies than England. So he raised the taxes. But what really provoked more was the intransigence of the king who ignored the petition from the Colonies to remove out the exceeding taxes.
     Other causes of the Revolution of Independence was the lack of representation. The British army stayed in the colonists houses. And the government in Americas was done by Englishmen. After the successful War of Independence, the establishment of the American Constitution regarding the rights and freedoms was inspirational to the whole world under any other colonist power. Since then Brazilians also begun to think about the separation from Portugal.
     The first opportunity came in 1,789. Previously the gold production had a substantial decline. Portugal kept demanding some yearly amount of gold from Brazil even it was not more to find easily. As the gold production was reduced so the economic situation went down. Many people begun to accumulate debts with the Portuguese Treasury. And the Portugal Crown decided to execute all debts through the law called “derrama”. Derrama meant that, the government people could come to your house and take anything you would have to pay your debt and if was not enough you would be arrested and kept imprisioned until the debt be paid.
     It sparkled the revolt called “Inconfidencia Mineira” (Miners Revolt). Many people took part on the elaboration of a plan of separation of Brazil from Portugal. Most of them had their lives linked to Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, the most important captaincies at the time. Rio de Janeiro was affected because during the Gold Cycle the Brazilian Capital were transferred from Salvador to there. The transference was an attempt to better control the Colonies since the main income of the land was coming from Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro was the nearest port to transport the gold to Portugal.
     The revolt were kept in secrecy and was to be unveilled in the same day that Portugal marked for begin the Derrama. But before it come, two or three betrayers denounced the plan to Portuguese officers. Portuguese authorities then arrested all the main leaders of the revolt and condemned them to be hang or exiled to Angola, which was another Portuguese Colony, in Africa. All the condemned to death but one had their penalties commuted to exile.
     The only one executed, cut into pieces and his parts exposed in a cruelly way at the streets of Ouro Preto, the Minas Gerais Capital then, to drive terror to any others revolted, was the Inconfidente, Lieutenant, Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, also called by the nickname, Tiradentes (teeth taker). He was chosen because was the most enthusiastic and assumed his entire guilty in the conspiracy. In his last words he said that, if he had ten lives he would give all to the cause.
     Some historians believe that, Joaquim Jose had secretly travelled to United States to meet with George Washington. Although it is not proved, the possibility isn’t without reasons. The Brazilian movement of independence was mirrored in the American Revolution. Both had been influenced by the Frensh philosophers. Both movement had straight link to the Freemasons. And so on.
     But the success of the American Independence is accountable for the delay of Brazilian Independence. Certainly, the Portuguese monarchs and advisors was watching everything that happen in the world. And seen the mistakes others Monarchs had done they would do the opposite. As the king of England had denied the petition to lower taxes and drove unger to the American colonists, the Portuguese sovereign granted the total pardon of debts Brazilians owned. Together with the exile of the leaders of the revolt the common people became accomodated for now. But the ideal of independence just entered in a deep sleep but wasn’t entirely forgot.
     What is interesting in our days is that, some of the most known facts of the time are been questioned. Some is saying that, Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier was never hanged. The “Inconficencia Mineira” never were intent to give independence to whole Brazil. The “Inconfidentes” didn’t want to freed slaves. They were just a group of high classes people. About those controversies I would call our cousin, Rogerio Alvarenga, to make his points. He is an historian with a long career and identified those suppositions as desconstructions of what we really know about our past. He wrote a series of books called “Virtual Enterview with …..”. His site is:
     The arguments raised by those who want dismiss the importance of the “Mineiros” personalities to Brazilian History are comparable to say that, the American Revolution of Independence have not democratic effect because part of the leaders were slaves owners. Also, the Independence have not validity because the Revolutionaries was betrayers accordingly to the English law, which legally owned the Colonies.
     The accusation that the “Inconfidencia Mineira” wasn’t a popular movement can be easily dismissed by the fact in the life of the “Inconfidente”, Father Rolim. He had the commitment to convoke 400 people to join the rebel force. Would be impossible to assembly such army at that time, in the City of Serro where he lived, if the common people wasn’t invited.
     And we need to pay attention to the facts. The conspiracy was against Portugal’s Dominion which had thousands of men in Brazil. Without an equal or superior number nobody would talk about Independence. And for have such size of army of Brazilians, certainly, even slaves would join in.
     But, cleverly, Portuguese government persecuted only the leadership which in many cases was its own citizens, saving its imagery from be depicted as oppressor before the common people.
     The classification of the “Inconfidencia Mineira” as an elitist movement have the intention of invalidate its good meaning through the bad meaning attributed to the word elite in Brazilian History. Brazilians tend to link the word elite only to the rich and powerful politicians which did bad administrations. The “Inconfidencia Mineira” is clear a movement of middle and lower classes against the powerful. And the command of the movement was formed by the intellectual elite. Not necessarily the economic elite.
     Anyways the political interpretation of now-a-days get the interests of today’s interests. Maybe, later on I will explain it better.
     Others polemics points of view that Rogerio have good answers through his works is the saying that, Alberto de Santos Dummond didn’t invented the airplane and Antonio Francisco Lisboa, the Aleijadinho, is more like a myth than the author of all the works attributed to him. I would also indicate the title: “Wings of Madness” to anyone who want know something about Santos Dummond. Knowledge without research is just oneself opinion. If you want be wise about anything look for every and each opinion before any judgment.
     In other hand some people in Brazil love so much the English culture that was spread a misinformation about some particularity of the “Mineiros” accent. “Mineiros” pronounce the word UAI in most of their conversations. The Portuguese sound to that word is the same for the English why. Then was created explaination for the “Mineiros” UAI attributing its use as influence of the English people that was present in Minas Gerais at the Cycle of Gold. But it is not true.
     UAI was a Freemasons pass word which means, “Uniao, Amor e Independencia” (Union, Love and Independence). It was used to open the door of secret meetings reallized in the basements at the houses of the “Inconfidentes”. The meaning of the word was long forgotten but “Mineiros” kept using it forever.
     Another interesting thing about the “Inconfidencia Mineira” is that, many of the ‘Inconfidentes” have a known ancestry linked to the same ancestors that I exposed before. If anybody talk with “Mineiros” about the names, Jose Alvares Maciel, Ignacio Jose de Alvarenga Peixoto, Jose da Silva e Oliveira Rolim (Father Rolim) or Tomas Antonio Gonzaga, they will soon remember something about their first grades in school because of those names are involved in the “Inconfidencia Mineira” or because some of them are famous poets. But their ancestry present at the portugal is falter in something or total lack in there yet.
     But some of the “Inconfidentes” have their links with the royal families just like the other Brazilians historical personalities. Let post some more genealogical sequences.
1,746 Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, Tiradentes.
1,721 Antonia da Encarnacao Xavier – Domingos da Silva Santos
1,700 Maria de Oliveira Colaco – Domingos Xavier Fernandes
         Isabel de Oliveira Colaco – Antonia de Oliveira Setubal
1,660 Antonio de Oliveira Gago – Anna da Cunha
1,630 Martinho de Oliveira – Catarina Pereira Sardinha
1,610 Genebra Leitao de Vasconcelos – Antonio de Oliveira
1,585 Isabel Leitao – Diogo Rodrigues
1,560 Goncalo Vaz Leitao – Helena de Carvalhal
1,535 Vasco Martins Leitao – Beatriz de Sousa
         Martim Ferreira Leitao – Briolanja Gois
1,450 Leonor Ferreira – Rui Vaz Leitao
1,420 Aires Ferreira – Joana Fogaca
1,400 Martim Ferreira – Violante Afonso da Cunha
1,380 Isabel Pereira de Lacerda – Gomes Ferreira
     The last couple is one of the 9greatgrandparents of Fernao Dias Paes Leme already presented. The couple is also ancestor of the Saint Friar Galvao. The personality Tiradentes wasn’t marriaged but had children with more than one woman. Part os his descendance still living in Minas Gerais State. Another example,
         Claudio Manoel da Costa
         Teresa Ribeiro de Alvarenga – Joao Goncalves da Costa
         Francisco de Barros Freire – Isabel Rodrigues de Alvarenga
         Luis de Barros Freire – Isabel de Paiva
         Catarina de Freitas – Francisco de Barros Freire
         Maria Pedroso de Alvarenga – Sebastiao de Freitas
     Claudio Manoel da Costa was also a great poet. The last ancestors above was one of the 4greatgrandparents of Saint Friar Galvao, from a lineage not presented. Last example,
1,756 Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade – Isabel Alves Maciel
1,708 Jose Antonio Freire de Andrade – Maria do Bonsucesso Correia de Sa
1,660 Joana Vicencia de Menezes – Bernardim Freire de Andrade
1,630 Ambrosio Pereira de Berredo – Maria Lobo da Silveira*
1,600 Henrique Pereira de Berredo – D. Maria de Menezes*
1,580 Ambrosio Pereira de Berredo – Joana de Menezes*
1,560 D. Mariana de Portugal – Antonio Pereira de Berredo*
1,540 D. Cecilia de Portugal – D. Rodrigo de Castro*
1,485 D. Martinho de Portugal, Archbishop of Funchal – Catarina de Sousa
1,462 D. Afonso de Portugal, Bishop of Evora City – Filipa de Macedo
1,400 D. Afonso, 1st Marquiz of Valenca – Brites de Sousa*
1,377 D. Afonso, 1st duke of Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,357 D. Joao I, king of Portugal – Ines Pires
     Another interesting information about the “Inconfidente” Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade is that, he was nephew of the general, Gomes Freire de Andrade. The general was the first count of Bobadela and until his death in January first, 1,756 he was the Minas Gerais State Governor. His brother and father of Francisco, Jose Antonio, was the second count of Bobadela. General Gomes Freire de Andrade signed documents of posse of lands in name of Manuel Rodrigues Coelho. As I mentioned before, some traditional accounts say that, these Manuel Rodrigues Coelho have something to do with our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes but is not determinated the kinship linkage between the two of them.
     Here we went back to the genealogical sequences presented at the chapter 5. D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim was daughter of the general, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira and grandaughter of D. Branca Pires Coelho. We got here the crossing between the families Coelho, Braganca, Alvim, Pereira and Portugal that is ancestor to all European Royal Families. I used the * to indicate other ways in which Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade was descendant of the kings of Portugal.
     For long time, United States and Brazil didn’t have a together History. But they had occasional encounters. Some of the reason for it was beyond the control of both. As we know, at the same time the “Inconfidencia Mineira” was been derailled the Frensh Revolution begun. After the initial upheaval the doors was open to the arising of Napoleon Bonaparte and with him the Napoleonic Wars.
     Brazil had some benefit from the Napoleonic Wars in some unexpected way. Was long thought in Portugal that, wouldn’t be a bad thing to transfer the condition of Metropolis to Brazil and there the monarchy would thrive. It would be done to better protect the Portuguese interests because it is a such small country and subject to possible invasions from more powerful countries from Europe. But they aways reluctantly thought about that plan.
     Portugal and England had that Treaty since 1,385 when they agreed to protect each other against foreign invasion. And because England was at war with the Napolionic France, Portugal was cornered to make a decision in which side to go in. Portugal had a queen, Maria I, who was impaired by insanity. She had been the queen at the time of the condemnation of the “Inconfidentes” in Minas Gerais. She was contemporaneous of George III of England who also was affected by mental illness. He was the English king at the time of the American Revolution.
     Like king George III, Maria I, the Crazy, as she became known, were replaced by a Prince Regent. Her son, Joao, was acting on her behalf before the confrontation with Napoleon. He was not prepared to be king because had an older brother but his brother died of smallpox. And his death could be thanked to their mother because she was too conservative to let her son be vaccinated against the desease. At the time the vaccine already existed and was the first one that human being have at hand. Maria I considered the vaccination a violation of nature and an act against God’s determination.
     The Prince Regent Joao, who later became the king D. Joao VI, was a reluctant administrator. Looks like that, any decision would do to him a lot of pain. So his decisions would come slowly like from a slot. And before he decided which side he would be with, Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his Army to invade Portugal and destitute the king. Luckly, the time he gained thinking about which side to go helped him to decide to transfer his court to Brazil. Just in time because when his fleet was yet at sight from the land, the Napolionic troups was entering Lisbon.
     His fleet was not more than a shadow of what the Portugueses had in the times of their Great Discoveries. And he brought with him the Portuguese Treasury and around 15.000 people from his courts. Just outside Lisbon he meet an English fleet that was waiting to escort him along the way to Brazil. The voyage took too much time with many risk decisions made such as transport all three generations of heirs to the thone in only one ship. But at the end they went Brazil anyways. It was 1,808.
     The king of Spain wasn’t so lucky. Before his fleet could do the same the Napoleonic Army took him away. He was dethroned and replaced by Napoleon’s kin.
     In Brazil the courts were welcomed with an innocent enthusiasm by the Brazilian people. First the entourage made a stop in Salvador to soon arrive in Rio de Janeiro. The port of Rio de Janeiro was the busiest in the country and wasn’t without reason. If anyone wanted to do a safe travel across the world it was one of the obligatory stops along the way. Anyone traveling from Europe or East Coast of Americas would be resupplied in the Rio de Janeiro port. And at the time was there a small American fleet. And the Americans did a diplomatic mistake.
     At the arriving of the Prince Regent to the land the people was in a climate of carnival. All the ships presents in Guanabara Bay start to salute him with all its guns. One of the American Captains got so carried on by such wave of happiness that he also did the same for just one time. Someone else must had remembered him what for were the War of Independence in United States and he ordered to silence his cannons.
     I said it was a mistake because Portugal and Brazil were not involved in the conflict between England and United States. And back in Brazil have a saying that could be translated as, “celebrate with who is celebrating.” It mean that, is not polite you see your neighbor in joyous celebration and you alienate yourself from his happiness. Is like you are condemning his right to celebrate. But I am sure that, Brazilians didn’t took it so hard on themselves.
     I said before that the Brazilians celebration was a innocent act because the presence of the Portuguese courts in Brazil became a mix of good and bad news. And the bad came first. Rio de Janeiro was a small town, maybe 40.000 people or less. And hadn’t time to prepare itself to receive 15.000 newcomers. What next the Prince Regent and staff decided was quartering in the homes of the colonists. So, the Portuguese troups start doing inspections in each and every house around, and when it was good enough they just fixed a plate with the letters P. R. It was to mean that, Regent’s Property. And later on the humoristic Brazilians interpreted as, Robbed Property.
     And among the problems, Prince Joao was marriaged to Carlota Joaquina. She was a bad tempered princess from Spain and hated Brazil at the first sight. Her temper and probably the timid personality of D. Joao had put them in a clash course that ended taking them apart of each other. They just acted as marriaged to the public eyes but was separated. And Carlota Joaquina was wild. But the only useful information that interest us here is that, soon the Brazilian public learn to hate her as much she hated Brazil and Brazilians.
     At the good side we have for start the opening of all Brazilian ports to all friendly nations, namely, England. Portugal had the monopoly before. And England at the time was the China of today. As a leader in industrialization it had start the Industrial Revolution but the workers was underpaid back there, the production was vibrant and it was taken to all corners of the globe, except to France and its allies because they were at war. And England took great advantage of it flooding the Brazilian market with things that Brazilian haven’t even place to use, such as ice skates. But Brazilians was resourceful and transformed such things in something else for good use.
     Since the courts was in Brazil and hadn’t any clue about a time to go back, Prince Joao decided to take some measures that improved the Brazilian life. He reurbanized Rio de Janeiro, founded the first College, created a Botanical Garden and the first Bank of Brazil. At that time he also open Brazil to the scrutiny of European scientists such as August de Saint Hilaire. Saint Hilaire was Frensh and he went Brazil after the fall of Napoleon in 1,815.
     Saint Hilaire, mentioned by some old cousin, Dermeval Jose Pimenta, in his book, A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente (The Pecanha’s Woods, its History and its People) made these coment about the people of Minas Gerais State at the time. He was admired by the vision of a wooden machine moved by water and used to crush sugarcane to produce brown sugar. “I couldn’t prevent let myself be taken in admiration by the gears that, although enormous, are, at the same time, of a strange lightness and nicely make. Was not these one time that I got proof of the hability of the “mineiro” worker; if they are slow in the execution of their work, at least do it with extremely care and I believe in that, they do a better finishing than the European artisans.”
     Before the Portuguese Royal Family went Brazil, in 1,803 United States had bought the Louisiana Territory which is the East area of Mississippi River. Such purchase made the American Territory be doubled. After it came the War of 1,812. This war is considered the second War of Independence. It because England was the hegemonic power in the world, specially at seas, and was the bullier of the time. Although United States had gain its Independence through the War of Independence, England continue to threat the new nation as its colony.
     What aggravated the situation was that, United States had been friendly to France which had give capital to the American Revolution. England was at war with the Napoleonic France now. England had the most powerful navy in number but was lacking of experient sailors. So it starts to boarding the American ships and taken the sailors born in England, even the naturalized Americans. They even took some who was American born but hadn’t their paper with them to prove it. A good part of the American exportation was to France and England was trying to blockade it, damaging the American economy.
     Another serious problem was that, probably the English Crown saw as a treat to its power the American expansion to West. And as they didn’t have population enough to invade the world as it pleased, they start to arming the American Indians who was fighting against the expansion. Those English attitudes convinced the President James Madison to declare war to England in 1,812 with the approuval of Congress. Lets put some insight of the genealogical sequence for Mr. President, James Madison.
1,751 James Madison – Dolley Payne Todd
1,731 Eleanor Rose Conway – James Madison
1,696 Francis Conway – Rebecca Catlett
1,675 Elizabeth Thornton – Edwin Conway
         Alice Savage – 1,651 Francis Thornton
1,605 Anthony Savage – Alice Stafford
1,556 Anthony Savage – Elizabeth Hall
1,528 Francis Savage – Anne Sheldon
1,510 Christopher Savage – Anne Lygon
1,450 Christopher Savage – Anne Stanley*
1,430 Katherine Stanley – Sir John Savage
1,409 Jean Goushill – Sir Thomas Stanley, 1st Baron of Stanley
     From these point on Madison’s genealogical sequence goes paralell to the one of John Adams, chapter 10, who was father of John Quincy Adams, who replaced James Madison after James Monroe. Another important character of the time was Andrew Jackson, who became the seventh president of United States of America. Andrew Jackson is the face on the twenty dollar bill as we know. He also have a genealogical sequence linked to the Portuguese royals. Let see it.
1,767 Andrew Jackson – Rachel Donelson
         Elizabeth Hutchinson – Andrew Jackson
1,700 Cirus Hutchinson – Margareth Lisle
1,675 John Hutchinson – Mary Hobart
         John Hutchinson – not identified
         Lucy Apsley – 1,615 John Hutchinson
         Lucy St John – Allen Apsley
1,473 Sir John St John – Jane Inwardby
1,437 Oliver St John – Elizabeth Scrope*
1,410 Margareth Beauchamp – Oliver St John
         Edith Storton – John of Beauchamp, 3rd Baron of Bletsho
          Catherine Beaumont – Sir John Stourton
1,340 Henry Beaumont, Lord Beaumont – Margareth of Vere
1,310 John, lord Beaumont – Aleanor of Lancaster
1,265 Henry Beaumont, lord Beaumont – Alicia Comyn
1,230 Louis de Brienne – Agnes de Beaumont-Maine
         Berengaria, Princess of Castilla – 1,148 Jean I de Brienne
1,171 Alfonso IX, King of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     I took a look on the data at the portugal for all the 43 presidents of United States of America. I don’t want put more genealogical sequences from their ancestry. Here some insight about it. 29 of them are descendents of the kings of Portugal. 3 are descendents only of the kings Charlemagne, Hugh Capet of France and William I of England. Those three are, James Buchanan, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Barack H. Obama. So they also are relatives of the Iberian Royal Families who also are descendants of those 3 kings.
     Those who have not indication as descendants of kings are, Martin van Buren, Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. It doesn’t mean that they don’t are descendants of kings but what probably happenned is that, the data on their ancestry was lost in some point of their ancestry. It was happen to most of us.
     The list of United States presidents descendents of king Afonso Henriques in order of their elections are, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams), Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleveland (who was elected again after his successor), Benjamin Harrison (grandson of William H. Harrison), Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Gerard Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush (father), Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (son).
     What would be a bit of surprise is that, I also checked 42 names linked to the Brazilian presidency. It included elected presidents, dictators and administrative councils. Only Twelve out of 42 people was descendants of kings, accordingly with the data in that particular site. It is not so much of a surprise because I know how hard is to assembly such data in Brazil. The climate is not so friendly to conservation of paper. As I said before, only after 1,808 the newspapers were allowed, with restrictions, to exist. The illiteracy was an way to dominate the population. And, above all, just a handfull of people really try to brake such vicious cycle. I myself have seen things that are heartbroken in these issue.
     The list of our cousins presidents in Brazil are, Floriano Peixoto, Prudente de Morais, Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles, Augusto Moreira Afonso Pena, Nilo Procopio Pecanha, Joao de Deus Mena Barreto, Jose Linhares, Carlos Coimbra da Luz, Nereu de Oliveira Ramos, Joao Belchior Marques Goulart, Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco and Tancredo Neves (was elected in an electoral assembly but died before assume the position).
     The War of 1,812 could be avoided if in the time we had at least a transatlantic telephone line. The English Parliament had revoked some of the decisions that was causing the war but before it came to be known United States was trying to invade the English Possession in Canada. Nevertheless the better moment to have an war against England should be that time because it was involved in a much bigger war against France so England had to fight with a smaller force. Although that smaller army was a numbered and well prepared.
     At the course of the war the English invaded Washington Capital and burned its main buildings. The English fleet then headed to Baltimore, Maryland. But they were unable to take a better defended fort there. In there despite of the intense bombardment the men in Fort McHenry didn’t give up on their positions and the English fled empty handed. The commander of the Fort had instructed some women in Baltimore to make a enormous flag and as soon the bombardment stoped the flag was raised to make sure that the English would see it even when they were far.
     At the time, Francis Scott Key was stranded in a merchant ship and witnessed the scene. Immediately after he was inspired to write a poem which later became know as The Star-Spangled Banner. In 1,831 the Congress passed a law naming the poem as the official national anthem.
     The English forces decided to attack New Orleans which was the gate to the inland basket of United States. And there they confronted Andrew Jackson and his army. He was a veteran from the War of Independence and had an old hate for the English people since then. His mother and brothers were dead at the time.
     At the scenary of the last battle the much smaller force commanded by Jackson was entrenched waiting for the enemy. The leader of the English forces decided to attack in three fronts. And divided his group accordong to attack front, left and right sides. But one of the groups had to go to the other side of the river and the wind was strong delaying its part on the plan. Also an advanced unity of American snipers ambushed the group that was attacking from the right side and kill the commander.
     When the battalion was face-to-face with the American forces it were exposed and disorganized. In a better position to shot and kill the Jackson’s forces acted like was shooting ducks. At the end, around 2,000 English were dead while not more than three dozens Americans had the same faith. Again, these episode could been avoided if the communications could be transmited more quick in that time. The English and American diplomacy had already reached an agreement to end the war but the notice only arrived about three weeks later.
     What is more interesting in that last battle is that, volunteers came from as far as Connecticut to defend the American Nation. All collors of skin volunteered to do the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of it. And Jackson became the celebrated hero of the nation.
     What is sad about it is that, looks like Jackson drove all his hatred against the Indians on the West Frontier. He became the president of United States from 1,829 to 1,837 and expelled many tribes from their ancestor lands provoking what is known as “March of a Thousand Tears”. It pratically was a genocide. Although what he did cann’t be judged by the laws of today, even then some had perceived the use of excessive force. With such atrocity he paved the way for the American expansion toward the Pacific Ocean. But if he had done what he did, in our days, surely he would be comparable to Saddhan Hussein or Moammar Gadhafi. (Note: Today, October 20, 2011, the Lybian dictator was killed by the insurgents).
     The other faces on the American Dollar Bills are, 1.00 George Washington; 2.00 Thomas Jefferson; 5.00 Abraham Lincoln; 10.00 Alexander Hamilton, who never got to the presidency but was Treasury Secretary who gave tools to the administration of George Washington and were another writer for the Federalist Paper; 50.00 Ulysses S. Grant; 100.00 Benjamin Franklin, who also never got to the presidency but helped write the Declaration of Independence and did others services; 500,00 William McKinley; 1,000.00 Grover Cleveland; 5,000.00 James Madison; 10,000.00 Salmon P. Chase, who didn’t got to the presidency also, and 100,000.00 Woodrow Wilson.
     The American coins have the face of, 0.01 Abraham Lincoln; 0.05 Thomas Jefferson; 0.10 Franklin D. Rosevelt; 0.25 George Washington and 0.50 John F. Kennedy.
     I think I better put here some genealogical sequence. The first one is from the kings and queens of Portugal and Brazil, starting from the ancestors of the dukes of Braganca.
1,290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1,330 Branca Pires Coelho – Joao Pires de Alvim
1,360 Leonor Alvim – D. Nuno Alvares Pereira
1,380 D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim – D. Afonso, 1st duke of Branganca
1,403 D. Fernando I, 2nd Braganca – D. Joana de Castro*
1,430 D. Fernando II, 3rd Braganca – D. Isabel, princess of Portugal*
1,470 D. Jaime, 4th Braganca – Leonor de Mendonca*
1,510 D. Teodosio, 5th Braganca – D. Isabel de Lancastre*
1,543 D. Joao I, 6th Braganca – D. Catarina de Portugal*
1,568 D. Teodosio II, 7th Braganca – Ana de Velasco y Giron*
1,604 D. Joao IV, king of Portugal – Luiza de Guzman*
1,648 D. Pedro II, king of Portugal – Marie Sophie Elisabeth*
1,689 D. Joao V, king of Portugal – Maria Anna Josepha*
1,714 D. Jose I, king of Portugal – Maria Ana Victoria de Bourbon*
1,734 D. Maria I, queen of Portugal – D. Pedro III, king of Portugal*
1,767 D. Joao VI, king of Portugal – Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon*
1,798 D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil – Maria Leopoldine*
1,825 D. Pedro II, emperor of Brazil – Teresa de Bourbon*
1,846 D. Isabel de Braganca – emperial princess of Brazil – Gaston d’Orleans, count d’Eu*
     Just to remember, on the fourth line, D. Afonso, I duke of Braganca was son of D. Joao I, king of Portugal and Ines Pires. D. Joao I became to be king after the Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385 when the Spanish king demanded the Portuguese Crown to himself. But he was defeated by the combined forces of Portugal and England lead by the king himself and his noble servant, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     At the twelveth line, the king D. Pedro II of Portugal was brother of D. Catarina of Braganca, princess of Portugal and wife of Charles II, king of England, Scots and Ireland, the one who unified the American Colonies and acquired New York from the Dutchs. Also, D. Pedro III, king of Portugal and husband of D. Maria I was brother of D. Jose I, king of Portugal. So he was uncle of his own wife.
     At the death of D. Joao VI, king of Portugal, in 1,826, the right heir was D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil. But his brother assumed the position first as D. Miguel I, king of Portugal. It lead to a clash between two parties, each one in favor of the two kings. D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil, renounced to the Brazilian throne, living there his infant son Pedro as heir in Brazil and took the Portuguese Throne back. He assumed as Pedro IV, king of Portugal. And the succession in Portugal went almost like that.
1,798 D. Pedro IV, king of Portugal – Maria Leopoldine*
1.819 D. Maria II, queen of Portugal – D. Fernando II, king of Portugal*
1,838 D. Luis I, king of Portugal – Maria Pia, princess of Savoie*
1,863 D. Carlos I, king of Portugal – Amelie d’Orleans, princess of France*
1,889 D. Manuel II, king of Portugal – Augusta Viktoria*
     The monarchy ended in 1,889 in Brazil with the Proclamation of Republic. The same was done in Portugal at the year of 1,910. Since then the royal families still existing without throne. They use titles but not kings and queens.
     I will take advantage in this point to post some more little genealogical sequences that have something to do with our now-a-days, although it is not so important for the present book data. I will start from the princess Isabel and her partner Gaston d’Orleans.
1.846 D. Isabel de Braganca, emperial princess of Brazil – Gaston d’Orleans, count d’Eu
1,875 D. Pedro de Alcantara de Orleans e Braganca- Elisabeth*
1,913 D. Pedro de Orleans e Braganca, prince of Orleans and Braganca – Maria de la Esperanca de Borbon*
1,948 D. Afonso Duarte, prince of Orleans and Braganca – Silvia Amelia Hungria Silva Machado*
     Another example.
1,846 D. Isabel de Braganca, emperial princess of Brazil – Gaston d’Orleans, count d’Eu
1,878 D. Luis de Orleans e Braganca, prince of Brazil – Maria Pia de Borbon*
1,909 D. Pedro Henrique de Orleans e Braganca – Maria Elisabeth, princess von Bayern*
1,959 D. Maria Gabriela de Orleans e Braganca, princess of Brazil – Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado*
     The last couple in each sequence end with a sister and brother. Through their grandmother’s lineage they are for sure descendants of Fernao Coelho, 1st lord of Felgueiras and Vieira and his wife Catarina de Freitas. Fernao Coelho was greatgrandson of Estevao Coelho and Maria Mendes Petite from which ones I start to post the genealogical sequence of the kings of Brazil and Portugal. Catarina de Freitas was descendant of all the royal families from Iberian Peninsula and beyond. Lets post though some genealogical sequence from their maternal side.
         Silvia Amelia* and Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado*
1,930 Sylvia Emilia de Mello Franco Senna* – Paulo Argemiro Hungria da Silva Machado
1,900 Mucio Emilio de Senna(*?) – Sylvia Amelia de Mello Franco*
1,876 Nelson Coelho de Senna(*?) – Emilia Gentil Horta Gomes Candido
1,847 Maria Brasiliana Coelho(*?) – Candido Jose de Senna
1,785 Joao Coelho de Magalhaes(*?)- Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo
1,759 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes(*?) – Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
     As I observed before, we cann’t say or deny for sure that the patriarch of our family Jose Coelho de Magalhaes is the same one noble person who first was posted at the site portugal. If it is so, our cousins Silvia Amelia and Theodoro are at least two times descendants from our same ancestors. But we better went back to our main issue.
     After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Brazil were the only American country to have a seat at the Congress of Vienna to remap Europe. Is not because Brazil was that great but the Portuguese Royal Family living in Brazil had their interest in there, since Portugal and Algarves was part of their Empire. And Portugal was for once a Brazilian Colony. The inversion of position didn’t pleased Portuguese people. At that time, Brazil gave Guiana back to France. It had been a small effort from Brazilians to help defeat Napoleon. They went Guiana, conquered it almost without any resistence.
     Since then the Portuguese people start pressuring the king Joao VI for get back to Portugal. Brazilian also was not willing to go back to the old condition of colony. D. Joao VI was eagering to stay in Brazil where he was loved and unconditionally respected. And his son, Pedro de Alcantara, then just a young man who went Brazil on his nine years old felt more like Brazilian than Portuguese and refused to go on his father’s behalf. After a long playing cat and rat, D. Joao VI agreed on to go to Portugal, but when he was about to aboard the ship he whispered on Pedro’s ear, “Before any adventurer do, do it yourself.”
     That phrase was a mention to Brazilian Independence. Other countries in Latino-America had already made their independences and D. Joao VI knew it was a question of time for someone else do the same in Brazil. And with his return to Portugal, D. Joao VI had to adapt himself to a knew way of life. The Portuguese Army had taken the country and wasn’t up anymore to accept an absolutist king. And they also demanded for Brazil be taken to its old condition of colony.
     In quickly movements of the History soon after, the Prince Regent of Brazil, Pedro, were pressed not go to Portugal and stood there in a episode called “Dia do Fico” (The Stood Day). When the courts in Portugal decided to reduce his powers, Pedro declared the Independence of Brazil in September 7, 1,822. He was chrowned as D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil.
     But his success was in great part thanks to a nobleman, Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva. These one was Brazilian born who had studied in Europe. Even living there at the time of the Frensh Revolution. He was liberal at the point that wanted to end the slavery and to promote certain kind of agrarian reform. He recognized that the imense territory of Brazil was in a few hands and econimically unproductive. He stood as right hand of the emperor as chief executive while the initial clashs was going on.
     Brazil was divided between those who wanted stay with Portugal as the Province of Bahia, those who wanted the republican regime as the Province of Pernambuco and under the manace of Portugal send troups to dominate again. The liberalism of Jose Bonifacio afterwards was responsible for his downfall because the owners of great lands and merchants of slaves added to his own inability to negotiate was against him. Soon he was exiled and moved to France where he lived for six years.
     In 1,831 the emperor D. Pedro I was about to return to Portugal. He named Jose Bonifacio as tutor of his children, even the prince Pedro who would become D. Pedro second emperor of Brazil. Again he clashed with the conservatives and was accused of to conspire to bring the king Pedro I back to Brazil. These time he was kept in domicile imprisonment at the Paqueta Island, in Rio de Janeiro. For his services he got the nickname of Patriarch of the Independence. He was descendant of the kings of Portugal and marriaged to an Irish woman named Narcisa Emilia O’ Leary.
     As tutor of the infant Pedro he was replaced by another noble with a long name, Manuel Inacio de Andrada Souto Maior Pinto Coelho. These one also was many times descendant of the kings. Lets put some genealogical sequence for the two of them.
1,763 Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva – Narcisa Emilia O’Leary
1,726 Bonifacio Jose Ribeiro de Andrade – Maria Barbara da Silva
1,678 Jose Ribeiro de Andrade – Ana da Silva Borges
1,645 Filipa de Andrade Machado – Gaspar Ribeiro da Silva
1,610 Antonio Pacheco de Andrade – Catarina Rebelo Machado*
1,580 Maria de Gouveia de Andrade – D. Francisco Pacheco*
1,540 Maria de Andrade – Cristovao Rebelo de Meireles
1,515 Leonor de Andrade – Rui Pires de Gouveia*
1,480 Leonor Freire de Andrade – Luis Machado, lord of Sandomil and Loriga
1,385 Joao Freire de Andrade, 2nd lord of Bobadela – Catarina de Sousa
     These last couple is already in the genealogical sequence for the “Inconfidente” Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade at the chapter 10. Lets put something for Manuel Inacio de Andrada Souto Maior Pinto Coelho, Markees of Itanhaem.
1,782 Manuel Inacio de Andrada … – Maria Angelina Beltrao
1,735 Antonia Joaquina Luisa Ataide Portugal Pinto Coelho – Inacio de Andrade Souttomayor*
1,700 Luis Jose Pinto Coelho da Cunha – Antonia Joana Miranda Costa
1,671 Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho – Maria Josefa Azevedo Coutinho
1,640 Francisco Pinto da Cunha – D. Francisca Maria da Silva e Castro*
1,600 Antonio Pinto Coelho, IX lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – D. Francisca de Ataide*
1,560 Francisca Maria da Silva Coelho de Noronha – Francisco Pinto da Cunha*
1,540 Aires Coelho, 7th lord of Felgueiras – Maria de Noronha
1,510 Goncalo Coelho da Silva, 6th lord of Felgueiras – D. Maria de Melo*
1,470 Aires Coelho, 5th lord of Felgueiras – Maria de Castro*
1,435 Goncalo Coelho – 3rd lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – Violante de Magalhaes*
1,420 Martim Coelho, 2nd lord of Felgueiras – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1st lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – Catarina de Freitas*
     Fernao Coelho was greatgrandson of Estevao Coelho and Maria Mendes Petite from which ones I start to post the last genealogical sequence of the kings of Brazil and Portugal at these chapter.
     In 1,831 with the departure of D. Pedro I to Portugal, Brazil pass through a series of Regencies until 1,840 when had a revolt and the people demanded the 14 years old Pedro be considered adult and take the crown for his own. But one decision of 1,831 had consequences to the rest of Brazil’s History. It was the creation of the National Guard. The problem was that, Brazil was devided in three parties. The Conservative, the Liberals and the For Restauration. The last one wanted the return of Pedro I. The Conservative didn’t trust the Army because it could be lead by someone who wanted the power. The Liberals also didn’t trust because was afraid of it be use to suppress their opinions.
     The idea of National Guard in Brazil was based on the Frensh experience where each citizen were called to defend their country. But in there it gain another particularities. For you be a member you have to be a voter. To be a voter you needed to make some yearly amount of money that would put you in a level of middle class or above. And yet, at that time you had to be a man to be a voter. So almost the entire society wouldn’t have the full citizenship.
     The person enrolled at the National Guard didn’t owned any salary for that. He had to pay for his uniform, weapons and pay a small contribution to keep the institution. But had all the privileges that the position could give him. At the time and long after most of the Brazilian population lived in rural areas. Most was called “Grotoes”. It remember a little the word grotto and its meaning in English. Although grotto is something cavelike, the “Grotoes” can be described as an end the road in an imense rural area dominated by a graduated member of the National Guard.
     From it came the Portuguese word of “coronelismo”. And also the saying, “Manda quem pode e obedece quem tem juizo” (Give order who have the power and obey those who got brains). Those rural leaders were sometimes violent people and took the population around them as hostages of their will. In Brazil is plenty of stories of clashs between two or more colonels. Some were true gangsters.
     What kept them more attached to the power was their political leadership. Any benefit that could come from the government had to pass through their approuval to go to the smaller people. All positions of employment in the local administration level was fulfilled by their trustfull allies, particularly their relatives. With their control over everything, Brazil never evolved to a Market Economy untill the middle of the 20th century. Although the National Guard was dismissed at 1,920s the society didn’t got freed from the system until the old generation was dead.
     Even after, the power of the “Grotoes” stood on its long way to death. And it kept Brazil in a situation like semi-Middle Ages. Not even the called Liberals in Brazil were the champions of liberty or independence for the people. They were Liberals only in comparison with the Conservatives. But the Institution of National Guard in Brazil favored the Conservative because was restrict to the economic elites. And when an human being is comfortable with some privileges what he less want is to change anything. Even if the change is for the good of the society as an whole.
     In 1,860 the number of member was 500,000. While the Brazilian Army was not more than 20,000. Accordlingly to a conservative calculation, if each guardsman have 500 descendants in average, Brazil was supposed to have 250 millions people not counting on the descendents of those who was not guardsman. But Brazil have a population a little lower than 200 millions. So, where is the rest of it?! Almost all of them are inside the number of today’s Brazilian population. And the number was supposed to be much bigger wasn’t for the marriage between their combined descendance.
     What I mean about it is that, we are descendant of many of them at the same time and many times we are descendant of some of them multiple times. I myself am six times descendant of the captain Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Jr. also called Jose Coelho da Rocha. And also descendant of his sons who got the charter of leutenants and from another captain. Because of that each one of the guardsman may have much more than a thousand descendants today in average but we can’t just add the number of descendants of each one to calculate the Brazilian population.
     A great part of Brazilians are descendant of them but what is very sad is that, the National Guard had a file with precious genealogical information of its members but it may be lost to codling-moth, mould and disrespect for what is historical.
     We have many people who participated in the design of the Brazilian History from the XIX century. Each one of them deserved a long motion picture acted by the best known actors and actress of Hollywood. But I choose to say something about two of them. Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, the duke of Caxias and Theofilo Benedicto Ottoni. If we look at their genealogical data present at the site portugal we can’t say if they are or not descendants of our ancestors kings but I suspect they are. Not because they had it written on their forehead or is something that can indicate that a man is or isn’t a noble. But just because of the favorable probabilities of it be so as I put at the begining of these book.
     The first one, Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, the duke of Caxias, have some ancestors there, since the years 1,200s. But most of his genealogical data is incomplete as of everybody else do. He was accepted as private in the Army when he was only 5 years old. He were raised in the Academy. He was chosen to combat the resistence against the Brazilian Independence at the State of Bahia.
     Luis Alves de Lima e Silva was a militar genius. He fought from north to south of Brazil in numerous campaigns such in Maranhao State named “Balaiada”. In there the last city to be conquered was Caxias, from which he gained the title of baron of Caxias. Later he fought at the south first against the dictators of Argentine and Uruguay. He also pacified a revolt that had the intention of create a Republic out of the states of Southern Brazil. This revolt is called by the name of “Farroupilha”.
     The victory over the “Farroupilhas” have a special meaning. One of the combatents was Giuseppe Garibaldi who was marriaged to the “Braziliana” Anita Garibaldi. With the peace made in Brazil the couple went to Italy where they fought for the unification of that country and became major heroes there too. In Brazil they fought for the “Farroupilhas”.
     Luis Alves were worthy of all titles in militar and nobility career. He is well known for his roll in the War of Paraguay. Under the “caudillo” Solano Lopez, Paraguay became a major militar force and wanted to conquerer all the region around the Basin of the Prata River. It mean take lands from Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. The three countries made an alliance. Even so, their team up wasn’t enough to take down the dictatorship of Solano Lopes. And they fought for four years.
     When Caxias assumed the command he first trained the troups in specific tatics of the Army. The majority were from the National Guard. Then he commanded them personally. After a series of victories they encoutered a dead end. The allies had to cross a bridge loaded with explosives. Is said that, the more than sixty years old man bravely took the front of his subordinates and crossed it first saying: “Those who are Brazilian follow me.” The explosives didn’t went off and he won the Battle of Itororo. From that point on the allies conquered all Paraguay in a short term and the war was ended. But it almost at the year of 1,870.
     What the duke of Caxias represented to the emperor D. Pedro II is similar to what D. Nuno Alvares Pereira represented to the king D. Joao I of Portugal. If was not for D. Nuno maybe D. Joao I wouldn’t be king after the Crisis of 1,383-1,385. Maybe, without Luis Alves de Lima e Silva Brazil hadn’t have its second emperor. Caxias died at 1,878. Although his genealogy doesn’t indicate ties with the Royal Families before, his two daughter marriaged to people who was of noble origins. Then his descendance have ties with them.
     The other Brazilian hero, Theofilo Benedicto Ottoni, had one non pleasant encounter with Caxias. He was a militant on the Liberal Party. And in 1,842 were a political impasse because the Conservative Party was manipulating the government. Then a Revolt of Liberals went off. First at Sao Paulo Province and then in Minas Gerais Province. Theofilo Ottoni was the leader in Minas Gerais and organized the resistence. But at the Battle of Santa Luzia City his forces were dominated by the Emperial Forces leadered by Caxias who take him away. Later on he was judged and cleared as innocent. One of the fellow combatents of Ottoni was Modesto Jose Pimenta, one cousin of the Coelho Family.
     Theofilo Ottoni have just a small known ancestry. He was born in 1,807, at Serro City, Minas Gerais. His greatgreatgrandfather, Emmanuel Antao Ottoni was an immigrant from Genoa, Italy. I think he probably have ties with the Iberian noble families because he had ancestors with names like, Sousa, Maia and Paes Leme. Paes Leme is also family name for Fernao Dias, the well known “Bandeirante”. But it does not matter for now. What matter is that, he is not considered worthy of attention to many Brazilian historians but he did things that was way beyond any other Brazilian of his time was up to do so.
     His life is entirely dedicated to combat the absolutist monarchy, love for democracy and the search for new ways to the economy around about his birth place and Brazil in general. After many disturbances in his life he founded the Company of Commerce and Navigation of Mucuri River. The Mucuri River is in the Northeast of Minas Gerais and is basin for a extense region where stands his birth place, Serro.
     Minas Gerais had a big problem at the time because it was served by the Royal Road only, and Serro City was almost at the end of it. Then to have access to the Atlantic Sea one must had to travel more than a thousand miles in southbound way. In a eastbound way the distance was less than one fifth to do the same. But between Serro City and the lands already populated at the Coast of the neighbor States of Bahia and Espirito Santo had a extense almost pristine wild area inhabited by indians.
     On homage to his idol mentor, Thomas Jefferson, he created the Project Philadelphia. It was a different kind of colonization that the world had never seen. First of all he made agreement with the indians that included them in the project. He opened the project to the participation of people of all nationalities. The center of the project was the City of Philadelphia which later was renamed by others after the name of its founder, Teofilo Otoni. To there came immigrants from China, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal and Spain.
     For a Brazilian man of his time, Theofilo Ottoni was way ahead. His City of Philadelphia was born with School for different languages, newspaper, Catholic and Lutheran Churchs (the Catholicism was the official religion of the empire and to be open to others religious beliefs was the same as looking for trouble with the Catholic dominance) and soon complete more than 100 miles of road link it to the town of Santa Clara, now Nanuque, which was part of the project. He also associated with the Baron of Maua to recreate the Bank of Brazil. The first version was created by the king D. Joao VI but the first version was nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme.
     The ideal of Theofilo Ottoni included the Proclamation of Republic for Brazil but the country was in too conservative hands to do it. He wanted to industrialize but the conservative Brazilians was too attached to the old ways. He visualized the abolition of slavery but it came almost twenty years after his death. He died at 1,869 in consequence of many times he got malaria working in the Project Philadelphia.
     At the last years of his life Theofilo Ottoni was a respected popular figure in the Brazilian public life. He became senator and natural leader for the people. One example of it is his participation in the Brazilian History chapter named “Questao Christie” (Christie Question). In that time a series of unfortunate events put Brazil and England in a confrontation state. The ambassador for United Kingdom, William Dougal Christie, tried to preasure the emperor Pedro II saying that, the English Armada would come and seize the capital Rio de Janeiro.
     It angered the population at the point that the people was about to take justice in their own hands. It would mean do damage to property of any English person living in Brazil. The emperor called for the arbitration of king Leopold, who was his relative and uncle of queen Victoria of England. Before an answer came and to prevent the worsening of the situation, he also cut the diplomatic ties with England and paid in advance what England was demanding thinking Brazil would loose in the arbitration.
     The decision was communicated only later and was favorable to Brazilian’s demand. Theofilo Ottoni was leading the people on that case. So Brazilians experienced some of the English hassle as superpower of the time. The ties were restored later, when Brazil was yet at war with Paraguay.
     Lets put here some genealogical sequence. I will start from queen Elizabeth II of England regarding that, queen Victoria was her ancestor and appear in it.
1,926 Elizabeth II, queen of United Kingdom (UK) – Philip, prince of Greece and Danmark*
1,895 George VI, King of UK – Elizabeth A. M. Bowes-Lyon*
1,865 George V, king of UK – Mary, princess of Teck*
1,841 Edward VII, king of UK – Alexandra, princess of Danmark*
1,819 Victoria, queen of UK – Albrecht, prince of Sachsen*
1,767 Edward Augustus, duke of Kent – Viktoria, princess of Sachsen*
1,738 George III, king of Great Britain – Charlotte, princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz*
1,707 Frederick Louis, prince of Wales – Augusta, princess of Sachsen*
1,683 George II, king of Great Britain – Carolina, marquise of Brandenburg-Ansback*
1,660 George I, king of Great Britain – Sophie Dorothea, princess of …*
1,630 Sophie von der Pfalz – Ernst August von Hannover*
1,596 Elisabeth Stuart, princess of England – Friedrick V von der Pfalz*
1,566 James I, king of England – Anna, prinsesse til Danmark*
1,542 Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland – Henry Stewart, duke of Albany*
1,512 James V, king of Scotland – Marrie de Lorraine*
1,473 James IV, king of Scotland – Margareth Tudor, princess of England*
1,451 James III Stuart, king of Scotland – Margrethe, prinsesse til Danmark*
1,430 James II, Stuart, king of Scotland – Maria von Egmond*
1,399 Joan Beaufort – James I Stuart, king of Scotland
     The two last couple are yet in the genealogical sequence that I put at the end of the chapter 9 for king Charles II, king of England. As we can see, all spouse of these lineage got the * sign indicating they also are descendants of the kings of Iberian Peninsula. I didn’t followed all their ancestry but at the site portugal all of them got the blue ball indicating they are descendants of Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal.
     Following the descendence of queen Elizabeth II, the first wife of prince Charles, Lady Diana is descendant. And in the line for be consort queen of England, Catherine E. Middleton also is descendant of king Afonso Henriques.
     Meanwhile in United States, or Mexico, in 1,836 was proclaimed the Republic of Texas. Some authors say that, it was part of the expansionist plan from United States. Before it happen the American colonists were stimulated to move across the borders and establish themselves in Mexican lands. As Mexico had an immense territory, an scarse population and was unable to attract more people it made it vulnerable to such tactics. So the proclamation of Republic of Texas was manipulated by American politician.
     Doesn’t matter if it is only a theory of conspiracy. At the end the result were the same. What did happen for sure was that the president James K. Polk was an expansionist figure and pushed for the Annexation of Texas in 1,845. But Mexico considered Texas as its rebel province and it lead to the Mexican-American War which start on April 25, 1,846 and end on February 12, 1,848. Among the annexed territories after was the Alta California and New Mexico what established the borders at the Rio Grande. After it, United States paid 18 million dollars of compensation.
     American people wasn’t so trielled with the war with Mexico but the next chapter of American History let the unsatisfied without argument. Before even the end of the war, in January 24, 1,848 began the California Gold Rush. It lead to a immigrational movement without precedent in United States. The easy gold ended around 1,855 when 300,000 people from around the world had arrived there.
     Accordingly to a text in the Wikipedia, less than 4,000 had African Ancestry and came from the Southern States, Caribbean and Brazil. These mention let not clear if had more Brazilians, specially Caucasian. But probably yes because slavery wasn’t an abolished practice yet in Brazil. Although had many ex-slaves that had bought their freedom out of slavery.
     Is also not clear if those Brazilians stood in United States and maybe participated in the Wyoming Gold Rush that started in 1,871. If so, part of the people from both states and from others points of internal migration could expect have a little ancestry from Brazil, specially from Minas Gerais State where probably those Brazilian immigrants should come.
     Looks like coincidence but as the Civil War here in United States ended the War of Paraguay started at South America. As I said before, it occurred in consequence of the attempt of Solano Lopez to dominate the lands around the Prata River what could guarantee to Paraguay a free way to export its production. Since 1,811 the presidents in Paraguay had developed a different politic from the others Latino-American nations. They had opted for eradicate the illiteracy and invested in industrialization.
     Then, Solano Lopez start to use it to make a strong militarized nation. Some historians believe that, what was happening is that, the Paraguaian industry was competing with England’s. So England promised easy financial assistence to Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay and incited them go to war. But it doesn’t add so well. Firstly, Brazil and England didn’t had their diplomatic relationship restored yet.
     Otherwise, the Brazilians, Uruguaians and Argentines had to be dumb if they was just playing innocently in the English hands. And Solano Lopez had to be a saint, and the powerful army he had prepared wouldn’t be used to invade the lands around the Prata River Basin. The result of the war was devastating to Paraguay and its enemies. 80% of young men were killed in Paraguay. Its industries were lost. In the side of Uruguay, Argentine e Brazil they lost unaccountable number of male population too. After the war, Brazil had a tremendous bill to pay for it. And would be dumb from the part of England not to put on the table the possibility of Paraguay win the war.
     For sure, England was the only one to take advantage on it because was one competitor less in the world and received the dividend from the loans for the war. But also probably lost much more because the impoverishment of the region meant a small commerce around about. If England did something in a sense of induce the war, it was make dumb of itself in first place. But you never know how dumb the human mind can be. The entire chapter of colonialism is a “good” (or bad) example of it.
     Anyways what add to our common History here is the presence of Americans in Brazil. I think the emperor D. Pedro II must learned something from the Project Philadelphia. Despite the good example from Paraguay which had proved be possible work with the local population and develop the country, he start looking outside for colonists who would bring development to Brazil. And he made available lands and easy loans to all sort of Caucasians that Brazil could attract to there. To him, Brazil had a big problem. It was inhabited by too much dark skin people. And as a man from his time he believed that people of dark skin was not fit for development. In other words, he was kind of prejuditial person.
     And he offerred welcoming to the Confederate families which wanted migrate to Brazil after the lost in the Civil War. Around 1,500 families accepted the offerring and moved to there. Not everybody stood forever but a considerable number did. One good example was the senator from Alabama, William Hutchinson Norris. He not only did a good deal. After see the opportunities, he brought many members of his family. And they were responsible for the colonization of the cities of Santa Barbara d’Oeste and Americana, Sao Paulo State. Another is the engineer Clement Willmot who start a Cotton Mill which helped the success of the City of Americana.
     Probably the newcomers in Brazil from the Southern States felt very comfortable in that empire since the slavery wasn’t yet emancipated. Although not all the attempt to immigrate to Brazil were successful.
    In our days those cities steel keeping some traditions from the American Southern States. They have parades around the year that are touristic attractions. Even Americana is well known for have good teams of basketball which is not a common thing out of the great capitals in Brazil. By the way, the name Hutchinson have its representativity in the site of portugal but the senator William is not there yet. Hutchinson is part of the ancestry of Andrew Jackson.
     The American immigration to Brazil was just a minimal part of what occurred at that time. King D. Pedro II’s effort brought many Europeans offering the same deal. The Italians are probably the most notable presence after Portugueses. And the migration to there entered along with the XX century. At Brazilian south does exist many cities based on that migrations. One could went in Novo Hamburgo or Caxias do Sul and feel like be in Germany or Italy. The Asians and Middleasterns are also a visible presence in Brazil.
     Differently from United States, the emancipation in Brazil was a long process. I didn’t told about before but since the colonial times the slavers sought to make their own freedom. Many went to the wildness and established themselves in communities called “Quilombo”. One of those, the “Quilombo de Palmares”, was like a mini African nation and existed for some generations until it was conquered by the European colonists.
     At the time of the Brazilian Empire it became evident to some that slavery wasn’t in not way good for the businesses in general. But Brazil was dominated by a conservative minority that didn’t saw things so clear. Liberals like Theophilo Ottoni had made from the emancipation one of their goals since the 1,820s and slowly it was been picking up in the minds of commoners.
     England saw in it some opportunity and launched the decree of the Bill Aberdeen, which prohibit the traffic of Africans. But the Bill had the opposite effect of intensify the traffic since it wouldn’t be more available for the future. The Bill also fired back in England itself because part of the English public didn’t see the reason for England be involved in conflicts that had not their interests on it. The Bill Eusebio de Queiros complied with the Bill Aberdeen in Brazil and put an end to the traffic.
     Only in 1,871 was promulgated the law called “Ventre Livre” or “Freed Womb”. It meant that, all children born from slave mother was free from slavery. The particularity of these law was that it was a propousal from the dominant Conservative Party. They was preasured by the international market and in the allegation in favor the law was included the Brazilian image in the exterior. But behind the facade the Conservative Party which represented the agricultural oligarchy was fighting hard to prolong the slavery at the maximum.
     Since then one small number from urban origins and young people, specially students, start to fight for the emancipation. Many societies were founded to give back up to the idea. Abolitionists start organize secret and open societies to pay for emancipation or invade private properties to freed and hid slaves. Some slaves fled by themselves and the “Quilombos” multiplied. Poets like Castro Alves and the wiseman Rui Barbosa de Oliveira, also called by the nickname of Eagle of Haia, embraced the cause in a way that became hard to Conservatives imposed their will.
     One blow in the Conservative position came when the Army excused itself and refused to be used for aprehend the fugitives. At these time the Brazilian government intesified the promotions to attract more immigrants from Europeans countries, specially Italians, to be substitutes for slaves in the farms of coffe beans. But many rich farmers was treating the immigrants alike slaves and the agencies of immigration start to protect them against the abuse.
     Another blow came in 1,887 when was passed the “Lei do Sexagenario” or Bill of Sexagenarian. It meant that the slavery ended to all that was sixty or over or become sixty from then. So the slavery in Brazil was already in a path of end but the final blow came in May 13, 1,888. The emperor D. Pedro II was in Europe taking care of Brazilian business there and left his daughter, princess Isabel, as acting emperess and she signed the “Lei Aurea” or Aurea Bill which freed all slaves.
     Princess Isabel was a woman of the kind. She was abolitionist militant who helped many to hid. Although I didn’t take on the issue, Brazilian women wasn’t so submissive. With princess Isabel does exists many other examples of women that made History in Brazil but they are allways left behind in the official historical accounts. It is true for Bartira (Isabel Dias), D. Joaquina do Pompeu, D. Beja, Chica da Silva, Anita Garibaldi, Maria Quiteria and many others.
     The slavery was already in its path to end when princess Isabel signed it but the Conservative Party didn’t forgave the monarchs for her audacious move. The Liberals was already republicans, then conservatives just decided to adhere the Republican Parties and pushed the militar personel to lead the way to the Proclamation of Republic in Brazil. In November 15, 1,889 it was done.
     Interesting thing is that, the Brazilian Royal Family was exiled in Europe and had many Republican Clubs politically involved in the movement. And each one had its flag. So until wasn’t been decided how the Brazilian Flag would be the ship in what the Royal Family was transported navigated under a flag just like the American. The difference was that, the strips was green and yellow and the number of stars was 21.
     It can be visualized at the address among with many other ideas. The name of the country as a Republic couldn’t be more suggestive, Republic of the United States of Brazil. Only after May 28, 1,968 Brazil adopted a new name that reflected an autonomous identity and some animosity against the interferences from its partner from North America. Brazil became the Federative Republic of Brazil. And in other chapter I will give some reasons for the changing of relationship from all admiration to almost enemity.
     Brazil and Latino-America in general was legging behind in many aspects around the begining of the XX century. For example, in the Census of 1,900 the data indicates that, Brazil had only 17,438,434 inhabitants, in contrast with United States which already had 76,212,168. To make it worse, 75% of the Brazilian population was illiterated and its expectancy of life was only 33,4 years.
     In around the year 1,900 United States had cities like New York with almost 3.5, Chicago around 1.7, and Philadelphia with 1,193,697 inhabitants. At the same year in Brasil Rio de Janeiro had 275,000, Sao Paulo 240,000 and Salvador 206,000. Twenty years later, Rio de Janeiro counted 1,148,000, Sao Paulo 579,033 and Salvador had 283.422 inhabitants. Belo Horizonte which was a planned young city to be the State Capital of Minas Gerais had 55,563.
     After the Proclamation of the Republica in Brazil at 1,889 Brazil and United States start to construct a strange relationship. But the precedent come from something else. In 1,826 the hero Simon Bolivar who is called by the nickname of Father of Five Nations launched a proposal of a militar alliance and a Representative Congress for all American nations. The goal of Simon Bolivar was protect the young nations, then becoming independent,  against the European colonial interests. The idea weren’t fruitful in consequence of the desmemberment of the initial nations in smaller countries more interested in their own than on the collective.
     As we can’t expect otherwise, Bolivar had extense name of Simon Jose Antonio de la Santissima Trindade Bolivar Palacios y Blanco, el Libertador (the Liberator). And he also was descendant of the Iberian monarchs as one of his ancestry lineage shows.
1,783 Simon Bolivar – Maria Teresa Rodriguez del Toro
1,726 Juan Vicente Bolivar y Ponte – Maria de la Concepcion Palacios y Blanco*
1,665 Juan de Bolivar y Martinez de Villegas – Maria Petronilla de Ponte y Marin*
1,627 Luis de Bolivar y Rebolledo – Maria de Martinez de Villegas e Guevara*
         Antonio de Bolivar Y Diaz de Rojas – Leonor de Rebolledo y Maldonado de Almendariz
1,573 Beatriz Diaz de Rojas – Simon de Bolivar y Castro
         Ana Gomez de Aguero y Rojas – Alonso Diaz Moreno
         Ana de Rojas – Diego Gomes de Aguero
         Lazaro Vasquez de Rojas – Mariana de Rojas
         Juan de Rojas e Escobar – Aldonza de Ayala
         Alonso de Caceres y Escobar – Mariana de Rojas y Cervantes
         Mencia de Caceres y Solis – Diego Hernandez de Escobar
         Leonor de Noron(h)a – Diogo de Caceres y Solis
         D. Diego Henriquez – Beatriz de Guzman
1,365 D. Fernando Henriquez – Leonor Sarmiento
1,333 Enrique II, king of Castilla – Beatriz Fernandez de Angulo
1,311 Alfonso XI, king of Castilla – Leonor Nunez de Guzman*
1,290 D. Constanca, princess of Portugal – Fernando IV, king of Castilla*
1,261 D. Dinis, king of Portugal – Saint Isabel, princess of Aragon
     Bolivar gave the idea and the ideal but only in 1,889 the American States had meetings in Washington DC which established something concrete. Their goals was commercial, mutual defense and arbitrament of disputes between the American countries. The intial name for the entity was International Union of American Republics, later it became, Pan-American Union and finally, Organization of American States (OAS).
     Putting in practice what was hopeful between the two nations Brazilians and Northamericans signed the Treaty Blaine-Mendonca which gave access to Brazilian sugar and coffe and American wheat flour in preferencial conditions on its reciprocal markets. It happened in 1,891.
     The strange happening about the relationship between Brazil and United States came in the next year, although it started in the same year. As Brazil wasn’t prepared for be a republic, only in 1,891 it had an Assembly to aprove its first Republican Constitution. And was acting as president the old marshal Deodoro da Fonseca. And Fonseca was totally unable to negotiate anything with the new Assembly, so he renounced his position and open space to his vice, also marshal, Floriano Peixoto.
     In the Constitution previewed such situation and ordered that, a new election was supposed to happen no much longer than 2 years later. But in the come year of 1,894 Peixoto hadn’t taken any measurement to make the election happen. Some officials then sent him a letter demanding it. They were immediately imprisioned and it lead to what is known as “Revolta da Armada” or Naval Revolt.
     The leaders of the revolt were the admirals Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama, Eduardo Wandenkok and Custodio Jose de Melo. Some of their allies were monarchists which was comprehensible because if they wanted in any future day be back they had to pass through the constitutional means. And in a dictatorship it would be impossible. Lets though post some genealogical sequences for the admiral Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama.
1,846 Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama – Emilia Josefina de Melo
1,808 Jose de Saldanha da Gama – Maria Carolina Reis Barroso
1,773 Joao de Saldanha da Gama Melo Torres Guedes Brito – Maria Constanca de Saldanha Oliveira e Daun*
1,715 Manuel de Saldanha da Gama – Francisca Joana Josefa da Camara*
1,686 Joana Bernarda de Noronha e Lancastre – Joao de Saldanha da Gama*, 41th vice-roy of India
1,657 D. Mariana de Lancastre – Luis Cesar de Menezes*
1,620 D. Rodrigo de Lancastre – Ines Teresa de Noronha*
1,580 D. Lourenco de Lancastre – Ines de Noronha*
1,550 D. Joao de Lancastre – Paula da Silva*
1,505 D. Luis de Lancastre, 1st comendador-mor of Avis – Madalena de Granada
1,481 D. Jorge de Lancastre, 2nd duke of Coimbra – D. Beatriz de Vilhena*
1,455 D. Joao II, king of Portugal – Ana de Mendonca*
1,432 D. Afonso V, king of Portugal – D. Isabel, princess of Portugal*
1,391 D. Duarte, king of Portugal – Leonor, princess of Aragon*
1,357 D. Joao I, king of Portugal – Philippa de Lancaster, princess of England*
     I preferred to post these sequence and not other from the three that I checked because it shows something more about the genealogy which come from the Portuguese royal family. We can’t forget that, D. Joao I became king after the Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385.
     Contrary to everything we understand as respectfull to our Constitution here in United States the president Grover Cleveland authorized an American fleet, 80% of the Atlantic American Fleet at the time, to intervene in favor of the Brazilian dictator Floriano Peixoto. By the way, it became like a pattern of action from United States along the History of Latino-America. Under the allegation of protect the American interests. Also the banker Charles R. Flint helped those who was trespassing the laws of both countries.
     With the help of the Army and Brazilian National Guard the dictator Floriano Peixoto defended his position. The rebel force became isolated and the rebellion died out since the rest of the country wasn’t yet prepared to live in a democracy. Floriano Peixoto was called by the nickname of Marshal of Iron in reference to his dictatorial selfishness.
     Along the History of Americas the Union Pan-Americana had a preponderant disguise effect to what the relationship between the latinos and United States became. In the begining everybody wanted to be freed from European Colonialism and also from monarchies which was saw as a factor of delaying the development of the region. In principle the bind with United States was seen as a liberation from the formal colonialism.
     Only later it was dismissed as a hoax by many because United States took great advantage from the relationship as the others countries was not taken much more than itself back yard and not partners. For the Latino-American nations even today the feeling is that, as Brazilian use to say, “trocaram 6 por meia duzia” (changed 6 by half dozen). The colonialism stood on, only disguised itself in a apparently more palatable way. In some cases it was made worse. But it is History for later.
     By the way, the presidents Cleveland and Peixoto was equally descendants of the kings of Portugal but I didn’t look at their data beyond these information.
     Another problem in the relationship of the both countries came from the the question, Who invented the airplane. In our days it doesn’t looks like so much of issue but in the begining of the XX century it was central. As far as we know the man aerial transporter machine was first invented by the father Bartolomeu Lourenco de Gusmao. He was born in Brazil, Santos City, Sao Paulo State, in 1,685. And in his earlier age start design flying machines while at the seminary in Bahia State.
     He was a man of many inventions and moved to Portugal where served as priest for the courts. In 1,709 the king Joao V granted him a patent for his invention of a balloon. He did some demonstrations in public and in one of those the ignorant people began accuse him of witchcraft, crime which was punishable by death through the Inquisition. Desperated he destructed much of his writings and sought for safe heaven in England but while he stood in Toledo, Spain, sufferred a fever that lead to his death in 1,724.
     From there on the balloonism were slowly developed. The Americans used it at the Civil War to observe the enemy positions. Possibly, with the advise from some veteran from the American South immigrated to Brazil, the duke of Caxias used it at the Paraguay War. The use is registered in the books of History but is my supposition that Brazilians weren’t making regularly use of it until that war.
     In July 20, 1,873 was born in Minas Gerais State, in the City now called Santos-Dumont, the boy named Alberto. The city was renamed after his last name. He was raised by his rich Brazilian with Frensh ancestry father who owned a huge coffe bean farm. He had great interest in every machinary. Except for two youngest sisters the many children of Henrique Dumont, the father of Alberto, was born at the Minas Gerais State and then were raised at the Sao Paulo State. When Alberto de Santos-Dumont was 17 his father brought the family to Paris.
     As a contribution from our cousin Rogerio Alvarenga, who have his own site at the address,, without the www. The father was from Diamantina City and his mother from Ouro Preto City. (His paternal grandparents were French). Henrique Dumont, the father, was engineer, and one of his works is the bridge in Sabara City of the EFCB – Central Brazil Railroad.
     He studied all sort of disciplines and had read Jules Verne before his tenth anniversary. His favorite subject became since the earlier infancy flying machines. And in Paris, he learn how to fly balloons and start constructing his own ones. In 1,898 he invented the steerable ballon which is called dirigibles (drivables). In 1,901 he won a great prize for start flying 6,8 miles away, make a turn around the Eiffel Tower and back to the starting point. It made him famous in the entire world.
     After that he start on work to conquer the air, flying machines heavier than it as was called. The Federation Aeronautique Internationale had established some rules which defined what was the mean of fly a machine heavier than air and all inventors worked hard to comply with those rules. In 1,906 Santos-Dumont was able to assembly his 14-Bis aircraft and do the wanted flight.
     Americans had claimed in 1,903 the flight of the Wright brothers but it was never proved. Until now-a-days nobody were able to replicate the machine made by the Wright brothers and fly it. Even at the commemoration of the supposed 100 years of aviation in 2003 we hadn’t a flight to commemorate such machine. Although the flight of the 14-Bis was well documented by the Aero-Club de France. And in 2,006 a replica of the 14-Bis was shown flying on its commemoration of 100 years of aviation.
     Later on, the Wright brothers presented themselves in Paris, in 1,908, and really flied to the Frensh public. But anyways the doubt will be in favor of Santos-Dumont if his flight of 1,909 on the aircraft Libelule (Dragon Fly) be considered. Later he made a better model named Demoiselle (Miss) and gave its design for free to all nations. The importance of these is that, his last model had all resources to true flying. Even in our days most of the aircrafts still having something of his Demoiselle.
     The act of distribute his design had a reason. Santos-Dumond dreamed of his invention would make peace in the world. He thought that making easy the contact between different people only could bring peace to mankind. His illusion was short lived since the WWI broke out and his invention were largely used to do evil. His remorse was so large that he thought his life was worthless and became a depressed man.
     The final blow for him came when he witnessed brother killing brother in one Brazilian revolution with his invention. From that he just went his hotel room and hanged himself. It was July 23, 1,932, two days after his 59th anniversary.
     To Brazilians from older generations the claim of the Wright brothers as inventors of the avion is like to say that, the Olympics will be in 2,012 but someone else will do a good time in his modality of sport in 2,011. This someone will not show himself for the Olympics games but claim any of the medals based on his time. For them, the claim of the Wright brothers is baseless since they didn’t showed themselves up for the real ran.
     As I said, it is not much of an issue to average Brazilian but many other issues piled up during the History. More details anyone can look for the book, WINGS OF MADNESS, Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight, by Paul Hoffman or for its video version from Nova Look at the site, Like his predecessor, father Bartolomeu Lourenco de Gusmao, Santos-Dumont was also a man of many inventions. In Brazil and many other nations Santos-Dumont owned the title of “Father of Aviation”.
     Just something to remember. To Brazilians it is not a question of nationalism since for something be considered as scientifical it need to be replicated by others with the instructions of the author.
     At the same time, the next chapter of Brazilian History give a good idea in what the Brazilian society had become. The chapter is called by The Revolt of the Whip. The Brazilian Navy kept the old ways of punishment to the mariners untill 1,910. It was not seen as way of to correct the mistakes or errors made by the sailors but as an way to show them who was the boss through the humiliation.
     Another aspect was that, mostly of Brazilian sailors were black or mix races. But the officers was always white. Then the mariners began to plan a revolt to emancipate themselves from such nosense. But the plan went wrong because they decided to start in the next day when the officers of one ship would come from a meeting. And they came back earlier. The anticipation gave chance to one officer who reacted not accepting their demand that he should leave. Not only he denied to leave and probably he start to fight the mariners.
     In the fight the officer were killed and, in the sequence, similar situation ended in the death of two more officers. The revolt stood on for many days until the government agreed on to accept the demands from the sailors of lift the punishment by whip and amnesty to them. After the agreement the revolt ended but the conservatives in the Congress and newspapers start to provoke the feelings for vengeance.
     Through many false alarms the sailors began to feel afraid of loose the conquered rights. And with maneuvers of deception the officers drove the sailors to a new revolt. It gave the opportunity to the administration of the president Hermes Rodrigo da Fonseca decree Martial Law to persecute not only the sailor but also the political opposition that stood on the sailors side. More than two hundred were killed. Two thousand sailors were expelled. Some were even exiled in the Amazon Forest. Some executions are despicable.
     The lecture that the government and its conservatives partners was sending was that, Brazil was in a regimen of apartheid and the subordinate people had to know their place in the society. The country had an white economic elite that judged itself as genetically superior and any interpretation in contrary was like to defy the laws of nature.
     It is why when the emancipation came to Brazilians the elite sought for workers from European and Asian nations. The Black and mix races population wasn’t attended by schooling and had to accept be the lower hank level of society. Those who accepted such conditions had to do most of the hardwork and lower paid jobs. And only those who complied with such conditions were praised as person of good behavior.
     The prejudice in Brazil wasn’t something written in papers. It was put in the minds. The burden was so heavy that even Black people didn’t like to be Black. They felt ashamed by it. I remember one case that my father witnessed and used to talk about in our privacy. He knew a rarely case of Black man in his time of youth who always was saying that, “I am looking to marriage an white woman to clean up my race off.”
     He kept saying it for many times until another friend of both said to him, “You must remember that, to clean up your race off you will make the others dirty.” Still, he ended marriaging his white princess. We never meant to agree with them about the marriage be an way of clean up or make dirty anybody because the skin collor. I just want to point out here how mislead many people were in that particular time.
     The prejudice in Brazil was so crushing that had a saying that discribed it: “In Brazil the burden of law was made for three Ps. Poor, Prostitute and Black (Preto in Portuguese language). Although the prejudice affect the Black people in a sounded way it is equally directed against indians and the poor in general, whatever they racial classification will be. Only in the recent Brazilian History it is been issued and measurements have been taken to solve the problem but it is far way to be solved. The truth is like that, despite of the long time romanticized figures of the mulatos and caboclos.
     Around the begining of the century, 1,914, a curious link between Brazil and United States was made. The old style cowboy like, president Theodore Roosevelt went Brazil to cheer himself up because his own problems in United States. He was up to do something great and at the time had a river from the Amazon Basin that was unknown to the world outside. Then he set up to put it in the map. The River was called by the name of River of Doubt because at the Amazon Basin it was navigable and known. In the Brazilian Upland had another known part of the river but not one was sure if was or not the same. And had a vast unknown region in between.
     To assist him were named the colonel Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon an experient Brazilian naturalist. Rondon was himself descendant of native Brazilian and worked his entire life maping, establishing telegraphic lines and making contact with undescovered tribes of the immense unknown Brazilian Territory. In one of his contact he had been shot by a poisoned arrow and saved by the cover of his knife. Even so, he ordered his companions, “Morrer se preciso for, matar nunca” (Die if needed, never kill).
     Despite of his cowboy knowledge, Theodore Roosevelt didn’t had a minor idea of what he was about to do. But he assumed that, it wouldn’t be different from take the first office in United States or bossing around in an American farm. Contraried Rondon had a bad time because the ways of Roosevelt wasn’t the way of be safe in the jungle. And they faced unnecessary dangers like, shortage of supplies, inadequated ways of navigation and even death of helpers.
     The arrogance of the president were politely forgave by the Brazilian hero. Marshal (title at the time of his death) Rondon accomplished an almost impossible mission. He was named to care for the safety and bring back Roosevelt alive and he did it, despite of many difficulties such as deseases and ferocious unknown tribes that could be around. But the president didn’t scape from contract some tropical deseases. And he died 5 years later back in United States.
     For the accomplishment of the mission the Doubt River were named after the last name of the president. A Rio Grande size river in the Amazon Basin is now known as Roosevelt River.
     Marshal Rondon had much to live then. He died at 93 years old in 1,958, the year of my birth. He was responsible for the creation of the “Servico de Protecao ao Indio” (Indians Protection Service Institute). He help create many reservations since without it the other Brazilians would keep invading and taken lands from the indigenous people. After his death the system of protection didn’t work well because of the negligence of Brazilians government.
     He also were indicated to the Peace Nobel Prize but not laureated. Then a good size of peace of land were emancipated to become the progressive State of Rondonia in his homage.
     The period between 1,889 to 1,930 is called “Republica Velha” (Elderly or Old Republic). In Portuguese language it doesn’t mean only an old aged republic but something linked to the old system. Even it not living long enough to be really called old. It was decrepit since was born.
     The system was dominated by two of the most powerful Brazilian States at the time, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. The Republic is also called “Coffe n’ Milk”. It is a reference on the main products on its economy were seat. In resume was the power from the old monarchist elites that was trying to keep the power for themselves. Minas Gerais was the most populous State and began its career as the richest one.
     The electoral system was like “so para ingles ver” (only for Englishman to see) as Brazilians say. Just a tiny percentage of people could vote and had to declare it because wasn’t secret. It was when the “Coronelismo” (the roll of the colonels) ruled Brazil. They control their “Grotoes” which elected representants. The representants elected the governors and then the president. Sustaining such system was always the Army which became a decisive fourty branch in the government. Often the militars were governors themselves.
     In this period Europe and the Turkish Ottoman Empire was in upheaval and it sent waves of immigrants to the Americas. In Brazil they went mainly to the southern states such as Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana and Sao Paulo. They came in more numbers from Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain and also Middle East and Japan. But they also went others states. A small idea from that wave is given by the information that, Brazil is the place where the biggest Japanese population live outside Japan.
     Among these population some were trade unionists, anarchists, socialists or communists. At the time Brazil also increased its potential industries which also increased the urbanization. Small and medium size cities start to get bigger and the demand for better social conditions gave place to a more reinvindicatory society. But the conservative Brazilian government became more restrictive and dictatorial oriented.
     One example of the situation was the administration of the president Arthur da Silva Bernardes. He had to administrate under the Emergency Law. But he had good relationship with United States. One of his accomplishments was the foundation of the “Universidade Federal de Vicosa”. Vicosa City, Minas Gerais State, is his birth place and he envited the American professor P. H. Rolphs to assist him in these task. It is the place were I went to have my college degree.
     In 1,922 the young Brazilian artist created the “Semana da Arte Moderna” (Modern Arts Week). The exposition of their arts had the intention to break the conservativism dominant in Brazil. They were criticized by the old artists like Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato. But their seeds slowly through the decades became fruitful. Some of them are now famous even outside Brazil.
     Some of the names which became more famous was, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Mario Raul de Morais de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade Souza, Anita Malfatti, Menotti del Picchia, Sergio Milliet, Jose Pereira da Graca Aranha, Guilherme de Andrade Almeida, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Guiomar Novais. The Modern Arts Week didn’t made a strong impact in the Brazilian society but gave the idea to young artists to iniciate a Brazilian cultural independence. Before it in almost all areas of arts, Brazilian artists just played Follow the Leader and it meant, whatever came from outside.
     One of the artist who detached from the others in a bad way was Plinio Salgado. He later became a politician with Fascist orientation. He leadered the movement called “Integralismo” (from integral) which gave support to the coming dictatorship.
     Lets post some genealogical sequence for three of the Brazilian intellectuals from that time.
1,893 Mario Raul Morais de Andrade (Mario de Andrade)
         Maria Luisa Leite de Morais – Carlos Augusto de Andrade
1,834 Joaquim de Almeida Leite Morais – Ana Francisca de Almeida
1,796 Joaquim de Almeida Leite Morais – Isabel Rodrigues da Silva
         Manuel Jose Leite de Morais – Maria Luisa de Almeida*
         Tomas Correia de Morais – Isabel de Anhaya Leite*
         Francisco Correia de Morais – Ines Monteiro Carneiro
         Simao Correia de Lemos Morais – Izabel da Silva Pinto*
         Maria de Morais – Francisco Correia de Lemos
         Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais – Vittore Antonio de Castronuovo
         Jose Godoi Colaco – Ana Pires Ribeiro
         Gaspar de Godoy Colaco – 1,652 Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais
         Eufemia da Costa Mota – Joao de Godoy Moreira
         Atanasio da Mota – Luzia Machado
         Felipa Gomes da Costa – Vasco Pires da Mota
         Isabel Lopes de Sousa – Estevao Gomes da Costa
1,490 Martim Afonso de Sousa, governor of India – Unknown wife
1,460 Lopo de Sousa, lord of Prado – Brites de Albuquerque*
1,425 Pedro de Sousa, lord of Prado – Maria Pinheiro
1,385 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes da Tavora
1,341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Aldonca Rodrigues de Sa
1,320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel*
1,280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (ou de Sousa)
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana (renamed Mor Afonso)
     From Gaspar de Godoy Colaco and Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais these sequence were already presented for the poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. I anticipated his genealogy before when I took on the genealogy of Martim Afonso de Sousa, governor of India, who also were the first general governor of Brazil, at the chapter 09. I repeated here just to make easier to the readers.
1,890 Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza  (Oswald de Andrade) – Tarcila do Amaral* (2nd wife)
         Jose Oswald Nogueira de Andrade – Ines Henriqueta Ingles de Sousa
         Antonia Eugenia Nogueira – Hipolito Jose de Andrade
         Antonio Gomes Nogueira Cobra – Maria Custodia de Meireles Freire
         Caetana Nogueira de Lemos – Domingos Rodrigues Cobra
         Joana Nogueira do Prado Leme – Joao Gomes de Lemos
1,690 Maria de Leme do Prado – Tome Rodrigues Nogueira do O
1,667 Antonio da Rocha Leme – Antonia Leme do Prado*
         Maria Leme Bicudo – Cornelio da Rocha
         Thomasia Ribeiro de Alvarenga – Francisco Bicudo de Brito
         Luzia de Leme – Francisco de Alvarenga*
         Aleixo Leme – Ines Dias
1,568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     From these point we got back to the genealogical sequence for the “bandeirante”, Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Pedro Leme was his greatgrandfather with another wife named, Izabel Paes. He also is at the chapter 09. The name of the second wife of Oswald de Souza, Tarsila do Amaral, also is a myth for the Brazilian arts. She participated on the show of arts in Sao Paulo. Lets see some genealogical sequence for her.
1,886 Tarsila do Amaral – Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza*
         Jose Estanislau do Amaral – Lidia Dias de Aguiar*
         Jose Estanislau do Amaral Campos, o milionario – Teresa de Jesus Aguirre
         Estanislau do Amaral Campos – Ana Leoniza de Camargo
         Estanislau Jose de Abreu – Ana do Amaral Campos
         Jeronimo de Almeida de Abreu – Leonarda de Moura
         Antonio Proenca de Abreu – Francisca de Almeida*
         Maria Bicudo de Brito – Paulo Proenca de Abreu
         Ana Ribeiro – Joao Bicudo de Brito
         Francisco de Alvarenga – Luzia de Leme*
     Again, here repeat the same couple present at the genealogical sequence for Oswald de Andrade Souza above.
     The Old Republic ended with the turmoil which Brazil was involved in. The social and political unsatisfactions, the Crash of the Stocks in New York and the ambition for the power from certain sector of Brazilian Society, namely the militar personel, lead to a coup d’ etat that start with the raising of Getulio Dorneles Vargas as president and end with him as dictator, throughout the next 15 years.
     The dictatorial regimen was ambiguous in nature. Getulio Vargas was a civilian with back up from the militar personnel. As usual, persecuted his opponents, particularly the intellectuals. Through his dungeons passed personalities such as the writers Graciliano Ramos, Rachel de Queiroz and even Jose Bento de Monteiro Lobato. Getulio Vargas was populist on one face and elitist on another. For that he gainned the nickname of “Father of the Poor and Mother of the Rich.”
    During his administration broke up the polemic about the petroleum in Brazil. It was discovered at the Bahia State and he were accused of do nothing, “not explore and not let others to explore”. It was the reason that the nationalist Monteiro Lobato was taken to prison. His policies had a nationalistic orientation but much of it was scenery to propagate his popularity.
     Minas Gerais State and its population have more on to dislike than like the dictator. As the market plunged in the world by the Stocks Crash, Brazil sufferred the most since its economy was based on exportation of raw material and agricultural products. Then the way his administration faced the problem was order the end of production of coffe bean and sugar in that State. So he privileged the southern States specially Sao Paulo.
     Getulio Vargas also created the universal health program and start the taxation on the employees payments. With the money he were able to increase the Brazilian industrialization. He is responsible for the creation of the Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) (National Siderurgicial (steel) Company at the Rio de Janeiro State. What would be curious about it is that, all the raw material was produced at the Minas Gerais State and exported to be industrialized.
     The whole Brazil sufferred with the worldwide depression before and during the WWII. But Minas Gerais State had a bigger share on it because it was left behind of the industrialization process. The States of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were largely benefited. And the crescent population of Minas Gerais was pushed toward migration to the last pristine areas in there or to the privileged States. Sao Paulo became populational and economically the number one with a large advantage. Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais have been sharing the second place in alternated positions along the time.
     The 1,940s were some kind of decade. We had a government alined with the European dictators such as Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Salazar (Portugal). In their propaganda also had something else in common. They had to have an excuse to keep the power and initially the scape goat was the Communism. But what was the reason for the Communism be such a terrible thing? Just what always will be, the totalitarism.
     The totalitarism comes when a small group of people think that “everybody is equal before the law, but some are more equal than others.” And those more equal are them, the Illuminated. Not without reason I used the word here, it start with ill as from illness. The ones who know better than yourself what is good for you and everybody else, even themselves. Then they starts doing incomprehensive things like “kill others that don’t understand what is good for themselves”.
     In the upheaval that Brazil was engulfed at the 1,920 and 1,930s some people start to look the Communism as understandable alternative to solve all problems. The leader of the movement was Luiz Carlos Prestes who had born in 1,898 and was orphan at the age 10 and turned out his initial difficulties through the military career. He was exiled to Russia where he marriaged a german born, Olga Benario, who was Jew also.
     After a failled attempt to taken the power in Brazil, fact known as “Intentona Comunista” (Communist Intentish), the couple was jailed and Olga Benario, at her seventh month of pregnancy, was extradicted to the Nazi Germany where she was killed in the gas chamber. Before it, she gave birth to her daughter, Anita Leocadia. Prestes never sought revenge for his set backs in life and kept his ideals and rich biography until his death in 1,990.
     I used this fact just to illustrate how bad a dictotorship can be even when the people is mislead by the impression that some dictators are not so bad. And the madness of Getulio Vargas is shown at the next step of Brazilian History. The WWII was going on and he was reluctantly into choose the side to go. Brazilian people was aware that the Axes wouldn’t be solution and became in a crescendo of impatience with him. His concerns about choose a side probably had more something to do with his own position than know what was the right decision. If the allies privailled he knew the opposition wouldn’t allow him to stay in power as dictator as it really happened.
     The dictatorship of Getulio Vargas is called “Estado Novo” (New State) which had no much of new. Was the old fashion elite trying to keep its power against the majority of the people. As had been, since the begining in 1,500, the History in Brazil was the same. A few people got most of the riches and the rest had not choice but be around as satelite. And the system had been working in favor of the elites until the bigger number of immigrants came in, the cities got bigger and bigger and start to form a more educated and demanding middle class.
     When the Brazilian population was limited and everybody had some known kinship with the others, the Catholic godfatherhood worked well because you could be poor but one of your youngs was godchild of the colonels around and it guarantees your small share of benefits from the society and your loyalty to the bosses around. Was a non written contract that worked most of the time.
     But in a bigger city and more conscious society, where the kinship is more volatile, the people want more monetary independence. If you work, not matter what you do, you expect to be able to provide for your family as you please not only a limited what the bosses allow you to do so. And using such expectation Getulio Vargas created the minimum wage in Brazil but most of the population lived on the countriside and their wages was just a fraction.
     The demanding for fairness became to much intense for the slow minded conservative in Brazil. They thought everything was a plot from the immigrants and the first reaction was to limit the numbers of newcomers. Brazil adopted a system of quote for each country which ones traditionally sent immigrants to there. And it helped on to keep the country in a left behind state because the forces of the inconsequent conservatism stood in power more longer. Curiously, every opinion against such forces was taken as from communists or communists ideas and many, such the writer Rachel de Queiroz, were imprisioned under the false accusation of be one of them.
     Also, because the population in the cities were better assisted in relationship to schooling, health, security and better waged jobs the great migration toward the cities began. Although it is accelerated at the 1,960s and 1,970s. The slums (Favelas) that appear in Brazilian History at the end of the XIX century, with the emancipation of slaves that was freed but hadn’t not where to go because was totally abandoned by the society, sprout large. Some became cities inside the city. And more and more people fell in the vicious cycle of poverty.
     Going back to our point, the Second World War was going on and until 1,942 Getulio Vargas hadn’t decided which way to go. He was managing to let Brazil be neutral, although in the field of diplomacy some diplomats allowed the faking of passaports to save some of the persecuted by the Nazis, specially Jews.
     The neutral Brazil had a set back from 1,941 on. As United States went the war and the Americans nations had the agreement on defend each other against alien aggressions the people start pressing the government on to decide. Brazil was the primary source of raw materials needed by United States for keep its bellicose industry. And Minas Gerais State was the “gold mine” for such materials.
     At these point is the best time to watch the video that I mention before, at the address, Although the video is dated from 1,948 it point out the importance of the Minas Gerais State as supplier of the most sensitive raw materials during the war. The video presents a glimpse of the ex-mayor and then future president of Brazil, Dr. Juscelino Kubistchek. He was born in Diamantina and through his grandma, Joaquina Coelho, our cousin.
     Already United States was at war and Brazil was just half way of it. Brazil wasn’t legally at war but was sending vital raw material which was been transformed in the American Power of Fire and secret weapons. In a short space of time 19 Brazilian civilian ships were torpedoed. Hundreds of lives were lost. And the preasure to enter the war in the side of the allies became to much to be ignored by the dictotorship. It was done since August, 1,942.
     Is a theory of conspiracy that say the Americans and not the Germans did it and since nobody saw who did presumably would be the Germans. The theorists have their point because was the Germans interest that Brazil stood neutral and, if they had done, the answer should be only against them. In other hand the Americans needed desperatedly Brazil on its side. Among the lines of the theory is said that, Americans invaded the shores of the Region Northeast, specially Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State, where a big airship base were created and from there the shipment of weapons and men turned possible the invasion of North Africa and the expelling of German forces.
     I remember here that I am not taking about these suspicion as truth. I am talking about because doesn’t matter if is true or not. What matter is that some people believe in it and it is part of the reasons that does exists some feeling against Americans in part of Brazilian population.
     In my point of view, if Americans had entered Brazil without permition even before it decided which side to be part on, they did a very stupid step. If anybody look at the map shall see how strategic Natal City was in that operation because was the shortest distance between Africa and Americas. But in another hand, if Brazilians had decided to join forces with the Axes the Americans would be easely bitten by Germans and their submarines at sea and by combine forces by land.
     I am very awared that, Brazil didn’t have a combat force in a level to confront United States but if had assistence from Germany, one Army would be quickly trained, taken the advantage of numbers and the nationalism which would play a dangerous roll in the conflit. But I was born there just 13 years after the war ended and I know the feelings at the time was totally against the Nazes. Getulio Vargas wasn’t yet prepared to suicide and if he had choose the other way he would engulf Brazil in a sea of blood.
     Brazil entered the war but with a minimal combat force. It mobilized thousands more to do others tasks such as enter the Amazon Forest to produce more latex which was intensily needed for the efforts of war. And the small number of Brazilians direct involved in the war is reflected by the statistics. Brazil lost only around 1,500 militars. But the small Expeditionary Force became vital on the taken of Monte Castelo and Monte Cassino, in Italy.
     Strangely, usually in my overheardings of some American documentaries about the WWII and the participation of Brazil in that war is totally ignored. Even for the forces of combat neither the bases that support the operations in North Africa. Is like to mention it is a tabut. Although some years ago I new an American Veteran who served in Brazil and he mention that he liked Brazil very much. But at that particular time I had much more difficult to understand the English language and I didn’t got more informations from him.
     I must remember two of my relatives veterans in that war since I am writing it today, November 11, 2011, Veterans Day in United States. One of them, Felix de Aguiar Coelho, fought in Italy. From him we have the mention that, as a native born in Virginopolis, go to church was a fundamental issue. Sometimes we joke about it saying that, if you need to meet somebody from Virginopolis go to any church because you might find someone there.
     And he went some church in Italy and invited his brothers-in-arms to go with him. They joke about his devotion and stood outside. When he was praying heard explosions and he went to verify what was going on and an aerial surprise attack had killed his companions. I didn’t knew him closely, at least I don’t remember know him, but I heard something about he became anguished. Probably was PTSD (Pos-traumatic Stress Disorder) but nobody new nothing about it at the time.
     The other veteran in the family was my funniest uncle, Otacilio de M. Barbalho. He was called and prepared to go. Who became anguished about it was his mother Dindinha (godmother) Zulmira. She also went the church to talk to father Felix Natalicio de Aguiar who was the parish priest at the time (or David de Alcantara Miranda who is regarded as saint, I am not sure) and the old father just said to her: “Don’t worry, the war will end before he went Italy.” And when uncle Otacilio was in the ship, at the Brazilian Northeast Coast it really happen. But he became a double hero too.
     Firstly because in the voyage they encountered a bad weather situation. And one of his companions was thrown in the agitated waters not knowing how to swim. The old uncle got after him and saved his life. When he went back home all veterans (ex-combatentes in Portuguese language) gainned many privileges such as free college for their children, free health insurance, and many others. The humble uncle never used such rights because to him he had done nothing to worth it. He died in a modestly existence and his children sttrugled to avoid poverty. By the way, some of them immigrated to United States.
     Is an account about a crazy Brazilian soldier that sometimes decided to rob the German storage of food. It must be true because was commented by our older folks and is even recorded in old newspapers. He did it just for fun and ditching enemies bullets. Always at launch time and always for a bottle of wine. The scene got its version at The Three Musketeers movie. But I can’t say for sure if the life copied the arts or the arts copied the life.
     But what was most important to my remembrances of our common History was the construction of one road. It is called Rio-Bahia and is also numbered as Br 116. It were done in a blink of eye. And as the name say is a link between the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, Bahia State. What is important about it is that, the road were a great effort from Americans and Brazilians who needed a safely way to transport some strategic raw material, specially mica.
     Mica is a mineral which in its constitution looks like a transparent peace of carboard. It is also light weighted and was used in all electronic instrument in that time. Its occurrence is abundant at the Governador Valadares City region. Sometime you find it coming out from the soil without asking for it. At the video above mentioned you can see how it was manufactured at the time if you are not old enough to remember it been used in radios, televisions and others.
     Even today mica is used to cover the body of the space shuttle with the purpose of isolate it against the friction of the air on its reentry to the earth’s atmosphere. Without it maybe we wouldn’t have the same space program we do.
     The region of Governador Valadares City practically were rediscovered when the road was done. Coincidently the road is also a link to Philadelphia, the city founded by Theophilo Benedicto Ottoni which now is renamed after him. The old relatives on my family used to say that, when the tractors was cutting the earth to make the road the people went walking along and gathering precious and semi-precious gems of which the entire valley is rich.
     Such riches is so visible that even in our days the around about the two cities kept known as capitals of gems in Brazil. They had International Fairs to market it. Governador Valadares were the first one to have it but it was transferred to Belo Horizonte because was easier for the international public be there. And one of my uncles, who still living there, joked about it saying, “Valadares wanted give a “pum” bigger than the bum”. As it was to small to have such importance.
     The road was constructed for safety reasons because the transportation of sensitive materials by sea could be intercepted by German submarines. But also served to Americans learn about the natural riches Minas Gerais had to offer on that side of the State. For some decades after it the exploration of noble wood was kept until its almost extinction.
     Governador Valadares City became known as City of Millsaw. And such riches was sent abroad in the cheapiest price ever. A preco de banana (By the price of banana) as Brazilians use to say. The people at the time didn’t really knew how it was been cheated. Men repeated History, like the native Brazilians had gave up their forests for peddlery. But the city was inflated with people in a velocity rarely saw in History. From 5.000 in 1,940 it became a stronghood for more than 300,000 at 1,970s. Was the fastes growth in Brazil then.
     So the war ended in August of 1,945 with the first ever atomic attacks against people. More than a quarter of million people was killed in two stricks against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now we need to do a meditation about it. It is important because later I want give some answer to the questioning, Why the people outside hate Americans? So I don’t think the question pass on by such simploton asking. But it pile up among hundreds of reasons. And two of them I will present now.
     Firstly, since after the end of the WWII United States government have been deceiving itself. In Brazil the people use to say that when somebody make a mistake, “Nao explica porque complica” (Don’t try to explain because you make it worse). All historical records have been written or spoken explaining that, The deployment of the two atomic bombs was carefully considered and it was done only because otherwise the corporal fight would cost millions of lives.
     Yes! It would be possible if Japanese people was kept unawared about what Americans had at hand. But the usual procedure when you are struggling with someone supposed in a inferior position is try to send a message of warning before do the shot to kill. In every movie you see the sheriffs giving a shot through the air before be treacherously attacked by the bad guys and only then they do the final action. In this case become unexplainable why the bombs were deploied before the warning.
     I am not talking about panphlets launched by airplanes. Since the Japonese didn’t knew what Americans had at hand and the atomic bomb was unknown to everybody else except for Americans themselves, a bomb could be deploied in a less letal place, at least less to the knowledge even of Americans, such as the Mount Fiji as a clear and comprehensive warning. It would melt the eternal snow and would send a terrific message without been necessarily terrorizing.
     What our government have been saying since then, that was necessary to avoid the worse, is been accepted by the American public as a reasonable sacrifice to end the war but we have to admit it, what appear to be reasonable to some can be totally barbaric to others. So the idea of good Samarithan that Americans have from themselves may be not acceptable to them who are not American.
     Usually, in the movies and in the American media we have these kind of selfishness on to think that we are trying to do the best to us and the world. And some of us feel like offended when one outsider say, it is the opposite. Sometimes we used the gruesome images after the war of the guetoes for propaganda of our self given title of liberators but we forget that, inside home the Americans was responsible for one kind of apartheid and even today its effects are been felt.
     So, I must repeat that, Devagar com o andor porque o santo eh de barro (Slow down the stand because the saint is cast of clay). If we don’t do so the image of arrongant that the world got from Americans will never fade away. And it is dipply important to save the country from the crisis we are living on now and is fundamental for our children have a future to be proud of. When we advance more on the issue of the present book I will clear up it in more details.
     Yet from these period we also have a failled attemp of Henry Ford to produce latex in the Amazon Basin. A big amount of land at the Para State was given to his Brazilian subsidiary Ford Company. He planned to extract natural latex from the Amazonian tree, Seringueira. For that the company invested and founded two cities, Fordlandia and Belterra. But the Americans didn’t had any experience on agricultural technics for such challenging enviroment.
    Since its begining at 1,927 the project was doomed to fail. At its end in 1,945 the technology to produce tires from synthetic latex, based in petroleum, was available and Henry Ford II decided to end the project. The Brazilian government indemnified the Ford Group for the constructions and plantations and ended these wishful thinking of Henry Ford.
     Before I go to the issue I need to talk about some happening in my life, about twenty years ago. This revelation will be chocking to some sensitive souls but I proposed myself to say just the truth. So I can’t walk away from it.
     I remember how shocking were the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. It was happen in January 28, 1,986, when I lived in Brazil and hadn’t intention to come in to United States. The death of the others astronauts was already a sad lost but the death of the teacher Christa MacAuliffe doubled the sadness. She were sent to the mission because it was supposed to raised the children’s interests for sciences. And the explosion otherwise ended in a set back to these intention.
     But what gave me more surprise about it came months or some years later. I don’t remember exactly. We was having a meeting as always we do in family. For occasion of every holiday, members of the family which lived in others cities such as Paracatu, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Governador Valadares and others, use to gather at our birth place, Virginopolis. And our meetings are always noisy and feastful.
     Sometimes, those meetings gather more than 100 close relatives. And if is done in times like Carnival and holidays of the end of the year the people have no time to talk to everybody and can’t even see the less close relatives. It looks like one of my uncles defined one time. He said: “We have two pleasures in our meetings. One to see you again and another for see you going back to your place.”
     But the shocking part of my narration happened when some female cousin mentioned the accident saying how sad it was. And one of our male cousins immediately rebuked her saying that: “I laugh, laugh and laugh. And even today as you was remembering and now I can’t restrain myself from give good laughs!” And he start giggling in a frenetic way. “But, – our female cousin remembered him – they was human beings!” The male cousin, incapable of restrain all the giggle argumented, “I know, I know, but was Americans!”
     Everyone in the room was looking at each other in disbelieve. Nobody wanted to take any further word about it. Somebody managed to move away from the subject. And the American reader could ask, The guy is crazy or a radical leftist or yet from some extreme right side of politics? And I can guarantee to anyone, he is just a regular guy, good behavior, not formally linked to any stream of politics although having his own opinions, polite and warming personality.
     And it is something that make our puzzle much more difficult to decipher. One thing I can assure everyone is that, he was never in direct contact to Americans others than Brazilian naturalized or some American born from Brazilian immigrants. So his hatred didn’t came from any bad direct action against himself. It must came from the roll of informations that he gathered along his own History of life. But what puzzles is that, his roll of informations wasn’t different from what the others present knew. I think his reaction was linked to some individual difference in processing informations.
     Everyone of us had disagreements with American policies in some issues. But it is absolutely normal and acceptable. Even Americans from birth, through many generations, must have some or many disagreement between themselves and it is salutary because the disagreements creates awareness of differences. And to be civilized is to have the ability of conciliate the differences. And, is know the time for concessions and the time for stop any kind of abuse.
     The reaction of our male cousin exceeded everything in our domain. To characterize it as jealousy is the same as to give a diagnosis without even see the patient or know his or her condition. But what I will talk in these chapter may give us some idea of what happened in our common History that made a small percentage of Brazilians and peoples from the rest of the world loose all the respect for United States and Americans alike. Lets try to explain something though.
     Just after the WWII the world was amazed for everything United States was doing. The reconstruction of Europe through the Marshal Plan, how it managed to administer Japan and put it back on its own feet. When the others industrialized countries was trying to regain its normal way of life, the American big corporations multiplied its subsidiaries around the world apparently bring development to intermediary countries. The end of that war and the quick development of the worldwide economy sent a great wave of optimism never saw before.
     Brazilians were contaminated by these optimism. For the enjoyment of the opposition to the dictatorship of Getulio Vargas he were deprived from the power and exiled on his farm at his birth place in the Rio Grande do Sul State. Jose Linhares, who is one of the offspring from the kings of Portugal, acted as president until the elections came and it is when Eurico Gaspar Dutra were elected. The motto of his administration was: “To administer is to construct roads”.
     It was based on the American example but also was missunderstood in Brazil. From there on Brazilian administrations focused only in the construction of roadways even for long distance transport of any merchandise. Along the next 40 years after the WWII or so some of the railroad and waterways were disactivated. It made the industry of transportation in Brazil one of the most dangerous and expensive in the world. Some of the Brazilian products are the cheapest on its begining and become hard to sale at the ports. But those are consequences which are felt even today and it is an issue for other part of my narration.
     The industry of cinema in United States was consumed in Brazil like the most essential product. It was so influential that Brazilians tried to copy and even made some productions that was some kind of likeness of its image. The main actors in Hollywood was seen like gods. Much more idolized than any superstar of today.
     These love for the American culture generated, some time later, the saying from a Brazilian politician, “What is good for United States is good to Brazil.” I can’t say for sure who said it because are too much catch phrases around the History and usually it is created by somebody else until a politician take it as his or her own. But it became so inappropriate at the income time that I think nobody wanted to assume its creation.
     After the administration of Eurico Gaspar Dutra Brazilians were up to elect their new president and ended in a no surprise election of the old dictator now presented as democratic. Getulio Vargas managed to come back. Now he was wrapt in a nationalistic form. The country became divided into two main factions. The conservatives these time aligned themselves with United States and by defending a totally opened market to American interests they were called by the name of “Entreguistas” which means Hand Overs.
     This administration of Getulio Vargas was clearly monopolistic of Brazilian natural resources and his biggest deed on it was the creation of Petrobras Company. It is a State run company of petroleum, now one of the biggest in the world on its genre. By the truth, the creation have a long History before the creation and Getulio Vargas was never in it before his second administration.
     A group of nationalists, many with the military background, created a commission for study and deliver the issue. It had a massive approuval from the population which were gathered in a campaign called “O Petroleo eh Nosso”, or The Petroleum is Our. These motto even came from other person but were incorporated as from Vargas himself. So the Petrobras was created on his watch.
     And he took advantage from the nationalistic populism of the time to also create the Eletrobras, now another gigantic company, with the intention of monopolize the exploration of the immense hydroelectric potential in Brazil. Hydroelectrics are the main source of electric energy in Brazil thanks to the abundance of rivers and waterfalls.
     Just to remember, I told before that, during his dictatorship Getulio Vargas has sent the writer Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato to his dungeons exactly for the criticism of Lobato because the dictatorship didn’t explore the petroleum and let not one else to explore. And the author was one of the main nationalists leaders then.
     For the others readers not Brazilians, Monteiro Lobato was a prolific author, comparable to Walt Disney. Older than the American personality and been a Brazilian writer, he didn’t have the same opportunity to show to the world his production. After his death the Brazilian television produced shows with his characters and made awsome points among the children spectators. I was more moved to read his books than watch it on tv.
      Now-a-days his production had been censured because some prejudicial contents. We need to address it in a cautious interpretation because he wrote in a time that the prejudice wasn’t conscious. The same revisionism have been taken here in United States against the work of Mark Twain. The use of some words that became chacterized as prejudicial now was taken as regular in their times. The people from older times just believed in that, some people was really superior to others by birth and thought it was natural and was determined by God. They were totally wrong in their assumptions but it doesn’t mean that they did it by pure malice.
     I got some genealogical sequence for Monteiro Lobato. See it now.
1,882 Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato – Maria Pureza de Castro da Natividade
         Jose Bento Marcondes Lobato – Olimpia Augusta Monteiro
         Maria Antonia Marcondes Machado – Jose dos Reis Lobato
         Clara Francisca do Amaral – Jose Machado da Silva
         Ana Isabel de Andrade – Domingos Marcondes do Amaral
         Bernardina Correia de Freitas – Luis Fernandes da Costa
         Sebastiao Ferreira Albernaz – Isabel de Castilho*
         Sebastiao de Freitas Cardoso – Isabel de Faria Albernaz
         Sebastiao de Freitas – Maria Fragoso
         Antonio Pedroso de Freitas – Clara Parente
         Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Ana Ribeiro
     From these point we can get back to the genealogical sequence for Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza. Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga and Ana Ribeiro are also parents for Francisco de Alvarenga who appear marriaged to Luzia Leme on Souza’s sequence.
     But the second administration of Getulio Dorneles Vargas ended in a tragic way. His nationalistic positions lead to a fearsome opposition from the “Entreguistas” (Hand Overs). Those was clearly supported by American interests represented by the big corporations willing to take advantages from the Brazilian market. And those interests was utterly defended by the jornalist Carlos Frederico Werneck de Lacerda. The criticism from Lacerda lead to a outrageous reaction from the bodyguard of Vargas who plot to kill the jornalist. Mistakenly the Major Rubens Vaz was killed in a fact known as “Assassination at the Toneleros Street”.
     Cornered by those facts, Vargas committed suicide and left a Testament Letter that just point out the external intervention on Brazilian interests. He didn’t identified anyone but was clear on what he was talking about. In reallity, his second administration was not going so well and he wasn’t able to do it under extreme pression.
     I may be criticized back in Brazil for those words about Getulio Vargas. Recently I watched a show at the Book Channel and an historian was talking about his book about president Abraham Lincoln. He was saying that, most of the historians in United States whom deal with the life of our ex-president live in the Church of Lincoln. What he meant is that, they idolize the figure of Lincoln, seen only what wanna see, not Lincoln as a man subjected to make terrible mistakes but as a idol without defects.
     In Brazil the same thing is happen with the admirers of Getulio Vargas. The same is happen to those who love too much the ex-presidents Juscelino Kubitschek, Tancredo Neves (who, thanks God, never got in the Office), Fernando Henrique Cardoso and now, the most recent, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. All of them did serious mistakes while in the Office but the churchs around them will never believe on it or, at least, won’t to admit it in public.
     Just after the suicide of Getulio Vargas Brazil had its righteous president and his vice, Joao Fernandes Campos Cafe Filho. But his bad health prevented him to be in power long enough. His successor Carlos Coimbra da Luz had the shortest period in power ever, only four days, maybe two, depend on the literature we look at. The next, Nereu de Oliveira Ramos managed to be the successor until the election and the next president, Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira took the oath. In a short time of 2 years Brazil had 5 presidents 1,954 to 1,956.
     Lets post genealogical sequences for two of them.
1,894 Carlos Coimbra da Luz – Maria Jose Rezende Dantas (first wife)
1,860 Alberto Gomes Ribeiro da Luz – Augusta Cesarina de Assis Coimbra
1,833 Mariana Brandina Gomes Ribeiro – Antonio Maximo Ribeiro da Luz
1,797 Rita de Cassia Gomes – Antonio Joaquim Gomes
1,761 Bernardino Teixeira de Toledo – Manuela da Silva
         Maria Rosa de Toledo – Manuel Teixeira Ribeiro
         Branca de Toledo – Francisco Xavier da Silva
         Maria Pedroso – 1,674 Joao de Toledo Piza Castelhanos*
         Francisco Felix Correia – Ana Ferreira de Melo
         Andreza de Castilho – Belchior Felix Perestrelo
         Guiomar de Alvarenga – Francisco Alvares Correia
         Manuel Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Guiomar de Castilho
         Mecia Monteiro – Baltazar de Alvarenga
     The last couple is also parents for Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga who marriaged to Ana Ribeiro and are ancestors to Monteiro Lobato, Oswald de Andrade, Friar Saint Galvao and many others more.
1,888 Nereu de Oliveira Ramos – Beatriz Paranhos Pederneiras
1,870 Teresa Fiuza de Carvalho – Vital Jose de Oliveira Ramos Junior
         Maria Francisca Quirino dos Santos – Joaquim Fiuza de Carvalho Junior
         Maria Francisca de Paula Camargo – Joaquim Quirino dos Santos
1,790 Francisco de Paula Camargo – Damiana Alexandrina da Silva Marques
         Francisco de Paula Camargo – Petronilha Clara Rodrigues do Amaral
         Inacia Maria de Camargo Lima – Goncalo de Sousa Rodrigues
         Fernando Lopes de Camargo – Maria de Lima Serqueira
         Fernando de Camargo Ortiz – Joana Lopes
         Mariana do Prado – Fernao de Camargo, the Tiger
         Filipa do Prado – Juan de Santa Maria
1,590 Pedro Leme – Helena do Prado
1,568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     Pedro Leme with another wife, Izabel Paes, is greatgrandfather for the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme. With Luzia Fernandes he also is ancestor for the maestro, Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim or Tom Jobim for short.
     What is interesting since now is observe that, as I theorized before, we are often going back to the same ancestors. One factor interfere with my previsions. Since we don’t have a good data from the majority of our ancestors, is natural that the few lineages yet identified by historians will appear on most of the genealogical sequences. It is not because few couple were able to generate a ruge number of famous offsprings.
     If we had a complete data of all of our ancestors, what was supposed to happen is that, inumerous other couples shoud appear equally sharing the ancestorship to most of us. And most the Portuguese population that lived in Portugal 500 years ago was supposed to share the ancestorship of most Brazilians of today. But unfortunately we don’t have a good data and we will need to wait until the next 800 years or so to come for the population living in that time, having a better data, to realize that it is absolutely true.
     The upheaval and optimism that invaded the 25 years after the WWII belong not only to Brazilian History. The facts from those year are shaping our lives even today with its consequences. I would like to point out some that are particularly influential to what is happening today. The end of the WWII was nothing but the begining of what is going on over here today. The best fact of our History from that time was the Independence of India, in 1,947.
     For many years the spiritual leader of India, Mahatma Ghandi, headed a non violence movement against the English colonialism. Despite of the violent actions that the emperial forces took in the attempt to provoke more violence and have any excuse to shut up the voice of freedom, he was able to take control of the situation and the people followed his example not responding violence with more violence. Many died by the English violence but their sacrifice conquered freedom for their countrypeople.
     Unfortunately some of his followers for the Independence wasn’t as “saint” as he was and let some tensions motivated by differences in religious beliefs divided the great India. India then were separated on itself and two other possessions at East and West which became Pakistan. Later on the East part became Bangladesh. Anyways, Gandhi didn’t knew this second division since he was assassinated not long after the Indian Independence.
     From 1,947 on the Communist Party in China took over the power on mainland. Although the last battle between the Chinese Nationalists and Communists were done in 1,949. The Nationalist leader, Chiang Kai Shek, fled from mainland and established a new China in the Formosa Island (Taiwan). Mao Zedong was the Communist leader and reigned over the people until his death.
     The other remarkable fact from the time was the creation of the State of Israel. It became a nation in 1,948 and is the worse mistake done by the politicians from that time, since its consequences are been reverberating until now and promises to go on just like a time clock atomic bomb over our heads, until it explodes or people create good sense.
     I don’t wanna talk about these issue right now. I can just anticipate some of my feelings about the creation of the State of Israel. It is a clear act of violence, inhumane and colonialist. It is comparable to the Cruzades. Nothing justifies such creation. The existence of some nation called Israel in the past doesn’t justifies what in modern times is also called Israel. Two of them are totally distinct things and have not way to link them as continuity of each other, except for the violence and prejudice.
     By writing the previous paragraph I do acknowledge that some would say I am some kind of anti-Jew or have any kind of anti-Jewish faith feelings. For long time I have been observing that everytime somebody criticizes any wrongdoing by the Zionists or something involving the Jewish faith, immediately after the comment be aired by any kind of media, the author of such is execrated as he or she could be nothing but a Nazist.
     The same tactic were used by American media just after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. Any observation about American wrongdoing in the world in that particular moment was classified as anti-American. The American media used the motto, “Everybody else hated us because the world is jealous about the American success” for protect United States from more damage. But what it did was even worse because the motivation for the criticism of outsiders were poorly evaluated and it only directed the Bush adminstration to do more wrongdoings and it brought us to the confusion that we are in our days.
     Another important issue that we need to define since now is that, frequently we mistakenly generalize things instead of specify them with precision. For example, is common you see in the media the phrase, The Americans decided go to war. Or, All Jew are Zionist. We must remember that, every population have many different point of view on the same issue. It is why when some part of the media say that, everyone else hates Americans, it is misleading its public.
    The worse case of generalization is in the Christian Bible. Particularly in the writings attributed to Paul and John. They mention many and many times Jews as killers of Jesus or doing something bad. In a better reading of the whole text you can perceive that, some Jews conspired to kill Jesus and some Jew, even Paul himself on his youth, had a bad interpretation about the teachings from Jesus. When the writers employed the word Jew to identify those who made the wrongdoing they mislead the future Christians to think the whole Jewish community did it. I am not anti any way of thinking unless the way of thinking lead to injustice against any and each human being.
     What I think is that, the Holocaust was happen in Europe and is not justifiable to transfer what was happen in one place to another. The Earth was plenty of places more friendly and less populated. What were done in Palestine is like Brazilians express in their saying: “Despir um santo para vestir outro.” (To take off the clothes from one saint to dress another.) I know that, at the time had better solution than create an State of Israel in that spot. But was the interest of colonial potences to have its colony around there.
     Later I want to get back to the issue. I think the speech that Benjamin Netanyahu wasted in 2,011 at United Nations (UN) will be an excellent material to work on to explain my points of views. I can use what he said and give all of what is behind his words. What should be not that much of surprise since inadvertently Nikolas Sarcozy called him a liar and Barack Obama seem not have different opinion about him.
     From that time we got the Cold War. I define the Cold War as a tremendous irresponsibility from United States and Soviet Union which was playing monopoly with the other nations. The two of them abused its excessive militar power into try to make from the other nations its own likeness. They did it not respecting the laws and the right of others nations to determine themselves way of life. When I point out United States and Soviet Union as perpetrators of evil I didn’t meant Americans and Russians but only some people on their administrations.
     I will soon be back to these issue. And in a minor scale what influenced our today’s lives are the Wars in Korea and Vietnam. The liberation of African nations from the European Colonialism is also important chapter of our History and some nations gainned its freedoms only after 1,970. Two of them are Mozambique and Angola, our Africans sisters nations that emancipated from Portugal.
     Some critical moments we had with the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martim Luther King Junior. Let continue our description to see how those events fit on the relationship between United States and Latino America, specially, Brazil.
     The next president to assume the power in Brazil was doctor Juscelino Kubitschek who was greatgrandson of a Czech Roma (Gypsy) immigrant in Brazil. He became orfan from his father when he was two years old. His mother Julia Kubitschek managed to raise the family giving lodge to female students in her house. They lived in Diamantina City, Minas Gerais, which one had good high schools, what was comparable to college bachelorship of today. Some of my grandaunties lodged at the family house there.
     After surpass poverty he became a doctor and politician. At the video, he appear as mayor of Belo Horizonte and his partnership with the archtect Oscar Niemeyer gave new looks to then new capital of the Minas Gerais State.
     The 104 years old archtect Oscar Niemeyer still alive and actively working in his projects. He even have been using the Twitter to express his point of view about life and politics of today. I think his good spirited humor is preventing him to have an expected body aging.
     Juscelino’s administration was characterized as of great optimism. His youth was vibrant and his government lasted from 1,956 to 1,961. He was a lucky man. Brazil had have its worst defeat ever in soccer, in 1,950, been upset 2 to 1 by Uruguay at World Cup at the final match at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil had never been champion and everybody knows that, soccer is in Brazilian veins. In 1,958 the Brazilian team became champion for the first time.
     President Kubitschek gave a new orientation and new capital to Brazil. The most known of his deeds from his presidency is the construction of Brasilia. It was a long time idea because the capital Rio de Janeiro was to exposed to possible alien invasion. But nobody else had the courage to do it before. Every politician before him had to much concern about to anger politicians interests centered in the old capital. And Brasilia became a State of Art with the participation of Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa on its planning.
     As always, nobody is perfect. Despite of the name of his maternal grandmother be Maria Joaquina Coelho we don’t have more information about his ancestry from this side. We can’t say or deny that he is descendant from the kings but his wife, Sarah Luisa Gomes de Lemos, was. He left the Office as the most prestigious president Brazil ever had.
     Although he mention in his memoir his cousins Coelho from Virginopolis, not everyone sympathized with him. Some conservative disliked him even because he was to “mulherengo” (a cheater on his wife). I can’t say for sure it is true but he loved balls and dances, which made easy to him be with female companions.
     The worst part ever of the Brazilian History begins just after the end of the Kubitschek administration. Maybe is also the worst of the World History too. The president who was elected  was Janio da Silva Quadros. And the Brazilian law had a particularity that lead to a difficult situation. The people could independently vote for president and vice-president. So the elected president could have his elected vice from the opposite party. And the elected vice was Mr. Joao Belchior Marques Goulart who was a good person.
     What was the matter is that, the elected president represented the worse case of conservativism there. And he was elected by a massive amount of votes. But he wasn’t satisfied with it. He wanted absolute power and seven months later he renounced to the position expecting the people would bring him back as a new dictator. Some military personnel thought it different and boarded him in an airplane and sent him exiled to Europe. Even so the extreme conservative didn’t wanted Joao Goulart as president. The Speaker of the House, Ranieri Mazzilli, was called to assume his place until things was calm down for the righteous successor be crowned.
     That was the time that Americans did their worst on interventionism. The CIA, the Secretary of State and even the Presidency team up with the most conservative part of Brazilian society to make Brazil ungovernable. The conspirators had an entire building occupied as headquarter, mentored by Golbery do Couto e Silva. They used pamphlets which was sent by mail to whole country with deceiving propaganda. They had access to the main newspaper and got help from influential intellectuals such as Rachel de Queiroz and Rubens da Fonseca.
     The governor of Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Lacerda, who had conspired against the second administration of Getulio Vargas, together with Jose de Magalhaes Pinto, governor of Minas Gerais and Adhemar Pereira de Barros, governor of Sao Paulo, which one got the motto for his campaign “he steals but he gets things done”, were conspirators among them. They were looking for personal advantages. Lacerda and Barros didn’t live long after the plot. Later on Magalhaes Pinto tried to run against the general Joao Batista de Oliveira Figueiredo in a congressional election and was defeated. Seems like that the militars conspirators used cleverness against them.
     Big corporations such as Exxon and others which already operated in Brazil were called or voluntarily gave financial support to the conspiracy. The basic propaganda was make appear that the country was about to be taken by communists. Communist could be anyone who didn’t comply with their ideas. At the time the Catholics was more than 90% of the population and most of the Catholic clergy helped to spread the worse ideas about communism.
     And here one detail about those conspiracies that helped totalitarians from the right wing of politics. When the dictator Getulio Vargas took the power and Rachel de Queiroz was imprisioned by criticize his administration, the allegation was that she was communist. When came her time to be conspirator amongst the new plot, the adversaries were communists. These was the motto to anyone who wanted grab the power in Brazil. Communism was so feared that the people didn’t mind to be under the totalitarian power of anyone else. The people wasn’t awared that totalitarism is a bad thing no matter who’s in power.
     So, in 1,964 Brazil got its coup d’etat and the militars took the power for themselves. With the fall of Joao Goulart the speaker of the house, Ranieri Mazzilli had another time of provisory president. He was used for the conspirators take time to decided who they would chose to put in the place. And the chosen one was the marshal Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco.
     He died in a aircraft “accident” in 1,967 just after he left the power. But what is believed is that, he was part of a group that thought the conspiracy should end and the power had to be restored to civilians. Then some of the others leaders, more young, wanted to keep it for long and so they lead a coup d’etat from inside in the first one. The suspicion is that, the accident was provoked by the rival group. And they stood in power for 22 years all together.
     In these case, both side of the rivalry was descendant of the kings of Portugal. Lets post examples for Joao Goulart and for the conspirator Castelo Branco.
1,918 Joao Belchior Marques Goulart – Maria Teresa Fontela
1,881 Vicente Rodrigues Goulart – Vicentina Marques
1,849 Maria dos Santos Loureiro – Belchior Rodrigues Goulart
1,804 Antonio dos Santos Loureiro – Maria Pereira do Nascimento
1,778 Maria Eufrasia Lopes – Joaquim dos Santos Loureiro
1,754 Helena Eufrasia Pereira – Antonio Jose Lopes
1,730 Mariana Antonia de Bettencourt – Manuel Antonio de Bettencourt
1,687 Manuel Machado Ribeiro – Teresa de Bettencourt
1,660 Maria da Conceicao de Melo – Joao Batista Espinola*
1,620 Pedro Machado de Sousa – Ana de Melo e Gusmao*
         Manuel Pedro Machado Ribeiro – Maria Espinola da Veiga de Mendonca
         Filipa de Sousa – Pedro Machado Ribeiro
         Manuel de Sousa Neto – Catarina Goncalves de Antona
         Maria Fogaca de Sousa – Andre Goncalves Neto, Capitao-mor da Praia
1,430 Diogo Sousa Cid – unknown wife
1,410 Cid de Sousa – Leonor Fogaca
1,370 Goncalo Anes de Sousa Chichorro – unknown wife
1,341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Maria de Briteiros*
1,320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel
1,280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (or de Sousa)
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana (Mor Afonso)
     I repeated part of the sequence yet present for other personalities. Was just to make easier for the readers.
1,900 Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco – Argentina Viana
1,861 Candido Borges Castelo Branco – Antonieta de Alencar Gurgel
         Beatriz Virginia da Silva Castelo Branco – Francisco Borges de Carvalho
         Silvestre Jose da Cunha Castelo Branco – Porcina Isabel Pereira da Silva
         Marcelino Jose da Cunha Castelo Branco – Maria Florencia Castelo Branco
         Francisco da Cunha e Silva Castelo Branco – Ana Rosa Pereira Teresa do Lago
         D. Clara da Cunha e Silva Castelo Branco – Manuel Carvalho de Almeida
         D. Francisco de Castelo-Branco – Maria Eugenia de Mesquita
1,580 D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco da Cunha – Maria da Silva*
1,540 D. Pedro de Castelo-Branco – Francisca Calvo
1,500 Maria de Briteiros da Cunha – D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco*
1,470 Mateus da Cunha – D. Leonor de Menezes*
1,450 Joao Alvares da Cunha – Catarina de Sequeira
1,430 Artur da Cunha – Leonor de Sousa*
1,400 Joao Alvares da Cunha – Mecia de Lemos
1,371 Alvaro da Cunha – Beatriz de Melo
1,345 Joao Lourenco da Cunha – D. Leonor Teles de Menezes*
1,320 D. Maria Goncalves de Sousa – Martim Lourenco da Cunha*
1,280 Maria Afonso Chichorro – D. Goncalo Anes de Briteiros
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (or de Sousa)
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana (Mor Afonso)
     Martim Lourenco da Cunha were the 1st lord of Pombeiro and all of his descendants in the present sequence inherited the title, until 1,580 D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco da Cunha.
     About the presence of big corporations in Brazil and elsewhere under United States influence we need to add what it was used for in that tragic decades. We have a chapter in History which could be named by New Colonialism. Presidents like Juscelino Kubitschek welcome those corporations expecting their help to modernize the country. But they didn’t anticipated the Ponzi Scheme they were importing from industrialized countries.
     What was happen was that, the big corporations installed in the satellite nations with many incentives from its hosts began to pay to the employees a local salary which could be classified as common there. And to its employees on the Metropolis nation the salaries became unrealistic higher. To make it easy to understand let give an example.
     The Ford Company in Brazil would pay a Brazilian worker US$ 1.00/hour and US$ 10.00/hour for the same position and same productivity to American workers. Like that, in the end of the year the Ford Company in United States would report expressive loss of money. Otherwise, the Ford Company in Brazil would report an expressive gain. So it was the alleged reason that so much money was transferred from Brazil to United States for a long period.
     We today need to know informations like these one for better understand what is happening in the world now. Remember that, there are thousands of big corporations from the industrialized nations that operated in such system. So the prosperity of rich nations in that period of time was in part artificially created through a Ponzi Scheme of money transfer.
     The higher gain of workers fed the markets in that centralized scheme. These excess of money helped the technological progress centralized in the industrialized nations. And the scheme worked in a bad way in two directions. Firstly tranferring monetary valuables and secondly cutting off the investments that could help the emerging economies to also do well.
     The other way of transfer more money to the industrialized countries were giving loans to the exploited countries. We need to acknowledge the cruelty with the scheme worked. The money which were unjustly transferred from the poor countries became superavit in the industrialized ones. And they took the same money to give loans to the poorest ones that latter had to pay high interests. And these situation was what fuelled the political debates from the 60s through the 90s in the second and third world nations.
     If someone reading these writing didn’t know nothing about it maybe now can understand why capitalism and capitalists are not seen as solution to some part of the people in the world. Some rather hate them. And we need to understand that the hatred that the United States inspire to some may be wrongly directed to the whole people as well. We can say that the American people wasn’t awared of everything and it can’t be accountable to all wrongdoing by its government and the big corporations. It is true.
     But we also must acknowledge that, the government and the big corporations are our representants before the world. They works like our diplomatic representatives. Then what they do will be interpreted as what we ourselves did. And to worsening the situation all Americans from since our grandparents generation took advantages from the situation in one or another way.
     I am not saying they did it conciously but by not been interesting on what was happening outside the country, like a fish that sees only the worm and not the hook, they were fished and sold. Now we got this problem of to be hated for something that we didn’t do and not even were told about it. Some unconcious hypocrites use to say it, It is just business. But it is not. It is just a sample of robbery.
     I remember when I was young in Brazil and 9 out 10 strikes lead by the Unions of workers at metallurgic companies (as all companies which works with metal components is called by in Brazil) was done for equalization of salaries to those paid outside the country. At that time surges a leader from the metallurgic workers named Luiz Inacio (Lula) da Silva. His History of life is totally tied to such period of Brazilian History.
     Since long time ago the Northeast Region in Brazil had a terrible problem. Like it is happen in Ethiopia and others parts of the globe the dry season could extend for around 5 years in a role. Every time it happenned, thousands could die, move to the coastal area or simple migrate to what there is known as South. Usually to Sao Paulo State which is in the Brazilian Southeast. Despite of the poverty it brought to the common people they usually kept going back when the rain returned. It was like magic because with water the good soil is able to bring enough food for more than one year to the families storages on each havest.
     The problem is not in the nature. The problem was caused by the men in local governments whom wasn’t interested in use technics that take advantage from the nature itself because in the times that rains the water is enough to be collected for be used in the dry season. But old local political elites used to construct reservoirs and let it in the “Colonel’s” control and they used the public facilities as their own. And the reservoirs was never enough to the use of the whole population.
     In occasions of long dry seasons the poor people from Northeastern part of Brazil was driven like cattle herds to the south. In one of those times Lula’s mother brought the whole family to Sao Paulo State and they went to stay. Millions of Northeasterns did the same just like part of the population of Minas Gerais State did before them.
     At the time of the dictatorship after 1,964 this kind of migration was reinforced with stimulus from the federal government. We have to understand it to understand the military mind. Militars gets a centralized structure in their culture. It works for make their goals. But they horrible sins when they try to impose their way of life to a whole country. It just doesn’t works.
     And then the Brazilian dictatorship decided to centralize the development of the country on certain number of cities. Sao Paulo were the one that got the most and the cities around it were inflated with migrants from the rest of Brazil. The system was applied not because of its logistics for the good of the nation but only to take a easy control over the political dissidence. They new that the thousands of small cities around the Brazilian territory wouldn’t produce any strong resistence to them. Otherwise they new how to coopt the countriside elites which was more interested in keep their status quo than defend democracy.
     Brazil after 1,964 rapidly became like a military headquarter. Politically had two parties but just one way of thinking. They imposed some laws over the Constitution restricting certain opinions and casting it as crime. Nobody had the right of free opinion unless it was the same as their. When someone expressed different opinion was censured, imprisioned or banned from the country.
     United States was entirely involved in the process. It offerred logistic and monetary help. The most hideous example of it were the creation of the School of Americas. Initially it operated in Panama and now it is inland United States. The lessons from that school was how to operate the machine of repression against the civil rights movement in countries under dictatorship, specially those in Latino America. The classes included sections of how torture to obtain information from dissident militants. In other words is something like what the Soviets did with their dissidents inside its helm. The same was thought by Americans to Latino Americans dictatorshis.
     When I was child in Brazil we not even knew something wrong was going on there. Living in a countriside area in the 1,960s and 70s didn’t matter much if you was or not under a dictatorship. The Brazilian society was itself some kind of dictatorship. Parents could spank hard their children as they pleased. Wasn’t a way of educate them. It was a way from the conservative culture to make them be submissive to everything adults wanted. I don’t blame my parents and other ancestors to behave like that because we hadn’t a society based in information but rather in tradition.
     And some parents justified their behavior saying, “I am doing it to you to prevent you fall in the hands of the police which can do lots worse than me.” And it was entirely true, I mean, in the part of do worse. And the police actions was promptly backed by the government and the conservative society. Like that, we was raised in fear. And it appear to reflect negatively in our creativity.
     Living in the interior of the country the information you could got was mostly from the radios, televisions and newspapers. Every and each one closed watched by official censors. The owners themselves in that time wasn’t worried about it. They rather complied with it in exchange for financial stimulus for their businesses. And some constructed huge companies through such auspicious opportunity.
     Since everything was censured the only way of persuit happiness in Brazil was hear music. Even music was closed watched by censors but they not ever have the brains for to detect everything was been transmitted through it. Many musicians used their productions to send the message of sadness that Brazil was wrapped in. Names like Chico Buarque de Holanda, Milton Nascimento, Fernando Brant, Luiz Gonzaga Junior, Elis Regina, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Sergio Ricardo, Geraldo Vandre are linked to these kind of music. Others like Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Morais, Elomar, Ary Barroso, Alceu Valenca, Raimundo Fagner, Luiz Gonzaga, Dorival Caymmi, Toquinho, Rita Lee and many more are linked to the good Brazilian music not direct involved in political militancy.
     The ones that were more militant sometimes was presented with an one way passage to the exterior for a forced vacation that could extend for months or years. Usually it would come some time after the launching of a record disc and, later on, the censors figure out what really some nuances of the musics meant. But at the time of the censure the people already had it in mind. I will post two more examples of genealogical lineages to show that music is also in our blood.
1,927 Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim (Tom Jobim) – Thereza Otero Hermanny
1,910 Nilza Brasileiro de Almeida – Jorge de Oliveira Jobim
1,874 Azor Brasileiro de Almeida – Emilia Aurora Pereira da Silva
1,850 Manuel Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria Umbelina de Almeida
1,825 Francisco de Almeida Pires – Maria de Camargo*
1,770 Manuel Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria da Anunciacao Arruda*
1,715 Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria Egipciaca de Moura
1,690 Fernando de Almeida Leme – Andreza de Almeida Leite
1,630 Francisco de Almeida Cabral – Maria de Caceres
         Luis Dias Leme – Ana Cabral
         Antao Leme – unknown wife
         Mateus Leme – Antonia de Chaves
1,568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     The last couple is already in many other genealogical sequences yet presented as for Oswald de Andrade for example. Pedro Leme also marriaged to Izabel Paes and they are greatgrandparents for the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Tom Jobim himself is direct descendant from Fernao Dias. See chapter 10.
1,944 Francisco (Chico) Buarque de Holanda – Maria Paixao Severo da Costa (Marieta Severo)
1,910 Maria Amelia Cesario Alvim – Sergio Buarque de Holanda*
1,880 Francisco Cesario Alvim – Maria do Carmo Carvalho*
1,839 Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim Filho – Amelia Calado de Miranda
         Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim – Teresa Januario Carneiro
         Ana Angelica Souto Maior Alvim – Joaquim Jose de Faria Lana
         Francisco Xavier de Barros Sousa e Alvim – Maria Felizarda Souto Maior
         Doroteia Luisa de Sa Sotomayor – Manuel de Barros e Sousa*
         Francisco de Abreu Felgueiras – Maria de Antas Cerqueira
         Mariana de Sa Sotomaior – Francisco de Abreu Felgueiras*
1,565 Isabel de Araujo de Azevedo – Goncalo de Antas de Sa
1,535 Ana Nunes Bezerra – Francisco da Costa Taveira
1,490 Froilos de Araujo de Azevedo – Justa Amorim
1,470 Fernao Velho de Araujo – Ana Nunes Bezerra
         Isabel Coelho de Azevedo – Tristao de Araujo
1,435 Goncalo Coelho, 3rd lord of Felgueiras – unknown wife
1,420 Martim Coelho, 2nd lord – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1st lord – Catarina de Freitas*
     I brough the lineage to this point because it is easier to link the dots with other personalities already presented. Just to remember, Fernao Coelho was greatgrandson of Estevao Coelho and Maria Mendes Petite, also ancestors of the Portuguese and Brazilian royal families. And Catarina de Freitas is multiple times offspring of the Iberian Peninsula royal families. Chico Buarque also comes from the lineage “de la Cerda” which he shares with Fernao Dias Pais Leme, Tiradentes, Saint Friar Galvao and others.
     I want point out one particularity from this lineage. At the chapter 11 I mentioned that our cousins Silvia Amelia and Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado, both marriaged to personalities from the Brazilian royal family, was at least two times descendants from Fernao Coelho and Catarina de Freitas but I didn’t show how. Lets though take advantage of the lineage above to show the link.
1,839 Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim Filho – Amelia Calado de Miranda
1,876 Silvia de Miranda Faria Alvim – Afranio Camorim Jacauba de Otingi e Melo Franco
1,904 Sylvia Amelia de Melo Franco – Mucio Emilio de Senna (*)
1,930 Sylvia Emilia de Mello Franco Senna* – Paulo Argemiro Hungria da Silva Machado
     Those are the parents for Silvia Amelia and Theodoro. So the greatgrandparents for Chico Buarque are greatgreatgrandparents for our cousins too. And their ancestry goes direct to Fernao and Catarina. Our cousin Mucio Emilio de Senna (*) is son of our famous cousin, professor Nelson Coelho de Senna, who is greatgreatgrandson of ours ancestors Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and Eugenia Rodrigues da Rocha. The sign (*) is for indicate that I haven’t yet removed the doubt if our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes is the same nobleman at the site portugal or not. If so, it is the other way our cousins are offspring of Fernao Coelho and Catarina de Freitas.
     Music also was a factor of to soften the hatred against the American government and big corporations for its wrongdoings at Latino America. Some musicians like Joan Baez and Bob Dylan was the sign that had Americans others than those who was taking advantage from the poor countries weaknesses. Other people from other countries like Mercedes Sosa, from Argentina, and Bob Marley, from Jamaica, and John Lennon was also accountable for the goodness of what we heard.
     At the time in Brazil all the major radios played only international music. And those musicians were almost banned from it. Only at the end of the 70s we got some FM stations that starts playing exclusively Brazilian music. And those were the ones that got our attention. I think the others stations felt the opportunity and also start mixing international and national productions.
     Strangely was that, after I came to United States my sister who yet lived in Florida told me that, she didn’t understand why so many people liked Joan Baez back in Brazil while the people that she was in contact with in Florida didn’t even heard about her. Immedialitely I went to a store specialized in records and found some of her discs. I was looking for her Joan Baez European Tour Album that I grew up hearing. But this specific one I didn’t find. Ok, at least wasn’t just my imagination.
     When president Bill Clinton visited Brazil he mentioned he liked Brazilian music. And I was amazed about the claim of some Americans that say they know Brazilian music. One reason I start hearing PBS Radios here was because it was the only ones that gave some openning for some Brazilian and others countries musics. Otherwise, anybody in Brazil know something about American music even because it is imposed by record companies. Anyways, since the end of the dictatorship looks like the good musicians had died or lost their imagination to produce good music in Brazil. Like here their are now producing only commercial ones.
     To grow up in a dictatorship is not at all a pleasant thing. First of all you are deceived by the official propaganda. The government is presented as doing great things and never doing wrong others, not even by mistake. They use the natural nationalistic feeling of the people to try to put you against anyone who don’t comply with their decisions. Until you get more mature and starts to rationalize some happenings you are totally unawared that you are nothing more than a peace for their bargain.
     At least we grow up with television and even in a censured programation you start to fishing something like, Why in our country we can’t vote for have our governor or president if in free countries it happens? Why the “bad guys” took the American ambassador as hostage and exchanged his freedom by a list of unknown people that was sent to exile? If United States is a frendly country, why its diplomat?
     And the dictatorship in Brazil was an explicit case of megalomania. Everything it did was big. The biggest bridge over sea in the world at the time. A more than 8 miles bridge linking Rio de Janeiro to its neighbor Niteroi. The biggest hydroelectric in the world. A binational monster between Brazil and Paraguay to produce 11 million Kilowatts. The biggest ever rain forest’s motor road, which goes parallel to the Amazon River as the river itself wasn’t a natural way of transportation. The rain forest was taken as enemy of our development and its destruction was supplied with funds from international corporations such as the World Bank.
     What they didn’t said as clear as they presented their deeds was what the people had to pass through to pay the loans in the next decades. They burned our future to keep themselves in power. When the last dictator was about to go away he said that, “You will miss us one day and will ask for we come back.” He knew the time clock bomb they was leaving over our heads and thought that the fabricated development they created for a short time would be remembered, as the hard times wasn’t in consequence of it and it wasn’t linked to each other. Thanks to God, just a minority had miss the military craziness.
     Another burden they left over the shoulder of the people was the attachment of the Brazilian economy to the one of United States. The attachment was so close that more than 50% of the Brazilian commercial budget was linked to US. The popular saying at the time was that, United States couldn’t get a cold without Brazil have a pneumonia. Or, in a better humoristic way: “O Brasil eh nosso mas quem USA sou EEUU.” Here is a mixing of languages and the mean is that: Brazil is our but who makes use of it is United States.
     And one way to cheer up the nationalistic feeling from the common people was to present the numbers of the Commercial Balance between the two countries. It was clear favorable to Brazil and the people believed that it was good because had not any idea how the scheme worked. The scheme was simple, Brazil sent millions of tons of raw material to United States and received back fenished products.
     I better make a comparison to clarify it. Lets say that, from each million tons of iron Brazil exported, it received the equivalent to 100,000 tons in cars for a price close to the million tons. What was shown was the amount of money involved and nothing was told about what was done with the others 900,000 tons of iron. So what appeared to people’s eyes a great success was just another Ponzi Scheme. With the rest of the raw material United States could produce thousands of cars what made the balance to tend in its favor.
     The attachment between the both economies brought Brazil to its knees more than one time. One of those was at the 70s, with the first crisis of the petroleum. Brazil wasn’t prepared for anything, had not monetary reserves and was totally depedent on it. The clever solution was to substitute gasoline by alcohol. It was a good idea but not before any research and tests.
     Brazil is the largest producer of sugar cane and used it to produce sugar plus its needs of alcohol. To give a solution to the problem would be a simple question of to plant more sugarcane and produce more alcohol. And they starts adding alcohol to the gasoline and producing cars moved by alcohol. Soon the consumer start to notice that, the cars moved by alcohol didn’t work well when was cold. And the alcohol rusted all metalic parts, not only the ones in direct contact with the product.
     What would be a case of a historic lawsuit in everywhere else in the world the Brazilian consumers just had nowhere to ask for help. The population that had cars just swallowed it in silence. The whole Brazilian pack of cars was rusted. Only later the scientists figure out that a better kind of steel was needed. And it is why we have the technology flex of today. Thanks to Brazilian consumer sacrifice of be a guinea pig for the day.
     Another thing about economics in time of dictatorship. I must remember the saying from one of the ministers of economy that time. “We need to make bigger the economic cake first and share it later with the population.” In his conception the country’s economy had to generate rich people first and those would invest on industrialization for then employ more people and pay better salaries. As Brazilians say, “Ele queria colocar o carro na frente dos bois”. (He was trying to put the car before the bovines). The saying is a reference on the old way of transportation in Brazil that used cars pulled by bovines.
     Even today I never got my share. And anticipating something that I have to talk later, this type of vision is too similar to the one of the Republicans here in United States now. They hope that giving brakes on taxations for the rich it will help the economy. I can’t show through my writings how much laughs it provoke in me. And it is not pleasant. Is like laugh with all the ribs broken and in swelling pain.
     If we went back to the 60s and 70s in Brazil we could identify Brazil as the China of the time. Not exact like China is today but a Brazil acting like China. Was a country of intense growth and its population been sold to the international market. The minimum wage which in Brazil is called by minimum salary started from low and going to lower. The motto was to put everybody to work but at the end of the month the salary was a deception. Yes, it is another characteristic of Brazilian economy, you are paid by month not by week as it is happen in United States.
     The currency also was artificially manipulated so the workers could goes by. In a modern economy you need to control the inflation. In that kind of economy inflation was used as tool of collect money from the people’s pockets and transfer it to the government interests. In my life back in Brazil I learned to live along with more than five differents currencies. We had Cruzeiro, Cruzado and now is Real. In between those always had some intermediary called by New anyone of those. Some periods we lived with three digits inflation on a single month.
     And, as I mentioned before, the metalurgical workers fought for equalize their salaries to those that was paid in the industrialized countries. But it would work only for laborers of those kind of industry. And they represented just a small fraction of the population. I don’t know who got first the idea. But some start to migrate to industrialized countries and it was another way of equalize the salaries. Maybe it began with the exiled but probably was before and some people did it just by intuition and not as part of any organization.
     In one of our books of genealogy we have the registration of a marriage of our cousin Adail Coelho Neto to Neuza Kinzo Coelho in 1,970. Their children Paula and Alexandre was born in United States. And they wasn’t the first case. In that time and long after, the Brazilian currency was so depreciated that one could come, work for two or three years, go back and start his own business. Some was able even to buy an entire farm. And it was the advertisement for others take a chance.
     Around 70s and 80s the reference for most of Brazilian migration was Governador Valadares City. It is called by Valadares for short. And the number of migrated citizens from there was so great and the money they sent was so visible that the city became known as Valadolares. Later on I will be back to these issue because most of the migration didn’t really came from citizens born at the city. It was too young to have so many people born there.
     As I mentioned before, around 1,940 it had around 5,000 inhabitants and arount 1,970 was around 300,000. Most of the population had been born elsewhere and moved to there, attracted by the new opportunities that the rich soil around about and the easier way of transportation that the Rio-Bahia road had to offer. Just remembering, it was the road constructed by Americans and Brazilians at the time of the WWII.
     The armed resistence to the dictatorship was a total failure. It was easily defeated since just a small number of fighters had the spirit to try it. Mainly those fighter was linked to the Communist Party but mostly was people too young to take the best decision.
     A bigger number were represented by intellectuals and workers. Those was also persecuted like their pens and ideas was guns. The excessive force that today is considered abominable in that time was used without any restriction. Many intellectuals as the jornalists Paiva and Herzog went the prision and never came back alive. Like them we had some thousands of “casualities” if we add the arbritary emprisionment without death.
     Despite of the horrors Brazilian never lost their sense of humor. The dictatorship used a gingle music for advertisement that start with, “This is a country that goes ahead”. And a band of clowns chanted it walking backward. And they got a month of suspention. Another did the same but scornly laughing at the end of the phrase. Got six months vacation in Europe.
     Brazilian have one saying that goes like that, “Quem nao tem cao caca com gato”, which means Who don’t have a dog hunt with the cat. Some comedian prolonged the saying adding, “Who don’t have cat hunt with the rat, and who don’t have rat hunt with act.” Act or ato in portuguese is the same as Act, Bill or Law. The dictatorship had imposed laws that was called by the numbers from Act 1 to 5. The worst of it was the  Act number 5 which were largely used to punish the dissidents.
     The dictatorship was in trouble with the criticism and launched an add on to called to manipulated the patriotic feelings from the people saying, “Brasil, ame-o ou deixe-o.” (Brazil, love it or leave) The only one newspaper that was in circulation and was openly critic to the government stamped on its front page the next day, “The last one to go please shut off the lights of the airport.”
     About that newspaper, it was called Pasquim. Pasquim in Portuguese language could be translated as tabloid although with never serious contents. The founders choose the name because felt that anyways it would be the name that the advertisers pro-government would call it to diminish its importance. So they took a short cut anticipating what would be any intention from the government and it worked since in the begining the censors didn’t paid great attention on them. Later on some of issues were apprehended by its disturbing contents to the dictatorship itself.
     The 70s decade were the time that South America got the worst of its dictatorships. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay team up to elaborated a club of assassinations and tortures called Operation Condor. They helped each other on eliminate their political disaffections. At the time the American government cover up its eyes to say that if I don’t see is because wasn’t happen. It worked until it came to happen under Washington’s helm.
     A plot involving the Chilean secret service, Cuban exiles and even CIA killed Orlando Letelier at Sheridan Circle in Washington DC. They used a remote control bomb. The timid response from Washington came only because Letelier’s assistant Ronni Moffit, who was American, also were killed. Orlando Letelier was the Chilean voice preaching in the American Government Desert what everybody knew in South America that dictatorship was a bad cause to everyone, even American government not acknowledging it and been part of it.
     Orlando Letelier was just one from the list of assassinations and tortures promoted by the Operation Condor. The ex-president of Brazil, Joao Goulart also was poisonned at the City of Mercedes, Argentina, while in exile. Although it can’t be confirmed today because wasn’t done any autopsy in his body. The ex-president Juscelino Kubitschek also died in a suspicious car accident in Brazil. I doubt both of them represented any danger to anyone and their deaths are the testimony against any type of draconian government.
     As I mentioned before, the involviment of the American government on the internal affairs of South American countries also produced victims from its side. The ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick was kidnapped by the group Revolutionary Movement 8th October (MR-8) in Brazil for 78 hours. Later freed in exchange for 15 political dissidents.
     The CIA agent Dan Mitrione didn’t had the same luck. He was kidnapped by the leftist group Tupamaro in Uruguay and in a sequence of unfortunate events ended killed. He is accused of taught torture classes to the political policies from those South American countries. The Brazilian dictators even honored him with his name given to a street in Rio de Janeiro. Honor later suspended by the civil elected officials that wasn’t up to let his obscure past be any stimulus to future adventurers.
     Here we can point out one contradiction from the American Government that is a great stimulus to the culture of hating Americans at the world outside United States. Not mentioning the interventions and responsibilities for the dissimination of torture and dictatorships. Recently, the American Government tried to imput the charge on Iranian’s shoulders for conspire to kill an ambassador from Saudi Arabia also in Washington, not regards for any Americans that could be killed along.
     I think, none outside of Washington and Pentagon was up to take the plot as true. Since the fabrication of proof that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction at hand, prior to the invasion of that country, everybody in the world is with “a foot behind”, as Brazilians use to say, over anything coming from the American government mouth.
     The killing of Orlando Letelier didn’t cause the same reaction of ultrageous feelings that the possibility of the killing of the Saudi ambassador appear to cause. Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean dictator, who ordered many other assassinations, never got in any trouble with the American Government. And these kind of cynicism is greatly accountable to cheer up the hatred for whatsoever Americans do.
     Not so long ago the representative from the Green Party in Brazil, Mr. Fernando Gabeira were denied entry in United States. Hes visa was asked because his work as representative and the answer was postponed until the expiration of the motivation of the voyage. What was at stake was that, Gabeira was one of the militants who kidnapped the ambassador Elbrick. Where is the cynicism? Just try to make a list of people that never got denied a visa and did things much worse than him. I am not defending what he did. I am just pointing out the incoherence in the American government attitude.
     The dictatorship got its final blowout thanks to the boldness of the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, and many friends such as the Presbiterian, Jaime Wright and the Friar Beto. They did research and later published a book called, Brazil: Nunca Mais or Brazil, Never Again. They took the testimony of survivors of the political dungeons and compared it with the archives from the Militar High Court (Superior Tribunal Militar) and proved all the charges against the torturers from 1,961 to 1,979.
     After the publication everybody who had any doubt about what many already knew got the feeling of be betraied. The majority of the Brazilian people had been deceived for back up the coup d’etat in 1,964 believing that it was the only way to avoid a totalitarian government. At the end they discovered that they got what they least wanted. I saw it in the face of my mother when she read the book. And she agreed. Never, never again.
     The end of the dictatorship in Brazil was market by two big movements. One is called “Anestia Ja” (Amnesty Now). This movement had its roots on the intention from the dictators party to create a law that should be approved by the majority they hold in the Congress which gave amnesty to whatsoever crimes they done. The opposition felt that the law was about to be approved and then included the oppositors to the dictatorship too. So nobody would be left behind. Both side ended swallowing the amnesty of each other. But it proved to be effective to the pacification of the country.
     The second one was the “Diretas Ja” (Directs Now) movement. The dictatorship party wanted to keep the system of indirect elections for president. But millions of people were mobilized in favor of the popular vote in the presidential elections. The movement were fatally woonded when part of the leaders were coopted to go through congressional vote by an accord between the dictatorship party and some part of the opposition. They named Tancredo de Almeida Neves as president and Jose Sarney as his vice.
     I have three moments in my life that I got the presentiment that good things couldn’t come from some decisions. One of those was in the day that Tancredo Neves announced Jose Sarney as his vice. I got so angry about that I cried out to friends that was watching tv in our apartment at the University, This stupid old man thinks that he can’t die?! He’s election came and long before the day of his installation he was dead. And we got an extension of the dictatorship for more five years with his vice.
     The other two presentiments were in the day that president Bush annouced the War against Iraq and some hours before president Obama annouced the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. But those are issues for later.
     One curiosity is that, the vice and later president Jose Sarney have ancestors that signed Rodrigues Coelho. Coincidently those are names also linked to our ancestors. But we don’t have enough data to say that, both families come from the same source of recent ancestors. What appear to be is that, the signature from his family come from a earlier migration and ours is from a later migration from Portugal. If they had any link it could be prior to 1,650.
     Coincidently I was just contacted by one of my cousins who sent me this address, Anibal Rodrigues Coelho is one of ours another closest relatives from the great family. Unfortunately the text at the address is only in Portuguese language. It have not political intention. Casa Grande (Great House) is his non profit organization for help people in needy to which he dedicated his life. But in his interview about his History he literally said that,
     “Through it I struggled to brought libraries to the cities from the outskirts of the Federal District (is how the DC area is called in Brazil). My involviment with the association and with the community service brought me four imprisonments because, at the time, it was taken as communist activity. … The general idea is that, more ignorant the people become more easy become to dominate it. And we wanted to promote a fair citizenship, bringing knowledge to the population, etcetera”. He wasn’t talking about his non profit organization but about his work and militancy as Librarian.
     And it is what dictatorship is all about. The next paragraph he mention what I told before, how illiteracy were used to dominate the poor Brazilian people and during the dictatorship it wasn’t an exception. The goal of the dictatorship wasn’t to keep the illiteracy, its main goal was to control what information it would allow the population have.
     Here I need to mention a contrast on conceptions about what is right and what is wrong in life. My maternal grandaddy, Jose Coelho Junior, the Juca Coelho, was a person that fought his intire life for the communitarians causes. Life in the countryside goes around some communtary references such as, churchs, schools, hospitals, maternities, courts and city hall. Grandfather was politician but never ran any elective position. He only gave support to others who was elected.
    Probably, he had a minor participation on the construction of the main church in Virginopolis but was involved on the instalation of the high school, at the constructions of the hospital and maternity, and thanks to him the city became center of a county having its own court. When the coup d’etat came he was 72 years old. And he gave his support to the cause thinking that the communists could take the power.
     The fear that grandaddy had about the communists wasn’t necessarily because their way of share riches or even to get a repressive government. His fear was the atheism and he could give his life if need for the Catholicism. On it he was completely radical.
     As soon he became 84 years old he had a stroke which made him half handicapped. Like that we were called to serve as his male nurses or helpers on everything he wanted to do when not on bed. He had some Alzheimerist moments alternated by concious ones. And at one of this moments he would try to convince us that, because we were in favor of the democratization of Brazil, we had to be communists. And such discussions became historical in the family.
     On one of those he challenged me to travel to Soviet Union to practice there “my communism”. I was saying to him that I had nothing to do at Soviet Union because as I was against the Brazilian dictatorship I also didn’t agreed with the soviet totalitarism. But he wont understand my logic and mistooke our support for the democracy as it was an approuval to totalitarism, and mainly to that one that came from the atheism communist. In some moment of the discussion he started screeming on me: “Had to deliver death to the people who is conspiring. Such communists. Our militars are been worth of nothing. If don’t kill, Brazil will be brought to a mess!”
     I though I could call his conscience arguing, Ok grandaddy, you is in favor to kill even your grandchildren? But he won’t hear any voice of reason. “Communist is more worth when dead! I don’t forgive nobody.” I tried to appease him: Gradaddy, what reason you would give me to justify to kill? And he yelled at me, “Because it is the law in Brazil!” I took a long breath and calmly whispered what I had to say, Then everything is all right grandaddy! At Soviet Union they are doing nothing wrong with their dissidents. It is because in there they also have their laws.
     Imprisoned to his wheel chair and taking notice that his point of view was lost he didn’t nothing but cry and said, “What is worth is that, I am close to die! But you all will repent.” In truth the life is always like that, doesn’t matter what choice we take, when the difficulty times come we get the doubt if we took the best decisions in our past. We got inumerous opportunities of difficulties in Brazil after the dictatorship. But on each and everyone of those moments my certitude goes always like that, Correct the direction, never turn back to that negative option.
     The problems in the human relationship is the absolutism from some people. Grandaddy Juca was always absolutist. What he believed had to be true to all. We can’t deny and need to thanks for his services as community worker in our city. But if he was young and had done the same that he had done many years ago, at the time of the dictatorship, he would be at risk of be one out of the numerous cases of arbitrary imprisonments that populate our History.
     The problem with absolutists is that, they are to much sure that what they wanna do will be the best to all or, at least, for the majority. Their certitude is so confident that it impede them to see the others points of view. It is for sure, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush and many more had the absolute certitude that they were given the best from themselves to the world. The defect on them is not perceive how much they are mistaken and that, the world have a different idea of what is good for itself.
     By thinking that the world refuse what is good to itself the absolutist try to impose to the world what is not good even for himself. Was totally comprehensible that our grandfather, on his 87 years old and sufferring Alzheimer, mistaken defense of democracy as it was be a communist. But the same, coming from the dictatorship leaders, demonstrated a much much worse illness. In Brazil we got a much worse macarthism than its American original.
     And here I see a close similitude in the conception of those who accuses president Obama of to have a socialist agenda. Those just don’t want we the people to have the same access to conditions that they think are restrict to the privileged. So to accuse president Obama of have a socialistic agenda is one way to exploit the fear that the commoners have for socialism at the same time hiding their real intentions on to segragate the people.
     Lets post though some genealogical sequence for the elected and not inaugurated president Tancredo de Almeida Neves. His ancestry is like the Brazilians describe as, “Feijao com arroz” or Rice n’beans. It means too common.
1,910 Tancredo de Almeida Neves – Risoleta Guimaraes Tolentino
1,881 Antonina Homem de Almeida – Francisco de Paula Neves*
1,848 Mariana Candida Kapler – Antonio Homem de Almeida
1,821 Mariana Candida de Jesus – Francisco Kapler
1,795 Maria Madalena da Silva – Joao da Silva Pereira Gomes
         Manuel Ferreira da Silva – Mariana Moreira de Sousa
1,747 Maria Cleofa Bueno – Jose Ferreira da Silva
         Maria Cleofa Bueno – Joao Goncalves de Melo
         Rosa Maria Bueno de Moraes – Antonio de Moura
         Lourenco Correia Pires – Catarina Bueno do Prado
         Manuel Joao de Oliveira – Francisca de Lira de Moraes
         Isabel Pais – Marcos Mendes de Oliveira
         Maria Leme – Manuel Joao Branco
         Fernando Dias Pais Leme* – Lucrecia Leme*
     From this point we can go back to the chapter 10 and verify the genealogical sequence for the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme posted there. Fernando and Lucrecia are his paternal grandparents. I verified only the maternal side of Tancredo Neves because I thought the dates before the names would help in some way, rather than his paternal side which was without dates.
     The brutality of the dictatorship in Brazil is shown in an ultrageous event. One concert in favor of the democratization and pacificantion of the country, with a famous singer, was set up. A bomb exploded nearby. It was been prepared by two military servants to provoke confusion among the public but the bomb went off unexpectedly on the lap of one of the perpetrators. If they was successful on their attack they could caused many deaths and injured thousands. What they really wanted to do is not yet clarified to the public until today.
     But anything that they did to stop the wave of democratization didn’t worked. And the others South American coutries also entered in the same wave. In it we got some help from the industrialized countries. They were afraid that a recrudescence on the dictatorship would bring to any uncontrolable disorder and it would cause losses on their investiments. So, long before had Arab Spring we had the South American Spring.
     The 1,990s was the real begining of democratization in Brazil. We had the first presidential election through popular vote after 30 years. But although it was considered fair we got the interference from interests others than democracy. The elected president, Fernando Collor de Mello ended impeached for corruption. His successor and vice, Itamar Franco finished his term.
     Itamar Franco inherited a country in a situation of “Terra arrasada” or levelled land. And he was trying to make alliances with whoever would help him. I didn’t like his way of administration because he was ex-governator for the Minas Gerais State and was more conservative than I wanted.
     Although I wasn’t representative of nothing I tried to contact some friends who could contact the Workers Party for not leave him alone because his administration would fall in the conservative hands. But the Workers Party refused to do it and the conservatives fill in all spaces of the government. Later on Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the eternal president of the Worker Party acknowledged the mistake.
     Presidente Itamar Franco gave the place of Minister of Economy to the sociologist Fernando Henrique Cardoso who once had been exiled in United States and taught classes at Harvard. A group of economists, including Andre Pinheiro Lara Resende, had made a plan, based on the corrections on many others that was tried before in Brazil, for a new currency and for stabilize the economy. The plan worked well after be implanted by Itamar Franco and the Minister of Economy got the credits.
     In the wave of optimism that came after the establishment of the plan, called Real, and is now the name of the Brazilian currency, Fernando Henrique Cardoso was easily elected president. But his administration is characterized by extremely conservativism and submission to the international monetary institutions. By not giving flexibility to the comparison between the Real and other currencies his administration made the Brazilian industry loose its competitivity and almost broke the country again.
     The Cardoso administration have two other deeds that characterize its government. One was that, by the Brazilian law the presidents couldn’t be reelected in the period immediately after their terms of four years. Then he bought from the Congress an amendment on his own behalf to be reelected. And he privatized many of public institutions obeying the conservative mandate of minimal State. He even privatized one of the biggest companies of mineralogy in the world, Cia Vale do Rio Doce or Sweet River Valley Company which was born from the riches of Minas Gerais State. He was up to privatize the Petrobras also but it was too much, even for the pacific Brazilian people.
     His conservative measures can be easily measured by the migration of Brazilians to the exterior. I migrated just after he be elected at the first time and each year a greater number of Brazilians was coming. It appeared to be a non stop tendency that would left Brazil empty. And the migrants wasn’t only from classes less favored. People that owned businesses was braking down. Many friends that had migrated before and began their businesses in Brazil start to come back. Here I have to note that, I migrated by choice not because the performance from that administration.
     After three frustrating attempts to be elected president the resilient Northeastern and unionist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva got the position. He took advantage from the possibility of be reelected, thanks to his predecessor, and had two administrations. At the end of his second term he helped to elect the now “presidenta”, Dilma Rousseff.
     Lula, as we call him since he was a unionist, was illiterated as his oppositors tried to stamp his unconventional literacy. He did elementary schooling in a regular basis and was trained to be a metalurgic worker. Later on he also did the high school through a charter school. Most of all he learned from life. And always had good brains around him.
     For that he start to make fun from his oppositors when his administration began to prove right, saying in all speech he did, “Never before in this country it was done…” What he was saying is simple, not other presidency had done so much in a so short period of time. And it is kind of true. But is far from be enough.
     These is our question of to be or not to be. Even if a person been judged as good never can let the feeling of accomplishment take over, in reason of be able of reach a superior level in relationship to others. If we think we did the best that we could do, we should immediately leave our places in favor of others for that they upgrade what we did. Nobody is perfect. Always will be space to make it better. Everything that we do now will be obsolete in a short period of time.
     I remember in 1,979 when I was kicked from my first job in my life. He was a unionist star and his militancy always got him in trouble with the dictatorship. Many times he were imprisioned but was just a waste of time for the bad guys because it just increased his popularity. And one day I was called in the office of some kind of psychologist. At the time the businesses used one nor to help people with problem but to detect “signs of rebellion”. Do a good job wasn’t so important since Brazil was plenty of unemploied willing for any vacancy of bad paid positions.
     I don’t remember if in our interview I did or he did mentioned Lula. And I made some remarks like that, We need more people like Lula to make this country work for everybody. And I saw in his eyes some disbelief and maybe anger. “Do you think he will be the solution?” He asked. Not, but he is the beginning. I answered. And I openly said other things that was just foolishness but nothing that could cause any harm. But soon they put some another guy to be trainned by me and one month later I was history in that enterprise. Its name was Picchionni, Corretora de Valores, and some years later closed its doors for bad administration.
     As president, Lula did what is most obvious in any place else of the world. Brazil had around 170 millions inhabitants and more than half was out of the market. It was what everybody, from the most doctorated to the least like me, was preaching since long time before. But the conservatives kept insisting in favoring the privileged ones expecting, or just saying it, they would do something for the poor people. But the truth is that, the rich until some level try to create jobs because more jobs represent more profit to them.
     In the upper level it doesn’t work well because they starts to gambling in the stocks and spending the money with superfluous. I am not saying that everybody do the same but in Brazil it is most true. And in Brazil the stocks pay one of the highest interests in the world. It was true since the time of the dictatorship and were largely used by the administration of Fernando H. Cardoso to transfer riches to a few percentage of the population. And even the administration Lula wasn’t totally able to introduce more fairness to the rest of the people.
     One good image to describe the problem is that, some billionaires prefer to invest 50 millions on himself house than help the poor get his first house of 100,000. And look how many houses for poor people 50 millions could buy! And I am not talking about give away money I am talking about pay a better salary to those that work hard.
     What Lula did in Brazil is something like Franklin D. Roosevelt did in his Big Deal Plan. He just gradualy raised the minimum wage and waited for the results. He also included in the market millions that was out. Also increased the stimulus to poor families that was keeping their children in schools. It was a great problem in Brazil before because historically too much children drop out schools to help their parents to get along with their needs. Lula himself had been victimized by this.
     Lula felt on his own skin the problem that poor people was submitted around the country. He understood that poor people also had the right of have 5 meals in daily basis. And poor people have also the right of to dress well and even could get their own cars. Historically in Brazil was like what is the saying, “Poor people sale their lunch to buy the dinner.” Since the dictatorship began selling the people’s interests in the international markets the motto became pay little wages to sale more. And the minimum wage was always unfairly deprived.
     Those measurements taken by Lula I myself defended since I wrote my second book in 1,977. I was 19 years old without any economics knowledge but with an heart for fairness and compassion.
     As Brazilians use to say, Lula have been the “pe-de-coelho” or rabbit’s foot of Brazil. While he went office in 2002 soon Brazil conquered its 5th title as Soccer World Cup Champion. Not other good news could elevated the Brazilian optimism than these one. Ok, I am exaggerating a little.
     In his administration Brazil became selfsufficient in sources of energy, thanks to new investments in production of oil and biofuels, including alcohol from sugarcane. Was in his term that a mega oil deposit were found and it will soon put Brazil as exporter of petroleum. Wasn’t without reason president Obama said Lula was the guy. He left the office after the appointments for the next Soccer World Cup Championship (2,014) and, after London, next 2,016 Summer Olimpics Games.
     Sure. I am just making an abbreviation of what some presidents did for Brazil and they didn’t do just what I am saying they done. I am just characterizing their accomplishments.
     The most recent president(a) in Brazil is also the first female to take the first office in the country. Dilma Vana Rousseff is daughter of an immigrant from Bulgaria named Pedro Rousseff. Her mother, Dilma Jane da Silva is from Resende City, Rio de Janeiro State. The couple raised the family in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State capital, where Dilma Vana was born.
     At the “Anos de Chumbo” or Lead’s Years she became an active militant against the dictatorship. And she was captured, tortured and served three years in the prison. Is too earlier to characterized her administration because she was inaugurated in January first, 2,011. But looks like she will do continuity to the work of Lula. And it mean good news to United States but not so good as it could be if the past hadn’t its toll to pay for.
     I am mentioning it because United States could hope for a better partner from Brazil in this time of crisis. The problem is that, United States never asked for any forgiveness for its terribles deeds against the Brazilian people during the dictatorship there. It even didn’t acknowledged what were done. Now, many of the politician who are in power there were the same persons that sufferred the most from the interventionism.
     Even if those politicians don’t have hard feelings one thing they can’t help themselves to have, which is the lack of trust in United States policies. The acknowledgement and the asking for forgiveness could be the first step toward the construction of a new era of trusting. And a better alliance would only come if based in trust on each other.
     The acting from the last Bush administration can be accountable for great losses in the relationship between the two nations. His arrogance in making wars through lies must have put Brazilian politicians in a defense mode that reflected in economic losses for United States. What worry such politicians is the belief in that, When Americans don’t get what they want through diplomatic means they just take it from the others.
     And surely, the actions from the administration of the second president Bush did show it as truthful. And it must plaied a role when the administration Lula in Brazil opposed to a project that could give to United States a base to launch spaceships from there. Just for the reader know, the launching of spaceships around the equatorial line is much less expensive than other tropical or subtropical places. And Americans wanted the base as it was its own territory without sharing technologies.
     Certainly, nobody wantes give such trusting reception to Americans. Nobody wantes to give any excuse to American interventions in the future.
     Another blowout of American diplomacy lately were the lost of a multibillionaire contract with the Brazilian government to provide airships to its Army. Even the administration Obama been perceived as more friendly nobody knows what will come next. And nothing better than watch the Republican Party debates to take notice of what the world worries about United States are. So everytime any government have to decide if it will do business with Americans they will remember what were done before and will avoid to do it anytime they have a more trustfull supplier.
     They will not deliberately excludes United States from every business because the country is perceived as important to the world community but while United States do not works on its image as a good and essential partner it will suffer the erosion on its relationships and it maybe will drive to its demise as dominant economy in the world in a short term. It is not because the world hates United States but because United States is long making the same mistakes the others dead empires did before.


I wanna to show in these chapter something about the settlement of the European population at a particular area from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. We know from the fossil records that Minas Gerais State is inhabited by indigenous people, at least, from 10.500 years ago. And to decipher how Brazil was first discovered by human being is a mystery far away from be solved. To have answers about it must be a project for a life long quest of many researchers.

The big problem is that, looks like Brazilian researchers don’t get the financial means to get the job done. And the country acelerated development can compromise the existent and unknown archeological sites. It can be considered a lucky charm the find of the skeleton of Luzia, at a cave in the city of Santa Luzia. From more than 10.000 years ago we can say for sure that, she was not the first dweller in Minas Gerais and, decisively, not the first Brazilian.

Minas Gerais is a continental state, and don’t have shores. The Atlantic Ocean is more than an hundred miles away from its borders. And Santa Luzia City is much more distant from the borders in opposite side of the Ocean. In between the Ocean and Santa Luzia City have another sea. A sea of mountains, once covered by a thick rain forest. Having not passage way between the two points in its shortest distance.

Many rivers that come from Minas Gerais State goes to the Atlantic Ocean through the Doce River Basin but they are just a sequence of rapids in the mountains. Otherwise, Santa Luzia is located in a plateau that marks the end of the coastal rough terrain and a smooth central plains. And the rivers from there on tend to take northwest direction. The big one around is the Velhas River (Old Females River) that goes by the smooth terrain until be united to the Sao Francisco River.

The Sao Francisco River is born in Minas Gerais and collect waters there caring it for more than one thousand miles through north direction. After that it abruptly change direction to east going to meet the Atlantic Ocean. At the point when it change direction it is at the heart of the Northeast Region of Brazil. Not far way from the south of the Piaui State. And there is where the Serra da Capivara National Park is.

Serra da Capivara and Pedra Furada archelogical sites are the places where the professor Niede Guidon and her team found inumerous clues suggesting that the inhabitation of human being in Americas is much earlier than Clovis Sites. The find is yet in dispute but what others finds around the world is suggesting is that, the assumptions from the earlier XX century about Americas first colonizations are not true. If any one want learn more about the issue, can take a quickly look at the address. The internet is plenty of informations about it.

As I said before, Luzia, the fossil, looks more like native Australian. And the mystery how human being appeared in the opposite side of South America Pacific shores maybe will be not longer such as mysterious. Nobody knows although if Luzia’s family were extinct or left to us some of their genetical material. What appear is that, native Americans have in their mytocondrial DNA some components that have not match to others. Then it could be it.

What appear to happen was that, from 10.000 years ago we got a bigger number from Asian population conquering the landscape. The Minas Gerais State was partially inhabited by their descendants when the European invaded Americas. And many common diseases unintentionally brough with them dizimated more than 90% of native Americans.

If simple diseases such as common cold could do it over a population of some thousands of year migrated from Asia, it could be much more devastating to population isolated by tens of thousands of years. The first Asians that first set foot in Americas had to be resistants to some kind of diseases that could easily kill the first inhabitants. So the survivors could be too few and their DNA too little to leave signatures for about the next 10.000 thousands years.

The idea of Minas Gerais State as a Paradise don’t come from me. One of our old cousins, professor Dermeval Jose Pimenta, who was born in 1,893 and died in 1.990 and wrote the book, A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente, gave such idea. From the page 31 I will try to translate some exerpt.

“At the next day, after 10 miles of voyage, he passed the night at the Luiz Mota’s farm, sited at the borders of the Araras Stream, next to Sao Pedro do Suacui Village, where the soils are from an extrarodinary fertility. Couldn’t say it was really a farm. His hosts was two poor men. One of them had travelled around the world. Was Portuguese, had been in Angola, and came in to live the rest of his days at the Woods of Pecanha.

During the voyage from Prince’s Village (Serro City) to Pecanha, he noticed a most curious fact, at these path, taken in proportion, had the bigger quantity of Europeans than any other place in Brazil that he had been on. To what attribute such coming in of Portuguese people to the Mata do Pecanha? Lets take his own words to explain,

“There is a moment that those who err around the world as a continuous playing from their desire end feeling the needy for rest and solitude; some told them about the woods, and that they could have vaste lands and live in tranquility protected against poverty; to renounce to the prior plans; and the dangerous adventurers, settling down at the land, becoming useful citizen.”

Those observations are totally true.

In all of the Pecanhas Region, Sao Joao Evangelista, Sao Jose do Jacuri, Sao Pedro do Suacui, Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes (or now Sabinopolis City) and Sao Miguel de Guanhaes (Guanhaes City), the Portugueses, penetrating the woods, took posse of great extensions of lands, where they raised their families, constructed farms, installed sugarcane mills, planted edible grains, and lived with tranquility. The ones who were not marriaged got together with the indigenous people, raising families that today populate great part of that region.

He mention at the page 32, “When the exceeding sex bring them insomnia, they swallow an worm, that they dried out without taken the umbilical line. These worm is the “bicho da taquara” (caterpillar which live inside the species of bamboo called taquara). The indians used to eat such worms from which they extracted a kind of exquisitely fine fat, useful to cooking. When dried and converted in powder, was applied on open wounds for quickly healing. Although, when they ate the dried worms, without taken the umbilical line, they went to a kind of static sleeping that lasted for many days. After wake up the indians spoke about wonderful dreams, where they saw sparklings forests and ate delicious fruits. The head of the worm shall be not ate because is considered a powerful venon. The Portuguese considered such food as a precious delicacy.”

And he kept going at the page 32, “He had come to the Rio Vermelho Town that had about 50 little houses only. He admired its agreable looks in contrast to the landscape around about. The town had a great climate and was healthful. He found there many octogenarians and even people as old as ninety, one hundred and twenty and height as well as one hundred and thirty and two years old.”

Our cousin was talking about the voyage done by the French scientist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire who travelled to Minas Gerais State in the years of 1,816 to 1.817. And it was Minas Gerais State the land of the miners (mineiros). But the Paradise wasn’t there to everybody. He also narrates more about the life the indians were subdued to then.

“After he visited the Indians Reservations at the around about of the town and recorded their habits and customs, he speaks about the lustful of the Pecanha’s Indians. Saying even that, “becoming tired of their voluptuousness, renounced the life and hanged themselves on any tree from the woods.””

These opinion shown by the French scientist Saint-Hilaire is probably wrong and such behavior from the indigenous people still happen among tribes in areas like the Mato Grosso do Sul State. And the cause can be related to stress caused by the feeling of lost Paradise. We can open our minds and see what could past through the Indians minds just after the European invaded the lands where they were its solely lords. Our cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta give us some clues on his narration at the page 48, when he talks about the patriarch of the Vieira Braga Family. He says,

“The French scientist Auguste Saint-Hilaire, when in 1,817 visited the then District of Santo Antonio do Pecanha, were hosted at a poor residence by Januario Vieira Braga, the commander of the Headquarter, installed at 1,807, about 4 miles away from the settlement. The commander, then yet suptuagenarian, born at 1,747, was a daring and valiant “mateiro” (someone who knows the secrets of the forests, – scout). Since the age of 14 years old he went the woods to fight the ferocious tribes of Indians named Botocudos. He fought them but was not inhumane, always hoping for to obtain informations about possible mineral riches at the region.

Is said that, one artifice used to hunt Indians constituted on to hid themselves in the woods, scouting their movements. At night after a long day of hunting and good food, the Indians left their arms in a deposit. Then, the old Januario with his companions, in secret, cut off the ropes of their archs, desarming them. When they waked up felt themselves without defense. The ones who resisted was killed and the tame and women was brought for work and to learn the catechism from the Catholic Church.”

What wasn’t mentioned by cousin Dermeval is that, the work that he refer to was slavery. The same was done to the African people that was considered in first place a merchandise before human being. So what would many of us do if a extraterristrial civilization take the Earth as it was their own and not ours and make us as slaves after kill all our resistents relatives? The answer probably will be strickling disturbing to many of us!

The revisionists could say that, cousin Dermeval was a man of prejudice by his observation that the old commander Januario was not inhumane treating the Indians like that. Again we must remember the time it were written. The book was published in 1,966 and had been written before these date. Martim Luther King Jr were assassinated in 1,968 and the Civil Rights Movement was at its apex at the time. It mean that our History was in a kind of limbo state between the new and the old understanding of life.

In Brazil the old generations really believed that to take the Indians from their old ways of life and Christianize them was the best they could do for them. The old generations didn’t recognized the Indians rights to the land and thought themselves ways of exploit it was the best thing to do. It was a series of unfortunate conceptions that the old generations really believed on. Although thinking they was giving all to goodness.

At these point we need to make up our mind about what are our conceptions in relationship to the others. We can’t assume that the good we are plan to do to others will always be really the best for them. When we assume that, we are mistakenly taken what appear the best for us as it is the good to others. Resuming it, we would try to do good to ourselves and not to others. Is just our selfness interfering with our understand of life and our will. We better hear first what the others think is good for themselves and do all of us to understand their point-of-view.

By the way, talking about our cousin Dermeval, his grandmother was the Brazilian native Francelina Catarina de Souza. He mention it at the page 212 of the book but don’t say the name of her tribe. She probably could be linked to the tribes Monoxos or Malalis the only others but the Botocudos that was in the area. But it is not any assurance of truth because he mentioned his grandfather had proposed her from her mother and they apparently lived isolated.

Like that having indigenous blood in a, at least, proportion of one quarter he probably wouldn’t have any racial prejudice. He just didn’t understood that the resistent Indians wasn’t any more bad than the insistent whites who wanted take from them all they had in life. Not only their material posses and knowledges but even their freedom that should be sacred to all of us.

After these brief introduction to these chapter I like to talk about the formation of our family. I mean the big fat family that come from the city once called Vila do Principe (Prince’s Village) and now have the name of Serro City. It had an immense territory in which some entire states from United States or Brazil could fit in and sparing good portion of its lands.

Serro City is located at Center Northeast of the Minas Gerais State. Was its fifth constituted village. Was set up in 1,714 under the administration of Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho de Carvalho, the Pacifier. It came about in the begining of the Minas Gerais Gold Rush which sprout from 1,698 until 1,750 when starts die out. It is on the line of mountains called Serra do Espinhaco (Big Spine Sierra) which goes from south to north in the state.

In these chapter I am going back in time. When I begun writing it said that I would try to put things in a chronological order. And I did it around about History and now I want go back just to explain our genealogical formation. At least at the point we have data in our hands.

We have to understand a little bit of geography also. The basics is that, Brazil got all the tropical shores of oriental South America, which is touched by just one ocean, the Atlantic. At the whole shore line is a strait chunk of plain lands. Not far way from the sea most of the terrain abruptely gain altitude forming what is called by Serra Geral (General Sierra). It is sighted from the sea and in the Southeast and South Brazil sometimes is called by the name of Muralha (Great Wall).

As most of the higher altitutes occur at these point and some parts of the mainland are down, many rivers tend go to mainland direction until it turns south, as the Paraguay River do, or north, like the Sao Francisco River, until they encounter their way to sea. In Minas Gerais such tendency doesn’t works so well. The Doce River broke the General Sierra in two. It goes from south to north until the Governador Valadares City where turns to the sea passing through the Espirito Santo State.

And that river made on its course some plains with much down altitude than its around about. On the Valley around Governador Valadares City we got a hot and humid climate. And as we enter in mainland direction we need practically to escalate as in stairways. On top of it we have the Espinhaco Sierra. Where all the gold once stood.

The Doce River Valley were a natural barrier to explore the mainland because its hot humid climate was a easy place to unknown diseases in colonial times. And many lost their lives trying to conquer it. Among them I already mentioned Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra the son of Luis Barbalho Bezerra, the Brazilian hero at the chapter of Dutchs Invasions around 1,640s. I believe that some people born in Brazil and linked to Dutchs at the time must have migrated to New York State which was also another Dutch colony.

Vila do Principe, now Serro City, was composed by the town with the name and a series of town born at the time of the Gold Cycle. The main ones was Conceicao do Mato Dentro, Tejuco which is now Diamantina, the district of Sao Jose de Taponhoacanga which now is part of Alvorada de Minas City, also Gouvea (Gouveia) and dozens more.

Around 1,750 the easy gold start to end and the local officials sent expeditions in radial directions to try to find more. Some where found at a plateau where later gave origin to the Santo Antonio do Pecanha Village. Now it is Pecanha City. Another place was called by the long name of, Vila de Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso das Minas Novas do Aracuai or, Our Lady of Good Success of the New Minas of the Aracuai Village. Now is just Minas Novas (New Mines). Those were not the last places where the gold or diamonds were found but since then the production was down. The gold of Minas Novas had been found since 1,727.

Was then that a new kind of colonization began. A wave of newcomers start mingling with the established population and entered the woods sinking lands to farm. Until 1,807 these tendency is blocked by the presence of the Botocudos Tribe which dominated southeast area of Serro, from Pecanha City to Doce River Valley. The governor of the State ordered the establishment of a fortification in Pecanha from where milicias dominated the Indians opening the immense new area to farmers.

Just after new settlements starts to be established. Among them, Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes, now Sabinopolis, and Sao Miguel e Almas, now Guanhaes. The settlements stood belonging to Serro City until 1,840 when the Village of Conceicao do Mato Dentro where created taking a good chunk of land. Sao Miguel e Almas even became part of Conceicao do Mato Dentro for about 18 years when it returned to Serro. Just for, some years later, 1,875, be emancipated as independent village among with Rio Doce, which was another name used by Pecanha before it took the name definitively.

After 140 years of its creation Serro City start to be broken apart in many big chunks of lands which now reduced its own territory to a small size city at Minas Gerais State. It count only 20,000 inhabitants in contrast to others cities that once were its towns like, Governador Valadares (255,000), Guanhaes (30,000), Itabira (105,000), Itambacuri (22,000), Minas Novas (30,000), Montes Claros (355,000), Nanuque (40,000), Pecanha (17,000), Sabinopolis (15,000), Sao Joao Evangelista (15,000), Teofilo Otoni (133,000), Virginopolis (10.000). These small number of old belonging to Serro count more than 1 million inhabitants but it probably count another million on more than 200 others cities also with roots on it.

I am not considering four sisters like cities, Coronel Fabriciano (103,000), Ipatinga (225,000), Joao Monlevade (71,000) and Timoteo (77.000). I am unsure if those ones once were part of Serro. Anyways its raising began at earlier XX century and their demographic explosion came after 1,950 and was caused by the installation of two big steel industries, Acesita and Usiminas. Between 1,961 and 1,964 our cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta were president elected for the Acesita and later gave help on the foundation of Usiminas.

That’s for sure not everybody come from the same family but looking at our genealogical books we can detect a clear pattern in the formation of these part of the Brazilian population. First a relatively small population settle down in the towns around the Vila do Principe. The population on those towns increased through two or three generations by local birth and arriving of newcomers, specially from Portuguese origins.

The second fase came with the dispersion of the initial population which colonized new towns in a medium distance from the initial settlements. Those new towns were generally formed by groups of relatives who had born at the initial towns. Each new town received genetical contributions from many others and, in many times, also from others settlements from the south of the State. Sometimes newcomers from Portugal also participated in these proccess. And each generation gave a step further until the whole area were populated.

We can see it also through the genealogy of the cities. Serro City were divided in many little cities with a big territories. Later those big territories were divided into others cities and so on. Example of it, the southeast of Serro territory were divided into Guanhaes and Pecanha. Later Guanhaes gave birth to Acucena, Braunas, Dores de Guanhaes, Senhora do Porto and Virginopolis. In 1,962 the Virginopolis territory was divided into more 5 cities which are Divinolandia de Minas, Gonzaga, Santa Efigenia de Minas, Sardoa and Sao Geraldo da Piedade. And each older city gave birth to others. Pecanha was the one which became mother to Governador Valadares.

The families also got the same faith. One example of it is the Coelho family. The name is just a reference because our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes came from Portugal. He marriaged in 1,779 to Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha who already had ancestors living at the Serro’s dominion. Their children migrated and founded the town of Sao Miguel e Almas (Guanhaes). Their grandchildren founded the town of Virginopolis. Their greatgrandchildren also participated on the foundation of the towns beyond. And finally many generations united to form the city of Governador Valadares and also spread around a great number of cities from Brazil and abroad.

Others families took alternative directions but usually meet at the same end. On each city not everybody migrated to the next. Those who stood still for many generations now got an entire city as close relatives. And also share ancestors with the populations of others cities. I want to be more specific showing it through some lines in our ancestry later.

From the recent Census 2010 we can take good idea how the population is moving. If we take the numbers of 1,960 there will be 27,000 inhabitants in Virginopolis City. A respectable size on the time and even today. Now the city count only 10,530. But if we add to it the populations from, Divinolandia de Minas (7,013), Gonzaga (5,903), Santa Efigenia de Minas (4,573), Sardoa (5,588) and Sao Geraldo da Piedade (4,389) we find 38,016 on its original territory. Guanhaes on its original territory should have around 100,000 inhabitants. And Serro City the millions that we talk about before.

Anyways what we can observe is that, most of the small cities in the Minas States are losing population on every census. And the major cities are gaining it. Some small cities are adding, at least from 2,000 to 2,010. But I think these unexpected gaining can be linked to the economic crisis of 2,008 and so on. The region was the biggest exporter of migrants to the industrialized countries and it is getting a set back because the crisis, and also because Brazil is in a cycle of economic expansion.

Historically, Governador Valadares were the main destination from Serro City region for decades. It began at the begining of the XX century when the railroad linking it to Belo Horizonte and Vitoria, Espirito Santo State capital, in 1,910. Later on came the Rio-Bahia Road what accelerated its development. Before it the area was in great part taken by the Atlantic Forest. The population began to taken down the forest and make it into pastures.

The good soils under the forests gave pastures so rich that the farmers could put the bovines there and just wait for the time to come back and sale it to slaughter mills. And the farmers from a extensive area, even from the south of the Bahia State, had their houses in Governador Valadares where they raised their families. As its population grow bigger the commerce also attracted more people.

So isn’t that amaze I told about 300,000 inhabitants in that city around the year 1,970 and now it have only 255,475. It can be explained by two events. Was believed that in the apex of the Brazilian migration to the exterior Governador Valadares had sent abroad 50,000 from its population. And also the city old territory was shared with new cities. As the city was totally dependent on the meat market and commerce it became to vulnerable to the humors of the Brazilian economy with its ups and downs.

In contrast, the four cities of Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga, Joao Monlevade and Timoteo that are nearby began its development based on industrialization. And from the begining until now the population is steadly growing. From 2,000 to 2,010, Ipatinga alone gainned population a little bigger than the size of the whole city of Virginopolis. In the same period, Virginopolis lost something around 4% of its dwellers.

But the star of the time is Montes Claros City. It increased from 307,000 to 355,000 in the last ten years. It is called the North of Minas Gerais State Capital, title once belonging to Serro City. At the same period Serro decreased its population from 21,012 to 20,810. It is two tendencies long observed.

Well, lets take to the issue genealogy. Only recently I aknowledged that the genealogy around the old territory of Serro City had more records than I was awared of. I know we have some data in the old registers of birth, death, marriages, etcetera. But what a didn’t new is we already had some books written around it. The books don’t add the whole population but units some data from families that once were dominant around about.

Before, I had notice about some of them. But I never got into it until my father presented me with the book, Genealogical Tree of Coelho’s Family (Arvore Genealogica da Familia Coelho) written by his niece and our cousin, Ivania Batista Coelho. I already knew some of the contents in the book because most people was known to me. It is about the descendence of Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and Eugenia Rodrigues da Rocha. He was a migrant from Portugal, born around 1,750 and marriaged in the domain of Conceicao do Mato Dentro City.

They had five children, Jose Jr, Joao, Antonio, Felix and Clara Maria. Only Jose and Joao marriaged and the family bought some farms around where, with others pioneers, they founded the town of Sao Miguel e Almas. Saint Michael was the devotion saint of Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Junior, also known as Jose Coelho da Rocha. Jose was marriaged to Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo at the city of Conceicao do Mato Dentro and their four first children was born there and they had another four in Sao Miguel (Guanhaes).

Then the family began to split with part staying in Guanhaes and another part going to the town, founded by them and other pioneers, of Nossa Senhora do Patrocinio de Guanhaes, that later became Virginopolis. These last foundation came in 1,858 and I was born 100 years later at the same place. Several generations had pass on and the offspring from the initial couple was counted then in the number of thousands.

The book isn’t completed. It was written in 1,979 and several of relatives wasn’t registered in it because some didn’t sent the data in time and others had lost the contact. If thousands was there other equal number fail to do so. But we had a good idea about them because is our tradition to talk about it in our meetings around the fire.

Our uncle Joao Coelho de Magalhaes marriaged to their cousin Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo. They had six children but most of them moved to Diamantina City. Our cousin Ivania recorded only part of his genealogy, basically the ones who marriaged to the descendence of his brother Jose. And she took special care on leave to us how does our kinship with professor Nelson Coelho de Senna and Dr. Innocente Soares Leao.

Both of them edited books about our genealogy. Professor Senna authored “Algumas Notas Genealogicas” (Some Genealogical Notes). These book where published in 1,939 in Sao Paulo. Dr Soares Leao authored the book, “Notas Historicas Sobre Guanhaes” (Historical Notes About Guanhaes). It came to be in 1,967 at Belo Horizonte City. As both of them are direct descendants of uncle Joao I think they must gave us more insights about his descendence and it is probably why our cousin Ivania didn’t copied their notes as whole.

I yet mentioned our cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta and his book, A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente (The Pecanha’s Wood, its History and its People). It was published in 1,966 at Belo Horizonte City. He also didn’t took much care about the Coelho Family probably because the others had done it before. He just opened some window to our greatgreatgrandfather Antonio Rodrigues Coelho who was the youngest child of Jose and Luiza Maria. Antonio marriaged to Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral who was professor’s Dermeval close relative and through her the Coelho and Pimenta families became united. But it is effective through our common ancestors from the families Pereira do Amaral and Borges Monteiro.

Professor Dermeval also mentions the Archives of the Leutenant Luiz Antonio Pinto. Pinto was born at the city of Caete, Minas Gerais, in 1,841. And worked as editor for a newspaper at Serro City. While working he also did a series of genealogical records that assembled data from inumerous families. His work is deposited at the Arquivo Publico Mineiro (Minas State Public Archives – APM in Belo Horizonte). Through internet I am informed that he got data for Coelho, Pinto, Rocha, just to mention only some of many families that I am interested on. He died at 1,924 for we get the idea how precious his data will be to any researcher on Serronean genealogy.

Another important literature on these issue is the book, Genealogias e Biografias de Serranos e Diamantinenses (Genealogies and Biographies of Serroneans and Diamantineans). The author is another cousin of ours, Dr. Luiz Eugenio Pimenta Mourao. The book was edited in 1,952 at Rio de Janeiro.

Unfortunately I never had the chance to take a look at such literature except for the works of cousins Ivania and Dermeval. But it is not all of it. The most known genealogist for Minas Gerais State was the father (Conego) Trindade. He was born in 1,883 and died in 1,962. He had good insights since he worked at the Archdiocese of Mariana City. Mariana was the first Diocese at the Minas Gerais State and all the data taken by the Catholic Church in the begining of its History was sent to there.

He is author of many works. One of those is, Velhos Troncos Mineiros (Old Trunks of Minas Gerais). It was published in 1,955 at Sao Paulo City. It is composed by three volumes in a total of 1,151 pages. He also published the book Genealogia da Zona do Carmo. It refer to genealogies around about the oldests cities of the State, Mariana and Ouro Preto. But it is more directed to his own kinship. Anyways, our families got so spreaded around the world that probably more than one million people can find some ancestor there. These book is at hand for free via internet and in one of its pages, titulo Gomes Candido, I found the ancestry and kinship of D. Emilia Gentil Gomes Candido de Senna, the wife of our cousin professor Nelson Coelho de Senna.

I got one more little of book. It is named, Arvore Genealogica da Familia de Jose Batista Coelho (Family Tree for Jose Batista Coelho). It is just a actualization for some part of our cousin Ivania work. It is about the descendence of my greatgrandfather Ze (Joe) Coelho. The authorship come from our aunt Ruth Coelho, who was his daughter, and her daughter Mariza Martins Coelho. The actualization goes until 1,996.

The notes about those books I am taking is to inform about its existence to anyone who will be interested on do research after my work. I don’t know if I will get the chance to examine such material and the answer to it is, possibly not. Is to much work and I would need time and money. Two luxurious itens that I don’t think I will have shortly. The genealogies from the books of cousins Ivania and Dermeval are already published at the sites, and (partially).

To end the list of documentation we could use to complete the most possible our Family Tree, I know we have registrations from our ancestors at the cities of Serro, Guanhaes, Conceicao do Mato Dentro, Itabira, Congonhas do Campo, Ouro Preto and Mariana. From there on we probably would find something in all the colonial cities at Brazilian Shores, from Sao Paulo to Ceara States. From there on we will have to cross the Atlantic back to Portugal and Africa.

I will now try to show something about the genealogical formation of our big fat family. Starting from a genealogical sequence that can be united to the family of the Brazilian hero, Luiz Barbalho Bezerra. I will take help from informations found at the site – Portugal together with we found at the book of The Pecanha’s Wood. Cousin Dermeval informed that he founded his data at a file from the Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia (Brazilian Genealogy College) at Rio de Janeiro City. Lets post it though.

Afonso Carreiro – unknown partner
1,380 Joao Carreiro – Isabel de Torres
1,410 Pedro Carreiro – unknown partner
1,440 Joao Carreiro – unknown partiner
1,470 Catarina Anes Carreiro – Joao Rodrigues
1,500 Francisco Carreiro – Alda Lourenco Rodrigues Salema (01)
1,525 Manuel Carreiro – Joana Rodrigues Valente (02)
1,550 Pedro Carreiro Salema – Maria Nunes de Andrade
1,575 Maria Furtado – 1,590 Luiz Barbalho Bezerra (03)
Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra – Izabel Pedreira
Unknown child – unknown partner (04)
1,668 Pascoa Barbalho – Pedro da Costa
Maria da Costa Barbalho – Manoel Aguiar
Manoel Vaz Barbalho – Josefa Pimenta de Souza (05)
1,738 Isidora Maria da Encarnacao – Antonio Francisco de Carvalho (06)
1,779 Boaventura Jose Pimenta – Maria Balbina de Santana (07)
1,821 Modesto Jose Pimenta – Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral (08)
1,853 Cornelio Jose Pimenta – Josefina Carvalho de Souza (09)
1,893 Dermeval Jose Pimenta – Lucia Pinheiro Pimenta (10)

These is the genealogy presented by our cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta. The genealogy he knew began at Luiz(s) Barbalho Bezerra and he didn’t knew the name of his wife so from that point on I took from The site inform us that 1,380 Joao Carreiro died in 1,449 at the Battle of Alfarrobeira. Cornelio Jose Pimenta is one of the pioneers that founded the city of Sao Joao Evangelista which also was called by the name of Pecanha’s Wood. And,

(01) Alda Lourenco Rodrigues Salema, was daughter of
Rodrigo Afonso de Tavora – Cristina Goncalves Salema

(02) Joana Rodrigues Valente, was daughter of
Fernao Valente – Isabel Goncalves Ribeiro

(03) Luiz(s) Barbalho Bezerra, was son of
1,570 Antonio Barbalho Bezerra – 1,572 Camila Bezerra

(04) These is one point of weakness on the study done by cousin Dermeval. He don’t mention exactly where he found that D. Pascoa Barbalho was grandaughter of Jeronimo and Izabel. He mentioned just generally the filecards that belongs to the Brazilian College of Genealogy (CBG – in Portuguese language). And on the cards are the informations about where the informations are found. So I would have to go to Rio de Janeiro to verify it.

(05) Josefa Pimenta de Souza got her own genealogical sequence. She as well her husband had been born at where today is the Rio de Janeiro State. Her father was a well established person at Rio de Janeiro City and had two lawful wives. Even so, he had Josefa with a unknown partner although he raised her in his own house together with his others offsprings. Josefa and Manoel Vaz Barbalho moved to the a town called Milho Verde (Green Corn – been Green in a sense of New) which still part of the Serro City and is where they got marriaged to each ohter.

The Family name Jose Pimenta was given to the grandsons of Josefa as an homage to her. And since then it stood for many generations. We got the data of her ancestry,

1,716 Josefa Pimenta de Souza – Manoel Vaz Barbalho
1,691 Belchior Pimenta de Carvalho – unknown partner
Belchior Pimenta de Carvalho – 1,677 Francisca de Almeida
1,622 Maria de Andrade – 1,610 Manoel Pimenta de Carvalho
Belchior de Andrade – Maria Cardoso

1,677 Francisca de Almeida was daughter of, Amaro de Aguiar and Francisca de Almeida. The family was from Rio de Janeiro exept for Manoel Pimenta de Carvalho who cousin Dermeval said was born in Vila Vicosa, Alentejo, Portugal. He went Brazil around 1,640 when he marriaged to Maria de Andrade.

(06) Professor Dermeval said that he looked for more data about the children of Josefa Pimenta and Manoel Vaz Barbalho but found only Isidora Maria da Encarnacao. Here we can verify some tradition from the time in Portuguese genealogy. The children was Christianized and get just a first name. Later on they themselves would choose a last and middle name for themselves. Usually women adopted names that remembered their Catholic faith. Like Isidora have chosen Maria da Encarnacao (Mary of Incarnation).

Men sometimes could choose names from their ancestry rather than their father’s. Usually, their others names starts to be shown at their marriage certificates. But it only make the work of genealogy more difficult to do. Sometimes it make hard to make a Family Tree since you don’t have all the data in just one place because the population at the time was always moving from town to town, looking for better opportunities.

The husband of Isidora, Antonio Francisco de Carvalho, was a Portuguese captain born at Vila dos Colares, Patriarchate of Lisbon. He was son of Antonio Leal and D. Maria Francisca. For some time he was the administrator of the Holy Places at the County of Serro City.

(07) I will start these section with another genealogical sequence. It is about what professor Dermeval called by Borges Monteiro Trunk.

1,807 Maria Balbina de Santana – Boaventura Jose Pimenta
1,777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Jr. – Maria Madalena de Santana (11)
1,751 Antonio Borges Monteiro – Maria de Souza Fiuza (12)
Caettano Borges – Joana Monteiro (13)
Manoel Borges – Izabel Rodrigues

(13) Joana Monteiro was daughter of Estevao Rodrigues and Maria Monteiro. These family was formed at the city of Seia which one count with many towns. Antonio Borges Monteiro was born at the Town of Pinhancos. And only his grandmother, Maria Monteiro, was from a different place called, Almeida Village. Seia is in the District (State) of Guarda.

Antonio Borges Monteiro moved to Brasil where he marriaged to Maria de Souza Fiuza. They had three children, Antonio Jr., Noroteia and Joao Borges Monteiro. Our ancestor Maria died and he marriaged to Margarida Maria do Rosario who had been born in Serro City. From these second matrimony he fathered, Maria (1,786), Margarida (1,787), Manoel (1,789), Jose (1,791), Ana (1,793), Umbelino (1,794), Francisco (1,796) and Isidro (1,796). Francisco and Isidro was twins.

Margarida Maria do Rosario – 1,751 Antonio Borges Monteiro
Domingos Lourenco Seixas – Maria Caetana de Pinho
Joao Lourenco – Maria Gomes

Domingos Lourenco Seixas had been born at Marco de Canaveses, a place around about the Porto City, Portugal. His wife, Maria Caetana de Pinho was daughter of Joao Simoes Santiago and Madalena de Pinho.

Antonio Borges Monteiro also sent two of his sons, Umbelino and Isidro, to live at the Rio de Janeiro City. Later on Umbelino moved to the city of Iguacu where he left descendence. Uncle Isidro stood in Rio de Janeiro. One of his sons, named after himself, studied advocacy and became the sheriff of the town between 1,857 and 1,860. He is also ancestor for Eduardo Pellew Wilson, born in 1,964, who is the second Count of Wilson.

(12) Maria de Souza Fiuza – Antonio Borges Monteiro
Joao de Sousa Azevedo – Doroteia Barbosa Fiuza (14)
Manuel de Sousa Azevedo – Anna Coelho

We found that is there a reference indicating Vila Nova do Norte (North New Village) as the birth place for Joao de Sousa Azevedo. He is Portuguese born but now there is no place with such name. There are two Vilas Novas in the region of Porto City. It could be one of those. What could be the link is the last name Coelho on his mother. The Coelho Family have close ties with the region. But have another Vila Nova at the Terceira Island, Azores Islands. And the Family Coelho was there when Portuguese people began populate it. So I don’t want do anymore speculation.

(14) Doroteia Barbosa Fiuza was daughter of Domingos Barbosa Moreira and Teresa de Jesus. She had been born at Sao Goncalo do Rio das Pedras. The town still part of Serro City and Domingos Barbosa is the name of its founder, in 1,789. Could be our ancestor or his offspring. It stands next do Diamantina City and the District of Milho Verde that belongs to Serro City. It is new even to me who got informations from the sites, and

Before, I said that was many Pokahontas like stories in Brazilian culture. And in one of those is said that, a French sailman lived at the Bahia State shores with the indians. The Portuguese people came and he was forced to enter the land with his indigenous partner. He fathered a child and died. Later on also the mother of the child died and a Portuguese person took and raised him. The child became a cowboy and farmer.

Around his farm he founded a town and it came to be Tabaiana. These town was part of Bahia State until de year of 1,823 when part of the North of the State emancipated to give birth to which today is the Sergipe State. Later the town was renamed Itabiaiana as it is even today.

It is why at the page 248 our cousin said about Teresa de Jesus, “Brazilian, born in Tabaiana, Bahia State”. It really was at the time. Another interesting information is that, the ancestor Domingos Barbosa Moreira was Portuguese and Sargento-Mor (Sargent-Major) which could mean some person of noble origin. If the tale is true maybe we are descendants of these Pokahontas like story because Teresa de Jesus could be offspring of the farmer founder of Tabaiana.

(11) The parents for Maria Madalena de Santana was Jose Vicente de Miranda and Ana Maria da Encarnacao.

(08) Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral – Modesto Jose Pimenta. Here we got another interesting genealogical sequence. It is about the Saga where many families such as Pereira do Amaral, Borges Monteiro, Coelho de Magalhaes, Pimenta, Barbalho, Nunes Coelho, Carvalho, Oliveira, Lott and so many more began to conquer the Southeast of Serro City, populate it and now their descendence spreaded around the whole Brazilian territory and the world.

1,827 Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral – Modesto Jose Pimenta
1,791 Malaquias Pereira do Amaral – Ana Maria de Jesus (15)
Miguel Pereira do Amaral – Francisca Angelica da Encarnacao (16)
Manuel Pereira – Maria de Benevides

The patriarchs Manuel Pereira and Maria de Benevides lived at the Sao Miguel Island which is also part of the Azores Islands and since the end of the 1,300s colonized by Portuguese and Dutch peoples. The only child we are aware of been born from them is Miguel who around the year 1,760 moved to Minas Gerais State. He first went to the town of Congonhas do Campo which was where the richest and powerful had their houses. It is not so far from Ouro Preto and Mariana cities, repectively, the second and first state capitals. He marriaged there but our records show that his son Malaquias was born at Conceicao do Mato Dentro, suggesting they moved after.

(16) Francisca Angelica da Encarnacao was daughter of Francisco Jose Barbosa Fruao and Ana Maria de Jesus. He was a native from Portugal, from Barcelos, Barcelos. Supposedly his wife was from Congonhas do campo.

(15) Ana Maria de Jesus, wife of Malaquias, was daughter of Antonio Coelho de Almeida and another Ana Maria de Jesus. So we got three ancestors with the same name. And the composition of their names doesn’t indicates nothing about their families. The combination is such as, Ana is the name of the supposed grandmother of Jesus; Maria is the name of his mother; and “de Jesus” means something like, belonging to Jesus. In Portuguese genealogy we have “de Jesus” as family name but it is probably derived from the tradition where people would adopt names attached to Catholic traditions. Then when the name appear in our ancestors we don’t know if it is from family or homage traditions.

The link between the Pimenta, Pereira do Amaral, Borges Monteiro and Coelho de Magalhaes is given to us through one marriage. It is represented by the next genealogical sequence.

1,777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Jr. – Maria Madalena de Santana
Maria Francelina Borges Monteiro – Daniel Pereira do Amaral
1,843 Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral – Antonio Rodrigues Coelho
1,872 Joao Rodrigues Coelho – Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral
1,893 Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes – Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho
1,924 Odila Barbalho Coelho – Eurico Batista Coelho
1,951 Ivania Batista Coelho

Here I decided to play around with our genealogy. These is one of the ways our cousin and author of one book of our genealogy is shown descendent of the three of the trunks. Maria Francelina was sister of Maria Balbina de Santana (07). And Daniel Pereira do Amaral was brother of Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral (08), two of the ancestors of professor Dermeval Jose Pimenta. Eurico Batista Coelho, father of Ivania, was son of Maria Carmelita Coelho, sister of Joao Rodrigues Coelho, and Simao Baptista Coelho was brother of Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral. And such happen is not exception.

The linking between the families is also with Antonio Rodrigues Coelho. Lets put his ancestry to show it.

1,829 Antonio Rodrigues Coelho – Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral
1,782 Jose Coelho da Rocha – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo (17)
1,766 Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha – Jose Coelho de Magalhaes
Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha – Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho

Here we got an interesting end the line. The only information we have about our ancestor Giuseppe is that, he had ancestors from Italy and Portugal. I am not sure but their names was probably located by our cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta after the publication of his book in 1,966.

In the page number 254 of his book, professor Dermeval give us some window on his doubts. The page starts with his ancestor Isidora Maria da Encarnacao, who was born in 1,738 and was daughter of Manoel Vaz Barbalho and Josefa Pimenta de Souza. He mention that he had only identified Isidora but suggests their other children could have received names like Pimenta Barbalho, Vaz Barbalho or Barbalho. He also point out that from the nine children of Isidora and Captain Antonio Francisco de Carvalho he had informations only about his ancestor Boaventura Jose Pimenta and his sister, Vitoriana Florinda de Athayde.

Since then I am suspitious about our ancestor Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho also be daughter of Manoel Vaz Barbalho and Josefa Pimenta de Souza. It came because Barbalho wasn’t a name too common around, so I wouldn’t expect it come from any variety of sources. Otherwise have the possibility of some Manoel Vaz Barbalho’s relatives be our ancestor instead.

The low frequency of the appearances of the name in Minas Gerais State could have a unexpected explanation. Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra, son of the hero Luiz(s) Barbalho Bezerra, was hanged at the historical event called by “Revolta da Cachaca”, in 1,661. The Minas Gerais State families are long known as too much conservative. And to be known as descendant from a hanged man would appear to much shameful to bear to most of them. And until recently the event hadn’t been considered important to the Brazilian History.

Taking advantage from these point I also would suggest another mean to the signature Magalhaes Barbalho in our family. It appear after the marriaged of our ancestors Policarpo Barbalho and Genoveva (Vita) de Magalhaes. They had been marriaged to each other around 1,817 at Mariana City. And moved to Itabira City where they raised the family until their children, father Emygdio and Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho went Guanhaes City.

Our tradition says that, Policarpo Barbalho had been born at the states of Ceara or Rio Grande do Norte before transfer himself to Minas Gerais State. Another tradition was passed to me when I was a child saying that, “Some of members of the Barbalho family stood at the Brazilian Northeast and two brothers moved to the South. One went Minas Gerais and another the Rio Grande do Sul State”. And these second suggestion have its similitude with the reality.

The brother of Jeronimo, Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, who became governor of Rio de Janeiro for a short while, was presented by the kings of Portugal with the Santa Catarina Island. Today is where the state capital, Florianopolis, is located. At that time the Brazilian South wasn’t yet divided in three states and the Santa Catarina State didn’t exist. I am just speculating that his offsprings maybe live there and it explains the presence of the Barbalho Family at the Brazilian South.

And is possible our tradition be a little bit distorted and our ancestor Policarpo Barbalho be also descendent of Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra, been born at Minas Gerais State and the suggestion of he been born at Brazilian Northeast be a mistake. If both of my theories are right I will be not much of amazed because things like that are supposed to happen all the time in human genealogy. But also I will be very concerned with the inequality on our genetical contents. We would be to much of a poultry bundle. Dangerously genetically uniform.

I will post a little sequence to demonstrate the linking between the families Barbalho and Coelho.

Policarpo Barbalho – Genoveva (Vita) de Magalhaes
1,824 Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho – Eugenia Maria da Cruz (A)
1,854 Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho – Ercila Coelho de Andrade (B)
1,890 Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho – Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes (C)

(A) Eugenia Maria da Cruz is daughter of the captain Jose Coelho da Rocha and Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo, the first dwellers of Guanhaes City. (B) The name Coelho for Ercila Coelho de Andrade have different origins and we don’t know it come from. The only one thing that we know is that, she was daughter of Joaquim Coelho de Andrade and Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca. They came from Itabira and accordingly to our traditions the name Andrade is the same for the poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. (C) Trajano (Cista) and Zulmira are grandparents for the author Ivania and myself.

We also are descendants of the one more child of captain Jose and Luiza Maria. Lets show it,

1,782 Jose Coelho da Rocha – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
1,822 Joao Baptista Coelho – Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho (D)
1,846 Joao Baptista Coelho Junior – Quiteria Rosa Pereira do Amaral (E)
1,876 Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral – Joao Rodrigues Coelho
1,893 Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes – Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho

(E) Quiteria Rosa Pereira do Amaral was daughter of Joaquim Pereira do Amaral and Maria Rosa dos Santos Carvalhais. And we don’t have the data that could say if yes or not our ancestor Joaquim Pereira do Amaral is related to our others ancestors also Pereira do Amaral. She and our greatgreatgrandfather Joao Jr. had 11 children, Maria Rosa, Amelia Rosa (maiden), Olimpia Rosa (marriaged to Joao Rodrigues), Joao Neto (grandson), Simao (marriaged to aunt Carmelita), Julia (marriaged to uncle Benjamin 2nd), Jose, Evencio, Francisco Sobrinho (nephew), Salathiel and Amavel (not marriaged).

(D) Joao Coelho and Maria Honoria had 12 children. Joao Jr., Maria Honoria, Antonio Paulino (marriaged to aunt Julia Salles), Sebastiana (marriaged to Joaquim Nunes Coelho), Joaquim Bento, Anna Honoria (her daughter Marina marriaged to uncle Daniel), Emygdia Honoria, Antonia (marriaged to uncle Pedro de M. Barbalho), Virginia, Jose (greatgrandfather Joe Coelho marriaged to two sisters, greatgrandmother Maria Marcolina and aunt Virginia), Marcolina Honoria and Francisco.

Observation. The references to marriages includes only the ones who marriaged to first degree cousins and second degree cousin in the specific case of uncle Daniel and aunt Marina (Nenen).

(17) Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo was born at Corrego da Prata (Silver Stream), it is probably a farm name that was in Conceicao do Mato Dentro City. Today I am not sure. Her parents were Antonio Jose Moniz and Manuela do Espirito Santo. As we don’t know the names of her grandparents, we also have no idea if the name Espirito Santo (Holy Ghost) come as a last name from a Portuguese family which bears it or it is just a coincidence.

As I said before, more you know the genealogy of the families that colonized some region more confident you become on navigate along with others genealogies. Just using the links between them. One example in our family is that, I already said that our ancestor Jose Coelho da Rocha, also known as Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho had a brother with the name Joao Coelho de Magalhaes.

Our ancestor Jose had eight children. In order of birth they are, Jose Coelho da Rocha Neto, Maria Luiza Coelho, Francisca Eufrasia de Assis, Ana Maria de Jesus Coelho, Joao Baptista Coelho, Eugenia Maria da Cruz, Antonina (who died as child) and Antonio Rodrigues Coelho yet mentioned above. Joao Baptista Coelho who got the name because were born at the day the Catholic Church dedicated to Saint John, the Baptist, was marriaged to Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho. And she give us one link to the Nunes Coelho family, which Coelho in our knowledge is not the same. Lets put something about her genealogy.

Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho – 1,822 Joao Baptista Coelho
1,806 Clemente Nunes Coelho – unknown wife
Eusebio Nunes Coelho – Ana Pinto de Jesus
Manuel Nunes Coelho – unknown wife

The ancestors Eusebio Nunes Coelho and Ana Pinto de Jesus had, at least, four more sons, Joaquim, Francisco, Bento and Antonio. The son Joaquim Nunes Coelho marriaged to Francisca Eufrasia de Assis, also daughter of Jose and Luiza Maria. Francisco marriaged to Maria Augusta Cesarina de Carvalho. Her parents were Jose Carvalho da Fonseca and Senhorinha Rosa de Jesus. Senhorinha Rosa was daughter of our ancestor Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior and Maria Madalena de Santana. So she was sister of both, Maria Balbina and Maria Francelina that bring us back, respectively, to the families Pimenta through Boaventura Jose Pimenta and Pereira do Amaral through our ancestor, Daniel Pereira do Amaral.

(10) Lucia Pinheiro Pimenta – Dermeval Jose Pimenta. Lets anticipate a little something here because we have another known crossing link. Mrs Lucia Pinheiro was daughter of the Minas Gerais State ex-governor Joao Pinheiro da Silva. Joao Pinheiro as he is known was born at Serro City and was son of a Italian immigrant named Giuseppe Pignataro. Giuseppe did what was a custom at his time when the immigrants used to translate their names. Then in Brasil he became Jose Pinheiro (Pine Tree). To be a more authentic Brazilian he added the “da Silva” which is the most popular name there.

Dr. Joao Pinheiro also fathered Amanda de Barros Pinheiro who marriaged to Dr. Caio Nelson de Senna. Dr. Caio was son of our cousin, professor Nelson Coelho de Senna and D. Emilia Gentil Gomes Candido. So their offspring also became descendants of our ancestors Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha, through our uncle Joao Coelho de Magalhaes. Dr. Joao Pinheiro da Silva died while in office as governador. And later on his son Israel Pinheiro da Silva was also governor of the Minas Gerais State.

(09) Josefina Carvalho de Souza – Cornelio Jose Pimenta. Those are the parents for cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta. These marriage is interesting because units many genealogies from and for many towns around. First of all lets post a little genealogical lineage.

1,861 Josefina Carvalho de Souza – Cornelio Jose Pimenta
1,839 Manoel Carvalho de Souza – Francelina Catarina de Souza (indigenous origins)
Manoel de Carvalho – Rosa Maria (or Maria Rosa)

According to cousin Dermeval, Mr. Manoel de Carvalho came from the town of Gouveia which one is also next do Diamantina and Serro cities. He and his wife established themselves with farms around about where today is Sao Jose do Jacuri City. In there the family multiplied and pass on to other places such as Sao Jose dos Paulistas, Sao Joao Evangelista, Pecanha and others. He didn’t track his indigenous side but what we would expect is that they got kinship with the whole area through it.

He mentions also that, his greatgrandaddy Manoel was brother of Jose Carvalho da Fonseca. This one was marriaged to Senhorinha Rosa de Jesus, daughter of the ancestors Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior and Maria Madalena de Santana. Jose and Senhorinha moved to the neighborhood of the Ribeirao das Araras (Macaus Stream) at the Sao Pedro do Suacui City. They also multiplied their family there and their descendence passed on to places like Guanhaes, Sao Jose dos Paulistas, Sao Joao Evangelista, Canta Galo, Pecanha, Belo Horizonte and so on.

So, in all it is just an abbreviation of what we can got from the informations contained at the book of A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente. I have a text in my blog under the address: that shows much more. Is in Portuguese language but the genealogical portion can be read without know the language. The data from the book is also published at the site

Just to complete some informations let post one more little genealogical sequence.

1,853 Cornelio Jose Pimenta – Josefina Carvalho de Souza
1,880 Etelvina Pimenta Brant – Pedro Ferreira de Andrade Brant
1,911 Moacir Pimenta Brant – Iolanda Raimunda da Rocha Brant
1,946 Fernando Rocha Brant

I posted these sequence only because I mentioned Fernando Brant before as one example of music producer that help us pass through the sad years when we were under the dictatorship in Brazil. His name doesn’t ring the bells without mention the name of his long time partner Milton Nascimento. Milton is a four times Grammy Awards winner. And I have one of his discs, from the Millennium collection, in which 10 out of 20 musics were done in partnership with our cousin.

Also I need post more two little genealogical sequences to identify how we are relatives of two genealogists on our family that I mentioned before. They are, respectively, authors of the books, “Genealogy and Biographies of Serroneans and Diamantineans” and “Historical Notes about Guanhaes”.

1,777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior – Maria Madalena de Santana
1,807 Maria Balbina de Santana – Boaventura Jose Pimenta
1,825 Francisco de Assis Pimenta – Francisca Augusta Pires
1,858 Josefina Ermelinda Pimenta – Joao Raimundo Mourao Junior
1,884 Luiz Eugenio Pimenta Mourao – Jeny Formiga

1,750(?) Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) – Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
1,785 Joao Coelho de Magalhaes – Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo
1,828 Emilia Brasiliana Coelho – Jose Coelho da Rocha Ribeiro (Ze Querino)
1,855 Agueda (Gueda) Coelho – Innocente de Leao Freire
Innocente Soares Leao – Maria Carsalade Guimaraes Leao

I would mention also the leutenant Luiz Antonio Pinto as a probable cousin of our. He was born at the city of Caete and lived at Serro City. There are in his Archives the genealogy for the Pinto Family. Our ancestor Ana Pinto de Jesus was wife of Eusebio Nunes Coelho but we don’t have data from her ancestry. And I hadn’t have the opportunity to study his data which is deposited at the Arquivo Publico Mineiro, in Belo Horizonte.

Well, I myself could be posted too. But it would be a little hard because I am six times descendant from the couple Jose Coelho da Rocha and Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. Three times from my mother’s side and three from my father’s. To make it simple, my father was Odon de Magalhaes Barbalho, brother of Odila Barbalho Coelho and uncle of Ivania Batista Coelho, who wrote our genealogy. By the way, she used my father’s notes and our greatgrandaddy’s, Joao Rodrigues Coelho, notes to write her book.

Just some considerations until I end these chapter. To have an idea how the population in the old Serro City territory were formed we can look some statistics of Sao Evangelista City. I numbered the list of first dweller presented by cousin Dermeval and I came with 104 families. More than 20 of the parents in the families I could identify immediately as our relatives. Mostly descendents of our ancestors Antonio Borges Monteiro and Miguel Pereira do Amaral.

There are a particularity at that city. Before have a town there, around 1,830s, the list of first dwellers point out the presence of the Portuguese couple, captain Ildefonso da Rocha Freitas and his wife D. Maria Coelho da Silveira. Cousin Dermeval mentions that they start one family named Coelho da Rocha. But as soon as the town was born in 1,875 the place were packed with people from the new and old towns once belonging to Serro City.

In other book not mentioned, that I didn’t had access to, authorshiped by Joselia Barroso Queiroz Lima, is a mention of a list of 15 first dwellers of Sabinopolis City. Five of them, Antonio Borges Monteiro, Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior, Malaquias Pereira do Amaral, Manoel Coelho de Almeida and Joao Pereira do Amaral are our ancestors or brothers of them. And we can’t deny the possibility of the others 10 be ours relatives because we don’t have our complete genealogy.

The town of Sao Miguel e Almas, later Guanhaes, start with the presence of captain Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho and his wife, Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. With them was others head of families such as, Francisco de Souza Ferreira, Antonio de Oliveira Braga, Faustino Xavier Caldeira and Jose de Oliveira Rosa. As son of leutenant Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha, captain Jose was also known as Jose Coelho da Rocha. Here are the coincidence of the same last name for the founders of Guanhaes and Sao Joao Evangelista, although without a known privious kinship between them.

Most children of captain Jose and Luiza Maria stood in the lands of Guanhaes but at the around about of where today is Virginopolis City. The names in the books for the founders of the town were: Felix Gomes de Brito, Jose Antonio da Fonseca, captain Figueiredo, leutenants Joao Baptista Coelho and Joaquim Nunes Coelho. Joao Baptista was son and Joaquim son-in-law of captain Jose and his wife Luiza Maria.

Although not pointed as first dwellers at the town, another daughter of the couple above, Eugenia Maria da Cruz, and her husband Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho raised their family at the neighborhood and all their children moved to Virginopolis. They had 8 children, Emygdia, Petronilha, Pedro, Marcal, Quiteria, Candida, Julia (not marriaged) and Ambrosina. Pedro and Marcal kept the family name “de Magalhaes Barbalho” for their children. Because the others was women their children were named after their husbands that was, Nunes Coelho, Magalhaes Pacheco and Magalhaes.

The youngest son of captain Jose and Luiza Maria, Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, lived his whole life in Guanhaes City and there had 16 children. One, Benjamin 1st, died at young age. Two daughters, Julia Salles and Emidia Justiniana, was with other women not from his wife Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral. With her he begot, Antonio Junior, Lindolpho, Altivo, Josephina, Maria Marcolina, Joao, Jose, Luiza, Angelina, Daniel, Virginia, Benjamin 2nd and Maria Carmelita.

Later on moved to Virginopolis, Maria Marcolina, Joao, Jose, Daniel, Virginia, Benjamin 2nd and Maria Carmelita. Except for Jose, they all marriaged to their cousins, descendants of Joao Baptista Coelho. Part of the children of Lindolpho and Altivo also moved to there and marriaged to cousins.

I will post two short sequences to give some idea on how the Coelho Family was formed.

1,782 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
1,818 Francisca Eufrasia de Assis – Joaquim Nunes Coelho
1,852 Miguel Nunes Coelho – Ambrosina de Magalhaes Barbalho
1,884 Bishop, D. Manoel Nunes Coelho, first bishop at Luz City, Minas Gerais.

1,782 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
1,824 Eugenia Maria da Cruz – Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho
1,861 Ambrosina de Magalhaes Barbalho – Miguel Nunes Coelho
1,890 Notel Nunes Coelho – Maria Isabel Rodrigues
1,915 Monsenhor, Omar Nunes Coelho

Those sequences are useful to show a little about the composition of the Coelho Family at Virginopolis City. Our relatives Francisca Eufrasia de Assis and Joaquim Nunes Coelho had in there 9 children but Miguel. Eusebio (died as child), Joaquim Filho, Jose, Emygdio, Rita, Lino, Altino, Joao and Luiza. I am not sure but I think that the husbands of the sisters of aunt Ambrosina, Emygdia and Petronilha, marriaged to, respectively, Jose and Joao, sons of Francisca and Joaquim. The other son, Joaquim Filho, was for sure the husband of aunt Sebastiana Honoria Coelho, daughter of Joao Baptista Coelho and Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho. Aunt Ambrosina and Miguel later on moved to the town of Coroaci, Minas Gerais, where their younger kids were born.

One thing I need to clarify here is that, I am not presenting the History based on our big fat family because I think we are any kind of special beings. My limitations is on the fact that I have only the data from our family at hand. The presentation have just the opposite intention. If anyone who is not from our family, in Brazil or any place else, and do a similar study on their own genealogy, I am absolute sure that, he or she will have the impression that our saga is alike any other.

We may don’t have the data from others families but when we take the data from newcomers to the places where have any domain of traditional families what we see is that, soon the offspring of the newcomers, if not themselves, marriages to members of the traditional families and become part of the big fat family.

One particularity of the genealogy in Brazil is the absence of data to African and Indigenous descendance. But it doesn’t mean that we don’t have any degree of kinship with all. In our family for example we know that, the wife of leutenant Joao Baptista Coelho, Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho, was probably mulata (half-half black-white) because we know she had dark skin. Also the ones, like myself, who have ancestry on Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho and Joao Batista Magalhaes (our maternal-maternal greatgranparents) got another lineage from African ascendancy.

Even in their offspring of today often we have cousins with darkish looks. By Brazilian traditions in romantics accounts it is a good presentation card to be lovable. Anyways, what I mean is that, not matter if we know how or not, we are relatives of the whole population around.

We can present example of outsider becoming part of the family. In 1,812 was born in Exeter, England a man named Edward William Jacobson Lott. He went Brazil at young age and around 1,832 founded the company, The Candonga Gold Mining Ltd, at Guanhaes City to explore a late incidence of gold at his acquired farm named Candonga. He marriaged to a 16 years old girl named D. Maria Tereza da Silva Teixeira Caldeira Brant.

I don’t have her ancestry with me but they had children and soon after the last name Lott start to appear in our genealogy. One sister of our cousin and author, Dr. Innocente Soares Leao, Maria Eugenia, was marriaged to captain Gabriel da Silva Lott. And I have more close cousins that also bears the name. But I had to do more research to make sure that the Lott in our family come from the same source.

In 1,885 Mr. Lott moved to Caete City where he died in 1,900. To marriage his teenage wife he had to promises that their children should be raised on the Catholic beliefs. He was Anglican and kept his promise.

Well, to resume our chapter we can take recent images to give a better idea on what became the conquest and populating of Minas Gerais State and elsewhere. It was like the tsunamis. The first wave come and fill up the irregularities of the terrain. Next come the second and surfs over the first going farthering the fulfillment. And the waves kept coming until the initial energy that created it dissipates. It looks just like all migratory movements. The difference between migration and tsunamis is that, the first one construct something and the second one destroys.

The Serro City began to lose its capability of to influence the Minas Gerais and Brazilian politics while lost the majority of its old territory, what diminished considerably its population reflecting in a less number of ellectors.

Later on the find of iron deposits in Itabira City changed the project of construction of the Vitoria-Minas Rail Road, altered at Governador Valadares City site. At the initical project it should go to Serro and Diamantina cities before goes to Belo Horizonte City. The constructed road went direct to Itabira and Belo Horizonte cities.

The isolation of the region was done with the construction of the new capital of Brazil, Brasilia. The new capital turned aside to the Central Plateau good part of the governamental attention and internal migration in Brazil. Today, the Serro City Region is coming back from the isolation that was affected for one century long.

The main roads were paved with asphalt, the old project to link Brasilia to all states capitals by asphaltic roads now paved the linking between Brasilia and Vitoria and do exists projects for revitalizing the old paths of the Royal Road.

The region offers good options for radical sports, observation of nature and preserved History of the more than 300 years of the European colonization at the Minas Gerais State. Serro City and region got one of the most well preserved Colonial Patrimonies in Brazil.

Minas Gerais State is characterized also by its production of cheese that is called by the name Minas Cheese. When you went the state you soon learn that the famous Minas Cheese gets a more intimate definition there which is cheese from Serro City. These quality is the chesse that we and our ancestors made for centuries.

One last observation had to be made here. It is about the size of these family. We don’t have for sure the least idea. I have one contact who is offspring of Joaquina Bernarda da Silva de Abreu Castelo Branco Soutto-Mayor. The pompous name can be shorten to D. Joaquina do Pompeu. I already mentioned her as example of women that were ahead of their time. When the 15.000 people from the Portuguese courts came to Brazil, in 1,808, and Rio de Janeiro City was out of supplies. She was called and furnished all sort of merchandise from her farms that, when she died, had 40.000 bovines.

D. Joaquina was born in 1,752 and was marriaged at her young age of 12 years old. She had 10 children and her offspring, my contact, and her biographer, Dr. Deusdedit Pinto Ribeiro Campos, assembled data from her offspring which ones are in more than 70,000 people. Our ancestor, Antonio Borges Monteiro, who was born in 1,751, marriaged 11 years after her and fathered 11 children may have a similar number of offspring today.

But, like her family, she had many sibilings, aunties, uncles and many relatives that have different offspring today, our ancestor must have many relatives that are unknown to us. And we are not descendants of only one couple. Based on the default on our records, on the little of we got and the probabilities, I think we are not less than 1 million people just counting the descendants of our ancestors from the date around 1,750. And I am talking just about the ones who are alive. I think that, most of us have a similar number of close relatives.

Recently I took a ride from my car’s clinic while it was repaired. The American who was driving me home told about family and I said to him that I have 8 brothers and sisters. Amazed he said to me, “How fortunate you are!” And he was sincerily thinking how good would be if he also had so many close relatives. The ride ended before our talks. I think the situation is not like I have many relatives and he not.

What is happening now is that, after the baby boomers generation we made the option to have less kids to give them and us more material possessions. We know it also is the right decision because we live in a small planet with limited resourses. But the feeling of belong to a greater family don’t depend uniquily on how many brothers and sisters we have. If we went back in our genealogy and look at our ancestors and their offsprings we will see how greater our family is than what we think it is. If somebody opt for the feeling of belonging only to some close relatives, then his or her family will be smaller.

My feeling of belonging is bigger than my ancestors were. I don’t think my european looks give me my entire identity. Some ancestors in my family made the option for not pass on to us the ways that connect us to our Africans and Native Brazilians ancestors. And as it give me the feeling of part of identity lost I am trying to connect myself looking for our true identity.

Be part of a great family is not always a better thing than consider yourself in a small family. The good side is that, almost every day you have an anniversary to celebrate. Today is January 7, 2012. The day that my father would turn 90 years old. Often you got message of newborn. You go to a bigger number of marriages, graduations etcetera. And you is never alone to pass through your difficulties.

But it have also its bad side. You mourn more times in your life. You will be more concerned with the problems of others. You must give more from yourself to keep things going well. But, anyways, it is part of life. Be part of a greater family is better in consequence of the bad things that can be happen to you or to your relatives. It means that always when somebody is take down will be more people to cheers up the ones who will suffer more. Nobody is left behind.


I am kind of anxious to end this part of the book because it is less important and the decision of the Republican Party about who will be the candidate to challenge president Obama on the process of election 2012 is getting uglier. Yesterday morning the ex-speaker of the House, Gingrich, got rid of Mitt Romney exhaling his “pious baloney” over the Mitt’s saying that he didn’t tried the reelection here in Massachusetts because he had something else to do, and not have a career as politician. In my point of view Gingrich pointed out the real reason. Romney had a so conservative administration here and got the electorate so angry with him that he had no chance to be reelected. It was the same impression that I had at that time in what I was present but hadn’t the right to vote.

Rick Santorum continue to insists that United State need a Commander in Chief and not an Executive in Chief. These is not the answer. If a Commander in Chief was so essential Cuba, after 50 years with a Command in Chief, would be the best place in the world today. The biggest American Problem now is its economy. So should we call any economist to solve our problem?! How silly is such idea! They are the ones who in first place caused the problem. And it is valid not only for the economists and CEO’s alike. The problem was also caused by the people on the entrepreneurial field, like Mitt Romney himself, that was gambling with their money and our lives. Paraphrasing Mr. Gingrich, Santorum’s and Romney’s talks are nothing but “pious baloney”.

Mitt Romney is also furious with alleged cases of piracies made by the Chinese. Accordingly to him China have managed to invade the system through internet and is copying intellectual property of American businesses. He need to rethink he’s allegations because since long ago United States is not investing so well in education and as we are been not able to produce enough brains in our own universities we always used our attrative market to bring to United States the brains that are worked by educators abroad through expenses on other peoples. Maybe China is just playing with the Brazilian saying: “Ladrao que rouba de ladrao tem cem anos de perdao” (Thief who robe thief have one hundred years of pardon).

Okey, here I am. I could compare my History with Jesus History. Don’t be foolled by the comparison. I am not talking about his importance for our History now. I am just mentioning his birth as modest peasant, uneducated on issues that he told us about and not matter how hard he tried to do something good he ended dying in a, considered by his contemporaneous, shameful way. In some way I identify myself in an alike path. I don’t mean that, in sometime of the future I will be celebrated like him. I just mean that, my life had been a series of unfortunate events, that I always try to look on what good it can bring to humanity, obviously, not to myself right now. Lets though bring it on.

I was born on july 4, 1,958 in a small city called by the name of Virginopolis, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. My mother wanted my name be Washington, because of my date of birth. In Brazil most of the people is called by the first name. For that, because English people usually uses the last name as identification, many Brazilians start naming their children after the last name of personalities in English and American Histories. So the names Nelson, Washington, Hudson, Lincoln, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Johnson, Wilson, Kennedy and many more appears as first name in Brazilian genealogy.

The father Geraldo Brauwer who was about to baptize me thought was nonsense give me such name and my father said he already had registered me with the name Valquirio. The father, who had German origins, expressed his concerns saying it had less sense though. But he had not choice because I was already Valquirio.

The name come from the German Mythology Valkjrja, the she angels that collected the souls from the falling braves in the battles, to bring them to the Heavens. It inspired the composer Wagner. Then the letter o at the end had to be added because it is the Portuguese language way to make most names as male names. Usually, in our language the letter a is always female and the o, male. So is easy to switch as the convenience shows. Like in the names Antonia and Antonio.

When I was born, the city was about to enter on its longest depression. Probably the inhabitants didn’t knew that and they attention was driven to other fact. Brazil had been champion for the first time in the Soccer World Cup.

Despite of my memory be great and I remember some scenes of my life since I began to walk, what I have a better remembrance starts around my fifth anniversary. Yes, I remember one time tip-toeing, with my arms hitting the sky, and asking to be pick up to the arms of somebody that I don’t remember who. Also I remember my father, on his only one time that I witnessed it, firing fireworks at our backyard for the second championship on Soccer World Cup that Brazil won in 1,962.

After that came 1,963 and its sad end. Our grandma, Zulmira, my father’s mother, died from a long sufferring hearth condition. She was only 70 years old and our love for her was just a retribution to her kindness. She passed away on October 1, 1,963. And here in United States, just after, in November 22, from the same year, Mr. president Kennedy was assassinated.

The shocking notice had an effect as someone of our close relatives had died. The Brazilian people wasn’t awared politically of what was going on in the world. But I think our ancestors was waiting something more from the fact of president Kennedy be a Catholic person. I don’t know what illusion Brazilian people had that emanated from a Catholic president in United States but his death hit everybody in a bad way. I just felt the double sorrow for two people that was important on our lives. I can’t say I remember him but I was contaminated by the happiness with his administration and sorrow for his death that my older relatives felt.

At these time I was been awared of the place we lived in. Was a small city designed in a big X formed by its main streets. The plain lands hardly have space to pass through the mountains. The mountains produced streams from its bases which ones excavated trenchs along the plains. Like that, almost half of the houses, except some in the center, had its backyard ending at an stream. The other houses, on the opposite side of the street was part of the other half.

Most of the houses was old and decadent. Some, such as the one where my family was living in, served to our paternal greatgrandparents. The style was old colonial made by heavy wood with adobe walls. A think that except for the nails and a little something else on iron and ceramic all was made through local hardworkers. Even the roof was made out of roofing tiles. Generally the houses was old and enviromentally adequated since we was used to live among mouses, cockroachs, tarantulas and birds like swallows and owls. Sometimes we had bats but never snakes. We had chickens in our backyard, a dog and a cat. The last ones only throughout the 70s.

The house had a U shape with the open side directed to the backyard. It was separated in the middle by a single wall making two independent houses. In the other side lived our old aunt Phyloteia (Teteh), our grandpa’s sister; an younger one with blue eyes, a little bit crazy, named Vitoria, and a old black woman named Phylomena (Phyloh) from whom was said that, she had been slave but I am not so sure about it because she had to be more than 100 years old for it be true, and she was the oldest but the only one out of the three with working brains. In one of the roons lived also our, separated from his wife, cousin Hugo and two of his sons, Eustaquio and Ricardo.

In our side, with the birth of our youngest sister in 1,964, we became 9 children with the older been 12 years old. Adding our parents and two more helpers. Those was different people in a space of 2 or 3 years. We was 13 people under the same roof. Occasionally we got 1 or 2 more, when some sisters or brother of the helpers came in. It wasn’t an exception in the city. The houses were really crowded. But nobody had to much issue about it. Today the city must have tripled its number of houses and is not more populated than that time. It was the same in almost whole Brazil.

Our house is at the center of the city. Not the old one but another that we start living in at 1,978, constructed by my father in its place. In the old times, our neighborhood wasn’t very different from what we had in our home. The whole street where we use to live was almost inhabited only by our relatives. I mean, close ones. One exception was our most close neighbor on the left side who was the bread baker and came from a City of Caratinga. His wife was local and her last name was Carvalho, maybe have some link with our relatives but not direct to us.

I don’t think it will be necessary to mention everybody because it would become a telephone’s list. But another two aunties of my father, Olga and Biloca, lived there. One of his granduncle, Francisco Sobrinho (Seo Chiquinho), lived at the front house with his wife, Salome (Memeh). The number of relatives and the links was so greatly entangled that I discovered these particular kinship with them 40 years later when I start studying our genealogy. My father never called him uncle and mentioned him just by his nickname, so I never realized our close kinship.

Later, moved to the same house the stepmother of our maternal grandpa. Aunt Virginia, who was widow of our greatgrandpa Joe Coelho, lived with his three never marriaged children, Ignes, Tarcisio and Joao. With them our uncle Gamaliel (Gama) who was a complete brother of our grandpa Juca. On our right side neighbor, lived the widow, aunt Ceci, with her daughter, Aparecida (Cidinha) and her family. Aunt Ceci also was complete sister of our grandpa Juca. The sibilings from the first family was: Juca, Aquiles, Gama, Armando, Maria Marcolina and Ceci. The ones of the second was: Darcy, Josefina (Fina), Amandina, Bernardino, Noemi, Joao, Ignes, Tarcisio, Savio and Ruth. Aunt Ceci was widow of uncle Marcial, brother of our grandpa Trajano (Cista). At the same street also lived my mother’s maternal uncle Eliezer (Seo Lee).

In the rest of the houses, two was not occupied all the time by relatives of ours but the occupants have in their families relatives that was marriaged to some of our relatives. And as children at the school age we was colleagues of their children or partiners on sports. And the whole center was occupied by these mix of generations of the same family alternated by some non relatives. The pattern in proportion of relatives and non relatives would became opposite while we walked through the streets going in suburban directions.

But where ever we would go always had a house of some relative of ours. And those that we believed not be could in some way be our relatives because we don’t have a perfect data on the ancestry of all the population and not even of ourselves. As I mentioned before, we can’t exclude from it the ones who had African and native Brazilian origins because we also have ancestry on those origins.

Also the rural area was a reflex of the city. Since it was populated in the beginning by our ancestors, they took for them big chunks of lands. And as the generations came and goes the initial farms were divided between the heirs and became small farms. But the population became to big to keep dividing the lands, and then the generation of our parents began to look for somewhere else to go. Even before some had made these decision.

I got two examples of it that illustrate well the situation. The City of Governador Valadares have a list of pioneers. I think it count only the ones that moved to there and in some way brought some development to the place. If was not by these reason the pioneers had to began in years before 1,900 when yet had some population there. But the list start from 1,916 and on it is listed Sinval Rodrigues Coelho, my father’s maternal side uncle, marriaged to Maria (Maricas) Magalhaes, my mother’s maternal side aunt.

Another enlisted at the same year is Mr. Gil Pacheco de Magalhaes. He was marriaged to Maria Vieira, born in Ferros City. Mr. Pacheco was son of aunt Quiteria de M. Barbalho and Joaquim Pacheco Moreira. Aunt Quiteria was sister of Marcal, my father’s paternal side grandpa, and Candida, my mother’s maternal side grandma. We have others in the list from others years like, Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, uncle Sinval’s brother and Odilon de M. Barbalho, my father’s brother.

Even before that time women was supposed to follow their husbands no matter where they was going. And we have the case of aunt Emygdia Honoria who marriaged to Amaro de Souza Silva and left great descendence in various cities of the region. Also aunt Marcolina Honoria who marriaged to Demetrio Coelho de Oliveira and help populate Coroaci City. Aunts Emygdia and Marcolina was daughters of our greatgreatgrandparents, Joao B. Coelho and Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho.

Then came the 60s and along with it the demographic explosion on the bigger cities. Our family had experienced some of it before with some migration to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Cities. Later on came the time for Belo Horizonte also attract more migrants but as we saw in the video before,, in 1,948 the Minas Gerais capital had only 200,000 inhabitants. Basically these population was from the whole State. But I am also sure that a good part was from the Serro region, specially from our places. It was because the most populated areas of our State was South, Mata and Central. The South is next to Sao Paulo. The Mata is next to Rio de Janeiro. And the Central is on the opposite side to the two of the others big cities.

But at the time we got three other options from the 60s on. Governador Valadares, Ipatinga area and the Brazil’s new capital, Brasilia. And we start to see our aunts and uncles with their families go to those places. Year after year the History was the same. My father had 12 brothers and sisters who got marriaged. Three of them stood in Virginopolis as him did as well. Aunt Odette went Belo Horizonte. And all the other went Governador Valadares. Only uncle Otacilio stood in Virginopolis for long before go to Valadares.

The History of my mother side wasn’t so different, although only one of her sisters moved to Valadares. Aunt Camilla, who is marriaged to our cousin Jorge Nunes Coelho did it. The others dispersed to many places like, Uberlandia, Paracatu, Vitoria-ES, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Itabira, Sete Lagoas and Virginopolis.

We have at least two good sides from such dispersion. If the family was kept all together and all the children were raised side by side we would kept marriaging to each other as our older relatives did for about 100 years in the city. And our consanguinity is yet dangerously too similar to our possible descendants bear it. As family I think we are happy enough with each others so when most of us moved and marriaged to outsiders families it gave more chances to our offspring survive and pass on our genes. The other side was during our school vacations when dozens of us would meet at the city. It bring us so many good memories!

In 2,005, just after the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, I saw one lady been enterviewed at a news show. She was clearly upset with the world. And her anger was from the false impression that most people from the others countries hate Americans. As I mentioned before, it came from the polls after the terrorist attacks on september 11, 2,001. And the results were unidirectionally explored by our media. Maybe to justify whatsoever would come later. And her defense of our people was in that sense: “Look how we are a compassionate people! No other country in the world is doing so much for the victims of the tragedy.”

It is just because of missleadings like these that the other peoples accuses all Americans of arrogance. And I remember facts from my infancy that maybe can help the other Americans to understand the other side point of view. I remember me as a child eating some American cheese in our catechism class; having one time for week oat cereal at school breaks and was said that some dried milk which was distributed to the poor there had come from United States. Everything was charity and I don’t doubt it.

But the time proved that we didn’t really needed it. Our region was what in Brazil is called milk bacin. And also we could produce ourselves many kind of grains such as rice, corn, beans and even oat. What the people at the time hadn’t was a better technology because we had good lands and climate, and more than enough water which nature presented us.

We have to remember that, paraphrasing one American diplomat that served in Brazil sometimes later, “America don’t have friends, have interests.” We never knew what relationship such charity had with the support United States gave to the dictatorship in Brazil. And the charity and the dictatorship came at the same time. Coincidence? Maybe!

We got example of a different approaching. In 1,968 we got a new father in our parish. His name was Bernardo Odenkirchen and he was Dutch. And Netherlands have a law that mandates some percentage of gains from its trade with others countries be applied in those countries, in projects that are beneficial to the communities. And the citizens from that country are the ones that help the communities to have access to that money. No politics interferring.

Through these help we got a better hospital, maternity, asylum for poor and, naturally, a better care of our church buildings. But also some resources that made possible we got a technical school in a high school level. The goal was to teach knew agricultural and cattle raising techniques. With it and some assistence from a state agency the farmers started to produce more and have a better income. I can’t say that everything went smootly because the ups and downs in the Brazilian economy never let many people have a better opportunity. But these way was no doubtfull much better than pure charity.

So my conclusion is that, we can’t say “we are compassionate” when we give big donations to attenuate any tragedy. We are the richest country in the world and what we donate is from what is in excess to us. When tragedies occurs in poor countries some people there prove to be much better than us because they share all they have even when it will be necessary to them later.

If I keep writing every fact of my life I will have to write another book. Lets see just what is more important. I gonna try order the events by year. 1,966 I went school and was seven and half years old. Differently from here, our school years begins February. It is because at the south hemisphere the winter come in the middle and the summer in the end of the year. We hadn’t have preschools there. Our vacations was in July, middle year, and December through February, end of year.

Around that time the city acquired its first televisions. Not so many people had it. Was black and white. When was possible watch some, usually we would see old American productions such as Bonanza, The Three Stooges, I Love Lucy, Lost in Space, Land of the Giants, Tarzan and so on. From Brazilian production, mostly Soap Opera. The News Show worked as break time to us children most of the time. I even still have in mind the way the anchorman pronounced the name Lyndon B. Johnson, when the news was about United States.

Untill my father was able to buy our own used tv I would ask any of the others that had it in the city to watch some in their houses. We got ours around 1,968. And at these or the year before I had an accident while playing with my friend at the bakery of our neighbor. Mario, his name, was making bread’s dough in a electric machine. I was playing with a small piece of it when it felt off my hand and I tried to pick it up in the air. I just felt a little pull and immediately I moved instinctively my hand back. Mario called my name and shut off the machine. I didn’t understood why until I see the blood coming from my hand. It had cut off one third of my right tumb.

At first I was more calm than our neighbor family. The girls was crying and somebody brought me to the hospital. The city was without a medic person and I was sent to Guanhaes, where I was operated by Dr. Francisco who was kind a famous in the region. Maybe because he was the only one next to us. Recently I found his name in the cousin’s Dermeval book and discovered that he is our relative.

The wound was never such as big deal to my life. But the trauma, for long time, made me sad. Adding to it, I don’t remember if was after or before, I was run over by a car. The car didn’t exactly pass over me. Just gave me a hard push that made me turn around two times before seat at a side walk of the street in front my father’s house. I had to pay a new visit to the hospital but these time with less consequences. Anyways, those and others events added made me question for almost my whole life if I was intentionally put in the world through a kind of bad luck. Today, seeing how the world is going, I don’t feel so unluck at all. At least, I am not alone.

Also in 1,968 Martin Luther King Junior was assassinated here in United States. But the event appear have no effect in Brazil. I don’t remember any commotion around it. And I think it was because he was a non Catholic priest and because Civil Rights in Brazil wasn’t a big issue at that moment. Black people had been always left aside in our society but we hadn’t any segregational law saying, by the law, have anyone “more equal” than others. Brazil had a more like European system of law, more close to France, where “Liberte, egalite, fraternite” was the motto. The problem was that, law never worked well to poor people in Brazil.

If I hadn’t come to United States, Luther King would be no more than a illustrious unknown to me. Maybe not so because I am addicted to information. Occasionally I would see some article about his life and accomplishments. But only here in United States we can learn about his real dimension on the chapter of Civil Rights Movement. If the movement had a better connotation towards the combat of poverty in the world, he would be better known in Brazil because in there the prejudice is more directed to poor people, does not matter the collor of skin.

May 7, 1,969 came another commotion in our family. Our paternal grandpa died. He struggled for a little time with a kidney problem and didn’t restisted to it. He was a strong man and rarely got a cold. But he also was 79 years old. I think that what could be done for him was done. He were transported to Governador Valadares and from there to Belo Horizonte by helicopter. Something very unusual in that time. But medicine also wasn’t resourceful as today. I didn’t not even cry for his death. Only sometime later I felt his absense realizing that, I never knew him closely as others relatives.

Grandfather Cista, as he was known, had a life that could fill a good book. He started as employee when he was only ten years old. Later he became owner of transportation, farmer, had commercial houses and helped his sons starts business of their own. He just didn’t invest in his daughters because, at that time, women was supposed to stay home and marriages. A man on his position would guarantees good husbands to them. He was elected mayor of the city for two times. He probably was the richest man in the town when he died. But the riches at the time wasn’t expressed by money in the pocket. He was farm owner.

The list of his children and godmother Zulmira was, Oswaldo, Odette, Murillo, Odilon, Olimpia (died while child), Otacilio, Odon, Odila, Otto (Sinho), Oldack, Oneida, Otacilia, Ovidio and Ozanan.

1,969 also were the year for the first man walk on the moon. It was largely announced that would have a live transmition by tv. I waited until 9:00 pm and the speakers said it would be delayed. And the delaying became hard to bear. I said to myself, Ok, tomorrow will be reprised. I was woke up by some expression of admiration of uncle Murillo, my mother’s brother, in the main room. He was visiting us just for the occasion. Was after 12:00 am and I kept my word. Tomorrow! What I didn’t knew at the time was that, they already was seeing a reprise.

I was 11 years old when I visited the city of Governador Valadares for the first time. Was the biggest city I had been. Was much smaller than today but its population, for the same reason in Virginopolis, was bigger in proportion of buildings. I didn’t had any trouble learn the ways to walk it on its every corner. The city have two references points, the Doce River and the Ibituruna Peak. The Ibituruna appear to be an enormous mountain but is no much higher than our small peaks in Virginopolis. It come because Valadares is in the trench excavated by the river for millions of years.

It is also the reason Valadares have a real tropical climate and Virginopolis one almost temperated. The annual variation of temperatures for Virginopolis goes from rarely 30s to rarely 80s Fahrenheit. Even in the long summer that goes from September to March the temperature decline at night at the point that you can sleep well with no need for heavy blanket. Valadares rarely goes down 80s.

Scatered in Governador Valadares we had many houses of easy known family members. There we had 8 aunties and uncles, Camilla, Murillo (my father’s brother, not my mother’s, because we had two with the same name), Odilon, Odila, Otto, Oldack, Otacilia and Ovidio. Aunt Maricas, who was widow of uncle Sinval, and uncle Antonio Rodrigues Coelho was still living there since they were pioneers. I think uncles Wilson (Sao) and Gastao, aunt Maricas brothers, and Elgita, Nize, Omar, Conceicao, Joao and Olimpia, complete sibilings of uncle Antonio, was still there too but I didn’t paid visit to all. Also had a great list of cousins. Counting just those with direct Virginopolis ascendence.

At the time I didn’t knew that we were also close relatives of so many cities populations from around about Serro City. And, certainly, some was also living in Governador Valadares. Even not knowing it was impossible avoid occasional meetings with known relatives at the streets. In the days that we went the Aete Sport Club to refresh a little at the pools I got the impression that I was in Virginopolis, second version.

1,970 was an year of Soccer World Cup. It was in Mexico and Brazil start playing in Guadalajara. Every play day our house became a theater. Many relatives and friends. Brazil had seven plays and seven wins. We became three times champions. The first ones in History. And the dictatorship tried and probably achieved some prestige among the public opinion. It was the time when the gingle that had the phrase, “It is a country that goes ahead” and was mocked by comedians who had their show suspended.

Around 1,974 our stepgrandmother, Petrina, died. She was grandpa’s Juca second wife and the one that I knew. My mother’s mother had died in 1,940. She was only 44 years old. Grandma Davina was marriaged for 26 years and had 17 children. Three of them died while children. One was named Camilla and two Longinos. The Longino third were the one who lived and became my godfather among aunt Oneida, my father’s sister. The list of their names is, Maria Marcolina, Murillo, Fausto, Lucio, Merces, Martha, Judith, Longino, Camilla, Angela (Ju), Lia, Jose Fabiano, Lucinda and Maria Helena. The sibilings of grandma Davina was, Joao Magalhaes, Eliezer (Mr. Lee), Emydia (Miluca), Wilson (Sao), Getulio, Maria (Maricas), Candida e Gastao.

Grandma Petrina also was cousin from the Barbalho branch. She gave 5 more children to grandpa Juca. Davina, Maria Eugenia, Matilde, Eduardo and Cirano. She was an warmful person and everybody loved to be around her. Her younger son is just three years older than my oldest brother, Fernando. Our difference of ages with the second family was so tiny that we was more like cousins. After they aged enough to go to big cities they made our happiness when they came to visit.

Particularly Davina and Maria Eugenia whom would assembly at least one dozen of us to go to visit our uncles and aunts living in the countriside of the city. The farm were the grands Petrina and Juca lived also was great place to met. Unfortunately, Davina and Maro (as we called Maria Eugenia) are our losses to the cancer on their ages around 60s. Both of them was just getting their first grandchildren.

Grandma Petrina was daughter of Sinhah Gininha (Eugenia) and her sister, aunt Geralda, marriaged to uncle Bernardino, half brother of grandfather Juca. They had three more sisters, Maria, who was nun, Margarida (aunt Nen) and Cecilia. Aunt Cecilia marriaged to Friedrick Knipp. Or Fridirico as he was called. Was a German immigrant in Brazil and they left a big descendance.

In earlier 70s we also had two important events in Virginopolis. One that didn’t caused me good pleasure. Was the mentioned creation of the technical high school there. I always loved animals and plants but my plans was go to any place else to get a job and become independent. But I was only 15 years old and my father didn’t even asked if I had any other plan. And I became stucked in the city for more four years.

At the time the government dicided that, all high schools had to be a training place not more only for scientific studies. And we were obligated to do two years of basics and two of professional subjects. As it goes we lost one year in scientific contents, which should be fundamental to those who was interested to go to an university. We could try to enter to a university after complete three years but knowing that your chances would be smaller because you learned less. In Brazil, the admission to an university was made only through a big test called Vestibular. So I failed in my first one and lost one more year in high school.

Around 40 years ago also starts the Jabuticaba Festival in Virginopolis. Jabuticaba is a Brazilian fruit in many varieties. It is a midium size three, can be 30 feets high or more, with long, multiple, flexible and strong branches. Its cycle of life around the year began in the winter when all the leaves went down and the tree stay like that until start its floral shooting. The plant keeps it dorment until don’t come the rain. Immediately after, as a miracle, the whole tree is covered by its white flowers, exhaling a sweet and agreeable smell.

The blossom effect is so intense that the entire tree gain a snow covered looking. Even the trunk can be covered in flower, sometimes the roots that come out the lawn gets some flower. Bees start pollinating and its buzz sound dominates all day time. Soon the small rounded green fruit appear and start growing. As it gets a size of a jumbo grape the color goes changing to yellow and red stripes to a pitch black mirror outside. The process demands 40 days to accomplishs if the rain is enough.

Inside comes a white juicy pulp and three big seeds. We take just the pulp and discharge the rest. Comparing it with the best grape I ever had, it is many times better. From the fruit we can make wine, liquor, cachaca and jelly. Each one is the best of its kind. If one is able to climb the tree will have the best of the fruit. It is not good to be transported because is so delicated that soon starts to acidify. In question of hours it become useful only to produce alcoholic beverages.

We need to be careful with two things. Firstly when one starts eat it don’t want stop. It makes your kidneys work faster and you have to go sooner than later. Later on, when you need to go do the other business, it will come like you are constipated. But is not a big deal. The feces will just come hard but the defecation will be smootly. The problem is only when one eats many seeds. Is also good. To prevent the problem, one just have to eat some barks from the fruit itself. They are smooth.

Those that got water in their mouths can go to Brazil around November to get it. Don’t need go to Virginopolis. Sabara City which is also close to Belo Horizonte have its own festival and the tradition on have the fruit. The whole state produces the fruit which is native from there. Those who don’t have money to make such travel can have the fruit here in United States. It is not yet available to commerce but at the Florida State some “mireiros” planted the fruit in their backyards and are already taking it. They probably will no mind if somebody asks for try some. Is our cody of hospitality.

Well, what I also was thinking to talk about is the Festival that come from the fruit. It starts with two goals. One of them was to get some income to benefit the city’s social corporations. With the income, schools, hospital, maternity, asylum and more are assisted. The idea came from some teachers in Virginopolis and worked so well that almost all the cities around created their own festivals. What changes is the time and the motivations. Each city have its speciality such as orange, banana, sugarcane etcetera.

The other goal was to bring to the city its old residents and their families for the period. So the Festival of Jabuticaba became a family meeting. Outsiders are very welcome also but if one don’t have contact with someone around is difficult to find rooms at the hotels on the time. The city have just a couple and the cities around can serve as bases to ones that got their own means of transportation. Is there a camping area but is not comfortable. It works fine for young people. Even in the houses of dwellers it become overcrowded. It is just like you see a multitude of Brazilian anywhere else in the world. Is noisy and happy.

Around 1,976 I made my first trip to Belo Horizonte and knew a real big city. At least, was a place of about 2 million people not counting the cities from the Great BH. I don’t remember exactly the details because I did two trips related with the schooling program. One to the Exposition of Bovines in Barbacena City and another to Vicosa Federal University to take classes on its annual Farmers Week. On one of those I stood in Belo Horizonte where I met relatives.

Sports was always my favorite activity. And soccer was what every Brazilian play the best. I enjoyed voleyball and swim too. Since earlier ages I was goal keeper and kind of good one. My stature help me on that but I never was perfect. And because in Brazil the goal keeper was always blamed for everything wrong, I quited and start play on other positions. But one time our team was in need for a goal keeper and I was called to cooperate. I tried and in the practice I felt over the ball in a position that provoked a terrible dislocation of my shoulder. Since then I couldn’t play my favorite sports as I did before, and in many times that I went had accidents that brought me to hospitals. Even here in United States I sufferred dislocations for 2 or 3 times. Only recently I got a surgery that resolved the problem but I don’t play anymore.

In 1,977 were some year. I remember have an inspiration and start to write a book, before July came. These wasn’t my first one. When I was 13 I wrote another small brochure but lost it. I can’t classify my teen ages as happy ones. I was very timid and unable to talk fluentely. To read and write was like my defense where I exhaled my most profound concerns. Then I start writing the book not knowing what would come to the next page.

Each day I wrote a chapter which was a big accomplishment to me, since I hated to develop the given themes that would come from school’s homeworks. I felt very comfortable on write on the inspirations that came from nowhere but not from designated ones. I think the problem was that, I wasn’t good at the subject languages and without an inspiration was too hard to do it.

Before long the first part of the book was done and came July. I Think was that time we went to Barbacena City. And when I stood in Belo Horizonte I met with my cousins Hideraldo, already living in the city, and Jose Maria. And the three of us plan another adventure which were go to Paracatu City, where our aunt Maria Helena lived with her family. Paracatu is at the opposite side from Virginopolis of the state and next to Brasilia. After an while there our uncle Carlucio said that we was too close to Brasilia to not go there and since he paid our bus tickets nobody thought different.

Except for aunt Maria Helena because she was worried about send three teenages boys, I was the older and had just turned 19, to such dangerous adventure! Carlucio just made fun of her worries, “When the people there look at three big boys like these, they will get lost from their way.” And he wasn’t far from the truth. We were three six feet tall men with our backpacks and casually dressed. Somebody could mistaken us for gang killers that wasn’t so uncommon in Brazil at the time of the dictatorship. But we got there without any incident.

And then we met our relatives at that unusual city. It was already a 17 years old planned and constructed during the administration of president Kubistchek. Everything was different from what we knew before. I hadn’t have the impression that everything was beauty as others travellers in the family had said but was different with some places really well done. I think, my first impression was distorted by the fact that we were at Brazilian winter when everything was dry, even the air. The plants was too dried to offer a better looking.

As my brother Jesse already lived there we paid him a visit at the National University of Brasilia. More remarkable than the new buildings at the university was the presence of military people watching all student’s moves. Jesse recalled that, in a students strick some time before had a soldier there that they called Hulk, because the guy was so big and strong that he was able to take three students at a time and bring them to the police busses.

When I came back I fineshed my book. Before, I already had the idea to make the story goes on. But surely, the visits to the big cities helped me to bring more reality into it. The second part of the book was related to the opression that our people was sufferring and I used my wishful thinking to make my pages gets a good adventure. (Later on I read and realized the similitudes between my work and the book, “A Pal utcai fiuk” (The Paul’s Street Kids), authored by the Hungarian Ferenc Molnar).

In the third part I dreamed about solutions. Even today I don’t know how to explain how I had so many ideas. I think my book have something of Jules Verne in that. In there I see a humanity concerned with all of our problems and seeking for solutions to it. What pull us apart is forgoten and the goal is make life better to all. The waters are shared, the deserts are casted into gardens and even the moon is colonized. In some sense the book is too mature to have be written by a 19 years old kid, since the older lords of the world are unable to bring us peace.

1,977 were our prom and in 1,978 I went Belo Horizonte to live there. I shared one apartment with my sister Magda, three daughters of aunt Ruth, author of part of our genealogy, two other girls, friends of them and our cousin Joelzinho (little Joel). Also aunt’s Ruth son. My idea was work and study. And three months later was working on Picchioni that I mentioned before. But the salary was too small to be serious on the project of go on with my studies.

Anyway, I enjoyed to live in Belo Horizonte. It is at the center of the state and from there we had the opportunity to go to other cities in the weekends. Like that I knew places like Caraca College, Piedade Sierra and Ouro Preto, Sabara and Esmeraldas cities and others more.

When I went Belo Horizonte I tried to do the test to go to college but the most I did was be approved on its first phase. It were easy and the second phase was specifics. As I was trying to be an animals doctor had to prove more knowledge in biology and chemistry. The two tests appeared be easy to me but chemistry was totally about the issue organics. Just what we missed on High School because one year less on the scientific matters.

In our parent’s house we divided us in two groups, the five older and the four younger. In the matter of schooling we also have a bigger difference between the two groups. We five older went to school older and attended an a coercive system. Even the teachers could give us physical punishments for not pay attention or make any mistake that children often do. Learning hadn’t stimulus to us. Learning itself was a punishment for be young.

And it had its visible set back. The student that wasn’t approved in the tests had to repeat the year. Sometimes we had kids in their 15 years old going to the fourth grade. We don’t had many people with good grades. And most students dropped out before the conclusion of the fourth first grades.

The second group, the four younger, began with my baby brother, Ney. He is more than 2 years younger than me which was a long distance in that time. All four went pre-schooling and attended a different type of schooling. It was more stimulant. The basis of that type of schooling offerred more stimulus. And they were more sucessful in their grades.

I don’t blame totally the schooling for my set backs in life. My sister Magda had proved that with more effort we could do well. But I was kind of lazy. I was too quick on learn the lessons and do the works at school. It was enough to get good grades at the four first years. The problem began after those years. I studied just for the last hours before the tests. It was enough to get the minimum points to be approved. And it was only 50% of every test. Some disciplines I had no problem and scored high. But I accumulated deficiencies in math and language. Later on it made hard to me learn the mathematical parts of physics.

So, while I was in Belo Horizonte, my two younger brothers, Ney and Odon Jose, had already went the University of Vicosa which is a rural specialized school. Then I asked my father to let me go to there and do a course which is called pre-vestibular. It teachs the high school contents in preparation for the tests. As we had to chose what we would do in the university, before be in the university, my option were for zootechnitian. It works with nutrition, management and farming constructions. My choice had more to be with less competition than my own will.

I had no confidence in myself at that time. Before a person went to an university in Brazil the competition was so great and what you know about what you must know is so little that you imagine that, anyone need to be a genius to be approved in the tests. My real inclination was human medicine. But I was so timid that I became terrified only imagining what would I do to talk to patients, particularly women. Then I got the idea of do veterinary medicine. And had nobody to give me assistance on it to have a better choice.

So I ended doing option for a third interest because I was totally disoriented. In Brazil we don’t had the option of start first and chose later what we would do. Afterward I learned that I had to talk to the animal’s owners so be a timid person wasn’t reason to do the wrong choice. And with the time at school I loose almost all the timid personality that I had what would be the same if I had been successful trying human medicine. Human medicine wasn’t offerred at the University of Vicosa. But it was an experience that can be useful to others.

After I went the pre-vestibular and took some simulated tests, and comparing my results with the ones of others students, I start to get my confidence back. Although the wrong choice already was made. My deficiency on some parts of the main subjects that was chemistry and biology drove me to dedicated more time to it. And I studied for 6 months dedicated to what was more valuable to the specific test. Like that I had no trouble in be approved.

The tests occurred in number of one by year. I went the university without basis on math and I got in trouble with calculus. Then I looked for help think that the school would offer some suplemental assistance. The teacher that I talk to must thought that I was just making fool of myself since he was so surprised with my questioning! He just informed that we was supposed to know the basics to be in the university.

The first year there were hard and I got lessons that none want have. First of all we imagined that, because was so hard to be approved, the students in an university had to be geniuses. In contact with them I downgraded my spectations to a level of intelligence not above than the average in our population. The geniuses were there but was a few bunch of nerds.

Also my conception of teacher in an universitarian level was the people that knew their subject so well that they had to be good communicators of it in a way that everyone could quickly understand. Also thought that a good teacher would be interested in make disciple from their students on their subjects. It could work on everywhere else but Vicosa. Not everyone, but most of the teachers there don’t had any conception on teaching. Was well known the fact that they manipulated the tests in a way to reprove a percentage of each class. And they regarded as best the colleagues that reproved more. Was like they were competing between them and against the students.

In the years that I stood there I was inspired to wrote a theatrical piece in what is expressed our lives and attitudes in front of the many challenges in a studen’s kind of humor. It is a satiric piece that bears more a journal of talks between a group of friends that dwelled or had ties with the address, 38 apartment, block Pos-Graduated. The piece’s name is, Big 38, or a Bad Word not so Pornographic. The pornographic is a reference to our like slavery condition.

The next year I just took another test to exchange my professional orientation in the university. If I had to try through the internal process I could had to wait for a six months or more answer and could be denied. As I had attended to a pre-vestibular before and some classes of biology and chemistry inside the university the test became, as we say, “piece of cake” or as Brazilian do “mamao com acucar” (papaya n’ sugar). The competition was 15.2 students for position. A little more than 600 people trying 40 places. What was sad is that, was one less opportunity to all in the university. Unfortunately.

I am not praising myself on it. Be aproved in Vicosa wasn’t so hard after all because the university was some kind of away from the bigger cities and, beyond have less concurrents, I am in doubt about the level of education the students who got there had. Been a rural school a good part of the concurrents had coming from schools that had a less level like the one that I attended in Virginopolis. The concurrence was for others specialities in others places like the human medicine with more than 40 students for each place. When computer science began at that time we had 70, 80 students for each place.

It was 1,982. In a normal rate I would got my degree 4 and half years later. But I got in trouble with a extra curricular discipline. I tried to fix it using the normal ways, through de education department. I was denied in all levels. The utmost denying came from the Federal Counsel of Education. The people there didn’t knew how to read my records gave by our university unit. So they mistook my number of completed credits by the numbers of the departments where I attended some disciplines.

I would address them an appeal but my sister, Magda, who is a lawer, said it wouldn’t be worth to even try. As I was attending just one discipline for one intire year and was sure that would be aproved, their answer should be such as, “Yes, you are right, but since you already is aproved have no need to attend your request”. I was trying to create jurisprudence on behalf of those that could be involved in the similar situation in the future. But my sister wasn’t on my side on it.

I was aproved and got my degree one year after most of my contemporaneous did. 2,012 will be the 25th anniversary of my class. But my deception with everything happen in the university time demanded its toll. I really lost the mood on be a professional in that area. Another thing, my degree came in 1,987 and Brazil was on one of its lowest economics downs. Most of the new professional workers hadn’t where to be employed. The opportunities was always to take a lower position not linked to your career. Or, what is the best in Brazil, be aproved in a test to be employed by any branch of the government. But even the tests was suspended.

The same year that I went veterinary medicine, 1,982, coincided with the 90th anniversary of our grandaddy Juca. We, his grandsons studying in Vicosa, made a trip back to Virginopolis to meet with, at least, one hundred of his offsprings and more relatives others. He was born in June 12, 1,892. And later the June 12 became the equivalent to Valentine’s Day for Brazilians. At the year after he died around march but we were unable to do another adventure.

Grandaddy Juca is among the many people that give longevity to our family average. A good number of us goes to 80s. And some goes beyond it. Around the time of his death we had aunt Marina (Nenen) who got to 101. Record broken only in 2,008 by our cousin Mr. Gabriel Coelho de Oliveira. He was 103 years old when died. Our grandpa’s stepmother, aunt Virginia, and his brothers Achiles and Joao surpassed his mark or got close to it. His son Murillo died at 93 and daughter Merces is alive on her 91. My mother, Judith, is 86. Many of his generations such as aunts Edith, Maricas, Olga, Vita and others got close to 100.

I am already making the Portuguese version for these text and yesterday my brother Fernando sent a note saying that, our cousin Marilia de Magalhaes Barbalho died in the day before, January 28. She was born in March 26, 1,016. The same year of our uncle Murillo Coelho. Marilia were the midwife of Virginopolis for many years at the time that we rarely had a doctor there. Many of us came to life through the help of her hands. She was almost 96. Never got marriaged but helped raised three children, Luciano, Francisco and Nadyr. Francisco or Chiquinho is long living in United States. And Luciano also had a tour around here.

And I am not sure if had any other between them but before her the local midwife was Eugenia Nunes Coelho, commonly known as Sinhah Gininha. She was the mother for grammy Petrina. And also surpassed the barrier of 90 years old. I don’t have her data but I recall that, when I was in the third grade our school sent the third and fourth graders to represent it on her burial. These were a singular homage because I don’t remember anyone else that got such distinction there. It was 1,968 and she must be born around 1,875.

Our greatgrandmother Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho, from who I don’t have the date of death was born in 1,858 and died after the birth of my older sibilings, Fernando (1,952), Celeste (1,954) and Jesse (1.955). In 2,009 visiting relatives in Brazil we came to the farm called by the name, Fazenda do Seo Joao de Souza, that stand between the cities of Divinolandia de Minas and Gonzaga. In there we met Emidia, then 94, and Vita, 91 years old. With them was also Xisto, 80, and Diva, 76. They are grandchildren of aunt Emygdia and sibilings of professor Matosinhos Figueiredo. By their health at the time, today we can add three more year on their ages.

In 2,010 we had the rebirth in Heaven of aunts Olimpia (Olimpinha), born in 1,920, and Maria Jose (Zeze), born in 1,922. They were the last daughters alive of our greatgrandparents, Olimpia and Joao Rodrigues Coelho. The second family of grandaddy Joao still alive. As well our uncle Otavio Coelho de Magalhaes, who was born in 1,919 and is the widower of aunt Zeze. I will talk no more about it because I am not the one who know everything.

All of them had some genetical variety because came from mixture of races and lived most of their lives in a more natural way, not eating added substances in their food. I think eating jabuticaba have something to do it their longevity. They began their lives before the advance of medicine and had natural resistence to many diseases. Although most of them was children of parents that was close relatives between themselves it appear had not effect on their longevity. But I don’t think my generation will have the same faith because a great number of us are repeatedly offsprings of various marriages between close relatives. Maybe we will die at similar age they got but through modern medicine assistance, not by our natural pain free capability as they did.

I never was in the mood of repudiate what I learned in the university. I thought it was always useful in our lives. But in there I got two special lessons that now we can use in our lives. We had a teacher, if my memory is not failling me, who’s name is Patarroyo. He is a Bolivian. He had been famous unto us because he struck a break through on the researching for the malaria vaccine. Some said that soon he would be able to produce some vaccine for the disease.

One time in his class he asked us what to do to make us free from a disease. With our inexperience we was drove to think some kind of medication. And he said that, in my words, the right thing to do is eliminate the susceptibles to diseases. Immediately came in our minds the visible questioning shown in our foreheads. If we was thinking about animals it would be to much costly to anyone to bear. In human terms it was disgusting.

And he candid gave us the answer. Think vaccination. Everybody opened’ a big smile in sign of relief.

The second lesson came from a Portuguese teacher. And for these one I ask the reader to pay doubled attention to it because the meaning of it can be happening right now in United States. Not exactly in the same issue but later I will recall these story to explain some important thing else. I don’t remember the Portuguese teacher’s name because he wasn’t from our department. I think he belonged to the Department of Human Sciences. And we had a social studies subject, one time a week, each day ministered by a different teacher.

At the time we were amazed by the governamental disresgard for education in Brazil. It wasn’t new and we always knew it. Even reading now the book of our cousin Dermeval Jose Pimenta we got a glimpse on that. He mentions the professor Manoel Coelho de Moura Guimaraes, who was grandson of a Portuguese writer, Jose Coelho de Moura. The Coelho in their names have different origin than the others that I already told about. In the page 149 is mentioned that, “In 1,899, he moved to Sao Jose do Jacuri City, taking a position as teacher when the administration of governor Silviano Brandao, by economy, cut many schools.”

Professor Manoel was marriaged to our cousin Maria Francelina Pimenta, grandaughter of our aunt Maria Balbina Santana and her husband Boaventura Jose Pimenta. And their situation at the time clears shows to us how education was seen in Brazil by the administrators. In Brazil, education were always taken as expenses, never as investment. And what aggravated it more is that, basically the government institutions are the biggest providers on education there and the regular people have no financial means to go to private institutions. So Brazil got always stucked in a vicious cycle of ignorance, used by the rich to exploit the common people.

And what I was talking about is the information we got that, from 1,000 people that went schools in the elementary level only 17 got in universities. In these statistics nothing else is counted. We didn’t knew the number of those that never attended schooling, which was high, or the drop outs. And somebody had made the association from it to the definition of motor efficiency. The efficiency on motors is measured by how much in energy it requires to convert it in useful work. At the time the rate was 50/50. It mean 50% of efficiency.

And then our teacher called us to think in a different way. To us was obvious that 1,7% of efficiency in teaching was a totally failure. How could somebody think the scooling in Brazil would be efficient with such low rate? And he just said that, also in my words, imagine that, you are think that the schooling system in Brazil was conceived to make people educated. Then take it on opposite side. Imagine if the education in Brazil is made to make people ignorant. Then the efficiency rate will be 98,3%. Anyone of you know anything else with such efficiency?

It was sad but he was right. Our goals in our strikes was to elevate the efficiency of education in Brazil. And we got the idea that our work there was bigger than we previous thought because we was counting on that, the people on the administration was trying to do something in favor of our education but their were taking us down, efficiently. Sometime later we heard that the teacher was going back to Portugal, and I don’t recall the end of the story.

Even in Vicosa things became as issue of family. Some Virginopolitans had been students there. But in 1,978 our cousin Jose Maria was there to attend high school. Next year he and my brother Ney were aproved on the entering tests. In 1,980 were my brother Odon Jose and our cousin Hideraldo also time to take the try and be aproved. I and others tried too but don’t got it. In that year I did the pre-vestibular there and in 1,981, finally, got my first success. From there on others cousins did the same. From our family went there, Flavio Jason and his sisters Grazziella and Kira. Hideraldo’s sister, Maria do Socorro (Corrinha). Also came Geraldo Magno (Deia), Angelo and Iranelson (who is our cousin born in Governador Valadares).

Already was there professor Matosinhos de Souza Figueiredo, grandson of our greatgrandaunt Emygdia Honoria Coelho and her husband Amaro de Souza Silva. They are from the branch of the Coelho Family that multiplied at Virginopolis, Gonzaga, Divinolandia de Minas, Santa Efigenia, Sardoa and beyond.

From families not direct related to us we had the sisters Kedina and Atila. Later Kedina marriaged to our cousin Odilon, more known by his nickname Dill. The couple came to United States and stood here many years before went back to Brazil. I am not sure if they turn back to here but it is not problem because they are legalized. The sisters are from the Lucio Family and as far as I know, more than half of the Lucio Family is mixed with the Coelho Family. Also we had as contemporaneous our friend Geraldo (Lay) Ferreira. Unfortunately he past away years later, leaving behind an young family.

After I got my degree and tried to look an employement for about six months I ended back in Virginopolis City. My brothers who had got their degrees before was also there improvised as high school teachers and taking care of a small property that was in part inherited from our grandpa Trajano. Two thirds of it my father had acquired from his sibilings. Soon I took place in the farm with the others.

I don’t remember all the details but some 2 or 3 years later I was alone in the farm and doing classes at the high school in Virginopolis and also in Divinolandia de Minas. The two cities are just 8 miles apart from each other and I began even going there on pedals of a bicycle. Like that I had something to do from the 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.

And I start love been a teacher. My enthusiasm end affecting my students. I taught three different subjects, geography, chemistry and biology. Later on English language was offerred to me too but my honesty don’t let me take it. In my time of middle school we had French and English. But as the school was adopting a new program my class got four years of French and none of English. I got small notions in one year of high school and it was nothing. About the other three subjects I had entire confidence on myself.

More than do classes I tried to pass on to my students my experiences. I insisted with them to not study only to have good grades. In my opinion we had to seek knowledge. To learn because what you learn nobody can take from you. On each class it was the first lessons. And I watched each student up close. Many of them had difficulties on understand the subjects and I clear identified the reasons. They was all clever but some didn’t had a better schooling in their first years. And then I gave my help where I could.

I made the tests a little hard. Those that wasn’t getting good grades I didn’t let them down. I replaced the bad results with another chance for them. And they got the idea. I had experienced many times in my life that I also got bad grades. The problem was that I learned a lot from my mistakes, although what I learned from it was erased from my permanent records. My evaluation on my students had a good part on their behavior. If I saw a sign of interest on learn was more important than get things done on one time. And they understood me and most of them made me proud of them, getting better grades, not only in my subjects.

In that time we had some particularities going on in Brazilian education. I already said that, Brazilian politicians never took education as an investment for the future. And it can be shown through the fact that, since the law guaranteed that all high school had to have professional contents and one of those was train teachers for elementary level, all small city had a teacher’s training high school. And every time I went a new class it was my question to the students, Who of you want to be a teacher? Sometimes two, mostly one answered yes. And I thought with me, What a waste of money and talent!

The salaries for teachers was so low that almost everybody was trained to be a teacher and the last thing they wanted do was teach. One of my sisters said one time that, she was admired to see some of her contemporaneous as teachers because they were just the ones that was considered the worst students on her class. She noticed it after goes away and take another job.

Then I created a project that could involve around ten or more cities in the neighborhood. Each one could have a different subject to train the students. Professions that could be practiced locally. But some roads have to be constructed for all cities be directly connected. Through busses the students could be exchanged every day to study the subject they wanted best. So the children could choose their own city or go to other accordingly to their tendencies. In my mind they would be happier, would know better new people and would have less need to go away to a more negative enviroment like the big cities after graduation.

I posted the project to be presented in a teacher’s congress in Belo Horizonte. Because a strike that had been happen the congress were transferred to another city at the South of the State and I could never get there. Would be too costly to my small payment. I sent the written project and never were contacted about if had any reaction about it. In that I asked for the restoration of the scientific in three years and, only after, the students that wanted would do the two complemental years as technitians. For that those who wanted to follow up their careers in universities wouldn’t be disprepared and who wanted do only the level of technitian would lose nothing on get more knowledge.

In some way, nowadays it is been put in practice there. Not in a high school level anymore. Some professions can’t be practiced anymore in an high school level in Brazil, and now it is done in a faculty level. And the faculties are been multiplied. Even Virginopolis got its own. I came to United States just after the congress be realized.

Before I start give class I began date with Maria da Penha, also called by the nickname Penhinha (little Penha). She was from Santa Efigenia de Minas and went Virginopolis to work. She start living in my cousin’s house. Was 21 and I 31 years old. She didn’t completed high school and became my student for a little while. But the level of our schooling was more elevated than what she got on her city and never got to the end of it.

The bigger problem wasn’t exactly the level of schooling or lack of intelligence from her part. The number one problem in Brazil was the lack of stimulus to go to school. Penhinha on her job which didn’t demand much of schooling was able to make two thirds of what I was making as teacher. And I remember making US$ 130.00 by month. What it would buy to us? Maybe we could rent a little apartment and pay for what we would eat and nothing more.

I was there because was staying in my parents house and administrating our farm. It was another big deal to me. Our main product was milk. And my knowledge about it was enough to make our cows produce around 4 gallons a day without the use of expensive technologies. But for start I would need some capital that could not be from banks because the excessive costs in interests. The price of milk in Brazil is so low that nobody take loan to produce it. If you do you would never pay the bills and would lose everything.

What is good about the climate in Virginopolis and region is that, the temperatures never goes too up or too down making it ideal to cows to live outside doors. Even the plants used as food to it goes all the year green if you can water for only 4 months of dry season. Actually, by the truth, I was there for 1 month long, July 2,009, and we had at least one rain by week and my brother said he had green pasture for the whole year long.

Another thing was happening around 1,993. Since the years of 60s some people of our region went United States. Wasn’t a popular way of get out of poverty. In that time, as I said before, migration was intense to Governador Valadares, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia. One of our friends, Walter Passos, who even had been a singer in a weekly tv show in Belo Horizonte, under the nickname of Tony Passos, came to United States by himself. No longer some others, even his brothers, also came.

At 70s more and more people from the region learn about and also looked for be here. Governador Valadares became the center for the operation mass migration. Even United States installed a consulate there for a while. In the 80s, with the Brazilian economy in one of its worst times, the intensity became so noisy that that consulate was closed and the people of our region had to go to Rio de Janeiro to ask for visas. If someone was from Governador Valadares regional influence became hard to get it by the right way.

And the problem was the lack of criterion. Everyone knew someone who visa was denied. In our case were denied to our cousin Lincoln Lucio, who had been mayor of Virginopolis, was well established entrepreneur, he had children living here but his travel was to visit not to work. In other hand, his brother-in-law, Mucio Moreira, was a fun guy, had his own farm property but was entirely broken and came to work and got a visa.

As the Brazilian economic situation became desperate and the American consulate began to play like a visa was a lottery it opened the window for the trafickers. Soon everybody knew about somebody who knew the way to connect people with them. They provided false visas, false passaports and even circuits travels that put the migrant inside United States. More the police became able to detect the falsifications, more the trafickers job became sophisticated. And it also became more expensive. At least US$ 10,000.00 for person.

My girlfriend had many friends that got here before us. I probably knew much more people who was here but I didn’t even knew they had come. Was impossible somebody from our region don’t know anyone here. Even my sister Lola had come too. And Penhinha began ask me to give a try. In the begining I didn’t took it seriously. But analysing our situation I start open my mind. She had no future there unless I used my diploma to get a great job. In the case, her only opportunity would be a housewife.

We went to the Federal Police to issue our passaports and we sent it to a broker in Rio de Janeiro. In Brazil it is often the only way to get things done. You have to have some intermediary. My first intention was go to the consulate and ask for a immigration visa. But everybody knew that if in any case a person admitted the intention of migration was the guarantee for visa denial. It to me was craziness because if United States had a criterion form for legal migration, probably a lot less people would try to come under the fence.

Our visas were denied and we don’t get answer why. And I took it without hard feelings. I wasn’t really anxious to come and did a try as Penhinha wanted. And the Brazilian situation that was bad became worst. The president Fernando Collor had been kicked out from the office for corruption. His sucessor, Itamar Franco, inherited a country so badly damaged that he declared moratoria on to pay Brazilian international debits. And the international monetary houses retaliated imposing more burdens.

From there I anticipated that Brazil would lose one more decade on its economy. And the future was not promising. Our next president was Fernando H. Cardoso, who had said to us to forget everything he had wrote times before, when he was a teacher and exiled from the dictatorship. I knew his administration would be in the same terms that the Republicans are now proposing to United States. And it is why I am so worried about.

Long before I was a climate change believer. No. Not because any scientist had said it. When I wrote my second book in 1,977, when the evidences was yet undergrownd, I took the issue and put it as part of my work. And I got two evidences on the last years I lived in Brazil by my own experience. First our house needed some reform to do. And was winter and in my more than 30 years of life we never had rain at such season. What we had to reform was the roof of a lateral attachment used as service area.

Then we took the roof out and came a most impossible torrential rain. We was used to it in summer not in that time. I was in disbelief and my mother blamed me for the disaster. I said to myself, She is just angry for the moment but when the work be finished she will be happy. And I was right. The next winter we got a shower at the same time. And the day became colder. I witnessed small particles coming down like feathers in the midst of the water. It was been converted to liquid water when touched the warmer lawn. I thought it was hail but far different from what we had many times in summers of my life.

Anyways, these time I presented myself in the American Embassy, at Brasilia. It was much convenient to me. I knew that I had many cousins living in Rio de Janeiro but had no intimacy. And I didn’t knew the city. Otherwise, Brasilia is a place easy to know, I had been there for more than a month and, like in Belo Horizonte, was difficult walk on the streets and don’t see some of my friends or relatives. I have hundreds of relatives in Brasilia.

I decided go personally because had the sense that, my European looking could help in some way. And I was an young adult. Youth is always more attractive, until you get to know the person in some cases. And also I had maturity on my side. Maturity is what is attractive on older people. So I expected to reasoning with all the respect and make my case at the interview. And the only thing that went wrong was that, we was more than 6 months before the voyage which motivation was an honeymoon. As the visas that was been granted for tourism had only 6 months of validation I was invited to come back later. What I did in September and the voyage was planned to December.

We marriged December 5, and took the airplane in Belo Horizonte, December 13. December 14 we was in Miami. Three days later I was working in a farm, Imagination Farm, helping milk the cows. I was the only Brazilian in that sector of the company and all of my colleagues was Mexicans and Central Americans. I was amazed because I could understand their talkings and some of them couldn’t understand when I talk in Portuguese language. And the closest thing that I knew from Spanish language was hearing the old Cantinflas movies. Pedro, one of them, from El Salvador, said that I sounded like a nobleman. And I didn’t got it, if he was or not just making fun of me.

Around one month later I was able to pay for my own car. Was a US$ 500.00 Toyota with more than 10 years of use. Does a matter. It was running. In Brazil I would never got a car so cheap. Soon it got some problem and was fixed for almost the same price. We was enchanted to be able to have things that was hard to get in Brazil. My wife was been trained by my sister to be a housecleaner in American style and preparing some schedule for her. She also began to make some money.

One of the first orientation we got was to go to the Social Security Office to get a number. 18 year ago just some knew we could get one without problem. It wasn’t required to have a driver’s licence for example and most of Brazilian immigrants wasn’t awared about the importance of have one. And soon we learn one of its uses. My wife was having some nauseas and my sister oriented her to do the quick test. It was positive.

So, now we were three. And Penhinha might got pregnant in the same day that we got marriaged. In the days before she was so preoccupied with our marriage and the voyage that lost track of everything else. It was her first time away from family and from Brazil. She became in some way desperate. Before knew it was always crying for her family. I was in my place. Had some cousins and sister around. Not even the barrier of language botthered me. I was confident on learn it with the time.

The burden became so hard on her that I agreed with her to come to Massachusetts. I didn’t knew what we could find here but she had friends from her city in Brazil that was already living here. I didn’t minded to make friends with her friends. And my work at the farm was getting me some pain. Two by two months we had to shift day by night. I couldn’t have another job and the US$ 280.00/week that I was making before the discounts wasn’t enough in our new situation.

We were receptioned in Boston Logan Airport by her friend Valmir. He drove us to a house in Boston where lived a couple of Santa Efigenia de Minas, Natalicia (Taica) and Geraldo (Ladinho), with their twins girls, Stephanie and Jennifer, that turned one year old not long before and was starting to talk. Ladinho was Penhinha’s cousin and also mine, through differents ways. I didn’t knew how, but I was talking to his sister, Aparecida, in front of my father’s house one day and my father came and asked her about her family. And then he explained to her how we were related. I didn’t paid attention at the time.

Now I know that they are greatgrandchildren of aunt Emygdia Honoria Coelho. There we also met his sister called by the nickname Cotta (Socorro) and her husband Jose Maria who was known to me, from Virginopolis. Only years later I came to known that, his wife Taica is our doubled cousin too. She is two times descendant of aunt Emygdia.

Our final destination was the Town of Framingham, where we live since then. The weekend was to met some of Penhinha’s friends that was already here. The couple Shella and Siqueira became our mates in a studio at the Brookside Building. Siqueira is his last name and he is one of the few persons that I known only by that. As Ladinho, he also was policeman in Brazil. And there the military police is subordinated to the Army. They had many colleagues in the same situation. They abandoned their positions and any time that they would be back had to pay a penalty of prison. After that would be reincorporated. As most of the public servants in Brazil, they had lower payment and many took the risk to, at least, have a house for their own and start some small business that could complement their soldier’s payment.

Monday was the day. Valmir was the guy who have contacts and was manager in a firm of landscapping and another firm of office’s cleaning. I start working on two of them. Soon I was making around 70 hours work by week. It hardly gave me US$ 400.00/week. My wife began cleaning offices too. But I had my worries because the main job, landscapping, wouldn’t be a year long job. It stops in the winters for more than 4 months sometimes.

Anyways I was happy. For the studio we was paying only US$ 200.00 a month for rent. With others US$ 50.00/week, more or less, we paid what would come from the supermarket. I had to buy another car and our boss sold me an used to pay in small parcels. I broke my word and paid it sooner.

Everything was going well until the summer came. In the begining our first contact with the land was shocking because the cold. The threes looked like dead ones having not leaves. The parking lots had mountains of accumulated snow. 1,993-4 season had been one of the most accumulation then. We began the work sweeping sand from the parking lots and over the grass. These was one of the worst jobs that I ever done. Until July in that year we found ice under the sand used to help spread salt.

And then came the summer. Among our jobs we had to fix the asphalt. One weekend we was supposed to paint it with a asphaltic product. And my part on the job was protect the grass with a peace of wood. When someone else spreaded the product it touch my leg and I discovered that I had allergy to it because it start itch badly like was poison ivy. I couldn’t do that job and Valmir quickly arranged me to work with another guy. But he had a firm to small and I ended working only two or three days/week. Although was a better payment hourly.

Meanwhile, we start knowing Framingham better. And began to go to church. The Catholic Church had Brazilian Portuguese masses ministered by a Brazilian father. Father Roque Patuzzi. And then, to our surprise, I began to met again people who had been born in Virginopolis. Some had live in Governador Valadares before come to here. Soon I discovered that the majority of my fellow countrypeople which was outside Brazil was here. Dozens of them my close relatives.

Just to name some. Sandra, Delza, Marcio and Roberto from just one family and many times our cousins. Guilherme and Almir. Adriano and Andre. Marlene and her sons. Geraldo and Wilmar. Unfortunately, the last one died in Virginopolis last July from heart attack. Marcelo Batista. Leonardo, son of aunt Oneida. Kedina and Dill and Dill’s brothers. Ramon and Ruizinho. Those was some of them that was already here but soon we had others like, Nilma and Nilton, sibilings of Geraldo and Wilmar. Agnello who’s sister-in-law, Alice, was already here. The couple Dirceia and Carlos. I am mentioning only the ones that I was seen more often. And later on came cousins like, Rui, son of aunt Odette. Eonio, son of aunt Odila and brother of Ivania, the author of one of our genealogies. I will mention no more because I don’t want make a Yellow List out of it.

Two important things to mention from that time. I would invite the reader to check the page, and take a look on the annual variation of unemployment for United States. There we can see the rates declining from a peak, similar to today’s rates, on the 80s until a lowest point of 4.0% in 2,000. Even so, what got the attention of us immigrants was the question, How Americans got unemployed when we are easy working 60, 80 and even 120 hours/week? Yes. We knew many crazy ones working these much of hours. Because I knew my limitations, never tried such adventure.

I don’t blame the Americans for not take the jobs that we were taking. In Brazil we also left behind many jobs that was available to us. No legal job can humiliate a person but the payment for it can. I and many of others who came to here from Brazil, having a universitarian degree, didn’t feel ashamed of what we was doing because at the end we were been paid for in a reasonable wage. Nobody, at the time, was planning to live in here. Most of us was thinking it was for a short time before come back home. The only advantage that was seen on our payment was that, in Brazil it could give us a life of middle class. Here we was taking the poorest life but most of us had the illusion that the money they were sending home would buy them a royal life.

Even in the particular case that I confronted one time. Was cleaning a bathroom and somebody had defecated on the borders of the seat. Looks like the person had diarrhea and was so pressured that had no time to seat before do it. So I was the one who had to clean it! I wouldn’t never had such opportunity to do it in Brazil. My stomach almost turned inside out. Then I took a deep breath and did. And I thought it was just one more tax we had to pay for be so away from home. Anyways it didn’t made me inferior to nobody.

At that time I was the only voice in the desert preaching that it wasn’t time to go back to Brazil. My prevision was that, the situation would be much worse than the crisis that forced us out. I didn’t met our cousin Guilherme before he went back to Brazil. Although he made good investments and never returned to here. But I told it to others. They was already tired of too much hard work and miss to much our birth place and their relatives. Me too but I knew we had to do like I did to clean that bathroom. Take a deep breath and be patient. To those I only said, go but let an window open in your mind to return. And most people that went back to Brazil at that time tried to return and almost everybody returned.

Another interesting observation. I already mentioned that with US$ 50.00 we was able to fill up our weekly supermarket carrier. And now I mention it. As an office’s cleaner wasn’t so hard to collect around 250 recyclables cans and bottles which gave me US$ 12.50 weekly extra payment. With it I was able to fill up the whole gas tank of my car and run for an entire week. If I was doing the same job and collecting the same amount of cans and bottles today, it would be only for the safety of the planet. Now I need US$ 50.00 to fill up the same tank. And the price for each can or bottle still the same 5c.

Another interesting data is about the number of Brazilian around here. When we came in 1,994 we had some condominiuns totally taken by immigrants and most of them Brazilians. Brookside, Second Street, Weld Street, Lord Chesterfield and others was the most common places to Brazilians. Short time later a good half of the city was taken by immigrants, mostly Brazilians.

Some time before we came, the center of Framingham had been a disaster. A dormitory town once most inhabited by Italians and Portuguese immigrants in the past was in visible decadence. It had been a place for factories that had moved away. Buildings were abandoned. The neighborhood around the center was taken by drug dealers and the local people was afraid to walk there. Brazilian and latinos came because the rent was cheaper.

In 1,994 it wasn’t so depressing anymore. Had pockets of despair. Soon the presence in number became the good sign for some open their own business. The center became vibrant and it spreaded to the suburban areas. Some year after we came, Framingham became to much costly to newcomers and those, among some oldcomers, began to move to others places like Marlboro, Milfort, Ashland and, contradicting the tendency of look for cheaper dwells, Natick and Wellsley. Now is difficult to hear a name of a city in Massachusetts without have at least a mention of some immigrant living there.

Well, we settle for short time at Brookside. A studio wasn’t a best place for two couple to live. And we was expecting a third person in our family. My wife took the initiative to look for one apartment at the Second Street. I remember our cousin Wilmar been our translator for it. And we moved to there in July. Whatsoever the reason I wasn’t so comfortable with it because I don’t like to make expenses before the assurance of have how to pay. Anyways I complied with she had done. Although it would cost us more than double that we was paying before.

September 6, 1,994 we became parents for our first child. It was a new experience. I was afraid of no be able to have enough income but I was also young and not afraid of work. I had been working in a restaurant in Wellesley and making just US$ 165.00/week plus around US$ 125.00 as cleaner. My wife worked as cleaner until her last month of pregnancy. And then I heard that my cousin Guilherme was going back to Brazil and I would replace him in a factory. Name, Eastern Seaboard Packging INC or ESP.

I worked there for almost 10 years. And in my application had that stupid question. How much do you like to make? Everyone knew that you could put what you wanted but they would hire only if the payment was the minimum. And it was US$ 6.00/hour. These was my demise. But it was my only hope of pass through the winter been paid. In there was working my cousins Geraldo, Roberto and Almir. Soon Agnello and Nilton came together. Three other Brazilians worked there, Margareth, Eli and Fernando, who we called by the nickname of Gaucho because he was from the Rio Grande do Sul State, neighboring Uruguay and Argentina.

Other one, Francisco Salmem worked before in the unit in Holliston, where we were employed, but had accepted work in Florida. In the next summer he was back because his wife had trouble on to adapt to there. Roberto and Almir knew better English than us all. Almir worked there as a part time. And Roberto usually went the winters to Brazil. So only when Francisco came back we got a regular translator. He was our voice to the firm. An he and Guilherme are marriaged to sisters.

After the birth of our son, Penhinha began also do housecleaning with two schedule keepers. One was Edinha, a Eucharist Minister at the Saint Tarcisius Church. The other was Marilou, my cousin Adriano’s wife. And so we went to the immigrants routine. Wake up very earlier, leave the child in a baby sitter, go to work, went back, take a quickly shower, more work until be in the bed around 11 pm. My wife could come earlier to pick up our son and fix our food for the whole day.

Around November we witnessed our first snow fall. And I broken the puzzle about the icy thing that had felt in Virginopolis some time ago. It was snow mixed in the shower. But when I told it to the others guys they made fun of me. To then it was impossible. And if I hadn’t seen it I also would have my doubts. Although I also would take a more reasoning approaching. We never had snow there before in our knowledge. But also never had witnessed showers in winter time. As our temperatures always went under 32 F for short periods of time in Minas Gerais, then what was lack to have snow was the rain. So, even if I hadn’t seen it, is perfectly possible.

But make fun from each other was our best passtime. Our meetings in every breaktime was for comment the news from Brazil, United States and the world. But also to make fun from ourselves. Was said that, nobody could come late to or go away earlier from our meetings because if so he would be the issue. But it is a common happen in our Brazilian culture. And is called fofoca, although, in our case without the meaning that the word imply.

Wasn’t so many time after we came to Massachusetts and I discovered the community already had its own newpapers. As was my practice in Brazil, start send opinions. Many of my opinions were published. Most of it by the Brazilian Times. And were in 1,994 that I sent a letter asking the Brazilian Consulate to create the Itinerant Consulate. The idea was to bring the services, one day a week, to the communities. To me was more reasonable to mobilize some people to attend thousands in a more convenient place than to expect thousands go to the inconvenient address in the Boston Center. We were fresh around here, most of the people didn’t had cars and was more difficult to those who new not English to use the public transportation. The Itinerant Consulate were created some time after and still in use today.

I have some curious story from that time. A housecleaner worked for a American family. The Mrs owner of the house asked to her if she was legal because her husband was thinking in be a candidate and, if was discovered they was hiring a person without papers it could put him in trouble. The worker had documents. But her helper didn’t. And nobody asked about it. Later the couple bought a new house at the neighbor State of New Hampshire. The helper stood working normally.

It was troubling and a great sacrifice do the cleaning on that house. The keepers had to get up before 5:00 in the morning to be there around 8:00 am to do the cleaning and had time to go back and do others obligations. The housekeeper could simply said that she wouldn’t do the cleaning in that house and look for another client. But Brazilian have some mania for do sacrifices because like the people and have no respect for themselves interests. If she had unveilled that had an undocumented working in the house the owners wouldn’t think two times before let them all go.

What is also strange on such History is the American hypocrisy in relationship to it. Here the people get up, take their coffe at a convenience store, take lunch in a restaurant, do shopping at supermarkets and department stores, do shopping products from the local farms and many others knowing that is there a great possibility of the undocumented immigrant service be embed in every and all product. They know that is impossible to live in here without undocumented immigrant, unless we have an way to legalization. What they can’t know is that, that specific immigrant don’t have papers and work for the good of the nation. If they know it, they persecute him.

Also come from these time another curious fact that we encountered. One day Geraldo came to us saying that, a son of a client of his wife, Alice, a descendant from the trunck Barbalho Pimenta presented at the book of cousin Dermeval, always said that, he would be the president of United States. The curiosity was in that, he was just a child and told it with all the certitude. I don’t believe in no way that the persons are born with a defined destiny. So I speculated that his will would come from his parents influence because be a country’s president would appear to them like to have the most desirable toy!

Actually, at the present presidential campaign I am seen the same on the Republican Party candidates. Not all. But have some that want be president for the status of the position. By what they presented and say they are totally out of thought with the reality. They don’t want represent the head to attend the need from the body represented by the people. They want to be the head to impose to the people their own will and the interests from their money donors. How they look like to those that administrated Brazil on its first 500 year!

I am detailing to much around here. These chapter will last forever if not be simplified. I think better is to reduce the details and maybe somebody else will be interested in write a more complete narration of what went on to the Brazilian immigrants around here. To you reader, to have an idea about the number of us in that time, around 17 years ago, I offer an image. When we start attend the masses at the Saint Tarcisius Church, sometime the first people to went took the back seats. And in the beginning of the mass father Roque always invited them to come close to the seats next to the altar. We were around 200 or less people on each mass.

Around 2 or 3 years later all the seats was taken. It lead to the creation of more weekly masses. And the Evangelical Churchs that was in others cities having a small number here now are at least one dozen. The booming of Brazilians here were around the year 2,000. Since we came, all week father Roque asked if had some newcomer and always had. Sometime 10 people in one time. For many problems and some solutions, our community is shrinking since around 2,004. From the crisis of 2,008 to now the people is making their luggages and staying in Brazil definitively. Some Americans who are now related by marriage also are migrating together. Still, a small number of Brazilians also keep trying to come for a diversified number of reasons.

Coming back to our own story, in 1,995 I wrote a new book. It is the result of old thinkings combined with new ones with the direction of a reading on the Bible. Since then I planned such collection that would be composed by two volumes, refferring to the Old and New Testaments, and the one that I was writing. Its name is “The Knowledge from God”. Soon came the inspiration to write one more volume, and now is called, The Divine Parable and is the fourth volume of the collection.

Only in 2,004 I began to write the volumes 1 and 2 of the collection named, THE THIRD ANS LAST TESTAMENT, from: THE KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING GOD. These one is the only one already published in paper, just in English language. The other ones are now available, just in Portuguese language, at my blog, Lets coment about it later.

In the same blog I have been publishing others of my works. The most viewed are about the Coelho Genealogy. Last year we got around 10,000 visits only. Not too bad to an almost unknown nobody like me.

Before I do the promised comment I need to talk about a publishing that I did in Brazil. It was 1,995 and the book was the one that I wrote in 1,977. We was here in United States but my wife wasn’t able to let go her feelings by the distancy from Brazil and her family. My vision was to stay. Without any good idea of what to do in Brazil I gave a try been a writer. So I entered in contact with my brother-in-law, Ricardo, Magda’s husband, and he knew a publisher. I decided that it was the only way to me be back to Brazil.

But the publication didn’t came as quickly as we planned and it came just in timming to cause me a lot pain in the neck. Things went wrong in a totally distorted way. In 1,992 had a rumorous case of assassination in Brazil. An actor of soap opera, Guilherme de Padua, and his ex-wife, Paula Thomaz, kidnapped and killed the also actress Daniella Perez. She was daughter of the soap opera’s writer Gloria Perez who was working for the most known television channel in Brazil, Globo Television.

And the juditial process went slow as the Brazilian Justice use to do. The actor assassin wrote a book where he defended his version of the crime mentioning things, imaginaries or not, about the lives of the workers in that channel. By coincidence he choosed the same publisher that my book was been prepared. The case got to much publicity around and Mrs. Perez went the court to block the commercialization of his book alleging it was composed by lies.

I wasn’t there and don’t know that much about law applications so I think that the judge was pressioned to give a favorable decision to Mrs. Perez because the television had mobilized the public opinion against the assassin. So he were in some way suppressed on his right of have ample defense. But the publisher had already edited his book and refused to recall it. He went underground and more attacks he sufferred from the television more free publicity the assassin’s book gainned. The public was buying it for curiosity of what it would reveal of negative from the actors lives.

The publicity on my book was forgoten. The publisher delivered our contracted copies in small numbers each time, in the middle of the nights. And I was here not knowing what to do. It was too risky to go there, leaving family here, because I hadn’t have papers yet. And I had no response from a bigger number of people if a career as writer would be worth of try. The people who read the book did like it. At least the ones that gave return. But they were all from my family. I can’t say for sure if it had no interference of distorted kindness. I myself love it but I am the “father of these child”.

And I had invested all the economies we had made then in these project and was dependent on to sale the first copies to reinvest later. Without advertisement had no how it be. These became one of the doubled sharp point thorns in my marriage. The one that hurts because none want lose in a situation like that and also because you are treated like had the will of to do the wrong choice in that precise moment.

The odds of something like that happen to anyone is small. But when I got the information that the assassin was from Guanhaes and his ex-wife from nearby, and all the problem in Rio de Janeiro, I was shocked.

At the end of 1,997 I was in a bad mood with the company that I was working for during the day. Everybody knew I was a good work and it wasn’t secret to not one. The bosses noticed how the productivity had went up since I took the position of printer. But my salary was worse than what I was making as cleaner. So I was decided to wait the coming spring to quit and take anything else.

Then, in that December we had the opportunity to enter in a process of legalization. We was around seven Brazilians working there and only Salmen had his Green Card. We did a meeting and decided it was worth to ask if the general manager would sign for our legalization. Everyone looked each other and exploded in laughs. We had nothing to lose! If he said no, nobody would stay.

The general manager was amazed we had no papers. And made a quick consult to the lawer before accept the responsibility. We had only days to start the process and we went the office of the most known lawer of immigration in Boston. Dr. John K. Dvorak said he would not take our case because he didn’t see how we could fit in that law. Our translator, Icaro, who was around 12 years old then, and son of our cousin Geraldo, almost got up on the desk of the lawer saying that, must have some way. The lawer said he would not take our money knowing that our case was lost. We was about to go home when his assistent brought him an specific article of the law. He just smiled and said, I accept your case. From there on it is history.

My wife didn’t liked it. To her I had to work more, move to a better paid job, make a quick money to us be back to Brazil. Since we came, until four more year later, she shed tears of repentance for her idea of bring us here. Then I was the one who had to be the reason to both and do it alone. She said to me, I don’t pay a penny for these legalization. And I just rebuked, I am not asking you nothing, I am just communicating you what I am doing.

2,001 came and the September 11 still in our memories. In that morning we was already working when our superviser told us that an airplane had reach one of the twin tower in New York. The situation was grave but nobody expect it be more than an unfortunate accident. Not long after came the notice of the second and the third. Had no doubt, it was a premeditated attack. We went to break for launch feeling the fear and the heaviness in the air. We had no idea of what would come next.

And all people of the president Bush began to talk about war. In our meetings in the coffe and launch breaks I defended the thesis that the best way to resolve the problem was talking directly to Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist organization. No. I am not that good or innocent. I was giving my aknowledgement that they wasn’t attacking United States for nothing. And I believed that some talks could avoid worsening of the situation.

It is a little more complicated than appears. Long before I followed what was happening in the Middle East. Since the Six Days War I took some opinion about. In that time I was happy as a child thinking as heroic a small State of Israel wining an war against the combined forces of the others countries around. In that time I was really been pure innocent. I had no idea that one war don’t give us peace. One war is the short cut to the next one.

Later I start to see more and understood better the situation. I see the Palestinians been often denied from their rights of have their own country and a disproporcional force been moved against them. So I got sorrow for both people that were caught in the middle of the disputes of interests and dragged against each other. Since them I start seen both people as hostages of their leaders and victims of a despicable plot.

Around the 90s had a great opportunity for peace be made between the two people. But the Israeli government said that, in my words, it would not talk to some part os the representatives of Palestinians. In that occasion I demonstrated my unsatisfaction writing a letter to the newspaper Estado de Minas. It were published and my words can be resumed to it: We need to speak peace to our enemies because we don’t speak it to friends, we celebrate peace with our friends. Since them it became clear to me that the leaders of both people wasn’t fighting for peace. They were fighting against peace and putting both people in harms ways.

Unfortunately I was nobody, writing through an unknown newspaper outside Brazil. And I saw similitudes between the situation between the two peoples and the one that ended in the September 11 attacks. And my view was that, talk openly to the rest of the world see. Giving a gesture of good will would give reason to every other people see the contrast between good and evil. If Osama Bin Laden extended his hand the other peoples would be admired for how magnanimous Americans was. If not every people would say he was worth of anything bad happen to him, even his fellow Muslins. And he would lose the credibility that attracted more fighters for his side. Challenging him before talks just gave more support for his hideous cause.

Later on the administration George W. Bush made its case to go to war against Saddhan Hussein. In that I went wild. The allegations presented to the UN to me was clear based on false intelligence. How I knew it? Only God know. Was just an intuition that sometimes happens to me. I even wrote that I was suspicious about the Administration Bush had facilitated the plot in September 11 go on to have the opportunity to have the excuse to make the wars. But it wan’t something that I believed.

In the talks with my colleagues at work we had different opinions around. Nobody was favarable to wars but also nobody credited me as the best reason on the play. The only thing that I remember well is that, Unfortunately the people is been induced to err again but the people sometimes only learn while is been spanked. They will change opinion when the caskets rather than people alive began to come in numbers.

My prevision didn’t became 100% true. To make the case in favor of the war, the Bush administration had painted Saddhan’s army as a formidable adversary. I new it was the usual exageration as it happen on both side. Everybody who remember the beginning of the war recall the Iraq’s minister of communications and his version how the Saddhan’s loyalists were been victorious. But most of their soldiers had the good will of depose their weapons rather than fight for a lost cause. I expected more Americans deaths in the begin and, thanks God, it was caused by intelligence’s bad information. But in the long run it became equally painful.

Until today the only reason for that war was not more than a vendetta from the Bush family. Since the 90s, because the Gulf War, where the big father Bush was unable to remove the Hussein family from that strategic spot in the globe, the days of Saddhan were counted. What was lack was a new opportunity until 2,002.

At November, 2,001, we received the communication that our Green Cards had been issued. Just in time. My mother and my father was about to turn their 50 anniversary of marriage and we was away for 8 long years. In no time we bouth three airways tickets to Brazil. It was only possible because of the terrorist attacks. Usually we would find available places only six months prior to the trip. And the people became afraid to travel by air. We didn’t think two times.

December we was there. And the scene was shocking to my wife. She had forgoten how poverty looks like. And it was bigger than ever. In our region her city was one of the poorest places. Only then she realized why I had applied for legalization. Although it was only a confirmation of her changing in heart. We already was buying an house here.

And it was another thorn in our lives. Around 1,995 I had asked her to not invest in Brazil because we didn’t agreed where to put money there. She wanted apply in her city and I knew it had not future for a long period. I suggested do it in Virginopolis and she said would never live in my city because had to much snob people there. But it was false in my view. So she applied in Belo Horizonte in something that was a dead end.

Since I decided for the legalization my opportunities of make more money were cut down. I had to keep my underpaid job and I pass through a great time of humiliation. Everything I was making was for pay the bills, expenses of the house e a little to pay our legalization. So it appear that what was been saved came only from her payment and I am not attached to money. I let her do whatever she wanted.

I had suggested we buy a dwell for us here and we could do it for as much as 45-60 thousands. When she changed her mind, a single house was around 300 thousands. We even was about to buy one when 9 11 came. I said it wouldn’t be a good deal and she agreed with me for these one time, and we changed for a condo of 160 thousands. When we came back we entered in these house.

In Brazil we had all end of the year holidays plus the 50 anniversary of my parents and the 60 anniversary of marriage of aunt Odila and uncle Eurico. She is born just after my father but had marriaged on his day of birth, ten years before his marriage. So my parents anticipated their commemorations in between Christmas and New Eve. It was in Virginopolis. And in January 7, my fahter’s birthday, we had the commemorations in Governador Valadares. Were exactly in those days that my father gave me the book of our genealogy. Just after, we came back. Was like a lightning.

It was also the last time I saw my father alive. And the life got on like before. Just one changing. Since I was legalized I wasn’t up to stay in the same job. 8 years of my life had been lost. My salary wasn’t much more than US$ 8.00/hour. And we were abused in many senses. Not only at the ESP but on every other company we worked for. Been a Brazilian and Mineiros we learned how be resilient. Rather than fight back any and every aggression we prefer make fun of our situation. The Mineiros are known by the saying: “O Mineiro da um boi para nao entrar em briga, e uma boiada para nao sair dela.” The Mineiro give up one bovine for not fight, and a herd for don’t get out of it.” The mean of it is that, we do every effort in our power to avoid fights but once we are involved in it we go up to the end.

What moved me to have a second thought was that, our cousin Nilton had entered the process of legalization too. But when it was in the middle he let it go because he had established that only would stay here for 5 years. As piece-worker he could make much money than me. So I accepted the challenge of replace him. The work is very hard. We had to work with a very noisy machine, stapling carboard boxes all day long. Was so hard that no American was up to get the position. But we did it, not doing like a regular job but in a faster way. To get an idea of what it mean, when the owner of the factory saw our cousin Geraldo doing it, she had only one word to describe, “Amazing”.

When the factory would have an open house to show future clients how the whole work there was done we had to prepare some scene that we was familiarized with. Put bundles of boxes type letter, which ones was easier to make, and wait for the sign to start. The most experient on the job was Geraldo and he was able to do more than 2,000 boxes a day. I also became able to do but had no time to match him. The people who was seen us for the first time really got impressed.

The job was so hard that we put off the heat even when we had freezing temperatures. 10 minutes after we start our bodies began to sweat and I had to drink bottles of water or sports drinks to keep hydrated. We had no fat in our bodies, just muscles. Since then I stop to do part times as cleaner. At the end of the day our body demanded some relaxation. In these time the money began to come into my pocket and was enough to have health insurance, start invest 5% from each check on 401K and have couple hundreds in the bank just in case.

At that time we also got some interesting event in the factory. We don’t had large competition in the field. Maybe two or three other in the State of Massachusetts. Our company had others units around 10 others states. And they agreed with a competitor to close one unit on other state, I don’t remember if was Michigan, and the competitor closed its unit in Massachusetts. And they exchanged their list of clients on each state. Apparently was just a market operation.

So our production area doubled and we got new colleagues of work. All from Virginopolis pointed by us. The new ones, Ramon, Agnello’s brother and Amaury, my cousin aand Marlene’s son, was from the Coelho Family. With them came also, Carlos (Tchaca) who’s family was aggregated to mine, Edinho and Ademar. The last one was son of one of my grandaddy Cista aggregated and his sister, Silvana, is marriaged to our cousin Wellington. Family also living in United States.

Had others that came and got out from the factory. Not everybody is coming in my memory in these particular moment. But we had also Rodrigo. He is cousin of my wife and legalized in there. A little time after got his Green Card he quitted, looking for better opportunity. Nelson was from Belo Horizonte and marriaged to a Virginopolitan. Aender was a stranger in the nest but soon was like in the bundle of brothers. I am in doubt of the name of another cousin from there but I think was Eustaquio. They are seven brother in the same family and I had less contact with the youngesters. Here I am mixing people from different times that worked there and we also had our cousin Marcelo N. Coelho.

We start working in two turns and our group kept the day time. After our cousins be trained, Geraldo and I saw that we was pushing to hard to keep producing more than the newcomers. In our experience we knew that they would have long time to match our production but even so was better to make the production collectively. We promptly agreed on share all production in equal parts to all. We was able to staple more boxes but when we was making it into bundles the other guys, as they produced less, helped us. What we was loosing was a small part but everyone was almost happy.

The lack of plenty happiness was due to the hardness of the work and the bosseness around by our manager. Nobody liked his way of bossing around but had no hard feelings, personally speaking.

In July 2,003 my wife took a 40 days vacation with our son in Brazil. I already had bought my ticket for the begining of 2,004. At that time my ordeal with my genetical inheritance had began. I think nobody had a better sight than me. Probably it is normal to billions of people and was perfect. Soon it became opaque. Was cataracts. Around my 40s. On exactly age it came to my father. I had done a first surgery here in United States and it didn’t went well. Then I made appointments in Belo Horizonte where we had the best specialists since Dr. Hilton Rocha. Dr. Hilton was my father’s and the whole family eyes doctor and in his place I got his best disciple Dr. Rui Marinho.

Before I went Brazil my wife came back and we decided to have another child. She got pregnant around September. In October my father died. I didn’t go there immediately because was unable to do anything more for him. It was the death of a saint man. My father never were a perfect person. But had something that distinguished him from others. He was conservative in all senses. Although wasn’t ignorant.

He was son of a rich man. The people of our city had him as rich too but didn’t knew what was going on inside of our home. He wasn’t an outspoken person. Usually he was able to talk the essential. In our home had two things that he would never fail to provide. Food and education. He never had a car of his own. He used to say, “Car is a second family and I can’t provide for both”. In Brazil it was perfectly true.

Usually we had only five garments to use. The one to see God, the uniform to go to school, and three others used to the most until it had to go to trash. All of our garment was home made, by my mother who was his right hand and second in command. Most of the helpers in our home had to go to school with us. After he acquired our farm his employee in it had 13 children and two grandchildren. He paid for many of them, those who wanted, to attend at least until high school. It was extra salary to his employee.

We lived in a decadent house for many many years. It was where his greatgrandmother, Joaquina, and his grandma, Ercila, had died. Even my mother pushing him to construct a new one out of loan. He first made his economies and we went the new home after their 26 years of marriage. Was his way of be himself. If he had to have something he first would make money before buy. He rarely paid interests. We used to make fun of it because he was the bank manager in our city. He was good manager for our family but a bad advertisement for the bank. The bank was public and as public servant he wasn’t well paid.

Well, he was a really dedicated father. Hard worker. One day he said that, he wouldn’t die before know the ocean. But he never knew the ocean and died providing for the family and giving to others. He was at the hospital, about to be discharged the next day and died with a clog in his leg. My daughter born four months after and was saved from the same problem. Could be a sign that he still watching for us from Heaven. I will say no more about it. His and my mother’s biographies are worth of a better studies.

Around December I was drinking water from the refrigerator and it was so cold that had some sprinkles of ice inside. One of it got stucked in my throat. I had a painful sensation of suffocation for a little while. As it came it was gone but I felt like a sting. One week later I felt ill.

My doctor diagnosed hyperthyroidism and let me go home to wait because had not available treatment for it. For one entire month I was unable to lift my body up from our sofa without vomit. Unless laid down I was always dizzy. Hardly kept juice in my stomach. The taken photo from me in my passaport shows one version of me so thin that the volume of my thyroid can be easily deliniated on my neck. When I got in Brazil I was been able to stand up and was eating better.

Some doctor there examined my thyroid and said that, whatever had happen had gone with no trace. Another said my heart was perfect. And my eyes doctor, Dr. Marinho, did on me two surgeries. One to resolve my second cataract and another to correct the position of the lens of the first one. He said that, it was not unusual some young doctors become afraid of pull the artificial lens hard enough to place it in position. And my body had reacted against it and he had to clean it up with another laser surgery. I did other things there but not important.

My wife’s pregnancy had been difficult. She was bleeding and the prior tests gave a possibility of our child be a down person. Her doctor offerred abortion. To us Catholics it was despicable although we understood his obligation to go through the law. We just refused. But he failled to prescribe to her absolute rest and she kept working. In the day I arrived in Brazil she called me saying that was in the hospital and was miscarring. She wanted me here. I couldn’t do it. Everything was scheduled and we had no funds to me do it twice. I just knew she was overreacting, as usual, and she had brothers and sisters to assist her here.

She stood in the hospital for two weeks before the child had to be taken from her womb. Was a five and half months of pregnancy and the child was really tiny. One pound and four ounces. When I came back she stood whole in my hand and just her legs out. We got four months of goes and backs to the Santa Elizabeth’s Hospital in Brighton, Boston outskirts. Exactly when I came she was at New England Hospital, in the Boston Center because she got a clog in her leg and a angel acting as a nurse was able to perceive it in that tiny leg like a little finger. She also had some infection in her body, treated and cured at Saint Elizabeth’s.

It can be just coincidence but in my genealogical studies I found that, our supposed ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) is an offspring of Saint Elizabeth, the scotish queeen.

Our girl was born in February 14, Valentine’s Day in United States. July she went home in a stronger version. In times of desperation my wife said to me, “It is your falt.” She was referrring to my will of have one more child be more strong than her’s. And I acting chauvinistically responded, Ah if it was not! Later on she regreted for her saying and agreed on our baby been the best thing happen to her since our first born. And I encouraged her, It is my falt!

Later on my wife was with our daughter walking on the streets and saw her doctor. She was so happy that didn’t have a second thought on show the child to him. Seen her the doctor asked: “Is her name Miracle?!” Was there, face-to-face, the Faraoh’s arm and Herod’s hand. The one that wanted our permit to kill our child. But he had an humbled gesture before the evidence of the err that he could have induced as to do. Our girl is perfect for the pattern of premature babies.

At the factory the things didn’t went so well. My colleagues knew many of our fellow Virginopolitans that was making more money than us because they was working with granite and marble in the construction booming from the earlier 2,000s. And they wanted to ask for a better payment in our job. I was satisfied with we was making and was in doubt if it was the best thing to do in that time. But I didn’t wanted be the only voice against their will.

Our negotiations went a little rush and the manager said that, for give what we wanted the company had to let someone of us go. And my colleagues stood in their strategy. I wasn’t content but never said no to them. In September of that year I had some discussion with the manager and he decided to give me a warning. I signed it without look at what was written in it so disgusted I was. In a blink of eye I was called in the office upstairs and they let me go.

I had more worries of what to do next than hard feelings. It was to much shocking to bear. I knew people from everywhere but nobody who could indicate me to a good position. Had many offerrings around but for the minimum wage. Every department store was hiring but what I could make would be less than what I would had to pay for a baby sitter for our girl. And as an earlier premature baby she would be accompanied by many doctors and a nurse. Somebody had to lift her to many appointments. So we decided I would be home to take care of her while things get better.

One big problem to got a good job in that moment was because doesn’t have many companies working in the same sector of ESP. If I was working as landscapper or in many others sectors taken by immigrants I could use my experience in other firms. Then I was devided in my opinion of what would be better if I anticipated something like that when I began working at ESP. I got the benefit of the legalization but not use for my experience and made not enough money for 8 years long dedicated to it.

In that time I start to use our computer. While the baby was taking her naps. I found the and placed there our genealogy. It helped me to memorize the names of our family members and have a better idea of our kinship with many thousands of people. Soon I discovered the – Portugal, and learned much more.

Later I start to write the volumes 1 and 2 of THE THIRD AND LAST TESTAMENT, from THE KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING GOD. A new reading on the biblical writings gave me more understanding of the facts. In that time our friend Sandra Sampaio gave me a copie of the book, Who Wrote the Bible? I loved the book, not agreed on everything, but took a good teaching from it. We need to look what are the interests of who wrote anything to undestand the real goal of the authors.

And I wrote my own book debunking many old conceptions and interpretations. It is almost unbelievable how wrong teachings are on all faces of readers and scholars and they don’t evolve their understanding! Anyways I really felt that I was connected to God and what I wrote is more close to His Will than what we had before. So I got these sense of mission to let the world know what is right and what is false about what is said in relationship to God.

It was another blow out in my life. In the internet I see some advertisement saying that some publishers would pay US$ 100,000.00 for any unpublished work. I didn’t believed on it and also felt uncomfortable to give up my authorship. Books to authors are like their own children and give up authorship brings not good feelings. We love to share the talent in our text as a parent love to show a talented offspring. Later on I confirmed through a documentary that, the advertisement was true. The market was so hot that the publishers could pay it and try because in the midst of many low sellers they could fish one best seller that would pay for all the others.

Otherwise I heard about a then new kind of publication. Called by the name of “Printing on Demand”. I wasn’t yet prepared to take a big decision through what I knew of the English language. Was able to read and understand it most but not all. I understood that the editor would print any copy ordered by any interested buyer. And I thought it was reasonable some number of books would be printed and put in display on, at least, the main bookstores around the country.

I thought also that, as some people buy anything that is in their preferred subject and the subject in the book been religious it would sale a small number of copies but enough to pay for my initial costs which was more than US$ 10,000.00. From that I would keep investing and doing debates that could increase the understanding of the text and make more sales that would pay for my additional costs. And I was totally wrong on that.

Now, in my point-of-view, the system is nothing more than another Ponzi Scheme. You pay for every cost of publishing. So the risk is only yours. The produced copies are limited to a minimal. You can order many copies you want in a low cost to you resale it. They have many ways to advertise your product, since you pay for it. To you promote your book you need buy all opportunity of exposition and be there is all at yours cost and risk. I think you would need US$ 100,000.00 to begin with. In other words you is transformed not into a partner but into a slave of the system because more you work more the publisher gain without effort. At the end of the day you are a salesman having no salaries or health insurance from your employer. But will sale a product that is bring them alive money.

The system could work for an well known author who’s name come prior than whatsoever he can sold. The authors of prior best sellers have free advertisement in the news corporations. They are interviewed about the most recent production. It is easier for them not for an unknown author. Even some books from unknown authors been better written. Here I am not talking about my particular production.

After months of my book on sale I received my first and only payment check for the sale. Something around US$ 10.00. Then I was yet conformed with my loss. The publisher probably didn’t nothing illegal. And I had to pay for been a jerk. The book is available to the public since 2,006 under the IBS: 978-1-4389-5097-6 (sc). Is a massive 664 pages book with too much knowledge and not reading.

It is another two pointed thorn in my marriage. Until now my wife doesn’t know how much we will have to pay for it. Or, better, I would like to pay for it by myself, and pay generously to those that gave me credit without interest and deadline. Anyways, I have to keep my head high not by pride but to keep strong enough to not be dominated by the desperation.

I never cashed that check. The money will not make us less poor. It belongs to History. If someday I become successful in the future it can be an incentive to others who are struggling in their lives. My life can be example of resiliency. It is something that can bring dead people from their tombs to a new and fortunate reality. If I be a failure in life nobody will know nothing about it.

In Human History, I see as act of improvidence the fact that the German priest Martin Luther burned the papal bull that treated him of excommunication. The pope was Giovanni di Lorenzo di Medici, or Pope Leo X. The document could be one more proof of papal failure. No, no, no. I am not thinking revenge here. It is never my goal. We are used to know much about the life of Martin Luther and forget even the name of his opponent. I am sure it would be worth for Leo X we know his name and say prays for him be forgive. As a dead man he can’t do it for himself.

Oh yes! I am a Catholic too. And, yes, not all Catholics believe on the dogmas of our Church. To believe on papal unfailibility is too foolishness for me. And ignore an elephant in the middle of the room will not make it go away. All religious paths have its funny king of beliefs. Not because people want it to be like that. But because we all are human being and subjected to some kind of failures. The greatness of a great man is aknowledges his own failures not advertise his supposed success. Success to my human being eyes can be a total failure in front of the truth.

Before even my daughter came to our home, when I was employed by the ESP, came to us the notice that our old supposed competitor, Victory, was back in town. Precisely in Worcester City. And some of our staff was been transferred to it. Even our general manager. And we learned that ESP was up to be closed. Later on even my cousins were transferred and I wasn’t the only one who lost the position. Some, like Geraldo, by option had fixed some better place to go. They had reversed what were done about 5 years before.

Probably the move was covered by the law. They wouldn’t be so dumb of do an operation so large taking too much risk. But I felt like how Brazil like United States could be! Those kind of operations are the way the rich gets more wealthy in Brazil. They know where the loopholes in the law are. Better saying, the richest lobby for it through our Congress. And they exchange favors. If anybody have the illusion that capitalism is made out of complete fairness must be awared of how fragile the system can be when the opportunists take chances.

“We the people”, when paid by check are taxed even before our checks come to our pockets. And to us have not loopholes. At the end of the day “we the people” pay, proportionally, much more taxes than the rich. And they got the honey. But I am not saying it to inflame the mob. It is just to inform and from that I expect more fairness from those who are not “we the people”.

Our life have been a bit of struggle since 2,004. I am accompanying my daughter since then. She’s ok for a too amazing beginning. Usually the so premature babies gets some visual or heart problems and she is not showing more complications. Otherwise, my health is much more deteriorated. I think, the interruption of my physical activities made me more susceptible to high cholesterol. And it was discovered after I get some flies in my left sight which almost made me blind. I am been treated.

The earlier cataracts came from my father’s side. And the almost blindness from my mother’s. She even is one side blind now. Probably, my back pain came from her side too. But it is worse in me, because my higher stature. I am suspitious about the diabetes my father sufferred after his 60s. I am not up to open all my medical records. I just think I am health enough to go on and start a new career right now and will help reverse some of my problems. My little girl is doing well at school and now need go more on her own. It freeds me to go too.

The construction meltdown affected our family for the worse. We are struggling to keep our home but lost an unit apartment. In the peak of the booming my wife decided to apply our economies on it as an insurance for scolarship for our son. I was suspitious about that market gainning too much in so little time and believed it was too risk to try. But she is the kind of people that goes where the others go. And the Brazilian community, which was mostly younger aged, wouldn’t hear advises from someone who is a not example of “success”. Now we have a 17 years old boy trying to get some scholarship by his own.

Fortunately he is been helped by Step Up. In the day of his presentation I was there. We had just went the room and we overheard talks between two of the members. One was his mentor and the other was the superviser. The superviser was talking about his name, Alfred. He was saying that all of first born in his family got the name because had once a king named by Alfred, and was their ancestor. He also said one of his cousins had even changed his name because was bothered by so many homonyms in the family. I told my son, I know about who he is talking. Is our ancestor too. And I kept it in silence because it would bother my son. When I say to him somebody have ancestor ties with us, he just say. “Everbody is our cousin!” And it is true.

I went to Brazil more times until now. 2,009 we went there. My wife, our kids and myself. What was different to us was that, nobody asked us for guidance to come to United States. In our time there we had to work hard to buy a bicycle. Then cars and motorcycles was at hand to all. The 18 years old people are no more willing to work anymore. They are concentrate in go to universities or faculties. I know, It is a long way to go until Brazil became a modern society. But they are going on accelerated steps.

Not long ago I saw the presentation of a research made in Mexico that point out the same phenomenon there. The families now are smaller and are no rushs to go away. The parents are been able to provide a better life for their children and is not more the enormous difference between how much money the people can make here and there. In Mexico and Brazil they can make three times less than here but can live a better life among relatives and no worries about legalization.

If the economies of those countries keep improving for more ten years the direction of migration can turn to the inverse of ten years ago. Maybe United States have to take a second though about its immigrational behavior towards aliens. Later I will explore better these issue. The people need to know that if all the undocumented immigrant be deported in a short period of time United States will not recover from the recession and its downfall will be quickly as make a pie.

I got data from recently that would help to understand it. Brazil is counting 2,000,000 immigrants in recent years. And the government there is giving amnesty or legalizing most of the newcomers. Even Americans are immigrating to there and taking advantage of the many specialized jobs that are been created without people trainned there.

I think, would be wise from the people who are unemployed here to start thinking in the opportunity of look for something abroad. We did the same when we were in trouble and my repentance come from I took so long to take the decision. Be employed abroad is more useful to all careers than be unemployed in home. And you can send money home from abroad to start your own business.

2,011 is some kind of year in our lives. Following our Brazilian traditions we left for last our naturalization. We could do it since we completed 5 year old on Green Cards. Its validity would expire 10 years after it be issued. Then we filled up our applications, paid the taxes and did the tests. The immigration officers who attended us were exceptionally cordials.

I got everything done a little later than my wife and so she sworned one day before me. Her cerimony were a great event, done at the TD Bank Gymnasium, where the Bruins and Celtics have their homes. Around three and half thousands were swearing together. I can’t describe the emotions. Next day we were at the Boston historic center. In a simple cerimony around 360 of us were sworn in. The days were August 31 and September first.

Well, lets say no more about myself. We are in the middle of the Republican campaign and now we have only four candidates running in it. Yesterday the ex-speaker of the House won South Coroline. With him is Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and congressman Ron Paul. Paul is the only one that I know will be less damaging to United States if elected. But his chances are small because the decision will be not in favor of reason. It will be done by cleverness of the elites.

Until recently I was willing to have someone credible on the Republican side. He could be an alternative to the wrongdoings by the Obama administration. But I think we immigrants will have no choice between two good candidates. The Republicans are pushing us to vote on to reelect president Obama. He’s not bad at all. He just don’t understand the world that we are living in now. The problem is that, the Republicans are much less up to even try to understand it.


Before even I start the present chapter I wouls ask the reader to take a time to look at two important texts, unless the reader know it. I am just pointing out two addresses for it but anyone can google the names Mahatma Gandhi and Cristovam Buarque to choose any other source. Those readings will enrich the understand of what I have in these chapter. The texts are, which one brings as The Mirror from Mahatma Gandhi.

I don’t want be as dramatic as the excerpt from Mark but needed is to play my peace drum. In the Book of Mark, Jesus was talking about the Apostles time and not today’s. And many things from the past is coming up now-a-days.

Our world is in a course of collision with the past and some nations in the path to collide on each other. Nobody needs a crystal ball to see it. And I will pretend here, from these point on, a moderate criticism of the Americans policies for the world. I will try to show how the other people see United States from outside in and not from inside out as Americans do. I want offer a vision that, in some way, can bring us some answers and solutions. It depend on the good will of Americans, because if they stand on the same opinions that many have, not seeing ways to change their paths, probably we will have the III World War, and nobody will win it.

Is emblematic the State of the Union Address of president George W. Bush, on January 29, 2,002, when he characterized Iran, Iraq and North Korea as Axis of Evil and accused them of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. In reality, as Hugo Chavez said in front the whole world, at his speech on September 20, 2,006 at UN, “The devil came here yesterday. And it smells of sulfur still today.” To most of the world, Bush could characterize anyone of Axis of Evil because United States became The Evil itself. So none but The Evil itself to know better who is its image and likeness.

In some way Saddhan Hussein’s Iraq, Iran and North Korea maybe wouldn’t look so bad if wasn’t for the American History of interventionism. I don’t want explain everything or point out all the facts because they already are identified for those who lived through the, at least, 50 past years and those who study History. I Will just point out something. But I have to remember the reader that, I will not work in an assumption of a Theory of Conspiracy.

Theories of conspiracies usually don’t measures the human limitations. The authors just assume that, some people are bad and so, they will do everything unimaginable to meet their goals. But it doesn’t add to the equation. And the historical facts always come as consequences of many previous events, most of the times, not even taken in the books. It is also happen to the individual personality formation.

When human beings clashs to each other the first reaction is to try to paint the enemy with a bigger image of deception. What happen in the preparation for the entering in the last Iraq War is classic example of it. For the “intelligence” collected in the field and exposed to the world, Saddhan Hussein already had posse of nuclear weapons or was about to acquire it. So it would be a good reason to declare war against him and his counterparts. He also were accused of be allied to Al Qaeda. Now we know that, both accusations was false.

On the other hand, in every conflict the belligerent parts take a selfindulgent position. Their leaders become heroes, defenders of liberties, the Justice’s hands, etcetera. And in Brazilian culture have two words that separates, in these case, the selfindulgents from the wheat. The words are patriota and patriotada. The translation for the first one is obvious, patriot.

Patriotada otherwise doesn’t have English translation yet. But it is defined as arrogant exibition of patriotism. Something like to challenge a weaker counterpart to a fight when these one have no way to escape, and later brag over the event. Bullying is a word related to it too. The inverse of it also can be a patriotada. Like the weaker not aknowledging the weakness take pride on challenge the stronger. Like in front of many others knowing that, if the stronger accept the challenge the others will try to dissuade him of a fight. It also could come from a person who don’t know well about some issue and is misslead to take a supposed patriotic action such as love his or her country and hate the others just because the others are different.

From those words derive another one, patriotario (sucker-patriot). Those are the ones that are blinded by the false patriotism and do and believe on everything that Simon says. One example of it that occurred in Brazil was the slogan, “Brasil, ame-o ou deixe-o” (Brazil, love or leave), made up at the time of the dictatorship addressed to all dissidents. The intent on the phrase was to make the sucker-patriots believe in that, the dictatorship administration represented the country Brazil itself. So if one didn’t like the administration wouldn’t love the country. The saying was clever. But the effect on the population was minimal. And as Brazilians use to say, We were vaccinatad. The population didn’t felt for it because hadn’t too many sucker-patriots there.

Like that we need to be awared for the many uses of the words. All word can be use on more than one sense. Patriotism can be one of the most inspirational as much as derogatorial word in our vocabulary. Patriotism can create a freed and fair society as much as a fantasy land where freedom and fairness got its distorted senses to veil slavery. And I am in doubt in which direction of the extremes United States is moving towards it.

Lets point out something that is in the core of the American society. The people here have one perception of it and the outsiders have the opposite one. After the II World War it became clear to others and even to some Americans that our society is based on competition. At least the others societies was less awared of competition in some aspects of life. Otherwise, here in United States competition is seen as the propeller of the development.

In other societies like in the old Brazil the partnership was more accepted although the individualism wasn’t ruled out. And in some cases it is one of the reasons we can for sure pinch point why Brazil is taking so long to emerge as an industrialized society. It’s interesting to take these two examples because United States is the individualism that got things right for some time and Brazil with its individualism proved the opposite side. What was different between the two is that the American society bet on fairness to most of its population give opportunities to a bigger number of its population. The individualism in Brazil were excludent. Some who have got all, those who have not were forgotten.

When we analize it in relationship to the world we get the picture. Taking each country as part of the whole terrestrial society we have United States as the some who got all and the other countries as those that were forgotten. We can’t trace the these analogy as perfectly parallel because some of the others industrialized countries got something and parts of the societies in the poor countries also had their share. But in a general context we got more excluded than granted. And as Brazil is so does the world as a whole. Like the Brazilian say, “O Brasil eh o retrato do mundo” (Brazil is the picture of the world).

But since after the II World War the “theology” of competition were spreaded. United States as it’s head and principal associated wasn’t any surprise it took the lead and got ahead in a long distance. We have to understand the situation on the departure. At that time, all the other industrialized countries was levelled by the war. Although United States had a proeminent participation in the war its main territory didn’t sufferred the same faith. The great capital that United States lost in that war were human lives but if we think just as capital, not as the irreparable losses to their families, it was plenty replaced by the immigration from the whole levelled world. So, economically speaking, United States gainned more worker force just after the war than lost during it.

Adding it to a not damaged territory is easier to understand why United States took a so large distance from the others competitors. And, like a bullier, carelessly pulled the rest the world to a competition that in the beginning the proponents of it may have thought that, There will past a thousand years before any one of those other weak nations shall be match to us. Also carelessly, nobody since then had the humble thinking of, Even if it come one thousand years from now would be better we take another approaching. Lets, just in case, be more fair to the rest of the world because in the day that we fall they have mercy on us.

The idea of competition may work well in sports but I am not so sure if it works in the same way in life. The idea itself imply that we gonna have a winner and losers. These is the great problem when you put life in a bet such as these. Life shouldn’t be put in a bet with the consequence of some be classified as winners and others as losers. It unfolds the beastliest behavior on human being.

The ones that are in a better position to win lose their sense of fairness and don’t think two times to use deceits as United States did in the transference of money from the developing countries at the time of the New Colonialism. It is seen also at the Colonialism itself, in the slavery time, in the genocide of natives from all Americas, and many more.

The ones that are in an inferior position to compete on the same level of the adversaries can do things totally crazy such as opt for terrorist attacks such as we have been seen for so long in our world.

Competition can be helpful and fun since what you can lose will not affect your behavior. I remember our colleagues Joe and Dick, workers at the ESP in our times, that was fans of the professional baseball Red Sox team based in Boston. Some of us used to make fun of them because the last time their team had conquered a title of champion in a Major League was in 1,918. So, maybe not even their grandparents had seen it.

In contrast to it, the preferred soccer team of some of the Brazilian colleagues, Cruzeiro Sport Club, was piling up trophies in the 90s and earlier 2,000s. Only in 2,004 the Red Sox were able to end its fasting of titles. Anyways, the brothers wouldn’t make fun of the Brazilian colleagues because their were celebrating together. In sports we can be loser for not matter what space of time because it don’t take nothing from us. You may be mad because it as long as one week or little longer but soon you start planning to see what will happen in the next year.

The problem in do the same with life is that, you don’t have many lives to be loser in some and winner in others. Life shouldn’t be played as competition. It should be played as the motto says, “Live and let live”. In others words, life must be a play of winner and winner. And it, in terms of economy, the Americans had some trouble on to understand. Not all but a good chunk of them. The Republican Party people are the ones that got less understanding on it, at least, it is what appear to be by their discourses at the debates about who will challenge president Obama on his reelection campaign in 2.012.

And yesterday, February 7, the concurrent senator Rick Santorum got a symbolic win. He was behind the other three competitors and won the contests in Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota. It is a big win since we are in the beginning of the constests but is not as expressive as it could appear. For the Brazilian readers to know, the sellection of the candidate of one party in United States must pass on for contests in each one of the states. The winner on some states got all of the delegates that will go to the convention to decide who will be the candidate of the party. In others states the delegates are proportionally shared between the candidates, accordingly to the number of votes that they got in the contest of that state.

Mitt Romney won only three states until now. And senator Santorum won four states. But Romney only from the win in Florida got 50 delegates and now got a total of 115. Senator Santorum, with more states still got only 34 delegates. Ron Paul now is the last one in the running with 20 delegates with win not state. And Newt Gingrich is the second with 38 delegates. The one who will be nominated, independently of results from the other concurrents, need to have 1,245 delegates. Now they are working to do the confront called Super Tuesday. It will be in March 6 and many states will be at stake in the same time. If in the Super Tuesday have one clear winner, it will probably open the doors to win in the subsequent states and maybe become the nominee to the Republican Party. But they got plenty of time until it be.

Anyways, what is amazing me the most is the climate of competition the Republican candidates are shown in their debates. The election that will occur in November is supposed to decide who will be president of United States of America. Who will be elected to administer only the country not the whole world. But they are already discussing what they will do if elected in relationship to others countries and peoples. Senator Rick Santorum for example menaced to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran.

Buy the way, before I comment individually their pretentions, I have to admit it, I can not vote for anyone of them. Since the beginning of the primaries all the Republicans canditates have been claimming that, anyone of them is a better alternative to president Obama in the White House. Ok, they are candidates and are free to say whatsoever they want to say, but, except for Ron Paul, they are just acting as a bunch of stooges in relationship to international affairs. They present themselves as the powerful sheriffs of the world. Like the world will elect them to do whatever they want.

The only one who is rationalizing the facts is Ron Paul that don’t want see United States as sheriff of the world. On contrary, he is promising to bring back home all American troops abroad. Even those that are serving in American Bases such as in Germany and Japan since the II WW. I totally agreed with these proposal but not in the same way. Yes. Ron Paul is right on say that the American interventionism is gone too far and it is not solving any of our problems. So take a more conciliatory position would be better for our commercial relationship.

I believe he is right in his will but is totally mislead on the results. I also want radically changings in the American policies for international affairs. The system that we have since after the II WW is a total failure. But we also need to take in account the fact of if it be dismantled in a blink of eye will be created a vaccum of power in some places. And the consequences can be the opposite of the intentions.

Some time ago I heard about the intention of some of our forefathers to create the Secretary of Peace. I don’t know why it was never created. But I heard one allegation in a news channel that says, “If we have a Secretary of Peace the adversaries will be more aggressive against us because will think we will be weak”. Wow!!! I never heard about so wasting of intelligence! Probably senator Santorum would cheers up such argument since he pretend, if be elected, to have a Army so powerful that would scares anyone else of challenge United States.

But we already have such force and the only thing that it is creating is another competition between nations to know which one will have the more powerful Army in the next stage. And doesn’t matter anymore who will have more weapons of mass destruction in the next stage because what we got is enough to destroys the Earth many times. So, where is the intelligence on to have more guns?

Just another comment. Our command in chief is always saying that the States like Syria, Iran, Paquistan and others shouldn’t possess weapons of mass destruction because is always the risk of it end in terrorists hands. The allegation is that, the administrations of those countries are already in the hands of terrorists or can be taken by them. And even because the lack of security the WMDs can be taken from them by terrorists. The problem is that, United States, Russia, France, England, India and others which have those weapons are not exempt of serious crisis, or elect a president with Santorum’s like mind what could equal or more dangerous. And, what B plan we have in such case?

In Brazilian culture we got some saying that says: “Se queres a paz, prepara-te para a guerra” (If you want peace, be prepared for war.) I doubt if does exist any intelligence on such saying because if you is always prepared to make war you will never learn to live in peace. And I think these is the exact reason that United States is so involved in so many conflicts. It is too much prepared to make war and never learned how make peace. United States have a lack on give a chance to peace.

I think that, if United States stands on its path it will have a similar end to the Roman Empire. Is used to say that, the Roman Empire stood for a thousand years before its fall. But we can cut it by half or more because it reached its apex around Julius Ceasar’s administration. And then were stable until Constantine where it starts to decline, and felt in 511. The American Empire end will not necessarily come with a Barbarian invasion. Can be by the opposite.

A “Barbarian” ignoring. The others countries can look at each other and simple say that, I am tired of bossing around. Let make our relationship stronger and based on peace. Is better we “beat our swords into plowshares, and our spears into pruningshooks”. Isaiah 2:4. If they follow us on do good we shall be friends. If not, they are not irreplaceables. We can chose a better leader, a peacemaker one, not the troublemaker.

And now we need to recall what I learned at the Federal University of Vicosa about the efficiency of the Brazilian education. We can trace a paralell between it and the efficiency of United States and United Nations as peace keepers. By the number of wars we got after the II WW we can now measure the efficiency of those entities as peace keepers. I will be not so hard on the UN because it have a much more limited power and works more like as the arms of the gang of five. The other nations are more like espectators with no veto power.

The problem is that, “We the people” are always driven by the idea that our governance is thinking peace in first place. So we supposed the many wars that we fought or we were unable to avoid as peacemakers is a consequence of the others behavior. At least it is what our Department of State is always saying to us. Then, if it is so, “We the people” must ask ourselves, How efficient have been our government for the cause of peace? The answer is clear. Is a total failure.

But now we need to ask ourselves too. It is an accident or our government is saying one thing and doing the opposite? So many wars later, can we suspect that the real goal of the past, present and future administrations is make wars? If so, it is an super efficient machine though!

Now we need to ask ourselves, Why would our government for so long be acting like these? What are the interests? We can answer it just looking at the volume of money that the wars costs in a short period of time. If we look at the American monetary deficit and dismember it by sectors where it were spent I am sure that a good chunk of it will fit in our “defense” account. Now we need to ask ourselves, Where did the money go?

As Lavoisier said, “In nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything take another form”. And many Americans are angry with our government thinking that, The money were spent in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places that are involved in conflicts. And it is true for the least. But the good chunk was used to pay soldiers salaries, weapons, tools and many other services. So, at the end of the day the bigger chunk of the money never got out of United States. And where it is? I think the readers are enough clever to pinch point at least some of its destiny.

It is the abomination on human life. Does not matter the sufferring that some got. Always will be others that will make money out of it. And it is our great problem in United States. Too much of our economy is based on the production and commerce of weapons. And the lords of war are not ashamed on make money out of it. They got the money and the power. They lobby impudently our Congress. Ignoring it, as the majority of Americans do, will not make anything better. The blue whale in the golden fish bowl will not go away.

I mentioned about the Secretary of Peace. And my proposal for it is take half/half of what United States spend on the called Department of Defense. Because make peace is a better defense. The half of the money that would be kept by the Department of Defense should be used to make a smaller and better Army. The Army shouldn’t be taken as the primary response to the crisis but as a back up plan for when all attempt of peace fail. And the Army must act quickly and efficiently. Just to remove the cause of the problems and let the peace keepers do the rest of the job.

The proposal of senator Santorum underestimate the intelligence of the others. And also is not a clever one. Everybody outside United States know that the others don’t have the power to confront the United States Army in a mano-a-mano conflict. So our enemies must have been cheering any time Americans make war. They are happy on observe all moves. It is one way to learn about the weapons used, maybe take posse of some to be copied, and take notes about the weaknesses. More we fight, more they will learn so they also will be prepared, just in case.

And I think the congressman Ron Paul should attach to his plan of withdraw our military from abroad to the creation of the Secretary of Peace. I will go back to these issue later, in our chapter about economy, and is when I will explain how to save our position as leaders of the world. The only way of Americans keep the dream of be the Thousand Year Leader of the World is to renounce the Bossy Play and assume a more Togetherness Position. Our Secretary of Peace should have the capability of send people, not troops, to all corners of the globe as helpers to fight poverty and look for solutions to the other problems.

The missions can’t be to say to others what they got to do. The mission should be detect the problems, ask to the local people what the solutions they think would work out to all and give assistence to it be done. Our mission can not be say to abroad governments they have to act in some or another way. We can’t mix religion, culture and ideology with our mission. As our Constitution guarantees us the right of choice about it, it should equally be respected abroad too.

As I mentioned in my autobiography at the chapter 15, we need to choose between an interventionist model and a more democratic another. Like in my city in the years 70s, we needed more technical assistance for we ourselves produce more income and be independent to need less charity, the billions of poor people around the globe is in the same situation. But if they was able to get the income that they need with our technical assistance, they later will also be happy in buy our hightech production. We can’t keep try to impose to others what we think is good for them. As we gave ourselves the right of choice the same right must be given to all the others.

The Republican candidates are living in a Fantasy Land, except for Ron Paul, thinking we will create more jobs here in United States and keeping the interventionist model. The interventionist model have been creating only more poverty and we will not create better jobs in our country if we don’t have people to buy our hightech products.

And I have a good example from the Brazilian economy to explain it better. When I was younger there we had basically two auto industries. One was the Volks Wagen and the other was the Americans. The Fiat only went there at the end of 70s and earlier 80s. And I saw the resume from the sales of cars in Brazil last year. Fiat is in first, Volks Wagen in second and Ford comes the third. The first position was historically alternated between Germans and Americans.

And in my interpretation I think I know what must be happen. When Fiat went Brazil it was the worse car we had seen. They launched a model called Fiat 147 that nobody liked but the car kept been commercialized. Just because our market was a poor market and the price of the vehicle was more compatible with the Brazilian salaries. Now the maker must have taken steps farther because people from the classes B and C are also buying it.

The second place for the Volks Wagen is also explainable. The maker always offerred a more reliable vehicle. It was so important to Brazilian consumers that in the old times we had more Jeep Willis than Beetles around our place. As most parts of the Brazilian territory today, much more of the country not even knew what was asphalt. The cars had to be strong, cheeper and easier to fix when necessary.

Now Brazil is a free market for cars. There are most of the makers from the world. Still, cars there are much more expensive than in United States. To our exercise of mind is not important to explain why. Most of Brazilian population live around the Atlantic shores where the roads and streets are paved now. So I think the problem with Ford been the third car maker in Brazil is attached to the detachment between the product to the market. Ford must be keeping an American style of product which is good for the tradition but harder to sale.

And talking about sale, I imagine how hard had been the life of our diplomatic corp to sale United States in other nations. The American administrations, doesn’t matter if Democrat or Republican, with its mask of liberators and freedom defenders must explain to us what is about the blockades and imposition of sanctions against the “enemies of the people” in many countries like Cuba and now Syria. Cuba is a better example of what not to do for make a goal.

President Obama and I was not more than toddlers when United States started the blockade against Cuba. We were always told that the preasure would work in such way that the “El Commandant” would step down and give the power to his people. 50 years later and nothing changed. Otherwise I know how it worked well to keep our friendenemy in power. Every totalitarian regime need an enemy, imaginary or real, to keep its power. Yes! If the dictators have no enemies to blame them for the bad things they do the people would get rid of them sooner.

I don’t think any white hair over “El Commandant’s” head come from his repentance on do anything bad to the people. He must know that the blockade did everything bad to the people and gave him the argument to stay in power forever. If had no blockade and Cuba had been integrated to the world community all the past years and the Cuban people lived in a more market freed society what argument Fidel would present to stay in power? Probably none.

I always thought the blockade was some kind of mistake. Was something like, since the Cuban-Americans hated Fidel they was blinded to see that, their hatred for him was the help he needed to stay in power. And the other Americans did nothing because they were hostages of the Cuban-American influence in politics. But now I am changing my perception a little. The American power also need to have and create enemies abroad to stay in power too. It is just a play where both sides win in favor of their bad behavior.

If United States have no enemies, or did not created some, the commerce of weapons would goes down and our authorities are afraid of it lead to a smaller market and our interests be compromised. But it is not true. We have too much to do to make our world better. We need to produce more food, more alternative energy, less polution, bigger and better transportation systems and the world integration is so demanding that if we cut the weapons production to a necessary minimun we can substitute it by aggricultural tools production and, even so, the market will be greater. We have billions more to feed. But while we choose fight agains each other instead of fight the real problems the poverty will gain force and nothing that we do to guarantee our freedom and happiness will work.

The lessons from the Katrina Hurricane and the earthquakes at Indonesia and Japan must be learned. No matter what we do we can not prevent such things to happen. So we must be prepared to avoid its consequences. And the scientists are warning us that those things are not the worst case scenario. And I pretend write another chapter, small one, to maybe create awareness of three or more events combined that could happen in our time.

Months ago we had examples of our lack of preparation here at the American Northeast. One small snow storm and later one day of rain let some without power for weeks. Is incredible the absence of seriousness on our politicians behavior. They act like have no clue about the danger life can be without we create some more. They need to know how many times and how many ways the planet sufferred wipe out of life to millions of species. It can easily happen again and we are not prepared.

And those things combined are some of the reasons that the present book is called, The Suicidal America. We are clearly in the path of fall down and most of our politicians have no clue about it. They are not only ignoring the danger and worried only with their own agenda, I am not excluding any party in this assertion, but are working for it come sooner. My only doubt about it is that, do they are doing it on purpose or are totally alienated from the reality?!

Since I have doubt about it I can’t write these book in the same line as the one of theory of conspiracy. Although I am awared about the Christian extremism around here. We have an wing of the Christianity that believe in the Book of Revelation as a foretelling of the future. If so they think that the tale there is unavoidable and they assume that, is their mission to cause what is “predicted” in there.These apocalyptical vision is another funny interpretation from the Scriptures. I am considering here just the interpretation not the consequences of it.

I already said that all religion have some funny beliefs and told about part of the Catholic herd’s belief on the pope’s infalibility. The original name of the book is Apocalypse, which in Greek means Revelation. And throughout History the tale narrated in it gave new mean to the word which is, The combination of events determined by God to happen for the general purification, remission of the repentant and eternal punishment of the not repentant bad doers.

What is wrong with these interpretation? Is simple. God is Omniscient. Since the Beginning of Life He Knew what would happen throughout the whole History. And if He had said so that, One day I Will Put an End to the world and Will Punish for eternity the not repentant bad doers, it would be the same as He say it: I Will Create the bad doers for they do bad things and not be repentant because when I say It Will Be, It must be unavoidable. And God would be part of “the evil” created by Himself and Part of Him would be eternally punished. Not matter how much of the human population would be eternally punished because it would be accounted as inefficiency of God. Then God wouldn’t be Perfect.

The problem with the Christian God’s theorists is that, they think they know God and create an image of Him without look for the consequences that is implied on their suppositions. And they keep going on in their delusions even when someone else shows the clear contradictions in their theories. They think that they are been conservatives but what they really are doing is standing on the hardness of their heads and hearts.

Well, I don’t believe in any evil part of God. And the people who believe in it just don’t know God, although is mislead to think otherwise. Is impossible to God be Good and evil at the same time, and also be Saint. But it is part of the discussion in my other book, The Knowledge Concerning God.

Important here is to aknowledges that, we have an extremist Christian group that believe in that, God is part Good and part evil and the group uses its distorted interpretation of the Scriptures to justify a bad behavior. The group is up to unleashs it to provoke a coming back of an imaginary savior and fulfill an imaginary prophecy attributed to God Himself. It also is part of the part of Americans that are suicidal. These part is not different from the extremists Muslims. Is one minority that have too much influence in American politics.

It’s clear to me that, the wars that are been fought now are not to defend the American freedom or the freedom for other peoples. Those wars are defending the interests of big corporations such as the petroleum companies. And the wars have been paid by the American people with money, blood and sacrifice. No surprise then the outsiders blame the American people for the wrong doing of some part of our population.

I don’t know in what degree senator Santorum is part of the Christian group that is apocalyptical. He sounds like it. I can’t vote for three of the pretenders to the candidacy from the Republican Party. They are suicidally believers in the fixing the world through confrontation and not negotiated solutions. What they are defending only will lead us to new wars. The least they want, like Mitt Romney do, is start a commercial war against China. If it be the world will not be better. Only will go to another path of instability with created conditions for an worst war.

Then I got other special reason to not vote for senator Santorum and the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich. For the surprise of many, the reason is because they are Catholics. Why a Catholic wouldn’t vote for a fellow worshiper? Some could ask. The answer is just too bizarre. But we need to pay attention on what is around us. At least 50% of the news I have heard about the Vatican is about the abuses committed by Catholic priests around the globe. And the problem was happen under the watching of the last two popes, John Paul II and Bennedict XVI.

The accusations are such as both popes not only fail on to protect our children against predators. They badly managed to keep the bad guys in position of repeat their wrong doings. I am not the kind of guy that would blame the institution because of the wrong doings of some of its employees. Brazilian have a saying that goes like that, “Cautela e canja de galinha nao faz mal a ninguem” (Precaution and soup of hen doesn’t do evil to nobody).

Underlined in the news we can perceived that is a predisposition on label the Catholic Church as, “Roman Catholic Pederastic Church”. The Pederastic comes in substitution to the traditional Apostolic which was related to the 12 Apostles of Jesus. We can’t underestimate the power of the negative words. If the Republican nominee become president of United States I am sure that bad things will preciptate from it. And if the American president was happen to be a Catholic, bad feelings will arise against Catholics over the whole world. And I don’t want more sufferring coming to innocent people.

Brazilians have another saying that goes like that, “Os justos pagam pelos pecadores” (The justs suffer the burden of sinners). It is not a religious teaching. Is an observation from the practical life. Although it contradicts what is written in the Scriptures that, the righteous should not pay for the other’s sins is obvious that in our material world good people are always sufferring the consequences of the brutality of the sinners. It is not suppost to happen in God’s Helm. But in men’s world it is the rule. So I don’t expect all people of the world will know how to make the difference between a specific bad doer that is happen to be Catholic from all the others Catholic people. Then precautions must be taken.

Now I want change a little bit my discourse. It is also part of the Beginnings of Sorrows. Only the issue is immigration. It is one of the reasons that I am blocked from vote for the Republican Party. For his words against immigrants it includes the candidate Ron Paul. I think it is the main issue because the rest is consequence of it. I would never say that, Is bad because is Republican. It is a generalization that I know is not true. Institutions are not bad or good. It is run by human beings and what bad or good come from the running is inherent to the person not to the institutions.

In a long run one party can be bad in some occasion and good in another. And it sometimes come from the competition. The positioning in favor or against some issues depend on the rivalry between parties. And the bipartisan system that dominate the American politics tend to open for the opportunity of label the parties as something that they are not necessarily what the label says. And in these precious historical moment the Republican Party can be easily labelled as Soften Nazis.

I know. It is not a Nazi Party. But to the outside world it is appearing as partially Nazi. So I added the Soften. And why it become so undesirable to the rest of the world? I am sure of one thing. Is not because the world is jealous of the American success. As I tried to explain before, the outside world have no “problema” with the American or someone else success. If it was so simple like that a sucessful artist like Michael Jackson and many others wouldn’t have any success around the globe. When the sucess make no harm to you, you become fan of that success. Yesterday, February 11, 2,012, Whitney Houston died. And probably no American born here know how beloved she was abroad!

You admire the others not harmful success unless you have a behavioral problem. In every population we find some people with distortion of behavior. But when a big number of any population start getting issues with some kind of success you must begin to ask why, because the answer probably will fell on something wrong on the reasons of that sucess and not on the behavior of the population. When the polls after the 9/11 terrorists attacks happenned shown that Americans was hated in some proportion all over the globe, the excuse of jealousy were wrongly used.

Only a feel open minded people warned for the need of ask what we did wrong for it be. But the imposition of the answer that the world hated us because is jealous about our success worked just like an assault to the outsiders intelligences. Yes! If one thief armed with a gun point it to your head and say, Give-me your wallet or die, you don’t think two times on obey his demand, not because you agreed on that he is doing a righteous thing.

Today I can openly speak about. Sometimes I saw the presentation of the anchor Erin Burnett on CNN and every day she is counting the days, yet almost two hundreds, after United States lost its classification as AAA economy in the world, and she asks, “What are we doing to take it back?” In the same way I would like to ask, What are we doing for the world hate us less? Unfortunately what I am seen until now is what our administrations are doing to add more hatred against us. Assuming that the world hate us because our success only add to the equation of us been the most arrogant people in the world.

The outside world would rather been crazy if haven’t any hatred against Americans. In these Ron Paul got it right. I will write a chapter about terrorism where I will point out some of our administrations wrong doings that are giving more reasons to outsiders hate us. Ron Paul mentioned the bombings that have been happen for more than a decade in the Middle East and Afghanistan. The common readers would ask, What it have to do with the rest of the world also hate us?

And the answer is simple, they are human beings, sensible human beings that have connections of love for each other. They don’t have just interests on each other. They feel like the caused sufferring affects everybody. Some Americans also have the same connection. Among the outsiders does have many that are peacemakers and feel like deceived because the choice for peace were killed before any chance given. The question is not why they hate us. The never answered question is, What are we doing for their love?

Anticipating something about terrorism we can easily show some reasons for the hatred against Americans in the world. Not long ago I watched the documentary about the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden, produced by National Geographic Channel. Maybe the Americans born can regard that work as a piece of news but inside it have some scenes that are stimulants to the hatred for United States. One of those is the interview given by a supposed former intelligence agent. He talks about the calculation that, until that time, around 18 hundred people had been killed by drones. He mentions that, probably 300 of them were active terrorists and the others 15 hundreds were “casualty of war”.

The interview was going well until he added, 15 hundred “casualty of war” is totally acceptable in these kind of work. I just thought, Oh God, where we lost our sense of humanity?! Looked like the guy was talking about animals not human beings. They was people. Probably with mother, father, cousins, uncles, children, friends and a great number of relatives. If they were known by at least 10,000 people as it is usual in societies in development we would have about one and half million people angry at such stupid declaration.

I know. Most of them don’t have ways or are not willing to translate their deception in form of terrorist acts. But they also will do not to prevent anyone of do it, even if they knew it was about to be happen. Lets though speculate if just 0.1% decided to adhere to the cause and be active combatent against the “American domination”. It will be 15 hundred new active enemies on the ground. So, who to blame for the increase in terrorism in the world? What bothers me more is it, the ways that United States is using to combat terrorism is creating the next generation of combatents who, probably, will be better on to do what they predescessors did. United States government is deliberated putting our next generation at risk of be attacked again.

Another thing that is setting back on us is the bad use of the words. Why the fallen innocent in the other side is called “casualty of war” and the fallen innocent in our side is called “victims of terrorism”. Look, even cynicism need to have limit. Most of our population don’t capture the cynicism on such words because our population feel like been victims of the terrorist attacks. But the other side is more sensitive to these detail and is much more up to openly talk about it to their neighbor.

The war of words is making appear that, Americans consider themselves better than the others. As it had a division between two classes of human beings. One superior and another inferior. If the 15 hundred can be considered “casualty of war” why didn’t Americans take in the same consideration the thousands that died on the attacks of 9/11? If we did, maybe we didn’t lost the more than 10,000 of our troops and hadn’t the more than 50,000 wounded. I can’t forget the more than 200,000 troops with PTSD, and the millions of innocents in same situation from the other countries. Most of all, don’t forget that we are loosing 18 war veterans/day by suicide.

Brazilian describe such situations with the saying, “Pimenta nos olhos dos outros eh refresco” (Pepper inside the other’s eyes is refreshment). The problem is in the different kind of judgment used to one and the other side. Unfortunately I can’t say for sure that the American administration is willing or willing not to make more enemies in the world. I can’t say which goal it want to make. I can’t guarantee what the interests are.

Let me though start to talk about immigration. I have not intention to talk about the whole issue. In these chapter I will just mention the stories of some immigrants. They are real persons and what I will say did really happen. Let start on myself. Just a little bit of my life. Around of the end of 90s I was neighbor of some people. I lived in a mix neighborhood among Americans, Latinos and Brazilians. And we were happy.

Most of the immigrant population, included my family, was undocumented. We was in the line of legalization. Our days was typical. Had to wake up very earlier, leave the children at schools and go to work all day long and part of night. Most of us lived on rent houses, had very old cars and had to send money to our origin countries. The majority was investing in a possibility of have an independent life back home or had to support family members. Still most of what we made was to pay for whatever we needed here. The rent for example was a neck tie hard to bear.

We didn’t made more money than nobody else. Better saying we were the poorest salaries in the country and it was why we had to work more. Sometimes three jobs like I did or more, like others did. But we also had others ways to economize. Had a bad car meant a lower insurance and excise tax. Cooking at home meant more worked hours but expenses cut on restaurants. Some worked for the restaurants and ate for free. Nobody bothered to ask where was the mall or the theater. Our only entertainment was go to church, play soccer on the weekends and have the accompaniment of each others. And it went on for years.

What motivate us to stay here was that, if we were a couple we could pay for our expenses with our salaries. And with a little more sacrifice each one could get a parttime and save together US$ 200,00/week. It in the end of the year is a little more than 10,000 dollars which could be sent back home to buy an entire modest house there. Some could make much more than it sharing rent here with friends. I knew examples of around 8 people living in the same house. But it now is past due. The Dollar had great value in front of the others currencies. Now is buying no more than 1.80 from Brazilian currency and everything there went up when here went down. With US$ 10,000.00 you don’t buy much up there.

At that time the Brazilian economy went wild baddly most of Latino America was in the same path. And many people concluded that wasn’t possible to go back anymore. So some decided to stay and try a better way of life over here. And it began to make us more visible. Unfortunately in the wrong way. It is so because, let me say, at least 20% of immigrants love fancy cars and fancy houses. We use to joke about saying, some don’t bother if have no food at home since driving the most expensive car. At that time the housing bubble was about to attract the interest of immigrants too.

Some of us had already bought houses here and was taking equity to buy more or invest some back home. Nobody realized the trap they were going in. Except for a few, like me who had learned the lessons from my father, the people was thinking that the market would continue going up until some point of stabilization. Nobody was paying attention on the possibility of the prices get back. The dismantle of the market was something never heard from. Brazilians had no experience with such situation because credit since long ago was to short and to expensive for the people try it there.

And the Americans shall be intrigued with the notice that immigrants also was investing in houses here. The question was how they was paying for it? It was simple. And wasn’t so difficult. If you choose a town-house or multy-family size house and rent your spared spaces you could pay for your mortgage, totally or almost it. One of the dwells was separated for your family in such way that the buyer would expent less than what he was paying for rent before. At the end of the day he was saving in both ways because was paying less and others was helping with the payment of something that was expected one day be his own. The equity was an extra revenue. The minds was hypnotized by what would be gained and the sense of risk taken was blocked by it.

In our region here many immigrants was working for the construction industry. Anyone could buy a demanged house for a low price and fix it on his own. What could cost to a regular costumer tens of thousands of dollars the person could do it by himself or with help of friends for a small amount. Like these who was looking from the windows was mislead to think that all immigrants were making too much money.

And the appearances conspired against us. The people with behavioral deviations start to look at us in a jealous mode. In their understand we couldn’t be here in first place. So whatever we was making in money was seen as a robbery. For them did not matter if we don’t was here the job wouldn’t be done. Even we been underpaid. They have no issues with the money that was been taken from our work and going to Americans pockets. The problem was just envy.

They used to say that we was taking jobs from Americans. But if all of us was dismissed they wouldn’t take our position. Our positions was good to other Americans not to themselves because they knew that what we was doing was too much hard for them to bear. In their mind somebody else would be clown enough to take it. Even in it they was been prejudicial. They thought that some Americans would be less valuable than themselves to take a position that only undocumented immigrants would take without any reserve.

Something similar was been happen in the market of cars too. Some people was taking cars from bargain deals, fixing and reselling it too fellow countrypeople for an affordable price. Those who was intermediaries on the deals was been able to buy new ones for themselves. And such behavior made the community more visible, although most kept their modest salaries and lives. Just a small part of the community had better jobs due to their own experiences back home or long time working with the same activity.

The visibility got the attention of people with behavioral problem. Long before the 9/11 attacks and the problems in the economy we had people saying and doing bad things to immigrants around here. We had some neighbor that founded an anti-immigrant association. He and his brother are well known around here. They used even some space in the public channel to divulge their opinion of intolerance. What they had the courage to say was that, they weren’t anti-immigrant because their movement had nothing to do with documented immigrants but the way they used to say things made clear that they had issues with anyone of us been here.

At first nobody paid attention on them. Everybody was thinking only about work and kept going. The ones who was in the line to legalize had not to worry. The others had hope for an new comprehensive law of legalization. Even the groups for the defense of immigrants underestimated their power of intrigue. They were not alone. Groups with the same intention were formed all over the country. And they began to spread false conceptions about immigrants and immigrants lives. Another person in a different city and part of the same prejudicial way of thinking even desecrated the Brazilian Banner in his own show. He were suspended for it.

They correctly evaluated the immigrants weaknesses. Like in ancient Greece here the saying also worked out, “Good thing we have immigrants among us because we can blame them for whatever we do wrong!” If one immigrant committed any crime, the next day was a crime committed by the community. If one American kill dozens in a spree killer the problem is logically linked to that person not to the entire population. If one American get ill by a contagious disease and inadvertently spread it to others, nobody would blame the American population for it but if were an immigrant it immediately enrages concerns against the whole immigrant population.

We only became awared of what was going on when the project Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill were shameful defeated. And it is when the most soften nazis got involved. The politicians, usually linked to the Republican Party and particularly to the new created movement Tea Party, felt like it would be a good way to conquer the American voter’s hearts and minds. To them it was a safe calculation. Illegal immigrants as they call the undocumented don’t vote so, like a cowards bullies, they could spank them at most because it wouldn’t reflex against them on the polls.

But behind these anti-immigrant movement is all the hidden prejudicial feeling. Our old enemies around are now suspended from their show on tv. They already exhaled their anti-semite opinions there. The problem for them was that, the Jews aren’t immigrants and the stronger Jewish community around gave them what they are worth of. They used the laws and their economic power to shut them off. And I am sure that, the bad influence from some and the bad behavior from the politicians are the right recipe to take down the Republican Party. And, if the Republican nominee become the president, United States will be take down together.

Most of the Americans are not aware about what is going on here. What I am sure about is that, if all the undocumented population be removed from United States in one time we can forget about any hope for American economy come back in a long period of time. The Obama administration must got the sneak pick from it. His administration already deported more than two million people and he put an halt on such policy. The insiders now know what the consequences it will have to the economy. But I will give a better idea about it in the chapter about economy.

Some years ago had a group of workers doing landscaping in an Army Base at the City of Natick, Massachusetts. Was way after the 9/11 attacks and they had been doing it for years in a roll. Nobody never got problem with it. But in an unfortunate day their boss let the trailer blocking the way and a regular policeman stop to check it out. Nobody from the base had been bothered. One of the workers seen the scene moved the trailer from the way and got back to work.

After a long discussion with the boss, who is either American born or naturalized, the policeman resolved to ask the workers for papers. The three of them didn’t have nothing with them. Not even their passports. Nobody in United States would get along with unnecessary documentation and less often do it with passaports. We all know that is better have it in a safe unless you are travelling abroad. The partner of the policeman clear saw that they had nothing to do with the case. It was not their job. But the guy resolved to call the ICE. The immigrants not even tried to escape as others could do.

The first one had entered United States through the Mexican borders. He was considered a fugitive because he evaded court. The conservative would say though, he was a criminal. And I think that we shouldn’t jump to any conclusion so fast. He is a illiterated person as a good chunk of immigrants are. He know how to read and write but in a elementary level. Probably didn’t frequented more than three or four year of schooling.

And before come to United States the only thing that he knew about the country was that, it is expected to be a place where you work hard and your work must be fairly compensated. What gets the attention for someone to come to United States or any other industrialized country else is the fact that you know somebody else who went there, made money and sent such money back home, and it was buying things that you never had any chance to have. These is the real bait that fish immigrants to come here.

The details of the law nobody mentions. Nobody knows. The smugglers was using the weaknesses of the law to make money out of it. I heard about many cases in that the immigrants were instructed to cross the borders and let be caught by the borders patrollers. From there they would be taken to the court and get an appointment with a judge acting around the place where the immigrant was set to live in. But nobody would appear before the court.

The poor immigrants had not other alternative. It was more safe than try an walking through the Arizona Desert. These was the only loophole in favor of the poorest immigrants. Although the immigrants themselves wasn’t awared about the consequences. I would say that, the smugglers and the loophole can be blamed for the crime, not the immigrants themselves. But it is not taking in consideration.

Jose, was the second worker to pay for the infraction that their boss committed. He had tragedies in his life even before birth. His maternal grandpa were assassinated when his mother was a child. Although his grandma remarriaged the fatality must took a toll on his mother psychology. She marriaged young and on eleven years of marriage begot ten children. Lost a twin sisters. Jose was the number 10 sibiling. And their father died of heart attack before his birth. His mother never remarriaged.

Jose is born in 1,970, in the time that work would come first, before schooling education. His mother taught the whole family how to work but only one of the daughters got all the way until high school. The old mother bravely assumed all the burden of take care of her family with some help from her parents-in-law. But without more schooling education the family confronted the hardship of poverty.

Jose followed the steps of his older brothers and went Sao Paulo City just after turned 18 years old. In there he worked for some years as common worker. He knew a girlfriend and she gave him a daughter. But they never marriaged to each other and she got marriaged to another man. With him she got more children. From another relationship he begot a son. And the history repeated itself.

Later on he got the opportunity to come to United States. Here he began to work hard in the landscaping company and general cleaning services. Economically we could say that he was very conservative. As Brazilian use to say, “Ele cria um escorpiao na carteira para nao ter a tentacao de gastar (He raises a scorpion in his wallet to not have the temptation of expend)”. Firstly he start to invest in Brazil. The Dollar was healthy and everything in Brazil was afordable. And he made investments in Sao Paulo and his birth town.

Before it, he knew another woman here and stood with her. She is also Brazilian and had a previous marriage from which she mothered a son. While Jose and her was together they got a daughter. And they brought her son to raise both children together. Their union wasn’t like seventh heaven and one day they got a serious fight. He was fixing diner and the fight went on. She didn’t denounced him but her mother did and the police were called. The story went darkish when came the mention that he had a knife at hand. He was taken to the prison and in court his girlfriend denied the darkish side.

I would say that, was impossible don’t have a knife in such event. Sometimes I myself fix some Brazilian food and always need a knife. But the addition to the story was some violence. And I remember an event in my life that could explain the mistake. I recall one day doing the sweeping in the factory where my group of friend used to work. It is one detail in our lives. Usually we had Americans and Brazilian working at the warehouse. But only Brazilians was scheduled to do the sweeping job. Why? Because we were considered less equal.

I am just mentioning it. It didn’t bothered us much. We used such moments to relax. Our real work usually was too much harder. And it was the moment when we discussed about everything. And in that day our friend Eli told me something about religion. He had a mind too conservative in all of us others opinions. And I probably said something to him not only through mouth but also with the hands as usually everybody does when talking.

Some time later all of our friends start to make fun of me. I didn’t understood why. Then they said that, in that day I moved my hands in a rush way, looking like I was a priest, conducting a symphony with my broom. They said that was the most hilarious scene I had acted on. And I hadn’t have the least recallection of the detail of the broom in my hand. So a fight in a Brazilian cuisine could have the same special effect!

Going back to what I was talking before, the booming of construction here became too tempt to our character Jose. First he bought a studio because was cheeper pay for its mortgage than pay the rent. And the equity was going up so quickly that was an investment to good to not try. Soon he were induced by his sister, who was already legal resident, to share half/half an apartment as investment. And they bought these one too.

Later on the market was so exciting that he didn’t resist to buy a big house, using one of his brother-in-laws name who also was legal resident. At that time you could call him a successful businessman. His investments in Brazil was going well but here he was doing better. And he start to invest on the house, making some improvements and modifications that was expected to add value to the property. It was just when he got the shot on his wings.

Their imprisonment not only was arbitrary. The guys were even transferred from Massachusetts to Texas, to be deported, in a nightly operation without family, friends and even lower be notified. In there they lost more than a month before the family assembled some amount of money for their bale. I am talking about Jose and his brother-in-law because the other one was deported without any mercy. The judge gave him six months to settle down his business and self deport. He didn’t gave a better chance because of his previous problem with the involvement of the police in his fight with his girlfriend.

The conservative would say that he got more than was worth for. Ok. It is one point-of-view. But even from Brazil he tried to kept his possessions here asking favor from his relatives to take care of it. But soon the meltdown of the market came in and his investments was not worth of anymore. As he had a variable mortgage and his tenants asked for a down price in the rent, and was not here to work and cover the difference, he was forced to put the house and the apartment in a short sale. He kept the studio because it was bought long ago and he is managing to pay for it. The intention is to pass it to his American born daughter.

But they got another situation now. As the years past his relationship with his undocumented girlfriend here, and mother of his daughter, would never workout for them. He can’t come to United States and she can’t visit Brazil because they don’t are allowed to do it. And he got another girlfriend in Brazil and she an American boyfriend here. The problem is that she got pregnant and mothered another American son. And her relationship with her American boyfriend didn’t workout for long.

Now we have a single mother with a Brazilian born teenage son, a Brazilian-American born preteen daughter, and an American toddler son. She is getting child support for her second and third children and struggling hard to keep it all together. All the mothers in United States must understand what she is passing through. At least, the ones that are from the hardwork class.

By the law and the will of some conservative she should be immediately deported with all her children. I don’t know why such behavior from the fundamentalists that call themselves by conservative Christians. I admit that, I am some kind of conservative in some Christian values like am favorable to the definition that life start at the conception. And it don’t come from just a religious belief. It is also because I know it is true. But in other points I am liberal. The mother made many mistakes on her life. But is totally anti-Judeo-Christian belief to make the children pay for their parents wrongdoings.

About Jose, economically he is doing well in Brazil now. His properties that he bought when the prices were down had a skyrocket valuation. His life is in a balance. He have a 18 years old girlfriend. And his first daughter gave him his first grandson. He will be only fourty and two years in 2,012. Before he went back to Brazil what he most wanted was stay here and keep his life going.

Even for about the first four years that he was there his will was to come back. Now he is settling down to his faith. I don’t think he want come back anymore. Instead he is more up to give support to his former girlfriend here be back to Brazil, where she have mother and other relatives to help raise her kids in a more friendly enviroment. He don’t want her anymore but love the kids he knew.

To United States his deportation were a small loss. If he stood here was two less residences that would go to the meltdown market. His properties in Brazil can be evaluated in up two hundred thousand dollars, in a conservative estimation, that he would rather sale there and invest in here because the housing prices here are much more competitve now. He may don’t have much of schooling education but is smart into make money.

He is only one of the millions of examples of deported immigrants. And is not worth for the conservative to launch their stones on me because I am remembering them about it. Their prejudice against all Jose, Jesus, Mohammad, Francisco, Antonio and others is what is backlashing on the United States economy.

I will call the third of our characters Richard. Is not his real name but is something close to it. He is brother of the first one. The one that were deported without any chance to appeal. And brother-in-law of Jose. He also is from an extended family. His father was born in 1,905 and had a first marriage fathering seven children. Later on he remarriaged and fathered eleven more children that got to adulthood. I am more close to Richard because his father’s first wife was my grandparents cousin.

Richard had a similar History of life as Jose’s. He didn’t went all the way of schooling education. Went Sao Paulo where he lived for more than one decade. Later he went back to Minas Gerais State where he worked as selfemployed and served as employee of the city where he lived in. But things went bad for him too, and he went United States. He were oriented by smugglers to go through Bahamas. It was an well known scheme by immigrants. You would buy a touristic package to Bahamas with a extension to Miami, by ferryboat.

Before the 9/11 attacks the security wasn’t so tight and thousands may have taken the same path. Bahamas was one of the best options to come to United States ten or more years ago. Usually you expect that only rich people would choose such paradise to vacation on it. So the entering in United States through Miami was an welcoming one because, supposedly, you was a rich person. It is a clear discrimination in the behavior of our security services. Well, as a whole it is a behavior from all society. If you is already a rich person you are welcome everywhere. If you are poor, nobody want know what your potential of become rich is. It is the cruel truth.

Our friend Richard went United States and began work with his brother-in-law Jose. Soon his wife also came. She got the visa but waited for her husband come first. And they began to work hard. And also invested on something to escape from rent. Firstly they bought an apartment where they lived for some years. Later they bought a single house and kept the apartment because its rent could pay for the mortgage and give them some spare.

Richard loved his house and the country. He worked six days/week as landscaper and in the weekend loved to do landscaping around his house and have a garden at his backyard. He had a pool and loved the visit of his friends to share it. Every weekend in the summer he had barbecue party with his pars. It was his best pleasure.

The ICE made the case against him. In these was declared he went United States illegally. But it wasn’t true and he had his I-94 card and the stamp on his passaport to prove it. After months of suffering and unnecessary headaches the immigration judge dismissed the case and set him free of all charges. Since then the immigration police couldn’t use the data they got from his wrong imprisonment against him. But he never again felt free.

He were allowed to stay home while his case were concluded around a two months after his imprisonment. When he went back home his four years old daughter was traumatized. He couldn’t say to her he was going out to work or for anything else without she questioning if he would come back safely. He himself couldn’t drive a car anymore without be three times more alert than usually any driver would be. He worked as professional driver in Brazil and the only difference now was that he hadn’t a valid driver’s licence.

It is another contradition that American laws and undocumented immigration situation created. Anyone can buy a car and pay its insurance but, even if the owner have not another impedement, the lack of documentation impede the person to ask for a driver’s licence. Thousands, maybe millions, of undocumented immigrants drive without the proper documentation by these reason. Not because they are willing to break the law. But because they don’t have option of a transportation that link them to whatever job they need to do.

I understand the conservatives and I also think that nobody should deliberated break the law. But equally I understand the undocumented that is been denied the chance of pay their debits with their immigrational situation. In my point-of-view, United States was in need of immigrants and that’s why they came and found jobs. To put on their shoulders the blame for the undocumentation is the same a to condemn any person to death because the person was extremely hungry and without job furtively take something in an abundant market to keep the life going. Condemn such person to even a small penalty is just the most genuine expression of anti-Christianity.

Before condemn the undocumented immigrants for break the law part of the American people should know better what is don’t have papers in these country. None of them is more willing to end the undocumented immigration than the regular undocumented immigrants themselves. Every undocumented immigrant want to be legalized and integrated in the American society. What impede them to achieve these goal is the prejudice against them.

If they were all rich they would not have any trouble to be accepted in our society. Also the racial component is a decisive factor for them to be denied. If most of immigrants were from English origin I doubt if we already didn’t had an approved comprehensive law of amnesty. But the biggest majority of our undocumented immigrants now got three sins in the conservative point-of-view. They are poor, illiterated and Latino. Doesn’t matter if their contribution to the society wouldn’t be different from that one that would come from a more white people.

I had the opportunity to know Richard and talk with him for many times. And I like to share with the reader some remarks that he made. I don’t share the same opinion on everything that he told me. What I want here is present his authenticity of mind. The reader need to understand that he is not an illiterated person but his opportunity of schooling was way less than what I got. Let it be his voice.

“I love this country. It is an wonderful country. Even I having no paper I am here and having opportunities that I never had in Brazil. In Brazil we got to work years and even so was difficult to buy a bycicle. Here we start to work one day and in the next month we get the credit to buy a car. It is a country too wonderful to be true.”

“God immensely bless America. If somebody say that it is not an wonderful place is lying. I can’t say anything bad about America. The country gave me all that I have. I came here as a begger and now I have a house, two cars and all I got inside it. Saint God, how I am blessed for be here! But I don’t understand the American people. They have the most wonderful country, could have peace with all the world, but they choose to go to the other side of the globe to create confusion. I simply don’t understand this people!”

“I know. You understand much more than me. You are schooling educated. But I don’t believe that the man went to the Moon. It is like you see in the movies. They made a scenary. Another thing, you can say to me what you believe about technology but to me technology is a Devil’s thing. It will end in death to the humanity. I don’t believe in that it will give us an happy end!”

“This is an wonderful country, but God forgive me for say it, the people here is too much of a burro. If I was American I would never be against the immigrants. If the problem is not have paper I would call everybody and give them the papers that they need to work legally. Looks like they don’t know how much more passenger the airlines would get from it. The immigrants would take back a great part of the investments that they done in their country and apply it here. But they see us with too much prejudice to see what really is going on here.”

“Look, the others immigrants is asking for driver’s licenses. I don’t. I want legalization. Driver’s license don’t give me permit to go to Brazil and back to here. I want to see my mother. I lost my father after years without see him and couldn’t go to comfort my mother. My mother is getting older. When we was children they did all sacrifice for us. I can send her lots of money. But I know that what she want is see her children and grandchildren around her. It is our culture. It is in our blood. A person separated from the family is nothing.”

“If United States passed a bill saying that, We will give paper to all undocumented immigrant in a condition that all that they have will be seized by the government for they start again from the zero, I wouldn’t think two times in to grab such opportunity. I am not a donkey. I can work and gain what I have again. But what I can’t is keep away from my mother, my relatives and friends in Brazil. If Americans was that intelligent as they think their are they would put a price of US$ 50,000.00 for a greencard and they would make enough money to clean part of these mess they created in the American economy.”

“Look, these country is each time more looking alike Cuba. You want to let your daughter go to Disneyland, you can’t because don’t have papers. You want to travel abroad you can’t because you will put everything at risk. You know what!? We better go back to Brazil before they create a law putting walls around the whole country and prohibiting us to go back home. Now it is my fear. They imprison us here and don’t let us go home anymore.”

“The Americans that I work for are pure donkey! Some days ago I was cutting grass and my machine broke. I knew what to do to fix it but my boss was around and said to not try anything because he was going back to the firm mall pick up the right tool to fix it. But we had a schedule to do. And if I waited we wouldn’t do it in time. I didn’t want loose the time and later be obligated to work into the night. So, in the minute that he turned his back on us I quickly fixed the machine. When he came back the work was done. And he said: “Brazilian is so clever!””

“But we are not clever. We just are accustomed not have tools. In Brazil everybody knows different ways to do the same thing. It come from the necessity. We must be creative or we don’t live in there. Just a few portion of the population there is rich. The other’s have to learn how to jump by themselves. The worst thing in our job is have the boss around. If we are getting the leaves and the wind is blowing from one side, he would say to us, “Go pile the leaves against the wind”. But it is because they know only one way of do things. And if we try to do anything different from what he knows he say, “That is not the way of do it”.

“But we are the ones who have to do the job. And we know how to do it making the wind work for us, not against us. I tried many times to explain it to him but I don’t know how to explain it in English. And he is so donkey that don’t try to understand us better. If the American was clever as they think they are, they would have bigger schedule and let us do the job. They would make more money and we would do the job in peace.”

“I can’t stay here anymore. After more than ten years away from Brazil, my family and friends, I don’t even want papers anymore. When you were legalized you had to wait four years for they granted you the greencard. Now have much more people to be legalized than in your time. If a law be approved tomorrow I will say, no no no, thank you. I am too tired to wait four or more years without my family. Now I am afraid of a law be approved. I feel like to go back to Brazil but would be a hassle to decide between go back or be legalized. You know what, I feel sorry for the millions who will stay here but now I am praying to God for a law not be approved.”

Richard went back to Brazil in December, 2011. The last years that he stayed here he had lots of sufferring to work as landscaper because he had an accident and got a sequel from it. After the accident, for one week he kept working against all pain he was feeling. But it was getting worse and he finally went to the hospital. But the damage never totally retrieved. Now he got a constant swelling foot. Although the accident were at work he didn’t summoned his employer.

He also have a miracle in his family. Living in Brazil he and his wife got two pregnancies that ended in natural abortion. She was diagnosed with an infantile uterus. Here she got another pregnancy and were offerred to do a provoked abortion. They refused and the pregnancy went all the regular way. From it came their only one daughter.

Around six years old, Duda, the daughter did a design so well done in class that her arts teacher sellected it to be exposed in the vestibule of a local library. It is what she came to love to do. But now in Brazil, living in a small city without any arts assistancy she will have less chance to went all the way as a professional in these area. Although not impossible the odds now are that she will got a spoilled talent. Otherwise, if she be successful against all odds, United States will loose her talent as American from the birth on.

Richard and family are in an honeymoon like with Brazil. Now he is the happiest man in the world. His wife went back to her old job. Even their daughter is facinated by the first time known. She got lots of relatives there. She’s amazed with making so many new friends and with the freedom that children get there. The children can play outside all year long. And will start school just after the Carnival that is going on in these exactly days. Today is February 20, 2,012.

Richard had investments there and with some spared money is hoping to begin a business for himself. If he was granted to stay legally in United States he’s plans was to do it in here. And he wouldn’t put one more house in short sale as his house here is in. Their first apartment is long sold out for a depreciated price. So will be the house. Taking only what the posses of the family would worth, it could be another two hundred thousands, also in a conservative estimation, that is going out through the drain that the American immigration policies have been creating. Lets though go to the next chapter. Issue, economy.

The primaries from the Republican Party keeps going and the former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, won in New Hampshire some time ago. The liberals have been trying to diminishs his gain because it came by just a little more than one hundred votes over the other candidate, Ron Paul. New Hampshire is considered a backyard for Romney because there he have one of his houses. And they said that if he can’t have a big win in his own backyard then can’t win the general elections. I am not sure about it. The death of Whitney Houston also helped the media to deviate the issue from politics.

At first I was looking for a chance to vote in a Republican candidate. President Obama broke my heart in the question of immigration. I think the best way to let United States economy goes down is do something against the undocumented immigrants or do nothing to integrate them to the society. And he opted for the second alternative. But the alternative indicated by the Republican candidates is so worse that they are convincing me to vote for the reelection of president Obama. More I see their debates more convinced I am that, Obama will be less damaging to our economy. They are been not fair even to themselves. If president Obama be reelected I think his first thanks should goes to the Republican candidates!

I don’t think is a good move to manipulate the news in favor of one or other candidate as any of them would be easier to bit in the general elections. Last year I wrote an article, published by the newspaper Brazilian Times, that was predicting a close dispute at the 2,012 presidential elections. Not matter who would be the adversary, president Obama have to win to keep his chair. But I said that, the Republican Party had only to have a good candidate and fair policies to win. But looks like the members of the party failled to present us either condition.

Yesterday, February 22, we got another debate between the last four runners to the Republican Party candidacy. It will be the last contest before the Super Tuesday. Arizona and Michigan are the states at stake now and they are closely disputed by Mitt Romeney and Rick Santorum. They ignored the latino vote and made anti-immigrants remarks because don’t have much latinos voting in Arizona and the Republicans in that state are clearly anti-immigrants. These kind of behavior on the Republican candidates is one factor that make them suitable to not get the immigrants votes. They are flip-floping in the issue and presenting opposite opinions, depending on the state they are doing campaign. So is clear that we can’t have confidence on them.

The other three were unanimous and agreed on make treats to Iran and Syria saying they are up to start a preemptive war against them alleging they are a treat to the international community. Only Ron Paul were sober in the issue. He presented the same opinion as mine that treatening only make things worsen. As the dictators feel treatened they will not back up on their decisions on persuit of weapons of mass destruction. He gave the example of the Soviet Union which had 30,000 warheads with nuclear bombs and had killed one hundred million people. Even so, we did talk to them and the result was the end of communism in that country. It is one more stimulus to the dictators in the world go after the weapons of mass destruction. Because we have two faces, one to deal with weaken and another to deal with strong.

The three “Mosquiteers”, Romney, Santorum and Gingrich discussed the issue that Iran and Hezbollah are getting influential in Latino America. They spoke about as it is a bilateral relationship between United States and Iran. As if Latino America still been the United State’s backyard and is up to our government let it be or not. But the issue is too old for myself. In my blog we got the text,


In it I mention my prevision that the anti-immigrant feeling in United States and the prejudicial attitudes against the undocumented immigrant population would make some parts of Latino America suitable to the influence of anti-American powers abroad. So, is not the Obama administration that is permitting it as the former Speaker of the House, Mr. Gingrich, is suggesting since my prevision was before he was secured at the White House. Its a problem caused exclusively by the rushed attitudes against immigrants that the Republican Party is leading.

The bilateral relationship between Iran and Latino America have nothing to do with United States. And if United States want to intervene on it, I would counsel not do it underminding the sovereignty of the Latino American countries. If it be done we will get more enemies than we need right now. United States need to aknowledges that, it abandoned Latino America long ago. And the question of undocumented immigrants is only raising more distance between us. Any rush attitude towards any international relationship in Latino America only will sparks in the barrel of powder.


When I came to United States I would never dream of have something to teach about capitalism here. Is more than hilarious it come to happen. No, no, no. As my friend Richard would say. Don’t take me as serious as an doctorated in the issue. I never went any basic economy school. I know nothing. What I want show is just an elementary point-of-view. So nobody need be expert to understand what I got to say. Please, read first and later think about if it is true or not.

I would address such message to the Republican Party candidates in second place. In first place I am regarding it for the American people get a different view of what is happening now-a-days. The conservatives in these country may say about me, What do we have to learn from a Brazilian? What the Brazilian experience could teach us? They are totally losers!

Yes. I don’t came to claim any victory. But I am also American in first place. And I said since the begining that I was using the Brazilian example because I am born there and is what I better know about anything because my 35 years of experiences there. So I better talk about what I know than otherwise.

The American common people may don’t know much about Brazil. And in a conservative point-of-view it can be classified as a loser. Brazil have a bigger territory than the continuous continental American territory. It mean that, without Alaska Brazil is bigger than United States. And may have more natural resources, more waters, more rivers, more hot beaches, more aggricultural lands, bigger forests as we all know. Apparently the only visible item that would be against Brazil already be a similar economy to the one in United States is its smaller population. Now its around two thirds that United States have.

Then we can’t say Brazil is not a loser because it have everything to be economically in a better position than it is now. But it is gaining positions and from the position number eight it is expected to assume the number five in a short period of time. But it doesn’t depend only on itself. If the rest of the world enter in another recession the positions can be wildly changed and we don’t know what will be happen after.

About myself I described all my loser curriculum in the chapter 15. And even openly said that, it wasn’t all. I assume I’m a loser and isn’t worth to be ashamed for it. Sometimes be a loser can help you see things that are beyond imagination. And the thing that I am seeing now is that, the best thing the candidates of the Republican Party should do is study the 500 years of Brazilian History, from 1,500 to 2,000. They will not see a successful example to be followed. They will see how don’t be victorious although it was supposed to be. And them should question themselves, Why we are taking the Brazilian model of do things wrongly and try to bring it to apply in United States?

Unfortunately, what the Republican Party candidates are proposing to United States is something similar to what Brazilian tried for 500 years and fail to become successful. Brazil always protected rich people and turned its back on the poor. I already told about the Minister of Economy in Brazil that said, “We need first make the cake bigger to later share it with all”. Brazil always produced rich people. If we compare it proportionally, maybe the richest people there are many times more richer than the poor ones than the richer here are than the poor.

Brazilian economy can’t be more magnificent than the one in United States. So we don’t have so many billionaire Brazilians as Americans billionaires. But if you compare the richest and the poorest in Brazil it is proportionally bigger. It give us the answer why Brazil is not in a better position in the worldly ranking of greatests economy. The apparent success of the Brazilian economy in the last decade is due to the changing in the governamental economic policies that is trying to put an end in the distance between the richest and the poorest. If it will be successful all the way to the end, I don’t know. But it is working for now. And I think I know why.

Let us though take the traditional symbol of riches sharing in a population. The pyramid is one of the good examples of it. Taking all the people and representing in a pyramidal form we have the richest on the top and the poorest on the bottom. Logically the middle class will be in between the two parts.

We could say that, these representation is perfect. We wouldn’t have any rich person in the world if we don’t had thousands and millions of others working for it. And the Republican Party candidates, in special Mitt Romney and Rich Santorum, are totally ignoring it. They are forgetting that the pyramid also represents the society as whole. The declaration of Mitt Romney that he is not ashamed by be rich and the saying from Santorum that he hope that the difference between rich and poor always will be are the most clear sign of disconnection with the entire reality. When Romney said he don’t care about the poorest, because they got assistance from the government, he clears showed his detachment from the human misery as an whole.

Let though explain something about riches and rich people. Firstly, how people get rich? Let take a prehistoric example. The first family that went Americas would be called the richest people in the world. Even the fortune of Bill Gates today would pale in front of such riches. But if we had a time machine and could take a look at them we probably would say that, they look to us like the poorest people in the world. They don’t have cars, they clothes are a mess, they smells, and need to go after their food day-by-day. What a losers!

To be successful as the conservative’s understand you need to have. Not necessarily to be. To have depend on numbers. Numbers of hands you have. But God Gave only two to each one of us. So we need the others hands, doesn’t matter what we do. To be rich you don’t need only a good idea. You need also to work with the biggest possible number of people and is from the small contribution of each person that the richer get the return of their riches.

Let me say that, as a prehistoric human being the person would never be rich in the conservative conception even if the whole world was his or hers. The prehistoric people had to work hard everyday, seven days/week just to have food and shelter. It changed when some places start have a bigger number of people and the work were distributed between groups. Some would make only shelters. Others would supply food. And it is the only way anybody acquire more than two hands.

Imagine that, if our friend Bill Gates had to make all of his products by himself, go to the streets to sale it, or in a store, go to the whole world to personally sale each product that is commercialized abroad, would he be rich? And also if he had to make his own ways of, and discover, drill and refine any petroleum needed for his transportation. If he had to plant his own food, construct and clean his own shelter, take care all the time of his children and every and each aspect of life, even with the help of Melinda, he probably wouldn’t be not even richer than our prehistoric ancestors.

When the movement “Occupy Wall Street” came about, and the candidate Herman Cain was in the dispute, he said to the people: “Go, get a job. Don’t blame Wall Street. Blame yourself”. Unfortunately he were prematurely kicked out of the race because accusations of harassment of women. I said unfortunately because what he was showing, also when he proposed the electrified fence in the Mexican border, was the hid face of the Republican Party. Not all Republican are like him but a powerful group is. And for those we need to explain something. If they will learn anything is up to themselves.

Let use our friend Bill Gates as sparring again. Imagine that, if our three hundred million of United States inhabitants were Melindas and Bills Gates. By the thinking of the Republican candidates we would have all the billionaire around here. Santorum for example thinks that we live in a meritocracy. How dumb! Look, if half/half of our population was Melinda/Bill Gates with all the skills they got, but in a similar way of History we have, obeying the same rules of capitalism; what we would have is that, some Bill Gates would be billionaire, some more would be millionaire, most of all would be middle classe and a big number would be poor. Does not matter the degree of intelligence which most of we have.

We work as society since the prehistoric era. Bill Gates only could be the chairman and creator of Microsoft if some people were teachers, some were cleaners, another group were farmers and so on. And to it was vital that, the numbers of each group of professionals had to be immense. If all were Bill Gates then we should see him as taxis and buses drivers all over the place, as doctors, as teachers and also as homelesses and everything else. Microsoft only would be realized with the big number of costumers. And then we got the question, what is most important for a big company, its chairman or its costumers? Lets answers it later.

It is too simple for not to see. Since one Bill Gates became the chairman of Microsoft not other could take his place. And in case of all the others begins similar companies, because all the numbers, every and each one would be broke in no time. The system were not made for everybody get the same opportunity. And the produced riches in our human capitalistic society wasn’t made for all. It was made for some get more, others get some and most get little. It is why our pyramid model is perfect to describe what is going on in here.

Even so, the system can be manipulated to be more or less fair. It is possible because not everybody want to be like Bill Gates. I don’t mean anything bad into say it. What I mean is that, everybody is different. We were made to complement each other. These is the key for a more fair capitalism work well. Probably, everybody in the world wants to be rich as Gates does. But some don’t have a good idea how to get there. Others know the hard work it would cost to them. But most just don’t care about it. They are just followers. Just a small part of our population have some disability which impede them to be competitive in a fair society and is our duty as human beings provide for their basic needs.

If every and each one of us began a competition to be rich as Bill Gates we would all be doomed because wouldn’t be any cooperation between us. Would be a war of everybody against everybody. Even our prehistoric ancestors were more intelligent than that. They thrived for tens of thousands of years, passing through the most difficult situations, thanks to their cooperative system.

I would say that, our ancestors only became successful because they were good socialists. And now, with a so small capitalist experience, the Republican Party candidates and their followers think they are the authors of life! Since the beginning, human beings had a social contract that says, in some way or another we will cooperate with each other and everytime we broke such contract we got problems.

We need to pay attention on the followers. They are as smart as anyone else. They are equipped with skills to be rich too. But they see the presence of some leaders as their opportunity to work in their team and have a more modest life without stresses. To them, its OK if a Bill Gates and others got the big companies. What they want is to work together, be fairly paid and get some sharing. But this sharing must make them comfortable in our society as a whole.

The problem with the surge of movements like “Occupy Wall Street” begins when those start to see the richer became more rich and them start been squeezed out of the fairness. The really rich and powerful here in United States like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and George Soros must be worried by the attitudes from the Republican Party candidates supposedly on their and others behalf. They must been thinking, With friends like those we don’t even need any enemy! It is what Brazilian use to say in situations like that.

The comment from Herman Cain, “Go, get a job” could be compared to the one attributed to Marie Antoinette to the poor of France in the Franch Revolution. Is said that, some gave her the advise that the people was out of bread and she said, “Let them eat brioches”. We are not in the same situation as France was but is not wise to put “lenha na fogueira” (wood in the fire) in any given moment. To blame the people for what bad is going on, while “we the people” are solely taken all the consequences of the bad behavior of some in the society is, at least, an attempt to stimulate radical answers. If it was Cain’s intention he failled.

I am not the one who would blame the rich for be rich. But they need to pay attention on the Pyramid. Because it is also a good image for explain how money flows in the society. If we put the pyramid upside down we can associate it to a funnel. In the Brazilian conception it is called a Devil’s thing. It because in the normal position make hard to anyone from the lower classes to ascend to the top. Upside down the ascension stands hard but the flow of money obey the gravitational law. Sometimes “we the people” don’t understand why we see ourselves in the right position although what was in our pockets tend to go up inside the pyramid. In our poor understanding we should go where our money goes, but it doesn’t work well for us.

Otherwise what the Republican candidates is saying is that, the rich people need to have an elavator to reach a point in the space and from there they would pull the whole pyramid with some ropes. But if they went space they will not have point of support to elevate so much heavyweight. Into space the rich people will be weightless but here on the Earth’s surface we will keep our weight and doesn’t matter how hard they will try to pull us up, they will more likely end coming down. Let make it in a more simple words.

What comes first, the rich or the costumers? These is our question. The Republican model call for the rich became richer and then invest in our society to create more jobs. Let me say though, supposed a multibillionaire decided to install a thousand factories that would give jobs to 50 people per factory. We would have the creation of 50,000 thousands jobs. But in our situation now he probably would soon lose all of his investments in such dumb initiative.

It is so because the answer is not arbitrarily creation of jobs. The answer is raise the number of costumers or raise the power to shop of our costumers that already we have. If we increase the salaries, let me say, to about US$ 20.00/week of every lower class employee in these country, probably, we would create much more opportunities than 50 new factories would do. It is like that because our lower class people is living day-by-day and they can’t afford to save money right now.

And such small amount of money is multiplied. It works like the comparison between a 20 and 100 dollars bills. The 20 dollars bill is the right size to go to a store and shop a little thing. Then these bill went to another costumer as a change. Later on it is transformed in gas at the gas station. And then get back to another costumer that won a small amout on lottery. And the story goes on for a entire week. And, at the end, the 20 dollars bill make the happiness of a great number of costumers. While the 100 dollars bill doesn’t work so well, unless for the few costumers that had the opportunity to have it during the week.

The 20 dollars bill create more riches. And if everybody gets one more each week, the small business owners will get more shares. They then will start to feel more confidence and will buy a better car, a better television, etcetera. The small business owners themselves will also start to hire helpers. And it begins to lubricate the economy’s engine. At the end of all, as the economy went in a spiral of optimism the flow of money, as always, gets back to the top of the pyramid. You can obtain whatsoever result you want raising the minimum wage. In our condition today, maybe US$ 20.00 per week will not be enough because the depriciation of our salaries for so long time.

I don’t think the American economy will produce anything good from what we have now plus the intervention of the Republican candidates. They only see the pyramid from the top down. I am around here for almost two decades and what I saw all the time was our salaries shrinking. As I said before, just collecting cans from my old cleaning job I was able to fill up my car’s tank and live on for one week. Today the cans would still giving me US$ 10.00 and what can I do with it?

18 years ago my shopping bill was US$ 50.00/week. Today is two hundreds and the minimum wage wasn’t even doubled. And we can see the difference at the same supermarkets around. Then we had a long line of ful carriers. Today we have a little line, less attendants and empt carriers. I confess, I don’t got the least clue how the Republican candidates plan would work from the top to bottom. I only can see from the bottom to top.

The other way to improve our economy is increase our number of costumers. Without the actualization of the power of shop of the dollar and the lower class workers we need to sale more abroad or bring costumers from abroad to shop here. It is already happening right now. The people from China, India, Russia, Brazil and others are invading our market and buying as never before. Particularly the Brazilians are interested in two types of investments.

The first one is the construction sector. The market in Brazil is so hot right now that the price for consumers there is alike the ones that we had here before the crisis. So the investors are been fished to buy around here because the prices are now more affordable. I know people from Brazil that invested in houses in Florida. The price is so cheep there that one buyer gave the rent for free for another fellow Brazilian because these other one know how to improve the property. Then they made the agreement for exchanging the improvement by rent. Is an win win situation.

And I also saw someone be interviewed on maybe radio or television where an American person was worried about such type of investment. He challenged the validity of it to the American people. In his view it will be a bad thing to American people because later on, when our economy be improved, the aliens will sale the properties and get the juicy. When I heard it the only thinking that came to my mind was that, Welcome to the capitalism my friend.

Our smartest executives created the situation in our construction market. And the Republican Party’s should be more awared of it if their nomenee be Mitt Romney. It is just an alert. They are the ones that let the people down. They trashed our nation in a dark pit situation. And as we wasn’t prepared, we couldn’t help ourselves out. The aliens are helping us. Doesn’t matter their motivations. If they refused to do it our situation could be worsen. Be against their help looks to me like be the mad dog that bites anyone who try to help it.

The other type of investment is what in Brazil is called by “sacoleiro” (baggadier). The person travel as tourist but the visits are more to the bargain stores than anything else. One thing that is helping a lot the baggadier is just the presence of relatives around here. And doesn’t matter if the relatives are considered illegal or undocumented. Less they spend on hotels, restaurants, taxis and others, more they will spend on the bargains.

The baggadier went back to Brazil and sale part of his baggage. Then make money enough to pay for the visit and save money for the next one or even take it for living. Where is the magic on it? Simple. A sneaker that we buy around here for US$ 50.00 can be sold in Brazil by US$ 180.00. Since the person don’t collect taxs for it in Brazil because pass it as his or her personal belongings, is no much of work to live on it. It’s possible only because the particularities from the Brazilian market. What comes from abroad is too much desired and the Brazilian system of taxation is so unreal that make clothes, shoes, eletronics and others so expensive that every trash become luxury.

Let us now exercise our minds about the undocumented immigration situation and the Republican Party candidates plan to deport all of those “criminals”! I am sorry. I feel sorry for those who hate the undocumented immigrants but I also feel like laugh when they talk about it thinking they are doing anything good. As I said before, my laugh is not from pleasure. It is like when somebody have broken ribs and laugh about something else. More you laugh more it hurts. But you can’t let down your laugh because life without laugh hurts more.

When the former candidate, Michele Bachamann, announced her plan to use more than one hundred billion dollars to deport all undocumented immigrant from United States I said to myself, There is someone that don’t even know what is talking about! But the others candidates, even those remaining four, are no much far from say the same thing. The only difference is that, Ron Paul is avoiding to talk much about the issue and Gingrich clears know it is the wrong way to treat the issue but he feel like need to secury the nomination before be serious about it. Both of them are politically right on it.

Lets take though the image of our pyramid to explain something more. If you go to a professional constructor he would explain that, a pyramid need to be constructed in exact measurements or will not stand for long. I am here considering the material used by Egyptians to put up the monuments that witnessed more than 40 hundreds years of human History. If the angles from the top to the base be different, the pressure will provoke the collapse of the building. And the base is the most fundamental component to make it stand tall and sound. The pyramids must be constructed as a perfect tetrahedron.

The Republican candidates have been describing the come in of undocumented immigrants as a back door entrance. It is not true. My entrance can be described like that because I got visa and almost was invited to stay. Generally speaking, if the rich call a servicepeople to come to their house the entrance is done through the back door. They reserve the front door to their pars.

Who came without visa have an entrance better described as under the fence. Or over the fence. “When the fence be electrified”, will be only under. And these humble people came only because the American people was so rushed to make a bigger pyramid that everyone that was placed in the base of it started to going up. So it was creating empt spaces. The administrators knew what was going on but failed on to create an organized system for the entrance of newcomers. And it isn’t secret to nobody.

Canada for example, since long ago, have its own way to welcome the newcomers. There is a system were the alien can be admited accordingly some pontuation. If they know some profession, know the local languages and others criterias the person can add points to the curriculum. And from some number of points on the alien is legalized.

What was happening to United States is that, it didn’t offer an orient to the regular newcomers but openly ignored their presence in our country. Then when the Republican people blame the undocumented immigrant of be illegal or criminal they should know first that undocumented were used and abused by Republicans. It is a problem that come from long ago and we had the eight years from a Republican president, for we don’t forget, the former president George W. Bush, that were unable to making things rights on his two terms. The undocumented people in these country is not author but victim of a monstrous Ponzi Scheme.

The undocumented immigrants filled the empt spaces in our pyramid and since then they are the ones that are supporting it tall and sound. The plan mentioned by Michelle Backmann to deport all undocumented immigrant is the biggest shot on our own food I ever heard. If I was terrorist or sympathizer of Al Qaeda at the time of the 9/11 attacks I would suggest to them rather create a situation that would scares all immigrants out of United States. I never told it before because I was afraid to give such idea to the enemy but since the Republican Party and the Obama administration is doing just that until now, I felt free to talk about it.

Just looking at the numbers we can see it better. If we have 12 million or even 10 million undocumented immigrants right now and send all back home, what would be the consequences of it? I don’t want give more details. I will repeat the address, I will cite here just a glimpse of what would be if that come about. Firstly would be like to totally empt of people many states of our country. Here at the Northeast would be like to kick out the population of Massachusetts and Connecticut (10 millions) plus Vermont and Maine (12 millions).

Our pyramid would just crumble down like a castle of cards. And is premature to think that make the undocumented leave would be the end of everything bad that would happen to us. We can’t have a precise idea how many American professionals would lose their work. At least 10 millions people must give numerous jobs to doctors, teachers, policemen, firemen, bus drivers, and anything else in between.

The most reasonable argument that I heard until now came from a representative from New York. I heard an interview with him but I don’t memorized his name. What I know is that, he declared his fait as Jew. So he said that, in my words, it is not a question of they need us because we need them. It is a clear mathematical situation.

Our population without the immigrants is shrinking. They are the ones that are balancing our equation. We not only need to legalize them but also offer opportunities to their children go higher and higher. They need go to our universities. They are our hope. They need to have well paid jobs because in the future, not far from now, they will be the ones that will pay for the social security. If they don’t, all retiree will regret. They are the ones that will pay for our retirement.

Probably it doesn’t matter for Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. They don’t have plan to depend on social security for their retirement. But we, the 99% of our population, can’t be so confident about it. The deportation of such population for them is a matter of give us a shot in our feet not in themselves feet. More I think about the problem, more I become amazed that Mitt Romney is always claiming that he is the one that got the economic expertise to lead our country. How he claim such knowledge if the math facts are in front of him and his proposal is do just the anti-logic solution?

Recently a saw another interview on CNN. The interviewed was the author of a book. If I remember the name of the book it was, “How Baby Jesus Will Save America”. He refers to the name Jesus be the most popular among latino babies. Now-a-days is the most common baby’s born name in United States. He also pointed out that Mohammed is also one of the most popular baby’s name around here. So we need to let any prejudice out of our “patriotadas” equation because our descendance will inherit genes from that newcomer population. So we better take good care of all because we will be doing a great favor to our own descendance.

The author of the book also point out that, in today’s economy nothing is more precious than babies. Babies are the future of any nation. And the adopted policies largely defended by the Republican team, mainly in the Mexican borders states and endorsed by the Republican candidates had been the right recipe to dismantle our economy from now to the future. If in one way the Obama administration had taken on the immigrants at least it also have put some legislation on hold. The presented opinion of Mitt Romney is make the life of immigrants here so hard that they will prefer a voluntarily deportation. But what had been done is already doing it.

I already told about my friend Richard that voluntarily went back to Brazil. Also Jose. Richard brought with him his only one daughter. Jose is planing to bring three children from his ex-girlfriend. But it is not all. In 2.010 my neighbor and long time friend brought to there another three children. What is different on his case? He is citizen and the children are all American. Stories like these we got many and the number of American children that I know and are been brought back to Brazil can be counted in dozens. And I am not a social worker or someone else that know so many people to bring an exact idea of what United States is already losing in babies capital.

Mitt Romney also suggested a supposed law for legalization that would send back the ones interested in be legalized for them wait there in a imaginary line before be legalized and only come back after the legalization. It is so dumb that if I was a chairman in some firm and any of my commanded presented me such suggestion about the firm’s employees as serious issue I would fire him with great pleasure. And just the saying of fire somebody give me goose bumps because I am too kind to fire somebody even through imagination.

I know people that accepted to go back to wait their legalization and are all repentant. They wasn’t expecting to take so long and some are there for years without a good answer. Even some made a secret return. In a management point of view we have too much undocumented skilled workers already working. Is too dumb to send these people back imagining we have more applications than that from people that is coming through the “right way”. Until a newcomer be able to completely substitute a skilled worker we will lose months, maybe years of productivity. If it is what Mitt Romney have to teach us about his “skilled management” he is already fired and I will vote for Obama.

I worked for almost 10 years for the ESP. And I confess that anyone could substitute me in my job because it wasn’t so skills demanding. But even so year by year I improved my skills in doing it. And at the end my productivity became easier and better done to me. The person that taught me how to do the job in the beginning would have much to learn from me if he went back to the same position. If I had to teach what I knew at the time I was gone, my trainee would begin from a step further from what I began because I developed my knowledge from what I first learned.

But if everybody be send back in a rushed way, nobody will learn what they know and everything will start from steps back. And if someone went back to the country home to wait for papers, the employer can’t wait to have the job done. So he will need hire someone else. Then when the another immigrant come back his position maybe will not be available to him.

American born are not always up to stay for long in jobs that usually is left to undocumented immigrants do. It is another problem that make small hard work businesses prefer hire immigrants than a fellow American. They can’t afford to have too much alternation of employees because it makes productivity goes down.

I already mentioned about the disaster that would be if all undocumented immigrants be deported to the construction industry. I don’t want talk for long about it anymore. In my text indicated above anyone can got more information. I just know that, the deportation would provoke a pain beyond imagination to Americans. Would be another shot in our own feet.

About these issue I want be beyond our time. Everybody is focusing only in the present moment and what is been done is not enough. We have two issues that will hurts badly our future economy if not be resolved right away. It is the housing and scholarship problems. Some days ago the candidate Rich Santorum scorned president Obama because he said that everybody should went college and have a degree. Santorum doubt because he thinks we always will have the stratification that we call lowerclasses in our society. But I think Obama is seeing beyond our time. And not long ago only visionary people would see that today we would need a better education. And is because we didn’t prepared before, our schools system is crumbling down.

To resolve it once for all I would propose the creation of a permanent fund. And doesn’t matter what the conservative will think about it, it could be mandatory. And every child born in United States would have the right to an account for housing and scholarship. It would be taken from every parents paycheck and be deposited and, in case of be people under the line of some poverty, taken from a governamental fund. The final amount would be calculated to, in the right time, the child have the total scholarship needed to have a degree and the total to pay for the first house.

Many would argument that, some people will never go to a college. And some will be impaired and in a way that would not be responsible for an own house. No problema. I would even say that, some will die before achieve such need. Ok! The use of the money can be flexiblized. Even a couple could choise use one part to buy an house and another part to start a family business. And if not used at all can be taken as retirement fund. The idea is not let for later what can be done sooner.

I don’t think we have been smart enough letting our children have two mortgages in the beginning of their lives. It is making people slave from the banks. And it is taking a hard toll from our youngsters creativity.

It said, what is the alternative? I think we can see it since now. We have seen our children back to their parents home. Most of the children of today is spending more time living with their parents. Which I don’t say that is always a bad thing. It is always a bad thing when it comes out of necessity and not by option.

We need just project our mind a little beyond our time to see what can come on there. Firstly we are helping our children. But those who will lose their parents in a meanwhile may will have no means to keep the house. And if we put in practice the Republican alternative, our recession will be longer than some expect and even worse. Then I would suggest to anyone who doubt me pay a visit to Rio de Janeiro. Go see what in Brazil is called Wonderful City. Don’t forget to take a close look at the slums there because these can be the alternative to have our social fund. Just note that, it would ensures not only the population but the construction industry and the core of our civilization. Our knowledge.

I don’t know how the other Americans is understanding the Republican proposal on shrink our government. To me looks like a deceit, a Trojan horse or, modernly, a cooking. The Republican created the idea that the government is our enemy. And looks like many people is taking such bait. They are presenting it as if our people need to be against the government and a small government would be better to the people.

Adding to it they also are defending the idea that the economy need to be emancipated from what they call by excessive intromission from the government. They are saying that the government is making difficult to the rich make more money and invest it to create jobs. I would say that, many people is defending the idea not making a better exercise of mind about the consequences of it. I even think that, is too much honest people been useful innocent in such issue. But, as Brazilian use to say, “De boas intencoes o inferno esta cheio” (Of good intentions the Hell is totally full).

Let me say that, if all human being was saint what would be the need for any law? The law is not made for good people but to prevent bad people from take the power. Imagine if all the rich people among us today are good people and is incapable of do anything wrong to us. And also was because of that they would be uncomfortable with so much laws since they don’t need it to behave. Then, what guarantee us that amongst the next generation wouldn’t come some bad ones?

Everyone of us heard the ancient wisdom that a couple of bad apples can damage the whole basket of the fruit. In our case, a small government plus a powerful couple of bad rich apples can be desastrous to the whole population. Americans are acting just like Brazilians in these issue. They are taking themselves from the role of government as if the government was a entity separated from the people.

Government is “we the people”. “We the people” can’t let nobody take the government hostage from us. We need be the government, although each four years we select some to represent us, but we can’t forget that our representatives will act in our behalf. So, if they not do what we want is our right not reelect them in the next election.

Still, democracy is our only hope. And “We the people” acting as government need to elect a government which will defend us because anyone of us alone is nothing. We, the 99% others, only have power if we stand together. And the democratic government is our power. We need a strong government not for command us to do what we don’t want do. But to be our shield against the cleverness of others.

Now imagine that, tomorrow we will have a small and weak government. And also a small bully minority with all the power of money at its hand. And also all the deregulation that the Republican Party is asking for. What can we do then? Many things but I think the consequences will always be disastrous in all the cases. We will be only repeating History. Anyone may remember what happened to the people when the powerful Church from the Middle Ages was just in such position having all the power in a few hands. Also when the nobility and the kings took all the power for themselves.

The problem with the deregulation combined with a small government is that, it would put a minority over our heads and it would be a not elected minority. So, if we don’t like we will not have the power for vote them out. What “We the people” could do is start another revolution taking the risk of be obliterated. But if we be smart we can avoid any confrontation since now, saying no to such proposal. We need a better balance of power. The government must be our shield not our lord. And the rich people must be satisfied with the power of money and don’t try to bite bigger than the throat.

If I was super rich like some in these country I was in the front line to avoid such situation. I would comply with all the understandable regulation, not try to interfere with government matters unless to put myself on the people’s side, and be happy to be able to pay my fair share on taxes. A strong government also is a good shield for the rich people.

We know that our now economic situation came from the bad decisions taken by the Bush administration. Yes, it is crystal clear that what we got now is consequences of what were made by prior administration. And I say more. All first term from a new president will be consequence of the work done before. And we can look at all the records of unemployment from the last since the administration of John F. Kennedy to understand what happened to us now. He passed to Lyndon Johnson a not so good record but what was prepared worked. The unemployment went down to 3.6% in 1,968.

From there it passed to Nixon, Ford and Carter. And the unemployment went in a crescendo to a spike of 9.7% in 1,982. The Republicans are nostalgic about the Regan administration but Carter had been kicked out of the office because the bomb prepared by Gerard Ford exploded at his hands. But Carter were the responsible for controll the situation and although passed to Regan the 9.7% of unemployment, ther success on the first term of Regan was due to his administration. And Regan had his second term but were unable to left a better than 5.3% of unemployment.

And Bush, the father, gave us the bad favor of give us a 6.9% of unemployment in his last year, 1,993, of administration. Even so, I attribute to him the preparation that turned possible to Bill Clinton have a successful first term. And looks like that Bill Clinton did a good job also during his second term because he left office with the respectables 4,0% of unemployment. Even so, the American people elected the Republican Bush, the son, which one decided to brought us to two unecessaries wars at the same time, paid not attention on what was going on around the minds of the jerks on Wall Street etcetera.

The result of it we are living in day and night the consequences. And if you look at the records you can make some correlation between the facts. Looks like that wars brings us unemployment. And really it is suppost to be like these. If we are concentrated on make wars we can’t use our reserves to create jobs because you never know how much we will need to support the war. And also, as we are destructing others countries, they will not be a good market to us because the destruction brings only poverty to them.

So what we got now still consequences of the George W. Bush administration. And the Republican candidates, even Ron Paul, are saying that, the Bailout of Wall Street and the autoindustry is the cause of the problem. How dumb they think we are? The Bailout was so bad as take a medicine against cancer. I am a medic and I know something about what bad a medicine can do to a patient. And I would recomend nobody to take any medicine, unless strictly necessary. We take medicine obeying the equation cost/benefit. If your alternative of not take a medicine is death, so I would prefer take the medicine.

If senator McCain had been elected, or even anyone of the four pre-candidates from the 2,012 Republican team were president just after the disastrous Bush administration, they wouldn’t think two times on bailout Wall Street and everything else. They know that the future of the Party would be at stake. No Party would resist the nostalgia of don’t have American auto industry anymore. They wouldn’t survive the millions more of unemployments that a not bailout would cause.

Even so, you can see how the government can be a good shield to the rich people. The anger against our economic situation could be all directed to Wall Street right now. But the government is getting its own share of it too. Is better for the rich have a strong government to put itself between them and the angry mob. Otherwise!

The Republican Party candidates are defending also the tax break to rich people saying it will make them more rich and it will create more jobs to the poor. These is the most “pious baloney” I ever heard in my life. Since you are rich you already use the elevators that start only after the thousand steps of the pyramid. You don’t need such help from “We the people”.

We have to look what are the obligations of a government first. And I am talking about government in all levels, from the towns to Washington. Do you see rich people paying for basic schooling, bring services where don’t have profit or even paying to pave our common ways? It is said that those are basics services provided by the government to the people. But not. It is provided by the people to the common use of all. And I have two kids in public schools. And I know I am paying for the paving in front my house through my house and cars taxs. And some time I need to go to Boston through a public way to bring my children or myself to doctors appointments.

But the rich people need it more than me. If I had no choice I could go to Boston on foot. Our ancestors did it for centuries. But I would laugh to see rich people transporting their goods from coast to coast without the help from the people. The people pay for public schooling. And we are accustomed to think we are doing something good to ourselves. And it is true. But the rich people need our schooling for we be more informed and smart so they have better employees and better consumer market that will transfer riches to them. Some times we use our own government benefit but rich ones used it all the time. So, why they would get tax breaks and we don’t? At least, why we all don’t pay a fair share since we all depend on the benefits from our society?

I am not against the rich people be rich. What I don’t like is unfairness. I just think they are irreplaceables as human beings but their money is not. And we need an example to explain it better. Imagine if all big company just disappears and all rich people have no more their big money. But we would conserve our knowledge, our basics structures and our economic level of today, excluding only the rich and the tax breaks.

What would come after is a booming economy where the place of the rich would be substituted by a higher middle class. But, if we follow the same rules that we are following today, soon a class of rich people would surge again. These is not a trick is just the reality. Tax break don’t create more jobs, create only people more rich. And I would challenge any mathmatician to prove it wrong. Tax break is the elevator that only rich people can use to get to the top of our pyramidal Ponzi scheme.

Now, on the bottom of these pyramid the play is completely different. And by coincidence I personally got an example of it. I have some friends that told me something before but I didn’t paid much attention because I thought it wasn’t my case. And the fact is that, my family was using the Masshealth insurance because we are low income family. And on the last year we jumped to 35K of income. It is 35 thousands not millions. For our family of four people.

Last month came the bad news. My wife and I were cut short on our coverage. Now we will be obligated to pay a co-payment on every visit to the doctors, hospitals or pharmacy. The younger people may don’t realize what it really mean because they rarely get sick and still have energy to move forward. But what we made last year is more or less US$ 100.00/month more than the amount that we could get the whole coverage. And the situation became like that,

I got glaucoma in my eyes and high cholesterol. I will need to co-pay for my month supply of medicine. If I see my primary doctor, see the many specialists that I am subjected to and, just in case, go to a emergency room as some times I needed, I can spend well more than the hundred dollars/month. Visit to dentist will be a luxury away from our reach. And I’m not including my wife’s needs. She also need to occasionally go to her doctors too and have some medicine. Just in time, one of her crowns fell off and she thinks would to be too shameful to her not put it back on place. I don’t feel it in the same way!

Where is my loophole? Unfortunately it will be the non go to the doctor even if my life be at risk. If I get something less demanding for a start it have to get much worse before I look for help. Sorry folks. It is not an hypothetical supposition. I mean and have not alternative on do it. So, the defense for the tax break to rich people presented by the Republican candidates is forcing me to vote against them. Not because I don’t like the Republican candidates or the rich people but because I can’t see how their proposal will give to senior people and me any break.

I yet had written these whole chapter and now was editing it. Then decided to introduce some paragraphs because something else was happen. Today is March 12, 2,012, Monday. At the end of the prior week I was so angry that didn’t want to write. I have been trying to be neutral. I don’t want be driven by the anger.

With the changing on our health plan we got some misunderstanding. I had made an appointment at the last month. And had to transfer it to these month. For that I had to prolong for one more month an uncomfortable situation. As is said in Brazil, a nuisance. And did a first consult to the medic that has been approved by the prior Health Plan. We made a surgical procedure for tomorrow. Just a simple touch. And then came a letter from the Plan announcing that my request had been denied because the new medic wasn’t in their payroll.

The immediate consequence is that I am obligated to pay for the first appointment. The second one was to pass through the humiliation for cancel the surgery. I will not what it is about but the surgery would correct something that have causing me so much humiliation that I almost paid the US$125.00 for the surgery at the doctor’s office. I didn’t just because they wouldn’t accept my credit card. The rejection gave me the conclusion that will not make much difference to have some more humiliation for change the actual medic by another that will be in the payroll of the Health Plan.

To me will be some lost. Anyways I am these eternal loser that I am accustomed with it. But it could be a loss to the state population. When I talked the first time with the first doctor he wanted to perform the surgery at the hospital. But I questioned how much I would pay for it and he informed me that I would have to pay some to the hospital too. Then he said the surgery could be done at his office and I would have the free hospital cost. With the changing of plans I can’t say that if I will have the chance to ask for cheaper.

Anyways the people should think it better. What shall be better to the society as an whole, to keep producing more losers like me and a few winners or to bet on the reduction of losers? To me the best answer is look for a society where all get equal opportunities to become winners. We need to have conditions to produce winners and winners, not concerns for the side of the aisle of our militancy. Less losers means that our society will be more just to all. I don’t think a society can expect to stand for long as long these society will left behind more and more of its people.

De qualquer forma as pessoas deveriam refletir melhor. O que sera melhor para a sociedade como um todo, continuar produzindo mais perdedores como eu e poucos vencedores ou apostar na reducao de perdedores? Para mim a melhor resposta eh buscar uma sociedade em que todos tenham oportunidades iguais de se tornarem vencedores. Temos que buscar condicoes de produzir vencedores e vencedores, nao importando o lado da nossa militancia. Quanto menos perdedores tivermos mais justa sera a nossa sociedade.

What I was saying before was that, some of my friends already had told me about it. Even one of them simple quit from a part time because it was giving him just headaches. He had to work 10 hours/week, use his car to get US$ 5,000.00 more each year. And he was paying the same amount of Income Tax. Since he quitted, his headaches are gone and even got some return. And he concluded, “I will not work for the government for free”.

The fact is that, “We the people” rather than have an elevator got an economic barrier to not go up on the pyramid. To go there we need to, as Brazilian use to say, give a step longer than the leg. From 30 thousands we need to jump to, at least, 70 thousands/year to be able to pay a private insurance and everything else that life demands on the middle class. We can’t go step by step. And we know that, unless you win the lottery, doesn’t have much economic miracles around here anymore.

May the Republican candidates don’t mean it but what they are trying to create will gave us a fourth branch of government. Traditionally we have legislative, executive and judicial. Those three power need to be in balance for our democracy work well. But the Republican candidates are trying to create the super rich branch that would domain all the others without need to be elected. It is a failed historical scheme. And it is where the past is meeting the present.

Another gaffe by the three stooges from the Republican Party team is the willing for start a commercial war saying that they would bring back the jobs exported to abroad. I understand it is a campaign so the candidates say whatever they want to gain most of the votes but it doesn’t add to the equation of reality. Firstly if the businesses abroad are working well it is doing its social function of distribution of income. Making a richer society abroad means that we are making stronger our own pyramid base because a richer market will buy more from us.

So bringing back those jobs without an alternative to others to keep their income will pull out part of our list of costumers. And also will raise the resentment against ourselves. From there on we should expect anything but cooperation between us. The next pace shall be the application of reciprocity. The Republican candidates may don’t know what the word mean because they have been playing just an arrogant character where they thinking, We are everything and the rest of the world is our backyard.

Let me translate it in minor letters. When we start bringing back the jobs that supposed we exported, the world could start have the same right of claim the jobs that it exported to United States. Some would say that, I am crazy on say it because they never heard about jobs come in to United States from the other countries. But those are forgetting that we are moved by raw material that come from all over the world. And the people from there can start cutting short our supply. Lets mention only petroleum and iron.

(Note: Today, March 13, 2,012, I saw at the news the mention that somebody is trying to sues China because it is limiting the exportation of “rares terras”, which are minerals and China is the furnisher of 99% to the international commerce and it is the raw material to make most of the high technology products. These must be a small tips of what going to happen in a commercial war).

The other countries can say to us we will not send such materials to you anymore and will refine it in our countries. If you want it from now on will have to buy the products from our raw materials not the raw materials itself. And the conservative will say, You are hilarious. They don’t have the technology and the expertise to do it now. But they would say to them, No worries. We have two options. Firstly you can wait us develop our technology to get the job done. Secondly you can bring your technology to us and some experts to lead what we wanna do. It is your choice. Otherwise we can take the expertise from another country else.

The Republicans plan to bring back jobs to United States is like a plane come out of California to New York but end in Chicago. So they want take off again because they imagine that they know the way. But they will end in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without gas. They think the problem is only the pilot but the tools are damaged. We need firstly fix our tools. And secondly help the rest of the world to be out of poverty because it is the way to make the base of our pyramid more stable.

Now the reader use good imagination to think how many good jobs more we would lose if we start such tug of war against the rest of the world! I just think that, nothing is more anti-America than some kind of American candidates. And the Tax Break to the rich could be also be understand as Tax Bribery.

After write these chapter I am coming back for some comment on what is going on right now in United States. Yesterday president Obama received for talks the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Nathaniahu. Israel is menacing preemptive attacks against Iran alleging the Arab country can’t have nuclear weapons because it can be used in terrorist attacks. President Obama gave him the assurance that United States will be at the Israeli side but he is hoping that the economic pressure will cause effect and make Iran let the international community monitors its nuclear facilities.

But the Republican Party is making pressure on president Obama to start an war game against Iran and Syria. The former candidate of that Party, senator McCain, even is asking for aerial attacks against Syria and the three stooges candidates already declared war to Iran. They are recklessly talking about war because they don’t have the responsibility for such decision. What they mean is only gain the vote of the more conservative Republican electorate. But we can exercise our minds and see something beyond. Lets say, if we start an war against Iran right now, what will come in consequence of it forty year from today?

We don’t need any crystal ball to see it. The Israeli prime minister is willing to do the preemptive strike thinking it will save Israel but he is totally wrong. Even if they don’t do nothing the only way to avoid what I gonna say here is start put in place a Peace Plan between Arabs and Jews and embrace it as the only safeguard for the future.

Obama is vulnerable in these exactly moment because he need his reelection and the vote of Jews and those that recklessly support anything Israel does is important to it. But what he needed to do was put a rope around the neck of the leaders of Israel and Palestinians and say it, I will lose the rope only when both side kiss each other. After they kissed then he would say, now is time to talk to Syria and Iran.

Otherwise, anyways, 40 years from now the petroleum in the Middle East will be scarce or have none. And as the countries around didn’t made peace, and are losing the money that they are making from these raw material buying weapons, and not paying attention in alternative ways to live, the poverty and desperation will come to the people. And the turmoil will come forth again. Firstly the people around will expel any dictator that served as spear point of the American Imperialism. It includes the Saudi Royal Family and others.

And the people will look at Israel and United States and will see its success. And the people from which is said that have no memories will start to ask, Where is the money that our petroleum made? Why the others used it to make them rich and we got only the crumbles and now the famine? It is wrong. And the desperation will make them do what was unimaginable. Does not matter if Israel got the nuclear bomb or not.

The situation will unite some Muslin countries. Even Pakistan which one already have the atomic bomb. By the way, the Taliban will be in the head of that and maybe another countries. And the result will such as, Israel will need to win all battles. And the other side will need win just one. Anyways the costs for both side will be so catastrophic that will be like both side lose. And I ask to anyone, Is just to left such faith to our descendants?

Lets take some humor from the situation of today. Seen Nathaniahu coming to kiss Obama’s hands made me do some analogy. What appear is that the American concerns about Israel is so great that it makes that country the fifty first American State. And the definition goes like that, Israel is an away California surrounded by Mexicans Muslims.

Similar consequence can be expected from the deportation policies that the Republican Party’s main candidates are defending. Lets say, we will send back the, at least, 10 million undocumented workers to their original countries. To think such craziness the person must been thinking that, it will cause no damage to our construction industry and our overall businesses. So we will exercise our minds only over the next step which is this multitude of human beings coming back home.

Again it would raise some reciprocity. Firstly it will cause some poverty at the other countries because the number of undocumented will not find jobs. Secondly because most of them is supporting family members over there and these help will end. Automatically it will raise more resentment against United States. Just after somebody will have the “great idea” to start a blockage against the use of American products. If needed they will start substituting American by Japanese and European ones or even Chinese.

Next you can visualize what would come next. The anti-American feeling would raise so greatly that the substitution become no more a tool of pressure but a pleasurable vengeance. I don’t want see the Ford auto industry in Brazil come from the third place as vendor there to a closed company. The Coca Cola Company be kicked out from the rest of the world and assume a dwarf sized only American national. It would make millions of Americans lose their jobs. And we may get ourselves a Revolution like those that are occurring through the Arab Spring. I don’t want live in a Syrian like country right now.

You don’t imagine how things can change in a blink of eyes. As the wisdom of Lavoisier says, we can not take ourselves as irreplaceable. It is pure arrogance. We need to remember that, in the talks in a country to country level we can say something stupid and later on ask for forgiveness because the interests are higher and obey a common sense. But we can’t say the same when the talks start going to a level that one part is a foreign government and the others is nationals from others countries. Interference on the mobs interests will get a mobs response. And we can’t control it.

Some two years ago was happen to me a event that we can use in our exercise of mind. I was in a school bus stop waiting for my daughter and saw an Asian woman. She was wearing a T-shirt with a FBI letters written in it. And I didn’t paid much attention on her because I thought she was from a different culture of mine. Days later my daughter got out of the bus talking loudly to her daughter. After some words that the mother said I perceived she was Brazilian too. Since them we became friends because we had no language barriers. And our daughters are best of friends too.

What I would never expect was to coming. Talking to her and hearing her accent I asked from which state from Brazilian Northeast she had come from. And almost with indignation she answered, “I came from Sao Paulo!” And nothing was adding to me until she explained her parents really was from the Brazilian Northeast. Only then I got the equation right.

Sao Paulo State and its Sao Paulo Capital are as much cosmopolitan as New York. Also the two capitals are almost the same size. It have a similar History on migration. And today the state is the most populated in Brazil. Something around 40 million people which is a little more than one fifth of the Brazilian population. The second more populated state is Minas Gerais with its 20 million. Together they count one third of Brazilian population.

But Sao Paulo is far way more richer. Since the beginning of the Brazilian industrialization it concentrated most of it. So, from the beginning of the 19 hundreds it also attracted all other Brazilians and people from abroad. Firstly came the “mineiros” together with Middle Eastern, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese and all other European. But from the beginning of the second half of the XX century on it experienced the Brazilian Northeastern migration. With all the movement Sao Paulo took the title of most populated from its neighbor “General Mines”.

The Brazilian North Eastern population is the most authentic original Brazilian we have. The North Brazilians are comparable to the Northern ones but these ones numbers overwhelms those. Usually they are mixed races, African and Europeans plus a more proportion of Brazilian native. They skin is dominantly brown. A sign of the past and the present climate dominated by the brightness of the sun. They looks can be mistaken by the other Latinos looking. But it is a totally mix.

As the Brazilian Northeast always suffered from endless droughts the people were submitted to a cycle of come in and goes out from the native land. As most of them was poor they always had to confront some prejudice against them from some more European fellow Brazilians. Even in Brazil have some minority from the extreme Brazilian South that advocates the silly idea to create a separated country more racially pure out of the Southern states. They say that the Brazilian Northeastern are lazy and they are the ones to blame for the Brazilian poverty.

But the people from Sao Paulo, called Paulistas, know how important the Brazilian Northeastern are to its economy. They just can’t live without the hard workers on their booming plantations of sugarcane, orange, coffee beans, construction industry and all the other service sector. And these population is now so merged into the social component of the state that you can say anymore who is who just by the faces.

It justifies my mistake on to identify my friend. After years here at the American Northeast we became more pale faces because we don’t see the sun as we are used to. But what I mean recalling such passage on my life is that, if Americans want to keep the title of the richest country in the world also need to be open to a bigger number of migrants from the whole world. We know that, the numbers count.

China is coming forth after us and soon can pass us. It doesn’t mean that it will soon dethrone us as model of civilization. But while it get more riches and if do well its home work, applying it in good education, research on advanced technology and so on we will be lived on its dust. If we treat the worldly population with fairness, like United States been the chief state, like an engine in a train, where the others can share with us our riches and advancement, we will succeed. But if we treat the others as undesirables they will treat us in the same way. Do not forget the Mirror of Gandhi.

If our power come from the money we got from the world then we must accept the presence of the people of the world in our house. The people goes where the money is, not to only shares it but to create a more vigorous market. And it is not all. We need do it keeping a balance with the participation of the whole world. To secure the permanence of our civilization we need to share power, knowledge and brains with the whole world.

Would be healthier to create from 5 to 12 sectors in the globe that would work like a Federation. The minimum five is represented by the continents, North and South Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. But Australia, India, Middle Eastern, Central America and Caribbean, and three others sectors also could complete such Federation. The goal on it would be the development of confidence on each other and the sharing of population, economic and knowledge powers. I pretend to take on these issue on other chapter to be more clear.

Lets comment something about politics now. The campaign from the Republican Party is clearing. I didn’t commented before but the candidate Mitt Romney got four more wins. Even on his birth state of Michigan. Today is March 4. Yesterday he won the State of Washington. His win in Michigan were the most significant one. In That state all voters can vote on both primaries no regards for the parties. And, as the polls was indicating some tie between Romney and Santorum, came a proposal to the Democrats vote for Santorum because he seems less strong in the dispute one/one against president Obama.

To me the trick back fired in some way. I don’t think it mobilized a good number of Democrat voters but did it to Republican ones. Maybe all the voters that was unsure before to who to vote decided to vote for Romney. It gave him a close win although it is what is counted for. I think that, in the general election he could use it saying, he is more electable because he bit the Santorum’s supporters together with the Democrats. Apparently, the ones behind such cleverness was trying to put in doubt the eligibility of Romney in the general election and at the same time give a booster to senator Santorum, supposedly, an weaker adversary to president Obama.

I think, behind the scene is another thing going on. To me, Mitt Romney is the weaker candidate of all possible four. What he got is the power of money but a disastrous curriculum. Remember when I said that I agreed with the “pious baloney” said by the former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, that Romney didn’t sought for the reelection because he wouldn’t be elected? They never entered in the core of the question. Why it is so? And it will come out on the general elections.

Then, what is about to say that Rick Santorum is the weaker one? In my point of view it’s true. But the ones that are voting for Romney now are ideological voters. They have two things in mind. They are voting for him because he looks stronger. To them doesn’t matter the ideological details because they know Romney is not so conservative as Sonrorum is. Anyways they would vote for a Republican candidate.

Otherwise, the Santorum’s electorate is the passionate one. They are voting for him as an alternative to Mitt Romney because they just don’t like the former governor of Massachusetts. So, at the general election a good chunk of those will vote for nobody. But they would vote for Santurum as well most of the Romney’s electorate would do, because they want see Obama out, doesn’t matter what or who.

The whole thing is that, I believe Ron Paul would be the best candidate for the Republican side win. All the others voters would vote for him in the general election. And he is the only one that are bring young blood to the Republican Party. He would unify all voices. He would even get some Democrats vote for him because the deception with Obama.

But is another cleverness around here. And the tale of the Party in Heavens can teach us something. The younger may don’t know the tale and is better resume it here. It says that, Once upon a time had a party in heavens. All the animals were invited but only those who had wings could go. And the frog began to think how he could attend such party.

Talking to his friend vulture he saw the guitar that the vulture was bring with him. So he waited until the vulture wasn’t looking at and went in. They had a great party and before it ended the frog went back to his hid place to take a ride back. In its fly back the vulture feel some heaviness on the guitar and took a look on it. Seen the frog he got mad and said it would drop the frog down to the Earth. The frog implored him not do it but he was unmoved by the frog’s words.

Looking down, the frog said to his friend. OK, I just ask you not let me down into the water because I am afraid of drown. Throw me on the rocks because I will die quickly. And the vulture was so mad that it thrown the frog into the water. And it was just what the frog wanted.

The same thing we are seen here. The Democrats are playing with the Republicans making them do what they want. The problem is that, will it work well as planned? I am not sure. I would never vote for a second term for president Bush and thought that the other Americans wouldn’t do it too. I was wrong as I can be wrong in my suppositions right now. Only the time will say what it will be. The day after tomorrow will be the Super Tuesday. And, with the last four wins, the Republican voters can be drove by the impression that Mitt Romney is an inevitability. If so, they will give him a comfortable win on most of the ten states in dispute, and it will transform the inevitability in reality.

The main problem to the Republican Party today is its extreme right wing. It took the Party as hostage and the extremism will put away a good number of votes from the moderate population. It is a old problem in the system. Some time ago the Workers Party got a similar problem in Brazil. As it is a moderate left directed Party its problem was the extreme left wing. It was a small part but also the most financial active, with extreme political positions. The Party lost many elections due to the fear from the common electorate of the Party as a whole be communist. Only after the extreme leftists be invited to go away and form their own parties the Workers Party became a real competitive force. The Republican Party should use the same recipe to become more trustful in the future.

Now, as Mitt Romney seems to be an inevitability, I will talk about I think is his Achilles heel. Surprisingly is his partnership with Bain and his meteoric and successful career. And I will point out why he should be ashamed of his success. To be successful you don’t need necessarily be super rich as many think. Be successful can be a totally different thing. We have example of animals that are been successful for millenniums in survive through thousands of natural disasters. But we don’t know if any rich will survive through the catastrophe created by themselves.

The problem with some people now-a-days is that, they know how to make easy money and think they are successful because of it. And they also think the others that don’t have the same know how are not successful or are inferior to them. But what is happening is that, the self named successful are no more than addicted to make money. Yes! Some will say I am creating something new that don’t exist to make my point. But I know that anything which became excessively needed without a real organic need is a vice.

Just because money is not alcohol, drugs, food or medicine you can’t say nobody can be addicted to it. We can be addicted to anything since you get an extravagant desire for have it. I myself can be addicted to information and write. These is why I am planning to, maybe, make these book my last one. So I can concentrate on give my family a better future. But not everyone is capable to understand the problem on themselves. The drug addicted always got problem on admit their selves vice. And without it no addiction can be treated.

Let me say something about the Romney’s addiction to money. “Joint Vulture”, as our friend Rick Perry called it, is the best definition for the action that Romney used to make his and others money. He is defending his record on creation of jobs through it and he probably did it. But what he did is not good to our society. Let us take as examples the creation of Staples and Starbucks Companies.

Not long after I came to Massachusetts I start to writing my new books. I had no intention on immediately publish it because I didn’t have enough money but I decided to make many photocopies to distribute as presents to friends and relatives. Yes. I am good enough to do such gracious offerings in name of friend and kinship, without let anybody know how much it costed me. And I used the services from small businesses, one in Holliston and another in Ashland, because it was in my way to work. Some time later I came back to ask for more and those family stores was no more in business.

Now I know that if I need the same service I can go to a nearby Staples in Framingham and will get the same work done. What is different is that I will be attended by a mechanical employee or do it myself. No more talks to a familiar face. I think that the Starbucks worked in the same way. Had many small businesses offering the same service but it used the power of money to replace them all. And I am sorry for say it but the Starbucks coffee is the worse that I ever got. We drink because we are addicted to it but I would avoid it anytime I had alternative. Specially if was a homemade like coffee.

The problem with the “Joint Vulture” is that, they are interested only on make a quick money and pay no attention on the consequences. They are creating monstrous companies in a pace too accelerated to small traditional businesses compete with it. If Henry Ford had the same assistance on his time, today we would have a monstrous company but nobody else to compete with it. What we would have would be just an auto monopoly called by Ford.

And why it is bad to our society? Firstly it is making the distance between the rich and others bigger. It is bad because is creating jobs but diminishing the opportunities. Why instead of create more big companies out the services that are already been offered by small owners the “Joint Vultures” like Bain didn’t invested on a better service of each small companies? You can understand it in only one way. Work with a bigger number of people is more difficult than work with a small number. And to work with a bigger number would may give more money but would demand more time.

So the “Joint Vultures” are not here to make a better world. If anyone think they are creating jobs its action is also killing opportunities for a bigger number of people. They are just taking the opportunities from many and giving it to a few. A few that are becoming super rich when most is becoming poor.

How it is bad to the society? Let me say it, if I was owner of the Cadillac right now I would say to Mitt Romney, “You are fired”. And please, don’t use our brand name in your demagogy. If I was owner of any big company I would prefer to have millions of costumers owning one sample of my product than couple thousands buying 10 samples of it. The Cadillac don’t need a Mitt Romney driving couple of its cars. It need a solid market with millions of costumers.

I would say that, it is a good cause if a real Joint Venture start looking out there for really new ideas. Ideas that creates jobs that had never been created. It need to offer opportunities to new people with ideas although to others those people could appear more like losers. It could be a big booster to old ideas too since favoring the smaller partners. What our economy needs is creation of opportunities, not only employments.

I think the Republican Party candidates are showing only the vulnerabilities of the Party. Rick Santorum said something about we be in a meritocracy, where the excellence is rewarded with a better portion of riches. And we need to remember Albert Einstein here. Nobody doubt that the man were a genius. Then, why he never got billionaire? Today we can say that, almost everything we have in technology came from Einstein mind. And what we will get from the Republican candidates mind?

What is more important to our society as a whole, our medics or our trash collectors? Give yourselves a time to think about. Because I am in doubt. I thank all medic personnel that attended me my whole life. And I think they are worth of all the money they can honestly make. But I don’t agree with is paid for what the trash collectors do. The medic personnel is good because attend us in our most difficult needs but the trash collector work every day to make us need a least time to go to the doctor. We pay to the medics what they work for and we don’t pay the same amount to those that make us suffer less.

Another sign that we are living in no meritocracy is the payment to our teachers. I would say that, would be better we pay a US$ 1,000.00/week for each teacher in these country than give bonuses to any CEO. Otherwise some of the Republican Party advocates don’t agree with me in no way. I am totally in favor of we start a meritocracy right now. Even if I have no merit at all. If the meritocracy be put in practice for real I will be happy with the crumbles under the table.

The sign that the Republican advocates are totally out of touch is their position against unions. What an union is supposed to be? Is just the way that a nobody individual get together with his nobody pars to be a collective somebody. Somebody that is strong enough to demand the rights for everyone. The position against the unions make the Republicans appear like there are more Mitt Romney on their side that we never imagined.

For now I will say no more about economy. At least not in these chapter or about the issues involving our today’s economy. I will add here some news about my studies of my family’s genealogy. Some days ago I contacted one of my cousins in Brazil and he gave me the clue. We talked about his grandfather and family and he said they are descendants of a important figure in Minas Gerais State History. The person is known as Baron of Cocais. The name is Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha.

What my cousin said is that, his grandfather Waldemar Leite was son of Luiz Furtado Leite and Luiza Nunes Coelho. He didn’t know exactly how to place Luiza in our Genealogical Three because he knew not if she was daughter or granddaughter of my uncles Joaquim Nunes Coelho and Francisca Eufrasia de Assis. We are looking for the answer. And also said that, Luiz Furtado Leite was out of marriage offspring of the Baron of Cocais. So I did some research in the net about it and found the page, It didn’t reveal much. Only made the possibility of the tradition right be more credible.

I confirmed some results from that address with the data from the Portugal and found what came before in their Genealogical Three. The baron, Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha was son of Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho da Cunha and Ana Casimira Furtado Leite de Mendonca. And look two genealogical sequences that I got from it.

Ana Casimira Furtado Leite de Mendonca* – Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho da Cunha
Inacia Custodia de Sa* – Manuel Furtado Leite de Mendonca
Ana Inacia de Oliveira* – Custodio de Sa
Maximiano de Oliveira Leite* – Inacia Pires de Arruda
Mariana Paes Leme* – Francisco Paes de Oliveira Horta
Fernao Dias Paes Leme* – Maria Garcia Betim

Then D. Ana Casimira was descendant of the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias, one of the most popular historical figures from the Brazilian History. Let though put the other series.

1,792 Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha* – Antonia Tomasia de Figueiredo
Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho da Cunha* – Ana Casimira Furtado Leite de Mendonca*
1,700 Luis Jose Pinto Coelho da Cunha* – Antonia Joana Miranda Costa
1,671 Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho* – Maria Josefa Azeredo Coutinho
1,640 Francisco Pinto da Cunha* – D. Francisca Maria da Silva e Castro*
1,600 Antonio Pinto Coelho – D. Francisca de Ataide*
1,560 Francisca Maria da Silva Coelho de Noronha – Francisco Pinto da Cunha*
1,540 Aires Coelho – Maria de Noronha*
1,510 Goncalo Coelho da Silva – D. Maria de Melo*
1,470 Aires Coelho – Maria de Castro*
1,435 Goncalo Coelho – Violante de Magalhaes*
1,420 Martim Coelho – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho – Catarina de Freitas*

Here we came back to the couple that make our ties with all the European Royal Families. I took a quickly touristic looking in the ancestry data of our supposed ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes* who is also offspring from the same couple and noted that he was more connected with others noble lineages than was before in my prior studies. My intention was locate the shortest link between the Baron of Cocais and him. But the number of links is so great that I preferred don’t look for details because would be to much time to spend.

The impression is that, no matter where we look we are attached to everyone. My cousins back in Brazil come from the Coelho Family as much from the Leite Family. And many of their more close relatives are now living in United States. We are, in some extension, documented close relatives of 32 out of the 44 American presidents. I am saying close because we are so many times descendants from the same ancestors that our DNA contents must be too similar to ones that our ancestors had. And as the 32 American presidents are also descendants from the same ancestors, our DNA contents is more like our common cousins or common uncles from the past. So we are more close than expected.

About it I don’t have any doubt that we are close relatives of American population as an whole. We have a female cousin in Brazil, from my parents generation, who is called by the nickname of aunt Lulu. She was our clever math teacher and also a remarkable observer of facial details on others people. Our common cousins use to say that, whatever place she was, for example traveling in a bus, instantly she start checking the other passengers faces and soon would come with such comment, “Look how these person over there is so and so” somebody we know. So her nephews and nieces joked about it proposing, “Lets play aunt Lulu!?”

What is about it is the similitude between Latino faces and American faces. And I observed it in relationship to the candidates now playing elections in United States. The former candidate Rick Perry for example is so and so our hero of WWII uncle Otacilio Barbalho. Even our uncle used to play oops moments just to make us laugh. My son said other day that Ron Paul is the Magneto for all his classmates at high school. They don’t mean anything bad because Magneto is a villain. They just meant the remarkable facial similitude with the actor playing Magneto. By the way, if Ron Paul was the Republican candidate he probably would vote for him and maybe convince me and his mother do it as well. And Ron Paul also resembles our uncle Murillo Coelho.

It is not all. Newt Gingrich have some resemblance with my father. But what is more remarkable is his physical resemblance to my brother in law, Ricardo. If anyone pick up the photos of both of them and say they are brother, nobody would doubt it. What is not so remarkable is the resemblance between president Obama and our great-grandfather, Joao Baptista Magalhaes. Uncle Little John as he demanded to his grandchildren called him by was a mixed races like Obama and the most cleverly humorous person in our family.

Another curiosity involving our relative Baron of Cocais is a tradition that I can’t say for sure if is true or not. But he had a great fortune. And it came from his investments, particularly from his shares from the Morro Velho Mine. Even today the mine is the biggest one from the General Mines State. The tale says that, he had a big deposit in gold and money in an English bank. He died in 1,869 without cash it and the heirs didn’t knew about it.

Back in 1,965 the English government contacted the Brazilian government warning that the money would be taken by the English Crown if nobody claimed the inheritance. Many descendants were contacted but the tale keep going on and added that, the descendants didn’t made any agreement and five years later they lost the fortune which were about 120 million pounds. Maybe the tale got some truth in it but what I don’t believe is not one got some. One of the descendants was the late Carvalho Pinto, former governor of the Sao Paulo State.

Anyways we got a very common happen in our History. The big money always end in the richer hands. If not in some Brazilian rich heirs hands it ended in our cousins English richest hands. The analyzed data and the tale gave the impression that the cousins that we were raised among them may not be heirs of such inheritance. Looks to me they were descendants of one brother of the Baron. Colonel Luiz. Anyways, the Baron, by the time he was born, 1,792, to 1,970, must had more than thousand descendants. Among those, many that was in financial difficult as is usual in a common population. And those certainly were left behind as also not unusual.

From the Family Furtado Leite around my birthplace we got some personalities from the present generations. One of those is the soccer player Leandro Almeida who once played for the Athletic Mineiro Club, from Belo Horizonte. Now he is playing in Ukraine. The other is the awarded cinema director, Savio Leite. He own the firm Leite Filmes. I can’t forget to mention our cousin, Ronalde Cesar Coelho Leite who gave me the clues to come to decipher these branch of our Genealogical Three.

Parallel to what else is going on in United States we got a storm of tornadoes these past week that caused the sad death of 39 people. The devastation is enormous and we are just in the beginning of the season. It made me remember when the former president Bush didn’t signed the treaty to control emissions of CO2 into our atmosphere. At the time he made me angry with such defiance to what we all know is coming to us. I don’t blame president Bush for the actual deaths. Even he had signed the treaty it was yet too late to avoid what will happen for the next century because the pollution that men caused for two and half centuries will have consequences for many years to come.

The problem with not take any prevention in his time is that, from now on we will need to do more and even so the consequences will stay with our descendants for longer. When the people show shock by the devastation caused by the tornadoes I don’t feel it in the same way. I feel the sadness but not surprised. And we should expect and be prepared for worse to come.

At that time I wrote a letter to the Boston Globe Journal. It wasn’t published. I felt compelled to write but didn’t knew any English so I did it in Portuguese. And in my vision I said that, the tropical nations would be reached by the consequences first but soon the other nations would have their share. Nobody needed a crystal ball to see it.

In the aftermath of the unfruitful discussion about contraceptives in the political race, I got something to tell about it. I said before that I am conservative enough to say that the life begins at the conception. So anything done to end the development of a baby after that moment is a cruel killing of an innocent. And I don’t believe in that, is the women right to terminate a life in name of anything.

Then I also am liberal in some ways. And let take some story that I heard long ago about some indigenous Brazilian tribe. It was said that, in their tradition women were made to serve men. And one of the custom in the tribe is the fathers of women ask the favor of older friends to initiate their daughters in the arts of sexually serve their future husbands. So the young women went the house of the older friend and practice with him what they are supposed to do with their future partners.

But they would have a problem. The young women could get pregnant and it wasn’t the intention. Then the tribe had also the answer for it. They used a tea made from plants roots that make women stop their cycle and have no ovulation as long they want. After the classes be given the women get another potion from other plants and get they cycle back.

I know. The female reader will be nauseated by what they interpret as male chauvinism in the tale. Some men will be excited by these dream coming through to them. Most of the religious conservative would call me a perverted for just recall the tale. But none of those are my intentions. I am talking about it because the tale exists although I can’t prove it is true. But, if so, I just want to point out the significance of these revelation. Medically speaking it say to us that, is a switch on and off for reproduction in women’s bodies.

If so we have another problem around here. I don’t believe the pharmaceutic industry don’t know about it. And why they are not interested on reveal it would be because money is always the main objective for them. And sometimes money is all but solutions. Imagine if women could use such potions through their lives. They would use just a few doses and was all done. But the daily use of pills and many more types of contraceptives channel a true pipeline of money. So it had to be investigated.

As I already said many times, I am Catholic. And the discussion about the mandate from the Obama administration to the Catholic Health Insurance pay for contraceptives for the female employees that want it don’t bothers me since all the others Health Insurance are supposed to do the same. I am totally on the Church side when it mean the termination of a life. Otherwise I am with the majority of the Catholics that believe in that, we, women together with their partners, need to decide how many children we can have. We can get accidentally more or less than we want but is an insanity not pay attention to how many people our planet will support.

The Catholic high administration through some dogmas is been recklessly taking decisions that, unfortunately, the administration itself can not take responsibility for it. Here we have only a glimpse of the problem. Brazil is the biggest Catholic country in the world. And the majority of the population there don’t buy the idea of not use natural or artificial contraceptives. And these is only one of the issues that the Catholic high hierarchy is against the people’s decisions. The majority of Catholics don’t see any problem on men priests be married or we have priestesses among us.

What the problem with our high hierarchy is that, we have only old men, totally detached from the reality in some issues, organizing their Church. Yes. Unfortunately they owned the Church from the people through laws from the past never actualized. The pope that is mainly an older man names all Bishops and Cardinals. And acting as common men they only name the ones that shares with them the same opinions. It is not for unite the faith or the people. Is a simple quest for impose their unilateral vision to the future. What we see in the Catholic Church today is the old fashion tyranny from the Middle Ages.

And what we will, better saying, our offspring will, see if the right wing of the Republican Party grabs the power and impose their rules on minimum government and all economic power to the rich is also tyranny. A tyranny that would be removed only through revolution because the high hierarchy also wouldn’t be elected.

About the contraceptives, the right wing of the Republican Party say that they are the true conservative pro-life. I wouldn’t gave credit to them on that. They are pro-life when it is about unborn children what I also am. But they are totally in favor of totally unnecessary wars. So I don’t think someone is pro-life if the same someone is nor in favor of life from the conception to the natural death. what I also am. But they are totally in favor of totally unnecessary wars. So I don’t think someone is pro-life if the same someone is nor in favor of life from the conception to the natural death.


Is nothing wrong with the title of these chapter. The Occident Powers say that we are at war against terrorists. But the method used in these war against the called terrorists is also terrorist. May in our point of view we can say that, the others are the terrorists. But the people that are been targeted, their loving ones, their fellow citizens, the casualties of wars and its consequences and even the Muslim World that feel victimized by the war have no doubt in say that, the Occident Powers are the terrorism itself. So, in some sense, I agree with both side in that, terrorism is been played in both ways.

The question of who is winning the war of terrorists is not easy to answer. Some experts would say in their military point of view that United States and its allies are far ahead to the victory because of some points gained by killing the main leaders of Al Qaeda. But I am interest in others questions. These war is making the world safer or not? And what will be the consequences from now on?

But also we have an alternative to the answer above credited to the experts. To understand better we should ask ourselves what medium or small military power in the world would stand up for months against the full military power of United States? I am here excluding others military superpowers like China and Russia because an war between each one of them and United States would cause a massive destruction that nobody would be allowed to call victory at the end. And I am talking just about combats where the Army from both sides would stand organized and not taking the time of occupation as part of the war itself.

Although an war against medium or small official military power is not expected to extend for more than months we are now in a more than one decade saying we are at war against Al Qaeda and its affiliated. And more, when the war was in the beginning Osama Bin Laden and his pars announced that the war was expected to prolong for unaccounted time. They also said they was prepared to die for their cause and preparing the future generations of combatants to assume their places when they were gone. So, basically, to claim victory for killing such kind of person is a waste of time because it was what they already anticipated before happen. They are not in it to defend their lives. They are in it to defend their cause.

Now we have to ask it, Is their cause been hurt by any killing of themselves? I don’t think so. And the methods used to kill them is hurting the American relationship with the rest of the world, now and in the future? I imagining the answer is a big yes. So what is wrong in the whole issue then?

In my mind is a simple answer to the question. But a whole world of consequences that could be analysed. Let me just anticipate the answer. What is totally wrong in here is that, The allied forces lead by United States against terrorists decided to do a war against terrorists using as weapon some terrorists acts when the solution for the problem is mainly to eliminate the terrorism itself, not necessarily the terrorists. How do it? Is another interesting question!

We could went back to History and determine when terrorism began. Some think that it is an actual phenomenon but it is almost as much old as History itself. Even the Bible describe some events. At the book called by the name of Leviticus, chapter 26:16 we have: “I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.” And in many other parts we have some kind of terrorism been applied, not always described by that word in the books.

At this point I just have to open a parenthesis to discredit the biblical references to God as causer of anything wrong or bad. The terror were introduced to our lives by men and some used the God’s name to excuse themselves for the wrongdoings. God always want bring peace to us, to Him doesn’t matter if peace come to ones that are called bad guys or to those that claim for themselves the title of good guys. We all are sinners.

Terror was also used by others conquerors. Around 700 BC the Assyrians used the crucifixion as an way to make quiet the peoples under their helm. Romans did it as well. Genghis Khan ordered the death of entire populations to make the terror march before his troops so no one would dare to confront his Armies. Attila the Hun, the Barbarian Vandals, Vlad Dracula, the Church authorities in the Middle Ages, all the absolutist princes and princess, the dictators from our more recent History and everything in between used terrorism as tool to grab and maintain power. We are accustom to think only in one way where the bad guys are always the others never ourselves.

Terrorism is, at least, a more than three thousand years old failed policy. Why our government keeps daring on to use it as useful tool? Must be because the main goal is not make peace! And here we need to ask ourselves, If our main goal is make peace why we insist in not try to make the world fall in love with us? Why our actions have always some malice that end make others to hate us?

Again, we need to measure our efficiency. Again, I can’t say that is a conspiracy around here but lets be honest, if our main goal is make peace is more than clear that we are using the wrong tools. So, in these case we have been the most inefficient power ever. Otherwise, if our government have been using the word peace as a disguise to cover the real intention, is not been wise as well because is accumulating victories that some day will attract all the harm to our people. We may use the Romans as reference around here. We are repeating all of its errors along its History.

We can simplify the History of the called modern terrorism to say what will come to our descendants if we don’t act now and stop the madness. Around the earlier 1,900 we had attacks with small bombs that could harm a limited number of people. In some case the target person show to the place where the action was planned accompanied with member of the family and the action were immediately suspended because a casualty of war would harm the whole cause.

From there we come to the sixties and earlier seventies. I was not more than a child at the time and mostly of the actions was to take hostages and hijack some plane to negotiate any demand. From there some hard line conservatives start blocking negotiations and even taking measures to confront it with force not talks. I vaguely remember the massacre in Munich where Israelis were target and killed at the Summer Olympic Games in 1,972. Later on the perpetrators were hunt down by the secret service of Israel.

In 1,976 came the hijack of a plane that were held at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Uganda was under the cruel dictator Idi Amin Dada who was favoring the pro-Palestinian group of hijackers. Special forces were sent from Israel and taking the small forces of terrorists there by surprise liberated almost all the hostages and shot dead all those that was in the plot. The action were claimed successful and were even transformed in a real life based movie. It was a small victory with harmful consequences.

I refer as harmful consequences what come later. Every time a countermeasure is taken against a terrorist action the next action comes better planed with more harmful consequences. Beginning in 1,979 we had the diplomatic crisis between United States and Iran where 52 Americans where held hostages for 444 days. At that time the sequesters didn’t stood in only one place and kept moving the hostages to avoid similar raid done by the Israeli in Entebbe.

Now we know that Al Qaeda were created from the lost battles and is the most powerful non governmental terrorist group until now. Gradually the other terrorists are learning from prior mistakes and getting better on the bad things they do. What immensely contribute to they learning is the engagement in the war. And it would be possible only because the war is against the terrorists not against the terrorism itself.

What I mean is that, our hope for peace will be totally in vain while the causes of terrorism not be removed. I don’t expect a better world for tomorrow until the right of existence not be recognized for all people on Earth. With the advancement of technologies of destruction we can’t expect a better world for our offspring if we kept piling up lists of enemies. The conservative think that advancing our knowledge of destruction will make us safer but what it will do for sure is that, make more available technologies more affordable that can be used against ourselves. It was just what happened to the Roman Empire which trained the Barbarians and later were defeated by them.

In my point of view the only one solution is make peace with all. Start a new paradigm where none of us would be left behind. The Earth population must be taken as our own people and not separated as undesirables and privileged. We have enough enemies to combat together and many of them are far powerful than us alone. We can not distract ourselves from the reality that we are losing precious time in conflicts against each other while the true enemies, the ones that can destruct all of us in a singular event, are hidden and we have no idea when or how will be their next strike.

And I am talking here about the end of the petroleum, the scarcity of water, the pollution, ourselves malice etcetera. All of those problems can drive us to another cycle of wars if not be resolved. And we can’t take it as problem for the others because we live here in these only one planet that support our existence and only one we have. We are inside of these natural spaceship and many of us are thinking that the solution will came to us as always have. Those are just ignoring History. History have been teaching us that when we are not prepared the crisis come and only after long suffering the solutions come.

We can’t act as people from the Middle Ages anymore when the plague killed more than one third of the population from the planet and everybody had to be conformed with the these faith. Back there they didn’t knew nothing about bacteria but nothing prevented them to learn about hygiene that could diminish the number of deaths. As I said before, go back to what was before will not put us in the right direction but from here where we are we can correct our direction to make the same goal.

Lets talk about the actual situation of terrorism in our planet. Looks like that things were made more clear after the 9/11 attacks. We got it for real. And our government prove how unprepared it was to confront the situation or, otherwise, was just expecting it to start the secret plan to try to conquer the world. As I said before, I am not in the party of the Conspiracy Theorists. But our government reaction were so amateur that I have doubt on it was on purpose to justify the wrong actions to come or pure incompetence.

The 9/11 plot was the most clever one I ever heard from the part of Al Qaeda. They could choose many other targets which would be more harmful to the American economy such as the nuclear facilities or our biggest hydroelectric and so on. They used ourselves pride to choose their targets and only God Knows what would happen if the fourth plane had take down the fourth target. I don’t have the information if their choice came from an haphazard shot or from a deliberated intention. What I doubt is that, anyone could anticipate what would gonna happen after. So, for the terrorists was like they bought something else and we gave them a ticket in a winner lottery.

They did something to harm us. And our response harmed us too much more. Even if they had anticipated the spectacle of the falling Towers they could never precisely determine what would be the American answer and we shot many times against our own defense. And I agree on that, just some of our responses was perfectly expected to outsiders because our reaction looks like come from a manual book of responses. Two things are salient in these manual, we are always vengeful and we don’t evaluate the long term consequences of our actions.

Those two rules above added to the expected human mistakes and failures is the direct recipe to make us entangled on do exactly what the enemies want we to do. And in a war is nothing more dangerous than the enemy be able of anticipate mostly of your next moves. The attacks on American soil was an invitation to we go combat them in their own field. And we not only accepted the invitation. On a spectacular move of the Bush administration we did it twice open another front also in Iraq. They had one goal, make United States spend the maximum of money because everybody knows that a broken enemy is easier to defeat. And our administration fulfilled their dream.

I may need to explain some alternative that we had. As I said before we had at least to act as we was open to talks to Al Qaeda leaders. Unfortunately, would be better if we had talked to them long before the 9/11 attacks but the Bush father administration underestimated the response of Osama Bin Laden for not let him take Saddam Hussein down at the first Gulf War. That war could be fought like the one that occurred recently in Libya where we acted like spectators with the power to trigger some buttons. But anyways we don’t know what would be the next step Bin Laden would have done after take Saddam down. We need to pay attention on our own steps. And nothing that we do will be permanent, until the solution for the problem Israeli/Palestinian. I will talk about it later.

What hurt most our cause was the spectacle and poor judgment that came just after the 9/11 attacks. The Bush son administration as always is done in preparations of wars began advertising Bin Laden and Al Qaeda as a superior power, worth of suffer the might of our all military power. It is a procedure that come from the books. The enemy is always the boogeyman or Axis of Evil. It is done like this to pre excuse any misleading act done by the administration before our own public.

Let me say, if the enemy was never painted as boogeyman, how then justify those imprisonment at Guantanamo Bay? How justify torture if the tortured was not monsters? We are assigned in the Human Rights advocacy! So torture can be excused only if the tortured be not an human being, like the out space aliens from Al Qaeda planet.

The same scare tactic is used on both sides. The Al Qaeda militants proclaim the idea that they are at war against another race from a different planet. They call their enemies by the name of Crusades. And also call them by the name of infidels. These is a term used long before in our History to designates the ones that can be killed without mercy because they think different from the “perfect standards”. As these “standard of perfection” was made up to exclude some behavior previous known to most of us and is a more terrestrial standard, it can be more effective to be manipulated as tool for their cause.

What intrigues we others, common citizens of the planet Earth, are those two alien races come to these only one land we have which one once belonged to human beings to make war against each other endangering our lives and putting the future of our children at risk. The dehumanization used by both sides give them a tie score points of inhuman to themselves.

How United States acted as a terrorist power? Firstly the following wars was premeditated to show to the world our military mighty not to obey a reasonable response. The show at UN to convince others to be part on it will be ever emblematic. The guarantees that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction didn’t convince nobody except those that was aligned in the same way of thinking. And it didn’t matter to our administration if most of the planet was against the war. We was right and the others was wrong. Lets though eat freedom fries from now on! The French, the Germans know nothing. And the Brazilians? Bunch of losers!

Again came the question, Why the people from the rest of the world hate us? The tragic answer that our administration gave on it were symptomatically, backed by our entire media, was, “The world hate us because is jealous of our success.” Accordingly with such thinking we could do nothing to change it because the problem is in the others not in us. As Brazilians use to say, “Freud explains”.

Is so infantile such excuse that I start to think if is wise to put in the hands of the Pentagon a trillion dollars budget a year. Art thou serious? Why didn’t we start to try to change the hate for love? To think that we are unable to conquer the love of the world because the world is only able to give hate is the most terrorist thinking of all. How we know if never tried?

The engagement in the unnecessary wars and our hurt pride was just part of the key that can bring us down. The biggest score that the others terrorists achieved with the plot of 9/11 was make the American population show how divided was before. These is the key that they used to open the Pandora Box in our society. That some people already hated immigrants was well known. Before we was living in a Fantasy Land in which all immigrants was welcoming to realize the American Dream.

Now we know the truth and even the majority of the American population been in favor of the approval of a Comprehensive Immigration Law we know that immigrants are been persecuted in every corner of our country. And it does not matter to the perpetrators of the persecution if it will hurt us more than have them assimilated by our society. They are so jealous of the undocumented immigrants success that they are preferring to put our society in a brink of suicide than allow them be recognized as benefactors of our society.

Seen the campaign of the Republican Party in 2,012 is a good opportunity to be aware about ourselves fragility. We dream about a country of tolerance. But we have a country where minorities like Africans and Latinos, specially undocumented Mexicans, are allowed to be here since they don’t try to step up on our pyramid. Even the majority of our electorate, because are the women, is considered a second class citizen. The others minorities are substantially ignored by the candidates, unless they have something green to present to them.

About women, I am not sexist but the Republican Party really lost a great opportunity to present a creditable woman as candidate. Michele Bachmann is too out of touch to represent all of the women from these country. The Republicans had better possible candidates like Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice.

I am not saying that they are the candidates of my dreams. I don’t agreed with all they did as Secretaries of State. What I believe is that they are intellectually better prepared for the job, even in comparison with the front runner three male candidates. Now the Republican Party have a problem. If the president be reelected in the 2,016 the Democrats will have the opportunity of elect the first woman president in United States. It is not a question of sexism. It is a question of obvious opportunity. The Democrats can score twice.

The Republican candidates even have been trying to deny that is an open war of classes in our country. They are afraid of it be used by the Democrats to gain the votes from the absolute majority that is in the bottom of the pyramid. They are not afraid to bombard the undocumented populations with prejudicial comments because those populations can’t defend themselves through the vote and their relatives that have papers is a minority. Again, deny the problem will not make it go away.

In some sense we could even thanks Bin Laden for his attacks on our pride. But we had to be humble in recognize our failures. Our society is mentally ill. Our hurt pride made a good chunk of the American population show their real prejudicial faces without masks. And would be great if had assistance from an intense psychological care. The first goal to be achieved is restore our sense of humanity. Because we are the richest country in the world, until now, we are not necessarily better person for it. The money we have only can buy more things that we don’t need but it doesn’t make our core different from the one of others.

We need to learn to share, to assist, to respect and to see the others as equals and as partners, not only as adversaries. Our paradigm need to be exchanged from pure competition and hatred, by love and partnership. Only them we can expect respect from the others. Look through the Gandhi’s Mirror. The others are not others they are us in a different vessel.

The rest of the world is tired of the bossing around from United States officials. Is common we see the reference to the American president as the most powerful person in the world. And it is not more than a wishful thinking. When president Obama was campaigning for the elections in 2,008 he made promises such us, he would liberate us from the two wars that was going on, legalize the undocumented immigrants and close the prison in Guantanamo Bay.

Among others promises I said to myself, he doesn’t know what he is talking about or it is a candidate’s promises. The only one promise that I knew that could be done because it was essential to United States economy was the legalization of the undocumented. And he did it not. Why not? He can blame the “do nothing Congress” for it. And I think the nick name of “do nothing Congress” is a eulogy to most of our representatives. They decided to work hard to make sure that these president would be seen as serial killer of dreams.

In my innocent commoner conception of government, when we have any problem to resolve we need first recognize it as a problem. So if is a problem the second step is present solutions. Solutions can be different from each others but in our case the important is aim it to the same goal. And then we can lose a little time to decide which solution will be used. At these point some politics can be played because is supposed the parties compete for give a better solution.

But what we saw is that, in the case of immigration solution, the Republican Party is blocking any solution and aiming an wrongdoing just because never got conformed with the defeat in 2,008. To them doesn’t matter how many million of people will suffer by their hardened head. The most important for them is their own suffering pride.

I think I better get back to the real issue. How the American administrations have been helping the terrorism in the world? I will not take much time discussing the Bush son administration. Everybody know that it lied to UN to start the war in Iraq. Have the killings and tortures in Abu Ghraib Prison and Guantanamo Bay. The administration sent prisoners to countries where the human rights are not respected to be tortured. Accordingly to interview conceded by the journalist Julian Assange to the magazine Rolling Stones in the Christmas of 2,011, the total of civilian deaths in Iraq is already superior to 100,000. So it used the deceits as tactic as the one used by Pontius Pilate.

As I said before, the Bush son administration painted Al Qaeda and Bin Laden as a much superior power than it was at the time. They was trying to glorify themselves for defeat a monster. But it only back fire against ourselves because the advertisement encouraged the engagement of knew followers to their cause. And the Al Qaeda that was a little fabric of terror became a big corporation that now we know.

From the side of Al Qaeda the advertisement were better done. They just painted United States and its allies as new Crusaders. It is enough to be understood in the Muslim world. We don’t think much about the terrorism perpetrated by Europeans in the time of the Crusades but it lives like recent memories in the Middle East. For us it is a forgettable past. But they feel like suffering the consequences of the same past. And the advertisement add to it our infidelity for we not follow the same principles of Islam.

They just say in their advertisement what we will do, to prove we are beasts from the Book of Revelation. And them arm their traps to we make our mistakes or wrongdoings. Any time we fail on respect any of the Islamic rules they only say to the people the old, “I told you so!” On friendly soil they don’t need to be in a totally war as we expected. They just need to time by time do some attacks as a reminder that they are there while we need to be all the time alert, getting fatigued and easy on make mistakes. The recent events in Pakistan and Afghanistan is proving they strategy.

And is nothing more horrible to the Muslims conservative people than exchange their traditional culture by anything else. So is too simpleton not see that, favoring groups that admire the westernized culture is some short cut to bring more followers to Al Qaeda causes. The conclusion is that, even winning the war and have a pro Occident administration in those countries will not guarantee any time of peace for long.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration did not much better than the prior one. The broken promises wasn’t the real issue here because the promises he did wouldn’t give him any vote to be elected outside United States. The problem is a not definition of what the administration really want.

My theory about it is that, not human being is able to take so much decisions in a so great variety of issues. So any president will ever be in the hands of others to decide something. The title of Commander in Chief of our nation is no much more than a title. You can say that, the last word is given by the president. Yes. His staff present him a cake and ask him, Do you want made out chocolate or Strawberry? He can chose between the two but he didn’t in first hand decided what to do, if a cake or pie.

Is an illusion to think that the Falcons in the Pentagon would let any president know about everything that is done with the trillion dollars a year spent by that office. To know it the president had to be someone from inside. And I am not mention it as theory of conspiracy. The details are so huge that is humanly impossible to an only one person know everything about what is going on at the same time on education, defense and health. Just to mention only three of the offices under the presidential administration.

In our case now, the security of our country is in the hands of the Falcons in the Pentagon, although I doubt if they know exactly what security mean. Maybe they know but are some kind of inefficient. Which is normal for human beings. I think it is why they work in so much of secrecy. My point is that, presidents come and go. They stay no more than 8 years. The Pentagon administration have a long life term plus the suggestions of the ones that will succeed its personnel in all positions. So the Pentagon is some kind of Vatican in our defense sector.

And I mentioned before that the Republican Party candidates are trying to create the fourth branch of government giving all economic powers to the super rich. I forgot these detail that the fourth branch already exist. It is represented by the Pentagon and its Falcons. So the Republican Party is willing to create the fifth branch. My friend Richard without knowing what he was talking about said he was afraid of stay here because he was horrified to be under a secret power that could prohibit him to go back to Brazil. And in some way he is right in that.

The power that he is afraid of, yet does exists. I am not sure if it will be used to do his worries come true. My sensation is that we are too much close to became the image and likeness of what Soviet Union represented in the sixties. Since the Patriot Act were signed and now the military have the power to imprison anyone for undetermined time, without prove and judgement, or assassinate anyone for be suspected allied to the other terrorists, and our experience with our “intelligence” is not so good, I am worried for the innocents who will suffer.

Please. Don’t say we have a creditable record on the defense of human rights because, as Brazilians say, Everything works well in paper. Paper accepts everything written in it. In practice the talks are different. The Scotland Yard was credited as the best police department in the world. In a short period of time it failed on prevent the bombing of the London subway; failed on prevent a second attack which one just didn’t worked because, thanks God, the terrorists made something wrong and the bombs don’t exploded; and to crown they totally failure they executed an innocent on his way to work.

If the Scotland Yard have no clue about the difference between a Brazilian workers and a militant terrorist, I suspect the secret services in United States are no much of different. What aggravated the situation was the denial of the wrongdoing by the police and the justice were never done. The name of that young man was Jean Charles de Menezes. Born at the City of Gonzaga. One of those towns that was emancipated from my birthplace, Virginopolis.

Menezes is a common name among Portuguese, Spaniard, Brazilian and overall Latinos. Is a noble name linked to all Royal Families in the world. Jean Charles was probably a distant cousin of Your Highness Queen of England, Elizabeth II. Not even it prevent him from been assassinated in that curious mistake. Like in our family the name is present in the name of many of our cousins since long time ago. I just suspect he have some recent ties with us. I will not guarantee it because have not his ancestry to make sure.

The difference between combat terrorist and combat terrorism is that, you go after terrorists and make mistakes. It stimulate others to join the cause because mistakes are also interpreted as wrongdoings. You combat the terrorism when remove the causes that are causing it. For example, if United States was up to combat the terrorism it should talk to the prior terrorists before attack. Because the group that Americans are engaged against in these war is Muslim, United States should obey all Islamic laws to avoid stimulate the engagement of more fighters.

Lets give the example of the killing of Bin Laden. United States were engaged in so many false steps that until today I am in doubt if the entire operation were done to stimulate terrorism. For sure was not done to prevent it. And if the prevention was the goal I would say that were executed with a total incompetence.

First of all some time before was said that Bin Laden was an irrelevant target because he was not playing any fundamental role as head of terrorism. If it was a false information that was used to distract the attention of the public in some way I don’t think that it worked. What worried me more was the operation been done in a supposedly friendly country territory without any communication with the officers from that country. Again, it can be another false information to mislead the population of Pakistan into believe that their leaders wasn’t involved in the killing. Could be some kind of electoral protection.

What I am not sure is that, the deceit worked as planed because the invasion of the territory of the country without the authorization is not less defiant. And the almost cordial response of the Pakistani leaders were a sacrilege to millions of its citizens. We can only imagine that the Taliban may have gain thousands of volunteers for its cause in that country. And the ones that was yet enlisted in the cause now are probably more hardened in their opinions. The math works like that, you kill one and get thousands of new enemies. I don’t think it can be called by the name of combat of terrorism. Probably the opposite is true.

The operation was done anyways. In here are so many details involved that is difficult to determine what was the best option. Just for the reader know my preference was for capture Bin Laden. Kill him would be a most probable to happen since he had vowed not let himself be taken. But what appeared to happen was the decision of kill him not take him as captive. What was filtered through the official news is that, would be to expensive give him a fair trial. But it was essential to show to the world that, at least, we are acting as good guys. He is a killer without compassion. And we are different. These had to be our line of behavior to not stimulate others become engaged in his business.

In a second thought anyways he was already killed. And our “intelligence” gave the counsel to bury on high sea. And it were what worried me the most. Our “intelligence” in two consecutive opportunities made the same mistake. How can we allege that we didn’t know how sacred the bodies of the dead are to Muslims? How our “intelligence” lost the opportunity to give that body back to his family and make clear we are different? Instead, the option for dispose the body away from them just gave to the Muslim world the impression that Christians are the beasts. How a valued trillion dollars office do such misleading?

But the list of mistake doesn’t end. The allegation to dispose the body in the high sea came like these, If the body was given to his family they could make a shrine and it would be use as an way to convoke more fighters for their cause. Hello! We know that, even the mortal rests that are under the Saint Peter Church at the Vatican are not the ones of Peter the Apostle. Even though we have Saint Peter Shrines all around the world. What make people do it is the believe in something else. The disposal of a body will not prevent the creation of shrines in name of Bin Laden. What would do it is prove to the people that believed on his cause that we are the good guys, not the killers and defilers of bodies.

I wouldn’t think no time to decide give back the body of Bin Laden to his family. Even if they said to me they would make a shrine in his honor. Because any time somebody went the shrine had two remember to things. First of all, the Americans had acted honorable with us because didn’t violated our laws. Second of all, it would be a shrine in honor to a dead man. Every pilgrim to the shrine would never forget that, whatsoever he did, ended dead and the proof is in the shrine itself.

Saying that the Americans would give Bin Laden’s body back because it would be used to make a shrine was the worst excuse ever. Does not matter how we interpret it. To Bin Laden’s friends will ever be, They hided the body because are afraid of us. What else would be? So it is a direct stimulus to them keep the Jihad.

What came after the killing also was bizarre. Was said that the Pakistani secret police handle over an American helicopter that crashed in the operation to the Chinese. And they were described as been so mad with the operation without consultation to them that some could went in war against United States in no time. To me it was not even curious. Curious was the expectation from Americans that they would do nothing crazy after they been deceived.

Just after United States started to pressure the Pakistani government to handle over the documentation that was left in the fortress where Bin Laden was hiding. In all news here in United States the mantra was the same, How Pakistani secret service would have the enemy so close to its most important military academy and know nothing about it? All the suspicion were raised against the Pakistanis. The senator for Massachusetts and former Democrat candidate for the presidency in 2,004, John Kerry was in the front with rushed words and accusations to the Pakistani government.

I would repeat the Brazilian phrase, “With friends like these nobody need enemies”. And I am referring to our fellow American citizens. Lets though learn something about hideouts for bandits. Nobody questioned the former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, because he would be hiding James Whitey Bulger, a mafioso from Boston who were for 16 years fugitive of the police and was found in that state around the same time that Bin Laden were killed.

Another information about it that could be used come from Brazil. In the seventies Brazil had his “Jesse James” copy. His name was Lucio Flavio. His life became movie too. Was the most bold bank robber there. After some year in the red carpet he got his end in the hands of the military police. Brazil don’t have the death penalty. So when someone became famous in that time the police had a recipe for be rid with him. Was just put the bandit in the same cell with another criminal who would be bribed to kill the subject. And “justice” was served. But in his memoir Lucio Flavio revealed that the best places that he had used was always next to some Police Station. Was the strategic point because he could watch without be watched because was the least place someone would think he would be.

If the Pakistani secret service got mad wasn’t it without reason. Not only the secret service but all Pakistani officials should be worried about what United States have been done there. We need to understand they position. Lets say that, if the Tea Party get something more crazy than what it already is and start to arm itself to impose its way of thinking to the rest of the country; and lets also say, if most of the members got weapons but keep it legally. Should nobody else be worried about it?

Pakistan is a society more divided in its core with more people having more radical opinions. And one of the groups that have a powerful presence in Pakistan is the Taliban which are looking for retake the power in Afghanistan and take it also in Pakistan. And United States invaded the Pakistani territory and killed one of the most respected associated to the Taliban and furthermore want the Pakistani officials accept it as something to commemorate?! I think we are in different pages of reality.

The Americans have been complaining about the dubious behavior of the Pakistani officials but I think they are only conscious about what is going on around themselves. They know that as soon Americans make the goals that they are planing for, they will have no more interest to keep themselves in the region and will be gone. But the Pakistani people perfectly know that the Taliban will be there for much, much longer. And what probably can happen is the Taliban become a major power around. They already know the consequences of war, and certainly don’t want be in it over and over again.

Unfortunately the Americans in power don’t know other way to peace than the one imposed by weapons. And the peace imposed by weapons is dangerously ephemeral. A peace like this is comparable to everybody start piling powder in the basements. At some point one house can get in fire and a series of explosions can come along. To the American administrators it doesn’t matter because we are safe if a civil war comes to the Pakistani people.

So, since the Americans have no responsibility, the Pakistani officials can act like crazy to our eyes but they probably only are putting in practice a contingency plan to shield themselves against furthermore insanity. The Pakistanis can appear crazy to the Americans, what they can’t do is appear fools to their own people.

If I was in the President Obama’s shoes now I would try not take the killing and the subsequent acts as electoral argument. I would let the Republicans say whatever they gonna say and just make the remark, I did exact what any Republican would do if was in my position. They can’t deny that those mistakes sound exactly like the regular behavior from the Republicans. So, in it they are even.

And if they insists Mr. Obama have one more argument. If he was thinking in use it in the electoral campaign he would better take Bin Laden alive because Bin Laden would still alive through the whole 2,012 year. Bin Laden would be a monkey in the cage to collect votes in favor of Obama. And from then on I would look for a better advises from someone else with less Republican ideas in the Pentagon.

Anyways. Still very difficult to me to determine what is the main goal to the American administrations. I don’t know if is on purpose that the mistakes are repeating so often or if it is intentional errs or, I tend to believe in these, is pure inefficiency. I can’t say for sure if United States have any program of peace with the world or its program is keep going, provoking minors wars like fire controlling fire. Anyways, what have been happen indicates that something is going on and we don’t know exactly what.

Is reasonable for example to think that the attack perpetrated by drone on a Pakistani check point at the border with Afghanistan was no more than an accident. Also the killing spree that an American soldier went on, killing 16 villagers in Afghanistan, could be expected since war is a machine to drive even saints do craziness. To kill Taliban fighters can be a question of kill or be killed since we are at war against them but to urinate on the corpses of some, is too creep. The burning of Islamic sacred literature is a little over my perception to understand it as not provocative. But all the above in a compassed time, looks more like a plan. But plan for what?

About the burning of sacred books, just after the fact the Afghanistan people revolted in what I consider a justifiable repudiation of a stupid procedure. And some of them got killed. So it brought more anger to the crowds. President Obama, comprehensively, asked for forgiveness alleging the burning were done by mistake. And two American soldiers got killed in the confusion. At these point the Republican candidate Newt Gingrich took the stage to condemn Mr. Obama for his kindness with the Afghan people. He also said that, the Afghan president should ask the forgiveness of the American people for the death of our soldiers.

The show demonstrate how disoriented Mr. Gingrich is. He must be delusional because so many defeats he is getting in about many of the polls. First of all came the burning. And it provoked the popular reaction. The death of our soldier were a direct consequence of the burning which one didn’t came from any Afghan initiative. So, if someone had to ask forgiveness to our nation and the soldiers relatives and friends these someone has to be our own Commander in Chief. Is more than clear that the primary affronted person in these was the people of Afghanistan.

In these case Mr. Gingrich just show how opportunist he is. He thought he could grab some votes from our conservative electorate scolding the president but he failed on precise analyse the facts. And just in the sequence a Taliban agent posed as Afghan soldier killed two more of our personnel. And it is just the kind of action we need to be prepared to encounter all the time. Probably if Mr. Gingrich was our president he would respond it with his unprepared spirit. And by it he would be playing exactly as the terrorists wanted.

I want to put here one more fact like parable. Living in Belo Horizonte City for an while as most of poor people in Brazil I used to take buses to travel through the town. And was in an holiday I took a different bus to some outskirt of the city. At the time the city had no buses with air conditioner and most of the time the cars made their itineraries with open windows. It was just a way to moderate the tropical hotness around.

Because was holiday the bus was almost empty. Had only the driver, the ticket vendor and around five passengers. We use to enter through the back door, pay the passage and go to the some seat next to the front door through what we get out. Was my custom to stay around the back seats and chose what appeared to me a best place there. Another guy had take his place at the very end of the vehicle. The other passengers had already gone to the front seats.

The bus stop in front an station and the last passenger came in. He stayed up at the vendor station and looks like he was outspoken. Talk loudly to the vendor who just responded the questions not fixing his eyes on the guy. He appear been bothered by the talks. But the guy kept talking for long minutes. And the the driver stop the bus for another passenger get out and two young men was at the station, probably waiting a different bus.

The chatter wait for our bus start getting out and yelled some harsh words to them thinking all of us other passenger would be delighted on see the others angered. But one of the guys outside saw some sand around, pick up a handful of it and tossed on the bus direction. The sand came all over the bus and the guy that was seated at the very end took a little in his eye. The chatter then got angry too and called us to get out of the bus, and take some mob to give a lesson to the sand tosser.

The guy who got the sand into his eyes immediately got up and gave a punch so well done on the chatter thorax that he passed through the ticket vendor station been unable to balance his body until he tumbled next to the bus driver. The author of the punch even yelled at him, “Do you want some more?” The chatter slowly put himself up and look at all of us staring back at him. The scene was humorous but nobody was laughing. And the chatter understood what our eyes was saying, gave sign for the next stop and quietly stepped away.

When we suffered the 9/11 attacks and our government start yelling words of war I think the ones that got involved lost a good opportunity of also gave the same look at it. A look like that would give us more time to think better the next strategy which should have less damaging consequences. Unfortunately we can’t change History. What we did before to buy a response such as the 9/11 attacks may not be a so terrible thing. But we were warned that it made Bin Laden and his gang mad. So we should have talk to them.

But we have these false impression that we are the owner of the deck. We give the cards and the others have to play by our rules. These is kind of pure arrogance. And the response gave by Al Qaeda may were away beyond what we did. And we scaled the counter response with a much disproportional force. So we can’t have a peace of mind that what will come later shall be friendly, unless we start since now to re-access our behavior and change our old ways by a respectable one.

Just by coincidence, yesterday I was bothered by what was been played on the news at the channels that I use to watch it and made a mistake pressing the number 0111, from Verizon and opened the ESPN-3. There was playing the show, Iran & Hezbollah Treat Assessment. Basic was a Republican Congress representatives meeting with servant from some of representatives of security agencies. And they was talking about terrorism sponsored by Iran and the ways that Hezbollah is controlling the commerce of drugs to finance its activities. Well, not much of news for me.

What was mentioned is that, the security services have been watching closely the Southwest Border, the fantasy name for the Mexican border, and taking less care of the Canadian border which can be used to smuggler anything terrorists want. Basically I am not so worried about such possibility. I think the problem is bigger. And I don’t think the ways United States is using to combat terrorism will work forever. Again I say, combat terrorists is the way to fail. What need to be done is combat the terrorism. How do it?

In case of our border with Mexico we have to acknowledge three problems. We have the undocumented immigration, the drug traffickong and the possibility of terrorists been involved with it. In both situations we can identify that, the traffickers and terrorists are teaming up because is one factor driving them to do so. It is the money that is attracting them. Just like business men they are attracted by the opportunities that the borders mean to them, and it is the easy and big money.

What the suggestions lifted by most of conservatives try is to tame people. Like lets put some electric fence or great wall around the border, prosecute the immigrants and anything else to combat the consequences, not the cause. Since I was in Brazil I had the idea of take a different approach to the problem. If the primary goal of traffickers and terrorists is make money how can we impede them to succeed on it?

To me is more than clear that a comprehensive law of immigration is fundamental to address the problem in the right way. Legalizing the people that already is here with the only intention of work and give to their children the American dream is the only way to freed these people from the harms ways in the hands of the bandits. At the same time we will be diminishing the pressure over the border patrol because it will have less volume of work looking for more people. Taking the pressure from the border will also give less money to traffickers and terrorists because no many people would pay them to cross the border.

The problem of drug trafficking is some kind of a little more complicated but also only exists because the traffickers make money out of it. We need to acknowledge that it involve the people addicted to drugs. And the addicted person must be taken as victim of the problem as much as the undocumented is in the trafficking of people. The addicted person can’t be seen as entirely responsible because the addiction is an illness not exactly a choice. And as an illness it must be treated.

How can we do, at the same time, treat the illness and take from the traffickers the opportunity of make money from the illness? The answer come from the price of the drug itself. For example, the coke plant is a commercial source of income to a legal business. The plant have its products other than the drug. And the drug itself is easy to produce and very cheap on the farmers hands.

Many times we see on the news the announcement that the police made such millionaire busting on drugs and money. It is a false conception. The drug only become money after be sold and the money be collected. In truth, while the drug is in the traffickers hands, it is much more cheaper. It is even possible that the traffickers use the tactic of, time by time, let the police localize some volume of drugs. Just in these moment the police will be distracted with what was done and the traffickers will be transporting the true smuggling that will be served in the market. Lose a little of the merchandise doesn’t mean much for them. It because the main volume pay for everything.

What can be done is legally buy the drug from legal business and use it as treatment to the addicted people. If the addicted have the opportunity to get the drug through a governmental oriented chain they will have no need to buy it from a dealer. The dealer losing his clients will lose the income and the trafficking will collapse. While the addicted is treated with the drug the government protection will have also the opportunity to orient them to leave such way of life.

The conservative people think the other way, the prohibition, imprisonment and others would work better, increasing the hardness of the law. But anytime we do in this sense more sophisticated and dangerous the trafficking become. As it became more costly so the pressure on the traffickers to have some results. In these case they tighten even more the pressure over the addicted who in the end of the line start to commit more crimes to pay their debits. They become slaves in the traffickers hands and it have consequences on the increasing of violence in our society. At the end the society suffers more in both ways, economically and emotionally.

Is not without reason that the super conservative Pat Robertson recently asked for the liberation of the legal use of marijuana. He fought his entire life on the conservative side and only now perceived that his fight were in vain. They wanted put the force before reasoning. United States got now more than six million of imprisoned people. And the majority is involved in trafficking and use of drugs. These is only one side of the statistics. At the other we got millions more assassinated, families destructed and wasted lives. I won’t see any success in such kind of fight.

The addicted people need first our help to freed them from the traffickers hands. And then to freed them from the addiction. And in our side we can win the war against the traffickers and terrorists. They will lose their income and the slaves that do things for them that they would be unable to do by themselves.

It would be only the beginning of a war with a happy end. Because the traffickers will keep looking for ways to make easy money and they will find other ways of trafficking or rob something. But the important thing is to take first the slaves from their hands because the addicted is a slave under the influence of something that make them act like beasts. Taking the pressure over the addicted on pay for they vice would make our society more secure. And the security would be more cheaper with less and less imprisonments. I believe in that, what the society would spend on such prevention would be far beyond paid by the economy in security and damages.

Today we can be more aware of that the commerce of drugs is moving towards the common pharmaceutic drugs. Looks like legal laboratories are making more money selling legal drugs to the illegal market than on the right way of the business. If we really want solve the problem it also must be addressed in the right way.

About the borders is too vital to prevent the need for the crowds crosses it irregularly. The terrorists as much the traffickers are always looking to mix themselves into the crowds as way of be undetectable. It put the crowds at risk of be attacked by both sides as real casualty of war. And we can’t keep trying to combat terrorists with weapons that are so frightening that causes terror to common people. All of us are common people until something different happen.

I am not been good organizer at this present chapter. The ideas are coming and I am writing it some paragraphs each day. I am not sure if it is because I am getting tired on write the book as a whole or it is symptom of any other thing. Today is March 24, 2,012. And I am writing seven days a week for more than seven months, and keeping my other responsibilities done as well, except in relationship with my own health. The confusion may be attributed to I got some ideas about the issue terrorism since I began. Now I have to recall all the ideas and others are coming mix together. Anyways let put some that came last night.

The main goal of Al Qaeda was make us spend our money and resources. And it is been done with our own collaboration. The option for hunt down terrorist instead of combat terrorism works exactly as they planned. They knew that, the most probably they would be killed or imprisoned. So what they have to do to make goals against us is make harder their own capture. Lets take Bin Laden’s capture as example. How much millions or billions were spent on his killing? And how much Al Qaeda and himself was spending to hid? For sure is a equation totally disproportional.

And it is the way they work. The terrorists don’t need do much of research on weapons. They need only to observe while we are doing it for them. Nobody on their side ever constructed any airplane. So they took ourselves airplanes and aimed it against us. It is a war of intelligence. And we are always going behind. It was true on their attack on the S. S. Cole; 9/11; the London subway; the Spanish train and so on. They are leading the war putting fire on and leaving to us only the job of firefighters.

The situation became like this, as the Arab wisdom warns us, “Dogs barks while the caravan comes through.” The problem is that, while we are combating terrorists and not terrorism the saying is going more like that, “While the dogs barks on each other no caravan is coming through.” It means that, is not wise do so much attention to the dogs and none to the caravans.

On it is the wisdom of Al Qaeda and its affiliated. We are paying billions to hunt the terrorists one by one. If we had spent half of the money doing good things for the poor people around the world we would combat better the terrorism because we would gain the confidence from the population around it. The population around the world would see us more as problem solvers than creators of illusions. It would work in the prevention of terrorism because should make harder to terrorists gain more followers. And the hunt on man by man would be made easier. While only some dogs are barking, the caravans would come through back and forth and its business could help to pay for the hunt of the worst terrorists.

We have being worried about the terrorists acquire weapons through their own research. But they wont do it. They will let us do it for them. Some of us think that we need to develop better weapons to be prepared against anything. And they only need to find an way of take our weapons from us and use it against ourselves. Mirror on what they done with three of our airplanes. And imagine if instead they had sequestrated some armed planes from our Air Force! What would be the damage? These will be always the goal of terrorists from the other side.

We think we are more secure now because we have the most advanced system of defense. But the reality is shown how risky it is taking. Imagine if some terrorist break the codes to use our atomic bombs against ourselves! Or use it to start an war against another nuclear power. They can use the opportunity in the time of any difficult in relationship between nations. And in the course that our History is going on we shall have no doubt that many opportunities will come.

Not long ago was revealed that the Israelis was able to break through the system and caused damage to the nuclear facilities in Iran delaying some parts of its nuclear program. I don’t think it was a smart move. Smart move would be make peace and settle down all differences. What were done is only an invitation for use the same tactic to do bad things to harm their enemies which includes Israelis and Americans.

While we are making our sort of technologies as weapon we also are at risk to harm ourselves. Did we ever imagined that we can have another Civil War as we had in the XIX century? As we merged into a culture of war we can’t say never to these possibility even it appearing to us be so remote now. The fact is that our internal disputes is creating more and more differences between privileged and dispossessed. It is one of the facts that could drive us or our offspring to a Civil War. And a divided country can take ugly turns.

Today, if I was terrorist or had power in a enemy country, I would pay special attention to ways that could be used to interrupt all communications or, at least, the most used ones like through satellites. We know, most of our weapons today are dependent on satellites and one way to neutralize it would be through the destruction of our spacial power. China successful already tested some weapon in this sense. And as History always goes the others countries will look for it sooner or later. To every weapon we have the others must be looking for an anti-version of it. And probably have in secret a version of something unknown to the others.

The only way to stop the risks of our extinction through our own hands is create conditions for the total confidence between peoples. We need to be there for all difficulties the others get and they need to be there for us in the same way. To push forward divisive politics such the ones suggested by the Republican candidates will only let us more suitable to be thrown in other wars that will stimulate more terrorism against us.

We must never forget. At the XVI century only governments would be able to produce and have big ships and cannons. It was the most up dated technology of the time. And soon the pirates were able to put their hands on it. Today any small ship and portable guns can be much more lethal than that technology. We need to ask ourselves, What will be at the reach of anyone in the centuries to come? To me will be not smart of ourselves not think about it now and let our offspring suffer the consequences.

Our government is confronting a dilemma right now. Since a CIA drone were use to kill the American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, who was a suspect of terrorism linked to Al Qaeda. I am using the term suspect because it is the law since he wasn’t judged and declared guilty despite of all evidences. His father was questioning the legality of the assassination through American tribunals and was denied the pretended justice. If I was him I would keep his quest for justice and try it in the International Courts of Law. Why? To try to stop some madness that is going on around here.

The problem is not decide exactly if somebody is or not guilty. The problem is that, such way of execution is nothing more than another act of terrorism since it is an extrajudicial execution. It involve human rights which United States is denying the called terrorists have. No law says someone is less or more human being, so all individual have the human right of be heard by a tribunal before be considered guilty. I understand when someone is killed as result of a police raid and resist violently to the prison. But what is been done through drones is the disproportional use of force. An extrajudicial execution. A clear violation of human right.

And heard on radio, while waiting my daughter come out from school, talks about such type of execution. Host and interviewed was debating about the problem when a caller questioned the validity of the act saying it was abuse of power and was concerned with what would happen if such extrajudicial killings start been wildly used. The interviewed pointed out these was not the case because it would be used only in countries where the rule of law wasn’t working. And the timing let the question in the air because the show was on its last minute.

The allegation left more questions than answer. How to justify then the extrajudicial execution of Bin Laden? Is Pakistan an outlaw country? Recently, Brazil and Italy had some dispute because Italy had judged a guy as terrorist and assassin without the presence of the person at the tribunal. By Brazilian law was up to the president say the person could be or not extradited to Italy. And the president Lula denied the petition from the Italian justice alleging the judgment were unfair. So, in the American view, Italy had the right of extrajudicial execution in Brazilian soil?

Another question. United States is protecting many Cuban-Americans or exiled Cubans that are considered terrorists by the Cuban government. Would though Cuba have the right to execute some of them even in American soil? Or do it in other countries soils if they travel and be caught by Cuban agents?

I think it is clear that United States is trying to create some exception of law. Is a common happen in dictatorships. We Brazilian born had such experience in that country and isn’t a pleasant memory. Such thing start with good intentions and later become a monster under all beds. Each regular citizen start reveal a paranoid behavior, the unpleasant feeling of been watched on whatever you do. And it is a recipe to some develop erratic behavior that result in real act of terrorism. What I mean is that, our freedom is been sequestered by such nonsense.

Another case that are indicating the illness in our society is the assassination of Trayvon Martin in Florida. Maybe it is result from some paranoid behavior which were exacerbated by the war on terrorists. The link between terrorism and these particular assassination is indirect. Since the 9/11 attacks the American people is more likely to accept some exceptional behavior as understandable. So the right of have and use firearms became more justifiable in the public opinion. It allied to behavioral discrepancies that was masked before 9/11 and now is openly flowing in many minds is causing incidents that in a better society wouldn’t be accepted.

Trayvon Martin was a seventeen years old black adolescent which was unarmed and going to his parent house in a Floridian condominium. He was wearing a hood and a watch captain in the area took him as suspect. Although the watch captain were instruct by the police not to intercept the suspect, looks like he did. The result of it we all know for sure is that, the teen got killed by the watch captain who is white. It is sparking manifestations over the country and been considered a hate crime by the black community.

The problem is that, the Florida law is a controversial law because give anyone the power to kill since have the feeling of been treated and fearing for your own life. Above I took the case as assassination because even if the killer were defending himself of a imminent treat to his life he at first disobeyed the warning to not confront the teen. And secondly because it maybe be happen due to the opportunity gave by the American Constitution that permit a lose right of bear weapons.

To me is more than clear that was a good intention of our Forefathers include the right of bearing guns in their time because the historical situation at the time. We didn’t have a regular police all over the country, most of the people lived in rural areas and would be treat by wild animals and the guns wasn’t yet so potent as the ones we got today. I would doubt if our Forefather knew what portable guns would do today they didn’t put more restrictions to such right. They were more reasonable persons than most of us today.

The fact is that, most of the ones that are for the full right of bear arms don’t think hard about the problem. Since a person is carrying a gun it is transformed automatically in tool of solution although not always a necessary tool. What I mean is that, if the killer wasn’t carrying a gun he would think two times before confront anyone. We can even do some analogy here with the culture of war in United States. If we were less prepared to make wars we could think two times before start unnecessary wars. It would help us spare human and monetary capitals.

Guns give the impression of security and empowerment and the person automatically feel free to take more risks as well does the State. In the case of Trayvon Martin we have no witness on his side. The only thing we know is that he was a teenage, unarmed, drinking iced tea and in his way to see his parents and now is death. The killer appear to have a good record too, except for the mistake of disobey the police instructions. What we know for sure is that, The solutions of the weapons are the ones that present the worst results.

“We the people” are very touched by the situation. Specially our black community. Even the president Obama said if he had a son, the son should look like Trayvon. It in allusion to how black people is treat as suspect before prove otherwise. As a father of a 17 years old boy I am with all heart with the family. I can’t imagine been shacked by such tragedy. Is too difficult to human beings carry their babies, assist their development, dream about what they will be when become adult and all of it is cut short. Death in such situation is our worst fear.

But is also some analogy of this tragedy with what is going on in these country. Although death is not involved in most of the cases, life is been cut short for all children of undocumented immigrant. They are been judged by what their parents did, by what the government fail to do and by what our society is falling to give. When someone like Mitt Romney say that he would veto the Dream Act Legislation, to me it is the same as he was saying he will do just what the killer of Trayvon Martin did. The only difference is that, he would do it in a mass scale.

Trayvon Martin and his tragedy was just one side of the coin. He got a quick death and now his parents, relatives and friends will suffer the whole pain for a long time. In the other side of the same coin are the undocumented immigrants, with the same problem of been prosecuted for been different from the standards. The children, undocumented immigrants, relatives and friends are suffering the worst case of torture since the time of the slavery. They can have a normal life while can’t do any step without looking if are been watched. They are subjected to the terror of all vigilantes in these country.

In my particular case I am against the Dream Act Legislation in some way. The Dream Act offers a path of legalization only to young people that were brought to these country and were raised here. So the legalization of them is like a deliberated separation of the family. Even if their parents are undocumented workers they only got here because our government and our society failed in some way. Then is not an wise decision to take them as solely responsible and solely punishable for it.

What I mean about write these things here is that, we need to leave aside emotions and egos. We need start to look for make things right even if it in some way is unpleasant to us. If some of us have prejudice against black people need to pass over it and defend first the constitutional right of minorities because it is the right thing to do.

If anyone don’t like undocumented immigrants, or even just some kind of looking different immigrants, because think they are here illegally, then have to think about we live today in a great nation called by the name of United States of America because some of our Forefathers were “terrorists” at the point of to defy the English and International Laws and declared and conquered its Independence.

The mess in what we are right now have one positive side. It is showing us that before even the 9/11 attacks we already had in the core of our society people with all kind of distorted behavior. People which is prejudicial in terms of race, religion, gender, economic level, sexual orientation and much more. And it wont go away if we ignore the reality saying we can see only what is beauty. Because it itself is one way to be prejudicial.

Because the victory of the Civil Rights Movement in the past we thought have a plain democracy going on in our society but we are wrong. The fight for the Civil Right must go on. Generation after generation. Because prejudice can change its subject but is an illness hard to die. It is a lesson that president Obama should had learned first hand. He got some prejudice against him because his race and because he is a son of an immigrant. His against of all odds success shouldn’t have made him forget the others that were left behind.

Lately I am not watching the news. I am skipping most of it because they are taking too much time in the same issue which is the Trayvon Martin assassination. The problem is that the time spent on it will resolve nothing and the media is only taking advantage of the moment to sale its advertisement. Unfortunately, here in United States the judicial branch of our government became a show more than justice. And the television uses it as long the public interest is following the cases.

But the main issue for these chapter was supposed to be terrorism and terrorists. But is impossible separate it from the nations interests. And the American government was pressuring the Syrian government to step down to leave the power to the Syrian people. The problem is that, the Syrian people is profoundly divided on the issue of who have the right of keep the power. And the dictator Assad is massacring his opposition and have no way to stop it.

The problem was that, was proposed before the Secure Council on the UN the motion that could give more power to others nations to help remove the dictator. But Russia and China veto such resolution. The American ambassador went wild when it happened. But the American diplomacy is just showing its immaturity of expectations. The Arab Spring was strong enough to remove the dictatorships from Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. But in Syria and Iran the problem is different.

I think is too immature to ask for the help from Russia and China because they are not only the closest allied to Syria and Iran but they also would be the next stop of the movement for wipe out all dictatorship in the world. The veto is a question of shield itself from trouble. And around a month ago, today is March 30, all the media eyes was focused in the Syrian conflict. Now they are just letting notes about the daily number of deaths caused by the Assad regime.

Some people have been upset because of the mass killings, saying the regime caused more than 10,000 deaths in an year conflict. Comparing with the 100,000 of civilians deaths in the Iraq invasion in less than 10 years looks like an even equation. I am not excusing the Assad regime but the American diplomacy and media should be more smart on the issue.

Since we are out of gas to handle so many conflict at the same time, would be more clever if one year ago we had asked the anti-Assad people to hold on to their ambitions. First we need to know in what direction Tunisia, Libya and Egypt will go because we are at risk to help the enemy as we did in Afghanistan before and Iraq recently. In there we transferred the power to the Taliban and in Iraq the power went to the Shiites which ones are Iran’s allied.

Now I just want to make some comments about the Republican primaries. I think the public interest about the issue were substantially reduced. The 10 states that were at stake on the Super Tuesday were divided in 6 wins to Mitt Romney, 3 for Rick Santorum and just 1 for Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul is the pace of turtle in land. After that we had some contests around the country and Romney and Santorum are sharing some wins. The others is getting only some of the delegates.

The big states like Texas, California and New York didn’t yet had its primaries but not even Rich Santorum gain most of the delegates looks like Romney will be the nominee for the Party. It is that because, at the last time a looked at the numbers, Romney had secured around 600 delegates; Rick Santorum not more than half of it; Newt Gingrich barely got 200 and Ron Paul is under 100. The addition of the 3 others is less than the total of Romney. I don’t see how anyone of the others can even or pass Romney’s numbers.

But the numbers are showing some curious thing. Mitt Romney is not getting big advantage on the popular votes. Looks like most of the voters would prefer other candidate than Mitt Romney but the other three are dividing the electorate and giving Romney the opportunity to be in the ahead without unite the Republican Party. Since long ago the experts are asking Newt Gingrich to get out of the contest to see if Rich Santorum is able to grab his electorate and, if is the case, he would show more a better position than Romney to go man to man against the president Barack Obama.

But looks like Newt Gingrich is showing his vengeful face. Anyone who enter in a contest like this, for sure thinks he is the best candidate. And the playing rules wasn’t in favor of Gingrich. Romney and his Super Pac used the economic power to get him down with negative advertisements. And the group of Romney was well prepared since he began seek for be candidate year ago. And the Gingrich candidacy appear no more than a wishful thinking from his own self.

The politic motivation is not so clear in these case. Is Mr. Gingrich just been delusional about the odds or he is teamed up with Romney? It would be possible since he divided the most conservative electorate and may played a fundamental role on some of key states where Romney won by a small margin. The numbers show that if most of his electorate voted for Rick Santorum the winner would change. And it was fundamental to the whole Republican electorate perceived senator Santorum as a real competitor.

What Gingrich is saying is that, together they would impede Mitt Romney to get the magic number of 1,144 delegates and in the Convention in Tampa they would overturn the table. Anyways, doesn’t matter who will end as the nominee from the Republican Party. The winner will be weakened by the divisive tactics. Although most of the Republicans will vote for anyone who represent the Party they will need the help from those that are not affiliated to the party. But the negativity and the division will play against all Republican optimism.

The negativity of the campaign have been so remarkable that even Mrs. Barbara Bush, the wife of the former president George Bush, agreed that it is the worst in her whole life. And she saw a lot of campaigns. Looks like the only one flag that the Republican candidates got now is the negativity against the president Obama. They don’t have any better plan to save America and then they will be after what in their view will be bad in the Obama administration. It is a tactic too fragile to energize the voters. The point in favor of them is that, Obama also is not been able to energize his supporters as he did in his election.

Another point that could play against the Republican Party is the case of the Affordable Healthcare Act. This past week it were presented before the Supreme Court because many of the Republican governors and one private firm is challenging its constitutionality. The demand is centered in one crucial point. The law mandates that all citizen buy health insurance. For the Brazilians and others understand it better, the law is making obligatory everybody have health insurance to be universally protected like the Brazilians and Europeans already have. Although in Brazil it doesn’t work well. But in some countries of Europe it does. Looks like it is a question of administration, not a question of validity.

Strangely, the mandate were a flag always carried by the Republicans. But now they changed the conception maybe just for give to the Obama administration a defeat to weaken his chances to be reelected. I don’t think the Republicans are been wise here. They are arguing that they can’t let the Obama administration win the case because if it be, what more the government could mandate the population buy? They are using the scare tactic of a supposed plot to control all aspect of life of the our citizens.

The problem is that, have so many dispositions in the law others than the mandate that if it be considered as unconstitutional as a whole the consequences will affect hardly the bottom of the pyramid. Most of the Republican militancy is white, better schooling educated and richer than the common citizen. Most of them already have they private health insurance so they are only been out of touch with the difficulties lived by the most poor. And it can be easily used to manipulate the vote of a good part of the American electorate. The statistics suggested not long ago indicated that around 50,000,000 Americans is living in the line of poverty.

We can say that it will be decisive in the 2,012 electoral contest. As the vote is optional in United States the poor population is just the one less informed and don’t know how use the vote for make better its own opportunities. Research indicated that who is born poor have a much bigger chance to stay poor over the life. Another information is that, the population that live in a Zip Code area of rich people have a much better chance to have a better schooling around. Anyways, the rich can send their children to be educated anywhere they wanted no matter the price. And the better schooling educated got automatically the better chance to go up in the pyramid.

If the poor people don’t know how to use the vote for be better schooling educated and have a better health, for sure these people will be always the most vulnerable to keep in poverty.

But is there a particularity that the Republican is ignoring about the Affordable Healthcare Act. As I have saying, we are not more than a poultry bundle. And the world is became no more than our poultry yard. The common people don’t get a good idea of what it means in the quest for good health to all. But medically speaking we are putting at risk the whole society just let people don’t have health insurance or have access to health accompaniment.

It mean that, some individuals can get sick and without medic assistance will incubate some illness long enough for it mutates to different forms, maybe more viral. And it will be spread to the whole society, doesn’t matter if you have or not insurance. To have a good accompaniment can be the difference between the success or not to the whole society. The mandate in these case, even difficult to swallow for many, favors the equation costs/benefit making the benefit weight more. If anyone doubt my concerns, go visit a poultry yard and ask the administrator what are the measurements to keep the herd healthier. Ask if any foul is left behind and why not.

The present situation came to be because the Constitutional Law of Commerce prohibit our government to interfere in the sense to favors the business people obligating the common people buy their products. And the justice Antonin Scalia, a member of the Supreme Court, even questioned the issue giving the comparison, in my words, Would be fair we permit the government obligate the citizen to buy broccoli because it is good to his health? In these case he was only comparing bananas and pineapples. The citizen can chose eat broccoli to make his health better or eat another thing that can offers the same result. It is a question of individual preference.

Then, to neglect the health as a whole, when the citizen is without resources, is a question of public health. It can affect not only the individual but the whole society. And in the present legislation we already have indication that our government have the right to impose such mandate. We know that if any citizen be diagnosed with tuberculosis he will be dragged to a isolated hospital unit and will be treated, doesn’t matter what is the citizen’s will. The health of the society play a better role over the individual will. It is a question of public interest over the individual rights of the citizen.

The trickery in the whole case to the Republican Party is that, the blue print for the law is what is working here at the Massachusetts State, since Mitt Romney was the governor. The administration of the former governor was the responsible for establish almost the same law that the Obama administration simple thought was a good idea and copy it for his national plan. If the president were from the Republican Party it wouldn’t hurt that much the Republican militants. It also will be used against the Republican nominee in the general election. If the federal law be dismissed by the Supreme Court, I will be very concerned about what is working well in Massachusetts for us. I don’t know if we will be able to have our health care insurance by our own expenses.

Lets end these chapter with accounts from my own life. I am been so absorbed in write these book that I forget to look first if my eyes doctor was member of my new health insurance. Only the day before I remembered to look it and she wasn’t. So I had to cancel my appointment. My case is a little be tricky because I got glaucoma and it came to the concern of all the secretaries and medical personnel that assist me. My answer machine got some messages urging me to look for help because the case can’t stay unattended. I was very sad for the situation but also very moved by the solidarity. To all my very thanks. And now I got appointment with another doctor that I will see soon.

About balance our income we are not doing so well. It is going like our dam were made out of sand and we got too much rain in one night. Firstly we had an ant nest that robbed us the payment to control it. And in the week before the last, my wife noticed her jeep wasn’t getting the hear shift. Was a simple case of broken differential. The total to fix it were not far from US$ 4,000.00 and these past week it got another problem that will costs her US$ 1,000.00 more. We was hardly saving some to the college of our son. Before we were in trouble to do so and now I can’t describe in what we went.

And the Republican Party candidates are expecting they will get our vote, preaching the tax break for the rich people at the same time that they are putting barriers to us reach our least dreams. As an old Brazilian television showman used to say: “They will win the Pineapple Trophy”. And I add, in the hard way.

If the Affordable Healthcare Act be dismissed by the Supreme Court, we will be taking a better care of our fowls than we do it to our own citizens.

I will leave to the reader the conclusion about who is winning the war of terrorists. I can’t say for sure if anybody is winning anything. The ways that the war have been fought is giving excuses to it keep going through countless time. What I am sure is that, all of the people are loosing something. Not matter who will win because “We the People” will lose anyways. Because the endless war will hurt as all.


In September 23, 2011, I watched the discourse of the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the UN. And not long after I left a note in one of the pages of these book that I would comment about it. So here we are in the issue. I will put these chapter just after the prior that talk about terrorism because there are some links between the two. The issue is delicate, I know. And I don’t have a main stream opinion to offers. But real truth must be said even to whom that don’t want hear it.

Another thing. I will not claim for me any title of peacemaker nor even want be considered worth of anything. I just want make some points and let to the readers develop their own conclusions. I know nothing better than nobody. And I don’t want the burden of be the author of any idea that will end in peace or war. I know that, peace or war don’t depend on myself. If it were dependent only on me I would say, problem solved. But peace and war don’t come from the will of only one person. It come from the bottom of the hearts of, at least, two people that decide one or another.

Something I know well. Doesn’t matter what these generation do toward peace. It will be forever only if the coming generations renew it as long the time goes. As long as I have been watching the conflicts in the Middle East my feeling was always some kind of disbelief. I don’t trust the leaders and think that the Palestinian and Israeli people are been victimized by interests others than good will. And peace come only from the good will from both sides.

My mother had a saying that goes like this, “When one don’t want, two don’t fight”. Is simpleton to think these saying can resolve anything. And she had another attitude to make us believe in it. At least, think two times before fight. She always added, “If I know that one of you is fighting in the street, when you put the feet at home will be spanked anyways”. And the problem with wars is that, it leaves consequences that works like the punishment that we would get at home. An war always have opened windows for new ones and only good will can keep it shut.

I don’t want to reproduce the words of Netanyahu in that discourse. I will just remember something that he said, in my own words, and give some analysis on it. I will not put the issues in the same order that they are in his discourse. And will start from something that he said about Israel be a tiny country. Based on its small dimensions he was concerned on not let the Palestinian State come to exist before the Palestinian leaders don’t give the guarantees of security to Israel. And he asked, “What father would be irresponsible to let the children in harms ways?”

I don’t know any father that is willing to put his own children in harms ways. But I know that both sides are doing it. And not putting only their own children in harms ways. They are putting all of our children subjected to bad happenings. And let start in 1,948 when the State of Israel were created. It were created through a UN Resolution against the will of all other nation around about. The parents of that time knew they were putting their children in harms ways. The problem is that they didn’t knew how bad it would become today and how worse it is up to be if we kept our History in the same path that it is now. Keeping the path is the way of Benjamin Netanyahu put our present and future generations in harms ways.

Benjamin Netanyahu, all Israelis and most of the Christians believe in, or act as if, the account from the Bible that God gave that land to the Abraham offspring. And later it were narrowed to Jacob’s offspring. Who know what is written in the Bible is familiarized with the account. And more, the writers of the Bible established that, long before Abraham, who was an immigrant in that land, had a people that owned the land. And only a fraction of that land were bought.

Later on Jacob’s family abandoned the land and went to Egypt. Generations later they came back as a strong number of people to claim the it back. Is said that, Joshua lead the people with the express order to commit genocide against all of the others. At these point, the Hebrew writers claim that, God Himself had given such orders because the people that was living there was sinner. But the conquest of the land lasted for some time, and the then called people of Israel disobeyed God, not eliminating all the sinners. And it were taken as the justification for all the suffering that the people went in from then on.

The Biblical writers cleverly tried to not always blame God for what happened but their writings betrayed their intentions. Firstly they used the old trick of do something wrong and blame someone else. Starting from the beginning after they be established in the land, they attributed all bad things that happened to them to their own sins but also alleged that they sinned because were induced by the remnant people that were left out of the genocide.

The problem with such theory is that, it is said that before the Hebrew people went the land, God declared it as a saint people, the chosen one. And it would be separated from the others to keep its sanctity. Also is alleged that God gave the choice to these people saying, in my own words, If you behave you will never suffer but on contrary I will punish you with my own mighty hands. So it was the preparation for excuse God from doing anything wrong. So, supposedly, anything wrong that came after were blame on the disobeying on God’s Orders. The people’s sins were to blame.

But for validate such proposal about God’s Behavior the writers, deliberated or not, forgot how God’s Powers Works. God Is Omniscient. It mean that He Know everything before anything happen. When the writers supposed He said, if the people of Israel not obey Him the people would be punished is a contradiction because He already should know all the bad things would come from the people’s behavior. In it the Biblical writers blamed God for all the bad things that would come because He already knew what would be all the details of the people’s behavior and, even so, He put the people in harms ways.

So, the question that Netanyahu thought was clever for the moment, “What father would put his children in harms ways?”, is answered by the theology that he are supposed to be follower because he declared himself as from the Jewish faith. And the answer is an accusation against God because says, He is such father. Supposedly He Knew that the Israeli people would sin in such way that He would have to kick them out from the “Promise Land” for, at least, two times until now.

Another important information that is in the Bible, come from the book, 2 Chronicles 33:9, which says, “So Manasseh made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, and to do worse than the heathen, whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel.” Well, Judah is just one part of the people of Israel, although all the thirteen tribes were represented in it. Israel itself, or ten out of its tribes, had been conquered by the Assyrians. And the attributed reason had been similar.

It mean that all the Israelis wishful thinking of be a special people, separated from the others because its sanctity, the chosen people, and the light for the world is false. It come because if God had ordered the genocide of the Canaanites He would be a two faces god like the ones made up from the hands and minds of men. How He would be worth of be called by the title of The Just and Living God if He had ordered the genocide of some because their sins and didn’t ordered the same to whom did worse?

Here we have a treacherous bifurcation. What I believe is that, God never ordered the genocide of the Canaanites. So all the allegations that come along with such supposition are false. But some people believe in the Biblical literalism. In that case, the days of the Jews are numbered and they end is coming in God’s Time and not in our time. It mean that, soon or later the Jewish faith will vanish, not necessarily the people will be extinct as we already know that, it didn’t happen to the ancient Canaanites. Their genes are present all over the world, in the same way that the ones from the Hebrew are equally disseminated. The Israelis themselves got some of those genes.

I may have to explain something here. Yes I am Christian and also know that God Exist. What is my explanation for be it and don’t believe in the main stream interpretations from the Biblical accounts is that, The Biblical account is a narration based on some facts which ones were interpreted by human beings. The Biblical writers tried to conciliate their own theological understanding with the History that they knew. It was important to bind the people for the future. If wasn’t for History we wouldn’t understand our ties with many people and maybe we wouldn’t be able to keep glued as a nation.

Is because of that in ancient times the tendency of nations was to be much smaller than today. The people knew only the History that was passed through oral accounts and as the same family spread around a countryside, living generations separated from some groups, not sharing the same experiences and not having a common center of administration, it created the conditions that resulted in different nations and different languages. The written History combined with religion and a center for worship made possible some parts of the same people live in distant lands and become tied to a more numbered and diversified genealogical lines of the same culture. And it allowed the existence of bigger nations.

My recalling to the Biblical text have a logical explanation. By his discourse, Netanyahu appear to believe in the same special link between the land and the people of Israel as it is alleged in the Biblical text. So what I want is demonstrate that these is not true. Not that they don’t have ancestor there.

He for example said that he have an officer’s seal in his office back in Israel that were found next to the Jerusalem wall and dated around 700 BCE. The seal shaped like a ring is like the ones we know, in old times, were used to put stamp in written documents. He also said that the name of the officer who used it was Netanyahu, like his last name. And his name Benjamin is also a reference to the youngest son of Jacob. He used these information to emphasize a supposed right of have a nation called by the name of Israel today because in ancient times had another nation with the same name.

I am not from the group of people that deny the existence of an ancient Israel. But I need to point out that, the ring prove nothing. We know that Jerusalem were a center of pilgrimage even before the alleged existence of Israel. So nothing can prove the ring was from a pilgrim from a distant place or a local resident. And we know that, the use of last name is a relatively new invention.

At that time the people used only the first name and some was distinguished with some differentiation when the name was too common. Something like, Joseph, son of Jacob. Or Joseph, the carpenter. Or, even, Joseph of Arimathaea. Only much later professions, place of birth, physical characteristics and others were added as last names.

Well, I don’t think we need any proof that Israel did existed in ancient times. What Benjamin Netanyahu had to prove is what the ancient nation of Israel have to do with Israel of today. Because since the ancient Israel ceased to exist we got thousands of years of History that appear Mr. Netanyahu is asking everybody to ignore. It appear like he want we believe that the ancient Israel were there, disappeared, and thousands of years later reappeared in no men land.

I have a better idea how to obtain a better proof of inheritance of the land than the ring of Netanyahu. The sciences of today offers it to us. We know that the weather around the ancient Canaan is some kind of dry and it help preserve bones. And also is well known that bones of people from generation after generation of ancient inhabitants of the area still there and can be from thousands of years before any Hebrew, Palestinian or Christian were even born.

So if the right of inheritance come from whom first established in the land, as looks like was the point raised by Netanyahu, we could ask scientists to extract DNA from the ancient bones and look at the DNA from the people living today. Whatever have a match shall be the heir of the land.

But I need to warn everybody about a little problem. For sure Palestinians and Israelis will have some match. But so a good chunk of the terrestrial population. Why not?! Based on my studies on the genealogical math that I put in the beginning of these book, people like Abraham could easily be many times ancestor of all of us on Earth today. And based on the genealogical data we already have at hand we can say that, all the people from the Iberian Peninsula must be many times descendant of Jacob, through the queen Esther, the one who’s name even is a book in the Bible; and also double descendant of Abraham, through direct lineage of the prophet Muhammad, who was ancestor of Zayra Ibn Zayda.

Just for the reader better localize the chapter of the History that I am recalling, Zayra Ibn Zayda was the wife of Lovesendo Ramires. He was son of Ramiro II, king of Leon. The couple became ancestor for all the royal and noble families in the Iberian Peninsula and from there their offspring passed their genes to all European nobility. Since they lived before the year 1,000 AD not only the nobles got their genetics but the whole population that come from them. What we can guarantee is that, all Spanish and Portuguese descendants that do a DNA test today shall have in their blood traces or even good part of Middle Eastern DNA to be proved as heir of “God’s Promises”.

As Benjamin Netaniahu want be, we all are Abraham’s descendants. So, the right that he alleged for himself and his fellow Jews must be shared with all of us and others because I was mentioning only two lineages that link us to them. But Abraham left thousands of lineages that went Africa, Asia and Europe so the claim must contemplate all of us. Unless the prime minister of Israel was meaning only the right for whom come from the Jewish faith. Or only to those that have a Y chromosome, like in ancient times when only men were believed to transmit inheritance.

Doesn’t matter his meaning. Based on his way of thinking we Christians must have the right of have our own country in the place occupied by the ancient Israel. Yes, that’s true! We are descendants of the Patriarchs. When Rome adopted the Christian faith with the Emperor Constantine the Palestine even became ruled by Christianity. Later on the Crusades ruled the land for almost 200 years. And before the actual nation of Israel be founded in our days it was ruled by the Christian English Empire. The problem with the theory of Benjamin Netanyahu is that, he thinks he can make fool out of all of us but the foolishness is his own flag.

If the claim of the right of have a State of Israel be validated by anyone based on what was thousands of years ago it shall mean that, all descendants of ancient peoples that once had a nation established in some place else have the same right of recreate a new version of the old nation with the same name. And the History shall go like that, the Incas shall have their nation in Peru and elsewhere. The Mayans shall take back their chunk from Mexico and others. The many tribes in Americas also will have the same right. So if the Cherokee, Blackfeet, Pueblo, Navajo, Sioux, Arawak, Inuit and many others wants, they shall have the right to decide if want to keep their own identity or keep the American identity. Or both as many Israelis do.

I was up to continue these text when I opened my email box today and there was an email sent by one of my brothers. In the title was the promise of some indigenous wisdom from North America. And I immediately selected some to reproduce here. If it is not a Divine Intervention, what it is? Lets see only two:

Shenandoah saying, “Is not enough to talk about peace, what is needed is think, feel, act and live in peace.”

Seneca Saying, “More cleverness the man thinks he have more he need the Divine protection for defend himself from himself.”

Another argument raised by Mr. Netanyahu which is always raised by the defenders of the idea of a permanent State of Israel is that, Israel is the only democracy around about. He even complained that, despite of be the only democracy around, it got more condemnations from the UN than all the other nations combined. He also alleged that, as a democracy, Israel have all kinds of people living there, even Arab descendants. And he thinks that Israel were unjustly accused of racism because, the Palestinians are the ones suitable to get such title. He alleged that have a law in Ramallah, West Bank, that establish death penalty to anyone who sale land to a Jew person.

In others words the description of Israel and its government gave by its the prime minister was something like the Paradise administered by saints. In the other side of the coin came the description of the radicals Islamist, specially Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as the source of all bad things. I don’t want be ironic into say that, I almost became convinced to go to that kind of “Heaven” that Mr. Benjamin thinks they constructed, grabbing some weapons, to help eliminate all its enemies. If I use irony I may be criticized and what I have to say can be downgraded as just jealousy of the Israeli success.

What I need to inform the prime minister of Israel is that, we common people, specially the ones born and raised in Brazil have some saying that goes like that, “When the alms is too much the saint gets suspicious about it”. In the case, these is not the most appropriate opportunity to use it because have a different meaning. But the adaptation for its use is that, If Israel and its government are so perfect and its neighborhood are so despicable, why to insist on live side by side with them? It is not put in harms ways all the generations to come?

I understand. As a Jew, Mr. Netanyahu must want commercialize his fish. But the problem with it is that, He should at least admit some of the imperfections in his regime and some qualities on his opponents to we, the saints, get a better idea of what is going on. If he want sale his Fantasy Land and the Hell’s Domain as truthful we, the saints, must acquaint him as a liar. We, the saints, don’t believe in perfect place or perfect Hell on Earth. We know that always have something bad in the good men’s deeds and something good in the bad’s men deeds. And it is what make our world so confuse.

The argument of be a democracy is more a burden than an advantage because if it is so, Israel really need to do better than it have been done. In his discourse, Mr. Netanyahu is the solely responsible for to contradict his own words. I don’t think is a space in Israel for the militants of Hamas and Hezbollah promote their ideas. If they go to the area called Israel and be detected by the Mossad, they probably will be incarcerated or killed. In these case the law saying that, if someone sale a property to a Jew in Ramallah shall be punished by death, make Israel and Palestine even.

Lets remember here the opinion that I presented to the journal “Estado de Minas” some years ago. At the time was having some preparations for negotiations of peace between Palestinian and Israeli. And the Israeli government declared that, it would not talk to the enemies of Israel. It would talk only to the Palestinian that accepted the previous conditions for peace. And I argued in the letter addressed to that journal that, peace we talk with our enemies if we have any. With our friends we celebrate it. If I had any enemy the talks could help us to settle down our differences and become friends. Without talks it is impossible.

Another contradiction in the discourse was his saying that, in no way he would accept millions of Palestinians in Israel. I think he was suggesting that it would be a plan from the Palestinian side. But to understand it better we need to come back to before the creation of the State of Israel. And we know that the English Empire had conquered it from the Ottoman Empire. As an English protectorate the Palestine as an whole was inhabited by Arabs, Jews, Palestinians and others, mostly people that were born there or their ancestor had migrated and established themselves for some time.

As an English Protectorate all the inhabitants was free to move to anywhere in the country. And the acquaintanceship between the different religious branch was peaceful as it was at the time of Muslim Domain. It includes Muslims, Jews and Christians orthodox and non orthodox. But these relatively condition of peace started be broken because some Jews, most known as Zionists, began to plot to recreate the Jewish State.

What was the problem on it and it is why Israel have been condemned many times in the UN is because the model of State wanted by the Zionists was a State inhabited and governed by Jews not matter the composition of the population living there. And the plan of creation of such State were blessed by the English administrators. The big deal was the presence of others cultures, particularly the Palestinian that was the majority. To try to overcome such situation the Zionists promoted the migration of Jews from all over the world. And began to concentrate themselves in certain areas where they became majority.

Before the creation of Israel, the Zionists was considered terrorists, as Hamas and Hezbollah are entitled today, and made many attacks to the English authorities. One person known by some of such attacks was Isaac Rabin, the then future and now late prime minister of Israel. Isaac Rabin were later converted in good guy and were assassinated by an extremist Jew, because had made concessions in the peace talks with the Palestinians.

The creation of the State of Israel was in its way but had a strong discordance from the Arab community that included the Palestinians. What precipitated the creation in 1,948 were the Holocaust during the WWII. The argument was that, the Jewish people needed to have a State for protect itself from their aggressors. It is known that the Jews suffered many persecutions along History. And the Holocaust gave a strong argument to accelerate such intention. But, as Brazilian use to say, “What begin wrong ends wrong”.

The creation of the new State came through a UN Resolution. And the Assembly were characterized by acquisition of some votes through bribery. These Resolution created a small size country in accordance with all demands of Israeli leaders of the time. Soon the creation also stimulated the rivalry and the wars began. In 1,967 it came to some apex which is called the Six Days War. Since then Israel invaded and keeps occupation of lands from Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Lands that were supposed to be used on the creation of the Palestine State. It includes Jerusalem.

In consequence of the wars, many Palestinians were displaced and kept away from their homeland until today. Many still living in provisory encampment. These population kept away from its motherland live throughout the world and mainly in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. And they are the ones that want to go back home and are been punished with the denial of their most basic human right. And these population became also subjected to the radical militancy like Hamas and Hezbollah. The exiled population multiplied and is about it that Benjamin Netanyahu said he wouldn’t allow millions of Palestinians invade Israel.

In the process of the facts, Lebanon became an enormous casualty of wars. It was a developed and peaceful country. The majority of the population was Christian and it was considered the Switzerland from the Middle East. And the Christian leaders, on opposition of the claimed Swiss neutrality, supported the State of Israel. The economy of Lebanon went down, and part of the Christian population got the need to migrate away. Many ended in Brazil, United States and elsewhere.

On contrary, the Muslim population reinforced with the exiled Palestinians, multiplied and became majority. Despite of the new situation the Christian government supported by Israel began ignore it and tried to keep the power through force. It lead to a revolution where the Christians lost and the Muslim majority assumed the power. Much of the Arab population that Netanyahu alleged is living in peace inside of Israel come from these group of people that once were supported by Israel and lost the power in Lebanon.

So, when Netanyahu claim the right to be treated as special because live in the only one democracy in the region we need to ask ourselves if a real democracy is the one that talk about it but don’t respect the democratic ruling in other places or if is the one that talk and respect the democratic ruling on every place else. Be a democracy don’t give us the licence to practice wrongdoings because such practice in determined times appear to get us some advantage.

United States also claim for itself to be the biggest democracy in the universe but were the great sponsor of many dictatorships in the world. It sponsored the Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship because it appeared to be a smart move against the Iranian Revolution. But what we got from that is a more radicalized regime over the Iranian people and a menace to the Israeli. Just to remember, United States and Israel helped Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and ended having a good relationship with Muammar Gaddafi, until the last revolution in Libya don’t begin.

Mr. Netanyahu said that, the origin of all evil come from the extremist Muslims. I am not quiet convinced about it. Since we have extremism from both sides I am more up to believe in it to be reciprocal. And evil don’t come only from the extremists. It mostly come from the ones that think they are too good and neglect from prevent the radicalism take shape. Nobody is born extremist.

I would say to Mr. Benjamin one thing, take one baby from a couple of extremist Muslim and another from a couple of extremist Jew and give the Jewish baby to the Muslim couple and the Muslim baby to the Jew couple. Let them raise the kids as they were themselves child. What you think would happen next? We could use another analogy. Pick up the two babies and let them be raised in a remote Brazilian area by a responsible couple, not Jew neither Muslim, without the extremist doctrine. I don’t think we will have any extremism in their future behavior.

I am sure that extremism have been created, raised and nourished by the two faces politics played in the Middle East by the local and interventionist governments. The culture of hatred have been carefully cultivated even by the “peaceful” government of Israel. As I said before, all dictatorship need to have a real or imaginary enemy, strong enough to cause more fear on its people than the dictatorship itself. And it is also valid to some called democratic government. The Israeli government is a classic example of it. It need a strong enemy because have a plan to restore Israel as big as it were on ancient times.

Until recently it was a big problem to the Palestine administrators but now they are getting it. They also don’t want peace because peace would mean the end for their ambitions. They want reconquer, in what I think they are right, what is been occupied by Israel, and dominate the same area that once were the ancient Israel and, before it, the ancient Canaan. The problem is that, Israel got in the way of the Palestinian administrators and Palestine got in the way of the Israeli ones. Peace is not the goal for both of them until any of them get rid of the other.

Benjamin Netanyahu talked about peace in his discourse saying that, Israel extend its hands to peace since its creation. And said that, the hands of Israel still extended specially to ones that are willing to make peace with Israel. But he underestimate our intelligence when he let clear that his government is not willing to make peace with its enemies. Specially when he talked about Mr. Ahmadinejad the president of Iran, without even pronounce his name. Netanyahu talk about peace but inside him is a good part of sulfur. As the Shenandoah teaching say, talk is the easy part, practice needs more than a simple wish.

I consider some of my colleagues veterinarians, biologists and biochemists a good case of permanent heroes. Specially the ones that works with poisonous animals like the snakes. They raise snakes like rattlesnake and urutu. The other people may don’t heard about the urutu because it is indigenous from Brazil. It is said, when it bites kills or make an handicapped. It’s venom is so strong that can kill an adult in less than one hour and most of the times the wounded limb of the survivors must be amputated. To our surprise, is said that it have what looks like a cross on its head. A sign that the Christians use on their last dwelling.

The work of my colleagues is done to collect venom and transform it in anti-venom that will save thousands of lives every year. Our heroes put their own life at risk to save others. But it is done with some prevention. They keep the snakes giving it good shelter and good food. And anything needed to the animals be comfortable and less aggressive. Like that they transformed an hazardous situation in a win and win other. The snakes get what it want and the people get what is needed.

In the case of the Israeli government we can make some analogy with it. I don’t want compare snakes and people but is something like the Israeli government have been making a research to find how much radical the Muslim militancy can get in. It is not only creating cobras to help other people. It is doing selection to obtain a more radical and more lethal kind of enemy. I think the Israeli government is not acting as smart as it is taking itself as been. One fundamental difference between cobras and human beings is that, cobras can be smart but not as rational as human beings. We work with cobras because we know exactly what it can do but by intelligence human being can always surprise us, for good or bad.

Lets take some facts that prove that the prime minister of Israel is not been serious about peace. His government want make peace with the ones that are moderate and want not even talk to the considered extremists. If the moderated people grab such bait they will be the next victim of the extremists, so they are not willing to repeat the mistake done by Anwar El Sadat. To those that don’t remember, Sadat were the president of Egypt that flew to Israel to make peace. And he did it against the support of others. Ended killed by a plot inside his own country although he achieved peace with Israel and got the admiration from the whole world.

Another recent fact even unveiled through Netanyahu own discourse is that, he told about peace with the people of Iran but clearly excluded the president Ahmadinejad and his party of extremists. Out of the discourse the news are plenty of threats from the Israeli government that want do a preemptive attack against Iran. He also talk about peace with Palestinian in the exact moment that Palestinian leaders are been killed in a selective rampage of assassinations. What is not understandable is someone talking about make peace with the whole world, except with his enemies.

What is also contradictory in the discourse is the Netanyahu’s denial of the creation of the Palestinian State through a UN Resolution. He said it because, at the same time he was talking, the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas was in the building trying to convince the members to approve the creation of his State. Since Israel were created through an UN Resolution, the Palestinian State can not be treat differently. And he almost summoned Mr. Abbas to meet him at that exact moment to talk about peace in a man-a-man conversation.

The prime minister of Israel was only using deception because he know better than everyone that, their talks would resolve nothing. He was only using the UN for his theatrical apparition to the world. Most of the people that was watching him on television without a good knowledge of the Middle East political situation, as most of the worldly public is affected by such lack of information, would believe that he was really meaning what he was saying. But unfortunately, for him, he needed to convince he was been truthful just the ones that he called by the name of his enemies and enemies of Israel, not only the friendly ignorant public.

What is surely up to happen is that, the lies will make the extremists more angry. And Benjamin Netanyahu know that. So, the only one conclusion that we can get on is that, he don’t want make peace with nobody. He know that the moderated people can’t make a separated peace with him and also know that he is making the extremists more upset with Israel. In another words, he is provoking them. But provoking them for what. What Mr. Netanyahu want to gain with it? What are his interests?

He want just buy more time. To construct more illegal settlements in the Palestinian side and later on use it to an imaginary right to be there because the time of occupation. Or, at least, for when the Israeli and Palestinian really seat down with the intention of resolve the problem, for Israelis say that, we are already making the sacrifice of abandon areas that we already had conquered, so you own us something.

These is an old deceit used by dishonest merchants. First they take something from you and do a real business putting you in some disadvantage. Then give back what was taken from you for you feel some kind of fairness and forget the real mathematics. Maybe Mr. Netanyahu will sale his rotten fish to some unprepared customer like us but these business is a sale from merchant to merchant.

I am talking about it because in some way I was once victimized by such deceit. When I was at the University the student movement was fighting to keep the budget from the government for the quality of education not be affected. And the administration of our unit simple cut off our food in half. After one week of less food our representatives came with the notice that our portions had been reestablished to the normal level and claimed victory forgetting what for we was fighting. My colleagues at the time will forgive me, but I still laughing on their faces.

Well, if I talk here only about my criticism to the Mr. Netanyahu’s speech nobody from his side will even read it. But I ask the reader to take my criticism as equal to the other side too. And I want here to suggest one solution for the Middle East conflict. These is not the solution. Is one suggestion and at the end of these chapter I will put another that I think is more like real solution. The present suggestion is based on the fact of both side want restore the dominance over the whole land. And in my point of view there is only one way of it be done to attend the demands regarding lands of both extremes.

Firstly we have to get back to the Biblical Scriptures. Both side claim the right of firstborn to claim the land. And in it I am totally in favor of the Palestinian claims. Not because what they have to say but because what is written in the Bible itself. The Palestinian claim to be the firstborn of Abraham, through his firstborn Ishmael. And the Israelite claim to have the right of be firstborn through Isaac. But the reality is that, Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham and Isaac was the firstborn from his wife, Sarai or Sarah.

The story told later to excuse Isaac as firstborn is fake. Why? Because God is the Lord of time, Lord of Knowledge and Lord of Wisdom. If He wanted Isaac be the firstborn of Abraham He had been born before Ishmael. Firstborn mean the one that born first, before others. Then if God had plans to Isaac be the firstborn He would put things in order. If He let Ishmael be born first and later resolved to give the right of firstborn to another, then He had to be a deceptive god as the ones made by hands and minds of men.

In second place the story is retold with the offspring of Isaac. He married to Rebekah and she gave birth to twins. Esau which later was also called by the name of Canaan was born first. Jacob came just after him. Again, doesn’t matter if is another story saying that Jacob, who later assumed the name of Israel, stole the right of firstborn from Esau. The decision don’t come from men in these case because God Determined who would born first. And God Is a Person of One Word.

If it is not enough we also can recall the chapter 10 of the Book of Ezra. In resume the text describe that the people that returned from Babylon took as wives women from the land. And they had children. And the orthodox Sechaniah took it as a trespassing against God and induced first Ezra and later the people to do that, “3 Now therefore let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them…; and let it be done according to the law.”

But the law also says: “Deut. 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” It mean that, the children were innocent for any sin committed by the parents. Since they were wrongly punished they never lost the right of be accounted unto the Assembly of God. We can only speculate that, those children are now ancestors of the whole people in the Middle East, so if their right be respected they also are children of Israel, with the same rights attributed to Jews.

And don’t take my interpretation as wrong because the text from Deuteronomy say about death, meaning only some kind of bigger trespassing. The text in the Book of Ruth that would be better be called by her complete name as Ruth Moabitess, narrates how she became the wife of the Jew Boaz. The Moabite people, by the text of the Torah was under the same decree of extermination attributed to God and passed on to the Israelite by Moses.

To those that don’t remember how the story goes, Ruth and Boaz were grandparents of Jesse, father of David, the famous king of the Jews. Since David have been excused for be descendant of a forbidden marriage, later on the same excuse had to be applied in favor of the children about whom the Book of Ezra talks. And the passage in the Book of Ruth remember us about that, If was the right thing to abandon the children of the returned exiled from Babylon, then all the Boaz offspring also had to be expelled from any covenant, and it includes King David and his offspring.

I don’t want impose interpretations to anyone. But we need to pay attention on what is valid to some because, if it is true, then shall be valid for all. And look what is written on the Psalm 118: 22, “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” And for those that adopt a more Christian interpretation I would indicate the sentence attributed to Jesus, by Matthew, in his chapter 21: 43-44, “Therefore say I unto you, the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. 44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.”

Certainly, Matthew had in mind that Jesus, who was Jew and talking to a Jew audience, was talking about the Kingdom of God be taken from the Jews and given to the Christians. But the Christians, specially some modern interprets here in United States, never took it as granted. Those interprets make a big mistake taking the land of Israel as a Portal to Heaven.

Since the old times the Hebrew people and others attributed to that corner of the Earth the title of Holly Land, and Promise Land. It is because their thinking was egoistic. If somebody asked me where is the Holly Land that I myself feel it as Holly I will have no doubt in say it, is where I was born in. I know, we have the old tradition saying that Holly Land is another place else. And I would ask to anyone, Holly Land should be a place governed by peace or governed by war?

The place that the Hebrew people called by the name of Holly Land looks like a place that attracts people to do war and in practice the people there only talk about peace but don’t practice it. So, in comparison to it I have no doubt, the place where I was born is more like an Holly Land than the other called by that name. But the problem is not that. The problem is, no land is Holly. Because to be Holly it have to have the will of not do bad. As land can’t have will then it can be pure, because men didn’t sin on it, or contaminated, because men sinned on it.

Even so, my Holly Land appears more pure because we don’t have wars going on there for long time and the people appears more peaceful because don’t have fights. I know that, If I give the name of Holly Land to the place where I was born will be an egoistic act from myself. Why? Because I will be claiming that God chose me and my people to be superior to others. And it is not true because if we believe in that, God Made Earth and people, then we have not other choice than admit that everywhere on Earth was pure upon God’s Creation and men also was pure. But what still pure or will be purified depends on the will of men. Men contaminated, men shall have the burden to clean it up.

We have a teaching that come from a Jew and one that I believe most to be true. It goes like that, “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” It is written in the Book of Matthew, 5: 23-24. And the Jew is Jesus.

I know. Some will suspect that I am using the old trick of recall some verses from the Bible to impose my own interpretation, as it is done by scholars, laypersons, pastors and priests. And I wouldn’t never pinch point those small parts of the text if it made not sense before the first and second commandment establishment of that, prior of all you need to love God and as a consequence of it you need to love His Work.

So, on contrary to what is wildly accepted, the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis have to do with everything but religion. Religion to me is do the Will of God and what is going on is everything but it. Doesn’t matter what one side say, If what they are doing is in accordance with what was said by Moses or if the others say is in accordance with Muhammad said. The Will of God always was, is and will be the peace among His Creation. If anyone say the contrary is a liar.

The conflict is exclusively about land and possession. Is not spiritual but yes mundane. And the Palestinians claim the land belong to them because it was once occupied by them. And the Israelis say that the land belong to them because now they possess it. Such claims don’t goes well to bring a permanent peace because open the door for future events of wars because if it is so, then, lets make war to decide who will be the righteous owner in the future.

So what I came to conclude is that, if any peace be possible, would be wise to make the addition of Israeli and Palestinian Territories and make out of it only one country. It can’t be called by the name of Palestine or Israel. Both name recall separation. And as both people claim to be descendant of Abraham, be it be called by the name of Abraham Land. And be it a land to worship the Only One God that unites Jews, Muslims and Christians. He Is The Author of life. Let though use tools that save lives not weapons to destruct it.

I know! The problem is that, the long time of war wounded so much both side that is no confidence on each other. These is the biggest of all barriers that both people need to overcome. But if be done step by step with the real good will from both sides, with the Help from Heaven, is not impossible. Jesus also once said that, “7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5. If any side want to be children of God is not other way than do the Will of God and then make peace to each other.

Netanyahu claimed that the problem is the Muslims extremists and they are the ones that don’t want make peace. Then I would say to him, better though the Israelis begin to move out because History will repeat itself, again and again. And like the Brazilians use to say, “Take because it is your own child”. As I said before, the Zionism created the Muslims extremism and to undo what were done is necessary give time for these and the next generations pass away: for the vipers from both sides lose its venom. The children of the third generation will have a different view from their ancestors: if they be raised in peace.

The creation of the State of Israel was never an act of peace. The founders knew that it was an declaration of war for the year to come. War was a combo decision with the creation. At the creation of Israel, peace were left aside. The crying of the prime minister is false by that reason. The Israelis wanted the land anyways, even the decision meaning wars. And they got exactly what they bargained for.

Let put something extra here before I forget. The scene that United States suspended the financial contributions to the UNESCO would be comic if it wasn’t mostly tragic. It came because the Palestinian Authority were granted full membership of UN cultural agency after 107 vote in favor, 14 against and 52 abstentions. What the Obama administration was thinking? Take our money from the education of poor people and leave a blank space to “industries” like Al Qaeda and others alike open new factories of terror? And I said to myself, saint wasted intelligence!

Beginning his discourse, Mr. Netanyahu made a reference to many Jews been famous because they work in literature, arts and sciences. And he also mentioned know something that the others don’t know about how to lead with what is going on in the Middle East. I think he wanted to send to the world some kind of bill in such terms, Look the good that Jewish people have done to the world, now is time to the world pay it back giving back up to whatsoever he wanna do. Well, lets question it!

Usually we attribute to the Renaissance the beginning of our Western culture. And it came to be because many factories. One of it was the introduction of paper from China to Europe. Another was the rediscovery of Roman, Greek and others knowledge. Auspiciously, both of the events were done by the Muslim Empire. Firstly, they made the use of paper common and available. And secondly they were the ones that copied and kept alive almost all the ancient knowledge, before the European then learned it back from them. So, we own something to Muslims, to Chinese, Romans and, at least, Greeks.

His claims appear to have a good part of prejudice because looks like underline was like he saying it, look how intelligent Jewish people is and you don’t got such intelligence. I would argue with Mr. Netanyahu in other terms. Maybe he and all the Jews can be more intelligent than me. And I admire them for their intelligence. But intelligence without wisdom is not enough. I’ll may be taken as ignorant for say it but I can mention one of my heroes, which one is Einstein.

I think everybody knows that Einstein had Jewish ancestry. He was so intelligent that he got the Nobel Prize in physics. And his Theory of Relativity still been used as model to study the universes, big and small. He even secret worked in the construction of the atomic bomb that United States first got. Now, I can’t blame Einstein because others misused his inventions. But is something ironic that, he were the mastermind behind the atomic bomb, and now his people is afraid of it be used against itself. Had been wise from him if he had promoted peace before reveal what his science was able to do.

We know from History how the Jewish people were persecuted along it. From the Bible we already knew the destruction of the Temple and the captivity of the people. We know about what the Romans did, twice, in 66 and 140 AD. It resulted in the Diaspora. Later came the Inquisition, which one were done against Jews as well Muslims. And most recently, the Holocaust. I see in it a pattern. And would ask the reader, What all those events have in common with each other? Only the Inquisition is a little different. I will give time to the reader to meditate about it, and will answer later in these chapter.

Lets then analyse some of the talks that Mr. Benjamin pronounced at his discourse and see if it is entirely true as he said it would be. He denied the title of racist. He may be right on that. Racism had to be something involving race. And as today the scientists have been claiming, we don’t have an accurate data to classify the human being species by races. Long before, our ancestors classified as race some visual aspects of peoples like, Asian, Black, White.

The problem is that although we have some specific characteristics does have, for example, some families of African people that are more different between themselves than they are from the European. And the difference between some Africans and some Europeans is so little that it can’t be taken as different races. So we can’t say that, the Israeli government is racist.

What we can say for sure is that, it is prejudicial. And Netanyahu himself pointed out it to us when he declared that, he would not admit millions of Palestinians in Israel. Why not? Palestinians and Israelis are supposed to be cousins with millions of same ancestors in the last 4,000 years. Israel opened its doors to Jews from all over the world. Even to the African Lemba people, who at first wasn’t wanted in Israel and only were accepted after the DNA test proved its Jewish ascendance.

But the offspring of the Palestinians that were exiled just around 60 years ago are prohibited to enter Israel, because they practice the “dangerous” Islamic religion. What is clear on the situation is that, the Zionist government don’t want more Muslims around about because they can become politically stronger than the Jewish community and the “democratic” government shall have a new balance where Jews will be minority. Benjamin should know that it is part of democracy and he and his government are not playing by the democratic rules. So, it is not racism, is prejudice.

He also made another truthful affirmation. Resolutions from UN is not assurance for peace. Peace can come only through directs negotiations between the parties. It is true. But as I recalled, long before Israel have been avoiding to talk with its real enemies. So one thing is what have been said and different thing is what have been done.

Mr. Netanyahu defended the thesis that the Palestinians want an State but are not willing to guarantee security to the State of Israel. Well, similar thing were done in 1,948 when the State of Israel were created against the will of the Palestinians, so if the opposite be done will be a fair play. The relationship between States obey the law of reciprocity. Here I am not defending the hypothesis that Israel should have enemies as neighbors. I am only looking at the facts and putting it in simple words. If Netanyahu don’t want enemies around, he should go faster and make peace with all of his enemies.

He mentioned Mr. Ahmadinejad as “that man” saying, he shouldn’t be allowed to have nuclear weapons and made the accusation that, nuclear weapons in his hands was equal to have such weapons in terrorists hands. He also said that, the leaders must see the things as they are not as supposed to be.

Well, lets take a look at the World Atlas. Iran is not an isolated island. Around it we have Pakistan, India, North Korea, China, Russia and Israel. All of them have nuclear weapons. Supposed any of the others attack Iran: will Israel defend Iran or Iran will need to defend itself? And what guarantees can Israel give that Iran never will be attacked by the others? That is for sure none. So, Iran is alone. And I am not so sure that the others will come to help Iran if Israel attack it. By the law of reciprocity, Iran have all the right to possess nuclear weapons.

Again, I am totally pacifist. I think all the nations that have nuclear weapons should start to talk to, if possible, eliminate all the nuclear weaponry. And gradually also dismantle most of conventional weaponry in the world. We should have only weapons to combat or remove the consequences of natural disasters. We should transform all of our tools of war into agricultural tools. But if I was a lawyer I would have no argument to defend the proposition of the prime minister of Israel since, against the law, Israel possess nuclear weapons.

The reciprocity in these case is that, Mr. Ahmadinejad also need to see the reality as it is, not how it should be. And the truth is that, unless both side talk to each other we never will have solution, but probably will have wars. Wars are the problem, not solution. Act like innocent in these case will not help Mr. Netanyahu nor the people of Israel. He needs be less actor and more heroic. It seems like he need more courage to make peace than to make wars.

Leader are supposed to change the landscaping from what it is into what it should be. Leaders that are incapable to do it should clear themselves out of the government and let the able ones do the job. Is not enough to say the others don’t want what I want. The others always don’t want what I want. And is because of these the table of negotiations were created.

The pressure that United States is imposing over Iran for it abandon its nuclear ambitions is ironic. Here we have the most permissive law in relationship to others industrialized nations to us civilians carry guns. And all the time that a concerned citizen mention the need for control it the lobby in favor of the law come fast and furious against it. Even knowing that, each year one entire city is assassinated by the guns that they promote. The irony is in that, knowing how the relationship between nations can deteriorate, United States want rule that, some nations can’t possess some weapons to defend itself.

Mr. Netanyahu also said that the extremist Islamic militancy is not against the Israeli policies, it is against the existence of Israel. And completed it saying the Islamic militancy is racist because of that. Again, race is not the problem since both people are from the same race. I may be inclined to accept the accusation of prejudicial but not racist. And both sides are even on it. But I am also inclined to remember that if the State of Israel were created in the American, Brazilian or anywhere else territory and Israel was applying the same policies it probably had been kicked out or the problem would be the same.

The problem is that, the Israeli policies having been a mess, pure and simple. And the extremists can not be accused by been racist in these case because if was any other people but Israeli, applying the same policies, the disputes would be the same. The removal of the Palestinian people from the land to be replaced by the Israeli people is not different from what Stalin did, removing peoples from one place to another for his own purposes.

The prime minister also alleged that he would not exchange land for peace because it was done before with no result. Lets though take the inspiration that I got in the middle of the last night, April 10/11, 2,012. While religion to you be more important than peace, you will have war. While land to you be more important than peace, you will have war. You love religion and land. And those are things that can’t love you back. Though, start love peoples because only your brethren can love you back.

I don’t know how familiarized Mr. Netanyahu is with the Christian Bible but there is a saying attributed to Jesus that goes like that, “43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. 44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? Do not even the publicans so? 48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. ” Matthew, chapter 5. Love is the corner stone that the constructors have put aside the building.

What corroborates with it is in the Book of Genesis, chapter 17:1, “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.”

Jesus always stimulated us do things that sounds incredible. But to me it is perfect logical. He also taught us to be like our Father that is in Heaven. Imagine how crazy these proposition is! Nobody can be like God, but we can look upon His Example and at least try to do something alike Him. And like I said before, the Universe is big in such way that can’t fit inside of our imagination, and we are nothing more than dust in the middle of it. So, God Love more the dust than the bigger things because these dust is capable of love Him back and the bigger things not. Benjamin Netanyahu should try to love his enemies because they are capable of love him back. He may will be surprised if he try.

God is not property of Muslims or Jews. Better they submit themselves to Him and everything will be all right. We, the others, learned from ancient Jews and Arabs how to live in peace. Isn’t so ironic the present situation where Arabs and Jews are supposed to show how to practice peace and they don’t know how do it?

Talking about the small size of Israel the prime minister tried to justified the occupation of lands as excuse to ensures its security. But the occupation is not ensuring its security and is putting in jeopardy the existence of Israel. Today we have a pattern of weapons that Israel uses to say its security is determined by its reach. Tomorrow the weapons will have a bigger range, so Israel will amplify the occupation. The day after tomorrow it will end in much more problems and both people suffering more and more. Doesn’t matter the costs, peace must be made.

He had also the audacity to suggest that, to have Israeli bases inside the Palestinian territory wouldn’t be considered an act of aggression. And gave the examples of United States having bases inside Japan, Germany and South Korea. Also others countries having in other countries and it doesn’t represents a lost of sovereignty. Lets forget the History of such bases and focus only on what it mean today. Japan, Germany and South Korea have neighbors that have nuclear weapons and are afraid of be attacked by them. As supposedly they don’t have such weapons they chose to tolerate the American bases in their territory because are more confident in United States than in the others.

I presume that, to Palestinians have Israeli bases in their territory would be alike the old Soviet Union have bases in the old West Germany: would be Japan allow China to have bases in its territory and South Korea do permit to North Korea have bases in it. Unfortunately, to Mr. Netanyahu, his proposition make no sense. The problem is the lack of confidence. Israel never worked to built a more confident relationship with its neighbors. They have their motives for not trust Israel. If bases be the point I am afraid that we will have no peace.

Among other things, the prime minister of Israel said that, The settlements in the Palestinian territory are not the motivation for the conflict. The settlements are consequences of it. But doesn’t matter what come first because the present results are the same. Israel refuses to end the settlements and the Palestinians refuses to make peace while it is in place.

It only make valid my point of view that would be some hope if both sides agreed on have only one country, which could be called by the name of Abraham Land, where have no separation to both peoples have where to live. So Jerusalem wouldn’t be the Palestinian capital or Israeli capital. It could be Abraham Land Capital. Both peoples could agree in all of the others details just focusing the bigger goal that is, how many thing others they will have to agree for the entire next millennium.

As I have been teaching about the issue genealogy we can’t focus our actions thinking only about ourselves, our children and children of our children. As God gave us a reproductive capability so amazing that we can be ancestors of more than 16 billions people at the same elapse of time in just one thousand years and each generation having just two children, unless one side obliterates the other, the children of Mr. Abbas will marriage to the children of Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.

Doesn’t matter if Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Abbas want it or not. If the extremists Muslims and extremists Jews want it or not. The decision will be up to the children and not to their ancestors. If both side really want peace the marriages will be happen sooner than later. So the better decision is start planning to love the both offspring because they will be one and the same. The patriarchs of today should act better than Abraham. Abraham became patriarch to all of us but he never taught about us today. He had his children but were not able to teach them to love each other. We can be not able to do better than Abraham, but we can at least try it.

OK. I’m not forgetting that Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Mahmoud Abbas are not Christian and have the right of not abide by Christians teachings unless the same teachings be part of the Jewish Bible and the Koran. And I need to warn everyone that, what I believe be Christian about Jesus is more close to Islamic and Jewish viewing than most of my fellow brethren Christians believe. My believing in Christianity is more close to a group of people that became known as Arian.

The Arianism Theology is believed to surged among the earlier Christians. They denied the Christian Trinity. They believed God was Only One Person. Jesus and the Holly Ghost was helpers not God Himself as it were imposed after the Council of Nicea, around three hundred years after the death of Jesus. These Theology became known as Arianism because at the time of the Council of Nicea the most known of its defenders was called by the name Arius, a presbyter from Alexandria.

I had to clarify it because is not my intention to be taken as a Christian priest trying to convert Muslims and Jews. My goal here is ask them to follow the Will of God. Not matter to me the ways that our brethren chose to worship Him. If in an Islamic or Jewish ways. What matters more is that, in the end all can be called Children of God. And Child of God is the one that does His Will.

Like both peoples, I have immense trouble to believe in the main stream of Christian Theology. That is said, Jesus is God and our personal savior. If a follower believe in that, Jesus died for us, accept him and be baptized, he will be saved. The difficult to me believe in such theology is in its basis. The Christian Scripture say that, Jesus knew he was about to be killed and even so he went Jerusalem where he expected be killed and alleged it be necessary. The problem is in that, the same Scriptures attributed to some the sin for assassinate him. As he knew what was to come, and even so he didn’t avoid the sin, then he was suicidal. So was there two sins, the assassination and the suicide. I can’t believe such sins can save me or anybody else. Sin will not save us.

Then what I believe is that. We can eliminate the part of the Christian Theology that attribute a magical power in the death of Jesus to save us and take him as a prophet who brought us some Wisdom from Heaven. The Messiah or Christ to me is not a person but the Wisdom and Knowledge from God. When we practice it and, by the Mercy of God, we can be saved. So Jesus is not God, not even the Messiah. He is part of It as all the prophets are. But even been part of the Messiah all prophets kept their human power of do mistakes.

And by that no Scripture is exempt to bear some mistakes. And for that we need to search for the Wisdom of God to be enough intelligent and be able to separate what is wheat from what is tares inside the Scriptures. We need to be wise enough to put in practice all that be considered the Wisdom of God.

And I would quote one more wisdom from the Bible, it come from the Book of Habakkuk, chapter 2, “12 Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood and stablisheth a city by iniquity! 13 Behold, is it not of the Lord of Hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? 14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” In my opinion you should read the whole chapter 2 from Habakkuk. Look for the Wisdom of God with all of your hearts and all of your minds, put it in practice and the result of it will be peace.

Let me here just recall something that I remembered see on television some years ago. I am not so sure about the war that was going on, maybe was the Yom Kippur War. And I saw the interview of an old couple which just had lost their only son. They said that, their genealogy were kept for thousands of years, they knew exactly how thousands of their ancestors was called and in a single event it were cut short from them, because the wife was too old to bear another child. And even today I feel compelled to show my solidarity with the couple. And I would ask the leaders of both parties, Why they keep tempting God to let it happen with the both peoples?

I know. The couple will not be held guilty on their own child death. Although were unable to see things through the bright side. God provided a so amazing capability to life forms to replicate itself that they can be represented by the presence of their nephews and nieces. If they don’t have any, it can be done by their cousins through their grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.

The passage of the DNA from generation to generation is one way of we live almost forever. What we pass on to our descendants is practically the dust of ourselves and these dust contains the recipe that will form every tissue that make our offspring and is responsible to assures that we will be remembered in some way or another in the Presence of God. It works exactly like the plant with seeds that appears to die but keeps alive in its seeds. And the generations comes and goes but the life never stops. Before the plant dies, the life is already present in its seeds.

Before I proceed lets put an answer on the question that I proposed before. I was talking about the many times on History that the Jewish people were persecuted and asked, What all those events have in common to each other? My answer is that, except for some, sometimes called prophets, nobody was expecting things to be so bad as it shown to be. The people were slaughtered even not been guilty of anything as sometimes were interpreted by writers. The ones that always interpret bad happens as equal as punishment by God for their sins.

And most of the time the slaughter was perfectly avoidable if the people had the good sense to be flexible on some issues. Listen. I am not blaming the victims for the sins of others. Let take the second Jewish revolt against Romans, around 132-135 BCE, lead by Shimon Bar-Kokhba. The revolt were a success in the beginning and turned to a disaster at the end. If anyone knew these, that end were near, and even so kept the History as it were, shouldn’t these be called suicidal?

The revolt resulted in slaughter, enslaving and Diaspora. The slaughter suffered by the Jewish people during the WWII were not different. What is different is that, in the revolt the Jewish people was defending itself with weapons on hand, at least the soldiers. And at the WWII the people was unarmed. Although the result were similar, Shimon Bar-Kokhba is considered hero and Hitler a villain. In both cases the suffering were the same. But the consequences were contraries. The Revolt lead to almost two thousands years of exile and its consequences keep going until today. The Holocaust opened the doors to the Jewish people come back to the land.

Based only on the consequences, who should be called hero? Hitler or Shimon? People, people, people! Don’t take any conclusion. If what Shimon did, thinking he was doing the best for the people, will have more than two thousand years of consequences, why should you expect what Hitler did, knowing he was doing bad things, will have no worse consequences? Hitler did what he did not taking in consideration that he himself had ancestors from Jewish origins. And the Jewish people as in other times chose to go to the new slaughterhouse. And the time is coming faster but we don’t know when.

Listen it more carefully. Mr Netanyahu defended the idea that the extremists Muslims will not rest until they kill or expels every Jew from the land. I am not so sure about it. But until the confidence on each other not be restored it will be their desire. Then I think that, would be most wise from the Jewish people to have a B plan to conquer the confidence of the Muslim world. It can be shocking to the Jewish community but the best way to do it is, spontaneously leave the land and went back to exile by itself.

I know. It is one hard thing to even think about. But it have to be done in the name of love. The message to the Palestinians will be such as, I love you better than the land that is only a thing and can’t love us back. I think, United States and others countries in the Americas can be helpful offering citizenship to anyone that decide to do it. And even Brazil, Canada or United States could offer to welcome the whole Jewish community, because their sizes of territories and the relatively emptiness of it.

The three countries have a diversified human community. It can help to absorb millions of Jews in a relatively short time. And the Jewish community will bring to the chosen country its technologies, which would be welcoming to anyone. And from anywhere else the community be, it can keep doing all the effort to help not only the Palestinians but all the Arab community that will confront a great number of challenges in a short coming period of time.

Not everybody would have to go. Some members of the Jewish community don’t have issues into be represented by Muslim officials. Many could stay and help a knew economy because as peaceful the country can become so the tourism will rise up. And the Jewish community that go away will like to go back sometimes to see the land of their ancestors. And many of the activities, like archaeology, will have the need for specialized people from both sides.

We already know that, the petroleum soon will be gone. They will have to confront with the shortage of water. It plus the overpopulation may will be factors of horrible wars if not be properly resolved. Helping the others will construct the way to confidence on each other. In opposition to it, the struggle to keep Israel in an environment of hatred plus the problems that are to come will not give prosperity to not one of the sides. It probably will end in slaughtering of one or another, or even both.

If it be done, the Israeli people will lose a country but will gain the world. It will be hard after so many sacrifices. I myself can say it because I am immigrant. The Brazilian experience on be an immigrant population thought us through the saying: “We left Brazil but Brazil don’t come out from us.” We still having feeling like Brazil is the right place for us to be but our children already think it different. They love Brazil as a place to travel and be very welcome. But they feel that, whatever the place they were born, it is the right place to be. So, the sacrifice is for only one generation.

But the prospects don’t end with it. Constructing the confidence on each other and the Jewish community among others helping solve the problems in the world will open the windows to true friendship between the peoples. And, eventually, the offspring of Mr. Netanyahu will marry to the Palestinian. And even if it be only one case, one hundred years from now, and these offspring be fruitful with the Blessing from God, at the end of the millennium all the inhabitants of the Middle East will be offspring of Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.

The same will happen with all the members of the today Jewish community and each person living in the Middle East one thousand years from now will be simultaneously descendant of all Jew person living today. It depending only on the good will from all today and the Blessing from God.

And you know what? The same people living in the Middle East one thousand years from now will be simultaneously offspring of the whole Arab community living in the same Middle East today. Everything depend only of good will. If the peace be preferred instead of hatred, the same Middle Eastern population one thousand years from now will also be simultaneously offspring of all of us living today. And all of the population living in the whole world one thousand years from now will also be, simultaneously, offspring of the whole Arab community living in the Middle East today.

Listen. It is not magic. It is true and come from God. He didn’t made such promise only to Abraham. He Allowed all of us to get the same potential power of be parents to many nations, and princesses, princes, queens and kings. My only regret into say it is not have Malba Tahan here to see what his disciple have to say. Malba Tahan was a Persian diplomat, lived in Brazil and was the author the book, The Man Who Counted. Tahan conquered Brazil with his wisdom and literature. The children in my generation believed he was a true Brazilian but he is universal. We also need learn to be universals.

Well, if the possession of the land is issue to anyone in conflict, lets remember it. Through peace and love our offspring will be the owners of the world. Through wars we all will be at risk of bear the sadness of our descendants be cut short and we get no more than the land that will be over our bones.

From the Scriptures we have the tale of David and Goliath. But it is just one sided tale. After the combat and the victory of David and the History goes on, we now know that a big part of the human population is David’s descendant. But the Bible text looks only at what happened to the Jewish side. It is not so difficult of see that, Goliath was a prince among the Philistines. And like that he probably had a large family. The Bible also say that, David and his son Solomon had hundreds of wives.

Wouldn’t be any surprise if one or more of such wives was a descendant of Goliath. It was done because was one way of master the conquered people. So the children of the female descendants of Goliath, with David or his descendants would be considered David’s own offspring. The text only vaguely mentions the wives but only some children bigot from them. It is because such offspring would be considered not righteous to succeed the king in the throne. But was good enough to marry to others members of the Jewish community.

They even thought that, one way of purify these interracial offspring was marrying them for many generations to pure Jews. But even the offspring of pure Jews would became true Goliath offspring. And it is the most probably happen. All Jews and Palestinians of today are most probably offspring of David and Goliath at the same time. They probably are even offspring from Rahab too(Joshua 2: 1). Even to all of us through our Abraham’s ascendance.

Knowing all of it, is easy to me love every and each person in the planet Earth. I know that, with the Blessing of God, my offspring will be multiplied as much as He allowed to all and every person. Like that will be impossible in the future my own offspring be not the one and same offspring of all the alive person that will be able to reproduce today. So, love and take care of all and each person alive today is the same as do love and take care of my own future offspring.

Do you reader perceived the vanity of the wars? If the Israelis do the sacrifice of let go the ambition of have land, Iran could be persuaded to also abandon its nuclear weaponry ambitions. Lets say the truth, sanctions will never achieve the goal of a permanent peace, and rather than the all nations put sanctions on Iran, it could be stimulated to join the forces of peace and help others to convince its neighbors also abandon its ambitions on keep nuclear weapons too. We need to put in off our focus on our enemies, making peace with them, to focus on solutions to all of our offspring be in peace at least for the next millennium.

If there are any, the offspring of Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Ahmadinejad will marry to each other. And better it come soon than later. It will be. Unless both or one offspring be eliminated. Will be better for them not put barriers on the work of peace for their own offspring not despise their ancestry. As we know, soon each one of them will be no more in power and like soon in comparison with a millennium they will be anymore. They rather should be remembered as peacemakers than anything else. Not only for themselves but for all their own offspring. Like God, we should love more the dust that we can pass on throughout the millenniums than ourselves bodies that will be real dust.

Netanyahu’s discourse appear to me a very act of the philosophy that proclaim, “Never doubt the human stupidity”. I prefer to believe in that, never doubt the Wisdom of God, Who made human being capable of to choose do good and bad things in different parts of the life. Until now we practiced bad things so it is time to choose the other way.

Israeli and Palestine peoples need to put in mind something before they take any decision on each other faiths. Now the whole world is connected in many ways. What happen on the Middle East don’t stay in the Middle East. All the corners of the world can be more or less affected by their decisions. And for that, the whole world can decide to put it on hold until they come to a better solution. Take these as a comparison, not as any similitude. If a person have a small cancer, what the Universal Doctor should do, eliminate the person and save the cancer or do the opposite? So eliminate the evil that is in yourselves is the only way to save the Abraham’s offspring.

We all know that Our Father Who Is in Heaven Is Willing all of us be truthful with each other and be in peace. Why though should you hear your own vanity and do your own will? We already know that, the Will of God have only good consequences. And the will of men can have some good but also always have bad consequences. To me, even if sometimes do the Will of God appear to be some kind of burden, I know is better practice His Will because the time will show what was the better choice.

To Jews in particular I would say that. We don’t believe Jesus died for us and don’t credit his death as our safeboard. To me it is an wise understanding. But we can understand that too, if he did what is written in the Christian Bible, sacrificing himself thinking it would help others, we should take it us a sign. The sacrifice of Jews by Romans, the sacrifice of Jews in Masada and the Holocaust also didn’t help nobody go to Heaven. But the sacrifice of the land can save millions of lives and, certainly, would put millions of souls on the way to Heaven. The choice is yours. You don’t need to offer your own life in a impure altar to save the day. Not even put it at risk to tempt God. Whatsoever be it, look for the permanent solution, nor for realize your own desire.

Yesterday, April 14, 2,012, Tarek Mehanna received his sentence of 17,5 years in prison. He is a man who lived here in the State of Massachusetts. He were accused of conspiracy to help Al Qaeda. What were said is that, he made translations of material produced by Al Qaeda with the intention to recruit members. He also tried to receive military training and was planing to kill Americans abroad. Were also said that, he failed on all his goals. I am not criticizing the American Justice. I didn’t got enough information about the case and I believe in that, his condemnation were probably fair.

What puzzled me is that, if we take most of the accusations that he were subjected to and transfer it to the former president George W. Bush and his staff, I believe they should be condemned for the same crimes. Tarek Mehanna was a complete inefficiency on his goals. He didn’t kill, he didn’t recruit and just showed his radical wrong opinion. Bush and his staff conspired, let thousands of Americans be killed and promoted Al Qaeda in a way that it came from be a simple office of terror to a multinational of it. And they will not even be considered to be punished! If their goal were make peace they were completely inefficient on it too.

I said before that, the event of Spanish Inquisition were something different from the other times in which Jews were persecuted. And what I meant about it is that, it were the time when the hangmen gave some choice. I am not saying it was fair. But they said, you can leave the domains of the Spanish kings or convert to Christianity. It sure was unfair but unfortunately we don’t know the statistical numbers to say who chose what.

What we know is that, at least, 200 thousand Muslims fled from Spain and went back to the North African Muslims Kingdoms. Probably an equal or greater number of Jews fled to Portugal and the Dutch Kingdoms. An unknown number preferred to be converted. Those were called by the name of New Christians. For the pressures made by the kings of Spain, the Portuguese kings also attempted to convert Portuguese Jews and Muslims. To them were gave another choice which was fled to the Portuguese colonies and enjoy a little religious freedom.

Before I continue, lets remember how the Muslim and Jewish communities became a great force in the Iberian Peninsula. The Roman expelled the Jews from their homeland and put the remnant there, between 70 and 140 CE. These remnant was called Sephardic Jews. The term Sephardic meant the long distance from the Land of Judah. And these community thrived through self reproduction and conversions.

The Muslim community began around 711 CE, when the Iberian Peninsula where conquered by the Muslim Empire. And the domination brought to the Peninsula not only Arabs but also people from the North Africa. These community too thrived through self replication and conversions.

Since the conquest, a small number of local Christians with the help from others European kingdoms started to reconquer the land. But the domain for over 7 centuries were long enough to leave a great cultural influence. Even had some periods where the three faiths, under the Muslim domain, lived among each other under a peaceful helm. These period where a great time of enlightenment, prior the European Renaissance. It is said that, a nun from European background visited Spain at the time and compared Europe as been in Dark Age in contrast with the Enlightenment in the Muslim Empire.

If we look at the Portuguese language we can easily identify two thousands years of influences. The basis are Greek and Latin. I just don’t know how to point out the Celtic and German (Visigoth) influences but certainly they are there. Maybe in the personal names of our ancestors. Even today the names are in its majority Biblical names. Which don’t mean necessarily a genetic influence because the displaced Jews from Palestine and introduced in the Peninsula were a small number and mingled with a bigger population. Many words come from Arab origins. In Brazil are more additions from native and African populations. Then we can expect the genetic influences be similar to the lingual influences.

What we know for sure is that, many Jews fled to the north where they encountered religious tolerance among the Dutch community. Most of the Muslim went back to Africa. And they brought to Africa the Portuguese and Spanish genetics. I supposed an even greater number, probably the poorest part of the population, chose conversion. And after the “Reconquista” of the last Muslim stand in 1,492 by the Catholic kings, Ferdinand of Castile and Isabella of Leon the Inquisition were used to force the conversions.

Many Portuguese Jews fled to Brazil and started to practice a mix of Catholicism and Judaism. It is called Krypto Judaism. Often we see in the Internet texts saying that, some Family names are linked to Jews. Usually the names that are also plants or animals names. But it is not entirely true. Is said for example that the name Oliveira (olive tree) is a Jewish name and were adopted during the XV century. It is not true because the name were long used since the XIV century.

What were happen was that. The persecutions began in the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. And the converted adopted Family names that was most common around them for they not be easily recognized. The problem was that, the inquisitors established the certificate of baptism should had the letters CN. It meant New Christian. So if they needed to check the life of anybody their genealogy were used to trace their Jewish ancestry. But I said before in these book, much of our genealogy were lost to the bad weather and official neglect.

Anyways, the period of Inquisition were the time that the Jews were clever enough to perceive the danger of the situation and preferred use the retreat tactic. As much the choices were unfair to them we can see in the tactic the best of defense. They lost their nationality and gained the world. The opportunities to them in the Iberian Peninsula was closed and they gained much more opportunities elsewhere. They avoided to be exterminated and became ancestors of many nations. The Jewish leadership never knew how to capitalize over these genetical ascendance of peoples.

The Jewish presence in our History come forth at the chapter called Dutch Invasions (Invasoes Holandesas) in Brazil. At the time part of the Jewish community had been established at the Dutch domain which belonged to Spain. The attempt of forceful convert the people which were Protestant or Jew lead to revolt and independence of the Dutch Federation. For retribution the Dutch invaded parts of Brazil, particularly where today is the State of Pernambuco.

As the Dutch community were a religious democracy Jews had their chance to practice their religion. And from 1,635 to 1,654 they practiced it in the first synagogue founded in all Americas. The community got the name of Kahal Zur Israel. We can see the mention of it at the address, The rabbi was Isaac Aboab da Fonseca. What interesting about the surname “da Fonseca” is that, is said to be from multiple origins, including Italian, Iberian and Sephardic.

In Portugal, the name come from a place were the well dried at summer times. And the meaning of the name is “dried well”, “dried fountain” or “dried spring”. Is said that it were used by D. Garcia Rodrigues who conquered the place Fonseca from the Moors. And also his son used it as D. Egas Garcia da Fonseca. But those didn’t pass on the name to their children.

Then the dominant family of the area between the rivers Minho and Douro, that is in the North of Portugal, was called by the name of Riba Douro (Upper Douro). One of its representatives is Egas Moniz, the Aio. The one who were the tutor of D. Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal. And his great-great-grandson, Mem Goncalves da Fonseca passed on to his nine children the Family name of “da Fonseca” and from then on the surname multiplied on their offspring. Fonseka is a common variation in Sri Lanka where the Portuguese colonists set foot in.

The database of time that Mem Goncalves da Fonseca lived is around the years of 1,200. Is then reasonable to think that the rabbi Isaac Aboab da Fonseca were probably an offspring of the same origin. Our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes is supposed to be a later offspring of these branch of the Fonseca Family. The Coelho Family come from other great-grandson of Egas Moniz, the Aio, Soeiro Viegas Coelho. And the mother of my great-grandmother Ercila Coelho de Andrade was called by the name of Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca.

Another interesting information is about the Family names involved in the conflict called by Dutch Invasions in Brazil. First of all, the sugarcane plant were introduced in Brazil by the first General Governor of Brazil, Martim Afonso de Sousa. Sousa were also Viceroy in India when the Portuguese colonialism were established there. Later on the Hereditary Captaincy of Pernambuco were founded by Duarte Coelho. He and his offspring made it be the most wealth Captaincy based in sugar production. The Dutch came and took it.

Among the Dutch many were from Spanish and Portuguese origins that were expelled by the Inquisition. The invasion in Pernambuco stood from 1,630 to 1,654. And here we had some confluence of facts. Firstly, from the period of 1,580 to 1,640 Portugal lost its own monarch line to Spain. In 1,640 the Portuguese Monarchy were restored and it stimulated the Brazilian-Portuguese patriotism. Another factor that was important was religious. The Dutch were Protestants and Jews, while the traditional Brazilians were Catholics.

Despite of it, the Dutch colonization was going well, until his leader, the prince Maurice of Nassau, decided to amplify the colony taking more lands from Portugal. And another Portuguese Colony he set his eyes on were Bahia. In there he encountered trouble. On its defense were an old enemy of the Dutch, who was born in Pernambuco, who’s name was Luis Barbalho Bezerra. The attempt to invade Bahia prove to be too costly because the, almost suicidal, defense by Barbalho and friends caused the consequence of prince Nassau lose his position and were called back to Nederland.

The new administrators start the liquidation of the debits of Brazilians and it enraged the people that had been suffering with bad times because of droughts. And the rebellion were lead by Joao Fernandes Vieira, Portuguese born living in Brazil since his 11 anniversary; Andre Vidal de Negreiros, Brazilian born farmer; Antonio Felipe Camarao, the Brazilian native who’s indigenous name was Poti and the former slave Henrique Dias, who died in battle. These representatives were chosen by later historians to symbolize the racial union of colonial Brazilians.

Before I continue, let put some information about the Family name Barbalho. Some researcher in Brazil have the thesis that the name came from oriental origins. He said that, the origin of the name is something like “Barb Al”. Later it came to be Barbalho in Portuguese domain. But also have a Portuguese meaning too. It could be the combination of the words Barba (beard) and alho (garlic). Looks like the meaning can be garlic’s beard. And it is true because when I was young and start grown beard it looked alike garlic’s roots.

Well, the Jewish presence in Brazil was represented by the Kahal Zur Israel community in Pernambuco. It was formed by the expatriated from Portugal and then living in the Dutch domain. Also some number of Brazilians who was descendants from the forceful conversions in Portugal congregated with them. The number of congregants were about 14 hundreds. The Dutch were defeated and most of the Jews decided to move away.

The problem was that, were created some resentment against them because part of them were involved in the commerce of sugar and were part of the group that owned the capital. And they were the creditors of the Brazilian farmers that was in debit with the Dutch. The Jews from that congregation in part went back to Nederland. Another part went the Caribbean area where they used the experience acquired in Brazil to produce sugar by themselves. Some number stood in Brazil.

26 of them went the Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam. In there they founded, in 1,654, the new Jewish community of Shearith Israel. Later the Dutch colony were exchanged by Suriname and became the English Colony of New York. These Jewish community of 26 founded the first synagogue of North America and were for long time the only one Jewish community in United States. Their offspring got involved in the movement of Independence. Three of the founders of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) came from it. You can learn more at the address,

I already mentioned that all royal families from Europe got Jewish and Muslim DNA and with in it the whole population from the Latino America also got these ancestry. I mentioned our ancestor Esther, the wife of King Xerxes and the same queen celebrated in the Biblical Book of Esther. She was ancestor of the Savoy Family through Anna of Byzantium. The Savoy Family became to be the Italian Royal Family and were responsible for reunify Italy with the help of Giuseppe Garibaldi and his Brazilian wife, Anita, at the XIX century. And the Portuguese nobility became offspring of the House of Savoy through its queen, Mahaut of Savoy, wife of Portugal’s first king, D. Afonso Henriques.

I also mentioned Zayra Ibn Zayda who married Lovesendo Ramires, son of the king Ramiro II of Leon. She was descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. But she is not alone. We have another Muslim princess in our genealogy. Her name was Zaida, who were baptized with the name of Isabel de Sevilla and was offspring of the Ishmael (ibn Quaris), Iman of Sevilla. She married to the king Alfonso VI, of Castilla. They are ancestors of D. Denis, King of Portugal. They are ancestor for Martim Afonso de Sousa, who is one of the many ancestor for the Andrade Family, from Itabira, Minas Gerais. One branch of my family is supposed to be descendant from these surname through Joaquim Coelho de Andrade, the husband of Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca, mentioned above.

One more link with the Jewish genealogy come from Madragana, later baptized as Mor Afonso. She was daughter of the mayor of the City of Faro, the last Muslim stand in Portugal. D. Afonso III, king of Portugal and father of D. Denis, were the responsible for complete the reconquest of Portugal. D. Afonso III took Madragana as his mistress and they also are ancestor for Martim Afonso de Sousa as well for our supposed noble ancestor, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes.

And Latino America and Iberian Peninsula genealogies must have another link with the our Arab ancestors. Mesquita is a common surname around the world. The noble Jose who is supposed our ancestor have a father with the name Bernardo Antonio Pinto de Mesquita. Pinto means chick and also painted, colorful. And is one of the most common names in Portuguese-Brazilian genealogy attributed to Jewish ancestry. But we can’t take it as granted because the name appear as earlier as 1,290 on Vasco Martins Pinto, lord of the Cha Tower. And he passed it on to his offspring. Pinto is also spread in India, brought by the Portuguese colonists.

But the Mesquita name let no doubt of a link between an Arab ancestry. Mesquita means Mosque and it wouldn’t be tolerated to be kept in a Catholic dominant society at the Inquisition times if didn’t came from a high Muslim nobility. Mesquita is a common name in Brazil and even have two cities after these name. One in Minas Gerais and another in Rio de Janeiro. It also is present in United States as in the name of the famous Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. Who want learn more take the name and google it.

Now, about the Coelho surname we can only speculate but are some coincidences that must be investigated. Not long ago somebody communicated with me the speculation that it was been said to be from Jewish origins. I doubted. Otherwise I myself assembled some events that could help to decipher if it is true or not. First of all, we have at the Biblical book called by the name Ecclesiastes the mention to the word preacher meaning the author of it. What is about is that, preacher is also Coelet in Hebrew.

Is a long tradition saying, in the time of the Roman Empire we had one ancestor named Marcus Coellius Rufu. He were Cicero’s disciple. The name was then passed to the Iberian Peninsula. And what I doubt about the tradition is that, Coellius should be a name derived from Coeli, which in Latin means Heaven. Coelho otherwise mean rabbit. And the equivalent in Latin is cuniculus.

Even so, we can forget the different meanings of the words and stay only with the letters Coel in its root. Maybe it were one attempt from our ancestor to leave one message from our origins. Religiously speaking the meaning become more close when we associate preacher, Heaven and Rabbit. Why rabbit? Maybe it is not accidental that rabbit became to be the symbol for Pass Over. If so, we can put all the Portuguese descendant in the same ship because all have Coelho ancestry.

It is not all. Coelho is an isolated word in the Portuguese language. Any other word with the root coel is derived from coelho. It suggests an addition from a strange source. On the other side, the Latin name cunicula can not appear generate coelho. For sure, is more appropriated to expect that, the Coeli generates coelho. And, after words, the animal were renamed because its association with celestial issues. It makes sense. But I can’t guarantee nothing. I am not any specialist in tongues.

About the war that were fought to freed the Brazilian Northeast from the Dutch domain we can take some interesting lessons from it. In reality it were a war from the same Abraham’s offspring divided into two adversaries teams. Was the Jewish allied to Protestants against the Catholic Jewish/Muslim descendants. Was an war of the urban power against the rural power. An war of the big urban capital against the modest rural capital. And the victory of Brazilians and Portuguese became a disaster to their economy because they had at hand a true mine of white gold, which was represented by the sugar, and lost it to the Caribbean Dutch domain.

The Dutch also suffered its set back too. Without the Brazilian and Portuguese resources the Dutch Empire were weakened. It opened the opportunity to the surge of England as a maritime power. England defeated the Dutch and soon became the solely maritime superpower in the world. And one have to think about how History could be different if rather than take their differences to the last consequences Dutch and Portuguese-Brazilians had settle down their differences and preferred peace before war! Remember that, History can repeat itself. If Israelis and Palestinian keep the destruction of each other they will give opportunity to others take their places in History.

I don’t believe in what is written at the Biblical Book of Revelation as a prediction of future. To me, prophecy don’t involve foretelling. It is not the work for men say what will come in the day after tomorrow. If it was like these, nobody would suffer the persecutions like the one Jews suffered along History. The people had to be dumb if knew what was to come in their lives, like what was happening in the time of the Holocaust, and not previously moved away from Europe to the New World. The prophets just took what was happen before and put it in a language that appear to predict the future. And the meaning of it is that, Look, if you continue to behave like before History will repeat itself and you will suffer the same faith, again and again.

Respecting the feelings of those that believe in foretelling the future I would consider the possibility of people get some glimpses of possibilities of futures. Let’s say that, John of Patmos, had some glimpses of future in his dreams. As we know he didn’t wrote while he was dreaming then later on he had to interpret what he saw to write. And in the chapter 13: 1 he said, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

How it can be interpreted? We need see it through John’s sight not ours. The English Empire where the superpower when maritime power was the most in the world. And the beast also came from the sea. The many heads, horns and crowns can be interpreted as the English colonies around the world. The identification of the English Empire as the beast can be a mistake made by John but it have its justification. He could make the mistake because the Empire were the responsible for stimulate Israel be restored as it is today.

The identification as a beast can be looked upon what can come later. Let suppose that, the clashes between Arabs and Israelis come to a situation where the Jews are defeated and logically suffer another Diaspora and maybe another Holocaust. Indirectly the English Empire would be blamed as the responsible for a consequence of its acts. The blasphemy would be in that, accordingly to other prophecies, God had to be the One Who bring the people of Israel to the Palestine not any human power. Good from God is what should restore and make a forever peace between the peoples, not the use of weapons.

Remember that, Shimon Bar Kokhba or any other Jew who claimed himself be the Messiah would be identified by John as the anti-Christ because, as a Christian, he firmly believed Jesus was the Messiah.

Analyzing such things I would invite both communities, Arab and Jew, to take a better looking in the situation. They need to be less like the politicians that saw education just as a cost to the tax payers and start see it as investment for the future. Jews can start look the get away from the land as a sacrificial investment not only as a costly defeat. If peace can not be made because the hatred is in a high level, it can be done in name of our future common offspring. Better invest in the peaceful future for our children because it will have good consequences than stay on our present vanity and put in jeopardy the future of everyone.

What is at stake is much more than the future of the Jewish and Muslim communities. It is the future of the whole world. Both sides have to remember that is not the place that make us children of God. The place and the ambient come from the human behavior. We need behave as God’s children wherever we be.

Why the people involved in conflicts never sees that, Peace is the only one way to permanent security? Don’t let your vanity interests mess up with the lives of billions of your own offspring. At the personal field the people bet its economic eggs in a future that we don’t know if will have. Hear though my counsel, do prefer put everything you have in the realization of peace then we all will have a solid future. Bet on the education for all of our offspring and we will not be left behind.

My main goal into write the present chapter is to put in order of priority what is most important. And what is the most important to me is to guarantee the security of the peoples. As History have shown to us, States come and goes throughout it. History also have shown us that, sometimes peoples have a better security not having a State for their own but having others States that adopt them as its own people. In the present situation we have a good example of it. Israel, as it exists today, will never have its security guaranteed. And is more like to lead its people and others to destruction. So I prefer put peoples before State than otherwise.

Since I am analyzing what happening throughout History I realized that, maybe I should exchange the name of these book to, The Suicidal Human Behavior. America is not alone in these wrecked ship.

Just a remembering. If any American Jew or non Jew got the idea of pay a visit to Recife City to take a look at the earliest Synagogue in Americas take advantage of a touristic combo. Not far from there is the American Base used during the WWII to go to the North Africa, which is in Natal City, the capital of Rio Grande do Norte State. A triangulation can be done at the Pedra Furada Park, Piaui State, where the earliest site of human presence in Americas is said to be. Around the whole Brazilian Northeast is a series of good beaches. Ask your tourist agent for a better guidance.

In the field of the 2,012 elections here in United States we have some not so new information. Rick Santorum ended his campaign. What appear to be is that, he was short in funds and was about to have the contest in Pennsylvania, his home state. As was becoming clear that Romney will be the Republican nominee, many of the big heads of the party began to endorse his candidacy. So, Rick Santorum was cornered and quit before any further humiliation.

Newt Gingrich still there but he is the dead fly. And the representative Ron Paul is keeping his initial plan. He never went in it thinking he would become the nominee. His goal is promote the cause of the Libertarians. His ideas got much more attention now than in the past election. So he is optimist in the cause be the main stream way of thinking for the two or three contests from now. Maybe, if they make some adjustments on their philosophy they will come the right track to follow in United States. Today is wednesday, April 18, 2,012.

New information. Yesterday, tuesday, April 24, 1,012, the candidate Newt Gingrich gave up his candidacy. All the states that was in dispute were gain by the Republican candidate Romney. And looks like I was right in my previous suspicion. Newt was only taken votes away from Rick Santorum with the intention of favor the former governor of Massachusetts. What the news media is saying is that, he is already negotiating his participation on Romney’s campaign from now on.

Today, Tuesday, April 24, 2,012 I am finishing the translation to the Portuguese language. Despite of my criticism in relationship to the discourse of the prime minister of Israel I don’t feel like rejecting him personally. The fact is that, that isn’t how to meeting a person on its only one walk in front of our window. It is possible that, he himself don’t comprehend the feelings that he inspire other peoples. Is too common that we get some erroneous opinions about others because we believe so blindly on what we think that we lose the capability to comprehend that, other peoples have exactly the rights that we grant to ourselves. To ignore ourselves being is not be a bad person, although the consequences of our actions become the same as if we were the bad guys.

The important to me were profoundly think about his discourse. It made me better know his way of thinking and made me better ratiocinate about the conflict as an whole. The result is that I am learning something better about it. And my will is that my writings record it and it be worth for others take as start point for reflections. I don’t want impose my opinion to nobody. Accept it only those who want peace.


What I least want is be identified with the label of Prophet of the Doomsday. I am not and will never curse nobody. Do it would be the same as curse myself because everything bad I desire to others shall be the same to desire to my offspring. I don’t want influence the people from the future for they look me as foretelling their future. It is not true. The only one curse that I can put on others is these, For all evil you want to me and to my offspring never realizes.

Earthquakes will happen. Volcanoes will erupt. Mega tsunamis will invade dry lands. Islands will disappear before our very sights. Diseases and plagues shall come. Wars will be fought. What new about it? Nothing. Just some events will appear like never happened before and will come no more. It looks to you as Revelation? Then you don’t know History or never paid attention on it!

Natural disasters were made to be happen throughout the whole History. And it don’t come to punish nobody. It is not even a bad thing. It is only the way Earth uses to take out its stresses. Earth doesn’t even know that we exist. So it is not addressing something to us. We are the only ones to blame for what happen to us because we don’t pay attention on where and how we are walking or living in.

We are supposed to pay attention and study what can happen and make prevention to minimize the consequences. And we already have some good knowledge about it. But we are so distracted by our day by day chores and conflicts, putting aside what is really important, that the next disaster will take us by surprise and will appear to be the Doomsday.

Oh! If only we had paid attention on all the wisdom we could learned from the wise people that came to us! The wisdom is there and came drop by drop along thousands of years from our History. But we were so distracted to always have more and more that we left aside wisdom in exchange for money. How much we pay to see a football player, an actor in action, or a fashion device? And where is wisdom to be found in us?

I was disconnected to the world as always do in some part of the day. Walking to nowhere only paying attention on how to come back. My mind is never empty and rarely is not in conflict. These time I was anguished as some many times had been. My particular problems was paying a role on it and came to me a humid eyes. Then I though it is simple as the other times. What will I remember of it a month from now?! I will be safe.

But the noise of the cars passing by start to fade away. Now my attention was on the threes, the little lake nearby and the golf club next to my way. Usually I saw many birds and other animals around. It is my pacifier. But my watching reveal none. And then I perceived the nature complete silent. I though, It is very unusual! Where are the robins and their crying callings on the setting of the sun? Why I wasn’t hearing even sparrows? Just the whir in my ears intensified.

Just then I felt like skiing and had the quickly thinking to seat down on the sidewalk. It couldn’t passed more than seconds after then I heard a big splash in the little lake at the same time that I felt a big push in my body. I thought was my time to meet my ancestors. I already was conformed with the idea to let myself go. But I looked around and everything else looked normal. The cars was still running on the street. And two or three drivers gave me a face of: What’s going on with you? So I just picked myself up and turned back home.

The anguish stood stronger even after I drunk water and my hands still shaking. I put my tv on and saw images of devastation. The images looked familiar and the sound was near zero. I thought, it must be retrospective from the Indonesia or Japan last quakes. Only then a read the sign of breaking news. I put the sound up and learned that the Great One had come in. The images was coming from the West Coast and was in clear day of blue sky.

The biggest earthquake ever had been occurred around Seattle. The devastation was enormous. For the northbound and southbound had been issued the evacuation while the tsunamis was going on. At the same time flashes from the opposite side of the Pacific showing the preparations for also receive the consequent tsunamis was coming in. Everything was been unfold alive like a terror movie. And I thought to myself, nobody is safe even here on the other side of the continent. I will give no details of the events. I am so tired!

In the next day everybody was looking for more news and what was clear about it was that, we was not prepared for such happening. Remember though what were happen to New Orleans just after Katrina. Now multiply it many times and you will take a glimpse of the crisis. Almost the entire seaport system had been destructed or serious damaged. It put more than half of the American economy on hold. We couldn’t say the same about the other side of the Pacific but the commerce was jammed to non existent.

We had more than a month to assess the damages and many months more to make some provisional repairs to make some ports works like one hundred years ago. Most of the population had to be moved to other parts of the country because the lack of basic services. The loss of lives were high but every expert agreed on the number be much less than expected.

Each geologist got his fifteen minutes of fame to explain what had happened. Even so, more than half agreed on that, they learned many new things on how Earth works. And just some said the subsequent eruption of the Mount Saint Helen had no link to the earthquake. Many of them don’t expected a new great event for long time. But it came before the dust settle down.

Only in this time we received some warning. The Cumbre Vieja (Old Summit) was shacking. It is a volcano at La Palma Island. Scientists have been warning for many years that the next time it erupts a half of the mountain can plunge into the Atlantic Ocean and cause a mega tsunami that could devastate American entire East Coast. And we came to a state of hold breathe.

The unemployment was already high because the previous incident, and the destruction of part of the basic structures of the country. The two weeks warning before it really happened hammered all nerves. Some got despaired beyond comprehension. Suicides were happen. Crimes and tensions were high. But when the confirmation came nobody waited to flee. In a matter of hours the East Coast was totally empty. The destruction were not gruesome as expected but in addition to the Great One it made us feel like the Judgment Day had come.

We had no time to renew our breathe. All of us who had enough health and were strong enough to handle any tool were enlisted to work in the restoration. But we didn’t it for long. A monster hurricane was been formed in the Atlantic and were supposed to move to the East Coast. But took a bizarre path coming over Florida from coast to coast and entered the Gulf. In there it was heading to Mexico until made a complete circle and changed direction to north. A complete evacuation from the Gulf Coast were issued. The population headed north.

Nobody never new why. No warning were issued. Abruptly, I presume, the Yellowstone Super Volcano exploded in all faces. The day became night to many states at the same time. No plane could fly. No road was safe. The power were gone in most of the country. And the entering inland of the hurricane made a bad combination of events. Some of the dust soon were detected in the North of Canada. The acid rain poisoned a great chunk of the continent.

With all the devastation in all directions and seemly spare of Mexico it appeared to be the safe board for many survivors. Although nature don’t respect borders and the devastation didn’t afflicted only United States the fence in the Mexican borders were ironically remembered. And the Mexican government had limited resources. So it accepted its citizens back and tried to coordinate some humanitarian assistance to Americans. And in it played the good hearth of Mexican people. Even the poor allowed one or two Americans in their houses.

It were just an emergency arrangement. The worst was to come. Millions of people had died in consequence of the disasters. And in many cases those were the happier. Shortly after the Yellowstone eruption we had all the plagues of Egypt. Except for the death of the firstborn, I mean, not only the firstborn died. And soon became clear that no government had done any preparation for such kind of series of unfortunate events.

And the survivors start to question and say something like, Do you remember we had NASA? What a waste of money! How much was our budget for the Defense Department? All the knowledge, all the advancement and now we are at the mercy of our enemies! And the climate came to a erratic down turn. As the scientists had warned, the eruption of the Yellowstone provoked a fall in the average temperatures on Earth. And the climate changing contributed to a smaller production of food. And…

I will say no more. If I do, it will be no science, no prophecy. What I can say is that, the events alone are not fiction. The sequence that I organized it is. We know that all four events will happen soon or later. Not necessarily together. One of it can happen tomorrow or a thousand years from now. The others could come together or separated. They can come tomorrow or in the space of ten thousand years. They are not the only ones possibilities of natural disasters. Have many more.

These chapter could be fulfilled with gruesome revelations such as cannibalism among survivors. Terrifying attacks. But I will let it to the readers imagination to complete all possible and unimaginable consequences. The government officials use to say that they would have some B plan to make sure the country will have some kind of government after any event but other than have a bunker to shelter some privileged as it is shown in movies no plan would work in such situation. The destruction would be so great that it would overwhelms any provision. What would come after could be revolution, anarchy and soldiers shooting our own people.

I don’t think that shall be necessary to remember the reader that, does exist other possibilities that could wipe out the human life from Earth. The impact between a big asteroid and our planet is just one example of it. And in all the cases the real problem is not the natural disaster. The problem is to be unprepared for it. We know that, if we want to have food in the winter we need to store it from summer. And everything else works in the same way. If you spend everything you have in summer, not been a polar bear, you are fooling only yourself.

What I can say for sure is that, no natural disaster is really a bad thing. The tale of Noah’s Arch is interesting not because is a true History or bring as any moral great teaching but because it is a prophecy. It mean that doesn’t matter how great is the disaster, if you know about it and do the right preparation you can survive.

I call Noah’s Arch a tale because if was a true History we would never be here because a small number of people such the survivors described in the tale would produce an offspring so weak that couldn’t endure through three or four generations. To it come had to have a bigger number and more variety of genes. Numbers are the key in such situation.

We can also take the wisdom of Louis Pasteur who said: “Chance favors the prepared mind”. But now and here who is really prepared for such events? The pseudo scientific channels are presenting some series about people that are making some preparations. I wouldn’t say that they got it right. What they are shown is how individualist the people in our society became. First of all we had to chose cooperation before any event come. Without the spirit of cooperation the survivors probably will make wars against each other and maybe provoke our extinction as species.

I could keep going and give more details of what will be happen in the after match of such possible events. But I will not. And I have two reasons. One is because the gruesome details would only cause more apprehension in the general public. And I don’t know exactly what will happen to the individual people. Another reason is that, my word will produce no effect on the leaders. They will wait until one of these events be happen to start acting. Their attitudes will only reveal their careless.

Another thing. I am resuming at most these chapter and the following because my senses are warning me to do so. Is like is too late to avoid anything. The problem is not in what can happen to humanity. The problem is in the lack of honor, respect and love in the humanity. To prevent the consequences of the disaster is just a question of application of knowledge that we already have. But to do it we need people with nobility as head of the world.

Nobility is something that only a life long training can produce a noble character. I can see nobility in many common citizen. But not enough in the leaders of the world today. They exhale too much vanity. And vanity have been making them blind for not see the righteous things that must be done. Everyone of them look through the mirror and see only themselves egos when rather they had to see their neighbor and ask themselves: What can I do to offer my fellow others the same that I want for myself?

What appear is that, the leaders of the world today look at the mirror and see their fellow others. And then they have been asking themselves, How can I take from them their dignity and satisfy my own ego? And I am not talking only about the leaders from the executive branch of government. In our days we have two groups of leaders. One is represented by the irresponsible. The other are the teenagers. Nothing against the real teenagers. The problem is that, they don’t have enough maturity to be responsible, so the second group of leaders. I am shutting up my mouth from now on.

If I remember well, yesterday, May 2, 2,012, I heard from the radio a discourse from I don’t know who displaying excuses to use the drones in the war against terrorists. The interesting thing about it is that, if I was an alienated person I could think that, they are giving me a direct response over the chapter 18 in these book. My ego is much smaller than that and I know, the questioning must be getting hard to them ignore the public opinion, and they are giving response to a major public, not to me.

The discourse guy resembled myself some years ago. Around the year 1,999 one of my friends, very well known to the Brazilian public here around us, asked me to write something justifying the buying of houses by our community. In that time we was looking forward to do such acquisition. And I asked, Why are you asking me? I don’t work with it? And he answered, “You now better than the others.”

Then I produced a piece of work putting emphasis only on what appeared to me to be good. The market wasn’t so hot, the prices were good, we would pay no more rent and the equity was coming fast. My wife and I was even looking to buy some property. And the analysis that I did totally ignored the market itself. I disregarded the ups and downs of it. I don’t think was because my opinion that the Brazilian community started a frenetic investment around here. But the word passed from mouth to mouth and soon all my friends and friends of friends was living in their own property.

Only around 2,005 I totally change my heart. To those that already had bought I would say, keep if you got an well low price. To those that was planing buy anything I was saying, is not a good time anymore. But the people was so enthusiastic about to have a house that nobody wanted hear my new opinion. And I am not saying it to appear that I knew what was coming to us. I was saying because was my feelings but also was putting ears on what the guys who know was talking about. My feelings was that, the market had gone up too fast for not be a trap.

And now these is just my feeling when I heard the guy saying only good things about the drones. In others words he defended the idea of it be even an humanitarian assistance to the poor countries, infested with terrorists and have no wise government to lead it. He didn’t recall any of the bad consequences that the drones are promoting like the unintended killing of innocent people which are five times bigger than the killing of supposed terrorists.

He lost long time talking about legality of such killings. And intentionally forgot about the execution extra judicial. He said the drones are designed to make a clean cut on Al Qaeda and its affiliated. But the numbers are shown the opposite. Imagine if a surgeon had a less than 20% of success in his intervention, would he be considered efficient?

And the capture of one of those airplanes by Iran just confirmed my fears. The Iranians not only grab it, they also made fun of president Obama for his asking for devolution. The Iranians revealed they broke the code and got a good insight on such secret weapon. The Pentagon denied the ability of Iranians to broke the codes and underlined an accusation to Russians and Chinese that are able to do it. I don’t know if is worth of something to deny the intelligence of the people from periphery countries. These is just the problem with arrogant people.

Now the technology made in United States can be used as it pleases the Iranian government and whosoever they want to have it. Would be wise from the Pentagon people if they had sent a decoy plenty of misleading technologies for them get lost on their attempt to reproduce it. But don’t appear it be the case. And now our allies in the region and the Iranian people itself got something more to worry about.

I remember sometime ago to discuss the issue atomic weapon with an American friend of mine. And I said that Brazil had the atomic bomb. And his reaction were to deny it as was impossible to a third world country reinvent a technology that we got since the 40s. I may surprised him with my affirmation because it was an well known “secret” that everybody knew in colleges there. A better truth could be if I said, Brazilian scientists know exact what to do to get the atomic bomb but the government chose not have it.

And now we know that it wasn’t a seven head beast to nobody. In fact, by the words from the former president Collor, he said that, the Brazilian military was about to test an atomic bomb when he signed a decree prohibiting the experiments. And North Korea, India and Pakistan are there to prove what we believed then. Doesn’t matter how difficult is to develop a new technology, once it is done by one the others soon will do the same if it pleases them. Even in a easier way. Doesn’t matter where we come from, our intelligence is almost the same.

They insists on the take the civilians deaths as casualty of war. Why though the American people didn’t took the deaths in the 9/11 attacks as such? I just would ask anyone if the situation was the opposite, what would be the American opinion about it? I mean, if we were the poor country and an alien super power had drones over our heads and was using it in our neighborhood? Would we be cheering to then or would we be mad? The feeling that the common people there is having must be the same the American people suffered at the 9/11 attacks.

The American people need to put itself in the others skin. Let me say that, you are a regular guy. Have wife and children. Your children play with the children of your neighbor who you know as a regular guy too. And then his house explodes, killing he and some of his family. Wouldn’t pass through your mind that your children could be there? And even after certify that not one of yours were killed, would you feel any love for the perpetrators of the attack? What I say is that, the feeling of nation demoralized must be the same as the one provoked by the 9/11 attacks. And then, if we don’t want it to ourselves, why expose others to such treatment?

The guy also didn’t discussed any alternative. He only pointed out that if we put troops to do the job will be more cost in money and lives from our side. But I am talking about real alternatives such as help the peoples from the poor countries to freed themselves from poverty, so they could be less susceptible to bad influences. If we want a good job be done, we need conquer the love from the good people not stimulate them to be our enemy.

The attempt to justify the use of drones don’t moved me a bit from my prior way of thinking. Did the opposite. It looked to me like I went back to Brazil and was hearing the same excuses from the last dictatorship in there for have groups of extermination. The dictatorship then also used the terrorist word as excuse to eliminate and make people disappear. They also used secrecy to hide what was really going on. And those who was blindly giving support to the dictators learn too late they were been used as majority of the public opinion.

Recently, Mr. Obama went Afghanistan in a secret visit to our troops and got the opportunity to also do politics with the country and in favor of his candidacy to reelection. It made most of the Republicans cautious mad at him. They was not comfortable with his gains in the American public eyes but couldn’t blame him for any wrongdoing because he did exactly what an American president was supposed to do in such situation. He was using the mask of Commander in Chief giving support to his subordinated.

He probably committed others indiscretions but I observed two. One were the denial that American are vengeful. After so many examples to prove it is pathetic to deny the reality. Another one were made at his address to our nation from there, where he ended his discourse with the mantra, “God bless our troops. God bless America.” I think would appear less arrogant if he also remembered to say, God bless Afghanistan too. Would be a sign of respect for the soil he was speaking from. It would positively echoes in the afghan people ears. Which would be great to conquer their sympathy and a little more confidence on Americans. It is vital to those that want peace in the world.

Mr. Newt Gingrich announced his support for Mitt Romney. After he said so many things about him in the campaign he got the escape to change his opinion using the excuse that, this election will be not an election of Ronald Reagan against Mitt Romney but Mitt Romney against Barack Obama. And Barack Obama in his view is the most leftist president United States ever had. So between a medium conservative and a leftist he would have no other choice.

Nothing new on his decision. Everyone knew that at the end the Republican Party would come united around whosoever got the nomination. This is not something to be discussed. The problem is he be an historian and call Barack Obama leftist. We that were born in countries that have a bigger political spectrum of representation are unable to understand how any American president until today can be classified as leftist. And the attitudes from the Obama administration in the international field are indicative of his right wing behavior.

In Brazil, Barack Obama would be classified at most in the center. Maybe some could classify him as from the festive left. Festive left is a pejorative of someone that talks like a leftist and acts like a rightist. But the pejorative would be used only by the comedians to make fun of him not to really define his real political intentions.

The classification of Barack Obama as leftist by Mr. Gingrich only shows to us the cynicism in politics. When the Democrats claim fairness for a better distribution of riches to the people, the Republicans call it socialism. As if a better distribution of riches wouldn’t make any good to capitalism since it would help consumers to buy more and create more riches. Every time Barack Obama mentions fairness the Republican accuse him of instigate the classes warfare. As well, the classification of leftism made by Gingrich have the only intention of scare the lay person who don’t know exactly what the word mean.

Before Mr. Gingrich accused president Obama of been leftist he, as a historian, could first remember what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did. FDR, proportionally, did much more than Obama in terms of socialist decisions. What make them comparable is that, FDR got a bigger problem in his hands with a bigger crash, bigger unemployment rate and a smaller economic size country. If FDR was put in place of Obama and had done the same he did then, the Republicans wouldn’t been calling him only leftist, they would call him communist.

We all know that, “nobody is perfect”. As it is that so, then is impossible to have a perfect economic theory planned by human beings. The Republican Party is defending the idea that capitalism is perfect and don’t have nothing to learn from anybody else. They are just acting with a gross stupidity. We need to recognize our failures if we want a better future. If we don’t recognize our failures we also will not be able to fix the problems.

As our economic institutions are not perfect, I don’t think it would be shameful to borrow some ideas from other systems to fix some of our problems. It is a question of make good use of our intelligence. Look the example from the Chinese. They still saying they are communists but since long ago they took many ideas and help from the capitalism to design their economic system that are working there today. Maybe our biggest problem is to have a too puritan society to evolve to the next step. The Chinese is going in front and the Republican Party thinks we must follow behind.

Recently we got the news that a society of super rich people resolved to team up to explore space. Their ultimate goal is mine asteroids. It means that they plan to use our spacial technologies to find and mine rare minerals on Earth to bring it back and use it here. A clever plan? In some ways, yes. But also a revelation of how disconnected rich people are in relationship to “we the people”. And it rings the bells on how much wrong is the Republican Party on to chose a rich disconnected man to represent it in the 2,012 elections.

The behavior is a pattern on how the rich people minds works most of the time. We are plenty of problems bigger than what can come in our long term future but they already are thinking how to make more money out of something that will not resolve our biggest treats. Let me say that, they are thinking in to be richer doesn’t matter the millions who will die for lack of food. In other words they are planning to attack the enemy’s back lines not paying attention on how our own front lines will be preserved or not. Imagine they expending billions of dollars in an adventure and the market goes down again. They are expending before secure. It is not a good move.

And it have another downside. The technology that we already have were entirely developed by governmental agency that were constructed by our taxes. It mean that the technology came out of our pockets. They din’t developed any new technology but are willing to use what we already have in self benefit. And I am not saying they would never do it. I am just saying that we have urgency others than help them become more rich. And by that, don’t be fooled by my prior comment about NASA. I am not against any scientific progress. I just believe on coordination between the scientific advancement and the well being of “we the people”.

Such as that, it is just like my interpretation of Mitt Romney and his candidacy in the 2,012 elections. He is trying to defend his records as former executive of Bain Capital. But what he did there was essentially a recipe to disaster. He prioritized make money before secure the well being of the consumers. Have more and richer consumers is the best way of to save any economy. The well being of the consumers is the key, and if we always decide to eliminate costs diminishing the opportunities to the employees we would not be thinking about the well being of our consumers because consumers and employees are one and the same.

What Mitt Romney did here with Bain Capital is the same that were done in Brazil in the earlier 90s. The effects of what Bain Capital made was masquerade by the vitality of the American economy at the time. The employees that were put on leave had alternatives to be reemployed in others companies because the economy was in expansion. In Brazil it were almost in recession. Then the employees from great companies such as Vale do Rio Doce and Acesita literally got lost.

As the former governor of Massachusetts “like to see people get fired”, is not ashamed for his ways of become rich and firmly believe on the conservative ways of do business; he probably would be another disaster to United States, if be elected and apply his economics theories in our weakened market.

And I am not defending the administration Obama’s records on economics. I am just expressing my own experience and raising some questions. Before the Republican Party presented its views about fixing the economy it should had sent some experts to Minas Gerais to study the collateral damages due to the conservative thinking applied in real life. I said before and confirm now, Mitt Romney is the worst candidate that the Republican Party had to present us in these particular economic moment.

He is proclaiming with all of his lungs that he knows how to fix our economy. He claim it based on his own experience as executive. Then I don’t have any record to challenge his experiences. My records is to be on the others side of the coin. The side that when the government do something wrong it is hammered. When the super rich do other wrong things it is hammered. Then he make me afraid of be double hammered if he assumes the power being so rich and proud of it.

Mitt Romney talks like know how to fix our economic problems but don’t acknowledges that, first of all the crisis were created by investors just like himself. People that don’t feel ashamed on gamble with all the planet’s lives. If he new something more than anyone he failed on to warn us about what was to happen at the end of the president Bush’s term. And not only don’t know how to fix our problems, also will create much more if elected.

He even been a candidate to the position of representative of the Republican Party in the 2,008 elections said nothing. He was more loyal to his par in the presidency than to “we the people” who was worth of know how bad things was. He in no moment made a public critic to president Bush but, probably, made more money out of the ignorance of the public. His silence then is the revelation of his character.

About my genealogical research, we got the visit from a friend from Brazil and she gave me one more hint for our big fat genealogical tree. Her name is Maria da Conceicao Leite and is part of the family branch that have the tradition to be offspring of Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha, the Baron of Cocais. Her grandfather was Modesto Furtado Leite, brother of Francisco and Luis mentioned before.

Now I also were informed that the brothers came from the cities of Itambe do Mato Dentro and Sao Goncalo do Rio Abaixo. Both of them on the neighborhood of the city of Barao de Cocais, where the baron was born. So the tradition is closing to verification. As she also gave me the names of her father and brothers and sisters I could localize more links between the branch Coelho of my family and the Furtado Leite family. Now I can say that, I know more American born that are offspring from the Iberian Peninsula nobility. Even Conceicao’s own granddaughter who is three years old and is the reason for her visit.

I had ended this chapter but something else were happen. Lets go right in the point. President Obama came out from the closed and admitted that, homosexuals couples should have the right of get married. He just made official what his attitudes toward the issue had been indicated. To me nothing new was going on. His position made his opponent Mitt Romney to declare the other way of the coin where marriage should be only between an woman and a man.

It was a risky and clever attitude from the part of the president. Nobody know exactly what the effect will cause in the long term campaign and he can be hurt in some way on it. But looks like his bet is paying off. At least in monetary terms because he is getting abundant donations for the campaign. But what move me to talk about it is a different reason.

These is a issue that I don’t care much about to define my vote. The Brazilians have a say that goes like that, “If your roof is made out of glass, don’t throw stones at the window of your neighbor”. It doesn’t fit on me. I just gonna use it in my explanation. My thinking about the issue have being evolving since the 60s. When I was a child back in Brazil it was an issue that parents don’t even had the freedom to talk about with us. And maybe they didn’t even talk about it in no way.

In the 60s our society was so conservative that a kiss on the mouth exhibit on television caused some commotion for some people. The legalization of divorce around the world was something condemned in our society. And Brazil was far behind in some sensitive issues like those. So the gay issue was something that we heard of but didn’t talk about much.

My awareness about it came in a natural way. Time was taking care. I never had contact with the community and just knew some people who was gay and don’t wasn’t making any judgment about they behavior. I just felt that, it wasn’t something to follow for me and the others lives didn’t affect mine.

Anyways, it doesn’t mean that I hadn’t any prejudice towards it. That true. We need to admit that, despite of our heavy watching to not have any prejudice, human beings always got some. It is even natural. What is ill about it is the person having the prejudice and judges others based on the prejudicial feelings and not in a reasonable thinking.

Strangely to some, my feelings about gay people only were pacified after my long study of the Bible. Yes. Nobody can dispute the reality that the Biblical text condemn the gay behavior. Some look for answers and mentions passages that can be taken as approval on gay relationship but is just an excuse out of the obvious. So, why should I then say that, the marriage of gay people is acceptable?

Firstly I thought about the pederast society in the Greek History. In that society, the love between two men was taken as more worth than a love between man and woman. Woman was taken only for reproduction purposes. They were considered no more than an useful tool. And it didn’t fit with my feelings too. And I imagined, If we lived in a pederast society where the absolute majority was homosexual and if the majority tried to impose over all hetero their behavior, what would I do?

To conclude my way of thinking I also asked myself, Does the gay marriage interfere with my heterosexual marriage? Or interfere with any other heterosexual marriage? I don’t see it in no way how. So I then evolve my way of thinking.

I think that people who is against the gay marriage is just been to much of selfish about it. Another way of explain better it is just take the definition of two words related to the issue. We have marriage and matrimony. The definitions of the words affects the issue even because the Bible that came to us were originally translated to Latin and it defines the meaning. Marriage as well casamento in its Portuguese version have an abroad meaning that is union, complement, alliance, harmony and combination.

So it permit the Portuguese people say things like, I married the screw with its screw-nut. And the English speakers say, “a marriage of mind” meaning a close union. So, the people who is trying to define that marriage is between a man and a woman is just screwing it up. What they mean should be taken by the word matrimony. Matrimony can be translated as motherhood what is used in church services to define a relationship between man and woman. Only the extreme conservative can’t see it well because is blinded by prejudice.

I compare the situation with something that was happen to me also back in Brazil. Since I was kid I hated onion. But is a spice used on most of Brazilian cooking. As I was only from a significant minority, before I eat I just separated the onions parts on the side of the plate. In my family it is a well known story. And I am not alone.

But, sometimes had some bully that cut the onion in a so small piece and put in a food of same color to disguise it. I always felt disgusted with such attitude because wasn’t the view that made me hate the vegetable but its taste. And if I eat it had diarrhea in the next day. I think that, what the people that is against the homosexual marriage is trying to do is the same bullying. Only because I have my taste for heterosexual marriage doesn’t mean that I have the right to deny others their right to be different.

Now let us marriage the ideas about the Biblical problem and the Brazilian saying above. I liberated myself from the dictatorship of what “is written in the Bible” since studying it and I encountered so many contradictions. I start thinking, The contradictions can’t be there if it come from God. Then the Biblical text represents the real Word of God or otherwise only reflects the human thinking in a window of time? And I let the answer to the readers.

But I must talk more about the decision of the president Obama on back up the homosexual marriage. Firstly the commentators said that, he would be hurt by his decisions because the black community is the most conservative in the issue of gay marriage. As in the last election he took most of votes from the black community, now the community can move the vote from him. And I saw a black pastor been interviewed in the CNN about the issue.

He agreed on that, Obama can lose votes from the community because his decision. And he clearly backed the idea that what is written in the Bible is the Will of God, and we can’t interpret it differently. And here is why I disagree with his notions and the main stream notion about what is written in the Bible. Is in the Bible the Statute of Enslave. You can look at it on Exodus 21 and others. And in the whole Bible we can see passages about humanization of slavery but in no moment you find any decree of emancipation.

So, to hide the prejudice against homosexuals behind what is written in the Bible would be the same as to say, “discrimination before, discrimination now and discrimination forever”. Since is not written in the Bible that, is shameful to have slaves before God and Him Himself was supposed to gave us the authorization of make slaves out of others, then the black community should be aware about the possibility of the return to slavery.

These is why I used the Brazilian saying before. If the pastor is so confident on that, was God the one that discriminated homosexuals in the Bible he also have to admit that, slavery still valid on the God’s eyes. And I am mention the black community in these case just for make a more recent relationship between the discrepancies on the text and the Will of God. I don’t believe God discriminate no one. But the roof of the pastor is made out of glass.

Please don’t take me wrongly. All of our roofs are made out of glass in these case because in the time that the Biblical text were written anyone could be enslaved. Even kings. My point is that, we all know, slavery is shameful before God. So any other discrimination.

If we gonna took all what is written in the Biblical text as a pattern dictated by God Himself and for that we must follow to go to Heaven, then we better be Catholic and believe in the Purgatory because none of us is able to follow all contradiction delivered by the book. Even Jesus wasn’t able to do so. By what is said through all pulpits in the world the only one person who would do exactly what is said about him in the Biblical text is the Devil itself.

If we take obedience as pattern of behavior in relationship to what is written in the Bible, the Devil is the only one that fulfill it. But if he is the only one to follow what is written about itself, then he is the most loyal person to what is written. And so, something must be wrong with what is written or human being is a totally fail creation from God and God is totally inefficient. All of us disagree with something written in the Bible. Even Jesus did it so. The problem with it is some of us assume that, he or she is more perfect than others, able to say what the others should do and never take any advice from the others.

I better end these chapter here.


Yesterday, May 16, 2.012, I published the chapter 20 of these book at my blog. But just after got some inspirations to amplify my arguments for that chapter. So instead of go right to the point of the title Solutions I will post here those new ideas.

About the issue gay marriage for those that take the Biblical text as pattern of how to behave I got a new message. In my analysis we have two ways of believe in the Bible. The first one is when the believer take the whole text as something dictated by God and perfectly translated in human words by people.

In these case, the believer have no other choice than to follow every word of the text. If somebody chose some instructions to follow and others to not follow, then these one is been false. It is that so because God don’t change His Mind and only say what have to be done in the past, present and future. So nothing that were said can be altered.

The second way to believe is that, the writings in the Bible is an attempt from human beings for interpret the Will of God. In the best of their good will the authors made mistakes because they were human beings. So the believer must follow what represents good for himself as well the good for all neighbors, otherwise, don’t need follow what represents harm to anyone.

The pastor mentioned before accepted the discrimination against gays as part of the Will of God. He didn’t said it but I don’t believe he would ever accept any discrimination against himself. So, over his head is the sentence of enslavement. If he say that in no way he can be enslaved, he would be denying that it is “written in the Bible”, as Will of God, and must be followed by him. If he say that, in his case it would be different, he would only be taking an excuse to freed himself of follow all the rules but put on the others shoulders a sentence that he don’t want bear for himself. It is a sign of prejudice.

The other issue is about the allegation from the Mitt Romney’s team, including himself, that what he did in the Bain Capital was only defending the interests of the investors. It includes the funds for retirement. They are saying that Bain Capital only gave to the investors what they wanted, which would be, big interests. In some way, it is true because who wouldn’t like to invest some money in a business that would pay back a high interest?

But what they are saying is something like that, Look, nobody can consider it as a sin because if was that so everybody would be a sinner for doing what the law permit us to do. And then, if everybody sins together nobody can be punished for it. The strategy is clever but is equally false.

First of all for attract investors Bain Capital must have offered the higher gains. And the small investors were fished just like a fish that don’t sees the hook but only the bait. I don’t think everybody would invest with Bain Capital if was warned that it would hurt employees and owners of small companies.

Yes, everybody want to be rich, but most of us want it together with fairness. If I had the opportunity to invest on what Bain Capital was doing at the time Mitt Romney was working there, knowing all the consequences of it, I would say, no thanks, I have other places to go. I may not gain so much but I also want peace of mind.

What Mitt Romney’s team is trying to do is convince all of us that his sins can’t be taken as hard as it really is because everybody that did invest in his proposals was happy at the end of the day. What the Romney’s team is doing is trying to sale his image as he were the unrighteous steward described in the book of Luke, chapter 16: 1-13. What he did was wrong but he keep saying to them that got some share with it, I helped you, now receive me into yours everlasting habitations.

I confess, I never understood such parable. How a corrupt man who do corrupts many others can be presented as good example of behavior? To me it is one of the contradictions that are in the Biblical text but I can use it to compare what Mitt Romney did as the same as what is described in the parable by the unrighteous steward.

Another way of to compare what Mitt Romney did is give the example of a bad fisherman. The bad fisherman used a net with so small kind of holes that he fished most of the creatures from the sea, even the smaller children of the bigger fishes. So the Cycle of Life were totally disrupted. When the people came to him to complain about the bad thing he had done, he said: But what I did was only because you wanted to have fish to eat! You are the sinners. The cleverness is that, transfer to others the blame for what bad you done.

The situation here remembered me my paternal grandfather, Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho, or Cista. Granddaddy Cista and his siblings were from the well established families since the first European dwellers in our region. I can’t say they were rich. When he was 10 years old his granddaddy died and he began work to live as all children in his age at that time. He was born in 1,890.

When granddaddy Cista was 20 years old his father died too. He also got married and I imagine that he confronted some difficult. He start his life from almost nothing. And decided to do a big step on his life. He proposed to buy a farm from our great uncle Benjamin Rodrigues Coelho. And he got some short time to pay it or lose all he had.

Then came the helper to save the day. Our cousin Nelson Coelho de Senna was better established because was older and was professor in a college. He also served many terms as representative in the State of Minas Gerais, was writer and genealogist. He gave a loam in such conditions to granddaddy Cista that only a close friend or father could give. Granddaddy paid the farm and went to work as he always did, with great courage.

At that time, Brazil hadn’t have good roads and the railroad was almost used only by passengers. The transportation was done by mules in a long line. From my birth city to Rio de Janeiro they would spend around a month. And another to come back. He had to produce as farmer, transport to Rio de Janeiro, sale his and buy needed merchandise at our birthplace. So he also had his own store for it. He had everything because he was a really hard worker.

Working like that he probably became the richest man in the town. Despite of the Great Depression he kept going. With the shares from each activity he start modernize his production and were able to give to each son one way of life. All of them became farmers or businessman in the commerce. Except for two that chose go to college; my father, dentist, and uncle Murillo Barbalho who became lawyer.

The lesson that we got from our granddaddy Cista was that, hard work pay off greatly. It became a false lesson at the end of his life and so on. The problem was that, the ways in Brazil changed. Some began to be intermediaries. Those were the guys that didn’t worked hard at a farm. They just went to the farms to pick up the production and transport it to the big cities. In there they passed it on to other intermediaries, who passed the product to others vendors.

The farmers lost great part of their revenue, and in the other end of the line the consumers was paying much higher. The only ones that got rich were the intermediaries. Only the hard work stood in the people’s hands. And if anyone want know why Brazil were left behind in the development must know about it. The intermediaries got much more than they worked for.

The situation of companies such as Bain Capital works just like intermediaries. I imagine that, if my granddaddy had to pay the interests that the real hard workers have to pay to the intermediaries of today he would never become rich and probably would have to work more for much less revenue. And a much smaller number of people in Brazil would be rich, with more riches concentrated in their hands and no benefit to the people.

I just think that, the way that put Brazil behind for so many years is the same way that Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are looking for to put in practice in United States today. Nobody needs the ones that exploit the fruits from the work of others. What United States need is to give back the same opportunities that the hard workers once had. The hard workers can bring the country back. And the intermediaries will only take it down.

It said, lets go to the issue of the present chapter.

The title Solutions is not a exactly definition for what I have to say. I think that, anyone who is altruist dream about solutions for all of our problems. But the problem is that our problems are ourselves. Altruism should be the key to all solutions. But we don’t have a culture based on altruism. Our leaders are always thinking about solutions that themselves will gain something first or more than the others. When some thinks about a collective solution, end thinking only if the solution bring something more or first for their own people not to all.

If somebody ask me what to do to solve our problems I would answer, I don’t know. I am solution for nothing. What I know is so little! The only thing that I know for sure is that, each one of us is part of the all solution. Doesn’t matter how little we are in these world. If we be left behind from any solution we will become problem. So the solution only come collectively and altruistically. We need less of me and less of mine, and more we and more our.

More than ever we have been seeing how the humanity is getting multiplied in a so little planet. Today, anything that is happen on any of the countries in the world affects all the others. It appears like the planet got smaller. It is almost like we got so tall that our houses don’t contain us anymore. We need to be careful when we open our arms because we can damage our neighbors houses and themselves.

It requires a new way of behavior. And is no more place in the world to think that any one of us is exceptional. No country, no people, no individual. We are in the same spaceship and if we try to destroy our neighbors we can be destructed with them. So the solution pass on for, What we want, preserve all or destruct all? It is why the solution need to be altruistic, collective and preservative.

Is interesting to bring back the information about our earlier civilizations. Since thousands of years ago our ancestors believed that they had to do something to keep the universe in balance. If we didn’t appease the gods through it the universe would start fall apart and bad things could happen to the people and the universe. If it is true or not we can compare the lasting of empires to have some idea. Using their believes, some empires such as the Egyptian endured for thousands of years. And how long we will endure in our path?

Our Jewish-Christian beliefs in some way inherited the same ideal. We had to perform some ceremonies to appease God and He be in our favor. Balance is the key to solve our problems. And when I mention balance I mean in all things. What is hilarious about it is that, our most ancient known ancestors believed we needed to keep balance for the sky don’t fall on their heads. Today, some conservative don’t believe on that the bad behavior towards nature is even able to change our planet’s climate. They think we can keep everlasting harming the nature and it will not harms us back.

I also think that, if we want solutions then we must be committed to peace. Doesn’t matter what we do differently, if we don’t have peace we also don’t have guarantees of nothing for the future. Until now we had many mighty empires ruling the known world. And all of them met its ends for lack of peace. So, if we want lasts for unaccounted time, peace must be in our ways. Our solutions though must be altruistic, collective, preservative, in balance and peaceful.

Throughout History we experienced many systems of government. All of them failed in some way. But what is most visible on its failures is the weakness of its governors. And I am not talking about weakness in a sense of not conduct the states affairs with iron hands. Those are the ones that failed by double standards. I meant weakness in a sense of lack of honesty. Not matter if those were royalists or republicans, presidential or parliamentary.

As well we experienced many economic systems. Each one of them presented its strong and weak points. Not long ago we watched the debacle of the Soviet Communism. Today we are crossing our fingers for don’t see the same faith to capitalism. Although capitalism have been reinventing itself in many periods of times, looks like it needs to be put in a better balance. Capitalism need reinvention and a better pair of wings to escape from so much turbulence.

Between the choices democracy and autocracy (no matter if dictatorship or monarchy) I don’t believe in it is even worth of discuss such issue. Democracy is not yet a perfect system but the others are much worse. Then there stands the question, How to evolve democracy in such way that it can really be translated as, The government from the people, by the people, for the people. It is clear that, is no place in democracy for have higher interests over the people’s interests. And it haven’t been respected as it should.

What I know is that, the economy is not our biggest problem. Although it have been discussed as it is. It would be if had not reachable solution. Solutions does exist. But need also to have willingness to go there. And I am not seen it just watching the game that is been played in our days. Why? Because of the lack of fairness. We will have no solution without fairness.

What I mean about fairness can pass through the question, Which one is the biggest corporation in the world? Some will say is some of the banks and others will say, Look at the Nasdaq and you will see. That is true. Wall Mart, Toyota, Shell, Exxon Mobil and some others are in dispute to be nominated as the biggest. But we have a company much bigger than all together. But it is invisible to most eyes.

Lets take the example of Facebook to make some points around here. Yesterday, May 22, 2.012, Facebook start to negotiate its shares at the New York Stocks Exchange (NYSE). Some have anticipated its value as around 80 to 100 billions dollars. More than the budgets of most countries in the world. And yet it is a medium company.

What I want to focus on here is how it got its size and became so valuable. It began almost like a play thing for young people. Exploring the natural human instinct of to be connected with friends. And soon attracted thousands, millions and hundreds of millions. It was possible only because people acts like herd. Some of my friends got it and they invited me to go. So I go where they go.

It was also possible because the association is free from charges. Brazilian have a say that goes like that, “If the bovine knew its strength it would never be dominated!” Yes, ignorance is part of our world and we don’t need to be a bovine to be part of the herd. It is inclusive a depreciation to human being say in Portuguese, live like a herd. It mean someone who is always conducted by others.

And Facebook is a company that works with such human weakness. Many other companies do the same. Although it don’t mean that is always a bad thing. What is a bad thing is the herd be used, not knowing exactly how. Most of us use Facebook because have friends and want to be in contact with them. We share our thoughts, photos, documents and others things more. To most of us our relationship with Facebook ends on it. But to the owners of Facebook it is not the end, is just the beginning.

To us we are users. To them we are merchandise. We are a merchandise like the wild berries. As they spend to little to pick up us on the field, they also can sale us for almost nothing. But we are so many that the addition of all end in the little amount of billions. They sale advertisement to others companies. We don’t have any obligation to buy anything. But that is for sure, one day each one of us will use Facebook to buy something. Nothing wrong with it. It is not different from buy something which you saw its advertisement in a newspaper or television.

What would be different is that, the managers of Facebook start to see us only like a herd, ignoring our everyday “work” on it and been disrespectful to us saying: We created Facebook, we are the ones that did everything and what we earned is not enough so now we will create a tariff to all user. And I ask, how about that?! Not be thankful is one of the worst of all sins.

Let us imagine that, if Mark Zuckerberg become so proud of what he already done and start to be the mask of snob in such way that he would think nobody else but him matters. And he began to say, I create Facebook, I create thousands of jobs, I brought Facebook to NYSE and I … and so on. Would it sound familiar?

Certainly, he would create a situation with all of his colleagues, friends and customers. He would break all trust we put on him. And not far away from the day that he would say that, friends on same network would start close their accounts on Facebook to establish themselves in others competitors sites. And soon we would see almost all the Facebook users migrate away. And we would see one example of who really own the trust.

Not long ago the motto of the commerce was, “Customers first”. And my impression is not solitary. I was about to go on and looked at the Google to make sure that my spelling was correct. By curiosity I read the article, “Putting Customers First” by Jena McGregor, on October 1, 2004. And I quote her on that, “You’d think more companies would have gotten it by now. Unfortunately, organizations that put customers at the center of what they do are rare — so rare that we’re celebrating them.”

I identify as big problem in our days the misconception that the people is not the biggest corporation that we ever had. Until now, the others companies are treating us based on human psychology of herds. They have been using it in their favor and the people haven’t experienced the knowledge of be more strong than everything else. The people must acknowledges its own strength. But also know that, with the power also comes responsibility. It must learn to use the strength without harm itself.

We can look at our past to learn more about it. The chapter of the World History called by, “The Enlightened Despot”, is a example how rulers can become such detached from the people that even the once quiet bovine start to react violently. They were so sure that the people wouldn’t react to their despotism that they kept abusing the people for decades until the French Revolution came. Today, the French people and most of the world celebrate the French Revolution. But the French Revolution were a totally failure as a movement and ended with millions of deaths. The good thing about it were its ideals that later on were adopted and these is the good side.

In 1.917 we got another example of an abusive power leading to a revolt. The Bolshevik Revolution were born. And what the people got with it? It run from the wolf and ended in the pride of lions. The people suffered 70 years of repression and still getting bad consequences from that past. So we must be careful with what we say and what we do.

And what I say now is that, we are getting an example from a disturbing kind of thinking here in United States. The Republican Party, lead by its most like candidate to the presidency for 2,012 election, Mitt Romney, is concentrating they effort on defend the right of to be rich and are faking the idea that rich people create more jobs. I don’t know how much stupid they think we are but these idea is the closest one to a Ponzi Scheme.

OK. I am not crazy like these. I admit that, rich people with good intentions can create some jobs and I don’t mind if some of us get more richer than others doing good things to the society. What I say and know to be impossible is a person that is dedicated to be rich also be able to be dedicated to the society at her best. Jesus said to us that, we can’t serve to two lords at the same time. And I believe on him.

My Brazilian experience have shown me just the opposite that the Republican Party is saying. Brazil passed on for lost decades. Since the 70s through 90s Brazil were inexplicable poor. We could make a trip on city after city of Minas Gerais State, around my birthplace, and in hundreds of them we could see the poverty flowing like water. Poverty was everywhere you could see.

And where was found the rich to help the people? They were nowhere to be found. Then the people discovered the way to migrate and began to go to every place in the world to help itself. Most of them became easy pray to the opportunists. Those got rich and helped nobody. The migrants confronted all sort of danger. Their life were blood, sweat, tears and persecution.

When Brazil were in its worst times and the people in need for help from the rich it were just the time that the people got more exploited by them. United States can’t even be proud of what were done. To see how the people from Brazil were treated at that time one need only to go to any place from the Northeast of Minas Gerais and ask how many known people were denied a visa to come here. Were no respect. Not even for old people that was coming to see a grandchild for the first time. Had no criteria to distribute visas.

Despite of everything the people got here and elsewhere. And for thirty years long we saw city after city been supported by the migrants. In the poor cities around we could see many constructions. When we asked, who owned it? Most of the time was someone who was sending money from abroad. A good fraction of the families were supported by a relative residing abroad. If was not for it some wouldn’t have even the money to buy food.

Where were the big corporations to help the people? I don’t know. The only thing that I know for sure is that the people was consuming some of their products. By that I conclude, the big corporations, and the rich people were not where to found to help the people but the people was easy to be found helping them.

Now it is a new time. Thanks to a new politics and a better salary that the people is earning, things got better there. Some are getting truly rich. Brazilians now represent profit to anyone who is interested on earn it. Brazilian tourists are in the middle of those that spend more money in their trips. Now Brazilian tourists mean more business than migration. And the philosophy towards Brazilians have been changing so much that the consulates of United States are issuing more and more visas. United States even opened two new consulates, in Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais States.

What I am saying is that, if the people want a solution for its problems, is not worth to expect that the help will come from rich people. But rich people will always be around when the problems be solved to profit from the success of the people. I am not condemning rich people. Many of them even are nothing more than former poor people that got some opportunity and used it to become rich. But what I am sure is that, if the opportunities come to the people first everybody will get their share. But if the opportunity come just for some, the problem will never be solved.

What the Republicans lead by Mitt Romney are doing is just selling illusions. They don’t know how create new jobs. What they know is how to profit from it. The creation of jobs come from the most simple equation. We only need the people earning a fair share. People acts like herd. Having money in the pocket soon it goes to the market. And is not the creation of factories that creates jobs. The demand is the responsible for the creation of factories. People without money don’t create demand.

The only way of have consumers is put money in the hands of the people. You don’t need give money away. What is needed is only to pay fairly all the salaries. The people don’t want earn the money without work for it. The people just want to be paid fairly for every job. But since the globalization promoted by the big corporations the false promise of cheap goods is back leashing the economy. Is not worth to have cheap goods if for it the factories diminish the numbers and pay less to the remaining in the job workers.

Doing it you automatically will diminish the money circulating in the market and it only will goes down. So it is simple as that, the market don’t work like a magic. And I know, too much magic have been done in the last decades. It is why we went in recession before and is why Europe is in difficult now. And the whole world is at risk.

Now I need to explain why the people is the biggest corporation of all. Mitt Romney is defending his records as CEO of Bain Capital and is saying that, his experience in the private sector is his great gift to be president. I don’t think we need to be a lot smart to see the cleverness on such affirmation. The money invested by Bain is not his but came from the people who earned it. Mostly from hard work. Yes. I said before, he is using the mask of benefactor of the people but was only taking the opportunity given by the people.

If Bain hadn’t any investor Mitt Romney had to go elsewhere to be employed. First of all where the people who gave him a job. Now he is saying that he created jobs through his actions on Bain Capital. As a former investor, I don’t think so. These is not a main goal to any Equity Firm. The main goal is gain interests.

And I can use my own experience to explain it better. When I was working in the sector of transportation were offered to all employee the opportunity to transfer some particular fund that we got with our employer to a Equity Firm. We accepted the offer. And some experts came to explain to us a little about investments. Basic the only thing they said to us was that, we should split our investment in three categories, high, small and no risk. Wasn’t clever to put all the eggs on only one basket because of the risks.

It was around the year 2,000 and most of us have never invested before. And I wasn’t a totally ignorant about the issue because, at the time we lived in Brazil, we got hard lessons to learn because we were on the opposite side of the investment. At the time, Brazilian economy was too much unstable and was one of the higher interests on whole Earth. I remember times where the interests rates oscillated between 50 and 170% a year. And I am talking about only the interests not the inflation.

So, Brazilian economy were a place to be creditor never a borrower. Even so had some that had no other way than take the ultimate risk. And I knew that, probably the high risk investment offered to us would be Brazilian shares or another poor country in similar situation. What I got to invest was an insignificant amount. From my two weeks check payment would be taken around 30 to 50 dollars. If I remember well, my first capital was around US$ 1,500.00.

Even for me that was from the group of workers that was selling the lunch to by his diner it wasn’t much. Was what I had at hand. But if I took it to invest by myself I would spend it on our day-by-day expenses and would never have some savings. What I thought was that, if I used it I will not come out from poverty. And if I invested it in the high risk opportunity I could gain something that I would never had. If I lose, it also wouldn’t alter what my life was.

Then I thought more. The problem were that, if I choose to invest on high risk shares it will probably be invested in Brazil and the borrower there will need to work as hard as a mule to pay the spoiled interests. And I came to the conclusion that, if I don’t invest on it others will do. Then if anyways the Brazilian will pay for it, better they pay to me that also am Brazilian. So I choose to put all my eggs on high rate interests investment. I just didn’t knew who individually was paying me but I knew that, the hard work people was in the other end of the line.

The Equity Firm that we invested is not Bain Capital. But the principles of investment work almost the same to all of them. So when Mitt Romney say that he was proud of the job he was doing, not taking in consideration that he was been just an intermediary between two groups of hard work people where one gave him the opportunity to have a well paid job and the other was paying all the costs, I became convinced of not vote for him, no matter what. What he claim is that, he was the doer of something extraordinary good, when in truth was only exploiting the hard work of others.

Lets get back to our example of Facebook. It is a interesting example because I think all of us, the lay people, can understand what I am trying to say without know anything about economy. I am a common user of Facebook and I am thankful for it be a reality because since I am so far from the places where I used to live, I can keep easy contact with my friends. It was true even before I opened my account on Facebook because I used e-mail or Orkut. And we have others social media that we can use.

Would be a serious mistake from the managers of Facebook not take each individual on its list of users as valuable consumers. And, like that, we must be put in first place. If Facebook is really worth of 80 billion dollars or more the “owners” of Facebook must calculate each user as having an equivalent share of cents. I don’t know how much. As they have the numbers, how much Facebook is worth and the exactly number of users, then just make the division to know how much each one of us own.

Whatever the value be of the “owners” of Facebook, they must take it as a gift from us to them. They need to be humble and recognize that, “we the people” are giving not an unconditional gift because for most they have worked to make Facebook a reality, they are been paid extraordinarily well. They can’t take as themselves be the souls and hearths of Facebook. The people is.

And now I will also add why I mentioned before the French and the Bolshevik Revolutions. I am talking just in hypothesis means. Lets say that, if Mark Zuckerberg start to fooling around and despises the users because he now is extremely rich and the people is just the people! Although it is a difficult task to convince all the people that it wouldn’t be right, a group of concerned citizens could start a boycott and all or most of the users just go away to other social media.

Some would say that, it would be impossible because Facebook is the best in its genre so only some would go away. I think it is perfectly possible, since the people be well informed that, if we have no Facebook anymore the others social media will take its place and will improve itself because the workers from Facebook will migrate to the others. Facebook only exists because have users and some people working behind the scenes. Maybe Zuckerberg is the face of Facebook but “We the People” are the capital of it. Zuckerberg only became rich because we gave him the opportunity and if he be not respectful to us, is all right to take it back from him.

And every any other firm in the world is not what it is by itself. They have only two irreplaceable components. Its corp of employees and the corp of consumers. Everything else is perfectly replaceable. And every and each one of us need be careful with our pride because all of us individually are replaceable. Together, only a new generation can replace us.

Long before I discussed these issue and recently I took a quick view on an interview of somebody saying, is false the impression that we have heroes that did extraordinary things. Anything a great person can do depend on the approval and behavior of the people. Is a wrong thing to teach our children that George Washington is the father of our nation without mention that the people from the same time fathered it together. He only accomplished his mission because most of the people gave him support and did together what had to be done to accomplish the American Independence. Without people nothing had to be done.

About my mention of the motto “customer first” is something in disuse. And also the Brazilian saying that “The bovine is dominated because don’t know it’s strength”. The second one is perfectly applicable to the people. And I am seeing in a future not far from now some people taking awareness of it. Will come the time that the people will learn how strong is. And the people will be tired to be enslaved and after the conclusion that is not been respected will do simple things with strong message.

Let me say that as example. And if the auto sector start monkey around!? So the people will get together and establish directions to it behave to pleases the people. If it don’t work, then the people will get together again and decide which maker will be eliminated from the market. Since then, nobody will buy any product related to that maker. And the others will behave good.

And it is why I mentioned the French and Bolshevik Revolutions. The people need to learn its lessons. The people can negotiate with power without harm itself. We have much to lose if a total revolution be called. If all the people boycott all the makers, we would lose all the jobs that the makers represents. But if the people chose to boycott just one maker and keep buying cars from the others, the employees from the boycotted maker will be needed and will not lose job. Only the investors on the determined maker will lose.

And I am just remind it because it will be part of the solutions. People must be considered first, not leaders that give to themselves more value than they are worth of.

We have many people now-a-days thinking they are better than others because they make more money. It is another false impression. And it is peculiar to those that got the illness of vanity. Our society gave to much credit to those that make more money. And it is why so many people are preferring to do things that they don’t like but pay them better.

Mitt Romney is one of those that is proud of to be rich as if it make him better than everybody else. These kind of behavior is not good for our society. If make money be the reason for our success and everybody start doing things that pay more money, who will do the others vital things in our society? We need, at least, keep some balance between how much money the person from the overall people make and the people from the top of the pyramid do.

If somebody thinks that he or she is better than others because is able to make more money, it only is a distorted behavior person. Why I would say that? Look, if you are trained to be a medic personnel you are supposed to do your job better than anyone other trained to do another job. You don’t expect an actor be a better doctor than the scientist that he is representing. You don’t expect a bread maker be a better painter than the artist. So we don’t expect everyone else in the society be able to conduct the economy of the country than someone trained to do it.

If you are good into make money because you were trained to do it, then you are doing nothing more than what is your obligation. But if our society start gave to much privilege to those that make money and be disrespectful to the others, then everybody will be attracted to do only the things that is converted in big money. Imagine though if everybody start looking for high positions and refuse to do other things. Who will harvest? Who will collect trash? Who will baby sitter? Who will do everything else needed in every society for it be fair to all?

Without air, you die in question of minutes. Without any water you is expected to die in question of a few days. Without food you can live more days. Without easy money makers, nobody dies.

Balance is what is needed to any society work well. And today it is clear that, our society is totally out of balance. The rich is becoming richer and the poor is loosing even hope. And we can’t act like the blame for it is only to Republicans or Democrats. Mistakes have being made as long as the History of United States goes. And the politics of blame each others will not fix things. Just will make it worse.

Just one exception. The countries called BRICS, where the B represents Brazil, are the countries in development that are making the difference in our days. And it is not because they are doing so well. We can’t compare them with the long time developed others. Their way of development have to be proved. For example, we can’t compare Brazil and United States as apples and apples. But what were done there may can be a demonstration of what isn’t been done here and explain why, in part, our economy is in trouble.

As I said before, when we were kicked out of Brazil by decades of failed policies, the minimum wage was around US$ 100.00/month. Don’t be admired by it. The money at the time would buy some part of a family needs to live, although in a much less capability of consume. The common people could buy only things that was made in Brazil. But I would say that, if a couple with children had to live at the time with only the minimum wage in Brazil, they may could live better than a couple living in United States with the minimum wage around US$ 800.00/month as it was. The difference was that, the couple here would have a better assistance.

At that time in Brazil almost nobody used their own car. A small number of people had television and other things from the genre. What changed from then to now was only that, the government decided to control the inflation and start drop by drop elevate the minimum wage. Today, the minimum wage in Brazil is around US$ 300.00. The minimum wage triples and the annual budget of country as a whole got five times bigger. I don’t think it would be possible if only the richest got better shares from the society.

The good side of it is that, more and more people there is making much more money than the minimum wage, and I think it is in consequence of the money been available in the base of the pyramid. And the government also created ways to put some extra money in the pockets of the poorest ones.

Brazil still a paradox of being one of the richest countries in the world and no have the basic structures to guarantee it to all. But is like my friend Richard use to say, “People who wasn’t able to buy a bicycle then, now have they own car.” And it is the essence of Brazil today. Brazil is not yet an example of economic fairness. But is much better than in the time we came to here.

What is visible also is that, big companies and rich people never did any sacrifice to it be like that. The rich also is getting more richer. And more people is becoming rich. And it is why I think that is just an illusion or hallucination to think that the rich are the ones that create jobs in any country. If the people get money in the pocket, then the market regulate itself. What creates all the opportunities is when the little people gets money in their pockets. The people with money is the consumer and it is what creates demand. If there are demand, everybody will look the opportunity to invest in all sort of business. And it is the solely factor for creation of jobs.

And, for it be, the least effective measure is to give stimulus to those that already have money. Those will not move the market without consumers. And make the distribution of money to the top of the pyramid will only make the privileged be richer and will not fix anything. The success of a society is not on what it invests on its elites but on what it invests on its people. In a free society the success of rich people is not on what the society invests on it but on what the consumers from the free market decide to spend.

Riches is a consequence, not cause of the society. Like back in Brazil where city after city around my birthplace got no investment from big corporations to make it better and now big corporations like car makers, electronics makers and others are selling their products like never before, the same thing always can be happen when the small people get money in their pockets in any place else.

Yesterday, May 26, I watched an interview done by Piers Morgan, on CNN, to an well known supporter of the Mitt Romney’s project. And he was saying that, the Venture Capitals are good to the society because they take on firms that are ill, reorganize it in a way that they become competitive with better paid jobs. In my interpretation he was saying that, Venture Capital works like medics saving lives of terminal ill firms. OK. It is a good argument.

But like in the real life I would prefer not go to any doctor. Nothing against them. I am conscious about their usefulness. But it looks like just the impression we lay people got from our time. Looks like more specialized our doctors got today more our people are getting ill. Why it appears be like that? To me could be because more doctors are making money from their activity more they are, even unconsciously, working for the diseases never go away. Seems like they are working to find remedy for it not to remove the causes of the diseases.

What he clearly said is that, Venture Capital are not here to save the people’s jobs but to save some business. Business that they hope will pay them well. If they wanted save the day they had to invest on people. It is something like that, the business got contaminated by the illness present in our society. The disease is a result from the low payment people are getting. If the people was getting a better payment no business would be in trouble. So they are investing in the disease not in the removal of the cause of it.

It is not worth of anything to treat people with intoxication without clean up the lagoon from where the contaminated water is coming. Who where healed and drink from the same water will get sick again. The disease in our society is the value of our salaries. If it not be resolved also the society will not be healed. What appears is that, the rich Republicans are willing to make money from our diseases and later give some back in form of charity to them appears to be merciful. I don’t think “We the People” want charity. “We the People” want fairness.

What Capital Ventures are doing is also keeping the diseases of our markets alive. So they can profit from it. And the solution for our economic problems is a simple as make pie. Is just make the market stronger and it is only possible if the base of the pyramid be served. The image the supporters of Mitt Romney are trying to sale to our people is that, the pyramid is now upside down and the base is been supported by the top. How silly! It a totally out of balance thinking. And if it is that so, beware, the tumble will be greater.

Nobody would call by the name of socialist the ones that wrote our Constitution and they are the ones that put “We the People” first. These opening is a clear message from our ancestors saying that, the people should be the focus number one of our society. To put the elites in first place is an inversion of our most sacred ideals. Do it is not solution but confusion.

Doesn’t matter much if we go by the book under the orientation of Republicans or Democrats. The result looks like the same. By our own experience we saw how the administration bailed out the big businesses and the result of it were the protection of the rich people’s assets. While “We the People” are getting water in our basements.

The Republicans are preaching that they would let the businesses that needed the bailout get the water in their assets. But at the same time they are advocating the tax break for rich people. So the result would be almost the same because the money would also end in the richest people’s pockets. Although, if some of the bailed out enterprises had broke down, the people would be suffering much more.

I think that the bailout in our recent past were a bitter taste remedy to our people swallow but necessary to avoid the worsening of the chaos. But now the people need to put it behind and go forward demanding responsibility from the richer and not allow another buffoonery from Wall Street’s bosses. Otherwise, the selective boycott could be put to work.

My conclusion about the economic problem is that, We have two ways to go. One is invest on our elites. Another is invest on our people. One is confusion and another is solution.

The Republicans which ones are dominantly Christians never learned the lesson. Riches multiplies accordingly to it is shared. It looks like a contradiction but is entirely true. If you want more riches then you should share what you got with others. More riches is concentrated in few hands less it will multiply. Mat. 19:23. The Republicans think Heavens always will be open for them but how they could go with so poor understanding how to comply with God’s Will?

I am not writing all those things to accuse the Venture Capitals of doing anything out of the law. I think the people who is behind it is just taking advantage from the opportunities that the market is offering. Since is no law saying it is wrong they are not breaking it. What I would like is not be taken as some kind of dupe who can be easily driven to think that they are in it to create jobs or offers better paid jobs to others than themselves. If they set right their records everything will be all right with me.

But I also need to give some advice. They say we live in an world of opportunities. So they also need to know how to be opportunists without harm others. I think it is a good guidance because we need to have ways to have success in one hand and in the other hand we need not transform our success in cause of our downfall. Everything need to be in balance.

All of us need to remember that, as the opportunities present to us and we take it carelessly, harming the others, other opportunists can use the harm as opportunity to themselves. If the people wasn’t left behind in the cases of the French and Bolshevik Revolutions those facts would never be part of our History. Let me say that, if any serious problem occurs with our economy in a short period of time from now, and big companies be in need to be rescued, we will have a situation almost out of control because it will be fire in the barrel of gunpowder. I don’t think some happen like these will help others than some bad opportunists.

Today is Friday, June 08, 2,012. I was absent for some days because I found some lead in my family’s genealogical path and wasn’t been able to concentrate well on the issue of these chapter. But what is new was the interview gave by the former president Bill Clinton saying he was favorable to keep the Bush’s taxes cuts, even for the wealthiest Americans, until the next year. He even praised Mitt Romney for his career as CEO of Bain Capital.

What was expected just after was happen. Immediately the Republicans used it as it was the intention on say that he would give any endorsement to the Republicans ideals. Brazilians have a saying that goes like that, “shut off mouth doesn’t get fly”. Now Mr. Clinton is trying to set right what he was thinking. The Republicans want to make permanent the taxes cuts and he said it should be done only until next year. And he is in the ship to reelect president Obama. Say that Mitt Romney did a good job for himself and his investors didn’t meant that he did a good job for the people.

Brazilians also say that, “When you say something wrong, don’t explain. Your friends will believe in you without explanation and your enemies anyways will never believe”. But I don’t think Mr. Clinton made any mistake. The fact is that, since Mr. Obama entered in the White House the leadership and the extreme right wing of the Republican Party is doing a bitter opposition to his administration. And these part of the Republicans is constraining the good part of the Party to do the same and breaking the ideal of working through bipartisanship.

It became more clear with the decision of Senator Olympia Snowe from Maine to take an earlier retirement because the today’s bitterness in the Congress. She is a Republican with too much sense of responsibility and don’t support the bitterness. She always vote with Democrats when it looked good consequence to the country. But now she preferred to retire than accept the constraint done by her own partners.

As an old fox, the former president knows very well that although the extension of the taxes cuts for wealthiest will help no other than the wealthiest themselves it would be a little price to pay to got something done in the today’s do not Congress. He knows that, we need to think in a long shot not in the short terms that the bad part of Republicans want. To fix the American problems we will need decades not years. Lose one year in meanwhile will just slows the train not derail it.

I was about to go on when I saw in the news what the president Obama said about the economy. He said that the private businesses was doing fine. It generated too much buzz around the issue with Mitt Romney complimenting him, calling out of touch because we too many people unemployed right now. It is just how politics works in our days. If somebody want say something positive about his own achievement he must carefully choose the right words or will be attacked in a much high level than the words worth.

If we compare with we saw around us we can say that, Mr. Obama is right in some way. When he went office the inheritance from the Bush administration was such as many businesses closed their doors at the Framingham Center, where most of Brazilian commerce is open. The feeling at the time could be translated by the western movie’s scene of tumble weed rolling in a ghost city. Today the door are reopened and the situation can be classified as cautiously optimist.

Many old businesses had closed the doors and it opened the opportunity to new adventurers. The situation would be better if Mr. Obama had kept his word of give a new legislation that would legalize the undocumented immigrants. Instead he deported them in a record numbers. Many others preferred self deportation. The Obama administration, feeling the pressure of the prejudicial perception against undocumented immigrants, did what some of the American electorate want. It mean, give themselves a shot in their own legs.

Yes. The private businesses are doing fine in a low level of business. And the creation of millions jobs can be the measurement to prove it. But it is not enough. Although, if Mitt Romney and his gang was in the administration in the place of Mr. Obama, with his anti-immigrant agenda, I have no doubt in say it, we would be for sure in a much lower level of recovery. And it is why I can repeat it, we have no choice than vote for the less damaging politician in the race for the 2,012 election.

It said, let us go back to the issue solutions. I already mentioned the Confederation of Nations united by 5 to 12 units around the globe. It is the goal to be achieved but I know we have a thousand good steps to do before. Fundamentally we have to conquer the confidence on each other. And put an end on the idea of the “right of exploit the resources of the most vulnerable”. It is not an anti-capitalism statement. But we have to learn that, if we wanna share the riches that come from the vulnerable we also need to share with them our riches and our knowledge. Everything must be in balance.

The main goal here is the survival of our civilization and our genes. And the biggest problem to be resolve is inside of ourselves. We must recognize the right of everyone else be equally owner of our spaceship called Earth. So we need to create conditions to resolve our differences. We must recognize that everybody have the right of have one religion or have none; have one culture and the others can’t interfere in a sense of constrain others and so on. We need to achieve a higher standard of be respectful to each other.

When all feel that nobody will rob nobody then will got the needed confidence to give the much bigger step. The creation of federation of countries should be based on neighborhood. So Europe can be one unit, Africa another, Asia as well, either North and South Americas. Each one of those units must be structured to receive every knowledge that human being got. They must work like different units of the same university. The economic level must be similar. So we need much investment to make.

All the population of the Globe must be free to go in and back to wherever it want. But the residence should be controlled in a way that each unit gets a proportional quantity of the population that the local environment supports. Let say that, as we have 7 billions people living on Earth today, if we were divided in 7 units, each unit should have around a billion residents.

It should be done in anticipation of what could be happen to us as described in the prior chapter. If any unit be reached by a disastrous event, each other unit should have spared places to shelter at least 10% to 20% of its population. Immediately after any disastrous event it should be used to shelter the most vulnerable as children, sick and elderly. So all the stronger can be focused in rescue and reconstruction.

I don’t want to use too much space in my writings with details. I am not expert on nothing. But we need to start to explore the ideas of construct survival units under the land and under the sea. And even begin seriously study plans to implant units of our civilizations on the Moon and, maybe, on Mars. Those should be taken as back up plans to our civilization survivor after some event like a big asteroid impact. Each of the unit should have a representative pool of genes of all human cultures and peoples.

As the economic level should be elevated in many parts of the planet so the consume also will go up. And then we need to be aware of the big problem that is the consumerism. We need to learn better how to use more renewable sources and make less waste. We know that the survival ability of more than a billion of species were naturally achieved based on balance conquered in millions of years and now it have been broken by human activity. So we need to reintroduce ourselves in our natural ambient in a way to not cause any more damage.

I am afraid of you reader take me as a dreamer and an utopia creator. It is because everybody know that we are in the tip of an abyss and most of the futurist visionaries have been saying that, the end is a question of when not if. And it appear that even Stephen Hawking had said that, in my words, every time two civilizations encountered each other it determined the end of one of them. You don’t imagine how important, how dangerous and influential such belief is in our society. And he was talking about the possibility of have extraterrestrial civilization which would try to make contact with us.

For those that don’t remember who Stephen Hawking is, he is the most influential physicist of our time after Albert Einstein. He is the guy with the biggest open mind trapped inside of his disabled body. From his wheelchair he is the leader mind and influential thinker of our time. And what he say is accepted almost like a prophetical and unchangeable truth.

I think he is probably almost all of what he is credited for and only failed when analysed human nature. When he said what he said he ignored the part of human unnatural behavior. And it become a dangerous precedent because we have in our society a strong line of thinking that is based just on what Hawking’s said. So he said nothing new about it but maybe what he said not came to influence others and he was the one influenced by the false belief.

Then his words can be taken as an endorsement of some secret agendas to dominate the world. From those that carelessly think the world is only a playground in the hands of adults, with childish like behavior, dreamers of to make from the world a place with just one way of thinking where they will be the masters. I oppose to such way of thinking and say that, one way of thinking is not only an anti democratic statement is also one abominable aberration. And the different way of thinking don’t implies to automatically need to dominate or eliminate one by another.

Yes. We have many examples of clash of civilizations where in most of the cases one exterminated another or reduced it to its minimal significance. But we need to analyse it as an accomplishment of predetermined decisions. So it was a question of choice not a question of unavoidable situation.

Human beings are animals that came from nature who learn how to behave in an unnatural ways. If our behavior were governed by the natural laws we would never had our civilization. That why we invented the unnatural laws that guide our society. If somebody thinks that is natural we comply with laws such don’t kill, don’t steal or be faithful no matter what, he or she need to look at the other natural creatures to rethink their conceptions.

Be a human being is to follow a totally unnatural way of behave. As human being look for the better understanding of the natural he is automatically acting unnaturally. And it is the way we made possible to live in diversified societies such as our own. We are not perfect. But if we were guided only by our natural instincts was impossible to have our civilization. As we created unnatural laws as the ones that tried to guarantee equal statuses to different gender, skin looking and religious background, we also can create laws which prevent us to be selfish in terms of civilizations.

So the others don’t need to behave exactly equal like us for we interact in a positive way with them. It is just a question of we take it as a principle to be followed. And it is the crucial point for we be respectful to others and have their confidence to we achieve together the higher goal of survival as specie and as civilization.

We know the legend. Although the characterization as legend is not the entire truth. Before our most ancient civilizations came to be is said that Atlantis was the most advanced civilization on Earth and a natural disaster reduced it to a myth. Since almost 24 centuries ago Plato mentioned it in his dialogues and it have since be interpreted as fruit of his imagination. But it appear not so mythical since the discoveries of an ancient civilization at the National Park Dona Anna in Spain.

Doesn’t matter if it later be dismissed as another civilization but Atlantis. We have other’s more believable historical facts. The Greek-Roman civilization were taken by our ancestor Goths and it was also relatively more advanced than what came later during the Middle Ages. We can consider European Civilization from the 6th century through the 14th one as a time for rediscover what was old to our Classic Civilizations. Today we could be far more advanced if we had no 8 centuries of technical hibernation in our development.

And we need to take it in account because, as I described in the prior chapter, natural disasters can reduce us to a Ice Age level of development. Yes. I know. Our government have been trying to prevent it storing our knowledge in some secured places. But it is far from enough. When our civilization be reduced to scrambles by a natural disaster we don’t have no idea who will survive. The cave in the mountain?! Perhaps it will be transformed in a mausoleum of many like an unintended consequence of the disaster. Everything can be happen.

One more problem is that, the survivors will have to fight for their lives in the after match of a big natural disaster. The priority will be to be alive and not to keep all the knowledge. Another problem is that, keep and evolve the knowledge is already costly to our level of civilization which one is based on a bigger number of population. Lets say that, even if 1% of our population survives after a super disaster stroke, for sure it will not be enough to keep the same level of knowledge going on. And if the number of survivors be just a fraction of it our civilization will be reduced to a Middle Ages or less level of knowledge.

And then come the big deal. Human being civilization will have to start again from sketch. Maybe from thousands of years after the big disaster stroke the only thing that people will remember will be some “legends” like Atlantis. And then the historians will try to rediscover all that was happen, trying to separate the facts from fictions. And they will learn about a “mythological” black gold which could be used to empower machines that would make life less harder. But they will have trouble to find such “mythological” magical liquid because we already exhausted our reserves and what rests is too hard to reach.

And without a cheaper fountain of power is unlikely our civilization be recreated. Maybe humanity will survive for some more thousands of years not been able even to go back to the Moon. And it shall be the premature end of our History. Thanks to our now in power leaders in governments as well in economics, that are thinking more about themselves next vacation than the real solution for our great problems.

Our conceptions will need to get a new paradigm in what the rich will not be taken as exceptional because is rich and the poor will not be taken as inferior in consequence of be poor. Some of our leaders are comfortable with the situation believing they have the right to take the opportunity of be rich while condemning the poor to almost eternal poverty. As I know and said before, at the end of each thousand year the past generation of one thousand before have the opportunity to be ancestor of all the people alive then. So we need to start to think our future including all of our offspring and not excluding some just because we will not know them.

So, the solutions for our problems will not come easy as pie. First of all we need to create consciousness about possibilities of future and the willingness to resolve the difficulties as society not only as individuals. If we insists in to put the individualism as priority we will be in the right path to the suicide as civilization. I have no doubt about that, the ways of today’s Americans is a suicidal end to our genetics and knowledge. And I don’t think to be worth of anything to keep a path to abyss since we can change our direction anytime we want.

To actualize our political moment. The revolution in Syria have escalate to a new level of insanity. The regime Assad continue attacking its own people and appear that the rebellion is gaining strength. And worse, been armed by others enemies of the Assad regime turning Syria a new circus of open war. It is been taken as fuel by the Republicans to criticize the Obama administration because it is trying to avoid a more close involvement. Behind the theater that is been fought by politicians the History is a completely different thing.

The truth is that. Everybody knew what Assad and his gang was capable of. He is a dictator just like his father before him. And United States bears much to blame for the situation over there. No. I am not been anti-American in my comment. The problem is not United States as an whole but just the code of conduct by what we are living on for too much time.

It is in our culture of wars. We are too much accustomed to try resolve problems with force, mainly when the adversary is less stronger than us. We only try a real diplomatic approaching when we know that the adversary is strong and could give us more trouble than results. And it is why the weak ones are trying so hard to get weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to be strong and be treated with more respect.

It was happen in Iraq and is going on in Afghanistan and it can escalate to Pakistan. The NATO intervention on Libya were the signal that the Syrian people interpreted as we also can do the same for them because when they be in the middle of the conflict we would come to help them. There are just one problem. The situation in Syria is completely different and we are out of gas to sponsor another revolution right now. The big problem is that, the Syrian people’s movement have no coordination with our capabilities.

If we long ago had a more responsible policy towards peace and just intervene when all the diplomatic attempt had failed then the Syrian people would think two times before start a new revolution in such delicate moment. At least they should have an united leadership, with a clear path on how to take the power and how to behave after it.

What we have been informed is that, the Syrian revolution is nothing more than an wishful thinking. Syria is dominated by a dictatorship so the common wisdom say that it must be exchanged by something better. But what matter more is to know the changing by what. We are tired of change six by half dozen.

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in the conflict. Children have been tortured. So, and what we would expect come from any beast? As a trained veterinarian I wouldn’t never stimulate the regular people combat a ferocious pack of wolves invading their land if was in my power. To combat evil you need people trained to do so to cause the least possible collateral damage.

What United States have been done for long time by now is stimulating revolutions and putting innocent people in the middle of exchanging fire. Just after uses it as excuse to put in practice its own agenda. And the suffering people not always feel like been manipulated doing what United States want, not necessary what will be best for all.

I am amazed by the arrogance of the Secretary of State speaking about the dictator Assad. Like he was already history, and his days are counted. Our administrations have been forcefully imposing something that is called democratic government. And by our experience it is translated as disguised dictatorship. Iraq and Afghanistan are two out of our most recent examples of it. And are just two silent volcanoes waiting the right moment to erupt again.

Instead of stimulate conflicts to overthrown dictators we could use a different approach such as to convert the dictators to the democratic side. We could explain to them how we keep our democratic government and how the alternation of power keeps the same people in power without nobody realizes that is been deceived. It is a better way to have the power at hand without the usual bloody end that most dictatorships ends involved on it. Some could understand that, power is not a question of testosterone but a question of brains.

Another buzz around that is going on is about some leaks that the media have been serving us about secret activities of our government. The Republicans quickly took the revelations as intentional leaking from the White House to enhance the Obama’s poll numbers. Among others, the leaks revealed that what made a 1,000 centrifuges to get problem in Iran was nothing more than a warm planted by the CIA in the computer of the secret nuclear facility in that country.

The Republicans have no idea of how or who put the leaks on the table but preemptively pointed their finger to the president’s side because in their way of view the revelation will favors the occupant of the White House. They should be more cautious about it because if they say that it would work in favor of president’s Obama reelection then is because the American public thinks it is a good thing to be done.

But they also added to it the warning that it compromises our national security. So, they are the others that are trying to make it work for their side. Our national security is already compromised since we begun make unnecessary wars long ago. The interventionist model of our diplomacy and economic power created the conditions for our citizens be attacked all around the globe. When we suffered the 9/11 attacks it wasn’t a question of if but a question of when for sure.

When we got our soldiers urinating over Taliban fighters bodies, the case about the burn Korans and others I thought it would must be the work of Republican militants inside our Army to do damage to the Obama administration. But since I didn’t have any proof of my suspicion I wouldn’t accuse nobody or even the Party for do anything wrong. It is only a question of ethics. Not that I would ruled out anyone if I was investigating such events. But my conception was that, the Republican militants was the prime suspects. But I would reveal it only after my investigation would be done.

Our national security have been compromised not only by the late leaks. Our official diplomacy is many times responsible for the worse too. Legalized torture, imprisonment without file any accusation, invasion of countries under false allegations, use of indiscriminate sanctions, use of drones, to call others of Axis of Evil, to arrogantly think that the others are the ones that must adapt to what we want and many others is other things to blame for our national insecurity.

When the Republicans show themselves like they are worried about some leaks cause any menace to our national security they are just being hypocrite. Yes. It is true. The leaks could add to our problems with our national security. But what were done by the eight years of the Bush administration (followed by what is being done in the Obama’s administration) and what the Republican candidates already said they would do in their debates if elected, is enough to we conclude that, the Republican Party is not really thinking a tine little amount about our national security. Or better saying, they think our national security is on our armed capabilities.

Another political happen around here in United States were the recall election in the State of Wisconsin. The event in there was generated by the agenda of its governor, Scott Walker. He is a Republican who is putting in practice the Bible of conservatives. As one of his acts he passed a legislature that limits the rights of unionized workers. So the unions tried to get rid of him calling for a new election and lost. The measure against the unions is one of the corner stones of the conservatives that want a small government and concentrate all the power in fewer hands.

When Mr. Obama said our private business was doing fine his most probably opponent in the 2,012 election, Mr. Mitt Romney asked him if he hadn’t heard the of the polls in Wisconsin. And interpreted as if the results of such special election was the will of the people as an whole. In my point of view, it is not even a clear response to the fight between the unions and that governor. The problem is much more complex. And the answer in the polls just demonstrate that, the people of Wisconsin said no to change a governor prior elected just because a fight of one sector of its population. If every time one governor disagrees with part of the electorate be recalled we will be in trouble. For now, the decision of the Wisconsin’s electorate is the best.

What Mr. Romney also forgot were the results from two elections in Europe. One in France and another in Greece. In those, the electorate refuted the conservative agenda of their presidents and elected their opponents. 18 years ago the Brazilian electorate also voted for similar agenda to what Mitt Romney is trying to brought to United States. And the Brazilians reelected the same agenda four years later. Nothing wrong with the Brazilian electorate decision, since it was trying to fix the problem with a new vision on politics and no one knew all the consequences.

At the end of the eight years the electorate get the opportunity to chose again and rejected that answer to its problems because it was putting the country in a path of recession and keeping the people in its eternal poverty that was condemned by the elites for five centuries. Now Brazilians reelected the alternative and gave one more term to it. They marching to the 10th year with the alternative and rejection of the conservative agenda. As I described before and everyone knows, Brazil is becoming a better place.

Romney had the opportunity to put what he thinks is good in practice here in Massachusetts. At the end of his first term he not even got the guts of try a second term. At that time we already knew he would be kicked out of the office if he had tried. He were unable to make his successor and since then we have Deval Patrick as governor, who is Democrat and opposed the conservative agenda proposed by the former governor.

Unfortunately, elections are not like mathematics. To add the votes pro someone don’t guarantees that person will fix our problems. One time or another we can say that, if someone be elected we can anticipate if the administration will be good or bad. In these particular moment we can say that, Mr. Obama didn’t kept his words as candidate when went office at the White House. But I still giving him some credit because the exceptional situation he encountered at the time of his inauguration and the subsequent years, until now. Since he were elected I recognized that was humanly impossible to fix in a short term the damage done by his predecessor.

My vote for him shall be cautious. Will be more in consequence of we don’t have a second alternative. I think the Republicans already failed us with the administration of George W. Bush so much, and now they are trying to come back with worse ideas, that I am afraid even of to chose anyone from that Party, even the ones that appear to me be good people. If the Democrats fail us again I will be with Jesse Ventura in next time.

To those that don’t know him better do a research on what are his ideas. Right now he is saying the truth. Republicans and Democrats have been failing these country for too long. We need a third way to go. A real alternative. It worked in Brazil and may work here too. But what is vital is these third way be organized. Until now we have people and ideas. They need to translate it in a new party. And then we will have where to go.

I need to add two more argument about my decision on vote against the former governor of Massachusetts. One is his position on apology. He said Mr. Obama was apologizing many times for what wrong United States having been done around the world. And he affirmed he would never apologize. I understand his position in front of the electorate. Most people thinks an apology is a synonym of weakness. And he want act as a strong leader.

The problem with that is in the bases of our educational system. We don’t need fake one thing to appear strong to others. I have young age kids at the schooling system and one thing that is considered fundamental to we live in a fair society is to teach our children to apologize for any wrongdoing. These is crucial to our young and adult lives. We don’t need to be a caveman to appear to be strong. Mahatma Gandhi proved it to us, being more strong than the English Empire without lose his temper.

The non apologize posture of Mitt Romney is just arrogant and obscene. I can’t even permit my eight year old daughter watch the news when such obscene way of thinking is been shown.

The other argument is about Mitt Romney’s declaration that he is not worried about poor people because we have a Safety Net to take care of them. It just showed to me how ignorant the former governor of Massachusetts is about today’s poverty. I can talk about it because I can be even take as an expert on the issue since my whole life were in contact with and been poor people.

The problem with the alleged Safety Net that we have is that, it were designed to attend people with disabilities that make them permanently dependent in some way. Charity could be its middle name. Nothing wrong with our Safety Net or charity. Is even a good thing to do charity to anyone who be momentarily in a bad situation because an unexpected event. But a permanent charity to those that are capable to work and are non working because the situation of the economy could generate proud on those that are doing charity and humiliation to those that are receiving it.

Before Mitt Romney opened his mouth to say anything about our Safety Net he should give everything he have to the poor and try it for his own enlightenment. For sure, if he do it he probably will no have any trouble to find a good job offered by his old pals. And so he no longer will need to be in the Safety Net and it would work for him. But if he be reduced to the real poverty and sometime later he come back he will gave a million apologies to all of us that he offended by his out of touch comment on us. His comment about poverty is also obscene.

I think we need to keep the Obama administration for one more term because he is in the middle of something. Maybe what he is doing is not 100% right. But is at least 80% right. Is a good percentage for making things right in any business. In these case, he can keep whatsoever is going well and only correct the direction of what is not going fine.

Mitt Romney promised to change everything. As an executive from the private initiative he knows that, it is an wrong way of to do business. Like that, his results will not be good to the people and the people will not tolerate a second term for him. The alternation of power in these case is dangerous because we will lose time and money to change to Mitt Romney’s ways as well when we return to the Democrat’s ways. So if we always are going back to Democrats at the end of the line I don’t think is even worth of try one term for Mitt Romney.

To end these chapter I just want to comment about the special edition of GPS with Fareed Zacaria, on CNN. The title was “Making Immigration Work”. Basically he repeated what I am saying long ago. And he is an important public opinion driver in these country. More, he is economist and so he shall know what he is talking about. I am not taking me as great as him is. I think our opinions are alike because our experience of life are also alike. But he have the background that I don’t have.

In his documentary he were polite with both parties. He didn’t criticized nobody. Limited his comments on what is right in the issue, done in other countries and saying what should be done to fix our problems. When he mentioned names of politicians were to say what they did right and didn’t mentioned names on the wrongs. He even gave the good example when the senators Kennedy and McCain, at the time of president Bush, presented the Comprehensive Reform on Immigration.

He just mentioned it were rejected by sectors of both parties and the unions. His prognostic is although sad. He recognized that, the problem will not be fixed soon as it worth because of the bitterness between the radical wings on both parties. I don’t want be so polite. It is clear to me that, the extreme wings of both parties are nothing more than suicidal. And like that don’t matter to them if the whole country goes down with them. They are just suicidal and want bring us with them. So, is our choice let it be or not.

These book almost ends here. I will write an epilogue but only in Portuguese language. What I am planing write is more personal and includes more things that I found about my family’s genealogy. So I don’t think it will be of great interest to others but Brazilians. Maybe for the future, but until then somebody else may translate it to English.

The reason to do so is because I am tired. It is almost one year since I start writing the two books at the same time. Yes. The English version is a bit different from the Portuguese version. It is because the way of thinking and interests are a bit different to Americans and Brazilians. And what is also important is that, I am doing it as a contribution. A service done to Americans and the others. It is voluntary and probably I will never be paid for any of my suffering and renounces.

And what is going on is that, somebody in my family needed me and I couldn’t serve her as I should. Not everyday you have a 88 years old person who dedicated entire life helping others calling for a small help and you have no other choice than say, right now I can’t help.

Today is June 15, 2,012 and I was just putting my last thoughts in these chapter, English version, when I saw the signal of breaking news announcing that, the president Obama had signed some kind of protection against deportation to undocumented immigrants that were brought to United States before be 16 years old and are now under 30. It will be valid for two years with the possibility of renovation. Many hours later I am not aware of the details and totally disliked the idea.

Yes, it shall be good to give some refreshment to about 800,000 souls that are in a Limbo state of life. Unless Mitt Romney be elected in November, those young people will have a little time to wait for the Congress give them an answer if they will end in Heaven or Hell. What most likely to happen is they come back to the point of starting and nothing be done in favor of them. Anyways, I don’t like provisional decisions unless in a situation of disaster. What we have here is a case of deliberated torture done by those who are against fairness.

Although it is true, some crying baby, mostly Republicans, will ask, Why the attempt to resolve the problem of undocumented young people in this country while we have so many other problems to resolve for the nationals? And will come the eternal lament from those that thinks all the undocumented are criminals and shall be punished with deportation. I will not lose time to show others arguments to appease nobody. I will defend just one point.

We have many problems and everybody know that. And we need approve a Comprehensive Immigration Law immediately. No more time to discuss it again and again and again. With the law in place we will have one less problem to resolve and we will add many more brains and hands to starting solve our other problems. Our others problems are more relevant but the solution for the undocumented problem is much easier to be done. Even a total amnesty is much cheaper and fair than to try to deport a whole part of our society.

I don’t know nothing about everything else. The only thing that I am perfectly sure is that, give the undocumented in these country a fair chance, and just after we will be focused on solve others problems. It will work like an avalanche. Soon one problem be solved, another one will be taken and no longer the crying babies will be. While we are taken the undocumented as enemies we are just adding a problem to our big list of them.

Although everything else be true I don’t see the immigration relief with good eyes because of its prejudicial contents. It is a discrimination to say that, a person of certain age will be contemplated with it and other people of different age but with the same qualifications can not. Another way of discriminate is to put conditions like, must serve in the Army or be in an college to be allowed to apply for it. Is the same as to say that, the American born who don’t have a college degree or never went to the Army is an inferior kind of citizen. Our Constitution prohibit us to discriminate and I believe on it because the alternative is totally wrong.

In other hand, remember my friends Richard and Jose? They are two former immigrants to United States, came to here legally but begun to work and so were ruled out of law. They spent more than ten years around working hard and saving. They was investing and planing to start businesses that would create some jobs. They didn’t even concluded the middle school. But were smart and healthier enough to make more money than myself who have a college degree.

Both guys were taken by the police just because some stupid policeman wanted to do so. Jose chose a voluntary deportation. The immigration judge dismissed Richard’s case for wrong procedure on his prosecution. He stayed here for about five year after crying for an opportunity to legalization. Then lost his patience and went voluntarily back to Brazil. Both of them are now investing, consuming and creating jobs there.

In my point of view is too much lack of intelligence don’t forgive a small sin like break the immigration law for once and lose the potential smarts of millions of immigrants like them. And the crying babies that are saying that we should better take care of our citizens that are unemployed and not give to undocumented workers a comprehensive legalization law are been mislead by their own ignorance. What is getting many of our citizens out of employment is just the erosion of our pyramid bases caused by the lack of understanding of what good even our undocumented immigrants are creating. They can even be ruled as illegal but the wealth they are creating is real and fair.

My conclusion is that, if someone came in to United States in a young age like in the example of a five year old child, and stay here through the rest of the infancy and teenager, don’t matter where were born because will be absolutely culturally American. Deport such person to a country of different culture is not only a discriminatory attitude. It should be considered a crime against humanity. It is the same as what were done by the Portuguese and Spanish conquerors throughout the colonial Americas.

The impression I have about American politicians is that, they like to start conflicts and not solve problems. Looks like they are afraid of solve problems and then have nothing more to do. But when we solve our problems, new ones will emerge in front of our eyes. It was already there but we don’t see because was behind of the first one. These is the great challenge of life. And if we don’t solve the problems that we already got then it will pile up. And not solve problems is the best way to bring any empire down.


Before, I decided not publish the English version of the Epilogue of these book. The problem was that I was too tired, most of the Portuguese version was about the genealogy of my family and I have much to learn from my own genealogy. So what I already have is changing everyday. The other smaller part is most about the present American politics. The text from the Portuguese version is published on the bottom of these page. If anyone who know the language want know what is in there can suit yourself on.

The genealogical portion is mainly about the saga of the surname Barbalho in the Brazilian and Portuguese Histories. Before I start the present writings I had only a vague idea about its importance on it. But now I discovered that I myself am offspring of the most famous personality that had it on his full name. His name is Luis Barbalho Bezerra. A Brazilian hero who were in part responsible for the expelling of the invader Dutch from the Brazilian Northeast.

As I mention before, the consequence of such expelling brought some Brazilian born population to New Amsterdam, in 1,654. Later on New Amsterdam became New York and the offspring from those Brazilians helped United State to be the strong nation as it is today. My intention on remember such part of our common History was pint point the many times the American and Brazilian Histories stood together.

Even are a classic belief that when the Brazilian Revolution came, in 1.789, some of the Brazilian heroes had talked to George Washington to help them out. But what is proven is that, the contact were done through a Brazilian named Jose Joaquim Maia e Barbalho with the American ambassador in Paris, Mr. Thomas Jefferson, then the future President of United States of America.

My ancestor, Luis Barbalho Bezerra had decisive importance on Brazilian History. But I am not putting such detail of information to take any advantage of it. I got just the opposite intention. He is not my exclusive ancestor. And because he lived around 400 years ago he is probably ancestor of a significant part of the Brazilian population and also abroad. I already identified pockets of his offspring in the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.

Most of them that I personally know come from the Minas Gerais State, and they are in number of thousands. And by what I already know I expect the total number of his offspring be hundred thousands if no more than million. And these is my real concern onto make public my knowledge about the issue. To let all know that, we all are descendants from known personalities from the World History and it is valid to all, no exceptions allowed.

To those that will want learn more, unfortunately I am presenting my finds only through Portuguese version of my studies. Have been too much for me translate everything to English because my time became short and the issue is too big in contents. Anyways the ones who want to learn more can use some automatic translator. Usually it doesn’t give us a good translation but it is enough to we understand some meaning from the contents.

And who really want see more about the Barbalho and Coelho genealogy, I am actualizing my finds at the address: The Barbalho genealogy in there is already more actualized than what we got here in these book and I am planing to post more cities and more data in there soon as possible.

So I decided to come back to these page only to post the last translated part of the Epilogue of these book. It is the part where I showed my point of view about the American politics. And I am posting it because I think that it can help our fellow Americans to take one more critical looking at what is going on around here right now. I don’t expect that everybody will be happy with what I said in these part but, even so, these part of readers can also learn something about a different way of see things. Let though post the writings and live to the readers the best judgment.

Lets get back to the American underside politics. In the last week, today is Sunday, july 1st, 2,012, the things got hot around here. In the prior week, the Supreme Court of Justice had decided for the unconstitutionality of the law called by the name of SB 1070, from the Arizona State. It is a totally anti immigrant law because the local representatives overused their powers legislating over issues exclusively reserved to the Federal Government.

Despite of it, the Supreme Court kept an article which one give power to the State of Arizona police to call the immigration police (ICE) in case of to take an immigrant for any reason if it is there a reasonable doubt about his our her immigrant status in the country. This was the most controversial portion of the law because the limit between a reasonable doubt and the reality is too tine and can bring to the pure discriminatory persecution. I think that, in these case the decision were mere political. The conservative got the majority in the Supreme and such majority wouldn’t feel totally so well if had to contradict their pars at the executive and legislative fields.

But what really killed the conservative field was the decision from the last Tuesday where the law named by the conservatives as “Obamacare”, which one is a real affordable health plan, were considered constitutional. The conservatives, specially the Republicans, got crazy mad with such decision. They wanted that the law was called unconstitutional because the Obama administration spent great part of its term to get it approved and it is said his biggest realization until now. So, if it was considered unconstitutional, the Republicans would get a strong argument to try to derail his reelection.

The interesting thing was that the Supreme Court were divided on 5 to 4 in favor of the conservatives. Although, in the end the conservative justice Roberts decided for the other side. By the truth, in these case, who was with the rope in the neck was the Supreme itself. The law is clearly constitutional. But the political uneasy in the country got too much polarized, with the two biggest parties, Democrat and Republican, avoiding in all manners to work with the objective above the rivalry, that the pressure over the conservatives in the Supreme was total.

Anyways, the justice Roberts felt the duty of to put the reason over the passion, although in my opinion he did it not with all heart, and gave to the Republicans something to eat. The fact is that, the law mandates all of us to get insured. The ones that got no ways to do it will fell into the government umbrella, like the Social Assistance in Brazil. And the conservatives are against it because think that, the poor people will use too much help from the public safety net, giving a booster to the nation’s deficit. And they are more about the liberty for the private insurers exploits the market without any governmental intervention.

These attitude from the conservatives results in a good part of the American population without any health plan. And it is the problem because without an health plan, when the 30 million people without it gets any emergency, the costs ends in the people’s shoulders anyways. It is that so because they fell into the government safety net or because the insurers charge more who have insurance plans to have some reserves to cover all expenses or yet because the big companies pay such expenses for that take some relief from the income taxes. Anyway you get the groove and the money move out from the people’s pockets.

The philosophy in the law is such as, all will be covered. Who don’t get an insurance will pay a fee when feel up the taxes return. At first the fees will be small. But will increase exponentially within the coming years. Even if it be kept in a price less than a private insurance, there will be a mandate contribution that will help to pay the costs of the health keeping in the country. As the 30 million people wasn’t contributing with nothing their contribution will make some difference.

Another particularity that the law try to take away is that. Many people, mainly the youngsters, don’t buy a health insurance because thinks they will not need it. Even them having the ways to buy some. Those people can pass through decades without make any contribution. Although when something grave happen to some and make them lose all that they got before, they have no other way than get in the governmental Safety Net. It makes hard for their kids and transfer the costs to the public, just because they didn’t have insurance.

Another particularity is that, the insurance companies could deny insurance to people with preexisting conditions. And the youngsters take the risk of have first a diagnosis of cancer, as one example, to then start looking for an insurance. The law will cut short these privilege from those not care about it. And also denies the insurers to deny services to people with preexisting conditions.

The conservatives wanted to keep things as it was before the law using the allegation that it is a right of liberty to them that decided to live their lives as they want. It is a principle here in United States. They just are not accounting with that, the exceeding freedom interfere with the other’s lives, of the ones that are responsible, taking away from them their own freedom. It is that so because the responsible ones end paying for those ones that lack responsibility.

What scares the conservatives the most is the experimental character of the law. United States don’t have tradition on obligatory measures like that and the conservatives are exacerbating the consequences on put one more burden over the government tasks. In the other side, what the liberals are anticipating is that, the new contributions will pay for the gaps and like that will have a possibility of come a better guarantee for the society as an whole to get a better health assistance and it will be better protected against headaches by the unexpected situations.

At the end, the discussion from now have no any link with any concern from the conservatives on the future of our children and the children of our children. It have to do only with the fact that they are out from the command of the White House and who is there now is the adversary. When they were there, the ideas that they defended was too similar to what the Democrats were able to put in place. Even so, what the conservatives wanted was defeat them at the Supreme Court, only to have some argument for the 2,012 elections.

Mitt Romney is swearing that he will give an end to the law, at his “day one” in the office, in case of he be elected. It is a pure and simply lie. For him to do these he will need the support from 2/3 of the Congress because only the Congress can repudiate a law approved by itself, signed by the president and legally recognized by the Supreme. His discourse now is becoming to similar to one that Fernando Collor de Mello made to be elected in Brazil some time ago. By what we know about Romney, if he be elected, we will be at risk of to live a similar end of such fairy tale.

In the justice’s Roberts decision he declared the law been a new taxation. As the creation of taxation is something “pornographic” here in the liberal American economy, the Republican practically commemorated such decision. The Obama administration always said that it wasn’t a taxation but a punishment for those that would disobey the law. Otherwise I think that the justice’s Roberts decision got some cleverness in it.

The law is absolutely regular and got no taxation involved in it. He knew that the results from the application of the law will be good for the country in a long term. But he needed to give his vote in a way to guarantee the independence of the Judicial Branch, which its index of approval by the public is way down from the desired, and at the same time to offer some mitigation to the conservatives. The Supreme Court members get some degree of intelligence above the population’s average and would be impossible they hadn’t perceived that, much more than wrong politics the parties disputes are what is menacing with the future of the country.

The classification as taxation have only the cleverness on to approve what is good appearing that the approval came with any contrary feeling. It keeps the legitimacy of the Supreme and, at the same time, shields it against bigger criticism from the conservative side. Even been contradicted, the conservative think they got the argument for present president Obama as a liar, because he said that, it would be a punishment not a taxation.

The obvious is that, such “taxation” have much more to do with punishment. Taxation is generally associated with the production or acquisition of something. Everything we buy, or legally acquire, gets some taxation underhand, even on what is said free from taxation. The people who already got health insured will have not to pay for. Although, those ones that will be taken by the law will got punishment, in most of the public understanding, and it is translated as punishment not taxation. The argument that came from the Obama administration is clear about it. The insurance for cars is obligatory to all of its owners, although nobody call it by the name of taxation.

The Republicans not only were defeated but they also have been presenting themselves as bad losers. Despite of it their defeating is not coming from the Democrats qualities. By comparison, the Democrats are winning not because they got a better team but because the Republican’s coach is so bad that he is not being able to make the Republican team shows a better quality in the field. Who is seeing such dispute and came from the time or heard about, can associate the American politics from today with the time of PSD and UDN in Brazil. They are occupied into try to take down on each other, doesn’t matter what it will cost to the country.

One of the motives that make myself believe on it is related to the immigration question. President Obama cornered the Republicans and put them in a defense mode with the institution of the lifting of the deportation of children of undocumented immigrants which ones were brought to these country as children and were Americanized in their culture. Mitt Romney had openly said that, he would veto the Dream Act and would transform the undocumented immigrant’s lives so difficult that they would prefer the self-deportation.

Now, the immigrants vote have being shown as decisive. By that Mitt Romney is trying to flip-flop in his promises that he made to guarantee the vote from the most conservative Republican electorate. He is trying to ease his own words saying that he would replace the executive order done by President Obama by something of long term. What he didn’t said so is what he would do for it. Is now talking about a bipartisan decision, what is totally against the Republican determination at the last three past years for make all possible to derail the Democrat administration of President Obama, not even matter the consequences.

The Republicans strategy in relationship to the immigrants was, like I always guaranteed, a shot in the feet, and not only in themselves ones but in the nation as an whole. They let themselves be mislead by the impressions from the polls. All the surveys always showed that the number one issue to the American electorate is the economy. And it doesn’t show different in relationship to the immigrant electorate, mainly, the Latino immigrant who is the majority in the immigrants side. And it is more prominent for the Mexican origin electorate.

By these reason the Republicans didn’t paid attention on that, the despise that they gave to the Latino electorate will be, maybe, the corner stone which one the election of their candidate depend on. They calculated that what would decide the vote would be the presentation of some solution for the economic problem and everything else would be forgotten. Crude mistake! First of all because they don’t got any plan to save our derailed economy. On contrary, if they put their proposal in place it will get us under water anyways.

To demonstrate what I think I will make a little comparison. We, the naturalized immigrants and with all the right to vote, are like people with broken legs. Being the broken legs comparable to the situation of our relatives without documents. If was asked to us what would be our main concern at the moment in what our legs were broken we would immediately respond that, we was in need of an hospital and nothing more would take our attention. The hospital would be comparable to a path to legalization.

Just after the emergency situation come through, we would recall the long time without eat anything. So, if was asked what was our main concern in that moment we would answer, we would like to eat something. In these case the food would represent the economy. Then, is our broken legs no more problem? No way! We only would know that, was not in our power to do anything other than wait for the broken legs heal.

We never forgot that the Republicans are against our relatives that are without documents. If we knew that our broken legs could get some new treatment for heal in the next 12 hours, even knowing that we would stay without food during all these time, we would keep saying that, our number one issue would be the broken legs not the hunger.

Our priority became the hunger only because we know that, we will have to wait some time for the broken legs be healed. It is just like if we let our number one priority stay in the refrigerator to try to solve the number two problem, because we know that between the solution for our number one problem and our priority we got the time to wait.

Take away our attention from our main problem, to solve a secondary one, only shows us one thing, we don’t want stay still, waiting the solution for our number one problem if we already can do something else to anticipate the solution for our number two problem. And we know that, the number one problem was not yet solved because the negative intervening from the Republican Party.

Another question related to the immigration problem is the insistence from the Republicans on to persecute the undocumented immigrants saying that, we need to solve the problem from the Mexican borders before solve the problem of the immigrants that already got here, many of them for more than a decade. The Republicans stood with the incoherent idea that, who came in without legal manners passed over the right of those that want come here through legal manners.

They say that, are thousands of people waiting in an imaginary line back in their countries to have their requests to immigrate approved. But they don’t get their requests approved because the “illegals” presence that are taking their places. Before we came here, around 20 years ago, we knew that the last thing we would do in the American consulate was admit that we had the intention to immigrate to here, otherwise our visas would be immediately denied. It was even random denied to many people that was coming only to do a touristic trip. They got their visas denied by the lack of criteria.

That is the classic way argument, to accuse the victim for the error of the aggressor. It is much too similar to the sexual predator alleges that the victim was inviting him by the dress. I don’t believe in any moment that the people is breaking any line. What is happening is that doesn’t exists a comprehensive law that would be fair to the people who want come in for honestly get a job in United States. To make things right, first we need to have a good law. Like that, everybody would try to fit on it and the number of violators would be smaller so it would be easier to get them under control.

I know many example of people that came to here more than 10 years ago, they worked here and went back to Brazil without have any opportunity to legalize. And all of them said that, if had a law which gave them the permit to legally enter the country, they would never had made the error to come without the guarantees from such law. Those people that I know came here before the 09/11 attacks and before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. None of them had any involvement with it. But the some Republicans are putting the burden of it on the shoulders of all.

To we be truthful, let though not be without intelligence. Who went in the line to legally come to United States 5 years ago don’t came first to the line. Those are the ones that are wanting to pass the others that once before would get in the line, in case it had existed for them. That line just wasn’t existent. So, we can’t blame nobody for broken the line before it exists. My words doesn’t mean that I have no solidarity with those that are stacked in that imaginary line. What I would like was that, that imaginary line had been real and give protection to all who took it as well to all who would take it, if it existed before.

The defense that the Republicans are doing of those that are waiting in the line is only casuistic. They were the main responsible for deny an approval of a comprehensive law for immigration. They are majority of those who created the problem and want to put the burden on the shoulders of the victims of the consequences of their own creation.

These way of contrary thinking is so strong that the journalist Jose Antonio Vargas consider himself a trespasser in such situation. To whom that don’t know who is the person, Jose Antonio Vargas is a born Filipino that when was 12 years old were brought to United States where he is living through the rest of his life. As such he was educated in these country, became a journalist and even won the Pulitzer-Prize for his work. When came the time to start work he had to use false identity because had no legal documentation.

His life was going on regularly when the law called by the name of Dream Act, which would legalize people in the similar situation of him, were rejected by the Republican majority in the Congress. Better saying, he presented himself before the law be rejected going together with thousands of others students to expose the situation as inhumane as it is. At the past month he was in the cover of the Time Magazine, together with many other undocumented Americans. The Republican intransigence is the only one obstruction to solve such inhumane situation.

In a interview to CNN, just after the provisional law signed by President Obama, which one permit the undocumented Americans stay in the country without be molested by the immigration police, he admitted feel like he was to blame for and asked for forgiveness from others that are blocked from come to the country because (he himself didn’t recognize it) they are been victimized by the lack of a fair law on immigration to United States.

It is wrong to let him and others to feel like been ones to blame for, because any person who came to United States when was 12 years old or so, was educated accordingly to the culture in the country and feel like be an American just like any other person who was born in the country, didn’t took nothing from nobody. From those people, yes, are been taken the freedom of transit and the real ones to blame for it are going unnoticed as if they were not the ones to blame for it.

During decades, before the economic bubble from the construction industry pops out, the United States, and we should read the Republicans, didn’t accepted any initiative in relationship to create a fair law to organize the immigrants situation. All the initiative were vetoed. Even so the immigrants were used to come in and goes out in the sight of all. Nobody was paying attention on them because the issue didn’t turn in vote for them.

After the 9/11 attacks the votes began to be influenced by the immigration situation. The Republicans took the party from the prejudicial side and imposed all the barriers that they could against solve the problem. They start to demand that the security of the border with Mexico be done before the legalization law be approved.

They are most to blame for it because if we had a comprehensive law on immigration, with clear steps to be done for the immigrant be allowed to come, it would freed the borders from be illegally crossed by hundred of thousands of immigrants who only want work and not create problems. Like that, would be much more easier to make the security on the borders. As the Brazilians say, the Republicans want only “put the car in front of the bovines”. From them the only ones that are not to blame are the ones that don’t know nothing about the problem.

And the Republicans had enough time to present a comprehensive law on immigration even better than what the Democrats are offering. But they not only refused to serve justice, they decided to be the injustices themselves. Like that they gave the opportunity to President Obama to show himself as defender of the immigrants even him had deported more than a million undocumented people in the short term that his administration is going on. The Republicans failed on letting the cheese and the knife in his hands.

But I am not talking about it as it was already decided. What is incredible is that, no matter how bad or good the administration of a person can be here in United States. Rarely we have a exceptionally bad or good administration. And in the states the majority of voters are fans from one or another party. Like that, the Republicans vote for Republican and the Democrats vote for Democrat. We don’t have any third way. Just some alternate, accordingly with what is going on at given moment. Those are the ones that really decides. (Swing States)

By the truth, the elections around here start tied. Right now President Obama have some lead. But it will be a little more than three months until the elections come. He needs to keep what is given him the lead, cheers for the rest of the world not get another recession and commit not another grave error. Any mistake can result in a turn down sides. And the other side yet made all the possible mistakes it could do.

Mitt Romney is playing just like the coach Zagallo in the command of the Brazilian soccer team from 1,974. Everybody behind the lines, waiting for the mistakes from the adversaries, put nothing at risk, like if a tie could be victory. The only thing in his favor is the capital that some are investing in his candidacy. He got an expressive support from the entrepreneurs class. Unfortunately is not because the class want fix the maladies in our economy. It only wants guarantees the privileges that he would keep for them, and some of it don’t gets the support from President Obama.

I came back to these translation in a changing of heart and decided to share a little more of my thoughts. Today is August 2, 2,012. And Mitt Romney made a trip to Europe and Middle East to look for more support for his candidacy and try to emphasize the difference of points of views between him and the president. And sure he did it. He undermined the English people criticizing the Olympic organization to start with. In Israel he called Jerusalem capital of the country what anybody knew it would irritate the Palestinians.

Some could think he made some mistake here but what he was trying to do was gain some votes here in United States. Not only from the Jewish ever strong minority but also from the Christians who thinks everything in the Bible’s text is perfect. These was his main goal. A calculated risk taken. He didn’t cares about the Arab population in United States because these one don’t count in numbers of votes, or so he do thinks like that.

As I said before, he is a vulnerable candidate and like he don’t have nothing to offers to the whole American society he is choosing some sectors to get support from. As what counts is the numbers of votes to be elected he is putting aside all minorities. So he is not making great effort to get votes from immigrants (I mean the naturalized ones like me), blacks, Muslims and even women. He is relying only on the white richer male and the extreme right wing from the political spectrum.

It was his choice or was what he felt like was available to his reach. In Brazil on the past election the candidate Jose Serra made the same choice and lost the election, even to one first time running to any office like the now elected President Dilma Rousseff. But the Brazilian elections are completely different from here. There the election is mandatory. So everybody is involved. The immense part of the population is poor or in a low raking middle class. So, any candidate must get linked to these kind of voters.

As the act of vote here is optional, much of the population don’t mean to vote for anybody. These is a lesson that more than half of the people here never learned. If you don’t take part on the elections, even it looking to you be only a boring obligation, others will decide for you what your life will be like in the future and you will have no power to change it later if you don’t like.

So, most of the voters in United States come from the middle class or higher. They are the ones that are more privileged because they vote on the representatives that will defend their privileges for them. Although most of the representatives are more like to be influenced by the lobbies from the big corporations and the civil organizations. The problem is that the bigger interests are influencing more than ever.

Some of the representatives are really working for the cause of justice but they are minority in the Congress. And the Republican Party is representing what is the worse in politics. When higher interests weights more than the well being of the public it turns to disaster. In my point of view, Mitt Romney is exactly the candidate who fits on the interests of the higher interests.

And his interview done by Piers Morgan in England looks like just revealed it. Asked the question about his activities in the private sector Mitt Romney answered something like that, “They are attacking my success and they will have no success in attack my success”. That why I like characters like him. He personalizes what is going on and sincerely believes on himself. He got an I bigger than the others.

What I mean about it is that, nobody is trying to undermining success of nobody. What comes to be the issue is not the success of Mitt Romney or the success of anybody else. What is been discussed is the better way to achieve success for most of the population. Mitt Romney is a common case of egoistic personality. He thinks that everybody who is not successful as himself is worth of be in a different caste. To measures his success he don’t look at the economic pyramid. He looks just at himself.

Is like he believes in that, he was successful because was chosen to be. He is not thinking about give more opportunities to more people be successful because he been in the top feel like everybody else got the same opportunity. He don’t understand the comparison that I made before in the present book where I said that, if every men in United States was Bill Gates we wouldn’t never have around 150 million of billionaires. On contrary, we would have Bill Gates in all the positions that we all are fit on, liking or not.

The system works in such way that the success of most of the successful people don’t come from their own merits. Better saying, is not that they don’t have any merit but most will be successful because they got better opportunities than others. It is more like a random choice. Let me say that, supposed President Obama and former governor Mitt Romney had exchanged their places at birth. Would Mitt Romney be as successful as President Obama is?

The tendency is we believe in that, President Obama would be much more successful than he is if he had been born on a regular family like Mitt Romney was born from. And imagine that, President Obama came from a broken family, abandoned by his biological father and raised by his grandmother who wasn’t rich, so she had nothing to give but love and honesty. Against all odds he now is the president of all of us. If he had been a grandson of a successful businessman and son of a ex-governor we should expect much more from him. But what we could expect from anybody more than be the president of the most powerful country in the planet?

I am not defending the idea that President Obama would be a better person if he had been born in a golden bed as Mitt Romney was. It would be prejudice from my part if I say that, anyone who is born rich is better person than others. We know that, be a better person have nothing to do with the conditions on our birth. If was a link uniting the dots in all situation Jesus wouldn’t be the most recognizable person in the world. Be successful have nothing to do with Mitt Romney believes.

And it is why he took the criticism on the way he believe in be successful as personal. Nobody is against the success of anybody. But we need to recognize that, if you come from the top of the pyramid your chances of be successful in these world will be much more likely than the others that come from the base of the pyramid. Not because you are a better person but because the opportunities will be more favorable to you. The lack on understand it is what make Mitt Romney away from be connected to the regular people. And it shall cost him the election.

To be from the bottom of the pyramid and even so be successful is be against all the odds. Not because it is a consequence of be better or worse personality. It is in consequence of the shape of the pyramid itself. Those on the top don’t need to do nothing exceptional to be there. They are already there. What they need to do is only keep what they already have. Otherwise, to come from the bottom and be there you need to be exceptional because need to go all the way up, against all odds.

And to make our pyramid better we need to make the bottom richer. At least for the people on the bottom feel like economic secure. If it be done, nobody will be bothered by the ones in the top, unless they start acting irresponsibly as it were done at the 2,008 breaking down. I think that, until now, the richer people didn’t have the courage to assume their responsibility for the crash. And unfortunately, they not only didn’t do it but are also trying to impose over us one marionette that they can keep the strings regardless of our suffering.

Changing issues, my particular question of health keeps the same. Is not different if the “Obamacare” were considered constitutional or not. People around here get a good health system, while they be healthier! I always heard about the complain from my fellow born Brazilians. They was always criticizing the incompetence of the doctors that, almost all the time, only attended a patient to send him off to another doctor, generally a specialist. I always defended the system giving opinions based on my medical knowledge.

But the people was always defending the medics and the medicine in Brazil. They alleged that, in Brazil the medics got no sophisticated equipment and even so they are able to give a prompt diagnosis. They pass the prescription and we already get better at their offices. After take the medicine we heal. Here looks like the diseases get longer and become chronic. We go from office to office and never get healed. We began with one disease and end with many others.

I already commented at the chapter 15 from the present book about my health experience around here. And would like to add that, I am starting to agree with my critic friends. I comprehend the cautions from the American medics and also comprehend that, they are subjected to an wrong system that privileges to keep treatment, not the cure of diseases. Unfortunately, what drives the medicine in these country is the money, just like in everything else. We don’t have medicine, we got hypocrisy, and worth nothing the Hipocrates oath.

Here we get some exaggeration on the use of electronic tools to make diagnosis. The medics not even do a better anamnesis (investigation about the happenings that lead to the symptoms). The patient only say what they are feeling about the symptoms and soon are sent to the laboratory. Many medics own the clinics and make more money doing more exams, so, is not their better interest to give a premature diagnosis.

In the other side they also are victims from the system. As I got some knowledge about the clinic procedure, because I got a degree as veterinarian, I recognize the possibility of many similar symptoms may lead to wrong diagnosis. I know very well that a headache can be consequence of hundreds of different problems. Symptoms are not specifics, many diseases can cause the same symptoms, although, in a anamnesis well done the experienced medic can give a differential diagnosis in 99% of the cases.

The problem is the rest 1%. If a medic make a mistake at these less portion he can be brought to the justice and lose all that he made with his doing rights. That is why they better be careful. Even so, with all the precautions, is there an epidemy of wrong diagnosis that even can bring patients to death. But the medics can be exempted from blame if be proven that they offered the best possible assistance, equals to many examinations, and the problem were caused by the fail process and they were not to blame for it.

Anyways, the medics here are under intense pressure. They can be pressured by the nature of the profession itself that is to work with the life and death of people; by the impositions from the society that demands a false success on their careers; by the pressure from the society which one demands economic success from all, while the good opportunities are not enough to everyone. At the end I got some doubt between to distinguish who is happy in these country, a very wealthy medic or a simply landscaper that can live on without so much responsibility!

All these situation have been taking me to reevaluate my presence here in United States. As I said before, now I got a health insurance that don’t cover all the expenses, mine and from mine spouse. And our income is in the limit between the total insurance and the partial one, it mean, what we are making above, probably added by something more, will be spent on our costs with health, because of the diverse clinic conditions me and my wife are subjected to. I am over 50s and she over 40s, so the people from our age will understand the situation.

To not to exceed too much our deficit I decided to play in a risk mode. It mean that I am avoiding at all consequence do treatment of old problems which ones will never heal anyways, they only will make me come back many times to the clinics. The risk is that such chronic conditions evolve to worse things. I didn’t abandon the treatment of situations that I know will never get better but would lead to drastic consequences if not be take care of it, such as high cholesterol and glaucoma. That is the question, we need to take the risk to fell in a situation of permanent infirmity to be covered by the Safety Net. The alternative is to die without reach the degree of permanent infirmity.

I already passed on through some situation that would cause horror to the majority of the people. Around three months ago I perceived that my right face was paralyzed. If I blew air into my mouth the right side wouldn’t contain it. When I tried to whistle I was incapable. Then I had one experience at the last year where I was hospitalized for three days for absolutely nothing. Another thing, one resonance that were done once before showed that I had cerebral aneurysm, and later the specialist said that it was too little to do any damage to my health.

So, the decision became to be mine. If I had gone to the my primary care with such symptoms, I already knew that I would be hospitalized and put under the scrutiny of many electronic devices, for about one time that I don’t know how many, and have no idea about at cost it would be in my responsibility. Measuring all the consequences and taking the advise from myself practical human medical knowledge through my veterinarian practice, I decided not look for any help.

I thought it was some stroke but also knew that the consequences had been the minimal. So I thought, if it come a second time will kill or make me handicapped but I will take the risk anyways! The result was that, some days later my face came to work normally. I don’t oversee any bad consequence. It let me to conclude that I suffered an instant paralysis. It is common to happen in consequence of coldness. And we was exactly at the time of changing seasons from winter to spring, ideal time for anybody take some coldness.

I think that, from now on, it will be the ways of my life. I will have to come back to work to make money, not to be rich, but for not to be ashamed. I will have to let to do what I like, because what I like is only valuable to myself. I will close here these pages, and will get out from them happily, because better is to fish than do philosophy. (Malba Tahan wasn’t so wrong on to say that, “The philosopher take a break fishing and the fisher doing philosophy).

I think that I addressed these book to the presidents of United States. Now I change here the idea and address it to all the general peoples. The peoples are the truthful owners of the power and they need to take control of it for that the democracy become the well being of the people, by the people and for the people.




          02. A AMERICA SUICIDA
          04. O QUE EH SER UM EUROPEU?


          01. INTRODUCAO

Este pode ser o ultimo livro que escreverei. Apesar do nome do livro eu nao estou planejando “sair de cena”. A razao para ele poder ser o ultimo eh muito simples. Eu nao me lembro desde quando eu escrevo em minha vida sem nunca ter recebido qualquer pagamento. Eu tenho escrito pelo prazer de oferecer conselhos e na intencao de ser util `as pessoas que nem sequer conheco e a amigos. Porem, isso comecou a tomar muito do meu tempo. E eu tenho uma vida independente. Uma vida que muitos chamam de moderna. Uma vida tao moderna que temos que pagar por tudo que a gente usa. Algumas vezes pagamos ate por aquilo que nunca usaremos. Coisas que nem sempre sao essenciais. E o custo disso nao eh barato. E tempo eh dinheiro.Falando nisso, escrever tem sido um passatempo que eu tenho tido que pagar por ele. Como um pai responsavel, sera preciso que eu sacrifique meu prazer em favor de um futuro mais seguro para minha descendencia.

Esta escrita esta coincidindo com a minha naturalizao como americano. Isso deve ocorrer em primeiro de setembro de 2011, hoje eh dia 11 de agosto, e nao serei capaz de terminar o livro antes daquela data. Nao sei se tornar-me naturalizado ira ser suficiente para que os outros nao me venham com a velha desculpa para desacreditar-me dizendo: “Ah, ele nao eh americano!” Mas eu prefiro olhar as coisas atraves dos angulos positivos. Como americano novo ninguem podera acusar-me de inveja por nao se-lo.

     Outro lado positivo eh este, eu poderei me tornar um brasilianista com informacoes que os nascidos americanos nao possuem.

Nada eh novo para mim mas eh sempre interessante saber que, a liberdade de expressao “eh um direito ou liberdade garantido pelo primeiro adendo” da nossa constituicao. Observe-se que a liberdade de expressao eh um direito de todos que vivem nos Estados Unidos. Nao importa que tenha ou nao documentacao. Finalmente, “comunicar sua opiniao sobre qualquer assunto a um funcionario eleito” eh uma “maneira de os americanos participarem da construcao de sua democracia”. Em minha forma de pensar, dar uma opiniao eh meu direito em primeiro lugar. E tambem eh uma responsabilidade, em segundo. Tudo isso esta no folheto: “Aprenda a Respeito das Licoes Civicas Fundamentais para o Teste de Naturalizacao” autorizado pelo Departamento de Seguranca Publica dos Estados Unidos [Reparticao de Servicos de Imigracao e Cidadania].

Eu vou oferecer este conselho a todos os funcionarios eleitos, especialmente aos presidentes.

Mas algumas coisas precisam ficar absolutamente claras aqui. Nao sou doutor em nada. Nada sei alem da minha propria experiencia de vida. As opinioes que irei expor nestes escritos nao pertencem a nenhuma instituicao ou nacionalidade. Sou o unico responsavel por pensa-las e escreve-las. A responsabilidade no ler e entender nao serao minhas. Assim, eu pedirei licenca aos leitores para compreenderem algumas incorrecoes no uso das palavras que poderao leva-los a alguma conclusao errada. Eh preciso que entendam que eu vim para esse pais depois de completar 35 anos, sem saber quase nada de ingles. E o que eu sei agora foi atraves da pratica e nao da escola. Como estou familiarizado com o escrever em portugues, eu sei que uma pequena troca na ordem das palavras pode levar a uma grande diferenca no que se quer dizer. Portanto, desconsiderem quando eu escrever homem grande em lugar de grande homem. Em portugues nos temos a mesma diferenca. Voce deve escrever homem grande quando quer dizer “big man” e grande homem quando a intencao eh “great man”.

O conteudo que eu pretendo por nesse livro esta relacionado com Historia, economia, politica, migracao, orgulho e preconceito. Talvez, um bocadinho de genealogia. Tambem usarei um pouco da minha autobiografia. Tentarei evitar citar nomes quando isso nao for essencial. Em outros casos eu ficarei feliz em dar nome aos bois quando isso se tornar importante para identificar de quem estarei falando.

     Como eu nao conheco os detalhes das Historias de outros paises, melhor dizendo, eu conheco alguma coisa a respeito da Historia Mundial mas nao conheco os detalhes das Historias dos paises individualmente. Vou precisar usar a Historia do Brasil, que eh a que melhor conheco, para fazer alguma comparacao. Nao penso comparar Estados Unidos com Brasil. Mas quero destacar eventos onde os dois caminharam juntos em suas Historias, ou mostrar fatos ocorridos num deles e isso atingiu o outro. Imagino que em alguns dos fatos historicos muitos dos outros paises estavam juntos, acompanhando os Estados Unidos, mas me fogem certos detalhes ate mesmo destas parcerias com o Brasil.
     Eh parte da minha intencao organizar o que penso em cronicas separadas. Cada uma tratando de um assunto diferente. Tentarei colocar os acontecimentos em ordem cronologica. Assim, os leitores poderam ler os artigos separadamente. Porem, sera preciso ler a obra completa para compreender melhor o conteudo.
     Alguns que irao ler este livro deverao sentir-se ofendidos por minhas opinioes. Esta nao eh a minha vontade. Eh um problema na natureza humana. Algumas pessoas sao incapazes de aceitar o pensamento diferente do delas. Elas pensam que o mundo nas mentes delas eh o melhor. Entao, tudo o que pareca contradizer isso eh tratado como abominacao. Eu nao posso controlar os sentimentos dos outros. Tento controlar os meus deixando os outros terem as proprias opinioes mesmo sem concordar com elas. Se alguem desejar por em pratos limpos as nossas razoes, civilizadamente, eu estou totalmente aberto para a ideia.
     Algumas das pessoas contrarias quererao assumir que meus escritos tem a finalidade de atingir aos Estados Unidos. Talvez elas irao pensar assim: Ele eh parte de complo, assim como em algumas teorias de conspiracao, com a finalidade de enfraquecer a imagem americana perante ao mundo. Estou escrevendo isso em antecipacao para que nao tenham a desculpa, e saibam que penso assim: sou totalmente favoravel `a verdade. Eu nao imagino a verdade feita para prejudicar. O que prejudica eh ver a verdade e nega-la. O que prejudica eh ver a verdade e nao assumir a responsabilidade frente a ela. Aqueles que veem a verdade e assumem suas responsabilidades frente a ela sao os que sao dignificados pelo respeito.
     Em todo caso, eu tenho duas grandes razoes para nao prejudicar aos Estados Unidos. A primeira eh que sou nascido brasileiro. Se alguem pensa que estou escrevendo para prejudicar aos Estados Unidos sera porque tambem pensa que eu faria isso, nao sei como, para beneficiar ao Brasil. Para estes que nada sabem a respeito das relacoes existentes entre Brasil e Estados Unidos, precisam saber isso: o Brasil tem uma reserva monetaria de aproximadamente 320 bilhoes de dolares. E esta eh a unica salvaguarda dele. Dois tercos disso estao investidos em papeis do governo americano. Prejudicar aos Estados Unidos resultaria em prejudicar ao Brasil. O Brasil esta tomando um risco muito serio ao ajudar aos Estados Unidos dessa maneira, no momento de dificuldade deles. Se os Estados Unidos for para o buraco, quase certamente, o Brasil ficara na beira do abismo. Eu nao faria o mesmo que o Brasil esta fazendo senao por familiares ou grande amizade.
     Outra razao a meu favor eh esta. Sou pai de dois filhos. Sao os unicos que tenho. Nasceram e vivem nos Estados Unidos, e nunca disse a eles para serem mais brasileiros que americanos. Eu nao faco pressao em nenhum deles. Se algum dia eles sentirem a necessidade de escolher entre um pais ou outro, esta decisao sera deles, nao minha. O que eu quero eh o melhor para eles, mas a escolha eh deles. Assim como eu nunca prejudicaria meus filhos tambem nao quero prejuizos para os paises deles.
     Particularmente, penso que a melhor maneira de solucionar nossos problemas eh ficarmos juntos. Paises e povos. Ate agora, o que nos tem sido dito eh isso, nos temos que competir para que isso faca de nos os melhores. Nao concordo com isso em nenhum sentido. Competir implica nisso, alguem ficara prejudicado nalguma forma. Eu sou a favor de trabalharmos juntos. Todo mundo trabalha. E o premio eh repartido com todos. Todas as vezes que se compete ninguem leva o premio melhor. Quando voce esta competindo gasta energia em excesso fazendo coisas que prejudicam a voce mesmo. Se esta energia, esperdicada pelos dois lados, for usada para coisas boas, o premio sempre sera dobrado ou triplicado.
          02. A AMERICA SUICIDA
     Este capitulo nao obedecera a minha intencao de postar tudo em ordem cronologica. Servira para explicar o nome da obra e tracar um paralelo de uma questao muito importante para a saude publica americana.
     Eu estou acostumado a ouvir a 90.9 FM, Radio da Universidade de Boston. Todas as vezes que estou dirigindo estou ouvindo algo util. Tanto faz, noticias nacionais ou internacionais, programas de musica ou simples entrevistas. Geralmente eles entrevistam outores de best sellers, produtores de filmes ou qualquer assunto envolvendo cultura. E eh isso que eu gosto.
     Tenho uma historia longa de aprendizado com eles. Logo depois de eu vir para os Estados Unidos eu descobri a 89.7 FM, Radio Publica, que transmite quase o mesmo conteudo. Isso ajudou-me a aprender ingles porque eles falam compassadamente, ai a gente pode ouvir palavra por palavra. Alem disso eu tinha o interesse em tomar conhecimento a respeito da maioria dos assuntos mostrados nestas radios. A minha unica tristeza eh essa, durante todos estes anos, quase 17, eu nunca tive dinheiro suficiente para contribuir com a causa destas radios.
     Bem, so por coincidencia, ha pouco eu ouvi num programa de entrevistas a respeito do problema dos suicidios nos Estados Unidos. O entrevistado era um doutor que escreveu um livro com esse respeito. Infelizmente eu nao tinha tempo para ouvir a entrevista toda. Nao peguei nem o nome do autor. Pesquei apenas algumas informacoes importantes. Dai resolvi buscar mais informacoes no site da Fundacao Americana para Prevencao do Suicidio – AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION – AFSP.
     As estatisticas sao chocantes. As informacoes mais recentes sao do ano de 2007. Aproximadamente 34.000 americanos perderam suas vidas em suicidios. Isto eh a “11a. causa de mortes nos Estados Unidos.” “Suicidio eh a 4a. causa de mortes em adultos entre as idades de 18-65 anos. (28.628 suicidios).” “90% que morrem por suicidio tem alguma desordem psiquiatrica diagnosticavel no momento da morte deles.” “A proporcao eh de 4 suicidios masculinos para um feminimo, porem, as mulheres tentam o suicidio tres vezes mais que os homens.” “Ha uma estimativa entre 8-25 tentativas para cada morte causada por suicidio.”
     O site tras muitas outras informacoes interessantes a respeito do problema, como: “Suicidio eh o 3a. causa de morte entre pessoas entre as idades de 15-24 anos.” Mas a conclusao deles era esta: “Estudos indicam que o melhor modo de previnir o suicidio eh atraves do reconhecimento antecipado e tratamento de depressoes e outras problemas psiquiatricos.”
     Ouvindo a respeito do problema atraves da entrevista na 90.9 FM, as coisas nao parecem ser tao claras quanto os numeros estatisticos da AFSP. Primeiramente, o entrevistado deixou claro isso: ninguem sabe exatamente o que conduz uma pessoa ao suicidio. Ha uma teoria que diz que, isso eh resultado das pressoes dos nossos tempos. Poderia ser algo vinculado `a nossa era. Em oposicao a este ponto de vista ele salientou: existe uma tribo na regiao amazonica que riu quando soube que suicidio eh problema nos Estados Unidos. Eles nao poderiam entender porque nao conhecem nenhum caso de suicidio no meio deles. Para eles, suicidio eh tabu.
     Quando o argumento de que o estilo de vida primitivo nao os levasse `as mesmas condicoes de pressao foi levantado, ele respondeu que esta alegacao nao se fundamenta em verdade. O pessoal na tribo esta nos limites da existencia. Frequentemente eh atacado por doencas tropicais. Metade das criancas morrem antes de chegar `a idade adulta. Afinal, eles sofrem tanta pressao quanto um novaiorquino. A diferenca seria esta, Nova Iorque oferece muito mais oportunidades de diversao que a Bacia Amazonica inteira.
     O entrevistado ainda falou, que nao apenas aquela tribo especifica mas observando a humanidade como um todo a gente pode notar um alto grau de perseveranca em pessoas que estao `a beira da existencia material. Por que nao poderia ser igual nas sociedades de maior sucesso no mundo?! O suicidio nao eh problema apenas nos Estados Unidos.
     Nao sei se o entrevistado disse alguma coisa relacionada a respeito da relacao entre o suicidio e tendencia genetica para ele. Os dados da AFSP nao mencionam isso. Quando eu vivia no Brasil lembro-me de tal mencao. Nao me lembro de quem falou, mas parece que algumas familias sofrem o problema com maior frequencia.
     Na entrevista o doutor tambem falou que, frequentemente voce consegue identificar um fato que leva uma pessoa a decidir pelo suicidio mas nao se sabe de onde vem a vontade. Tambem falou que, apesar do suicidio ser o problema maior que o assassinato a gente nao ve isso no noticiario. Quando perguntado porque isso acontece, ele nao tinha certeza mas ofereceu uma explicacao. Poderia ser que no caso de assassinato ha a apresentacao de um vilao e uma vitima identificaveis. Assim fica mais facil trabalhar isso como noticia.
     Eu proprio nao estou certo disso. A noticia de suicidio pode ser mais dificil de vender mas sendo maior o problema, entao, seria mais importante que o publico soubesse a verdade. O que parece eh que, apesar de nossa cultura ser avancada, nos temos os nossos tabus tambem. Ele nos desperta o medo porque o suicida eh nossa imagem e semelhanca.
     O que me assombrou mais nos dados da AFSP eh o calculo de “8-25 tentativas de suicidio para cada fatalidade.” Isso implica dizer que entre 272.000 e 750.000 pessoas tentam o suicidio anualmente nos Estados Unidos. Eh um numero enorme! Mas se isso eh verdade, nao estou convencido que isso traduza a verdade por inteiro. Estou em duvida se a populacao americana esta afetada pela tendencia para o suicidio. Este comportamente altodestrutivo pode ser observado atraves do preconceito demonstrado pelo Partido do Cha (Tea Party), KKK, grupos neo-nazistas e setores do partido republicano.
     Talvez o suicidio seja um comportamento inconsciente e nao intencional mas o resultado eh o mesmo se fosse. Essas pessoas maleficas talvez nao percebam o quanto as atitudes delas estao levando os Estados Unidos `a altodestruicao. Espero que o meu manifesto possa ajuda-las a reconsiderar seus preconceitos para que a autodestruicao nao aconteca.
     No meu pobre ponto de vista, penso que assassinato e suicidio sao parte do mesmo problema. Sao resultantes de frustracoes. A resposta diferente esta nos autores serem mais egoistas ou mais altruistas. O altruista prefere acabar com a propria vida. O oposto eh observado nas pessoas egoistas. O bomba-suicida tem que ser considerado um caso aparte porque ele eh manipulado para fazer isso.
     O doutor tambem disse que, qualquer que seja o numero de suicidios efetivos eh o dobro dos assassinatos. Sim, nos Estados Unidos sao mais frequentes que nos outros paises industrializados. Mas, nao interessa quao grande seja esse numero, suicidios vem em dobro.
     Agora eu preciso especular um pouco. Sera que eh apenas isso? E se, somente se, ha algo muito maior por tras disso tudo? Se parte das mortes ditas acidentais nao forem outra coisa senao tentativas de suicidio bem sucedidas? Nao estou pensando apenas em acidentes de carro. Nos sabemos. A maioria dos acidentes de carro diz-se ter origem na alta velocidade. Mas se todo mundo sabe que a alta velocidade eh a causa numero de mortes, por que tantas pessoas continuam dirigindo acima da velocidade permitida em toda e qualquer estrada?
     Por que pessoas continuam fumando sabendo que este eh um fator de risco para suas saudes? Todo mundo sabe ou ouviu falar a respeito do problema poluicao mas porque somente um pequeno numero de pessoas esta tirando de suas vidas alguns confortos modernos responsaveis pela poluicao? Eh muitissimo sabido que, se cada pessoa no mundo comecar a consumir igual a um americano medio nos nao teriamos como servir produtos a todo mundo. Tambem, por que isso nao se torna suficiente para as pessoas entenderem que o modelo de vida esta errado e precisa ser repensado? Por que tamanha resistencia contra a tecnologia limpa? Tudo isso e muitos outros assuntos nao poderiam ser postos como tentativas de suicidio?
     Eu realmente penso assim. Eu penso que existem dois tipos de suicidios. Um voce pode chamar de Sindrome Severa do Suicidio. Eh dela que o entrevistado e a AFSP cuidam. O outro eh a Sindrome Cronica para o Suicidio. Pode-se descrever essa assim: eu sei que morrerei um dia, eu quero isso mas nao tenho a coragem de comete-lo rapidamente, entao, melhor eh tomar um comportamento de risco que acabara me levando ao mesmo lugar onde outros decidem ir de forma drastica.
     Eu penso que esse segundo tipo esta presente em pessoas como o George W. Bush, nas pessoas que controlam a Wall Street, etc. Estou em duvida quanto ao mesmo comportamento continuar presente na Casa Branca durante o governo do presidente Obama.!
     O que eles ja fizeram e continuam fazendo parece ser um tipo de comportamento covarde. Parece nao quererem vida pacifica para eles proprios. Entao, transformam a vida dos outros em um inferno. Parece que eles pensam assim, ja que eu tenho que me ir, melhor eh carregar todo mundo comigo. Sozinho eu nao quero.
     Nao culpo ninguem por estar programado para o suicidio. Penso que cada e todos nos guarda um plano secreto de contingencia de vida. A maioria apenas jamais ira usa-lo porque a vida sempre andara como pode e nao como a gente a deseja. Se eu pudesse dizer algo `as pessoas que estao nessa situacao, eu falaria isto: nao interessa o quao grande o problema que voce esta enfrentando lhe pareca, se voce der tempo ao tempo o problema ira passar por ele mesmo. Pense nalgum problema que voce tinha ha 10 anos atras. Possivelmente voce nem sequer se lembre dele. Mas se voce tentar contra sua propria vida e conseguir este objetivo, sera uma decisao da qual voce nao podera se arrepender porque eh uma decisao sem volta. Nao tente tomar decisoes definitivas em tempo de crise. Ninguem eh perfeito. Um julgamento ruim pode induzi-lo a criar um grande problema de uma situacao sem problema algum. Seja mais paciente.
     A gente dar alguma interpretacao aos numeros mostrados no relatorio da AFSP e `as causas gerais de suicidio. Estas conclusoes nao foram baseadas em pesquisas apropriadas mas sim fruto das minhas proprias observacoes da vida moderna. No meu ponto de vista, as pessoas nas sociedades ditas primitivas se ajustam `as condicoes que o mundo oferece a elas. O ideal delas eh buscar a felicidade. Felicidade pode ser encontrada em coisas simples como familia, amizade, etc. “Busca pela felicidade” eh uma das respostas para a questao: “Quais sao dois entre os direitos estipulados na Declaracao da Independencia?” dos Estados Unidos.
     Atualmente, nossa sociedade esta baseada em possuir as coisas. As pessoas estao passando a vida inteira procurando ter. Isso inclui ter outras pessoas para elas proprias. Para isso elas estao sacrificando as coisas simples da vida e nunca encontram satisfacao naquilo que fazem. Desta forma, a depressao se torna inevitavel e o que vem a acontecer depois serao apenas as consequencias.
     Talvez isso explique porque muito mais mulheres tentam o suicidio. Apesar da emancipacao feminina no seculo passado nos continuamos levando um estilo de vida de orientacao machista. Sera preciso entender que homens estao competindo contra os outros desde milhares de anos atras. As mulheres sempre estiveram presentes mas a natureza nos colocou na linha de frente dos riscos. E nos aprendermos a ser mais agressivos com isso. Algumas vezes, irracionalmente agressivos. Em consequencia disso, mulheres mais afeitas `a racionalidade sofrerao maiores pressoes neste mundo de orientacao machista.
     Geralmente, as pessoas leigas atribuem aos povos antigos e ao pessoal sem educacao escolar algum tipo de inferioridade. As pessoas olham para outras e pensam: Como eles podem ter vida alguma? Eles andam ao inves de ir de carro! Eles inclusive nao usam aparelhos eletricos, nem assistem televisao! A vida deles so pode ser terrivel! Porem, o que os leigos nao sabem eh o quanto mais os “povos primitivos” riem e gargalham. Nem o quanto mais eles se ajudam uns aos outros.
     A gente imagina que a vida que nos estamos levando agora eh a melhor desde o surgimento da pessoa humana na Terra. O problema esta ai, a quantidade de avancos deveria traduzir-se em mais tempo para o lazer, mais tempo para o amor e, especialmente, mais dinheiro na carteiro de todo mundo. Porem, o que a gente ta sempre encontrando sao mais e mais contas a pagar, menos e menos tempo de qualidade com a familia. Seguindo assim eu nao penso que nos estejamos no caminho para o Ceu. Nos estamos mais no caminho para o Juizo Final.
     Em capitulo posterior tenho a intencao de escrever alguma coisa a respeito de pessoas sem educacao escolar e imigrante sem documentos perseguidas que comprovam que tais suposicoes nao tem fundamento algum em verdade.
     Ouvi de uma pessoa leiga isso: “Voce eh parente de alguem somente ate ao quarto grau.” Para mim isso eh um pouco complicado explicar no ingles exato. Mas o que ela pensava era alguma coisa assim. Voce nao precisa considerar como parente aos seus primos se o ancestral comum de voces for seus bisavos ou geracoes anteriores. Nao sei de onde ela tirou essa ideia errada. Ela mencionou algo a respeito de religiao, no que penso existir a possibilidade de engano, ou referencia medica, no que eu duvido. A verdade eh muito diferente.
     Tenho estudado a genealogia da minha familia. Portanto tenho uma boa ideia do que vou dizer. Tambem sou medico veterinario cursado e tenho o diploma como medico dos animais. Uma disciplina em que tive dificuldades foi justamente uma com o tema: Melhoramento Animal. Eh algo que envolve genetica e ensina como fazer as vacas produzirem mais leite, galinhas botar mais ovos, etc. Eh verdade, eu tive dificuldade em concluir o curso porque matematica esta envolvida nele e eu nunca fui bom em memorizacao de formulas. Sempre preferi resolver os problemas atraves da racionalizacao. Ter dificuldade, neste caso, nao implica que nao aprendi. Algumas vezes a gente aprende melhor quando erra e revisa os erros. E foi isso que fiz.
     Muito antes da Historia alguns fatos da genealogia ja eram verdadeiros. Mesmo genealogia nao sendo ainda pensada. E quando ela comecou a ser usada muito erros foram cometidos. Mesmo agora a primeira coisa que nos pensamos a respeito de genealogia que nos vimos da familia so nosso sobrenome. Esta eh uma das ideias erradas que os leigos tem com respeito a genealogia. Normalmente, o seu sobrenome vem do seu pai, que herdou do pai dele e assim por diante. Mas isso so eh verdade se voce estiver pensando na sua linhagem paterna. E isso pode valer pouco ou nada, geneticamente falando.
     A gente sabe que, metade mais um pouquinho da nossa genetica vem da nossa mae, e o resto do nosso pai. Dai voce precisa saber disso: se o seu bisavo casou com uma mulher sem parentesco com ele, os seus avos serao praticamente meio-a-meio. Se o seu avo se casou com outra mulher tambem sem parentesco com ele, o seu pai sera 1/4 de qualquer coisa que seu bisavo era. Ainda, se sua mae nao tiver parentesco algum com seu pai, voce recebera apenas 1/8 da parte do seu bisavo. Mesmo assim voce podera ter o sobrenome dele. E ainda podera passa-lo para seus filhos, para os filhos dos filhos e assim vai. Apesar dos seus netos poderem herdar quase nada do seu bisavo.
     Se voce eh um leigo, possivelmente voce sabe que tem pai e mae. E tambem que cada um deles tem mae e pai. Entao, voce tem quatro avos. O que voce espera eh que tenha 8 bisavos. E a coisa anda assim, em cada geracao anterior `a sua espera-se que se dobre o numero de seus ancestrais. Entao, se voce esta disposto a fazer um pequeno exercicio, pegue uma calculadora e multiplique 2 X 2 e continue multiplicando os resultados por dois ate chegar `a 33a. geracao. Se voce for persistente em fazer isso ira aprender que, na 33a. geracao anterior `a sua voce eh suposto ter 8.589.934.592 ancestrais. Eh muito para voce? Na proxima geracao voce tem direito a mais de 17 bilhoes. E por ai segue.
     O tempo! O tempo eh mais que precioso. Se calcularmos a grosso modo como media, 30 anos entre uma geracao e outra, no final da 33a. geracao terao se passado 1.000 anos. Isso quer dizer que ha 1.000 anos atras voce era suposto ter mais de 8.5 bilhoes de ancestrais, somente da 33a. geracao isoladamente e nao a adicao de todas. Agora eu digo isso a voce, se voce nao tiver alguem ocupando cada um desses lugares voce nao existe. Voce que sabe algo a respeito dos dados populacionais de 1.000 anos atras deve perguntar: Mas como? Ha mil anos atras nao havia gente o suficiente. Mesmo hoje o total da populacao no mundo eh inferior a 7 bilhoes.
     Essa questao tem resposta simples. Assim acontece porque alguns dos seus ancestrais daquela geracao sao muitas e muitas vezes seu ancestrais. Possivelmente alguns sao milhoes de vezes e essa eh a razao de voce existir, apesar do numero inferior de ancestrais em relacao ao esperado.
     Porem o problema eh bem maior. Se voce fizer o calculo oposto, encontrara o mesmo numero. O que eu quero dizer eh isso, suponha que voce tenha dois filhos. E cada um deles tenha dois filhos. Tambem que seus quatro netos tenham, cada um, dois filhos, assim por diante, ate chegar `a 33a. geracao. Eh esperado que voce tenha mais de 8.5 bilhoes de descendentes somente daquela geracao. Isso significa que, se voce tivesse nascido ha 1.000 anos atras, voce era suposto ter, pelo menos, aquele numero de descendentes. Porem, se nao existe numero suficiente de pessoas na Terra, para onde elas foram?! Isso eh simples de responder.
     Se os seus netos, ao contrario de se casarem com alguem diferente da familia se casarem com eles proprios voce nao tera 8 bisnetos como esperado mas somente 4. Estou pensando no caso de voce ter 2 netas e 2 netos. Para que voce tenha o numero esperado de bisnetos eles precisarao ter 4 filhos para cada casal formado. Toda vez que um primo se casa com outro nossa multiplicacao eh esperada cair. Quanto mais as geracoes se passam e primos se casam com primos repetidamente, a media de filhos para manter nossas expectativas precisa ser cada vez maior. Em alguns casos seria preciso que alguns casais tivessem milhares ou milhoes de filhos, e isso ainda nao eh algo facil para o ser humano.
     A verdade eh essa, os seus ancestrais nao preencheram repetidamente os lugares como seus ancestrais apenas. Eles fazem o mesmo para um numero enorme de pessoas. Essas sao mais ou menos suas primas, mesmo que nao as conheca. Deixa eu te dizer isso, mesmo que voce tenha 10.000 casais de ancestrais de 1.000 anos atras, o que eh apenas uma fracao do que esperamos, voce pode estar caindo em uma armadilha genetica. Isso sera porque os seus 10.000 casais de ancestrais poderao ja ser parentes proximos. O que nos tem protegido contra a extincao eh a migracao e a multiplicacao sem limites. Agora, a migracao sozinha e os casamentos entre as linhagens diferentes sao o melhor caminho para evitar a nosso extincao.
     Vamos simplificar as coisas, saiba isso. Se ha 300 anos, na decima geracao antes da nossa, um casal de nossos ancestrais teve 10 filhos e todos se casaram, e tambem tiveram 10 filhos seguindo assim ate antes da nossa geracao. Tambem, que nenhum descendente do casal tenha casado com outro, entao, ele era suposto ter 10 bilhoes de descendentes, somente da nossa geracao. Isso nao eh legal? Como o povo antigamente tinha filhos de acordo como a natureza permitia, nos somos supostos ter, pelo menos, um casal de ancestrais comuns daquela geracao com todo e qualquer de nossos vizinhos.
     Mas as coisas nao sao tao simples. Nem todo mundo naquele tempo teve tantos filhos. Muitos de nossos tios e tias nunca tiveram filhos. Mesmo assim, o esperado eh isso, todos os casais de outrora que tiveram alguns filhos que se casaram e tiveram seus proprios filhos ate a nossa geracao provavelmente sao ancestrais de milhares, talvez ate 1 milhao de pessoas. E nao estou falando a respeito dos poligamistas.
     Tai, quando algum site de genealogia anuncia que alguma personalidade descobriu ser parente de algum personagem historico atraves do site eh porque estao usando a popularidade da personalidade para levar vantagem no obvio. Se qualquer um buscar seus ancestrais, mesmo sem se sentir uma pessoa de respeito e, naturalmente, com um pouquinho de sorte porque muitos de nossos ancestrais nao nos passaram seus dados, voce provavelmente encontrara alguma personalidade historica como ancestral. Tambem, as pessoas atuais que sao ditas personalidades sao, provavelmente, seus primos. Alguem disse uma vez a respeito da minha familia: “Nos procedemos do sangue dos REis e os Reis provem do nosso sangue.” E isso eh absolutamente verdadeiro para todos nos.
     Esta eh uma das razoes que me fez comecar a estudar nossa genealogia. Nao estou exatamente interessado em identificar reis na minha lista de ancestrais. Estou interessado na propria Historia. Tambem, quando eu encontrar qualquer personalidade como minha ancestral estarei mais interessado em conhecer melhor a Historia dela. E isso deveria ser considerado util para todos e nao para poucos.
     As pessoas costumam dizer isso: “A Historia sempre se repete.” Estou certo que nao. Historia nada faz por si mesma. Pessoas repetem seus repetem seus proprios erros muitas vezes, porque ignoram a Historia. Conhecer a Historia nao eh um hobby para excentricos mas sim uma forma de defesa propria.
     Outra razao que faz a genealogia tornar-se importante para mim esta nas implicacoes medicas dela. Apesar da gente saber tanto a respeito de genetica hoje eu penso que as mas consequencias de nossa relacao familiar estreita com a maior parte da humanidade tem sido totalmente ignoradas pelos governos. Entao, imagino que as pessoas deveriam conhecer melhor sobre isso para previnirem-se contra um possivel futuro colapso de nossa sociedade. Desde que a gente aprendeu que nao deveriamos ter tantos filhos quanto nossos ancestrais porque nosso planeta eh limitado, nos precisamos procurar nao ter filhos com problemas previsiveis. Nossos ancestrais podiam se dar ao luxo de ter tantos filhos quanto quizessem porque uns cuidavam dos outros mas se nos tivermos um filho com saude e outro sem ela, o problema tornar-se-a maior por causa da familia menor. Pense, e se as duas criancas tiverem problemas?!…
     Entao, quando alguem diz que nos somos parentes de outra pessoa baseado no numero de geracoes eh porque ele ou ela nada sabe de genetica. O que acontece eh que nossa vida eh muito limitada quando consideramos o tempo como um todo. Temos o privilegio de conhecer um numero muito pequeno de geracoes dos nossos parentes mais intimos. Algumas vezes nos consideramos melhor algumas pessoas menos parentas nossas que outras mais proximas porque a gente eh guiado pela ideia errada de que, parentes sao aqueles que a gente conhece.
     Baseado no que eu sei de genetica e manejamento animal eu posso dizer isso: humanos se parecem mais com galinhas de granja.
     Falo isso com consciencia. A maioria das pessoas nem imagina como os cientistas criaram as linhagens de galinha para fornecer ovos ou carne. O que eles fizeram primeiro foi selecionar aquelas que ja botavam ou que cresciam mais rapida e naturalmente. Dai fizeram o cruzamento das mais produtivas umas com as outras. Fizeram isso repetidamente por anos a fio. Fizeram ate o cruzamento entre maes com filhos e pais com filhas.
     Quanto conseguiram o que queriam, isto eh, uma linhagem que puzesse mais ovos ou crescia mais rapido, comercializaram-nas. Mas eles guardam seus segredos. Eles desemvolveram pelo menos duas linhagens para cada marca. O que voce encontra no mercado eh o cruzamento das duas. Se voce tentar comecar seu negocio a partir das galinhas que voce pode comprar vivas, elas nao serao tao produtivas como as originais. A menos que voce saiba repetir os experimentos deles e isso ira tomar tempo e dinheiro seus. Para que voce abra um negocio nessa area, voce precisa fazer parcerias com eles. Neste caso, voce ficara com o trabalho e eles partilharam contigo o dinheiro que voce ganhar. Isso eh negocio, eh o que eles dizem!
     Mas o que tal pesquisa tambem levou `as galinhas de granja foi isso: elas sao muitisso susceptiveis a doencas e problemas geneticos. Tambem, o manejo ao qual as galinhas estao sujeitas, vivendo em espaco minimo, pode fazer a disseminacao das doencas em um piscar de olhos. Eh por isso que as galinhas de granja precisam de muitas vacinas e antibioticos adicionados em sua alimentacao. Se voce for visitar uma granja de ovos ou carne os donos te pedirao para vestir uma roupa propria que protegera contras as contaminacoes que voce podera levar, mesmo que nao saiba disso.
     `A medida que nosso conhecimento genetico avanca temos aprendido a ler o que esta escrito na sequencia de DNA. E, logo apos aos primeiros resultados, os cientistas ficaram assombrados ao descobrir a semelhanca da escrita entre todos nos. Nao faz diferenca se for um esquimo, um caucasiano, um nativo sulafricano ou aborigene. Em nosso DNA somos mesmo como as galinhas de granja.
     Se isso eh verdade, por que temos tantas diferencas em nossa aparencia? Talvez eu possa explicar isso. Nas vidas primitivas fomos treinados para observar mais as diferencas. Ver as semelhancas nao tinha tanta importancia. Isso esta relacionado ao nosso meio. Existe um exemplo facil disso no Brasil. Algumas plantas foram usadas como base na alimentacao dos povos. Os orientais tiveram o arroz. Os mediorientais tinham o trigo. Os norte americanos e os sul americanos ocidentais tiveram o milho. Os brasileiros, a mandioca (Manihot utilissima).
     Ela eh uma raiz parecida com a batata mas com mais fibras e muito amido. Existem muitos jeitos de conzinha-la. Alguns sao deliciosos. Mas a mandioca tem sua irma gemea. Brasileiros a chamam de mandioca brava. Em ingles poderiamos chama-la de wild mandioca. A mandioca brava tem contem um dos venenos mais efetivos. Ela tem cianidro. Um pedacinho da planta em seu estomago e voce vira historia. Entao, conhecer a diferenca entre elas era uma questao de vida ou morte.
     Mandioca pode fornece uma grande quantidade de comida em sua mesa em uma pequena area de cultivo. Ate a mandioca mansa pode conter cianidro suficiente para matar qualquer um ou coisa que come-la. A boa novidade eh que, cozinha-la faz evaporar o veneno. Brasileiros usam-na in natura para tratar do gado apesar do veneno. Eles aprenderam que se ela for fatiada e exposta ao sol ficara limpa. Entao assim se faz antes de tratar-se das vacas.
     A parte mais venenosa da planta sao as folhas. Contudo, um grupo inteligente de pesquisadores desenvolveram um suplemento alimentar baseado em folhas de mandioca. Isso eh usado para enriquecer alimentos pouco nutritivos. Uma quantidade diaria pequena do suplemento na comida fraca em nutrientes pode rapidamente trazer saude para criancas com deficiencias nutricionais. O segredo esta em retirar o feneno antes da folha virar alimento.
     E essas coisas foram aprendidas dos chamados nativos brasileiros primitivos. Agora eu posso tracar uma relacao entre as folhas de mandioca e os imigrantes sem documentos. Se voce tenta olha-los com menos preconceito voce pode esquecer tudo o que lhe parece veneno e transforma-los num futuro glorioso para os Estados Unidos. Quanto a isso eu tenho certeza, o veneno esta nos olhos das pessoas que sao preconceituosas e nao nos proprios imigrantes sem documentos. Depois eu falarei mais a respeito desse assunto.
     Os preconceituosos foram inteligentes ao detectarem os que lhes sao diferentes na face mas nao o suficiente para separar a diferenca que prejudica da diferenca sem malicia.
     Existem todo tipo de exemplos destas coisas em todos os lugares. No mundo inteiro as pessoas tinham que reparar cuidadosamente na paisagem, antes de sair das cavernas. Predadores sao conhecidos pela habilidade de misturarem-se aos meios e nao serem detectados. Quem nao tinha a habilidade de identificar as diferencas nao teve chance de passar heranca genetica a nos.
     Mas o problema nao existe porque somos tao diferentes uns dos outros. Algumas vezes, ainda no Brasil, eu fui confundido com meus primos. Inclusive nos Estados Unidos e comum pessoas me olharem e pensarem estar diante de um americano de origem europeia. Isso pode parecer loucura. Mas eu pretendo retornar a isso posteriormente. Os meus parentes proximos que me viam constantemente nunca me confundiram com outra pessoa. Mas aqueles que me viam menos sempre cometiam algum erro. Mesmo parentes proximos que me viam pouco faziam isso.
     Isso pode ser facilmente verificado por pais de gemeos identicos. Se sao identicos, como se saber suas diferencas? Diferencas minimas sao a resposta. Voce precisa todos os seus sensos em alerta para encontra-las. E esta habilidade todo mundo tem mas tambem podemos ser treinados para apurar nossos sentidos. Dependendo da cultura em que vivemos isso pode ser direcionado para incentivar o preconceito contra os diferentes. Preconceito nao eh uma habilidade natural ou racional. Eh aprendido por defeitos nas culturas.
     Talvez, desgotar de algo diferente nao eh um preconceito intencional. Pode ser somente uma reacao natural aprendida nos milenios. O que se transforma em preconceito intencional eh a pessoa comecar a lutar contra a razao. Fazendo uma analogia, quando a pessoa comeca a ver a diferenca na pele do seu vizinho sabendo que isso nao eh nenhum sinal de perigo mas ela se acomoda na primeira impressao, mantendo aceso o sinal de alerta e ate cometendo atos contra o vizinho como se ele realmente estivesse ameacando sua vida ou suas posses.
     Todavia, cor da pele eh algo vinculado ao meio. A pessoa tem pele escura por causa da habilidade dela de viver em ambientes quentes, tropicais ou equatoriais. Eh somente uma proteina que quase todos temos a habilidade de produzir. Ela tem o nome de melanina. Ela serve como protetor solar natural. Voce ter a pele mais clara so significa que seus ancestrais viveram por um tempo longo num ambiente menos luminoso. Assim, eles foram forcados pela selecao natural a permitirem uma quantidade maior de luz passar pela pela para que pudessem produzir vitamina D.
     O problema eh que `as vezes uma coisa boa leva a certos efeitos colaterais. Se alguem que tem pele clara acompanhada de olhos azuis pensa que isso seja uma grande vantagem, pode tirar o cavalinho da chuva. Olhos azuis significam falta de melanina na iris ocular. Isso nao te atrapalha a visao mas pode causar-lhe cataratas nos olhos, se voce tem a tendencia para esse mal, mais cedo se voce se expuzer muito ao sol.
     Se um povo de pele clara estiver sujeito a um ambiente quente por milhares de geracoes e sob a influencia da selecao natural, no final, todo e qualquer descendente dele tera pele mais escura. O mesmo eh verdadeiro para pessoas de pele mais escura que for sujeito a condicoes parecidas ao do Polo Norte. Se eles se recusarem a evoluir numa forma apropriada, eles virarao historia. Assim sera a menos que os de pele escuro encontrem outra fonte de vitamina D, como as pilulas e os de pele clara comecarem a usar bloqueadores solares naturais. Outra alternativa para os de pele clara seria adaptarem-se a ter somente atividade noturna e dormirem durante o dia.
     As pessoas preconceituosas tem inteligencia suficiente para perceberem as diferencas mas nao tanto para serem capazes de serem ou fazerem diferente. Posteriormente eu voltarei a esse assunto.
          04. O QUE EH SER UM EUROPEU?
     Possivelmente, ate os americanos sabem que europeu eh alguem que nasceu na Europa. Mesmo nao sabendo exatamente o que ou onde a Europa eh. Nao falo isso por mim mesmo apenas estou criticando a mim mesmo porque o mundo inteiro conhece a ignorancia geografica americana. Talvez fosse melhor eu chamar este capitulo de: De Onde Surgiram os Europeus? Esta eh uma questao mais interessante.
     Primeiro de tudo, nao apenas europeus mas toda a raca humana veio da Africa. Se voce nao acredita nisso e puder provar erro nessa afirmacao, provavelmente ira ganhar o premio Nobel logo depois de tornar publico este seu conhecimento novo.
     Algumas vezes vejo pessoas revoltadas contra esta e outras teorias cientificas porque nao gostam ou elas parecem contradizer credos religiosos antigos. Tambem vejo as mesmas pessoas assistindo tv, acreditando que algumas imagens foram geradas no Japao e quase instanteamente podem ser vistas nos Estados Unidos. Tambem tem a capacidade de acreditar em medicos retirando o coracao do seu peito, fazendo nele alguma cirurgia, e reimplantando para que voce tenha uma chance nova de vida. Nao importa. Tudo isso so eh possivel por causa do conhecimento cientifico acumulado pelos cientistas.
     Eu sei muito bem que cientistas cometem erros todos os dias. Nao vejo problema nisso. Todos os cometemos. Estao na natureza humana. Isso se torna problema quando alguem os comete e nao aprende nada com isso. E esta eh uma razao de precisarmos que alguns de nos conhecam a Historia Humana melhor para assim, identificando os erros, tentar evitar repeti-los. Um exemplo disso foi que aqui nos Estados Unidos a populacao estava aprendendo a contornar os preconceitos mas parece que essa doenca foi capaz de reinventar ela mesma e esta rapidamente superando a boa vontade de parte da populacao. Agora voltou. E esta mais forte que antes.
     Entao, fica muito conveniente acreditar em alguns dizeres cientificos mas nao nisso: todos os humanos tem origem na Africa. Tambem: todo e cada um dos humanos sao parentes proximos uns dos outros. Nao sei o que leva as pessoas a agirem assim mas estou absolutamente certo da presenca de preconceito em decidir negar isso.
     Da Africa sairam diversas especies de humanos. Mas todas, exceto pelo Homo Sapiens sapiens, foram extintas. Os cientistas atribuem a nossa permanencia `a nossa abilidade de nos adaptarmos. Adaptacao pode ser traduzida como capacidade em resolver problemas. Nao como na matematica mas eh parecido. Nem sempre isso depende da nossa vontade. Por exemplo, isso acontece quando encontramos uma situacao de epidemia quando uma nova doenca elimina a maioria mas alguns sobrevivem porque eles tem uma defesa natural contra o agente em questao.
     Assim, os sobreviventes transmitem para sua descendencia essa capacidade. Temos muitos exemplos de adaptacoes na pessoa humana. Nos vivemos em quase todo tipo de clima na Terra e isso so eh possivel porque somos capazes de modificar nossos corpos de acordo com cada ambiente. Mas eh preciso afirmar isso tambem: “Devagar com o andor porque o santo eh de barro.” Sera preciso tomar cuidado para nao se cometer erros. Algumas adaptacoes precisam de tempo para se tornarem efetivas e ninguem esta preparado para todas as mudancas grandes e repentinas.
     Voltemos entao ao nosso assunto. Da Africa nos viemos. E alguns migraram para uma area entre os Mares Negro e Caspio. Esta regiao eh chamada de Caucaso. E este primeiro grupo de pessoas que morou la foi chamada caucasiana. O caucasiano multiplicou-se ali e, possivelmente, nas adjacencias ate 75.000 anos atras. Por volta dessa data eh bem conhecido que um supervulcao entrou em erupcao na Indonesia. Cientistas nao estao certos se so isso ou mais alguma coisa foi responsavel por comecar a nova Era Glacial.
     A teoria cientifica diz que, o supervulcao entrou em erupcao e lancou tanta poeira e gas na atmosfera que isso bloqueou uma parte da luz solar. E esta poluicao ficou la por um tempo suficiente para baixar as temperaturas medias na Terra por alguns anos. E isso induziu a natureza a continuar produzindo neve sem derrete-la. Quando a atmosfera voltou a ficar limpa a luz solar voltou mas ela era refletida pela superficie branca maior da Terra. Nos sabemos que superficies brancas refletem luz e escuras absorvem. Entao a Terra entrou num ciclo vicioso sem retorno.
     Quanto mais a temperatura caia mais neve vinha. Maior ficava a superficie branca. Mais luz solar era refletida. Ai os invernos ficaram maiores e mais frios. Desde 70.000 anos atras, os cientistas podem detectar o sinal claro de que a Terra estava de novo em nova Era Glacial. Ciclos de menores e maiores temperaturas deixam sinais na paisagem terrestre.
     Nosso planeta funciona exatamente como num livro onde as paginas sao as camadas de sedimentos. Se a gente nao retirar a poeira de nossa casa por um ano a gente pode imaginar aonde isso vai levar. A Terra funciona da mesma maneira. O que acontece na superficie por milhares de anos eh transformado em sedimentos nos fundos dos lagos e oceanos. Se isso ficar por muito tempo sob pressao pode ficar duro como pedra. E as camadas podem ser distinguidas umas das outras dependendo do clima em que foram formadas. E o tempo em que foram formadas pode ser medido por atomos presentes no material.
     Entao, `a medida que o planeta esfriava menos alimentos ficaram disponiveis para os animais, incluindo humanos. Nos estivemos a um passo da extincao. Um cientista disse uma vez que eles tinham calculado em cerca de 1.500 pessoas vivas pouco tempo depois da erupcao do supervulcao. Agora, alguns animais selvagens estao retornando dessa condicao com a ajuda de fundacoes de protecao aos animais. Humanos nao tinham a quem recorrer senao `a sua propria adaptabilidade. Mas tambem usaram inteligencia.
     Agora voce precisa tirar uma boa licao disso. Naquele tempo nos tinhamos pelo menos duas linhagenes de Homo Sapiens sapiens, uma o africano e outra o caucasiano, debatendo-se para manter a especie no cenario terrestre. Mesmo a cultura Neanthertal conseguiu isso, enquanto pode. Isso eh prova de que, alguns de nos, nao importa de qual origem, fomos feitos para ficar. E todos nos que vivemos hoje somos simbolos dessa resistencia herdada de nossos ancestrais.
     Contudo, todos nos temos que pensar nisso e tentar responder essa questao simples: se um desastre igual acontecer em nosso tempo como faremos para manter nossas vidas e passar `a nossa descendencia a prova da nossa existencia? Quando isso acontecer de novo, possivelmente, mais de 90% de nos nao sobrevivera. E a unica forma de tentar manter nossos gens por mais um milhao de anos eh aconselhar nossos filhos: misturem-se o maximo possivel e digam o mesmo para seus filhos e netos. Ame a multiplicidade e esqueca qualquer preconceito racial aprendido dos seus ancestrais. Ser racialmente puro eh arriscar-se desnecessariamente.
     Ao inves de dizer se, sera melhor dizer: quando o ser humano voltar a uma situacao de quase extincao as primeiras vitimas serao as galinhas de granja. Infelizmente, os cientistas ja sabem que muitos dos desastres imensos que ocorreram no passado voltarao a ocorrer e isso nao eh uma questao de se e sim de quando. Essa resposta ninguem sabe. Quando as galinhas de granja se virem forcadas a viver do que a natureza oferece nao serao capazes de viver por causa das modificacoes que os cientistas fizeram nelas, que as fizeram totalmente dependentes do ser humano. Pode ser que o mesmo aconteca ao proprio ser humano porque agora quase ninguem saberia viver das condicoes naturais. Para piorar, a desordem que a erupcao de um supervulcao traria pode alterar a propria natureza de uma maneira que poucas coisas naturais sobreviverao para manter vida sustentavel.
     Veio do Polo Norte um paredao de gelo. Como camadas apos camadas de neve se juntavam, isso ficava pesado demais. Entao, a pressao fez a glaciacao andar na direcao de lugares subtropicais. Em passos de preguicas, ano apos anos apos anos, isso tomou conta da paisagem. Humanos foram inteligentes o suficiente para saber que tinham que buscar abrigos em lugares mais mornos. E eles foram tangidos em direcao ao sul. A populacao se dividiu em grupos que acabaram no Sul da India, provavelmente no Oriente Medio e pelo caminho  ate a Penisula Iberica. Isso eh o mesmo que dizer Espanha e Portugal.
     Deixem que eu tome por emprestimo a definicao do Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary – Revised Edition – a definicao de caucasiano: “Eh o estabelecido como classificacao racial humana definida pela cor de pele variando entre branca ate morena que inclui povos nativos da Europa, Norte da Africa, Asia Ocidental e India. – no. 1: Nativo ou habitante do Caucaso. 2: Um membro da classificacao racial caucasiana.”
     O que ha de errado na definicao? Primeiramente agora sabemos que humanos nao podem ser classificados por racas. Sim! Para que a gente dividisse humanos em grupos de racas nos precisavamos uma certa quantidade de diferencas acumuladas nalguns grupos sendo isso verificavel em nosso DNA, mas nao temos diferencas suficientes nele. Nos somos parecidos demais, equiparaveis a galinhas de granja. A cor da pele nao pode ser usada em nosso caso. Os caucasianos nao variam a cor da pele de branca a morena. Indo a alguns lugares na India nos podemos verificar que a pele deles varia desde o branco ate ao preto, e nao para no moreno.
     Outra “cosita mas”, caucasianos foram os primeiros habitantes da America do Norte e a presenca deles aqui ja foi medida em, pelo menos, 17.000 anos atras. E este foi um dos grandes erros cometidos por cientistas ao longo da Historia. Os mais antigos teorizaram que humanos nao teriam a capacidade de sair da Asia a nao ser a pe e por volta de 7.000 anos atras quando o degelo da Era Glacial produziu uma passagem natural da Russia ate `as Grandes Planicies nos Estados Unidos. Eles tambem levantaram a teoria de que a populacao asiatica foi a primeira a chegar `as Americas porque os europeus no tempo das Grandes Descobertas encontraram apenas asiaticos aqui.
     Agora eh largamente conhecido que, muito antes, causianos ja haviam morado aqui. Porem, eh possivel que os caucasianos norte-americanos foram extintos mesmo antes dos asiaticos chegarem. Ninguem sabe ainda ao certo. A fauna gigante que existiu na America do Norte durante a Era Glacial tambem foi extinta. Tigre-dente-de-sabre, mamutes, preguica gigante e tatus do tamanho de um carro viveram na America do Norte enquanto nao veio uma catastrofe que extinguiu a fauna gigante. O que a gente sabe com certeza eh isso: humanos estavam aqui milhares de anos antes da passagem entre Asia e America do Norte ser aberta. Os asiaticos podem ser um deles.
     Outro detalhe eh este: as caracteristicas da populacao asiatica comecam a aparecer nos sedimentos apenas de 25.000 anos para ca. O que isso sugere eh que, eles sairam de uma familia caucasiana que primeiro vivia na Mongolia. De la eles multiplicaram e se espalharam atraves da Asia, ilhas do Pacifico e Americas. O Japao eh um bom exemplo da presenca dos dois. Pessoas completamente caucasianas viviam la ate 2.000 anos atras quando os asiaticos chegaram. Inclusive no inicio do seculo XX ainda existia uma populacao pequena de caucasianos la mas ela foi absorvida pelo numero muito maior de pessoas com o visual asiatico.
     Mais uma informacao extra. Os primeiros sulamericanos nao foram caucasianos nem asiaticos. Eles pareciam mais com os africanos. Isso eh visto no esqueleto encontrado na cidade de Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Mais velho que 10.000 anos, esse fossil foi revivido atraves de tecnicas de reconstituicao policial e tinha a fisionomia africana ou aborigene. E se deres uma olhadinha no Mapa Mundi pode imaginar logo: se o gelo estava tao presente no Norte do Globo eh possivel que estivesse mais presente ainda no Sul. Isso porque nao temos terras no Polo Norte e no Polo Sul temos um continente inteiro.
     Cientistas mais velhos tendiam a ignorar o quanto humanos sao inventivos. Assim, eles nao gostam de imaginar que ninguem antes de 10.000 anos atras pudesse navegar longas distancias ou usar a beira das geleiras para fazer isso. Mas a beira do gelo do Polo Sul poderia ser muito atrativa para os africanos, por causa da abundancia de alimentos. Na Era Glacial ela estava muito mais proxima da Africa do Sul e as pessoas de la poderiam navegar ate `a beira da calota polar e, indo atras da comida ou por simples acidente, pode ter acabado descobrindo a Australia e a America do Sul.
     Mas em umas partes do ano o clima nao era amistoso aos humanos por la, entao, eles tinham que voltar para o norte. E isso poderia explicar como o aborigene chegou `a Australia e ao Brasil. Dai eles andaram muito, muito longe do Polo Sul. Eu indico uma pagina na internet para que possam tirar uma conclusao melhor. Ele eh: Trata-se do trabalho da professora Niede Guidon no Brasil. Ali se explica a presenca de sinais de que o ser humano habita a America do Sul desde antes de 36.000 anos atras. Talvez ate 50.000 como a professora acredita.
     OBS: Indo diretamente `a pagina acima voce ira encontrar um texto em ingles. Portanto, quem nao conhecer a lingua podera buscar textos similares na Internet. Basta consultar o seu provedor usando o nome da professora Niede Guidon e a localidade Pedra Furada como referencias.
     Talvez existam outras possibilidades de como explicar a presenca do ser humana na America do Sul em tempos anteriores que acreditavamos. Pegando o mapa atual voce nao vera exatamente o que era 50.000 anos atras porque as ilhas pequenas eram maiores e o espaco entre continentes eram menores. Mesmo assim a distancia entre eles era grande demais para navega-la em barcos primitivos. Apesar da distancia entre o Nordeste Brasileiro e a Africa Ocidental ser a menor, penso que a viagem via Atlantico Sul eh a mais provavel de ter acontecido porque o gelo poderia servir como referencia do para onde seguir.
     Voltemos ao assunto principal desse capitulo. Por volta de 40.000 anos atras, Espanha e Portugal eram os melhores lugares na Europa para pessoas viverem o ano inteiro apesar do frio. O mesmo grupo de pessoas conseguiu transpor o Gilbratar e morar no Norte da Africa. Naquele tempo eles estavam enfrentando o momento mais frio da Era Glacial.
     Tinha tanta agua transformada em gelo que a beira da glaciacao na linha de Nova Yorque existia uma muralha com um quilometro e meio de altura. A linha que passa em Nova Yorque passa tambem por Portugal, Espanha, Italia e acima da Grecia. Desde que tinhamos menos agua liquida disponivel, o nivel dos oceanos estava bem abaixo do atual. Entao, nas imediacoes das praias de agora nao tinhamos agua. Para irmos `a praia em alguns casos a gente teria que andar uns 150 quilometros dentro dos mares atuais, no seco.
     O Mar Negro nem existia. Isso se deu porque o Mar Mediterraneo estava tao baixo que nao havia comunicacao entre eles. No lugar dele nos tinhamos um volume menor de agua doce. Este era alimentado pelos rios em torno. Como a pressao atmosferica eh maior em lugares mais baixos e isso se traduz em temperaturas mais elevadas, naquele tempo, as margens do Mar Negro poderiam ser um bom lugar para se viver. Tambem, uma parte da terra seca da Europa eh agora o fundo dos mares dela. Entao, sera possivel acharmos provas da existencia de civilizacoes primitivas na pre-historia, bastando cavar os sendimentos nos fundos dos mares.
     Dai, entre 40.000 e 13.000 anos atras, europeus viviam somente no sul europeu. Por volta do ano 13.000 atras algo aconteceu e o gelo comecou a derreter. Alguns cientistas pensam que gases congelados no fundo dos oceanos podem ter sido queimados numa erupcao vulcanica menor e o gas foi liberado no Atlantico Norte. Houve uma grande producao de CO2 e este tem a capacidade de absorver calor da luz solar para esquentar a atmosfera. A glaciacao entao comecou a mover-se de volta na direcao do Polo Norte. 10.000 anos atras, a grande familia europeia voltou a migrar. Agora em direcao ao norte.
     Agora use a imaginacao e faca as ligacoes. Como as pessoas humanas sao capazes de multiplicar-se como eu disse antes, explicando: um casal tendo 2 filhos que terao 2 outros cada um, ate a 33a. geracao, podendo isso chegar a 8.5 bilhoes em apenas 1.000 anos, entao, voce pode lembrar-se que na Peninsula Iberica os europeus se esconderam por 30.000 anos. O que voce pode esperar disso eh que: O primeiro grupo que chegou la ja era, pelo menos, parente. Mas Espanha e Portugal juntos, mais uma area sob os mares, nao sao tao grandes nem tao pequenos. Este grupo estava organizado como numa tribo.
     Depois de algum tempo possivelmente eles fossem milhares, porem, continuavam primos. Como havia multiplicacao eles tem que ter se dividido em outras tribos. Mesmo sendo parentes e primos, faz parte dos seres vivos possuirem alguma variabilidade. Um exemplo pratico disso eh meus pais terem tido 9 filhos. Cada um de nos, mesmo sendo muito parecidos, tem sua diferenca. Eu sou o mais alto de todos. Alguns sao menores. A cor da minha pele lembra europeus e um de meus irmaos eh moreno. Alguns tem cabelo encaracolado e outros ondulados. Alguns tem cabelo escuro e outros castanho, embora estes ultimos fossem loiros quando criancas. Se formos olhar cada parte de nossos corpos veremos combinacoes multiplas.
     Entao, imaginemos. Se nossos pais fossem reis e decidissem dividir a nacao em 9 reinos para cada um de nos se tornar novo rei ou rainha. Mais, se para a divisao do reino o rei estabelecer que, as pessoas do reino antigo serao divididas por sua aparencia e os mais parecidos com cada nova rainha ou rei devera segui-los, segundo suas similaridades com cada um dos novos soberanos. Neste caso, os maiores, mais parecidos com europeus, de cabelos ondulados etc me seguiriam. O mesmo aconteceria aos outros.
     Imaginem agora se as novas tribos fossem mantidas separadas nao apenas por uma geracao mas por milhares de anos. Eh esperado que nossa descendencia parecesse conosco mesmo mas o que ficaria mais visivel seriam nossas diferencas. Iria ser chocante o reencontro numa reuniao de descendentes. Alguns nunca teriam visto povo tao alto em suas vidas. Outros nunca iriam ter visto povo tao moreno. E como eu disse antes, as diferencas fariam tocar os alarmes em muitos. Lembrem-se, nos fomos condicionados pela natureza a enxergar primeiro as diferencas e fazer uma ligacao delas como sendo aviso de perigo.
     Uma parte disso foi exatamente o que aconteceu com os europeus. A Historia nao aconteceu exatamente assim porque a populacao abrigada na Peninsula Iberica ha 10.000 anos atras comecou a mover-se para os lugares mais ao norte mas manteve alguma ligacao cultural entre si. A religiao era parecida; eles faziam encontros em alguns determinados pontos para as festas anuais; nao havia superpopulacao e tinham muita terra a conquistar. Tambem, por volta de 7.000 anos atras a costa atlantica funcionava como uma estrada de comercio livre entre o Norte da Africa ate a Escandinavia. Porem, num determinado momento eles se esqueceram totalmente que eram descendentes do mesmo grupo de pessoas.
     Antes que eu me esqueca, a comunidade cientifica ainda nao sabe se houve ou nao trocas geneticas entre caucasianos e outra variedade de humanos que viveram desde o Oriente Medio ate os confins da Europa. Eles sao o povo Neanthertal. `A medida que o caucasiano avancou no territorio europeu esse povo foi desaparecendo. Mas nao se tem evidencias suficientes para dizer-se que houve guerra e o Neanthertal foi extinto. O que as evidencias mostram eh que, em alguns casos, eles residiram ao lado um do outro. Ate existe um esqueleto de uma crianca, de 25-28.000 anos atras, encontrado em Portugal, que parece ser um hibrido dessas duas familias humanas. O europeu pode ter um pouquinho de Neanthertal mas nao o suficiente para alguem afirmar isso ainda.
     Mesmo que essa possibilidade seja verdadeira, o que eu escrevi antes continua valido porque por volta de 30.000 atras o Neanthertal tinha desaparecido dos sedimentos. Naquele tempo, a populacao europeia estava chegando por ultimo na Espanha e Portugal. Dai as familias reunidas ali fizeram trocas de material genetico entre elas e todo mundo recebeu a mesma heranca. Alguns podem ter um pouquinho a mais que os outros mas nao o suficiente para fazer alguma diferenca.
     O que aconteceu depois eh que eh o problema. As civilizacoes humanas comecaram a desenvolver-se ao redor do mundo. Em varios pontos do Mediterraneo nos tivemos os fenicios ou povo do mar. A Grecia veio depois e deu nome ao restante dos europeus de Keltai. Romanos vieram apos e herdaram o mesmo preconceito introduzindo o nome celtae em sua lingua. Em nossa lingua foi traduzido isso para barbaros.
     Por que o nome? So porque os barbaros eram povos mais rurais que urbanos. Eles nao tinham sua Historia escrita. Eles levavam a comida `a boca usando facas e nao colheres e garfos. O povo civilizado jamais cometeria uma barbaridade dessa! Ao contrario, o povo civilizado comecou a caca-los e fazer guerra contra eles. Somente porque os civilizados queriam as terras deles, qualquer outra coisa que eles produzissem, e transforma-los em escravos. Foi com intencao como essa que Roma se tornou a toda poderosa do momento.
     Roma tornou-se dona de todas as terras em volta do Mediterraneo tornando-o um lago particular. Ela conquistou ate a Inglaterra. O territorio que corresponde a Inglaterra, Franca, Italia, Portugal, Espanha, Grecia eh um pouco do conquistado por Roma. A maioria dos europeus do Norte nao tinham nada que despertasse a cobica romana, exceto por pessoas para serem escravas. Assim, Roma nao conquistou o Norte Europeu, so fez incursoes la para cacar escravos.
     E Roma implantou a Pax Romana. Isso significa que quem estava sob a autoridade romana tinha que seguir sua lideranca ou de outra forma poderia ser apagado da existencia. Sob a lideranca romana voce era obrigado a pagar impostos mas nada recebia em retorno. Roma punha as tropas em suas terras com a desculpa de protege-lo contra invasoes estrangeiras mas os soldados eram mesmo usados para oprimi-lo. Ninguem tinha o direito de ter opiniao diferente.
     Apesar de ser assim, numa coisa o governo romano era mais democratico. Qualquer um poderia ter sua religiao desde que ela nao representasse nenhum obstaculo aos interesses de Roma. Ate judeus puderam praticar a religiao deles apesar dessa religiao proibi-los de adorar o imperador. A principio, Roma virou-se conta o cristianismo, tendo ou nao razao para isso, mas depois o imperador Constantino fez do cristianismo a religiao oficial do imperio. Mas isso nao foi para o bem. O que ele queria era que todo mundo fosse submisso a ele proprio e aos seguidores dele.
     Dai para adiante o imperio desestruturou. O Cristianismo era dividido em varios credos. Constantino queria uma Igreja que o subsidiasse e queria apagar as diferencas. Para tanto ele ordenou que os bispos fizessem um Concilio em Nicea. Apos o Concilio de Nicea foi proclamado o Credo de Nicea que instituia que todo o Imperio era obrigado a tornar-se cristao e seguir o dogma da Trindade segundo o modelo de Nicea. Os opositores `a crendice de Nicea eram os arianos.
     Os arianos receberam esse nome mais ou menos na epoca do Concilio de Nicea porque o representante dessa teologia tinha o nome de Arius. A teologia ariana era mais antiga que Arius e por razoes obvias instituia que existe uma Entidade Superior que nao fora criada. E os primeiros cristaos obviamente sabiam que Jesus era uma criatura concebida por esta Entidade. E isso fica muito claro lendo-se as palavras atribuidas ao proprio Jesus em Joao, 14, 28: “…o Pai eh maior que eu…” Sendo assim, nao adianta a gente querer se enganar dizendo que Jesus e Deus sao a Mesma Pessoa porque nem Deus eh Maior que Ele Proprio.
     A teologia ariana foi considerada heretica pelo Concilio de Nicea em 325 mas depois foi reaceita mas isso pode ter contribuido para a queda de Roma. Ate Jesus tinha avisado aos seguidores dele a respeito do reino dividido. O que eu pretendo dizer aqui eh isso: eh super importante permitir opinioes diferentes em nosso meio, desde que todos se respeitem, porque nos podemos ser alertados dos nossos erros por outros. Se todo mundo pensar exatamente igual nunca saberiamos quando fomos errados, nos enganos ou fomos falsos.
     Quando voce tenta impor aos outros algo que nao eh essencial voce fara inimigos por acoes que nada lhe valem. Em toda ditadura eh essencial existir um grupo de pessoas que se acredita superior e capaz de decidir as melhores solucoes em nome dos outros. Isso nao passa de empafia, o atribuir a si mesmo o destino dos outros ate sem ouvir ou se abrir ao que os outros tambem desejam.
     Entao, antes do ano 381 o arianismo era tolerado e Roma foi administrada por imperadores arianos. Eles ate enviaram sacerdores para ensinar o cristianismo ariano aos povos barbaros extra fronteira do imperio. Mas, naquele tempo, no I Concilio de Constantinopla, o arianismo foi considerado heretico outra vez e os seguidores foram perseguidos. Demais para ser apenas uma mera coincidencia, os barbaros liderados pelos godos invadiram e conquistaram o imperio em 411.
     O Imperio Romano foi dividido em 2 partes. Os godos ficaram com a propria Roma mas o Imperio do Leste, com a capital em Constantinopla ou Bizantium continuou. Posteriomente ele foi chamado de Imperio Bizantino.
     Os godos dividiram suas conquistas em 2 partes. A Europa Ocidental que inclui o centro e o sul frances mais Espanha e Portugal ficou com os visigodos. A Italia e as areas adjacentes com os ostrogodos. Desde o comeco do governo dos Ostrogodos as coisas nao andaram bem. Eles tentaram conciliar coisas como serem estrangeiros governando outro povo nas proprias terras dos governados. O povo tinha vinculos com Constantinopla que sempre estava tramando contra os ostrogodos. Godos eram arianos e a populacao seguia a orientacao do credo niceano. Eles estavam abertos a entender as opinioes diferentes mas a populacao nao.
     Historiadores classificam esse periodo como Idade Media, e algumas vezes como Era da Obscuridade. Os ostrogodos nao permaneceram no poder embora deixaram descendencia que continuou no comando. Os visigodos permaneceram por mais tempo. O esplendor da Roma antiga se foi. Europa tornou-se um lugar de guerras anuais. Cada povo tentando conquistar seu vizinho ou tentando libertar-se do despotismo deles.
     Os francos foram outro povo com a mesma origem que os godos na Alemanha mas ja havia algum tempo que viviam no Norte da Franca com autorizacao do Imperio Romano. Eles ate se opuzeram `a invasao dos godos e foram derrotados. Posteriormente esse povo se tornou a maior forca da Europa. Mas houve um acontecimento antes disso.
     Muhammad comecou seu ensinamento messianico no Oriente Medio e 100 anos depois o Imperio Muculmano era o maior ja visto. Eles conquistaram desde a India ate o Norte da Africa. Em 711 os visigodos estavam numa guerra de disputa pela sucessao. Os muculmanos nao perderam a oportunidade, cruzaram o Gibraltar e invadiram a Europa desde a Espanha ate a Franca. Imediatamente surgiu a reacao.
     Um dos lideres francos foi Charles Martel ou Carlos Martelo. Ele organizou o contra-ataque e teve sucesso em parte. Interceptou o avanco das forcas inimigas e as obrigou a retirarem-se para a Espanha. De la eles nao conseguiram remover o invasor.
     Mais tarde, o neto do Carlos Martelo, o Carlos Magno, estava no poder e conquistou toda a Europa Central. Desde a Italia ate a Alemanha. Somente alguns reinos menores ficaram de fora. No tempo dele, o papa em Roma era uma marionete nas maos dos lombardos. Mas Carlos Magno nao era um simples catolico e sim meio fanatico. Assim, ele derrotou os lombardos e se colocou sob a bencao da Igreja Catolica Romana. Em 800 ele foi coroado Imperador do Sagrado Imperio Romano. Essa foi uma tentativa de restaurar o Imperio Romano sob a protecao da Igreja Catolica.
     Mas isso nao foi longe. Os barbaros tinham uma tradicao de parcerias. Todos os filhos do rei eram co-reis. E cada um tinha o direito de ficar com uma parte do reino para si mesmo. Em seguida era comum eles fazerem guerra uns contra os outros para reunificar o reino sob um soberano. O melhor que podia acontecer disso era quando eles concordavam em apenas crias novos reinos e nao entrarem em confusao. Dai, com o passar do tempo, a Europa estava mais dividida. Mas o poder de verdade passou para as maos dos papas. Entao, a Igreja Catolica tornou-se o poder dos poderes na Europa.
     Carlos Magno foi um rei que alguns quizeram santificar depois de morto. Mas enquanto vivo ele foi capaz de mandar matar 10.000 saxoes porque eles nao aceitavam converter-se do paganismo. Ele eh considerado o pai das monarquias da Franca e Alemanha. Era catolico mas tambem tinha varias esposas. Nao recebeu educacao escolar mas criou o sistema escolar para todos e mandou todos os filhos, inclusives as filhas, estudar. Ele foi mais que uma controversia.
     Uma pequena informacao a respeito do reino dele ou do filho, Carlos I, o Piedoso, com utilidade eh que: ele nao foi capaz de reconquistar a Espanha e Portugal e teve sua unica derrota na vida quando estava voltando da Espanha e a retaguarda de suas tropas foram surpreendidas pelos bascos. Mais tarde, Carlos I, o Piedoso reconquistou Barcelona e as imediacoes que se tornaram o reino franco de Aragao.
     O que mais temos que mencionar a respeito dos europeus eh isso, eles se esqueceram a respeito de suas origens. Eles se dividiram em familias menores. Deram nome a essas familias de Saxoes, Bretoes, Gauleses, Godos, Lombardos, Bascos, Luzitanos, Francos, Viquingues e outros mais. Eles criaram muitas opressoes de uns para com os outros e exportaram isso atraves da Invasao das Americas e da expoliacao colonial em todos os cantos do globo. Eles recriaram a escravidao e a pioraram. Eles foram capazes de criar a Inquisicao. Exportaram guerras como as napoleonicas e as I e II guerras.
     Este capitulo foi feito para apontar algumas coisas ruins feitas pelos europeus. Nao ignoro as boas coisas que fizeram. Mas penso que apontar o mal seja necessario para identificarmos o lado diabolico europeu porque muito do preconceito atual no mundo veio deles e de sua descendencia. Assim, se estes tem algum sentimento de preconceito, pensando que nasceram superiores, estas pessoas preconceituosas precisam ser lembradas do sua heranca ruim. Isso se da porque se a pessoa nao reconhecer sua fraqueza e nao lutar contra ela, a fraqueza acaba se voltando contra a propria pessoa.
     Ha pouco tempo atras comecei a estudar minha genealogia. Esta eh uma tradicao na familia no Brasil e meu pai servia de inspiracao a toda a familia nisso. Meus estudos comecaram quando das Bodas de Ouro de meus pais. Minha esposa e eu tinhamos acabado de adquirir o green card em novembro de 2001. A gente retornou ao Brasil apos 8 anos sem podermos voltar. Ou melhor, nos poderiamos voltar, o que nao tinhamos era garantias de reentrar nos Estados Unidos. 10 de janeiro de 2002 seria o dia das Bodas.
     As comemoracoes foram em dezembro porque 7 de janeiro de 2002 nos tinhamos outras bodas de casamento. Era a festa de 60 anos de tia Odila e tio Eurico. Tambem era o dia de aniversario do meu pai. Entao, nao tinhamos pouco a comemorar!
     Tia Odila foi irma do meu pai ate ele morrer em 2003. E a filha dela, Ivania, tinha escrito o livro: ARVORE GENEALOGICA DA FAMILIA COELHO. Nos tinhamos crescido com o livro em casa sem estuda-lo a fundo. Isso nao nos parecia necessario porque a maioria dos dados que estavam la a gente ja conhecia por conhecer as pessoas presentes nas paginas. E se a gente nao tinha conhecido algumas pessoas por elas ja terem morrido antes da gente nascer, elas permaneciam em nossas memorias atraves dos nossos saraus. Penso que posso dizer que eram nossas reunioes em torno da fogueira. A maioria delas eram em casa do meu avo materno ou nas cozinhas dos parentes. Nesse caso, o fogo estava presente nos fogoes a lenha.
     Cozinha para nossa grande familia eh um simbolo e um sistema de vida. Pouco interessa se os outros tem um lugar proprio para se reunir. Algumas vezes, o lugar onde nascemos fica bem frio, abaixo dos 20 graus e chegando ao 0. Mas nossas reunioes em torno do fogo faziam a gente esquecer qualquer frio. O calor humano incentivado pelos risos continuos era o que dirigia a nossa conversa. O assunto de sempre eram nossos ancestrais e nossos parentes.
     Ai, na casa da tia Odila meu pai teve a ideia de comprar mais exemplares do livro. A tia deu alguns a ele e ele repassou-me um. Eu o trouxe comigo e comecei a estudar os detalhes como nunca tinha feito antes. Em particular o grau de nosso parentesco com quase 90% da populacao da nossa cidade e outras proximas. Porem, faltava ao livro alguns ramos de nossa Arvore Genealogica. Nos a chamamos de Familia Coelho mas o nome nao passa de uma mencao a um de nossos ancestrais que nasceu na metade dos anos 1700.
     O ancestral em pessoa era portugues e casado com uma Brasileira. Eles tiveram cinco filhos e somente dois se casaram. Naquele tempo, o estado em que nascemos no Brasil tinha menos de 100 anos em termos de colonizacao de origem europeia. O Estado de Minas Gerais eh o que o proprio nome fala. Eh um lugar enorme, pouca coisa menor que o Texas, com uma corrente montanhosa cujo nome eh Serra do Espinhaco (montanhas em forma de espinha) desde o sul ate ao norte. Foi o lugar onde ouro, prata, ferro, diamantes e muito mais estiveram juntos, enquanto os europeus nao chegaram.
     Entao, na primeira metade dos 1700, o Brasil teve sua Corrida do Ouro e Minas Gerais foi o lugar. Por ser colonia, Portugal mandava e tentou bloquear a migracao para la. Portugal queria controlar tudo mas isso nao era facil. A mata dominava tudo. Os rios, exceto por alguns, eram dificeis de navegar. Eles correm nas quatro principais e direcoes intermediarias. Algumas vezes o estado inclusive eh chamado de Caixa d’Agua do Brasil. La eh um dos locais mais altos do Brasil e suas aguas alimentam rios que fazem contato com varios outros estados do Sul e Nordeste Brasileiros. Junte-se a este problemas as muitas doencas tropicais nos locais mais quentes, que eram desconhecidas.
     Os europeus, especialmente portugueses e brasileiros das outras capitanias, invadiram o lugar desordenadamente. E eles comecaram a levar escravos para la. Os brasileiros nativos ja estavam la muito antes e se tornaram sujeitos `a escravidao, conversoes forcadas e as indegenas serem usadas para casamentos depois disso.
     A nossa genealogia, naquele livro, comeca um pouco depois, quando o ouro ficou escasso e os mineiros comecaram a ser mais fazendeiros que mineiros. O portugues que nos trouxe o sobrenome na familia, o qual muitos de nos continua portando, tinha o nome de Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Mais tarde eu mencionarei o motivo pelo qual o bicho coelho virou nome de nossa familia. Eh possivel que o avo Jose tenha ficado conhecido pelo apelido de Jose Coelho da Rocha, no final da vida.
     Posteriormente fiquei sabendo que a mulher dele, Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha, tambem era chamada de Eugenia Maria da Cruz e era filha de Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha e Maria Rodrigues. Giuseppe era meio-a-meio portugues e italiano. Mas ate agora nao sabemos nada a respeito dos ancestrais dele. Maria Rodrigues era brasileira e alguns falam que usava o sobrenome: de Magalhaes Barbalho. Igual em meu nome mas tenho duvidas quanto a isso. Nos temos razoes para duvidar e para acreditar porque o sobrenome Barbalho ja estava presente na area em que ela, provavelmente, nasceu, viveu e faleceu. Mas estou procurando ainda por evidencias para provar como era composto o nome real dela.
     O que estou mais interessado agora eh voltar ao assunto que da titulo ao presente capitulo. Nos temos uma tradicao que afirma que o nosso ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes descendia de outro portugues com o nome de Manoel Rodrigues Coelho. O portugues Manoel era rico e amealhou a fortuna dele mineirando ouro e tambem que foi para Minas Gerais nos primeiros momentos da Corrida do Ouro de la. Mas o tempo nao se encaixa na tradicao porque sabemos que os dois nasceram em Portugal. Jose nasceu por volta de 1.750. Manoel entrou para oi servico publico em Ouro Preto, em 1.719. Nessa data ele deveria ter 25 anos ou mais porque ele se tornou tesoureiro da Camara Municipal.
     Era muito complicado para um homem naquele tempo com seus 60 anos de idade, rico e correr o risco da viagem oceanica, casar de novo, ter um filho e retornar. Naquele tempo, a probabilidade de vida ou morte numa viagem transatlantica estava na faixa de 50 e 50%. As coisas tinham que ser assim porque temos evidencias que indicam que ele estava no Brasil em dadas posteriores a 1.750. Manoel fez contribuicoes vultosas para a construcao do Santuario de Bom Jesus do Matosinhos, em Congonhas do Campo. Este eh um dos monumentos mais conhecidos do Estado de Minas Gerais e continua sendo um marco no marketing do Estado. Teve sua construcao iniciada em 1.757 e foi terminado por volta de 30 anos depois.
     Por tais razoes eu comecei a procurar as origens de nosso ancestral em outras fontes. E encontrei alguem com o mesmo nome, possivelmente da mesma idade, num site da Internet. O nome do site eh – Portugal, que recolhe informacoes genealogicas de toda a Europa e outros lugares. Ele ja tem uns 10 anos de idade mas os dados procedem de documentos antigos, talvez, desde quando a atividade de genealogia comecou na Terra. Nao tem tudo mas a quantidade eh suficiente para assombrar uma pessoa comum.
     Da Idade Media ou antes dela o que eles tem eh um pouco das chamadas familias nobres. Mas o que eh uma familia nobre? Nao eh nada mais que uma familia comum com titulos. E eu sei porque eh assim. Isso vem desde as nossas origens tribais. Uma tribo eh, necessariamente, um grupo de pessoas com ligacoes familiares proximas. Os cientistas calcularam que os egipcios antigos que construiram as grandes piramides nao passavam de 100.000 pessoas. E o Egito antigo era uma nacao, nao apenas uma tribo.
     E, no que eu sei ate agora, eu tenho mais de 100.000 parentes ou mais. Nao. Nao estou falando de pessoas que conheco como parentes mas nao saberia dizer nome dos ancestrais delas. Estou falando apenas dos descendentes diretos dos pioneiros que povoaram as cidades em torno daquela onde nasci. Entao, nos tempos antigos a minha familia seria chamada de nacao, nao apenas familia.
     Entre meus parentes existe alguns com bons empregos como funcionarios publicos. Outros tem bons empregos por causa dos diplomas universitarios. Alguns sao comerciantes ricos. Tambem temos os sacerdores e qualquer outro exemplo que se possa dizer, sao pessoas de sucesso. Porem a maioria eh de pessoas comuns. Eh como se diz no Brasil: “Eu tenho pessoas ricas entre meus parentes mas eles nao me conhecem, e tambem pessoas pobres mas nao as conheco.”
     Atualmente, se alguem fala que trabalha como ferreiro ninguem liga. Ha 1.000 anos atras esse seria filho das familias mais nobres. Isto foi o que fez a chamada nobreza antes e isso foi passado para os dias de hoje atraves da genealogia. Nobilidade nunca foi exclusividade europeia. Em todos os cantos da Terra a gente teve esse tipo de diferenciacao que separou alguns dos outros. Mesmo que pareca a muitos de nos que na Africa e nas Americas antigas nao existia nobreza, essa impressao nasce da nossa historica ignorancia. Os europeus massacraram todas as culturas nestes continentes e monopolizaram o direito `a nobreza. A acao deles foi facilitada porque a maioria das culturas massacradas nao possuiam escrita.
     Nobreza nao significa necessariamente carater nobre. Algumas vezes isso se aplica melhor a aventureirismo, soldados da fortuna ou alguem que busca fortuna e posicao social inexcrupulosamente, como o aventureiro esta definido no dicionario.
     A justificativa para a existencia de genealogia nos tempos antigos eram as sucessoes. Precisamos pensar isso melhor. Se alguem era rei e tinha muitos filhos mas apenas um tinha o direito de ser o sucessor, os outros tinham que ficar na reserva e nao eram descartados. Tinham que esperar e ver se o novo rei seria capaz ou nao de ter filhos e se os filhos teriam capacidade de reinar. Mesmo assim, todo mundo continuaria na linha de sucessao para qualquer eventualidade. Precisamos lembrar disso, nao era incomum, numa epidemia ou numa guerra desastrosa, a maioria dos nobres serem mortos. Entao, o primeiro da linha de sucessao seria escolhido pela proximidade de parentesco com o rei morto.
     Mas algumas vezes a linha sucessoria nao se quebrava durante geracoes. E os irmaos e irmas do primeiro rei deixavam suas proprias descendencias. No principio, eles eram nomeados para os melhores cargos do governo. Depois, os filhos deles caiam para cargos menores para os filhos dos novos reis serem favorecidos. Os netos caiam ainda mais, a menos que casassem com outra pessoa de status elevado. Mantendo a queda na linha de importancia, cinco ou dez geracoes depois, a maioria da descendencia do primeiro rei poderia nao passar de pessoas comuns. Como comuns eles se casavam com outros comuns. Isso aconteceu com a maioria de nos.
     Em alguns casos isso foi o que levou algumas familias a se casar mais com os proprios parentes. No Brasil, por falta de informacao a esse respeito, as pessoas brincam dizendo, isso eh para nao espalhar a fortuna. Mas a intencao era a de nao perder os elos com o sangue real. Por ignorancia, tais familias punham suas descendencias no risco de terem doencas degenerativas.
     Bem, voltemos ao assunto de novo! Alguns dos descendentes dos meus ancestrais, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes e Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha estao postos no site Baseado em alguns dados que eu enviei a primeira geracao deles esta tambem postada como descendente do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, o nobre. Antes o site nao havia postado familia para ele. Mas na realidade eu nao posso ainda afirmar que sejam a mesma pessoa. Mas isso nao eh tao importante. Por que?
     Se aquele nobre nao for nosso ancestral tera que ser parente. Nao sendo ele sera outra pessoa ligada `as familias reais que nos passaram muitos sobrenomes que temos em nossa genealogia. Como demonstrei antes, qualquer pessoa nascida ha 1.000 anos antes de nos poderia facilmente ser ancestral de todo mundo vivendo na Terra hoje. Mas porque existiam fronteiras e preconceitos desde mais de 1.000 anos atras, somente um pequeno numero de ancestrais tera que ter gerado a populacao inteira de cada pais de hoje. Este pequeno numero pode ser milhares e ate poucos milhoes. Isso nao importa.
     Tomemos um exemplo. 1.000 anos atras, Portugal nao tinha mais de 1.000.000 de pessoas. E la tinha que ter algumas centenas ou alguns milhares de nobres. Apesar de alguma migracao para la ter ocorrido na Historia, isso nao mudou nada porque os imigrados se casaram com nas antigas familias. Entao, o nosso ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, nascido 750 anos depois, seria uma total anomalia se nao tivesse vinculos familiares com elas. E os sobrenomes dele sao as evidencias mais significantes destes vinculos.
     Deve ser muito facil nos sermos, simultaneamente, descendentes de toda e qualquer pessoa que viveu e deixou descendencia em Portugal 1.000 anos atras. Desde que sabemos disso: eh possivel termos mais de 8.5 bilhoes de ancestrais que viveram naquele tempo, nos temos espaco mais que de sobra para sermos descendentes de todo e qualquer portugues da 33a. geracao anterior `a nossa e ainda de uma grande quantidade de africanos e nativos sulamericanos. So nao posso garantir os asiaticos da India ao Japao alem da ilhas do Pacifico e Oceano Indico porque nao temos dados que nos liguem a eles como nossos ancestrais. Baseado em meus calculos, nos temos espaco suficiente para sermos descendentes de toda e qualquer pessoa pobre ou nobre da Peninsula Iberica de 1.000 anos atras, repetidamente, muitas e muitas vezes.
     Agora eu preciso fazer um resumo dos principais acontecimentos que fizeram a genetica iberica. Como disse antes, povos, agora e no passado, vivendo na Peninsula Iberica eram descendentes do grupo de caucasianos que se estabeleceram naquela area por volta de 40.000 anos atras. Por volta de 10.000 anos atras alguns se mudaram em direcao ao norte. Ate ao tempo de Jesus Cristo a genetica nao mudou.
     O povo que vivia em Portugal era chamado de luzitani. E os primos deles viviam em torno. Eles tiveram influencia da Cultura Celta. E permaneceram celtas com um pouco de influencia grega e cartiginesa. Contudo, estas influencias foram apenas culturais. Nao promoveram mudanca alguma na genetica. Depois que os romanos conquistaram cartago eles resistiram `a influencia romana.
     Desde 219 a 19 a.C. os luzitani eram os povos mais agressivos na fronteira romana. Os nativos romanos temiam ser destacados para as proximidades do territorio luzitani. Porem, em 19 a.C., Julio Cesar, com ajuda de traicao, conquistou o territorio. A regiao foi transformada na Provincia Romana Hispania Luzitania. Mas o nome nao durou muito por causa das diferencas entre os habitantes dos dois territorios. Ai a provincia virou duas, Hispania e Luzitania.
     Um fato curioso aconteceu em torno de 70 d.C. Depois de uma repressao violenta da primeira revolta judia em Israel, os romanos deportaram parte do povo de Israel para a Peninsula. Eles proprios se denominaram Safardins que significava que agora estavam vivendo muito longe de casa. Agora imaginem, se 1.000 anos eh tempo suficiente para um casal deixar tantos descendentes, os judeus que chegaram primeiro tiveram quase 1.000 anos para se tornarem ancestrais dos nossos ancestrais que nasceram 1.000 anos antes de nos. E nao eram apenas um casal, eram, pelo menos, alguns milhares.
     Mas o numero deles era pequeno comparando-se com o total da populacao vivendo na Peninsula Iberica que poderia ser em torno de 300.000 pessoas. E os judeus se multiplicaram de duas maneiras. Casando-se entre si e convertendo os celtas pagaos iberianos. Dessa forma, a comunidade judia tornou-se parte importante na vida iberiana. Apesar disso, a presenca dela nao mudou muito a genetica da populacao como um todo.
     Outra influencia significante veio por volta de 400 anos depois. Com a invasao do Imperio Romano pelos godos, a Peninsula Iberica tambem foi conquistada. Com os godos veio um povo chamado suevi ou suebi. Eles se instalaram na costa atlantica norte de Portugal e Espanha. Fundaram o primeiro reino medieval verdadeiro la com o nome de Gaelecia. Eles haveriam que ser loiros porque posteriormente a palavra galego em portugues virou sinonimo de loiro.
     Nao sei qual foi exatamente o impacto genetico deles na genetica iberiana. Mas alguns afirmam que os godos e os aliados deles contavam cerca de 10% da populacao local. Se for assim, o impacto nao foi nem grande nem insignificante. Os iberos ja tinham longa tradicao de cultura romana e eram cristaos catolicos desde o reino de Constantino. E o povo suevo foi absorvido por essa cultura. O reino dos suevos durou por uns 200 anos ate ser conquistado pelos visigodos, perto do ano 700.
    Mais duas informacoes interessantes. Tem que ter sido antes desse tempo que houve uma migracao da area da Gaelecia para povoar a Irlanda e algumas partes proximas na Inglaterra e Escocia. Essa migracao tem que ter acontecido antes da conversao ao catolicismo porque Irlanda e as outras partes povoadas permaneceram culturalmente celtas. Os modernos estudos de DNA demonstram que os irlandeses e ingleses sao os parentes mais proximos dos portugueses e espanhois em toda a Europa. Geneticamente eles sao primos. E o povo loiro da Gaelecia antiga tambem mudou-se em grande numero para o Brasil no tempo da Corrida do Ouro (Ciclo do Ouro), em Minas Gerais nos anos 1.700.
     Em 711 os muculmanos conquistaram a Peninsula Iberica quase toda. Depois eu tenho que voltar a esse assunto porque o que eles nao conquistaram foi uma pequena parte com os nomes de Cantabria e Asturias. La tem um terreno montanhoso que vem dos Pirineus passando pelo Norte da Espanha. Ali, Pelagio das Asturias e Pedro da Cantabria foram capazes de iniciar a resistencia que terminou em 1.496 com a expulsao dos muculmanos de volta para Africa.
      Tambem as invasoes muculmanas nao fizeram diferenca genetica na Peninsula Iberica porque os arabes eram em pequeno numero em comparacao com o tamanho do Imperio conquistado por eles. A forma como fizeram suas conquistas foi invadir um territorio e oferecer conversao `a populacao. Depois eles treinavam o povo em religiao e armas. Formado o novo exercito que era liderado por um pequeno numero de arabes eles partiam para nova conquista. O que eles levaram para a Peninsula foram os mouros. Os mouros eram antigos habitantes do Norte da Africa em coneccao com Gibraltar. Eram povos caucasianos que cruzaram o Gibraltar na ultima Idade do Gelo e eram parentes proximos dos europeus.
     Porem havia um pequeno numero de arabes presentes. E eles legaram mais que palavras nas linguas espanhola e portuguesa. Eles tambem legaram componentes culturais e geneticos. Nao tanto para que possamos dizer que sejamos arabes mas o suficiente para dizermos que somos primos distantes.
     As ultimas contribuicoes geneticas que os ibericos receberam vieram da propria Europa. Durante o periodo chamado Reconquista, que durou 500 anos para Portugal e quase 800 para Espanha, logo depois dos cristaos reconquistarem cada parte do territorio eles convidavam outros europeus para migrarem para la. Isso foi chamado pelo nome de repovoamento. Entao, pessoas da Holanda e da Bourgonha tambem fizeram parte da nossa mistura genetica.
     Estatisticamente falando, uma parte da populacao europeia de hoje tem uma pequena contribuicao genetica de africanos subsaarianos e asiaticos de diversas partes do globo.
     Dito isso, posso voltar aos meus ancestrais. Assim, mergulhei fundo na genealogia do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes que encontrei primeiro no sitio – Portugal, mais do que certo de que, se ele nao for nosso ancestral, os ancestrais dele o sao. E disso eu aprendi certas coisas que gostaria de repassar a quem quer que esteja interessado no que escrevo. Porei aqui uma sequencia de ancestrais que ele teve. Comecarei do casal mais velho, que serao os pais da primeira pessoa abaixo deles. Isso ira continuar ate encontrarmos o Pedro, duque da Cantabria.
Graciano, o Velho – esposa desconhecida
Valentiniano I, imperador do Ocidente – Justina
Gala – Theodosio I, imperador de Roma
Gala Placida – Ataulfo (rei)
Theodorico (rei) – Flavia Gala Placida
Theodorico I (rei) – esposa desconhecida
Eurico I Balthes (rei) – Ragnahild
Alarico II Balthes (rei) – Theodegota dos Ostrogodos
Amalric I Balthes (rei) – Clothilde de France
Leovigildo da Septmania Balthes – Theodosia de Cartagena
Hermenegildo II Balthes – Ingunda d’Austrasia
Antanagildo Balthes – esposa desconhecida
Adrebasto Balthes – esposa desconhecida
Ervigio Balthes – Liubigotona Balthes
Pedro, duque da Cantabria – esposa desconhecida
     Por esta linhagem a gente pode observar cruzamentos interessantes. Um exemplo eh a Clotilde da Franca que foi filha do Clovis, o rei dos francos. A mae dela era a Santa Clotilda da Bourgonha. Entao, os poderosos do final do Imperio Romano e do comeco da Idade Media tornaram-se da maioria das familias reais governantes do Periodo Medieval na Europa.
     Temos muitas outras linhagens cruzando ai mas estou limitando a essa para nao ficar confuso. Pedro, como o titulo fala, foi o duque da Cantabria. E daquele territorio ele liderou a resistencia.
     Outro lider foi o Pelagio. Nao temos a ascendencia dele mas ele provinha de familias nobres porque ele foi pego como refem pelas forcas muculmanas. Ele conseguiu escapar e juntar outro grupo de resistencia com patricios das Asturias. Pelagio foi pai de um filho mas este foi morto por um urso numa cerimonia de passagem para adulto. Era uma tradicao antiga que os lideres eram submetidos. Por isso a filha dele, Ermesinda das Asturias tornou-se a herdeira.
     Pedro da Cantabria tinha um herdeiro chamado Alfonso. Alfonso casou-se com Ermesinda e virou Alfonso I, Rei das Asturias. Desde entao o nome Cantabria desaparece dos dados e os reinos foram unidos. Eles tiveram um herdeiro que virou rei sob o nome de Alfonso II. Alfonso II se tornou o rei mais celebrado pelos cristaos da Peninsula Iberia daquele tempo. Ele foi chamado de o Casto porque nao se casou e foi inteirmante dedicado `a causa crista da reconquista.
     O reino dele durou 52 anos. Alguns dizem que ele transformou uma vasta area entre as Asturias e o norte do territorio muculmano no sul num deserto de pessoas viventes. Outros afirmam que isso aconteceu por causa da peste. O importante foi o resultado disso. As Asturias foram um reino pequeno demais para sobreviver `a superioridade muculmana. Assim, o deserto deu tempo para o reino ganhar mais populacao.
     Um evento foi a chave para a salvacao do reino. Encontraram uma cova e a identificaram como sendo de Sao Tiago, o Menor. Sao Tiago, conhecido pelo nome ingles de James ou outras linguagens como Lago e Iago foi o Apostolo de Jesus. A lenda diz que ele foi o primeiro cristao a ensinar o cristianismo na Espanha. Depois ele voltou para Jerusalem e foi decaptado pelo rei Herodes Antipas. Os seguidores dele levaram o corpo de volta para Espanha e o enterraram la.
     Depois da identificacao da cova em Compostela (Campo das Estrelas) isso virou um centro famoso de peregrinacao. Cristaos de todos os cantos da Europa comecaram a visitacao e sentir algo magico. Os Caminhos de Santiago de Compostela tem uma extensao de uns 800 quilometros. E os penitentes tinham que percorre-los a pe. Depois da experiencia eles faziam votos de defender a terra e faziam doacoes que ajudavam na Reconquista. A lenda inclusive afirma que Sao Tiago em pessoa veio do ceu num cavalo e armadura resplandecentes para lutar ao lado dos cristaos.
     Os Caminhos de Santiago de Compostela foram percorridos pelo escritor brasileiro mais famoso da atualidade, Paulo Coelho. Ele atribuiu sua carreira como escritor de livros a essa passagem da vida dele. Mas eu nao tenho a minima ideia se o Coelho dele tem algo haver com algum conhecido meu.
     Alfonso II nao teve herdeiros. Assim, a linhagem sucessoria foi produzida pelo irmao dele, Froila, que recebeu o privilegio. Dai a sequencia passou a ser essa:
725 Froila I – Munia Froilaz
743 Froila das Asturias – esposa desconhecida
760 Bermudo, principe das Asturias – Ursina Muniadona de Coimbra
780 Ramiro I, rei das Asturias – Paterna de Castela
800 Ordonho I, rei das Asturias – Munadona de Vierzo
838 Alfonso III, rei das Asturias – Ximena Garcez, de Pamplona
860 Ordonho II, rei das Arturias – Elvira Mendes de Portugal
900 Ramiro II, rei de Leon – Onega?…
     Como se pode ver, as linhagens que estou apresentando sao somente paternais. Quase sempre dos primogenitos dos reis. Mas se qualquer um se interessar por essa genealogia pode ir ao – Portugal e dar uma olhadinha nos ancestrais das maes que aparecem. Elas pertencem a familias nobres e a maioria era da Peninsula Iberica. Desde aquele tempo ja existia certo preconceito contra os iberos. Eles eram concebidos como sendo barbaros cuja unica atividade civilizada foi fazer aco e ferramentas dele.
     Alfonso III eh mentor de uma importante passagem na retomada de Portugal. Ele foi o rei que comissionou Vimara Peres na retomada do Norte do pais. Vimara eh o heroi portugues daquele tempo. Ele dominou o territorio entre os Rios Minho, ao Norte, e Douro, ao Sul. Ele construiu fortificacoes que viraram uma vila chamada Vimaranes em homenagem a ele proprio. Ele recebeu o titulo de conde, e o titulo virou hereditario. Alguns dizem que em outras monarquias europeias o titulo dele seria duque. O nome Vimaranes tambem foi modificado para Guimaraes. Assim surgiu o nome de familia e, provavelmente, todos que o tem no nome sao descendentes de Vimara Peres.
     Mais tarde um descendente de Vimara, Nuno Vimaranes, tentou libertar Portugal do dominio do Reino da Galicia mas ele foi morto na batalha.
     Ramiro II foi um guerreiro tenaz contra os muculmanos. Eles o chamavam de “El Diablo” (O Demonio). O reino dele coincide com o de um lider famoso do lado muculmano. O nome dele era Adb al Rahman III ibn Muhammad, o Grande. Nos podemos ver detalhes interessantes desse periodo no video produzido e distribuido pela PBS HOME VIDEO. No site a gente pode buscar: ISLAM, EMPIRE OF FAITH. O que mais chama atencao eh a comparacao entre a Europa do Norte, representada pelo dominio cristao, e a Peninsula Iberica islamica. Foi dito que, uma irma conheceu a beleza e higiene na Espanha islamica e ela nao teve duvida em dizer: “Eh como comparar escuridao e luz.”
     Adb al Rahman III foi capaz de conciliar as tres fes diferentes sob seu dominio. Judeus, cristaos e muculmanos serviam a ele em todos os aspectos como iguais. Mas ele confrontou uma oposicao ferrenha dos proprios correligionarios. Eles se sentiam negligenciados e mesmo o reino dele tendo sido de grande progresso em termos de renascimento cultural tambem foi um constante campo de batalhas.
     Apesar da rivalidade entre as fes, Ramiro II e Adb al Rahman III concordaram no casamento do filho do Ramiro com uma prima do Adb. Assim, o casamento de Lovesendo Ramires e Zayra ibn Zayda foi tratado para levar paz entre os dois povos. E eu vou postar um pouco mais da genealogia deles. Com respeito a Zayra e Adb al Rahman III se pode seguir a ascendencia deles no site mencionado acima. Eles sao descendentes diretos do proprio profeta Muhammad. O que se segue eh um pouco da descendencia deles:
   940 Lovesendo Ramires – Zayra ibn Zayda
   960 Aboazar Lovesendes – Unisco Godinhes
   980 Ermigio Aboazar – Vivili Turtezendes
1.000 Toda Ermiges – Egas Moniz de Ribadouro, Senhor de Ribadouro
1.020 Ermigio Viegas, Senhor de Ribadouro – Unisco Pais
1.050 Monio Ermiges, Senhor de Ribadouro – Ouroana
1.080 Egas Moniz, o Aio – Dordia Pais Azevedo
         Lourenco Viegas – Maria Gomes de Pombeiro
1.135 Egas Lourenco (Coelho) – Esposa desconhecida, de Pombeiro
1.160 Soeiro Viegas Coelho – Mor Mendes de Gandarei
     Ai temos uma sequencia interessante. Atraves de uma mulher, Toda Ermiges, o sangue real foi passado `a familia que dominava a regiao chamada de Ribadouro. O que o nome significa eh, Acima do Rio Douro e a familia residia ao Norte do Rio Douro. Toda Ermiges foi uma das bisavos de Egas Moniz, o Aio. Na lingua portuguesa o Aio parece significar masculino de baba (aia). O apelido dado a Egas Moniz se deve a ele ter aceitado ser mentor do Afonso Henriques que depois veio a se tornar o primeiro rei de Portugal.
     Na sequencia, ele se tornou avo do Egas Lourenco Coelho. Alguns autores falam que, Egas Lourenco foi o primeiro a usar o sobrenome Coelho. Isto teria acontecido porque ele foi dono de uma propriedade chamada de Quinta da Coelha. Mas isso nao parece ser verdade porque ele nao passou o nome para a descendencia.
     Porem, o filho dele passou. E a razao pela qual o filho, Soeiro, passou a usar o nome teve origem na luta da Reconquista. Alguem contou vantagem dele ao rei dizendo que era capaz de penetrar a retaguarda inimiga sem ser notado, como se passasse por tocas de coelhos. Dai ele adotou o nome Coelho e o passou aos filhos. E eh por isso que o bicho coelho virou sobrenome de nossa familia.
     Outra linhagem importante deixada pelos reis das Asturias eh esta:
   900 Ramiro II, rei das Asturias – Ausenda Guterres de Coimbra
   925 Ordonho III, rei de Leon – Elvira Pais Daza
   956 Bermudo II, rei de Leon – Elvira Garcez de Castela
   994 Alfonso V, rei de Leon – Elvira Mendes, condessa soberana de Portugal
1.015 Sancha, herdeira de Leon – Fernando Magno, rei de Castela
1.039 Alfonso VI, rei de Castela – Ximena Moniz
         Teresa de Leon, condessa de Portugal – Henry da Bourgonha
     Teresa, condessa de Portugal, como Egas Moniz, o Aio, era descendente do rei Ramiro II que era descendente de Pedro e Pelagio. E o pai dela, Alfonso VI, mandou uma mensagem a todas as familias nobres da Europa, prometendo riquezas e ate a mao das filhas dele em casamento para aqueles que desejassem ajuda-lo na luta contra os mouros. Henry, que era filho do Henry, duque da Bourgonha e outros aceitaram o desafio. Alfonso VI manteve a palavra e casou a Teresa com o Henry. Eles tiveram varios filhos e filhas.
     Um dos filhos foi batizado com o nome de Afonso, filho do Henry ou Afonso Henriques como esta na Historia de Portugal. E foi para essa crianca que o Egas Moniz prometeu ao pai dela ser o mentor. Depois que o Henry da Bourgonha faleceu, a mulher dele, Teresa, teve outro homem e talvez tenha sido essa razao que levou o Afonso Henriques a comecar a rebeliao para tentar separar Portugal do Reino de Leon.
     Na primeira tentativa ele falhou. Como mentor dele, Egas Moniz deu a palavra ao rei Alfonso VII, garantindo que Afonso Henriques nao iria tentar de novo. Mas ele tentou e conseguiu. E isso foi dito depois: o mentor saiu de Portugal indo ate `a Cidade de Leon com uma canga no pescoco, em companhia de todos os descendentes para oferecer as vidas deles por causa da palavra quebrada. Vendo tal gesto de nobreza, o rei concedeu perdao a ele e mais riquezas. Ninguem sabe o que aconteceu realmente mas penso que ele deu a palavra em primeiro lugar para dar tempo ao Afonso Henriques para reorganizar seu exercito para ter uma segunda chance de vencer o exercito da propria mae. Porem, eh dificil acreditar que, Egas Moniz, tenha sido tao louco a ponto de jogar com sua propria vida e da familia assim. Ele, provavelmente, foi sincero em tudo.
     A proxima sequencia genealogica comeca no rei Afonso Henriques.
1.109 D. Afonso Henriques, primeiro rei de Portugal – Mafalda da Savoia
1.154 D. Sancho I, rei de Portugal – Dulce de Barcelona
1.185 D. Afonso II, rei de Portugal – Urraca de Castela
1.210 D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal – Maria Peres de Enxara
1.260 D. Afonso Dinis – Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,305 D. Diogo Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes Pacheco
1.330 D. Alvaro Dias de Sousa – Maria Teles de Menezes
1.350 D. Lopo Dias de Sousa – Maria Ribeiro
1.370 Violante de Sousa – Rui Vasques Ribeiro
1.410 Pedro (ou Rodrigo) Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – esposa desconhecida
1.440 Francisco Queiroz Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – Maria Goncalves
1.470 Isabel Francisca de Queiroz – Diogo Anes Ribeiro de Vasconcelos
1.495 Manuel Dias Ribeiro de Vasconcelos – Joana Ferreira
1.525 Violante de Freitas, a Mentirosa – Lancarote Pinto
1.550 Simeao Pinto Machado – Ana da Mesquita
         Antonio Pinto de Mesquita – Maria de Lemos
         Simao Pinto de Mesquita – Maria Barbosa
         Antonio Pinto de Mesquita – Angela Vieira de Seixas
         Bernardo Antonio Pinto de Mesquita – Ana Josefa de Magalhaes Pinto
1.750 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes – (?) Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
     Novamente, nao posso afirmar, sem duvida, que este Jose Coelho de Magalhaes eh realmente meu pentavo e ancestral de minha familia. Mas, se nao for, algum outro sera e a linhagem deste tera uma ligacao com os aqui mostrados. Com certeza seria uma impossibilidade matematica se nao for assim. Eu nao aposto minha vida na hipotese dessa ser a linhagem. Ninguem precisa fazer isso. Infelizmente, a maioria de nos nao sabe a linhagem de onde veio mas todo mundo tem la suas linhagens de sangue real. Isto eh um clube que nao exige exclusividade alguma.
     Uma figura historica importante dessa linhagem que gostaria de mencionar eh D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal. Durante o reino dele, os portugueses reconquistaram as ultimas partes de Portugal nas maos dos mouros. Ele nao era para ser rei porque tinha um irmao mais velho que se tornou o rei Sancho II. Porem, Sancho II nao queria ficar submisso `a poderosa Igreja Catolica e ela ordenou a saida dele do trono. Afonso III foi surpreendido com a decisao onde ele se tornou inesperadamente o numero um em Portugal.
     D. Afonso III foi quem completou a Reconquista quando tomou Algarves e a Cidade do Faro que fazem parte do Sul de Portugal e proximos ao Gibraltar. Para Portugal, o governo dele representa uma reviravolta no que fora antes. Tomemos este extrato da Wikipedia como exemplo: “Afonso III deu atencao especial ao que a classe media, compostas por comerciantes e pequenos fazendeiros diziam. Em 1.254, na Cidade de leiria, ele realizou a primeira sessao das Cortes, que foi uma Assembleia Geral composta de nobres, classe media e representantes das cidades. Tambem fez leis com a intencao de proibir as classes altas de aproveitarem da fragilidade das classes mais pobres. Lembrado como um legislador notavel, Afonso III fundou varias cidades, emancipou distritos e reorganizou o servico publico.” Ele foi o criador do Parlamentarismo muito antes disso ter ficado conhecido como sistema de governo.
     Igual a outros reis do seu tempo, Afonso III tinha mulheres e concubinas. Uma das concubinas foi Madragana, depois rebatizada por Mor Afonso. Temos informacoes interessantes a respeito dela. Em primeiro lugar, ela era filha do prefeito do Faro. E eles eram judeus. Penso que isso seja interessante porque sabemos que todas as pessoas com ligacoes genealogicas com a Peninsula Iberica sao provavelmente descendente de judeus por causa dos judeus que foram levados pelos romanos desde 70 d.C. Porem eh quase impossivel ter dados que mostrem isso. Por outro lado, nao eh tao dificil achar essa heranca atraves da ascendencia nela e outros. Atraves dela, personalidades de hoje como a Rainha Elizabeth II, da Inglaterra, sao, comprovadamente, descendentes de judeus tanto quanto descendentes de arabes atraves da Zayra ibn Zayda, a nora do Ramiro II, rei das Asturias.
     Estou devendo a voces porque comecei a mostrar uma linhagem Coelho da qual minha familia herdou este nome importante. A linhagem posta acima que termina no nosso suposto ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes tem varias ligacoes com o primeiro dos Coelho, Soeiro Viegas Coelho. O ancestral mais proximo a usar o sobrenome Coelho foi o avo materno. Eu mostrarei outra sequencia genealogica tomando a direcao contraria, dos mais novos para os mais velhos. Comecarei com meu ancestral e o casal abaixo da linha dele serao seus pais. A proxima linha estarao os avos e assim por diante.
1.750 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes – (?) Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
         Ana Josefa de Magalhaes Pinto – Bernardo Antonio Pinto da Mesquita
         Joao de Magalhaes Coelho – Isabel Maria Pinto
         Jeronimo Ribeiro – Maria Teixeira de Seixas
         Domingos Coelho de Magalhaes – Antonia Ribeiro
         Isabel Pinto de Magalhaes – Belchior Dias
         Ana Coelho – Gregorio Magalhaes de Azevedo
         Fernando Coelho – Violante Pinto
1.450 Diogo Coelho de Sampaio – Isabel Sampaio
         Rodrigo de Sao Paio Coelho – esposa desconhecida
1.370 Fernao Coelho – Catarina de Freitas
1.340 Goncalo Pires Coelho – Maria Silva
1.320 Pero Esteves Coelho – D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira
1.290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1.260 Pero Anes Coelho – D. Margarida Esteves
1.200 Joao Soares Coelho – Maria Fernandes
1.160 Soeiro Viegas Coelho – Mor Mendes Gandarei
     Deste ponto em diante a gente pode ligar o Soeiro Viegas Coelho com ele proprio na segunda linhagem apresentada neste capitulo. O que se pode ver no – Portugal eh isso: muitas das pessoas dessa linhagem tem parentesco umas com as outras. O sitio nos da um recurso que facilita encontrar isso. Quando alguem eh descendente de certos reis, recebe uma bolinha debaixo do nome. Cores diferentes representam cada rei. Apontando a seta do computador para a bola fara aparecer o nome dele. Assim fica facil seguir algumas linhagens. Algumas vezes voce encontra pai e mae identificados com a mesma bolinha e precisa decidir qual deles buscar primeiro. Boa ideia eh voce escrever num papel a linhagem que voce esta buscando. Se voce precisar voltar sera mais facil para nao se perder.
     Agora eu preciso justificar o titulo deste capitulo. O nome menciona genealogia europeia, nao apenas ibera. A razao para eu falar especificamente de Portugal eh tao somente porque eu estou melhor familiarizado com sua Historia e genealogia. Se eu tivesse tomado qualquer outro pais europeu como exemplo, inclusive o menor de todos, os resultados poderiam ser quase iguais porque as familias reais de la tem seus principais ancestrais nas mesmas linhagens. Elas sao apenas a mesma familia porque o tempo todo elas trocavam noivas e noivos e nao eram nada diferentes de um bando de galinhas de granja.
     Na segunda sequencia genealogica acima eu postei apenas alguns reis de Portugal porque nao identifiquei outros alem de D. Dinis, filho de Afonso III e tambem rei de Portugal, como meu ancestral. Nao se confunda com o nome Afonso Dinis, tambem filho de Afonso III, mas nao rei. Nao precisamos ter uma lista extensa de reis ancestrais para sermos parentes do resto todo. Podemos pegar a mae do Afonso II, Urraca, princesa de Castela, como exemplo para mostras as ligacoes. Vamos pegar uma sequencia genealogica a partir dela:
Urraca, princesa de Castela – Afonso II, rei de Portugal
Eleanor Plantagenet, princesa da Inglaterra – Alfonso VIII, rei de Castela
Henry II, rei da Inglaterra – Eleonor d’Aquitaine
Matilda, rainha da Inglaterra – Godefroy V Plantagenet, conde d’Anjou
Henry I, rei da Inglaterra – Santa Mathilda, pricesa da Escocia
William I, o Conquistador, rei da Inglaterra – Mathilde de Flandres
Robert I, duque da Normandia – Herleva da Falesia
Richard II, duque da Normandia – Judith da Bretanha
Richard I, conde da Normandia – Gunnor, princesa da Dinamarca
     Olhando essa sequencia genealogica podemos fazer muitas ligacoes no mapa europeu. Somente para que saibam, a mae da Urraca, Eleanor Plantagenet, era irma do Ricardo Coracao de Leao. Qualquer um que conheca um pouco de Historia tera visto muito mais que uma sequencia genealogica nessa lista. Eh mais. Eh a propria Historia em cada nome e titulo. Na proxima sequencia comerei a partir da Judith da Bretanha. Segue entao:
Judith da Bretanha – Richard II, duque da Normandia
Ermengarda d’Anjou – Connon I, duque da Bretanha
Adelaide de Vermandois, senhora de Donzy – Geoffroi I Grisegonelle, conde d”Anjou
Robert I, conde de Vermandois e Troyes – Adelaide Werra da Bourgonha
Herbert II, conde de Vermandois – Luitegarde ou Adelia da Franca
Herbert I, conde de Vermandois – Berthe de Morvois
Pepino II, conde de Vermandois – Rothaeide de Bobbio
Bernardo, rei da Italia – Conegonde de Gellome de Toulouse
Pepino I, rei da Italia – Ingeltude d’Autun
Carlos Magno, Imperador do Ocidente – Hildegarde von Vintschgau
     Uma lembranca, o nome Normandia significa, homens do norte. Ela foi colonizada por um grupo de Viquingues que desejava se acomodar depois de causarem muito terror `a populacao europeia. Como se pode ver, Judith e Richard II eram avos do William, o Conquistador, que tomou a Inglaterra das maos dos antigos senhores, os reis do Wessex. Os reis do Wessex tambem sao ancestrais das familias reais iberas. Mas nao mostrarei sequencias mostrando isso porque o que temos ja eh suficiente. Pretendo por apenas mais uma sequencia nesse capitulo.
     Luitegarde ou Adelia da Franca, esposa do Herbert II, conde de Vermandois, era filha do Robert I, rei da Franca e Adelia de Perthois. Mas o rei Robert I, como era comum `as suas magestades, teve outra esposa com o nome de Beatrice de Vermandois. Assim, eu porei mais uma sequencia para mostrar algo que parece coincidencia mas nao eh. Vejamos:
Robert I, rei da Franca – Beatrice de Vermandois
Hugo, o Grande, duque da Franca – Heduvige von Sachsen
Hugo I Capet, rei da Franca – Adelaide de Poitou
Robert II, o Piedoso, rei da Franca – Constance d’Arles
Robert I, o Velho, duque da Bourgonha – Helie de Semur
Henri, duque da Bourgonha – Beatriz (?) de Barcelona
Henry da Bourgonha – Teresa de Leon
Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mafalda de Savoia
     Entao, nos comecamos nossa viagem a partir da mae do Afonso III, rei de Portugal, Urraca, princesa de Castela, e terminamos nos bisavos dele. Nao porei a sequencia genealogica que mostra isso mas vou mencionar apenas. Mafalda de Savoia, como o nome ja diz, vem da Casa de Savoia, a ultima familia real da Italia. A Casa Real de Savoia eh herdeira do Umberto I Biancamano (Mao Branca), conde de Savoia. A nivel de seus bisavos ele era descendente do Luis III, l’Aveugle, Imperador do Ocidente e Anna de Bizantium. Penso que nem precisa mencionar que o Luiz III era tambem descendente do Carlos Magno. Mas a Anna de Bizantium eh quem nos acrescenta mais Historia.
     O titulo dela ja explica, a heranca dela comeca no Imperio Bizantino, passando por Santa Teodora, Imperatriz de Bizatium; Santo Isaac e Santo Narso, reis da Armenia e isso mergulha nos tempos antes de Cristo. Por volta de 500 b.C., dois dos ancestrais dela sao o Xerxes I, rei da Persia e a esposa dele, Ester, a mulher que teve o nome de um livro biblico em homenagem a ela. Depois disso, a heranca da Anna de Bizantium continua mergulhando no tempo e termina numa sequencia de faraos egipcios, incluindo-se ai, Ramses II, o Grande. Mas isso eh grande demais para postar aqui. Atraves da Casa de Savoia, todas as familias reais da Europa sao multiplas vezes descendentes destas figuras historicas.
     Muitas outras familias reais europeias surgem como nossas ancestrais mas eu nao quero perder tempo mostrando isso. Posso mencionar alguns como: Aragao, Navarra, Pamplona, Leon, Galicia, Holanda, Hungria, Constantinopla, Alemanha, Russia, Polonia, Austria, Dinamarca, Luxemburgo. Ate do Reino de Jerusalem, o qual nao durou muito e nao passava de um ramo da familia real francesa nos temos ancestrais.
     Tambem posso dar exemplos de noivas e noivos da familia real portuguesa que se casaram na alta nobreza do resto da Europa. E eu verifiquei antes se os casamentos resultaram em descendentes porque nos temos muitos casos em que isso nao aconteceu, provavelmente em consequencia da consanguinidade excessiva. Nesse caso nos temos: Berengaria, filha de D. Sancho I e Dulce de Barcelona que se casou com Valdemar II, conde da Dinamarca; D. Afonso, filho do D. Afonso II e Beatriz de Castela, que casou-se com sua prima, Violante Manoel, princesa de Castela. Temos tambem D. Constanca, filha do D. Dinis e Santa Isabel de Aragao, que se casou com o rei Fernando IV, rei de Castela.
     Para resumir e permanecer apenas nos primeiros reis de Portugal, nos tivemos o exemplo de D. Maria, filha de D. Afonso IV e Beatriz de Castela, que casou-se com Alfonso IX, rei de Castela. D. Maria e o rei Alfonso IX foram os pais do rei Pedro I de Castela. Pedro teve duas filhas com sua parceira, Maria Padilha. A primeira, Constanza, foi casada com John, o Grande, duque de Lancaster. A segunda, Isabel, casou-se com Edmund de Langley, duque de York. E, numa rapida olhada na genealogia presente no – Portugal, pude constatar que o atual duque de Manchester eh um direto descendente desta linhagem.
     Vou fugir um pouquinho `a ordem que estava escrevendo. Isso se da porque gostaria de mostrar algo pratico nos meus estudos.
     Essa intervencao vem da observacao de que, praticamente, toda e qualquer pessoa com uma longa Historia genealogica no Ocidente eh descendente das figuras historicas mais importantes de 800 ou mais anos atras. Nao apenas deles mas tambem da maioria da populacao que viveu no tempo delas. Mas o que a genealogia disponivel pode nos mostrar nao passa de quase nada do que eh verdadeiro.
     Uma pratica comum era os reis terem suas esposas e concubinas, inclusive quando isso nao acontecia como bigamia porque eles se casaram mais de uma vez apos cada esposa anterior ter falecido. Algumas vezes eles tiveram concubinas paralelas ao casamento oficial ou no intervalo deles. O que eles queriam era ter certeza de terem herdeiros ao trono. Mas o que eh util para nos agora eh saber que, a descendencia paralela deles ganhava uma classificacao de nobreza menor. E quando as geracoes iam passando, essa descendencia se misturava com as pessoas comuns. E, como comuns, seus dados nao foram guardados com cuidado. A propria nobreza menor pensava que tivesse coisas mais importantes a fazer do que se certificar que sua heranca genetica fosse lembrada.
     Mas se a gente pegar a descendencia de Carlos Magno como exemplo pode-se assegurar que, desde o mais rico ate ao mais pobre, a maioria das pessoas dos paises ocidentais sao descendentes dele. Alguns do Oriente tambem sao. E, matematicamente, nao eh nenhuma surpresa porque ele viveu ate morrer em 814. Cerca de 1.200 anos atras. E ele teve muitas esposas e concubinas para garantir essa heranca imensa.
     Baseado nos meus calculos, qualquer um que tivesse dois filhos poderia facilmente ser ancestral da populacao inteira da Terra hoje, bastando apenas ter nascido por volta de 1.000 anos atras. Apenas recordando, se alguem teve 2 filhos, 4 netos, 8 bisnetos e assim por diante, no final de 1.000 anos, ele ou ela poderia ter mais de 8.5 bilhoes de descendentes. O mais importante de tudo eh isso, nossa populacao de hoje poderia ser, simultaneamente, descendente de toda e qualquer pessoa viva ha 1.000 anos atras, desde que tivessem filhos.
     Assim se da porque a possibilidade matematica funciona dos dois lados. No espaco de 1.000 anos qualquer um tem o possibilidade de produzir mais de 8.5 bilhoes de descendentes tanto quanto se pode tambem ser descendente de mais de 8.5 bilhoes de ancestrais. E estou falando apenas a respeito da 33a. depois e da 33a. geracao antes da pessoa. Em 1.000 anos voce nao precisa ter mais de 2 criancas para ser ancestral de mais de 15 bilhoes de pessoas vivas. Isso acontece porque nos podemos fazer a adicao das 31a., 32a. e 33a. geracoes porque serao os avos, pais e filhos.
     Eu compreendo. O modelo matematico nao funciona tao bem na vida pratica. Isso se da porque na verdade o casamento entre seus descendentes teriam que ser evitados. Em termos praticos isso eh quase impossivel porque algumas familias passam tempo demais residindo numa area muito pequena. Dai, a descendencia das primeiras pessoas comeca a casar-se uns com os outros, repetidamente. Isso acaba transformando-os num bando de galinhas de granja que ja mencionei. Porem, se apenas um descendente sair do circulo vicioso, que seja ha 300 anos atras, sera o suficiente por ser responsavel por multiplicar a familia grandemente em numero. Neste caso, estou pensando numa pessoa que nao limitou o numero de filhos que teve.
     Todavia, inclusive quando os descendentes de alguem mantenham se casando entre si por 1.000 anos, baseado no que foi nossa Historia durante este periodo, o que podemos esperar disso eh, a pessoa que teve filhos por volta de 1.000 anos atras e seus filhos foram saudaveis o suficiente para manter a linhagem ate hoje eh, certamente, ancestral de milhoes de pessoas.
     Ha uma outra consideracao que voce precisa fazer do modelo matematico. Nao antes de pouco tempo atras ninguem limitava o numero de filhos a um numero como o dois. Se o meu avo paterno tivesse nascido ha 1.000 anos atras e tivesse tido tantos filhos e netos como ele teve, hoje a populacao da Terra poderia ser muitas e muitas vezes descendente dele. Ele teve 14 filhos. Dos quais 13 se casaram e deram a ele 101 netos. Somente pelo lado dele nos somos cerca de 500 pessoas entre vivas e falecidas. Ele nasceu em 1.890. Eh! Quem sabe qual sera o numero de nos daqui a 880 anos!?
     Qual eh a pergunta mais importante dos nossos dias? Penso que eh esta: O que acontecera aos nossos descendentes? A maioria de nos fala isso: Eu quero construir um futuro melhor para meus filhos e filhos dos meus filhos. Penso que ha algo de errado na construcao da frase. Primeiramente nos precisamos construir um mundo melhor para eles terem um futuro. Em segundo lugar, nos precisamos de pessoas melhores em nosso mundo e isso inclui nossos proprios filhos.
     O que quero dizer com isso eh que, provavelmente, Carlos Magno lutou a vida inteira pensando em dar um futuro melhor para a descendencia dele. Mas provavelmente ele tambem pensou a respeito apenas dos filhos que conheceu e, talvez, esperava que isso seguiria por algumas geracoes apos a partida dele. Tenho certeza que ele nao pensou nos descendentes de hoje-em-dia. E este eh o maior erro que qualquer um pode cometer.
     Se ele soubesse o que estou falando agora, talvez tivesse tentado algo diferente do que fez. Isso se da comigo hoje. Sou diferente porque a mim foi permitido saber algo melhor. Carlos Magno pensou em um mundo melhor para os que ele ja conhecia ou esperava vir pouco depois dele. Eu penso a respeito de todos que conheco e que nao conheco. Por que? Porque eu bem sei disso, para que eu tenha milhoes, talvez bilhoes de descendentes na 33a. geracao depois da minha sera urgente que eu cuide de todo mundo que vive no meu tempo porque meus descendentes irao casar-se com os seus descendentes. Entao, ama-los e cuidar deles eh o mesmo que fazer o mesmo por minhas proprias criancas.
      Eu sei. Uma vez isso foi ensinado a voces, nas igrejas, para os que acreditam em religiao, pelos sacerdotes. O pensamento religioso eh baseado nisso, se temos um Creador responsavel pelo nosso nascimento, entao, deveriamos honra-Lo, amando as creaturas Dele. Mas isso nunca foi bem entendido pelas pessoas. Agora, o que estou falando eh isso, nos temos outra razao para fazer a mesma coisa. E essa outra razao nao exige acreditar em Deus ou ter uma religiao especifica. Se voce tem planos de ter ou ja tem filhos, entao voce precisa comecar a pensar o que acontecera `a sua descendencia 1.000 anos adiante porque se voce nao os preparar para isso, talvez ela nao chegara ate la e o tempo que dedicou a ela sera um desperdicio.
     Isso pode ate parecer magico mas nao eh. Ha quase 1.000 anos atras os piores inimigos no mundo eram os cruzados e muculmanos. Hoje nos somos a descendencia de ambos. Ai, o que de bom a guerra nos trouxe? So posso responder por mim mesmo: nada. Cada um que ler esse texto deve responder essa questao a si mesmo.
     O mesmo se repetira. Nao interessa qual sejam os motivos dos cruzados de hoje ou guerra santa. O que os envolvidos nisso estao fazendo eh errado. E daqui a 1.000 ou menos anos adiante a descendencia de Osama Bin Laden ira se casar com a descendencia de George W. Bush e Barack H. Obama. Nao. Nao estou jogando praga em ninguem. Tambem nao estou adivinhando o futuro. Estou apenas falando o que eh provado por meus calculos.
     Eu posso estar terrivelmente enganado nos meus calculos porque estou falando do daqui a 1.000 anos sem ao menos saber o que acontecera de concreto amanha. Porem, minha consciencia esta tranquila. Nao estou afirmando que isso acontecera sem condicao alguma. Como crente, eu sei que para isso acontecer Deus precisa permitir-nos 1.000 anos adiante e a multiplicacao de todos precisa ser o mais normal possivel. Neste caso, nos precisamos da participacao de todos em nossa multiplicacao.
     Estou fazendo esses calculos na presuncao de que a populacao da Terra daqui a 1.000 anos nao excedera muito ao que ja temos agora. Penso ser uma otima precaucao se nos nao termos mais que duas criancas desde ja porque o nosso planeta ja esta superpovoado por humanos. Alguns criticos dessa concepcao andam dizendo que esse aviso tem sido feito por longo tempo e a populacao continua crescendo e nada aconteceu. Eles dizem assim, humanos tem sempre seus recursos e quando qualquer problema se apresentar alguem apresentara uma resposta para solucionar isso.
     O nosso maior problema eh esse, os recursos em nosso planeta sao limitados. E ja estao nos enviando sinais de exaustao. O proprio planeta eh limitado. Dai eu nao penso que ha qualquer inteligencia em nao termos precaucoes quanto a isso. Se formos ir ate ao ponto sem retorno o que acontecera sera nada mais que guerras terriveis pelos ultimos recursos de vida na Terra. E nos temos que nos lembrar que, hoje nos temos recursos suficientes talvez ate para cuidar de 50 bilhoes de pessoas na Terra mas mesmo que a populacao se estabilize nisso, as geracoes continuarao se sucedendo.
     Entao, 1.000 anos depois de tal ponto, nos teremos tido 33 geracoes de 50 bilhoes de pessoas vivendo na Terra. Isso eh o mesmo que 1.65 trilhoes vivendo na Terra num mesmo tempo. E nos nao temos a menor ideia por quantos milhares de anos nos teremos somente essa mae Terra para nos dar comida e abrigo. Ser cauteloso nao eh uma questao de nao ter coragem e sim uma questao de conhecer os fatos.
     Se voce quizer outra a respeito do que genealogia e genetica pode nos oferecer, peguem o casal Bill e Melinda Gates como exemplo. Penso que eles sao o casal mais rico do mundo. Agora vamos imaginar que, os filhos deles terao filhos e assim por diante, multiplicando como eu tenho dito. Mesmo que nas primeiras geracoes eles nao terao problemas com falta de dinheiro, quando eles forem numerosos como 5.000 pessoas eles nao serao ricos como os ancestrais deles e alguns terao, provavelmente, vida pobre.
     Se continuarem multiplicando-se como calculei, eles acabarao se casando com a nossa descendencia, desde dos mais ricos aos mais pobres de cada um de nos. E se a gente nao cuidar uns dos outros desde agora, todos os criminosos, todos os politicos, todos os sofredores serao nossos descendentes coletivos, tanto quanto as pessoas de maior sucesso e intermediarias no tempo delas.
     A genealogia da Peninsula Iberica, no comeco, nao foi complicada. O que nao eh facil estuda-la eh justamente quando voce comeca a voltar aos mesmos ancestrais repetidamente. Com certeza, a mesma coisa acontece com as outras genealogias no mundo. Mesmo se a gente tivesse dados completos da Idade Media ate hoje isso nao seria diferente. A unica coisa que a gente poderia esperar ser diferente em relacao ao que ja temos seria, mesmo se a gente achasse linhagens que nunca suspeitassemos que tivessemos, certamente, elas acabariam nos levando aos mesmos ancestrais que ja temos.
     Nao eh surpresa alguma termos dados somente das personalidades historicas conhecidas e, quando muito, das pessoas que as acompanhavam em suas Historias. Frequentemente nos encontramos dados de alguem que so aparece nos documentos porque ele ou ela foi casado com alguma personalidade ou com um dos filhos dela. Esta pessoa que parece nascer do ar tras consigo somente o pai ou tambem a mae. Parece que o recem-chegado nem teve um comeco ha milhares de anos atras exatamente como tudo mundo tem.
     O recem chegado eh uma pessoa comumente chamada de comum ou gentinha. Algumas vezes tambem conhecida como: o pobre. Porem, o que eu tenho certeza eh isso: esquecido na falta de documentacao e na tradicao falada, nalgum ponto da Historia de cada pessoa, todos nos tivemos os mesmos ancestrais, nao tao distante quanto o leigo supoe. Nossa Historia de privilegios de alguns e exclusao dos outros eh responsavel por essa diferenciacao. E o povo comum nao eh nada mais comum que quem quer que seja no planeta. Todos nos vimos dos dois, comuns e privilegiados. E o que nos separa agora esta mais relacionado ao ter ou nao ter dinheiro.
     Como eu disse antes, a Peninsula Iberica foi invadida pelos muculmanos em 711. A unica area que continuou nas maos dos cristaos foram duas partes pequenas do territorio, chamadas de Cantabria e Asturias. De la os cristaos comecaram a luta tentando reconquistar suas terras. Mas a guerra durou geracoes e mais geracoes. Algumas geracoes ate mesmo se esqueceram do porque das guerras.
     Como tambem disse antes, somente um reino cristao na Peninsual foi implantado por outros sem ser os proprios iberos. Durante a Historia ele recebeu o nome de Aragao. O responsavel pela criacao foi Luis I, o Piedoso, Imperador do Ocidente. Ele era filho do Carlos Magno e herdou a coroa dele.
     O Reino de Leao surgiu apenas em 910. Naquele tempo ele estava desertico e foi conquistado pelo rei Alfonso III das Asturias, e o filho dele, Garcia I, transferiu e a adotou a cidade de Leon como capital do reino. A partir de entao o reino se tornou o principal reinado cristao na Peninsula Iberica.
     Outro povo presente eram os bascos. O dominio deles era a costa atlantica sul da Franca e o centro-norte da Espanha. No principio o reino deles se chamava Pamplona e depois virou Navarra.
     Durante o reino de Alfonso III, rei das Asturias, o Norte de Portugal foi tomado e estabelecido como condado pelas maos de Vimara Peres.
     Apos isso ou ao mesmo tempo, Fernan Gonzalez unificou o Reino de Castela. O reino ganhou este nome porque tinha uma linha de castelos para defender o Reino de Leon. Na Wikipedia a gente pode ler isso: “Em 931 o Condado foi reunificado pelo conde Fernan Gonzalez, que iniciou uma rebeliao contra o Reino de Leon, estado sucessor do de Asturias, e conseguiu seu status de autonomia, passando o condado a ser herdado por seus descendentes e deixando de ser sujeito a imposicoes dos reis leoneses.”
     Mais um reino foi somado `a mistura. Este foi o Reino da Galicia que herdou o Condado de Portugal como parte do seu territorio. Porem, em 1.128, Portugal tambem se tornou um reino separado. Dai, todos esses reinos cristaos no seculo XII ja haviam retomado perto da metade da Peninsula Iberica dos conquistadores muculmanos. E algumas vezes eles estavam mais envolvidos em guerras de uns contra os outros que contra os reinos muculmanos localizados nas partes do sul. A forma e a extensao destes reinos estavam em constante mudancas enquanto: Afonso III de Portugal e Fernando, o Catolico, rei de Aragao, e Isabel, a Catolica, rainha de Castela, que se casaram e uniram a Espanha, nao completassem a Reconquista.
     Cada um destes reinos produziu sua nobreza. E eles fizeram trocas de noivos e noivas uns com os outros e com todas as familias reais da Europa. E dai, como eu disse antes, os sangues que haviam recebido do povo comum retornou ao povo comum. Como?
     Basicamente, quando uma dominacao foi trocada como dos poderosos antigos para os romanos, dos romanos para os suevos e visigodos, dos godos para os muculmanos e dos muculmanos de volta para os cristaos, cada nobreza permaneceu, porem, como nobreza menor. Tambem, de acordo com que praticavam guerras, os considerados povo comum lutaram lado-a-lado com seus senhores. Aqueles que se destacaram dos outros por bravura ganhavam riquezas, posses e ate noivas das novas familias dominantes. Nos podemos verificar isso quando homens, aparentemente vindos do nada, se casam com mulheres da nobreza. Da mesma forma, mulheres sem ascendencia nobre se casando com homens da nobreza.
     O mais comum eh vermos um nome vindo `a luz e quando a gente comeca a buscar a origem, encontra isso: la no fundo a origem esta num rei ou parente dele. Depois darei exemplos disso. Vamos comecar pelo como os sobrenomes foram adotados.
     Por volta de 1.000 anos atras nao tinhamos exatamente nomes de familia. Porei aqui mais uma sequencia genealogica para facilitar a explicacao:
Moninho Viegas, o Gasco – Valida Trocozendes
Egas Moniz de Ribadouro – Toda Ermiges
Ermigio Viegas – Unisco Pais
Monio Ermiges – Ouroana
Egas Moniz, o Aio – Dordia Pais Azevedo
Lourenco Viegas – Maria Gomes de Pombeiro
Egas Lourenco – esposa desconhecida, de Penagate
Soeiro Viegas Coelho – Mor Mendes de Gandarei
     Esta eh a linhagem paterna do conhecido primeiro a usar o apelido Coelho. Se voce prestar atencao nos segundos nomes, provavelmente, nao ira enxergar o padrao. Mas existe um padrao bem claro ai. Naquele tempo era suposto usarmos o nosso nome mais uma mencao a nossos pais. Era dado um nome acompanhado de uma expressao que significava: filho de. O primeiro da lista, possivelmente, se chamava Monio e nao Moninho. O sufixo inho em Portugues eh diminutivo. Entao, Egas Moniz filho dele era: Egas, filho do Monio. Algumas vezes, a expressao: filho de, vem como prefixo como em Viegas. Viegas significa: filho do Egas.
     Daquele tempo nos temos muitos nomes usados hoje. Os sobrenomes foram adotados no transcorrer da Historia. Dai alguns nomes de origem paterna foram mantidos e deixaram de corresponder aos nomes dos pais. Neste caso nos continuamos tendo familias com nomes Viegas e Moniz mas isso quer dizer apenas que, em algum tempo passado, os usuarios tiveram  ancestrais que se chamavam Egas e Monio.
     Eh por causa disso que temos nomes como: Rodrigues, que significa: filho de Rodrigo. Nunes significa: filho de Nuno. Peres/Pero. Fernandes/Fernando. Esteves/Estevao. Soares/Soeiro. Martins/Martim. Mendes/Mendo. Vasques/Vasco. Uma excecao eh Anes. Esse vem de Joao. A diferenca esta na antiga forma de escrever que era Johanes. Entao, Anes significa filho de Joao, o moderno equivalente a Johanes na linguagem portuguesa. Na Espanha a tradicao eh a mesma, trocando-se apenas a letra s pelo z. La os nomes sao: Nunez, Rodriguez, Perez e assim por diante. Uma pequena diferenca para Martins que vem como: Martinez.
     Eh verdade, iberos usam dois nomes ou mais. Isso eh outra tradicao. No seculo XII esse sistema de dar nomes estava ultrapassado. A populacao comecara a crescer e tinha gente demais com o mesmo nome. A Igreja Catolica incentivou as pessoas a usarem mais apelidos. Muitos ja eram identificados pelo segundo sobrenome naquele tempo. Eram precedidos das palavras da, de e do. As tres significam, lugar de onde a pessoa vem. Da eh usado para lugares com nome feminino, o que eh o oposto de do. De nao menciona sexo.
     O sistema americano se engana ao identificar as tres palavras como nomes. Eh comum o meu nome estar escrito como De Magalhaes mas nao deveria ser assim. De significa lugar de onde se veio e sempre deveria ser escrito em minusculas. Com o tempo algumas pessoas suprimiram as tres palavras dos proprios nomes sem saber a importancia delas. Este eh o caso de alguns de meus familiares que herdaram o Magalhaes sem o de.
     Exemplos de nomes e seus signifcados: 1. Geraldo Rodrigues da Costa, que significa, Geraldo, filho do Rodrigo, nascido na costa. 2. Antonio Alvares do Couto: Antonio, filho do Alvaro, de um lugar pequeno. 3. Jose Anes de Guimaraes: Jose, filho do Joao (Johanes), da Cidade de Guimaraes.
     Com o tempo, muitos outros nomes foram somados `a lista. Alguns eram lembranca da caracteristica fisica do primeiro usuario. Exemplos disso sao: 1. Alvim, eh o mesmo que Branquinho; 2. Rouco, voz rouca; 3. Barbalho, barba em forma de raiz de alho. Ha algum tempo atras eu ouvi outra explicacao para o meu sobrenome. Alguem disse que vem do Oriente e a origem seria algo como: Barb Al, que foi transformado em Barbalho em Portugal. Mas nao conheco nenhuma evidencia concreta disso.
     Tambem as profissoes de ancestrais viraram sobrenome para alguns. Um exemplo eh Cavaleiro. Outro eh Sapateiro ou Zapatero. Alguns receberam o sobrenome de Navegante.
     Encontrei na literatura que, em Portugal existiam cinco familias nobres. E os nomes delas eram: Baiao, Braganca, Maia, Ribadouro e Sousa. Mas essa nao eh uma informacao exata. O que possivelmente aconteceu foi algo como na minha familia no Brasil. Ela eh chamada de Familia Coelho. Mas por que eu chamaria a minha familia por este nome se nao o uso?
     O que aconteceu foi isso: quando os europeus comecaram a colonizar a area de onde nos somos, meus ancestrais estavam no comando dos primeiros europeus que viveram la. Mesmo que outros estivessem juntos ou vieram depois, a maioria acabou se casando na parentalha Coelho. Dai a familia assina varios nomes mas comumente passou a ser chamada pelo nome Coelho. E todo mundo eh pelo menos uma vez Coelho. E tambem haviam outros ramos Coelho juntos. Na lista de meus ancestrais existem os que assinam: Coelho, Coelho de Magalhaes, Nunes Coelho, Coelho de Andrade e Coelho de Almeida. E nao estou falando aqui de outras combinacoes que apareceram depois mas tao somente dos ramos originais que nao sabemos se ja tinham ligacoes uns com os outros.
     Minha duvida quanto a cinco ser igual ao numero de familias nobres foi despertada pelos muitos nomes diferentes que os nobres usavam e suas origens. Como a gente ja viu, o sobrenome Coelho veio depois. Ele era parte da familia chamada de Ribadouro. E eu posso mostrar outra sequencia genealogica para mostrar isso. Se voltarmos ao capitulo 5 nos podemos dar uma olhadinha nas segunda e terceira linhagens postadas la. A segunda termina no rei Ramiro II das Asturias. E a terceira comeca num dos filhos: Lovesendo Ramires. Assim, eu comecarei outra vez a partir deles:
  900 Ramiro II, rei das Asturias – Onega (?)
  940 Lovesendo Ramires – Zayra ibn Zayda
  960 Aboazar Lovesendes – Unisco Godinhes
  980 Trastamiro Aboazar, 1o. sr. da Maia – Dordia Soares
1,000 Goncalo Trastamires, 2o. sr. da Maia – Unisco Sisnandes
1.020 Mendo Goncalves, 3o. sr. da Maia – Ledegundia Soares Tainha
1,060 Goncalo Mendes, o Lidador – Urraca Teles
1,080 Moninha Goncalves da Maia – Rodrigo Forjas de Trastamarra
1,100 Forjaz Vermuis de Trastamarra – Elvira Goncalves de Vilalobos
1,130 D. Rodrigo Froias de Trastamarra – D. Urraca Rodrigues de Castro
1,150 D. Goncalo Rodrigues da Palmeira – D. Froille Afonso de Celanova
1,170 D. Rui Goncalves Pereira – Sancha Henriques de Portocarreiro
1,220 D. Pedro Rodrigues Pereira – Estevainha Rodrigues Teixeira
1,250 D. Goncalo Pereira – D. Urraca Vasques Pimentel
1,280 D. Vasco Pereira, conde de Trastamarra – Ines Lourenco da Cunha
1,320 D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira – Pero Esteves Coelho
     Se voltarmos ao capitulo 5 para olharmos a sequencia genealogica numero 6, nos acharemos o ultimo casal: Pero Esteves Coelho – D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira. O que eu quero mostrar aqui eh como nomes novos eram criados. Na geracao de D. Rodrigo Froias de Trastamarra, o Palmeira comeca sem uma explicacao melhor. Os filhos dele adotaram o Palmeira como sobrenome e o filho dele, D. Goncalo Rodrigues da Palmeira, deu este nome a todos os filhos, exceto para um, D. Rui Goncalves Pereira. Dai para frente o nome Pereira tambem tornou-se um dos mais comuns na Peninsula Iberica.
     Deem uma olhadinha nos sobrenomes das esposas para ver muitas outras familias importantes. Elas vinham de familias nobres tambem. Estevainha Rodrigues Teixeira, esposa do D. Pedro Rodrigues Pereira era descendente do Carlos Magno e do Fernando Magno, rei de Leon e Castela. Este eh o mesmo que aparece como bisavo do rei Afonso Henrique de Portugal na quinta sequencia genealogica, no capitulo 5.
     Eu gostaria de apresentar algumas sequencias genealogicas que estao no amago da Historia de Portugal. Comecarei por Estevao Coelho que era o pai do Pero Esteves Coelho.
1,290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1,330 Branca Pires Coelho – Joao Pires Alvim
1,360 Leonor Alvim – D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, 2o. Condestavel de Portugal
1,380 D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim – D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca
     Ai nos podemos ver que: o ancestral Pero Esteves Coelho era irmao de Branca Pires Coelho, que era mae da Leonor Alvim e avo da D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim, que era esposa do D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca. Naquele tempo a nome Braganca ja estava estabelecido em Portugal e somente depois os duques de Braganca o adotaram como sobrenome mas eles tambem ja eram descendentes de ancestrais de Braganca. Vou mostrar a linhagem paterna do D. Afonso.
1,377 D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,357 D. Joao I, rei de Portugal – Ines Pires
1,320 D. Pedro I, rei de Portugal – Teresa Lourenco
1,291 D. Afonso IV, rei de Portugal – Beatriz, Infanta de Castela
1,261 D. Dinis, rei de Portugal – Santa Isabel de Aragao
     Ai a gente voltou aos primeiros reis de Portugal e D. Dinis era filho do Afonso III. Mas D. Joao I nao era para ser rei. O irmao dele, D. Fernando I, era de direito o herdeiro e ele se tornou rei. Mas o problema veio depois porque a herdeira dele era D. Beatriz e ela se casou com o rei Juan I de Castela. Juan exigiu o direito de ser rei de Portugal depois do falecimento do rei Fernando I. Isso iniciou o que eh conhecido como Crise de 1.383 a 1.385. Nisso Castela e Portugal se envolveram numa guerra sangrenta. E o grande heroi da vez foi D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, que era o sogro do D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca. E vamos colocar mais uma sequencia genealogica para mostrar mais uma coisinha.
1,360 D. Nuno Alvares Pereira – Leonor Alvim
1,310 D. Alvaro Goncalves Pereira – Iria Goncalves do Carvalhal
1,280 D. Goncalo Pereira, arcebispo de Braga – Teresa Peres Vilarinho
1,250 D. Goncalo Pereira – D. Urraca Vasques Pimentel
     Como podemos ver acima, os bisavos de D. Nuno Alvares Pereira eram os avos de D. Aldonca Vasques Pereira. E o marido dela, Pero Esteves Coelho era tio da Leonor Alvim, a esposa do D. Nuno. Porei mais uma sequencia:
1,377 D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,402 D. Isabel de Braganaca – D. Joao, principe de Portugal
1,428 D. Isabel, Infanta de Portugal – Juan II, rei de Castela
1,451 Isabel, a Catolica, rainha de Castela – Fernando II, o Catolico, rei de Aragao
1,485 Catalina de Aragao, Infanta de Aragao – Henrique VIII, rei da Inglaterra
1,506 Maria I, rainha da Inglaterra – Felipe II, rei da Espanha
     Nessa ultima sequence nos podemos ver algo para assombrar. A rainha Maria I nao teve filhos. O apelido dela era Maria Sanguinaria porque o pai separou a Igreja Anglicana da Igreja Catolica e ela queria restaurar isso. Mas como parte do povo nao queria, isso gerou manifestacoes e, somente de uma vez, cerca de 300 pessoas foram mortas. Felipe II tambem exigiu o direito dele de usar a coroa inglesa e isso resultou no afundamento de sua Armada Invencivel. Naquele tempo era mesmo a Armada mais poderosa do mundo. Mas isso eh outra Historia.
     Eu gostaria apenas de falar um pouco mais a respeito do D. Nuno Alvares Pereira e como ele salvou Portugal na Crise de 1.383/85. Ele era jovem e tinha 25 irmaos. Pelo menos duas de suas irmas foram ancestrais do nobre Jose Coelho de Magalhaes que pode ser meu ancestral tambem. Outros de meus ancestrais tem o sobrenome Pereira. Mas nos ainda nao temos os meios para dizer se hao ligacoes entre meus ancestrais Pereira dos anos 1.700 com os anteriores. Apenas observem mais essa sequencia:
1,280 D. Goncalo Pereira – Teresa Peres de Vilarinho
1,310 D. Goncalo Pereira – esposa desconhecida
1,360 D. Brites Pereira – Lourenco Mendes de Vasconcelos
1,400 Rui Mendes de Vasconcelos – Ana Rodrigues Carvalho
1,440 Brites Mendes Carvalho – Fernao da Mesquita, o Velho
1,475 Lopo da Mesquita – Violante Machado
1,500 Joao Lopes da Mesquita – Ana Roiz Sobrinho da Mesquita
1,530 Miguel Sobrinho da Mesquita – Catarina Vaz
1,560 Ana da Mesquita – Semiao Pinto Machado
     O ultimo casal ja esta na quinta sequencia do capitulo 5 acima. Eles sao ancestrais do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Muitos dos ancestrais deles levam o nome de Vasconcelos. Este vem da Torre de Vasconcelos onde D. Joao Peres de Vasconcelos foi um dos senhores, por volta de 1.220. Ele foi casado com Maria Soares Coelho, filha do Soeiro Viegas Coelho. Ate agora estava mostrando a descendencia do Soeiro por meio do filho: Joao Soares Coelho. Na terceira linha esta D. Brites Pereira que era meio-irma do D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     O cargo que D. Nuno tinha eh como se fosse um primeiro ministro e ministro da defesa juntos, alem de comandante geral do exercito. Como os Portugueses nao tinham vontade alguma de se tornarem vassalos do rei castelhano houve guerra. As forcas portuguesas eram muito inferiores `as do inimigo. E isso as encheu de confianca. Os castelhanos foram ajudados por franceses tambem. D. Nuno Alvares entao armou uma arapuca e fez seus companheiros esperarem o ataque. Ele escolheu um campo estreito, mais para brejo, para batalhar. Como as forcas inimigas mais pesadas nao tiveram a liberdade de se movimentar como em campos normais de batalha viraram alvos faceis para os portugueses.
     D. Nuno certificou-se que nao houvesse escapatoria e ate o povao veio com instrumentos de trabalho para matar os soldados. Historiadores pensam que milhares de nobres foram mortos. Isso baixou o moral do inimigo. Provavelmente, a maioria dos mortos eram da mesma familia que dos portugueses. Depois dessa batalha que ficou conhecida como Aljubarrota (tambem chamada de Padeira) ele organizou muitos ataques rapidos no territorio inimigo para assegurar que nao houvesse reacao. Claro, ele venceu a guerra. O reconhecimento da Independencia Portuguesa foi assinado em 1.411, no Tratado de Ayllon. E D. Joao I que nao era para ser rei ganhou o trono e a coroa de rei.
     Presentes estavam 200 soldados da Inglaterra. Eles estavam armados de bestas e fizeram alguma diferenca a favor dos portugueses. Desde entao, Portugal e Inglaterra tem um Tratado de ajuda mutua contra invasoes externas. Eh com certeza o mais antigo do genero no mundo.
     Coincidentemente, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira morreu de causas naturais no mesmo dia que Joana d’Arc foi executada.
     D. Joao I casou-se com Philippa de Lancaster, princesa da Inglaterra. Depois o sobrenome dela foi adotado em Portugal como Lancastre. A Familia Lancastre de Portugal eh descendente direta dos Lancaster da Inglaterra. Mas essa segunda dinastia em Portugal durou pouco. Portugal continuou recebendo e enviando noivas e noivos para os reinos espanhois e, em 1.560, a situacao se repetiu. A diferenca eh que neste tempo o rei da Espanha foi o poderoso Felipe II, que foi casado com a Maria I, rainha da Inglaterra.
     As linhagens sucessorias em Portugal seguiram nem sempre observando a primogenitura. D. Manuel I subiu ao trono. Ele foi chamado de o Venturoso. Isso foi porque ele herdou o trono sem ter sido o primeiro da linha. Depois vieram as Grandes Descobrimentos no seu tempo. Vasco da Gama transpos o Cabo da Boa Esperanca na Africa do Sul abrindo o Caminho para as Indias aos interesses comerciais portugueses e Pedro Alvares Cabral descobriu o Brasil.
     Mas isso era bom demais. Ele foi pai do proximo rei, Joao III, que foi pai da Maria, Infanta de Portugal, que tinha sido a primeira esposa do Felipe II, rei da Espanha. Joao III, rei de Portugal teve um primogenito com o nome de Joao. E este foi o pai do D. Sebastiao. Sebastiao tornou-se rei mas era um tanto quanto lunatico e resolveu reeditar as Cruzadas e reuniu seus exercitos com a intencao de conquistar o territorio dos mouros no Norte da Africa. La ele desapareceu sem deixar um primogenito. Felipe II viu nisso sua oportunidade de conquistar Portugal, unificando as duas coroas. Ele quase nao encontrou resistencia.
     Somente 80 anos depois, de 1.560 ate 1.640, a soberania do Reino de Portugal foi restaurada. O novo rei foi D. Joao IV. Este quarto Joao, rei de Portugal, era tambem o oitavo duque de Braganca. Voltando `a linhagem, ele era pentaneto do D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca e de D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim, a filha do D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     Alem do nome Coelho estar envolvido na genetica dos reis de Portugal, as mulheres que se casaram com os duques de Braganca tinham ancestrais que tambem eram ancestrasi das linhagens que originaram Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. E por volta de 1.820 a familia real portuguesa foi dividida em dois ramos. Um manteve-se no reino de Portugal e outra se estabeleceu no Brasil. Mais tarde a Republica foi proclamada no Brasil, em 1.889, enquanto em Portugal so veio em 1.910.
     Na Espanha nos temos os mesmos nomes de familia que em Portugal. Algumas eh dito que foram traduzidos de uma lingua para outra. Ate do Coelho eh dito que virou Conejo, que eh o mesmo Coelho dos dois lados. Os portugueses tambem usam nomes importados da Espanha. Exemplos disso sao: Menezes, Gurgel, Ponce de Leon, Lima, Bezerra, Lara, Maldonado e muitos outros. Um que eu nunca vi no Brasil eh o Bivar. Ele aparece no nome do D. Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar. Ele tinha o apelido de El Cid. Tambem, Matamouros. (Matador dos mouros). Algo que nao soma nada ao nosso orgulho mas ele eh tambem ancestral do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. El Cid eh mencionado no video “Islam, Imperio da Fe” produzido pelo
     Gostaria de adicionar mais um evento da Historia Portuguesa neste capitulo, com a intencao mais de mostrar uma curiosidade genealogica. Um nome da Historia da Peninsula Iberica sempre lembrado eh o de Ines de Castro. Castro tambem eh nome nobre da Espanha e de nossos ancestrais. Porem, ninguem sabe quem ela eh.
     Para comecar, leiamos um extrato da Wikipedia: “Ines foi para Portugal em 1.340 como dama da Infanta Constanca de Castela, recem-casada com o principe Pedro, o primogenito do rei portugues. O principe se apaixonou por ela e comecou a deixar de lado sua legitima esposa, pondo em perigo as ja fracas relacoes com Castela. Para complicar, o amor de Pedro por Ines levou nobres Castelhanos ali exilados para as proximidades do poder, com os irmaos da Ines se tornando amigos do principe e seus conselheiros de confianca. O rei Afonso IV de Portugal, pai do Pedro, nao gostava da influencia da Ines sobre o filho e esperou que o entusiasmo mutuo acabasse, mas isso nao aconteceu.”
     Afonso IV fez de tudo para separar o casal mas nao conseguiu. Entao, ele deu ordens a tres de seus confidentes para matar Ines. Um deles foi o Pero Esteves Coelho, que seria nosso ancestral. Pedro deu a palavra ao pai que nao se vingaria o assassinato. Porem, depois que ele subiu ao trono do pai foi justamente isso que ele fez. Capturou dois dos executores e os matou, abrindo a caixa toracica e tirando os coracoes com as maos, em exibicao publica. Isso foi para simbolizar o proprio coracao partido.
     Estas passagens foram conservadas pelo poeta Luis Vaz de Camoes no seu epico memoravel, Os Lusiadas. Todos os elementos da trama estao la e eu penso que o Shakspeare usou isso como inspiracao da novela: Romeu e Julieta. A genialidade dele esta no fato de ter amaciado os fatos e transposto a estoria para outro cenario. Nao digo que ele copiou Camoes. Mas, como de costume, todo artista eh inspirado pelo trabalho de outros. Foi melhor mesmo ele ter amaciado os fatos porque a verdade foi muito mais cruel. Se os escritos tivessem sido muito parecidos com os fatos ele poderia se colocar em risco, por causa das relacoes diplomaticas entre Portugal e Inglaterra.
     Porem, de alguma forma a Historia eh melhor que a novela. Quem tiver a curiosidade, a Internet esta repleta de outras informacoes.
     Meu objetivo nao eh, em momento algum, mostrar que sou descendente das familias reais e nobres europeias. Nao penso que isso me traria nenhum beneficio. O que desejo mostrar eh que: nao sou so eu quem sou. Desde que as Americas foram colonizadas pelos europeus, acredito que, a maioria absoluta das pessoas nascidas nas Americas, com ligacoes com as familias europeias, eh inquestionavelmente descendente das familias reais e nobres europeias. Isso nao nos garante outro privilegio senao, de alguma maneira, sermos primos.
     Comumente a Historia dos Estados Unidos eh apresentada como uma extensao da Historia Inglesa. Mas isso eh mais uma consequencia do que estava acontecendo na Europa como um todo e tem pontos comuns com a Historia do Brasil, apesar do Brasil tambem nao existir como pais autonomo naquela epoca.
     Cada evento maior da Historia Europeia dos ultimos seculos da Idade Media deixou marcas em nossa Historia comum. Primeiramente, no final da Idade Media tinhamos a poderosa Igreja Catolica dominando tudo da vida coditiana na Europa. No seculo XIII aparecem descontetamentos com os desvios de comportamento dos clerigos em relacao ao compartamento que deveriam ter. O clero eh o poder dominante mas permite `a aristocracia exerce-lo em seu nome. A Igreja transformou-se num caso incestuoso onde era a mae que gerava a aristocracia e juntos eles geravam a proxima geracao de aristocratas.
     A populacao sob o poder deles nao passava de escrava. Muitas ideias novas, inclusive as religiosas, eram julgadas como simples heresias. A Igreja nao prestou atencao nos anseios nem das almas nem dos corpos. A Igreja considerava seu proprio pensamento acima de todo e qualquer pensamento diferente. Foi instituido o Tribunal do Santo Oficio, comumente conhecido como Inquisicao. Isso significava que, nao importava o que voce fez, voce poderia ser acusado de heresia se isso envolvesse duvidas em relacao a religiao ou autoridade. Tudo virou: “Mandado por Deus”.
     Outro capitulo de interesse foi a Renascenca. Os historiadores classificam isso como um movimento intelectual entre os seculos XIV e XVII. Ele teria comecado e nos vindo da Italia, trazendo mudancas na “literatura, filosofia, arte, politica, ciencia, religiao, e outros aspectos da busca racional”, como esta descrito na Wikipedia. Embora essa seja a importante para nos, nos tivemos uma Renascenca anterior, dentro do Imperio Muculmano.
     Os Muculmanos ja haviam traduzido muitos textos antigos de origem latina e grega. E eles foram os que ja os aplicavam nas artes e vidas. Foi levando algum conhecimento renascido para a Peninsula Iberica que causaram a comparacao do Imperio deles como luz em contraste com o resto da Europa como total escuridao nos primeiros seculos da Idade Media. Eh por isso que a Idade Media tambem eh conhecida como uma era inculta.
     E eu penso que foi por esta razao, da Europa estar culturalmente atrasada em relacao ao mundo muculmano, que a Reconquista da Peninsula Iberica demorou tanto. Depois de se estabelecerem la e demonstrarem ser um poder mais tolerante e mais justo, para a epoca, em relacao ao povo pobre, o povo nao tinha razao para revoltas sabendo que, a revolta significaria uma queda de paz em suas vidas.
     Para lancar o povo contra os senhores muculmanos, o estrategistas cristaos lancaram mao de uma serie de demonizacoes, inclusive acusando Adb al Rahman III ibn Muhammed, o Grande, de ser homossexual. Eles se aproveitaram do fato que, o lider muculmano tinha mandado executar um jovem cristao, Pelagio, porque ele se recusou se converter ao Isla. Isso tambem eh deploravel, mas os cristaos nunca sentiram vergonha de terem praticado o mesmo aos de outras fes. Nos sabemos o que se fez contra os pagaos, judeus e inclusive aos muculmanos naquele tempo. Entao, acusar ao Abd al Rahman de homossexualismo era a forma de manipular a horda ignara da Idade Media. Isso continua, apesar de nao ser mais um bicho-de-sete-cabecas para a maioria de nos hoje.
     Outro capitulo vinculado sao as cruzadas. As cruzadas serviram como cortina de fumaca usada pela Igreja Catolica para desviar a atencao dos malfeitos da administracao dela. Esta eh uma pratica antiga, usada pelos maus governantes. As Cruzadas nao sao exatamente o que se diz delas. Nos tivemos perto de 12 cruzadas contra o poder muculmano sobre Jerusalem e cerca de tres duzias contra eles na Peninsula Iberica e contra europeus que tinham crencas diferentes dos dogmas catolicos. Inclusive, os catolicos da Peninsula Iberica foram dispensados de lutar contra os muculmanos em Jerusalem porque eles ja estavam na luta para recuperar seu territorio.
     Mas o tiro da Igreja saiu pela culatra. Durante as Cruzadas os soldados europeus aprenderam um sistema melhor de vida e levaram a licao para casa. Nas bagagens levaram conhecimento novo e gosto por mercadorias que a Europa nao oferecia. Mesmo apos o fim das Cruzadas por Jerusalem nos ultimos anos do seculo XII o comercio ja estabelecido continuou. Os muculmanos tinham o controle do comercio com a Asia e a Africa mas os italianos foram os que intermediaram com o resto da Europa.
     E eh nesse contexto que europeus comecam a buscar o conhecimento humanistico que levou `a quebra do monopolio da Igreja. Os clerigos e a aristocracia eram os unicos capazes de produzir e consumir conhecimento e produtos caros. E a populacao comeca a multiplicar-se em numero e riqueza. A urbanizacao da populacao que antes vivia em maioria no campo eh a responsavel pelo surgimento de uma classe nova, os burgueses. O termo se refere a morador urbano.
     O uso e a producao do papel que os muculmanos ja comercializavam com a China e a invencao da imprensa por Gutemberg foram as precondicoes para tornar o conhecimento mais atingivel pela crescente populacao de estudantes. Maior conhecimento tambem resultou em mais universidades disponiveis.
     O povo portugues estava ha muito tempo tentando fazer a navegacao oceanica e nisso o grande nome eh o principe Henrique, o Navegador, filho do rei D. Joao I e de Philippa de Lancaster, princesa da Inglaterra. Ele dedicou-se a vida inteira `a causa da navegacao e isso deu retorno. No principio eles comecaram a navegar as costas africanas onde, em 1.415, conquistaram Ceuta das forcas mouras. Naquele tempo tambem solicitaram permissao ao papa para escravizar os muculmanos conquistados e a autorizacao foi dada. Posteriormente, essa permissao foi reinterpretada para justificar a escravizacao dos africanos subsaarianos.
     Durante o seculo XV os portugueses tambem descobriram os Arquipelagos da Madeira e Acores. Ai esta o inicio das Grandes Descobertas e a colonizacao a partir da Peninsula Iberica. Em 1.498, Vasco da Gama realizou o maior dos sonhos ibericos descobrindo o Caminho das Indias via navegacao oceanica. Em 21 de abril de 1.500, o capitao Pedro Alvares Cabral descobre o que sua tripulacao pensou ser uma ilha mas eles haviam chegado ao Brasil. Depois o engano foi corrigido mas a coroa portuguesa se entregou inteiramente `a exploracao das riquezas mais imediatas atraves do comercio com a Asia. O Brasil ficou 50 anos sem desperta-lhe o interesse.
     Do lado da Espanha, os monarcas Fernando II, o Catolico, rei de Aragao e sua esposa, Isabel, a Catolica, rainha de Castela, concluiram a Reconquista da Espanha, tomando o ultimo reino muculmano, Granada, em 1.492. Em 1.494 eles tiraram a sorte grande quando Cristovao Colombo chegou `as Americas, navegando para o oeste, ao contrario de encontrar as Indias como ele estava querendo. No mesmo ano, Espanha e Portugal assinaram o Tratado de Tordesilhas garantindo a partilha das Americas para os dois. A porcao de Portugal nao era mais que o que hoje eh o Nordeste Brasileiro quase todo e a metade do Sudeste. Isso eh perto de um quarto das terras brasileiras atuais mas eh duzias de vezes maior que Portugal.
     Agora precisamos usar nossos cerebros para entendermos a situacao. Logo apos estes fatos o trabalho duro de Portugal estava rendendo. A Espanha estava afogada na incompetencia dos administradores dela. Eles tinham conquistado Granada e logo depois o que fizeram foi matar ou escravizar um quinto da populacao muculmana. Dois quintos foram expulsos para o dominio mouro no Norte da Africa. Os dois quintos restantes foram perseguidos de tal maneira que se exilou posteriormente. Eles fizeram o mesmo aos judeus. E estes migraram para lugares mais tolerantes, onde atualmente eh Holanda, Belgica, Luxemburgo, Alemanha, Polonia e outros paises por perto. Mais tarde a descendencia deles ira arrepender-se dessa escolha mas ninguem imaginava o que estava por vir.
     Como eu ja disse antes, Portugal tinha nao mais que 1.7 milhoes de habitantes naquele tempo. A Espanha expulsou perto de 1 milhao, o que era uma parte consideravel da sua populacao. Entre os expulsos, mortos e escravizados estavam a maioria dos artesaos e comerciantes. Ela usou a religiao como desculpa para fazer isso. Mas o que eles queriam mesmo era ganhar dinheiro rapido para financiar a exploracao das promissoras novas colonias.
     Isso eh o que a gente sempre ve na Historia. Maus governantes nao olham as consequencias. Se os governos estao numa maior necessidade de dinheiro o primeiro pensamento eh: de quem nos vamos tomar? Os muculmanos e judeus foram as primeiras vitimas dos descobrimentos espanhois. Os amerindios e africanos foram afetados logo depois. Porem como a gente vera depois, o povo da Espanha tambem virou vitima da loucura dos seus reis.
     Nao mencionei antes mas havia outro grande acontecimento ajudando a desenhar a nossa Historia a partir do seculo XV em diante. Comecou com as criticas do Eramus de Rotterdam contra o mau comportamento dos clerigos. A intencao dele era mudar o comportamento interno na Igreja. Porem o orgulho dos clerigos era demais para permitir isso. Depois dele chegaram outros como Martinho Lutero e Joao Calvino (Jean Cauvin) que eram mais explicitos em suas criticas ao velho estilo da Igreja Catolica. A atitude deles levou ao movimento chamado de Reforma. E ate o Lutero arrependeu-se da desordem que sem querer o criticismo dele provocou.
     No passar dos seculos a Igreja Catolica fingiu-se de surda diante dos pedidos do povo para mudar. Ela monopolizava o conhecimento e a interpretacao das Escrituras Cristas. Os livros eram escritos apenas em Latim, que era uma linguagem morta, a nao ser dentro do meio sacerdotal. Os proprios religiosos que atendiam aos grotoes nao conheciam todos os aspectos da linguagem. Assim, quando Lutero traduziu a Biblia para a linguagem corrente, muitas pessoas puderam ver a diferenca entre o que estava escrito do que era ensinado.
     A Reforma ganhou forca a partir dai. Tivemos muitos conflitos dentro da Europa e parte dos principes e reis viram nela a oportunidade de sair do controle do Vaticano. Basicamente, a Reforma lhes deu a oportunidade de terem uma religiao nacional em maos, para usa-la segundo os proprios interesses. Mais tarde isso leva ao surgimento dos Despotas Esclarecidos que foram reis que pensavam que poderiam fazer o que quizessem, sem prestar contas a ninguem, senao a Deus. Exemplos de reinos que se separaram da influencia do Vaticano com a Reforma foram: Suecia, Finlandia, varias partes da Alemanha, Inglaterra e varios outros. Exemplos dos que se opuseram `a Reforma: Portugal, Espanha e Italia.
     E os reis daquelas nacoes vincularam a bagunca logo depois do inicio da Reforma `a alfabetizacao. Assim, despresar a educacao transformou-se num instrumento nas maos deles para dominar as proprias populacoes. Eles mantiveram o latim nos textos biblicos e o povo no analfabetismo. Este eh um dos fatos que repercutiram negativamente contra os povos daqueles paises e suas colonias. A desordem nao foi uma consequencia direta da Reforma mas sim das cabecas duras dos papas e reis.
     Para que eu faca este capitulo ficar mais interessante, precisarei postar mais duas sequencias genealogicas. A primeira eh um dos exemplos de como o rei Fernando II era descendente dos reis de Portugal.
1,261 D. Dinis, rei de Portugal – Santa Isabel of Aragao
1,290 D. Constanca, Infanta de Portugal – Fernando IV, rei de Castela
1,311 Alfonso XI, rei de Castela – Leonor Nunez de Guzman
1,335 Fradique Alfonso de Castela – esposa desconhecida
1,354 Alfonso Enriquez de Castela – Juana Mendoza de Ayala
1,390 Fradique Enriquez de Castela – Mariana Ayala de Cordoba
1,425 Juana Enriquez – Juan II, rei de Aragao
1,452 Fernando II, o Catolico, rei de Aragao – Isabel, a Catolica, rainha de Castela
     A segunda vem dos ancestrais do rei Felipe II. Isso nos ajudara a explicar alguns vinculos entre as Historias dos Estados Unidos, Peninsula Iberica e Brasil.
1,357 D. Joao I, rei de Portugal – Philippa de Lancaster, princesa da Inglaterra
1,391 D. Duarte, rei de Portugal – Leonor, Infanta de Aragao
1,434 D. Leonor, Infanta de Portugal – Friedrich III, kaiser des Heiligen Romischen Reiches
1,459 Maximilian I von Osterreich – Marie, duquesa da Bourgogne
1,478 Philipp I der Schone, Erzherzog von Osterreich e rei de Castela – Juana, a Louca, Rainha de Castela
1,500 Karl V, Kaiser des Heiligen Romischen Reiches e rei da Espanha  – D. Isabel, Infanta de Portugal
1,527 Felipe II, rei da Espanha – D. Maria/Maria I/Elisabeth of Valois/Anna von Osterreich
     Agora, o que temos aqui!? Felipe II teve quatro casamentos estrategicos que o colocaram na via sucessoria de outros paises. Sua primeira esposa, Maria, era filha do D. Joao III, rei de Portugal. Maria I era a Rainha da Inglaterra. Elisabeth de Valois era princesa da Franca, filha do Henrique II, rei da Franca. A Anna era filha do kaiser, Maximiliano II. A mae do Felipe, D. Isabel, era filha do D. Manuel I, o Venturoso, rei de Portugal. E a avo dele, Juana, a Louca, era filha do Fernando II, o Catolico e Isabel, a Catolica. Viche Maria! Isso eh algo de se levar em conta!
     O pai do Felipe, Carlos V, Imperador do Sacro Imperio Germanico, estava na linha de frente da oposicao contra a Reforma. E ele apenas seguiu os passos dele.
     Depois que a Reforma nao tinha mais volta a Igreja Catolica e os reis que se opuseram a ela tentaram fazer a Contra-Reforma. E a Igreja Catolica tambem foi reformada mas, mesmo que isso tenha feita dela uma Igreja melhor do que era antes, a mudanca nao foi suficiente para recuperar o poder perdido. Os paises que haviam adotado ramos religiosos novos nao retornaram ao catolicismo, exceto por Polonia, Bohemia, Hungria, partes da Holanda, Franca e o sul da Alemanha. Entre as mudancas aprovadas pela Contra-Reforma foi a criacao da Ordem dos Jesuitas por Ignacio de Loyola.
     Como o Velho Mundo nao era mais um monopolio da fe na Igreja Catolica os Jesuitas foram usados como ponta de lanca na catequizacao do Novo Mundo. E, `a medida que o dominio espanhol e portugues ganhou o mundo, o catolicismo foi levado junto.
     Eu tenho que voltar a um assunto importante. A Inquisicao Espanhola. Inquisicao ja fora usada pela Igreja Catolica na Idade Media. Para o bem ela havia sido desativada. Mas os reis catolicos, Fernando II de Aragao e sua esposa Isabel de Castela chantagearam o papa para autoriza-los a ter esse instrumento nas maos para usar contra seus inimigos. Eles disseram ao papa que, se eles nao recebecem o que queriam repatriariam os soldados que estavam protegendo os interesses do Vaticano.
     Como o papa ficou numa posicao inferior ele concordou, porem, arrependeu-se porque a Inquisicao Espanhola foi usada tambem contra bons cristaos. A permissao tinha o intento de dar poderes aos reis de julgar os judeus e muculmanos convertidos `a forca, em caso deles retornarem a suas fes antigas. Os reis haviam decidico a conversao mandatoria dos praticantes das outras fes pelo decreto que estabelecia: a conversao seria obrigatoria e a opcao seria a de mudar-se para fora do alcance do poder deles. Muita gente aceitou ser batizada como crista mas praticava suas fes, secretamente.
     Mas a Inquisicao espanhola nas maos do Tomas de Torquemada, o antigo confessor da rainha Isabel, passou a servir de instrumento de terror contra qualquer oposicao. E isso enviou parte do povo espanhol para outros cantos do planeta so porque ela era judia ou muculmana.
     Mais tarde eu terei que retornar a esse assunto. Nos nossos dias temos parte da populacao americana tentando mandar de volta 12.000.000 de imigrantes sem documentos como se isso fosse a coisa certa a fazer para resolver os problemas de nossa economia. Ela tem sido enganada por falsos profetas e falsas profecias. Mesmo o presidente dos Estados Unidos, o sr. Barack H. Obama e o pessoal dele, por volta de 2,5 anos no governo, estao aceitando essa maneira torta de enxergar as coisas e ja deportaram cerca de 1.000.000 de cidadaos uteis sem documentos. Nos ja estamos tomando o retorno disso na cara.
     Recentemente o sr. Obama suspendeu a deportacao massiva numa tentativa de revisao de cada caso, alegando que a administracao deseja devolver somente os envolvidos em crimes. A suspeita eh a de que ele esteja usando essa estrategia para nao perder os votos dos imigrantes nas eleicoes do ano que vem. A verdade eh essa, em suas palavras parece que o presidente entende os riscos dos Estados Unidos perderem tamanha populacao mas pela postura do governo dele parece tudo palhacada.
     A prova de que o D. Manuel I, o Venturoso, nao era tao venturoso esta nos casamentos. Ele teve tres esposas. A primeira foi Isabel de Aragao e Castela; a segundo foi Maria de Aragao e Castela. As duas eram irmas e filhas do Fernando II com a Isabel. A terceira foi Leonor da Austria, princesa da Espanha. Ela era filha do Carlos V, o Kaiser e rei da Espanha, e que tambem era pai do Felipe II, rei da Espanha. Assim, ele nao estava cercado apenas pelas fronteiras com a Espanha mas tambem pelos casamentos.
     E uma das condicoes para o casamento dele foi a de que ele teria que fazer o mesmo que os reis da Espanha, em Portugal. D. Manuel I nao tinha vontade para expulsar o povo portugues. Mas nao podia ficar sem fazer nada. Os portugueses eram mais liberais nesse assunto e permitiram aos judeus migrarem para suas colonias, incluindo o Brasil. Eh provavel que neste tempo a populacao muculmana portuguesa fosse muito pequena porque Portugal ja havia reconquistado seu territoria ha muito e os que nao se haviam convertido naquela primeira hora devem ter-se mudado para os territorios muculmanos na Espanha.
     Portugal foi o responsavel pelo inicio das Grandes Navegacoes e, como o proverbio brasileiro nos ensina, “matou dois coelhos com uma so cajadada”. Aos poucos e sempre, o comercio mundial foi deslocado das cidades italianas e muculmanas em torno do Mediterraneo para Lisboa. As cidades estado na Italia tinham o monopolio antes para comercializar com os muculmanos.
     A Espanha tinha uma parte nisso porque Granada era parte do Imperio Muculmano. Quando Fernando II e Isabel conquistaram Granada e passaram a perseguir os muculmanos por causa da fe, isso voltou-se contra suas economias. Lisboa virou o porto que atraia os mercadores antes residentes na Italia e no mundo muculmano. Essa eh a primeira migracao na Historia em que pessoas ricas migraram para novos lugares em busca de novas oportunidades. Normalmente, migracao esta relacionada aos pobres e perseguidos.
     O ambiente que eles encontraram em Portugal era diferente do que tinham na Italia. Em Portugal e na Espanha os reis estavam procurando negocios que pagassem impostos e desejavam o monopolio para o Estado. Mas na Italia ja estavam praticando as primeiras nocoes de capitalismo. Eles tinham bancos e ja trabalhavam com papeis. O unico lugar onde encontraram um ambiente economico parecido foi nas cidades que hoje estao na Holanda. As cidades la pareciam com as Cidades Estados da antiga Grecia.
     Holanda era apenas um Condado, territorio da Burgonha. Mas ela foi herdada por Carlos V, o kaiser do Sacro Imperio Germanico e rei da Espanha. Carlos V havia resistido `a Reforma mas nao teve a capacidade de impor a propria vontade. Parte do reino dele era liberal em relacao a religiao. Assim, protestantes, judeus e catolicos eram livres para comercializar em cidades como Amsterdam e Rotterdam como tambem praticar suas religioes. E esta parte do Imperio foi dada a Felipe II, como um presente do pai dele, Carlos V.
     Um sinal da importancia dos italianos no comercio e navegacao transcontinentais esta nos nomes de alguns dos exploradores nas Grandes Descobertas. Como sabemos, Cristovao Colombo eh creditado como o primeiro capitao a trazer uma frota ao Mundo Novo. Americo Vespucio estava na frota capitaneada por Pedro Alvares Cabral que aportou no Brasil. E Giovanni da Verrazzano foi o primeiro navegante na Costa Atlantica da America do Norte, a servico da Franca, em 1.524, quando ele entrou na Baia de Nova York e Baia de Narragansett, Massachusetts. Martin Waldssemuller deu nome Americas aos Novos Continentes no Mapa do Mundo dele, de 1.503, in Lorraine, apos latinizar o nome Amerigo, homenageando Vespucio.
     O publico geral teve noticia da descoberta do Mundo Novo somente em 1.503, atraves da publicacao de uma carta atribuida a Amerigo Vespucci. Nunca devemos nos esquecer que, no tempo das Grandes Navegacoes, os marinheiros eram como os astronautas de hoje. O que eles encontraram pode ser comparavel a descobrir um novo planeta, cheio de plantas alienigenas, cheio de animais alienigenas e cheio de civilizacoes alienigenas. E o regime de secredo servia ao monopolio da exploracao.
     Colocarei mais duas sequencias genealogicas. A primeira eh de Nicolau Coelho. Ele foi piloto de navio e navegou na expedicao de D. Vasco da Gama. Quando regressaram ele estava tao exaltado com a descoberta que partiu na expedicao de Pedro Alvares Cabral que chegou ao Brasil. Posteriormente ele faleceu, em 1.504, retornando da India, possivelmente na costa de Mocambique. O navio desapareceu.
1,450 Nicolau Coelho – Brites Rodrigues de Ataide
1,420 Pedro Coelho – Luisa de Gois
1,400 Catarina de Freitas – Fernao Coelho, I senhor de Felgueiras e Vieira
1,380 Mecia Vaz Sampaio – Martim Fernandes de Freitas
1,360 D. Maria Pereira – Vasco Pires de Sampaio
1,370 D. Maria de Menezes – Alvaro Pereira
1,330 D. Afonso Telo de Menezes – esposa desconhecida
1,310 D. Guiomar Lopes Pacheco – D. Joao Afonso Telo de Menezes
1,290 D. Maria Rodrigues de Vilalobos – D. Lopo Fernandes Pacheco
1,260 Rui Gil de Vilalobos – Teresa Sanchez
1,240 Maria Diaz de Haro – D. Rui Gil de Vilalobos
1,220 Lope Lopez de Haro, el Chico – Berengaria Gozalez Giron
1,190 Urraca Alfonso de Leon – Lope III Diaz de Haro
1,171 Alfonso IX, rei de Leon e Castela – Inez Iniguez de Mendonza
1,151 D. Urraca, Infanta de Portugal – Fernando II, rei de Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mahaut de Savoie
     Bem, nao penso ser necessario repetir o que vem depois. Na terceira linha dessa sequencia genealogica nos podemos ver os nomes de Catarina de Freitas e Fernao Coelho. No capitulo 5 eles aparecem como ancestrais do meu suposto ancestral, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Ha algum tempo eu olhei no site – Portugal para verificar se Nicolau Coelho tinha o nosso sangue nas veias e o sitio nao mostrava. Agora parece que foi feita a atualizacao. Isso eh novo para mim inclusive. Nesta linhagem nos podemos apontar varios outros ancestrais comuns como no sobrenome Pereira da bisavo de Nicolau que vem dos mesmos ancestrais do D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     Somente uma reserva nessa sequencia. Se olharmos as datas antes dos nomes nos vamos ver algo incoerente na sequencia porque parece que, D. Maria de Menezes teria nascido depois da filha, D. Maria Pereira. Mas isso acontece por as datas virem de documentos diferentes e nem sempre de certidoes de batismos. Algumas datas sao estimativas porque nem todos os nossos ancestrais foram registrados ou tiveram certidoes de batismo que sobreviveram. O mais comum eh que as datas foram retiradas de registros de casamentos.
     Vamos colocar algo da sequencia genealogica de Pedro Alvares Cabral:
1,468 Pedro Alvares Cabral – D. Isabel de Castro
1,433 Isabel Gouveia de Queiroz – Fernao Cabral
1,405 Joao Gouveia de Queiroz – Leonor Fernandes Coutinho
1,380 Leonor Alvares de Queiroz – Vasco Fernandes Gouveia
1,350 D. Elvira de Castro – Fernao Goncalves de Queiroz
1,310 D. Alvaro Pires de Castro – Maria Ponce de Leon
1,290 Pedro Fernandes de Castro – Aldonca Lourenco de Valadares
1,270 Violante Sanchez – Fernando Rodrigues de Castro
1,250 D. Maria Afonso Teles de Menezes – Sancho IV, rei de Castela
1,225 D. Afonso Teles de Menezes – Maior Gonzalez de Giron
1,205 D. Teresa Sanchez – Alfonso Tellez
1,154 D. Sancho I, rei de Portugal – D. Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mahaut de Savoie
     Para simplificar os nossos dados aqui eu nao mencionei os muitos titulos estas personalidades usaram. Porem, como eu pesquisei a fundo os ancestrais do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, notei muitos outros vinculos entre os ancestrais dele e essa turma de figuras historicas. Um exemplo de outro ancestral comum que os navegantes partilham eh D. Alfonso IX, presente na linhagem do Nicolau Coelho. Ele foi ancestral do Sancho IV, rei de Castela, presente como ancestral do Pedro Alvares Cabral.
     Outra personalidade importante em nossos livros de Historia eh Fernao de Magalhaes, o navegante. Ele era o capitao da frota que circunavegou a Terra pela primeira vez na Historia. Ele morreu durante a viagem, em 1.524, mas o nome dele permaneceu como quem fez isso. Ele tambem descende de varios dos ancestrais acima. E tambem era descendente direto de D. Afonso III de Portugal em parceria com Maria Peres de Enxara.
     Com respeito a Vasco da Gama, o navegador mais conhecido mundialmente daquele tempo, nao temos dados dizendo que tivesse vinculos familiares com as familias nobres e reais. Mas a esposa dele, Catarina de Ataide, tinha. Ela era descendente do Egas Moniz, o Aio, assim como do Carlos Magno, Hugo I Capet, rei da Franca e Fernando I Magno, rei de Leon e Castela. Pelo lado do Egas Moniz, ela era da linhagem que criou o nome de familia Fonseca (fonte seca). D. Vasco da Gama tornou-se o segundo Vice-Rei da India. Apesar de nao ser atraves deles, eu encontrei na Internet uma familia de la com a assinatura Fonseka e eles clamam ser descendentes do Fonseca portugues.
     O fato de os maiores exploradores portugueses terem sido de familias nobres indica-nos que: o segredo da exploracao estava em curso. E isso era usado para evitar a competicao com outros paises. Desde o principio, Portugal e Espanha fizeram de tudo para manter o monopolio da colonizacao do Mundo Novo. Mas, como os Brasileiros dizem: o que eles queriam era “abracar o mundo com as pernas.” O mundo era grande demais para o tamanho pequeno da populacao da Peninsula Iberica. E os reis da Espanha, com o orgulho e preconceito deles, perderam a oportunidade de terem um melhor lugar na Historia para eles proprios.
     Antes de entrar no assunto temos que relembrar um pouco da Historia comunitaria das Americas. Antes de 1.600, as Americas eram praticamente um monopolio da Espanha e Portugal. E logo depois das novas descobertas elas nao estavam dando retorno pelos custos dos descobrimentos. O que incentivou a maioria das expedicoes nos primeiros momentos era a busca pelo Caminho das Indias, como os portugueses e espanhois chamavam a Asia. Portugal ja estava lucrando via contorno da Africa. E exceto pela exuberante diversidade biologica eles pensaram que as Americas nada mais tinham a oferecer. A mencao ao: “Em se plantando tudo da” pelo correspondente da expedicao de Cabral, Pero Vaz de Caminha, nao havia sido levada em consideracao ainda.
     Assim, `a medida que as dificuldades iam se multiplicando, o uso da imaginacao tambem explodia. Tres lendas comecaram a povoar as mentes dos aventureiros naquele tempo. Uma era a Fonte da Juventude. Com origem na mitologia grega, como se fosse possivel ter uma nascente que nos desse vida eterna em nossos corpos. A segunda era da “El Dourado” ou a cidade de ouro. E a terceira era a “Serra das Esmeraldas”.
     Nos primeiros dias da exploracao, Juan Ponce de Leon veio `as Americas na segunda viagem do Cristovao Colombo. Ele era um ex-combatente da Guerra da Reconquista e tinha ajudado `a Espanha na luta por Granada. Seguindo instrucoes dadas pelos caribenhos ele conquistou Porto Rico. Foi estabelecido como governador da ilha mas foi deposto pelos adversarios politicos. Continuou seguindo seus sonhos e chegou a Ilha de Bimini, nas Bahamas, na pista de uma lenda nativa da Fonte da Juventude por la. Nesta viagem ele experimentou a Corrente do Golfo, que eh uma forte corrente que sai do Golfo do Mexico indo `a Europa, posteriormente usada para impulsionar os barcos a vela em retorno para o Velho Continente.
     De Bimini ele continuou na busca pela Fonte da Juventude e acabou indo `a Costa da Florida. O nome Florida veio do tempo em que ele descobriu o lugar que era a Pascoa (Pascua Florida, em espanhol). O nome tambem esta ligado `a riqueza vegetal. Florida em ingles eh Blossom e nao deveria ser pronunciada com acento na primeira silaba desde que o nome nao foi traduzido. Flores e Flowers sao sinonimos em espanhol e ingles. Juan Ponce de Leon nunca encontrou o que procurava e morreu em consequencia de uma flechada indigena, em 1.521, depois de ser retirado da Florida para Cuba.
     Mais de 20 anos depois da descoberta, Vasco Nunez de Balboa foi o primeiro a encontrar a passagem do lado atlantico para o Pacifico. Ele cruzou o Istimo do Panama em 1,513, abrindo o caminho para os espanhois conquistarem as costas a oeste das Americas.
     Somente em 1.519, Hernan Cortez, com esperteza e ajuda dos inimigos dos Maias, conquistou a Cidade do Mexico e seu Imperio. Imediatamente a seguir as riquezas que os reis espanhois tanto queriam comecaram a fluir. A Civilizacao Maia ja ha muito sabia trabalhar metais preciosos e gemas. Entao, sem precisar trabalhar para ganha-los, os espanhois assaltaram os cofres dos outros.
     Desde que a passagem atraves do Istimo do Panama estava aberta, isso facilitou aos espanhois fazer contato com os incas, em 1,532, que viviam nos Andes. E Francisco Pizarro conquistou a populacao e levou mais riquezas para a Espanha.
     Mas o que mais excitou a imaginacao europeia foi a viagem desastrosa feita por Francisco de Orellana e seus companheiros. Ele tentou algo diferente para a epoca. Do Peru eles viajaram ao interior da Floresta Amazonica. Eles desmontaram seus barcos, carregaram-nos pelas montanhas e floresta ate encontrar rios navegaveis da Bacia Amazonica. Dai eles comecaram a viagem dificil, procurando chegar de novo ao Atlantico.
     A viagem dele foi narrada pelo frei Gaspar de Carvajal e transcorreu de 1.541 a 1.542. Somente alguns dos viajantes sobreviveram mas foi o suficiente para o Frei Carvajal descrever uma civilizacao que residia na Bacia Amazonica e que era tao grande que eles puderam ver o brilho da brancura das casas durante o dia e os fogos durante a noite por centenas de quilometros. Constantemente eles tinham que navegar no meio dos rios para evitar as flechadas dos indigenas.
     Mas eles tambem foram convidados por alguns para comer uma surpreendente variedade de iguarias. Os espanhois nunca haviam visto tamanha variedade de cada, pesca, frutas e vegetais. E a descricao do frei Carvajal foi creditada como lenda porque, depois, esta civilizacao nunca havia sido reencontrada, ate agora. Foi isso que criou a lenda do “El Dourado”. Durante seculos os europeus buscaram por cidades de pedra, folheadas a ouro, assim como estavam acostumados a ver em outras civilizacoes antigas no mundo. Mas pedra na Bacia Amazonas eh um material dificil de encontrar.
     So recentemente, a historia do frei Carvajal foi comprovada. A terra amazonica eh um solo pobre. E se nao fosse pela floresta ela poderia parecer-se a um deserto. Arqueologos encontraram sitios numerosos de habitacoes nas margens dos rios. Muito mais, eles encontraram quilometros e quilometros de solo fabricado pelo homem. Estes sitios sao chamados de “Terra Preta” ou “Terra Preta de Indio”. Tambem descobriram que, a fabricacao comecou em cerca de 500 anos a.C. e se extendeu ate depois de 900 d.C. Isto eh a terra comum com adicoes de carvao, ossos e esterco de animais e ceramica quebrada.
     A altura da “Terra Preta” varia entre 1 a 2 metros de profundidade. Mesmo depois de milhares de anos o solo continua sua producao, inclusive ha sugestoes de que existam componentes microbianos porque existem os relatos de regeneracao depois que parte do solo eh removido. O que eh impressionante eh isso, la existe o equivalente ao tamanho da Franca e Alemanha combinadas de “Terra Preta” feita pelo homem da Bacia Amazonica. Cientistas estao tentando reproduzir esse formidavel avanco da agricultura mas nao foram capazes ainda de compreender como foi feito. A producao de alimentos da “Terra Preta” pode ser melhor que as das tecnologias mais avancadas de hoje. Se for, isso pode ser usada para salvar bilhoes de vidas no futuro.
     Mesmo assim, no estagio de civilizacao em que o povo europeu se encontrava no seculo XVI, talvez nao fosse possivel a eles conquistarem as Americas da populacao nativa se nao tivessem tido a ajuda do inferno. O que quero dizer eh que, inadivertidamente, eles levaram consigo suas doencas comuns como catapora, variola, tuberculose e ate a gripe. Ja haviam milenios que as populacoes da Africa, Asia e Europa mantinham contatos entre si e tambem com animais domesticos maiores. Isso lhes dava uma certa imunidade contra germes que se mostraram mortais para os nativamericanos. Num calculo grosseiro, alguns dizem que cerca de 90% da populacao morreu apos encontrar os europeus. Em alguns casos, eles foram infectados mesmo antes de conhecerem qualquer europeu e isso foi causa de exterminio de civilizacoes inteiras.
     Atualmente, os cientistas estao concluindo que foi exatamente isso que aconteceu `as civilizacoes da Bacia Amazonica. E os europeus que procuravam cidades de pedra estavam totalmente enganados por suas ignorancias. As civilizacoes que viviam na Bacia Amazonica construiram daquilo que lhes era disponivel: madeira, solo e outras partes das plantas.
     Na viagem do Francisco Orellana o nome do rio foi trocado para Amazonas. A lenda diz que, os navegantes viram o que parecia a eles ser cavaleiras montadas em seus cavalos nas margens do rio. Dai o nome do rio ser uma lembranca das amazonas da Historia Grega. Permanece, porem, na lingua portuguesa a palavra amazonas com o significado de cavaleira.
     Todos os exploradores espanhois vem de familias nobres. Eu dei uma olhada no portugal mas o site ainda nao mostra isso. Alguns como o Juan Ponce de Leon tem ancestrais la, mas sem as ligacoes com as familias reais. Porem eu sei que, o nome Ponce de Leon eh o resultado do casamento entre Aldonca Alonso de Leon e Pedro Ponce de Cabrera. D. Aldonca era filha do Alfonso IX, rei de Castela e Leon com D. Aldonca Martins da Silva. E ela nasceru por volta de 1.215. Tambem, os sobrenomes das ancestrais do Juan sao comumente usados pelas familias nobres como: Guzman, Baeza, Ayala, Figueroa y Manuel.
     Outra observacao interessante eh a respeito de Francisco Pizarro, o conquistador do Imperio Inca. O site nao indica que venha de familias reais mas, como conquistador, o primeiro tesouro que tomou dos Incas foram duas filhas do Atahualpa, o ultimo imperador, que foi morto pelos espanhois para pavimentar o caminho de manter o Imperio. Angelina e Ines Youpanqui fizeram parte de um padrao de comportamento dos conquistadores portugueses e espanhois. No seculo XVI a maioria deles nao levaram as mulheres brancas. Eles se casaram ou simplesmente se juntaram `as nativas convertidas.
     Vamos ao lado portugues da Historia. Mesmo que Pedro Alvares Cabral seja dito o primeiro portugues a ir ao Brasil, existem controversias a este respeito. A gente sabe que, o explorador espanhol: Francisco Yanez Pinzon, esteve nas costas brasileiras antes. E ele entrou no Rio Amazonas. A expedicao dele deu o nome “Mar Dulce” (Mar Doce) ao rio, talvez sem saber que era um rio, tres meses antes do Cabral. Mas la ainda nao era Brasil porque pelo Tratado de Tordesilhas pertencia `a Espanha.
     Eh dito que outros exploradores portugueses ja haviam estado nas Americas, inclusive antes de Colombo. Segundo eh dito, Afonso Sanches foi quem indicou-lhe onde estavam as Antilhas porque ja havia estado la, quando o explorador famoso aportou na Ilha da Madeira. E pelo menos mais dois outros portugueses: Joao Coelho e Duarte Pacheco ja haviam ido ao Brasil antes do ano 1.500. Porem, oficialmente, quem recebeu a ordem de D. Manuel I, o Venturoso, para tomar posse do territorio foi o Cabral.
     Durante os 30 primeiros anos, a unica atividade comercial que Portugal tinha no Brasil era a exploracao do pau-brasil, por ele oferecer uma tinta vermelha muito apreciada pelos europeus. O Brasil oferecia muitas outras madeiras ao longo de seu luxuoso tapete verde costal. A exploracao foi tao intensa que nas costas do Brasil atualmente existem apenas umas lembrancas do que foi antes. A maioria dos brasileiros nem sequer conhecem o pau-brasil que deu nome ao pais.
     A respeito dos 30 primeiros anos se diz que: o Brasil se transformou no lugar de criminosos exilados. E eh corrente uma piada a respeito. “Um anjo perguntou a Deus: “Senhor, todos os outros paises no mundo tem problemas serios como os vulcoes, terremotos, tornados, furacoes, montanhas imensas, neve, inverno frio, desertos e outros mais, por que o Senhor deu aos brasileiros um lugar como o Paraiso?” E Deus respondeu ao anjo: “Meu amigo, voce precisa olhar com cuidado. Voce percebeu a gentinha que esta destinada a viver la?”
     A piada eh repetida pelos ignorantes que nao sabem que, os exilados iniciais que foram para o Brasil nao eram criminosos como assassinos e ladroes. Eles foram exilados em razao das crencas diferentes ou em razao de terem tomado posicoes partidarias diferentes da da classe dominante. A piada tambem foi usada pelos preconceituosos todas as vezes que a economia brasileira passou por dificuldades. E isso era o mais frequente. E os preconceituosos, normalmente, ricos ou descendentes de origem nobre, referem-se como “Ze Povinho” aos descendentes dos nativo-brasileiros, africanos e exilados, lingando-os `a pilheria.
     Como veremos mais tarde, a maioria dos brasileiros, pelo menos aqueles que tem raizes desde os tempos coloniais, sao descendentes deles. E mais, o “Ze Povinho” nunca teve culpa. Ele nunca mandou em nada e o trabalho duro dele sempre foi usado pelos ricos e pela elite menor. A pilheria sempre foi um truque dos covardes com mente perniciosa que desejavam culpar as vitimas pelos seus proprios crimes.
     Os 30 primeiros anos da colonizacao portuguesa no Brasil nao se resumem somente `as trocas de madeira valiosa por bugingangas entre os indigenas e os colonizadores, como isso eh mencionado por alguns historiadores. O evento mais importante deste periodo foi a iniciacao da genetica do povo brasileiro. Temos que nos lembrar que a colonizacao inglesa comecou mais de um seculo depois da espanhola e portuguesa. O inicio de cada uma teve motivacoes diferentes. E, mais importante de tudo, espanhois e portugueses nao mandaram mulheres com os colonos porque as suas culturas eram machistas e as viagens transoceanicas estavam em fase experimental.
     Ora pois, os homens portugueses nao sabiam resistir a seus instintos machistas. E eles se apaixonaram pelas indias `a primeira vista. Eles tinham tempo de sobra para juntar o pau-brasil com a ajuda dos indios e amontoa-lo nas imediacoes das praias, nalguns galpoes improvisados, na espera do proximo embarque que tanto poderia vir em seis meses quanto no ano seguinte. Eles nunca tinham certeza. Enquanto isso eles ocupavam o tempo deles fazendo a proxima geracao, literalmente.
     Martim Afonso de Sousa foi enviado ao Brasil para organizar o primeira tentativa de colonizacao. Portugal estava avisado sobre as incursoes dos ingleses, franceses e holandeses que exploravam o pau-brasil na ausencia de defensores portugueses. Martim Afonso foi ao Brasil para estabelecer colonias e organizar a defesa do territorio. Com a ajuda dos Jesuitas ele fundou Sao Vicente, a primeira cidade do Brasil; Sao Paulo do Piratininga, onde hoje esta Sao Paulo, a maior cidade por la; e tambem Santos, o porto mais movimentado da America do Sul e, ainda, Santo Andre, que virou uma cidade industrial, na Grande Sao Paulo.
     Em 1.533 ele retornou a Portugal e foi enviado para a India onde tambem era requerido para defender as possessoes portuguesas de la. Em 1.542 foi nomeado vice-rei da India. Ele terminou os dias dele em Portugal, onde em 1.571 veio a falecer.
     O proximo capitulo da Historia do Brasil eh conhecido como Capitanias Hereditarias. Logo apos Martim Afonso estar no Brasil, o rei D. Joao III tomou outras medidas para defender as colonias portuguesas contra invasoes estrangeiras. O que se decidiu foi dividir o territorio brasileiro em colonias, dadas aos nobres para comecarem a colonizacao europeia, efetivamente. Para o Martim Afonso foram dadas duas colinias, Sao Vicente e Rio de Janeiro. Mas ele nunca voltou la. So os descendentes herdaram.
     Martim Afonso estabeleceu um padrao de organizacao que permaneceu na administracao brasileira por seculos. O filho dele, Pero Lopes de Sousa, herdou a Capitania de Sao Vicente. E, provavelmente, o genro, Estevao Gomes da Costa, herdou a Capitania do Rio de Janeiro. Estou falando provavelmente porque nao estou tao certo mas minha duvida eh baseada em fatos. A minha intencao eh mostrar mais uma sequencia genealogica para dar uma ideia melhor do que estava acontecendo no Brasil naquele tempo.
1,210 D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal – Madragana ou Mor Afonso
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares
1,280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1,320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel
1,341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Aldonca Rodrigues de Sa
1,385 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes de Tavora
1,425 Pedro de Sousa – Maria Pinheiro
1,460 Lopo de Sousa – Brites de Albuquerque
1,490 Martim Afonso de Sousa – esposa desconhecida
         Isabel Lopes de Sousa – Estevao Gomes da Costa
         Felipa Gomes da Costa – Vasco Pires da Mota
         Atanasio da Mota – Luzia Machado
         Eufemia da Costa Mota – Joao de Godoy Moreira
         Gaspar de Godoy Colaco – Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais
         Maria Pedroso de Morais – Joao Correia da Silva
         Escolastica de Morais – Joao da Cunha Ataide
         Maria Candida da Cunha Ataide – Francisco Joaquim de Andrade
1,798 Francisco de Paula Andrade – Joana Rosa de Andrade Lage
1,835 Elias de Paula Andrade – Rosa Amelia Silveira Drummond
1,860 Carlos de Paula Andrade – Julieta Augusta Drummond
1,902 Carlos Drummond de Andrade – Julieta Augusta Drummond
     Do que estava acontecendo no Brasil eu decidi alongar a sequencia genealogica que coloca o Martim Afonso quase no meio. Primeiramente eu queria mostrar o primeiro casal que eh formado pelo nossos conhecidos ancestrais, rei Afonso III de Portugal e sua amante, Madragana. Eu ja a mencionei porque ela foi filha do prefeito do Faro quando a Reconquista de Portugal foi completada por aquele rei. Ela procede de familia judia e eh ancestral de muitos outros importantes, como a rainha Victoria da Inglaterra.
     Mas eu tambem queria relembrar o poeta brasileiro Carlos Drummond de Andrade que era um dos descendentes do Martim Afonso de Sousa. A Familia Andrade dele estabeleceu-se em Itabira, Minas Gerais, desde o bisavo dele. Uma de minhas bisavos, Ercila Coelho de Andrade, nasceu la e nos passou isso: ela seria prima do poeta mas ninguem na epoca prestou atencao em qual grau ou por quais vias. Atraves de uma outra linhagem eu descobri que o poeta tambem descende do D. Dinis, rei de Portugal, e tambem eh primo do poeta portugues mais famoso, Luis Vaz de Camoes.
     Em nossos dias nos temos tentado localisar a ligacao mas estamos de maos vazias por enquanto. Em tempos passados os registros eram feitos pela Igreja Catolica e a tinta de algumas paginas dos livros de Itabira evaporaram. Para ver o que esta escrito agora nos precisaremos de instrumentos especiais que nao temos. Entao, precisamos ter paciencia e sorte porque, no Brasil, algumas pessoas podem pegar os livros e jogar no lixo imaginando que nao tenham nada de interesse.
     Desde ja eu indicarei o seguinte video no endereco: Nao se preocupe, tudo esta falado em ingles porque foi produzido pelo Departamento de Relacoes Exteriores Americanos. Ele da uma pequenissima ideia das parcerias entre Brasil e Estados Unidos em 1.948. O interessante eh ver nele as cidades de Itabira, Belo Horizonte, Ouro Preto e Minas de um modo geral. Quem souber ingles, preste atencao especial no que eh dito a respeito da importancia estrategica do Estado para a defesa americana naquele tempo. Eu volterei a tocar neste video posteriormente.
     Gostaria de apresentar algo mais a respeito da Historia do Brasil. Nos Estados Unidos nos temos a Lenda de Pokahontas que eh baseada em fatos reais. No Brasil tambem existem varias estorias que parecem similar a Pokahontas. Uma delas eh a respeito de Joao Ramalho. A lenda a respeito dele fala que, ele seria morto pelo cacique indigena quando a filha do chefe se colocou entre os dois e pediu pela vida dele porque ela planejava casar-se com ele. Mas isso esta apenas na lenda.
     De fato, o que se sabe eh isso, quando Martim Afonso de Sousa desembarcou em Sao Vicente, o contingente dele foi cercado por membros da tribo local. Quando eles pensaram que teriam que lutar por suas vidas, alguem apareceu para anunciar que, estava tudo bem. Era Joao Ramalho, um aventureiro portugues que ha muito tinha feito amizade com os indios. Joao tinha deixado esposa em Portugal. Mas o padre Manoel da Nobrega, que era um Jesuita do contingente do Martim Afonso, casou-o com a antiga companheira chamada Bartira. Bartira foi batizada com o nome de Isabel Dias. Ela era filha de Tibirica, o grande cacique da tribo.
     Mas essa nao eh a verdade por inteiro. Os indios nao tinham regras contra o homem ter mais de uma mulher. Como consideravam o Joao com grande respeito, muitos outros caciques traziam suas filhas para casar-se com ele. E ele era muito do bigamo. Mas ninguem estava preocupado com isso naquele ambiente. Joao Ramalho e seus muitos filhos viviam na regiao de Sao Vicente, Santos, Sao Paulo e no Vale da Ribeira. Eles forneciam mercadorias aos navios que passavam, faziam reparos nas embarcacoes e cacavam outros indigenas para vender como escravos. Tambem eh dito que os filhos de Joao Ramalho eram particularmente crueis com esses parentes deles.
     Foi desta forma que a genetica brasileira comecou. E eu vou colocar mais uma sequencia genealogica mostrando uma via como, possivelmente, milhoes de Brasileiros sao descendentes diretos dos nativos brasileiros. Eu queria mostrar um exemplo como os descendentes do Martim Afonso de Sousa e Joao Ramalho tornam-se os mesmos. Ele estava com o Martim na fundacao de Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo e Santo Andre e, se nao fosse por ele, talvez tivessemos uma Historia do Brasil diferente. Outra observacao a respeito do Joao eh essa: alguns historiadores suspeitam que fosse um Cristao Novo (judeu convertido ao catolicismo por forca de lei). Os nomes dos pais dele eram: Joao Velho Maldonado e Catarina Afonso.
         Tibirica – nome desconhecido da esposa
1,500 Isabel Dias (Bartira) – 1,493 Joao Ramalho
         Catarina Ramalho – Bartolomeu Camacho
         desconhecida Camacho – Jeronimo Dias Cortes
         Ana Camacho – Domingos Luis, o carvoeiro
         Bernarda Luis Camacho – 1,575 Amador Bueno da Ribeira, o aclamado
         Isabel da Ribeira – Domingos da Silva Guimaraes
         Isabel da Silva Bueno – 1,670 Domingos de Castro Correia
         Joao Correia da Silva – Maria Pedroso de Morais.
     Daqui para frente nos voltamos aos ancestrais do poeta Carlos Drummond. O casal acima eh um dos pentavos dele, ja apareceram na sequencia genealogica anterior.
     O nosso proximo topico sao as Capitanias Hereditarias. Como eu disse, o rei Joao III de Portugal certamente foi avisado por Martim Afonso de Sousa a respeito das incursoes que os piratas de outros paises europeus faziam para carregar mercadorias da costa brasileira e ele decidiu criar as Capitanias Hereditarias. O sistema ja havia sido usado nas Ilhas da Madeira. O territorio brasileiro, colonizado por Portugal, foi dividido em 15 partes. Cada uma dada a um nobre para administrar. Todos os riscos e obrigacoes financeiras corriam por conta do donatario (Capitao-Mor), que era um investidor privado. Em troca o donatario tinha o poder de decisoes.
     Porem, apenas duas das capitanias deram bons resultados. As duas tinham dado prioridade para a producao de acucar. Uma foi a Capitania de Pernambuco que foi ganha por Duarte Coelho. Hoje-em-dia, ocupando o mesmo espaco existe o Estado de Pernambuco. Contando a partir daquele tempo, os livros de Historia do Brasil classificam os proximos 150 anos como Ciclo do Acucar. Vamos por mais uma sequencia genealogica:
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1o. senhor de Felgueiras e Vieira – Catarina de Freitas
1,420 Martim Coelho – Joana de Azevedo
1,435 Goncalo Coelho – (Violante Magalhaes)
1,480 Duarte Coelho, senhor de Pernambuco – Beatriz de Albuquerque
1,539 Jorge de Albuquerque Coelho – D. Catarina da Silva
1,591 Duarte de Albuquerque Coelho, conde de Pernambuco – D. Joana de Castro
     Eu comecei do Fernao Coelho e Catarina de Freitas agora porque eles ja estao presentes no capitulo 5, como ancestrais do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes e no capitulo 7, como avos do Nicolau Coelho, o piloto de navio das viagens do D. Vasco da Gama e Pedro Alvares Cabral. Entao, o Duarte Coelho era parente proximo do Nicolau. Temos que tomar cuidado aqui para nao afirmar que Violante Magalhaes fosse a mae do Duarte Coelho. Possivelmente nao era. Ele era filho do Goncalo Coelho, 3o. senhor de Felgueiras e Vieira, mas ninguem tem certeza do nome materno.
     Duarte Coelho foi chamado pelo rei D. Sebastiao de Portugal para ajuda-lo em sua aventura desastrosa no Norte da Africa, onde ele desapareceu. A morte de D. Sebastiao acabou sendo aproveitada pelo Felipe II para unificar as duas coroas. No periodo de 1.580 a 1,640 Portugal e Espanha formaram a Uniao Iberica sob a coroa espanhola. Este periodo eh classificado com Dinastia Filipina, porque Portugal foi administrado por tres reis da Espanha com nome Felipe.
     Em Pernambuco, Duarte Coelho fundou sua capital, Olinda. A lenda diz que, `a primeira vista ele disse admirado: “Oh Linda!”, ai o nome ficou cravado. Provavelmente, ele levou com ele uma familia de colonizadores que assinava Barbalho. A Familia Barbalho esta presente no proximo capitulo da Historia do Brasil, mas eh muito ignorada pelos historiadores fora do Estado da Bahia. A familia tambem tem uma ligacao importante com a Historia de Nova Iorque, apesar de ser indiretamente.
     Somente para ilustrar a ignorancia dos fatos que ajudaram a construir a nossa Historia comum, eu contarei aqui um acontecimento comigo nos Estados Unidos. Vi uma propaganda na tv do Historical Research Corp. dizendo que: nos podiamos contata-los e eles mandariam algo a respeito da origem dos nomes de nossa familia. Ainda, nos poderiamos ter uma segunda opcao, de graca. Ai eu pedi informacoes a respeito dos meus dois nomes: Magalhes e Barbalho. Do Magalhaes eles informaram corretamente, mas do Barbalho, vejam a resposta que me foi dada:
     “O Historical Research Center tem pesquisado nomes por 20 anos. Nossos dados sao os mais completos do mundo nessa materia, contendo mais de 1.000.000 de sobrenomes de 135 paises e culturas diferentes. Cada nome eh pesquisado individualmente e informacoes especificas ligadas ao nome sao fornecidas.
     Infelizmente, um dos sobrenomes pedido para informarmos a origem e darmos o certificado gratuito nao se encontra nos dados que temos. Estamos enviando sua ordem incompleta. Nossos dados sao constantemente atualizados com sobrenomes e informacoes a respeito dos nomes ja pesquisados. Para o estimado cliente, oferecemos 25% de desconto se voce desejar fazer o pedido para um certificado celebratorio para o sobrenome que nao se encontra em nossos dados. Ordenando o certificado celebratorio para o nome, nossos pesquisadores irao compor um documento que contera informacoes fascinantes a respeito do nome, incluindo os dados mais antigos documentados e as razoes para os fatos, o significado e a origem, nomes de pessoas importantes que usaram a assinatura, dados imigratorios e variacoes na escrita do nome. Nos tambem fornecemos uma descricao escrita do escudo da familia e uma estampa colorida deste escudo. Colocando um pedido do registro celebratorio para este sobrenome nos o adicionaremos em nossos dados e outros membros de sua familia poderao obter as mesmas informacoes a respeito desse sobrenome.”
     Ta bom! Isso nao passa de uma correspondencia comercial. Mas eu esperaria algo mais de qualquer um que alegasse ter mais de 1.000.000 de sobrenomes em seu banco de dados. O escudo da familia eu encontrei posteriormente no blog de um de meus contatos no Brasil. O nome dele eh Ormuz Barbalho Simonetti. Ha tambem no Orkut uma comunidade em nome da familia que tambem mostra o escudo. Na internet brasileira encontramos muitas informacoes a respeito do nome, infelizmente, a maioria em nome de certo politico que foi defenestrado por ma conduta. Continuemos a nossa historia para depois mostrar a ligacao entre a familia Barbalho e a Historia de Nova Iorque.
     Infelizmente, o que parece sucesso aos Brasileiros nao trouxe bons resultados para a Africa. O cultivo da cana-de-acucar naquele tempo, da mesma forma que qualquer outra atividade, demandava muita mao-de-obra bracal e os europeus fizeram opcao por importar escravos de la, porque seria muito mais dificil escravizar os nativos na propria terra deles. Desde entao, os africanos foram escambados pelos proprios produtos da cana como a cachaca ou pelo dinheiro que rendia.
     A comercializacao nao era apenas nojenta por reduzir a pessoa humana a tamanho disrespeito. Isso levou `a disrupcao da sociedade africana. Levou guerras ao continente e aventureiros com uma unica coisa na cabeca, ganhar dinheiro facil. A Africa tornou-se refem da loucura de nossos ancestrais por, pelo menos, quatro seculos e meio.
     Depois dos resultados negativos da maioria das Capitanias Hereditarias no Brasil, a coroa portuguesa decidiu mudar de tatica de colonizacao. Assim, foi nomeado um Governador-Geral que tinha o poder de um vice-rei. O escolhido para ocupar o cargo foi Tome de Sousa. Alguns ancestrais dele eram os mesmos ancestrais do Martim Afonso de Sousa, comecando por Alfonso III e Madragana. Ele foi para o Brasil em 1.549 com 1.000 pessoas. Eram militares, sacerdotes (os primeiros Jesuitas no Brasil), colonos e 400 exilados por crimes menores em Portugal.
     Tome de Sousa fundou a cidade de Sao Salvador que continua como capital da Bahia. Ali era um ponto estrategico, equidistante entre Sao Vicente no sul e Olinda no norte. Ela veio a ser a primeira capital do Brasil e permaneceu ate `a proxima fase da Historia do Brasil, quando a capital foi transferida para o Rio de Janeiro. Tome ficou no Brasil so 4 anos, a partir de 1.549. Depois ele retornou a Portugal e permaneceu como conselheiro do rei para assuntos brasileiros. E ele aconselhou a criacao de mais vilas para atrair mais colonos.
     Naquele tempo, Portugal estava com problemas por causa da competicao no comercio oriental, os espanhois estavam tendo sucesso na obtencao das riquezas minerais das Americas e o Brasil estava cercado pelos outros europeus, que tambem queriam colonizar as Americas. Os ingleses, franceses e holandeses nao reconheciam o Tratado de Tordesilhas, alegando que eles nunca tinham ouvido falar no Testamento de Adao que desse o monopolio `a Espanha e Portugal. Este eh um dos sinais da nossa Historia comum. A lei sempre sera suprema, ate que os interesses se tormam superiores.
     Um problema que Tome de Sousa encontrou no Brasil foi a falta de respeito com as leis. Um de seus companheiros: Pero Borges, o responsavel pelos assuntos juridicos, expressou numa carta ao rei algo assim: “Existem nestas terras muitos homens casados no reino que estao vivendo aqui por muitos dias, fazendo nada para viver e ainda vivendo em concubinato com, pelo menos, um par de gentias, tornando-se, pois, piores que os gentios…”
     Pero Borges pediu punicao para todo mundo mas o rei Joao III, inteligentemente, deu anistia a tudo o que fora feito antes da presenca de Tome de Sousa naquela terra, exceto por: “cinco casos de heresia, traicao, moeda falsa e morte de homem cristao”. Ele estava muito bem informado do quao dura a vida parecia para aqueles tao longe de casa e sabia ser mais sabio ter aquela gente corajosa como aliada que como inimiga. E depois isso deu bom retorno.
     Desde o comeco da colonizacao no Brasil, como eu mencionei antes, tambem a genetica brasileira comecou a ser formada. E tambem a lingua portuguesa comecou a ganhar palavras novas para definir situacoes novas. Os filhos de portugueses com as nativas precisavam definicao. E eles comecaram a chama-los de caboclos (as). Desde que os africanos foram levados para o Brasil em condicao de escravos, logo perceberam ser mais inteligente levar tambem as africanas porque era mais barato produzir criancas escravas no Brasil que importar o original.
     Porem, um numero muito maior de europeus andava pelo Brasil que mulheres brancas. O portugues nao se envergonhava de fazer sexo com qualquer linhagem feminina. Desse relacionamento formou-se o mulato (a). Mesmo apos os seculos se passarem, pessoas ricas que tinham muitos escravos continuaram fazendo concubinas em suas senzalas. Para os brasileiros, o casamento ou relacionamento interracial nao era nada do que se admirar. Isso passou a ser preconceito depois, quando mais europeus chegaram ao Brasil e foi formada uma elite mais clara.
     Mesmo assim, o preconceito no Brasil foi amaciado pela maior presenca da populacao produzida pelos casamentos interraciais. Ate eu pude constatar isso em minha juventude quando a musica brasileira era repleta de tres palavras: mulata, cabocla e saudade. Naquele tempo, os homens nao sonhavam com Cinderela, Branca de Neve ou Bela Adormecida. Estas sempre foram estorias para criancas. Nossas princesas eram reconhecidas por suas geneticas. O que se dizia era isso, era quase impossivel para o homem resistir ao charme da mulata ou cabocla.
     Eu penso que os americanos experimentaram o poder magico do resultado do casamento interracial na eleicao presidencial de 2008. O presidente Obama comete um erro identificando-se como preto. Ele eh mulato, o que nao eh ruim ou bom. Ele eh apenas a prova de que, quando o amor existe todas as fronteiras desaparecem. O amor nao se importa com barreiras. Voltarei a esse assunto posteriormente.
     Saudade eh uma palavra que os brasileiros acreditavam nao existir nas outras linguagens. Isso eh o sentimento tamanho da falta de alguem ou de alguma coisa que chega perto de ser uma doenca. Era o sentimento dos africanos e portugueses a respeito de suas terras de nascimentos e seus parentes. Eh um sentimento do fundo do coracao indigena pela perda de sua liberdade. Agora eh o sentimento de todos que sao resultados dos casamentos interraciais.
     Entao, com a riqueza das terras e a beleza da paisagem, o Brasil instigava a avareza dos outros povos europeus. Nos temos um capitulo dedicado `as tentativas de invasao das terras brasileiras. Nos temos dois capitulos na Historia Brasileira chamados: Invasoes Francesas e Invasoes Holandesas.
     As Invasoes Francesas tiveram alguma influencia na Historia Brasileira. Desde que Martim Afonso de Sousa esteve no Brasil ele havia recomendado a construcao de uma cidade na Baia de Guanabara. Mas os indegenas do lugar nao tinham afinidades como os portugueses e o assunto nao passou de projeto. No tempo do segundo governador-geral, Duarte da Costa, um frances, Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon, que ja conhecia o lugar, convenceu alguns a estabelecer uma colonia francesa la. O nome desse projeto foi Franca Antartica.
     E eles comecaram construindo um forte, fizeram contato com as tribos que nao gostavam dos portugueses, faziam trocas com os indios por mercadorias locais e mandaram para a Franca. O comercio estava se desenvolvendo bem, ate que o terceiro governador-geral do Brasil nao chegou. O nome dele era Mem de Sa, e uma pequena parte da genealogia dele eh mostrada na proxima sequencia genetica:
1,500 Mem de Sa – Guiomar de Faria
1,460 Goncalves Mendes de Sa – esposa desconhecida
1,410 Joao Goncalves de Miranda Sotomaior – Filipa de Sa
1,380 Fernao Anes Sotomaior – Constanza de Zuniga
1,340 Pedro Alvares de Sotomaior – 1,360 Elvira Mendes de Benevides
1,310 Fernan Anes de Sotomaior – Maria Anes da Novoa
         Alvaro Pires de Sotomaior – Ines Anes de Castro
1,290 Elvira Anes Marinho – Pedro Alvares de Sotomaior
1,270 Joao Pires Marinho – Teresa Pais Marinho
1,250 Sancha Vasques Sarraza – D. Pedro Anes Marinho
1,230 Vasco Peres Sarraza – nao identificada Anes da Novoa
1,210 Pedro Soares Sarraza – Elvira Nunes Maldonado
1,190 Maria Alfonso de Leon – Soeiro Aires de Valadares
1,171 Alfonso IX, rei de Leon e Castela – D. Teresa Gil de Soverosa
1,151 D. Urraca, Infanta de Portugal – Fernando II, rei de Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mafalda de Sovoia
     Frequentemente, os nobres nao estao ligados por apenas uma linhagem `as familias reais. No caso do Mem de Sa isso nao eh diferente. Uma das alternativas que o ligam `as familias reais eh mostrada pela sequencia genealogica abaixo. Comecando por D. Sancho I, segundo rei de Portugal, que tambem era filho de D. Afonso e Mafalda de Savoia.
1,154 D. Sancho I, rei de Portugal – D. Maria Pais Ribeira, a Ribeirinha
1,205 D. Teresa Sanches – Alfonso Tellez
1,225 D. Joao Telo de Menezes – Elvira Goncalves Giron
1,250 D. Goncalo Anes Raposo – D. Urraca Fernandes de Lima
1,280 D. Beatriz Goncalves Raposo – Joao Pires da Novoa
1,310 Maria Anes da Novoa – Fernan Anes de Sotomaior
     O ultimo casal ja esta na sequencia genealogica anterior por ser tetravo do Mem de Sa duas vezes. E se prestarmos melhor atencao aos outros nomes nos podemos ver tambem ligacoes com as sequencias genealogicas apresentadas para os navegadores. Como eu ja disse, todo mundo eh parente, de uma ou outra maneira.
     Mem de Sa teve que fazer a seguranca do resto da costa brasileira e pacificar tribos revoltadas em torno da capital Salvador. Ele enviou o sobrinho, Estacio de Sa, para lidar com o problema frances. Estacio fez uma alianca com indigenas do Espirito Santo e pediu socorro de Sao Vicente. Eles conseguiram destruir o Fort Coligny, construido por Villegagnon. Tambem fundou uma nova cidade com nome em homenagem ao infante rei, D. Sebastiao. Assim surgiu a cidade de Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro. Posteriormente o nome foi reduzido para Rio de Janeiro.
     Mas este foi apenas o principio da guerra. Os colonos franceses se embrenharam nas matas junto com seus aliados indigenas onde eles continuaram fazendo comercio e atacando os colonos portugueses. Estacio de Sa reorganizou a defesa e continuou a luta ate que os franceses fossem totalmente vencidos. Ele teve a ajuda de dois jesuitas: Manoel da Nobrega e Jose de Anchieta. Os dois sao veradeiras lendas no Brasil. Sao eles que catequizaram os indios, os organizaram em povoacoes semelhantes `as europeias e os introduziram `a cultura europeia.
     Mesmo que o trabalho dos jesuitas tenha reduzido os indigenas a um grau de menor importancia na sociedade brasileira , por outro lado, eles tentaram impedir a escravidao deles. Eles nunca conseguiram impor essa vontade e os descendentes de portugueses com indios foram os responsaveis por conquistar o interior do Brasil de forma nada amigavel para os outros indios de la. Outro nome daquele tempo foi o cacique Arariboia. Por ter ajudado ao Estacio de Sa ele foi presenteado com terras proximas ao Rio de Janeiro. Ele fundou uma povoacao que agora eh Niteroi, ex-capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
     No final da conquista, Estacio de Sa morreu em consequencia das feridas de batalha. Mas os franceses foram expulsos. Posteriormente eles tentaram outra invasao no Nordeste do Brasil onde tiveram mais sucesso. Fundaram a Cidade de Sao Luiz, agora a capital do Maranhao. La eles planejaram estabelecer a colonia com nome de Franca Equinocial. E foram expulsos de la em 1.616 pelos portugueses. Por fim acabaram encontrando um lugar na America do Sul que se tornou a Guiana Francesa. Brasileiros e franceses tiveram outros entreveros em seus relacionamentos mas nada mais serio quanto estes primeiros.
     Agora, voltemos aos negocios. O titulo do capitulo promete algo a respeito do comeco de Nova Iorque e dos Estados Unidos. Mas esse comeco se da na Europa com a bagunca criada em torno das questoes religiosa e do poder economico. Quando o Carlos I, o Kaiser e rei da Espanha deixou o poder, Felipe II, rei da Espanha, herdou a Espanha e o que depois ficou conhecido como Paises Baixos. E la existia uma certa liberdade economica e religiosa. Mas o Felipe II nao concordava com a ideia. Entao, as partes nortes da possessao declararam sua independencia.
     Eles tiveram oito anos de guerra, apos 1.581, contra as forcas do Felipe II. E a guerra foi espalhada mundo afora. Tambem se diz que, a guerra contra a Espanha criou o sentimento de nacionalismo que criou uma nova nacao. Mas um componente fundamental dessa nova nacao foi a criacao da primeira multinacional do mundo. A Companhia das Indias Ocidentais. E a companhia comecou a buscar outra via de ir `a India e encontrou um otimo campo de trocas de peles no Estado de Nova Iorque, em torno do Rio Hadson. A companhia foi a responsavel pelo inicio da colonizacao, fixando colonos e distribuindo terras para eles trabalharem. Eles sao os responsaveis pela fundacao da Nova Amsterda que se tornou Nova Iorque depois que a colonia foi tomada pelo rei ingles. Fundaram tambem Nova Orange, que hoje eh Albany, a capital do Estado de Nova Iorque.
     Nao podemos esquecer que, aquela multinacional tinha um capital imenso. Da metade do seculo XVI ate que a Inglaterra tomou o poder, os holandeses foram a maior forca naval do mundo. Talvez Felipe II tenha construido a maior marinha de guerra naquele tempo mas os holandeses controlavam a marinha mercante associada a outra de guerra. E depois que a Armada Invencivel do Felipe II foi afundada pela Marinha Inglesa, os Holandeses dominaram o comercio ao redor do mundo.
     Os holandeses tambem sao responsaveis por tres tentativas de invasao do Brasil. Eles haviam investido na producao do acucar e desde que estavam em guerra contra a Espanha, e o Brasil virou uma colonia dela na Uniao Iberica, eles pensaram que tivessem o direito de retaliar o rei Felipe II pela proibicao do comercio entre os holandeses e as possessoes sob o controle daquele rei.
     A primeira tentativa deles foi contra a capital, Salvador, na Bahia. Isso aconteceu durante os anos de 1.624 a 1,625 mas a populacao repeliu o ataque. A operacao custou caro para a companhia mas em 1.630 eles conseguiram interseptar o carregamento inteiro de um ano de exploracao de prata das colonias espanholas. E usaram isso para financiar a Invasao da Capitania de Pernambuco. Durante 24 anos a colonia foi dominada pelos holandeses.
     A principio a resistencia foi feita pela populacao. Basicamente foi liderada pelos Senhores de Engenho. A resistencia nao tinha um comando unificado. Cada lider tinha seu grupo e atacava `a moda dos indios, estilo guerrilha. Isso manteve os holandeses restritos `a imediacao de Olinda. Mas com o prolongamento da guerra alguns Senhores de Engenho aderiram `a causa dos holandeses.
     Entre 1.637 a 1.644, e os brasileiros celebram isso, foi o periodo da presenca do conde Joao Mauricio de Nassau que teve uma boa administracao para o povo. Ele remodelou a Cidade de Olinda e seu porto, Recife. Posteriormente, Recife virou a capital do Estado. Ele foi tolerante em questoes religiosas e abriu a colonia para a imigracao de protestantes e judeus. Inclusive esta em Pernambuco a Sinagoga mais antiga das Americas.
     A monarquia portuguesa foi restaurada em 1.640, findando 60 anos de dominio da coroa espanhola. Os brasileiros aderiram ao partido do duque de Braganca que se tornou rei sob o nome de Joao IV. Mas os holandeses conquistaram mais terras, tomando toda a area costal entre Pernambuco ate ao Estado do Maranhao, incluindo-se a capital, Sao Luiz. Dai eles comecaram a invasao do interior. Isso revoltou a populacao. Alguns lideres se mudaram para Salvador na Bahia.
     O conde Joao Mauricio de Nassau visualizou uma colonia mais potente se ele tambem tomasse Salvador. E preparou uma nova expedicao `a cidade com sua forca principal, muitas vezes superior que a luso-brasileira. Do lado dos brasileiros, porem, estava um militar experiente cujo nome era: Luis Barbalho Bezerra. Luis organizou a defesa e entregou a Nassau uma vitoria de Pirro. A vitoria nao lhes deu premio porque os holandeses nao foram capazes de se impor em Salvador e os custos foram tao altos que Nassau foi chamado de volta para Holanda.
     Entao, a situacao deteriorou quando a nova administracao da companhia resolveu aumentar os impostos e liquidar os emprestimos concedidos aos Senhores de Engenho. O povo brasileiro se juntou dessa vez e a nacionalidade brasileira comecou a ser construida. Os livros de Historia sempre mencionam tres lideres da revolta: o senhor de engenho Andre Vidal de Negreiros, o nativo Felipe Camarao e o africano, Henrique Dias. Eles representam todo o povo, com toda a sua genetica, que lutou para libertar o Brasil da colonizacao holandesa.
     Eh aceito como final da guerra a data de 1.654 mas somente em 1.664 foi assinado o tratado final e Portugal concordou em pagar 63 toneladas de ouro pelas benfeitorias que tinham feito no Brasil. Isso foi pago em 40 anos com a producao de acucar. Com o fim da dominacao holandesa, muitos judeus e protestantes mudaram-se para Nova Amsterda. Os holandeses que haviam aprendido o processo de producao do acucar a tranferiram para suas ilhas no Caribe. Quando o acucar era praticamente um monopolio brasileiro o produto valia quase como ouro, chegando a custar por volta de R$ 250,00 o quilo em dinheiro atual. Desde entao a producao aumentou muito e o preco caiu. E isso levou ao fim do Ciclo da Cana-de-acucar no Brasil.
     Luiz Barbalho Bezerra, o heroi, perdeu a saude e a fortuna na guerra. Muito antes do termino ele mudou para o Rio de Janeiro onde foi governador entre 1.643 a 1.644 quando do seu falecimento. Deixou dois filhos jovens: Agostinho e Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra que herdaram o prestigio do pai. Agostinho depois tambem foi governador do Rio de Janeiro e morreu de uma febre desconhecida enquanto estava procurando por metais e gemas preciosas no Rio Doce, na altura do Espirito Santo.
     Jeronimo foi lider de uma importante revolta chamada: “A Revolta da Cachaca”, no Rio de Janeiro. Esta revolta foi causada pela corrupcao na administracao. Ele foi enforcado numa contra-revolta lancada pelo governador deposto pela revolta, enquanto eles estavam esperando por uma decisao da coroa portuguesa. A razao foi dada ao povo revoltado do Rio de Janeiro, que removeu o governador corrupto do poder. Mais tarde nos veremos que grande numero de mineiros sao descendentes desses Barbalho Bezerra.
     Do lado americano, antes do pais ter Estados e ainda menos Unidos, o rei Carlos II da Inglaterra foi o responsavel pela unificacao das colonias, tomando o controle delas. Das treze colonias iniciais, quatro foram criadas a partir do territorio da Nova Inglaterra. Como sabemos, esta parte do pais foi colonizada por uma populacao faminta por liberdade religiosa. Mas o que ela desejava mesmo era a liberdade religiosa para si mesma porque os Pilgrims nao sao conhecidos por tolerancia com as outras religioes. Da Nova Inglaterra surgiram as colonias de New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island e Connecticut.
     As outras oito, ao sul e oeste de Nova Iorque, foram mais diversificadas mas nao tinham vontade alguma de fazer do pais um Estado Democratico, onde todos poderiam viver igualmente como criaturas de Deus. Os nomes delas sao: Nova Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul e Georgia. Nova Iorque, a ultima das 13 colonias a aderir `a Uniao de todas, teve influencia fundamental: intelectual, religiosa e economica na constituicao das liberdades nos Estados Unidos. Sem os principios de liberdade estabelecidos pelos fundadores na Constituicao, provavelmente, os Estados Unidos jamais seriam o grande pais de hoje.
     E, de alguma forma, os Estados Unidos sao um produto de todos os capitulos da Historia que precederam sua criacao. Ate, mesmo que em menor grau de importancia, do capitulo da Historia do Brasil chamado de “Invasoes Holandesas” e “Insurreicao Pernambucana” que foi liderada por brancos, indios e negros, contra imposicoes economicas. Ironicamente, o opressor no Brasil trouxe brasileiros para os Estados Unidos cujos descendentes depois ajudaram a criar essa nobre nacao. E, inadivertidamente, a Familia Barbalho esteve envolvida em toda a Historia dos Estados Unidos.
     Somente apos 1.664 Carlos II da Inglaterra tomou dos holandeses a Colonia da Nova Holanda. Ela foi rebatizada por Nova Iorque em homenagem ao duque de York e Albany. Os holandeses reconquistaram a provincia durante os anos de 1.673 e 1.674 quando trocaram-na pelo que hoje eh Suriname, no norte da America do Sul. Para terminar esse capitulo quero mostrar mais uma sequencia genealogica.
1,630 Carlos II, rei da Inglaterra – D. Catarina de Braganca, Infanta de Portugal
1,600 Carlos I, rei da Inglaterra – Henriett Marie de Bourbon – princesa da Franca
1,566 Jaime I, rei da Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda – Anna, princesa da Dinamarca
1,545 Henry Stewart, duque de Albany – Mary Stewart, rainha da Escocia
1,516 Matthew Stewart, 4o. senhor de Lennox – Margaret Douglas
1,490 John Stewart, 3o. senhor de Lennox – Anne (Elizabeth) Stewart
1,475 Elizabeth Hamilton – Matthew Stewart, 2o. senhor de Lennox
1,450 Mary Stewart, princesa da Escocia – Jaime Hamilton, 1o. barao de Hamilton
1,430 Jaime II Stewart, rei da Escocia – Maria van Egmond
         Joan Beaufort – 1,394 Jaime I Stewart, rei da Escocia
1,373 John Beaufort, 1o. senhor de Somerset – Margaret Holland
1,340 John of Gand, duque de Lancaster – Catherine Swinford Roelt
1,312 Edward III, rei da Inglaterra – Philippa de Hainaut
1,284 Edward II, rei da Inglaterra – Isabelle, princesa da Franca
1,240 (?)Leonor, princesa de Castela – Edward I, rei da Inglaterra
1,200 Fernando III, o Santo, rei de Castela – Jeanne d’Aumale, condessa de Ponthieu
1,171 Alfonso IX, rei de Leon e Castela – Berengaria, princesa de Castela
1,151 D. Urraca, Infanta de Portugal – 1,137 Fernando II, rei de Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mafalda da Savoia
     A linhagem postada acima nao mostra as muitas vezes que Carlos II eh descendente dos mesmos reis de Portugal e Espanha. Somente quando a gente segue cada uma das linhagens maternais dele eh que podemos ver isso. D. Catarina de Braganca, esposa dele,  era filha do primeiro rei de Portugal depois da restauracao em 1.640, rei Joao IV e sua esposa Luisa de Guzman. Carlos II nao teve filhos com D. Catarina mas teve 8 concubinas e foi pai de 15 filhos. E isso nao era uma excecao para o comportamento dos reis do tempo dele. Assim, podemos imaginar: por que nao pode todo e qualquer um de nos ser descendente de tamanha “produtividade”!?


Here in United States the English colonization starts from 1,607. And was a more culturally diversified colonization. Even people from others nationalities like Germans, Dutchs, Scots, Irish and also Portuguese came to the Atlantic Coast. About religion they were all sort of denominations that sparkled from the Protestant Reformation or else. Also a minor number of Catholics. After a hard begining the colonies became more successful as Europe expanding its population demanded more agricultural products.

Products like tabaco and cotton were examples of what represented the success of the Colonies. And just like the rest of Americas, the Colonies, specially those in the south, became dependent on hardwork hands. In the south sanitary conditions were not ideal to European labors so the importation of slaves from Africa became essential part of the business. In the north the economic activity was not so lucrative then the presence of African slaves was least.     The first Europeans to inhabit Americas after its Columbus rediscovery was the Spaniards. Florida yet was Spanish Colony and around the Gulf of Mexico they had been established. And the Frensh established themselves at the Lousiana Territory.

We must remember that, the European population begun its growth thanks to a more availability of foods such as corn, potatoes, tomatoes and many others from Americas. Probably, the spices from the Oriental Indias also helped on the prevention of infectious deseases too. And the wealth in many kind of forms brought from the Colonies from the whole world made possible the advancing in science, technology and knowledge as an whole.

Back in Brazil, at the XVII century, Portuguese colonists had established themselves in a strait shore line, from north to south. The number one product of exportation was the sugar. And while it was more valuable, the Portuguese Crown prohibit the creation of cattle in there. So, as it was needed for nourishment to people and for transportation of everything a timid interiorization begun at the Northeast of the country. It accounts for the conquest of the “Sertao”. Sertao is a Portuguese word to describe an wild west.

Since the establishment of the General-governors in Brazil they organized some expeditions to the interior in name of the Portuguese Crown. Those was called “Entradas” (Enterings) and had the objective of seek for something valuable, specially precious metals and gems. These ones was limited by the Treaty of Tordesilhas. Usually the point of departure was the capital, Salvador.

Another kind of expedition was called “Bandeiras” (Flags). It was of private initiative and most of all begun from the Sao Vicente Capitancy. Sao Vicente was the capital which was at the shore line and most of the expeditions begun from the villages of the uplands, usually Sao Paulo. It is why the men in the Bandeiras was called Bandeirantes, and today sometimes the people born at the State of Sao Paulo are also called by that name, like their ancestors was also called. But at that time they also was called Vicentinos (from Sao Vicente Capitancy). Today they are called Paulistas.

One of the motivations for those expeditions was the legend mentioned before, “The Emerald Mountain”. Native Brazilians passed on the story to Portuguese colonists that had a Sacred Mountain in the interior of the land made of green gems. Then because of the natural riches Spaniards had encountered on their side of Americas, Portuguese concluded that it would be emerald. So, they start looking for it.

They also collected an indian account for the legend of Sabarabussu (Resplandent Mountain). Was a legend like El Dourado. Later on Portuguese interpreted as it been the “Serra da Piedade” (Piety Mountain). It is a peak of around 5,200 feet high above sea level. Today it is part of the City of Caete, is one of the symbols of Minas Gerais and is a touristic point with a old Chapel (construction ended in 1,770) and astronomic observatory. But many other peaks made history in the State as it was used as referencial points for travelers and because its around abouts be rich in minerals and gems. Examples are the Itambe Peak (Acute Peak) and Caue Peak (Brothers Peak).

Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, who was Governor of Rio de Janeiro (1,660-1,661) was sent by the king Afonso VI to look for the Emerald Mountain in December 17, 1,663. He did good services to the Portuguese Crown, and fought among his father Luis and brother Jeronimo at the war against Dutchs, and even were presented with the Santa Catarina Island. Today is where the state capital, Florianopolis, of Santa Catarina State stands. But in one of his expeditions he contracted an unknown fever and died in around 1,670, Rio de Janeiro.

So, the job to look for the Emerald Mountain was passed on to Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Fernao was a Bandeirante and he is the most inspiring researcher of his kind in that time. Usually, Bandeirantes entered in the future Brazilian Territory looking for indigenous people and taken them as slaves. Fernao Dias did the same. He lead Bandeiras that entered the Brazilian South and established a village, Parnaiba, Sao Paulo, with 5.000 enslavered indians. His main concern after be chosen, was to locate the Emerald Mountain. And with it in his mind established many farms along the ways where later became to be the Minas Gerais State. Those farms originated villages which became cities.

Is possible that, the legend of the Emerald Mountain made the Paulistas blinded for other riches in around Minas Gerais State. Despite of years researching, some green gems located by Fernao Dias expeditions revealled to be just turmalines, a less worthy gem. In 1,681 he also died by an unknown fever. His son Garcia went back to Sao Paulo and his son-in-law, Manoel de Borba Gato kept his work. And lets post one more genealogical sequence. This time for Fernao Dias.

1,609 Fernao Dias Paes Leme – Maria Garcia Betim
Pedro Dias Paes Leme – Maria Leite da Silva
Fernando Dias Paes Leme – Lucrecia Leme
Pedro Leme – Izabel Paes
Antao Leme – unknown wife
1,505 Antonio Leme – Catarina de Barros
1,480 Maria Adao Ferreira – Martim Leme
1,440 Adao Goncalves Ferreira – Brites Pires
1,407 Goncalo Aires Ferreira – Isabel Ferreira
1,380 Isabel Pereira Lacerda – Gomes Ferreira
1,360 Martim Goncalves Lacerda – D. Violante Pereira

1,345 unknown Lacerda – Diogo Anes Serpa
1,320 Carlos de la Cerda, count of Angouleme – unknown spouse
1,289 Alfonso de la Cerda, lord of Lunel – Isabelle d’Autoing
1,270 Alfonso de la Cerda, prince of Castilla – Mathilde de Brienne
1,255 Fernando de la Cerda, prince of Castilla – Blanche, princess of France
1,221 Alfonso X, the Wise, King of Castilla – Violante, princess of Aragon
1,200 Fernando III, the Saint, king of Castilla – Elisabeth von Schwaben
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     Just to enrich our data I will post a little genealogical sequence. It starts from the the parents of Fernao Dias Paes Leme.
         Pedro Dias Paes Leme – Maria Leite da Silva
         Maria Dias – Domingos Rodrigues de Mesquita
         Maria Leite de Mesquita – 1,646 Pedro Vaz de Barros
1,705 Maria Leite Pedroso – Gaspar Correia Leite
         Isabel Leite de Barros – Antonio Galvao de Franca
1,739 Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
     Alternative sequence for ancestor of Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao.
1,739 Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
         Isabel Leite de Barros – Antonio Galvao de Franca
         Gaspar Correia Leite – Maria Leite Pedroso
         Ana Ribeiro – Pascoal Leite de Miranda
         Ana Ribeiro – Sebastiao Fernandes Correia
         Maria Pedroso de Alvarenga – Sebastiao de Freitas
         Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Ana Ribeiro
         Mecia Monteiro – Baltazar de Alvarenga
         Lopo Monteiro – Catarina Dias
         Isabel Rodrigues de Vasconcelos – Goncalo Monteiro
         Rui Goncalves de Sequeira – Ines Anes de Vasconcelos
         Goncalo de Sousa de Sequeira – Beatriz de Sousa*
1,430 D. Guiomar de Sousa – Rui Vaz de Sequeira
1,380 D. Goncalo Rodrigues de Sousa – Catarina Casada
1,350 D. Rui de Sousa, mayor of Marvao – Isabel Ribeiro
1,330 D. Goncalo Rodrigues de Sousa – Maria de Monforral
1,305 D. Rodrigo Afonso de Sousa – Constanca Gil
1,260 D. Afonso Dinis – D. Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Maria Peres de Enxara
     Just for everybody know, Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao is the Saint Friar Galvao, the first saint born in Brazil canonized by the Catholic Church. I don’t see it like amazement because at the time the Brazilian population as an whole was too small. Then the genealogical links between the most prominent personalities shoudn’t be difficult to find. As both came from Sao Paulo State’s ancestry they had to be relatives.
     Another important note here is the record of the begining of a new family name. Acording to researchers the son of king Alfonso X, Fernando, was born with hair which was called cerda in Spanish language. Later on was translated as Lacerda (the hair) to Portuguese. It is a common family name around the Portuguese descendents. In the State of Minas Gerais is an extensive family that migrated to the city of Itambe de Minas (around about the Itambe Peak) and from there to others places. In my family we have a branch called Coelho Lacerda that came from that city. Many of my cousins sign it on their names.
     At the date 1,360 in Fernao Dias Paes Leme’s genealogical sequence we have the name D. Violante Pereira. She was one of the half sisters of D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, the great general that helped Portugal from be dominated by Spanish Dominion at the Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385. She is ascendent from both Brazilian personalities. And from another lineage that I look at, from the Saint Friar Galvao, he got an ancestor, Isabel Rodrigues de Vasconcelos, who come from the Vasconcelos family which is descendant of D. Joao Peres de Vasconceloss, lord of the Vasconcelos Tower and husband of D. Maria Soares Coelho, the daughter of Soeiro Viegas Coelho, the first one to bear the family name Coelho.
     In remembrance of the service of Fernao Dias, the highway from Sao Paulo City to Belo Horizonte City got his name. He really opened the doors to the next chapter of Brazilian History.
     If we take the last years of Fernao Dias Paes Leme to measure his success or failure certainly many would say that, he was a totally failure. He not only didn’t find what he was looking for. His dictatorial decisions lead to an uprising against his leadership and condemned one of his own son to be hang for conspiracy. And his life was also cut short by the desease he contracted.
     Thirteen years after his death  his successors found some amount of gold that was sent to Rio de Janeiro for analysis and the blessing from Portugal. Imagine, in 1,694 how long any answear from Portugal could come. In our days nobody would stand for it. But the find must lead the people to have a second thought about what they was looking for. The gems until then was not there despite of so much searching. And they begun look for gold in places less harzardous to their health, with temperatures more agreeable to them who was adapted to European climate. It is along the Espinhaco (enormous spine) Mountain Range.
     Like magic, since 1,698 on, the gold mines were discovered in a extension of 1,000 kilometers line. The excitement was great. The word was spread to the rest of Brazil. Thousands of people abandoned what else they was doing to go there. The Portuguese Crown was in disbelief questioning if it was just an wave or the gold would sustain production for long time. Anyways it starts to acting to keep its monopoly making regulations and even censuring and recalling the book: “Cultura e Opulencia do Brasil por suas Drogas e Minas”. Culture and Opulence of Brazil by its Drugs and Mines. 1,711.
     The author was the Italian Jesuit Giovanni Antonio Andreoni or father Andre Joao Antonil (1,649 – 1,716). His work is the best documentation of what was going on in Brazil at that time. Although his opinions are distorted by his beliefs. But the Portuguese Crown censured his work because he pinch point the locations where the mines were and it was considered confidential. Nevertheless Portugueses was not up to open its crown jewel to the world.
     The Portuguese Crown did everything on its power to take control of was happening. The prohibition of communications between the colonies was a total failure. The construction of roads was dependent on the king’s decisions and it was not his interest since his policy was to keep the Colonies incommunicado. In earlier stages of colonization the Portuguese Crown did everything to make its Colonies weak and easier to dominate. It was afraid that, a free communication through roads would lead to a common interests and a coalition of Colonies would lead to a not easy to control sovereign nation.
     Anyways, the people from the other Colonies begun to flock in and also from Portugal many came along. Basically, Brazil was resumed to Capitancies such as Pernambuco, Bahia, Espirito Santo and Sao Vicente. The cities was small and the ones that would fit in a map was Sao Luis, Olinda, Salvador, Ilheus, Vitoria, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Santo Andre. None of them with more than 15,000 inhabitants on its strets. Anyways, around 1,706 was a calculated 30,000 newcomers to the mines place. Possibly the number excluded the slaves and surely the native Brazilians.
     The founders of the mines was the Paulistas. At first, they saw the newcomers as a good source of income to them. The newcomers left their places on elsewhere and went the region in a poor condition. Walked hundreds of miles, through boats when the rivers offerred good conditions and feet when not. They had to protect their legs with garments from fabric or leather. And the Paulistas called them “Emboabas” which in native language meant “Chick in boots”. To start, the Paulistas gave warm welcoming, tools, shelter and loans. But Paulistas also started to monopolize the right of exploration of mines and the commerce of everything. And put the prices up way to the skies.
     Only later the people became concerned about it. The gold was so abundant that the price was worthy to pay. When more and more people came they perceived what was going on and the tensions begun. Paulistas and Emboabas begun to acquire guns and the situation deteriorated. In 1,707 occurred one assassination that sparkled the war. That war is called “War of the Emboabas”. The superior number of newcomers prevailled. They were lead by the Portuguese Manuel Nunes Viana. The Paulistas were lead by Manuel de Borba Gato, the son-in-law of Fernao Dias Paes Leme.
     The war ended and the army of Paulistas were expelled from the future State of Minas Gerais. Then they went the lands where today are the States of Goias, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and there they discovered new mines. One mark of these finds is the foundation of the City of Pirenopolis, one remembrance because the mountains around recorded the Perinees to the colonists.
     At the time, each Captaincy had a governor. So of the experient and brave of them one was called to pacify the conflict. His name, Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho de Carvalho. Like him, his father of same name had been governor of Maranhao Captaincy. He was born in Portugal, lived in Brazil at his father time and was brought back to Portugal. He returned to serve Portugal’s interests and even fought against French invasors in a different attempt to colonize the Brazilian North.
     As governor of the Sao Vicente Captaincy, which at the time united Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and most of South and West Brazil, he was able to negociate peace and organized the administration. He was governor from 1,710 to 1,720 and on his watch was thought better separate Rio de Janeiro and later create the Captaincies of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. Those moves were taken for settle down the disputes and better control the riches coming out of the land.
     Among of his first acts were the creation of the Villages of Mariana, Ouro Preto, Sabara, Pitangui, Sao Joao del Rei, Serro and many others. Those are today’s names of the places. At the time their names was a long phrase. The governador was able to name the old anemies as mayors of the new created villages so the tensions was set down. The first one created was Mariana which became the first capital of the State and it’s first bishopric. It was a privilege in a country dominated by the Catholicism.
     Next, Sabara City was also created and given to Manuel de Borba Gato as mayor. It was a recognition to the great services of that Bandeirante who, after the death of his father-in-law Fernao Dias, had lead the colonozation. Sabara was his headquarters even before the gold be discovered. And in the division of the Judicial Branch it became one of the first centers in the State. Its jurisdiction was so extense that most of West Brazil fitted in. Only after these phase of Brazilian History other Center was created and the power were transferred to Serro City. Probably, Sabara was the first settlement like town in the whole State of Minas Gerais.
     Borba Gato had interests in other places beyond Sabara. Even exists a little town not so far from Itabira City that got the name Borba Gato after him, which was where he lived for some time and got part of his gold.
     Minas Gerais State became to be the Crown Jewel of Portugal. But the mines was in the open field. And was clear that, part of it was going out without taxation. Even the penalty been death sentence the smugglers was way ahead of the small contingent of tax collectors. Only around 1,720 Portugal dicided take more drastic measurement and create the “Casas de Fundicao”, or Melting Houses. Portugal prohibit the circulation of the gold as it comes from nature and ordered all production be melted in bars. Among the decisions one fifth of all the production was taken as taxes.
     Soon the revolt broke out. The leader of the revolt, Felipe dos Santos, were imprisioned and executed in a most crude way. He was put to death pulled by horses from opposite sides. The other participants were pardoned and the institutions of the Casas de Fundicao were kept.
     The amount of gold that Minas Gerais produced is kept in debate until our days. Some authors calculated in around one thousand tons of the metal was kept as taxes by the Portuguese Government. Some say that, what was smuggled maybe were the biggest part. What we know for sure is that, Minas Gerais could be transformed in the Center of our Civilizations if wasn’t for the the Portuguese monopolization. During that period occurred one of the biggest migrations in the world until then but just a hand of people wasn’t Portuguese, Portuguese descendants or slaves.
     More than one hundred towns were established at that time. If we extend the period to an one century is calculated that, around 400,000 Portuguese immigrated to Brazil from 1,700 to 1,800. Portugal’s population at that time never exceeded two million people so an handful of young people transferred themselves to Brazil on each generation gaving the impression there that, some villages was aways empty.
     The gold production stood strong for five decades. From 1,750 on the administrators start financing new expeditions to look for new mines. Until then the European settlements was lined up around only one road that was officially established by Portuguese Crown. It was made to keep the control of the production. The road gave access to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo Cities. And is more than one thousand miles of curves-up-and-down-like-coils-road. Royal Road still the name. And from that road as center new ones radiated to conquest new lands.
     Fortunately, after the Gold Cycle, in more modern times, others roads in different directions replaced the first one. Old and influential cities from the period were isolated by the new ways life got in that State. In consequence the Cultural and Material Patrimony was preserved. Today we can visit places like Ouro Preto, Mariana, Sabara, Sao Joao del Rei, Serro, Diamantina, Congonhas do Campo and others less known historic cities to see good examples of remnants preserved buildings and culture.
     The Gold Cycle in Brazil  made possible the surge of a cultural field. It is less expressed in writings. As I mentioned before, the Portuguese Crown wasn’t so happy on see its Colonies develop anything that could motivate independence. It monopolized the education. Colleges was not allowed to exist in Brazil. Anyone who wanted learn something more had to go to Portugal and study there. Most of the Brazilian population was kept illiterated. Untill 1,808 Brazilians hadn’t any newspaper.
     Then the cultural manifestation were present through the engineering of buildings, paintings and sculptures. See any of the preserved cities of the time is like look at a painting of the most famous artists of the Renaissance. The sculptures of Aleijadinho (little handicapped), who’s real name was Antonio Francisco Lisboa are the stamp of the arts from the State of Minas Gerais. He was able of transcribe some good humor through his characters, like putting facial likeness of Portugueses in the Roman soldiers that was crucifying Jesus. He was a mulatto, son of a Portuguese father, Manuel, and his slave, Isabel. The apex of painting was master Ataide.
     Most of the arts was linked to the Scriptures of the Bible. The little what was different is the poetry. Some of our master poets of the time was Portuguese born or Brazilian born who had studied in Portugal. The musical manifestation also come from inumerous pieces made in seminaries and convents. The profane production of music and literature was limited because the monopolist control and was used by abolitionists and sepatists.
     The great work that the gold did to Minas Gerais and Brazil were to attract population to there. And also the historical constructions. As a monopolist metropolis, Portugal didn’t allowed the Colonies have its own industry except for the day-by-day consumption. Everything else has to be imported from Portugal itself. And as Portugal itself was a rich mentally third world country have to import from others like France, England and Germany. But it didn’t allowed the direct commerce between Brazil and others coutries. So, its income was made in great part by been intermediary in those commercial operations.
     As Brazilians had not where to expend the gold in investments and industrialization they was driven to expent it with superfluous or not durable things. The gold didn’t brought not any university or industry to Brazil. But it brought riches to elsewhere. Even constructions like the Louvre Museum in Paris is a product from Minas Gerais gold. In 1,755 a monstruous earthquake leveled Lisbon putting Portugal on its knees. But the gold of Minas Gerais was used to pay all the reconstruction. And it may have contributed to create a stronger feeling of nationalism that soon was responsible for the Independence of Brazil.
     I will put some genealogical sequences here as an openning to mention the Revolution of American Independence. Maybe some will be surprised by the kinship between American personalities and our cousins from Iberian Peninsula, but as I previewed before we all are supposed to have ties with everyone else in western countries. And accordingly to my theory, it shall be much more close than a lay person would ever imagine. Lets try it though. I just learned how it come for three of the forefathers of United States of America.
1,732 George Washington – Martha Dandridge
1,693 Augustine Washington – Mary Ball*
1,659 Lawrence Washington – Mildred Warner*
1,627 John Washington – Anne Pope
1,602 Lawrence Washington – Amphyllis Twigden
1,568 Margareth Butler – Lawrence Washington
         William Butler – Margareth N.
1,487 Margareth Sutton – John Butler
1,461 John Sutton – Margareth Charroll
         Sir Edmund Sutton – Joyce Tiptoft*
1,400 John Sutton, 1st baron of Dudley – Elizabeth Berkeley
1,380 Sir John Sutton – Constance le Blount
1,361 John Sutton, master of Dudley – Alice Despencer
         Catherine of Stafford – 1,338 John of Sutton
1,318 Margareth of Audley, baroness of Audley – Ralph Stafford
1,290 Hugh of Audley, earl of Gloucester – Margareth of Clare*
          Isolda of Mortimer – Hugh Audley
1,268 Marguerite of Fiennes – Edmund, 7th baron of Wigmore
1,250 Blanche of Brienne – Guilhaume of Fiennes
1,230 Jean of Brienne – Jeanne de Chateaudun
1,198 Berengaria, princess of Castilla – Jean I of Brienne
1,171 Alfonso IX, king of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     Here I used the sign * to indicate other ways that the forefathers are descendants of the Iberian kings. In many cases, their ancestors are more than one time descendants of those kings. So, our kinship become more close each time it happens. Lets take Thomas Jefferson as example now. He were the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence. At the Declaration of Independence, wrote in 1,776. Some of the main ideas how government should work was first in the Declaration and later became part of the American Constitution which was written in 1,787. In the Declaration of Independence is the main ideal to mankind, Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
1,743 Thomas Jefferson – Martha Wayles Skelton
1,720 Jane Randolph – Peter Jefferson
1,685 Isham Randolph – Jane Rogers
1,650 William Randolph – Mary Isham*
1,621 Richard Randolph – Elisabeth Ryland
1,589 Dorothy Lane – William Randolph
         Elisabeth Vincent – Richard Lane
1,529 Anne Tanfield – Clement Vincent
1,510 Francis Tanfield – Bridget Cane
1,488 William Tanfield – Isabell Staveley
         Catherine Neville – 1,461 Robert Tanfield*
1,420 Edward Neville, lord of Abergavenny – Catherine Howard*
1,363 Ralph of Neville, 1st earl of Westmorchand – Joan Beaufort*
1,330 John of Neville, 3rd baron of Neville of Raby – Maud of Percy
1,300 Alice Audley – Ralph of Neville, 2nd baron of Neville of Raby
1,270 Hugh Audley – Isolda of Mortimer
     The last couple is already in the genealogical sequence of George Washington. Joan Beaufort, wife of their greatgrandson Ralph of Neville was daughter of John of Gand, duke of Lancaster and Catherine Swinford Roelt which ones are already in the genealogical sequence of Charles II, king of England posted at the chapter 9. And the last sequence for today.
1,735 John Adams – Abigail Smith
1,691 John Adams – Susanah Boylston
1,665 Hannah Bass – Joseph Adams
1,640 Ruth Alden – John Bass
1,602 Prisilla Mullins – John Alden
1,578 William Mullins – Alice Atwood
1,545 Frances Moulineux – John Mullins
1,510 John Molyneux – Johanna Montacute*
1,475 William Molyneux – Anna Rugge
1,445 Thomas Molyneux – Anna of Dutton*
1,425 Elisabeth Stanley – Richard Molyneux
1,409 Jean Goushill – Sir Thomas Stanley, 1st baron of Stanley
1,360 Elizabeth Fitzalan – Sir Robert Goushill
1,342 Elizabeth of Bohum – Richard Fitzalan, 10th earl of Arundel
1,311 William of Bohum, earl of Northampton – Elizabeth of Badlesmere
1,282 Elisabeth, princess of England – Humphrey of Bohum, 4th earl of Hereford and Essex
1,240 Leonor, princess of Castilla – Edward I, king of England
     From these point we can go back to the genealogical sequence of Charles II, king of England, at the chapter 9. D. Leonor, princess of Castilla is a greatgreatgrandaughter of D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal and his wife Mahaut of Savoie. With those three examples we have also James Madison as cousin. He was one of the writers for the Federalist Papers that supported the passage of the United States Constitution.
     Before the Brazilian Independence, came the American Independence. The principal causes that move the American people toward the independence were the understanding of the British Crown that the costs of its army used to protect the Colonies should be paid, at least half, by the Colonies. In the conception of the king the army was serving more the Colonies than England. So he raised the taxes. But what really provoked more was the intransigence of the king who ignored the petition from the Colonies to remove out the exceeding taxes.
     Other causes of the Revolution of Independence was the lack of representation. The British army stayed in the colonists houses. And the government in Americas was done by Englishmen. After the successful War of Independence, the establishment of the American Constitution regarding the rights and freedoms was inspirational to the whole world under any other colonist power. Since then Brazilians also begun to think about the separation from Portugal.
     The first opportunity came in 1,789. Previously the gold production had a substantial decline. Portugal kept demanding some yearly amount of gold from Brazil even it was not more to find easily. As the gold production was reduced so the economic situation went down. Many people begun to accumulate debts with the Portuguese Treasury. And the Portugal Crown decided to execute all debts through the law called “derrama”. Derrama meant that, the government people could come to your house and take anything you would have to pay your debt and if was not enough you would be arrested and kept imprisioned until the debt be paid.
     It sparkled the revolt called “Inconfidencia Mineira” (Miners Revolt). Many people took part on the elaboration of a plan of separation of Brazil from Portugal. Most of them had their lives linked to Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, the most important captaincies at the time. Rio de Janeiro was affected because during the Gold Cycle the Brazilian Capital were transferred from Salvador to there. The transference was an attempt to better control the Colonies since the main income of the land was coming from Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro was the nearest port to transport the gold to Portugal.
     The revolt were kept in secrecy and was to be unveilled in the same day that Portugal marked for begin the Derrama. But before it come, two or three betrayers denounced the plan to Portuguese officers. Portuguese authorities then arrested all the main leaders of the revolt and condemned them to be hang or exiled to Angola, which was another Portuguese Colony, in Africa. All the condemned to death but one had their penalties commuted to exile.
     The only one executed, cut into pieces and his parts exposed in a cruelly way at the streets of Ouro Preto, the Minas Gerais Capital then, to drive terror to any others revolted, was the Inconfidente, Lieutenant, Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, also called by the nickname, Tiradentes (teeth taker). He was chosen because was the most enthusiastic and assumed his entire guilty in the conspiracy. In his last words he said that, if he had ten lives he would give all to the cause.
     Some historians believe that, Joaquim Jose had secretly travelled to United States to meet with George Washington. Although it is not proved, the possibility isn’t without reasons. The Brazilian movement of independence was mirrored in the American Revolution. Both had been influenced by the Frensh philosophers. Both movement had straight link to the Freemasons. And so on.
     But the success of the American Independence is accountable for the delay of Brazilian Independence. Certainly, the Portuguese monarchs and advisors was watching everything that happen in the world. And seen the mistakes others Monarchs had done they would do the opposite. As the king of England had denied the petition to lower taxes and drove unger to the American colonists, the Portuguese sovereign granted the total pardon of debts Brazilians owned. Together with the exile of the leaders of the revolt the common people became accomodated for now. But the ideal of independence just entered in a deep sleep but wasn’t entirely forgot.
     What is interesting in our days is that, some of the most known facts of the time are been questioned. Some is saying that, Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier was never hanged. The “Inconficencia Mineira” never were intent to give independence to whole Brazil. The “Inconfidentes” didn’t want to freed slaves. They were just a group of high classes people. About those controversies I would call our cousin, Rogerio Alvarenga, to make his points. He is an historian with a long career and identified those suppositions as desconstructions of what we really know about our past. He wrote a series of books called “Virtual Enterview with …..”. His site is:
     The arguments raised by those who want dismiss the importance of the “Mineiros” personalities to Brazilian History are comparable to say that, the American Revolution of Independence have not democratic effect because part of the leaders were slaves owners. Also, the Independence have not validity because the Revolutionaries was betrayers accordingly to the English law, which legally owned the Colonies.
     The accusation that the “Inconfidencia Mineira” wasn’t a popular movement can be easily dismissed by the fact in the life of the “Inconfidente”, Father Rolim. He had the commitment to convoke 400 people to join the rebel force. Would be impossible to assembly such army at that time, in the City of Serro where he lived, if the common people wasn’t invited.
     And we need to pay attention to the facts. The conspiracy was against Portugal’s Dominion which had thousands of men in Brazil. Without an equal or superior number nobody would talk about Independence. And for have such size of army of Brazilians, certainly, even slaves would join in.
     But, cleverly, Portuguese government persecuted only the leadership which in many cases was its own citizens, saving its imagery from be depicted as oppressor before the common people.
     The classification of the “Inconfidencia Mineira” as an elitist movement have the intention of invalidate its good meaning through the bad meaning attributed to the word elite in Brazilian History. Brazilians tend to link the word elite only to the rich and powerful politicians which did bad administrations. The “Inconfidencia Mineira” is clear a movement of middle and lower classes against the powerful. And the command of the movement was formed by the intellectual elite. Not necessarily the economic elite.
     Anyways the political interpretation of now-a-days get the interests of today’s interests. Maybe, later on I will explain it better.
     Others polemics points of view that Rogerio have good answers through his works is the saying that, Alberto de Santos Dummond didn’t invented the airplane and Antonio Francisco Lisboa, the Aleijadinho, is more like a myth than the author of all the works attributed to him. I would also indicate the title: “Wings of Madness” to anyone who want know something about Santos Dummond. Knowledge without research is just oneself opinion. If you want be wise about anything look for every and each opinion before any judgment.
     In other hand some people in Brazil love so much the English culture that was spread a misinformation about some particularity of the “Mineiros” accent. “Mineiros” pronounce the word UAI in most of their conversations. The Portuguese sound to that word is the same for the English why. Then was created explaination for the “Mineiros” UAI attributing its use as influence of the English people that was present in Minas Gerais at the Cycle of Gold. But it is not true.
     UAI was a Freemasons pass word which means, “Uniao, Amor e Independencia” (Union, Love and Independence). It was used to open the door of secret meetings reallized in the basements at the houses of the “Inconfidentes”. The meaning of the word was long forgotten but “Mineiros” kept using it forever.
     Another interesting thing about the “Inconfidencia Mineira” is that, many of the ‘Inconfidentes” have a known ancestry linked to the same ancestors that I exposed before. If anybody talk with “Mineiros” about the names, Jose Alvares Maciel, Ignacio Jose de Alvarenga Peixoto, Jose da Silva e Oliveira Rolim (Father Rolim) or Tomas Antonio Gonzaga, they will soon remember something about their first grades in school because of those names are involved in the “Inconfidencia Mineira” or because some of them are famous poets. But their ancestry present at the portugal is falter in something or total lack in there yet.
     But some of the “Inconfidentes” have their links with the royal families just like the other Brazilians historical personalities. Let post some more genealogical sequences.
1,746 Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, Tiradentes.
1,721 Antonia da Encarnacao Xavier – Domingos da Silva Santos
1,700 Maria de Oliveira Colaco – Domingos Xavier Fernandes
         Isabel de Oliveira Colaco – Antonia de Oliveira Setubal
1,660 Antonio de Oliveira Gago – Anna da Cunha
1,630 Martinho de Oliveira – Catarina Pereira Sardinha
1,610 Genebra Leitao de Vasconcelos – Antonio de Oliveira
1,585 Isabel Leitao – Diogo Rodrigues
1,560 Goncalo Vaz Leitao – Helena de Carvalhal
1,535 Vasco Martins Leitao – Beatriz de Sousa
         Martim Ferreira Leitao – Briolanja Gois
1,450 Leonor Ferreira – Rui Vaz Leitao
1,420 Aires Ferreira – Joana Fogaca
1,400 Martim Ferreira – Violante Afonso da Cunha
1,380 Isabel Pereira de Lacerda – Gomes Ferreira
     The last couple is one of the 9greatgrandparents of Fernao Dias Paes Leme already presented. The couple is also ancestor of the Saint Friar Galvao. The personality Tiradentes wasn’t marriaged but had children with more than one woman. Part os his descendance still living in Minas Gerais State. Another example,
         Claudio Manoel da Costa
         Teresa Ribeiro de Alvarenga – Joao Goncalves da Costa
         Francisco de Barros Freire – Isabel Rodrigues de Alvarenga
         Luis de Barros Freire – Isabel de Paiva
         Catarina de Freitas – Francisco de Barros Freire
         Maria Pedroso de Alvarenga – Sebastiao de Freitas
     Claudio Manoel da Costa was also a great poet. The last ancestors above was one of the 4greatgrandparents of Saint Friar Galvao, from a lineage not presented. Last example,
1,756 Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade – Isabel Alves Maciel
1,708 Jose Antonio Freire de Andrade – Maria do Bonsucesso Correia de Sa
1,660 Joana Vicencia de Menezes – Bernardim Freire de Andrade
1,630 Ambrosio Pereira de Berredo – Maria Lobo da Silveira*
1,600 Henrique Pereira de Berredo – D. Maria de Menezes*
1,580 Ambrosio Pereira de Berredo – Joana de Menezes*
1,560 D. Mariana de Portugal – Antonio Pereira de Berredo*
1,540 D. Cecilia de Portugal – D. Rodrigo de Castro*
1,485 D. Martinho de Portugal, Archbishop of Funchal – Catarina de Sousa
1,462 D. Afonso de Portugal, Bishop of Evora City – Filipa de Macedo
1,400 D. Afonso, 1st Marquiz of Valenca – Brites de Sousa*
1,377 D. Afonso, 1st duke of Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,357 D. Joao I, king of Portugal – Ines Pires
     Another interesting information about the “Inconfidente” Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade is that, he was nephew of the general, Gomes Freire de Andrade. The general was the first count of Bobadela and until his death in January first, 1,756 he was the Minas Gerais State Governor. His brother and father of Francisco, Jose Antonio, was the second count of Bobadela. General Gomes Freire de Andrade signed documents of posse of lands in name of Manuel Rodrigues Coelho. As I mentioned before, some traditional accounts say that, these Manuel Rodrigues Coelho have something to do with our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes but is not determinated the kinship linkage between the two of them.
     Here we went back to the genealogical sequences presented at the chapter 5. D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim was daughter of the general, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira and grandaughter of D. Branca Pires Coelho. We got here the crossing between the families Coelho, Braganca, Alvim, Pereira and Portugal that is ancestor to all European Royal Families. I used the * to indicate other ways in which Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade was descendant of the kings of Portugal.
     For long time, United States and Brazil didn’t have a together History. But they had occasional encounters. Some of the reason for it was beyond the control of both. As we know, at the same time the “Inconfidencia Mineira” was been derailled the Frensh Revolution begun. After the initial upheaval the doors was open to the arising of Napoleon Bonaparte and with him the Napoleonic Wars.
     Brazil had some benefit from the Napoleonic Wars in some unexpected way. Was long thought in Portugal that, wouldn’t be a bad thing to transfer the condition of Metropolis to Brazil and there the monarchy would thrive. It would be done to better protect the Portuguese interests because it is a such small country and subject to possible invasions from more powerful countries from Europe. But they aways reluctantly thought about that plan.
     Portugal and England had that Treaty since 1,385 when they agreed to protect each other against foreign invasion. And because England was at war with the Napolionic France, Portugal was cornered to make a decision in which side to go in. Portugal had a queen, Maria I, who was impaired by insanity. She had been the queen at the time of the condemnation of the “Inconfidentes” in Minas Gerais. She was contemporaneous of George III of England who also was affected by mental illness. He was the English king at the time of the American Revolution.
     Like king George III, Maria I, the Crazy, as she became known, were replaced by a Prince Regent. Her son, Joao, was acting on her behalf before the confrontation with Napoleon. He was not prepared to be king because had an older brother but his brother died of smallpox. And his death could be thanked to their mother because she was too conservative to let her son be vaccinated against the desease. At the time the vaccine already existed and was the first one that human being have at hand. Maria I considered the vaccination a violation of nature and an act against God’s determination.
     The Prince Regent Joao, who later became the king D. Joao VI, was a reluctant administrator. Looks like that, any decision would do to him a lot of pain. So his decisions would come slowly like from a slot. And before he decided which side he would be with, Napoleon Bonaparte ordered his Army to invade Portugal and destitute the king. Luckly, the time he gained thinking about which side to go helped him to decide to transfer his court to Brazil. Just in time because when his fleet was yet at sight from the land, the Napolionic troups was entering Lisbon.
     His fleet was not more than a shadow of what the Portugueses had in the times of their Great Discoveries. And he brought with him the Portuguese Treasury and around 15.000 people from his courts. Just outside Lisbon he meet an English fleet that was waiting to escort him along the way to Brazil. The voyage took too much time with many risk decisions made such as transport all three generations of heirs to the thone in only one ship. But at the end they went Brazil anyways. It was 1,808.
     The king of Spain wasn’t so lucky. Before his fleet could do the same the Napoleonic Army took him away. He was dethroned and replaced by Napoleon’s kin.
     In Brazil the courts were welcomed with an innocent enthusiasm by the Brazilian people. First the entourage made a stop in Salvador to soon arrive in Rio de Janeiro. The port of Rio de Janeiro was the busiest in the country and wasn’t without reason. If anyone wanted to do a safe travel across the world it was one of the obligatory stops along the way. Anyone traveling from Europe or East Coast of Americas would be resupplied in the Rio de Janeiro port. And at the time was there a small American fleet. And the Americans did a diplomatic mistake.
     At the arriving of the Prince Regent to the land the people was in a climate of carnival. All the ships presents in Guanabara Bay start to salute him with all its guns. One of the American Captains got so carried on by such wave of happiness that he also did the same for just one time. Someone else must had remembered him what for were the War of Independence in United States and he ordered to silence his cannons.
     I said it was a mistake because Portugal and Brazil were not involved in the conflict between England and United States. And back in Brazil have a saying that could be translated as, “celebrate with who is celebrating.” It mean that, is not polite you see your neighbor in joyous celebration and you alienate yourself from his happiness. Is like you are condemning his right to celebrate. But I am sure that, Brazilians didn’t took it so hard on themselves.
     I said before that the Brazilians celebration was a innocent act because the presence of the Portuguese courts in Brazil became a mix of good and bad news. And the bad came first. Rio de Janeiro was a small town, maybe 40.000 people or less. And hadn’t time to prepare itself to receive 15.000 newcomers. What next the Prince Regent and staff decided was quartering in the homes of the colonists. So, the Portuguese troups start doing inspections in each and every house around, and when it was good enough they just fixed a plate with the letters P. R. It was to mean that, Regent’s Property. And later on the humoristic Brazilians interpreted as, Robbed Property.
     And among the problems, Prince Joao was marriaged to Carlota Joaquina. She was a bad tempered princess from Spain and hated Brazil at the first sight. Her temper and probably the timid personality of D. Joao had put them in a clash course that ended taking them apart of each other. They just acted as marriaged to the public eyes but was separated. And Carlota Joaquina was wild. But the only useful information that interest us here is that, soon the Brazilian public learn to hate her as much she hated Brazil and Brazilians.
     At the good side we have for start the opening of all Brazilian ports to all friendly nations, namely, England. Portugal had the monopoly before. And England at the time was the China of today. As a leader in industrialization it had start the Industrial Revolution but the workers was underpaid back there, the production was vibrant and it was taken to all corners of the globe, except to France and its allies because they were at war. And England took great advantage of it flooding the Brazilian market with things that Brazilian haven’t even place to use, such as ice skates. But Brazilians was resourceful and transformed such things in something else for good use.
     Since the courts was in Brazil and hadn’t any clue about a time to go back, Prince Joao decided to take some measures that improved the Brazilian life. He reurbanized Rio de Janeiro, founded the first College, created a Botanical Garden and the first Bank of Brazil. At that time he also open Brazil to the scrutiny of European scientists such as August de Saint Hilaire. Saint Hilaire was Frensh and he went Brazil after the fall of Napoleon in 1,815.
     Saint Hilaire, mentioned by some old cousin, Dermeval Jose Pimenta, in his book, A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente (The Pecanha’s Woods, its History and its People) made these coment about the people of Minas Gerais State at the time. He was admired by the vision of a wooden machine moved by water and used to crush sugarcane to produce brown sugar. “I couldn’t prevent let myself be taken in admiration by the gears that, although enormous, are, at the same time, of a strange lightness and nicely make. Was not these one time that I got proof of the hability of the “mineiro” worker; if they are slow in the execution of their work, at least do it with extremely care and I believe in that, they do a better finishing than the European artisans.”
     Before the Portuguese Royal Family went Brazil, in 1,803 United States had bought the Louisiana Territory which is the East area of Mississippi River. Such purchase made the American Territory be doubled. After it came the War of 1,812. This war is considered the second War of Independence. It because England was the hegemonic power in the world, specially at seas, and was the bullier of the time. Although United States had gain its Independence through the War of Independence, England continue to threat the new nation as its colony.
     What aggravated the situation was that, United States had been friendly to France which had give capital to the American Revolution. England was at war with the Napoleonic France now. England had the most powerful navy in number but was lacking of experient sailors. So it starts to boarding the American ships and taken the sailors born in England, even the naturalized Americans. They even took some who was American born but hadn’t their paper with them to prove it. A good part of the American exportation was to France and England was trying to blockade it, damaging the American economy.
     Another serious problem was that, probably the English Crown saw as a treat to its power the American expansion to West. And as they didn’t have population enough to invade the world as it pleased, they start to arming the American Indians who was fighting against the expansion. Those English attitudes convinced the President James Madison to declare war to England in 1,812 with the approuval of Congress. Lets put some insight of the genealogical sequence for Mr. President, James Madison.
1,751 James Madison – Dolley Payne Todd
1,731 Eleanor Rose Conway – James Madison
1,696 Francis Conway – Rebecca Catlett
1,675 Elizabeth Thornton – Edwin Conway
         Alice Savage – 1,651 Francis Thornton
1,605 Anthony Savage – Alice Stafford
1,556 Anthony Savage – Elizabeth Hall
1,528 Francis Savage – Anne Sheldon
1,510 Christopher Savage – Anne Lygon
1,450 Christopher Savage – Anne Stanley*
1,430 Katherine Stanley – Sir John Savage
1,409 Jean Goushill – Sir Thomas Stanley, 1st Baron of Stanley
     From these point on Madison’s genealogical sequence goes paralell to the one of John Adams, chapter 10, who was father of John Quincy Adams, who replaced James Madison after James Monroe. Another important character of the time was Andrew Jackson, who became the seventh president of United States of America. Andrew Jackson is the face on the twenty dollar bill as we know. He also have a genealogical sequence linked to the Portuguese royals. Let see it.
1,767 Andrew Jackson – Rachel Donelson
         Elizabeth Hutchinson – Andrew Jackson
1,700 Cirus Hutchinson – Margareth Lisle
1,675 John Hutchinson – Mary Hobart
         John Hutchinson – not identified
         Lucy Apsley – 1,615 John Hutchinson
         Lucy St John – Allen Apsley
1,473 Sir John St John – Jane Inwardby
1,437 Oliver St John – Elizabeth Scrope*
1,410 Margareth Beauchamp – Oliver St John
         Edith Storton – John of Beauchamp, 3rd Baron of Bletsho
          Catherine Beaumont – Sir John Stourton
1,340 Henry Beaumont, Lord Beaumont – Margareth of Vere
1,310 John, lord Beaumont – Aleanor of Lancaster
1,265 Henry Beaumont, lord Beaumont – Alicia Comyn
1,230 Louis de Brienne – Agnes de Beaumont-Maine
         Berengaria, Princess of Castilla – 1,148 Jean I de Brienne
1,171 Alfonso IX, King of Leon and Castilla – Berengaria, princess of Castilla
1,151 D. Urraca, princess of Portugal – Fernando II, king of Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1st king of Portugal – Mahaut of Savoie
     I took a look on the data at the portugal for all the 43 presidents of United States of America. I don’t want put more genealogical sequences from their ancestry. Here some insight about it. 29 of them are descendents of the kings of Portugal. 3 are descendents only of the kings Charlemagne, Hugh Capet of France and William I of England. Those three are, James Buchanan, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Barack H. Obama. So they also are relatives of the Iberian Royal Families who also are descendants of those 3 kings.
     Those who have not indication as descendants of kings are, Martin van Buren, Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. It doesn’t mean that they don’t are descendants of kings but what probably happenned is that, the data on their ancestry was lost in some point of their ancestry. It was happen to most of us.
     The list of United States presidents descendents of king Afonso Henriques in order of their elections are, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams), Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleveland (who was elected again after his successor), Benjamin Harrison (grandson of William H. Harrison), Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Gerard Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush (father), Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (son).
     What would be a bit of surprise is that, I also checked 42 names linked to the Brazilian presidency. It included elected presidents, dictators and administrative councils. Only Twelve out of 42 people was descendants of kings, accordingly with the data in that particular site. It is not so much of a surprise because I know how hard is to assembly such data in Brazil. The climate is not so friendly to conservation of paper. As I said before, only after 1,808 the newspapers were allowed, with restrictions, to exist. The illiteracy was an way to dominate the population. And, above all, just a handfull of people really try to brake such vicious cycle. I myself have seen things that are heartbroken in these issue.
     The list of our cousins presidents in Brazil are, Floriano Peixoto, Prudente de Morais, Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles, Augusto Moreira Afonso Pena, Nilo Procopio Pecanha, Joao de Deus Mena Barreto, Jose Linhares, Carlos Coimbra da Luz, Nereu de Oliveira Ramos, Joao Belchior Marques Goulart, Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco and Tancredo Neves (was elected in an electoral assembly but died before assume the position).
     The War of 1,812 could be avoided if in the time we had at least a transatlantic telephone line. The English Parliament had revoked some of the decisions that was causing the war but before it came to be known United States was trying to invade the English Possession in Canada. Nevertheless the better moment to have an war against England should be that time because it was involved in a much bigger war against France so England had to fight with a smaller force. Although that smaller army was a numbered and well prepared.
     At the course of the war the English invaded Washington Capital and burned its main buildings. The English fleet then headed to Baltimore, Maryland. But they were unable to take a better defended fort there. In there despite of the intense bombardment the men in Fort McHenry didn’t give up on their positions and the English fled empty handed. The commander of the Fort had instructed some women in Baltimore to make a enormous flag and as soon the bombardment stoped the flag was raised to make sure that the English would see it even when they were far.
     At the time, Francis Scott Key was stranded in a merchant ship and witnessed the scene. Immediately after he was inspired to write a poem which later became know as The Star-Spangled Banner. In 1,831 the Congress passed a law naming the poem as the official national anthem.
     The English forces decided to attack New Orleans which was the gate to the inland basket of United States. And there they confronted Andrew Jackson and his army. He was a veteran from the War of Independence and had an old hate for the English people since then. His mother and brothers were dead at the time.
     At the scenary of the last battle the much smaller force commanded by Jackson was entrenched waiting for the enemy. The leader of the English forces decided to attack in three fronts. And divided his group accordong to attack front, left and right sides. But one of the groups had to go to the other side of the river and the wind was strong delaying its part on the plan. Also an advanced unity of American snipers ambushed the group that was attacking from the right side and kill the commander.
     When the battalion was face-to-face with the American forces it were exposed and disorganized. In a better position to shot and kill the Jackson’s forces acted like was shooting ducks. At the end, around 2,000 English were dead while not more than three dozens Americans had the same faith. Again, these episode could been avoided if the communications could be transmited more quick in that time. The English and American diplomacy had already reached an agreement to end the war but the notice only arrived about three weeks later.
     What is more interesting in that last battle is that, volunteers came from as far as Connecticut to defend the American Nation. All collors of skin volunteered to do the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of it. And Jackson became the celebrated hero of the nation.
     What is sad about it is that, looks like Jackson drove all his hatred against the Indians on the West Frontier. He became the president of United States from 1,829 to 1,837 and expelled many tribes from their ancestor lands provoking what is known as “March of a Thousand Tears”. It pratically was a genocide. Although what he did cann’t be judged by the laws of today, even then some had perceived the use of excessive force. With such atrocity he paved the way for the American expansion toward the Pacific Ocean. But if he had done what he did, in our days, surely he would be comparable to Saddhan Hussein or Moammar Gadhafi. (Note: Today, October 20, 2011, the Lybian dictator was killed by the insurgents).
     The other faces on the American Dollar Bills are, 1.00 George Washington; 2.00 Thomas Jefferson; 5.00 Abraham Lincoln; 10.00 Alexander Hamilton, who never got to the presidency but was Treasury Secretary who gave tools to the administration of George Washington and were another writer for the Federalist Paper; 50.00 Ulysses S. Grant; 100.00 Benjamin Franklin, who also never got to the presidency but helped write the Declaration of Independence and did others services; 500,00 William McKinley; 1,000.00 Grover Cleveland; 5,000.00 James Madison; 10,000.00 Salmon P. Chase, who didn’t got to the presidency also, and 100,000.00 Woodrow Wilson.
     The American coins have the face of, 0.01 Abraham Lincoln; 0.05 Thomas Jefferson; 0.10 Franklin D. Rosevelt; 0.25 George Washington and 0.50 John F. Kennedy.
     I think I better put here some genealogical sequence. The first one is from the kings and queens of Portugal and Brazil, starting from the ancestors of the dukes of Braganca.
1,290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1,330 Branca Pires Coelho – Joao Pires de Alvim
1,360 Leonor Alvim – D. Nuno Alvares Pereira
1,380 D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim – D. Afonso, 1st duke of Branganca
1,403 D. Fernando I, 2nd Braganca – D. Joana de Castro*
1,430 D. Fernando II, 3rd Braganca – D. Isabel, princess of Portugal*
1,470 D. Jaime, 4th Braganca – Leonor de Mendonca*
1,510 D. Teodosio, 5th Braganca – D. Isabel de Lancastre*
1,543 D. Joao I, 6th Braganca – D. Catarina de Portugal*
1,568 D. Teodosio II, 7th Braganca – Ana de Velasco y Giron*
1,604 D. Joao IV, king of Portugal – Luiza de Guzman*
1,648 D. Pedro II, king of Portugal – Marie Sophie Elisabeth*
1,689 D. Joao V, king of Portugal – Maria Anna Josepha*
1,714 D. Jose I, king of Portugal – Maria Ana Victoria de Bourbon*
1,734 D. Maria I, queen of Portugal – D. Pedro III, king of Portugal*
1,767 D. Joao VI, king of Portugal – Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon*
1,798 D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil – Maria Leopoldine*
1,825 D. Pedro II, emperor of Brazil – Teresa de Bourbon*
1,846 D. Isabel de Braganca – emperial princess of Brazil – Gaston d’Orleans, count d’Eu*
     Just to remember, on the fourth line, D. Afonso, I duke of Braganca was son of D. Joao I, king of Portugal and Ines Pires. D. Joao I became to be king after the Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385 when the Spanish king demanded the Portuguese Crown to himself. But he was defeated by the combined forces of Portugal and England lead by the king himself and his noble servant, D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     At the twelveth line, the king D. Pedro II of Portugal was brother of D. Catarina of Braganca, princess of Portugal and wife of Charles II, king of England, Scots and Ireland, the one who unified the American Colonies and acquired New York from the Dutchs. Also, D. Pedro III, king of Portugal and husband of D. Maria I was brother of D. Jose I, king of Portugal. So he was uncle of his own wife.
     At the death of D. Joao VI, king of Portugal, in 1,826, the right heir was D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil. But his brother assumed the position first as D. Miguel I, king of Portugal. It lead to a clash between two parties, each one in favor of the two kings. D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil, renounced to the Brazilian throne, living there his infant son Pedro as heir in Brazil and took the Portuguese Throne back. He assumed as Pedro IV, king of Portugal. And the succession in Portugal went almost like that.
1,798 D. Pedro IV, king of Portugal – Maria Leopoldine*
1.819 D. Maria II, queen of Portugal – D. Fernando II, king of Portugal*
1,838 D. Luis I, king of Portugal – Maria Pia, princess of Savoie*
1,863 D. Carlos I, king of Portugal – Amelie d’Orleans, princess of France*
1,889 D. Manuel II, king of Portugal – Augusta Viktoria*
     The monarchy ended in 1,889 in Brazil with the Proclamation of Republic. The same was done in Portugal at the year of 1,910. Since then the royal families still existing without throne. They use titles but not kings and queens.
     I will take advantage in this point to post some more little genealogical sequences that have something to do with our now-a-days, although it is not so important for the present book data. I will start from the princess Isabel and her partner Gaston d’Orleans.
1.846 D. Isabel de Braganca, emperial princess of Brazil – Gaston d’Orleans, count d’Eu
1,875 D. Pedro de Alcantara de Orleans e Braganca- Elisabeth*
1,913 D. Pedro de Orleans e Braganca, prince of Orleans and Braganca – Maria de la Esperanca de Borbon*
1,948 D. Afonso Duarte, prince of Orleans and Braganca – Silvia Amelia Hungria Silva Machado*
     Another example.
1,846 D. Isabel de Braganca, emperial princess of Brazil – Gaston d’Orleans, count d’Eu
1,878 D. Luis de Orleans e Braganca, prince of Brazil – Maria Pia de Borbon*
1,909 D. Pedro Henrique de Orleans e Braganca – Maria Elisabeth, princess von Bayern*
1,959 D. Maria Gabriela de Orleans e Braganca, princess of Brazil – Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado*
     The last couple in each sequence end with a sister and brother. Through their grandmother’s lineage they are for sure descendants of Fernao Coelho, 1st lord of Felgueiras and Vieira and his wife Catarina de Freitas. Fernao Coelho was greatgrandson of Estevao Coelho and Maria Mendes Petite from which ones I start to post the genealogical sequence of the kings of Brazil and Portugal. Catarina de Freitas was descendant of all the royal families from Iberian Peninsula and beyond. Lets post though some genealogical sequence from their maternal side.
         Silvia Amelia* and Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado*
1,930 Sylvia Emilia de Mello Franco Senna* – Paulo Argemiro Hungria da Silva Machado
1,900 Mucio Emilio de Senna(*?) – Sylvia Amelia de Mello Franco*
1,876 Nelson Coelho de Senna(*?) – Emilia Gentil Horta Gomes Candido
1,847 Maria Brasiliana Coelho(*?) – Candido Jose de Senna
1,785 Joao Coelho de Magalhaes(*?)- Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo
1,759 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes(*?) – Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
     As I observed before, we cann’t say or deny for sure that the patriarch of our family Jose Coelho de Magalhaes is the same one noble person who first was posted at the site portugal. If it is so, our cousins Silvia Amelia and Theodoro are at least two times descendants from our same ancestors. But we better went back to our main issue.
     After the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte Brazil were the only American country to have a seat at the Congress of Vienna to remap Europe. Is not because Brazil was that great but the Portuguese Royal Family living in Brazil had their interest in there, since Portugal and Algarves was part of their Empire. And Portugal was for once a Brazilian Colony. The inversion of position didn’t pleased Portuguese people. At that time, Brazil gave Guiana back to France. It had been a small effort from Brazilians to help defeat Napoleon. They went Guiana, conquered it almost without any resistence.
     Since then the Portuguese people start pressuring the king Joao VI for get back to Portugal. Brazilian also was not willing to go back to the old condition of colony. D. Joao VI was eagering to stay in Brazil where he was loved and unconditionally respected. And his son, Pedro de Alcantara, then just a young man who went Brazil on his nine years old felt more like Brazilian than Portuguese and refused to go on his father’s behalf. After a long playing cat and rat, D. Joao VI agreed on to go to Portugal, but when he was about to aboard the ship he whispered on Pedro’s ear, “Before any adventurer do, do it yourself.”
     That phrase was a mention to Brazilian Independence. Other countries in Latino-America had already made their independences and D. Joao VI knew it was a question of time for someone else do the same in Brazil. And with his return to Portugal, D. Joao VI had to adapt himself to a knew way of life. The Portuguese Army had taken the country and wasn’t up anymore to accept an absolutist king. And they also demanded for Brazil be taken to its old condition of colony.
     In quickly movements of the History soon after, the Prince Regent of Brazil, Pedro, were pressed not go to Portugal and stood there in a episode called “Dia do Fico” (The Stood Day). When the courts in Portugal decided to reduce his powers, Pedro declared the Independence of Brazil in September 7, 1,822. He was chrowned as D. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil.
     But his success was in great part thanks to a nobleman, Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva. These one was Brazilian born who had studied in Europe. Even living there at the time of the Frensh Revolution. He was liberal at the point that wanted to end the slavery and to promote certain kind of agrarian reform. He recognized that the imense territory of Brazil was in a few hands and econimically unproductive. He stood as right hand of the emperor as chief executive while the initial clashs was going on.
     Brazil was divided between those who wanted stay with Portugal as the Province of Bahia, those who wanted the republican regime as the Province of Pernambuco and under the manace of Portugal send troups to dominate again. The liberalism of Jose Bonifacio afterwards was responsible for his downfall because the owners of great lands and merchants of slaves added to his own inability to negotiate was against him. Soon he was exiled and moved to France where he lived for six years.
     In 1,831 the emperor D. Pedro I was about to return to Portugal. He named Jose Bonifacio as tutor of his children, even the prince Pedro who would become D. Pedro second emperor of Brazil. Again he clashed with the conservatives and was accused of to conspire to bring the king Pedro I back to Brazil. These time he was kept in domicile imprisonment at the Paqueta Island, in Rio de Janeiro. For his services he got the nickname of Patriarch of the Independence. He was descendant of the kings of Portugal and marriaged to an Irish woman named Narcisa Emilia O’ Leary.
     As tutor of the infant Pedro he was replaced by another noble with a long name, Manuel Inacio de Andrada Souto Maior Pinto Coelho. These one also was many times descendant of the kings. Lets put some genealogical sequence for the two of them.
1,763 Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva – Narcisa Emilia O’Leary
1,726 Bonifacio Jose Ribeiro de Andrade – Maria Barbara da Silva
1,678 Jose Ribeiro de Andrade – Ana da Silva Borges
1,645 Filipa de Andrade Machado – Gaspar Ribeiro da Silva
1,610 Antonio Pacheco de Andrade – Catarina Rebelo Machado*
1,580 Maria de Gouveia de Andrade – D. Francisco Pacheco*
1,540 Maria de Andrade – Cristovao Rebelo de Meireles
1,515 Leonor de Andrade – Rui Pires de Gouveia*
1,480 Leonor Freire de Andrade – Luis Machado, lord of Sandomil and Loriga
1,385 Joao Freire de Andrade, 2nd lord of Bobadela – Catarina de Sousa
     These last couple is already in the genealogical sequence for the “Inconfidente” Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade at the chapter 10. Lets put something for Manuel Inacio de Andrada Souto Maior Pinto Coelho, Markees of Itanhaem.
1,782 Manuel Inacio de Andrada … – Maria Angelina Beltrao
1,735 Antonia Joaquina Luisa Ataide Portugal Pinto Coelho – Inacio de Andrade Souttomayor*
1,700 Luis Jose Pinto Coelho da Cunha – Antonia Joana Miranda Costa
1,671 Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho – Maria Josefa Azevedo Coutinho
1,640 Francisco Pinto da Cunha – D. Francisca Maria da Silva e Castro*
1,600 Antonio Pinto Coelho, IX lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – D. Francisca de Ataide*
1,560 Francisca Maria da Silva Coelho de Noronha – Francisco Pinto da Cunha*
1,540 Aires Coelho, 7th lord of Felgueiras – Maria de Noronha
1,510 Goncalo Coelho da Silva, 6th lord of Felgueiras – D. Maria de Melo*
1,470 Aires Coelho, 5th lord of Felgueiras – Maria de Castro*
1,435 Goncalo Coelho – 3rd lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – Violante de Magalhaes*
1,420 Martim Coelho, 2nd lord of Felgueiras – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1st lord of Felgueiras and Vieira – Catarina de Freitas*
     Fernao Coelho was greatgrandson of Estevao Coelho and Maria Mendes Petite from which ones I start to post the last genealogical sequence of the kings of Brazil and Portugal at these chapter.
     In 1,831 with the departure of D. Pedro I to Portugal, Brazil pass through a series of Regencies until 1,840 when had a revolt and the people demanded the 14 years old Pedro be considered adult and take the crown for his own. But one decision of 1,831 had consequences to the rest of Brazil’s History. It was the creation of the National Guard. The problem was that, Brazil was devided in three parties. The Conservative, the Liberals and the For Restauration. The last one wanted the return of Pedro I. The Conservative didn’t trust the Army because it could be lead by someone who wanted the power. The Liberals also didn’t trust because was afraid of it be use to suppress their opinions.
     The idea of National Guard in Brazil was based on the Frensh experience where each citizen were called to defend their country. But in there it gain another particularities. For you be a member you have to be a voter. To be a voter you needed to make some yearly amount of money that would put you in a level of middle class or above. And yet, at that time you had to be a man to be a voter. So almost the entire society wouldn’t have the full citizenship.
     The person enrolled at the National Guard didn’t owned any salary for that. He had to pay for his uniform, weapons and pay a small contribution to keep the institution. But had all the privileges that the position could give him. At the time and long after most of the Brazilian population lived in rural areas. Most was called “Grotoes”. It remember a little the word grotto and its meaning in English. Although grotto is something cavelike, the “Grotoes” can be described as an end the road in an imense rural area dominated by a graduated member of the National Guard.
     From it came the Portuguese word of “coronelismo”. And also the saying, “Manda quem pode e obedece quem tem juizo” (Give order who have the power and obey those who got brains). Those rural leaders were sometimes violent people and took the population around them as hostages of their will. In Brazil is plenty of stories of clashs between two or more colonels. Some were true gangsters.
     What kept them more attached to the power was their political leadership. Any benefit that could come from the government had to pass through their approuval to go to the smaller people. All positions of employment in the local administration level was fulfilled by their trustfull allies, particularly their relatives. With their control over everything, Brazil never evolved to a Market Economy untill the middle of the 20th century. Although the National Guard was dismissed at 1,920s the society didn’t got freed from the system until the old generation was dead.
     Even after, the power of the “Grotoes” stood on its long way to death. And it kept Brazil in a situation like semi-Middle Ages. Not even the called Liberals in Brazil were the champions of liberty or independence for the people. They were Liberals only in comparison with the Conservatives. But the Institution of National Guard in Brazil favored the Conservative because was restrict to the economic elites. And when an human being is comfortable with some privileges what he less want is to change anything. Even if the change is for the good of the society as an whole.
     In 1,860 the number of member was 500,000. While the Brazilian Army was not more than 20,000. Accordlingly to a conservative calculation, if each guardsman have 500 descendants in average, Brazil was supposed to have 250 millions people not counting on the descendents of those who was not guardsman. But Brazil have a population a little lower than 200 millions. So, where is the rest of it?! Almost all of them are inside the number of today’s Brazilian population. And the number was supposed to be much bigger wasn’t for the marriage between their combined descendance.
     What I mean about it is that, we are descendant of many of them at the same time and many times we are descendant of some of them multiple times. I myself am six times descendant of the captain Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Jr. also called Jose Coelho da Rocha. And also descendant of his sons who got the charter of leutenants and from another captain. Because of that each one of the guardsman may have much more than a thousand descendants today in average but we can’t just add the number of descendants of each one to calculate the Brazilian population.
     A great part of Brazilians are descendant of them but what is very sad is that, the National Guard had a file with precious genealogical information of its members but it may be lost to codling-moth, mould and disrespect for what is historical.
     We have many people who participated in the design of the Brazilian History from the XIX century. Each one of them deserved a long motion picture acted by the best known actors and actress of Hollywood. But I choose to say something about two of them. Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, the duke of Caxias and Theofilo Benedicto Ottoni. If we look at their genealogical data present at the site portugal we can’t say if they are or not descendants of our ancestors kings but I suspect they are. Not because they had it written on their forehead or is something that can indicate that a man is or isn’t a noble. But just because of the favorable probabilities of it be so as I put at the begining of these book.
     The first one, Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, the duke of Caxias, have some ancestors there, since the years 1,200s. But most of his genealogical data is incomplete as of everybody else do. He was accepted as private in the Army when he was only 5 years old. He were raised in the Academy. He was chosen to combat the resistence against the Brazilian Independence at the State of Bahia.
     Luis Alves de Lima e Silva was a militar genius. He fought from north to south of Brazil in numerous campaigns such in Maranhao State named “Balaiada”. In there the last city to be conquered was Caxias, from which he gained the title of baron of Caxias. Later he fought at the south first against the dictators of Argentine and Uruguay. He also pacified a revolt that had the intention of create a Republic out of the states of Southern Brazil. This revolt is called by the name of “Farroupilha”.
     The victory over the “Farroupilhas” have a special meaning. One of the combatents was Giuseppe Garibaldi who was marriaged to the “Braziliana” Anita Garibaldi. With the peace made in Brazil the couple went to Italy where they fought for the unification of that country and became major heroes there too. In Brazil they fought for the “Farroupilhas”.
     Luis Alves were worthy of all titles in militar and nobility career. He is well known for his roll in the War of Paraguay. Under the “caudillo” Solano Lopez, Paraguay became a major militar force and wanted to conquerer all the region around the Basin of the Prata River. It mean take lands from Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. The three countries made an alliance. Even so, their team up wasn’t enough to take down the dictatorship of Solano Lopes. And they fought for four years.
     When Caxias assumed the command he first trained the troups in specific tatics of the Army. The majority were from the National Guard. Then he commanded them personally. After a series of victories they encoutered a dead end. The allies had to cross a bridge loaded with explosives. Is said that, the more than sixty years old man bravely took the front of his subordinates and crossed it first saying: “Those who are Brazilian follow me.” The explosives didn’t went off and he won the Battle of Itororo. From that point on the allies conquered all Paraguay in a short term and the war was ended. But it almost at the year of 1,870.
     What the duke of Caxias represented to the emperor D. Pedro II is similar to what D. Nuno Alvares Pereira represented to the king D. Joao I of Portugal. If was not for D. Nuno maybe D. Joao I wouldn’t be king after the Crisis of 1,383-1,385. Maybe, without Luis Alves de Lima e Silva Brazil hadn’t have its second emperor. Caxias died at 1,878. Although his genealogy doesn’t indicate ties with the Royal Families before, his two daughter marriaged to people who was of noble origins. Then his descendance have ties with them.
     The other Brazilian hero, Theofilo Benedicto Ottoni, had one non pleasant encounter with Caxias. He was a militant on the Liberal Party. And in 1,842 were a political impasse because the Conservative Party was manipulating the government. Then a Revolt of Liberals went off. First at Sao Paulo Province and then in Minas Gerais Province. Theofilo Ottoni was the leader in Minas Gerais and organized the resistence. But at the Battle of Santa Luzia City his forces were dominated by the Emperial Forces leadered by Caxias who take him away. Later on he was judged and cleared as innocent. One of the fellow combatents of Ottoni was Modesto Jose Pimenta, one cousin of the Coelho Family.
     Theofilo Ottoni have just a small known ancestry. He was born in 1,807, at Serro City, Minas Gerais. His greatgreatgrandfather, Emmanuel Antao Ottoni was an immigrant from Genoa, Italy. I think he probably have ties with the Iberian noble families because he had ancestors with names like, Sousa, Maia and Paes Leme. Paes Leme is also family name for Fernao Dias, the well known “Bandeirante”. But it does not matter for now. What matter is that, he is not considered worthy of attention to many Brazilian historians but he did things that was way beyond any other Brazilian of his time was up to do so.
     His life is entirely dedicated to combat the absolutist monarchy, love for democracy and the search for new ways to the economy around about his birth place and Brazil in general. After many disturbances in his life he founded the Company of Commerce and Navigation of Mucuri River. The Mucuri River is in the Northeast of Minas Gerais and is basin for a extense region where stands his birth place, Serro.
     Minas Gerais had a big problem at the time because it was served by the Royal Road only, and Serro City was almost at the end of it. Then to have access to the Atlantic Sea one must had to travel more than a thousand miles in southbound way. In a eastbound way the distance was less than one fifth to do the same. But between Serro City and the lands already populated at the Coast of the neighbor States of Bahia and Espirito Santo had a extense almost pristine wild area inhabited by indians.
     On homage to his idol mentor, Thomas Jefferson, he created the Project Philadelphia. It was a different kind of colonization that the world had never seen. First of all he made agreement with the indians that included them in the project. He opened the project to the participation of people of all nationalities. The center of the project was the City of Philadelphia which later was renamed by others after the name of its founder, Teofilo Otoni. To there came immigrants from China, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal and Spain.
     For a Brazilian man of his time, Theofilo Ottoni was way ahead. His City of Philadelphia was born with School for different languages, newspaper, Catholic and Lutheran Churchs (the Catholicism was the official religion of the empire and to be open to others religious beliefs was the same as looking for trouble with the Catholic dominance) and soon complete more than 100 miles of road link it to the town of Santa Clara, now Nanuque, which was part of the project. He also associated with the Baron of Maua to recreate the Bank of Brazil. The first version was created by the king D. Joao VI but the first version was nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme.
     The ideal of Theofilo Ottoni included the Proclamation of Republic for Brazil but the country was in too conservative hands to do it. He wanted to industrialize but the conservative Brazilians was too attached to the old ways. He visualized the abolition of slavery but it came almost twenty years after his death. He died at 1,869 in consequence of many times he got malaria working in the Project Philadelphia.
     At the last years of his life Theofilo Ottoni was a respected popular figure in the Brazilian public life. He became senator and natural leader for the people. One example of it is his participation in the Brazilian History chapter named “Questao Christie” (Christie Question). In that time a series of unfortunate events put Brazil and England in a confrontation state. The ambassador for United Kingdom, William Dougal Christie, tried to preasure the emperor Pedro II saying that, the English Armada would come and seize the capital Rio de Janeiro.
     It angered the population at the point that the people was about to take justice in their own hands. It would mean do damage to property of any English person living in Brazil. The emperor called for the arbitration of king Leopold, who was his relative and uncle of queen Victoria of England. Before an answer came and to prevent the worsening of the situation, he also cut the diplomatic ties with England and paid in advance what England was demanding thinking Brazil would loose in the arbitration.
     The decision was communicated only later and was favorable to Brazilian’s demand. Theofilo Ottoni was leading the people on that case. So Brazilians experienced some of the English hassle as superpower of the time. The ties were restored later, when Brazil was yet at war with Paraguay.
     Lets put here some genealogical sequence. I will start from queen Elizabeth II of England regarding that, queen Victoria was her ancestor and appear in it.
1,926 Elizabeth II, queen of United Kingdom (UK) – Philip, prince of Greece and Danmark*
1,895 George VI, King of UK – Elizabeth A. M. Bowes-Lyon*
1,865 George V, king of UK – Mary, princess of Teck*
1,841 Edward VII, king of UK – Alexandra, princess of Danmark*
1,819 Victoria, queen of UK – Albrecht, prince of Sachsen*
1,767 Edward Augustus, duke of Kent – Viktoria, princess of Sachsen*
1,738 George III, king of Great Britain – Charlotte, princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz*
1,707 Frederick Louis, prince of Wales – Augusta, princess of Sachsen*
1,683 George II, king of Great Britain – Carolina, marquise of Brandenburg-Ansback*
1,660 George I, king of Great Britain – Sophie Dorothea, princess of …*
1,630 Sophie von der Pfalz – Ernst August von Hannover*
1,596 Elisabeth Stuart, princess of England – Friedrick V von der Pfalz*
1,566 James I, king of England – Anna, prinsesse til Danmark*
1,542 Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland – Henry Stewart, duke of Albany*
1,512 James V, king of Scotland – Marrie de Lorraine*
1,473 James IV, king of Scotland – Margareth Tudor, princess of England*
1,451 James III Stuart, king of Scotland – Margrethe, prinsesse til Danmark*
1,430 James II, Stuart, king of Scotland – Maria von Egmond*
1,399 Joan Beaufort – James I Stuart, king of Scotland
     The two last couple are yet in the genealogical sequence that I put at the end of the chapter 9 for king Charles II, king of England. As we can see, all spouse of these lineage got the * sign indicating they also are descendants of the kings of Iberian Peninsula. I didn’t followed all their ancestry but at the site portugal all of them got the blue ball indicating they are descendants of Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal.
     Following the descendence of queen Elizabeth II, the first wife of prince Charles, Lady Diana is descendant. And in the line for be consort queen of England, Catherine E. Middleton also is descendant of king Afonso Henriques.
     Meanwhile in United States, or Mexico, in 1,836 was proclaimed the Republic of Texas. Some authors say that, it was part of the expansionist plan from United States. Before it happen the American colonists were stimulated to move across the borders and establish themselves in Mexican lands. As Mexico had an immense territory, an scarse population and was unable to attract more people it made it vulnerable to such tactics. So the proclamation of Republic of Texas was manipulated by American politician.
     Doesn’t matter if it is only a theory of conspiracy. At the end the result were the same. What did happen for sure was that the president James K. Polk was an expansionist figure and pushed for the Annexation of Texas in 1,845. But Mexico considered Texas as its rebel province and it lead to the Mexican-American War which start on April 25, 1,846 and end on February 12, 1,848. Among the annexed territories after was the Alta California and New Mexico what established the borders at the Rio Grande. After it, United States paid 18 million dollars of compensation.
     American people wasn’t so trielled with the war with Mexico but the next chapter of American History let the unsatisfied without argument. Before even the end of the war, in January 24, 1,848 began the California Gold Rush. It lead to a immigrational movement without precedent in United States. The easy gold ended around 1,855 when 300,000 people from around the world had arrived there.
     Accordingly to a text in the Wikipedia, less than 4,000 had African Ancestry and came from the Southern States, Caribbean and Brazil. These mention let not clear if had more Brazilians, specially Caucasian. But probably yes because slavery wasn’t an abolished practice yet in Brazil. Although had many ex-slaves that had bought their freedom out of slavery.
     Is also not clear if those Brazilians stood in United States and maybe participated in the Wyoming Gold Rush that started in 1,871. If so, part of the people from both states and from others points of internal migration could expect have a little ancestry from Brazil, specially from Minas Gerais State where probably those Brazilian immigrants should come.
     Looks like coincidence but as the Civil War here in United States ended the War of Paraguay started at South America. As I said before, it occurred in consequence of the attempt of Solano Lopez to dominate the lands around the Prata River what could guarantee to Paraguay a free way to export its production. Since 1,811 the presidents in Paraguay had developed a different politic from the others Latino-American nations. They had opted for eradicate the illiteracy and invested in industrialization.
     Then, Solano Lopez start to use it to make a strong militarized nation. Some historians believe that, what was happening is that, the Paraguaian industry was competing with England’s. So England promised easy financial assistence to Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay and incited them go to war. But it doesn’t add so well. Firstly, Brazil and England didn’t had their diplomatic relationship restored yet.
     Otherwise, the Brazilians, Uruguaians and Argentines had to be dumb if they was just playing innocently in the English hands. And Solano Lopez had to be a saint, and the powerful army he had prepared wouldn’t be used to invade the lands around the Prata River Basin. The result of the war was devastating to Paraguay and its enemies. 80% of young men were killed in Paraguay. Its industries were lost. In the side of Uruguay, Argentine e Brazil they lost unaccountable number of male population too. After the war, Brazil had a tremendous bill to pay for it. And would be dumb from the part of England not to put on the table the possibility of Paraguay win the war.
     For sure, England was the only one to take advantage on it because was one competitor less in the world and received the dividend from the loans for the war. But also probably lost much more because the impoverishment of the region meant a small commerce around about. If England did something in a sense of induce the war, it was make dumb of itself in first place. But you never know how dumb the human mind can be. The entire chapter of colonialism is a “good” (or bad) example of it.
     Anyways what add to our common History here is the presence of Americans in Brazil. I think the emperor D. Pedro II must learned something from the Project Philadelphia. Despite the good example from Paraguay which had proved be possible work with the local population and develop the country, he start looking outside for colonists who would bring development to Brazil. And he made available lands and easy loans to all sort of Caucasians that Brazil could attract to there. To him, Brazil had a big problem. It was inhabited by too much dark skin people. And as a man from his time he believed that people of dark skin was not fit for development. In other words, he was kind of prejuditial person.
     And he offerred welcoming to the Confederate families which wanted migrate to Brazil after the lost in the Civil War. Around 1,500 families accepted the offerring and moved to there. Not everybody stood forever but a considerable number did. One good example was the senator from Alabama, William Hutchinson Norris. He not only did a good deal. After see the opportunities, he brought many members of his family. And they were responsible for the colonization of the cities of Santa Barbara d’Oeste and Americana, Sao Paulo State. Another is the engineer Clement Willmot who start a Cotton Mill which helped the success of the City of Americana.
     Probably the newcomers in Brazil from the Southern States felt very comfortable in that empire since the slavery wasn’t yet emancipated. Although not all the attempt to immigrate to Brazil were successful.
    In our days those cities steel keeping some traditions from the American Southern States. They have parades around the year that are touristic attractions. Even Americana is well known for have good teams of basketball which is not a common thing out of the great capitals in Brazil. By the way, the name Hutchinson have its representativity in the site of portugal but the senator William is not there yet. Hutchinson is part of the ancestry of Andrew Jackson.
     The American immigration to Brazil was just a minimal part of what occurred at that time. King D. Pedro II’s effort brought many Europeans offering the same deal. The Italians are probably the most notable presence after Portugueses. And the migration to there entered along with the XX century. At Brazilian south does exist many cities based on that migrations. One could went in Novo Hamburgo or Caxias do Sul and feel like be in Germany or Italy. The Asians and Middleasterns are also a visible presence in Brazil.
     Differently from United States, the emancipation in Brazil was a long process. I didn’t told about before but since the colonial times the slavers sought to make their own freedom. Many went to the wildness and established themselves in communities called “Quilombo”. One of those, the “Quilombo de Palmares”, was like a mini African nation and existed for some generations until it was conquered by the European colonists.
     At the time of the Brazilian Empire it became evident to some that slavery wasn’t in not way good for the businesses in general. But Brazil was dominated by a conservative minority that didn’t saw things so clear. Liberals like Theophilo Ottoni had made from the emancipation one of their goals since the 1,820s and slowly it was been picking up in the minds of commoners.
     England saw in it some opportunity and launched the decree of the Bill Aberdeen, which prohibit the traffic of Africans. But the Bill had the opposite effect of intensify the traffic since it wouldn’t be more available for the future. The Bill also fired back in England itself because part of the English public didn’t see the reason for England be involved in conflicts that had not their interests on it. The Bill Eusebio de Queiros complied with the Bill Aberdeen in Brazil and put an end to the traffic.
     Only in 1,871 was promulgated the law called “Ventre Livre” or “Freed Womb”. It meant that, all children born from slave mother was free from slavery. The particularity of these law was that it was a propousal from the dominant Conservative Party. They was preasured by the international market and in the allegation in favor the law was included the Brazilian image in the exterior. But behind the facade the Conservative Party which represented the agricultural oligarchy was fighting hard to prolong the slavery at the maximum.
     Since then one small number from urban origins and young people, specially students, start to fight for the emancipation. Many societies were founded to give back up to the idea. Abolitionists start organize secret and open societies to pay for emancipation or invade private properties to freed and hid slaves. Some slaves fled by themselves and the “Quilombos” multiplied. Poets like Castro Alves and the wiseman Rui Barbosa de Oliveira, also called by the nickname of Eagle of Haia, embraced the cause in a way that became hard to Conservatives imposed their will.
     One blow in the Conservative position came when the Army excused itself and refused to be used for aprehend the fugitives. At these time the Brazilian government intesified the promotions to attract more immigrants from Europeans countries, specially Italians, to be substitutes for slaves in the farms of coffe beans. But many rich farmers was treating the immigrants alike slaves and the agencies of immigration start to protect them against the abuse.
     Another blow came in 1,887 when was passed the “Lei do Sexagenario” or Bill of Sexagenarian. It meant that the slavery ended to all that was sixty or over or become sixty from then. So the slavery in Brazil was already in a path of end but the final blow came in May 13, 1,888. The emperor D. Pedro II was in Europe taking care of Brazilian business there and left his daughter, princess Isabel, as acting emperess and she signed the “Lei Aurea” or Aurea Bill which freed all slaves.
     Princess Isabel was a woman of the kind. She was abolitionist militant who helped many to hid. Although I didn’t take on the issue, Brazilian women wasn’t so submissive. With princess Isabel does exists many other examples of women that made History in Brazil but they are allways left behind in the official historical accounts. It is true for Bartira (Isabel Dias), D. Joaquina do Pompeu, D. Beja, Chica da Silva, Anita Garibaldi, Maria Quiteria and many others.
     The slavery was already in its path to end when princess Isabel signed it but the Conservative Party didn’t forgave the monarchs for her audacious move. The Liberals was already republicans, then conservatives just decided to adhere the Republican Parties and pushed the militar personel to lead the way to the Proclamation of Republic in Brazil. In November 15, 1,889 it was done.
     Interesting thing is that, the Brazilian Royal Family was exiled in Europe and had many Republican Clubs politically involved in the movement. And each one had its flag. So until wasn’t been decided how the Brazilian Flag would be the ship in what the Royal Family was transported navigated under a flag just like the American. The difference was that, the strips was green and yellow and the number of stars was 21.
     It can be visualized at the address among with many other ideas. The name of the country as a Republic couldn’t be more suggestive, Republic of the United States of Brazil. Only after May 28, 1,968 Brazil adopted a new name that reflected an autonomous identity and some animosity against the interferences from its partner from North America. Brazil became the Federative Republic of Brazil. And in other chapter I will give some reasons for the changing of relationship from all admiration to almost enemity.
     Brazil and Latino-America in general was legging behind in many aspects around the begining of the XX century. For example, in the Census of 1,900 the data indicates that, Brazil had only 17,438,434 inhabitants, in contrast with United States which already had 76,212,168. To make it worse, 75% of the Brazilian population was illiterated and its expectancy of life was only 33,4 years.
     In around the year 1,900 United States had cities like New York with almost 3.5, Chicago around 1.7, and Philadelphia with 1,193,697 inhabitants. At the same year in Brasil Rio de Janeiro had 275,000, Sao Paulo 240,000 and Salvador 206,000. Twenty years later, Rio de Janeiro counted 1,148,000, Sao Paulo 579,033 and Salvador had 283.422 inhabitants. Belo Horizonte which was a planned young city to be the State Capital of Minas Gerais had 55,563.
     After the Proclamation of the Republica in Brazil at 1,889 Brazil and United States start to construct a strange relationship. But the precedent come from something else. In 1,826 the hero Simon Bolivar who is called by the nickname of Father of Five Nations launched a proposal of a militar alliance and a Representative Congress for all American nations. The goal of Simon Bolivar was protect the young nations, then becoming independent,  against the European colonial interests. The idea weren’t fruitful in consequence of the desmemberment of the initial nations in smaller countries more interested in their own than on the collective.
     As we can’t expect otherwise, Bolivar had extense name of Simon Jose Antonio de la Santissima Trindade Bolivar Palacios y Blanco, el Libertador (the Liberator). And he also was descendant of the Iberian monarchs as one of his ancestry lineage shows.
1,783 Simon Bolivar – Maria Teresa Rodriguez del Toro
1,726 Juan Vicente Bolivar y Ponte – Maria de la Concepcion Palacios y Blanco*
1,665 Juan de Bolivar y Martinez de Villegas – Maria Petronilla de Ponte y Marin*
1,627 Luis de Bolivar y Rebolledo – Maria de Martinez de Villegas e Guevara*
         Antonio de Bolivar Y Diaz de Rojas – Leonor de Rebolledo y Maldonado de Almendariz
1,573 Beatriz Diaz de Rojas – Simon de Bolivar y Castro
         Ana Gomez de Aguero y Rojas – Alonso Diaz Moreno
         Ana de Rojas – Diego Gomes de Aguero
         Lazaro Vasquez de Rojas – Mariana de Rojas
         Juan de Rojas e Escobar – Aldonza de Ayala
         Alonso de Caceres y Escobar – Mariana de Rojas y Cervantes
         Mencia de Caceres y Solis – Diego Hernandez de Escobar
         Leonor de Noron(h)a – Diogo de Caceres y Solis
         D. Diego Henriquez – Beatriz de Guzman
1,365 D. Fernando Henriquez – Leonor Sarmiento
1,333 Enrique II, king of Castilla – Beatriz Fernandez de Angulo
1,311 Alfonso XI, king of Castilla – Leonor Nunez de Guzman*
1,290 D. Constanca, princess of Portugal – Fernando IV, king of Castilla*
1,261 D. Dinis, king of Portugal – Saint Isabel, princess of Aragon
     Bolivar gave the idea and the ideal but only in 1,889 the American States had meetings in Washington DC which established something concrete. Their goals was commercial, mutual defense and arbitrament of disputes between the American countries. The intial name for the entity was International Union of American Republics, later it became, Pan-American Union and finally, Organization of American States (OAS).
     Putting in practice what was hopeful between the two nations Brazilians and Northamericans signed the Treaty Blaine-Mendonca which gave access to Brazilian sugar and coffe and American wheat flour in preferencial conditions on its reciprocal markets. It happened in 1,891.
     The strange happening about the relationship between Brazil and United States came in the next year, although it started in the same year. As Brazil wasn’t prepared for be a republic, only in 1,891 it had an Assembly to aprove its first Republican Constitution. And was acting as president the old marshal Deodoro da Fonseca. And Fonseca was totally unable to negotiate anything with the new Assembly, so he renounced his position and open space to his vice, also marshal, Floriano Peixoto.
     In the Constitution previewed such situation and ordered that, a new election was supposed to happen no much longer than 2 years later. But in the come year of 1,894 Peixoto hadn’t taken any measurement to make the election happen. Some officials then sent him a letter demanding it. They were immediately imprisioned and it lead to what is known as “Revolta da Armada” or Naval Revolt.
     The leaders of the revolt were the admirals Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama, Eduardo Wandenkok and Custodio Jose de Melo. Some of their allies were monarchists which was comprehensible because if they wanted in any future day be back they had to pass through the constitutional means. And in a dictatorship it would be impossible. Lets though post some genealogical sequences for the admiral Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama.
1,846 Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama – Emilia Josefina de Melo
1,808 Jose de Saldanha da Gama – Maria Carolina Reis Barroso
1,773 Joao de Saldanha da Gama Melo Torres Guedes Brito – Maria Constanca de Saldanha Oliveira e Daun*
1,715 Manuel de Saldanha da Gama – Francisca Joana Josefa da Camara*
1,686 Joana Bernarda de Noronha e Lancastre – Joao de Saldanha da Gama*, 41th vice-roy of India
1,657 D. Mariana de Lancastre – Luis Cesar de Menezes*
1,620 D. Rodrigo de Lancastre – Ines Teresa de Noronha*
1,580 D. Lourenco de Lancastre – Ines de Noronha*
1,550 D. Joao de Lancastre – Paula da Silva*
1,505 D. Luis de Lancastre, 1st comendador-mor of Avis – Madalena de Granada
1,481 D. Jorge de Lancastre, 2nd duke of Coimbra – D. Beatriz de Vilhena*
1,455 D. Joao II, king of Portugal – Ana de Mendonca*
1,432 D. Afonso V, king of Portugal – D. Isabel, princess of Portugal*
1,391 D. Duarte, king of Portugal – Leonor, princess of Aragon*
1,357 D. Joao I, king of Portugal – Philippa de Lancaster, princess of England*
     I preferred to post these sequence and not other from the three that I checked because it shows something more about the genealogy which come from the Portuguese royal family. We can’t forget that, D. Joao I became king after the Crisis of 1,383 to 1,385.
     Contrary to everything we understand as respectfull to our Constitution here in United States the president Grover Cleveland authorized an American fleet, 80% of the Atlantic American Fleet at the time, to intervene in favor of the Brazilian dictator Floriano Peixoto. By the way, it became like a pattern of action from United States along the History of Latino-America. Under the allegation of protect the American interests. Also the banker Charles R. Flint helped those who was trespassing the laws of both countries.
     With the help of the Army and Brazilian National Guard the dictator Floriano Peixoto defended his position. The rebel force became isolated and the rebellion died out since the rest of the country wasn’t yet prepared to live in a democracy. Floriano Peixoto was called by the nickname of Marshal of Iron in reference to his dictatorial selfishness.
     Along the History of Americas the Union Pan-Americana had a preponderant disguise effect to what the relationship between the latinos and United States became. In the begining everybody wanted to be freed from European Colonialism and also from monarchies which was saw as a factor of delaying the development of the region. In principle the bind with United States was seen as a liberation from the formal colonialism.
     Only later it was dismissed as a hoax by many because United States took great advantage from the relationship as the others countries was not taken much more than itself back yard and not partners. For the Latino-American nations even today the feeling is that, as Brazilian use to say, “trocaram 6 por meia duzia” (changed 6 by half dozen). The colonialism stood on, only disguised itself in a apparently more palatable way. In some cases it was made worse. But it is History for later.
     By the way, the presidents Cleveland and Peixoto was equally descendants of the kings of Portugal but I didn’t look at their data beyond these information.
     Another problem in the relationship of the both countries came from the the question, Who invented the airplane. In our days it doesn’t looks like so much of issue but in the begining of the XX century it was central. As far as we know the man aerial transporter machine was first invented by the father Bartolomeu Lourenco de Gusmao. He was born in Brazil, Santos City, Sao Paulo State, in 1,685. And in his earlier age start design flying machines while at the seminary in Bahia State.
     He was a man of many inventions and moved to Portugal where served as priest for the courts. In 1,709 the king Joao V granted him a patent for his invention of a balloon. He did some demonstrations in public and in one of those the ignorant people began accuse him of witchcraft, crime which was punishable by death through the Inquisition. Desperated he destructed much of his writings and sought for safe heaven in England but while he stood in Toledo, Spain, sufferred a fever that lead to his death in 1,724.
     From there on the balloonism were slowly developed. The Americans used it at the Civil War to observe the enemy positions. Possibly, with the advise from some veteran from the American South immigrated to Brazil, the duke of Caxias used it at the Paraguay War. The use is registered in the books of History but is my supposition that Brazilians weren’t making regularly use of it until that war.
     In July 20, 1,873 was born in Minas Gerais State, in the City now called Santos-Dumont, the boy named Alberto. The city was renamed after his last name. He was raised by his rich Brazilian with Frensh ancestry father who owned a huge coffe bean farm. He had great interest in every machinary. Except for two youngest sisters the many children of Henrique Dumont, the father of Alberto, was born at the Minas Gerais State and then were raised at the Sao Paulo State. When Alberto de Santos-Dumont was 17 his father brought the family to Paris.
     As a contribution from our cousin Rogerio Alvarenga, who have his own site at the address,, without the www. The father was from Diamantina City and his mother from Ouro Preto City. (His paternal grandparents were French). Henrique Dumont, the father, was engineer, and one of his works is the bridge in Sabara City of the EFCB – Central Brazil Railroad.
     He studied all sort of disciplines and had read Jules Verne before his tenth anniversary. His favorite subject became since the earlier infancy flying machines. And in Paris, he learn how to fly balloons and start constructing his own ones. In 1,898 he invented the steerable ballon which is called dirigibles (drivables). In 1,901 he won a great prize for start flying 6,8 miles away, make a turn around the Eiffel Tower and back to the starting point. It made him famous in the entire world.
     After that he start on work to conquer the air, flying machines heavier than it as was called. The Federation Aeronautique Internationale had established some rules which defined what was the mean of fly a machine heavier than air and all inventors worked hard to comply with those rules. In 1,906 Santos-Dumont was able to assembly his 14-Bis aircraft and do the wanted flight.
     Americans had claimed in 1,903 the flight of the Wright brothers but it was never proved. Until now-a-days nobody were able to replicate the machine made by the Wright brothers and fly it. Even at the commemoration of the supposed 100 years of aviation in 2003 we hadn’t a flight to commemorate such machine. Although the flight of the 14-Bis was well documented by the Aero-Club de France. And in 2,006 a replica of the 14-Bis was shown flying on its commemoration of 100 years of aviation.
     Later on, the Wright brothers presented themselves in Paris, in 1,908, and really flied to the Frensh public. But anyways the doubt will be in favor of Santos-Dumont if his flight of 1,909 on the aircraft Libelule (Dragon Fly) be considered. Later he made a better model named Demoiselle (Miss) and gave its design for free to all nations. The importance of these is that, his last model had all resources to true flying. Even in our days most of the aircrafts still having something of his Demoiselle.
     The act of distribute his design had a reason. Santos-Dumond dreamed of his invention would make peace in the world. He thought that making easy the contact between different people only could bring peace to mankind. His illusion was short lived since the WWI broke out and his invention were largely used to do evil. His remorse was so large that he thought his life was worthless and became a depressed man.
     The final blow for him came when he witnessed brother killing brother in one Brazilian revolution with his invention. From that he just went his hotel room and hanged himself. It was July 23, 1,932, two days after his 59th anniversary.
     To Brazilians from older generations the claim of the Wright brothers as inventors of the avion is like to say that, the Olympics will be in 2,012 but someone else will do a good time in his modality of sport in 2,011. This someone will not show himself for the Olympics games but claim any of the medals based on his time. For them, the claim of the Wright brothers is baseless since they didn’t showed themselves up for the real ran.
     As I said, it is not much of an issue to average Brazilian but many other issues piled up during the History. More details anyone can look for the book, WINGS OF MADNESS, Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight, by Paul Hoffman or for its video version from Nova Look at the site, Like his predecessor, father Bartolomeu Lourenco de Gusmao, Santos-Dumont was also a man of many inventions. In Brazil and many other nations Santos-Dumont owned the title of “Father of Aviation”.
     Just something to remember. To Brazilians it is not a question of nationalism since for something be considered as scientifical it need to be replicated by others with the instructions of the author.
     At the same time, the next chapter of Brazilian History give a good idea in what the Brazilian society had become. The chapter is called by The Revolt of the Whip. The Brazilian Navy kept the old ways of punishment to the mariners untill 1,910. It was not seen as way of to correct the mistakes or errors made by the sailors but as an way to show them who was the boss through the humiliation.
     Another aspect was that, mostly of Brazilian sailors were black or mix races. But the officers was always white. Then the mariners began to plan a revolt to emancipate themselves from such nosense. But the plan went wrong because they decided to start in the next day when the officers of one ship would come from a meeting. And they came back earlier. The anticipation gave chance to one officer who reacted not accepting their demand that he should leave. Not only he denied to leave and probably he start to fight the mariners.
     In the fight the officer were killed and, in the sequence, similar situation ended in the death of two more officers. The revolt stood on for many days until the government agreed on to accept the demands from the sailors of lift the punishment by whip and amnesty to them. After the agreement the revolt ended but the conservatives in the Congress and newspapers start to provoke the feelings for vengeance.
     Through many false alarms the sailors began to feel afraid of loose the conquered rights. And with maneuvers of deception the officers drove the sailors to a new revolt. It gave the opportunity to the administration of the president Hermes Rodrigo da Fonseca decree Martial Law to persecute not only the sailor but also the political opposition that stood on the sailors side. More than two hundred were killed. Two thousand sailors were expelled. Some were even exiled in the Amazon Forest. Some executions are despicable.
     The lecture that the government and its conservatives partners was sending was that, Brazil was in a regimen of apartheid and the subordinate people had to know their place in the society. The country had an white economic elite that judged itself as genetically superior and any interpretation in contrary was like to defy the laws of nature.
     It is why when the emancipation came to Brazilians the elite sought for workers from European and Asian nations. The Black and mix races population wasn’t attended by schooling and had to accept be the lower hank level of society. Those who accepted such conditions had to do most of the hardwork and lower paid jobs. And only those who complied with such conditions were praised as person of good behavior.
     The prejudice in Brazil wasn’t something written in papers. It was put in the minds. The burden was so heavy that even Black people didn’t like to be Black. They felt ashamed by it. I remember one case that my father witnessed and used to talk about in our privacy. He knew a rarely case of Black man in his time of youth who always was saying that, “I am looking to marriage an white woman to clean up my race off.”
     He kept saying it for many times until another friend of both said to him, “You must remember that, to clean up your race off you will make the others dirty.” Still, he ended marriaging his white princess. We never meant to agree with them about the marriage be an way of clean up or make dirty anybody because the skin collor. I just want to point out here how mislead many people were in that particular time.
     The prejudice in Brazil was so crushing that had a saying that discribed it: “In Brazil the burden of law was made for three Ps. Poor, Prostitute and Black (Preto in Portuguese language). Although the prejudice affect the Black people in a sounded way it is equally directed against indians and the poor in general, whatever they racial classification will be. Only in the recent Brazilian History it is been issued and measurements have been taken to solve the problem but it is far way to be solved. The truth is like that, despite of the long time romanticized figures of the mulatos and caboclos.
     Around the begining of the century, 1,914, a curious link between Brazil and United States was made. The old style cowboy like, president Theodore Roosevelt went Brazil to cheer himself up because his own problems in United States. He was up to do something great and at the time had a river from the Amazon Basin that was unknown to the world outside. Then he set up to put it in the map. The River was called by the name of River of Doubt because at the Amazon Basin it was navigable and known. In the Brazilian Upland had another known part of the river but not one was sure if was or not the same. And had a vast unknown region in between.
     To assist him were named the colonel Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon an experient Brazilian naturalist. Rondon was himself descendant of native Brazilian and worked his entire life maping, establishing telegraphic lines and making contact with undescovered tribes of the immense unknown Brazilian Territory. In one of his contact he had been shot by a poisoned arrow and saved by the cover of his knife. Even so, he ordered his companions, “Morrer se preciso for, matar nunca” (Die if needed, never kill).
     Despite of his cowboy knowledge, Theodore Roosevelt didn’t had a minor idea of what he was about to do. But he assumed that, it wouldn’t be different from take the first office in United States or bossing around in an American farm. Contraried Rondon had a bad time because the ways of Roosevelt wasn’t the way of be safe in the jungle. And they faced unnecessary dangers like, shortage of supplies, inadequated ways of navigation and even death of helpers.
     The arrogance of the president were politely forgave by the Brazilian hero. Marshal (title at the time of his death) Rondon accomplished an almost impossible mission. He was named to care for the safety and bring back Roosevelt alive and he did it, despite of many difficulties such as deseases and ferocious unknown tribes that could be around. But the president didn’t scape from contract some tropical deseases. And he died 5 years later back in United States.
     For the accomplishment of the mission the Doubt River were named after the last name of the president. A Rio Grande size river in the Amazon Basin is now known as Roosevelt River.
     Marshal Rondon had much to live then. He died at 93 years old in 1,958, the year of my birth. He was responsible for the creation of the “Servico de Protecao ao Indio” (Indians Protection Service Institute). He help create many reservations since without it the other Brazilians would keep invading and taken lands from the indigenous people. After his death the system of protection didn’t work well because of the negligence of Brazilians government.
     He also were indicated to the Peace Nobel Prize but not laureated. Then a good size of peace of land were emancipated to become the progressive State of Rondonia in his homage.
     The period between 1,889 to 1,930 is called “Republica Velha” (Elderly or Old Republic). In Portuguese language it doesn’t mean only an old aged republic but something linked to the old system. Even it not living long enough to be really called old. It was decrepit since was born.
     The system was dominated by two of the most powerful Brazilian States at the time, Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. The Republic is also called “Coffe n’ Milk”. It is a reference on the main products on its economy were seat. In resume was the power from the old monarchist elites that was trying to keep the power for themselves. Minas Gerais was the most populous State and began its career as the richest one.
     The electoral system was like “so para ingles ver” (only for Englishman to see) as Brazilians say. Just a tiny percentage of people could vote and had to declare it because wasn’t secret. It was when the “Coronelismo” (the roll of the colonels) ruled Brazil. They control their “Grotoes” which elected representants. The representants elected the governors and then the president. Sustaining such system was always the Army which became a decisive fourty branch in the government. Often the militars were governors themselves.
     In this period Europe and the Turkish Ottoman Empire was in upheaval and it sent waves of immigrants to the Americas. In Brazil they went mainly to the southern states such as Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana and Sao Paulo. They came in more numbers from Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain and also Middle East and Japan. But they also went others states. A small idea from that wave is given by the information that, Brazil is the place where the biggest Japanese population live outside Japan.
     Among these population some were trade unionists, anarchists, socialists or communists. At the time Brazil also increased its potential industries which also increased the urbanization. Small and medium size cities start to get bigger and the demand for better social conditions gave place to a more reinvindicatory society. But the conservative Brazilian government became more restrictive and dictatorial oriented.
     One example of the situation was the administration of the president Arthur da Silva Bernardes. He had to administrate under the Emergency Law. But he had good relationship with United States. One of his accomplishments was the foundation of the “Universidade Federal de Vicosa”. Vicosa City, Minas Gerais State, is his birth place and he envited the American professor P. H. Rolphs to assist him in these task. It is the place were I went to have my college degree.
     In 1,922 the young Brazilian artist created the “Semana da Arte Moderna” (Modern Arts Week). The exposition of their arts had the intention to break the conservativism dominant in Brazil. They were criticized by the old artists like Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato. But their seeds slowly through the decades became fruitful. Some of them are now famous even outside Brazil.
     Some of the names which became more famous was, Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Mario Raul de Morais de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade Souza, Anita Malfatti, Menotti del Picchia, Sergio Milliet, Jose Pereira da Graca Aranha, Guilherme de Andrade Almeida, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Guiomar Novais. The Modern Arts Week didn’t made a strong impact in the Brazilian society but gave the idea to young artists to iniciate a Brazilian cultural independence. Before it in almost all areas of arts, Brazilian artists just played Follow the Leader and it meant, whatever came from outside.
     One of the artist who detached from the others in a bad way was Plinio Salgado. He later became a politician with Fascist orientation. He leadered the movement called “Integralismo” (from integral) which gave support to the coming dictatorship.
     Lets post some genealogical sequence for three of the Brazilian intellectuals from that time.
1,893 Mario Raul Morais de Andrade (Mario de Andrade)
         Maria Luisa Leite de Morais – Carlos Augusto de Andrade
1,834 Joaquim de Almeida Leite Morais – Ana Francisca de Almeida
1,796 Joaquim de Almeida Leite Morais – Isabel Rodrigues da Silva
         Manuel Jose Leite de Morais – Maria Luisa de Almeida*
         Tomas Correia de Morais – Isabel de Anhaya Leite*
         Francisco Correia de Morais – Ines Monteiro Carneiro
         Simao Correia de Lemos Morais – Izabel da Silva Pinto*
         Maria de Morais – Francisco Correia de Lemos
         Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais – Vittore Antonio de Castronuovo
         Jose Godoi Colaco – Ana Pires Ribeiro
         Gaspar de Godoy Colaco – 1,652 Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais
         Eufemia da Costa Mota – Joao de Godoy Moreira
         Atanasio da Mota – Luzia Machado
         Felipa Gomes da Costa – Vasco Pires da Mota
         Isabel Lopes de Sousa – Estevao Gomes da Costa
1,490 Martim Afonso de Sousa, governor of India – Unknown wife
1,460 Lopo de Sousa, lord of Prado – Brites de Albuquerque*
1,425 Pedro de Sousa, lord of Prado – Maria Pinheiro
1,385 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes da Tavora
1,341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Aldonca Rodrigues de Sa
1,320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel*
1,280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (ou de Sousa)
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana (renamed Mor Afonso)
     From Gaspar de Godoy Colaco and Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais these sequence were already presented for the poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade. I anticipated his genealogy before when I took on the genealogy of Martim Afonso de Sousa, governor of India, who also were the first general governor of Brazil, at the chapter 09. I repeated here just to make easier to the readers.
1,890 Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza  (Oswald de Andrade) – Tarcila do Amaral* (2nd wife)
         Jose Oswald Nogueira de Andrade – Ines Henriqueta Ingles de Sousa
         Antonia Eugenia Nogueira – Hipolito Jose de Andrade
         Antonio Gomes Nogueira Cobra – Maria Custodia de Meireles Freire
         Caetana Nogueira de Lemos – Domingos Rodrigues Cobra
         Joana Nogueira do Prado Leme – Joao Gomes de Lemos
1,690 Maria de Leme do Prado – Tome Rodrigues Nogueira do O
1,667 Antonio da Rocha Leme – Antonia Leme do Prado*
         Maria Leme Bicudo – Cornelio da Rocha
         Thomasia Ribeiro de Alvarenga – Francisco Bicudo de Brito
         Luzia de Leme – Francisco de Alvarenga*
         Aleixo Leme – Ines Dias
1,568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     From these point we got back to the genealogical sequence for the “bandeirante”, Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Pedro Leme was his greatgrandfather with another wife named, Izabel Paes. He also is at the chapter 09. The name of the second wife of Oswald de Souza, Tarsila do Amaral, also is a myth for the Brazilian arts. She participated on the show of arts in Sao Paulo. Lets see some genealogical sequence for her.
1,886 Tarsila do Amaral – Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza*
         Jose Estanislau do Amaral – Lidia Dias de Aguiar*
         Jose Estanislau do Amaral Campos, o milionario – Teresa de Jesus Aguirre
         Estanislau do Amaral Campos – Ana Leoniza de Camargo
         Estanislau Jose de Abreu – Ana do Amaral Campos
         Jeronimo de Almeida de Abreu – Leonarda de Moura
         Antonio Proenca de Abreu – Francisca de Almeida*
         Maria Bicudo de Brito – Paulo Proenca de Abreu
         Ana Ribeiro – Joao Bicudo de Brito
         Francisco de Alvarenga – Luzia de Leme*
     Again, here repeat the same couple present at the genealogical sequence for Oswald de Andrade Souza above.
     The Old Republic ended with the turmoil which Brazil was involved in. The social and political unsatisfactions, the Crash of the Stocks in New York and the ambition for the power from certain sector of Brazilian Society, namely the militar personel, lead to a coup d’ etat that start with the raising of Getulio Dorneles Vargas as president and end with him as dictator, throughout the next 15 years.
     The dictatorial regimen was ambiguous in nature. Getulio Vargas was a civilian with back up from the militar personnel. As usual, persecuted his opponents, particularly the intellectuals. Through his dungeons passed personalities such as the writers Graciliano Ramos, Rachel de Queiroz and even Jose Bento de Monteiro Lobato. Getulio Vargas was populist on one face and elitist on another. For that he gainned the nickname of “Father of the Poor and Mother of the Rich.”
    During his administration broke up the polemic about the petroleum in Brazil. It was discovered at the Bahia State and he were accused of do nothing, “not explore and not let others to explore”. It was the reason that the nationalist Monteiro Lobato was taken to prison. His policies had a nationalistic orientation but much of it was scenery to propagate his popularity.
     Minas Gerais State and its population have more on to dislike than like the dictator. As the market plunged in the world by the Stocks Crash, Brazil sufferred the most since its economy was based on exportation of raw material and agricultural products. Then the way his administration faced the problem was order the end of production of coffe bean and sugar in that State. So he privileged the southern States specially Sao Paulo.
     Getulio Vargas also created the universal health program and start the taxation on the employees payments. With the money he were able to increase the Brazilian industrialization. He is responsible for the creation of the Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN) (National Siderurgicial (steel) Company at the Rio de Janeiro State. What would be curious about it is that, all the raw material was produced at the Minas Gerais State and exported to be industrialized.
     The whole Brazil sufferred with the worldwide depression before and during the WWII. But Minas Gerais State had a bigger share on it because it was left behind of the industrialization process. The States of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were largely benefited. And the crescent population of Minas Gerais was pushed toward migration to the last pristine areas in there or to the privileged States. Sao Paulo became populational and economically the number one with a large advantage. Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais have been sharing the second place in alternated positions along the time.
     The 1,940s were some kind of decade. We had a government alined with the European dictators such as Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Salazar (Portugal). In their propaganda also had something else in common. They had to have an excuse to keep the power and initially the scape goat was the Communism. But what was the reason for the Communism be such a terrible thing? Just what always will be, the totalitarism.
     The totalitarism comes when a small group of people think that “everybody is equal before the law, but some are more equal than others.” And those more equal are them, the Illuminated. Not without reason I used the word here, it start with ill as from illness. The ones who know better than yourself what is good for you and everybody else, even themselves. Then they starts doing incomprehensive things like “kill others that don’t understand what is good for themselves”.
     In the upheaval that Brazil was engulfed at the 1,920 and 1,930s some people start to look the Communism as understandable alternative to solve all problems. The leader of the movement was Luiz Carlos Prestes who had born in 1,898 and was orphan at the age 10 and turned out his initial difficulties through the military career. He was exiled to Russia where he marriaged a german born, Olga Benario, who was Jew also.
     After a failled attempt to taken the power in Brazil, fact known as “Intentona Comunista” (Communist Intentish), the couple was jailed and Olga Benario, at her seventh month of pregnancy, was extradicted to the Nazi Germany where she was killed in the gas chamber. Before it, she gave birth to her daughter, Anita Leocadia. Prestes never sought revenge for his set backs in life and kept his ideals and rich biography until his death in 1,990.
     I used this fact just to illustrate how bad a dictotorship can be even when the people is mislead by the impression that some dictators are not so bad. And the madness of Getulio Vargas is shown at the next step of Brazilian History. The WWII was going on and he was reluctantly into choose the side to go. Brazilian people was aware that the Axes wouldn’t be solution and became in a crescendo of impatience with him. His concerns about choose a side probably had more something to do with his own position than know what was the right decision. If the allies privailled he knew the opposition wouldn’t allow him to stay in power as dictator as it really happened.
     The dictatorship of Getulio Vargas is called “Estado Novo” (New State) which had no much of new. Was the old fashion elite trying to keep its power against the majority of the people. As had been, since the begining in 1,500, the History in Brazil was the same. A few people got most of the riches and the rest had not choice but be around as satelite. And the system had been working in favor of the elites until the bigger number of immigrants came in, the cities got bigger and bigger and start to form a more educated and demanding middle class.
     When the Brazilian population was limited and everybody had some known kinship with the others, the Catholic godfatherhood worked well because you could be poor but one of your youngs was godchild of the colonels around and it guarantees your small share of benefits from the society and your loyalty to the bosses around. Was a non written contract that worked most of the time.
     But in a bigger city and more conscious society, where the kinship is more volatile, the people want more monetary independence. If you work, not matter what you do, you expect to be able to provide for your family as you please not only a limited what the bosses allow you to do so. And using such expectation Getulio Vargas created the minimum wage in Brazil but most of the population lived on the countriside and their wages was just a fraction.
     The demanding for fairness became to much intense for the slow minded conservative in Brazil. They thought everything was a plot from the immigrants and the first reaction was to limit the numbers of newcomers. Brazil adopted a system of quote for each country which ones traditionally sent immigrants to there. And it helped on to keep the country in a left behind state because the forces of the inconsequent conservatism stood in power more longer. Curiously, every opinion against such forces was taken as from communists or communists ideas and many, such the writer Rachel de Queiroz, were imprisioned under the false accusation of be one of them.
     Also, because the population in the cities were better assisted in relationship to schooling, health, security and better waged jobs the great migration toward the cities began. Although it is accelerated at the 1,960s and 1,970s. The slums (Favelas) that appear in Brazilian History at the end of the XIX century, with the emancipation of slaves that was freed but hadn’t not where to go because was totally abandoned by the society, sprout large. Some became cities inside the city. And more and more people fell in the vicious cycle of poverty.
     Going back to our point, the Second World War was going on and until 1,942 Getulio Vargas hadn’t decided which way to go. He was managing to let Brazil be neutral, although in the field of diplomacy some diplomats allowed the faking of passaports to save some of the persecuted by the Nazis, specially Jews.
     The neutral Brazil had a set back from 1,941 on. As United States went the war and the Americans nations had the agreement on defend each other against alien aggressions the people start pressing the government on to decide. Brazil was the primary source of raw materials needed by United States for keep its bellicose industry. And Minas Gerais State was the “gold mine” for such materials.
     At these point is the best time to watch the video that I mention before, at the address, Although the video is dated from 1,948 it point out the importance of the Minas Gerais State as supplier of the most sensitive raw materials during the war. The video presents a glimpse of the ex-mayor and then future president of Brazil, Dr. Juscelino Kubistchek. He was born in Diamantina and through his grandma, Joaquina Coelho, our cousin.
     Already United States was at war and Brazil was just half way of it. Brazil wasn’t legally at war but was sending vital raw material which was been transformed in the American Power of Fire and secret weapons. In a short space of time 19 Brazilian civilian ships were torpedoed. Hundreds of lives were lost. And the preasure to enter the war in the side of the allies became to much to be ignored by the dictotorship. It was done since August, 1,942.
     Is a theory of conspiracy that say the Americans and not the Germans did it and since nobody saw who did presumably would be the Germans. The theorists have their point because was the Germans interest that Brazil stood neutral and, if they had done, the answer should be only against them. In other hand the Americans needed desperatedly Brazil on its side. Among the lines of the theory is said that, Americans invaded the shores of the Region Northeast, specially Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State, where a big airship base were created and from there the shipment of weapons and men turned possible the invasion of North Africa and the expelling of German forces.
     I remember here that I am not taking about these suspicion as truth. I am talking about because doesn’t matter if is true or not. What matter is that some people believe in it and it is part of the reasons that does exists some feeling against Americans in part of Brazilian population.
     In my point of view, if Americans had entered Brazil without permition even before it decided which side to be part on, they did a very stupid step. If anybody look at the map shall see how strategic Natal City was in that operation because was the shortest distance between Africa and Americas. But in another hand, if Brazilians had decided to join forces with the Axes the Americans would be easely bitten by Germans and their submarines at sea and by combine forces by land.
     I am very awared that, Brazil didn’t have a combat force in a level to confront United States but if had assistence from Germany, one Army would be quickly trained, taken the advantage of numbers and the nationalism which would play a dangerous roll in the conflit. But I was born there just 13 years after the war ended and I know the feelings at the time was totally against the Nazes. Getulio Vargas wasn’t yet prepared to suicide and if he had choose the other way he would engulf Brazil in a sea of blood.
     Brazil entered the war but with a minimal combat force. It mobilized thousands more to do others tasks such as enter the Amazon Forest to produce more latex which was intensily needed for the efforts of war. And the small number of Brazilians direct involved in the war is reflected by the statistics. Brazil lost only around 1,500 militars. But the small Expeditionary Force became vital on the taken of Monte Castelo and Monte Cassino, in Italy.
     Strangely, usually in my overheardings of some American documentaries about the WWII and the participation of Brazil in that war is totally ignored. Even for the forces of combat neither the bases that support the operations in North Africa. Is like to mention it is a tabut. Although some years ago I new an American Veteran who served in Brazil and he mention that he liked Brazil very much. But at that particular time I had much more difficult to understand the English language and I didn’t got more informations from him.
     I must remember two of my relatives veterans in that war since I am writing it today, November 11, 2011, Veterans Day in United States. One of them, Felix de Aguiar Coelho, fought in Italy. From him we have the mention that, as a native born in Virginopolis, go to church was a fundamental issue. Sometimes we joke about it saying that, if you need to meet somebody from Virginopolis go to any church because you might find someone there.
     And he went some church in Italy and invited his brothers-in-arms to go with him. They joke about his devotion and stood outside. When he was praying heard explosions and he went to verify what was going on and an aerial surprise attack had killed his companions. I didn’t knew him closely, at least I don’t remember know him, but I heard something about he became anguished. Probably was PTSD (Pos-traumatic Stress Disorder) but nobody new nothing about it at the time.
     The other veteran in the family was my funniest uncle, Otacilio de M. Barbalho. He was called and prepared to go. Who became anguished about it was his mother Dindinha (godmother) Zulmira. She also went the church to talk to father Felix Natalicio de Aguiar who was the parish priest at the time (or David de Alcantara Miranda who is regarded as saint, I am not sure) and the old father just said to her: “Don’t worry, the war will end before he went Italy.” And when uncle Otacilio was in the ship, at the Brazilian Northeast Coast it really happen. But he became a double hero too.
     Firstly because in the voyage they encountered a bad weather situation. And one of his companions was thrown in the agitated waters not knowing how to swim. The old uncle got after him and saved his life. When he went back home all veterans (ex-combatentes in Portuguese language) gainned many privileges such as free college for their children, free health insurance, and many others. The humble uncle never used such rights because to him he had done nothing to worth it. He died in a modestly existence and his children sttrugled to avoid poverty. By the way, some of them immigrated to United States.
     Is an account about a crazy Brazilian soldier that sometimes decided to rob the German storage of food. It must be true because was commented by our older folks and is even recorded in old newspapers. He did it just for fun and ditching enemies bullets. Always at launch time and always for a bottle of wine. The scene got its version at The Three Musketeers movie. But I can’t say for sure if the life copied the arts or the arts copied the life.
     But what was most important to my remembrances of our common History was the construction of one road. It is called Rio-Bahia and is also numbered as Br 116. It were done in a blink of eye. And as the name say is a link between the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, Bahia State. What is important about it is that, the road were a great effort from Americans and Brazilians who needed a safely way to transport some strategic raw material, specially mica.
     Mica is a mineral which in its constitution looks like a transparent peace of carboard. It is also light weighted and was used in all electronic instrument in that time. Its occurrence is abundant at the Governador Valadares City region. Sometime you find it coming out from the soil without asking for it. At the video above mentioned you can see how it was manufactured at the time if you are not old enough to remember it been used in radios, televisions and others.
     Even today mica is used to cover the body of the space shuttle with the purpose of isolate it against the friction of the air on its reentry to the earth’s atmosphere. Without it maybe we wouldn’t have the same space program we do.
     The region of Governador Valadares City practically were rediscovered when the road was done. Coincidently the road is also a link to Philadelphia, the city founded by Theophilo Benedicto Ottoni which now is renamed after him. The old relatives on my family used to say that, when the tractors was cutting the earth to make the road the people went walking along and gathering precious and semi-precious gems of which the entire valley is rich.
     Such riches is so visible that even in our days the around about the two cities kept known as capitals of gems in Brazil. They had International Fairs to market it. Governador Valadares were the first one to have it but it was transferred to Belo Horizonte because was easier for the international public be there. And one of my uncles, who still living there, joked about it saying, “Valadares wanted give a “pum” bigger than the bum”. As it was to small to have such importance.
     The road was constructed for safety reasons because the transportation of sensitive materials by sea could be intercepted by German submarines. But also served to Americans learn about the natural riches Minas Gerais had to offer on that side of the State. For some decades after it the exploration of noble wood was kept until its almost extinction.
     Governador Valadares City became known as City of Millsaw. And such riches was sent abroad in the cheapiest price ever. A preco de banana (By the price of banana) as Brazilians use to say. The people at the time didn’t really knew how it was been cheated. Men repeated History, like the native Brazilians had gave up their forests for peddlery. But the city was inflated with people in a velocity rarely saw in History. From 5.000 in 1,940 it became a stronghood for more than 300,000 at 1,970s. Was the fastes growth in Brazil then.
     So the war ended in August of 1,945 with the first ever atomic attacks against people. More than a quarter of million people was killed in two stricks against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now we need to do a meditation about it. It is important because later I want give some answer to the questioning, Why the people outside hate Americans? So I don’t think the question pass on by such simploton asking. But it pile up among hundreds of reasons. And two of them I will present now.
     Firstly, since after the end of the WWII United States government have been deceiving itself. In Brazil the people use to say that when somebody make a mistake, “Nao explica porque complica” (Don’t try to explain because you make it worse). All historical records have been written or spoken explaining that, The deployment of the two atomic bombs was carefully considered and it was done only because otherwise the corporal fight would cost millions of lives.
     Yes! It would be possible if Japanese people was kept unawared about what Americans had at hand. But the usual procedure when you are struggling with someone supposed in a inferior position is try to send a message of warning before do the shot to kill. In every movie you see the sheriffs giving a shot through the air before be treacherously attacked by the bad guys and only then they do the final action. In this case become unexplainable why the bombs were deploied before the warning.
     I am not talking about panphlets launched by airplanes. Since the Japonese didn’t knew what Americans had at hand and the atomic bomb was unknown to everybody else except for Americans themselves, a bomb could be deploied in a less letal place, at least less to the knowledge even of Americans, such as the Mount Fiji as a clear and comprehensive warning. It would melt the eternal snow and would send a terrific message without been necessarily terrorizing.
     What our government have been saying since then, that was necessary to avoid the worse, is been accepted by the American public as a reasonable sacrifice to end the war but we have to admit it, what appear to be reasonable to some can be totally barbaric to others. So the idea of good Samarithan that Americans have from themselves may be not acceptable to them who are not American.
     Usually, in the movies and in the American media we have these kind of selfishness on to think that we are trying to do the best to us and the world. And some of us feel like offended when one outsider say, it is the opposite. Sometimes we used the gruesome images after the war of the guetoes for propaganda of our self given title of liberators but we forget that, inside home the Americans was responsible for one kind of apartheid and even today its effects are been felt.
     So, I must repeat that, Devagar com o andor porque o santo eh de barro (Slow down the stand because the saint is cast of clay). If we don’t do so the image of arrongant that the world got from Americans will never fade away. And it is dipply important to save the country from the crisis we are living on now and is fundamental for our children have a future to be proud of. When we advance more on the issue of the present book I will clear up it in more details.
     Yet from these period we also have a failled attemp of Henry Ford to produce latex in the Amazon Basin. A big amount of land at the Para State was given to his Brazilian subsidiary Ford Company. He planned to extract natural latex from the Amazonian tree, Seringueira. For that the company invested and founded two cities, Fordlandia and Belterra. But the Americans didn’t had any experience on agricultural technics for such challenging enviroment.
    Since its begining at 1,927 the project was doomed to fail. At its end in 1,945 the technology to produce tires from synthetic latex, based in petroleum, was available and Henry Ford II decided to end the project. The Brazilian government indemnified the Ford Group for the constructions and plantations and ended these wishful thinking of Henry Ford.
     Before I go to the issue I need to talk about some happening in my life, about twenty years ago. This revelation will be chocking to some sensitive souls but I proposed myself to say just the truth. So I can’t walk away from it.
     I remember how shocking were the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. It was happen in January 28, 1,986, when I lived in Brazil and hadn’t intention to come in to United States. The death of the others astronauts was already a sad lost but the death of the teacher Christa MacAuliffe doubled the sadness. She were sent to the mission because it was supposed to raised the children’s interests for sciences. And the explosion otherwise ended in a set back to these intention.
     But what gave me more surprise about it came months or some years later. I don’t remember exactly. We was having a meeting as always we do in family. For occasion of every holiday, members of the family which lived in others cities such as Paracatu, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Governador Valadares and others, use to gather at our birth place, Virginopolis. And our meetings are always noisy and feastful.
     Sometimes, those meetings gather more than 100 close relatives. And if is done in times like Carnival and holidays of the end of the year the people have no time to talk to everybody and can’t even see the less close relatives. It looks like one of my uncles defined one time. He said: “We have two pleasures in our meetings. One to see you again and another for see you going back to your place.”
     But the shocking part of my narration happened when some female cousin mentioned the accident saying how sad it was. And one of our male cousins immediately rebuked her saying that: “I laugh, laugh and laugh. And even today as you was remembering and now I can’t restrain myself from give good laughs!” And he start giggling in a frenetic way. “But, – our female cousin remembered him – they was human beings!” The male cousin, incapable of restrain all the giggle argumented, “I know, I know, but was Americans!”
     Everyone in the room was looking at each other in disbelieve. Nobody wanted to take any further word about it. Somebody managed to move away from the subject. And the American reader could ask, The guy is crazy or a radical leftist or yet from some extreme right side of politics? And I can guarantee to anyone, he is just a regular guy, good behavior, not formally linked to any stream of politics although having his own opinions, polite and warming personality.
     And it is something that make our puzzle much more difficult to decipher. One thing I can assure everyone is that, he was never in direct contact to Americans others than Brazilian naturalized or some American born from Brazilian immigrants. So his hatred didn’t came from any bad direct action against himself. It must came from the roll of informations that he gathered along his own History of life. But what puzzles is that, his roll of informations wasn’t different from what the others present knew. I think his reaction was linked to some individual difference in processing informations.
     Everyone of us had disagreements with American policies in some issues. But it is absolutely normal and acceptable. Even Americans from birth, through many generations, must have some or many disagreement between themselves and it is salutary because the disagreements creates awareness of differences. And to be civilized is to have the ability of conciliate the differences. And, is know the time for concessions and the time for stop any kind of abuse.
     The reaction of our male cousin exceeded everything in our domain. To characterize it as jealousy is the same as to give a diagnosis without even see the patient or know his or her condition. But what I will talk in these chapter may give us some idea of what happened in our common History that made a small percentage of Brazilians and peoples from the rest of the world loose all the respect for United States and Americans alike. Lets try to explain something though.
     Just after the WWII the world was amazed for everything United States was doing. The reconstruction of Europe through the Marshal Plan, how it managed to administer Japan and put it back on its own feet. When the others industrialized countries was trying to regain its normal way of life, the American big corporations multiplied its subsidiaries around the world apparently bring development to intermediary countries. The end of that war and the quick development of the worldwide economy sent a great wave of optimism never saw before.
     Brazilians were contaminated by these optimism. For the enjoyment of the opposition to the dictatorship of Getulio Vargas he were deprived from the power and exiled on his farm at his birth place in the Rio Grande do Sul State. Jose Linhares, who is one of the offspring from the kings of Portugal, acted as president until the elections came and it is when Eurico Gaspar Dutra were elected. The motto of his administration was: “To administer is to construct roads”.
     It was based on the American example but also was missunderstood in Brazil. From there on Brazilian administrations focused only in the construction of roadways even for long distance transport of any merchandise. Along the next 40 years after the WWII or so some of the railroad and waterways were disactivated. It made the industry of transportation in Brazil one of the most dangerous and expensive in the world. Some of the Brazilian products are the cheapest on its begining and become hard to sale at the ports. But those are consequences which are felt even today and it is an issue for other part of my narration.
     The industry of cinema in United States was consumed in Brazil like the most essential product. It was so influential that Brazilians tried to copy and even made some productions that was some kind of likeness of its image. The main actors in Hollywood was seen like gods. Much more idolized than any superstar of today.
     These love for the American culture generated, some time later, the saying from a Brazilian politician, “What is good for United States is good to Brazil.” I can’t say for sure who said it because are too much catch phrases around the History and usually it is created by somebody else until a politician take it as his or her own. But it became so inappropriate at the income time that I think nobody wanted to assume its creation.
     After the administration of Eurico Gaspar Dutra Brazilians were up to elect their new president and ended in a no surprise election of the old dictator now presented as democratic. Getulio Vargas managed to come back. Now he was wrapt in a nationalistic form. The country became divided into two main factions. The conservatives these time aligned themselves with United States and by defending a totally opened market to American interests they were called by the name of “Entreguistas” which means Hand Overs.
     This administration of Getulio Vargas was clearly monopolistic of Brazilian natural resources and his biggest deed on it was the creation of Petrobras Company. It is a State run company of petroleum, now one of the biggest in the world on its genre. By the truth, the creation have a long History before the creation and Getulio Vargas was never in it before his second administration.
     A group of nationalists, many with the military background, created a commission for study and deliver the issue. It had a massive approuval from the population which were gathered in a campaign called “O Petroleo eh Nosso”, or The Petroleum is Our. These motto even came from other person but were incorporated as from Vargas himself. So the Petrobras was created on his watch.
     And he took advantage from the nationalistic populism of the time to also create the Eletrobras, now another gigantic company, with the intention of monopolize the exploration of the immense hydroelectric potential in Brazil. Hydroelectrics are the main source of electric energy in Brazil thanks to the abundance of rivers and waterfalls.
     Just to remember, I told before that, during his dictatorship Getulio Vargas has sent the writer Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato to his dungeons exactly for the criticism of Lobato because the dictatorship didn’t explore the petroleum and let not one else to explore. And the author was one of the main nationalists leaders then.
     For the others readers not Brazilians, Monteiro Lobato was a prolific author, comparable to Walt Disney. Older than the American personality and been a Brazilian writer, he didn’t have the same opportunity to show to the world his production. After his death the Brazilian television produced shows with his characters and made awsome points among the children spectators. I was more moved to read his books than watch it on tv.
      Now-a-days his production had been censured because some prejudicial contents. We need to address it in a cautious interpretation because he wrote in a time that the prejudice wasn’t conscious. The same revisionism have been taken here in United States against the work of Mark Twain. The use of some words that became chacterized as prejudicial now was taken as regular in their times. The people from older times just believed in that, some people was really superior to others by birth and thought it was natural and was determined by God. They were totally wrong in their assumptions but it doesn’t mean that they did it by pure malice.
     I got some genealogical sequence for Monteiro Lobato. See it now.
1,882 Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato – Maria Pureza de Castro da Natividade
         Jose Bento Marcondes Lobato – Olimpia Augusta Monteiro
         Maria Antonia Marcondes Machado – Jose dos Reis Lobato
         Clara Francisca do Amaral – Jose Machado da Silva
         Ana Isabel de Andrade – Domingos Marcondes do Amaral
         Bernardina Correia de Freitas – Luis Fernandes da Costa
         Sebastiao Ferreira Albernaz – Isabel de Castilho*
         Sebastiao de Freitas Cardoso – Isabel de Faria Albernaz
         Sebastiao de Freitas – Maria Fragoso
         Antonio Pedroso de Freitas – Clara Parente
         Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Ana Ribeiro
     From these point we can get back to the genealogical sequence for Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza. Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga and Ana Ribeiro are also parents for Francisco de Alvarenga who appear marriaged to Luzia Leme on Souza’s sequence.
     But the second administration of Getulio Dorneles Vargas ended in a tragic way. His nationalistic positions lead to a fearsome opposition from the “Entreguistas” (Hand Overs). Those was clearly supported by American interests represented by the big corporations willing to take advantages from the Brazilian market. And those interests was utterly defended by the jornalist Carlos Frederico Werneck de Lacerda. The criticism from Lacerda lead to a outrageous reaction from the bodyguard of Vargas who plot to kill the jornalist. Mistakenly the Major Rubens Vaz was killed in a fact known as “Assassination at the Toneleros Street”.
     Cornered by those facts, Vargas committed suicide and left a Testament Letter that just point out the external intervention on Brazilian interests. He didn’t identified anyone but was clear on what he was talking about. In reallity, his second administration was not going so well and he wasn’t able to do it under extreme pression.
     I may be criticized back in Brazil for those words about Getulio Vargas. Recently I watched a show at the Book Channel and an historian was talking about his book about president Abraham Lincoln. He was saying that, most of the historians in United States whom deal with the life of our ex-president live in the Church of Lincoln. What he meant is that, they idolize the figure of Lincoln, seen only what wanna see, not Lincoln as a man subjected to make terrible mistakes but as a idol without defects.
     In Brazil the same thing is happen with the admirers of Getulio Vargas. The same is happen to those who love too much the ex-presidents Juscelino Kubitschek, Tancredo Neves (who, thanks God, never got in the Office), Fernando Henrique Cardoso and now, the most recent, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. All of them did serious mistakes while in the Office but the churchs around them will never believe on it or, at least, won’t to admit it in public.
     Just after the suicide of Getulio Vargas Brazil had its righteous president and his vice, Joao Fernandes Campos Cafe Filho. But his bad health prevented him to be in power long enough. His successor Carlos Coimbra da Luz had the shortest period in power ever, only four days, maybe two, depend on the literature we look at. The next, Nereu de Oliveira Ramos managed to be the successor until the election and the next president, Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira took the oath. In a short time of 2 years Brazil had 5 presidents 1,954 to 1,956.
     Lets post genealogical sequences for two of them.
1,894 Carlos Coimbra da Luz – Maria Jose Rezende Dantas (first wife)
1,860 Alberto Gomes Ribeiro da Luz – Augusta Cesarina de Assis Coimbra
1,833 Mariana Brandina Gomes Ribeiro – Antonio Maximo Ribeiro da Luz
1,797 Rita de Cassia Gomes – Antonio Joaquim Gomes
1,761 Bernardino Teixeira de Toledo – Manuela da Silva
         Maria Rosa de Toledo – Manuel Teixeira Ribeiro
         Branca de Toledo – Francisco Xavier da Silva
         Maria Pedroso – 1,674 Joao de Toledo Piza Castelhanos*
         Francisco Felix Correia – Ana Ferreira de Melo
         Andreza de Castilho – Belchior Felix Perestrelo
         Guiomar de Alvarenga – Francisco Alvares Correia
         Manuel Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Guiomar de Castilho
         Mecia Monteiro – Baltazar de Alvarenga
     The last couple is also parents for Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga who marriaged to Ana Ribeiro and are ancestors to Monteiro Lobato, Oswald de Andrade, Friar Saint Galvao and many others more.
1,888 Nereu de Oliveira Ramos – Beatriz Paranhos Pederneiras
1,870 Teresa Fiuza de Carvalho – Vital Jose de Oliveira Ramos Junior
         Maria Francisca Quirino dos Santos – Joaquim Fiuza de Carvalho Junior
         Maria Francisca de Paula Camargo – Joaquim Quirino dos Santos
1,790 Francisco de Paula Camargo – Damiana Alexandrina da Silva Marques
         Francisco de Paula Camargo – Petronilha Clara Rodrigues do Amaral
         Inacia Maria de Camargo Lima – Goncalo de Sousa Rodrigues
         Fernando Lopes de Camargo – Maria de Lima Serqueira
         Fernando de Camargo Ortiz – Joana Lopes
         Mariana do Prado – Fernao de Camargo, the Tiger
         Filipa do Prado – Juan de Santa Maria
1,590 Pedro Leme – Helena do Prado
1,568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     Pedro Leme with another wife, Izabel Paes, is greatgrandfather for the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme. With Luzia Fernandes he also is ancestor for the maestro, Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim or Tom Jobim for short.
     What is interesting since now is observe that, as I theorized before, we are often going back to the same ancestors. One factor interfere with my previsions. Since we don’t have a good data from the majority of our ancestors, is natural that the few lineages yet identified by historians will appear on most of the genealogical sequences. It is not because few couple were able to generate a ruge number of famous offsprings.
     If we had a complete data of all of our ancestors, what was supposed to happen is that, inumerous other couples shoud appear equally sharing the ancestorship to most of us. And most the Portuguese population that lived in Portugal 500 years ago was supposed to share the ancestorship of most Brazilians of today. But unfortunately we don’t have a good data and we will need to wait until the next 800 years or so to come for the population living in that time, having a better data, to realize that it is absolutely true.
     The upheaval and optimism that invaded the 25 years after the WWII belong not only to Brazilian History. The facts from those year are shaping our lives even today with its consequences. I would like to point out some that are particularly influential to what is happening today. The end of the WWII was nothing but the begining of what is going on over here today. The best fact of our History from that time was the Independence of India, in 1,947.
     For many years the spiritual leader of India, Mahatma Ghandi, headed a non violence movement against the English colonialism. Despite of the violent actions that the emperial forces took in the attempt to provoke more violence and have any excuse to shut up the voice of freedom, he was able to take control of the situation and the people followed his example not responding violence with more violence. Many died by the English violence but their sacrifice conquered freedom for their countrypeople.
     Unfortunately some of his followers for the Independence wasn’t as “saint” as he was and let some tensions motivated by differences in religious beliefs divided the great India. India then were separated on itself and two other possessions at East and West which became Pakistan. Later on the East part became Bangladesh. Anyways, Gandhi didn’t knew this second division since he was assassinated not long after the Indian Independence.
     From 1,947 on the Communist Party in China took over the power on mainland. Although the last battle between the Chinese Nationalists and Communists were done in 1,949. The Nationalist leader, Chiang Kai Shek, fled from mainland and established a new China in the Formosa Island (Taiwan). Mao Zedong was the Communist leader and reigned over the people until his death.
     The other remarkable fact from the time was the creation of the State of Israel. It became a nation in 1,948 and is the worse mistake done by the politicians from that time, since its consequences are been reverberating until now and promises to go on just like a time clock atomic bomb over our heads, until it explodes or people create good sense.
     I don’t wanna talk about these issue right now. I can just anticipate some of my feelings about the creation of the State of Israel. It is a clear act of violence, inhumane and colonialist. It is comparable to the Cruzades. Nothing justifies such creation. The existence of some nation called Israel in the past doesn’t justifies what in modern times is also called Israel. Two of them are totally distinct things and have not way to link them as continuity of each other, except for the violence and prejudice.
     By writing the previous paragraph I do acknowledge that some would say I am some kind of anti-Jew or have any kind of anti-Jewish faith feelings. For long time I have been observing that everytime somebody criticizes any wrongdoing by the Zionists or something involving the Jewish faith, immediately after the comment be aired by any kind of media, the author of such is execrated as he or she could be nothing but a Nazist.
     The same tactic were used by American media just after the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks. Any observation about American wrongdoing in the world in that particular moment was classified as anti-American. The American media used the motto, “Everybody else hated us because the world is jealous about the American success” for protect United States from more damage. But what it did was even worse because the motivation for the criticism of outsiders were poorly evaluated and it only directed the Bush adminstration to do more wrongdoings and it brought us to the confusion that we are in our days.
     Another important issue that we need to define since now is that, frequently we mistakenly generalize things instead of specify them with precision. For example, is common you see in the media the phrase, The Americans decided go to war. Or, All Jew are Zionist. We must remember that, every population have many different point of view on the same issue. It is why when some part of the media say that, everyone else hates Americans, it is misleading its public.
    The worse case of generalization is in the Christian Bible. Particularly in the writings attributed to Paul and John. They mention many and many times Jews as killers of Jesus or doing something bad. In a better reading of the whole text you can perceive that, some Jews conspired to kill Jesus and some Jew, even Paul himself on his youth, had a bad interpretation about the teachings from Jesus. When the writers employed the word Jew to identify those who made the wrongdoing they mislead the future Christians to think the whole Jewish community did it. I am not anti any way of thinking unless the way of thinking lead to injustice against any and each human being.
     What I think is that, the Holocaust was happen in Europe and is not justifiable to transfer what was happen in one place to another. The Earth was plenty of places more friendly and less populated. What were done in Palestine is like Brazilians express in their saying: “Despir um santo para vestir outro.” (To take off the clothes from one saint to dress another.) I know that, at the time had better solution than create an State of Israel in that spot. But was the interest of colonial potences to have its colony around there.
     Later I want to get back to the issue. I think the speech that Benjamin Netanyahu wasted in 2,011 at United Nations (UN) will be an excellent material to work on to explain my points of views. I can use what he said and give all of what is behind his words. What should be not that much of surprise since inadvertently Nikolas Sarcozy called him a liar and Barack Obama seem not have different opinion about him.
     From that time we got the Cold War. I define the Cold War as a tremendous irresponsibility from United States and Soviet Union which was playing monopoly with the other nations. The two of them abused its excessive militar power into try to make from the other nations its own likeness. They did it not respecting the laws and the right of others nations to determine themselves way of life. When I point out United States and Soviet Union as perpetrators of evil I didn’t meant Americans and Russians but only some people on their administrations.
     I will soon be back to these issue. And in a minor scale what influenced our today’s lives are the Wars in Korea and Vietnam. The liberation of African nations from the European Colonialism is also important chapter of our History and some nations gainned its freedoms only after 1,970. Two of them are Mozambique and Angola, our Africans sisters nations that emancipated from Portugal.
     Some critical moments we had with the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martim Luther King Junior. Let continue our description to see how those events fit on the relationship between United States and Latino America, specially, Brazil.
     The next president to assume the power in Brazil was doctor Juscelino Kubitschek who was greatgrandson of a Czech Roma (Gypsy) immigrant in Brazil. He became orfan from his father when he was two years old. His mother Julia Kubitschek managed to raise the family giving lodge to female students in her house. They lived in Diamantina City, Minas Gerais, which one had good high schools, what was comparable to college bachelorship of today. Some of my grandaunties lodged at the family house there.
     After surpass poverty he became a doctor and politician. At the video, he appear as mayor of Belo Horizonte and his partnership with the archtect Oscar Niemeyer gave new looks to then new capital of the Minas Gerais State.
     The 104 years old archtect Oscar Niemeyer still alive and actively working in his projects. He even have been using the Twitter to express his point of view about life and politics of today. I think his good spirited humor is preventing him to have an expected body aging.
     Juscelino’s administration was characterized as of great optimism. His youth was vibrant and his government lasted from 1,956 to 1,961. He was a lucky man. Brazil had have its worst defeat ever in soccer, in 1,950, been upset 2 to 1 by Uruguay at World Cup at the final match at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil had never been champion and everybody knows that, soccer is in Brazilian veins. In 1,958 the Brazilian team became champion for the first time.
     President Kubitschek gave a new orientation and new capital to Brazil. The most known of his deeds from his presidency is the construction of Brasilia. It was a long time idea because the capital Rio de Janeiro was to exposed to possible alien invasion. But nobody else had the courage to do it before. Every politician before him had to much concern about to anger politicians interests centered in the old capital. And Brasilia became a State of Art with the participation of Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa on its planning.
     As always, nobody is perfect. Despite of the name of his maternal grandmother be Maria Joaquina Coelho we don’t have more information about his ancestry from this side. We can’t say or deny that he is descendant from the kings but his wife, Sarah Luisa Gomes de Lemos, was. He left the Office as the most prestigious president Brazil ever had.
     Although he mention in his memoir his cousins Coelho from Virginopolis, not everyone sympathized with him. Some conservative disliked him even because he was to “mulherengo” (a cheater on his wife). I can’t say for sure it is true but he loved balls and dances, which made easy to him be with female companions.
     The worst part ever of the Brazilian History begins just after the end of the Kubitschek administration. Maybe is also the worst of the World History too. The president who was elected  was Janio da Silva Quadros. And the Brazilian law had a particularity that lead to a difficult situation. The people could independently vote for president and vice-president. So the elected president could have his elected vice from the opposite party. And the elected vice was Mr. Joao Belchior Marques Goulart who was a good person.
     What was the matter is that, the elected president represented the worse case of conservativism there. And he was elected by a massive amount of votes. But he wasn’t satisfied with it. He wanted absolute power and seven months later he renounced to the position expecting the people would bring him back as a new dictator. Some military personnel thought it different and boarded him in an airplane and sent him exiled to Europe. Even so the extreme conservative didn’t wanted Joao Goulart as president. The Speaker of the House, Ranieri Mazzilli, was called to assume his place until things was calm down for the righteous successor be crowned.
     That was the time that Americans did their worst on interventionism. The CIA, the Secretary of State and even the Presidency team up with the most conservative part of Brazilian society to make Brazil ungovernable. The conspirators had an entire building occupied as headquarter, mentored by Golbery do Couto e Silva. They used pamphlets which was sent by mail to whole country with deceiving propaganda. They had access to the main newspaper and got help from influential intellectuals such as Rachel de Queiroz and Rubens da Fonseca.
     The governor of Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Lacerda, who had conspired against the second administration of Getulio Vargas, together with Jose de Magalhaes Pinto, governor of Minas Gerais and Adhemar Pereira de Barros, governor of Sao Paulo, which one got the motto for his campaign “he steals but he gets things done”, were conspirators among them. They were looking for personal advantages. Lacerda and Barros didn’t live long after the plot. Later on Magalhaes Pinto tried to run against the general Joao Batista de Oliveira Figueiredo in a congressional election and was defeated. Seems like that the militars conspirators used cleverness against them.
     Big corporations such as Exxon and others which already operated in Brazil were called or voluntarily gave financial support to the conspiracy. The basic propaganda was make appear that the country was about to be taken by communists. Communist could be anyone who didn’t comply with their ideas. At the time the Catholics was more than 90% of the population and most of the Catholic clergy helped to spread the worse ideas about communism.
     And here one detail about those conspiracies that helped totalitarians from the right wing of politics. When the dictator Getulio Vargas took the power and Rachel de Queiroz was imprisioned by criticize his administration, the allegation was that she was communist. When came her time to be conspirator amongst the new plot, the adversaries were communists. These was the motto to anyone who wanted grab the power in Brazil. Communism was so feared that the people didn’t mind to be under the totalitarian power of anyone else. The people wasn’t awared that totalitarism is a bad thing no matter who’s in power.
     So, in 1,964 Brazil got its coup d’etat and the militars took the power for themselves. With the fall of Joao Goulart the speaker of the house, Ranieri Mazzilli had another time of provisory president. He was used for the conspirators take time to decided who they would chose to put in the place. And the chosen one was the marshal Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco.
     He died in a aircraft “accident” in 1,967 just after he left the power. But what is believed is that, he was part of a group that thought the conspiracy should end and the power had to be restored to civilians. Then some of the others leaders, more young, wanted to keep it for long and so they lead a coup d’etat from inside in the first one. The suspicion is that, the accident was provoked by the rival group. And they stood in power for 22 years all together.
     In these case, both side of the rivalry was descendant of the kings of Portugal. Lets post examples for Joao Goulart and for the conspirator Castelo Branco.
1,918 Joao Belchior Marques Goulart – Maria Teresa Fontela
1,881 Vicente Rodrigues Goulart – Vicentina Marques
1,849 Maria dos Santos Loureiro – Belchior Rodrigues Goulart
1,804 Antonio dos Santos Loureiro – Maria Pereira do Nascimento
1,778 Maria Eufrasia Lopes – Joaquim dos Santos Loureiro
1,754 Helena Eufrasia Pereira – Antonio Jose Lopes
1,730 Mariana Antonia de Bettencourt – Manuel Antonio de Bettencourt
1,687 Manuel Machado Ribeiro – Teresa de Bettencourt
1,660 Maria da Conceicao de Melo – Joao Batista Espinola*
1,620 Pedro Machado de Sousa – Ana de Melo e Gusmao*
         Manuel Pedro Machado Ribeiro – Maria Espinola da Veiga de Mendonca
         Filipa de Sousa – Pedro Machado Ribeiro
         Manuel de Sousa Neto – Catarina Goncalves de Antona
         Maria Fogaca de Sousa – Andre Goncalves Neto, Capitao-mor da Praia
1,430 Diogo Sousa Cid – unknown wife
1,410 Cid de Sousa – Leonor Fogaca
1,370 Goncalo Anes de Sousa Chichorro – unknown wife
1,341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Maria de Briteiros*
1,320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel
1,280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (or de Sousa)
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana (Mor Afonso)
     I repeated part of the sequence yet present for other personalities. Was just to make easier for the readers.
1,900 Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco – Argentina Viana
1,861 Candido Borges Castelo Branco – Antonieta de Alencar Gurgel
         Beatriz Virginia da Silva Castelo Branco – Francisco Borges de Carvalho
         Silvestre Jose da Cunha Castelo Branco – Porcina Isabel Pereira da Silva
         Marcelino Jose da Cunha Castelo Branco – Maria Florencia Castelo Branco
         Francisco da Cunha e Silva Castelo Branco – Ana Rosa Pereira Teresa do Lago
         D. Clara da Cunha e Silva Castelo Branco – Manuel Carvalho de Almeida
         D. Francisco de Castelo-Branco – Maria Eugenia de Mesquita
1,580 D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco da Cunha – Maria da Silva*
1,540 D. Pedro de Castelo-Branco – Francisca Calvo
1,500 Maria de Briteiros da Cunha – D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco*
1,470 Mateus da Cunha – D. Leonor de Menezes*
1,450 Joao Alvares da Cunha – Catarina de Sequeira
1,430 Artur da Cunha – Leonor de Sousa*
1,400 Joao Alvares da Cunha – Mecia de Lemos
1,371 Alvaro da Cunha – Beatriz de Melo
1,345 Joao Lourenco da Cunha – D. Leonor Teles de Menezes*
1,320 D. Maria Goncalves de Sousa – Martim Lourenco da Cunha*
1,280 Maria Afonso Chichorro – D. Goncalo Anes de Briteiros
1,250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (or de Sousa)
1,210 D. Afonso III, king of Portugal – Madragana (Mor Afonso)
     Martim Lourenco da Cunha were the 1st lord of Pombeiro and all of his descendants in the present sequence inherited the title, until 1,580 D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco da Cunha.
     About the presence of big corporations in Brazil and elsewhere under United States influence we need to add what it was used for in that tragic decades. We have a chapter in History which could be named by New Colonialism. Presidents like Juscelino Kubitschek welcome those corporations expecting their help to modernize the country. But they didn’t anticipated the Ponzi Scheme they were importing from industrialized countries.
     What was happen was that, the big corporations installed in the satellite nations with many incentives from its hosts began to pay to the employees a local salary which could be classified as common there. And to its employees on the Metropolis nation the salaries became unrealistic higher. To make it easy to understand let give an example.
     The Ford Company in Brazil would pay a Brazilian worker US$ 1.00/hour and US$ 10.00/hour for the same position and same productivity to American workers. Like that, in the end of the year the Ford Company in United States would report expressive loss of money. Otherwise, the Ford Company in Brazil would report an expressive gain. So it was the alleged reason that so much money was transferred from Brazil to United States for a long period.
     We today need to know informations like these one for better understand what is happening in the world now. Remember that, there are thousands of big corporations from the industrialized nations that operated in such system. So the prosperity of rich nations in that period of time was in part artificially created through a Ponzi Scheme of money transfer.
     The higher gain of workers fed the markets in that centralized scheme. These excess of money helped the technological progress centralized in the industrialized nations. And the scheme worked in a bad way in two directions. Firstly tranferring monetary valuables and secondly cutting off the investments that could help the emerging economies to also do well.
     The other way of transfer more money to the industrialized countries were giving loans to the exploited countries. We need to acknowledge the cruelty with the scheme worked. The money which were unjustly transferred from the poor countries became superavit in the industrialized ones. And they took the same money to give loans to the poorest ones that latter had to pay high interests. And these situation was what fuelled the political debates from the 60s through the 90s in the second and third world nations.
     If someone reading these writing didn’t know nothing about it maybe now can understand why capitalism and capitalists are not seen as solution to some part of the people in the world. Some rather hate them. And we need to understand that the hatred that the United States inspire to some may be wrongly directed to the whole people as well. We can say that the American people wasn’t awared of everything and it can’t be accountable to all wrongdoing by its government and the big corporations. It is true.
     But we also must acknowledge that, the government and the big corporations are our representants before the world. They works like our diplomatic representatives. Then what they do will be interpreted as what we ourselves did. And to worsening the situation all Americans from since our grandparents generation took advantages from the situation in one or another way.
     I am not saying they did it conciously but by not been interesting on what was happening outside the country, like a fish that sees only the worm and not the hook, they were fished and sold. Now we got this problem of to be hated for something that we didn’t do and not even were told about it. Some unconcious hypocrites use to say it, It is just business. But it is not. It is just a sample of robbery.
     I remember when I was young in Brazil and 9 out 10 strikes lead by the Unions of workers at metallurgic companies (as all companies which works with metal components is called by in Brazil) was done for equalization of salaries to those paid outside the country. At that time surges a leader from the metallurgic workers named Luiz Inacio (Lula) da Silva. His History of life is totally tied to such period of Brazilian History.
     Since long time ago the Northeast Region in Brazil had a terrible problem. Like it is happen in Ethiopia and others parts of the globe the dry season could extend for around 5 years in a role. Every time it happenned, thousands could die, move to the coastal area or simple migrate to what there is known as South. Usually to Sao Paulo State which is in the Brazilian Southeast. Despite of the poverty it brought to the common people they usually kept going back when the rain returned. It was like magic because with water the good soil is able to bring enough food for more than one year to the families storages on each havest.
     The problem is not in the nature. The problem was caused by the men in local governments whom wasn’t interested in use technics that take advantage from the nature itself because in the times that rains the water is enough to be collected for be used in the dry season. But old local political elites used to construct reservoirs and let it in the “Colonel’s” control and they used the public facilities as their own. And the reservoirs was never enough to the use of the whole population.
     In occasions of long dry seasons the poor people from Northeastern part of Brazil was driven like cattle herds to the south. In one of those times Lula’s mother brought the whole family to Sao Paulo State and they went to stay. Millions of Northeasterns did the same just like part of the population of Minas Gerais State did before them.
     At the time of the dictatorship after 1,964 this kind of migration was reinforced with stimulus from the federal government. We have to understand it to understand the military mind. Militars gets a centralized structure in their culture. It works for make their goals. But they horrible sins when they try to impose their way of life to a whole country. It just doesn’t works.
     And then the Brazilian dictatorship decided to centralize the development of the country on certain number of cities. Sao Paulo were the one that got the most and the cities around it were inflated with migrants from the rest of Brazil. The system was applied not because of its logistics for the good of the nation but only to take a easy control over the political dissidence. They new that the thousands of small cities around the Brazilian territory wouldn’t produce any strong resistence to them. Otherwise they new how to coopt the countriside elites which was more interested in keep their status quo than defend democracy.
     Brazil after 1,964 rapidly became like a military headquarter. Politically had two parties but just one way of thinking. They imposed some laws over the Constitution restricting certain opinions and casting it as crime. Nobody had the right of free opinion unless it was the same as their. When someone expressed different opinion was censured, imprisioned or banned from the country.
     United States was entirely involved in the process. It offerred logistic and monetary help. The most hideous example of it were the creation of the School of Americas. Initially it operated in Panama and now it is inland United States. The lessons from that school was how to operate the machine of repression against the civil rights movement in countries under dictatorship, specially those in Latino America. The classes included sections of how torture to obtain information from dissident militants. In other words is something like what the Soviets did with their dissidents inside its helm. The same was thought by Americans to Latino Americans dictatorshis.
     When I was child in Brazil we not even knew something wrong was going on there. Living in a countriside area in the 1,960s and 70s didn’t matter much if you was or not under a dictatorship. The Brazilian society was itself some kind of dictatorship. Parents could spank hard their children as they pleased. Wasn’t a way of educate them. It was a way from the conservative culture to make them be submissive to everything adults wanted. I don’t blame my parents and other ancestors to behave like that because we hadn’t a society based in information but rather in tradition.
     And some parents justified their behavior saying, “I am doing it to you to prevent you fall in the hands of the police which can do lots worse than me.” And it was entirely true, I mean, in the part of do worse. And the police actions was promptly backed by the government and the conservative society. Like that, we was raised in fear. And it appear to reflect negatively in our creativity.
     Living in the interior of the country the information you could got was mostly from the radios, televisions and newspapers. Every and each one closed watched by official censors. The owners themselves in that time wasn’t worried about it. They rather complied with it in exchange for financial stimulus for their businesses. And some constructed huge companies through such auspicious opportunity.
     Since everything was censured the only way of persuit happiness in Brazil was hear music. Even music was closed watched by censors but they not ever have the brains for to detect everything was been transmitted through it. Many musicians used their productions to send the message of sadness that Brazil was wrapped in. Names like Chico Buarque de Holanda, Milton Nascimento, Fernando Brant, Luiz Gonzaga Junior, Elis Regina, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Sergio Ricardo, Geraldo Vandre are linked to these kind of music. Others like Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Morais, Elomar, Ary Barroso, Alceu Valenca, Raimundo Fagner, Luiz Gonzaga, Dorival Caymmi, Toquinho, Rita Lee and many more are linked to the good Brazilian music not direct involved in political militancy.
     The ones that were more militant sometimes was presented with an one way passage to the exterior for a forced vacation that could extend for months or years. Usually it would come some time after the launching of a record disc and, later on, the censors figure out what really some nuances of the musics meant. But at the time of the censure the people already had it in mind. I will post two more examples of genealogical lineages to show that music is also in our blood.
1,927 Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim (Tom Jobim) – Thereza Otero Hermanny
1,910 Nilza Brasileiro de Almeida – Jorge de Oliveira Jobim
1,874 Azor Brasileiro de Almeida – Emilia Aurora Pereira da Silva
1,850 Manuel Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria Umbelina de Almeida
1,825 Francisco de Almeida Pires – Maria de Camargo*
1,770 Manuel Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria da Anunciacao Arruda*
1,715 Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria Egipciaca de Moura
1,690 Fernando de Almeida Leme – Andreza de Almeida Leite
1,630 Francisco de Almeida Cabral – Maria de Caceres
         Luis Dias Leme – Ana Cabral
         Antao Leme – unknown wife
         Mateus Leme – Antonia de Chaves
1,568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     The last couple is already in many other genealogical sequences yet presented as for Oswald de Andrade for example. Pedro Leme also marriaged to Izabel Paes and they are greatgrandparents for the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Tom Jobim himself is direct descendant from Fernao Dias. See chapter 10.
1,944 Francisco (Chico) Buarque de Holanda – Maria Paixao Severo da Costa (Marieta Severo)
1,910 Maria Amelia Cesario Alvim – Sergio Buarque de Holanda*
1,880 Francisco Cesario Alvim – Maria do Carmo Carvalho*
1,839 Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim Filho – Amelia Calado de Miranda
         Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim – Teresa Januario Carneiro
         Ana Angelica Souto Maior Alvim – Joaquim Jose de Faria Lana
         Francisco Xavier de Barros Sousa e Alvim – Maria Felizarda Souto Maior
         Doroteia Luisa de Sa Sotomayor – Manuel de Barros e Sousa*
         Francisco de Abreu Felgueiras – Maria de Antas Cerqueira
         Mariana de Sa Sotomaior – Francisco de Abreu Felgueiras*
1,565 Isabel de Araujo de Azevedo – Goncalo de Antas de Sa
1,535 Ana Nunes Bezerra – Francisco da Costa Taveira
1,490 Froilos de Araujo de Azevedo – Justa Amorim
1,470 Fernao Velho de Araujo – Ana Nunes Bezerra
         Isabel Coelho de Azevedo – Tristao de Araujo
1,435 Goncalo Coelho, 3rd lord of Felgueiras – unknown wife
1,420 Martim Coelho, 2nd lord – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1st lord – Catarina de Freitas*
     I brough the lineage to this point because it is easier to link the dots with other personalities already presented. Just to remember, Fernao Coelho was greatgrandson of Estevao Coelho and Maria Mendes Petite, also ancestors of the Portuguese and Brazilian royal families. And Catarina de Freitas is multiple times offspring of the Iberian Peninsula royal families. Chico Buarque also comes from the lineage “de la Cerda” which he shares with Fernao Dias Pais Leme, Tiradentes, Saint Friar Galvao and others.
     I want point out one particularity from this lineage. At the chapter 11 I mentioned that our cousins Silvia Amelia and Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado, both marriaged to personalities from the Brazilian royal family, was at least two times descendants from Fernao Coelho and Catarina de Freitas but I didn’t show how. Lets though take advantage of the lineage above to show the link.
1,839 Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim Filho – Amelia Calado de Miranda
1,876 Silvia de Miranda Faria Alvim – Afranio Camorim Jacauba de Otingi e Melo Franco
1,904 Sylvia Amelia de Melo Franco – Mucio Emilio de Senna (*)
1,930 Sylvia Emilia de Mello Franco Senna* – Paulo Argemiro Hungria da Silva Machado
     Those are the parents for Silvia Amelia and Theodoro. So the greatgrandparents for Chico Buarque are greatgreatgrandparents for our cousins too. And their ancestry goes direct to Fernao and Catarina. Our cousin Mucio Emilio de Senna (*) is son of our famous cousin, professor Nelson Coelho de Senna, who is greatgreatgrandson of ours ancestors Jose Coelho de Magalhaes and Eugenia Rodrigues da Rocha. The sign (*) is for indicate that I haven’t yet removed the doubt if our ancestor Jose Coelho de Magalhaes is the same nobleman at the site portugal or not. If so, it is the other way our cousins are offspring of Fernao Coelho and Catarina de Freitas.
     Music also was a factor of to soften the hatred against the American government and big corporations for its wrongdoings at Latino America. Some musicians like Joan Baez and Bob Dylan was the sign that had Americans others than those who was taking advantage from the poor countries weaknesses. Other people from other countries like Mercedes Sosa, from Argentina, and Bob Marley, from Jamaica, and John Lennon was also accountable for the goodness of what we heard.
     At the time in Brazil all the major radios played only international music. And those musicians were almost banned from it. Only at the end of the 70s we got some FM stations that starts playing exclusively Brazilian music. And those were the ones that got our attention. I think the others stations felt the opportunity and also start mixing international and national productions.
     Strangely was that, after I came to United States my sister who yet lived in Florida told me that, she didn’t understand why so many people liked Joan Baez back in Brazil while the people that she was in contact with in Florida didn’t even heard about her. Immedialitely I went to a store specialized in records and found some of her discs. I was looking for her Joan Baez European Tour Album that I grew up hearing. But this specific one I didn’t find. Ok, at least wasn’t just my imagination.
     When president Bill Clinton visited Brazil he mentioned he liked Brazilian music. And I was amazed about the claim of some Americans that say they know Brazilian music. One reason I start hearing PBS Radios here was because it was the only ones that gave some openning for some Brazilian and others countries musics. Otherwise, anybody in Brazil know something about American music even because it is imposed by record companies. Anyways, since the end of the dictatorship looks like the good musicians had died or lost their imagination to produce good music in Brazil. Like here their are now producing only commercial ones.
     To grow up in a dictatorship is not at all a pleasant thing. First of all you are deceived by the official propaganda. The government is presented as doing great things and never doing wrong others, not even by mistake. They use the natural nationalistic feeling of the people to try to put you against anyone who don’t comply with their decisions. Until you get more mature and starts to rationalize some happenings you are totally unawared that you are nothing more than a peace for their bargain.
     At least we grow up with television and even in a censured programation you start to fishing something like, Why in our country we can’t vote for have our governor or president if in free countries it happens? Why the “bad guys” took the American ambassador as hostage and exchanged his freedom by a list of unknown people that was sent to exile? If United States is a frendly country, why its diplomat?
     And the dictatorship in Brazil was an explicit case of megalomania. Everything it did was big. The biggest bridge over sea in the world at the time. A more than 8 miles bridge linking Rio de Janeiro to its neighbor Niteroi. The biggest hydroelectric in the world. A binational monster between Brazil and Paraguay to produce 11 million Kilowatts. The biggest ever rain forest’s motor road, which goes parallel to the Amazon River as the river itself wasn’t a natural way of transportation. The rain forest was taken as enemy of our development and its destruction was supplied with funds from international corporations such as the World Bank.
     What they didn’t said as clear as they presented their deeds was what the people had to pass through to pay the loans in the next decades. They burned our future to keep themselves in power. When the last dictator was about to go away he said that, “You will miss us one day and will ask for we come back.” He knew the time clock bomb they was leaving over our heads and thought that the fabricated development they created for a short time would be remembered, as the hard times wasn’t in consequence of it and it wasn’t linked to each other. Thanks to God, just a minority had miss the military craziness.
     Another burden they left over the shoulder of the people was the attachment of the Brazilian economy to the one of United States. The attachment was so close that more than 50% of the Brazilian commercial budget was linked to US. The popular saying at the time was that, United States couldn’t get a cold without Brazil have a pneumonia. Or, in a better humoristic way: “O Brasil eh nosso mas quem USA sou EEUU.” Here is a mixing of languages and the mean is that: Brazil is our but who makes use of it is United States.
     And one way to cheer up the nationalistic feeling from the common people was to present the numbers of the Commercial Balance between the two countries. It was clear favorable to Brazil and the people believed that it was good because had not any idea how the scheme worked. The scheme was simple, Brazil sent millions of tons of raw material to United States and received back fenished products.
     I better make a comparison to clarify it. Lets say that, from each million tons of iron Brazil exported, it received the equivalent to 100,000 tons in cars for a price close to the million tons. What was shown was the amount of money involved and nothing was told about what was done with the others 900,000 tons of iron. So what appeared to people’s eyes a great success was just another Ponzi Scheme. With the rest of the raw material United States could produce thousands of cars what made the balance to tend in its favor.
     The attachment between the both economies brought Brazil to its knees more than one time. One of those was at the 70s, with the first crisis of the petroleum. Brazil wasn’t prepared for anything, had not monetary reserves and was totally depedent on it. The clever solution was to substitute gasoline by alcohol. It was a good idea but not before any research and tests.
     Brazil is the largest producer of sugar cane and used it to produce sugar plus its needs of alcohol. To give a solution to the problem would be a simple question of to plant more sugarcane and produce more alcohol. And they starts adding alcohol to the gasoline and producing cars moved by alcohol. Soon the consumer start to notice that, the cars moved by alcohol didn’t work well when was cold. And the alcohol rusted all metalic parts, not only the ones in direct contact with the product.
     What would be a case of a historic lawsuit in everywhere else in the world the Brazilian consumers just had nowhere to ask for help. The population that had cars just swallowed it in silence. The whole Brazilian pack of cars was rusted. Only later the scientists figure out that a better kind of steel was needed. And it is why we have the technology flex of today. Thanks to Brazilian consumer sacrifice of be a guinea pig for the day.
     Another thing about economics in time of dictatorship. I must remember the saying from one of the ministers of economy that time. “We need to make bigger the economic cake first and share it later with the population.” In his conception the country’s economy had to generate rich people first and those would invest on industrialization for then employ more people and pay better salaries. As Brazilians say, “Ele queria colocar o carro na frente dos bois”. (He was trying to put the car before the bovines). The saying is a reference on the old way of transportation in Brazil that used cars pulled by bovines.
     Even today I never got my share. And anticipating something that I have to talk later, this type of vision is too similar to the one of the Republicans here in United States now. They hope that giving brakes on taxations for the rich it will help the economy. I can’t show through my writings how much laughs it provoke in me. And it is not pleasant. Is like laugh with all the ribs broken and in swelling pain.
     If we went back to the 60s and 70s in Brazil we could identify Brazil as the China of the time. Not exact like China is today but a Brazil acting like China. Was a country of intense growth and its population been sold to the international market. The minimum wage which in Brazil is called by minimum salary started from low and going to lower. The motto was to put everybody to work but at the end of the month the salary was a deception. Yes, it is another characteristic of Brazilian economy, you are paid by month not by week as it is happen in United States.
     The currency also was artificially manipulated so the workers could goes by. In a modern economy you need to control the inflation. In that kind of economy inflation was used as tool of collect money from the people’s pockets and transfer it to the government interests. In my life back in Brazil I learned to live along with more than five differents currencies. We had Cruzeiro, Cruzado and now is Real. In between those always had some intermediary called by New anyone of those. Some periods we lived with three digits inflation on a single month.
     And, as I mentioned before, the metalurgical workers fought for equalize their salaries to those that was paid in the industrialized countries. But it would work only for laborers of those kind of industry. And they represented just a small fraction of the population. I don’t know who got first the idea. But some start to migrate to industrialized countries and it was another way of equalize the salaries. Maybe it began with the exiled but probably was before and some people did it just by intuition and not as part of any organization.
     In one of our books of genealogy we have the registration of a marriage of our cousin Adail Coelho Neto to Neuza Kinzo Coelho in 1,970. Their children Paula and Alexandre was born in United States. And they wasn’t the first case. In that time and long after, the Brazilian currency was so depreciated that one could come, work for two or three years, go back and start his own business. Some was able even to buy an entire farm. And it was the advertisement for others take a chance.
     Around 70s and 80s the reference for most of Brazilian migration was Governador Valadares City. It is called by Valadares for short. And the number of migrated citizens from there was so great and the money they sent was so visible that the city became known as Valadolares. Later on I will be back to these issue because most of the migration didn’t really came from citizens born at the city. It was too young to have so many people born there.
     As I mentioned before, around 1,940 it had around 5,000 inhabitants and arount 1,970 was around 300,000. Most of the population had been born elsewhere and moved to there, attracted by the new opportunities that the rich soil around about and the easier way of transportation that the Rio-Bahia road had to offer. Just remembering, it was the road constructed by Americans and Brazilians at the time of the WWII.
     The armed resistence to the dictatorship was a total failure. It was easily defeated since just a small number of fighters had the spirit to try it. Mainly those fighter was linked to the Communist Party but mostly was people too young to take the best decision.
     A bigger number were represented by intellectuals and workers. Those was also persecuted like their pens and ideas was guns. The excessive force that today is considered abominable in that time was used without any restriction. Many intellectuals as the jornalists Paiva and Herzog went the prision and never came back alive. Like them we had some thousands of “casualities” if we add the arbritary emprisionment without death.
     Despite of the horrors Brazilian never lost their sense of humor. The dictatorship used a gingle music for advertisement that start with, “This is a country that goes ahead”. And a band of clowns chanted it walking backward. And they got a month of suspention. Another did the same but scornly laughing at the end of the phrase. Got six months vacation in Europe.
     Brazilian have one saying that goes like that, “Quem nao tem cao caca com gato”, which means Who don’t have a dog hunt with the cat. Some comedian prolonged the saying adding, “Who don’t have cat hunt with the rat, and who don’t have rat hunt with act.” Act or ato in portuguese is the same as Act, Bill or Law. The dictatorship had imposed laws that was called by the numbers from Act 1 to 5. The worst of it was the  Act number 5 which were largely used to punish the dissidents.
     The dictatorship was in trouble with the criticism and launched an add on to called to manipulated the patriotic feelings from the people saying, “Brasil, ame-o ou deixe-o.” (Brazil, love it or leave) The only one newspaper that was in circulation and was openly critic to the government stamped on its front page the next day, “The last one to go please shut off the lights of the airport.”
     About that newspaper, it was called Pasquim. Pasquim in Portuguese language could be translated as tabloid although with never serious contents. The founders choose the name because felt that anyways it would be the name that the advertisers pro-government would call it to diminish its importance. So they took a short cut anticipating what would be any intention from the government and it worked since in the begining the censors didn’t paid great attention on them. Later on some of issues were apprehended by its disturbing contents to the dictatorship itself.
     The 70s decade were the time that South America got the worst of its dictatorships. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay team up to elaborated a club of assassinations and tortures called Operation Condor. They helped each other on eliminate their political disaffections. At the time the American government cover up its eyes to say that if I don’t see is because wasn’t happen. It worked until it came to happen under Washington’s helm.
     A plot involving the Chilean secret service, Cuban exiles and even CIA killed Orlando Letelier at Sheridan Circle in Washington DC. They used a remote control bomb. The timid response from Washington came only because Letelier’s assistant Ronni Moffit, who was American, also were killed. Orlando Letelier was the Chilean voice preaching in the American Government Desert what everybody knew in South America that dictatorship was a bad cause to everyone, even American government not acknowledging it and been part of it.
     Orlando Letelier was just one from the list of assassinations and tortures promoted by the Operation Condor. The ex-president of Brazil, Joao Goulart also was poisonned at the City of Mercedes, Argentina, while in exile. Although it can’t be confirmed today because wasn’t done any autopsy in his body. The ex-president Juscelino Kubitschek also died in a suspicious car accident in Brazil. I doubt both of them represented any danger to anyone and their deaths are the testimony against any type of draconian government.
     As I mentioned before, the involviment of the American government on the internal affairs of South American countries also produced victims from its side. The ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick was kidnapped by the group Revolutionary Movement 8th October (MR-8) in Brazil for 78 hours. Later freed in exchange for 15 political dissidents.
     The CIA agent Dan Mitrione didn’t had the same luck. He was kidnapped by the leftist group Tupamaro in Uruguay and in a sequence of unfortunate events ended killed. He is accused of taught torture classes to the political policies from those South American countries. The Brazilian dictators even honored him with his name given to a street in Rio de Janeiro. Honor later suspended by the civil elected officials that wasn’t up to let his obscure past be any stimulus to future adventurers.
     Here we can point out one contradiction from the American Government that is a great stimulus to the culture of hating Americans at the world outside United States. Not mentioning the interventions and responsibilities for the dissimination of torture and dictatorships. Recently, the American Government tried to imput the charge on Iranian’s shoulders for conspire to kill an ambassador from Saudi Arabia also in Washington, not regards for any Americans that could be killed along.
     I think, none outside of Washington and Pentagon was up to take the plot as true. Since the fabrication of proof that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction at hand, prior to the invasion of that country, everybody in the world is with “a foot behind”, as Brazilians use to say, over anything coming from the American government mouth.
     The killing of Orlando Letelier didn’t cause the same reaction of ultrageous feelings that the possibility of the killing of the Saudi ambassador appear to cause. Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean dictator, who ordered many other assassinations, never got in any trouble with the American Government. And these kind of cynicism is greatly accountable to cheer up the hatred for whatsoever Americans do.
     Not so long ago the representative from the Green Party in Brazil, Mr. Fernando Gabeira were denied entry in United States. Hes visa was asked because his work as representative and the answer was postponed until the expiration of the motivation of the voyage. What was at stake was that, Gabeira was one of the militants who kidnapped the ambassador Elbrick. Where is the cynicism? Just try to make a list of people that never got denied a visa and did things much worse than him. I am not defending what he did. I am just pointing out the incoherence in the American government attitude.
     The dictatorship got its final blowout thanks to the boldness of the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Dom Paulo Evaristo Arns, and many friends such as the Presbiterian, Jaime Wright and the Friar Beto. They did research and later published a book called, Brazil: Nunca Mais or Brazil, Never Again. They took the testimony of survivors of the political dungeons and compared it with the archives from the Militar High Court (Superior Tribunal Militar) and proved all the charges against the torturers from 1,961 to 1,979.
     After the publication everybody who had any doubt about what many already knew got the feeling of be betraied. The majority of the Brazilian people had been deceived for back up the coup d’etat in 1,964 believing that it was the only way to avoid a totalitarian government. At the end they discovered that they got what they least wanted. I saw it in the face of my mother when she read the book. And she agreed. Never, never again.
     The end of the dictatorship in Brazil was market by two big movements. One is called “Anestia Ja” (Amnesty Now). This movement had its roots on the intention from the dictators party to create a law that should be approved by the majority they hold in the Congress which gave amnesty to whatsoever crimes they done. The opposition felt that the law was about to be approved and then included the oppositors to the dictatorship too. So nobody would be left behind. Both side ended swallowing the amnesty of each other. But it proved to be effective to the pacification of the country.
     The second one was the “Diretas Ja” (Directs Now) movement. The dictatorship party wanted to keep the system of indirect elections for president. But millions of people were mobilized in favor of the popular vote in the presidential elections. The movement were fatally woonded when part of the leaders were coopted to go through congressional vote by an accord between the dictatorship party and some part of the opposition. They named Tancredo de Almeida Neves as president and Jose Sarney as his vice.
     I have three moments in my life that I got the presentiment that good things couldn’t come from some decisions. One of those was in the day that Tancredo Neves announced Jose Sarney as his vice. I got so angry about that I cried out to friends that was watching tv in our apartment at the University, This stupid old man thinks that he can’t die?! He’s election came and long before the day of his installation he was dead. And we got an extension of the dictatorship for more five years with his vice.
     The other two presentiments were in the day that president Bush annouced the War against Iraq and some hours before president Obama annouced the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. But those are issues for later.
     One curiosity is that, the vice and later president Jose Sarney have ancestors that signed Rodrigues Coelho. Coincidently those are names also linked to our ancestors. But we don’t have enough data to say that, both families come from the same source of recent ancestors. What appear to be is that, the signature from his family come from a earlier migration and ours is from a later migration from Portugal. If they had any link it could be prior to 1,650.
     Coincidently I was just contacted by one of my cousins who sent me this address, Anibal Rodrigues Coelho is one of ours another closest relatives from the great family. Unfortunately the text at the address is only in Portuguese language. It have not political intention. Casa Grande (Great House) is his non profit organization for help people in needy to which he dedicated his life. But in his interview about his History he literally said that,
     “Through it I struggled to brought libraries to the cities from the outskirts of the Federal District (is how the DC area is called in Brazil). My involviment with the association and with the community service brought me four imprisonments because, at the time, it was taken as communist activity. … The general idea is that, more ignorant the people become more easy become to dominate it. And we wanted to promote a fair citizenship, bringing knowledge to the population, etcetera”. He wasn’t talking about his non profit organization but about his work and militancy as Librarian.
     And it is what dictatorship is all about. The next paragraph he mention what I told before, how illiteracy were used to dominate the poor Brazilian people and during the dictatorship it wasn’t an exception. The goal of the dictatorship wasn’t to keep the illiteracy, its main goal was to control what information it would allow the population have.
     Here I need to mention a contrast on conceptions about what is right and what is wrong in life. My maternal grandaddy, Jose Coelho Junior, the Juca Coelho, was a person that fought his intire life for the communitarians causes. Life in the countryside goes around some communtary references such as, churchs, schools, hospitals, maternities, courts and city hall. Grandfather was politician but never ran any elective position. He only gave support to others who was elected.
    Probably, he had a minor participation on the construction of the main church in Virginopolis but was involved on the instalation of the high school, at the constructions of the hospital and maternity, and thanks to him the city became center of a county having its own court. When the coup d’etat came he was 72 years old. And he gave his support to the cause thinking that the communists could take the power.
     The fear that grandaddy had about the communists wasn’t necessarily because their way of share riches or even to get a repressive government. His fear was the atheism and he could give his life if need for the Catholicism. On it he was completely radical.
     As soon he became 84 years old he had a stroke which made him half handicapped. Like that we were called to serve as his male nurses or helpers on everything he wanted to do when not on bed. He had some Alzheimerist moments alternated by concious ones. And at one of this moments he would try to convince us that, because we were in favor of the democratization of Brazil, we had to be communists. And such discussions became historical in the family.
     On one of those he challenged me to travel to Soviet Union to practice there “my communism”. I was saying to him that I had nothing to do at Soviet Union because as I was against the Brazilian dictatorship I also didn’t agreed with the soviet totalitarism. But he wont understand my logic and mistooke our support for the democracy as it was an approuval to totalitarism, and mainly to that one that came from the atheism communist. In some moment of the discussion he started screeming on me: “Had to deliver death to the people who is conspiring. Such communists. Our militars are been worth of nothing. If don’t kill, Brazil will be brought to a mess!”
     I though I could call his conscience arguing, Ok grandaddy, you is in favor to kill even your grandchildren? But he won’t hear any voice of reason. “Communist is more worth when dead! I don’t forgive nobody.” I tried to appease him: Gradaddy, what reason you would give me to justify to kill? And he yelled at me, “Because it is the law in Brazil!” I took a long breath and calmly whispered what I had to say, Then everything is all right grandaddy! At Soviet Union they are doing nothing wrong with their dissidents. It is because in there they also have their laws.
     Imprisoned to his wheel chair and taking notice that his point of view was lost he didn’t nothing but cry and said, “What is worth is that, I am close to die! But you all will repent.” In truth the life is always like that, doesn’t matter what choice we take, when the difficulty times come we get the doubt if we took the best decisions in our past. We got inumerous opportunities of difficulties in Brazil after the dictatorship. But on each and everyone of those moments my certitude goes always like that, Correct the direction, never turn back to that negative option.
     The problems in the human relationship is the absolutism from some people. Grandaddy Juca was always absolutist. What he believed had to be true to all. We can’t deny and need to thanks for his services as community worker in our city. But if he was young and had done the same that he had done many years ago, at the time of the dictatorship, he would be at risk of be one out of the numerous cases of arbitrary imprisonments that populate our History.
     The problem with absolutists is that, they are to much sure that what they wanna do will be the best to all or, at least, for the majority. Their certitude is so confident that it impede them to see the others points of view. It is for sure, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush and many more had the absolute certitude that they were given the best from themselves to the world. The defect on them is not perceive how much they are mistaken and that, the world have a different idea of what is good for itself.
     By thinking that the world refuse what is good to itself the absolutist try to impose to the world what is not good even for himself. Was totally comprehensible that our grandfather, on his 87 years old and sufferring Alzheimer, mistaken defense of democracy as it was be a communist. But the same, coming from the dictatorship leaders, demonstrated a much much worse illness. In Brazil we got a much worse macarthism than its American original.
     And here I see a close similitude in the conception of those who accuses president Obama of to have a socialist agenda. Those just don’t want we the people to have the same access to conditions that they think are restrict to the privileged. So to accuse president Obama of have a socialistic agenda is one way to exploit the fear that the commoners have for socialism at the same time hiding their real intentions on to segragate the people.
     Lets post though some genealogical sequence for the elected and not inaugurated president Tancredo de Almeida Neves. His ancestry is like the Brazilians describe as, “Feijao com arroz” or Rice n’beans. It means too common.
1,910 Tancredo de Almeida Neves – Risoleta Guimaraes Tolentino
1,881 Antonina Homem de Almeida – Francisco de Paula Neves*
1,848 Mariana Candida Kapler – Antonio Homem de Almeida
1,821 Mariana Candida de Jesus – Francisco Kapler
1,795 Maria Madalena da Silva – Joao da Silva Pereira Gomes
         Manuel Ferreira da Silva – Mariana Moreira de Sousa
1,747 Maria Cleofa Bueno – Jose Ferreira da Silva
         Maria Cleofa Bueno – Joao Goncalves de Melo
         Rosa Maria Bueno de Moraes – Antonio de Moura
         Lourenco Correia Pires – Catarina Bueno do Prado
         Manuel Joao de Oliveira – Francisca de Lira de Moraes
         Isabel Pais – Marcos Mendes de Oliveira
         Maria Leme – Manuel Joao Branco
         Fernando Dias Pais Leme* – Lucrecia Leme*
     From this point we can go back to the chapter 10 and verify the genealogical sequence for the “Bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme posted there. Fernando and Lucrecia are his paternal grandparents. I verified only the maternal side of Tancredo Neves because I thought the dates before the names would help in some way, rather than his paternal side which was without dates.
     The brutality of the dictatorship in Brazil is shown in an ultrageous event. One concert in favor of the democratization and pacificantion of the country, with a famous singer, was set up. A bomb exploded nearby. It was been prepared by two military servants to provoke confusion among the public but the bomb went off unexpectedly on the lap of one of the perpetrators. If they was successful on their attack they could caused many deaths and injured thousands. What they really wanted to do is not yet clarified to the public until today.
     But anything that they did to stop the wave of democratization didn’t worked. And the others South American coutries also entered in the same wave. In it we got some help from the industrialized countries. They were afraid that a recrudescence on the dictatorship would bring to any uncontrolable disorder and it would cause losses on their investiments. So, long before had Arab Spring we had the South American Spring.
     The 1,990s was the real begining of democratization in Brazil. We had the first presidential election through popular vote after 30 years. But although it was considered fair we got the interference from interests others than democracy. The elected president, Fernando Collor de Mello ended impeached for corruption. His successor and vice, Itamar Franco finished his term.
     Itamar Franco inherited a country in a situation of “Terra arrasada” or levelled land. And he was trying to make alliances with whoever would help him. I didn’t like his way of administration because he was ex-governator for the Minas Gerais State and was more conservative than I wanted.
     Although I wasn’t representative of nothing I tried to contact some friends who could contact the Workers Party for not leave him alone because his administration would fall in the conservative hands. But the Workers Party refused to do it and the conservatives fill in all spaces of the government. Later on Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the eternal president of the Worker Party acknowledged the mistake.
     Presidente Itamar Franco gave the place of Minister of Economy to the sociologist Fernando Henrique Cardoso who once had been exiled in United States and taught classes at Harvard. A group of economists, including Andre Pinheiro Lara Resende, had made a plan, based on the corrections on many others that was tried before in Brazil, for a new currency and for stabilize the economy. The plan worked well after be implanted by Itamar Franco and the Minister of Economy got the credits.
     In the wave of optimism that came after the establishment of the plan, called Real, and is now the name of the Brazilian currency, Fernando Henrique Cardoso was easily elected president. But his administration is characterized by extremely conservativism and submission to the international monetary institutions. By not giving flexibility to the comparison between the Real and other currencies his administration made the Brazilian industry loose its competitivity and almost broke the country again.
     The Cardoso administration have two other deeds that characterize its government. One was that, by the Brazilian law the presidents couldn’t be reelected in the period immediately after their terms of four years. Then he bought from the Congress an amendment on his own behalf to be reelected. And he privatized many of public institutions obeying the conservative mandate of minimal State. He even privatized one of the biggest companies of mineralogy in the world, Cia Vale do Rio Doce or Sweet River Valley Company which was born from the riches of Minas Gerais State. He was up to privatize the Petrobras also but it was too much, even for the pacific Brazilian people.
     His conservative measures can be easily measured by the migration of Brazilians to the exterior. I migrated just after he be elected at the first time and each year a greater number of Brazilians was coming. It appeared to be a non stop tendency that would left Brazil empty. And the migrants wasn’t only from classes less favored. People that owned businesses was braking down. Many friends that had migrated before and began their businesses in Brazil start to come back. Here I have to note that, I migrated by choice not because the performance from that administration.
     After three frustrating attempts to be elected president the resilient Northeastern and unionist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva got the position. He took advantage from the possibility of be reelected, thanks to his predecessor, and had two administrations. At the end of his second term he helped to elect the now “presidenta”, Dilma Rousseff.
     Lula, as we call him since he was a unionist, was illiterated as his oppositors tried to stamp his unconventional literacy. He did elementary schooling in a regular basis and was trained to be a metalurgic worker. Later on he also did the high school through a charter school. Most of all he learned from life. And always had good brains around him.
     For that he start to make fun from his oppositors when his administration began to prove right, saying in all speech he did, “Never before in this country it was done…” What he was saying is simple, not other presidency had done so much in a so short period of time. And it is kind of true. But is far from be enough.
     These is our question of to be or not to be. Even if a person been judged as good never can let the feeling of accomplishment take over, in reason of be able of reach a superior level in relationship to others. If we think we did the best that we could do, we should immediately leave our places in favor of others for that they upgrade what we did. Nobody is perfect. Always will be space to make it better. Everything that we do now will be obsolete in a short period of time.
     I remember in 1,979 when I was kicked from my first job in my life. He was a unionist star and his militancy always got him in trouble with the dictatorship. Many times he were imprisioned but was just a waste of time for the bad guys because it just increased his popularity. And one day I was called in the office of some kind of psychologist. At the time the businesses used one nor to help people with problem but to detect “signs of rebellion”. Do a good job wasn’t so important since Brazil was plenty of unemploied willing for any vacancy of bad paid positions.
     I don’t remember if in our interview I did or he did mentioned Lula. And I made some remarks like that, We need more people like Lula to make this country work for everybody. And I saw in his eyes some disbelief and maybe anger. “Do you think he will be the solution?” He asked. Not, but he is the beginning. I answered. And I openly said other things that was just foolishness but nothing that could cause any harm. But soon they put some another guy to be trainned by me and one month later I was history in that enterprise. Its name was Picchionni, Corretora de Valores, and some years later closed its doors for bad administration.
     As president, Lula did what is most obvious in any place else of the world. Brazil had around 170 millions inhabitants and more than half was out of the market. It was what everybody, from the most doctorated to the least like me, was preaching since long time before. But the conservatives kept insisting in favoring the privileged ones expecting, or just saying it, they would do something for the poor people. But the truth is that, the rich until some level try to create jobs because more jobs represent more profit to them.
     In the upper level it doesn’t work well because they starts to gambling in the stocks and spending the money with superfluous. I am not saying that everybody do the same but in Brazil it is most true. And in Brazil the stocks pay one of the highest interests in the world. It was true since the time of the dictatorship and were largely used by the administration of Fernando H. Cardoso to transfer riches to a few percentage of the population. And even the administration Lula wasn’t totally able to introduce more fairness to the rest of the people.
     One good image to describe the problem is that, some billionaires prefer to invest 50 millions on himself house than help the poor get his first house of 100,000. And look how many houses for poor people 50 millions could buy! And I am not talking about give away money I am talking about pay a better salary to those that work hard.
     What Lula did in Brazil is something like Franklin D. Roosevelt did in his Big Deal Plan. He just gradualy raised the minimum wage and waited for the results. He also included in the market millions that was out. Also increased the stimulus to poor families that was keeping their children in schools. It was a great problem in Brazil before because historically too much children drop out schools to help their parents to get along with their needs. Lula himself had been victimized by this.
     Lula felt on his own skin the problem that poor people was submitted around the country. He understood that poor people also had the right of have 5 meals in daily basis. And poor people have also the right of to dress well and even could get their own cars. Historically in Brazil was like what is the saying, “Poor people sale their lunch to buy the dinner.” Since the dictatorship began selling the people’s interests in the international markets the motto became pay little wages to sale more. And the minimum wage was always unfairly deprived.
     Those measurements taken by Lula I myself defended since I wrote my second book in 1,977. I was 19 years old without any economics knowledge but with an heart for fairness and compassion.
     As Brazilians use to say, Lula have been the “pe-de-coelho” or rabbit’s foot of Brazil. While he went office in 2002 soon Brazil conquered its 5th title as Soccer World Cup Champion. Not other good news could elevated the Brazilian optimism than these one. Ok, I am exaggerating a little.
     In his administration Brazil became selfsufficient in sources of energy, thanks to new investments in production of oil and biofuels, including alcohol from sugarcane. Was in his term that a mega oil deposit were found and it will soon put Brazil as exporter of petroleum. Wasn’t without reason president Obama said Lula was the guy. He left the office after the appointments for the next Soccer World Cup Championship (2,014) and, after London, next 2,016 Summer Olimpics Games.
     Sure. I am just making an abbreviation of what some presidents did for Brazil and they didn’t do just what I am saying they done. I am just characterizing their accomplishments.
     The most recent president(a) in Brazil is also the first female to take the first office in the country. Dilma Vana Rousseff is daughter of an immigrant from Bulgaria named Pedro Rousseff. Her mother, Dilma Jane da Silva is from Resende City, Rio de Janeiro State. The couple raised the family in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State capital, where Dilma Vana was born.
     At the “Anos de Chumbo” or Lead’s Years she became an active militant against the dictatorship. And she was captured, tortured and served three years in the prison. Is too earlier to characterized her administration because she was inaugurated in January first, 2,011. But looks like she will do continuity to the work of Lula. And it mean good news to United States but not so good as it could be if the past hadn’t its toll to pay for.
     I am mentioning it because United States could hope for a better partner from Brazil in this time of crisis. The problem is that, United States never asked for any forgiveness for its terribles deeds against the Brazilian people during the dictatorship there. It even didn’t acknowledged what were done. Now, many of the politician who are in power there were the same persons that sufferred the most from the interventionism.
     Even if those politicians don’t have hard feelings one thing they can’t help themselves to have, which is the lack of trust in United States policies. The acknowledgement and the asking for forgiveness could be the first step toward the construction of a new era of trusting. And a better alliance would only come if based in trust on each other.
     The acting from the last Bush administration can be accountable for great losses in the relationship between the two nations. His arrogance in making wars through lies must have put Brazilian politicians in a defense mode that reflected in economic losses for United States. What worry such politicians is the belief in that, When Americans don’t get what they want through diplomatic means they just take it from the others.
     And surely, the actions from the administration of the second president Bush did show it as truthful. And it must plaied a role when the administration Lula in Brazil opposed to a project that could give to United States a base to launch spaceships from there. Just for the reader know, the launching of spaceships around the equatorial line is much less expensive than other tropical or subtropical places. And Americans wanted the base as it was its own territory without sharing technologies.
     Certainly, nobody wantes give such trusting reception to Americans. Nobody wantes to give any excuse to American interventions in the future.
     Another blowout of American diplomacy lately were the lost of a multibillionaire contract with the Brazilian government to provide airships to its Army. Even the administration Obama been perceived as more friendly nobody knows what will come next. And nothing better than watch the Republican Party debates to take notice of what the world worries about United States are. So everytime any government have to decide if it will do business with Americans they will remember what were done before and will avoid to do it anytime they have a more trustfull supplier.

     They will not deliberately excludes United States from every business because the country is perceived as important to the world community but while United States do not works on its image as a good and essential partner it will suffer the erosion on its relationships and it maybe will drive to its demise as dominant economy in the world in a short term. It is not because the world hates United States but because United States is long making the same mistakes the others dead empires did before.21. SOLUTIONS

Yesterday, May 16, 2.012, I published the chapter 20 of these book at my blog. But just after got some inspirations to amplify my arguments for that chapter. So instead of go right to the point of the title Solutions I will post here those new ideas.

About the issue gay marriage for those that take the Biblical text as pattern of how to behave I got a new message. In my analysis we have two ways of believe in the Bible. The first one is when the believer take the whole text as something dictated by God and perfectly translated in human words by people.

In these case, the believer have no other choice than to follow every word of the text. If somebody chose some instructions to follow and others to not follow, then these one is been false. It is that so because God don’t change His Mind and only say what have to be done in the past, present and future. So nothing that were said can be altered.

The second way to believe is that, the writings in the Bible is an attempt from human beings for interpret the Will of God. In the best of their good will the authors made mistakes because they were human beings. So the believer must follow what represents good for himself as well the good for all neighbors, otherwise, don’t need follow what represents harm to anyone.

The pastor mentioned before accepted the discrimination against gays as part of the Will of God. He didn’t said it but I don’t believe he would ever accept any discrimination against himself. So, over his head is the sentence of enslavement. If he say that in no way he can be enslaved, he would be denying that it is “written in the Bible”, as Will of God, and must be followed by him. If he say that, in his case it would be different, he would only be taking an excuse to freed himself of follow all the rules but put on the others shoulders a sentence that he don’t want bear for himself. It is a sign of prejudice.

The other issue is about the allegation from the Mitt Romney’s team, including himself, that what he did in the Bain Capital was only defending the interests of the investors. It includes the funds for retirement. They are saying that Bain Capital only gave to the investors what they wanted, which would be, big interests. In some way, it is true because who wouldn’t like to invest some money in a business that would pay back a high interest?

But what they are saying is something like that, Look, nobody can consider it as a sin because if was that so everybody would be a sinner for doing what the law permit us to do. And then, if everybody sins together nobody can be punished for it. The strategy is clever but is equally false.

First of all for attract investors Bain Capital must have offered the higher gains. And the small investors were fished just like a fish that don’t sees the hook but only the bait. I don’t think everybody would invest with Bain Capital if was warned that it would hurt employees and owners of small companies.

Yes, everybody want to be rich, but most of us want it together with fairness. If I had the opportunity to invest on what Bain Capital was doing at the time Mitt Romney was working there, knowing all the consequences of it, I would say, no thanks, I have other places to go. I may not gain so much but I also want peace of mind.

What Mitt Romney’s team is trying to do is convince all of us that his sins can’t be taken as hard as it really is because everybody that did invest in his proposals was happy at the end of the day. What the Romney’s team is doing is trying to sale his image as he were the unrighteous steward described in the book of Luke, chapter 16: 1-13. What he did was wrong but he keep saying to them that got some share with it, I helped you, now receive me into yours everlasting habitations.

I confess, I never understood such parable. How a corrupt man who do corrupts many others can be presented as good example of behavior? To me it is one of the contradictions that are in the Biblical text but I can use it to compare what Mitt Romney did as the same as what is described in the parable by the unrighteous steward.

Another way of to compare what Mitt Romney did is give the example of a bad fisherman. The bad fisherman used a net with so small kind of holes that he fished most of the creatures from the sea, even the smaller children of the bigger fishes. So the Cycle of Life were totally disrupted. When the people came to him to complain about the bad thing he had done, he said: But what I did was only because you wanted to have fish to eat! You are the sinners. The cleverness is that, transfer to others the blame for what bad you done.

The situation here remembered me my paternal grandfather, Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho, or Cista. Granddaddy Cista and his siblings were from the well established families since the first European dwellers in our region. I can’t say they were rich. When he was 10 years old his granddaddy died and he began work to live as all children in his age at that time. He was born in 1,890.

When granddaddy Cista was 20 years old his father died too. He also got married and I imagine that he confronted some difficult. He start his life from almost nothing. And decided to do a big step on his life. He proposed to buy a farm from our great uncle Benjamin Rodrigues Coelho. And he got some short time to pay it or lose all he had.

Then came the helper to save the day. Our cousin Nelson Coelho de Senna was better established because was older and was professor in a college. He also served many terms as representative in the State of Minas Gerais, was writer and genealogist. He gave a loam in such conditions to granddaddy Cista that only a close friend or father could give. Granddaddy paid the farm and went to work as he always did, with great courage.

At that time, Brazil hadn’t have good roads and the railroad was almost used only by passengers. The transportation was done by mules in a long line. From my birth city to Rio de Janeiro they would spend around a month. And another to come back. He had to produce as farmer, transport to Rio de Janeiro, sale his and buy needed merchandise at our birthplace. So he also had his own store for it. He had everything because he was a really hard worker.

Working like that he probably became the richest man in the town. Despite of the Great Depression he kept going. With the shares from each activity he start modernize his production and were able to give to each son one way of life. All of them became farmers or businessman in the commerce. Except for two that chose go to college; my father, dentist, and uncle Murillo Barbalho who became lawyer.

The lesson that we got from our granddaddy Cista was that, hard work pay off greatly. It became a false lesson at the end of his life and so on. The problem was that, the ways in Brazil changed. Some began to be intermediaries. Those were the guys that didn’t worked hard at a farm. They just went to the farms to pick up the production and transport it to the big cities. In there they passed it on to other intermediaries, who passed the product to others vendors.

The farmers lost great part of their revenue, and in the other end of the line the consumers was paying much higher. The only ones that got rich were the intermediaries. Only the hard work stood in the people’s hands. And if anyone want know why Brazil were left behind in the development must know about it. The intermediaries got much more than they worked for.

The situation of companies such as Bain Capital works just like intermediaries. I imagine that, if my granddaddy had to pay the interests that the real hard workers have to pay to the intermediaries of today he would never become rich and probably would have to work more for much less revenue. And a much smaller number of people in Brazil would be rich, with more riches concentrated in their hands and no benefit to the people.

I just think that, the way that put Brazil behind for so many years is the same way that Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are looking for to put in practice in United States today. Nobody needs the ones that exploit the fruits from the work of others. What United States need is to give back the same opportunities that the hard workers once had. The hard workers can bring the country back. And the intermediaries will only take it down.

It said, lets go to the issue of the present chapter.

The title Solutions is not a exactly definition for what I have to say. I think that, anyone who is altruist dream about solutions for all of our problems. But the problem is that our problems are ourselves. Altruism should be the key to all solutions. But we don’t have a culture based on altruism. Our leaders are always thinking about solutions that themselves will gain something first or more than the others. When some thinks about a collective solution, end thinking only if the solution bring something more or first for their own people not to all.

If somebody ask me what to do to solve our problems I would answer, I don’t know. I am solution for nothing. What I know is so little! The only thing that I know for sure is that, each one of us is part of the all solution. Doesn’t matter how little we are in these world. If we be left behind from any solution we will become problem. So the solution only come collectively and altruistically. We need less of me and less of mine, and more we and more our.

More than ever we have been seeing how the humanity is getting multiplied in a so little planet. Today, anything that is happen on any of the countries in the world affects all the others. It appears like the planet got smaller. It is almost like we got so tall that our houses don’t contain us anymore. We need to be careful when we open our arms because we can damage our neighbors houses and themselves.

It requires a new way of behavior. And is no more place in the world to think that any one of us is exceptional. No country, no people, no individual. We are in the same spaceship and if we try to destroy our neighbors we can be destructed with them. So the solution pass on for, What we want, preserve all or destruct all? It is why the solution need to be altruistic, collective and preservative.

Is interesting to bring back the information about our earlier civilizations. Since thousands of years ago our ancestors believed that they had to do something to keep the universe in balance. If we didn’t appease the gods through it the universe would start fall apart and bad things could happen to the people and the universe. If it is true or not we can compare the lasting of empires to have some idea. Using their believes, some empires such as the Egyptian endured for thousands of years. And how long we will endure in our path?

Our Jewish-Christian beliefs in some way inherited the same ideal. We had to perform some ceremonies to appease God and He be in our favor. Balance is the key to solve our problems. And when I mention balance I mean in all things. What is hilarious about it is that, our most ancient known ancestors believed we needed to keep balance for the sky don’t fall on their heads. Today, some conservative don’t believe on that the bad behavior towards nature is even able to change our planet’s climate. They think we can keep everlasting harming the nature and it will not harms us back.

I also think that, if we want solutions then we must be committed to peace. Doesn’t matter what we do differently, if we don’t have peace we also don’t have guarantees of nothing for the future. Until now we had many mighty empires ruling the known world. And all of them met its ends for lack of peace. So, if we want lasts for unaccounted time, peace must be in our ways. Our solutions though must be altruistic, collective, preservative, in balance and peaceful.

Throughout History we experienced many systems of government. All of them failed in some way. But what is most visible on its failures is the weakness of its governors. And I am not talking about weakness in a sense of not conduct the states affairs with iron hands. Those are the ones that failed by double standards. I meant weakness in a sense of lack of honesty. Not matter if those were royalists or republicans, presidential or parliamentary.

As well we experienced many economic systems. Each one of them presented its strong and weak points. Not long ago we watched the debacle of the Soviet Communism. Today we are crossing our fingers for don’t see the same faith to capitalism. Although capitalism have been reinventing itself in many periods of times, looks like it needs to be put in a better balance. Capitalism need reinvention and a better pair of wings to escape from so much turbulence.

Between the choices democracy and autocracy (no matter if dictatorship or monarchy) I don’t believe in it is even worth of discuss such issue. Democracy is not yet a perfect system but the others are much worse. Then there stands the question, How to evolve democracy in such way that it can really be translated as, The government from the people, by the people, for the people. It is clear that, is no place in democracy for have higher interests over the people’s interests. And it haven’t been respected as it should.

What I know is that, the economy is not our biggest problem. Although it have been discussed as it is. It would be if had not reachable solution. Solutions does exist. But need also to have willingness to go there. And I am not seen it just watching the game that is been played in our days. Why? Because of the lack of fairness. We will have no solution without fairness.

What I mean about fairness can pass through the question, Which one is the biggest corporation in the world? Some will say is some of the banks and others will say, Look at the Nasdaq and you will see. That is true. Wall Mart, Toyota, Shell, Exxon Mobil and some others are in dispute to be nominated as the biggest. But we have a company much bigger than all together. But it is invisible to most eyes.

Lets take the example of Facebook to make some points around here. Yesterday, May 22, 2.012, Facebook start to negotiate its shares at the New York Stocks Exchange (NYSE). Some have anticipated its value as around 80 to 100 billions dollars. More than the budgets of most countries in the world. And yet it is a medium company.

What I want to focus on here is how it got its size and became so valuable. It began almost like a play thing for young people. Exploring the natural human instinct of to be connected with friends. And soon attracted thousands, millions and hundreds of millions. It was possible only because people acts like herd. Some of my friends got it and they invited me to go. So I go where they go.

It was also possible because the association is free from charges. Brazilian have a say that goes like that, “If the bovine knew its strength it would never be dominated!” Yes, ignorance is part of our world and we don’t need to be a bovine to be part of the herd. It is inclusive a depreciation to human being say in Portuguese, live like a herd. It mean someone who is always conducted by others.

And Facebook is a company that works with such human weakness. Many other companies do the same. Although it don’t mean that is always a bad thing. What is a bad thing is the herd be used, not knowing exactly how. Most of us use Facebook because have friends and want to be in contact with them. We share our thoughts, photos, documents and others things more. To most of us our relationship with Facebook ends on it. But to the owners of Facebook it is not the end, is just the beginning.

To us we are users. To them we are merchandise. We are a merchandise like the wild berries. As they spend to little to pick up us on the field, they also can sale us for almost nothing. But we are so many that the addition of all end in the little amount of billions. They sale advertisement to others companies. We don’t have any obligation to buy anything. But that is for sure, one day each one of us will use Facebook to buy something. Nothing wrong with it. It is not different from buy something which you saw its advertisement in a newspaper or television.

What would be different is that, the managers of Facebook start to see us only like a herd, ignoring our everyday “work” on it and been disrespectful to us saying: We created Facebook, we are the ones that did everything and what we earned is not enough so now we will create a tariff to all user. And I ask, how about that?! Not be thankful is one of the worst of all sins.

Let us imagine that, if Mark Zuckerberg become so proud of what he already done and start to be the mask of snob in such way that he would think nobody else but him matters. And he began to say, I create Facebook, I create thousands of jobs, I brought Facebook to NYSE and I … and so on. Would it sound familiar?

Certainly, he would create a situation with all of his colleagues, friends and customers. He would break all trust we put on him. And not far away from the day that he would say that, friends on same network would start close their accounts on Facebook to establish themselves in others competitors sites. And soon we would see almost all the Facebook users migrate away. And we would see one example of who really own the trust.

Not long ago the motto of the commerce was, “Customers first”. And my impression is not solitary. I was about to go on and looked at the Google to make sure that my spelling was correct. By curiosity I read the article, “Putting Customers First” by Jena McGregor, on October 1, 2004. And I quote her on that, “You’d think more companies would have gotten it by now. Unfortunately, organizations that put customers at the center of what they do are rare — so rare that we’re celebrating them.”

I identify as big problem in our days the misconception that the people is not the biggest corporation that we ever had. Until now, the others companies are treating us based on human psychology of herds. They have been using it in their favor and the people haven’t experienced the knowledge of be more strong than everything else. The people must acknowledges its own strength. But also know that, with the power also comes responsibility. It must learn to use the strength without harm itself.

We can look at our past to learn more about it. The chapter of the World History called by, “The Enlightened Despot”, is a example how rulers can become such detached from the people that even the once quiet bovine start to react violently. They were so sure that the people wouldn’t react to their despotism that they kept abusing the people for decades until the French Revolution came. Today, the French people and most of the world celebrate the French Revolution. But the French Revolution were a totally failure as a movement and ended with millions of deaths. The good thing about it were its ideals that later on were adopted and these is the good side.

In 1.917 we got another example of an abusive power leading to a revolt. The Bolshevik Revolution were born. And what the people got with it? It run from the wolf and ended in the pride of lions. The people suffered 70 years of repression and still getting bad consequences from that past. So we must be careful with what we say and what we do.

And what I say now is that, we are getting an example from a disturbing kind of thinking here in United States. The Republican Party, lead by its most like candidate to the presidency for 2,012 election, Mitt Romney, is concentrating they effort on defend the right of to be rich and are faking the idea that rich people create more jobs. I don’t know how much stupid they think we are but these idea is the closest one to a Ponzi Scheme.

OK. I am not crazy like these. I admit that, rich people with good intentions can create some jobs and I don’t mind if some of us get more richer than others doing good things to the society. What I say and know to be impossible is a person that is dedicated to be rich also be able to be dedicated to the society at her best. Jesus said to us that, we can’t serve to two lords at the same time. And I believe on him.

My Brazilian experience have shown me just the opposite that the Republican Party is saying. Brazil passed on for lost decades. Since the 70s through 90s Brazil were inexplicable poor. We could make a trip on city after city of Minas Gerais State, around my birthplace, and in hundreds of them we could see the poverty flowing like water. Poverty was everywhere you could see.

And where was found the rich to help the people? They were nowhere to be found. Then the people discovered the way to migrate and began to go to every place in the world to help itself. Most of them became easy pray to the opportunists. Those got rich and helped nobody. The migrants confronted all sort of danger. Their life were blood, sweat, tears and persecution.

When Brazil were in its worst times and the people in need for help from the rich it were just the time that the people got more exploited by them. United States can’t even be proud of what were done. To see how the people from Brazil were treated at that time one need only to go to any place from the Northeast of Minas Gerais and ask how many known people were denied a visa to come here. Were no respect. Not even for old people that was coming to see a grandchild for the first time. Had no criteria to distribute visas.

Despite of everything the people got here and elsewhere. And for thirty years long we saw city after city been supported by the migrants. In the poor cities around we could see many constructions. When we asked, who owned it? Most of the time was someone who was sending money from abroad. A good fraction of the families were supported by a relative residing abroad. If was not for it some wouldn’t have even the money to buy food.

Where were the big corporations to help the people? I don’t know. The only thing that I know for sure is that the people was consuming some of their products. By that I conclude, the big corporations, and the rich people were not where to found to help the people but the people was easy to be found helping them.

Now it is a new time. Thanks to a new politics and a better salary that the people is earning, things got better there. Some are getting truly rich. Brazilians now represent profit to anyone who is interested on earn it. Brazilian tourists are in the middle of those that spend more money in their trips. Now Brazilian tourists mean more business than migration. And the philosophy towards Brazilians have been changing so much that the consulates of United States are issuing more and more visas. United States even opened two new consulates, in Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais States.

What I am saying is that, if the people want a solution for its problems, is not worth to expect that the help will come from rich people. But rich people will always be around when the problems be solved to profit from the success of the people. I am not condemning rich people. Many of them even are nothing more than former poor people that got some opportunity and used it to become rich. But what I am sure is that, if the opportunities come to the people first everybody will get their share. But if the opportunity come just for some, the problem will never be solved.

What the Republicans lead by Mitt Romney are doing is just selling illusions. They don’t know how create new jobs. What they know is how to profit from it. The creation of jobs come from the most simple equation. We only need the people earning a fair share. People acts like herd. Having money in the pocket soon it goes to the market. And is not the creation of factories that creates jobs. The demand is the responsible for the creation of factories. People without money don’t create demand.

The only way of have consumers is put money in the hands of the people. You don’t need give money away. What is needed is only to pay fairly all the salaries. The people don’t want earn the money without work for it. The people just want to be paid fairly for every job. But since the globalization promoted by the big corporations the false promise of cheap goods is back leashing the economy. Is not worth to have cheap goods if for it the factories diminish the numbers and pay less to the remaining in the job workers.

Doing it you automatically will diminish the money circulating in the market and it only will goes down. So it is simple as that, the market don’t work like a magic. And I know, too much magic have been done in the last decades. It is why we went in recession before and is why Europe is in difficult now. And the whole world is at risk.

Now I need to explain why the people is the biggest corporation of all. Mitt Romney is defending his records as CEO of Bain Capital and is saying that, his experience in the private sector is his great gift to be president. I don’t think we need to be a lot smart to see the cleverness on such affirmation. The money invested by Bain is not his but came from the people who earned it. Mostly from hard work. Yes. I said before, he is using the mask of benefactor of the people but was only taking the opportunity given by the people.

If Bain hadn’t any investor Mitt Romney had to go elsewhere to be employed. First of all where the people who gave him a job. Now he is saying that he created jobs through his actions on Bain Capital. As a former investor, I don’t think so. These is not a main goal to any Equity Firm. The main goal is gain interests.

And I can use my own experience to explain it better. When I was working in the sector of transportation were offered to all employee the opportunity to transfer some particular fund that we got with our employer to a Equity Firm. We accepted the offer. And some experts came to explain to us a little about investments. Basic the only thing they said to us was that, we should split our investment in three categories, high, small and no risk. Wasn’t clever to put all the eggs on only one basket because of the risks.

It was around the year 2,000 and most of us have never invested before. And I wasn’t a totally ignorant about the issue because, at the time we lived in Brazil, we got hard lessons to learn because we were on the opposite side of the investment. At the time, Brazilian economy was too much unstable and was one of the higher interests on whole Earth. I remember times where the interests rates oscillated between 50 and 170% a year. And I am talking about only the interests not the inflation.

So, Brazilian economy were a place to be creditor never a borrower. Even so had some that had no other way than take the ultimate risk. And I knew that, probably the high risk investment offered to us would be Brazilian shares or another poor country in similar situation. What I got to invest was an insignificant amount. From my two weeks check payment would be taken around 30 to 50 dollars. If I remember well, my first capital was around US$ 1,500.00.

Even for me that was from the group of workers that was selling the lunch to by his diner it wasn’t much. Was what I had at hand. But if I took it to invest by myself I would spend it on our day-by-day expenses and would never have some savings. What I thought was that, if I used it I will not come out from poverty. And if I invested it in the high risk opportunity I could gain something that I would never had. If I lose, it also wouldn’t alter what my life was.

Then I thought more. The problem were that, if I choose to invest on high risk shares it will probably be invested in Brazil and the borrower there will need to work as hard as a mule to pay the spoiled interests. And I came to the conclusion that, if I don’t invest on it others will do. Then if anyways the Brazilian will pay for it, better they pay to me that also am Brazilian. So I choose to put all my eggs on high rate interests investment. I just didn’t knew who individually was paying me but I knew that, the hard work people was in the other end of the line.

The Equity Firm that we invested is not Bain Capital. But the principles of investment work almost the same to all of them. So when Mitt Romney say that he was proud of the job he was doing, not taking in consideration that he was been just an intermediary between two groups of hard work people where one gave him the opportunity to have a well paid job and the other was paying all the costs, I became convinced of not vote for him, no matter what. What he claim is that, he was the doer of something extraordinary good, when in truth was only exploiting the hard work of others.

Lets get back to our example of Facebook. It is a interesting example because I think all of us, the lay people, can understand what I am trying to say without know anything about economy. I am a common user of Facebook and I am thankful for it be a reality because since I am so far from the places where I used to live, I can keep easy contact with my friends. It was true even before I opened my account on Facebook because I used e-mail or Orkut. And we have others social media that we can use.

Would be a serious mistake from the managers of Facebook not take each individual on its list of users as valuable consumers. And, like that, we must be put in first place. If Facebook is really worth of 80 billion dollars or more the “owners” of Facebook must calculate each user as having an equivalent share of cents. I don’t know how much. As they have the numbers, how much Facebook is worth and the exactly number of users, then just make the division to know how much each one of us own.

Whatever the value be of the “owners” of Facebook, they must take it as a gift from us to them. They need to be humble and recognize that, “we the people” are giving not an unconditional gift because for most they have worked to make Facebook a reality, they are been paid extraordinarily well. They can’t take as themselves be the souls and hearths of Facebook. The people is.

And now I will also add why I mentioned before the French and the Bolshevik Revolutions. I am talking just in hypothesis means. Lets say that, if Mark Zuckerberg start to fooling around and despises the users because he now is extremely rich and the people is just the people! Although it is a difficult task to convince all the people that it wouldn’t be right, a group of concerned citizens could start a boycott and all or most of the users just go away to other social media.

Some would say that, it would be impossible because Facebook is the best in its genre so only some would go away. I think it is perfectly possible, since the people be well informed that, if we have no Facebook anymore the others social media will take its place and will improve itself because the workers from Facebook will migrate to the others. Facebook only exists because have users and some people working behind the scenes. Maybe Zuckerberg is the face of Facebook but “We the People” are the capital of it. Zuckerberg only became rich because we gave him the opportunity and if he be not respectful to us, is all right to take it back from him.

And every any other firm in the world is not what it is by itself. They have only two irreplaceable components. Its corp of employees and the corp of consumers. Everything else is perfectly replaceable. And every and each one of us need be careful with our pride because all of us individually are replaceable. Together, only a new generation can replace us.

Long before I discussed these issue and recently I took a quick view on an interview of somebody saying, is false the impression that we have heroes that did extraordinary things. Anything a great person can do depend on the approval and behavior of the people. Is a wrong thing to teach our children that George Washington is the father of our nation without mention that the people from the same time fathered it together. He only accomplished his mission because most of the people gave him support and did together what had to be done to accomplish the American Independence. Without people nothing had to be done.

About my mention of the motto “customer first” is something in disuse. And also the Brazilian saying that “The bovine is dominated because don’t know it’s strength”. The second one is perfectly applicable to the people. And I am seeing in a future not far from now some people taking awareness of it. Will come the time that the people will learn how strong is. And the people will be tired to be enslaved and after the conclusion that is not been respected will do simple things with strong message.

Let me say that as example. And if the auto sector start monkey around!? So the people will get together and establish directions to it behave to pleases the people. If it don’t work, then the people will get together again and decide which maker will be eliminated from the market. Since then, nobody will buy any product related to that maker. And the others will behave good.

And it is why I mentioned the French and Bolshevik Revolutions. The people need to learn its lessons. The people can negotiate with power without harm itself. We have much to lose if a total revolution be called. If all the people boycott all the makers, we would lose all the jobs that the makers represents. But if the people chose to boycott just one maker and keep buying cars from the others, the employees from the boycotted maker will be needed and will not lose job. Only the investors on the determined maker will lose.

And I am just remind it because it will be part of the solutions. People must be considered first, not leaders that give to themselves more value than they are worth of.

We have many people now-a-days thinking they are better than others because they make more money. It is another false impression. And it is peculiar to those that got the illness of vanity. Our society gave to much credit to those that make more money. And it is why so many people are preferring to do things that they don’t like but pay them better.

Mitt Romney is one of those that is proud of to be rich as if it make him better than everybody else. These kind of behavior is not good for our society. If make money be the reason for our success and everybody start doing things that pay more money, who will do the others vital things in our society? We need, at least, keep some balance between how much money the person from the overall people make and the people from the top of the pyramid do.

If somebody thinks that he or she is better than others because is able to make more money, it only is a distorted behavior person. Why I would say that? Look, if you are trained to be a medic personnel you are supposed to do your job better than anyone other trained to do another job. You don’t expect an actor be a better doctor than the scientist that he is representing. You don’t expect a bread maker be a better painter than the artist. So we don’t expect everyone else in the society be able to conduct the economy of the country than someone trained to do it.

If you are good into make money because you were trained to do it, then you are doing nothing more than what is your obligation. But if our society start gave to much privilege to those that make money and be disrespectful to the others, then everybody will be attracted to do only the things that is converted in big money. Imagine though if everybody start looking for high positions and refuse to do other things. Who will harvest? Who will collect trash? Who will baby sitter? Who will do everything else needed in every society for it be fair to all?

Without air, you die in question of minutes. Without any water you is expected to die in question of a few days. Without food you can live more days. Without easy money makers, nobody dies.

Balance is what is needed to any society work well. And today it is clear that, our society is totally out of balance. The rich is becoming richer and the poor is loosing even hope. And we can’t act like the blame for it is only to Republicans or Democrats. Mistakes have being made as long as the History of United States goes. And the politics of blame each others will not fix things. Just will make it worse.

Just one exception. The countries called BRICS, where the B represents Brazil, are the countries in development that are making the difference in our days. And it is not because they are doing so well. We can’t compare them with the long time developed others. Their way of development have to be proved. For example, we can’t compare Brazil and United States as apples and apples. But what were done there may can be a demonstration of what isn’t been done here and explain why, in part, our economy is in trouble.

As I said before, when we were kicked out of Brazil by decades of failed policies, the minimum wage was around US$ 100.00/month. Don’t be admired by it. The money at the time would buy some part of a family needs to live, although in a much less capability of consume. The common people could buy only things that was made in Brazil. But I would say that, if a couple with children had to live at the time with only the minimum wage in Brazil, they may could live better than a couple living in United States with the minimum wage around US$ 800.00/month as it was. The difference was that, the couple here would have a better assistance.

At that time in Brazil almost nobody used their own car. A small number of people had television and other things from the genre. What changed from then to now was only that, the government decided to control the inflation and start drop by drop elevate the minimum wage. Today, the minimum wage in Brazil is around US$ 300.00. The minimum wage triples and the annual budget of country as a whole got five times bigger. I don’t think it would be possible if only the richest got better shares from the society.

The good side of it is that, more and more people there is making much more money than the minimum wage, and I think it is in consequence of the money been available in the base of the pyramid. And the government also created ways to put some extra money in the pockets of the poorest ones.

Brazil still a paradox of being one of the richest countries in the world and no have the basic structures to guarantee it to all. But is like my friend Richard use to say, “People who wasn’t able to buy a bicycle then, now have they own car.” And it is the essence of Brazil today. Brazil is not yet an example of economic fairness. But is much better than in the time we came to here.

What is visible also is that, big companies and rich people never did any sacrifice to it be like that. The rich also is getting more richer. And more people is becoming rich. And it is why I think that is just an illusion or hallucination to think that the rich are the ones that create jobs in any country. If the people get money in the pocket, then the market regulate itself. What creates all the opportunities is when the little people gets money in their pockets. The people with money is the consumer and it is what creates demand. If there are demand, everybody will look the opportunity to invest in all sort of business. And it is the solely factor for creation of jobs.

And, for it be, the least effective measure is to give stimulus to those that already have money. Those will not move the market without consumers. And make the distribution of money to the top of the pyramid will only make the privileged be richer and will not fix anything. The success of a society is not on what it invests on its elites but on what it invests on its people. In a free society the success of rich people is not on what the society invests on it but on what the consumers from the free market decide to spend.

Riches is a consequence, not cause of the society. Like back in Brazil where city after city around my birthplace got no investment from big corporations to make it better and now big corporations like car makers, electronics makers and others are selling their products like never before, the same thing always can be happen when the small people get money in their pockets in any place else.

Yesterday, May 26, I watched an interview done by Piers Morgan, on CNN, to an well known supporter of the Mitt Romney’s project. And he was saying that, the Venture Capitals are good to the society because they take on firms that are ill, reorganize it in a way that they become competitive with better paid jobs. In my interpretation he was saying that, Venture Capital works like medics saving lives of terminal ill firms. OK. It is a good argument.

But like in the real life I would prefer not go to any doctor. Nothing against them. I am conscious about their usefulness. But it looks like just the impression we lay people got from our time. Looks like more specialized our doctors got today more our people are getting ill. Why it appears be like that? To me could be because more doctors are making money from their activity more they are, even unconsciously, working for the diseases never go away. Seems like they are working to find remedy for it not to remove the causes of the diseases.

What he clearly said is that, Venture Capital are not here to save the people’s jobs but to save some business. Business that they hope will pay them well. If they wanted save the day they had to invest on people. It is something like that, the business got contaminated by the illness present in our society. The disease is a result from the low payment people are getting. If the people was getting a better payment no business would be in trouble. So they are investing in the disease not in the removal of the cause of it.

It is not worth of anything to treat people with intoxication without clean up the lagoon from where the contaminated water is coming. Who where healed and drink from the same water will get sick again. The disease in our society is the value of our salaries. If it not be resolved also the society will not be healed. What appears is that, the rich Republicans are willing to make money from our diseases and later give some back in form of charity to them appears to be merciful. I don’t think “We the People” want charity. “We the People” want fairness.

What Capital Ventures are doing is also keeping the diseases of our markets alive. So they can profit from it. And the solution for our economic problems is a simple as make pie. Is just make the market stronger and it is only possible if the base of the pyramid be served. The image the supporters of Mitt Romney are trying to sale to our people is that, the pyramid is now upside down and the base is been supported by the top. How silly! It a totally out of balance thinking. And if it is that so, beware, the tumble will be greater.

Nobody would call by the name of socialist the ones that wrote our Constitution and they are the ones that put “We the People” first. These opening is a clear message from our ancestors saying that, the people should be the focus number one of our society. To put the elites in first place is an inversion of our most sacred ideals. Do it is not solution but confusion.

Doesn’t matter much if we go by the book under the orientation of Republicans or Democrats. The result looks like the same. By our own experience we saw how the administration bailed out the big businesses and the result of it were the protection of the rich people’s assets. While “We the People” are getting water in our basements.

The Republicans are preaching that they would let the businesses that needed the bailout get the water in their assets. But at the same time they are advocating the tax break for rich people. So the result would be almost the same because the money would also end in the richest people’s pockets. Although, if some of the bailed out enterprises had broke down, the people would be suffering much more.

I think that the bailout in our recent past were a bitter taste remedy to our people swallow but necessary to avoid the worsening of the chaos. But now the people need to put it behind and go forward demanding responsibility from the richer and not allow another buffoonery from Wall Street’s bosses. Otherwise, the selective boycott could be put to work.

My conclusion about the economic problem is that, We have two ways to go. One is invest on our elites. Another is invest on our people. One is confusion and another is solution.

The Republicans which ones are dominantly Christians never learned the lesson. Riches multiplies accordingly to it is shared. It looks like a contradiction but is entirely true. If you want more riches then you should share what you got with others. More riches is concentrated in few hands less it will multiply. Mat. 19:23. The Republicans think Heavens always will be open for them but how they could go with so poor understanding how to comply with God’s Will?

I am not writing all those things to accuse the Venture Capitals of doing anything out of the law. I think the people who is behind it is just taking advantage from the opportunities that the market is offering. Since is no law saying it is wrong they are not breaking it. What I would like is not be taken as some kind of dupe who can be easily driven to think that they are in it to create jobs or offers better paid jobs to others than themselves. If they set right their records everything will be all right with me.

But I also need to give some advice. They say we live in an world of opportunities. So they also need to know how to be opportunists without harm others. I think it is a good guidance because we need to have ways to have success in one hand and in the other hand we need not transform our success in cause of our downfall. Everything need to be in balance.

All of us need to remember that, as the opportunities present to us and we take it carelessly, harming the others, other opportunists can use the harm as opportunity to themselves. If the people wasn’t left behind in the cases of the French and Bolshevik Revolutions those facts would never be part of our History. Let me say that, if any serious problem occurs with our economy in a short period of time from now, and big companies be in need to be rescued, we will have a situation almost out of control because it will be fire in the barrel of gunpowder. I don’t think some happen like these will help others than some bad opportunists.

Today is Friday, June 08, 2,012. I was absent for some days because I found some lead in my family’s genealogical path and wasn’t been able to concentrate well on the issue of these chapter. But what is new was the interview gave by the former president Bill Clinton saying he was favorable to keep the Bush’s taxes cuts, even for the wealthiest Americans, until the next year. He even praised Mitt Romney for his career as CEO of Bain Capital.

What was expected just after was happen. Immediately the Republicans used it as it was the intention on say that he would give any endorsement to the Republicans ideals. Brazilians have a saying that goes like that, “shut off mouth doesn’t get fly”. Now Mr. Clinton is trying to set right what he was thinking. The Republicans want to make permanent the taxes cuts and he said it should be done only until next year. And he is in the ship to reelect president Obama. Say that Mitt Romney did a good job for himself and his investors didn’t meant that he did a good job for the people.

Brazilians also say that, “When you say something wrong, don’t explain. Your friends will believe in you without explanation and your enemies anyways will never believe”. But I don’t think Mr. Clinton made any mistake. The fact is that, since Mr. Obama entered in the White House the leadership and the extreme right wing of the Republican Party is doing a bitter opposition to his administration. And these part of the Republicans is constraining the good part of the Party to do the same and breaking the ideal of working through bipartisanship.

It became more clear with the decision of Senator Olympia Snowe from Maine to take an earlier retirement because the today’s bitterness in the Congress. She is a Republican with too much sense of responsibility and don’t support the bitterness. She always vote with Democrats when it looked good consequence to the country. But now she preferred to retire than accept the constraint done by her own partners.

As an old fox, the former president knows very well that although the extension of the taxes cuts for wealthiest will help no other than the wealthiest themselves it would be a little price to pay to got something done in the today’s do not Congress. He knows that, we need to think in a long shot not in the short terms that the bad part of Republicans want. To fix the American problems we will need decades not years. Lose one year in meanwhile will just slows the train not derail it.

I was about to go on when I saw in the news what the president Obama said about the economy. He said that the private businesses was doing fine. It generated too much buzz around the issue with Mitt Romney complimenting him, calling out of touch because we too many people unemployed right now. It is just how politics works in our days. If somebody want say something positive about his own achievement he must carefully choose the right words or will be attacked in a much high level than the words worth.

If we compare with we saw around us we can say that, Mr. Obama is right in some way. When he went office the inheritance from the Bush administration was such as many businesses closed their doors at the Framingham Center, where most of Brazilian commerce is open. The feeling at the time could be translated by the western movie’s scene of tumble weed rolling in a ghost city. Today the door are reopened and the situation can be classified as cautiously optimist.

Many old businesses had closed the doors and it opened the opportunity to new adventurers. The situation would be better if Mr. Obama had kept his word of give a new legislation that would legalize the undocumented immigrants. Instead he deported them in a record numbers. Many others preferred self deportation. The Obama administration, feeling the pressure of the prejudicial perception against undocumented immigrants, did what some of the American electorate want. It mean, give themselves a shot in their own legs.

Yes. The private businesses are doing fine in a low level of business. And the creation of millions jobs can be the measurement to prove it. But it is not enough. Although, if Mitt Romney and his gang was in the administration in the place of Mr. Obama, with his anti-immigrant agenda, I have no doubt in say it, we would be for sure in a much lower level of recovery. And it is why I can repeat it, we have no choice than vote for the less damaging politician in the race for the 2,012 election.

It said, let us go back to the issue solutions. I already mentioned the Confederation of Nations united by 5 to 12 units around the globe. It is the goal to be achieved but I know we have a thousand good steps to do before. Fundamentally we have to conquer the confidence on each other. And put an end on the idea of the “right of exploit the resources of the most vulnerable”. It is not an anti-capitalism statement. But we have to learn that, if we wanna share the riches that come from the vulnerable we also need to share with them our riches and our knowledge. Everything must be in balance.

The main goal here is the survival of our civilization and our genes. And the biggest problem to be resolve is inside of ourselves. We must recognize the right of everyone else be equally owner of our spaceship called Earth. So we need to create conditions to resolve our differences. We must recognize that everybody have the right of have one religion or have none; have one culture and the others can’t interfere in a sense of constrain others and so on. We need to achieve a higher standard of be respectful to each other.

When all feel that nobody will rob nobody then will got the needed confidence to give the much bigger step. The creation of federation of countries should be based on neighborhood. So Europe can be one unit, Africa another, Asia as well, either North and South Americas. Each one of those units must be structured to receive every knowledge that human being got. They must work like different units of the same university. The economic level must be similar. So we need much investment to make.

All the population of the Globe must be free to go in and back to wherever it want. But the residence should be controlled in a way that each unit gets a proportional quantity of the population that the local environment supports. Let say that, as we have 7 billions people living on Earth today, if we were divided in 7 units, each unit should have around a billion residents.

It should be done in anticipation of what could be happen to us as described in the prior chapter. If any unit be reached by a disastrous event, each other unit should have spared places to shelter at least 10% to 20% of its population. Immediately after any disastrous event it should be used to shelter the most vulnerable as children, sick and elderly. So all the stronger can be focused in rescue and reconstruction.

I don’t want to use too much space in my writings with details. I am not expert on nothing. But we need to start to explore the ideas of construct survival units under the land and under the sea. And even begin seriously study plans to implant units of our civilizations on the Moon and, maybe, on Mars. Those should be taken as back up plans to our civilization survivor after some event like a big asteroid impact. Each of the unit should have a representative pool of genes of all human cultures and peoples.

As the economic level should be elevated in many parts of the planet so the consume also will go up. And then we need to be aware of the big problem that is the consumerism. We need to learn better how to use more renewable sources and make less waste. We know that the survival ability of more than a billion of species were naturally achieved based on balance conquered in millions of years and now it have been broken by human activity. So we need to reintroduce ourselves in our natural ambient in a way to not cause any more damage.

I am afraid of you reader take me as a dreamer and an utopia creator. It is because everybody know that we are in the tip of an abyss and most of the futurist visionaries have been saying that, the end is a question of when not if. And it appear that even Stephen Hawking had said that, in my words, every time two civilizations encountered each other it determined the end of one of them. You don’t imagine how important, how dangerous and influential such belief is in our society. And he was talking about the possibility of have extraterrestrial civilization which would try to make contact with us.

For those that don’t remember who Stephen Hawking is, he is the most influential physicist of our time after Albert Einstein. He is the guy with the biggest open mind trapped inside of his disabled body. From his wheelchair he is the leader mind and influential thinker of our time. And what he say is accepted almost like a prophetical and unchangeable truth.

I think he is probably almost all of what he is credited for and only failed when analysed human nature. When he said what he said he ignored the part of human unnatural behavior. And it become a dangerous precedent because we have in our society a strong line of thinking that is based just on what Hawking’s said. So he said nothing new about it but maybe what he said not came to influence others and he was the one influenced by the false belief.

Then his words can be taken as an endorsement of some secret agendas to dominate the world. From those that carelessly think the world is only a playground in the hands of adults, with childish like behavior, dreamers of to make from the world a place with just one way of thinking where they will be the masters. I oppose to such way of thinking and say that, one way of thinking is not only an anti democratic statement is also one abominable aberration. And the different way of thinking don’t implies to automatically need to dominate or eliminate one by another.

Yes. We have many examples of clash of civilizations where in most of the cases one exterminated another or reduced it to its minimal significance. But we need to analyse it as an accomplishment of predetermined decisions. So it was a question of choice not a question of unavoidable situation.

Human beings are animals that came from nature who learn how to behave in an unnatural ways. If our behavior were governed by the natural laws we would never had our civilization. That why we invented the unnatural laws that guide our society. If somebody thinks that is natural we comply with laws such don’t kill, don’t steal or be faithful no matter what, he or she need to look at the other natural creatures to rethink their conceptions.

Be a human being is to follow a totally unnatural way of behave. As human being look for the better understanding of the natural he is automatically acting unnaturally. And it is the way we made possible to live in diversified societies such as our own. We are not perfect. But if we were guided only by our natural instincts was impossible to have our civilization. As we created unnatural laws as the ones that tried to guarantee equal statuses to different gender, skin looking and religious background, we also can create laws which prevent us to be selfish in terms of civilizations.

So the others don’t need to behave exactly equal like us for we interact in a positive way with them. It is just a question of we take it as a principle to be followed. And it is the crucial point for we be respectful to others and have their confidence to we achieve together the higher goal of survival as specie and as civilization.

We know the legend. Although the characterization as legend is not the entire truth. Before our most ancient civilizations came to be is said that Atlantis was the most advanced civilization on Earth and a natural disaster reduced it to a myth. Since almost 24 centuries ago Plato mentioned it in his dialogues and it have since be interpreted as fruit of his imagination. But it appear not so mythical since the discoveries of an ancient civilization at the National Park Dona Anna in Spain.

Doesn’t matter if it later be dismissed as another civilization but Atlantis. We have other’s more believable historical facts. The Greek-Roman civilization were taken by our ancestor Goths and it was also relatively more advanced than what came later during the Middle Ages. We can consider European Civilization from the 6th century through the 14th one as a time for rediscover what was old to our Classic Civilizations. Today we could be far more advanced if we had no 8 centuries of technical hibernation in our development.

And we need to take it in account because, as I described in the prior chapter, natural disasters can reduce us to a Ice Age level of development. Yes. I know. Our government have been trying to prevent it storing our knowledge in some secured places. But it is far from enough. When our civilization be reduced to scrambles by a natural disaster we don’t have no idea who will survive. The cave in the mountain?! Perhaps it will be transformed in a mausoleum of many like an unintended consequence of the disaster. Everything can be happen.

One more problem is that, the survivors will have to fight for their lives in the after match of a big natural disaster. The priority will be to be alive and not to keep all the knowledge. Another problem is that, keep and evolve the knowledge is already costly to our level of civilization which one is based on a bigger number of population. Lets say that, even if 1% of our population survives after a super disaster stroke, for sure it will not be enough to keep the same level of knowledge going on. And if the number of survivors be just a fraction of it our civilization will be reduced to a Middle Ages or less level of knowledge.

And then come the big deal. Human being civilization will have to start again from sketch. Maybe from thousands of years after the big disaster stroke the only thing that people will remember will be some “legends” like Atlantis. And then the historians will try to rediscover all that was happen, trying to separate the facts from fictions. And they will learn about a “mythological” black gold which could be used to empower machines that would make life less harder. But they will have trouble to find such “mythological” magical liquid because we already exhausted our reserves and what rests is too hard to reach.

And without a cheaper fountain of power is unlikely our civilization be recreated. Maybe humanity will survive for some more thousands of years not been able even to go back to the Moon. And it shall be the premature end of our History. Thanks to our now in power leaders in governments as well in economics, that are thinking more about themselves next vacation than the real solution for our great problems.

Our conceptions will need to get a new paradigm in what the rich will not be taken as exceptional because is rich and the poor will not be taken as inferior in consequence of be poor. Some of our leaders are comfortable with the situation believing they have the right to take the opportunity of be rich while condemning the poor to almost eternal poverty. As I know and said before, at the end of each thousand year the past generation of one thousand before have the opportunity to be ancestor of all the people alive then. So we need to start to think our future including all of our offspring and not excluding some just because we will not know them.

So, the solutions for our problems will not come easy as pie. First of all we need to create consciousness about possibilities of future and the willingness to resolve the difficulties as society not only as individuals. If we insists in to put the individualism as priority we will be in the right path to the suicide as civilization. I have no doubt about that, the ways of today’s Americans is a suicidal end to our genetics and knowledge. And I don’t think to be worth of anything to keep a path to abyss since we can change our direction anytime we want.

To actualize our political moment. The revolution in Syria have escalate to a new level of insanity. The regime Assad continue attacking its own people and appear that the rebellion is gaining strength. And worse, been armed by others enemies of the Assad regime turning Syria a new circus of open war. It is been taken as fuel by the Republicans to criticize the Obama administration because it is trying to avoid a more close involvement. Behind the theater that is been fought by politicians the History is a completely different thing.

The truth is that. Everybody knew what Assad and his gang was capable of. He is a dictator just like his father before him. And United States bears much to blame for the situation over there. No. I am not been anti-American in my comment. The problem is not United States as an whole but just the code of conduct by what we are living on for too much time.

It is in our culture of wars. We are too much accustomed to try resolve problems with force, mainly when the adversary is less stronger than us. We only try a real diplomatic approaching when we know that the adversary is strong and could give us more trouble than results. And it is why the weak ones are trying so hard to get weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) to be strong and be treated with more respect.

It was happen in Iraq and is going on in Afghanistan and it can escalate to Pakistan. The NATO intervention on Libya were the signal that the Syrian people interpreted as we also can do the same for them because when they be in the middle of the conflict we would come to help them. There are just one problem. The situation in Syria is completely different and we are out of gas to sponsor another revolution right now. The big problem is that, the Syrian people’s movement have no coordination with our capabilities.

If we long ago had a more responsible policy towards peace and just intervene when all the diplomatic attempt had failed then the Syrian people would think two times before start a new revolution in such delicate moment. At least they should have an united leadership, with a clear path on how to take the power and how to behave after it.

What we have been informed is that, the Syrian revolution is nothing more than an wishful thinking. Syria is dominated by a dictatorship so the common wisdom say that it must be exchanged by something better. But what matter more is to know the changing by what. We are tired of change six by half dozen.

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in the conflict. Children have been tortured. So, and what we would expect come from any beast? As a trained veterinarian I wouldn’t never stimulate the regular people combat a ferocious pack of wolves invading their land if was in my power. To combat evil you need people trained to do so to cause the least possible collateral damage.

What United States have been done for long time by now is stimulating revolutions and putting innocent people in the middle of exchanging fire. Just after uses it as excuse to put in practice its own agenda. And the suffering people not always feel like been manipulated doing what United States want, not necessary what will be best for all.

I am amazed by the arrogance of the Secretary of State speaking about the dictator Assad. Like he was already history, and his days are counted. Our administrations have been forcefully imposing something that is called democratic government. And by our experience it is translated as disguised dictatorship. Iraq and Afghanistan are two out of our most recent examples of it. And are just two silent volcanoes waiting the right moment to erupt again.

Instead of stimulate conflicts to overthrown dictators we could use a different approach such as to convert the dictators to the democratic side. We could explain to them how we keep our democratic government and how the alternation of power keeps the same people in power without nobody realizes that is been deceived. It is a better way to have the power at hand without the usual bloody end that most dictatorships ends involved on it. Some could understand that, power is not a question of testosterone but a question of brains.

Another buzz around that is going on is about some leaks that the media have been serving us about secret activities of our government. The Republicans quickly took the revelations as intentional leaking from the White House to enhance the Obama’s poll numbers. Among others, the leaks revealed that what made a 1,000 centrifuges to get problem in Iran was nothing more than a warm planted by the CIA in the computer of the secret nuclear facility in that country.

The Republicans have no idea of how or who put the leaks on the table but preemptively pointed their finger to the president’s side because in their way of view the revelation will favors the occupant of the White House. They should be more cautious about it because if they say that it would work in favor of president’s Obama reelection then is because the American public thinks it is a good thing to be done.

But they also added to it the warning that it compromises our national security. So, they are the others that are trying to make it work for their side. Our national security is already compromised since we begun make unnecessary wars long ago. The interventionist model of our diplomacy and economic power created the conditions for our citizens be attacked all around the globe. When we suffered the 9/11 attacks it wasn’t a question of if but a question of when for sure.

When we got our soldiers urinating over Taliban fighters bodies, the case about the burn Korans and others I thought it would must be the work of Republican militants inside our Army to do damage to the Obama administration. But since I didn’t have any proof of my suspicion I wouldn’t accuse nobody or even the Party for do anything wrong. It is only a question of ethics. Not that I would ruled out anyone if I was investigating such events. But my conception was that, the Republican militants was the prime suspects. But I would reveal it only after my investigation would be done.

Our national security have been compromised not only by the late leaks. Our official diplomacy is many times responsible for the worse too. Legalized torture, imprisonment without file any accusation, invasion of countries under false allegations, use of indiscriminate sanctions, use of drones, to call others of Axis of Evil, to arrogantly think that the others are the ones that must adapt to what we want and many others is other things to blame for our national insecurity.

When the Republicans show themselves like they are worried about some leaks cause any menace to our national security they are just being hypocrite. Yes. It is true. The leaks could add to our problems with our national security. But what were done by the eight years of the Bush administration (followed by what is being done in the Obama’s administration) and what the Republican candidates already said they would do in their debates if elected, is enough to we conclude that, the Republican Party is not really thinking a tine little amount about our national security. Or better saying, they think our national security is on our armed capabilities.

Another political happen around here in United States were the recall election in the State of Wisconsin. The event in there was generated by the agenda of its governor, Scott Walker. He is a Republican who is putting in practice the Bible of conservatives. As one of his acts he passed a legislature that limits the rights of unionized workers. So the unions tried to get rid of him calling for a new election and lost. The measure against the unions is one of the corner stones of the conservatives that want a small government and concentrate all the power in fewer hands.

When Mr. Obama said our private business was doing fine his most probably opponent in the 2,012 election, Mr. Mitt Romney asked him if he hadn’t heard the of the polls in Wisconsin. And interpreted as if the results of such special election was the will of the people as an whole. In my point of view, it is not even a clear response to the fight between the unions and that governor. The problem is much more complex. And the answer in the polls just demonstrate that, the people of Wisconsin said no to change a governor prior elected just because a fight of one sector of its population. If every time one governor disagrees with part of the electorate be recalled we will be in trouble. For now, the decision of the Wisconsin’s electorate is the best.

What Mr. Romney also forgot were the results from two elections in Europe. One in France and another in Greece. In those, the electorate refuted the conservative agenda of their presidents and elected their opponents. 18 years ago the Brazilian electorate also voted for similar agenda to what Mitt Romney is trying to brought to United States. And the Brazilians reelected the same agenda four years later. Nothing wrong with the Brazilian electorate decision, since it was trying to fix the problem with a new vision on politics and no one knew all the consequences.

At the end of the eight years the electorate get the opportunity to chose again and rejected that answer to its problems because it was putting the country in a path of recession and keeping the people in its eternal poverty that was condemned by the elites for five centuries. Now Brazilians reelected the alternative and gave one more term to it. They marching to the 10th year with the alternative and rejection of the conservative agenda. As I described before and everyone knows, Brazil is becoming a better place.

Romney had the opportunity to put what he thinks is good in practice here in Massachusetts. At the end of his first term he not even got the guts of try a second term. At that time we already knew he would be kicked out of the office if he had tried. He were unable to make his successor and since then we have Deval Patrick as governor, who is Democrat and opposed the conservative agenda proposed by the former governor.

Unfortunately, elections are not like mathematics. To add the votes pro someone don’t guarantees that person will fix our problems. One time or another we can say that, if someone be elected we can anticipate if the administration will be good or bad. In these particular moment we can say that, Mr. Obama didn’t kept his words as candidate when went office at the White House. But I still giving him some credit because the exceptional situation he encountered at the time of his inauguration and the subsequent years, until now. Since he were elected I recognized that was humanly impossible to fix in a short term the damage done by his predecessor.

My vote for him shall be cautious. Will be more in consequence of we don’t have a second alternative. I think the Republicans already failed us with the administration of George W. Bush so much, and now they are trying to come back with worse ideas, that I am afraid even of to chose anyone from that Party, even the ones that appear to me be good people. If the Democrats fail us again I will be with Jesse Ventura in next time.

To those that don’t know him better do a research on what are his ideas. Right now he is saying the truth. Republicans and Democrats have been failing these country for too long. We need a third way to go. A real alternative. It worked in Brazil and may work here too. But what is vital is these third way be organized. Until now we have people and ideas. They need to translate it in a new party. And then we will have where to go.

I need to add two more argument about my decision on vote against the former governor of Massachusetts. One is his position on apology. He said Mr. Obama was apologizing many times for what wrong United States having been done around the world. And he affirmed he would never apologize. I understand his position in front of the electorate. Most people thinks an apology is a synonym of weakness. And he want act as a strong leader.

The problem with that is in the bases of our educational system. We don’t need fake one thing to appear strong to others. I have young age kids at the schooling system and one thing that is considered fundamental to we live in a fair society is to teach our children to apologize for any wrongdoing. These is crucial to our young and adult lives. We don’t need to be a caveman to appear to be strong. Mahatma Gandhi proved it to us, being more strong than the English Empire without lose his temper.

The non apologize posture of Mitt Romney is just arrogant and obscene. I can’t even permit my eight year old daughter watch the news when such obscene way of thinking is been shown.

The other argument is about Mitt Romney’s declaration that he is not worried about poor people because we have a Safety Net to take care of them. It just showed to me how ignorant the former governor of Massachusetts is about today’s poverty. I can talk about it because I can be even take as an expert on the issue since my whole life were in contact with and been poor people.

The problem with the alleged Safety Net that we have is that, it were designed to attend people with disabilities that make them permanently dependent in some way. Charity could be its middle name. Nothing wrong with our Safety Net or charity. Is even a good thing to do charity to anyone who be momentarily in a bad situation because an unexpected event. But a permanent charity to those that are capable to work and are non working because the situation of the economy could generate proud on those that are doing charity and humiliation to those that are receiving it.

Before Mitt Romney opened his mouth to say anything about our Safety Net he should give everything he have to the poor and try it for his own enlightenment. For sure, if he do it he probably will no have any trouble to find a good job offered by his old pals. And so he no longer will need to be in the Safety Net and it would work for him. But if he be reduced to the real poverty and sometime later he come back he will gave a million apologies to all of us that he offended by his out of touch comment on us. His comment about poverty is also obscene.

I think we need to keep the Obama administration for one more term because he is in the middle of something. Maybe what he is doing is not 100% right. But is at least 80% right. Is a good percentage for making things right in any business. In these case, he can keep whatsoever is going well and only correct the direction of what is not going fine.

Mitt Romney promised to change everything. As an executive from the private initiative he knows that, it is an wrong way of to do business. Like that, his results will not be good to the people and the people will not tolerate a second term for him. The alternation of power in these case is dangerous because we will lose time and money to change to Mitt Romney’s ways as well when we return to the Democrat’s ways. So if we always are going back to Democrats at the end of the line I don’t think is even worth of try one term for Mitt Romney.

To end these chapter I just want to comment about the special edition of GPS with Fareed Zacaria, on CNN. The title was “Making Immigration Work”. Basically he repeated what I am saying long ago. And he is an important public opinion driver in these country. More, he is economist and so he shall know what he is talking about. I am not taking me as great as him is. I think our opinions are alike because our experience of life are also alike. But he have the background that I don’t have.

In his documentary he were polite with both parties. He didn’t criticized nobody. Limited his comments on what is right in the issue, done in other countries and saying what should be done to fix our problems. When he mentioned names of politicians were to say what they did right and didn’t mentioned names on the wrongs. He even gave the good example when the senators Kennedy and McCain, at the time of president Bush, presented the Comprehensive Reform on Immigration.

He just mentioned it were rejected by sectors of both parties and the unions. His prognostic is although sad. He recognized that, the problem will not be fixed soon as it worth because of the bitterness between the radical wings on both parties. I don’t want be so polite. It is clear to me that, the extreme wings of both parties are nothing more than suicidal. And like that don’t matter to them if the whole country goes down with them. They are just suicidal and want bring us with them. So, is our choice let it be or not.

These book almost ends here. I will write an epilogue but only in Portuguese language. What I am planing write is more personal and includes more things that I found about my family’s genealogy. So I don’t think it will be of great interest to others but Brazilians. Maybe for the future, but until then somebody else may translate it to English.

The reason to do so is because I am tired. It is almost one year since I start writing the two books at the same time. Yes. The English version is a bit different from the Portuguese version. It is because the way of thinking and interests are a bit different to Americans and Brazilians. And what is also important is that, I am doing it as a contribution. A service done to Americans and the others. It is voluntary and probably I will never be paid for any of my suffering and renounces.

And what is going on is that, somebody in my family needed me and I couldn’t serve her as I should. Not everyday you have a 88 years old person who dedicated entire life helping others calling for a small help and you have no other choice than say, right now I can’t help.

Today is June 15, 2,012 and I was just putting my last thoughts in these chapter, English version, when I saw the signal of breaking news announcing that, the president Obama had signed some kind of protection against deportation to undocumented immigrants that were brought to United States before be 16 years old and are now under 30. It will be valid for two years with the possibility of renovation. Many hours later I am not aware of the details and totally disliked the idea.

Yes, it shall be good to give some refreshment to about 800,000 souls that are in a Limbo state of life. Unless Mitt Romney be elected in November, those young people will have a little time to wait for the Congress give them an answer if they will end in Heaven or Hell. What most likely to happen is they come back to the point of starting and nothing be done in favor of them. Anyways, I don’t like provisional decisions unless in a situation of disaster. What we have here is a case of deliberated torture done by those who are against fairness.

Although it is true, some crying baby, mostly Republicans, will ask, Why the attempt to resolve the problem of undocumented young people in this country while we have so many other problems to resolve for the nationals? And will come the eternal lament from those that thinks all the undocumented are criminals and shall be punished with deportation. I will not lose time to show others arguments to appease nobody. I will defend just one point.

We have many problems and everybody know that. And we need approve a Comprehensive Immigration Law immediately. No more time to discuss it again and again and again. With the law in place we will have one less problem to resolve and we will add many more brains and hands to starting solve our other problems. Our others problems are more relevant but the solution for the undocumented problem is much easier to be done. Even a total amnesty is much cheaper and fair than to try to deport a whole part of our society.

I don’t know nothing about everything else. The only thing that I am perfectly sure is that, give the undocumented in these country a fair chance, and just after we will be focused on solve others problems. It will work like an avalanche. Soon one problem be solved, another one will be taken and no longer the crying babies will be. While we are taken the undocumented as enemies we are just adding a problem to our big list of them.

Although everything else be true I don’t see the immigration relief with good eyes because of its prejudicial contents. It is a discrimination to say that, a person of certain age will be contemplated with it and other people of different age but with the same qualifications can not. Another way of discriminate is to put conditions like, must serve in the Army or be in an college to be allowed to apply for it. Is the same as to say that, the American born who don’t have a college degree or never went to the Army is an inferior kind of citizen. Our Constitution prohibit us to discriminate and I believe on it because the alternative is totally wrong.

In other hand, remember my friends Richard and Jose? They are two former immigrants to United States, came to here legally but begun to work and so were ruled out of law. They spent more than ten years around working hard and saving. They was investing and planing to start businesses that would create some jobs. They didn’t even concluded the middle school. But were smart and healthier enough to make more money than myself who have a college degree.

Both guys were taken by the police just because some stupid policeman wanted to do so. Jose chose a voluntary deportation. The immigration judge dismissed Richard’s case for wrong procedure on his prosecution. He stayed here for about five year after crying for an opportunity to legalization. Then lost his patience and went voluntarily back to Brazil. Both of them are now investing, consuming and creating jobs there.

In my point of view is too much lack of intelligence don’t forgive a small sin like break the immigration law for once and lose the potential smarts of millions of immigrants like them. And the crying babies that are saying that we should better take care of our citizens that are unemployed and not give to undocumented workers a comprehensive legalization law are been mislead by their own ignorance. What is getting many of our citizens out of employment is just the erosion of our pyramid bases caused by the lack of understanding of what good even our undocumented immigrants are creating. They can even be ruled as illegal but the wealth they are creating is real and fair.

My conclusion is that, if someone came in to United States in a young age like in the example of a five year old child, and stay here through the rest of the infancy and teenager, don’t matter where were born because will be absolutely culturally American. Deport such person to a country of different culture is not only a discriminatory attitude. It should be considered a crime against humanity. It is the same as what were done by the Portuguese and Spanish conquerors throughout the colonial Americas.

The impression I have about American politicians is that, they like to start conflicts and not solve problems. Looks like they are afraid of solve problems and then have nothing more to do. But when we solve our problems, new ones will emerge in front of our eyes. It was already there but we don’t see because was behind of the first one. These is the great challenge of life. And if we don’t solve the problems that we already got then it will pile up. And not solve problems is the best way to bring any empire down.


Before, I decided not publish the English version of the Epilogue of these book. The problem was that I was too tired, most of the Portuguese version was about the genealogy of my family and I have much to learn from my own genealogy. So what I already have is changing everyday. The other smaller part is most about the present American politics. The text from the Portuguese version is published on the bottom of these page. If anyone who know the language want know what is in there can suit yourself on.

The genealogical portion is mainly about the saga of the surname Barbalho in the Brazilian and Portuguese Histories. Before I start the present writings I had only a vague idea about its importance on it. But now I discovered that I myself am offspring of the most famous personality that had it on his full name. His name is Luis Barbalho Bezerra. A Brazilian hero who were in part responsible for the expelling of the invader Dutch from the Brazilian Northeast.

As I mention before, the consequence of such expelling brought some Brazilian born population to New Amsterdam, in 1,654. Later on New Amsterdam became New York and the offspring from those Brazilians helped United State to be the strong nation as it is today. My intention on remember such part of our common History was pint point the many times the American and Brazilian Histories stood together.

Even are a classic belief that when the Brazilian Revolution came, in 1.789, some of the Brazilian heroes had talked to George Washington to help them out. But what is proven is that, the contact were done through a Brazilian named Jose Joaquim Maia e Barbalho with the American ambassador in Paris, Mr. Thomas Jefferson, then the future President of United States of America.

My ancestor, Luis Barbalho Bezerra had decisive importance on Brazilian History. But I am not putting such detail of information to take any advantage of it. I got just the opposite intention. He is not my exclusive ancestor. And because he lived around 400 years ago he is probably ancestor of a significant part of the Brazilian population and also abroad. I already identified pockets of his offspring in the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.

Most of them that I personally know come from the Minas Gerais State, and they are in number of thousands. And by what I already know I expect the total number of his offspring be hundred thousands if no more than million. And these is my real concern onto make public my knowledge about the issue. To let all know that, we all are descendants from known personalities from the World History and it is valid to all, no exceptions allowed.

To those that will want learn more, unfortunately I am presenting my finds only through Portuguese version of my studies. Have been too much for me translate everything to English because my time became short and the issue is too big in contents. Anyways the ones who want to learn more can use some automatic translator. Usually it doesn’t give us a good translation but it is enough to we understand some meaning from the contents.

And who really want see more about the Barbalho and Coelho genealogy, I am actualizing my finds at the address: The Barbalho genealogy in there is already more actualized than what we got here in these book and I am planing to post more cities and more data in there soon as possible.

So I decided to come back to these page only to post the last translated part of the Epilogue of these book. It is the part where I showed my point of view about the American politics. And I am posting it because I think that it can help our fellow Americans to take one more critical looking at what is going on around here right now. I don’t expect that everybody will be happy with what I said in these part but, even so, these part of readers can also learn something about a different way of see things. Let though post the writings and live to the readers the best judgment.

Lets get back to the American underside politics. In the last week, today is Sunday, july 1st, 2,012, the things got hot around here. In the prior week, the Supreme Court of Justice had decided for the unconstitutionality of the law called by the name of SB 1070, from the Arizona State. It is a totally anti immigrant law because the local representatives overused their powers legislating over issues exclusively reserved to the Federal Government.

Despite of it, the Supreme Court kept an article which one give power to the State of Arizona police to call the immigration police (ICE) in case of to take an immigrant for any reason if it is there a reasonable doubt about his our her immigrant status in the country. This was the most controversial portion of the law because the limit between a reasonable doubt and the reality is too tine and can bring to the pure discriminatory persecution. I think that, in these case the decision were mere political. The conservative got the majority in the Supreme and such majority wouldn’t feel totally so well if had to contradict their pars at the executive and legislative fields.

But what really killed the conservative field was the decision from the last Tuesday where the law named by the conservatives as “Obamacare”, which one is a real affordable health plan, were considered constitutional. The conservatives, specially the Republicans, got crazy mad with such decision. They wanted that the law was called unconstitutional because the Obama administration spent great part of its term to get it approved and it is said his biggest realization until now. So, if it was considered unconstitutional, the Republicans would get a strong argument to try to derail his reelection.

The interesting thing was that the Supreme Court were divided on 5 to 4 in favor of the conservatives. Although, in the end the conservative justice Roberts decided for the other side. By the truth, in these case, who was with the rope in the neck was the Supreme itself. The law is clearly constitutional. But the political uneasy in the country got too much polarized, with the two biggest parties, Democrat and Republican, avoiding in all manners to work with the objective above the rivalry, that the pressure over the conservatives in the Supreme was total.

Anyways, the justice Roberts felt the duty of to put the reason over the passion, although in my opinion he did it not with all heart, and gave to the Republicans something to eat. The fact is that, the law mandates all of us to get insured. The ones that got no ways to do it will fell into the government umbrella, like the Social Assistance in Brazil. And the conservatives are against it because think that, the poor people will use too much help from the public safety net, giving a booster to the nation’s deficit. And they are more about the liberty for the private insurers exploits the market without any governmental intervention.

These attitude from the conservatives results in a good part of the American population without any health plan. And it is the problem because without an health plan, when the 30 million people without it gets any emergency, the costs ends in the people’s shoulders anyways. It is that so because they fell into the government safety net or because the insurers charge more who have insurance plans to have some reserves to cover all expenses or yet because the big companies pay such expenses for that take some relief from the income taxes. Anyway you get the groove and the money move out from the people’s pockets.

The philosophy in the law is such as, all will be covered. Who don’t get an insurance will pay a fee when feel up the taxes return. At first the fees will be small. But will increase exponentially within the coming years. Even if it be kept in a price less than a private insurance, there will be a mandate contribution that will help to pay the costs of the health keeping in the country. As the 30 million people wasn’t contributing with nothing their contribution will make some difference.

Another particularity that the law try to take away is that. Many people, mainly the youngsters, don’t buy a health insurance because thinks they will not need it. Even them having the ways to buy some. Those people can pass through decades without make any contribution. Although when something grave happen to some and make them lose all that they got before, they have no other way than get in the governmental Safety Net. It makes hard for their kids and transfer the costs to the public, just because they didn’t have insurance.

Another particularity is that, the insurance companies could deny insurance to people with preexisting conditions. And the youngsters take the risk of have first a diagnosis of cancer, as one example, to then start looking for an insurance. The law will cut short these privilege from those not care about it. And also denies the insurers to deny services to people with preexisting conditions.

The conservatives wanted to keep things as it was before the law using the allegation that it is a right of liberty to them that decided to live their lives as they want. It is a principle here in United States. They just are not accounting with that, the exceeding freedom interfere with the other’s lives, of the ones that are responsible, taking away from them their own freedom. It is that so because the responsible ones end paying for those ones that lack responsibility.

What scares the conservatives the most is the experimental character of the law. United States don’t have tradition on obligatory measures like that and the conservatives are exacerbating the consequences on put one more burden over the government tasks. In the other side, what the liberals are anticipating is that, the new contributions will pay for the gaps and like that will have a possibility of come a better guarantee for the society as an whole to get a better health assistance and it will be better protected against headaches by the unexpected situations.

At the end, the discussion from now have no any link with any concern from the conservatives on the future of our children and the children of our children. It have to do only with the fact that they are out from the command of the White House and who is there now is the adversary. When they were there, the ideas that they defended was too similar to what the Democrats were able to put in place. Even so, what the conservatives wanted was defeat them at the Supreme Court, only to have some argument for the 2,012 elections.

Mitt Romney is swearing that he will give an end to the law, at his “day one” in the office, in case of he be elected. It is a pure and simply lie. For him to do these he will need the support from 2/3 of the Congress because only the Congress can repudiate a law approved by itself, signed by the president and legally recognized by the Supreme. His discourse now is becoming to similar to one that Fernando Collor de Mello made to be elected in Brazil some time ago. By what we know about Romney, if he be elected, we will be at risk of to live a similar end of such fairy tale.

In the justice’s Roberts decision he declared the law been a new taxation. As the creation of taxation is something “pornographic” here in the liberal American economy, the Republican practically commemorated such decision. The Obama administration always said that it wasn’t a taxation but a punishment for those that would disobey the law. Otherwise I think that the justice’s Roberts decision got some cleverness in it.

The law is absolutely regular and got no taxation involved in it. He knew that the results from the application of the law will be good for the country in a long term. But he needed to give his vote in a way to guarantee the independence of the Judicial Branch, which its index of approval by the public is way down from the desired, and at the same time to offer some mitigation to the conservatives. The Supreme Court members get some degree of intelligence above the population’s average and would be impossible they hadn’t perceived that, much more than wrong politics the parties disputes are what is menacing with the future of the country.

The classification as taxation have only the cleverness on to approve what is good appearing that the approval came with any contrary feeling. It keeps the legitimacy of the Supreme and, at the same time, shields it against bigger criticism from the conservative side. Even been contradicted, the conservative think they got the argument for present president Obama as a liar, because he said that, it would be a punishment not a taxation.

The obvious is that, such “taxation” have much more to do with punishment. Taxation is generally associated with the production or acquisition of something. Everything we buy, or legally acquire, gets some taxation underhand, even on what is said free from taxation. The people who already got health insured will have not to pay for. Although, those ones that will be taken by the law will got punishment, in most of the public understanding, and it is translated as punishment not taxation. The argument that came from the Obama administration is clear about it. The insurance for cars is obligatory to all of its owners, although nobody call it by the name of taxation.

The Republicans not only were defeated but they also have been presenting themselves as bad losers. Despite of it their defeating is not coming from the Democrats qualities. By comparison, the Democrats are winning not because they got a better team but because the Republican’s coach is so bad that he is not being able to make the Republican team shows a better quality in the field. Who is seeing such dispute and came from the time or heard about, can associate the American politics from today with the time of PSD and UDN in Brazil. They are occupied into try to take down on each other, doesn’t matter what it will cost to the country.

One of the motives that make myself believe on it is related to the immigration question. President Obama cornered the Republicans and put them in a defense mode with the institution of the lifting of the deportation of children of undocumented immigrants which ones were brought to these country as children and were Americanized in their culture. Mitt Romney had openly said that, he would veto the Dream Act and would transform the undocumented immigrant’s lives so difficult that they would prefer the self-deportation.

Now, the immigrants vote have being shown as decisive. By that Mitt Romney is trying to flip-flop in his promises that he made to guarantee the vote from the most conservative Republican electorate. He is trying to ease his own words saying that he would replace the executive order done by President Obama by something of long term. What he didn’t said so is what he would do for it. Is now talking about a bipartisan decision, what is totally against the Republican determination at the last three past years for make all possible to derail the Democrat administration of President Obama, not even matter the consequences.

The Republicans strategy in relationship to the immigrants was, like I always guaranteed, a shot in the feet, and not only in themselves ones but in the nation as an whole. They let themselves be mislead by the impressions from the polls. All the surveys always showed that the number one issue to the American electorate is the economy. And it doesn’t show different in relationship to the immigrant electorate, mainly, the Latino immigrant who is the majority in the immigrants side. And it is more prominent for the Mexican origin electorate.

By these reason the Republicans didn’t paid attention on that, the despise that they gave to the Latino electorate will be, maybe, the corner stone which one the election of their candidate depend on. They calculated that what would decide the vote would be the presentation of some solution for the economic problem and everything else would be forgotten. Crude mistake! First of all because they don’t got any plan to save our derailed economy. On contrary, if they put their proposal in place it will get us under water anyways.

To demonstrate what I think I will make a little comparison. We, the naturalized immigrants and with all the right to vote, are like people with broken legs. Being the broken legs comparable to the situation of our relatives without documents. If was asked to us what would be our main concern at the moment in what our legs were broken we would immediately respond that, we was in need of an hospital and nothing more would take our attention. The hospital would be comparable to a path to legalization.

Just after the emergency situation come through, we would recall the long time without eat anything. So, if was asked what was our main concern in that moment we would answer, we would like to eat something. In these case the food would represent the economy. Then, is our broken legs no more problem? No way! We only would know that, was not in our power to do anything other than wait for the broken legs heal.

We never forgot that the Republicans are against our relatives that are without documents. If we knew that our broken legs could get some new treatment for heal in the next 12 hours, even knowing that we would stay without food during all these time, we would keep saying that, our number one issue would be the broken legs not the hunger.

Our priority became the hunger only because we know that, we will have to wait some time for the broken legs be healed. It is just like if we let our number one priority stay in the refrigerator to try to solve the number two problem, because we know that between the solution for our number one problem and our priority we got the time to wait.

Take away our attention from our main problem, to solve a secondary one, only shows us one thing, we don’t want stay still, waiting the solution for our number one problem if we already can do something else to anticipate the solution for our number two problem. And we know that, the number one problem was not yet solved because the negative intervening from the Republican Party.

Another question related to the immigration problem is the insistence from the Republicans on to persecute the undocumented immigrants saying that, we need to solve the problem from the Mexican borders before solve the problem of the immigrants that already got here, many of them for more than a decade. The Republicans stood with the incoherent idea that, who came in without legal manners passed over the right of those that want come here through legal manners.

They say that, are thousands of people waiting in an imaginary line back in their countries to have their requests to immigrate approved. But they don’t get their requests approved because the “illegals” presence that are taking their places. Before we came here, around 20 years ago, we knew that the last thing we would do in the American consulate was admit that we had the intention to immigrate to here, otherwise our visas would be immediately denied. It was even random denied to many people that was coming only to do a touristic trip. They got their visas denied by the lack of criteria.

That is the classic way argument, to accuse the victim for the error of the aggressor. It is much too similar to the sexual predator alleges that the victim was inviting him by the dress. I don’t believe in any moment that the people is breaking any line. What is happening is that doesn’t exists a comprehensive law that would be fair to the people who want come in for honestly get a job in United States. To make things right, first we need to have a good law. Like that, everybody would try to fit on it and the number of violators would be smaller so it would be easier to get them under control.

I know many example of people that came to here more than 10 years ago, they worked here and went back to Brazil without have any opportunity to legalize. And all of them said that, if had a law which gave them the permit to legally enter the country, they would never had made the error to come without the guarantees from such law. Those people that I know came here before the 09/11 attacks and before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. None of them had any involvement with it. But the some Republicans are putting the burden of it on the shoulders of all.

To we be truthful, let though not be without intelligence. Who went in the line to legally come to United States 5 years ago don’t came first to the line. Those are the ones that are wanting to pass the others that once before would get in the line, in case it had existed for them. That line just wasn’t existent. So, we can’t blame nobody for broken the line before it exists. My words doesn’t mean that I have no solidarity with those that are stacked in that imaginary line. What I would like was that, that imaginary line had been real and give protection to all who took it as well to all who would take it, if it existed before.

The defense that the Republicans are doing of those that are waiting in the line is only casuistic. They were the main responsible for deny an approval of a comprehensive law for immigration. They are majority of those who created the problem and want to put the burden on the shoulders of the victims of the consequences of their own creation.

These way of contrary thinking is so strong that the journalist Jose Antonio Vargas consider himself a trespasser in such situation. To whom that don’t know who is the person, Jose Antonio Vargas is a born Filipino that when was 12 years old were brought to United States where he is living through the rest of his life. As such he was educated in these country, became a journalist and even won the Pulitzer-Prize for his work. When came the time to start work he had to use false identity because had no legal documentation.

His life was going on regularly when the law called by the name of Dream Act, which would legalize people in the similar situation of him, were rejected by the Republican majority in the Congress. Better saying, he presented himself before the law be rejected going together with thousands of others students to expose the situation as inhumane as it is. At the past month he was in the cover of the Time Magazine, together with many other undocumented Americans. The Republican intransigence is the only one obstruction to solve such inhumane situation.

In a interview to CNN, just after the provisional law signed by President Obama, which one permit the undocumented Americans stay in the country without be molested by the immigration police, he admitted feel like he was to blame for and asked for forgiveness from others that are blocked from come to the country because (he himself didn’t recognize it) they are been victimized by the lack of a fair law on immigration to United States.

It is wrong to let him and others to feel like been ones to blame for, because any person who came to United States when was 12 years old or so, was educated accordingly to the culture in the country and feel like be an American just like any other person who was born in the country, didn’t took nothing from nobody. From those people, yes, are been taken the freedom of transit and the real ones to blame for it are going unnoticed as if they were not the ones to blame for it.

During decades, before the economic bubble from the construction industry pops out, the United States, and we should read the Republicans, didn’t accepted any initiative in relationship to create a fair law to organize the immigrants situation. All the initiative were vetoed. Even so the immigrants were used to come in and goes out in the sight of all. Nobody was paying attention on them because the issue didn’t turn in vote for them.

After the 9/11 attacks the votes began to be influenced by the immigration situation. The Republicans took the party from the prejudicial side and imposed all the barriers that they could against solve the problem. They start to demand that the security of the border with Mexico be done before the legalization law be approved.

They are most to blame for it because if we had a comprehensive law on immigration, with clear steps to be done for the immigrant be allowed to come, it would freed the borders from be illegally crossed by hundred of thousands of immigrants who only want work and not create problems. Like that, would be much more easier to make the security on the borders. As the Brazilians say, the Republicans want only “put the car in front of the bovines”. From them the only ones that are not to blame are the ones that don’t know nothing about the problem.

And the Republicans had enough time to present a comprehensive law on immigration even better than what the Democrats are offering. But they not only refused to serve justice, they decided to be the injustices themselves. Like that they gave the opportunity to President Obama to show himself as defender of the immigrants even him had deported more than a million undocumented people in the short term that his administration is going on. The Republicans failed on letting the cheese and the knife in his hands.

But I am not talking about it as it was already decided. What is incredible is that, no matter how bad or good the administration of a person can be here in United States. Rarely we have a exceptionally bad or good administration. And in the states the majority of voters are fans from one or another party. Like that, the Republicans vote for Republican and the Democrats vote for Democrat. We don’t have any third way. Just some alternate, accordingly with what is going on at given moment. Those are the ones that really decides. (Swing States)

By the truth, the elections around here start tied. Right now President Obama have some lead. But it will be a little more than three months until the elections come. He needs to keep what is given him the lead, cheers for the rest of the world not get another recession and commit not another grave error. Any mistake can result in a turn down sides. And the other side yet made all the possible mistakes it could do.

Mitt Romney is playing just like the coach Zagallo in the command of the Brazilian soccer team from 1,974. Everybody behind the lines, waiting for the mistakes from the adversaries, put nothing at risk, like if a tie could be victory. The only thing in his favor is the capital that some are investing in his candidacy. He got an expressive support from the entrepreneurs class. Unfortunately is not because the class want fix the maladies in our economy. It only wants guarantees the privileges that he would keep for them, and some of it don’t gets the support from President Obama.

I came back to these translation in a changing of heart and decided to share a little more of my thoughts. Today is August 2, 2,012. And Mitt Romney made a trip to Europe and Middle East to look for more support for his candidacy and try to emphasize the difference of points of views between him and the president. And sure he did it. He undermined the English people criticizing the Olympic organization to start with. In Israel he called Jerusalem capital of the country what anybody knew it would irritate the Palestinians.

Some could think he made some mistake here but what he was trying to do was gain some votes here in United States. Not only from the Jewish ever strong minority but also from the Christians who thinks everything in the Bible’s text is perfect. These was his main goal. A calculated risk taken. He didn’t cares about the Arab population in United States because these one don’t count in numbers of votes, or so he do thinks like that.

As I said before, he is a vulnerable candidate and like he don’t have nothing to offers to the whole American society he is choosing some sectors to get support from. As what counts is the numbers of votes to be elected he is putting aside all minorities. So he is not making great effort to get votes from immigrants (I mean the naturalized ones like me), blacks, Muslims and even women. He is relying only on the white richer male and the extreme right wing from the political spectrum.

It was his choice or was what he felt like was available to his reach. In Brazil on the past election the candidate Jose Serra made the same choice and lost the election, even to one first time running to any office like the now elected President Dilma Rousseff. But the Brazilian elections are completely different from here. There the election is mandatory. So everybody is involved. The immense part of the population is poor or in a low raking middle class. So, any candidate must get linked to these kind of voters.

As the act of vote here is optional, much of the population don’t mean to vote for anybody. These is a lesson that more than half of the people here never learned. If you don’t take part on the elections, even it looking to you be only a boring obligation, others will decide for you what your life will be like in the future and you will have no power to change it later if you don’t like.

So, most of the voters in United States come from the middle class or higher. They are the ones that are more privileged because they vote on the representatives that will defend their privileges for them. Although most of the representatives are more like to be influenced by the lobbies from the big corporations and the civil organizations. The problem is that the bigger interests are influencing more than ever.

Some of the representatives are really working for the cause of justice but they are minority in the Congress. And the Republican Party is representing what is the worse in politics. When higher interests weights more than the well being of the public it turns to disaster. In my point of view, Mitt Romney is exactly the candidate who fits on the interests of the higher interests.

And his interview done by Piers Morgan in England looks like just revealed it. Asked the question about his activities in the private sector Mitt Romney answered something like that, “They are attacking my success and they will have no success in attack my success”. That why I like characters like him. He personalizes what is going on and sincerely believes on himself. He got an I bigger than the others.

What I mean about it is that, nobody is trying to undermining success of nobody. What comes to be the issue is not the success of Mitt Romney or the success of anybody else. What is been discussed is the better way to achieve success for most of the population. Mitt Romney is a common case of egoistic personality. He thinks that everybody who is not successful as himself is worth of be in a different caste. To measures his success he don’t look at the economic pyramid. He looks just at himself.

Is like he believes in that, he was successful because was chosen to be. He is not thinking about give more opportunities to more people be successful because he been in the top feel like everybody else got the same opportunity. He don’t understand the comparison that I made before in the present book where I said that, if every men in United States was Bill Gates we wouldn’t never have around 150 million of billionaires. On contrary, we would have Bill Gates in all the positions that we all are fit on, liking or not.

The system works in such way that the success of most of the successful people don’t come from their own merits. Better saying, is not that they don’t have any merit but most will be successful because they got better opportunities than others. It is more like a random choice. Let me say that, supposed President Obama and former governor Mitt Romney had exchanged their places at birth. Would Mitt Romney be as successful as President Obama is?

The tendency is we believe in that, President Obama would be much more successful than he is if he had been born on a regular family like Mitt Romney was born from. And imagine that, President Obama came from a broken family, abandoned by his biological father and raised by his grandmother who wasn’t rich, so she had nothing to give but love and honesty. Against all odds he now is the president of all of us. If he had been a grandson of a successful businessman and son of a ex-governor we should expect much more from him. But what we could expect from anybody more than be the president of the most powerful country in the planet?

I am not defending the idea that President Obama would be a better person if he had been born in a golden bed as Mitt Romney was. It would be prejudice from my part if I say that, anyone who is born rich is better person than others. We know that, be a better person have nothing to do with the conditions on our birth. If was a link uniting the dots in all situation Jesus wouldn’t be the most recognizable person in the world. Be successful have nothing to do with Mitt Romney believes.

And it is why he took the criticism on the way he believe in be successful as personal. Nobody is against the success of anybody. But we need to recognize that, if you come from the top of the pyramid your chances of be successful in these world will be much more likely than the others that come from the base of the pyramid. Not because you are a better person but because the opportunities will be more favorable to you. The lack on understand it is what make Mitt Romney away from be connected to the regular people. And it shall cost him the election.

To be from the bottom of the pyramid and even so be successful is be against all the odds. Not because it is a consequence of be better or worse personality. It is in consequence of the shape of the pyramid itself. Those on the top don’t need to do nothing exceptional to be there. They are already there. What they need to do is only keep what they already have. Otherwise, to come from the bottom and be there you need to be exceptional because need to go all the way up, against all odds.

And to make our pyramid better we need to make the bottom richer. At least for the people on the bottom feel like economic secure. If it be done, nobody will be bothered by the ones in the top, unless they start acting irresponsibly as it were done at the 2,008 breaking down. I think that, until now, the richer people didn’t have the courage to assume their responsibility for the crash. And unfortunately, they not only didn’t do it but are also trying to impose over us one marionette that they can keep the strings regardless of our suffering.

Changing issues, my particular question of health keeps the same. Is not different if the “Obamacare” were considered constitutional or not. People around here get a good health system, while they be healthier! I always heard about the complain from my fellow born Brazilians. They was always criticizing the incompetence of the doctors that, almost all the time, only attended a patient to send him off to another doctor, generally a specialist. I always defended the system giving opinions based on my medical knowledge.

But the people was always defending the medics and the medicine in Brazil. They alleged that, in Brazil the medics got no sophisticated equipment and even so they are able to give a prompt diagnosis. They pass the prescription and we already get better at their offices. After take the medicine we heal. Here looks like the diseases get longer and become chronic. We go from office to office and never get healed. We began with one disease and end with many others.

I already commented at the chapter 15 from the present book about my health experience around here. And would like to add that, I am starting to agree with my critic friends. I comprehend the cautions from the American medics and also comprehend that, they are subjected to an wrong system that privileges to keep treatment, not the cure of diseases. Unfortunately, what drives the medicine in these country is the money, just like in everything else. We don’t have medicine, we got hypocrisy, and worth nothing the Hipocrates oath.

Here we get some exaggeration on the use of electronic tools to make diagnosis. The medics not even do a better anamnesis (investigation about the happenings that lead to the symptoms). The patient only say what they are feeling about the symptoms and soon are sent to the laboratory. Many medics own the clinics and make more money doing more exams, so, is not their better interest to give a premature diagnosis.

In the other side they also are victims from the system. As I got some knowledge about the clinic procedure, because I got a degree as veterinarian, I recognize the possibility of many similar symptoms may lead to wrong diagnosis. I know very well that a headache can be consequence of hundreds of different problems. Symptoms are not specifics, many diseases can cause the same symptoms, although, in a anamnesis well done the experienced medic can give a differential diagnosis in 99% of the cases.

The problem is the rest 1%. If a medic make a mistake at these less portion he can be brought to the justice and lose all that he made with his doing rights. That is why they better be careful. Even so, with all the precautions, is there an epidemy of wrong diagnosis that even can bring patients to death. But the medics can be exempted from blame if be proven that they offered the best possible assistance, equals to many examinations, and the problem were caused by the fail process and they were not to blame for it.

Anyways, the medics here are under intense pressure. They can be pressured by the nature of the profession itself that is to work with the life and death of people; by the impositions from the society that demands a false success on their careers; by the pressure from the society which one demands economic success from all, while the good opportunities are not enough to everyone. At the end I got some doubt between to distinguish who is happy in these country, a very wealthy medic or a simply landscaper that can live on without so much responsibility!

All these situation have been taking me to reevaluate my presence here in United States. As I said before, now I got a health insurance that don’t cover all the expenses, mine and from mine spouse. And our income is in the limit between the total insurance and the partial one, it mean, what we are making above, probably added by something more, will be spent on our costs with health, because of the diverse clinic conditions me and my wife are subjected to. I am over 50s and she over 40s, so the people from our age will understand the situation.

To not to exceed too much our deficit I decided to play in a risk mode. It mean that I am avoiding at all consequence do treatment of old problems which ones will never heal anyways, they only will make me come back many times to the clinics. The risk is that such chronic conditions evolve to worse things. I didn’t abandon the treatment of situations that I know will never get better but would lead to drastic consequences if not be take care of it, such as high cholesterol and glaucoma. That is the question, we need to take the risk to fell in a situation of permanent infirmity to be covered by the Safety Net. The alternative is to die without reach the degree of permanent infirmity.

I already passed on through some situation that would cause horror to the majority of the people. Around three months ago I perceived that my right face was paralyzed. If I blew air into my mouth the right side wouldn’t contain it. When I tried to whistle I was incapable. Then I had one experience at the last year where I was hospitalized for three days for absolutely nothing. Another thing, one resonance that were done once before showed that I had cerebral aneurysm, and later the specialist said that it was too little to do any damage to my health.

So, the decision became to be mine. If I had gone to the my primary care with such symptoms, I already knew that I would be hospitalized and put under the scrutiny of many electronic devices, for about one time that I don’t know how many, and have no idea about at cost it would be in my responsibility. Measuring all the consequences and taking the advise from myself practical human medical knowledge through my veterinarian practice, I decided not look for any help.

I thought it was some stroke but also knew that the consequences had been the minimal. So I thought, if it come a second time will kill or make me handicapped but I will take the risk anyways! The result was that, some days later my face came to work normally. I don’t oversee any bad consequence. It let me to conclude that I suffered an instant paralysis. It is common to happen in consequence of coldness. And we was exactly at the time of changing seasons from winter to spring, ideal time for anybody take some coldness.

I think that, from now on, it will be the ways of my life. I will have to come back to work to make money, not to be rich, but for not to be ashamed. I will have to let to do what I like, because what I like is only valuable to myself. I will close here these pages, and will get out from them happily, because better is to fish than do philosophy. (Malba Tahan wasn’t so wrong on to say that, “The philosopher take a break fishing and the fisher doing philosophy).

I think that I addressed these book to the presidents of United States. Now I change here the idea and address it to all the general peoples. The peoples are the truthful owners of the power and they need to take control of it for that the democracy become the well being of the people, by the people and for the people.


     Aqui nos Estados Unidos a colonizacao inglesa comecou em 1.607. Foi uma colonizacao culturalmente mais diversificada que no Brasil. Povos de diversas nacionalidades como escocesa, holandesa, germanica, irlandesa e inclusive portuguesa se acomodaram na costa atlantica. Os ramos religiosos professados foram todos os que surgiram da Reforma Protestante e outras. Tambem uma pequena parte de catolicos. Apos um comeco dificil as colonias tiveram sucesso com a expansao da populacao europeia que demandava mais produtos agricolas.
     Produtos como o fumo e o algodao eram exemplos do que representou o sucesso das colonias. Igual ao resto das Americas, as colonias, especialmente as do sul, se tornaram dependentes do trabalho bracal. No sul as condicoes sanitarias nao eram ideais para os trabalhadores europeus, entao, a importacao de escravos da Africa se tornou essencial para o negocio. No norte a atividade economica nao era tao lucrativa, dai a presenca de escravos ser menor.
     Os primeiros europeus a habitar as Americas depois da redescoberta de Colombo foram os espanhois. A Florida ja era colonia espanhola e eles ja haviam se estabelecido em torno do Golfo do Mexico. Os franceses se estabeleceram no Territorio da Louisiana.
     Precisamos nos lembrar, a populacao europeia comecou a aumentar gracas a maior disponibilidade de alimentos como o milho, batatas, tomates e muitos outros importados das Americas. Possivelmente, as pimentas das Indias Orientais tambem ajudaram na prevencao de doencas infecciosas. E as riquezas de todo tipo, levadas das colonias de todo o mundo, tornou possivel o avanco nas ciencias, tecnologias e conhecimento como um todo.
     Voltando ao Brasil, no seculo XVII, os colonos portugueses tinham se estabelecido numa linha estreita do litoral de norte a sul. O principal produto de exportacao era o acucar. E enquanto ele era mais valioso, a coroa portuguesa proibiu a criacao de gado por la. Mas como o gado era necessario para alimentacao de pessoas e transporte de tudo, comexou-se uma interiorizacao timida no Nordeste. Isso foi uma razao para a conquista dos Sertoes Interioranos.
      Desde que os Governadores Gerais foram estabelecidos eles organizaram algumas expedicoes ao interior em nome da Coroa Portuguesa. Estas eram chamadas de Entradas e tinham o obejetivo de buscar coisas de valor, especialmente metais e pedras preciosas. Estas expedicoes estavam limitadas pelo Tratado de Tordesilhas. O ponto de partida delas, geralmente, era a capital Salvador.
     Outro tipo de expedicao era chamado de Bandeiras. Era de iniciativa privada e a maioria delas partiu da Capitania de Sao Vicente. A cidade de Sao Vicente era a capital que ficava no litoral e a maioria das Bandeiras saiu das vilas no planalto, especialmente, Sao Paulo. Por causa disso os homens na Bandeira eram chamados bandeirantes, e hoje, algumas vezes, o povo do Estado de Sao Paulo pode ser chamado por esse nome. Naquele tempo eles eram chamados de vicentinos. Hoje sao chamados de paulistas.
     Uma das motivacoes para tais expedicoes era a lenda antes mencionada: “A Serra das Esmeraldas”. Os indios brasileiros passaram a estoria aos colonos portugueses de que havia uma serra sagrada no interior do territorio, repleta de pedras verdes. Assim, devido `as riquezasa naturais que os espanhois encontraram no lado da America deles, os portugueses concluiram que seriam esmeraldas. Dai eles sairam para procura-las.
     Eles tambem ouviram dos indios o conto da lenda do Sabarabucu (Monte Resplandecente). Era parecida com a lenda do El Dourado. Posteriormente os portugueses interpretaram como se fosse a Serra da Piedade. Ela eh um pico de quase 2.000 metros acima do nivel do mar. Hoje faz parte da cidade de Caete, eh um dos simbolos de Minas Gerais e tambem seu ponto turistico, com uma capela construida em 1,770 e observatorio astronomico. Mas muitos outros picos fizeram parte da Historia do Estado porque eram usados como pontos de referencias pelos viajantes e tambem porque suas redondezas eram ricas em minerais e pedras. Exemplos disso sao o Caue (Irmaos) e o Itambe (Pico Agudo).
     Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, que foi governador do Rio de Janeiro (1,660 – 1,661) foi enviado pelo rei Afonso VI para procurar pela Serra das Esmeraldas em 17 de dezembro de 1.663. Ele prestou bons servicos `a coroa portuguesa, e lutou junto com seu pai, Luis, e irmao, Jeronimo, na expulsao dos holandeses, inclusive foi presenteado com a Ilha de Santa Catarina. Hoje eh onde esta a capital, Florianopolis, do Estado de Santa Catarina. Numa expedicao ele contraiu uma febre desconhecida e faleceu perto de 1.670, no Rio de Janeiro.
     A funcao de buscar pela Serra das Esmeraldas foi passada para Fernao Dias Paes Leme. Fernao era um bandeirante e se tornou um exemplo de pesquisador nessa area, naquele tempo. Normalmente, os bandeirantes estravam no futuro territorio brasileiro procurando indigenas para escraviza-los. Fernao Dias foi um deles. Ele liderou bandeiras que entraram no sul do Brasil e fundou uma vila, Parnaiba, em Sao Paulo, com 5.000 indios escravizados. A preocupacao principal dele depois de ter sido escolhido passou a ser localizar a Serra das Esmeraldas. E com a mente voltada para isso, estabeleceu muitos fazendas (pousos) na beira dos caminhos de onde viria a ser o Estado de Minas Gerais. As fazendas viraram vilas e depois cidades.
     Eh possivel que a lenda da Serra das Esmeraldas tenha feito os paulistas ficarem cegos para outras riquezas presentes no Estado de Minas Gerais. Depois de anos de busca, algumas pedras verdes localizadas por Fernao Dias revelaram ser turmalinas. Em 1.681 tambem ele faleceu de febre desconhecida. O filho dele, Garcia, voltou para Sao Paulo e o genro, Manoel de Borba Gato, manteve o trabalho do sogro. Vamos por mais uma sequencia genealogica. Desta vez a do Fernao Dias.
1,609 Fernao Dias Paes Leme – Maria Garcia Betim
         Pedro Dias Paes Leme – Maria Leite da Silva
         Fernando Dias Paes Leme – Lucrecia Leme
         Pedro Leme – Izabel Paes
         Antao Leme – esposa desconhecida
1,505 Antonio Leme – Catarina de Barros
1,480 Maria Adao Ferreira – Martim Leme
1,440 Adao Goncalves Ferreira – Brites Pires
1,407 Goncalo Aires Ferreira – Isabel Ferreira
1,380 Isabel Pereira Lacerda – Gomes Ferreira
1,360 Martim Goncalves Lacerda – D. Violante Pereira
1,345 Desconhecida Lacerda – Diogo Anes Serpa
1,320 Carlos de la Cerda, conde de Angouleme – esposa desconhecida
1,289 Alfonso de la Cerda, senhor de Lunel – Isabelle d’Autoing
1,270 Alfonso de la Cerda, infante de Castela – Mathilde de Brienne
1,255 Fernando de la Cerda, infante de Castela – Blanche, princesa da Franca
1,221 Alfonso X, o Sabio, rei de Castela – Violante, infanta de Aragon
1,200 Fernando III, o Santo, rei de Castela – Elisabeth von Schwaben
1,171 Alfonso IX, rei de Leon e Castela – Berengaria, infanta de Castela
1,151 Urraca, infanta de Portugal – Fernando II, rei de Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mafalda da Savoia
     Somente para enriquecer os nossos dados eu postarei outra pequena sequencia. Ela comeca com os pais de Fernao Dias Paes Leme.
         Pedro Dias Paes Leme – Maria Leite da Silva
         Maria Dias – Domingos Rodrigues de Mesquita
         Maria Leite de Mesquita – 1,646 Pedro Vaz de Barros
1,705 Maria Leite Pedroso – Gaspar Correia Leite
         Isabel Leite de Barros – Antonio Galvao de Franca
1,739 Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
     Sequencia alternativa de ancestrais de Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
1,739 Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao
         Isabel Leite de Barros – Antonio Galvao de Franca
         Gaspar Correia Leite – Maria Leite Pedroso
         Ana Ribeiro – Pascoal Leite de Miranda
         Ana Ribeiro – Sebastiao Fernandes Correia
         Maria Pedroso de Alvarenga – Sebastiao de Freitas
         Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Ana Ribeiro
         Mecia Monteiro – Baltazar de Alvarenga
         Lopo Monteiro – Catarina Dias
         Isabel Rodrigues de Vasconcelos – Goncalo Monteiro
         Rui Goncalves de Sequeira – Ines Anes de Vasconcelos
         Goncalo de Sousa de Sequeira – Beatriz de Sousa*
1,430 D. Guiomar de Sousa – Rui Vaz de Sequeira
1,380 D. Goncalo Rodrigues de Sousa – Catarina Casada
1,350 D. Rui de Sousa, alcaide-mor de Marvao – Isabel Ribeiro
1,330 D. Goncalo Rodrigues de Sousa – Maria de Monforral
1,305 D. Rodrigo Afonso de Sousa – Constanca Gil
1,260 D. Afonso Dinis – D. Maria Pais Ribeiro
1,210 D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal – Maria Peres de Enxara
     Apenas para que todos saibam, Antonio de Sant’Ana Galvao eh o Santo Frei Galvao, o primeiro santo nascido no Brasil e canonizado pela Igreja Catolica. Nao vejo isso como surpresa porque naquele tempo a populacao brasileira como um todo era pequena. Assim, as ligacoes genealogicas entre as personalidades nao devem ser dificeis de encontrar. Porque os dois procedem do Estado de Sao Paulo era mesmo para serem parentes.
     Outra observacao importante aqui eh o dado do inicio de um novo nome de familia. De acordo com pesquisadores, o filho do rei Alfonso X, Fernando, nasceu com uma mecha de cabelo que eh cerda em espanhol. Depois isso foi traduzido como Lacerda para o portugues. Eh um nome comum das familias de descendencia portuguesa. No Estado de Minas Gerais ha uma familia enorme que migrou para a Cidade de Itambe de Minas, nas sombras do Pico do Itambe, e de la para outros lugares. Na minha familia nos temos o ramo Coelho Lacerda que procede daquela cidade. Muitos dos meus primos assinam o sobrenome.
     Na data de 1.360 na sequencia genealogica do Fernao Dias nos temos o nome da D. Violante Pereira. Ela foi uma das meio-irmas do D. Nuno Alvares Pereira, o grande general que ajudou Portugal nao ser dominado pela Espanha na crise de 1.383 a 1.385. Ela eh ascendente das duas personalidades brasileiras. E em outra linhagem do Frei Galvao que eu verifiquei, ele tem a ancestral, Isabel Rodrigues de Vasconcelos, que procede da familia de Vasconcelos, sendo descendente de D. Joao Peres de Vasconcelos, senhor da Torre de Vasconcelos e marido da D. Maria Soares Coelho, a filha do Soeiro Viegas Coelho, o primeiro a usar o nome de familia Coelho.
     Em homenagem aos servicos prestados por Fernao Dias, a estrada que liga Sao Paulo a Belo Horizonte recebeu o nome dele. Realmente foi ele que abriu as portas para o proximo capitulo da Historia do Brasil.
     Se tomarmos os ultimos anos do Fernao Dias para medir o sucesso ou nao dele, com certeza muitos dirao que, ele foi um grande fracasso. Ele nao apenas nao encontrou o que procurava. As decisoes ditatoriais dele levaram a uma revolta contra a sua lideranca e condenou um de seus proprios filhos `a forca por conspiracao. Tambem, a vida dele foi encurtada pela doenca que contraiu.
     13 anos depois da morte de Fernao Dias, seus sucessores encontraram uma certa quantidade de ouro que foi enviado ao Rio de Janeiro para analise e a bencao de Portugal. Imagine, em 1.694 quao demorada seria uma resposta de Portugal! Nos nossos dias ninguem iria esperar. Mas este encontro levou as pessoas a pensar melhor a respeito do que elas deveriam procurar. As pedras ate entao nao haviam se mostrado, apesar de tanta procura. E eles comecaram a procurar o ouro em locais mais saudaveis, com temperaturas mais amenas para eles que estavam adaptados ao clima europeu. Isto se deu ao longo da Serra do Espinhaco.
     Como magica, a partir de 1.698, as minas de ouro foram descobertas numa linha de 1.000 quilometros. O excitamento foi enorme. A noticia espalhou-se pelo resto do Brasil. Milhares de pessoas abandonaram qualquer outra coisa que estavam fazendo para ir para la. A coroa portuguesa estava incredula, questionando se aquilo era somente uma onda ou se a producao se manteria por longo tempo. Por prevencao, ela comecou a agir para manter o monopolio, fazendo leis e, inclusive, recolhendo o livro: “Cultura e Opulencia do Brasil por suas Drogas e Minas.” 1.711.
     O autor era o jesuita italiano, Giovanni Antonio Andreoni ou padre Andre Joao Antonil (1.649 – 1.716). O trabalho dele eh a melhor documentacao do que estava se passando no Brasil naquele tempo. Apesar das opinioes dele serem distorcidas pelas crencas que possuia. A coroa portuguesa censurou o livro porque ele indicava a localizacao onde as minas estavam e isso era confidencial. De toda forma, os portugueses nao queriam abrir a joia da coroa ao mundo.
     A coroa portuguesa fez de tudo em seu poder para controlar os acontecimentos. Mas a proibicao da comunicacao entre as colonias foi uma falha total. A construcao de estradas era dependente das decisoes do rei e isso nao era do interesse dele desde que sua politica era manter as colonias incomunicaveis. Desde o inicio da colonizacao, a coroa portuguesa fez de tudo para manter as colonias enfraquecidas para facilitar o dominio. Ela temia que a livre comunicacao por meio de estradas pudesse levar aos interesses comuns e uma associacao de colonias poderia levar ao surgimento de uma nacao soberana, dificil de dominar.
     De qualquer forma as pessoas das outras colonias e mesmo de Portugal comecaram a chegar aos bandos. O Brasil se resumia a algumas Capitanias como as de Pernambuco, Bahia, Espirito Santo e Sao Vicente. As cidades eram pequenas e umas poucas entrariam num mapa como: Sao Luis, Olinda, Salvador, Ilheus, Vitoria, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo, Santo Andre. Nenhuma delas com mais de 15.000 habitantes nas ruas. Mesmo assim, por volta de 1.706 tinha uns 30.000 novos residentes nos lugares das minas. Possivelmente, nao contando os escravos e, certamente, os nativos brasileiros.
     Os descobridores das minas foram os paulistas. A principio, eles viram os recem chegados como fonte de renda. Os recem chegados deixaram suas vidas em outros lugares e chegaram em condicoes deploraveis. Andaram centenas de quilometros, por meio de canoas quando os rios ofereciam condicoes e a pe quando nao. Eles tinham que proteger as pernas com vestes de pano ou couro. E os paulistas os apelidaram por “Emboabas” que na lingua nativa significava: “Pintos de Botas”. No inicio, os paulistas os acolheram, emprestando ferramentas, abrigo e concedendo emprestimos. Por outro lado comecaram a monopolizar os direitos da exploracao das minas e o comercio de tudo. E os precos foram jogados para cima.
     Somente um pouco depois o povo comecou a se preocupar com isso. O ouro era tao abundante que o preco parecia compensar. Quando mais e mais pessoas chegaram ele percebeu a esperteza e comecaram os atritos. Paulistas e emboabas comecaram a adquirir armas e a situacao desandou. Em 1.707 ocorreu um assassinato que deu inicio `a guerra. A ela foi dado o nome de “Guerra dos Emboabas”. O maior numero dos recem chegados prevaleceu. Eles foram liderados pelo portugues Manuel Nunes Viana. Os paulistas foram liderados por Manuel de Borba Gato, o genro do Fernao Dias Paes Leme.
     A guerra terminou e o exercito dos paulistas foi expulso do futuro Estado de Minas Gerais. Ai eles foram para as terras que hoje sao os Estados de Goias, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul e la descobriram novas minas. Um marco desse descobrimento eh a fundacao da Cidade de Pirenopolis, o nome eh uma lembranca que os colonos tinham dos Pirineus, causada pelas montanhas locais.
     Naquela epoca, cada Capitania tinha um governador. Entao, dentre os bravos e experientes, um foi chamado para pacificar o conflito. O nome, Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho de Carvalho. Como ele, o pai que tinha o mesmo nome havia sido governador da Capitania do Maranhao. Ele havia nascido em Portugal, viveu no Brasil no tempo de servico do pai dele e depois havia voltado para Portugal. Retornou para servir os interesses portugueses e inclusive lutou contra invasores franceses numa diferente tentativa de colonizar o norte do Brasil.
     (Quem desejar um pouco mais de informacoes, busque tambem o nome: Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho. Era o filho do pacificador. Nasceu no Brasil, era multiracial, estudou em Portugal e foi enviado para o Oriente, onde conquistou Goa e fez outros feitos na vida. Ha um livro biografico com a saga dele, no Oriente).
     Como governador da Capitania de Sao Vicente, que naquele tempo somava Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais e a maior parte do sul e oeste do Brasil, ele foi capaz de negociar a paz e organizar a administracao. Foi governador de 1.710 ate 1.720 e durante seu governo pensou-se ser melhor separar o Rio de Janeiro e mais tarde foram criadas as Capitanias de Sao Paulo e Minas Gerais. Essa tatica foi tomada para sanar as tensoes e controlar melhor as riquezas que saiam da terra.
     Entre suas primeiras decisoes estava a criacao de Vilas como Mariana, Ouro Preto, Sabara, Pitangui, Sao Joao del Rei, Serro e varias outras. Estes sao os atuais nomes destes lugares. Naquele tempo os nomes eram uma longa frase. O governador foi capaz de nomear os antigos inimigos como prefeitos das novas vilas criadas, dai as tensoes arrefeceram. A primeira criada, Mariana, tornou-se a primeira capital do Estado e o primeiro bispado. Isso era um privilegio em um pais dominado pelo catolicismo.
     A seguir, a Cidade de Sabara foi criada e dada ao Manuel de Borba Gato como prefeito. Esse foi o reconhecimento aos grandes servicos do bandeirante que, apos `a morte do sogro, Fernao Dias, liderou a colonizacao. Sabara ja era o quartel dele mesmo antes do ouro ser descoberto. E quando o ramo judiciario foi estabelecido ela tornou-se um dos primeiros centros do Estado. Sua jurisdicao foi tao extensa que a maior parte do Brasil Oeste estava sujeito a ela. Somente depois que essa fase da Historia do Brasil passou, outros centros foram criados e o poder foi transferido, em parte, para a Cidade do Serro. Provavelmente, Sabara foi o primeiro povoamento parecido com uma vila em todo o Estado de Minas Gerais.
     Borba Gato tinha possessoes fora de Sabara. Inclusive existe um distrito, nao muito longe da Cidade de Itabira, com o nome Borba Gato, em homenagem a ele e que foi onde ele viveu por algum tempo e tirou parte do ouro.
     O Estado de Minas Gerais tornou-se o Joia da Coroa de Portugal. Porem as minas eram em campo aberto. Tambem ficou claro que parte do ouro estava saindo sem pagar impostos. Mesmo a sentenca sendo a pena-de-morte os contrabandistas estavam sempre `a frente dos coletores. Somente por volta de 1.720 Portugal decidiu tomar medidas mais drasticas e criou as “Casas de Fundicao”. Portugal proibiu a circulacao do ouro in natura e mandou que a producao fosse fundida em barras. Entre as decisoes, o quinto de toda a producao passou a ser recolhido.
     Logo surgiu a revolta. O lider desta revolta, Felipe dos Santos, foi preso e executado de forma cruel. Ele foi atado aos arreios de cavalos que o puxaram em direcoes opostas. Os outros revoltosos foram perdoados e as “Casas de Fundicao” foram mantidas.
    Ainda hoje existe o debate de quanto ouro Minas Gerais produziu. Alguns autores calcularam que aproximadamente 1.000 toneladas do metal foram recolhidas como impostos pelo governo portugues. Alguns dizem que o que foi contrabandeado talvez tenha sido a maior parte. O que sabemos com certeza foi que, Minas Gerais poderia ter sido transformada no centro de nossa civilizacao se nao fosse pela monopolizacao portuguesa. Durante o periodo ocorreu uma das maiores migracoes no mundo ate entao, mas somente um pouco dos migrantes nao era portugues, descendente de portugues ou escravo.
     Mais de 100 distritos surgiram naquele tempo. Se estendermos o periodo a um seculo, calcula-se que em torno de 400.000 portugueses imigraram para o Brasil entre 1.700 ate 1.800. A populacao portuguesa naquele periodo nunca ultrapassou a 2 milhoes de pessoas, dai uma quantidade respeitavel de jovens transferiu-se para o Brasil em cada geracao, dando a impressao por la de que algumas cidades estavam sempre vazias.
     A producao de ouro se manteve firme por cinco decadas. A partir de 1.750 os administradores comecaram a financiar novas espedicoes em busca de novas minas. Antes disso, as povoacoes com origem nos europeus estavam alinhadas em torno das estrada oficialmente estabelecida pela coroa portuguesa. Assim foi feito para controlar a producao. A estrada dava acesso ao Rio de Janeiro e a Sao Paulo. E eh uma sequencia-de-curvas-sobe-e-desce-como-caracois de quase dois mil quilometros. Ainda existe, com o nome de Estrada Real e ponto turistico. E tomando essa estrada como centro, outras radiaram para a conquista do territorio.
     Felizmente, apos o Ciclo do Ouro, em tempos mais atuais, outras estradas com direcoes diferentes substituiram esta primeira. Cidades antigas e influentes naquele periodo ficaram isoladas por estas novas vias da vida no Estado. Em consequencia, o Patrimonio Cultural e Material acabou ficando preservado. Hoje podemos visitar lugares como Ouro Preto, Mariana, Sabara, Sao Joao del Rei, Serro, Diamantina, Congonhas do Campo e outras menos conhecidas para apreciarmos bons exemplos de construcoes e da cultura que sobraram.
     O Ciclo do Ouro no Brasil tornou possivel o surgimento no campo cultural. Isso esta menos expresso nos escritos. Como eu disse antes, a coroa portuguesa nao ficava satisfeita com o desenvolvimento de qualquer coisa que motivasse a independencia das colonias. Ela monopolizava a educacao. Nao era permitido existir universidades no Brasil. Quem quizesse aprender algo mais, tinha que ir estudar em Portugal. A maioria da populacao brasileira era mantida analfabeta. Antes de 1.808 nao existia jornais no Brasil.
     Dai a manifestacao cultural estava presente na engenharia das construcoes, pinturas e esculturas. Ver qualquer das cidades preservadas daquele tempo eh como ver uma pintura dos mais famosos artistas da Renascenca. As esculturas do Aleijadinho, cujo nome real era Antonio Francisco Lisboa, sao o selo das artes do Estado de Minas Gerais. Ele foi capaz de transcrever um pouco do humor atraves dos seus personagens, colocando a semelhanca das faces portuguesas nos soldados romanos que crucificavam Jesus. Era um mulato, filho de pai portugues, Manuel, e a escrava dele, Isabel. O maior pintor da epoca foi o mestre Ataide.
     A maior parte das artes estava vinculada `as Escrituras Biblicas. O pouco que foi diferente estava na poesia. Alguns de nossos poetas mestres naquele tempo eram portugueses ou brasileiros que tinham estudado em Portugal. A manifestacao musical tambem eh representada por muitas pecas, oriundas de seminarios e conventos. A producao da literatura e da musica profanas era limitada por causa do controle monopolista e foi usada pelos abolicionistas e separatistas.
     O grande favor que o ouro fez a Minas Gerais e ao Brasil foi atrair populacao para la. Alem das construcoes historicas. Como uma metropole monopolista, Portugal nao deixava as colonias possuirem sua propria industria, exceto para o consumo diario. Todo o resto tinha que ser importado de Portugal. Mas o proprio Portugal era um rico com mentalidade terceiro mundista e tinha que importar de outros como Franca, Inglaterra e Alemanha. Mas nao permitia o comercio direto entre Brasil e os outros paises. Dai a renda dele originava, em grande parte, por se tornar intermediario nessas operacoes comerciais.
     Como os brasileiros nao tinham onde gastar o ouro em investimentos e industrializacoes proprias, eles foram induzidos a gasta-lo com superfluos e bens nao duraveis. O ouro nao levou nenhuma universidade ou industria ao Brasil. Porem levou riquezas para outros paises. Inclusive construcoes como o Museu do Louvre em Paris eh um produto do ouro de Minas Gerais. Em 1,755 um terremoto monstruoso nivelou Lisboa, colocando Portugal de joelhos. E o ouro de Minas Gerais foi usado para pagar a reconstrucao. O reconhecimento de que a colonizacao nao trazia bem algum ao Brasil contribuiu para a criacao de um forte sentimento de nacionalismo que logo foi responsavel pela Independencia do Brasil.
     Eu vou postar algumas sequencias genealogicas aqui como uma abertura para mencionar a Revolucao de Independencia Americana. Talvez alguns se surpreenderao com o parentesco entre as personalidades americanas e nossos primos da Peninsula Iberica. Porem, como eu previra antes, nos todos somos supostos ter vinculos com todo mundo dos paises ocidentais. E, de acordo com a minha teoria, estes serao muito mais proximos que os leigos possam imaginar. Vejamos isso entao. Estas postagens sao o resultado da olhadela que dei agora nas ascendencias de tres dos fundadores dos Estados Unidos da America.
1,732 George Washington – Martha Dandridge
1,693 Augustine Washington – Mary Ball*
1,659 Lawrence Washington – Mildred Warner*
1,627 John Washington – Anne Pope
1,602 Lawrence Washington – Amphyllis Twigden
1,568 Margareth Butler – Lawrence Washington
         William Butler – Margareth N.
1,487 Margareth Sutton – John Butler
1,461 John Sutton – Margareth Charroll
         Sir Edmund Sutton – Joyce Tiptoft*
1,400 John Sutton, 1o. barao de Dudley – Elizabeth Berkeley
1,380 Sir John Sutton – Constance le Blount
1,361 John Sutton, mestre de Dudley – Alice Despencer
         Catherine de Stafford – 1,338 John de Sutton
1,318 Margareth de Audley, baronesa de Audley – Ralph Stafford
1,290 Hugh de Audley, sr. de Gloucester – Margareth of Clare*
          Isolda de Mortimer – Hugh Audley
1,268 Marguerite de Fiennes – Edmund, 7o. barao de Wigmore
1,250 Blanche de Brienne – Guilhaume de Fiennes
1,230 Jean de Brienne – Jeanne de Chateaudun
1,198 Berengaria, infanta de Castela – Jean I de Brienne
1,171 Alfonso IX, rei de Leon e Castela – Berengaria, Infanta de Castela
1,151 D. Urraca, Infanta de Portugal – Fernando II, rei de Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal – Mafalda de Savoia
     Eu usei o asterisco * para indicar que ha outras vias pelas quais os fundadores sao descendentes dos reis ibericos. Em muitos casos, estes ancestrais das vias alternativas sao mais de uma vez descendentes de tais reis. Isso faz com que o nosso parentesco fique mais proximo cada vez que acontece. Tomemos o Thomas Jefferson como exemplo agora. Foi ele quem escreveu a Declaracao de Independencia americana. Na Declaracao de Independencia, escrita em 1.776, ja temos as principais ideias de como o governo deveria funicionar. Ideias que depois passaram a fazer parte da Constituicao Americana, escrita em 1.787. Na Declaracao da Independencia nos ja encontramos o principal objetivo da humanidade: Vida, Liberdade e Busca pela Felicidade.
1,743 Thomas Jefferson – Martha Wayles Skelton
1,720 Jane Randolph – Peter Jefferson
1,685 Isham Randolph – Jane Rogers
1,650 William Randolph – Mary Isham*
1,621 Richard Randolph – Elisabeth Ryland
1,589 Dorothy Lane – William Randolph
         Elisabeth Vincent – Richard Lane
1,529 Anne Tanfield – Clement Vincent
1,510 Francis Tanfield – Bridget Cane
1,488 William Tanfield – Isabell Staveley
         Catherine Neville – 1,461 Robert Tanfield*
1,420 Edward Neville, sr. de Abergavenny – Catherine Howard*
1,363 Ralph de Neville, 1o. sr. de Westmorchand – Joan Beaufort*
1,330 John of Neville, 3o. barao de Neville de Raby – Maud de Percy
1,300 Alice Audley – Ralph de Neville, 2o. barao de Neville de Raby
1,270 Hugh Audley – Isolda de Mortimer
     O ultimo casal ja esta na sequencia genealogica do George Washington. Joan Beaufort, esposa do bisneto dele, Ralph de Neville, era filha de John de Gand, duque de Lancaster e da Catherine Swinford Roelt, os quais ja estao na sequencia genealogica do Charles II, rei da Inglaterra, postado no capitulo 9. E a ultima sequencia do dia.
1,735 John Adams – Abigail Smith
1,691 John Adams – Susanah Boylston
1,665 Hannah Bass – Joseph Adams
1,640 Ruth Alden – John Bass
1,602 Prisilla Mullins – John Alden
1,578 William Mullins – Alice Atwood
1,545 Frances Moulineux – John Mullins
1,510 John Molyneux – Johanna Montacute*
1,475 William Molyneux – Anna Rugge
1,445 Thomas Molyneux – Anna of Dutton*
1,425 Elisabeth Stanley – Richard Molyneux
1,409 Jean Goushill – Sir Thomas Stanley, 1o. barao de Stanley
1,360 Elizabeth Fitzalan – Sir Robert Goushill
1,342 Elizabeth de Bohum – Richard Fitzalan, 10o. sr de Arundel
1,311 William de Bohum, sr. de Northampton – Elizabeth de Badlesmere
1,282 Elisabeth, princesa da Inglaterra – Humphrey de Bohum, 4o. sr. de Hereford e Essex
1,240 Leonor, Infanta de Castela – Edward I, rei da Inglaterra
     Deste ponto podemos voltar `a sequencia genealogica do Charles II, rei da Inglaterra, no capitulo 9. D. Leonor, infanta de Castela eh trineta do D. Afonso Henriques, 1o. rei de Portugal e a esposa dele, Mafalda de Savoia. Juntando a estes tres exemplos temos tambem o James Madison como primo. Ele foi um dos escritores dos Jornais federalistas que deram apoio para a aprovacao da Constituicao dos Estados Unidos.
     Antes da independencia brasileira veio a independencia americana. As principais causas que empurraram o povo americano para a independencia foram: o entendimento da coroa britanica de que os custos do seu exercito usado na protecao das colonias deveriam ser pagas, pelo menos a metade, pelas colonias. Na concepcao do rei o exercito estava servindo mais `as colonias que `a Inglaterra. Entao ele aumentou os impostos. Mas o que provocou mais foi a intransigencia do rei que simplesmente ignorou o pedido das colonias para suspender os impostos excessivos.
     Outras causas da Revolucao de Independencia foi os colonos nao elegerem seus representantes, os soldados britanicos se alojavam nas casas dos colonos e os cargos de governo nas Americas eram ocupados por ingleses. Apos o sucesso na Guerra da Independencia e o estabelecimento da Constituicao Americana com enfase nos direitos e liberdades eles se tornaram fonte de inspiracao para todo o mundo sob qualquer poder colonizador. A partir de entao os brasileiros comecaram a nutrir ideias de separacao de Portugal.
     A primeira oportunidade aconteceu em 1.789. Previamente a producao do ouro tinha declinado. Portugal continuou exigindo uma quantidade anual do ouro brasileiro mesmo isso nao sendo facil de encontrar. Com a menor producao do ouro a situacao economica despencou. Muitas pessoas comecaram a acumular dividas com o fisco portugues. E a coroa portuguesa decidiu executar as dividas atraves da Lei da Derrama. Derrama significava que os fiscais poderiam invadir sua casa e pegar tudo que ajudasse a pagar sua divida e se isso nao fosse o suficiente voce poderia ser preso e mantido na prisao enquanto a divida nao fosse paga.
     Essa situacao levou `a revolta chamada de Inconfidencia Mineira. Muitas pessoas participaram do planejamento da separacao do Brasil de Portugal. A maioria tinha suas vidas vinculadas aos Estados de Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro, as Capitanias mais importantes na epoca. O Rio de Janeiro foi afetado porque durante o Ciclo do Ouro a capital do Brasil foi transferida de Salvador para la. A transferencia foi uma tentativa de controlar melhor as colonias, desde que a principal fonte de renda da terra estava em Minas Gerais e o Rio de Janeiro era o porto mais proximo para embarcar o ouro para Portugal.
     A revolta foi mantida em segredo e era para ser anunciada no mesmo dia em que Portugal marcara para o comeco da Derrama. Porem, antes de isso acontecer, 2 ou 3 traidores denunciaram o plano `as autoridades portuguesas. Elas entao prenderam os lideres mais importantes da revolta e os condenaram `a forca e ao exilio em Angola, que era outra colonia portuguesa, na Africa. Todos os condenados `a morte, exceto um, tiveram suas penas comultadas para o exilio.
     O unico executado, cortado em pedacos para estes serem expostos de forma cruel nas ruas de Ouro Preto, a capital de Minas de entao, com o objetivo de causar terror em quaisquer outros revoltosos, foi o Inconfidente, alferes, Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, tambem chamado de Tiradentes. Ele foi o escolhido porque era o mais entusiasmado e assumiu toda a culpa da conspiracao. Entre suas ultimas palavras estavam: “Se tivesse 10 vidas, doaria todas por esta causa.”
     Alguns historiadores tem a hipotese de que Joaquim Jose tenha viajado secretamente aos Estados Unidos para encontrar-se com George Washington. Mesmo nao sendo provado, a possibilidade nao eh sem razoes. O movimento de independencia brasileira mirava-se na Revolucao Americana. Ambas tiveram influencia dos filosofos franceses. Os dois movimentos tinham vinculos diretos com a maconaria e por ai vai.
     Mas o sucesso da Independencia Americacana pode ser contada como causa do atraso da Independencia Brasileira. Com certeza, os monarcas portugueses e conselheiros estavam de olho em tudo que acontecia no mundo. Ao verem os erros dos outros monarcas eles fariam o oposto. Como o rei da Inglaterra tinha negado o pedido de reducao dos impostos e provocou a ira dos colonos americanos, o soberano portugues perdoou as dividas dos brasileiros. Juntamente com o exilio dos lideres da revolta as pessoas comuns se acomodaram por enquanto. Por isso o ideal da independencia entrou apenas em um periodo de hibernacao sem ficar totalmente esquecido.
     O que fica interessante atualmente eh isso, alguns dos fatos mais conhecidos daquele tempo tem sido questionados. Alguns andam dizendo que Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier nunca foi enforcado. Que a “Inconfidencia Mineira” nunca levou a intencao de levar independencia ao Brasil todo. Os Inconfidentes nao tinham intencao de libertar os escravos. Eles faziam parte da alta sociedade. A respeito dessas controversias, eu indicaria o primo, Rogerio Alvarenga, para contrargumentar. Ele eh historiador de longa carreira e identifica estas suposicoes como desconstrucoes do que ja sabemos do nosso passado. Escreveu uma serie de livros intitulados: “Entrevista Virtual com ….”. O site dele eh:
     Os argumentos levantados por aqueles que querem diminuir a importancia das personalidades mineiras na Historia do Brasil sao comparaveis a dizer-se que: a Revolucao de Independencia Americana nao teve nenhum efeito democratio porque parte dos lideres eram escravocratas. Tambem, a Independencia nao vale porque os revolucionarios eram traidores, de acordo com a Lei Inglesa, que por direito tinha a posse das colonias.
     A acusacao de que a Inconfidencia Mineira nao seria um movimento popular pode ser facilmente desmentida por um fato na vida do Inconfidente, padre Rolim. Ele estava encarregado de convocar 400 pessoas para entrar nas forcas rebeldes. Seria impossivel juntar essa quantidade de pessoas naquele tempo na regiao do Serro se as pessoas comuns nao fossem convidadas.
     E precisamos prestar atencao aos fatos. A conspiracao era contra o dominio de Portugal que possuia milhares de homens no Brasil. Sem uma quantidade igual ou superior, ninguem falaria em independencia. Para ter essa quantidade de brasileiros, com certeza, mesmo os escravos iriam se juntar a ela.
     Mas, com esperteza, o governo portugues condenou somente os lideres que em muitos casos eram seus proprios cidadaos, protegendo a propria imagem que poderia ser pintada como irracionalmente opressora perante `a populacao comum, se fizesse o contrario.
     A classificacao da Inconfidencia Mineira como um movimento elitista tem a intencao de invalidar o significado dela atraves do mal sentido atribuido `a palavra elite na Historia do Brasil. Os brasileiros tem a tendencia de associar a palavra elite somente aos ricos e politicos poderosos e que fizeram administracoes ruins. A Inconfidencia Mineira eh claramente um movimento das classes media e baixa contra os poderosos. E o comando do movimento era formado pela elite intelectual, nao necessariamente pela elite economica.
     Todavia, a interpretacao politica em nossos dias tem os interesses dos interesses de hoje. Talvez, mais tarde eu explicarei isso melhor.
     Outros pontos de vista polemicos que o Rogerio nos daria boas respostas atraves do trabalho dele sao os dizeres de que: Alberto de Santos Dummond nao inventou o aviao e Antonio Francisco Lisboa, o Aleijadinho, eh mais um mito que autor de todos as esculturas atribuidas a ele. Eu indicaria o titulo: “Wings of Madness” a qualquer um que desejar saber algo mais a respeito de Santos Dummond. Conhecimento sem pesquisa eh somente opiniao propria. Se voce deseja ser sabio a respeito de algo qualquer, busque toda e qualquer opiniao a respeito disso, antes de julgar.
     Outra coisa, algumas pessoas no Brasil amam tanto a cultura inglesa que esoalharam um engano com respeito a certa particularidade do sotaque mineiro. Mineiros falam a palavra UAI em todas as suas conversas. O som em portugues dessa palavra eh o mesmo do ingles why. Dai inventaram uma explicacao para o UAI dos mineiros atribuindo seu uso `a presenca de ingleses em Minas Gerais durante o Ciclo do Ouro. Mas isso nao eh verdade.
     UAI era uma senha maconica que significa: “Uniao, Amor e Independencia”. Ela era usada para ter acesso `as reunioes secretas que eram realizadas nos poroes das casas dos Inconfidentes. Talvez o significado da palavra tenha sido esquecido mas os mineiros continuam usando-a desde sempre.
     Outro detalhe interessante a respeito da Inconfidencia Mineira eh que: muitos dos Inconfidentes tem sua ascendencia conhecida vinculada aos mesmos ancestrais que eu ja apresentei antes. Se qualquer um falar com os mineiros a respeito dos nomes: Jose Alvares Maciel, Ignacio Jose de Alvarenga Peixoto, Jose da Silva e Oliveira Rolim (padre Rolim) ou Tomas Antonio Gonzaga, eles logo irao lembrar-se de algo relacionado `a escola primaria porque estes nomes estao envolvidos na Inconfidencia Mineira ou porque alguns deles sao poetas famosos. Contudo, no portugal estes nao estao presentes ou nao tem a genealogia deles mais completa.
     Mas alguns dos Inconfidentes tem seus vinculos com as familias reais mostrados da mesma forma que outras personalidades historicas brasileiras. Porei mais umas sequencias.
1,746 Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, Tiradentes.
1,721 Antonia da Encarnacao Xavier – Domingos da Silva Santos
1,700 Maria de Oliveira Colaco – Domingos Xavier Fernandes
         Isabel de Oliveira Colaco – Antonia de Oliveira Setubal
1,660 Antonio de Oliveira Gago – Anna da Cunha
1,630 Martinho de Oliveira – Catarina Pereira Sardinha
1,610 Genebra Leitao de Vasconcelos – Antonio de Oliveira
1,585 Isabel Leitao – Diogo Rodrigues
1,560 Goncalo Vaz Leitao – Helena de Carvalhal
1,535 Vasco Martins Leitao – Beatriz de Sousa
         Martim Ferreira Leitao – Briolanja Gois
1,450 Leonor Ferreira – Rui Vaz Leitao
1,420 Aires Ferreira – Joana Fogaca
1,400 Martim Ferreira – Violante Afonso da Cunha
1,380 Isabel Pereira de Lacerda – Gomes Ferreira
     O ultimo casal eh um dos nonavos do Fernao Dias Paes Leme, ja apresentado acima. O casal tambem eh ancestral do Santo Frei Galvao. O personagem Tiradentes nao foi casado mas teve filhos com mais de uma mulher. Parte da descendencia dele continua vivendo no Estado de Minas Gerais. Outro exemplo:
         Claudio Manoel da Costa
         Teresa Ribeiro de Alvarenga – Joao Goncalves da Costa
         Francisco de Barros Freire – Isabel Rodrigues de Alvarenga
         Luis de Barros Freire – Isabel de Paiva
         Catarina de Freitas – Francisco de Barros Freire
         Maria Pedroso de Alvarenga – Sebastiao de Freitas
     Claudio Manoel da Costa tambem foi um grande poeta. Os ultimos ascendentes dele acima sao tetravos do Santo Frei Galvao ma linhagem alternativa. Ultimo exemplo:
1,756 Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade – Isabel Alves Maciel
1,708 Jose Antonio Freire de Andrade – Maria do Bonsucesso Correia de Sa
1,660 Joana Vicencia de Menezes – Bernardim Freire de Andrade
1,630 Ambrosio Pereira de Berredo – Maria Lobo da Silveira*
1,600 Henrique Pereira de Berredo – D. Maria de Menezes*
1,580 Ambrosio Pereira de Berredo – Joana de Menezes*
1,560 D. Mariana de Portugal – Antonio Pereira de Berredo*
1,540 D. Cecilia de Portugal – D. Rodrigo de Castro*
1,485 D. Martinho de Portugal, arcebispo de Funchal – Catarina de Sousa
1,462 D. Afonso de Portugal, bispo de Evora – Filipa de Macedo
1,400 D. Afonso, 1o. marquez de Valenca – Brites de Sousa*
1,377 D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Braganca – D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim
1,357 D. Joao I, rei de Portugal – Ines Pires
     Outra informacao interessante a respeito do Inconfidente Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade eh que, ele era sobrinho do general: Gomes Freire de Andrade. O general foi o primeiro conde de Bobadela e ate o seu falecimento em 01/01/1.756 foi o governador do Estado de Minas Gerais. O irmao dele e pai do Francisco, Jose Antonio, foi o segundo conde de Bobadela. O general Gomes Freire de Andrade assinou documentos de posse de terras em nome de Manuel Rodrigues Coelho. Como ja mencionei, as tradicoes dizem que este Manuel Rodrigues Coelho tem algo haver com nosso ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes mas a tradicao nao especifica o grau de parentesco entre eles dois.
     Nessa ultima sequencia nos voltamos ao ja apresentado no capitulo 5. D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim era filha do general D. Nuno Alvares Pereira e neta da D. Branca Pires Coelho. Aqui a gente ve um cruzamento entre as familias Coelho, Braganca, Alvim, Pereira e Portugal que se tornou ascendente de todas as familias reais europeias. Os asteriscos usados aqui continuam indicando outras formas de o Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade ser descendente dos reis de Portugal.
     Por um longo tempo, Estados Unidos e Brasil nao tiveram uma Historia conjunta. Tiveram encontros casuais. As razoes para isso nao estavam sob o controle de ambos. Como sabemos, ao mesmo tempo que a Inconfidencia Mineira estava indo por aguabaixo a Revolucao Francesa comecou. Apos um inicio tenebroso as portas ficaram abertas para a subida de Napoleao Bonaparte e, com ele, as Guerras Napoleonicas.
     O Brasil acabou sendo beneficiado por essas guerras de forma inesperada. Ja se pensava ha muito em Portugal em transferir a condicao de Metropole para o Brasil, onde a monarquia poderia prosperar. Isso seria feito para proteger melhor os interesses portugueses porque Portugal eh um pais muito pequeno e sujeito `a possibilidade de invasao por paises mais fortes na Europa. Mas os portugueses sempre pensaram neste plano com um pe atras.
     Portugal e Inglaterra tinham aquele Tratado desde 1.385 quando concordaram proteger um ao outro contra invasao estrangeira. Em razao de a Inglaterra estar em guerra contra a Franca napoleonica, Portugal ficou acuado para tomar algum partido. Ele tinha uma rainha, Maria I, que era louca. Ela ja era a rainha no tempo da condenacao dos Inconfidentes, em Minas Gerais. Era contemporanea do rei George III da Inglaterra que tambem sofria de problemas mentais. Ele fora o rei ingles no tempo da Revolucao de Independencia Americana.
     Igual ao rei George III, Maria I, a Louca, como era conhecida, foi substituida por um principe regente. O filho dela, Joao, estava reinando no lugar dela desde antes do confronto com Napoleao. Ele nao havia sido preparado para ser rei porque tinha um irmao mais velho, porem, o irmao dele morreu de variola. E a morte dele pode ser atribuida `a atitude conservadora da mae deles porque nao aceitou a vacinacao contra a doenca. Na epoca a vacina ja existia e era a primeira que as pessoas tinham disponivel. Maria I considerava a vacina uma violacao da natureza e um ato contra a determinacao divina.
     O principe regente Joao, que depois se tornou o rei D. Joao VI, foi um governante relutante. O que parece eh que qualquer decisao provocava muita dor nele. Entao, as decisoes eram tomadas a passos de preguica. Assim, antes de ele decidir qual lado tomar parte, Napoleao Bonaparte ordenou a seu exercito invadir Portugal e destituir o rei. Por sorte, o tempo usado para pensar o lado do muro que deveria pular ajudou-o decidir a transferir as cortes para o Brasil. Foi bem na hora porque quando a esquadra dele nao tinha chegado ao horizonte as tropas de Napoleao estavam entrando em Lisboa.
     A esquadra de Portugal nao era mais nem a sombra do que os portugueses tiveram no tempo das Grandes Descobertas. E o principe levou consigo todo o tesouro portugues e cerca de 15.000 pessoas da corte. Na saida do porto ele encontrou a esquadra Inglesa que estava esperando para escolta-lo na viagem ao Brasil. Gastou-se tempo demais na viagem e correu-se riscos pela imprevidencia de transportar as tres geracoes de herdeiros ao trono numa mesma nau. De qualquer forma eles chegaram ao Brasil. Era 1.808.
     O rei da Espanha nao teve a mesma sorte. Antes que a esquadra dele zarpasse, o exercito napoleonico o prendeu. Ele foi deposto e substituido por parente do Napoleao.
     No Brasil, as cortes foram recebidas com um entusiasmo inocente do povo brasileiro. A comitiva fez primeiro uma parada em Salvador e logo zarpou para o Rio de Janeiro. O Porto do Rio de Janeiro era, nao sem razao, o mais movimentado no pais. Se alguem quisesse fazer uma viagem segura ao redor do mundo ele era uma parada obrigatoria no caminho. Qualquer um viajando da Europa ou da costa leste das Americas teria que ser reabastecido no Porto do Rio. Na epoca havia la uma esquadra americana pequena. E os americanos cometeram uma gafe diplomatica.
     No momento do desembarque do principe regente o povo estava num clima de carnaval. Todos os navios presentes na Baia de Guanabara comecaram a salda-lo com suas armas. Um dos capitaes americanos ficou tao entusiasmado pela onda de alegria que tambem ordenou uma salva de tiros. Alguem deve te-lo lembrado o motivo da Guerra da Independencia nos Estados Unidos e ele ordenou o silencio dos canhoes.
     Eu disse que isso fora uma gafe porque Portugal e Brasil nao estavam envolvidos no conflito entre Inglaterra e os Estados Unidos. E no Brasil existe um dito que fala: “Celebrar com os que celebram.” Isso significa nao ser polido alguem ver o vizinho celebrando e se esconder da alegria dele. Seria como se alguem estivesse condenando o direito dele de celebrar. Mas estou certo de que os brasileiros nao levaram isso em conta.
     Eu disse antes que a celebracao brasileira era inocente porque a presenca das cortes portuguesas no Brasil foram uma mistura de boas e mas noticias. E o pior veio primeiro. O Rio de Janeiro era uma cidade pequena, talvez umas 40.000 almas ou menos. E nao teve tempo para preparar-se para receber 15.000 novos moradores. E o que o principe regente e sua corte decidiram em seguida foi tomar as casas dos moradores. Assim, os soldados portugueses inspecionaram cada uma das casas do lugar, e quando julgavam estar em condicoes suficientes eles pregavam uma placa com as letras P.R. Significava, “Propriedade do Regente”. E os gaiatos logo interpretaram como: “Propriedade Roubada.”
     Juntando-se aos problemas, o principe Joao era casado com Carlota Joaquina. Ela era princesa espanhola muito antipatica e detestou o Brasil `a primeira vista. O temperamento dela e por certo a personalidade timida de D. Joao os colocou em linha de colisao o que acabou separando-os. Eles fingiam-se casados para os olhos do publico mas eram separados. E Carlota Joaquina era escandalosa. Mas a unica informacao util aqui eh esta: cedo o publico brasileiro aprendeu a detesta-la tanto quanto ela detestava ao Brasil e aos brasileiros.
     Do lado bom temos para comeco a abertura de todos os portos brasileiros `as nacoes amigas, entenda-se ai, Inglaterra. Antes, Portugal tinha este monopolio. E a Inglaterra era igual `a China de hoje. Ela era a lider na industrializacao e foi la que comecou a Revolucao Industrial, porem, os empregados eram mal pagos, tinha uma producao imensa que era levada a todos os cantos do globo, exceto para Franca e aliados, por causa da guerra. E a Inglaterra aproveitou-se disso para inundar o mercado brasileiro ate com coisas que os brasileiros nao usavam, como patins de gelo. O jeitinho brasileiro acabou descobrindo usos alternativos para as bugingangas.
     Desde que as cortes estavam no Brasil e nao tinham a menor ideia de quando iriam voltar, o principe decidiu tomar algumas medidas para desenvolver a nacao. Reurbanizou o Rio de Janeiro, fundou o primeiro Colegio, criou o Jardim Botanico e o primeiro Banco do Brasil. Naquele tempo ele tambem abriu o Brasil para a investigacao cientifica de europeus como Augusto de Saint-Hilaire. Saint-Hilaire era frances e chegou ao Brasil depois da queda de Napoleao em 1.815.
     Saint-Hilaire, mencionado por um primo antigo, Dermeval Jose Pimenta, no livro dele: A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente, fez um comentario a respeito do povo do Estado de Minas Gerais naquele tempo. Ele estava admirado pela visao das maquinas movidas a agua, usadas para prensar a cana-de-acucar. “Nao pude deixar de admirar as engrenagens que, embora enormes, sao, ao mesmo tempo, de uma estranha leveza, e foram feitas primorosamente. Nao foi essa, alias, a unica vez que tive as provas da habilidade do operario mineiro; se sao lentos na execucao de seus trabalhos, pelo menos capricham muito e creio mesmo que dao melhor acabamento que os artesaos europeus.”
     Antes da familia real portuguesa chegar ao Brasil, em 1.803 os Estados Unidos compraram o Territorio da Lousiana que ficava na margem leste do Rio Mississipi. Essa compra dobrou o territorio americano. Logo apos isso veio a Guerra de 1.812. Esta eh considerada uma segunda Guerra de Independencia. Isso porque a Inglaterra era o poder hegemonico na Terra, especialmente no mar, e tambem era o provocador da epoca. Mesmo que os Estados Unidos tivessem ganho a Independencia na primeira Guerra da Independencia, a Inglaterra continuava tratando a nova nacao como uma colonia.
     O que agravou mais a situacao foi que os Estados Unidos eram amigos da Franca que tinha investido capital na Revolucao Americana. A Inglaterra estava em guerra contra a Franca Napoleonica. E ela tinha a maior Armada mas faltava-lhe marinheiros experientes. Dai comecou a abordar os navios americanos e levar os marinheiros nascidos na Inglaterra, inclusive os naturalizados americanos. Chegaram a sequestrar alguns nascidos nos Estados Unidos que haviam esquecido os documentos para prova-lo. Uma boa parte das exportacoes americanas eram para a Franca e a Inglaterra decretara um bloqueio contra ela, causando danos `a economia americana.
     Outro problema serio foi que, possivelmente, a coroa inglesa interpretou como ameaca ao seu poder o expansionismo americano para o oeste. E como a Inglaterra nao tinha populacao suficiente para invadir o mundo ao bel prazer, ela comecou a armar os indios americanos que estavam lutando contra o expansionismo. Tais atitudes inglesas convenceram ao presidente James Madison a declarar a guerra contra a Inglaterra em 1.812, com a aprovacao do congresso. Postarei um pouco da sequencia genealogica do sr. presidente, James Madison.
1.751 James Madison – Dolley Payne Todd
1.731 Eleanor Rose Conway – James Madison
1.696 Francis Conway – Rebecca Catlett
1.675 Elizabeth Thornton – Edwin Conway
         Alice Savage – 1.651 Francis Thornton
1.605 Anthony Savage – Alice Stafford
1.556 Anthony Savage – Elizabeth Hall
1.528 Francis Savage – Anne Sheldon
1.510 Christopher Savage – Anne Lygon
1.450 Christopher Savage – Anne Stanley*
1.430 Katherine Stanley – Sir John Savage
1.409 Jean Goushill – Sir Thomas Stanley, 1o. barao de Stanley
     Deste ponto da sequence genealogica do presidente Madison em diante ela se encontra com a de John Adams, capitulo 10, que foi o pai do John Quincy Adams, que sucedeu ao James Madison logo apos James Monroe. Outro personagem importante daquele tempo foi o Andrew Jackson, que se tornou o setimo presidente americano. Andrew Jackson tem o rosto na nota de vinte dolares como sabemos. Ele tambem tem sua sequencia genealogica vinculada aos reis de Portugal. Vejamos:
1,767 Andrew Jackson – Rachel Donelson
         Elizabeth Hutchinson – Andrew Jackson
1,700 Cirus Hutchinson – Margareth Lisle
1,675 John Hutchinson – Mary Hobart
         John Hutchinson – nao identificada
         Lucy Apsley – 1,615 John Hutchinson
         Lucy Saint John – Allen Apsley
1,473 Sir John Saint John – Jane Inwardby
1,437 Oliver Saint John – Elizabeth Scrope*
1,410 Margareth Beauchamp – Oliver Saint John
         Edith Storton – John of Beauchamp, 3o. barao de Bletsho
          Catherine Beaumont – Sir John Stourton
1,340 Henry Beaumont, lord Beaumont – Margareth de Vere
1,310 John, lord Beaumont – Aleanor de Lancaster
1,265 Henry Beaumont, lord Beaumont – Alicia Comyn
1,230 Louis de Brienne – Agnes de Beaumont-Maine
         Berengaria, Infanta de Castilla – 1,148 Jean I de Brienne
1,171 Alfonso IX, rei de Leon e Castela – Berengaria, Infanta de Castela
1,151 D. Urraca, Infanta de Portugal – Fernando II, rei de Leon
1,109 D. Afonso Henriques, 1ol rei de Portugal – Mafalda de Savoia
     Dei uma olhadinha nos dados da portugal para todos os 43 presidentes dos Estados Unidos. Nao desejo postar outras sequencias genealogicas deles. Mas aqui cabem uns pequenos detalhes. 29 deles sao descendentes dos reis de Portugal. 3 sao descendentes somente dos reis: Carlos Magno, Hugo Capet da Franca e William I da Inglaterra. Os tres sao: James Buchanan, Dwight D. Eisenhower e Barack H. Obama. Assim eles tambem sao parentes das Familias Reais Ibericas que tambem descendem dos 3 reis.
     Os que nao estao indicados com descendentes dos reis sao: Martin van Buren, Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy e lyndon B. Johnson. Isso nao significa que nao sejam descendentes dos reis mas o que provavelmente aconteceu eh isso, certos dados genealogicos se perderam em algum ponto da ascendencia deles. Isso aconteceu com a maioria de nos.
     A lista de presidentes dos Estados Unidos descendentes do rei Afonso Henriques em ordem de suas eleicoes eh: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams (filho de John Adams), Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleveland (que foi reeleito apos seu sucessor), Benjamin Harrison (neto de William H. Harrison), Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Gerard Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush (pai), Bill Clinton e George W. Bush (filho).
     O que poderia ser um pouco de surpresa eh que tambem olhei 40 nomes vinculados `a presidencia brasileira. Isso inclui presidentes eleitos, ditadores e conselhos administrativos. Somente 11 dos 40 tem dados indicando descender dos reis, de acordo com aquele site. Isso nao eh algo de se estranhar porque eu sei o quao duro eh juntar tais dados no Brasil. O clima nao eh amigavel para conservacao de papeis. Como eu ja disse, somente apos 1.808 os jornais foram permitidos circular, com restricoes. O analfabetismo foi uma forma de dominar a populacao. E, acima de tudo, somente umas poucas pessoas procuram realmente quebrar esse ciclo vicioso. Eu proprio tenho visto coisas que sao de cortar o coracao nesse assunto.
     A lista de nossos primos presidentes no Brasil eh: Floriano Peixoto, Prudente de Morais, Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles, Augusto Moreira Afonso Pena, Nilo Procopio Pecanha, Jose Linhares, Carlos Coimbra da Luz, Nereu Ramos, Joao Belchior Marques Goulart, Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco e Tancredo Neves (foi eleito pelo colegio eleitoral mas morreu antes de assumir a presidencia).
     A Guerra de 1.812 poderia ter sido evitada naquele tempo se tivessemos pelo menos uma linha telefonica transatlantica. O Parlamento Ingles tinha revogado algumas decisoes que estavam causando a guerra mas antes de ficar sabendo disso os Estados Unidos estavam tentando invadir as Possessoes Inglesas no Canada. Entretanto, nao houve momento melhor para fazer-se uma guerra contra a Inglaterra porque ela estava involvida noutra muito maior, contra a Franca, dai a Inglaterra teve que usar um contingente menor contra os americanos. Todavia, embora em menor numero era muito bem preparado.
     Durante o curso da guerra os ingleses invadiram a capital Washington e queimaram os predios principais. A esquadra inglesa entao se dirigiu para Baltimore, no Maryland. Mas eles nao foram capazes de tomar o forte melhor defendido. La, apesar do intenso bombardeio os defensores do Fort McHenry nao abandonaram suas posicoes e os ingleses desistiram. O comandante do Forte tinha instruido mulheres de Baltimore para costurarem uma bandeira enorme e assim que o bombardeio parou a bandeira foi levantada. Ele queria certificar-se que os ingleses a veriam mesmo quando estivessem de longe.
     No momento, Francis Scott Key estava retido num navio mercante e testemunhou a cena. Imediatamente apos ele teve a inspiracao de escrever um poema que posteriormente foi chamado de: The Star-Spangled Banner (A Bandeira de Estrelas Resplandecentes). Em 1.831 o Congresso passou uma lei nomeando o poema como hino nacional.
     Dai as forcas inglesas decidiram atacar Nova Orleans que era o portao para a fronteira agricola americana. La eles confrontaram Andrew Jackson e seu exercito. Ele era um ex-combatente da Guerra da Independencia e nutria odio pelos ingleses desde entao. A mae e irmaos haviam morrido naquele tempo.
     No cenario da ultima batalha, a forcas comandadas por Jackson eram bem menores e estavam intrincheiradas, esperando o inimigo. O lider das forcas ingleses tentou resolver tudo de uma vez. Dividiu seu grupo em tres frontes: direita, esquerda e frontal. Porem o grupo da esquerda teria que atravessar para o outro lado do rio e quando tentou faze-lo uma forte ventania atrasou sua parte no plano. Tambem, uma unidade avancada de franco-atiradores americanos emboscou o grupo que estava atacando pela direita e matou o comandante.
     Quando o batalhao ficou cara-a-cara com as forcas americanas ele estava exposto e desorganizado. Melhor posicionado para atirar e matar as forcas do Andrew Jackson exerceram sua funcao como se estivesse atirando em patos. No final, cerca de 2.000 ingleses foram mortos enquanto nao mais que 3 duzias de americanos teve a mesma sorte. Outra vez, o episodio poderia ter sido evitado se houvesem comunicacoes rapidas naquele tempo. As diplomacias americana e inglesa ja haviam chegado a um acordo para terminar a guerra mas a noticia disso so chegou umas 3 semanas depois.
     O que foi mais interessante nesta ultima batalha foi que os voluntarios sairam de tao longe quanto do Estado de Connecticut para defender a nacao americana. Todas as cores de pele se fizeram presentes, dispostas a morrer por ela. E Jackson se tornou um heroi nacional.
     O que eh triste a este respeito eh que parece que Andrew Jackson virou sua ira contra os indios na Fronteira Oeste. Ele se tornou o presidente dos Estados Unidos de 1.829 a 1.837 e expulsou muitas tribos das terras de seus ancestrais provocando o que se chama: “Marcha das 1.000 lagrimas.” Foi praticamente um genocidio. Mesmo que ele nao possa ser julgado pelas leis de hoje, ate naquele tempo houveram aqueles que perceberam o excessivo uso de forca. Com esta atrocidade ele pavimentou a via para a expansao americana em direcao ao Oceano Pacifico. Se ele tivesse feito o que fez nos nossos dias, com certeza, seria comparavel a Saddhan Hussein ou Moammar Gadhafi. (Nota: hoje, 20 de outubro de 2011, o ditador libio foi morto pelos insurgentes).
     As outras faces das notas do dolar americano sao: 1,00 George Washington; 2,00 Thomas Jefferson; 5,00 Abraham Lincoln; 10,00 Alexander Hamilton, que nunca chegou a ser presidente mas foi ministro das financas que forneceu instrumentacao ao governo de George Washington e foi outro escritor dos Jornais Federalistas; 50,00 Ulysses S. Grant; 100,00 Benjamin Franklin, outro que nao chegou `a presidencia mas ajudou a escrever a Declaracao da Independencia e prestou outros servicos; 500,00 William McKinley; 1.000,00 Grover Cleveland; 5.000,00 James Madison; 10.000,00 Salmon P. Chase, tambem nao foi presidente e 100.000,00 Woodrow Wilson.
     As moedas americanas tem a face de: 0,01 Abraham Lincoln; 0,05 Thomas Jefferson; 0,10 Franklin D. Roosevelt; 0,25 George Washington e 0,50 John F. Kennedy.
     Penso ser melhor colocar aqui mais umas sequencias genealogicas. A primeira sera dos reis e rainhas de Portugal e Brasil, comecando de certos ancestrais dos duques de Braganca.
1,290 Estevao Coelho – Maria Mendes Petite
1,330 Branca Pires Coelho – Joao Pires de Alvim
1,360 Leonor Alvim – D. Nuno Alvares Pereira
1,380 D. Beatriz Pereira Alvim – D. Afonso, 1o. duque de Branganca
1,403 D. Fernando I, 2o. Braganca – D. Joana de Castro*
1,430 D. Fernando II, 3o. Braganca – D. Isabel, Infanta de Portugal*
1,470 D. Jaime, 4o. Braganca – Leonor de Mendonca*
1,510 D. Teodosio, 5o. Braganca – D. Isabel de Lancastre*
1,543 D. Joao I, 6o. Braganca – D. Catarina de Portugal*
1,568 D. Teodosio II, 7o. Braganca – Ana de Velasco y Giron*
1,604 D. Joao IV, rei de Portugal – Luiza de Guzman*
1,648 D. Pedro II, rei de Portugal – Marie Sophie Elisabeth*
1,689 D. Joao V, rei de Portugal – Maria Anna Josepha*
1,714 D. Jose I, rei de Portugal – Maria Ana Victoria de Bourbon*
1,734 D. Maria I, rainha de Portugal – D. Pedro III, rei de Portugal*
1,767 D. Joao VI, rei de Portugal – Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon*
1,798 D. Pedro I, imperador do Brasil – Maria Leopoldina*
1,825 D. Pedro II, Imperador do Brasil – Teresa de Bourbon*
1,846 D. Isabel de Braganca – princesa imperial do Brasil – Gaston d’Orleans, conde d’Eu*
     Somente para lembrar, na 4a. linha, D. Afonso, o 1o. duque de Braganca era filho do D. Joao I, rei de Portugal e Ines Pires. D. Joao I tornou-se rei depois da Crise de 1.383-1.385 quando o rei espanhol exigiu a coroa portuguesa para si. Mas ele foi derrotado pelas forcas combinadas de Portugal e Inglaterra lideradas pelo proprio rei e pelo seu servo fiel: D. Nuno Alvares Pereira.
     Na 12a. linha, o rei D. Pedro II de Portugal era irmao de D. Catarina de Braganca, Infanta de Portugal e esposa do Charles II, rei da Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda, aquele que unificou as colonias americanas e tomou Nova Iorque dos holandeses. Tambem, D. Pedro III, rei de Portugal e marido de D. Maria I era irmao de D. Jose I, rei de Portugal, o pai dela. Assim ele era tio da propria esposa.
     Ao falecimento de D. Joao VI, rei de Portugal, em 1.826, o herdeiro por direito era D. Pedro I, imperador do Brasil. Mas o irmao dele assumiu o cargo como D. Miguel I, rei de Portugal. Isso levou a confrontos entre dois partidos, cada um em favor de um dos reis. D. Pedro I, imperador do Brasil, renunciou ao trono brasileiro, deixando la o filho Pedro como herdeiro e tomou o trono portugues. Ele assumiu como Pedro IV, rei de Portugal. E sua sucessao de deu mais ou menos assim:
1,798 D. Pedro IV, rei de Portugal – Maria Leopoldina*
1.819 D. Maria II, rainha de Portugal – D. Fernando II, rei de Portugal*
1,838 D. Luis I, rei de Portugal – Maria Pia, princesa da Savoia*
1,863 D. Carlos I, rei de Portugal – Amelie d’Orleans, princesa da Franca*
1,889 D. Manuel II, rei de Portugal – Augusta Viktoria*
     A monarquia terminou em 1.889 no Brasil com a Proclamacao da Republica. O mesmo se deu em Portugal no ano de 1.910. Desde entao as familias reais continuam existindo sem o trono. Usam titulos mas nao os de reis e rainhas.
     Aproveitarei esse momento para postar pequenas sequencias genealogicas que tem algo com o presente, mesmo que isso nao seja tao importante para os dados no presente livro. Comecarei com a princesa Isabel e o marido dela: Gastao d’Orleans, conde d’Eu.
1.846 D. Isabel de Braganca, princesa imperial do Brasil – Gaston d’Orleans, conde d’Eu*
1,875 D. Pedro de Alcantara de Orleans e Braganca- Elisabeth*
1,913 D. Pedro de Orleans e Braganca, principe de Orleans e Braganca – Maria de la Esperanca de Borbon*
1,948 D. Afonso Duarte, principe de Orleans e Braganca – Silvia Amelia Hungria Silva Machado*
     Outro exemplo:
1,846 D. Isabel de Braganca, princesa imperial do Brasil – Gaston d’Orleans, conde d’Eu*
1,878 D. Luis de Orleans e Braganca, principe do Brasil – Maria Pia de Borbon*
1,909 D. Pedro Henrique de Orleans e Braganca – Maria Elisabeth, princesa de Bayern*
1,959 D. Maria Gabriela de Orleans e Braganca, princesa do Brasil – Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado*
     O ultimo casal de cada sequencia termina com uma irma e um irmao. Por meio da linhagem da avo deles, sao descendentes com certeza de Fernao Coelho, 1o. sr. de Felgueiras e Vieira e da esposa dele Catarina de Freitas. Fernao Coelho era bisneto de Estevao Coelho e Maria Mendes Petite, a partir dos quais comecei a postagem da sequencia genealogica para os reis do Brasil e Portugal. Catarina de Freitas era descendente de todas as familias reais da Peninsula Iberica e alem. Porei uma sequencia genealogica do lado materno dos irmaos.
         Silvia Amelia* e Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado*
1,930 Sylvia Emilia de Mello Franco Senna* – Paulo Argemiro Hungria da Silva Machado
1,900 Mucio Emilio de Senna(*?) – Sylvia Amelia de Mello Franco*
1,876 Nelson Coelho de Senna(*?) – Emilia Gentil Horta Gomes Candido
1,847 Maria Brasiliana Coelho(*?) – Candido Jose de Senna
1,785 Joao Coelho de Magalhaes(*?)- Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo
1,759 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes(*?) – Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
     Como eu chamei a atencao antes, nao podemos dizer sim ou nao, com certeza, que o patriarca de nossa familia: Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, seja o mesmo nobre que estava por primeiro postado no portugal. Se for, nossos primos Silvia e Theodoro sao, pelo menos, duas vezes descendentes dos mesmos ancestrais. Mas eh melhor voltar ao nosso assunto principal.
     Depois da queda de Napoleao Bonaparte o Brasil foi o unico pais americano a ter assento no Congresso de Viena que remapeou a Europa. Nao foi por o Brasil ser especial e sim porque a familia real portuguesa morando no Brasil tinha seus interesses por la, desde que Portugal e Algarves eram parte do Imperio dominado por eles. E Portugal foi naquele tempo colonia do Brasil. Essa inversao de lugares nao agradava ao povo portugues. Naquela epoca o Brasil devolveu a Guiana `a Franca. Tinha sido uma pequena contribuicao brasileira para derrotar Napoleao. Os brasileiros invadiram a Guiana e a conquistaram quase sem resistencia.
     Desde entao o povo portugues comecou a pressionar o rei D. Joao VI para voltar a Portugal. Os brasileiros tambem nao tinham a menor vontade de voltar `a condicao de colonia. D. Joao VI queria ficar no Brasil onde era querido e respeitado incondicionalmente. E o filho dele, Pedro de Alcantara, ainda um homem jovem, que entrara no Brasil aos 9 anos, se sentia mais brasileiro que portugues e recusou-se a ir no lugar do pai. Apos um bom periodo brincando de esconder, D. Joao VI concordou em ir para Portugal, mas quando estava a ponto de embarcar no navio ele sussurrou no ouvido do Pedro: “Antes que algum aventureiro o faca, faca voce mesmo.”
     Ele estava mencionando a Independencia Brasileira. Outros paises latino-americanos ja haviam conseguido suas independencias e D. Joao VI sabia que seria uma questao de tempo para alguem fazer o mesmo no Brasil. No seu retorno a Portugal, D. Joao VI teve que adaptar-se ao novo estilo de vida. O exercito portugues tinha ocupado o pais e nao iria aceitar mais um rei absolutista. As cortes tambem exigiram que o Brasil voltasse `a sua velha condicao de colonia.
     Em movimentos rapidos da Historia logo depois, o principe regente do Brasil, Pedro, foi pressionado a nao voltar para Portugal e mostrou isso no episodio conhecido como “Dia do Fico”. Quando as cortes portuguesas decidiram reduzir os poderes dele, Pedro declarou a Independencia do Brasil em 7 de setembro de 1.822. Ele foi coroado como D. Pedro I, imperador do Brasil.
     Porem, o sucesso dele deve ser em grande parte agradecido ao nobre: Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva. Este era brasileiro e havia estudado na Europa. Ele inclusive estava la durante a Revolucao Francesa. Era liberal ao ponto de querer o fim da escravidao e desejar promover um certo tipo de reforma agraria. Reconhecia que o imenso territorio do Brasil estava em poucas maos e era improdutivo. Ele foi o braco direito do imperador enquanto os confrontos iniciais estavam ocorrendo.
     O Brasil estava dividido entre os que queriam permanecer com Portugal, como na Provincia da Bahia; os que queriam o regime republicano, como os da Provincia de Pernambuco e diante da ameaca de Portugal de enviar tropas para retomar o Brasil. Mas o liberalismo de Jose Bonifacio acabou levando-o `a queda porque os latifundiarios e os escravocratas, somados `a sua propria inabilidade de negociar estavam contra ele. Logo ele foi exilado e mudou-se para a Franca, onde viveu por 6 anos.
     Em 1.831 o imperador D. Pedro I iria retornar a Portugal. Ele nomeou Jose Bonifacio como tutor dos filhos, inclusive do principe Pedro que se tornaria D. Pedro, o segundo imperador do Brasil. Outra vez ele entrou em conflito com os conservadores e foi acusado de conspirar para trazer D. Pedro I de volta ao Brasil. Desta vez ele foi mantido em prisao domiciliar na Ilha de Paqueta, no Rio de Janeiro. Pelos servicos prestados ele ganhou a alcunha de o Patriarca da Independencia. Era descendente dos reis de Portugal e casado com uma irlandesa de nome: Narcisa Emilia O’ Leary.
     Foi substituido no cargo de tutor do infante Pedro pelo nobre de nome comprido: Manuel Inacio de Andrada Souto Maior Pinto Coelho. Este tambem era muitas vezes descendente dos reis. Vajamos exemplos de sequencias genealogicas para esses dois.
1,763 Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva – Narcisa Emilia O’Leary
1,726 Bonifacio Jose Ribeiro de Andrade – Maria Barbara da Silva
1,678 Jose Ribeiro de Andrade – Ana da Silva Borges
1,645 Filipa de Andrade Machado – Gaspar Ribeiro da Silva
1,610 Antonio Pacheco de Andrade – Catarina Rebelo Machado*
1,580 Maria de Gouveia de Andrade – D. Francisco Pacheco*
1,540 Maria de Andrade – Cristovao Rebelo de Meireles
1,515 Leonor de Andrade – Rui Pires de Gouveia*
1,480 Leonor Freire de Andrade – Luis Machado, sr. de Sandomil e Loriga
1,385 Joao Freire de Andrade, 2o. sr. de Bobadela – Catarina de Sousa
     O ultimo casal ja se encontra na sequencia genealogica do Inconfidente: Francisco de Paula Freire de Andrade, no capitulo 10. Ponhamos algo para o Manuel Inacio de Andrada Souto Maior Pinto Coelho, marquez de Itanhaem.
1,782 Manuel Inacio de Andrada … – Maria Angelina Beltrao
1,735 Antonia Joaquina Luisa Ataide Portugal Pinto Coelho – Inacio de Andrade Souttomayor*
1,700 Luis Jose Pinto Coelho da Cunha – Antonia Joana Miranda Costa
1,671 Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho – Maria Josefa Azevedo Coutinho
1,640 Francisco Pinto da Cunha – D. Francisca Maria da Silva e Castro*
1,600 Antonio Pinto Coelho, 9o. sr. de Felgueiras e Vieira – D. Francisca de Ataide*
1,560 Francisca Maria da Silva Coelho de Noronha – Francisco Pinto da Cunha*
1,540 Aires Coelho, 7o. sr. de Felgueiras – Maria de Noronha
1,510 Goncalo Coelho da Silva, 6o. sr. de Felgueiras – D. Maria de Melo*
1,470 Aires Coelho, 5o. sr. de Felgueiras – Maria de Castro*
1,435 Goncalo Coelho – 3o. sr. de Felgueiras e Vieira – Violante de Magalhaes*
1,420 Martim Coelho, 2o. sr. de Felgueiras – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho, 1o. sr. de Felgueiras e Vieira – Catarina de Freitas*
     Fernao Coelho era bisneto de Estevao Coelho e Maria Mendes Petite a partir dos quais eu comecei a postar a ultima sequencia genealogica dos reis do Brasil e de Portugal neste capitulo.
     Com a ida de D. Pedro I em 1.831 para Portugal, o Brasil passou por uma serie de Regencias ate 1.840 quando teve uma revolta e o povo exigiu que Pedro, com 14 anos de idade, fosse considerado adulto para usar a coroa por si mesmo. Contudo, uma decisao de 1.831 teve consequencias no resto da Historia do Brasil. Foi a criacao da Guarda Nacional. O problema foi esse: o Brasil estava dividido em tres partidos. O Conservador, o Liberal e o da Restauracao. Este ultimo queria o retorno de Pedro I. Os Conservadores desconfiavam do exercito porque ele poderia ser liderado por alguem que desejasse o poder. Os liberais tambem nao confiavam porque temiam que ele fosse usado para suprimir as opinioes deles.
     A ideia da Guarda Nacional no Brasil era baseada na experiencia francesa onde cada cidadao era chamado a defender o pais. Mas no Brasil isso tinha outras particularidades. Para voce se tornar membro era preciso ser eleitor. Para ser eleitor voce precisava possuir uma renda anual que poderia coloca-lo na classe media ou superior. Tambem, para ser eleitor tinha que ser homem. Dai grande parte da sociedade nao era considerada cidada completa.
     Os filiados `a Guarda Nacional nao recebiam salario para isso. Eles tinham que custear os proprios uniformes, armas e pagar uma taxa pequena para manter a instituicao. Porem tinham todos os privilegios que a posicao garantia. Naquele tempo e por muito tempo depois a populacao brasileira vivia nas areas rurais conhecidas como “Grotoes”. Os “Grotoes” foram dominados pelos membros graduados da Guarda Nacional.
     Desse sistema acabou derivando a palavra portuguesa “coronelismo”. E tambem o dizer: “Manda quem pode e obedece quem tem juizo”. Algumas vezes esses lideres rurais eram pessoas violentas e tomavam as populacoes em seu dominio como refens de suas vontades. O Brasil esta cheio de estorias de confrontos entre dois ou mais coroneis. Alguns foram verdadeiros chefes de quadrilhas.
     O que os mantinha no poder eram suas liderancas politicas. Quaisquer beneficios que poderiam vir dos governos tinham que passar pela aprovacao deles para chegar aos pequenos. Todas os cargos publicos locais eram preenchidos pelos aliados de confianca deles, particularmente os parentes. Com o controle deles sobre tudo, o Brasil nunca desenvolveu uma economia de mercado verdadeira pelo menos antes do meio do seculo XX. Mesmo a Guarda Nacional tendo sido extinta nos anos 1.920, a sociedade nao se viu livre do sistema enquanto a velha guarda nao morreu.
     Mesmo depois, o poder dos “Grotoes” permaneceu num processo de morte demorada. E isso manteve o Brasil num sistema de quase Idade Media. Nem mesmo os chamados liberais no Brasil foram campeoes pelas liberdades e independencia do povo. Eram liberais apenas em comparacao aos conservadores. E a instituicao da Guarda Nacional no Brasil favoreceu aos conservadores porque era restrita `as elites economicas. E quando a pessoa humana se conforta nos privilegios a ultima coisa que deseja eh a mudanca do sistema. Mesmo que a mudanca fosse boa para a sociedade como um todo.
     Em 1.860 o numero de membros era 500.000. Enquanto o Exercito Brasileiro nao tinha mais que 20.000 de efetivo. De acordo com um calculo conservador, se cada membro teve 500 descendentes em media, o Brasil deveria ter 250 milhoes de pessoas sem contarmos os descendentes dos que nao fossem membros. Mas o Brasil tem uma populacao um pouco abaixo de 200 milhoes. Entao, para onde foi todo esse povo?! Praticamente todos estao dentro do numero da atual populacao brasileira. E o numero poderia ser muito maior nao fosse pelo casamento entre as descendencias deles, combinadas.
     O que quero dizer eh isso: nos somos descendentes de muitos deles ao mesmo tempo e, muitas vezes, somos descendentes de alguns deles mutiplas vezes. Eu mesmo sou seis vezes descendente do capitao Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho, tambem conhecido como Jose Coelho da Rocha. Tambem descendente dos filhos deles que usaram as patentes de tenentes, e de outro capitao. Em razao disso, cada membro pode ter muitos milhares de descendentes em media hoje mas nao podemos apenas somar os numeros de descendentes de cada um para calcular a populacao brasileira.
     A maioria dos brasileiro sao descendentes deles mas o que eh triste eh isso: a Guarda Nacional tinha um fichario com informacoes genealogicas valiosas de seus membros mas isso pode ter sido destruido pelas tracas, mofo e desrespeito pelo que eh historico.
     Temos muitas pessoas que participaram na construcao da Historia do Brasil no seculo XIX. Cada uma delas merecia um filme representado pelos atores mais conhecidos de Hollywood. Mas eu escolhi apenas dois para falar algo. Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, o duque de Caxias e Theofilo Benedicto Ottoni. Se buscarmos os dados genealogicos deles presentes no sitio portugal, nao podemos dizer se eles sao ou nao descendentes de nossos ancestrais reis mas eu suspeito que sejam. Nao porque eles tinham isso escrito na testa ou exista alguma forma que indique que a pessoa seja ou nao nobre. Mas as probabilidades sao favoraveis a isso como ja discuti no inicio deste livro.
     O primeiro: Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, o duque de Caxias, tem alguns ancestrais la, desde os anos 1.200. Porem, a maioria dos dados genealogicos dele estao incompletos da mesma forma que outros. Ele foi aceito como praca no exercito quando tinha 5 anos. Ele foi criado no quartel. Foi escolhido para combater a resistencia `a Independencia Brasileira no Estado da Bahia.
     Luis Alves de Lima e Silva foi um genio militar. Lutou do norte ao sul do Brasil em campanhas numerosas como no Estado do Maranhao, chamada de Balaiada. La, a ultima cidade a ser conquistada foi Caxias, dai ele ganhou o titulo de barao de Caxias. Depois ele lutou no sul, primeiro contra os ditadores da Argentina e do Uruguai. Ele tambem pacificou uma revolta que tinha a intencao de criar a Republica a partir dos estados do Sul do Brasil. Esta revolta eh chamada de Farroupilha.
     A vitoria sobre os Farroupilhas teve um sabor especial. Um dos combatentes foi Giuseppe Garibaldi que era casado com a “Braziliana” Anita Garibaldi. Depois que a paz foi feita no Brasil, o casal foi para a Italia onde eles lutaram pela unificacao daquele pais e se tornaram grandes herois la tambem. No Brasil eles lutaram ao lado dos Farroupilhas.
     Luis Alves mereceu todos os titulos militares e de nobreza. Ele eh bem conhecido por sua participacao na Guerra do Paraguai. Sob o “caudilho” Solano Lopez, o Paraguai virou uma grande forca militar e queria conquistar toda a regiao em torno da Bacia do Prata. Isso significava tomar terras do Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina. Os tres paises fizeram a Triplice Alianca. Mesmo lutando do mesmo lado, nao foi o suficiente a principio para depor a ditadura do Solano Lopez. E eles lutaram por quatro anos.
     Quando Caxias assumiu o comando ele primeiro treinou as tropas em taticas especificas do exercito. A maioria era da Guarda Nacional. E ele as comandou pessoalmente. Depois de uma serie de vitorias encontraram um fim de linha. Os aliados tinham que cruzar uma ponte carregada com explosivos. Foi dito que, aos mais de 60 anos o velho Caxias com bravura tomou a frente aos subordinados e cruzou primeiro gritando: “Os que forem brasileiros, sigam-me.” Nao houve explosao e ele ganhou a Batalha de Itororo. A partir dai os aliados conquistaram todo o Paraguai em um tempo curto e a guerra terminou. E isso ja era quase o ano de 1.870.
     O que o duque de Caxias representou para o imperador D. Pedro II eh similar ao que D. Nuno Alvares Pereira representou para o rei D. Joao I de Portugal. Se nao fosse por D. Nuno, talvez D. Joao I nao teria sido rei em Portugal. Se nao fosse por Luis Alves de Lima e Silva, talvez o Brasil nao tivesse seu segundo imperador. O duque de Caxias morreu em 1.878. Mesmo sua genealogia nao apontando vinculos com as familias reais anteriormente, as duas filhas dele se casaram com pessoas de origem nobre. Assim a descendencia dele passou a ter vinculos nobres conhecidos.
     O outro heroi brasileiro, Theofilo Benedicto Ottoni, teve um encontro desagradavel com Caxias. Ele era um militante do Partido Liberal. E em 1.842 teve um impasse politico porque os conservadores estavam manipulando o governo. Disso comecou a Revolta dos Liberais. Primeiro na Provincia de Sao Paulo e depois na Provincia de Minas Gerais. Theofilo Ottoni foi o lider em Minas Gerais e organizou a resistencia. Mas na Batalha da Cidade de Santa Luzia as forcas dele foram dominadas pelas Forcas Imperiais lideradas por Caxias que o levou preso. Depois ele foi julgado e inocentado. Um dos companheiros do Ottoni foi o Modesto Jose Pimenta, um primo da Familia Coelho.
     Theofilo Ottoni tem uma pequena genealogia conhecida. Nasceu em 1.807, na Cidade do Serro – Minas Gerais. O trisavo dele, Emmanuel Antao Ottoni foi um imigrante de Genova – Italia. Penso que ele tenha vinculos com as familias nobres ibericas porque teve ancestrais com sobrenomes tais como: Sousa, Maia e Paes Leme. Paes Leme tambem eh sobrenome do Fernao Dias, o conhecido Bandeirante. Mas isso nao importa agora. O que importa mesmo eh, ele nao foi considerado digno de atencao para muitos historiadores brasileiros mas fez coisas que estavam muito acima da capacidade de outros brasilieiros do tempo dele.
     A vida dele foi dedicada a combater o absolutismo monarquico, ao amor `a democracia e `a busca por vias economicas novas para os arredores de sua cidade natal e para o Brasil em geral. Apos muitos percalcos na vida, ele fundou a Cia de Comercio e Navegacao do Rio Mucuri. O Rio Mucuri esta no Nordeste de Minas Gerais e eh bacia de uma regiao extensa onde esta situada a Cidade do Serro.
     Minas Gerais tinha um problema grande naquele tempo porque era servida apenas pela Estrada Real, e a Cidade do Serro ficava quase no final dela. Dai, para ter acesso ao Oceano Atlantico os norte-mineiros tinham que viajar mais de 1.000 quilometros em direcao ao sul. A leste porem a distancia era menos de um quinto para fazer-se o mesmo. Mas entre o Serro e as localidades ja povoadas na beira do Atlantico dos vizinhos Estados da Bahia e Espirito Santo tinha uma area quase sem colonizacao, habitada por indios.
     Em homenagem ao seu idolo e mentor, Thomas Jefferson, criou o Projeto Filadelfia. Era um tipo de colonizacao diferente da que o mundo ja conhecia. Primeiramente ele fez acordos com os indios que os incluia no projeto. Abriu o projeto `a participacao de pessoas de todas as nacionalidades. O centro do projeto foi a Cidade de Filadelfia que mais tarde outros trocaram o nome para, em homenagem ao fundador: Teofilo Otoni. Para la imigraram pessoas da China, Italia, Alemanha, Holanda, Belgica, Suica, Portugal e Espanha.
     Para um brasileiro do tempo dele, Theofilo Ottoni era muito avancado. A Cidade de Filadelfia dele nasceu com escola para linguas diferentes, jornal, igreja catolica e luterana (o Catolicismo era religiao oficial do imperio e para estar aberto para outros ramos religiosos era semelhante a desaviar a dominancia catolica) e logo completou mais de 160 km de estrada ligando Filadelfia `a Vila de Santa Clara, hoje Nanuque, que fazia parte do projeto. Ele tambem fez sociedade com o barao de Maua para recriar o Banco do Brasil. A primeira versao havia sido fundada por D. Joao VI e nao passava de um “esquema de piramide”.
     Os ideais de Theofilo Ottoni incluiam a Proclamacao da Republica no Brasil porem o pais estava em maos muito conservadoras para isso. Queria a industrializacao mas os brasileiros conservadores estavam presos `as tradicoes. Visualizava a abolicao da escravidao mas isso so aconteceu quase 20 anos apos a morte dele. Ele faleceu em 1.869 em consequencia `as muitas malarias que pegou trabalhando no Projeto Filadelfia.
     Nos ultimos anos da vida, Theofilo Ottoni era uma figura popular respeitada pelo publico brasileiro. Tornou-se senador e lider natural do povo. Um exemplo de sua participacao na Historia do Brasil esta no capitulo chamado: “Questao Christie”. Naquele tempo uma sequencia de acontecimentos infelizes puzeram o Brasil e a Inglaterra em clima de guerra. O embaixador ingles: William Dougal Christie, tentou pressionar o imperador D. Pedro II dizendo que a Armada Inglesa poderia vir e arrasar a capital Rio de Janeiro.
     Isso irritou a populacao ao ponto de levar alguns a desejar fazer justica com as proprias maos. Estes pensaram em depredar as propriedades de nativos ingleses no Brasil. O imperador pediu o arbitramento do rei Leopoldo, que era parente dele e tio da rainha Victoria da Inglaterra. Antes de uma resposta e para prevenir coisas piores, tambem cortou as relacoes diplomaticas com a Inglaterra e pagou em antecipacao o que a Inglaterra exigia, pensando que o Brasil nao fosse ter uma resposta favoravel.
     A decisao somente foi comunicada muito depois e era favoravel ao Brasil. Theofilo Ottoni liderou o povo neste caso. Os brasileiros experimentaram um pouco da arrogancia inglesa que era a onipotente na epoca. As relacoes foram restauradas posteriormente, quando a Guerra do Paraguai ja havia comecado.
     Coloquemos mais um pouco de genealogia. Comecarei pelo rainha Elizabeth II da Inglaterra, lembrando-nos que a rainha Victoria era trisavo dela e esta presente ai.
1,926 Elizabeth II, rainha do Reino Unido (RU) – Philip, principe da Grecia e Dinamarca*
1,895 George VI, rei do RU – Elizabeth A. M. Bowes-Lyon*
1,865 George V, rei do RU – Mary, princesa de Teck*
1,841 Edward VII, rei do RU – Alexandra, princesa da Dinamarca*
1,819 Victoria, rainha do RU – Albrecht, principe de Sachsen*
1,767 Edward Augustus, duque de Kent – Viktoria, princesa de Sachsen*
1,738 George III, rei da Gra-Bretanha – Charlotte, princesa de Mecklenburg-Strelitz*
1,707 Frederick Louis, principe de Wales – Augusta, princesa de Sachsen*
1,683 George II, rei da Gra-Bretanha – Carolina, marquesa de Brandenburg-Ansback*
1,660 George I, rei da Gra-Bretanha – Sophie Dorothea, princesa de …*
1,630 Sophie von der Pfalz – Ernst August von Hannover*
1,596 Elisabeth Stuart, princesa da Inglaterra – Friedrick V von der Pfalz*
1,566 James I, rei da Inglaterra – Anna, princesa da Dinamarca*
1,542 Mary Stuart,  rainha da Escocia – Henry Stewart, duque de Albany*
1,512 James V, rei da Escocia – Marrie de Lorraine*
1,473 James IV, rei da Escocia – Margareth Tudor, princesa da Inglaterra*
1,451 James III Stuart, rei da Escocia – Margrethe, princesa da Dinamarca*
1,430 James II, Stuart, rei da Escocia – Maria von Egmond*
1,399 Joan Beaufort – James I Stuart, rei da Escocia
     Os dois casais do final ja estao na sequencia genealogica que postei no final do capitulo 9, do rei Charles II da Inglaterra. Como podemos ver, os conjuges dessa linhagem receberam o asterisco como sinal de tambem serem descendentes dos reis da Peninsula Iberica. Eu nao segui toda a genealogia mas no site portugal todos recebem a bolinha azul indicando descenderem do Afonso Henriques, primeiro rei de Portugal.
     Seguindo a descendencia da rainha Elizabeth II: a primeira esposa do principe Charles, Lady Diana eh descendente. E na linha de tornar-se a rainha consorte da Inglaterra, Catherine E. Middleton tambem descente do Afonso Henriques.
     Por aquela epoca, nos Estados Unidos, ou Mexico, em 1.836 foi proclamada a Republica do Texas. Alguns autores dizem que isso fora parte do plano expansionista americano. Antes de isso acontecer os colonos foram estimulados a invadir o territorio e se estabelecerem em terras mexicanas. Como o Mexico tinha um territorio imenso, uma populacao rarefeita e nao tinha sido capaz de atrair mais populacao ele tornou-se vulneravel a essa tatica. Dai a proclamacao da Republica do Texas fora manipulada pelos politicos americanos.
     Nao interessa se isso eh apenas uma teoria de conspiracao. No final o resultado foi o mesmo. O que se sabe com certeza eh que o presidente James K. Polk era uma figura expansionista e apressou-se para a Anexacao do Texas em 1.845. O Mexico considerava o Texas sua provincia rebelde e isso levou `a Guerra Mexico-Americana que comecou em 25 de abril de 1.846 e terminou em 12 de fevereiro de 1.848. Junto aos territorios anexados estavam a Alta California e o Novo Mexico, o que estabeleceu a fronteira no Rio Grande. Depois disso, os Estados Unidos pagaram 18 milhoes de dolares como compensacao.
     O povo americano nao estava tao animado com a guerra contra o Mexico mas o proximo capitulo da Historia Americana deixou os descontentes sem argumentos. Mesmo antes de a guerra terminar, em 24 de janeiro de 1.848, iniciou-se a Corrida do Ouro na California. Isso levou a um movimento migratorio sem prescedentes nos Estados Unidos. O ouro de aluviao terminou por volta de 1.855 quando 300.000 pessoas de todo o mundo haviam chegado.
     De acordo com um texto da Wikipedia, por volta de 4.000 pessoas com ascendencia africana eram oriundas dos Estados do Sul, do Caribe e do Brasil. Essa mencao nao deixa claro se haviam outros brasileiros, especialmente os brancos. Possivelmente sim porque a escravidao nao havia acontecido la. Apesar do que houveram muitos ex-escravos que haviam comprado suas liberdades.
     Tambem nao esta claro se os brasileiros permaneceram nos Estados Unidos e, talvez, tenham participado da Corrida do Ouro do Wyoming comecada em 1.871. Se for, parte da populacao dos dois estados e de outros pontos de migracao interna podem esperar ter um pouco do sangue brasileiro, especialmente do Estado de Minas Gerais de onde esses migrantes devem ter partido.
     Parece coincidencia mas assim que a Guerra Civil nos Estados Unidos acabou, a Guerra do Paraguai estourou na America do Sul. Como eu disse antes, ela aconteceu em consequencia da tentativa de Solano Lopez de tomar as terras em torno do Rio da Prata, o que garantiria ao Paraguai uma via particular para suas exportacoes. Desde 1.811 os presidentes do Paraguai tinham desenvolvido uma politica diferente das outras nacoes latino-americanas. Eles haviam decidido erradicar o analfabetismo e investido na industrializacao.
     Porem, Solano Lopez comecou a usar isso para formar uma nacao militarizada. Alguns historiadores creem que, o que aconteceu foi, a industria paraguaia estava competindo com a da Inglaterra. Entao, a Inglaterra prometeu creditos faceis `a Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai e instigou-os a fazer a guerra. Mas isso nao se encaica na situacao. Primeiro, Brasil e Inglaterra nao haviam restaurado as relacoes diplomaticas.
     Por outro lado, brasileiros, uruguaios e argentinos teriam que ser bestas se estivessem dancando conforme a musica inglesa. E Solano Lopez teria que ser santo, e o exercito formidavel que preparou nao teria sido usado na invasao das terras da Bacia do Prata. O resultado da guerra foi devastador para o Paraguai e os inimigos dele. 80% dos jovens adultos do Paraguai foram mortos. A industria foi perdida. Do lado do Uruguai, Argentina e Brasil tambem se perdeu inumeravel quantidade da populacao masculina. Apos `a guerra, o Brasil tinha uma divida tremenda a pagar. E a Inglaterra teria que ter sido trouxa em nao levar em conta a possibilidade de o Paraguai vencer a guerra.
     Com certeza, a Inglaterra foi o unico beneficiario nisso porque foi um competidor a menos no mundo e ganhou os dividendos dos emprestimos da guerra. Porem, deve ter perdido muito mais porque o empobrecimento da regiao significou menor comercio por la. Se a Inglaterra induziu `a guerra, fez a si mesma de palhaca. Porem, nunca se sabe ate aonde chega a estupidez da cabeca humana. Os capitulos do colonialismo estao ai como “bons” (ou maus) exemplos disso.
     De qualquer forma o que acrescenta na Historia eh a presenca de Americanos no Brasil. Penso que o imperador D. Pedro II aprendeu algo do Projeto Filadelfia. Apesar do bom exemplo do Paraguai que havia provado ser possivel trabalhar-se com a populacao local para desenvolver-se um pais, ele saiu a procura de colonos de fora na esperanca que levassem desenvolvimento ao Brasil. E disponibilizou terras e emprestimos facilitados para quaisquer europeus que fossem atraidos pelo Brasil. Para ele o Brasil tinha um grande problema. Era habitado por pessoas de pele escura. Como um homem do seu tempo ele acreditava que pessoas de pele escura nao prestavam para o desenvolvimento. Em outras palavras, era preconceituoso.
     E ele ofereceu as boas-vindas `as familias confederadas que quizessem migrar para o Brasil apos perderem a Guerra Civil. Cerca de 1.500 familias aceitaram a oferta e migrou para la. Nem todos ficaram mas um numero consideravel sim. Um bom exemplo foi o senador pelo Alabama, William Hutchinson Norris. Ele nao apenas fez um bom negocio. Depois de ver as oportunidades, levou muitos membros da familia dele. Foram responsaveis pela colonizacao das Cidades de Santa Barbara d’Oeste e Americana, em Sao Paulo. Outro eh do engenheiro Clement Willmot, que iniciou uma fabrica de produtos do algodao e ajudou no sucesso da Cidade de Americana.
     Eh provavel que os migrantes dos Estados do Sul dos Estados Unidos se sentiram muito confortaveis no imperio brasileiro desde que a escravidao la nao tinha terminado. Porem, nem toda tentativa de migrar para o Brasil teve bom sucesso.
     Atualmente, aquelas cidades continuam mantendo certas tradicoes dos Estados do Sul dos EEUU. Eles promovem paradas durante o ano que sao atracoes turisticas. Americana inclusive eh bem conhecida por formar bons times de basquetebol o que nao eh comum fora das grandes capitais brasileiras. Um detalhe, o nome Hutchinson esta representado no sitio portugal mas o senador William esta fora. Hutchinson faz parte da ancestralidade tambem de Andrew Jackson.
     A imigracao americana para o Brasil foi so uma parte minima do que aconteceu naquele tempo. O esforco de D. Pedro II levou muitos europeus oferecendo as mesmas vantagens. Os italianos devem ser a maioria nao considerando portugueses. E a migracao para la entrou pelo seculo XX adentro. No Sul do Brasil encontramos muitas cidades com base nessas migracoes. Qualquer um pode ir a Novo Hamburgo ou Caxias do Sul e sentir-se como se estivesse na Alemanha ou Italia. Os asiaticos e os mediorientais tambem sao visiveis no Brasil.
     Diferentemente dos Estados Unidos, a abolicao no Brasil foi um longo processo. Nada comentei ate agora mas desde o Periodo Colonial os escravos buscaram sua propria liberdade. Muitos fugiram para os sertoes e estabeleceram as comunidades chamadas Quilombo. Um destes foi o Quilombo dos Palmares que foi como uma mini nacao africana e existiu por algumas geracoes enquanto nao foi destruido pelos colonos europeus.
     No tempo do Imperio Brasileiro ficou evidente para alguns que a escravidao nao era um bom negocio em geral. Mas o Brasil estava dominado por uma minoria conservadora que nao enxergava isso tao bem. Liberais como Theophilo Ottoni tinham feito da abolicao um de seus objetivos desde os anos 1.820 e isso foi aos poucos entrando nas mentes das pessoas comuns.
     A Inglaterra viu o assunto como uma oportunidade e lancou o decreto “Bill Aberdeen” que proibia o trafico de africanos. Mas a lei levou a um efeito contrario, intensificando o trafico desde que ele nao estaria mais disponivel para o futuro. A lei tambem teve consequencias contrarias na propria Inglaterra porque parte do publico ingles nao enxergava razao para a Inglaterra envolver-se em conflitos que nao tinham o interesse deles. A Lei Eusebio de Queiros apoiou a Aberdeen no Brasil e pos um fim ao trafico.
     Somente em 1.871 foi promulgada a Lei do Ventre Livre. Com ela as criancas nascidas de maes escravas nao eram mais escravas. A particularidade dessa lei eh que ela foi proposta pelo Partido Conservador. Eles foram pressionados pelas exigencias do mercado externo e a alegacao a favor da lei incluia a imagem brasileira no exterior. Porem, por tras da fachada, o Partido Conservador, que representava as oligarquias agrarias, estava lutando por prolongar a escravidao ao seu maximo.
     Desde entao, um pequeno numero de jovens de origem urbana, principalmente estudantes, comecou a lutar pela abolicao. Muitas sociedade foram fundadas para sustentar o ideal. Os abolicionistas comecaram a organizar sociedades em aberto e secretas para pagar pelo alvara ou invadir propriedades privadas e libertar os escravos. Escravos fugiram por si mesmos e os Quilombos se multiplicaram. Poetas como Castro Alves e o sabio Rui Barbosa de Oliveira, tambem chamado de “O Aguia de Haia”, abracaram a causa de forma que ficou dificil aos conservadores imporem suas vontades.
     Um tento contra o posicionamento conservador aconteceu quando o exercito recusou-se a ser usado para buscar fugitivos. Neste tempo o governo brasileiro intensificou as promocoes para atrair mais imigrantes europeus, especialmente italianos, para substituir os escravos na lida das fazendas de cafe. Porem, muitos fazendeiros ricos comecaram a tratar os imigrantes `a semelhanca de escravos e as agencias de imigracao comecaram a protestar contra os abusos.
     Outra derrota veio em 1.887 quando passou a Lei do Sexagenario. Ela impunha que a escravidao terminava para todos que tivessem 60 ou mais anos de idade e para os que os completassem. A escravidao no Brasil ja estava a caminho de acabar mas a derrocada final dos conservadores veio a 13 de maio de 1.888. D. Pedro II estava na Europa a negocios e deixou sua filha, princesa Isabel, como imperatriz e ela assinou a Lei Aurea, que emancipava todos os escravos.
     A princesa Isabel foi uma mulher e tanto. Era abolicionista militante, que ajudou muitos a fugir. Eu nao abordei o assunto mas a mulher brasileira nem sempre foi submissa como dizem. Com o da princesa Isabel temos muitos outros exemplos de mulheres que fizeram a Historia no Brasil mas elas sempre foram deixadas em segundo plano pela Historia oficial. Isso se faz verdade para Bartira (Isabel Dias), D. Joaquina do Pompeu, D. Beja, Chica da Silva, Anita Garibaldi, Maria Quiteria e muitas outras.
     A escravidao estava em vias de terminar quando a princesa Isabel assinou a Lei Aurea mas o Partido Conservador nunca perdoou os monarcas pela audacia dela. Os Liberais ja eram republicanos, dai os conservadores aderiram aos Partidos Republicanos e empurraram os militares para a lideranca na Proclamacao da Republica no Brasil. Em 15 de novembro de 1.889 isso aconteceu.
     Algo interessante foi isso: a familia real brasileira foi exilada na Europa e haviam muitos Clubes Republicanos envolvidos no movimento. Cada um deles tinha sua bandeira. Entao, enquanto nao se decidiu qual seria a Bandeira Brasileira, o navio que transportou os monarcas depostos navegou sob uma bandeira parecida com a americana. A diferenca era que as listras eram verde e amarelo e o numero de estrelas era 21.
     A bandeira pode ser visualizada no endereco: juntamente com outras ideias. O nome do pais como Republica nao poderia ser mais sugestivo: Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brasil. Somente apos 28 de maio de 1.968 o Brasil adotou um nome novo que refletia uma identidade autonoma e transmitia um pouco de animosidade contra as interferencias do parceiro da America do Norte. O pais adotou: Republica Federativa do Brasil, como seu nome. Em outro capitulo eu pretendo dar razoes para a mudanca de relacionamento da admiracao para a quase inimizade.
     Em geral, a America Latina e o Brasil ficaram para tras em diversos aspectos, no inicio do seculo XX. Um exemplo eh o de que no Censo de 1.900 constata-se que o Brasil tinha somente 17.438.434 habitantes, em contraste com os Estados Unidos que tinham 76.212.168. Para piorar o fato, 75% da populacao brasileira era analfabeta e a expectativa de vida era somente 33,4 anos.
     Perto do ano de 1.900 os Estados Unidos tinham cidades como Nova Iorque, com quase 3.5; Chicago, perto de 1.7 e Filadelfia com 1.193.697 habitantes. No mesmo ano no Brasil, Rio de Janeiro tinha 275.000; Sao Paulo 240.000 e Salvador 206.000. Vinte anos depois, o Rio de Janeiro contava com 1.148.000; Sao Paulo 579.033 e Salvador tinha 283.422 habitantes. Belo Horizonte, que era ainda uma jovem cidade, planejada para ser a capital do Estado de Minas Gerais, tinha 55.563.
     Apos a Proclamacao da Republica no Brasil, em 1.889, Brasil e Estados Unidos comecaram um relacionamento estranho. E o precedente vem de origem diferente. Em 1.826 o heroi Simon Bolivar, que eh chamado pelo apelido de O Libertador de Cinco Nacoes, lancou a proposta de alianca militar e um congresso comum para todas as nacoes americanas. O objetivo de Simon Bolivar era proteger as jovens nacoes, que estavam se tornando independentes, contra os interesses coloniais europeus. A ideia nao prosperou por causa do desmembramento das nacoes iniciais em paises menores, mais interessados em seus proprios problemas que nos do coletivo.
     Como nao podemos esperar de outra forma, Bolivar tinha o imenso nome de: Simon Jose Antonio de la Santissima Trindade Bolivar Palacios y Blanco, O Libertador. E tambem ele era descendente dos monarcas ibericos como uma de suas linhagens mostra:
1.783 Simon Bolivar – Maria Teresa Rodriguez del Toro
1.726 Juan Vicente Bolivar y Ponte – Maria de la Concepcion Palacios y Blanco*
1.665 Juan de Bolivar y Martinez de Villegas – Maria Petronilla de Ponte y Marin*
1.627 Luis de Bolivar y Rebolledo – Maria de Martinez de Villegas e Guevara*
         Antonio de Bolivar Y Diaz de Rojas – Leonor de Rebolledo y Maldonado de Almendariz
1.573 Beatriz Diaz de Rojas – Simon de Bolivar y Castro
         Ana Gomez de Aguero y Rojas – Alonso Diaz Moreno
         Ana de Rojas – Diego Gomes de Aguero
         Lazaro Vasquez de Rojas – Mariana de Rojas
         Juan de Rojas e Escobar – Aldonza de Ayala
         Alonso de Caceres y Escobar – Mariana de Rojas y Cervantes
         Mencia de Caceres y Solis – Diego Hernandez de Escobar
         Leonor de Noron(h)a – Diogo de Caceres y Solis
         D. Diego Henriquez – Beatriz de Guzman
1.365 D. Fernando Henriquez – Leonor Sarmiento
1.333 Enrique II, rei de Castela – Beatriz Fernandez de Angulo
1.311 Alfonso XI, rei de Castela – Leonor Nunez de Guzman*
1.290 D. Constanca, infanta de Portugal – Fernando IV, rei de Castela*
1.261 D. Dinis, rei de Portugal – Santa Isabel, Infanta de Aragao
     Bolivar deu a ideia e o ideal mas somente em 1.889 os paises americanos se reuniram em Washington com decisoes mais concretas. Os objetivos eram comerciais, defesa mutua e arbitramento de disputas entre os paises membros. O nome inicial da entidade era Uniao Internacional das Republicas Americanas, depois passou a Uniao Pan-Americana e, finalmente, Organizacao dos Estados Americanos (OEA).
     Pondo em pratica o que seria desejavel entre duas nacoes, brasileiros e norteamericanos assinaram o Tratado Blaine-Mendonca que deu acesso aos acucar e cafe brasileiros e farinhas americanas em condicoes preferenciais aos mercados reciprocos. Isso se deu em 1.891.
     A coisa mais esquisita com respeito `as relacoes bilaterais Brasil/Estados Unidos veio no ano seguinte, apesar de ter tido inicio no mesmo ano. O Brasil nao tinha se preparado para virar republica e so em 1.891 teve uma assembleia para aprovar a primeira Constituicao Republicana. Neste tempo, o marechal Deodoro da Fonseca era o presidente. E ele nao tinha qualidade alguma para negociar com a assembleia eleita, dai ele renunciou e abriu espaco para o vice, marechal Floriano Peixoto.
     Na Constituicao de 1.891 esta situacao estava prevista e dispunha que, uma nova eleicao teria de acontecer no maximo 2 anos depois. Contudo, o ano de 1,894 chegou e o mal. Floriano estava se fazendo de bobo sem tomar providencia alguma. Alguns patentes elevadas da marinha lhe mandaram uma carta exigindo as eleicoes. Estes foram presos, o que levou `a Revolta da Armada.
     Os lideres dessa revolta foram os almirantes Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama, Eduardo Wandenkok e Custodio Jose de Melo. Alguns dos aliados deles eram monarquistas, o que era compreensivel ja que se eles desejassem voltar ao sistema algum dia eles teriam que passar pelo processo democratico. Num regime de ditadura isso nao seria possivel. Vejamos, entao, uma sequencia genealogica para o almirante:
1.846 Luiz Philippe Saldanha da Gama – Emilia Josefina de Melo
1.808 Jose de Saldanha da Gama – Maria Carolina Reis Barroso
1.773 Joao de Saldanha da Gama Melo Torres Guedes Brito – Maria Constanca de Saldanha Oliveira e Daun*
1.715 Manuel de Saldanha da Gama – Francisca Joana Josefa da Camara*
1.686 Joana Bernarda de Noronha e Lancastre – Joao de Saldanha da Gama*, 41o. vice-rei da India
1.657 D. Mariana de Lancastre – Luis Cesar de Menezes*
1.620 D. Rodrigo de Lancastre – Ines Teresa de Noronha*
1.580 D. Lourenco de Lancastre – Ines de Noronha*
1.550 D. Joao de Lancastre – Paula da Silva*
1.505 D. Luis de Lancastre, 1o. comendador-mor de Avis – Madalena de Granada
1.481 D. Jorge de Lancastre, 2o. duque de Coimbra – D. Beatriz de Vilhena*
1.455 D. Joao II, rei de Portugal – Ana de Mendonca*
1.432 D. Afonso V, rei de Portugal – D. Isabel, Infanta de Portugal*
1.391 D. Duarte, rei de Portugal – Leonor, Infanta de  Aragao*
1.357 D. Joao I, rei de Portugal – Philippa de Lancaster, princesa da Inglaterra*
     Preferi postar a sequencia acima e nao outras duas que vasculhei porque essa mostra algo mais a respeito da genealogia da familia real portuguesa. Nao podemos nos esquecer que o rei D. Joao I tornou-se rei apos a Crise de 1.383-1.385.
     Ao contrario de tudo o que se entende como respeito `a nossa Constituicao aqui nos Estados Unidos, o presidente Grover Cleveland autorizou uma frota americana, 80% da frota da Costa Atlantica na epoca, a intervir a favor do ditador brasileiro Floriano Peixoto. E essa atitude virou um padrao de comportomento dos Estados Unidos no passar da Historia, junto `a America Latina. Sempre se alegou ser protecao dos interesses americanos. Tambem o banqueiro Charles R. Flint ajudou `aqueles que estavam infringindo as leis de ambos os paises.
     Com a ajuda do exercito e da Guarda Nacional Brasileiros, o ditador Floriano Peixoto defendeu o emprego dele. As forcas rebeldes ficaram isoladas e a rebeliao desvaneceu porque o restante do pais ainda nao estava preparado para a democratizacao. Floriano Peixoto passou a ser chamado pelo apelido de Marechal de Ferro em referencia a ter se tornado ditador em causa propria.
     No passar da Historia das Americas, a Uniao Pan-Americana teve um papel preponderante ao camuflar os efeitos do que se tornou a relacao entre os latinos e os Estados Unidos. A principio todos desejavam se ver livres do colonialismo europeu e tambem das monarquias que eram vistas como fator de atraso ao desenvolvimento da regiao. Basicamente o alinhamento com os Estados Unidos era visto como libertador do colonialismo formal.
     Somente mais tarde muitos compreenderam a ingenuidade porque os Estados Unidos tiveram grande vantagem sobre os outros paises que foram tratados nada mais do que: como propriedade deles e nao parceiros. Para os paises latino-americanos o sentimento eh como se fosse, como dizem os brasileiros: “trocaram 6 por meia duzia.” O colonialismo continuou, apenas disfarcou-se de uma forma mais digerivel. Mas em alguns casos ele tornou-se pior. E essa eh uma Historia para mais tarde.
     Antes que me esqueca, os presidentes Cleveland e Peixoto eram igualmente descendentes dos reis de Portugal mas nao me dei ao trabalho de verificar as sequencias genealogicas deles.
     Outro desencontro no relacionamento entre as duas nacoes nasce da questao: “Quem inventou o aviao?”. Em nossos dias isso nao parece ter a mesma importancia que tinha no inicio do seculo XX. Pelo que se sabe, a maquina de transporte aereo de pessoas foi inventada pelo padre Bartolomeu Lourenco de Gusmao. Ele nasceu no Brasil, na Cidade de Santos, Sao Paulo, em 1.685. Muito jovem iniciou a desenhar baloes quando estava no seminario, na Bahia.
     Foi um homem de muitas invencoes e mudou-se para Portugal onde tornou-se o paroco das Cortes. Em 1.709 o rei D. Joao V concedeu a ele a patente de sua invencao, o balao. Ele deu demonstracoes publicas e numa delas a massa ignara o acusou de feiticaria, um crime que era sujeito `a pena-de-morte, via Inquisicao. Desesperado, ele destruiu muito dos proprios escritos e buscou protecao, com a intencao de ir para a Inglaterra, mas quando chegou a Toledo, na Espanha, teve uma febre muito forte e faleceu em 1.724.
     Do tempo dele em diante o balonismo desenvolveu-se lentamente. Os americanos o usaram na Guerra da Secessao (Guerra Civil ou Sul contra o Norte) para observarem os movimentos dos inimigos. Eh possivel que os ex-combatentes que imigraram para o Brasil tenham se tornado conselheiros do exercito brasileiro e o duque de Caxias usou o balao na Guerra do Paraguai. Esse uso esta registrado nos livros de Historia e a suposicao de aconselhamento eh teoria minha porque nao tenho noticias de que os brasileiros o usassem regularmente antes.
     Nasceu em 20 de julho de 1.873, em Minas Gerais, na cidade denominada de Santos-Dumont, o menino Alberto. A cidade ganhou o nome depois, em homenagem a ele. Foi criado pelo pai brasileiro com ancestrais franceses que era rico e tinha plantacoes de cafe imensas. Tinham muito interesse pelo maquinario usado nas fazendas. Exceto pelas duas irmas mais novas, os outros filhos de Henrique Dumont, pai do Alberto, nasceram em Minas Gerais e depois foram criados no de Sao Paulo. E a familia mudou-se para Paris quando Santos-Dumont tinha 17 anos.
     Como contribuicao do nosso primo Rogerio Alvarenga, que eh dono do site:, sem o www. O pai era de Diamantina e a mae de Ouro Preto. (Os avos paternos eram franceses). Henrique Dumont, o pai, era engenheiro e um trabalho dele foi a ponte da EFCB – Estrada de Ferro Central do Brasil, na cidade de Sabara.
     Ele estudou disciplinas diversas e leu a colecao de Julio Vernes antes de completar 10 anos. Mas o que ele se interessava mesmo, desde a infancia, era voar. Em Paris teve aulas de voo em baloes com um instrutor experiente e passou a construir os proprios baloes. Em 1.898 inventou o dirigivel. Em 1.901 ganhou um premio enorme por ter sido capaz de levantar voo a 9 km de distancia, fazer o contorno na Torre Eiffel, e voltar ao ponto de partida num mesmo voo. Tornou-se conhecido no mundo inteiro por isso.
     Logo apos ele se dispos a conquistar do ar. Queria inventar a maquina voadora mais pesada que este. A Federacao Aeronautica Intenacional tinha estabelecido algumas regras que definiam qual seria o significado de fazer voar uma maquina mais pesada que o ar e todos os inventores trabalharam duro para se encaixarem nas regras. Em 1.906 Santos-Dumont montou e voou o 14-Bis e venceu a corrida.
     Os americanos tinham anunciado um voo de 1.903 dos irmaos Wright mas isso jamais foi comprovado. Ate hoje ninguem foi capaz de replicar a maquina feita pelos Wright e faze-la voar. Inclusive nas comemoracoes dos supostos 100 anos da aviacao em 2.003 nao tivemos um voo para comemorar tal maquina. Ao contrario, o voo do 14-Bis eh muito bem documentado pelo Aero-Clube da Franca. E, em 2.006, a replica do 14-Bis foi mostrada voando na comemoracao dos seus 100 anos de aviacao.
     Posteriormente, os Wright se apresentaram em Paris, em 1.908, e realmente voaram para o publico frances. Mas a duvida sempre estara a favor do Santos-Dumont, se o voo de 1.909 no aviao Libelula for considerado. Depois ele aperfeicoou o modelo e deu o nome de Demoiselle (Senhorita) e distribuiu o desenho gratuitamente. A importancia disso eh que o modelo dele ja apresentava todos os recursos considerados necessarios para o verdadeiro voo. Em nossos dias a maioria das aeronaves mantem algo da Demoiselle.
     A distribuicao do desenho tinha uma razao. Santos-Dumont imaginava que a invencao dele fosse trazer paz ao mundo. Ele pensava que facilitando o contato entre as pessoas diferentes resultaria somente em paz na Terra. A ilusao dele nao durou muito desde que a I Guerra iniciou e a invencao dele tornou-se muito usada para o mal. O remorso dele foi tao grande que entrou numa crise existencial e tornou-se depressivo.
     Ele testemunhou o assassinato de irmao matando irmao numa revolucao brasileira com sua invencao. Isso passou dos limites para ele e dai ele entrou no quarto do hotel e se enforcou. Foi em 23 de julho de 1.932, dois dias apos ele completar 59 anos.
     Para os brasileiros de geracoes mais passadas a reinvindicacao dos irmaos Wright como inventores do aviao eh como dizer que as Olimpiadas serao em 2.012 mas alguem fara um excelente tempo em sua modalidade de esporte em 2.011. Este nao comparecera aos jogos olimpicos mas reinvindicara uma medalha baseada em sua marca. Para eles a reinvindicacao dos Wright nao tem sentido desde que eles nao compareceram aos jogos.
     Como eu disse, o brasileiro comum nem leva isso em consideracao mas a soma dos conflitos na Historia faz diferenca. Se alguem desejar conhecer mais detalhes pode buscar pelo livro: WINGS OF MADNESS, Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight, do autor: Paul Hoffman ou a versao em video da Nova, veja o site: Como o predecessor: padre Bartolomeu de Gusmao, Santos-Dumont tambem foi um homem de muitas invencoes. No Brasil e em varias outras nacoes ele tem o titulo de Pai da Aviacao.
     Apenas para nos lembrarmos. Para brasileiros isso nao eh uma questao de simples nacionalismo desde que algo so se torna considerado cientifico a partir do momento em que pode ser reproduzido por outros, seguindo as instrucoes do autor.
     Ao mesmo tempo, o proximo capitulo da Historia do Brasil nos da uma boa ideia no que a sociedade brasileira era. O capitulo eh chamado de A Revolta da Chibata. A Marinha Brasileira mantinha as velhas normas de punicao aos marinheiros ate 1.910. Nao era uma forma de corrigir erros ou enganos dos marinheiros mas era uma forma de mostrar quem mandava, por meio da humilhacao.
     Outro aspecto era que, a maioria dos marinheiros brasileiros eram negros ou pardos. Os oficiais eram brancos. Dai os marinheiros comecaram a planejar uma revolta para se emanciparem dessa estupidez. Mas o plano saiu por um caminho errado porque eles haviam planejado comecar no dia seguinte, quando os oficiais estariam voltando de uma recepcao. Alguns deles voltaram antes do que se pensou. A antecipacao acabou dando oportunidade a estes de descobrirem o plano e um deles reagiu, nao aceitando o pedido dos marinheiros para desembarcar pacificamente. O oficial reagiu e deve ter entrado em luta corporal com os marinheiros.
     Na luta o oficial foi morto e, na sequencia, situacao semelhante terminou na morte de mais dois oficiais. A Revolta continuou por varios dias enquanto o governo nao concordou em aceitar as exigencias dos marinheiros de suspender a humilhacao da chibata e anistia-los. Apos o acordo a revolta terminou mas os conservadores nos Congresso e jornais comecaram a provocar os sentimentos de vinganca.
     As fofocas comecaram a circular pondo medo nos marinheiros de perderem os direitos. E alguns oficiais arquitetaram manobras que levaram os marinheiros `a nova revolta. Isso deu oportunidade ao governo Hermes Rodrigo da Fonseca de decretar a Lei Marcial para perseguir nao apenas os marinheiros mas tambem a oposicao politica que se manteve a favor da revolta. Mais de 200 marinheiros foram mortos. Houveram algumas execucoes com extrema crueldade. 2.000 marinheiros foram destituidos e alguns foram exilados na Amazonia.
     A licao que o governo e seus parceiros conservadores queriam passar era esta: O Brasil vivia em um regime de Apartheid e o povo que estava sujeito a ele tinha que se por no seu lugar inferior. O pais tinha uma elite economica branca que se julgava geneticamente superior e qualquer interpretacao contraria seria como desafiar as leis da natureza.
     Assim se explica porque, apos a abolicao dos escravos, a elite brasileira buscou trabalhadores europeus e asiaticos. Os negros e pardos nao eram instruidos nas escolas e tinham que se sujeitar a serem a rale da sociedade. Quem aceitava a condicao faria o trabalho mais duro e mal pago. E somente os que aceitavam essa condicao eram reconhecidos como pessoas de boa indole.
     O preconceito no Brasil nao era algo escrito nas leis. Era imposto nas mentes. A carga era tao pesada que ate as pessoas negras nao gostavam de se-lo. Elas se envergonhavam disso. Eu recordo um caso testemunhado por meu pai que ele comentava privativamente. Ele conheceu um caso raro de uma pessoa negra na juventude que sempre dizia isso: “Vou casar-me com uma branca para limpar minha raca.”
     Ele sempre repetia isso ate ao dia em que um amigo comum deles falou: “Voce deve se lembrar que, para limpar sua raca voce vai sujar a dos outros.” Mesmo assim ele encontrou a princesa branca que queria. A gente nunca tocou no assunto concordando que o casamento fosse uma forma de limpar ou sujar a heranca por causa da cor da pele. Desejo somente demonstrar aqui o quanto as pessoas daquele tempo andaram erradas.
     O preconceito no Brasil era imenso e ha um dizer que define isso: “No Brasil o peso da lei foi feito para tres PP. Pobre, prostituta e preto.” Mesmo que o preconceito contra o negro seja mais visivel ele eh igualmente dirigido contra os indigenas e aos pobres em geral, nao importando a classificacao racial das pessoas. Somente na Historia do Brasil recente algumas medidas tem sido adotadas para amenizar o problema e esta longe de resolve-lo. Esta eh a pura verdade, apesar do romantismo com que os mulatos e caboclos foram exaltados.
     Perto do inicio do seculo, 1.914, apenas uma ligacao curiosa entre Brasil e Estados Unidos. O vaqueiro `a moda antiga, ex-presidente Theodore Roosevelt, foi ao Brasil para desviar-se de problemas pessoais nos Estados Unidos. Ele queria fazer algo excepcional e naquele tempo havia um rio na Bacia Amazonica desconhecido pelo mundo la fora. Ele decidiu coloca-lo no mapa. O rio era chamado de Rio da Duvida porque era navegavel e conhecido em sua desembocadura. No Planalto Brasileiro existia outra parte conhecida mas nao se sabia se as duas partes se ligavam. Entre as duas partes, somente o desconhecido.
     Para sinceronear o presidente foi destacado o coronel Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon, um experiente naturalista. O proprio Rondon era descendente dos nativos brasileiros e trabalhou toda a vida mapeando, estabelecendo linhas telegraficas e fazendo contato com tribos desconhecidas no imenso territorio nacional. Num desses contatos ele foi atingido por uma flecha envenenada mas se salvou por causa da bainha da faca. Mesmo assim ele disse aos subordinados: “Morrer se preciso for, matar nunca.”
     Apesar do conhecimento de vaqueiro, Theodore Roosevelt nao tinha a menor ideia do que pretendia fazer. Mas ele pensou que, isso nao poderia ser diferente de ser presidente dos Estados Unidos ou ser o manda-chuva numa fazenda americana. Contrariado, Rondon passou maus-pedacos com os modos de Roosevelt para mante-lo a salvo na floresta. E eles passaram por muitos perigos desnecessarios, como a falta de mantimentos, navegacao inadequada e morte de assistentes.
     A arrogancia do ex-presidente foi polidamente esquecida pelo heroi brasileiro. O marechal Rondon concluiu uma missao quase impossivel. Ele havia sido nomeado para cuidar da seguranca e trazer Roosevelt de volta e isso ele fez, apesar das muitas dificuldades como as doencas e as possiveis tribos inamistosas que poderiam existir por la. Porem, o ex-presidente nao escapou de contrair doencas tropicais. E faleceu 5 anos apos voltar aos Estados Unidos.
     Pelo trabalho concluido de decifrar o Rio da Duvida, o ex-presidente foi homenageado. Um rio da Bacia Amazonica, do tamanho do Rio Grande, tem o nome de Rio Roosevelt.
     O Marechal Rondon viveu por muito depois. Faleceu aos 93 anos de idade, em 1.958, ano que nasci. Ele foi responsavel pela criacao do “Servico de Protecao ao Indio” – SPI. Ajudou a criar muitas reservas indigenas porque sem elas os outros brasileiros continuariam a invadir e tomar as terras dos povos indigenas. Apos o falecimento dele o sistema de protecao jamais funcionou direito por causa da negligencia dos governantes brasileiros.
     Rondon tambem foi indicado para o premio Nobel da Paz mas nao ganhou. Um territorio de bom tamanho foi emancipado e tornou-se o progressista Estado de Rondonia.
     O periodo entre 1.889 a 1.930 eh chamado de “Republica Velha”. Em portugues isso nao significa apenas uma republica antiga mas tambem algo vinculado ao sistema anterior. Na verdade, nao durou tanto para ser chamada de velha. Ela era decrepita, desde o inicio.
     O sistema foi dominado pelos dois estados mais poderosos da epoca, Sao Paulo e Minas Gerais. Esta republica tambem eh chamada de Cafe-com-Leite. Eh uma referencia aos principais produtos da economia deles. Em resumo, era a forca das elites da velha monarquia que queriam manter-se no poder. Minas Gerais era o estado mais populoso e tambem o mais rico.
     O sistema eleitoral era, como dizem os brasileiros: “So para ingles ver”. Somente uma percentagem minima da populacao votava e o voto era declarado sem segredo. Isso se deu quando o Coronelismo mandava no Brasil. Eles tinham o poder de controlar os Grotoes, que elegiam os representantes. Os representantes elegiam os governadores e tambem os presidentes. As forcas armadas sempre estavam ali para sustentar o sistema e tornou-se um quarto poder no pais. Frequentemente os militares eram governadores.
     Neste periodo, Europa e o Imperio Turco Otomano andavam no desgoverno e eles enviaram ondas de imigrantes para as Americas. No Brasil eles se instalaram principalmente nos estados do sul como Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana e Sao Paulo. A maioria veio de Portugal, Italia, Alemanha, Polonia, Espanha e tambem do Oriente Medio e Japao. Entraram tambem em outros estados. Para se ter uma ideia do que foi essa onda eh so dizer que, o Brasil eh o pais com maior populacao japonesa fora do Japao.
     No meio dessa populacao haviam os sindicalistas, anarquistas, socialistas e os comunistas. Nesse tempo o Brasil multiplicou suas industrias potenciais e estas aumentaram a urbanizacao. Cidades de pequeno e medio porte comecaram a crescer e a exigencia por melhores condicoes sociais abriu espaco para uma sociedade mais reinvindicatoria. Porem, o governo conservador brasileiro tornou-se mais restritivo e com orientacoes ditatoriais.
     Um exemplo dessa situacao foi a administracao do presidente Arthur da Silva Bernardes. Ele teve que governar sob a Lei Marcial. Porem tinha um bom relacionamento com os Estados Unidos. Um dos feitos dele foi a fundacao da “Universidade Federal de Vicosa”. A Cidade de Vicosa, em Minas Gerais, eh o torrao natal dele e ele convidou o professor americano: P. H. Rolphs, para ajuda-lo nessa tarefa. Este eh o lugar onde eu fui conquistar o meu diploma universitario.
     Em 1.922 artistas jovens brasileiros criaram a “Semana das Artes Modernas”. A exposicao das artes deles tinha a intencao de quebrar o conservadorismo dominante no Brasil. Acabaram mesmo sendo muito criticados pelos artistas mais velhos como: Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato. Contudo, as sementes que plantaram frutificou nas decadas seguintes. Muitos deles sao famosos, inclusive no exterior.
     Alguns dos nomes dos que ficaram mais famosos sao: Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Mario Raul de Morais de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade Souza, Anita Malfatti, Menotti del Picchia, Sergio Milliet, Jose Pereira da Graca Aranha, Guilherme de Andrade Almeida, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Guiomar Novais e Tarsila do Amaral. A Semana das Artes Modernas nao causou maior impacto na sociedade brasileira mas deu ideia aos artistas jovens de se tornarem culturalmente independentes. Antes dela, em quase todas as artes, os artistas brasileiros apenas seguiam os moldes do exterior.
     Um dos artistas que se destacou dos outros, de forma errada, foi Plinio Salgado. Ele se tornou politico com orientacao facista. E liderou o movimento conhecido como “Integralismo,” que deu apoio ao regime ditatorial que estava por vir.
     Postarei sequencias genealogicas para tres dos intelectuais brasileiros daquele tempo.
1.893 Mario Raul Morais de Andrade (Mario de Andrade)
         Maria Luisa Leite de Morais – Carlos Augusto de Andrade
1.834 Joaquim de Almeida Leite Morais – Ana Francisca de Almeida
1.796 Joaquim de Almeida Leite Morais – Isabel Rodrigues da Silva
         Manuel Jose Leite de Morais – Maria Luisa de Almeida*
         Tomas Correia de Morais – Isabel de Anhaya Leite*
         Francisco Correia de Morais – Ines Monteiro Carneiro
         Simao Correia de Lemos Morais – Izabel da Silva Pinto*
         Maria de Morais – Francisco Correia de Lemos
         Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais – Vittore Antonio de Castronuovo
         Jose Godoi Colaco – Ana Pires Ribeiro
         Gaspar de Godoy Colaco – 1.652 Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais
         Eufemia da Costa Mota – Joao de Godoy Moreira
         Atanasio da Mota – Luzia Machado
         Felipa Gomes da Costa – Vasco Pires da Mota
         Isabel Lopes de Sousa – Estevao Gomes da Costa
1.490 Martim Afonso de Sousa, governador da India – esposa desconhecida
1.460 Lopo de Sousa, senhor do Prado – Brites de Albuquerque*
1.425 Pedro de Sousa, senhor do Prado – Maria Pinheiro
1.385 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Violante Lopes da Tavora
1.341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Aldonca Rodrigues de Sa
1.320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel*
1.280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1.250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (ou de Sousa)
1.210 D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal – Madragana (depois, Mor Afonso)
     A partir de Gaspar de Godoy Colaco e Sebastiana Ribeiro de Morais esta sequencia ja esta presente para o poeta Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Eu tinha antecipado a genealogia dele quando postei a genealogia do Martim Afonso de Sousa, governador da India, que tambem foi o primeiro Governador Geral do Brasil, e esta no capitulo 09. Repeti aqui so para facilitar para os leitores.
1.890 Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza  (Oswald de Andrade) – Tarcila do Amaral* (foi a segunda esposa dele)
         Jose Oswald Nogueira de Andrade – Ines Henriqueta Ingles de Sousa
         Antonia Eugenia Nogueira – Hipolito Jose de Andrade
         Antonio Gomes Nogueira Cobra – Maria Custodia de Meireles Freire
         Caetana Nogueira de Lemos – Domingos Rodrigues Cobra
         Joana Nogueira do Prado Leme – Joao Gomes de Lemos
1.690 Maria de Leme do Prado – Tome Rodrigues Nogueira do O
1.667 Antonio da Rocha Leme – Antonia Leme do Prado*
         Maria Leme Bicudo – Cornelio da Rocha
         Thomasia Ribeiro de Alvarenga – Francisco Bicudo de Brito
         Luzia de Leme – Francisco de Alvarenga*
         Aleixo Leme – Ines Dias
1.568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     A partir desse ponto podemos voltar `a sequencia genealogica do “bandeirante” Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Pedro Leme era um bisavo dele com uma esposa diferente, Izabel Paes, da bisavo do Fernao Dias. Tambem esta no capitulo 09. O nome da segunda esposa do Oswald de Andrade Souza, Tarsila do Amaral, tambem eh um mito das artes brasileiras. Ela participou da Semana das Artes em Sao Paulo. Vejamos uma sequencia genealogica para ela.
1.886 Tarsila do Amaral – Jose Oswald de Andrade Souza*
         Jose Estanislau do Amaral – Lidia Dias de Aguiar*
         Jose Estanislau do Amaral Campos, o milionario – Teresa de Jesus Aguirre
         Estanislau do Amaral Campos – Ana Leoniza de Camargo
         Estanislau Jose de Abreu – Ana do Amaral Campos
         Jeronimo de Almeida de Abreu – Leonarda de Moura
         Antonio Proenca de Abreu – Francisca de Almeida*
         Maria Bicudo de Brito – Paulo Proenca de Abreu
         Ana Ribeiro – Joao Bicudo de Brito
         Francisco de Alvarenga – Luzia de Leme*
     Outra vez, aqui se repete o mesmo casal que aparece na sequencia genealogica do Oswald de Andrade Souza, logo acima.
     A Republica Velha findou dentro do desgoverno em que o Brasil vivia. As insatisfacoes politicas e sociais, a Quebra da Bolsa de Nova Iorque e a ambicao pelo poder de alguns setores da sociedade brasileira, leia-se: os militares, levou a um golpe de estado iniciado com Getulio Dorneles Vargas como presidente e terminou com ele como ditador, durante os proximos 15 anos.
     O regime ditatorial foi ambiguo na natureza. Getulio Vargas era civil e tinha os militares em sua retaguarda. Como de costume, perseguiu seus oponentes, particularmente os intelectuais. Nos calaboucos da ditadura passaram personalidades como os escritores: Graciliano Ramos, Rachel de Queiroz e ate o Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato. O Getulio era populista em uma face e elitista na outra. Por isso ele ganhou o apelido de “Pai dos pobres, e mae dos ricos.”
     Durante o governo dele iniciou-se a polemica do petroleo no Brasil. Foi descoberto primeiramente no Estado da Bahia e ele foi acusado de nao fazer nada: “nao explorava e nao deixava outros explorarem”. Foi por essa razao que o nacionalista Monteiro Lobato foi levado `a prisao. As politicas de governo dele pareciam ser de orientacao nacionalista mas tinha muito de fantasia, para aumentar sua popularidade.
     O Estado de Minas Gerais e sua populacao nao teve o que agradecer ao ditador. Como o comercio afundou no mundo todo por causa da Quebra da Bolsa de Nova Iorque, o Brasil se estrepou por ter sua economia baseada em exportacoes de materias primas e produtos agricolas. O modo como o governo enfrentou o problema foi ordenar o fim da producao de cafe e acucar no estado. Ele privilegiou os estados do Sul, especialmente Sao Paulo.
     Getulio Vargas tambem criou a Previdencia Federal (INPS) e comecou a retirar a contribuicao dos contracheques. Com o dinheiro ele acelerou a industrializacao. Ele foi responsavel pela criacao da Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN), instalada no Rio de Janeiro. O que pode ser curioso foi isso, toda a materia prima era produzida no Estado de Minas Gerais e exportada para ser industrializada.
     O Brasil sofreu com a depressao mundial, antes e durante a Segunda Guerra. Porem, Minas Gerais foi mais prejudicada por ter sido deixada para tras no processo de industrializacao. Os Estados de Sao Paulo e Rio de Janeiro foram visivelmente beneficiados. E a, antes, crescente populacao de Minas Gerais foi empurrada para a migracao para as ultimas areas selvagens dele e para os estados privilegiados. Sao Paulo hoje eh populacional e economicamente o primeiro lugar com larga vantagem. Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais tem disputado o segundo lugar, tendo alternado posicoes ao longo do tempo.
     Os anos 40 foram uma senhora decada. O Brasil tinha um governo alinhado com os ditadores europeus como Hitler na Alemanha, Mussolini na Italia, Franco na Espanha e Salazar em Portugal. Eles tinham algo mais em comum em sua propaganda. Tinham de ter uma desculpa para se manterem no poder e, inicialmente, o bode expiatorio foi o comunismo. E qual seria a razao para o comunismo ser algo tao ruim? Aquilo que sempre sera, o totalitarismo.
     O totalitarismo se manifesta quando um pequeno grupo de pessoas pensa que: “todos sao iguais perante a lei, mas alguns sao mais iguais que os outros”. E os mais iguais sao eles, os iluminados. Aqueles que sofrem da doenca de saberem melhor que voce o que eh bom para voce e para todo mundo, inclusive para si mesmos. Dai eles passam a fazer coisas incompreensiveis tais como: “matar aqueles que nao compreendem o que eh bom para eles proprios”.
     Na desordem em que o Brasil estava nos anos 20 e 30, algumas pessoas comecaram a pensar que o comunismo fosse uma alternativa viavel para resolver todos os problemas. Um lider do movimento foi Luiz Carlos Prestes, nascido em 1.898 e que ficara orfao aos 10 anos de idade e que tentou vencer as dificuldades atraves da carreira militar. Ele acabou sendo exilado na Russia, onde se casou com a alema: Olga Benario, que tambem era judia.
     Apos o retorno ao Brasil e a tentativa falha de assumir o poder, no episodio conhecido como “Intentona Comunista”, o casal foi preso e Olga Benario, em seu setimo mes de gravidez, foi extraditada para a Alemanha Nazista, onde ela foi morta na camara de gas. Antes disso ela deu `a luz `a sua filha: Anita Leocadia. Prestes nunca buscou vinganca por estas intemperies na vida e manteve seus ideiais e riqueza biografica ate `a morte em 1.990.
     Eu usei este fato para ilustrar o quao ruim um regime ditatorial pode ser, inclusive quando o povo se deixa enganar pela impressao de que alguns ditadores nao sao tao ruins. E a loucura do Getulio Vargas eh melhor demonstrada no proximo capitulo da Historia. A Segunda Guerra estava ocorrendo e ele estava relutando para escolher o lado de se aliar. O povo brasileiro ja sabia que o Eixo nao seria solucao e estava crescendo a impaciencia com Getulio. Eh possivel que a duvida dele em escolher tinha algo mais a ver com o proprio cargo que saber qual era a decisao correta. Ele sabia que no evento de os Aliados vencerem ele nao seria mantido no cargo, como realmente se deu.
     A ditadura do Getulio Vargas foi chamada de “Estado Novo” o que nada tinha de novo. Era a mesma elite antiga querendo manter-se no poder contra a maioria da populacao. Justamente como sempre foi, desde o inicio em 1.500, a Historia do Brasil era a mesma. Poucas pessoas amealhavam as riquezas e o restante nao tinha escolha senao ficar por perto, como satelites. E o sistema tinha funcionado a favor das elites enquanto um numero maior de imigrantes nao chegou, as cidades se tornaram cada vez maiores e a populacao se tornou melhor educada e mais exigente.
     Quando a populacao brasileira era mais limitada, todos tinham um parentesco conhecido com os outros, e o sistema de apadrinhamento da Igreja Catolica funcionava bem porque a pessoa poderia ser pobre mas uma das criancas dela era afilhada dos coroneis da vida e isso garantia uma pequena participacao nos beneficios da sociedade e lealdade a eles. Era um contrato sem escrita que funcionava na maioria das vezes.
     Mas nas cidades grandes e sociedades mais conscientes, onde o parentesco eh mais volatil, a populacao deseja independencia financeira. Se voce trabalha, nao importa o que faca, voce espera ser capaz de suprir as necessidades de sua familia como voce deseja e nao dentro de limites que os chefes querem te impor. Usando esta espectativa, Getulio Vargas criou o salario minimo no Brasil mas a maioria da populacao vivia nos interiores e os salarios nao passavam de fracoes do minimo.
     A exigencia por justica social foi demais para os conservadores de menor inteligencia no Brasil. Eles pensaram que tudo era complo dos imigrantes e a primeira reacao foi limitar o numero deles. O Brasil adotou um sistema de cotas para cada pais, os quais tradicionalmente enviavam imigrantes para la. E isso contribuiu para manter o pais numa situacao de atraso porque as forcas dos conservadores inconsequentes permaneceram por mais tempo no poder. Curiosamente, qualquer opiniao contraria a tais forcas eram taxadas de partirem de comunistas ou serem ideias comunistas e muitos, como a escritora Rachel de Queiroz, foi presa sob a falsa acusacao de ser uma deles.
     Tambem, ja que a populacao das cidades eram privilegiadas em relacao `a educacao, saude, seguranca e empregos melhor pagos, a grande migracao em direcao a elas comecou. Porem isso eh acelerado nos anos 60 e 70. As favelas que aparecem na Historia do Brasil no final do seculo XIX, com a emancipacao dos escravos que foram libertos mas nao tinham para onde ir porque haviam sido totalmente abondonados pela sociedade, se multiplicaram. Algumas viraram cidades dentro de cidades. Assim, tambem o ciclo da pobreza se multiplicou.
     Voltando ao nosso ponto, a Segunda Guerra continuou e ate 1.942 Getulio Vargas nao tinha decidido que lado seguir. Ele tentou manter o Brasil ro, apesar de no campo da diplomacia alguns diplomatas permitiram a falsificacao de passaportes para salvar alguns perseguidos pelos nazistas, especialmente judeus.
     A partir de 1.941 a posicao neutra do Brasil se abalou. Como os Estados Unidos entraram na Guerra e as nacoes americanas tinham o acordo de defesa mutua contra agressoes externas, o povo comecou a pressionar o governo a decidir. O Brasil era o principal fornecedor de materia prima necessaria pelos Estados Unidos para manter sua industria belica. E o Estado de Minas Gerais era a “mina de ouro” nisso.
     Esta eh uma boa hora para vermos o video que mencionei antes, no endereco: Mesmo que o video seja datado de 1.948 ele demonstra a importancia do Estado de Minas Gerais como fornecedor das materias primas mais importantes durante a guerra. O video apresenta em relance o ex-prefeito e, entao, futuro presidente do Brasil: Dr. Juscelino Kubistchek. Ele nasceu em Diamantina e por meio de sua avo, Joaquina Coelho, eh primo.
     Quando os Estados Unidos estavam em guerra o Brasil estava no meio do caminho. Ele nao estava legalmente em guerra mas enviava materia prima que estava sendo transformada em poder de fogo e armas secretas. Mas num curto periodo de tempo 19 navios mercantes brasileiros foram torpedeados. Foram perdidas centenas de vidas. E a pressao para entrar na guerra do lado dos aliados ficou demais para ser ignorada pela ditadura. Em agosto de 1.948 o Brasil formalizou sua entrada.
     Existe uma teoria de conspiracao que acusa aos americanos e nao os alemaes de terem torpedeado e desde que ninguem viu quem fez concluiu-se ter sido os alemaes. Os teoristas levantam suas razoes porque seria do interesse dos alemaes o Brasil permanecer neutro e, se eles tivessem feito, o tiro deles sairia pela culatra. Por outro lado, os Aliados precisavam desesperadamente do Brasil do lado deles. Uma das linhas da teoria inclusive acusa os americanos de terem invadido as costas da Regiao Nordeste, especialmente a Cidade de Natal no Rio Grande do Norte, onde uma grande base aerea foi criada e foi de la que se deram os embarques de armas e tropas para a invasao do Norte Africano e a expulsao das forcas do Eixo.
     Devo lembrar aqui que nao estou falando dessas suspeitas como se fossem verdade. Estou falando porque nao importa se sejam verdade ou nao. O que interessa mais eh que existem pessoas que creem nelas e isso eh parte das razoes que multiplicam os sentimentos contrarios aos americanos em parte da populacao brasileira.
     No meu ponto de vista, se os americanos houvessem entrado no Brasil sem permissao mesmo antes dele decidir qual lado tomar parte, foi feito algo estupido. Qualquer um pode ver o mapa e observar o quao estrategica Natal era naquela operacao porque era o caminho mais curto entre Africa e Americas. Mas, por outro lado, se os brasileiros tivessem decidido juntar-se com o Eixo, os americanos poderiam ser facilmente derrotados por uma forca alema de submarinos no mar e forcas combinadas via terra.
     Eu bem sei que o Brasil nao tinha uma forca de combate comparavel `a dos Estados Unidos, porem, com o aconselhamento alemao um exercito poderia ser treinado rapidamente, aproveitando-se a vantagem numerica local e o nacionalismo seria algo mais a acrescentar. Como eu nasci la, so 13 anos apos a Guerra, eu conheci o sentimento naquele tempo e era contrario aos nazistas. Getulio Vargas ainda nao estava preparado para o suicidio e se ele tivesse escolhido o outro lado, contra a vontade de todos, poderia mergulhar o pais em um banho de sangue.
     O Brasil entrou na guerra com um pequeno contigente. A mobilizacao foi muito maior no sentido de fazer outros trabalhos como entrar na Amazonia para produzir latex, que era imprescindivel naquele momento. O pequeno numero de brasileiro envolvidos diretamente no combate eh refletido nas estatisticas. Perdeu em torno de 1.500 soldados. E a pequena Forca Expedicionaria tornou-se vital para as tomadas de Monte Castelo e Monte Cassino, na Italia.
     Estranho, quando posso os olhos em alguns documentarios americanos com respeito `a Segunda Guerra essa participacao brasileira eh redondamente ignorada. Nao se fala nas forcas de combate nem nas bases que deram suporte `as operacoes no Norte da Africa. Eh como se a mencao disso fosse um tabu. Conheci, ha alguns anos, um ex-combatente americano que serviu no Brasil e mencionou gostar muito do pais. Mas naquele tempo eu tinha muito pouco dominio da lingua e nao consegui maiores informacoes dele.
     Tenho que lembrar dois parentes que foram pracinhas, porque hoje eh 11 de novembro de 2011, dia dos ex-combatentes nos Estados Unidos. Um deles, Felix de Aguiar Coelho, lutou na Italia. Como para todos os nativos de Virginopolis era fundamental para ele ir `a igreja. Algumas vezes a gente brinca com os outros conterraneos dizendo: “se quizer encontrar uma pessoa da cidade eh so ir `a igreja!”
     E ele entrou numa igreja na Italia apos convidar os irmaos-nas-armas para ir junto. Eles cacoaram da devocao dele e ficaram do lado de fora. Quando ele estava rezando, ouviu explosoes e quando foi verificar o que era, havia sido um ataque aereo surpresa e alguns companheiros haviam morrido. Nao me recordo de te-lo conhecido pessoalmente mas disseram que ele ficou com “neurose de guerra”. Era assim que se chamava a “Desordem do Stress Pos-Traumatica.” Antigamente nao se conhecia os detalhes do problema.
     O outro ex-combatente na familia foi o nosso tio mais engracado, Otacilio de M. Barbalho. Ele foi convocado e se preparou para ir. Quem ficou stressada com isso foi a Dindinha Zulmira. Ela foi `a igreja para pedir concelhos ao padre Felix Natalicio de Aguiar que era o paraco em Virginopolis. (Nao me recordo se ela recorreu foi ao padre David de Alcantara Miranda que ja atendia em Valadares e eh tido como santo). E o padre disse a ela: “Nao se preocupe, a guerra ira terminar antes dele chegar `a Italia”. Quando o navio estava ainda nas costas do Nordeste foi o que aconteceu. Mas ele se tornou heroi em dobro mesmo assim.
     Primeiro porque eles enfrentaram uma tempestade na viagem. E um dos companheiros dele caiu no mar sem saber nadar. E o velho tio mergulhou atras dele e o salvou. Quando voltaram, os ex-combatentes ganharam varios privilegios como: estudos gratuitos para os filhos, seguro saude de graca e muito mais. O tio, naquela humildade toda, pensava que nao tinha feito nada para merecer tanto. E faleceu numa existencia modesta, os filhos tiveram que dar duro na vida para nao cair na pobreza. Alguns deles acabaram migrando para os Estados Unidos.
     Da guerra ficou a lenda de um soldado brasileiro, maluco de todo, que de vez em quando decidia assaltar a dispensa dos alemaes. Deve ter algo de verdade nisso porque ja li isso em jornais. Ele saia driblando as balas inimigas por pura farra. Fazia isso na hora do almoco, quando dava vontade de tomar um vinhozinho. Ha uma alusao `a cena na versao antiga de Os Tres Mosqueteiros. Aqui nao sei dizer se a arte copiou a vida ou a vida copiou a arte.
     O que eh mais importante para as lembrancas da nossa Historia comum foi a construcao de uma estrada. Atualmente eh chamada de Rio-Bahia ou Br 116. Ela foi construida num piscar de olhos. E como o nome fala, eh a ligacao entre as cidade do Rio de Janeiro e Salvador. O que ha de importante nela eh ter sido um grande esforco de americanos e brasileiros que precisavam de uma via de transporte segura para as materias primas, especialmente a mica.
     A mica eh um mineral mas, para quem nao a conhece, parece um pedaco de papelao transparente. Tambem eh leve e era usada nos equipamentos eletronicos. A ocorrencia dela na regiao de Valadares eh abundante. Algumas vezes encontra-se saindo da terra, sem a gente esperar. No video que indiquei acima eh possivel ve-la sendo manufaturada, para os que nao tem idade suficiente para te-la conhecido nos radios, televisoes e outros aparelhos antigos.
     Ainda hoje a mica eh usada como escudo nos corpos das espaconaves Shuttle com o proposito de isolante termico, o que protege-as contra o superaquecimento na reentrada na atmosfera. Sem ela, talvez nao teriamos o programa espacial como ele existe.
     A regiao da Cidade de Governador Valadares foi praticamente redescoberta quando a estrada ficou pronta. Por coincidencia, a estrada passa tambem por Filadelfia, a cidade fundada por Theophilo Benedicto Ottoni e que agora tem o nome dele. O povo antigo da familia costumava dizer que, quando os tratores passavam cortando a terra o povo seguia atras andando e colhendo gemas preciosas e semi-preciosas nas quais o vale eh rico.
     A riqueza era tao visivel que, ate aos nossos dias, as duas cidades sao conhecidas como capitais das gemas no Brasil. Elas tiveram Feiras Internacionais para comercializa-las. Valadares foi a primeira a ter a dela mas foi obrigada a transferi-la para Belo Horizonte porque la era mais facil para o publico internacional ter acesso. E um dos meus tios, que continua morando la, brincava que: “Valadares estava querendo era dar o peido maior que a bunda.” Como se ela fosse pequena demais para tanta importancia!
     A estrada foi construida em funcao de seguranca porque o transporte das mercadorias estrategicas pelo mar ficava sujeito aos ataques dos submarinos alemaes. Mas tambem acabou servindo para os americanos conhecerem Minas Gerais atraves desse lado rico dele. Durante algumas decadas a exploracao de madeira nobre se manteve, ate `a quase extincao.
     A Cidade de Governador Valadares ficou conhecida como: Cidade das Serrarias. E essa riqueza foi exportada baratissimo. A preco de banana como se costuma dizer. O povo antigamente nao tinha ideia do quanto estava sendo enganado. As pessoas repetem a Historia, do mesmo modo que os nativo-brasileiros se desfizeram de suas florestas por bugingangas. Mas a cidade atraiu populacao numa velocidade raramente observada na Historia. De 5.000 em 1.940 ela passou para mais de 300.000 nos anos 70. Foi o maior crescimento demografico no Brasil, naquela epoca.
     A guerra findou em agosto de 1.945 com o primeiro ataque nuclear contra pessoas. Mais de 250.000 pessoas foram mortas nos dois ataques, contra Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Eh preciso meditar a respeito disso. Isso se torna importante porque posteriormente eu pretendo dar respostas ao questionamento: Por que os outros povos detestam os americanos? Penso que essa forma de perguntar eh simploria. Mas faz parte de centenas de outras que se acumulam. Mas adiantarei duas respostas ja no presente.
     Primeiro, logo apos ao fim da Segunda Guerra o governo americano andou se fazendo de bobo. No Brasil o povo tem o dizer para quem comete um engano: “Nao explica porque complica”. Todos os registros historicos tem sido escritos e falados dizendo que: “O lancamento das duas bombas atomicas foi considerado com cuidado e somente aconteceram porque a luta corporal levaria `a morte de milhoes.”
     Sim! Isso seria possivel se o povo japones nao tivesse nem ideia do que os americanos tinham em maos. Mas o procedimento normal, quando alguem esta guerra com outro, supostamente em posicao inferior, eh de enviar uma mensagem avisando antes de atirar para matar. Em qualquer filme voce ve os sheriffs dando tiros para o ar, antes de serem traicoeiramente atacados pelos bandidos e, somente entao, eles finalizam a acao. Neste caso, torna-se inexplicavel os lancamentos das bombas antes dos tiros de aviso.
     Nao estou falando a respeito de panfletos lancados por avioes. Ja que os japoneses nao sabiam o que os americanos tinham em maos e as bombas atomicas eram desconhecidas por todos, exceto americanos, a bomba poderia ter sido lancada em local menos letal, pelo menos dentro do conhecimento que ja se tinha, como sobre o Monte Fiji para se dar um aviso claro. A bomba poderia derreter a camada de neve eterna e serviria de uma mensagem terrivel sem necessariamente ser tao aterrorizante.
     O que o nosso governo tem falado desde entao, que era necessario para evitar o pior, eh aceito pelo publico americano como um sacrificio razoavel para terminar a guerra mas eh preciso admitir que, o que parece razoavel para uns pode parecer barbarico para outros. Entao, a ideia que os americandos tem de bom samaritanos de si mesmos pode nao ser aceitavel para quem nao eh americano!
     Normalmente, nos filmes e imprensa americanos ve-se esse tipo egoista de se pensar que esta se fazendo o melhor para o mundo. E alguns americanos se sentem ofendidos quando o estrangeiro fala ser o oposto. Algumas vezes se usa imagens nauseantes dos guetos, apos `a guerra, para fazer-se propaganda da auto-intitulacao de libertadores, esquecendo-se que, dentro de casa os americanos eram responsaveis por um tipo de Apartheid que acarreta consequencias ate hoje.
     Dai, preciso repetir isso: “Devagar com o andor porque o santo eh de barro!” Se nao o fizermos, a imagem de arrogante que o mundo tem dos americanos nunca se apagara. E isso eh profundamente importante para salvar o pais da crise que estamos passando e para que as nossas criancas no futuro tenham algo do que se orgulhar. `A medida que este livro for avancando para o final darei mais detalhes do assunto.
     Deste periodo de nossa Historia temos tambem o exemplo da tentativa falha do Henry Ford de produzir latex na Bacia Amazonica. Uma grande extensao de terras do Estado do Para foi destinada `a subidiaria brasileira da Companhia Ford. Ele queria retirar o latex da seringueira. A Companhia investiu e fundou duas cidades: Fordlandia e Belterra. Mas os americanos nao tinham experiencia alguma de praticas culturais no clima tropical extremo.
     Desde o comeco, em 1.927, o projeto estava fadado ao fracasso. No final dele, em 1.945, a tecnologia de producao de borracha sintetica a partir do petroleo ja existia e Henry Ford II decidiu fechar a iniciativa. O governo brasileiro indenizou ao Grupo Ford, pelas construcoes e plantacoes, que desistiu desse projeto de sonhos do Henry Ford.
     Antes de entrar no assunto propriamente dito eu preciso menciona algo ocorrido em minha vida cerca de 20 anos atras. Essa mencao sera chocante para as almas sensitivas porem eu me propuz a dizer somente a verdade. Nao posso deixar de proceder assim.
     Lembro-me de como foi chocante a explosao da espaconave Challenger. Aconteceu em 28 de janeiro de 1.986 quando eu ainda vivia no Brasil e nao pretendia vir para os Estados Unidos. A morte dos outros astronautas ja era uma coisa triste mas a morte da professora Christa MacAuliffe multiplicou a tristeza. Ela foi enviada na missao com a intencao de despertar a curiosidade das criancas pelas ciencias. E a explosao causou um efeito oposto a esta intencao.
     Porem, o que surpreendeu-me mais veio meses ou alguns anos depois. Nao me lembro direito. Nos estavamos reunidos como sempre o fizemos na familia. Sempre nos feriados, os familiares que vivem em outras cidades como Paracatu, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Governador Valadares e outras se juntam em nosso torrao natal, Virginopolis. E os nossos encontros sao sempre barulhentos e cheios de festa.
     Algumas vezes, esses encontros reunem mais de 100 parentes proximos. E, se forem na epoca do carnaval ou festas de fim de ano, as pessoas nao encontram tempo para falar com todo mundo e nem conseguem ver os parentes mais distantes. Eh como um dos nossos tios definiu: “Tenho dois prazeres em nosso encontro. Um por encontra-los e outro por ve-los partir.” Festa demais tambem canca!
     Mas a parte chocante da narrativa aconteceu quando uma prima mencionou o acidente, comentando a tristeza que sentira. E um dos primos imediatamente contradisse falando assim: “Eu ri, ri e ri. Ate agora, quando voce estava relembrando e agora eu nao estou conseguindo conter as gargalhadas!” E ele comecou a rir-se abertamente. “Mas, – nossa prima tentou lembra-lo – eles eram pessoas humanas!” O primo, nao conseguindo segurar o riso, argumentou: “Eu sei. Eu sei. Mas eram americanos!”
     Todo mundo ficou olhando para a cara do outro sem acreditar. Ninguem desejava esticar a conversa. Alguem mudou de assunto. E algum leitor americano poderia perguntar: O cara eh louco ou esquerdista radical ou, ainda, de algum ramo extremo direitista? Mas eu posso garantir a todos, ele eh uma pessoa comum, bom comportamento, sem vinculos oficiais com nenhuma faccao politica, mesmo que tenha suas opinioes proprias, eh educado com personalidade hospitaleira.
     E eh isso que faz o nosso quebra-cabecas mais dificil de decifrar. Algo que posso garantir eh isso, ele nunca teve contato direto com americanos alem dos brasileiros naturalizados ou filhos nascidos de brasileiros imigrantes. Assim, a raiva dele nao nasceu de algum malfeito contra ele proprio. Isso so pode ter vindo das informacoes que ele juntou durante sua historia pessoal. Mas o que intriga eh isso, as informacoes que tinha nao eram diferentes das de outras pessoas. Penso que a reacao dele esteja vinculada `a capacidade individual que as pessoas tem no processamento das informacoes.
     Todos nos discordamos das politicas americanas em alguns assuntos. E isso eh absolutamente aceitavel. Ate os americanos por nascimento, de muitas geracoes, apresentam discordancias entre si e isso eh saudavel porque as discordancias criam consciencia das diferencas. E ser civilizado eh justamente ter a capacidade de conciliar diferencas. Eh tambem saber a hora de fazer concessoes e a hora de dar um basta em algum tipo de abuso.
     A reacao do nosso primo excedeu a tudo em nosso dominio. Caracteriza-lo como invejoso seria o mesmo que dar um diagnostico de um paciente sem ve-lo e sem conhecer as condicoes. Porem, o que escreverei nesse capitulo talvez nos de uma ideia do que ocorreu em nossa Historia comum e que fez uma pequena percentagem de brasileiros e pessoas do restante do mundo perder completamente o respeito pelos Estados Unidos e pelos americanos. Vamos tentar explicar algo mais entao.
     Logo apos `a Segunda Guerra o mundo estava encantado com tudo o que estava sendo feito pelos Estados Unidos. A reconstrucao da Europa por meio do Plano Marshal, como o Japao foi administrado e posto para andar pelos proprios pes, etc. Enquanto os outros paises industrializados estavam tentando retomar suas condicoes normais de vida, as multinacionais americanas multiplicaram suas subsidiarias no mundo, aparentemente, para levar desenvolvimento aos paises intermediarios. O fim da guerra e o rapido desenvolmento da economia mundial criou uma imensa onda de otimismo nunca vista antes.
     Os brasileiros se viram contaminados pelo otimismo. Para a alegria da oposicao `a ditadura de Getulio Vargas foi deposta e ele exilado no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Jose Linhares, que eh um dos descendentes dos reis de Portugal, substituiu-o enquanto nao vieram as eleicoes, e foi quando Eurico Gaspar Dutra foi eleito. O tema do governo dele era: “Governar eh construir estradas.”
     Este era baseado no exemplo americano mas tambem foi mal interpretado no Brasil. Desde entao as administracoes brasileiras puzeram o foco somente em construcao de estradas de rodagem, inclusive para o transporte de todo tipo de mercadoria e em longa distancia. Durante os proximos 40 anos ou mais depois da Segunda Guerra algumas ferrovias e hidrovias foram desativadas. Isso fez a industria do transporte no Brasil se transformar em uma das mais perigosas e caras do mundo. Alguns produtos brasileiros sao baratos no comeco e se tornam dificeis de vender nos portos. E estas sao consequencias sentidas ate hoje e isso eh um assunto para outra parte do livro.
     A industria do cinema dos Estados Unidos era consumida no Brasil como um produto essencial. Era tao influente que os brasileiros tentaram copiar e ate chegaram a fazer boas producoes que se pareciam com o original. Os principais atores de Hollywood eram vistos como deuses. Mais idolatrados que as superestrelas de hoje-em-dia.
     Esse amor pela cultura americana chegou a gerar, algum tempo depois, o dizer de um politico brasileiro: “O que eh bom para os Estados Unidos eh bom para o Brasil.” Com certeza eu nao saberia dizer quem disse isso porque sao muitas frases fabricadas na Historia e normalmente elas sao criadas por alguem outro ate que algum politico as toma para si mesmo. Contudo a frase tornou-se tao incomoda no tempo posterior que penso que ninguem deseja assumir a criacao dela!
     Depois do governo Dutra os brasileiros estavam desejosos de eleger um presidente novo e acabaram sem nenhuma surpresa elegendo o velho ditador, agora apresentado como democratico. Getulio deu seu jeitinho de voltar. Ele chegou embrulhado como nacionalista. O pais se dividiu em duas faccoes principais. Os conservadores desta vez se alinharam com os Estados Unidos e passaram a defender a abertura total do mercado para os interesses americanos e passaram a ser chamados pelo apelido de Entreguistas.
     Essa administracao do Getulio Vargas foi claramente monopolista dos recursos naturais brasileiros e o seu maior feito foi a criacao da Petrobras. Ela eh uma companhia de petroleo operada pelo governo, atualmente, uma das maiores do mundo no setor. A bem da verdade, a criacao dela tem uma longa Historia anterior `a criacao, e Getulio Vargas nunca tinha participado dela antes de seu segundo governo.
     Um grupo de nacionalistas, muitos dos quais militares, criaram uma comissao de estudos para estudar o assunto. E isso teve a aprovacao massiva da populacao que se juntou na campanha denominada: “O Petroleo eh Nosso”. Tambem esse slogan foi criado por outra pessoa mas o Vargas o incorporou como se fosse dele. No final, a Petrobras foi criada na administracao dele.
     E ele tirou vantagem do populismo nacionalista da hora para tambem criar a Eletrobras, agora outra companhia gigantesca, com a intencao de monopolizar o imenso potencial hidroeletrico brasileiro. Hidroeletricas sao a principal fonte de energia eletrica no pais, gracas `a abundancia de rios e quedas d’agua.
     So para lembrar, ja falei isso antes, durante a ditadura, Vargas tinha mandado o escritor Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato para o calabouco exatamente por causa do criticismo do Monteiro Lobato porque na ditadura nao se explorava o petroleo nem se deixava ninguem explorar. E o escritor era um dos principais lideres nacionalistas de entao.
     Para os outros leitores nao brasileiros, Monteiro Lobato foi um escritor prolifico, comparavel ao Walt Disney. Mais velho que a personalidade americana e sendo escritor brasileiro, ele nunca teve as mesmas oportunidades de mostrar ao mundo sua producao. Depois da morte dele a televisao brasileira produziu programas com as personagens dele o que deu uma grande audiencia entre os telespectadores infantis. Eu era mais interessado nos livros dele que ver os personagens na tv.
     Atualmente, a producao dele tem sido censurada por causa de alguns componentes preconceituosos. A gente precisa mencionar isso como uma interpretacao cautelosa porque ele escreveu num tempo em que o preconceito nao era de todo consciente. O mesmo revisionismo tem sido apresentado contra o escritor Mark Twain nos Estados Unidos. O uso de palavras que passaram a ter conotacoes preconceituosas agora eram consideradas normais nos tempos deles. O povo antigo apenas acreditava que, algumas pessoas eram realmente superiores `as outras pelo nascimento e pensavam que isso seria natural, como se fosse determinado por Deus. O povo estava completamente enganado em suas concepcoes mas isso nao quer dizer que tenham feito o que fizeram por pura malicia.
     Vejamos uma sequencia genealogica do Monteiro Lobato.
1.882 Jose Bento Monteiro Lobato – Maria Pureza de Castro da Natividade
         Jose Bento Marcondes Lobato – Olimpia Augusta Monteiro
         Maria Antonia Marcondes Machado – Jose dos Reis Lobato
         Clara Francisca do Amaral – Jose Machado da Silva
         Ana Isabel de Andrade – Domingos Marcondes do Amaral
         Bernardina Correia de Freitas – Luis Fernandes da Costa
         Sebastiao Ferreira Albernaz – Isabel de Castilho*
         Sebastiao de Freitas Cardoso – Isabel de Faria Albernaz
         Sebastiao de Freitas – Maria Fragoso
         Antonio Pedroso de Freitas – Clara Parente
         Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Ana Ribeiro
     A partir desse ponto podemos voltar `a sequencia genealogica do Oswald de Andrade Souza. Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga e Ana Ribeiro sao os pais do Francisco de Alvarenga que aparece casado com Luzia Leme na sequencia do Oswald de Andrade.
     O segundo governo de Getulio Dorneles Vargas terminou de forma tragica. As posicoes nacionalistas dele renderam-lhe uma oposicao irracional dos “Entreguistas”. Tais foram visivelmente apoiados pelos interesses americanos representados pelas multinacionais querendo tirar vantagens do mercado brasileiro. E tais interesses eram raivosamente defendidos pelo jornalista Carlos Frederico de Lacerda. E o criticismo do Lacerda levou a uma reacao estupida do guarda-costa de Vargas que conspirou para matar o jornalista. Mas na tentativa de assassinato quem foi morto foi o major Rubens Vaz, no episodio conhecido como: “Assassinato da Rua Toneleiros.”
     Encurralado pelos fatos, Getulio suicidou e deixou uma “Carta Testamento” que aponta as intervencoes externas nos interesses do Brasil. Ele nao identificou ninguem mas foi claro no que estava falando. Na verdade, o segundo governo nao estava indo bem e ele ja nao tinha a capacidade de administrar sob pressao extrema.
     Pode ser que eu venha a ser criticado no Brasil por estas palavras dedicadas ao Getulio. Recentemente eu vi um programa no Canal de Livros e um historiador estava falando a respeito do livro dele e do presidente Abrao Lincoln. Ele disse que, a maioria dos historiadores nos Estados Unidos que estudam a vida do ex-presidente vivem numa Igreja do Lincoln. O que ele queria dizer eh que eles idolatram a figura do Lincoln, vendo apenas o que querem ver, nao o Lincoln como pessoa sujeita a erros terriveis mas como o idolo sem defeitos.
     No Brasil o mesmo se da com os admiradores do Getulio Vargas. O mesmo acontece com os que amam demais os ex-presidentes Juscelino Kubitschek, Tancredo Neves (que, gracas a Deus, nunca foi empossado), Fernando Henrique Cardoso e agora, o mais recente, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Todos cometeram erros enquanto no governo mas as igrejas em torno deles nunca irao crer nisso ou, pelo menos, nao irao admitir isso para o publico.
     Logo apos o suicidio de Getulio o Brasil teve no lugar dele o vice, e presidente por direito, Joao Fernandes Campos Cafe Filho. Porem ele nao estava bem de saude e nao permaneceu o tempo suficiente. A seguir entrou o Carlos Coimbra da Luz, que teve o governo mais curto da historia, somente 4 dias, ou 2, depende da literatura pesquisada. O proximo, Nereu de Oliveira Ramos conseguiu findar o mandato ate que o presidente eleito, Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira, fez seu juramento. No curto periodo de 2 anos o Brasil teve 5 presidentes, entre 54 e 56. Postemos sequencias genealogicas para dois deles.
1.894 Carlos Coimbra da Luz – Maria Jose Rezende Dantas (primeira esposa)
1.860 Alberto Gomes Ribeiro da Luz – Augusta Cesarina de Assis Coimbra
1.833 Mariana Brandina Gomes Ribeiro – Antonio Maximo Ribeiro da Luz
1.797 Rita de Cassia Gomes – Antonio Joaquim Gomes
1.761 Bernardino Teixeira de Toledo – Manuela da Silva
         Maria Rosa de Toledo – Manuel Teixeira Ribeiro
         Branca de Toledo – Francisco Xavier da Silva
         Maria Pedroso – 1,674 Joao de Toledo Piza Castelhanos*
         Francisco Felix Correia – Ana Ferreira de Melo
         Andreza de Castilho – Belchior Felix Perestrelo
         Guiomar de Alvarenga – Francisco Alvares Correia
         Manuel Rodrigues de Alvarenga – Guiomar de Castilho
         Mecia Monteiro – Baltazar de Alvarenga
     O ultimo casal tambem eh pai de Antonio Rodrigues de Alvarenga que se casou com Ana Ribeiro e sao ancestrais do Monteiro Lobato, Oswald de Andrade, Santo Frei Galvao e muitos outros mais.
1.888 Nereu de Oliveira Ramos – Beatriz Paranhos Pederneiras
1.870 Teresa Fiuza de Carvalho – Vital Jose de Oliveira Ramos Junior
         Maria Francisca Quirino dos Santos – Joaquim Fiuza de Carvalho Junior
         Maria Francisca de Paula Camargo – Joaquim Quirino dos Santos
1.790 Francisco de Paula Camargo – Damiana Alexandrina da Silva Marques
         Francisco de Paula Camargo – Petronilha Clara Rodrigues do Amaral
         Inacia Maria de Camargo Lima – Goncalo de Sousa Rodrigues
         Fernando Lopes de Camargo – Maria de Lima Serqueira
         Fernando de Camargo Ortiz – Joana Lopes
         Mariana do Prado – Fernao de Camargo, o Tigre
         Filipa do Prado – Juan de Santa Maria
1.590 Pedro Leme – Helena do Prado
1.568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     Pedro Leme com outra esposa, Izabel Paes, eh bisavo do bandeirante Fernao Dias Pais Leme. Com Luzia Fernandes ele tambem eh ancestral do maestro, Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim ou, Tom Jobim, para simplificar.
     O que eh interessante desde ja eh observar que, como teorizei antes, com frequencia a gente volta aos mesmos ancestrais. Um fator que interfere ai eh: desde que nao temos um bom banco de dados da maioria dos ancestrais, eh natural que as poucas linhagens ja identificadas pelos historiadores venham a aparecer na maioria das sequencias. Isso nao eh porque uns poucos casais foram capazes de gerar um estrondoso numero de descendentes famosos.
     Se tivessemos um banco de dados completo de nossos ancestrais, o que eh suposto acontecer seria isso: inumeros casais deveriam igualmente aparecer, compartilhando a ascendencia da maioria de nos. E a maioria da populacao que viveu em Portugal ha 500 anos atras eh suposta partilhar a ascendencia da maioria da populacao brasileira de hoje. Mas, infelizmente, nao temos dados completos e teremos de esperar, talvez, mais 800 anos para que a futura populacao vivendo neste tempo, com melhores dados disponiveis, reconhecer essa verdade.
     Todas a desgraca e o otimismo que invadiu os 25 anos apos `a Segunda Guerra nao pertence somente `a Historia do Brasil. Os fatos daquele tempo continuam formatando nossas vidas com suas consequencias. Eu gostaria de citar alguns que sao particularmente influentes no que tem acontecido atualmente. O fim da Segunda Guerra nao eh nada senao o comeco do que acontece hoje-em-dia. O melhor acontecimento daquela epoca foi a Independencia da India, em 1.947.
     Durante muitos anos, o lider espiritual da India, Mahatma Ghandi, liderou o movimento da nao violencia contra o colonialismo ingles. Apesar das acoes violentas cometidas pelas forcas imperiais na tentativa de provocar mais violencia para ter alguma desculpa para fazer calar a voz da liberdade, ele conseguiu controlar a situacao e o povo seguiu o exemplo dele nao respondendo violencia com mais violencia. Muitos morreram sob a violencia inglesa mas o sacrificio destes conquistou a liberdade de seus compatriotas.
     Infelizmente, alguns dos seguidores dele na Independencia nao eram “santos” como ele e deixaram as tensoes motivadas pelas diferencas em crencas religiosas dividir a grande India. Dai a India se viu dividida em si mesma e mais duas possessoes a leste e oeste que vieram a se tornar o Paquistao. Depois a porcao do leste virou Bangladesh. Todavia, Gandhi nao conheceu a segunda divisao porque foi assassinado pouco tempo apos `a Independencia da India.
     A partir de 1.947 o Partido Comunista Chines tornou-se o poder no continente. Mesmo que a ultima batalha entre os nacionalistas chineses e os comunistas tenha se dado em 1.949. O lider nacionalista, Chiang Kai Shek, se refugiou com suas forcas e estabeleceu uma nova China na Ilha de Formosa (Taiwan). Mao Tse Tung foi o lider comunista e reinou sobre o povo ate o dia da morte dele.
     Outro fato digno de nota deste tempo foi a criacao do Estado de Israel. Ele virou nacao em 1.948 e se tornou o pior erro cometido pelos politicos naquele tempo desde que as consequencias dele continuam reverberando ate agora e promete continuar assim, como uma bomba relogio atomica sobre nossas cabecas, ate que exploda ou o povo crie juizo.
     Nao quero entrar em detalhes desse assunto agora. Mas posso antecipar alguns sentimentos a respeito dessa criacao. Ele foi um ato de violencia clara, inumano e colonialista. Eh comparavel `as Cruzadas. Nada justifica a criacao. A existencia de uma nacao chamada Israel no passado nao justifica o que nos tempos modernos tambem eh chamado Israel. As duas coisas sao totalmente distintas e nao ha como se fazer a ligacao de uma como sendo a continuidade da outra, exceto no que se trata em relacao `a violencia e preconceito.
     Ao escrever o paragrafo anterior eu compreendo que alguem podera acusar-me de ser anti-judeu ou que tenha algum sentimento anti-judeu. Por muito tempo tenho observado que toda vez que alguem critica os malfeitos dos sionistas ou algo envolvendo `a fe judaica, imediatamente apos ao comentario ser divulgado por qualquer tipo de media, o autor do comentario eh execrado como se ela ou ele nao pudessem ser outra coisa que nao nazista.
     Essa mesma tatica foi usada pela media americana logo apos aos atentados terroristas de 11/9/2011. Qualquer observacao a respeito dos malfeitos dos americanos no mundo naquele momento particular era classificado com anti-americano. A media americana usou o slogan: “Todo mundo nos odeia porque sente inveja do sucesso americano.” para tentar proteger os Estados Unidos contra coisa pior. Mas o que foi feito tornou-se pior porque a motivacao para o criticismo dos estrangeiros foi pobremente avaliada e isso permitiu ao governo Bush provocar mais malfeitos e nos levou `a confusao na qual estamos atualmente.
     Outro assunto que precisamos definir agora eh esse: frequentemente, nos generalizamos erradamente as coisas ao inves de especifica-las com precisao. Por exemplo, eh comum ver-se na media a frase: “Os americanos decidiram fazer a guerra” ou “Todos os Judeus sao sionistas.” Nos temos que nos lembrarmos que, em toda populacao existem pontos-de-vista diferentes a respeito de um mesmo assunto. Eh por causa disso que quando a media fala isso: “todos os outros odeiam os americanos”, ela esta enganando seu publico.
     O pior caso de generalizacao esta na Biblia crista. Particularmente nos escritos atribuidos a Paulo e Joao. Eles muitas vezes mencionam os judeus como matadores de Jesus ou fazendo coisas ruins. Quando se le o texto com maior atencao a gente pode ver que, alguns judeus conspiraram para matar Jesus e alguns judeus, inclusive Paulo na juventude dele, tinham interpretacoes erradas dos ensinamentos de Jesus. Quando os escritores usaram a palavra judeu para identificar aqueles que faziam os malfeitos, eles induziram os cristaos do futuro a pensar que toda a comunidade judia agiu assim. Eu nao sou anti nenhum pensamento, a menos que o pensamento induza a injusticas contra toda ou qualquer pessoa humana.
     O que eu penso eh isso, o Holocausto aconteceu na Europa e nao ha justificativa para transferir o que aconteceu de um lugar para outro. A Terra estava cheia de lugares mais amigaveis e menos povoados. O que foi feito na Palestina eh como se fala na sabedoria brasileira: “Despiram um santo para vestir outro.” Eu sei que, naquele tempo existia solucao melhor do que criar o Estado de Israel naquele lugar. Mas era do interesse das potencias colonialistas implantar uma colonia por la.
     Depois eu pretendo voltar ao assunto. Penso que a fala que o Benjamin Netanyahu esperdicou em 2.011 nas Nacoes Unidas sera um material excelente para explicar meus pontos de vista.  Eu posso usar o que ele disse e revelar o que esta por tras das palavras. Mas isso nao seria surpresa alguma desde que, sem querer, Nikolas Sarcozy o chamou de mentiroso e parece que o Barack Obama nao tem opiniao diferente a respeito dele!
     Daquele tempo tambem temos a Guerra Fria. Eu defino a Guerra Fria como uma tremenda irresponsabilidade dos Estados Unidos e Uniao Sovietica que estavam brincando de monopolio e usando as outras nacoes. Os dois usaram seus excessos de forcas militares para forcar as outras nacoes a copia-los. Eles nao respeitaram a leis e os direitos das outras nacoes de determinarem seus modos de viver. Quando eu aponto aos Estados Unidos e Uniao Sovietica como agentes do mal eu nao penso nos americanos e russos como um todo mas menciono ser algumas pessoas em suas administracoes.
     Depois eu voltarei a esse assunto. E, numa escala menor, o que influencia nossas vidas hoje encontra-se as Guerras da Coreia e do Vietnam. Tambem a libertacao das nacoes africanas do colonialismo europeu eh capitulo importante da nossa Historia, embora algumas nacoes tenham ganhado suas libertadades apos 1.970. Duas delas, Mocambique e Angola, nossas irmas africanas, emanciparam de Portugal.
     Tivemos alguns momentos criticos com os assassinatos do John F. Kennedy e Martim Luther King Junior. Continuemos pois com nossa descricao para vermos como tais eventos se encaixam nas relacoes entre Estados Unidos e America Latina, especialmente, Brasil.
     O proximo presidente a assumir o poder no Brasil foi o dr. Juscelino Kubitschek que era bisneto de um tcheco romano (cigano) imigrante no Brasil. Ele ficou orfao de pai quando tinha dois anos. Sua mae, Julia Kubitschek, conseguiu criar a familia oferecendo pensionato para as estudantes na casa dela. Eles viviam em Diamantina, Minas Gerais, onde se tinha boas escolas de segundo grau e que eram comparaveis `as faculdades de hoje. Algumas de minhas tias-avos se hospedaram na casa da familia deles.
     Apos superar a pobreza ele se tornou medico e politico. No video: ele aparece como prefeito de Belo Horizonte e a sociedade dele com o arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer deu um novo visual `a, entao, nova capital do Estado de Minas Gerais.
     O arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer que esta com 104 anos continua vivo e trabalhando ativamente em seus projetos. Ele inclusive tem usado o Twitter para expressar seus pontos-de-vista com respeito `a vida e politica atuais. Penso que o espirito de bom humor dele esta impedindo que ele tenha o esperado declinio corporal.
     O governo Juscelino foi caracterizado por grande otimismo. A juventude dele era vibrante e o governo dele se estendeu de 1.956 a 61. Era um homem de sorte. O Brasil tinha tido a sua pior derrota no futebol, em 1.950, sendo derrotado por 2 a 1 pelo Uruguai, na Copa do Mundo, com a final no Maracana, Rio de Janeiro. O Brasil nunca tinha sido campeao e todo mundo sabe, futebol corre nas veias brasileiras. Em 1.958 o Brasil se tornou campeao pela primeira vez.
     Presidente Kubitschek deu uma nova orientacao e uma capital nova ao Brasil. O feito mais conhecido do governo dele eh a construcao de Brasilia. Essa ja era uma ideia antiga porque a capital, Rio de Janeiro, ficava exposta demais `a possibilidade de invasao estrangeira. Mas ninguem mais teve a coragem de transferir antes. Todos os politicos antes dele se preocuparam demais com os interesses politicos centrados na antiga capital. E Brasilia foi transformada em uma obra de arte por Oscar Niemeyer e Lucio Costa que a planejaram.
     Como sempre, ninguem eh perfeito. Apesar do nome da avo materna dele ser Maria Joaquina Coelho nos nao possuimos maiores informacoes a respeito da genealogia dela. Nao podemos afirmar ou negar que seja descendente dos reis mas a mulher dele, Sarah Luisa Gomes de Lemos, era. Ele deixou a presidencia como o mais prestigioso que o Brasil tinha tido.
     Embora ele tenha mencionado nas memorias os primos Coelho de Virginopolis, nem todo mundo tinha simpatia por ele. Alguns conservadores nao gostavam dele ate por ser muito mulherengo. Nao posso confirmar isso ai com certeza mas ele adorava um baile e dancar, o que facilitava o contato dele com as mulheres.
     A pior parte de toda a Historia Brasileira comeca logo apos o fim do governo Kubitschek. Talvez seja parte do pior da Historia Mundial tambem. O novo presidente eleito foi o Janio da Silva Quadros. E a lei brasileira tinha uma particularidade que induziu a uma situacao dificil. O povo podia votar independentemente para presidente e vice-presidente. Entao, o presidente eleito poderia ter um vice de outro partido qualquer. E o vice eleito foi o Joao Belchior Marques Goulart, que era uma boa pessoa.
     O que aconteceu foi isso, o presidente eleito representava o pior caso de conservadorismo la. E ele foi eleito por uma quantidade de votos muito grande. E nao ficou satisfeito com isso. Ele desejava o poder absoluto e 7 meses depois renunciou ao cargo esperando que o povo o apoiasse como novo ditador. Alguns militares pensavam diferente e o embarcaram num aviao mandando-o para a Europa. Mesmo assim, os conservadores extremos nao queriam aceitar Joao Goulart como presidente. O presidente do congresso, Raniere Mazzilli, foi chamado para assumir o lugar ate as coisas se acalmarem e o sucessor por direito pudesse ser coroado.
     Esta foi a hora do pior intervencionismo praticado pelos americanos. A CIA, a Secretaria de Estado e mesmo a Presidencia se juntaram com a parte mais conservadora da sociedade brasileira para tornar o Brasil ingovernavel. Os conspiradores tinham um predio inteiro ocupado como quartel, arquitetado por Golbery do Couto e Silva. Usaram panfletos que eram enviados pelos correios a todo canto do pais com propaganda enganadora. Eles tinham acesso aos principais jornais e tiveram ajuda de intelectuais influentes como a Rachel de Queiroz e o Rubens da Fonseca.
     O governador do Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Lacerda, que havia conspirado contra a segunda administracao do Vargas, junto com o Jose de Magalhaes Pinto, governador de Minas Gerais e Adhemar Pereira de Barros, governador de Sao Paulo, cujo slogan de campanha tinha sido: “Rouba mas Faz” eram os conspiradores associados. Estes estavam buscando dividendos politicos pessoais. Lacerda e Barros nao viveram muito tempo apos o golpe. Posteriormente o Magalhaes Pinto tentou disputar contra o general Figueiredo nas eleicoes indiretas e foi derrotado. Parece que os militares deram uma pernada neles.
     Multinacionais como a Esso e outras que entao ja operavam no Brasil foram convocadas para darem apoio financeiro voluntario `a conspiracao. O basico da propaganda era fazer parecer que o pais estava prestes a ser invadido por comunistas. Comunista poderia ser qualquer um que nao aceitasse as ideias deles. Na epoca, os catolicos eram mais de 90% da populacao e a maior parte do clero catolico ajudou a disseminar as piores ideias a respeito do comunismo.
     E aqui apresento um detalhe nessas conspiracoes que ajudaram aos totalitaristas de direita. Quando o ditador Getulio Vargas tomou o poder e Rachel de Queiroz foi presa por criticar o governo dele, a alegacao era que ela era comunista. Quando chegou a vez dela tornar-se conspiradora junto ao novo golpe, os adversarios eram comunistas. Este era o slogan de qualquer um que quizesse sequestrar o poder no Brasil. O comunismo era tao temido que o povo se esquecia de que ficaria sob o totalirismo de qualquer coisa outra. O povo nao estava avisado de que totalitarismo eh coisa ruim, nao importa quem estiver no poder.
     Entao, em 1.964 o Brasil teve o seu golpe de estado e os militares tomaram o poder para eles proprios. Com a queda do Joao Goulart o presidente do congresso, Ranieri Mazzilli, teve mais uma chance como presidente provisorio. Foi usado para que os conspiradores tivessem tempo para decidir quem entraria no lugar dele. E o escolhido foi o marechal Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco.
     Este faleceu num “acidente” de aviao em 1.967, logo apos deixar o poder. Mas o que se acredita eh que, ele fosse parte de um grupo que pensava que a conspiracao deveria terminar e o poder teria que ser devolvido aos civis. Mas alguns dos outros lideres, mais jovens, queriam manter-se por mais tempo e lideraram um golpe dentro do primeiro. O que se suspeita eh que o acidente foi provocado pelo grupo rival. E eles permaneceram no poder numa soma de 22 anos.
     Contudo, os dois lados rivais eram igualmente descendentes dos reis de Portugal. Postemos os exemplos de Joao Goulart e do conspirador Castelo Branco.
1.918 Joao Belchior Marques Goulart – Maria Teresa Fontela
1.881 Vicente Rodrigues Goulart – Vicentina Marques
1.849 Maria dos Santos Loureiro – Belchior Rodrigues Goulart
1.804 Antonio dos Santos Loureiro – Maria Pereira do Nascimento
1.778 Maria Eufrasia Lopes – Joaquim dos Santos Loureiro
1.754 Helena Eufrasia Pereira – Antonio Jose Lopes
1.730 Mariana Antonia de Bettencourt – Manuel Antonio de Bettencourt
1.687 Manuel Machado Ribeiro – Teresa de Bettencourt
1.660 Maria da Conceicao de Melo – Joao Batista Espinola*
1.620 Pedro Machado de Sousa – Ana de Melo e Gusmao*
         Manuel Pedro Machado Ribeiro – Maria Espinola da Veiga de Mendonca
         Filipa de Sousa – Pedro Machado Ribeiro
         Manuel de Sousa Neto – Catarina Goncalves de Antona
         Maria Fogaca de Sousa – Andre Goncalves Neto, Capitao-mor da Praia
1.430 Diogo Sousa Cid – esposa desconhecida
1.410 Cid de Sousa – Leonor Fogaca
1.370 Goncalo Anes de Sousa Chichorro – esposa desconhecida
1.341 Martim Afonso de Sousa – Maria de Briteiros*
1.320 Vasco Martins de Sousa Chichorro – Ines Dias Manoel
1.280 Martim Afonso Chichorro II – D. Aldonca Anes de Briteiros
1.250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (ou de Sousa)
1.210 D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal – Madragana (Mor Afonso)
     Eu repeti parte de sequencia ja presente em outras linhagens. Isso foi apenas para facilitar para os leitores.
1.900 Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco – Argentina Viana
1.861 Candido Borges Castelo Branco – Antonieta de Alencar Gurgel
         Beatriz Virginia da Silva Castelo Branco – Francisco Borges de Carvalho
         Silvestre Jose da Cunha Castelo Branco – Porcina Isabel Pereira da Silva
         Marcelino Jose da Cunha Castelo Branco – Maria Florencia Castelo Branco
         Francisco da Cunha e Silva Castelo Branco – Ana Rosa Pereira Teresa do Lago
         D. Clara da Cunha e Silva Castelo Branco – Manuel Carvalho de Almeida
         D. Francisco de Castelo-Branco – Maria Eugenia de Mesquita
1.580 D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco da Cunha – Maria da Silva*
1.540 D. Pedro de Castelo-Branco – Francisca Calvo
1.500 Maria de Briteiros da Cunha – D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco*
1.470 Mateus da Cunha – D. Leonor de Menezes*
1.450 Joao Alvares da Cunha – Catarina de Sequeira
1.430 Artur da Cunha – Leonor de Sousa*
1.400 Joao Alvares da Cunha – Mecia de Lemos
1.371 Alvaro da Cunha – Beatriz de Melo
1.345 Joao Lourenco da Cunha – D. Leonor Teles de Menezes*
1.320 D. Maria Goncalves de Sousa – Martim Lourenco da Cunha*
1.280 Maria Afonso Chichorro – D. Goncalo Anes de Briteiros
1.250 Martim Afonso Chichorro – Ines Lourenco de Valadares (ou de Sousa)
1.210 D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal – Madragana (Mor Afonso)
     Martim Lourenco da Cunha (1.320), foi o primeiro senhor de Pombeiro e todos os descendentes presentes na sequencia, ate 1.580 D. Antonio de Castelo-Branco da Cunha, herdaram o titulo.
     Com respeito `a presenca de multinacionais no Brasil e outros lugares, sob a influencia dos Estados Unidos, nos precisamos adicionar para o que elas foram usadas naquelas decadas tragicas. Temos um capitulo na Historia que poderia ser denominado de Novo Colonialismo. Presidentes como o Juscelino Kubitschek abriram os bracos para elas esperando a ajuda na modernizacao do pais. Mas o que eles nao previram foi a falcatrua que eles estavam importando dos paises industrializados.
     O que aconteceu foi isso: as multinacionais instalados nos paises satelites, com muitos incentivos das nacoes menos desenvolvidas, comecaram a pagar aos empregados locais um salario considerado comum nos satelites. E para os empregados das metropoles os salarios foram elevados de forma irreal. Para facilitar o entendimento, darei o exemplo ficticio.
     A Ford do Brasil poderia pagar ao trabalhador brasileiro US$ 1,00/hora e US$ 10.00/hora para a mesma funcao e a mesma produtividade do trabalhador americano. Assim, no final do ano a Ford americana mostraria um balanco com perdas expressivas. Por outro lado, a Ford do Brasil mostraria um ganho expressivo. Ai, esta foi a razao alegada para transferir-se dinheiro do Brasil para os Estados Unidos por um longo periodo.
     Hoje-em-dia nos precisamos conhecer informacoes como essas para entender melhor o que esta acontecendo no mundo. Lembrando que, existem milhares de multinacionais das nacoes industrializadas que operaram neste sistema. Entao a prosperidade dos paises ricos naquele tempo era em parte artificialmente criada pela falcatrua da transferencia de dinheiro.
     O ganho superior dos trabalhadores das metropoles alimentava os mercados do esquema centralizador. O excesso de dinheiro ajudou o progresso tecnologico centralizado nas nacoes industrializadas. O sistema funcionou de forma malefica em duas direcoes. Primeiramente porque transferiu valores economicos e segundo porque cortou investimentos que poderiam ajudar `as economias emergentes.
    Outra forma de transferir mais dinheiro para os paises industrializados foi a concessao de emprestimos aos explorados. Temos que reconhecer a crueldade com que a falcatrua funcionou. O dinheiro que foi injustamente transferido dos paises pobres tornou-se superavit nos industrializados. E eles separaram parte do dinheiro para emprestar aos mais pobres que depois tinham que pagar juros. E essa situacao foi o que deu combustivel aos debates politicos desde os anos 60 ate aos 90 nos paises de segundo e terceiro mundos.
     Se alguem lendo esses escritos nao sabia nada com esse respeito, talvez agora entendera porque capitalismo e capitalista nao sao vistos como solucao para parte das pessoas no mundo. Alguem ira mesmo odia-los. Temos que compreender que o odio que os Estados Unidos inpiram a alguns podera ser direcionado igualmente ao publico em geral. O que podemos afirmar eh que o publico americano nao estava ciente de tudo e isso pode ser contado como malfeito proporcionado pelo governo e multinacionais. Isso eh verdade.
     Mas a gente tem que reconhecer que o governo e as multinacionais nos representam no mundo. Eles figuram como nossa fachada diplomatica. Portanto, o que eles fizerem sera interpretado como se fosse feito por nos mesmos. E para piorar a situacao, todos os americanos desde a geracao de nossos avos levaram vantagem, de uma ou outra forma,  nessa situacao.
     Nao digo que isso se deu com consciencia mas por nao se prestar atencao no que estava acontecendo fora do pais, como peixes que veem somente a minhoca e nao o anzol, eles foram fisgados e vendidos. Agora temos o problema de sermos odiados por coisas que nao fizemos e nem mesmo haviamos sido avisados. Alguns hipocritas costumam dizer, Isso eh so negocios. Mas nao eh. Eh pura roubalheira.
     Lembro-me quando ainda jovem no Brasil e 9 entre 10 greves lideradas pelos sindicatos dos metalurgicos eram feitas para equiparar os salarios aos que eram pagos fora do Brasil. Naquele tempo surgiu um lider dos metalurgicos chamado: Luiz Inacio (Lula) da Silva. A Historia dele esta totalmente vinculada a aquele periodo da Historia do Brasil.
     Desde muito tempo atras a Regiao Nordeste do Brasil tinha um serio problema. Como acontece na Etiopia e outras partes do Globo, a estacao das secas poderia extender-se por 5 anos seguidos. Toda vez que isso acontecia, milhares poderiam morrer, mudar-se para o litoral ou simplesmente migrar para o Sul como eles falam. Normalmente ia-se para Sao Paulo que esta no Sudeste. Apesar da pobreza que isso provocava ao povao, ele continuava retornando quando as chuvas chegavam. Era como magica porque com a agua o solo rico proporciona alimentacao suficiente para mais de um ano, por plantio, nos paiois das familias.
     O problema nao esta na natureza. Ele eh causado pelos homens dos governos locais que nao se interessavam em usar tecnicas para tirar vantagem da propria natureza porque na epoca de chuvas a agua eh suficiente para ser armazenada para o uso durante as secas. Mas as elites politicas locais construiam acudes e deixavam os coroneis controlarem o uso da benfeitoria publica como se fosse deles. E os acudes nunca foram suficientes para o uso da populacao como um todo.
     Em ocasioes de secas longas, o povo pobre do Nordeste do Brasil era tocado igual gado para o “Sul”. Numa destas epocas a mae do Lula levou toda a familia para o Estado de Sao Paulo e ai permaneceu. Milhoes de nordestinos fizeram o mesmo, da mesma forma que parte da populacao mineira tinha feito antes.
     Naquela epoca, a ditadura apos 1.964, esse tipo de migracao foi incentivada atraves do incentivo governamental. Temos que entender isso do ponto de vista da mente militar. Os militares tem uma estrutura cultural centralizadora. Isso funciona para alcancarem os objetivos deles. Mas eles pecam horrivelmente quando tentam impor o estilo de vida deles a um pais inteiro. Isso simplesmente nao funciona.
     E a ditadura brasileira decidiu centralizar o desenvolvimento do pais num numero reduzido de cidades. Sao Paulo foi uma das que mais foi beneficiada e as cidades vizinhas a ela incharam com a migracao do resto do Brasil. O sistema nao foi aplicado em razao logica de beneficiar a nacao mas somente para facilitar o controle da dissidencia politica. Eles tinham o previo conhecimento de que as milhares de cidades pequenas do territorio brasileiro nao ofereceriam resistencia contra eles. E, por outro lado, sabiam como cooptar as elites interioranas que estavam mais interessadas em manter o status quo delas que defender a democracia.
     O Brasil rapidamente virou um quartel militar apos 1.964. Politicamente haviam dois partidos mas somente uma forma de pensar. Algumas leis ganharam status superior `a Constituicao e punham restricoes a algumas opinioes que foram banidas como se fossem criminosas. A unica liberdade de opiniao que se tinha era a de pensar exatamente como eles. Quem tinha opiniao diferente era censurado, preso e/ou banido do pais.
     Os Estados Unidos estavam totalmente envolvidos no processo. Eles ofereceram ajuda logistica e monetaria. O exemplo mais odioso disso foi a criacao da Escolas da Americas. No inicio operava-se a partir do Panama mas agora isso esta dentro dos Estados Unidos. As disciplinas lecionadas nessa escola incluiam como operar a maquina de repressao aos movimentos dos direitos civis nos paises sob ditadura, especialmente na America Latina. As aulas incluiam secoes de como torturar para obter-se informacoes da dissidencia politica. Em outras palavras, era algo semelhante ao que os sovieticos fizeram aos dissidentes sob o poder deles. Coisa igual foi ensinada aos ditadores da America Latina.
     Quando eu era crianca no Brasil nao chegava a nos o conhecimento de algo errado acontecendo. Vivendo no interior nos anos 60 e 70 nao fazia muita diferenca estar sob ditadura. A sociedade brasileira mesma era um certo tipo  de ditadura. Pais tinham o direito de espancar os filhos ao bel prazer. Nao era uma forma de educar-se. Esta era a forma de a cultura conservadora manter as pessoas submissas ao que os adultos queriam. Nao culpo meus pais e os outros ancestrais por comportarem assim porque nao tinhamos uma sociedade baseada em informacoes mas sim em tradicoes.
     Alguns pais justificavam o comportamento dizendo: “Estou fazendo isso com voce para que voce nao caia nas maos da policia e ela pode fazer pior que eu.” E isso era a pura verdade, ou melhor, nessa parte de fazer pior. E as acoes das policias eram prontamente apoiadas pelo governo e pela sociedade conservadora. Assim, eramos criados no medo. E isso parece ter refletido negativamente em nossa criatividade.
     Vivendo no interior a informacao que nos chegava vinha na maioria por meio de radios, televisoes e jornais. Todo e cada um era vigiado pela censura oficial. Os donos da media nao se preocupavam com isso. Eles preferiam aceitar isso em troca dos estimulos oficiais aos seus negocios. E alguns construiram negocios imensos com essa oportunidade sem igual.
     Desde que tudo era censurado a unica forma de buscar felicidade no Brasil era ouvir musica. Ate a musica era vigiadissima pelos censores mas eles nao tinham inteligencia para detectar tudo o que estava sendo transmitido nela. Muitos musicos usaram seus trabalhos para enviar a mensagem da tristeza em que o Brasil estava embrulhado nela. Nomes como: Chico Buarque de Holanda, Milton Nascimento, Fernando Brant, Luiz Gonzaga Junior, Elis Regina, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Sergio Ricardo, Geraldo Vandre estao ligados a esse tipo de musica. Outros como: Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Morais, Elomar, Ary Barroso, Alceu Valenca, Raimundo Fagner, Luiz Gonzaga, Dorival Caymmi, Toquinho, Rita Lee e muitos outros estao ligados na boa producao musical sem necessariamente envolvimento politico.
     Os que eram militantes, algumas vezes, eram presenteados com uma passagem para o exterior, versao: so ida, e forcados a ferias que poderiam durar meses ou anos. Normalmente isso acontecia apos o lancamento de um disco e, depois, os censores conseguiam decifrar o que realmente algumas nuances da musica diziam. Mas quando a censura vinha o povo ja tinha captado a mensagem. Porei dois exemplos de linhagens genealogicas para demonstrar que a musica corre em nossas veias.
1.927 Antonio Carlos Brasileiro de Almeida Jobim (Tom Jobim) – Thereza Otero Hermanny
1.910 Nilza Brasileiro de Almeida – Jorge de Oliveira Jobim
1.874 Azor Brasileiro de Almeida – Emilia Aurora Pereira da Silva
1.850 Manuel Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria Umbelina de Almeida
1.825 Francisco de Almeida Pires – Maria de Camargo*
1.770 Manuel Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria da Anunciacao Arruda*
1.715 Jose de Almeida Leme – Maria Egipciaca de Moura
1.690 Fernando de Almeida Leme – Andreza de Almeida Leite
1.630 Francisco de Almeida Cabral – Maria de Caceres
         Luis Dias Leme – Ana Cabral
         Antao Leme – esposa desconhecida
         Mateus Leme – Antonia de Chaves
1.568 Leonor Leme – Bras Esteves
         Pedro Leme – Luzia Fernandes
     O ultimo casal ja esta presente em outras linhagens como a ja apresentada para o Oswald de Andrade. Pedro Leme casou-se tambem com Izabel Paes e eles sao bisavos do bandeirante Fernao Dias Pais Leme. O proprio Tom Jobim eh descendente direto do Fernao Dias. Veja a sequencia dele no capitulo 10.
1.944 Francisco (Chico) Buarque de Holanda – Maria Paixao Severo da Costa (Marieta Severo)
1.910 Maria Amelia Cesario Alvim – Sergio Buarque de Holanda*
1.880 Francisco Cesario Alvim – Maria do Carmo Carvalho*
1.839 Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim Filho – Amelia Calado de Miranda
         Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim – Teresa Januario Carneiro
         Ana Angelica Souto Maior Alvim – Joaquim Jose de Faria Lana
         Francisco Xavier de Barros Sousa e Alvim – Maria Felizarda Souto Maior
         Doroteia Luisa de Sa Sotomayor – Manuel de Barros e Sousa*
         Francisco de Abreu Felgueiras – Maria de Antas Cerqueira
         Mariana de Sa Sotomaior – Francisco de Abreu Felgueiras*
1.565 Isabel de Araujo de Azevedo – Goncalo de Antas de Sa
1.535 Ana Nunes Bezerra – Francisco da Costa Taveira
1.490 Froilos de Araujo de Azevedo – Justa Amorim
1.470 Fernao Velho de Araujo – Ana Nunes Bezerra
         Isabel Coelho de Azevedo – Tristao de Araujo
1.435 Goncalo Coelho, 3o. sr. de Felgueiras – esposa desconhecida
1.420 Martim Coelho, 2o. sr. – Joana de Azevedo
1.370 Fernao Coelho, 1o. sr. – Catarina de Freitas*
     Eu trouxe a linhagem ate aqui porque fica mais facil de ligar os pontos com outras personalidades ja apresentadas. Somente para lembrar, Fernao Coelho foi bisneto de Estevao Coelho e Maria Mendes Petite, que tambem sao ancestrais das familias reais portuguesa e brasileira. E Catarina de Freitas eh multiplas vezes descendente das familias reais da Peninsula Iberica. O Chico Buarque vem tambem da linhagem “de La Cerda” que partilha com Fernao Dias Pais Leme, Tiradentes, Frei Sao Galvao e outros.
     Gostaria de apontar mais uma particularidade aqui. No capitulo 11, mencionei que nossos primos Silvia Amelia e Theodoro Hungria da Silva Machado, ambos casados com personalidades da familia real brasileira, eram pelo menos duas vezes descendentes do Fernao Coelho e Catarina de Freitas mas nao mostrei como. Vou apreveitar este momento para mostrar a ligacao.
1.839 Jose Cesario de Faria Alvim Filho – Amelia Calado de Miranda
1.876 Silvia de Miranda Faria Alvim – Afranio Camorim Jacauba de Otingi e Melo Franco
1.904 Sylvia Amelia de Melo Franco – Mucio Emilio de Senna (*)
1.930 Sylvia Emilia de Mello Franco Senna* – Paulo Argemiro Hungria da Silva Machado
     Estes sao os pais da Silvia Amelia e do Theodoro. Entao, os bisavos do Chico Buarque sao trisavos dos nossos primos tambem. E a genealogia deles vai direto a Fernao e Catarina. O nosso primo: Mucio Emilio de Senna (*) eh filho do primo famoso: professor Nelson Coelho de Senna, que eh trineto dos nossos ancestrais Jose Coelho de Magalhaes e Eugenia Rodrigues da Rocha. O sinal (*) eh para indicar que eu ainda nao consegui tirar a duvida se nosso ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes eh o mesmo nobre que esta no site portugal ou nao. Se for, esta sera a outra via pela qual nossos primos serao descendentes do Fernao Coelho e Catarina de Freitas.
     A musica tambem foi um fator para minimizar o odio contra o governo americano e multinacionais provocado pelos malfeitos deles na America Latina. Alguns artistas como Joan Baez e Bob Dylan deram um sinal de que existiam outros americanos que nao aqueles que estavam tirando vantagens das fraquesas dos paises pobres. Outras pessoas de outros paises como Mercedes Sosa, Argentina; Bob Marley, Jamaica e John Lennon, Inglaterra, tambem foram responsaveis pelo que havia de bom de se ouvir.
     No Brasil, naquele tempo, as radios maiores tocavam apenas musica internacional. Mas destes musicos pouco se ouvia deles. Somente no final dos anos 70 nos tivemos FMs que comecaram a tocar exclusivamente musica brasileira. E estas eram as que receberam nossa atencao. Penso que as outras estacoes viram a oportunidade e tambem comecaram a misturar producoes nacionais e internacionais.
     O mais estranho foi isso, depois de eu vir para os Estados Unidos, minha irma que ja vivia na Florida, disse-me que ela nao entendia porque tantas pessoas gostavam da Joan Baez no Brasil enquanto as pessoas que ela tinha contato na Florida nem sequer tinham ouvido falar dela. Imediatamente eu fui a uma loja de discos e encontrei alguns dela. Eu procurei o album Joan Baez European Tour que cresci ouvindo. Especificamente este nao encontrei. Pelo menos nao era apenas minha imaginacao!
     Quando o presidente Clinton visitou o Brasil ele mencionou gostar da musica brasileira. E eu estava admirado de que outros americanos alegavam conhecer a musica brasileira. Uma das razoes que comecei a ouvir as radios publicas aqui era porque elas eram as unicas que abriam a programacao para mostrar as musicas brasileira e de outros paises. Entretanto, todo mundo no Brasil conhece um pouco da musica americana inclusive porque ela eh imposta pelas grandes companhias de discos. De todo jeito, desde que a ditadura acabou, parece que os bons musicos morreram ou perderam a imaginacao para fazer musica boa no Brasil. Como aqui, cairam na producao comercial.
     Crescer em uma ditadura nao tem nada de graca. A primeira coisa eh voce ser enganado pela propaganda oficial. O governo eh apresentado como fazendo coisas maravilhosas e nenhuma errada, nem por engano. Eles usam os sentimentos nacionalistas das pessoas para tentar coloca-las contra qualquer um que discorda das decisoes deles. Antes que voce amadureca e comece a racionalizar os acontecimentos, voce nao percebe que nao passa de uma figura no joguete deles.
     Tivemos a sorte de crescer com televisao e mesmo com a programacao censurada a gente comeca a pegar alguma coisa como: Por que nao podemos votar para governador e presidente se nos paises livres pode? Por que os “terroristas” sequestraram o embaixador americano e o trocaram pela liberdade de uma lista de desconhecidos que foram mandados ao exilio? Se o Estados Unidos sao nossos amigos, por que o diplomata deles?
     E a ditadura no Brasil foi um caso explicito de megalomania. Tudo o que fazia era grande. A maior ponte sobre o mar no mundo naquele tempo. Uma ponte de mais de 12 km ligando Rio de Janeiro a Niteroi. A maior hidreletrica do mundo. Um monstro binacional entre o Brasil e o Paraguai para produzir 11 milhoes de kw. A maior estrada dentro de uma floresta tropical, em sentido paralelo ao Rio Amazonas como se o proprio rio nao fosse uma via natural de transporte. A floresta foi considerada inimiga do desenvolvimento e a destruicao dela financiada pelas corporacoes internacionais como o Banco Mundial.
     O que eles nao deixavam transparecer nos grandes feitos deles era o que o povo teria que passar para pagar os emprestimos nas decadas seguintes. Queimaram o nosso futuro para se manterem no poder. Quando o ultimo ditador saiu, falou: “Voces vao sentir saudades e pedirao para voltarmos.” Ele tinha conhecimento da bomba relogio que estavam deixando sobre nossas cabecas e pensou que o desenvolvimento fabricado que criaram por periodo curto fosse lembrado, quando o tempo ruim surgisse em consequencia dele, como se uma coisa nao estivesse vinculada `a outra. Gracas a Deus, somente uma minoria sente saudade da loucura militar!
     Outro peso que eles deixaram sobre os ombros do povo foi a dependencia da economia brasileira em relacao `a americana. Essa dependencia era tao proxima que mais de 50% da balanca comercial estava ligada aos Estados Unidos. O dito popular da epoca era: “Os Estados Unidos nao podem gripar sem que o Brasil contraia pneumonia.” Ou, numa forma mais humoristica: ” O Brasil eh nosso mas quem USA sou EEUU.
     E uma das formas de aticar o sentimento nacionalista da populacao comum era apresentar os numeros da balanca comercial entre os dois paises. Ela era claramente favoravel ao Brasil e o povao pensava que isso era bom porque nao tinha a menor ideia de como a falcatrua funcionava. A falcatrua era simples. O Brasil mandava milhoes de toneladas de materia prima e recebia produtos industrializados.
     Melhor eh eu fazer uma comparacao para explicar. Digamos que, para cada milhao de toneladas de ferro exportadas do Brasil, ele recebia o equivalente a 100.000 toneladas em carros por um preco equiparavel ao do milhao de toneladas. O que era mostrado era o montante de dinheiro envolvido mas nada se dizia o que era feito dos outros 900.000 toneladas de ferro. Entao, o que parecia sucesso aos olhos do povo era, na verdade,  uma falcatrua. Com o resto da materia prima os Estados Unidos produziam milhares de carros o que, em ultima analise, fazia a balanca pender a favor deles.
     Essa ligacao entre as duas economias fez o Brasil dobrar os joelhos mais de uma vez. Uma delas foi nos anos 70, com a primeira grande crise do petroleo. O Brasil nao estava preparado para nada, nao tinha reservas monetarias e era totalmente dependente. A solucao inteligente foi substituir a gasolina por alcool. Isso teria sido boa ideia se houvessem feito testes e pesquisas antes.
     O Brasil eh o maior produtor de cana de acucar e a usa para produzir acucar mais alcool. Para dar uma solucao ao problema pensou-se que seria uma simples questao de plantar mais cana e produzir mais alcool. E eles comecaram a adicionar alcool na gasolina e produzir carros movidos a alcool. Cedo os consumidores perceberam que os carros movidos a alcool nao funcionavam direito quando fazia frio. E o alcool corroia todas as partes metalicas, nao apenas as que estavam em contado direto com o produto.
     O que poderia dar um processo historico em qualquer outro lugar do mundo, o consumidor brasileiro nao tinha onde procurar ajuda. A populacao que tinha carro a alcool engoliu em silencio. Toda a frota brasileira de carro virou sucata. Somente mais tarde os cientistas descobriram que se precisava de um tipo resistente de aco. Foi assim que encontramos a tecnologia flex de hoje. Agradeca-se ao consumidor brasileiro que se tornou cobaia naquele tempo.
     Outro detalhe a respeito da economia na ditadura. Sempre me recordo do dizer do ministro da economia da epoca: “Nos precisamos fazer o bolo economico crescer primeiro para depois dividi-lo com o povo.” Na concepcao dele a economia do pais teria que gerar pessoas ricas primeiro e estas deveriam investir na industrializacao para, entao, criar mais empregos e pagar melhores salarios. Como no Brasil de diz: “Ele queria colocar o carro na frente dos bois.”
     Ate hoje nao recebi minha parte. Antecipando um pouco do que quero dizer depois, esse tipo de visao eh parecido demais com a dos republicanos aqui nos Estados Unidos agora. Eles pensam que dando isencoes para os ricos ira ajudar a economia. Nao da para mostrar por escrito o quanto estou rindo por isso. Nao eh nenhum riso de prazer. Eh um riso com todas as costelas quebradas e muita dor.
     Se voltassemos aos anos 60 e 70 o Brasil poderia ser comparado `a China da hora. Nao exatamente a China de hoje mas um Brasil transviado de China. Era um pais de crescimento rapido cuja populacao estava sendo vendida ao mercado internacional. O salario minimo comecava do menor e caindo para pior. A propaganda era colocar todo mundo para trabalhar mas no final do mes o salario era a decepcao. Pois eh, essa eh outra caracteristica da economia brasileira, o pagamento eh mensal e nao semanal como acontece nos Estados Unidos.
     Tambem a moeda era artificialmente manipulada para os trabalhadores se virarem. Numa economia moderna a inflacao precisa ser controlada. Naquele tipo de economia a inflacao era usada como instrumento de arrecadacao e o governo transferia o dinheiro do bolso do trabalhador para o uso nos interesses dele. Na minha vida aprendi a viver com mais de 5 moedas diferentes. Tivemos Cruzeiro, Cruzado e agora temos Real. Entre uma e outra de cada uma dessas moedas, geralmente, passou uma intermediaria acrescida de Novo. Tivemos periodos em que a inflacao foi aos tres digitos, por mes.
     E como mencionei antes, os metalurgicos lutaram pela equiparacao dos salarios deles aos que eram pagos nos paises industrializados. Mas isso nao funcionava para os trabalhadores de outras industrias. E os metalurgicos representavam so uma pequena fracao da populacao. Nao sei quem teve primeiro a ideia. Alguem comecou a emigrar para os paises ricos e essa foi outra forma de equiparar salarios. Talvez isso tenha comecado com os exilados mas o mais certo eh que tenha sido antes e o povo agiu assim por intuicao, sem organizacao.
     Num de nossos livros de genealogia temos o registro do casamento de nosso primo: Adail Coelho Neto com Neuza Kinzo Coelho, em 1.970. Os filhos deles, Paula e Alexandre, nasceram nos Estados Unidos. E eles nao foram o primeiro caso. Naquele tempo e por longo tempo depois, a moeda brasileira era depreciada de forma que a pessoa podia vir, trabalhar dois ou tres anos, voltar e comecar seu proprio negocio. Alguns foram capazes de comprar fazendas. E essa foi a maior propaganda para outros se arriscarem.
     Nos anos 70 e 80 a referencia da migracao brasileira era a cidade de Governador Valadares. Ou Valadares simplesmente. E o numero de cidadaos imigrantes identificados como de la era tao grande e o dinheiro enviado por eles era tao visivel que a cidade passou a ser chamada de Valadolares. Posteriormente voltarei a esse assunto porque boa parte dos migrantes nao haviam nascido la. A cidade nao tinha idade suficiente para ter tanta gente nascida nela.
     Como mencionei antes, por volta de 1.940 ela contava com cerca de 5.000 habitantes e perto de 300.000 em 1.970. A maioria do povo tinha nascido em outros lugares e se mudado para la, atraida pelas novas oportunidades que o solo rico das redondezas e a facilitacao do transporte que a Rio-Bahia oferecia. Somente para lembrar, a rodovia havia sido construida pelo esforco conjunto de brasileiros e americanos, durante a Segunda Guerra.
     A resistencia armada `a ditadura foi o maior fracasso. Ela foi derrotada com facilidade desde que so um pequeno numero de voluntarios teve essa coragem. A maioria deles era vinculada ao Partido Comunista mas a maioria das pessoas era jovem demais para tomar as melhores decisoes.
     O numero muito maior era representado por trabalhadores e intelectuais. Estes tambem foram perseguidos como se as canetas e ideias fossem armas de guerra. O excesso de forca que atualmente considera-se abominavel, era usado sem restricoes naquela epoca. Muitos intelectuais como os jornalistas Paiva e Herzog foram para a prisao e nunca voltaram vivos. Como eles, tivemos milhares de “casualidades” se incluirmos prisoes arbitrarias sem envolvimento de morte.
     Apesar do terror, os brasileiros nao perderam o senso de humor. A ditadura passou a usar o gingle de propaganda que comecava assim: “Este eh um pais que vai pra frente.” E uma trupe o cantou andando de costas. (Os Trapalhaes). Ganharam um mes de suspencao. Outro usou gargalhadas para repor o ohohohoho que seguia ao refrao. (Juca Chaves). Ganhou seis meses de ferias na Europa.
     Temos no Brasil a sabedoria que fala: “Quem nao tem cao caca com gato”. Um comediante (Chico Anisio) esticou-o dizendo: “Quem nao tem gato, caca com rato e quem nao tem rato, caca com ato.” Era uma mencao ao Ato Institucional numero 5 (AI-5), uma lei que ultrapassava `as atribuicoes permitidas pela Constituicao Brasileira. O AI-5 foi muito usado para punir a dissidencia.
     A ditadura se viu acuada pelo criticismo e lancou uma propaganda para manipular o sentimento patriotico do povo dizendo: “Brasil, ame-o ou deixe-o.” O unico jornal com circulacao permitida e era abertamente critico ao governo estampou na primeira pagina no dia seguinte: “O ultimo a sair, favor apagar as luzes do aeroporto!”
     A respeito desse jornal, ele era o Pasquim. Pasquim como todos sabemos eh semelhante a um diario com conteudo fraco. Os fundadores haviam escolhido o nome porque ja sabiam que os propagandistas da ditadura o iriam chamar assim para diminuir a importancia dos assuntos publicados nele. Assim eles se anteciparam no que seria a intencao da ditadura e isso funcionou porque no comeco os censores nao deram a atencao esperada. Depois, algumas tiragens foram recolhidas por causa do conteudo perigoso, para a ditadura!
     Na decada de 70 a America do Sul sofreu o pior de suas ditaduras. Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguai e Uruguai se juntaram para montar um clube de assassinatos e tortura chamado Operacao Condor. Eles se ajudaram mutuamente para eliminar seus desafeto politicos. Naquele tempo o governo americano tampou os olhos para dizer que o que nao se ve nao acontece. Isso funcionou ate ao momento que a coisa explodiu dentro de Washington.
     Uma trama, envolvendo a policia secreta chilena, cubanos exilados e a propria CIA matou Orlando Letelier, na Praca Sheridan. Usaram uma bomba de controle remoto. Washington deu uma resposta timida somente porque a assistente de Letelier, Ronni Moffit, que era americana, morreu junto. Orlando Letelier era a voz chilena pregando no Deserto do Governo Americano o que todo mundo sabia que estava acontecendo na America do Sul, de que as ditaduras eram causa perdida, e o governo americano nao dava ciencia porque era parte do problema.
     Orlando Letelier fez parte de uma lista de assassinados e torturados promovida pela Operacao Condor. O ex-presidente do Brasil, Joao Goulart, tambem foi envenenado na cidade de Mercedes, Argentina, quando no exilio. Embora isso nao possa ser confirmado porque nao foi feita autopsia alguma no corpo. O ex-presidente, Juscelino Kubitschek, tambem morreu num acidente de carro suspeito, no Brasil. Duvido que qualquer dos dois representassem perigo a alguem, e as mortes deles sao testemunha contra qualquer tipo de governo draconiano.
     Como mencionei antes, o envolvimento do governo americano nos assuntos internos da America do Sul tambem produziu vitimas do lado deles. O embaixador, Charles Burke Elbrick, foi raptado pelo grupo Movimento Revolucionario 8 de Outubro (MR-8) no Brasil, durante 78 horas. Ele foi libertado em troca de 15 dissidentes politicos.
     O agente da CIA, Dan Mitrione, nao teve a mesma sorte. Ele foi raptado pelo grupo de esquerda Tupamaro, no Uruguai, e numa sequencia de fatos infelizes acabou morto. Ele era acusado de dar aulas de tortura para as policias politicas sulamericanas. Os ditadores brasileiros fizeram uma homenagem a ele dando o nome dele a uma rua no Rio de Janeiro. Honra cancelada pelo civis eleitos que nao desejavam que o passado obscuro dele service de incentivo para futuros aventureiros.
     Aqui podemos apontar outra contradicao do governo americano que se transforma em estimulo `a cultura de odio aos americanos no mundo fora dos Estados Unidos. Sem mencionarmos a responsabilidade pela disseminacao da tortura e ditaduras. Recentemente o governo americano tentou jogar nos ombros dos iranianos uma conspiracao para matar o embaixador da Arabia Saudita em Washington, sem que os conspiradores se importassem com vidas americanas que tambem poderiam ser ceifadas.
     Penso que, ninguem fora de Washington e do Pentagono acreditou nisso. Desde a fabricacao de provas dizendo que Saddam Hussein tinha armas de destruicao em massa em maos, antes da invasao do pais, todo mundo no mundo esta com um pe atras com qualquer bobagem que saia da boca do governo americano.
     O assassinato de Orlando Letelier nao causou o mesmo sentimento de ultraje que a possibilidade do assassinato do embaixador da Arabia Saudita parece ter causado. Augusto Pinochet, o ditador chileno, que ordenou muitos outros assassinatos, morreu em paz com o governo americano. E eh o cinismo desse tipo que incentiva o odio contra tudo o que eh feito por americanos.
     Tambem, ha pouco tempo, um deputado do Partido Verde no Brasil, o sr. Fernando Gabeira, teve sua entrada nos Estados Unidos barrada. O visto foi pedido em razao do trabalho dele como representante e a resposta foi adiada ate que passou a razao para a viagem. O que acontecia era que, Gabeira foi um dos militantes que raptaram o embaixador Elbrick. Onde esta o cinismo? Eh so buscar a lista de pessoas `as quais nunca foi negado um visto mas que fizeram coisas pior que ele. Nao defendo o que ele fez. Apenas aponto a incoerencia na atitude do governo americano.
     O governo da ditadura foi desmascarado gracas `a coragem do arcebispo de Sao Paulo, D. Paulo Evaristo Arns, e muitos amigos como o presbiteriano Jaime Wright e o Frei Beto. Eles pesquisaram e depois publicaram o livro chamado: Brasil: Nunca Mais ou BNM. Eles pegaram o testemunho dos sobreviventes dos poroes da ditadura e compararam com os arquivos no Superior Tribunal Militar, provando muitas acusacoes de torturas e assassinatos entre 1.961 ate 1.979.
     Apos `a publicacao, todos que tinham duvidas quanto ao que muitos ja sabiam ficaram com a impressao de terem sido traidos. A maioria do povo brasileiro tinha sido enganada para sustentar o golpe de 64 pensando que iria evitar um governo assassino. No final descobriu-se que o povo recebeu aquilo que nao procurava. Eu vi isso na face da minha mae quando ela leu o livro. E ela concordou: Nunca, Nunca Mais!
     O fim da ditadura no Brasil foi marcado por dois grandes movimentos. Um foi o “Anistia Ja”. Este movimento teve raizes na intencao dos ditadores de criar uma lei que seria aprovada pela maioria que tinham no Congresso que daria anistia a todo crime que tinham cometido. A oposicao percebeu que nao seria capaz de impedir a aprovacao e incluiu a dissidencia junto. Assim, ninguem seria deixado para tras. Os dois lados tiveram que engolir a anistia um do outro. Mas isso acabou sento efetivo para a pacificacao do pais.
     O segundo movimento foram as “Diretas Ja”. O partido da ditadura queria manter o sistema de eleicoes indiretas para presidentes. Mas milhoes de possoas foram mobilizadas a favor do voto popular para eleicoes presidenciais. O movimento foi fatalmente ferido quando parte dos lideres dele foram cooptados para concorrer `as eleicoes indiretas que se deram entre o partido dos ditadores e parte da oposicao. A oposicao nomeou Tancredo de Almeida Neves como candidato a presidente e o vice a Jose Sarney.
     Tem tres momentos em minha vida que tive pressentimentos de que coisas boas nao poderiam sair de certas decisoes. Uma delas se deu no dia que Tancredo Neves anunciou Jose Sarney como vice dele. Deu-me um desespero tao grande que falei para uns colegas que estavam assistindo televisao em nosso apartamento na universidade: Sera que a besta desse velho nao pensa que pode morrer!? Acabou sendo eleito e muitos dias antes de empossar estava morto. Assim, ganhamos uma extensao da ditadura por mais cinco anos com o vice.
     Os outros dois pressentimentos se deram no dia em que o presidente Bush anunciou a guerra contra o Iraque e, horas antes do Obama anunciar o assassinato do Osama Bin Laden foi o terceiro. Mas esses sao assuntos para depois.
     Uma curiosidade, o vice e depois presidente Jose Sarney tem ancestrais que assinam Rodrigues Coelho. Coincidentemente estes sao nomes tambem vinculados aos nossos ancestrais. Mas nao temos dados suficientes para dizer se as duas familias tem a mesma raiz. O que parece eh que a assinatura na familia dele vem de uma migracao anterior e na nossa uma migracao mais tardia de Portugal. Se houver algum vinculo entre as duas devera ser anterior a 1.650.
     Coincidentemente, eu acabo de ser contactado por um primo que mandou-me o endereco: Anibal Rodrigues Coelho eh outro primo proximo da nossa familia. Infelizmente o texto esta apenas em portugues, nao dando oportunidade aos de lingua inglesa. O site nao tem intencao politica. Casa Grande eh a organizacao nao governamental que ele trabalha para ajudar pessoas em dificuldades e `a qual dedicou a vida. Na entrevista de vida ele disse isso:
     O meu envolvimento com a associacao e com o movimento comunitario me rendeu quatro prisoes porque isso, na epoca, era visto como atividade comunista. … A ideia geral eh que quanto mais ignorante eh um povo, mais facil eh domina-lo. E a gente queria promover a cidadania, levar o conhecimento `a populacao, etc.” Ele nao estava falando a respeito da organizacao nao governamental mas tao somente a respeito da militancia dele como bibliotecario.
     E isso eh o que eh ditadura. A ignorancia e a ma informacao sempre foram usadas para dominar a populacao brasileira pobre e durante a ditadura isso nao se fez excecao. O objetivo da ditadura nao era o de manter o povo analfabeto. O objetivo principal dela era controlar a informacao que iria chegar ao conhecimento do povo.
     Aqui preciso mencionar o contraste de concepcoes a respeito do que eh certo e do que eh errado na vida. Meu avo materno, Jose Coelho Junior, o Juca Coelho, foi uma pessoa que lutou a vida inteira em prol de causas comunitarias. A vida das pessoas no interior giravam em torno das referencias comunitarias como: igreja, escolas, hospital, maternidade, forum e prefeitura. Vovo era politico mas nao concorreu a cargos eletivos, portanto, somente apoiava os que foram eleitos aos cargos da prefeitura.
     Ele deve ter tido uma participacao menor na construcao da matriz da cidade mas envolveu-se na implantacao do segundo grau, nas construcoes do hospital e da maternidade e foi gracas a ele que a cidade foi elevada a comarca, podendo ter o forum proprio. Mas quando se deu o golpe de 64 ele ja tinha 72 anos. E ele apoiou a ideia pensando que os comunistas estivessem mesmo chegando ao poder.
     O pavor que vovo tinha dos comunistas nao era necessariamente por causa da distribuicao de renda ou mesmo de se ter um governo repressivo. O medo dele era o ateismo e daria a vida se preciso fosse pelo catolicismo. Nisso ele era completamente radical.
     Mas apos seus 84 anos ele sofreu um derrame cerebral e paralizou metade do corpo. Com isso nos tinhamos que servir de enfermeiros ou auxiliares em tudo o que ele desejasse fazer fora da cama. Ele ja estava um pouco esclerosado, porem, tinha momentos de lucidez. E nesses momentos ele tentava convencer-nos de que, por sermos a favor da democratizacao do Brasil, nos so poderiamos ser comunistas. E essa conversa rendia discussoes historicas.
    Numa dessas vezes ele desafiou-me a viajar para a Uniao Sovietica e praticar la o “meu comunismo”. Eu insistia com ele que eu nada tinha a fazer na Uniao Sovietica porque se eu era contra a repressao brasileira tambem nao concordava com o totalitarismo sovietico. Mas ele nao compreendia a minha logica e confundia o nosso apoio `a democracia como se fosse aprovacao ao totalitarismo, principalmente aquele oriundo do comunismo ateista. E num certo momento da discussao ele comecou a esbravejar: “Tem eh que mandar matar esse povo que esta conspirando. Esses comunistas. Esses militares nao estao valendo nada. Se nao matar o Brasil vai virar uma bagunca!”
     Pensei que pudesse chama-lo `a razao argumentando: Uai vo, o senhor eh a favor de mandar matar ate os seus netos? Mas ele nao se fez de rogado. “Comunista tem mais eh que morrer! Nao perdoo ninguem.” Ainda insisti mais um pouco: Vo, qual razao o senhor nos daria para justificar matar? Dai ele vociferou: “Porque no Brasil eh a lei!” Foi ai que eu respirei fundo e calmamente soprei o que tinha a dizer: Entao ta certo vo! La na Uniao Sovietica eles nao estao fazendo nada de errado com os dissidentes. Porque la eles tambem tem as leis deles.
     Preso `a cadeira de rodas e vendo o ponto de vista dele cair por terra ele nao encontrou outro argumento senao chorar e dizer: “O que vale eh que estou mais perto de morrer! Mas voces vao se arrepender.” Na verdade a vida eh sempre assim: nao importa qual a opcao que a gente faca, quando os tempos dificeis se apresentam temos sempre a duvida se tomamos ou nao as melhores decisoes em nosso passado. Tivemos muitas oportunidades de dificuldades no Brasil depois que a ditadura se foi. Mas em cada momento desses a minha certeza foi sempre essa: corrigir o rumo, jamais voltar `aquela opcao tao negativa.
     O problema das relacoes humanas esta no absolutismo de certas pessoas. Vovo Juca sempre foi absolutista. O que ele acreditava tinha que valer como verdade para todos. Nao podemos negar e agradecer o trabalho comunitario que ele prestou `a nossa comunidade. Mas se ele fosse jovem e fizesse o mesmo que havia feito anos atras, durante a ditadura ele correria o risco de ter sido um dos numerosos casos de prisoes arbitrarias que povoam a nossa Historia.
     O problema dos absolutistas esta nisso: eles tem toda a certeza de que o que desejam fazer sera o melhor para todos ou, pelo menos, para a maioria. A certeza deles eh tanta que isso os impede de enxergar os outros pontos de vista. Com certeza, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush e muitos outros tinham a absoluta certeza de que estavam dando o melhor de si para o mundo. O defeito deles eh nao perceber o quanto estavam enganados e que o mundo tem uma ideia diferente do que eh bom para si mesmo.
     Por pensar que o mundo recusa o que eh bom para si proprio o absolutista tenta impor ao mundo aquilo que nao eh bom nem para ele proprio. Era totalmente compreensivel que nosso avo, com seus 87 anos de vida e sofrendo a Doenca de Alzheimer, confundisse defesa de democracia como se fosse ser comunista. Mas o mesmo, partindo dos lideres da ditadura, demonstrava um quadro pior de doenca. No Brasil nos tivemos um tipo de macarthismo muito pior que o original americano.
     E aqui eu observo quao similar a isso eh a concepcao daqueles que acusam o presidente Obama de estar querendo implantar um programa socialista. Eles nao desejam eh que nos, o povo, tenhamos acesso a condicoes que eles acreditam ser restritas aos privilegiados. Assim, acusando o presidente Obama de possuir um programa socialista, eles exploram o medo que as pessoas comuns tem do socialismo, ao mesmo tempo que ocultam suas intencoes de segregar o povo.
     Postarei mais uma sequencia genealogica para o eleito que nao assumiu, presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves. A genealogia dele eh como se diz no Brasil: Eh feijao com arroz. Muito semelhante `a dos outros.
1.910 Tancredo de Almeida Neves – Risoleta Guimaraes Tolentino
1.881 Antonina Homem de Almeida – Francisco de Paula Neves*
1.848 Mariana Candida Kapler – Antonio Homem de Almeida
1.821 Mariana Candida de Jesus – Francisco Kapler
1.795 Maria Madalena da Silva – Joao da Silva Pereira Gomes
         Manuel Ferreira da Silva – Mariana Moreira de Sousa
1.747 Maria Cleofa Bueno – Jose Ferreira da Silva
         Maria Cleofa Bueno – Joao Goncalves de Melo
         Rosa Maria Bueno de Moraes – Antonio de Moura
         Lourenco Correia Pires – Catarina Bueno do Prado
         Manuel Joao de Oliveira – Francisca de Lira de Moraes
         Isabel Pais – Marcos Mendes de Oliveira
         Maria Leme – Manuel Joao Branco
         Fernando Dias Pais Leme* – Lucrecia Leme*
     A partir desse ponto podemos voltar ao capitulo 10 e verificarmos a sequencia genealogica do bandeirante Fernao Dias Pais Leme que esta la. Fernando e Lucreica sao os avos paternos dele. Eu verifiquei apenas a linhagem maternal do Tancredo Neves porque pensei que as datas na frente dos nomes poderiam ajudar a identificar mais coisas e o lado paterno nao as possui.
     A brutalidade da ditadura no Brasil foi mostrada por mais um fato ultrajoso. Estava programado uma show a favor da democratizacao e pacificacao do pais, com uma cantora famosa. Uma bomba explodiu nas imediacoes. Esta estava sendo preparada por 2 militares para provocar tumulto, porem, a bomba explodiu no colo de um dos facinoras. Se o ataque deles houvesse tido sucesso, poderiam ter causado muitas mortes e ferido milhares. Ate hoje nao ficou totalmente explicado o que eles realmente queriam fazer.
     Nada do que fizeram para impedir a democratizacao funcionou. E os outros paises da America do Sul tambem estavam na mesma onda. Nos conseguimos alguma ajuda dos paises industrializados. Eles tiveram medo que se a ditadura recrudescesse isso levaria a uma desordem incontrolavel o que causaria perdas nos investimentos deles. Assim, muito antes de termos a Primavera Arabe existiu a Primavera Sulamericana.
     A democratizacao no Brasil comecou mesmo no inicio dos anos 90. Tivemos a primeira eleicao presidencial por meio do voto popular apos 30 anos. Apesar de ser considerada legal tivemos interesses anti-democraticos envolvidos nas eleicoes. E o presidente eleito, Fernando Collor de Mello, acabou impedido, por corrupcao. O vice dele e tambem sucessor foi Itamar Franco que terminou o mandato.
     Itamar Franco herdou um pais em situacao de Terra arrasada. E ele procurou fazer aliancas com todos que o pudessem ajudar. Eu nao gostava da forma de ele administrar porque fora ex-governador em Minas Gerais e era muito conservador para o meu gosto.
     Mesmo eu sendo um Joao Ninguem tentei contactar amigos que poderiam ter acesso ao Partido dos Trabalhadores para que o ajudassem, para evitar que o governo dele terminasse nas maos da direita. Mas o Partido dos Trabalhadores, nao porque tambem eu a fiz, nao aceitou essa proposta e ele preencheu os cargos com conservadores. Mais tarde o Lula, eterno presidente do PT, reconheceu o erro de nao te-lo apoiado.
     O presidente Itamar indicou o sociologista Fernando Henrique Cardoso para o cargo de Ministro da Economia e o proprio fora um dos exilados aqui nos Estados Unidos e lecionou ate na Harvard. Um grupo de economistas, incluindo Andre Pinheiro de Lara Resende, fez um plano, baseado em correcoes das muitas outras experiencias erradas no Brasil anteriormente, com nova moeda e estabilizacao economica. Na epoca da implantacao o plano funcionou dentro do esperado e o ministro da economia ganhou o credito popular.
     Na onda do otimismo que veio logo apos `a implantacao do plano, que se chamou Real, e continua como nome da moeda brasileira, Fernando Henrique Cardoso foi eleito presidente com facilidade. Mas o governo dele foi caracterizado por ser muito conservador e submisso `as instituicoes monetarias internacionais. Quando ele nao permitiu a flexibilizacao da comparacao do Real com as outras moedas, a administracao dele fez a industria brasileira perder a competitividade e quase quebrou o pais outra vez.
     O Governo Fernando Henrique realizou dois outros feitos que o caracterizaram. Um deles foi, pela lei eleitoral anterior um presidente nao poderia ser reeleito no periodo subsequente aos seus quatro anos no poder. Assim ele comprou no Congresso uma emenda em causa propria para ser reeleito. O segundo foi privatizar muitas instituicoes publicas em obediencia ao mandado conservador de minimizar o Estado. Ele privatizou inclusive uma das maiores empresas de mineralogia do mundo, a Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, e que havia nascido gracas `as riquezas do Estado de Minas. Ele estava se preparando para privatizar a Petrobras, mas ai ja seria passar dos limites, ate mesmo para o pacifico povo brasileiro.
     As medidas conservadoras tomadas por ele podem ser mensuradas com facilidade pela migracao de brasileiros ao exterior. Migrei logo apos ele ser eleito a primeira vez e a cada ano um numero muito maior de brasileiros estavam chegando. Pareceu ser uma tendencia que nao fosse parar e que deixaria o Brasil vazio. E os migrantes nao eram apenas das classes desfavorecidas. A populacao que era dona de seu proprio negocio estava quebrando. Muitos amigos, que haviam migrado antes e haviam comecado seus negocios no retorno ao Brasil, agora estavam reimigrando. Eh preciso deixar claro que, a minha migracao foi voluntaria e nao se deveu `a performance do FHC.
     Apos tres tentativas frustrantes de se eleger presidente, o insistente sindicalista e nordestino: Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva entrou no cargo. Ele ainda tirou vantagem da possibilidade de se reeleger, agradeca-se ao predecessor, e tambem governou duas vezes. No final do segundo mandato ele ajudou a eleger sua sucessora, presidenta Dilma Rousseff.
     Lula, como o chamamos desde os tempos de sindicato, era analfabeto, segundo o que os opositores a ele quizeram classificar a forma alternativa da alfabetizacao que ele teve. Ele passou pela escola primaria normal e foi treinado para se tornar metalurgico. Posteriormente cursou o segundo grau via supletivo. O mais importante, aprendeu com a vida. E sempre teve pessoas inteligentes ao seu redor.
     Em represalia ele comecou a tirar sarro da oposicao a ele quando o governo dele comecou a dar certo, dizendo em cada discurso que fazia: “Nunca dantes nesse pais se fez tanto pelo povo!” O que ele passava era simples, nenhuma outra administracao tinha feito tanto em tao pouco tempo. E isso eh verdade. Mas tambem esta aquem do que poderia ter sido feito.
     Este eh um problema em nossa existencia. Mesmo as pessoas que sao julgadas boas nunca devem se deixar levar pelo sentimento de acomodacao porque foram capazes de atingir um patamar superior em relacao aos outros. Se pensamos que o que fizemos eh o maximo que podemos, devemos ceder nosso lugar imediatamente a outros para que possam melhorar o que fizemos. Ninguem eh perfeito. Sempre havera onde melhorar mais. Tudo o que fizermos agora se tornara obsoleto em futuro proximo.
     Lembro-me quando em 1.979 fui despedido do meu primeiro emprego na vida. Lula era a estrela do sindicalismo e a militancia dele sempre o deixava em dificuldades junto `a ditadura. Muitas vezes ele foi preso, o que era uma perda de tempo para os malfeitores porque isso somente aumentava a popularidade dele. Um dia fui chamado na sala do psicologo da firma. Naquele tempo as firmas tinham um nao para ajudar pessoas com problemas mas para “detectar sinais de rebeliao.” Fazer um bom servico nao tinha muito significado no Brasil que estava repleto de desempregados desejando qualquer vaga de empregos de baixa remuneracao.
     Nao me recordo se na entrevista eu ou ele mencionamos Lula. Mas fiz uma afirmacao do tipo: Nos precisamos de mais pessoas como o Lula para fazer o pais funcionar para todo mundo. E enxerguei nos olhos dele uma mistura de descrenca e raiva. “Voce pensa que ele sera a solucao?” Ele perguntou. Nao, mas ele eh o inicio. Respondi. E eu continuei falando um monte de bobagens mas nada que representasse risco. Logo logo eles puzeram outra pessoa para eu treina-la e um mes depois eu estava despedido sem precisar cumprir o aviso previo. O nome da empresa era Picchionni, Corretora de Valores, e alguns anos apos foi fechada por administracao errada.
     Como presidente, Lula fez o obvio em qualquer outro lugar do mundo. O Brasil tinha cerca de 170 milhoes de habitantes e mais da metade nao era consumidora. Isso era o que todo mundo, do mais bem informado ate aos menos como eu, andava comentando desde ha muito tempo. Mas os conservadores continuavam insistindo no favorecimento aos privilegiados, esperando que, ou apenas dizendo da boca para fora: esperavam que os privilegiados fizessem algo pelos pobres. Mas a verdade eh essa: o rico, ate a um determinado nivel, tenta criar empregos porque mais empregos representam mais renda para ele.
     Mas num grau de maior riqueza isso nao funciona tao bem porque eles comecam a “jogar” nas bolsas de valores e a gastar o dinheiro em superfluos. Nao digo que todo mundo faz o mesmo mas no Brasil eh a pura verdade. E no Brasil as bolsas pagam os maiores juros do mundo. Isso ja era verdade desde os tempos da ditadura e foi largamente usado pela administracao do Fernando H. Cardoso para transferir riquezas para uma pequena percentagem da populacao. Nem mesmo o governo Lula foi totalmente capaz de introduzir mais justica para o restante da populacao.
     Uma boa imagem para descrever o problema eh essa: alguns bilionarios preferem investir 50 milhoes em suas proprias casas do que ajudar os pobres a comprarem a primeira casa deles de 100.000. E observem quantas casas para pobres 50 milhoes podem comprar! Nao estou falando em distribuir o dinheiro de graca, falo em relacao a pagar-se salarios mais justos para os que trabalham duro.
     O que o Lula fez no Brasil foi algo parecido feito por Franklin D. Roosevelt em seu plano Big Deal. Ele apenas elevou o salario minimo gradualmente e esperou pelos resultados. Tambem incluiu no mercado de consumo milhoes que estavam fora. Ainda aumentou o estimulo `as familias pobres para que mantivessem as criancas nas escolas. Esse era um problema enorme no Brasil antes porque historicamente as criancas largavam a escola para ajudar aos pais a quitarem as despesas. O proprio Lula fora vitima da situacao.
     Lula sentiu na propria pele o descaso ao qual os pobres sao submetidos no pais. Ele compreendeu que o pobre tambem tinha direito de fazer 5 refeicoes por dia. Tambem que o pobre tem o direito de vestir-se melhor e inclusive o direito de possuir carros. O que historicamente acontecia no Brasil eh descrito pela sabedoria: “Pobre vende o almoco para comprar o jantar.” Desde que a ditadura comecou a vender os interesses do povo no mercado internacional o slogan havia sido: “Salarios baixos para vender mais.” E o salario minimo passou a ser injustamente achatado.
     As medidas tomadas pelo Lula, eu proprio ja defendera desde quando escrevera meu segundo livro em 1.977. Eu tinha 19 anos e nenhum conhecimento de economia mas tinha justica e compaixao no coracao.
     Como o dito popular usado no Brasil, Lula tem sido o pe-de-coelho do pais. Quando ele foi empossado em 2002, logo logo o Brasil conquistou o quinto titulo de Campeao do Mundo. Nao teria melhor noticia para elevar o otimismo brasileiro que essa. Ta bom, estou exagerando um pouquinho.
     Durante a administracao dele o Brasil se tornou autosuficiente em energia, agradeca-se aos investimentos novos na producao de petroleo e biocombustiveis, incluindo-se do alcool. Foi no tempo dele que o mega deposito de petroleo foi encontrado e isso ira logo colocar o Brasil como exportador do produto. Nao foi sem razao que o presidente Obama disse que Lula era o cara. Ele saiu do governo deixando agendadas a proxima Copa do Mundo de Futebol em 2.014 e as Olimpiadas de 2.016.
     Mas eh claro, eu estou apenas fazendo um resumo do que alguns presidentes fizeram no Brasil e eles nao fizeram apenas o que estou dizendo que fizeram. Estou apenas caracterizando os feitos deles.
     O presidente(a) mais recente do Brasil eh tambem a primeira mulher a ser eleita para o cargo no pais. Dilma Vana Rousseff eh filha de um imigrante bulgaro chamado Pedro Rousseff. A mae, Dilma Jane da Silva, nasceu em Resente, Rio de Janeiro. O casal criou a familia em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, onde Dilma Vana nasceu.
     Durante os “Anos de Chumbo” ela tornou-se militante ativa contra a ditadura. Foi capturada, torturada e pagou pena de prisao por 3 anos. Eh muito cedo para caracterizar o governo dela porque assumiu o posto em primeiro de janeiro de 2.011. O que parece eh que ela dara continuidade ao trabalho de Lula. Isso significa boas noticias para os Estados Unidos, mas poderiam ser melhores se o passado nao tivesse nada a cobrar.
     Estou mencionando isso porque os Estados Unidos poderiam esperar um parceiro melhor do Brasil nesse tempo de crise. O problema eh que os Estados Unidos nunca pediu desculpas pelos feitos terriveis contra o povo brasileiro durante a ditadura la. Nem mesmo reconheceu o que fez. Agora, muitos politicos que estao no poder foram as mesmas pessoas que sofreram as piores consequencias do intervencionismo.
     Mesmo que esses politicos nao guardem raiva, tem algo que eles nao deixarao de ter, eles nunca terao confianca nas politicas americanas. O reconhecimento dos malfeitos e o pedido de perdao poderiam tornar-se o primeiro passo a favor da construcao de uma nova era de confianca. E a melhor alianca so pode nascer quando se tem confianca um no outro.
     A atuacao da ultima administracao Bush sera contada como a maior perda no relacionamento entre as duas nacoes. A arrogancia dele, promovendo guerras com mentiras, deve ter colocado os politicos brasileiros em posicao defensiva, o que reflete em perdas economicas para os Estados Unidos. O que preocupa esses politicos eh a crenca em que: “Quando os americanos nao conseguem o que desejam por via diplomatica eles simplesmente tomam o que eh dos outros.”
     E, com certeza, as acoes do governo do segundo presidente Bush mostrou isso como verdade. E isso foi definitivo quando o governo do Lula no Brasil se opos ao projeto que poderia dar aos Estados Unidos uma base de lancamento de foguetes la. Para que saibam, o lancamento de espaconaves a partir das proximidades da linha do equador eh mais barato que em outros lugares tropicais ou subtropicais. Mas os americanos quizeram por la a base e te-la como se fosse seu proprio territorio sem partilhar as tecnologias.
     Com certeza, ninguem iria querer dar tal recepcao de confianca aos americanos. Ninguem desejaria abrir mao de sua soberania e dar aos americanos uma desculpa para futuras intervencoes.
     Outra furada recente da diplomacia americana foi a perda do contrato bilionario que o governo brasileiro abriu para comprar avioes para os servicos militares. Apesar da administracao Obama ser considerada mais amigavel ninguem sabe o que vira depois. E nada melhor do que assistir aos debates dos candidatos republicanos para notar-se que as preocupacoes do mundo em relacao aos Estados Unidos tem fundamentos. Assim, todas as vezes que qualquer governo tiver que decidir fazer algum negocio com os americanos ele lembrar-se-a do que aconteceu anteriormente e ira preferir fazer negocios com os fornecedores que representarem ser de melhor confianca.
     Ninguem ira deliberadamente excluir os Estados Unidos de seus negocios porque o pais eh considerado importante para a comunidade mundial mas, enquanto os Estados Unidos nao melhorarem sua imagem como bom  e parceiro essencial, eles sofrerao os desgastes das relacoes, e isso, talvez, os conduzirao para a queda do posto de economia dominante no mundo num periodo curto. Isso podera acontecer nao porque os Estados Unidos sao odiados, mas porque os Estados Unidos ha muito tempo tem cometido os mesmos erros que os grandes imperios extintos cometeram.


Gostaria de mostrar neste capitulo algo com respeito ao povoamento de origem europeia numa area particular do Brasil. Conhecemos por meio dos vestigios fosseis que Minas Gerais eh habitada por povos indigenas desde 10.500 anos atras, pelo menos. E decifrar como o Brasil foi primeiro descoberto por pessoas humanas eh um misterio longe de ser decifrado. Para que tenhamos uma resposta a respeito disso ha que se empenhar a vida inteira de muitos pesquisadores.

O problema maior eh o parecer que os pesquisadores brasileiros nao tem cobertura financeira para fazer o trabalho. E o acelerado desenvolvimento do pais pode comprometer os sitios ja identificados e os desconhecidos. Pode-se considerar sorte o achado do esqueleto de Luzia, numa gruta da cidade de Santa Luzia. Com mais de 10.000 anos, podemos dizer com certeza que, ela nao foi a primeira moradora de Minas Gerais e, decisivamente, nao eh a primeira brasileira.

Minas Gerais eh um estado continental, e nao tem praias. O Oceano Atlantico fica a mais de 200 km distante de suas fronteiras. E Santa Luzia eh muito mais distante da fronteira, no lado oposto ao Oceano. Entre o Oceano e Santa Luzia temos outro mar. Um mar de montanhas, que antigamente foram cobertas por uma floresta densa. E nao ha caminho facil entre os dois pontos em sua distancia mais curta.

Muitos rios que nascem em Minas Gerais desaguam no Oceano Atlantico atraves da Bacia do Rio Doce mas nao passam de uma sequencia de quedas d’agua nas montanhas. Todavia, Santa Luzia esta localizada no planalto que marca o final do terreno montanhoso e comeca o terreno moderado do Planalto Central. A partir dai os rios tendem a tomar a direcao norte-oeste. O maior nas redondezas eh o Rio das Velhas que se desloca pelo territorio moderado ate encontrar-se com o Rio Sao Francisco.

O Rio Sao Francisco nasce em Minas Gerais, reune as aguas de la e se dirige por mais de 1.500 km em direcao ao norte. Apos isso, muda a direcao para o leste indo encontrar-se com o Oceano Atlantico. O ponto onde ele muda de direcao esta no coracao da Regiao Nordeste do Brasil. Este ponto nao eh tao longe do sul do Estado do Piaui. E ali esta o Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara.

Os sitios arqueologicos da Serra da Capivara e Pedra Furada sao os locais onde a professora Niede Guidon e seu time encontraram inumeras pistas que sugerem a habitacao humana nas Americas muito anterior aos sitios chamados Clovis. A datacao dos achados dela ainda estao em disputa mas o que outras pistas encontradas em outros pontos da Terra tem sugerido eh que, todas as suposicoes levantadas no inicio do seculo XX com respeito aos primeiros colonizadores das Americas foram falhas. Se alguem desejar aprender algo mais a respeito do assunto, pode dar uma olhada rapidinha no endereco: A internet esta repleta de informacoes a respeito disso.

Como mencionei antes, Luzia, o fossil, se parece mais com os aborigenes da Australia. E o misterio de como a pessoa humana aparece no lado oposto `as praias do Pacifico na America do Sul talvez nao perdurara misterioso por muito tempo. Ninguem sabe entretanto se a familia de Luzia extiguiu-se ou deixou para nos algo de seu material genetico. O que parece eh que os nativamericanos apresentam em seu DNA mitocondrial alguns componentes que nao tem igual. Bom, isso pode vir daquela familia.

O que nos parece ter acontecido foi que, a partir de 10.000 anos atras tivemos um numero maior de populacao asiatica conquistando o territorio. O Estado de Minas Gerais era parcamente habitado por seus descendentes quando os Europeus invadiram as Americas. E muitas doencas comuns que eles trouxeram, inadivertidade, dizimaram mais de 90% dos nativamericanos.

Se uma doenca comum como a gripe foi capaz de causar isso a uma populacao que se encontrava alguns mil anos longe da Asia, eh possivel que outras doencas causassem mais danos numa populacao isolada por dezenas de milhares de anos. Os asiaticos que primeiro puzeram os pes nas Americas seriam resistentes a algumas doencas que poderiam facilmente matar os primeiros habitantes. Talvez os sobreviventes tenham sido tao poucos e o DNA deixado por eles tao pequeno que nao tenham deixado vestigios pelos proximos 10.000 anos.

A concepcao de Minas Gerais como um Paraiso nao eh minha. Um de nossos primos antigos, professor Dermeval Jose Pimenta, que nasceu em 1.893 e faleceu em 1.990, e escreveu o livro: A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente, teve a ideia. Retirarei da pagina 31 um extrato para mostrar isso.

“No dia seguinte, apos 2,5 leguas de viagem, pernoitou na Fazenda do Luiz da Mota, situada na margem do Ribeirao das Araras, proximo `a atual Vila de Sao Pedro do Suacui, onde as terras sao de uma extraordianaria fertilidade. Nao se poderia dizer que era uma fazenda. Os seus hospedeiros eram dois homens pobres. Um deles havia corrido o mundo. Era portugues, tinha estado em Angola e viera terminar os seus dias na Mata do Pecanha.

Durante a sua viagem entre a Vila do Principe e Pecanha, observou um fato bastante curioso, o de haver encontrado nesse percurso, guardadas as proporcoes, muito maior quantidade de europeus do que ate entao vira na sua viagem pelo Brasil. A que se atribuir essa penetracao de portugueses pela mata a dentro do Pecanha? Vejamos suas proprias palavras explicativas:

“Ha um momento em que aqueles que erram pelo mundo como continuo joquete de suas esperancas, acabam por sentir a necessidade de repouso e de solidao; falaram-lhes das florestas, que poderiam possuir vastas terras e viver tranquilo ao abrigo da miseria; renunciar aos seus anteriores projetos; e os perigosos aventureiros, fixando-se ao solo, tornam-se cidadaos uteis.”

Esta observacao eh de todo procedente.

Por toda a regiao do Pecanha, Sao Joao Evangelista, Sao Jose do Jacuri, Sao Pedro do Suacui, Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes e Sao Miguel de Guanhaes, os portugueses, afundando-se nas matas, apossaram-se de grandes sesmarias de terra, onde criaram familias, construiram fazendas, instalaram engenhos de cana, plantaram cereais, e viveram tranquilos. Os que nao eram casados uniram-se aos indigenas, constituindo-se familias que hoje povoam grande parte daquela regiao.”

Ele menciona na pagina 32, “Quando os excessos amorosos lhe causavam insonia, enguliam um verme, que secavam sem lhe retirar a linha umbelical, verme esse que vem a ser o “bicho da taquara”, criado no interior desse bambu. Os indios comiam esses vermes, dos quais extraiam ainda uma especie de gordura fina e delicada, propria para os alimentos. Quando seco e reduzidos a po, eram aplicados sobre as feridas, que se curavam rapidamente. Quando, porem, comiam os vermes secos, sem a retirada da linha umbelical, caiam em uma especie de sono estatico, que durava varios dias. Ao despertar, contavam os indios ter tido sonhos maravilhosos, onde viam florestas brilhantes e comiam frutas deliciosas. A cabeca desse verme nao deve ser comida, – pois eh considerada como perigoso veneno. Os portugueses consideravam esse alimento como um prato delicioso.”

E ele continua contando na pagina 32: “Tendo alcancado o Arraial do Rio Vermelho, que continha apenas umas cinquenta casinhas, ele admirou o seu aspecto bastante agradavel, em face do conjunto que o emoldurava. Eh este povoado dotado de otimo clima e de grande salubridade. Encontrou ali varios octogenarios e mesmo pessoas com noventa, cento e vinte e oito, e cento e trinta e dois anos.”

Nosso primo estava falando da viagem feita pelo cientista frances: Augusto de Saint-Hilaire, que viajou por Minas Gerais entre os anos de 1.816 e 1.817. E esta era Minas Gerais, a terra dos mineiros. Mas o Paraiso nao estava ali para todo mundo. Ele tambem narra um pouco mais a respeito da vida que os indios estavam submetidos a ela.

“Depois de visitar os aldeiamentos dos indios, nos arredores do povoado e de descrever os seus habitos e costumes, ele fala sobre a lascividade dos indios do Pecanha, dizendo mesmo que, muito frequentemente, ficando estes esgotados pela volutosidade, renunciavam `a vida e se enforcavem em qualquer arvore da floresta.”

Esta opiniao mostrada pelo cientista frances, Saint-Hilaire, eh provavelmente errada e tal procedimento da populacao indigena continua a acontecer nas tribos em certas areas como no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. E a causa pode estar relacionada ao stress causado pelo sentimento de Paraiso perdido. Podemos abrir nossas mentes e ver o que se passava nas mentes dos indios logo apos os europeus invadirem as terras onde eles tinham sido os unicos donos. Nosso primo Dermeval Jose Pimenta nos oferece alguma pista em sua narracao, na pagina 48, quando ele fala a respeito do patriarca da familia Vieira Braga. Assim ele proclama:

“O cientista frances, Augusto Saint-Hilaire, quando em 1.817 visitou o entao Distrito de Santo Antonio de Pecanha, hospedou-se na tosca residencia de Januario Vieira Braga, Comandante do Quartel instalado, em 1.807, a uma legua da povoacao. O Comandante, ja septuagenario, nascido em 1.747, era um audaz e valente “mateiro”. Desde a idade de 14 anos penetrava nas matas para combater a feroz tribo dos Botocudos. Combatia-os, mas nao era desumano, sempre esperancoso de obter informacoes referentes a possiveis riquezas minerais da regiao.

Conta-se que um dos artificios usados em cacar indigena consistia em ocultar-se nas matas, ficando de espreita. `A noite, os indios ao dormirem, apos um dia de cacada e comidas fartas, deixavam as suas flechas depositadas. Era entao que o velho Januario com os seus companheiros, em surdina, cortavam as cordas dos arcos, desarmando-os. Ao acordarem, sentiam-se inermes. Combatia-os, matando os resistentes e levando os mansos e as mulheres para trabalharem e serem catequizados pela Igreja.”

O que o primo Dermeval nao menciona eh que o trabalho ao qual ele se refere era escravo. O mesmo se fazia com o povo africano que era considerado mais uma mercadoria que pessoa humana. Entao, o que muitos de nos faria se uma civilizacao extraterrestre invadisse a Terra como se fosse dela, e nao nossa, e fizesse a nos de escravos apos matarem nossos parentes que resistissem? Eh provavel que a resposta sera incomoda para muitos de nos!

Os revisionistas poderiam dizer que o primo Dermeval fosse preconceituoso pela observacao de que o velho comandante Januario nao fosse desumano tratando os indios daquela forma. Eh preciso recordar o tempo que isso foi escrito. O livro foi publicado em 1.966 e foi escrito antes disso. Martin Luther King Junior foi assassinado em 1.968 e o Movimento pelos Direitos Civis estava em seu apice na data. Isso significa que nossa Historia estava num tipo de limbo entre o novo e o velho entendimento de vida.

No Brasil, as velhas geracoes realmente acreditavam que tirar os indios dos seus antigos costumes e cristianiza-los seria o de melhor que poderiam fazer por eles. As geracoes antigas nao reconheciam os direitos dos indios sobre a terra e pensavam que a maneira delas explorarem-na era o melhor a fazer-se. Tinhamos ai uma sequencia de concepcoes erradas nas quais os antigos criam. Apesar de pensar que estavam fazendo tudo com bondade.

Nesse ponto nos precisamos abrir nossas mentes para o que sao as nossas concepcoes em relacao aos outros. Nao podemos pensar que o bem que planejamos em favor deles sempre sera realmente o melhor para eles. Quando assumimos isso, nos estamos erroneamente tomando o que nos parece o melhor para nos como se isso fosse o bem dos outros. Resumindo, nos estariamos tentando fazer o bem a nos mesmos e nao aos outros. Isso eh a nossa autosuficiencia interferindo com o nosso entendimento de vida e nossa vontade. Melhor eh ouvirmos o que os outros pensam a respeito do que seja bom para eles proprios e fazer de tudo para compreender o ponto-de-vista deles.

Todavia, falando a respeito do primo Dermeval, a avo dele era a nativa-brasileira Francelina Catarina de Souza. Ele menciona isso na pagina 212 do livro mas nao menciona o nome da tribo dela. Ela possivelmente estivesse ligada `as tribos Monoxos ou Malalis, as unicas outras alem dos Botocudos que estavam na area. Mas nao posso assegurar ser verdade porque ele disse que o avo tinha feito o pedido de casamento `a mae dela e, aparentemente, elas viviam isoladas.

Desta forma, tendo sangue indigena, pelo menos, numa proporcao de um quarto ele provavelmente nao teria nenhum preconceito racial. Apenas nao compreendeu que os indios resistentes nao eram piores que os brancos insistentes, que desejavam tomar deles tudo o que tinham na vida. Nao apenas suas posses materiais e conhecimentos mas inclusive a liberdade que deveria ser sagrada para todos nos.

Apos essa breve introducao a este capitulo eu gostaria de falar a respeito da formacao da nossa familia. Entenda-se ai, a grande familia que veio da cidade antes chamada de Vila do Principe e que agora tem o nome de Serro. Ela tinha um territorio imenso no qual alguns estados inteiros dos Estados Unidos ou do Brasil caberiam dentro e ainda sobraria uma boa quantidade de terras.

A Cidade do Serro fica no Centro Nordeste do Estado de Minas Gerais. Foi sua quinta vila constituida. O surgimento legal dela data de 1.714 no governo de Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho de Carvalho, o Pacificador. Ela surgiu no comeco do Ciclo do Ouro em Minas Gerais que floresceu de 1.698 ate 1.750 quando comecou a esgotar-se. Esta na linha de montanhas conhecida como Serra do Espinhaco (Espinha Grande) que vai do sul ao norte do Estado.

Nesse capitulo eu tenho voltado no tempo. Quando comecei este escrito disse que tentaria colocar as coisas em ordem cronologica. E foi o que fiz em torno da Historia e agora desejo retornar para explicar a nossa formacao genealogica. Pelo menas na parte que temos dados.

Precisamos conhecer um pouco de geografia tambem. O basico eh esse, o Brasil tem todas as praias tropicais do leste da America do Sul, que sao banhadas por apenas um oceano, o Atlantico. Todo o litoral eh composto por uma faixa plana. Nao tao longe do mar, a maior parte do terrano ganha altitude repentinamente e forma o que se chama de Serra Geral. Ela pode ser vista do mar, na Regiao Sudeste e Sul do Brasil e, algumas vezes, eh chamada de Muralha.

Como a maioria das altas altitudes ocorrem nesse ponto e partes do interior do pais sao mais baixas, muitos rios tendem a correr na direcao do interior ate mudarem a direcao para o sul, como o Rio Paraguai faz, ou norte, como o Rio Sao Francisco, ate encontrarem uma forma de buscar o mar. Em Minas Gerais essa tendencia nao funciona tao perfeita. O Rio Doce parte a Serra Geral em duas. Ele corre do sul para o norte ate Governador Valadares quando se vira para o mar e atravessa o Estado do Espirito Santo.

E aquele rio escavou planicies em sua bacia que tem altitudes muito inferiores que o seu redor. A partir do vale em torno de Governador Valadares nos temos um clima quente e umido. E `a medida que entramos na direcao oposto ao mar precisa-se praticamente fazer escalada, como em uma escadaria. Na porcao mais alta temos a Serra do Espinhaco. Eh onde todo o ouro estava.

O Vale do Rio Doce foi a barreira natural `a exploracao do interior porque seu clima quente e umido era fonte de doencas desconhecidas no tempo colonial. E muitos perderam a vida tentando conquista-lo. Um destes, ja mencionei, foi Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, o filho do Luis Barbalho Bezerra, o heroi brasileiro no capitulo das Invasoes Holandesas, em torno de 1.640. Acredito que pessoas nascidas no Brasil com ligacoes com os holandeses naquele tempo migraram para o Estado de Nova Iorque, que era outra colonia holandesa.

Vila do Principe, agora Serro, era composta pelo distrito com esse nome e uma serie de distritos surgidos no Ciclo do Ouro. Os principais eram Conceicao do Mato Dentro, Tejuco (agora Diamantina), o distrito de Sao Jose de Taponhoacanga que agora eh parte da cidade de Alvorada de Minas, tambem Gouvea (Gouveia) e duzias mais.

Pelos anos de 1.750 o ouro facil comecou a escacear e os governantes locais lancaram bandeiras, no sentido radial, na tentativa de encontrar-se mais. Encontrou-se um pouco no planalto que posteriormente deu origem `a Vila de Santo Antonio do Pecanha. Agora eh a Cidade de Pecanha. Outra praca teve o enorme nome de, Vila de Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso das Minas Novas do Aracuai. Agora eh apenas Minas Novas. Estes nao foram os ultimos lugares onde o ouro e os diamantes foram encontrados mas desde entao a producao comecou a cair. O ouro de Minas Novas havia sido encontrado em 1.727.

Foi entao que um novo tipo de colonizacao comecou. Uma onda de recem-chegados misturou-se com a populacao estabelecida e embrenhou-se nas matas em busca de terras para cultivar. Antes de 1.807 essa tendencia fora bloqueada pela presenca da tribo dos indios Botocudos que dominava o sudeste do Serro, desde Pecanha ate `as margens do Rio Doce. O governador do estado mandou construir uma fortificacao em Pecanha, de onde as milicias combateram os indios e abriram essa area imensa para o cultivo das terras.

Logo em seguida os novos assentamentos comecaram a surgir. Entre eles: Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes, atual Sabinopolis, e Sao Miguel e Almas, atual Guanhaes. Os povoamentos continuaram pertencendo ao Serro ate 1.840 quando foi estabelecida a Vila de Conceicao do Mato Dentro que tomou uma boa parte do territorio. Sao Miguel e Almas inclusive se tornou parte de Conceicao por cerca de 18 anos quando, entao, retornou ao Serro. Apenas para, poucos anos depois, 1.875, ser emancipada como Vila independente, juntamente com Rio Doce, que foi outro nome usado por Pecanha antes de receber o nome definitivo.

Apos 140 anos de sua criacao, a Cidade do Serro comecou a esfarelar-se em varios pedacos de terra o que atualmente reduziu o proprio territorio dela ao de uma cidade de pequeno porte em Minas. Ela conta agora com apenas 20.000 habitantes em contraste com outras cidades que foram distritos dela, tais como: Governador Valadares (255.000), Guanhaes (30.000), Itabira (105.000), Itambacuri (22,000), Minas Novas (30.000), Montes Claros (355.000), Nanuque (40.000), Pecanha (17.000), Sabinopolis (15.000), Sao Joao Evangelista (15.000), Teofilo Otoni (133.000), Virginopolis (10.000). Este pequeno numero de antigos distritos do Serro contam mais de 1 milhao de habitantes mas eh provavel que exista outro milhao nas mais de 200 outras cidades com suas raizes nela.

Nao estou considerando 4 cidades irmas: Coronel Fabriciano (103.000), Ipatinga (255.000), Joao Monlevade (71.000) e Timoteo (77.000). Nao estou inteiramente seguro que elas tenham sido parte do Serro. Todavia, o surgimento delas comecou ja no inicio do seculo XX e a explosao demografica delas veio apos 1.950 e foi causada pela instalacao de duas grandes aciarias: Acesita e Usiminas. Entre os anos de 1.961 e l.964, o nosso primo Dermeval Pimenta foi o presidente eleito da Acesita e depois ajudou na fundacao da Usiminas.

O que eh certo eh que nem todo mundo vem da mesma familia mas olhando os nossos livros genealogicos podemos detectar um claro padrao na formacao de parte da populacao brasileira. Em primeiro lugar uma relativamente pequena populacao estabeleceu-se nos distritos em torno do Serro. A populacao dos distritos se multiplicou durante 2 ou 3 geracoes atraves de nascimentos locais e chegada de migrantes, especialmente de origem portuguesa.

A segunda fase comeca com a dispersao da populacao inicial, colonizando novos distritos, a medias distancias dos primeiros. Estes novos distritos foram geralmente formados por grupos de pessoas aparentadas que haviam nascido nos primeiros distritos. Cada distrito novo recebeu contribuicoes geneticas de varios outros e, muitas vezes, tambem de outros assentamentos do sul do estado. Os recem-chegados de Portugal continuaram se apresentando. Cada geracao deu um passo adiante ate toda a area ser colonizada.

Podemos observar o mesmo resultado atraves da genealogia das cidades. O Serro foi dividido em muitas outras pequenas cidades com grande territorios. A seguir estes grandes territorios foram redivididos em outras cidades e assim por diante. Exemplo disso eh que o sudeste do Serro foi dividido entre Guanhaes e Pecanha. Depois Guanhaes deu `a luz a Acucena, Braunas, Dores de Guanhaes, Senhora do Porto e Virginopolis. Em 1.962 o territorio de Virginopolis foi dividido em mais 5 cidades que sao: Divinolandia de Minas, Gonzaga, Santa Efigenia de Minas, Sardoa e Sao Geraldo da Piedade. Cada cidade antiga deu origem a outras. Pecanha tornou-se mae de Valadares e outras.

As familias tiveram destinos semelhantes. Um exemplo eh a familia Coelho. Esse nome eh so uma referencia porque nosso ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes nasceu em Portugal. Ele se casou em 1.779 com Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha que ja tinha ascendencia morando nos dominios do Serro. Os filhos do casal migraram e fundaram o distrito de Sao Miguel e Almas (Guanhaes). Os netos fundaram o distrito de Virginopolis. E os bisnetos participaram na fundacao dos distritos mais distantes. Ate que varias geracoes se uniram e formaram a cidade de Governador Valadares e agora se espalharam por um grande numero de outras cidades do Brasil e do mundo.

Outras familias fizeram caminhos alternativos mas acabaram se encontrando no mesmo final. Em cada cidade nao foi todo mundo que migrou para a proxima. Os que ficaram por muitas geracoes agora tem uma cidade inteira de parentes proximos. E ainda partilham ancestrais com as populacoes das outras cidades. Eu pretendo ser mais especifico ao mostrar isso por meio de algumas linhagens de nossa genealogia mais tarde.

Do recente censo de 2.010 podemos ter uma boa ideia como a populacao esta migrando. Pegando os numeros de 1.960 teremos 27.000 como os habitantes de Virginopolis. Um tamanho respeitavel na epoca e ate hoje. Agora a cidade tem apenas 10.530. Mas se adicionarmos a isso as populacoes de: Divinolandia de Minas (7.013), Gonzaga (5.903), Santa Efigenia de Minas (4.573), Sardoa (5.588) e Sao Geraldo da Piedade (4.389), encontraremos 38.016 no territorio original. No territorio original Guanhaes teria cerca de 100.000 habitantes. E Serro teria os milhoes que falei anteriormente.

Todavia eh possivel observar que a maioria das cidades pequenas de Minas estao perdendo populacao a cada censo. E as cidades maiores estao ganhando-a. Algumas pequenas cidades estao aumentando, pelo menos de 2.000 para 2.010. Penso que esse ganho inesperado pode estar vinculado `a crise economica de 2.008 em diante. A regiao eh uma das maiores exportadoras de migrantes para os paises industrializados e eles estao retornando por causa da crise, tambem por causa do atual ciclo de expansao da economia no Brasil.

Historicamente, Governador Valadares foi o principal destino da regiao do Serro por decadas. Isso se deu a partir do inicio do seculo XX quando a estrada de ferro ligando Belo Horizonte a Vitoria, capital do Espirito Santo, foi concluida em 1.910. Posteriormente veio a Estrada Rio-Bahia que acelerou o desenvolvimento. Antes disso a area era totalmente tomada pela Floresta Atlantica. E a populacao comecou a fazer a derrubada e substitui-la por pastagens.

O solo rico debaixo das florestas ofereciam pastagens tao ricas que os fazendeiros podiam deixar la seus bois e esperar ate o momento de voltar e vender para os abatedouros. E os fazendeiros de uma grande area, inclusive do sul do Estado da Bahia, tinham suas casas em Governador Valadares onde criaram suas familias. Com o crescimento da populacao, tambem o comercio atraiu mais pessoas.

Nao eh de admirar-se que falei em 300.000 habitantes na cidade por volta do ano 1.970 e agora so tem 255.475. Isso pode ser explicado por dois motivos. Acredita-se que no apice da migracao brasileira para o exterior Valadares tenha exportado 50.000 de seus residentes. Tambem, o antigo territorio dela agora eh partilhado com novas cidades. Como a cidade era totalmente dependente do mercado de carnes e do comercio, tornou-se vulneravel aos humores da economia brasileira com seus altos e baixos.

Em contraste, as quatro cidade: Coronel Fabriciano, Ipatinga, Joao Monlevade e Timoteo que estao proximas, iniciaram seu desenvolvimento baseado na industrializacao. Desde o principio ate agora a populacao delas esta em crescimento continuo. De 2.000 para 2.010, Ipatinga sozinha ganhou uma populacao pouco maior que uma cidade do porte de Virginopolis. No mesmo periodo Virginopolis perdeu algo em torno de 4% de seus moradores.

Mas a estrela da vez eh Montes Claros. Ela cresceu de 307.000 para 355.000 nos ultimos dez anos. Ela eh chamada de a Capital do Norte Mineiro, titulo que ja pertenceu ao Serro. No mesmo periodo a populacao serrana decresceu de 21.012 para 20.810. As duas tendencias tem sido observadas ao longo do tempo.

Bom, voltemos ao assunto genealogia. So recentemente tomei conhecimento que a genealogia em torno do territorio antigo do Serro esta melhor documentada do que imaginava. Sabe-se que temos algo nos antigos registros de nascimentos, mortes, casamentos, etc. Mas o que eu nao sabia era que ja existiam mais livros escritos a respeito disso. Os livros nao abordam toda a populacao mas une os dados de algumas familias que antigamente foram dominantes na redondeza.

Antes eu tinha noticia de alguns deles. Mas nunca tinha pensado em genealogia antes de meu pai dar-me o livro: Arvore Genealogica da Familia Coelho, escrito pela sobrinha dele e nossa prima, Ivania Batista Coelho. Eu ja conhecia parte do conteudo do livro porque a maior parte das pessoas me eram conhecidas. O livro versa a respeito da descendencia de Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) e Eugenia Rodrigues da Rocha. Ele era imigrante de Portugal, nascido por volta de 1.750 e casado nos dominios de Conceicao do Mato Dentro.

Tiveram 5 filhos, Jose Jr., Joao, Antonio, Felix e Clara Maria. Somente Jose e Joao se casaram e a familia comprou fazendas junto a onde, junto com outros pioneiros, eles fundaram o distrito de Sao Miguel e Almas. Sao Miguel era o santo da devocao do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Junior, tambem conhecido como Jose Coelho da Rocha. Jose Jr. foi casado com Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo na cidade de Conceicao do Mato Dentro e os 4 primeiros filhos deles nasceram la e tiveram outros 4 em Sao Miguel (Guanhaes).

Depois a familia comecou a espalhar com parte permanecendo em Guanhaes e outra indo para o distrito, fundado por eles e outros pioneiros, de Nossa Senhora do Patrocinio de Gunhaes, que tornou-se Virginopolis. Essa ultima fundacao se deu em 1.858 e eu nasci la 100 anos depois. Varias geracoes haviam se passado e o numero de descendentes do primeiro casal ja eram contados em numero de milhares.

O livro nao esta completo. Foi escrito em 1.979 e muitos parentes nao foram registrados porque alguns nao enviaram os dados a tempo e outros haviam perdido o contato. Se milhares foram registrados outro numero igual ficou de fora. Mas tinhamos uma boa ideia de quem eram por causa das nossas tradicoes de conversar a respeito em nossos encontros em torno do fogo.

O tio Joao Coelho de Magalhaes casou-se com a prima deles: Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo. Tiveram 6 criancas mas a maioria mudou-se para Diamantina. Nossa prima Ivania aproveitou apenas uma pequena parte da genealogia dele, basicamente aqueles que se casaram com os descendentes do irmao dele Jose Jr. E ela teve o cuidado especial de registrar nosso parentesco com o professor Nelson Coelho de Senna e Dr. Innocente Soares Leao.

Ambos publicaram livros a respeito de nossa genealogia. O professor Senna eh autor do “Algumas Notas Genealogicas”. Este livro foi publicado em 1.939, em Sao Paulo. Dr. Soares Leao foi autor do livro: “Notas Historicas Sobre Guanhaes.” Publicacao de 1.967, em Belo Horizonte. Ambos descendem do tio Joao e imagino que tenham abordado melhor a descendencia dele e essa deve ser a razao pela qual a prima Ivania nao copiou as notas deles como um todo.

Ja mencionei nosso primo Dermeval Jose Pimenta e o livro dele: A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente. Este foi publicado em 1.966 na cidade de Belo Horizonte. Ele nao abordou muitos dados a respeito da Familia Coelho, possivelmente, os outros ja tinham feito isso. Ele so abriu uma janela para o nosso trisavo, Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, que foi o filho mais novo de Jose Jr. e Luiza Maria. Antonio casou-se com a Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral de quem o professor Dermeval era parente proximo e, atraves dela, as familias Coelho e Pimenta foram unidas. Mas isso se efetiva atraves dos ancestrais comuns, das familias Pereira do Amaral e Borges Monteiro.

O professor Dermeval tambem menciona os Arquivos do Alferes, Luiz Antonio Pinto. O Alferes nasceu na Cidade de Caete, Minas Gerais, em 1.841. Ele foi editor de um jornal no Serro. Enquanto trabalhava tambem fez uma serie de genealogias que guardam dados de muitas familias. O trabalho dele esta depositado no Arquivo Publico Mineiro (APM), em Belo Horizonte. Por meio da internet estou informado que ele juntou dados dos Coelho, Pinto, Rocha, para mencionar apenas algumas das muitas familias nas quais tenho interesse. Ele faleceu em 1.924. Dai se tem uma ideia do quao preciosos sao os dados para qualquer pesquisador da genealogia serrana.

Outra literatura importante nesse assunto eh o livro: “Genealogias e Biografias de Serranos e Diamantinenses”. O autor eh outro de nossos primos: Dr. Luiz Eugenio Pimenta Mourao. O livro foi publicado em 1.952, no Rio de Janeiro.

Infelizmente nunca tive a chance de dar uma olhada nessa literatura, exceto pelos trabalhos dos primos Ivania e Dermeval. Mas estas nao sao tudo. O genealogista mineiro mais conhecido foi o Conego Trindade. Ele nasceu em 1.883 e faleceu em 1.962. Ele tinha otima fonte de informacoes ja que trabalhou na Arquidiocese de Mariana. Mariana foi a primeira diocese do Estado de Minas Gerais e todos os dados colhidos pela Igreja Catolica no inicio de sua Historia eram mandados para la.

Conego Trindade eh autor de varios livros. Um deles eh: “Velhos Troncos Mineiros”. Este foi publicado em 1.955, em Sao Paulo. Eh composto por tres volumes, num total de 1.151 paginas. Publicou tambem o livro: “Genealogia da Zona do Carmo”. Inclui genealogias da regiao das cidades mais antigas do estado, Mariana e Ouro Preto. Mas esta mais voltado `a parentalha dele. Todavia, nossas familias estao tao espalhadas pelo mundo que, provavelmente, mais de 1.000.000 de pessoas podera encontrar ancestrais nele. Este livro pode ser consultado, de graca, via internet e em uma de suas paginas: Titulo Gomes Candido, encontrei os ancestrais e os familiares da D. Emilia Gentil Gomes Candido de Senna, a esposa do nosso primo, professor Nelson Coelho de Senna.

Tenho o titulo de mais um livro. O nome eh: Arvore Genealogica da Familia de Jose Batista Coelho. Eh apenas uma atualizacao de parte do trabalho da prima Ivania. Trata da descendencia do nosso bisavo Ze Coelho. A autora eh a tia-avo Ruth Coelho, que era filha do Ze Coelho, e da filha dela: Mariza Martins Coelho. A atualizacao vai ate 1.996.

Estou deixando estas notas aqui para informar a respeito da existencia da literatura e qualquer um que interessar-se a seguir meus passos podera usa-la. Nao sei se terei a chance de examinar todo esse material e a resposta a isso eh: provavelmente nao. Eh muito trabalho e eu precisaria tempo e dinheiro. Dois luxos que penso nao terei tao cedo. As genealogias dos livros dos primos Ivania e Dermeval ja estao publicados nos sites: e (parcialmente).

Para findar a lista de documentos que poderiamos usar para completar o mais possivel a Arvore da Familia, eu sei que temos registros de nossos ancestrais nas cidades de: Serro, Guanhaes, Conceicao do Mato Dentro, Itabira, Congonhas do Campo, Ouro Preto e Mariana. De la nos provavelmente encontrariamos algo mais nas cidades coloniais do litoral brasileiro, a partir de Sao Paulo ate ao Ceara. Dai para frente teremos que cruzar o Oceano Atlantico voltando a Portugal e Africa.

Agora vou tentar mostrar algo a respeito da formacao genealogica da nossa Grande Familia. Comecando da sequencia genealogica que pode ser unida `a familia do heroi brasileiro, Luiz Barbalho Bezerra. Eu terei ajuda das informacoes encontradas no site – Portugal, junto com o que encontramos no livro: A Mata do Pecanha. O primo Dermeval informou que ele encontrou os dados dele no fichario do Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia, na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Vejamos algo entao:

Afonso Carreiro – esposa desconhecida
1.380 Joao Carreiro – Isabel de Torres
1.410 Pedro Carreiro – esposa desconhecida
1.440 Joao Carreiro – esposa desconhecida
1.470 Catarina Anes Carreiro – Joao Rodrigues
1.500 Francisco Carreiro – Alda Lourenco Rodrigues Salema (01)
1.525 Manuel Carreiro – Joana Rodrigues Valente (02)
1.550 Pedro Carreiro Salema – Maria Nunes de Andrade
1.575 Maria Furtado – 1.590 Luiz Barbalho Bezerra (03)
Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra – Izabel Pedreira
descendente desconhecido – conjuge desconhecido (04)
1.668 Pascoa Barbalho – Pedro da Costa
Maria da Costa Barbalho – Manoel Aguiar
Manoel Vaz Barbalho – Josefa Pimenta de Souza (05)
1.738 Isidora Maria da Encarnacao – Antonio Francisco de Carvalho (06)
1.779 Boaventura Jose Pimenta – Maria Balbina de Santana (07)
1.821 Modesto Jose Pimenta – Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral (08)
1.853 Cornelio Jose Pimenta – Josefina Carvalho de Souza (09)
1.893 Dermeval Jose Pimenta – Lucia Pinheiro Pimenta (10)

Esta eh uma sequencia apresentada pelo nosso primo Dermeval Jose Pimenta. A porcao que ele conheceu comeca com Luiz(s) Barbalho Bezerra e ele nao publicou o nome da esposa, dai para tras eu peguei no Este site nos informa que: 1.380 Joao Carreiro, morreu em 1.449 na Batalha de Alfarrobeira. Cornelio Jose Pimenta eh um dos pioneiros que fundaram a Cidade de Sao Joao Evangelista que tambem foi chamada pelo apelido de Mata do Pecanha. E,

(01) Alda Lourenco Rodrigues Salema, era filha de:
Rodrigo Afonso de Tavora – Cristina Goncalves Salema

(02) Joana Rodrigues Valente, era filha de:
Fernao Valente – Isabel Goncalves Ribeiro

(03) Luiz(s) Barbalho Bezerra, era filho de:
1.570 Antonio Barbalho Bezerra – 1.572 Camila Bezerra

(04) Este eh um dos pontos fracos nos estudos do primo Dermeval. Ele nao menciona exatamente onde encontrou que, D. Pascoa Barbalho era neta de Jeronimo e Izabel. Citou, generalizando, o fichario que pertence ao Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia. E que nas fichas encontram-se as informacoes da documentacao em que os dados foram encontrados. Eu teria que ir ao Rio de Janeiro para verificar isso!

(05) Josefa Pimenta de Souza tem sua sequencia propria. Assim como o marido dela, ela nasceu no que hoje eh o Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O pai dela era uma pessoa bem estabelecida na Cidado do Rio e teve duas esposas oficiais. Mesmo assim, ele teve a Josefa com uma parceira desconhecida, apesar de te-la criado em sua propria casa, juntamente com os outros filhos. Josefa e Manoel Vaz Barbalho se mudaram para o Distrito de Milho Verde, que continua como Distrito da Cidade do Serro, e foi onde se realizou o matrimonio deles, em 1.732.

O nome de familia: Jose Pimenta, foi dado aos netos de D. Josefa, em homenagem a ela. Desde entao ele permaneceu por varias geracoes. Eis os dados genealogicos dela:

1.716 Josefa Pimenta de Souza – Manoel Vaz Barbalho
1.691 Belchior Pimenta de Carvalho – parceira desconhecida
Belchior Pimenta de Carvalho – 1.677 Francisca de Almeida
1.622 Maria de Andrade – 1.610 Manoel Pimenta de Carvalho
Belchior de Andrade – Maria Cardoso

1.677 Francisca de Almeida era filha de: Amaro de Aguiar e Francisca de Almeida. A familia era do Rio de Janeiro, exceto para o Manoel Pimenta de Carvalho, de quem o primo Dermeval disse ter nascido em Vila Vicosa, Alentejo, Portugal. Ele foi para o Brasil por volta de 1.640 quando se casou com Maria de Andrade.

(06) O professor Dermeval disse que buscou mais dados a respeito dos filhos de Josefa Pimenta e Manoel Vaz Barbalho mas encontrou apenas Isidora Maria da Encarnacao. Aqui podemos constatar uma tradicao daquele tempo na genealogia portuguesa. Os filhos eram batizados e recebiam apenas o nome. Depois eles proprios podiam escolher os sobrenomes. Geralmente as mulheres escolhiam nomes que lembravam a fe catolica delas. Como a Isidora que escolheu: Maria da Encarnacao.

Os homens algumas vezes escolhiam sobrenomes em suas genealogias nao necessariamente assinados pelos pais. Geralmente, os sobrenomes comecam a aparecer a partir das certidoes de casamento. Mas isso so dificulta o trabalho genealogico. Algumas vezes fica dificil fazer uma Arvore Genealogica desde que nao encontramos os dados num lugar unico porque a populacao naquele tempo estava sempre se mundando de um lugar para outro, buscando as melhores oportunidades.

O marido da Isidora, Antonio Francisco de Carvalho, era um capitao portugues, nascido na Vila dos Colares, Patriarcado de Lisboa. Ele era filho de Antonio Leal e D. Maria Francisca. Foi por muito tempo o administrador dos Santos Lugares da Comarca do Serro.

(07) Comecarei essa secao com outra sequencia genealogica. Este eh o que o professor Dermeval chamou de Tronco Borges Monteiro.

1.807 Maria Balbina de Santana – Boaventura Jose Pimenta
1.777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Jr. – Maria Madalena de Santana (11)
1.751 Antonio Borges Monteiro – Maria de Souza Fiuza (12)
Caettano Borges – Joana Monteiro (13)
Manoel Borges – Izabel Rodrigues

(13) Joana Monteiro era filha de Estevao Rodrigues e Maria Monteiro. Esta familia se formou na Cidade da Seia, que eh formada por varios distritos. Antonio Borges Monteiro nasceu no Distrito de Pinhancos. Somente a avo dele, Maria Monteiro, era de um lugar diferente chamado: Vila Almeida. Seia fica no Distrio (Estado) da Guarda.

Antonio Borges Monteiro mudou-se para o Brasil, onde se casou com Maria de Souza Fiuza. Tiveram tres filhos: Antonio Jr., Noroteia e Joao Borges Monteiro. Nossa ancestral Maria faleceu e ele se casou novamente com Margarida Maria do Rosario que havia nascido no Serro. Deste segundo matrimonio ele foi pai de: Maria (1.786), Margarida (1.787), Manoel (1.789), Jose (1.791), Ana (1.793), Umbelino (1.794), Francisco (1.796) e Isidro (1.796). Francisco e Isidro eram gemeos.

Margarida Maria do Rosario – 1.751 Antonio Borges Monteiro
Domingos Lourenco Seixas – Maria Caetana de Pinho
Joao Lourenco – Maria Gomes

Domingos Lourenco Seixas era nascido em Marco de Canaveses, um lugar proximo `a Cidade do Porto, Portugal. A esposa dele, Maria Caetana de Pinho era filha de Joao Simoes Santiago e Madalena de Pinho.

Antonio Borges Monteiro tambem enviou dois de seus filhos: Umbelino e Isidro, para morar no Rio de Janeiro. Posteriormente o Umbelino se mudou para a Cidade de Iguacu onde deixou descendencia. Tio Isidro permaneceu no Rio de Janeiro. Um de seus filhos, com o mesmo nome dele, estudou advocacia e tornou-se o delegado do Rio de 1.857 a 1.860. Este tambem eh ancestral do Eduardo Pellew Wilson, nascido em 1.964, que eh o Segundo Conde de Wilson.

(12) Maria de Souza Fiuza – Antonio Borges Monteiro
Joao de Sousa Azevedo – Doroteia Barbosa Fiuza (14)
Manuel de Sousa Azevedo – Anna Coelho

Encontramos uma referencia indicando como Vila Nova do Norte o local de nascimento de Joao de Sousa Azevedo. Ele nasceu em Portugal mas la agora nao tem um lugar com esse nome. Temos duas Vilas Novas nas regiao da Cidade do Porto. Pode ser uma delas. O que poderia explicar o sobrenome Coelho da mae dele. A Familia Coelho tem toda intimidade com a regiao. Mas temos outra Vila Nova, no norte da Ilha Terceira, nos Acores. E a Familia Coelho estava la quando portugueses iniciaram a povoa-la antes dos anos 1.400. Nao quero fazer mais especulacoes.

(14) Doroteia Barbosa Fiuza era filha de Domingos Barbosa Moreira e Teresa de Jesus. Ela nasceu em Sao Goncalo do Rio das Pedras. O distrito continua como parte da Cidade do Serro e Domingos Barbosa eh o nome do fundador, em 1.789. Isso inclusive eh novo ate para mim que acabo de obter as informacoes dos sites: e

Anteriormente, eu falei que haviam varias estorias do tipo Pokahontas na cultura brasileira. E numa delas se fala que: um marinheiro frances residia com os indios nas costas da Bahia. Os portugueses vieram e ele foi forcado a entrar para o interior com sua amante india. Eles tiveram um filho e o pai morreu. Posteriormente tambem a mae faleceu e um portugues pegou a crianca para criar. Esta virou um vaqueiro e fazendeiro.

Na fazenda dele surgiu um povoado e este veio a chamar-se Tabaiana. Este povoado foi parte do Estado da Bahia ate 1.823 quando parte do norte do estado foi emancipado e deu origem ao Estado de Sergipe. A cidade acabou recebendo o nome de Itabaiana ate hoje.

Assim se explica as palavras do nosso primo, pagina 248, a respeito de Teresa de Jesus: “Brasileira, nascida em Tabaiana, Estado da Bahia.” Isso foi verdade. Outra informacao interessante eh que, o ancestral Domingos Barbosa Moreira era Portugues e Sargento-Mor, o que pode significar pessoa de origem nobre. Se houver fundo de verdade na estoria talvez somos descendentes desse conto parecido com o de Pokahontas porque Teresa de Jesus pode ser descendente do fazendeiro fundador de Tabaiana.

(11) Os pais de Maria Madalena de Santana foram: Jose Vicente Miranda e Ana Maria da Encarnacao.

(08) Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral – Modesto Jose Pimenta. Aqui se desdobra outra sequencia genealogica interessante. Eh a respeito da Saga onde muitas familias como a Pereira do Amaral, Borges Monteiro, Coelho de Magalhaes, Pimenta, Barbalho, Nunes Coelho, Carvalho, Oliveira, Lott e tantas outras mais comecaram a conquistar o Sudeste do Serro, povoa-lo e agora os descendentes espalharam-se por todo o territorio brasileiro e do mundo.

1.827 Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral – Modesto Jose Pimenta
1.791 Malaquias Pereira do Amaral – Ana Maria de Jesus (15)
Miguel Pereira do Amaral – Francisca Angelica da Encarnacao (16)
Manuel Pereira – Maria de Benevides

Os patriarcas Manuel Pereira e Maria de Benevides moravam na Ilha de Sao Miguel que tambem faz parte do Arquipelago dos Acores que, desde os anos 1.300, fora colonizado pelos povos: portugues e holandes. O unico filho que temos noticia, nascido deles, eh Miguel, que por volta de 1.760 mudou-se para o Estado de Minas. Ele primeiro se dirigiu a Congonhas do Campo que era onde os ricos e poderosos da epoca tinham suas casas. Congonhas nao era tao longe de Ouro Preto e Mariana, respectivamente, a segunda e primeira capitais de Minas. Ele casou-se ali mas nossos dados indicam que o filho, Malaquias, nasceu em Conceicao do Mato Dentro, sugerindo que mudaram depois.

(16) Francisca Angelica da Encarnacao era filha de Francisco Jose Barbosa Fruao e Ana Maria de Jesus. Ele era nativo de Portugal, da Cidade de Barcelos, Barcelos. Supostamente sua esposa seria de Congonhas do Campo.

(15) Ana Maria de Jesus, esposa de Malaquias, era filha de Antonio Coelho de Almeida e outra Ana Maria de Jesus. Ai nos temos tres ancestrais com o mesmo nome. E o nome delas nao indica nada a respeito das familias que procedem. Essa combinacao apenas informa uma homenagem a Ana, a suposta avo de Jesus; Maria, que era nome da mae dele; e “de Jesus” significando algo como pertence a Jesus. Na genealogia portuguesa nos temos o “de Jesus” como nome de familia mas nesse caso eh provavel que derive da tradicao onde o povo podia adotar nomes vinculados `as tradicoes catolicas. Quando o nome aparece em nossa genealogia nao ha como saber se eh nome de familia ou homenagem `as tradicoes.

O vinculo entre o Pimenta, Pereira do Amaral, Borges Monteiro e Coelho de Magalhaes nos eh dado atraves de um casamento. Ele eh representado atraves da proxima sequencia genealogica:

1.777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Jr. – Maria Madalena de Santana
Maria Francelina Borges Monteiro – Daniel Pereira do Amaral
1.843 Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral – Antonio Rodrigues Coelho
1.872 Joao Rodrigues Coelho – Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral
1.893 Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes – Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho
1.924 Odila Barbalho Coelho – Eurico Batista Coelho
1.951 Ivania Batista Coelho

Decidi brincar um pouco com nossa genealogia. Esta eh uma das vias em que nossa prima e autora do livro de nossa genealogia eh mostrada como descendentes dos tres troncos familiares. Maria Francelina era irma da Maria Balbina de Santana (07). E Daniel Pereira do Amaral era irmao da Ermelinda Querubina Pereira do Amaral (08). Duas das ancestrais do professor Dermeval Jose Pimenta. Eurico Batista Coelho, o pai da Ivania, era filho da Maria Carmelita Coelho, irma do Joao Rodrigues Coelho; e Simao Baptista Coelho, que era irmao da Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral. E este fato nao eh excecao!

O vinculo das familias tambem esta em Antonio Rodrigues Coelho. Coloco uma sequencia para mostrar:

1.829 Antonio Rodrigues Coelho – Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral
1.782 Jose Coelho da Rocha – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo (17)
1.766 Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha – Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*)
Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha – Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho

Aqui temos um fim de linha interessante. A unica informacao que temos a respeito de nosso ancestral Giuseppe eh que, ele tinha ancestrais na Italia e em Portugal. Nao tenho certeza mas acredito que quem localizou os nomes deles foi o primo Dermeval, apos publicar o livro dele em 1.966.

Na pagina 254 do livro dele, professor Dermeval nos deixa uma janela de suas duvidas. A pagina inicia com a ancestral dele, Isidora Maria da Encarnacao, que nasceu em 1.738 e era filha de Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josefa Pimenta de Souza. Ele menciona ter identificado apenas Isidora mas sugere que os outros filhos teriam recebido nomes tais como: Pimenta Barbalho, Vaz Barbalho ou Barbalho. Ele tambem fala que, dos nove filhos de Isidora e do capitao Antonio Francisco de Carvalho, tinha informacoes apenas do ancestral dele: Boaventura Jose Pimenta e de sua irma: Vitoriana Florinda de Athayde. No meu parecer, as observacoes feitas no final da pagina sao inclusoes posteriores `a primeira redacao do livro.

Desde entao eu tenho suspeitas de que nossa ancestral Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho tambem seja filha de Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josefa Pimenta de Souza. Penso assim porque o Barbalho nao era um nome tao comum na regiao, assim nao se espera que tenha surgido de alguma variedade de fontes. Contudo ha a possibilidade de parentes do Manoel Vaz Barbalho serem nossos ancestrais ao inves dele proprio.

A pequena frequencia da assinatura Barbalho no Estado de Minas pode ter uma explicacao inesperada. Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra, o filho do heroi Luiz(s) Barbalho Bezerra, foi enforcado durante a ocorrencia do fato historico chamado de: “A Revolta da Cachaca”, em 1.661. E as familias de Minas (Tradicional Familia Mineira – TFM) sao famosas por serem muito conservadoras. E ser conhecido como descendente de um enforcado pareceria muito vergonhoso a elas. Somente recentemente A Revolta da Cachaca esta sendo considerada um ponto importante da Historia Brasileira.

Aproveitando a oportunidade, tambem sugeriria um outro significado da assinatura Magalhaes Barbalho em nossa familia. O nome surge do casamento dos ancestrais Policarpo Barbalho e Genoveva (Vita) de Magalhaes. Eles devem ter se casado por volta de 1.817, em Mariana. Depois mudaram-se para Itabira, onde criaram a familia, ate os filhos: padre Emygdio e Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho irem para Guanhaes.

Nossa tradicao fala que, Policarpo Barbalho nasceu nos estados do Ceara ou Rio Grande do Norte, antes de sua transferencia para Minas Gerais. Outra tradicao, me passada quando era crianca, dizia que: “Alguns membros da familia Barbalho permaneceram no Nordeste do Brasil e dois irmaos mudaram-se para o sul. Um teria ido para Minas Gerais e o outro para o Rio Grande do Sul.” E esta segunda sugestao tem suas coincidencias com a Historia.

O irmao do Jeronimo: Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, que foi governador do Rio de Janeiro por um breve periodo, foi presenteado pelos reis de Portugal com a Ilha de Santa Catarina. Hoje eh onde esta a capital: Florianopolis. Naquele tempo o Sul do Brasil ainda nao estava dividido em tres estados e Santa Catarina nao existia independente. Estou apenas especulando que talvez a descendencia dele viva por la e isso explicaria a presenca da familia Barbalho no Sul do Brasil.

Eh possivel que nossa tradicao seja um pouco distorcida e nosso ancestral: Policarpo Barbalho, tambem ser descendente do Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra, ter nascido em Minas Gerais e a sugestao de ter nascido no Nordeste do Brasil ser um engano. Se ambas as minhas teorias estiverem corretas, nao me surpreenderia porque coisas como essas sao mesmo supostas acontecer na genealogia humana. Porem isso me tornaria muito preocupado com a menor qualidade do DNA. Nao iriamos passar de frangos de granja. Perigosamente com uma genetica sem variabilidade.

Postarei pequenas sequencias para demonstrar o envolvimento do Barbalho na Familia Coelho.

Policarpo Barbalho – Genoveva (Vita) de Magalhaes
1.824 Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho – Eugenia Maria da Cruz (A)
1.854 Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho – Ercila Coelho de Andrade (B)
1.890 Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho – Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes (C)

(A) Eugenia Maria da Cruz era filha do capitao Jose Coelho da Rocha e Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo, os primeiros moradores de Guanhaes. (B) O Coelho de Ercila Coelho de Andrade eh mais uma assinatura Coelho e nao sabemos sua origem. Sabemos apenas que ela era filha de Joaquim Coelho de Andrade e Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca. Estes tinham origem em Itabira e reza a nossa tradicao que o Andrade eh o mesmo do poeta Carlos Drummond de Andrade. (C) Trajano (Cista) e Zulmira sao avos da autora Ivania e meus.

Tambem descendemos de outro filho do capitao Jose e Luiza Maria. A saber:

1.782 Jose Coelho da Rocha – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
1.822 Joao Baptista Coelho – Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho (D)
1.846 Joao Baptista Coelho Junior – Quiteria Rosa Pereira do Amaral (E)
1.876 Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral – Joao Rodrigues Coelho
1.893 Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes – Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho

(E) Quiteria Rosa Pereira do Amaral era filha de Joaquim Pereira do Amaral e Maria Rosa dos Santos Carvalhais. Mas nao temos os dados que dirao se, sim ou nao, o nosso ancestral Joaquim Pereira do Amaral tem relacao com nossos outros ancestrais tambem Pereira do Amaral. Ela e o trisavo Joao jr tiveram 11 filhos: Maria Rosa, Amelia Rosa (solteira), Olimpia Rosa (casou-se com o bisavo Joao Rodrigues), Joao Neto, Simao (casou-se com tia Carmelita), Julia (casou-se com tio Benjamin 2o.), Jose, Evencio, Francisco Sobrinho, Salathiel e Amavel (solteiro).

(D) Joao Coelho e Maria Honoria tiveram 12 filhos. Joao Jr., Maria Honoria, Antonio Paulino (casou-se com tia Julia Salles), Sebastiana (casou-se com Joaquim Nunes Coelho), Joaquim Bento, Anna Honoria (a filha Marina casou-se com tio Daniel), Emygdia Honoria, Antonia (casou-se com tio Pedro de M. Barbalho), Virginia, Jose (o bisavo Ze Coelho casou-se com as irmas Maria Marcolina e Virginia Marcolina), Marcolina Honoria e Francisco.

Obs. As referencias de casamentos entre parenteses referem-se somente aos que se casaram com primos em primeiro grau ou segundo, no caso especifico de tio Daniel e Marina (Nenen).

(17) Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo nasceu no Corrego da Prata, o que deve possivelmente ser nome de uma fazenda em Conceicao do Mato Dentro. Nao tenho certeza. Os pais dela foram Antonio Jose Moniz e Manuela do Espirito Santo. Como nao sabemos os nomes dos avos dela, tambem nao temos ideia se o nome Espirito Santo eh o sobrenome que veio de Portugal ou apenas uma coincidencia.

Como ja disse antes, conhecendo melhor as genealogias das familias colonizadoras de alguma regiao, mais confianca temos em navegar nas outras genealogias. Basta usar os vinculos entre elas. Um exemplo em nossa familia eh esse, ja disse que o nosso ancestral Jose Coelho da Rocha, tambem conhecido como Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho tinha um irmao com o nome Joao Coelho de Magalhaes.

Nosso ancestral Jose teve 8 filhos. Em ordem de nascimento sao eles: Jose Coelho da Rocha Neto, Maria Luiza Coelho, Francisca Eufrasia de Assis, Ana Maria de jesus Coelho, Joao Baptista Coelho, Eugenia Maria da Cruz, Antonina (que faleceu crianca) e Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, mencionado por primeiro. Joao Baptista Coelho, que recebeu o nome em razao de ter nascido no dia que a Igreja Catolica dedicou a Sao Joao Batista, era casado com a Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho. E ela eh uma de nossas ligacoes com a familia Nunes Coelho, cujo Coelho, ate onde conhecemos, nao eh o mesmo. Porei um pouco a respeito da genealogia dela.

Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho – 1.822 Joao Baptista Coelho
1.806 Clemente Nunes Coelho – esposa desconhecida
Euz(s)ebio Nunes Coelho – Ana Pinto de Jesus
Manuel Nunes Coelho – esposa desconhecida

Os ancestrais Euz(s)ebio Nunes Coelho e Ana Pinto de Jesus tiveram, pelo menos, mais quatro filhos: Joaquim, Francisco, Bento e Antonio. O filho Joaquim Nunes Coelho casou-se com Francisca Eufrasia de Assis, a filha de Jose e Luiza Maria. Francisco casou-se com Maria Augusta Cesarina de Carvalho. Os pais dela eram Jose Carvalho da Fonseca e Senhorinha Rosa de Jesus. Senhorinha Rosa era filha dos nossos ancestrais: Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior e Maria Madalena de Santana. Ela era irma de ambas: Maria Francelina e Maria Balbina que nos devolve, respectivamente, `as familias: Pereira do Amaral, atraves do nosso ancestral, Daniel Pereira do Amaral e familia Pimenta, atraves do Boaventura Jose Pimenta.

(10) Lucia Pinheiro Pimenta – Dermeval Jose Pimenta. Vamos antecipar um pouco aqui porque temos outro ligacao cruzada. Dona Lucia Pinheiro era filha do ex-governador de Minas Gerais: Dr. Joao Pinheiro da Silva. Joao Pinheiro, como era conhecido, nasceu no Serro e era filho de um imigrante italiano chamado: Giuseppe Pignataro. Giuseppe fez o que era o costume naquele tempo aos imigrantes de traduzir seus nomes. No Brasil ele passou a assinar Jose Pinheiro. Para melhor autentificar sua opcao ele adicionou o “da Silva” que ja era um dos sobrenomes mais populares.

Dr. Joao Pinheiro tambem foi pai de Amanda de Barros Pinheiro que se casou com o Dr. Caio Nelson de Senna. Dr. Caio era filho do nosso primo: professor Nelson Coelho de Senna e Dona Emilia Gentil Gomes Candido. Assim, tambem os descendentes destes descendem dos nossos ancestrais: Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) e Eugenia Rodrigues da Rocha, atraves do nosso tio Joao Coelho de Magalhaes. Dr. Joao Pinheiro faleceu no Palacio da Liberdade. Posteriormente o filho dele: Dr. Israel Pinheiro da Silva tambem foi eleito governador de Minas Gerais.

(09) Josefina Carvalho de Souza – Cornelio Jose Pimenta. Estes sao os pais do primo Dermeval Jose Pimenta. O casamento deles eh interessante porque une varias genealogias que vem de e vao para varias cidades. Postemos uma pequena sequencia genealogica primeiro:

1.861 Josefina Carvalho de Souza – Cornelio Jose Pimenta
1.839 Manoel Carvalho de Souza – Francelina Catarina de Souza (origem indigena)
Manoel de Carvalho – Rosa Maria (ou Maria Rosa)

De acordo com o primo Dermeval, o sr. Manoel de Carvalho era da Cidade de Gouveia, que esta proxima `as cidades de Diamantina e Serro. Eles se estabeleceram com fazendas nos arredores onde hoje se encontra a Cidade de Sao Jose do Jacuri. La eles multiplicaram a familia que passou a outros lugares como: Sao Jose dos Paulistas, Sao Joao Evangelista, Pecanha e outras. Ele nao pesquisou as origens indigenas mas o que se espera eh que tenha parentesco com toda a area atraves delas.

Tambem mencionou que, o bisavo Manoel dele era irmao do Jose Carvalho da Fonseca. Este era casado com a Senhorinha Rosa de Jesus, filha dos nossos ancestrais Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior e Maria Madalena de Santana. Jose e Senhorinha mudaram-se para a vizinhanca do Ribeirao das Araras, na Cidade de Sao Pedro do Suacui. Eles tambem multiplicaram a familia deles por la e a descendencia passou para lugares como: Guanhaes, Sao Jose dos Paulistas, Sao Joao Evangelista, Canta Galo, Pecanha, Belo Horizonte e por ai vai.

Bom, tudo isso eh apenas uma sintese do que se pode obter em informacoes contidas no livro: A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente. Eu tenho um texto no meu blog, sob o endereco: que mostra mais. Esta em lingua portuguesa mas os leitores de outras linguas podem ler a porcao genealogica sem saber o portugues. Os dados do livro tambem estao publicados no site:

Para completar umas informacoes, porei mais esta pequena sequencia genealogica:

1.853 Cornelio Jose Pimenta – Josefina Carvalho de Souza
1.880 Etelvina Pimenta Brant – Pedro Ferreira de Andrade Brant
1.911 Moacir Pimenta Brant – Iolanda Raimunda da Rocha Brant
1.946 Fernando Rocha Brant

Eu postei essa sequencia somente porque ja mencionei o Fernando Brant antes, como exemplo de musico que nos ajudou a passar pelos tristes anos quando estavamos sob a ditadura no Brasil. Ele nao eh tao conhecido sem mencionarmos o parceiro de longo tempo dele: Milton Nascimento. O Milton foi quatro vezes ganhador do Grammy de musica. Eu tenho um CD dele, da Colecao Millennium, em que 10 das 20 cancoes contidas nele sao em parceria com o nosso primo.

Preciso tambem colocar mais duas pequenas sequencias genealogicas para identificar como nos somos parentes de outros dois genealogistas na nossa familia que ja mencionei antes. Eles sao, respectivamente, autores dos livros: “Genealogia e Biografias de Serranos e Diamantinenses” e “Notas Historicas de Guanhaes.”

1.777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior – Maria Madalena de Santana
1.807 Maria Balbina de Santana – Boaventura Jose Pimenta
1.825 Francisco de Assis Pimenta – Francisca Augusta Pires
1.858 Josefina Ermelinda Pimenta – Joao Raimundo Mourao Junior
1.884 Luiz Eugenio Pimenta Mourao – Jeny Formiga

1.750(?) Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) – Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha
1.785 Joao Coelho de Magalhaes – Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo
1.828 Emilia Brasiliana Coelho – Jose Coelho da Rocha Ribeiro (Ze Querino)
1.855 Agueda (Gueda) Coelho – Innocente de Leao Freire
Innocente Soares Leao – Maria Carsalade Guimaraes Leao

Eu poderia lembrar tambem do alferes Luiz Antonio Pinto como provavel primo nosso. Ele nasceu na Cidade de Caete e morou no Serro. Nos Arquivos dele temos a genealogia da Familia Pinto. Nossa ancestral: Ana Pinto de Jesus, era esposa de Euz(s)ebio Nunes Coelho, mas nao temos a genealogia dela. E eu nao tive a oportunidade de estudar os dados dele por estarem depositados no Arquivo Publico Mineiro, em Belo Horizonte.

Bom, eu proprio poderia ser postado tambem. Mas seria um pouco complicado porque sou seis vezes descendente do casal Jose Coelho da Rocha e Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. Tres vezes do lado materno e tres vezes do lado paterno (ja mostrados). Para facilitar, meu pai chamava-se Odon de Magalhaes Barbalho, irmao da Odila Barbalho Coelho e tio da Ivania Batista Coelho, aquela que escreveu nossa genealogia. Para completar, ela usou as anotacoes do papai e do nosso bisavo, Joao Rodrigues Coelho, para escrever o livro dela.

Algumas consideracoes antes de finalizar este capitulo. Para termos uma idea de como a populacao do antigo territorio da Cidade do Serro foi formada, nos podemos ver dados estatisticos da Cidade de Sao Joao Evangelista. Eu numerei a lista de primeiros moradores apresentada pelo primo Dermeval e encontrei 104 familias. Pude identificar mais de 20 pais de familias como nossos parentes. A maioria era descendente de Antonio Borges Monteiro e Miguel Pereira do Amaral.

Temos uma particularidade naquela cidade. Antes do povamento, pelos anos de 1.830, a lista de primeiros moradores destaca a presenca do casal de portugueses: capitao Ildefonso da Rocha Freitas e a esposa dele, D. Maria Coelho da Silveira. O primo Dermeval menciona que eles comecaram uma familia que assinava Coelho da Rocha. Mas logo que o povoado comecou, em 1.875, o lugar foi tomado por pessoas dos mais antigos e mais novos povoados pertencentes ao Serro.

Noutro livro nao mencionado, que tambem nao tive acesso a ele, publicado por: Joselia Barroso Queiroz Lima, menciona-se uma lista de 15 primeiros moradores da Cidade de Sabinopolis. Cinco deles: Antonio Borges Monteiro, Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior, Malaquias Pereira do Amaral, Manoel Coelho de Almeida e Joao Pereira do Amaral, sao nossos ancestrais ou irmaos deles. E nao podemos negar a possibilidade de os outros 10 tambem serem nossos parentes porque nao temos a nossa genealogia completa.

O povoado de Sao Miguel e Almas, agora Guanhaes, comecou com a presenca do capitao: Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho e a esposa dele: Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. Com eles estavam outros cabecas de familia como: Francisco de Souza Ferreira, Antonio de Oliveira Braga, Faustino Xavier Caldeira e Jose de Oliveira Rosa. Como filho do alferes: Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) e Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha, o capitao Jose era conhecido como Jose Coelho da Rocha. Aqui temos a coincidencia dos mesmos sobrenomes nos fundadores de Guanhaes e Sao Joao Evangelista, apesar de nao haver parentesco, conhecido por nos, entre eles.

A maior parte dos filhos do capitao Jose e Luiza Maria permaneceram nas terras de Guanhaes mas nas proximidades onde hoje eh a Cidade de Virginopolis. Nos livros, os nomes dos fundadores do povoado foram: Felix Gomes de Brito, Jose Antonio da Fonseca, capitao Figueiredo e os tenentes: Joao Baptista Coelho e Joaquim Nunes Coelho. Joao Baptista era filho; e Joaquim era genro do capitao Jose e sua esposa Luiza Maria.

Mesmo nao sendo apontados como primeiros moradores do povoado, outra filha do casal acima: Eugenia Maria da Cruz, e o marido dela: Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho, criaram a familia deles nas proximidades e os filhos deles se mudaram para Virginopolis. Eles tiveram 8 filhos: Emygdia, Petronilha, Pedro, Marcal, Quiteria, Candida, Julia (nao se casou) e Ambrosina. Pedro e Marcal mantiveram o sobrenome “de Magalhaes Barbalho” nos filhos deles. Mas como as outras eram mulheres, seus filhos receberam os sobrenomes dos maridos que eram (3) Nunes Coelho , (1) Pacheco Moreira e (1) Magalhaes.

O filho mais novo dos capitao Jose e Luiza Maria: Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, morou toda sua vida em Guanhaes e la teve 16 filhos. Um: Benjamin 1o., faleceu crianca. Duas filhas: Julia Salles e Emidia Justiniana, ele teve com outras mulheres diferentes da esposa dele: Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral. Com esta ele teve: Antonio Junior, Lindolpho, Altivo, Josephina, Maria Marcolina, Joao, Jose, Luiza, Angelina, Daniel, Virginia, Benjamin 2o. e Maria Carmelita.

Posteriormente, se mudaram para Virginopolis: Maria Marcolina, Joao, Jose, Daniel, Virginia, Benjamin 2o. e Maria Carmelita. Exceto por Jose, todos se casaram com primos, descendentes do Joao Baptista Coelho. Parte dos filhos do Lindolpho e Altivo tambem se mudaram para la e se casaram com primos.

Postarei duas sequencias curtas para dar mais uma ideia de como se formou a familia.

1.782 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
1.818 Francisca Eufrasia de Assis – Joaquim Nunes Coelho
1.852 Miguel Nunes Coelho – Ambrosina de Magalhaes Barbalho
1.884 Bispo, D. Manoel Nunes Coelho, primeiro bispo de Luz, Minas Gerais.

1.782 Jose Coelho de Magalhaes Filho – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
1.824 Eugenia Maria da Cruz – Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho
1.861 Ambrosina de Magalhaes Barbalho – Miguel Nunes Coelho
1.890 Notel Nunes Coelho – Maria Isabel Rodrigues
1.915 Monsenhor, Omar Nunes Coelho

Essas sequencias foram apenas para ilustrar um pouco a composicao da familia Coelho em Virginopolis. Os tios Francisca Eufrasia de Assis e Joaquim Nunes Coelho tiveram la mais 9 filhos alem do Miguel. Eusebio (falecido crianca), Joaquim Filho, Jose, Emygdio, Rita, Lino, Altino, Joao e Luiza. Desconfio que as irmas de tia Ambrosina: Emygdia e Petronilha, casaram-se, repectivamente, com Jose e Joao, tambem primos-primeiro delas. Tambem o Joaquim Filho casou-se com Sebastiana Honoria Coelho, filha de Joao Baptista Coelho e Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho. Tios Ambrosina e Miguel se mudaram para Coroaci, Minas Gerais, onde os filhos mais novos nasceram.

Uma coisa que tenho que deixar claro eh isso, nao estou apresentando a Historia baseada em nossa grande familia por pensar que nos somos algum tipo especial de pessoas. As minhas limitacoes estao no fato de eu contar apenas com dados de nossa familia em maos. Essa apresentacao tem a intencao oposta. Se qualquer um, nao sendo da nossa familia, no Brasil ou em outro lugar qualquer, fizer algum estudo parecido na genealogia deste, tenho absoluta certeza que, ele ou ela tera a impressao que nossa saga sera parecida com qualquer outra.

A gente pode nao ter dados de outras familias mas quando a gente pega o dados dos recem-chegados aos lugares onde ha algum dominio de familias tradicionais o que se observa eh que, logo-logo a descendencia dos recem-chegados, senao eles proprios, casam-se com membros das familias tradicionais e passam a fazer parte da grande familia.

Uma particularidade da genealogia no Brasil eh a ausencia de dados dos descendentes dos indios e africanos. Mas isso nao significa que nao tenhamos parentesco com todos. Na nossa familia (Coelho) por exemplo nos sabemos que a esposa do tenente Joao Baptista Coelho, Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho, provavelmente, era mulata porque sabemos que ela tinha pele escura. Tambem, os que como eu tem Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho e Joao Batista Magalhaes como ancestrais (meus bisavos materno-maternos) tem ai outra linhagem afro-descendente.

Mesmo em seus descendentes atuais eh comum termos primos morenos. Segundo as tradicoes romanticas brasileiras essa cor eh um bom cartao de apresentacao como pessoas atrativas. Seja como for, o que penso eh que, nao importa se sabemos ou nao como, somos sempre parentes de toda a populacao `a nossa volta.

Posso apresentar exemplo de recem-chegados tornando-se parte da familia. Em 1.812 nasceu em Exeter, Inglaterra, um homem com o nome Edward William Jacobson Lott. Ele foi jovem para o Brasil e em torno de 1.832 fundou a companhia: The Candonga Gold Mining Ltda, na Cidade de Guanhaes, para explorar uma incidencia tardia de ouro na Fazenda Candonga, que comprara. Ele casou-se com uma menina de 16 anos: D. Maria Teresa da Silva Teixeira Caldeira Brant.

Nao tenho comigo a genealogia dela mas tiveram filhos e logo apos o sobrenome Lott comeca a aparecer em nossa Arvore. Uma irma do nosso primo e autor: Dr. Innocente Soares Leao, a Maria Eugenia, casou-se com o capitao Gabriel da Silva Lott. E eu tenho outros primos proximos com essa assinatura. Mas ainda tenho que fazer mais pesquisas para confirmar se o Lott em nossa familia eh o mesmo.

Em 1.885 o “vovo” Lott mudou-se para Caete onde faleceu em 1.900. Para casar-se com a adolescente ele teve que prometer que os filhos deles seriam criados nos costumes catolicos. Ele era anglicano e manteve a promessa.

Bom, para resumir nosso capitulo podemos pegar imagens recentes para termos ideia melhor do que foi a conquista e povoamento de Minas Gerais e em outros lugares. Eh como as tsunamis. A primeira onda chega e preenche as irregularidades do terreno. Dai vem a segunda onda e surfa por cima da primeira prolongando o preenchimento. E as ondas continuam vindo ate que a energia que as provocou se dissipe. Isso se parece com qualquer movimento migratorio. A diferenca entre migracao e tsunamis eh isso: a primeira constroi algo e a segunda, destroi.

A Cidade do Serro comecou a perder sua capacidade de influenciar as politicas mineira e brasileira na medida que perdeu a maioria do seu antigo territorio, o que diminuiu consideravelmente sua populacao, refletindo em numero menor de eleitores.

Mais tarde, com a descoberta do ferro em Itabira, o projeto de construcao da Ferrovia Vitoria-Minas foi modificado, alterado na altura de Governador Valadares. No projeto inicial a linha ferrea seguiria direto para o Serro e Diamantina antes de dirigir-se para Belo Horizonte. A estrada que foi construida foi direto para Itabira e Belo Horizonte.

O isolamento da regiao foi selado com a construcao da nova capital do Brasil, Brasilia. A capital nova transferiu boa parte da atencao e da migracao interna no Brasil para o Planalto Central. Agora a Cidade do Serro e regiao estao ressurgindo do isolamento que sofreram por um seculo inteiro.

As principais rodovias foram asfaltadas, o antigo projeto de ligar Brasilia a todas as capitais de estados por vias asfaltadas agora pavimentou a ligacao entre Brasilia e Vitoria; e esta implementado o projeto de revitalizacao dos caminhos da Estrada Real, para o turismo.

A regiao oferece boas opcoes para pratica de esportes radicais, observacao da natureza e Historia preservada dos mais de 300 anos de colonizacao europeia no Estado de Minas Gerais. Serro e regiao possuem um dos patrimonios coloniais mais bem preservados no Brasil.

Minas Gerais eh tambem caracterizado por sua producao de queijo chamado de Queijo-Minas. Quem conhece o estado sabe que o famoso Queijo-Minas tem uma definicao mais intima que eh: queijo do tipo Serro. Essa qualidade de queijo eh a que nos e nossos ancestrais produzimos por seculos.

Preciso fazer mais uma ultima observacao. Eh a respeito do tamanho dessa familia. Nao se tem a menor ideia. Tenho um contato que eh descendente de Joaquina Bernarda da Silva de Abreu Castelo Branco Soutto-Mayor. O nome pomposo pode ser abreviado para D. Joaquina do Pompeu. Ja a mencionei como exemplo de mulheres que estavam `a frente do tempo delas. Quando as 15.000 pessoas das cortes portuguesas foram para o Brasil, em 1.808, e o Rio de Janeiro estava desabastecido, o governador de Minas pediu socorro e ela forneceu todo tipo de mercadoria necessaria, tiradas das proprias fazendas. Quando ela faleceu tinha 40.000 bois nos pastos.

D. Joaquina nasceu em 1.752 e casou-se na jovem idade de 12 anos. Ela teve 10 filhos e segundo o descendente dela, meu contato e biografo dela: Dr. Deusdedit Pinto Ribeiro Campos, que eh o genealogista da familia, ele ja possui mais de 70.000 cadastrados na descendencia de D. Joaquina. Nosso ancestral, Antonio Borges Monteiro, que nasceu em 1.751, e casou-se 11 anos apos ela, foi pai de 11 filhos e talvez tenha um numero parecido de descendentes agora.

Porem, como na familia dela, ela teve varios irmaos, tias e tios e muitos parentes que devem ter descendencia diferente da dela hoje, o nosso ancestral tera muitos parentes que nos sao desconhecidos. E ninguem descende de apenas um casal. Baseado na falta de dados e no pouco que conheco de probabilidades, penso que nao somos menos de 1 milhao de pessoas, contando apenas a descendencia de nossos ancestrais que nasceram em torno de 1.750. E estou falando apenas das pessoas vivas. Penso ainda que a maioria de nos tem um numero parecido de parentes proximos.

Ha poucos dias peguei uma carona da oficina onde meu carro ia ser consertado. O americano da oficina que me trouxe tocou no assunto familia e eu disse a ele que tinha 8 irmas e irmaos. Assombrado, ele disse-me: “Que sorte voce tem!” E ficou matutando como seria bom se tambem tivesse tanta gente na familia dele. A carona acabou e cortou o papo. Mas penso que nao eh que eu tenha muitos parentes e ele nao.

O que esta acontecendo agora eh isso, depois da geracao de nossos pais nos tomamos a decisao de ter menos filhos para dar a eles e a nos mais confortos. Claro, sabemos que esta eh a decisao correta porque vivemos em um planeta pequeno, com recursos limitados. Mas o sentimento de pertencer a uma familia maior nao depende somente de quantos irmaos possuimos. Se voltarmos aos nossos ancestrais e procurarmos os descendentes deles, veremos o quao maior eh nossa familia do que imaginamos. Se alguem faz opcao pelo sentimento de pertencer somente aos parentes proximos, entao, a familia dele ou dela sera menor.

O meu sentimento de fazer parte eh maior do que meus ancestrais tinham. Nao penso que a minha aparencia europeia da-me uma identidade completa. Alguns dos ancestrais em nossa familia fizeram a opcao por nao passar-nos as vias que nos conectam aos nossos ancestrais africanos e nativo-brasileiros. E isso causa-me um sentimento de parte de identidade-perdida e por isso eh que procuro conectar-me, buscando a nossa verdadeira identidade.

Fazer parte de uma familia grande nem sempre parece melhor que considerar-se numa familia menor. O lado bom disso eh: quase todo dia a gente tem um aniversario para celebrar. Hoje eh 7 de janeiro de 2.012. O dia em que meu pai completaria 90 anos. Constantemente a gente recebe comunicados de nascimentos. Vai-se a um maior numero de casamentos, formaturas, etc. E a gente nunca fica sozinho quando passando por dificuldades.

Por outro lado, o ruim, voce vai a mais enterros na vida. Voce se preocupa mais com problemas dos outros. Voce tem que dar mais de si mesmo para manter as coisas indo bem. Mas, de qualquer jeito, isso faz parte da vida. Fazer parte de uma grande familia eh melhor justamente por causa das coisas ruins que podem acontecer a voce ou seus parentes. Isso significa que quando alguem cair haverao mais pessoas para dar sustento aos que sofrerao mais. Ninguem fica totalmente abandonado.


Estou de certa forma ansioso para terminar esta parte do livro porque ela eh menos interessante aos leitores e a decisao do Partido Republicano sobre quem sera o adversario do presidente Obama em 2.012 esta ficando feia. Ontem pela manha o ex-presidente da camara, Newt Gingrich, deu uma patada no Mitt Romney soltando seu “pious Baloney” (conversa fiada) em cima do que o Mitt falou, que ele nao havia tentado a reeleicao aqui em Massachusetts porque tinha mais o que fazer e nao apenas seguir carreira politica. No meu ponto de vista o Newt apontou a verdadeira razao. O Mitt Romney tinha feito um governo ruim e o eleitorado estava com tanta raiva que ele nao tinha chances de se reeleger. Foi essa a mesma impressao que eu tive na epoca, eu estava presente mas nao tinha o direito de votar.

O candidato Rick Santorum continua insistindo que os Estados Unidos precisam de um comandante em chefe e nao um executivo em chefe. Isto nem eh resposta. Se um comandante em chefe fosse tao essencial, Cuba, depois de 50 anos com um comando em chefe, seria o melhor lugar do mundo hoje. O maior problema americano agora eh a economia. Sera que deveriamos chamar um economista para dar a solucao?! So se for de brincadeira! Foram eles que em primeiro lugar causaram o problema! E isso eh valido tanto para economistas como executivos. O problema foi criado por empresarios, como o proprio Mitt Romney, que estavam jogando com o dinheiro deles e nossas vidas. Parafraseando o sr. Gingrich, as palavras do Santorum e do Romney nao passam de conversa fiada.

Mitt Romney fica furioso alegando casos de pirataria feita pelos chineses. De acordo com ele, a China consegue invadir o sistema via internet e esta copiando propriedade intelectual dos empreendimentos americanos. Ele precisa repensar tais alegacoes porque desde ha muito tempo os Estados Unidos nao estao investindo bem em educacao e nao temos conseguido produzir boas mentes em nossas univerdades e sempre usamos o nosso mercado atrativo para trazer para os Estados Unidos mentes que foram trabalhadas por educadores la fora, `as custas dos outros povos. Talvez a China esteja apenas comungando com a sabedoria brasileira: “Ladrao que rouba de ladrao tem cem anos de perdao.”

Ta bom, voltei. Eu poderia comparar a minha com a Historia de Jesus. Nao se engane nesta comparacao. Nao estou falando a respeito da importancia dele para a nossa Historia. Estou apenas mencionando o nascimento como modesta pessoa do povo, sem o treinamento oficial nos assuntos que ensinou e, nao importando o quao duro ele tentou fazer algo bom, acabou sendo morto de uma, que os contemporaneos dele consideravam, forma vergonhosa. De certa forma eu me identifico como num caminho semelhante. Nao estou pensando que, em algum futuro serei endeusado como ele. O que quero dizer eh apenas que a minha vida tem sido uma serie de eventos inoportunos, e que eu sempre tento imaginar como isso podera trazer algo de bom para a humanidade, claro, nao para mim mesmo. Vamos comecar entao!

Nasci em 4 de julho de 1.958 na pequena cidade de Virginopolis, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Mamae queria que meu nome fosse Washington, por causa da data de nascimento. A maioria das pessoas no Brasil eh conhecida pelo nome. Por essa razao, porque o povo ingles usa os sobrenomes como identificacao, muitos brasileiros comecaram a dar nome aos filhos em homenagem `as personalidades inglesas e norte americanas. Entao, sobrenomes como: Nelson, Washington, Hudson, Lincoln, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Johnson, Wilson, Kennedy e muitos outros aparecem no lugar de nome na genealogia brasileira.

O padre Geraldo Brauwer, que iria batizar-me, disse que nao via senso em tal nome e papai falou que ja havia registrado com o nome Valquirio. O padre, que era de origem alema, mostrou sua insatisfacao dizendo, Faz menos sentido ainda! Mas nao havia escolha porque eu ja era Valquirio mesmo!

O nome vem da mitologia germanica, Valkjrja, que eram anjos femininos cuja funcao seria levantar as almas dos bravos caidos em batalhas e leva-las para os ceus. Elas foram inspiracao para o compositor Wagner. A letra “o” no final foi posta porque essa eh a forma de masculinizar os nomes na lingua portuguesa. Comumente, em nossa linguagem a letra a eh sempre feminino e o o, masculino. Assim se torna facil trocar segundo as conveniencias se apresentem. Eh como nos nomes Antonia e Antonio.

Quando nasci, a cidade estava prestes a entrar em sua depressao mais longa. Possivelmente os habitantes nao tinham ideia disso e a atencao deles estava voltada para outro fato. O Brasil fora Campeao da Copa do Mundo pela primeira vez.

Apesar da minha memoria ser muito boa e eu lembrar algumas cenas da minha vida desde quando comecei a andar, o que tenho mais recordacao comeca a partir do meu quinto aniversario. Sim, lembro-me uma vez, nas pontas dos pes, com os bracos para o ceu, pedindo colinho para alguem que nao me lembro. Tambem lembro-me de ver papai, na unica vez na vida que o vi fazer isso, soltando foguetes em nosso quintal pelo segundo campeonato de futebol que o Brasil ganhou em 1.962.

Depois disso veio o ano de 1.963 e seu final terrivel. Nossa avo, Zulmira, mae do papai, faleceu em consequencia de uma longa condicao cardiaca. Ela tinha apenas 70 anos e o nosso amor por ela era apenas uma retribuicao a ela ser tao carinhosa. Faleceu em 1 de outubro de 1.963. E aqui nos Estados Unidos, logo depois, em 22 de novembro, o presidente Kennedy foi assassinado.

O choque dessa segunda noticia teve o mesmo efeito da morte de um parente nosso. O povo brasileiro nao estava politicamente alerta para o que estava acontecendo no mundo. Mas penso que nossos ancestrais estavam esperando algo melhor do fato de o presidente Kennedy ter sido catolico. Nao sei qual ilusao o povo brasileiro tinha, emanada de um presidente catolico nos Estados Unidos, mas a morte machucou a todos, de forma bastante dura. Eu apenas captei o luto por duas pessoas que eram importantes em nossas vidas. Nao posso dizer que lembro dele mas estava contaminado pela alegria com o governo e o luto pela morte que os parentes mais velhos sentiram.

Nesse espaco de tempo eu estava conhecendo o lugar em que viviamos. Era uma cidade pequena, desenhada em forma de um X maiusculo por suas ruas principais. As baixadas quase nao encontravam espaco para passar entre as montanhas. Das montanhas nasciam os corregos que escavaram trincheiras nas baixadas. Assim, quase a metade das casas, exceto pelas que formam parte do centro, tinham os seus quintais lavados pelos corregos. As outras casas, no lado oposto das ruas, faziam parte da outra metade.

A maioria das casas eram velhas e decadentes. Algumas, como a que nossa familia morava, pertenceram aos nossos bisavos paternos. O estilo era o colonial antigo, feito por madeira pesada com paredes de adobe. Penso que, exceto pelo pregos e um outro pouquinho em ferro e ceramica, tudo foi feito por profissionais locais. Ate o teto era coberto por telhas locais. Geralmente, as casas eram velhas mas amigas da natureza ja que estavamos acostumados a viver com ratos, baratas, tarantulas e passaros como andorinhas e corujas. Algumas vezes tinhamos morcegos mas nunca cobras. Tinhamos galinhas no quintal, e um cao e uma gata. Os dois ultimos a partir dos anos 70.

A casa tinha a forma de U com a boca da letra voltada para o quintal. Era separada no meio por uma parede unica formando duas casas independentes. No outro lado moravam a velha tia Philoteia (Teteh), irma do nosso avo; uma velha mais nova de olhos azuis, um tanto doida, com o nome de Vitoria, e uma velha africana chamada Philomena (Philoh) de quem diziam haver sido escrava mas eu nao tenho certeza quanto a isso porque ela teria que ter mais de 100 anos para isso ser verdade, e ela era a mais velha mas das tres era a unica que regulava perfeitamente. Num dos quartos tambem moravam, separado de sua esposa, o primo Hugo e dois dos filhos, Eustaquio e Ricardo.

Do nosso lado, com o nascimento da nossa irma mais nova em 1.964, eramos 9 filhos com o mais velho tendo 12 anos. Junte-se ai, nossos pais e duas colaboradoras. Essas variavam as pessoas em espacos de 2 ou 3 anos. Eramos 13 pessoas do mesmo lado. De vez em quando tinhamos mais 1 ou 2, quando alguma irma ou irmao das colaboradoras vinham. Isso nao era excecao na cidade. As casas eram mesmo lotadas! Mas ninguem se importava muito com isso. Hoje a cidade deve ter o triplo de casas e nao tem populacao maior que naquele tempo. Isso era o mesmo em quase todo o Brasil.

Nossa casa fica no centro da cidade. Nao mais a casa velha mas outra que comecamos a morar em 1.978, construida por papai no lugar da anterior. Naquele tempo, nossa vizinhanca nao era muito diferente do que tinhamos em casa. A rua em que moravamos era quase toda habitada por parentes. Melhor dizendo, parentes proximos. Uma excecao era o nosso vizinho mais proximo, o do lado esquerdo, que era o padeiro e tinha nascido em Caratinga. A esposa dele era local e o sobrenome era Carvalho, talvez tinha alguma ligacao com nossos parentes, porem, nao diretamente conosco.

Nao penso ser necessario mencionar todos porque isso viraria uma lista telefonica. Porem tinhamos mais duas tias do papai, Olga e Biloca, morando la. Um dos tio-avos dele, Francisco Sobrinho (Seo Chiquinho), morou na casa da frente com a esposa dele, Salome (Memeh). O numero de parentes e as ligacoes familiares eram tao embaralhadas que descobri esse parentesco particular com eles 40 anos depois, quando comecei a estudar nossa genealogia. Papai nunca o chamava de tio e o mencionava apenas pelo apelido, dai eu nunca ter captado o nosso parentesco proximo antes.

Posteriormente, mudou-se para a mesma casa a madrasta do nosso avo materno. Tia Virginia, que era a viuva do nosso bisavo Ze Coelho, e vivia com tres de seus filhos, os que nunca se casaram: Ignes, Tarcisio e Joao. Com eles morava o tio Gamaliel (Gama) que era irmao completo do avo Juca. Na casa vizinha do lado direito morou a viuva, tia Ceci, com a filha dela: Aparecida (D. Cidinha) com a familia dela. Tia Ceci tambem era irma completa do vovo Juca. Os irmaos da primeira familia eram: Juca, Aquiles, Gama, Armando, Maria Marcolina e Ceci. Os da segunda eram: Darcy, Josefina (Fina), Amandina, Bernardino, Noemi, Joao, Ignes, Tarcisio, Savio e Ruth. Tia Ceci era viuva do tio Marcial, irmao do vovo Cista (Trajano). Na mesma rua tambem morava o tio da mamae, Eliezer (Seo Li).

No restante das casas, duas nao eram o tempo todo ocupadas por nossos parentes mas os ocupantes tinham parentes em sua familias que eram casados com alguns de nossos parentes. E como estudantes em idade escolar eramos colegas dos filhos ou parceiros nos esportes. Todo o centro era ocupado por essa mistura de geracoes da mesma familia alternada com alguns nao parentes. O padrao de proporcao entre parentes e nao parentes se invertia `a medida que afastavamos do centro e andavamos em direcao aos suburbios.

Mas em qualquer direcao que fossemos havia uma casa de nossos parentes. Mesmo aqueles que pensavamos que nao fossem poderiam de alguma forma ser nossos parentes porque nao tinhamos dados completos da populacao toda e nem mesmo dos nossos. Como ja mencionado, nao podemos excluir ai os de origem africana e nativo-brasileira porque temos origens genealogicas neles tambem.

A zona rural era um reflexo da cidade. Desde que ela foi povoada no principio pelos nossos ancestrai. Eles tomaram para si grandes porcoes de terras. `A medida que as geracoes chegaram e passaram, as fazendas iniciais foram divididas entre os herdeiros e viraram pequenas fazendas. E a populacao cresceu demais para continuar dividindo as terras, assim, a geracao dos nossos pais comecou a buscar outros lugares para ir. Mesmo antes deles alguns ja haviam tomado essa decisao.

Tenho dois exemplos para ilustrar bem a situacao. A cidade de Governador Valadares tem uma lista de pioneiros. Penso que ela conta apenas aqueles que se mudaram para la e, de alguma forma, levaram algum desenvolvimento para o lugar. Se nao fosse por essa razao, os pioneiros teriam que comecar em anos anteriores a 1.900 quando ja havia populacao por la. Mas a lista comeca em 1.916 e nela estao listados Sinval Rodrigues Coelho, tio materno de papai, casado com Maria (Maricas) Magalhaes, tia materna da mamae.

Outro na lista, do mesmo ano, eh o Seo Gil Pacheco de Magalhaes. Era casado com Maria Vieira, natural da Cidade de Ferros. Seo Gil Pacheco era filho da tia-bisavo Quiteria de Magalhaes Barbalho e Joaquim Pacheco Moreira. Tia Quiteria era irma do Marcal, avo paterno do papai; e Candida, avo materna da mamae. Nos temos outros parentes na lista, em outros anos, como: Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, irmao do tio Sinval e Odilon de Magalhaes Barbalho, irmao do papai.

Mesmo antes daquele tempo as mulheres eram supostas a seguir os maridos delas sem importar para onde estivessem indo. E nos tivemos o caso da tia Emygdia Honoria Coelho, casada com Amaro de Souza Silva, que deixaram descendencia em varias cidades da regiao. Tambem a tia Marcolina Honoria Coelho, que casou-se com Demetrio Coelho de Oliveira e ajudaram a povoar a Cidade de Coroaci. Tias Emygdia e Marcolina eram filhas de nossos trisavos: Joao B. Coelho e Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho.

Dai chegaram os anos 60 e com eles a explosao demografica nas cidades grandes. Nossa familia ja tinha experimentado a situacao por causa da migracao para o Rio de Janeiro e Sao Paulo. Depois chegou a vez de Belo Horizonte tambem atrair mais migrantes mas como vimos no video:, em 1.948 a capital de Minas Gerais tinha somente 200.000 habitantes. Basicamente esta populacao era de todo o Estado. Mas eu tenho certeza de que boa parte tinha origem na regiao do Serro, especialmente da nossa area. Isso se da porque as areas mais populosas do Estado eram o Sul, Zona da Mata e Central. O Sul eh proximo a Sao Paulo. A Mata fica proxima ao Rio de Janeiro. E a Central fica no lado oposto `as duas grandes cidades.

A partir dos anos 60 passamos a ter mais tres opcoes de migracao. Governador Valadares, area de Ipatinga e a, entao, novissima capital do Brasil: Brasilia. E nos comecamos a ver nossas tias e tios com as familias deles irem para esses lugares. Ano apos ano a Historia era a mesma. Papai tinha 12 irmas e irmaos casados. Tres permaneceram em Virginopolis junto com ele. Tia Odette foi para Belo Horizonte. E todos os outros para Governador Valadares. Somente tio Otacilio ficou mais em Virginopolis antes de seguir para Valadares.

A Historia do lado de mamae nao eh tao diferente, apesar de apenas uma irma ter mudado para Valadares. Tia Camilla, que eh casada com nosso primo Jorge Nunes Coelho fez isso. Os outros se dispersaram por varios lugares como: Uberlandia, Paracatu, Vitoria-ES, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Itabira, Sete Lagoas e Virginopolis.

Temos pelo menos dois lados bons dessa dispersao. Se a familia se mantivesse junta e todos os filhos fossem criados lado-a-lado, nos poderiamos mantermo-nos casando uns com os outros assim como nossos parentes fizeram por 100 anos na cidade. As consequencias de sermos muito aparentados poderiam causar tragedias para a nossa descendencia. Como familia penso que ja somos felizes o suficiente em relacao uns com os outros, assim, como a maioria de nos se mudou e se casou com os de outras familias isso permitiu `a nossa descendencia ter mais chances de passar para frente nossos gens. O outro lado ficou para as ferias escolares, quando duzias de nos se encontravam em Virginopolis. Isso nos tras otimas memorias de nosso passado!

Em 2.005, logo apos ao terremoto e tsunami na Indonesia, eu vi uma senhora sendo entrevistada num show. Ela demonstrava muita raiva com o mundo. E a raiva dela nascia da falsa impressao de que a maioria das pessoas nos outros paises odeia americanos. Como ja mencionei, isso surgiu a partir de pesquisas feitas logo apos aos ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro em 2.001. E os resultados foram unidirecionalmente explorados pela media americana. Talvez tenha sido para justificar qualquer coisa que fosse decidida mais tarde. E a defesa dela do povo americano foi no sentido de que: “Vejam como temos compaixao dos outros povos! Nenhum outro pais do mundo esta fazendo tanto pelas vitimas da tragedia.”

Eh justamente por causa de inducoes erradas como essas que os outros povos acusam os americanos de arrogancia. E eu relembro fatos da minha infancia que talvez possam ajudar aos outros americanos a entender o ponto de vista do outro lado. Tenho lembrancas de mim, ainda crianca, comendo queijo americano nas aulas de catecismo; tomando mingau de aveia uma vez por semana nos recreios da escola, e diziam que o leite em po que era distribuido aos pobres la havia ido dos Estados Unidos. Tudo era caridade e eu nao duvido disso.

Mas o tempo provou que nos nao precisavamos disso na realidade. Nossa regiao era o que no Brasil eh chamada de Bacia Leitera. E nos podiamos produzir muitos tipos de graos tais como: arroz, milho, feijao e, inclusive, aveia. O que o povo nao conhecia na epoca eram as tecnologias porque boas terras, clima e agua mais que suficientes, dados pela natureza, nos tinhamos.

Temos que nos lembrarmos de uma coisa, parafraseando um diplomata americano que prestou servico no Brasil algum tempo depois: “Os Estados Unidos nao tem amigos, tem interesses.” Nunca ficamos sabendo qual relacao tal caridade teve com o apoio dado pelos Estados Unidos `a ditadura no Brasil. E a caridade e a ditadura aconteceram ao mesmo tempo. Coincidencia? Talvez!

Tivemos exemplo diferente de aproximacao. Em 1.968 recebemos um padre novo em nossa paroquia. O nome dele era Bernardo Odenkirchen e era holandes. E a Holanda tinha uma lei que mandava que uma porcentagem dos ganhos no comercio com outros paises fossem aplicados nos proprios paises, em projetos que beneficiassem as comunidades. E os cidadaos daquele pais sao os que ajudam as comunidades a terem acesso ao dinheiro. Sem intervencoes politicas.

Por meio dessa ajuda nos ganhamos melhores: hospital, maternidade, asilo e, naturalmente, um trato melhor aos predios da igreja. E tambem alguns recursos que tornaram possivel a escola de tecnicas agricolas. O objetivo era o de ensinar novas tecnicas agropecuarias. Com isso, mais a assistencia de uma empresa estatal (Emater), os fazendeiros comecaram a produzir mais e obter renda melhor. Nao posso dizer que tudo saiu nos conformes porque as baixas e altas da economia brasileira nunca permitiram que mais gente tivesse oportunidades melhores. Mas esta forma era, sem duvida, muito melhor que pura caridade.

Minha conclusao eh essa: nao podemos dizer “temos compaixao” quando estamos fazendo doacoes para atenuar qualquer tragedia. Somos o pais mais rico do mundo e o que doamos vem do que esta sobrando para nos. Quando acontecem tragedias nos paises pobres, algumas pessoas deles provam ser muito melhor que nos porque elas partilham tudo o que tem, mesmo sabendo que isso seria necessario a elas no futuro.

Se eu continuar escrevendo cada fato da minha vida terei que escrever outro livro. Vejamos o que for mais importante. Tentarei ordenar os eventos por anos. Em 1.966 eu entrei na escola e tinha sete anos e meio. Ao contrario daqui, nosso ano escolar comeca em fevereiro. Isso se da porque no hemisferio sul o inverno se da no meio e o verao no final do ano. Nos nao tinhamos pre-escola na epoca. Nossas ferias eram em julho, meio de ano, e de dezembro a fevereiro, no final do ano letivo.

Por volta daquele tempo a cidade ganhou as primeiras televisoes. Poucas pessoas podiam te-las. Preto e branco. Quando tinhamos oportunidade a gente assistia, basicamente eram os enlatados americanos como: Bonanza, Os Tres Patetas, I Love Lucy, Perdidos no Espaco, Terra de Gigantes, Tarzan e por ai vai. Producao brasileira, so mesmo novela. Os noticiarios serviam como recreio para nos criancas na maioria das vezes. Continua em minha mente o som da voz do locutor ao pronunciar o nome Lyndon B. Johnson, quando as noticias eram a respeito dos Estados Unidos.

Enquanto o papai nao comprou a nossa tv usada eu era capaz de pedir qualquer outra pessoa que tivesse para assistir um pouco em suas casas. Ganhamos a nossa por volta de 1.968. E nele ou no ano anterior eu sofri um acidente enquanto brincava, na padaria do nosso vizinho. Mario, o nome do amigo, estava fazendo massa de pao numa maquina eletrica. Eu estava brincando com um pedaco de massa quando ele caiu da minha mao e tentei pega-lo no ar. Senti apenas um puxaozinho e imediatamente fiz o movimento reflexo de tirar a mao de perto da maquina. Mario gritou meu nome e desligou a maquina. Eu ainda nao havia entendido o que estava acontecendo enquanto nao vi o sangue cobrindo minha mao. A maquina tinha cortado a cabeca do meu polegar direito.

A principio eu permaneci mais calmo que a familia do vizinho. As meninas choravam e alguem levou-me para o hospital. A cidade estava sem medico e fui enviado para Guanhaes, onde fui operado pelo Dr. Francisco, que era famoso na regiao. Talvez fosse por ele ser o unico por perto. Recentemente descobri o nome dele no livro do primo Dermeval e ele eh nosso parente.

O ferimento nunca foi problema para a minha vida seguir em frente. Porem, o trauma, por muito tempo, entristeceu-me. Some-se a isso, nao recordo se fora antes ou depois, fui atropelado por um carro. Nao que o carro tenha passado sobre mim. Deu apenas uma pancada em minha perna e eu dei duas voltas antes de sentar-me no passeio da rua em frente `a casa do papai. Fui novamente para o hospital mas sem maiores consequencias dessa vez. Todavia, estes e outros eventos somados fez-me questionar por quase toda a vida se fui intencionalmente colocado no mundo em razao de uma ma sorte natural. Hoje, vendo como o mundo anda, nao me sinto sem sorte de jeito algum. Pelo menos, nao estou sozinho!

Tambem em 1.968 Martin Luther King Junior foi assassinado aqui nos Estados Unidos. Mas parece que o evento nao teve repercussao no Brasil. Nao recordo de comocao alguma por isso. E penso que isso se deu porque ele nao era um sacerdote catolico e a luta pelos direitos civis nao era considerada importante naquele momento. A populacao negra fora sempre deixada de lado por nossa sociedade mas la nao se tinha nenhuma lei segregacional dizendo: Por lei, existem alguns “mais iguais” que outros. O Brasil possuia um sistema de lei mais parecido com o europeu, mais proximo do frances, onde o “Liberte, egalite, fraternite” seria o lema. O problema no Brasil era esse, a lei nunca funcionou para a populacao pobre brasileira.

Se eu nunca tivesse vindo para os Estados Unidos, Luther King poderia nao passar de um ilustre desconhecido para mim. Talvez nem tanto porque sou meio viciado em informacao. Ocasionalmente eu leria algum artigo a respeito da vida e feitos dele. Mas somente aqui nos Estados Unidos podemos conhecer a dimensao real dele no capitulo do Movimento pelos Direitos Civis. Se o movimento tivesse uma conotacao melhor junto ao combate `a pobreza no mundo, ele poderia ser melhor conhecido no Brasil porque o preconceito la eh contra o povo pobre, nao interessa a cor da pele.

Em 7 de maio de 1.969 houve outra tristeza na familia. Nosso avo paterno faleceu. Ele lutou um tempo curto contra um problema nos rins e nao resistiu. Era um homem tao forte que raramente gripava. Tambem ja tinha 79 anos. Penso que o que poderia ter sido feito por ele foi feito. Foi transportado para Governador Valadares e de la para Belo Horizonte, via helicoptero. Isso era algo incomum na epoca. Mas a medicina nao tinha os mesmos recurso de hoje. Eu nem mesmo chorei. Somente tempos depois eu senti a falta dele ao lembrar que eu nao o conhecera tao bem quanto a outros parentes.

Vovo Cista, como era conhecido, teve uma vida que caberia em um bom livro. Ele comecou como empregado quando tinha apenas 10 anos. Depois ele tornou-se dono de caminhao, fazendeiro, tinha casas de comercio e ajudou os filhos a iniciarem suas proprias atividades. Ele somente nao investiu nas filhas porque, naquele tempo, mulheres eram supostas a ficar em casa e casar. Um homem da posicao dele garantiria bons maridos para elas. Ele foi eleito prefeito da cidade por duas vezes. Possivelmente faleceu como o homem mais rico da cidade. Mas a riqueza naquele tempo nao se apresentava pelo dinheiro no bolso. O que fazia aparecer era ser dono de fazenda.

A lista dos filhos dele e Dindinha Zulmira foi: Oswaldo, Odette, Murillo, Odilon, Olimpia (que faleceu crianca), Otacilio, Odon, Odila, Otto (Sinho), Oldack, Oneida, Otacilia, Ovidio e Ozanan.

1.969 tambem foi o ano que o homem andou na Lua pela primeira vez. Foi bastante divulgado que seria transmitido pela tv. Eu esperei ate 9:00 da noite e os jornalistas disseram que houvera atrasos. E os atrasos passaram dos limites. Dai eu disse para mim mesmo: Quer saber d’uma coisa! Amanha havera repeteco. Fui acordado por uma expressao de admiracao do tio Murillo, irmao da mamae, na sala. Ele estava la so para a ocasiao. Ja tinha passa da meia noite e eu mantive minha palavra. Amanha! O que eu nao sabia era que, o que eles estavam vendo ja era reprise tambem.

Eu tinha 11 anos quando visitei Governador Valadares pela primeira vez. Era a maior cidade que eu ja fora. Era bem menor que hoje mas a populacao, pela mesma razao que em Virginopolis, era muito maior em proporcao de construcoes. Eu nao tive nenhum problema em aprender a andar de canto-a-canto. A cidade tem dois pontos de referencias: o Rio Doce e o Pico do Ibituruna. O Ibituruna parece ser uma montanha enorme mas nao eh mais alto que os morros em Virginopolis. Eh assim porque Valadares esta dentro da trincheira escavada pelo rio por milhoes de anos.

Tambem eh por esta razao que Valadares tem um clima tropical verdadeiro e Virginopolis um quase temperado. A variacao anual de temperaturas em Virginopolis vai dos raros 4 negativos aos raros 35 C. Mesmo com o verao indo de setembro a marco, ha a queda da temperatura `a noite, ao ponto da gente poder dormir bem sem precisar cobertor pesado. Raramente Valadares vai abaixo dos 30.

Espalhadas em Valadares nos tinhamos muitas casas de familiares conhecidos. La tinhamos 8 tias e tios: Camilla, Murillo (irmao do papai nao o da mamae), Odilon, Odila, Otto, Oldack, Otacilia e Ovidio. Tia Maricas, que era viuva do tio Sinval, e tio Antonio Rodrigues Coelho continuavam morando la deste seus tempos de pioneiros. Penso que os tios Wilson (Sao) e Gastao, irmaos da tia Maricas, e Elgita, Nize, Omar, Conceicao, Joao e Olimpinha, irmaos completos do tio Antonio e da Dindinha Zulmira, tambem estavam la mas nao visitei todos. Tambem tinhamos uma lista enorme de primos. Estou falando apenas daqueles que tinham ascendencia direta em Virginopolis.

Naquele tempo eu nao sabia que eramos parentes proximos de tantas outras populacoes das cidades em torno do Serro. E, com certeza, muitos residiam em Governador Valadares. Mesmo sem saber disso era impossivel esquivar-me de encontros casuais com parentes conhecidos nas ruas. Nos dias em que fomos ao Aete Esporte Clube para refrescar um pouco nas piscinas, tive a impressao que la fosse Virginopolis, segunda versao.

1.970 foi ano de Copa do Mundo. Foi no Mexico e o Brasil comecou a jogar em Guadalajara. Todo dia de jogo nossa casa virava cinema. Vinham parentes e amigos. O Brasil ganhou os sete jogos que disputou. E nos ganhamos o tricampeonato. Os primeiros da Historia. E a ditadura tentou tirar proveito do prestigio junto `a opiniao publica. Este foi o tempo em que o gingle que tinha a frase: “Este eh um pais que vai pra frente”, e que recebeu a versao dos comediantes cantando e andando para tras e tiveram o programa suspenso.

Por volta de 1.974 nossa avo Petrina faleceu. Ela foi a segunda esposa do vovo Juca e foi a que conheci. A mae da mamae tinha falecido em 1.940. Tinha apenas 44 anos. Vovo Davina foi casada por 26 anos e teve 17 filhos. Tres deles faleceram crianca. Uma se chamou Camilla e houveram dois Longinos. O Longino III foi o que sobreviveu e foi meu padrinho, junto com tia Oneida, irma do papai. A lista de nomes da filharada era: Maria Marcolina, Murillo, Fausto, Lucio, Merces, Martha, Judith, Longino, Camilla, Angela (Ju), Lia, Jose Fabiano, Lucinda e Maria Helena. Os irmaos da vovo Davina eram: Joao Magalhaes, Eliezer (Sou Li), Emydia (Miluca), Wilson (Sao), Getulio, Maria (Maricas), Candida e Gastao.

A avo Petrina ja era prima e vem do ramo Barbalho. Ela deu mais 5 filhos ao avo Juca. Davina, Maria Eugenia (Maroh), Matilde, Eduardo e Cirano. Era uma pessoa com calor humano e todo mundo amava ficar junto a ela. O filho mais novo dela eh so tres anos mais velho que o meu irmao mais velho, Fernando. A nossa diferenca de idade para a segunda familia eh tao pequena que nos parecemos mais primos. Apos terem idade suficiente para ir para as cidades maiores faziam a nossa alegria quando vinham visitar.

Particularmente Davina e Maria Eugenia que ajuntavam pelo menos uma duzia de nos para irmos visitar nossos tios e tias que moravam nas rocas. A fazenda onde os avos Petrina e Juca moravam tambem era otima para encontrarmo-nos. Por infortunio, Davina e Maroh foram nossas perdas para o cancer, quando andavam pelos 60 anos delas. As duas estavam comecando a ver nascer os primeiros netos.

Vovo Petrina era filha da Sinhah Gininha (Eugenia) e a irma dela, tia Geralda, casou-se com tio Bernardino, meio-irmao do vovo Juca. Elas tiveram mais tres irmas: Maria (Totoca), que era irma de caridade; Margarida (tia Nen) e Cecilia. Tia Cecilia casou-se com Friedrick Knipp. Ou Fidirico como o povo o conhecia. Era imigrante alemao no Brasil e eles deixaram grande descendencia.

No inicio dos 70 passamos a ter dois eventos importantes em Virginopolis. Um deles nao me causou grande prazer. Foi a mencionada criacao da escola de tecnica agropecuaria. Sempre gostei de animais e plantas mas meu sonho era ir para qualquer outro lugar para trabalhar e tornar-me independente. Mas tinha somente 15 anos e papai nem se deu ao trabalho de perguntar se eu tinha outros planos. E eu fiquei preso `a cidade por mais 4 anos.

Naquele tempo o governo havia decidido que as escolas de segundo grau teriam que ter algum curso tecnico e nao poderiam ser apenas cientifico. Assim, nos perdemos um ano de conteudo cientifico, que deveria ser fundamental para aqueles que se interessavam continuar a estudar na universidade. A gente poderia tentar o vestibular a partir de completar o terceiro ano mas ja sabendo que as chances de passar seriam menores por causa de ter aprendido menos. No Brasil, a admissao a uma universidade era feita apenas atraves do provao chamado vestibular. Eu perdi a minha primeira tentativa e gastei mais um de meus anos no segundo grau.

Por volta de 40 anos atras tambem comecou o Festival da Jabuticaba de Virginopolis. Jabuticaba eh uma fruta brasileira com varias variedades. Eh uma arvore media, tem 10 metros ou mais, com ramos longos, multiplos, flexiveis e fortes. O ciclo de vida anual dela comeca no inverno quando todas as folhas caem e ala permanece assim ate a brotacao aparecer. A planta mantem a brotacao dormente enquanto nao vem as chuvas. Logo depois, como um milagre, a arvore inteira eh coberta por flores brancas, que exalam um cheiro doce e agradavel.

A floracao eh tao intensa que a arvore parece ficar coberta de neve. Mesmo o tronco fica coberto de flores, e as vezes as raizes que afloram da terra tambem florescem. Abelhas comecam a polinizacao e o zumbido delas domina o dia inteiro. Logo aparecem as frutas pequenas de cor verde e comecam a crescer. Quando elas atingem o tamanho de uma uva grande a cor muda com listas amarelas e vermelhas para passar ao preto brilhante como espelho. O processo dura 40 dias quando hao chuvas suficientes.

Dentro temos a polpa saborosa e tres sementonas. O Virginopolitano chupa apenas a polpa e cospe o resto. Comparando-a com a melhor uva que ja chupei, jabuticaba eh muito melhor. Da fruta se pode fazer vinho, licor, cachaca e geleia. Cada um eh o melhor em seu genero. Se alguem consegue subir na arvore, chupa o melhor da fruta. Ela nao eh boa para transportar porque eh tao delicada que logo comeca a acidificar. Em poucas horas passa a prestar somente para fabricar bebida alcoolica.

Precisa-se ter cuidado com duas coisas. Primeiro eh que quando se comeca a chupar nao se quer parar. E isso faz seus rins trabalharem rapido e voce tera que pagar uma visita `a casinha. Mais tarde, quando precisar voltar para pagar pelo lado inverso, o produto saira como se fosse constipacao. Mas nao sera grande problema. As fezes somente virao mais duras mas a defecacao sera suave. O problema sera quando alguem engoliu as sementes. Tem gente que gosta. Para previnir o encalhamento eh so engolir algumas cascas junto. As cascas alisam a saida.

Quem ja estiver com agua na boca pode ir ao Brasil por volta de novembro. Nao eh imperativo ir a Virginopolis. Na Cidade de Sabara, que fica perto de Belo Horizonte, tem seu proprio festival e a tradicao de possuir a fruta. O Estado inteiro produz a fruta, a qual eh nativa por la. Quem nao tiver fundos para fazer tal viagem ja pode ter a fruta aqui nos Estados Unidos. Nao esta disponivel no comercio mas na Florida alguns mineiros plantaram a fruta nos quintais e ja estao chupando. Possivelmente eles nao irao se incomodar se alguem pedir para experimentar. Este eh nosso codigo de hospitalidade.

Bom, gostaria de comentar um pouco a respeito do festival que nasceu da fruta. Ele comecou com dois objetivos. O primeiro era o de arrecadar dinheiro para as sociedades beneficentes da cidade. Com o resultado, escolas, hospitais, maternidade, asilo e outros sao assistidos. A ideia surgiu entre os professores de Virginopolis e funcionou tao bem que quase todas as cidades agora tem o proprio festival. O que muda eh a epoca e a motivacao. Cada cidade tem sua especialidade como: laranja, banana, cana-de-acucar, etc.

O outro objetivo era levar de volta `a cidade os antigos moradores e suas familias para a ocasiao. O Festival da Jabuticaba virou um encontro das familias. Estranhos sao muito bem vindos tambem mas se nao tiverem contato com alguem da area eh dificil encontrar-se alojamento nos hoteis no periodo. A cidade eh servida por poucos e as cidades em torno podem servir de bases para os que possuirem os proprios meios de transporte. Tem la uma area de camping mas nao eh confortavel. Funciona bem para os jovens. E as casas dos moradores ficam lotadas. Eh como voce ver uma multidao de brasileiros em qualquer outro lugar no mundo. Eh barulhento e feliz.

Por volta de 1.976 fiz minha primeira viagem a Belo Horizonte e conheci uma cidade grande mesmo! Pelo menos, era um lugar onde residiam cerca de 2.000.000 de pessoas, sem contar as cidades da Grande BH. Nao recordo perfeitamente os detalhes porque fiz duas viagens relacionadas ao programa da escola. Uma para a Exposicao Agropecuaria de Barbacena e outra para a Semana do Fazendeiro da Universidade Federal de Vicosa. Numa delas eu permaneci em Belo Horizonte e encontrei com a parentalha.

Esportes sempre foram a minha atividade favorita. E futebol era o que o brasileiro mais sabia fazer. Eu gostava de voleibol e nadar tambem. Desde menino eu era goleiro, e bonzinho. Minha altura me ajudava nisso mas nunca fui perfeito. Mas porque no Brasil o goleiro era sempre o culpado de tudo que saia errado, abandonei o gol e experimentei outras posicoes. Mas um dia nosso time estava precisando de um goleiro e fui chamado para cooperar. Tentei e durante um treino cai de mal jeito sobre a bola, o que provocou uma lucacao terrivel no ombro direito. Nunca mais pude praticar meus esportes favoritos como fazia antes, e ainda sofri varios acidentes que me fizeram visitar os hospitais. Inclusive aqui nos Estados Unidos desloquei o ombro umas 2 ou 3 vezes. Nao muito tempo atras sofri uma cirurgia que resolveu o problema, porem, nao estou praticando mais esportes.

1.977 foi um senhor ano! Lembro-me ter tido uma inspiracao e comecar a escrever um livro, antes de julho. Este nao foi minha primeira obra. Quando tinha 13 anos escrevi um pequeno romance e o perdi. Tambem nao posso classificar minha adolescencia como feliz. Era muito timido e incapaz de falar fluentemente. Ler e escrever era como minha defensa, onde exalava minhas preocupacoes mais profundas. Comecei a escrever o livro sem saber o que aconteceria na proxima pagina.

Cada dia eu escrevia um capitulo, o que era um grande feito para mim porque eu detestava desenvolver os temas que eramos obrigados a desenvolver como trabalhos de escola. Sentia-me muito confortavel colocando minhas inspiracoes, que apareciam do nada, no papel mas nao sabia fazer o mesmo com as consideradas tarefas. Penso que o problema se dava porque nao tinha bom conhecimento de linguagem e sem inspiracao o trabalho ficava dificil.

Nao tardou e a primeira parte do livro ficou pronta e julho chegou. Penso que foi nessa epoca que fomos `a Cidade de Barbacena. Foi quando fiquei em Belo Horizonte, onde encontrei os primos: Hideraldo, que ja morava la, e Jose Maria, que estudava no Colegio Dom Bosco, em Cachoeira do Campo. E nos tres planejamos uma outra aventura que foi ir `a Cidade de Paracatu, onde a tia Maria Helena morava com a familia. Paracatu fica no lado oposto a Virginopolis no Estado e proxima `a Brasilia. Apos um breve momento por la, tio Carlucio disse que nos estavamos perto demais de Brasilia para nao darmos um pulinho para conhece-la, e como ele pagou as passagens, niguem reclamou.

Somente a tia Maria Helena se preocupou com o fato de estar enviando tres adolescentes, eu era o mais velho e tinha acabado de fazer 19, para aquela aventura perigosa! O Carlucio fez graca dos medos dela: “Quando o povo la por os olhos nesses tres marmanjos vai eh sair correndo deles!” E ele nao estava fugindo `a verdade. Eramos tres meninos de 1,80 m, com mochilas e roupa comum. Alguem poderia nos confundir com exterminadores, o que nao era uma coisa incomum no Brasil no tempo da ditadura. Mas chegamos sem incidente algum.

E nos encontramos com os familiares naquela cidade incomum. Ela ja tinha 17 anos, planejada e construida durante a administracao do presidente Kubistchek. Tudo era diferente em relacao ao que conheciamos. Nao tive a mesma impressao que tudo fosse bonito como outros visitantes da familia nos haviam dito mas era diferente com lugares muito bem feitos. Penso que minha primeira impressao foi distorcida pelo fato de estarmos no inverno brasileiro quando tudo esta seco, mesmo o ar. As plantas estavam secas demais para oferecer bom visual.

Como meu irmao Jesse ja morava la, nos fomos encontra-lo na Universidade Nacional de Brasilia. O que chamou mais atencao que os predios da universidade foi a presenca dos militares de olho nos movimentos dos estudantes. Jesse contou que, numa greve que eles haviam feito recentemente tinha um soldado que o apelidaram Hulk, porque o cara era um armario de seis portas abertas, era capaz de segurar tres estudantes de cada vez para joga-los nos camburoes.

Quando voltei, terminei meu livro. Antes, ja tinha uma ideia de como a estoria se daria. Mas, com certeza, as visitas `as cidades grandes ajudaram-me a colocar mais realidade nele. A segunda parte do livro eh relacionada `a opressao que nosso povo estava enfrentando e eu usei minha imaginacao para transformar as paginas numa boa aventura. (Posteriormente eu li e observei muitas semelhancas entre meu trabalho e o livro “A Pal utcai fiuk” (Os Meninos da Rua Paulo), do autor hungaro: Ferenc Molnar).

Na terceira parte eu sonhei com solucoes. Ate hoje nao sei como explicar como tive tantas ideias. Penso que meu livro tem um pouquinho de Julio Verne nele. Nele eu vejo a humanidade preocupada com todos os problemas e buscando solucoes para eles. O que nos separa eh esquecido e o objetivo eh buscar uma vida melhor para todos. As aguas sao partilhadas, os desertos transformados em jardins e mesmo a lua eh colonizada. Em certo sentido, o livro eh maturo demais para ter sido escrito por um menino de 19 anos, desde que os velhos senhores do mundo sao incapazes de promoverem a paz!

1.977 tambem foi o ano de minha formatura e, em 1.978, fui morar em Belo Horizonte. Dividia um apartamento com minha irma Magda, tres filhas da tia Ruth, autora de parte da nossa genealogia, duas outras garotas amigas delas e o irmao delas, Joelzinho. Tinha a ideia de trabalhar e estudar. E tres meses depois estava trabalhando na H. H. Picchionni, que ja mencionei antes. Porem, o salario era pequeno demais para levar a serio o projeto de continuar os estudos.

Entretanto, eu gostei de morar em Belo Horizonte. Ela fica no Centro do Estado e de la eu tive a oportunidade de ir a outras cidades nos finais de semana. Assim, pude conhecer lugares como: Colegio do Caraca, Serra da Piedade, e as Cidades de Ouro Preto, Sabara e Esmeraldas e outras mais.

Quando estava em Belo Horizonte eu tentei o vestibular mas o maximo que consegui foi aprovacao na primeira fase. Isso foi facil mas a segunda fase era especifica. Como eu tinha optado para veterinaria, tinha que provar meu conhecimento em biologia e quimica. Os dois testes me pareceram faceis mas o de quimica era baseado apenas em organica. Justamente o que havia perdido no segundo grau por causa do ano a menos em materias cientificas.

Na casa dos nossos pais eramos divididos em dois grupos, os cinco mais velhos e os quatro mais novos. Em assunto escolar tambem tinhamos uma grande diferenca entre os dois grupos. Os mais velhos frequentaram o sistema da coercao. Ate os professores podiam dar castigos fisicos para punir falta de atencao, ou cometer os erros que as criancas cometem. Nao havia estimulo para se estudar. Estudar para os jovens ja era um castigo!

E isso acarretava em grande prejuizo. Estudantes que nao eram aprovados num materia tinham que repetir o ano. Algumas vezes tinhamos meninos com 15 anos e ainda frequentando a quarta serie. Poucas eram as pessoas com boas notas. E boa parte dos estudantes paravam de estudar antes de concluir os quatro primeiros anos.

O segundo grupo, os quatro mais novos, comeca com meu irmao mais novo Ney. Ele eh mais de 2 anos mais novo que eu, o que era uma longa distancia naquele tempo. Todos os quatro frequentaram a pre-escola e outro tipo de escola. Para eles era mais estimulante. Os estimulos vinham nas bases do proprio ensino. Numa media geral eles tiravam notas melhores.

Nao culpo totalmente o sistema de ensino pelas minhas falhas na vida. Minha irma Magda tinha provada que com mais esforco a gente poderia se dar bem. Mas eu era um tanto preguicoso. Eu aprendia as licoes muito rapido e fazia as tarefas na escola. Isso era o suficiente para tirar boas notas nos primeiros quatro anos. O problema surgiu apos aqueles anos. Eu so estudava nas ultimas horas antes das provas. Mas isso era o suficiente para ser aprovado com um minimo de pontuacao. E naquele tempo era de apenas metade. Algumas materias que eu gostava, tirava notas boas de qualquer jeito. Mas eu acumulei deficiencias em matematica e linguagem. Posteriormente isso dificultou o meu aprendizado da porcao matematica da fisica.

Entao, enquanto eu estava em Belo Horizonte, meus dois irmaos mais novos, Ney e Odon Jose, ja tinham entrado na Universidade de Vicosa que tem especialidade agropecuaria. Dai eu pedi ao papai para deixar-me fazer o pre-vestibular la. Este preparava melhor para o vestibular local. Porem, as inscricoes na universidade se davam em agosto e a gente era obrigado a optar pelo curso que iriamos fazer. Antes de frequentar a universidade eu escolhi zootecnia. Eh um curso de nutricao, manejo e construcoes rurais. A escolha objetivava eliminar competicao, e nao satisfazer a minha aptidao.

Eu nao tinha nenhuma confianca em mim mesmo. Antes de a pessoa entrar em uma universidade no Brasil a competicao era tao grande e o que se sabia a respeito do que precisaria saber era tao pequeno que a gente imaginava que, qualquer um teria que ser um genio para ser aprovado no vestibular. Eu tinha inclinacao para estudar medicina humana. Mas era tao timido que fiquei apavorado so de imaginar o que eu faria para falar aos pacientes, principalmente mulheres. Dai pensei que fosse melhor fazer veterinaria. E nao havia ninguem para orientar-me a fazer uma escolha melhor.

Acabei fazendo opcao por minha terceira opcao em minha desorientacao. No Brasil nao tinhamos a escolha de entrar primeiro na escola e fazer a escolha de dentro. E, posteriormente, aprendi que teria que falar com os donos dos bichos de qualquer maneira, entao, ser timido nao seria razao para fazer escolha errada. E com o passar do tempo na escola eu quase perdi a personalidade timida que tinha, o que se daria tambem se eu tivesse tido sucesso em tentar medicina. Mas medicina humana nao era oferecida em Vicosa. Porem, a minha experiencia pode ajudar a outras pessoas no futuro.

Depois que comecei a fazer o pre-vestibular e fiz alguns testes simulados, e comparando meus resultados com os dos outros estudantes, comecei a ganhar confianca em mim mesmo. Porem, a escolha errada ja havia sido feita. Minha deficiencia em algumas da materias mais importantes, que eram quimica e biologia, fez-me dedicar-me mais a elas. E estudei os seis meses dedicando ao que era de mais valor para os testes especificos. Assim, nao tive nenhum problema em ser aprovado.

As provas se davam uma vez por ano. E entrei para a universidade sem base em matematica e era preciso fazer a materia chamada calculo. Assim, procurei ajuda, pensando que a escola ofereceria alguma assistencia suplementar. Mas o professor que procurei deve ter pensado que eu fosse doido por causa da surpresa dele com a minha pergunta! Ele apenas me informou que eramos supostos a termos as bases antes de entrar na universidade.

O primeiro ano la foi duro e eu aprendi licoes que ninguem gostaria de ter. Primeiramente eu imaginava que, porque era tao dificil ser aprovado, os estudantes universitarios seriam genios. Em contato com eles eu diminui minhas expectativas ao nivel de inteligencia nada superior `a media da nossa populacao. Tinham os genios, mas eram uma meia duzia de babacas. (Tou brincando).

Tambem, o meu conceito em relacao ao professor de nivel universitario era o de pessoas que de tanto saber suas disciplinas deveriam ser bons comunicadoras do que sabiam, de uma forma tal que todos poderiam entender rapidamente. Tambem pensava que bons professores seriam interessados em fazer discipulos em suas materias. Isso poderia funcionar em outro lugar, menos Vicosa! Nao era todo mundo mas boa parte dos professores la nao tinha a menor concepcao de ensino. Era bem conhecido o fato que eles manipulavam os testes de forma a reprovar uma porcentagem em cada classe. E eles tinham como melhores os colegas que reprovavam mais. Era como se eles estivessem competindo entre si e contra os alunos.

Nos anos em que estive la fui inspirado a escrever uma peca teatral na qual eu descrevo nossas vidas e atitudes diante dos desafios num tipo de humor bem estudantil. Eh uma peca satirica que mais se parece a um diario das conversar entre o grupo de amigos que moravam ou tinham ligacoes com o endereco: Apartamento 38, Bloco Pos Graduado. O nome da peca eh: Treisoitao, ou um Palavrao nao Muito Pornografico. O pornografico eh uma referencia `a nossa condicao de quase escravos.

No ano seguinte eu fiz outro vestibular para trocar de curso. Se eu tentasse trocar por meio de um processo interno eu poderia ter que esperar por seis meses ou mais por uma resposta que poderia ser negativa. Como eu tinha feito o pre-vestibular e frequentado aulas de biologia e quimica dentro da universidade, as provas viraram, como os americanos dizem: “Piece of cake” (pedaco de bolo) ou, como os brasileiros falam: mamao com acucar. A competicao foi de 15.2 estudantes por vaga. Um pouco mais de 600 pessoas tentando 40 vagas. O que foi triste eh que foi uma oportunidade a menos para os outros. Infelizmente!

Nao estou contando vantagem do meu feito. Entrar em Vicosa nao era tao dificil por ela ser uma universidade um pouco afastada de centros grandes e, alem de ser menos concorrida, tenho duvidas quanto ao nivel da educacao que os alunos que iam para la tinham. Por ser uma escola rural, boa parte dos concorrentes tinham saido de escolas de menor nivel como a que frequentei em Virginopolis. A concorrencia estava mesmo em outros cursos e outros lugares como os de medicina humana com mais de 40 candidatos por vaga. Quando a informatica comecou a ser ministrada naqueles anos, dava 70, 80 candidatos por vaga.

Isso foi no ano de 1.982. Normalmente eu me formaria quatro anos e meio depois. Porem tive um problema numa materia extra curricular. Tentei resolver o problema por vias normais, atraves do departamento de educacao. Eles me negaram o direito em todos os niveis. A negacao mais esdruxula veio do Conselho Federal da Educacao. As pessoas de la nao sabiam nem ler o relatorio de uma altarquia inferior. Elas confundiram o numero de creditos completados com o codigo dos departamentos onde estudei algumas disciplinas.

Eu queria enviar uma apelacao mas minha irma, Magda, que eh advogada, disse que nao valeria a pena tentar. Como eu estava na escola por causa de apenas uma disciplina no semestre e estava certo de que seria aprovado, a resposta delas poderia ser assim: “Voce esta correto mas desde que ja esta aprovado nao ha necessidade de atender seu pedido.” O que eu desejava era criar jurisprudencia para outros que por acaso se vissem envolvidos na mesma confusao no futuro. Minha irma nao estava comigo nessa boa acao.

Fui aprovado e recebi meu diploma um ano apos a maioria dos meus contemporaneos. 2.012 sera as nossas bodas de prata. Mas a minha decepcao com tudo o que aconteceu no tempo de universidade cobrou seu preco. Perdi qualquer entusiasmo em exercer a profissao. Outro detalhe, a minha formatura veio em 1.987 e o Brasil estava num dos momentos economicos mais dificeis. A maioria dos formandos nao tinha onde se empregar. As oportunidades eram sempre as de pegar algo sem ligacao com o diploma. Ou, o que eh o melhor no Brasil, ser aprovado num concurso publico. Mas ate os concursos estavam suspensos.

No mesmo ano em que comecei a veterinaria, 1.982, coincidiu com os 90 anos do vovo Juca. Os netos dele, que estudavam em Vicosa, fizeram a viagem de volta a Virginopolis para encontrar com, no minimo, cem dos descendentes e outros parentes. Ele nasceu em 12 de junho de 1.892. Posteriormente o 12 de junho virou o equivalente ao dia de Sao Valentino (dia da amizade, bastante festejado aqui nos Estados Unidos) para os brasileiros. No ano seguinte ele faleceu por volta de marco mas nao pudemos fazer a mesma aventura.

Vovo Juca eh uma das pessoas que aumentam a media de vida na familia. O bom numero de nos vai aos 80. Outros vao muito mais. Por volta do tempo em que vovo morreu nos tivemos a tia Marina (Nenen) que chegou aos 101. O recorde so foi batido em 2.008 por nosso primo, Seo Gabriel Coelho de Oliveira. Tinha 103 quando faleceu. A madrasta do vovo, tia Virginia, e os irmaos dele: Aquiles (Seo Ti) e Joao ultrapassaram a marca dele ou chegaram perto. O filho dele, tio Murillo faleceu aos 93 e a filha, tia Merces, esta viva com 91. Minha mae, Judith, esta com 86. Muitos da geracao dele, como as tias: Edith, Maricas, Olga, Vita e outros chegaram proximas aos 100.

Ja estava fazendo a versao portuguesa deste texto e ontem o meu irmao Fernando mandou uma nota avisando que nossa prima Marilia de Magalhaes Barbalho falecera no dia anterior, 28 de janeiro. Ela nasceu em 26 de marco de 1.916. No mesmo ano de nosso tio Murillo Coelho. Marilia fora a parteira de Virginopolis por muitos anos, naquele tempo em que a cidade raramente tinha um medico. Muitos de nos nasceu com a ajuda das maos dela. Chegou quase aos 96. Nunca foi casada mas ajudou a criar tres criancas: Luciano, Francisco e Nadyr. Francisco, ou Chiquinho, tem muito tempo que mora nos Estados Unidos. Luciano tambem rodou uns tempos aqui.

Nao tenho certeza se existiu outra entre elas mas antes dela a parteira local fora Eugenia Nunes Coelho, mais conhecida pelo apelido de Sinha Gininha. Ela era a mae da vovo Petrina. E tambem ultrapassou a barreira dos 90. Nao tenho os dados dela mas lembro-me que, quando estava fazendo o terceiro ano, o Grupo Nossa Senhora do Patrocinio enviou a terceira e a quarta series ao sepultamento dela. Foi uma homenagem impar porque nao recordo que ninguem mais tenha recebido tal distincao. Era 1.968 e ela deve ter nascido por volta de 1.875.

Nossa bisavo Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho, de quem nao tenho a data de falecimento porem nasceu em 1.858, faleceu apos ao nascimento dos meus irmaos mais velhos: Fernando (1.952), Celeste (1.954) e Jesse (1.955). Em 2.009, visitando a parentalha no Brasil, nos fomos `a fazenda que eh conhecida como Fazendo do Seo Joao de Souza, que fica entre as cidades de Divinolandia de Minas e Gonzaga. La encontramos a Emidia, entao com 94, e Vita, 91 anos de idade. Com elas estavam o Xisto, 80, e Diva, 76. Eles sao netos da tia Emygdia e irmaos do professor Matosinhos Figueiredo. Pela saude que tinham na epoca, hoje podemos adicionar mais tres anos nas idades deles.

Em 2.010 tivemos o renascimento no Ceu das tias Olimpia (Olimpinha), nascida em 1.920 e Maria Jose (Zeze), nascida em 1.922. Elas eram as ultimas filhas vivas dos bisavos: Olimpia e Joao Rodrigues Coelho. A segunda familia do vovo Joao continua viva. Da mesma forma que o tio Otavio Coelho de Magalhaes, que nasceu em 1.919 e eh o viuvo da tia Zeze. Nao direi mais nada a respeito disso porque nao sou eu quem sabe de tudo.

Todos eles tinham certa variabilidade genetica porque descendiam da mistura de racas e viveram a maior parte de suas vidas de forma natural, sem ingerir aditivos em sua alimentacao. Penso que chupar jabuticaba aumenta a longevidade. Eles comecaram as vidas deles antes do avanco da medicina e tinham resistencia natural `as doencas. Mesmo eles tendo pais que eram parentes proximos entre si parece que isso nao causou efeito contrario na longevidade. Mas nao penso que em nossa geracao teremos a mesma sorte porque um grande numero de nos eh repetidamente descendente de varios casamentos entre parentes proximos. Talvez venhamos a falecer em idades semelhantes `as que eles morreram, porem, com ajuda da medicina moderna, nao por meio de alguma capacidade `a prova de dor igual `a deles.

Nem tudo o que aprendi na universidade eh de se jogar fora. Sempre ha como usa-lo em nossas vidas. Porem, tive duas licoes que ja podemos fazer uso em nossas vidas. Tivemos um professor, se a memoria nao estiver falhando, cujo nome era Patarroyo. Ele eh boliviano. Era famoso na escola porque descobriu algum segredo na pesquisa da vacina contra malaria. Alguns diziam que logo logo ele poderia ser capaz de produzir a vacina contra a doenca.

Uma vez durante a aula ele nos perguntou o que fazer para livrar-nos de uma doenca. Com a nossa inexperiencia comecamos a pensar em termos de remedios. E ele disse, em minhas palavras, a coisa correta a fazer eh eliminar os susceptiveis. Todo mundo ficou com cara de bobo e o questionamento era mostrado em nossas testas. Se a gente estivesse pensando em animais, o custo seria muito alto para qualquer produtor. Em termos humanos seria uma sacanagem.

Candidamente ele sugeriu a resposta. Pensem na vacina! Todo mundo abriu um sorrisao em alivio.

A segunda licao nos veio de um professor portugues. E aqui peco ao leitor para prestar atencao dobrada porque o significado disso pode estar acontecendo agora nos Estados Unidos. Nao no mesmo assunto, porem, mais tarde eu voltarei a essa estoria para explicar outra coisa mais importante. Nao recordo o nome do professor portugues porque ele nao era do nosso departamento. Penso que ele fosse parte do Departamento de Ciencias Humanas. Nos tivemos aula com ele numa materia de estudos sociais, que se dava uma vez por semana, e cada dia era lecionado por um professor diferente.

Naquele tempo a gente estava assustado com o descuido do governo com a educacao. Mas isso nao era novo e a gente sabia. Mesmo lendo o livro do primo Dermeval agora a gente pode perceber isso. Ele menciona o professor Manoel Coelho de Moura Guimaraes, que era neto do escritor portugues: Jose Coelho de Moura. O Coelho dos nomes deles tem origem diferente dos outros que ja mencionei. Na pagina 149 ele menciona isso: “Em 1.899, mudou-se para Sao Jose do Jacuri, exercendo o magisterio ate quando o Governo SILVIANO BRANDAO, por economia, fez o corte de muitas escolas.”

O professor Manoel era casado com nossa prima Maria Francelina Pimenta, neta da nossa tia Maria Balbina de Santana e do marido dela: Boaventura Jose Pimenta. E a situacao deles na epoca nos mostra com clareza como educacao era vista no Brasil pelos administradores. No Brasil, educacao sempre foi tida como despesas, nunca como investimento. E o que agravava mais era isso, basicamente as instituicoes governamentais sao as maiores provedoras de educacao e o povo nao tem condicoes financeiras para buscar instituicoes privadas. Assim, o Brasil sempre esteve atolado no ciclo vicioso da ignorancia, usado pelos ricos para explorarem o povo.

Mas o que eu estava mesmo falando era sobre a informacao que tinhamos de que, de cada 1.000 pessoas que entravam nas escolas primarias somente 17 entravam nas universidades. E estas estatisticas nao dizem tudo. Nao sabiamos o numero daqueles que nem entravam nas escolas, cujo numero era alto, nem dos que paravam de estudar antes. E alguem fez a associacao disso com a definicao de eficiencia dos motores. A eficiencia dos motores eh medida pelo quanto de energia eles precisam para converter em trabalho util. Na epoca estava em 50/50. O que quer dizer 50% de eficiencia.

Ai o professor pediu para a gente analisar de outro angulo. Para nos, era obvio que 1,7% de eficiencia no ensino era uma perda total. Como alguem poderia pensar que o ensino no Brasil seria eficiente com tal taxa? Mas ele apenas disse, em minhas palavras, Imaginem que, voces estao pensando que o sistema de ensino brasileiro foi concebido para educar ao povo. Entao, pensem no lado oposto. Imaginem que a educacao no Brasil foi concebida para deixar o povo na ignorancia. Entao, a taxa de eficiencia eh de 98,3%. Alguem de voces conhece algo com tamanha eficiencia?

Eh triste mas ele estava certo. O objetivo de nossas greves era elevar a eficiencia da educacao no Brasil. E a gente passou a entender que o nosso trabalho era muito maior do que pensaramos porque contavamos que os governantes estariam procurando fazer algo a favor da nossa educacao mas eles estavam era nos dando uma rasteira, com toda eficiencia. Logo depois ouvimos que o professor estava prestes a voltar para Portugal. Mas nao me recordo qual foi o final dessa parte historica.

Mesmo em Vicosa tudo virou familia. Alguem de Virginopolis ja havia sido estudante por la. Mas foi em 1.978 que o primo Jose Maria esteve la para fazer o segundo grau. No ano seguinte o meu irmao Ney e ele foram aprovados no vestibular. Em 1.980 foi a vez do meu irmao Odon Jose e do primo Hideraldo (Pitha) que tentaram e passaram. Outros tentaram mas nao conseguiram. Naquele ano eu fiz o pre-vestibular la e, em 1.981, finalmente, consegui o meu primeiro sucesso. Dai para frente outros primos se juntaram a nos. Na lista temos: Flavio Jason e as irmas dele: Grazziella e Kira. Socorrinha, irma do Pitha. Geraldo Magno (Deia), Angelo e Iranelson (esse eh nosso primo nascido em Governador Valadares).

Ja se encontrava la o professor Matosinhos de Souza Figueiredo, neto de nossa tia-bisavo Emygdia Honoria Coelho e do marido dela: Amaro de Souza Silva. Eles sao do ramo da Familia Coelho que multiplicou-se em Virginopolis, Gonzaga, Divinolandia de Minas, Santa Efigenia de Minas, Sardoa e por ai vai.

De familias nao diretamente ligadas a nos, tivemos as irmas Kedina e Atila. Depois a Kedina casou-se com nosso primo Odilonzinho, mais conhecido como Dil. O casal veio para os Estados Unidos e permaneceu aqui por muitos anos antes de aventurar-se no Brasil. Nao estou certo se eles retornaram para aqui mas nao seria problema porque sao legalizados. As irmas sao da Familia Lucio e ate onde eu sei, mais da metade da Familia Lucio eh misturada com a Familia Coelho. Tambem tivemos como contemporaneo o amigo Geraldo (Lay) Ferreira. Infelizmente ele faleceu alguns anos depois, deixando criancas menores.

Apos eu me formar procurei trabalho por volta de seis meses e terminei voltando para Virginopolis. Meus irmaos que haviam formado antes estavam la, improvisados como professores de segundo grau e tomando conta do nosso pedaco de terra que fora em parte herdado do vovo Cista. Dois tercos dele haviam sido comprados por papai dos irmaos dele. Logo eu estava tambem na fazenda.

Nao recordo todos os detalhes mas 2 ou 3 anos depois eu estava sozinho na fazenda e dando aulas nos segundo graus de Virginopolis e Divinolandia de Minas. As duas cidades ficam somente 10 km distantes uma da outra e comecei inclusive a ir de bicicleta. Dessa forma eu tinha o que fazer, das 6:00 da manha ate `as 10:00 da noite.

E comecei a gostar de dar aulas. Meu entusiasmo acabou afetando meus estudantes. Ensinei tres materias diferentes: geografia, quimica e biologia. Depois me foi oferecido lingua inglesa mas a minha honestidade impediu-me de pegar. Quando fiz o ginasio tinhamos frances e ingles. Mas a escola estava adotando um programa novo e acabei tendo quatro anos de frances e nenhum de ingles. Tive um pouquinho de ingles no segundo grau. Nas outras tres materias eu confiava no meu taco.

Mais do que dar aulas eu tentei passar para os alunos minhas experiencias. Insistia com eles para nao estudarem apenas para tirar notas. Na minha opiniao devemos buscar o conhecimento. Aprender porque o que se aprende ninguem te toma. Essa era a primeira licao para cada classe. E eu seguia os estudantes de perto. Muitos tinham dificuldade em entender as materias e eu identificava as razoes com clareza. Todos tinham inteligencia mas alguns nao tiveram boa assistencia escolar nos primeiros anos. Ajudei no que pude.

Eu dava provas um pouco dificeis. Mas nao para derrubar os que estavam tendo notas ruins. Eu trocava os maus resultados por nova chance a eles. E eles entenderam a ideia. Muitas vezes na minha vida eu tirei notas ruins. O problema foi que eu aprendia com meus erros mas o que eu aprendia com isso nao era computado em minhas notas. A avaliacao que fazia dos alunos contava com boa parte do comportamento. Eu enxergava o sinal de interesse em aprender como mais importante que fazer tudo na primeira vez. E eles entenderam e a maioria fez-me ter orgulho do desempenho dela, tirando boas notas, nao apenas em minhas materias.

Naquele tempo tinhamos algumas particularidades acontecendo na educacao brasileira. Eu ja falei que os politicos brasileiros nunca tiveram a educacao como investimento para o futuro. E isso podia ser mostrado pelo fato de que, desde que a lei que garantia que as escolas de segundo grau teriam conteudo profissionalizante, e um deles seria treinamento para professores a nivel primario, todas as cidades pequenas tinham sua escola de professores primarios. E todas as vezes que eu entrava a primeira vez em uma classe eu fazia a pergunta aos estudantes: Quem de voces quer ser professor? Algumas vezes dois, na maioria das vezes um respondia sim. E eu pensava comigo mesmo: Quanto esperdicio de dinheiro e talentos?

Os salarios de professores eram tao baixos que quase todo mundo era treinado para ser professor e a ultima coisa que eles queriam era ensinar. Uma de minhas irmas falou uma vez que ela ficava admirada de ver algumas de suas contemporaneas dando aulas porque elas haviam sido as consideradas piores estudantes na classe dela. Ela percebeu isso depois de ir embora para trabalhar com coisa melhor.

Observando a situacao eu criei um projeto que envolveria cerca de 10 cidades ou mais da vizinhanca. Cada cidade ofereceria um curso diferente. Profissoes que pudessem ser praticadas localmente. Mas algumas estradas precisariam ser construidas para haver ligacao direta entre as cidades. Atraves dos onibus escolares os estudantes poderiam ser trocados todos os dias para estudarem o tecnico que mais gostassem. Assim, os alunos poderiam escolher estudar em sua propria cidade ou ir a outra, de acordo com suas tendencias. Para mim eles ficariam mais felices, interessados, conhecerem pessoas novas e teriam menor necessidade de mudar-se para ambientes mais negativos de grandes cidades apos graduarem.

Enviei o projeto para ser apresentado num congresso de professores em Belo Horizonte. Mas, por causa de uma greve que houve, o congresso foi transferido para outra cidade, no Sul do Estado, e nunca pude ir la. Ficava caro demais para o meu pagamento. Enviei o projeto escrito e nunca fui contatado a respeito se houve alguma reacao a ele. Nele eu pedia para restaurar-se o curso cientifico em tres anos e, so depois, iniciar-se-ia dois anos complementares do tecnico. Assim, quem desejasse seguir carreira universitaria nao seria prejudicado e quem desejasse ter apenas o grau de tecnico nao perderia nada em adquirir mais conhecimentos.

De certa forma, agora, esta sendo posto em pratica la. Nao no nivel de segundo grau. Algumas profissoes nao podem ser mais praticadas apenas com o nivel de segundo grau no Brasil. Agora eh preciso ter o nivel universitario. E as faculdades tem sido multiplicadas por la. Ate Virginopolis tem a sua propria. Eu vim para os Estados Unidos logo depois do congresso de professores ter sido realizado.

Antes de eu comecar a dar aulas, comecei a namorar Maria da Penha, tambem conhecida como Penhinha. A familia dela morava em Santa Efigenia de Minas e ela havia ido para trabalhar em Virginopolis. Morava com uma de nossas primas. Ela tinha 21 e eu 31 anos. Nao tinha completado o segundo grau e acabou se tornando minha aluna por um tempo. Mas o nosso nivel de ensino era mais elevado que o que ela tinha recebido antes e nao foi ate ao final.

O problema nao era o nivel de ensino nem falta de inteligencia. O problema numero um no Brasil era mesmo a falta de estimulo para estudar-se. Penhinha, no trabalho dela, que nao exigia quase nada de escolaridade, ganhava dois tercos do eu ganhava como professor. E lembro-me de estar ganhando US$ 130.00 por mes. O que isso comprava para nos? Talvez desse para arrendar um pequeno apartamento e pagar o que comeriamos, nada mais.

Eu so estava la porque morava na casa de meus pais e administrava a fazenda. E isso era outro problema. O nosso produto principal era o leite. E o meu conhecimento dessa producao era o suficiente para fazer nossas vacas produzirem 12 litros de leite por dia sem usar tecnologias caras. Porem, para comeco, seria preciso capital que nao poderia vir de bancos por causa dos juros excessivos. O preco do leite no Brasil era tao baixo que ninguem poderia tomar emprestimo para produzir. Quem fizesse arriscaria perder tudo.

O que eh bom com respeito ao clima de Virginopolis e regiao eh que, as temperaturas nunca vao tao alto nem tao baixo, fazendo disso ideal para termos vacas `a solta. Inclusive as plantas que servem de alimento para o gado permanecem o ano todo verdes se forem aguadas nos quatro meses da seca. A bem da verdade, quando estive la em julho de 2.009, houve pelo menos uma chuva por semana e meu irmao disse que teve pastos verdes por todo o ano.

Outras coisas estavam acontecendo por volta de 1.993. Desde os anos 60 o povo da nossa regiao comecou a ir para os Estados Unidos. Ainda nao era uma forma popular de sair da pobreza. Ja disse antes que naquele tempo a migracao intensa era para Governador Valadares, Belo Horizonte e Brasilia. E um de nossos amigos, Walter Passos, que inclusive chegou a apresentar-se em shows de televisao em Belo Horizonte, sob o apelido de Tony Passos, veio para os Estados Unidos por conta propria. Um tempo depois, outros, entre estes os irmaos dele, tambem vieram.

Nos anos 70 mais e mais pessoas da regiao tomaram conhecimento disso e os seguiram. Governador Valadares tornou-se o centro das operacoes da migracao em massa. Os proprios Estados Unidos instalaram um consulado la, por pouco tempo. Nos anos 80, com a economia brasileira indo de mal a pior, a intensidade da migracao foi tanta que o consulado foi fechado e o povo da regiao passou a ter que ir ao Rio de Janeiro buscar vistos. Mas se a pessoa fosse da regiao de Valadares os vistos eram negados facilmente.

E o maior problema era a falta de criterio. Todos conheciam alguem que teve o visto negado. Em nosso caso, o primo Lincoln Lucio teve o dele negado. Ele havia sido prefeito de Virginopolis, era comerciante bem estabelecido, tinha filhos morando aqui mas a viagem dele era apenas para visita mesmo. Por outro lado, o cunhado dele, Mucio Moreira, um cara divertido, tinha sua propria fazenda mas estava quebrado, vinha para trabalhar e ganhou o visto.

Como a situacao economica brasileira caiu ao nivel do desespero e o consulado americano comecou a dar vistos como se fosse loteria, isso abriu as portas para os traficantes. Logo todo mundo conhecia alguem que sabia o caminho de conectar-se com eles. Eles forneciam vistos falsos, passaportes falsos e inclusive circuitos de viagem que colocavam o migrante dentro dos Estados Unidos. Quanto mais a policia aprendia a detectar as falsificacoes, mais o trabalho dos traficantes ficou sofisticado. E tambem mais caro. Pelo menos US$ 10.000.00 por pessoa.

Minha namorada tinha muitos amigos que ja estavam aqui. Provavelmente eu conhecesse muito mais que estavam tambem mas nao sabia para onde eles tinham ido. Era impossivel alguem da regiao nao conhecer alguem que tinha vindo. A minha irma Lola ja estava aqui. E a Penhinha comecou e pedir-me para tentarmos. No comeco eu nao levei a serio. Depois passei a analisar a situacao e abrir a mente. Ela nao tinha futuro no Brasil, a menos que eu usasse meu diploma para encontrar um bom trabalho. A oportunidade dela seria ser do lar.

Fomos `a Policia Federal para fazer os passaportes e os mandamos para um despachante no Rio de Janeiro. No Brasil costuma ser a unica forma de conseguir-se fazer isso. So via intermediarios. A minha primeira intencao fora a de ir direto ao consulado para pedir o visto. Mas todo mundo sabia que se em qualquer circunstancia a pessoa admitisse que tinha a intencao de migrar era garantia de visto negado. Isso para mim nao fazia sentido porque se os Estados Unidos tivessem um criterio para migracao, provavelmente muito menos pessoas tentariam entrar por baixo da cerca.

Nossos vistos foram negados e nao ficamos sabendo porque. E eu nem quis saber disso. Eu nao estava mesmo ansioso para vir e tinha tentado segundo a vontade da Penhinha. Mas a situacao brasileira deteriorou muito. O presidente Fernando Collor tomou um chutao no traseiro por corrupcao. O sucessor, Itamar Franco, herdou um pais em caos e declarou a moratoria do pagamento da divida externa. E a banca internacional retaliou, impondo mais sobretaxas.

A partir da situacao eu antecipei que o Brasil iria perder mais uma decada em sua economia. E o futuro nao prometia nada. O nosso proximo presidente, Fernando H. Cardoso, havia dito para esquecermos o que ele havia escrito tempos atras, quando ele era professor e exilado da ditadura. Eu sabia que a administracao dele seria igual a esta que os Republicanos estao propondo para os Estados Unidos agora. E esta eh uma das razoes porque ando preocupado.

Ha muito tempo atras eu ja acreditava nas mudancas climaticas. Nao. Nao era porque os cientistas o disseram. Quando eu escrevi meu segundo livro, em 1.977, quando as evidencias das mudancas eram pouco conhecidas, eu coloquei o assunto como parte do meu trabalho. E eu vi duas coisas que confirmavam isso nos ultimos anos em que vivemos no Brasil por minha propria experiencia. Na primeira, nossa casa precisava de uma pequena reforma. Era epoca do inferno e nos mais de 30 anos de minha vida nos nunca tivemos chuva nesse periodo. O que precisava ser reformado era o teto de uma puxada lateral da casa, usada como area de servicos.

Foi so a gente tirar o teto, veio uma nunca esperada chuva torrencial. A gente estava acostumado a isso, no verao. Eu estava sem acreditar e mamae culpou-me pelo desastre. E eu disse para mim mesmo: Ela esta com raiva eh do acontecimento mas quando o conserto ficar pronto ficara feliz. E eu estava certo. No proximo inverno tivemos chuvisco na mesma epoca. E os dias ficaram mais frios. Eu observei particulas pequenas caindo como penas entre as gotas de chuva. Isso virava agua no momento em que se encontrava com a terra morna. Pensei que fosse algum tipo diferente de granizo, ao qual estavamos familiarizados pelas muitas vezes visto nos veroes da vida.

De qualquer forma, nesse tempo eu fui pessoalmente `a Embaixada Americana, em Brasilia. Era mais conveniente para mim. Sabia que tinha muitos primos no Rio de Janeiro mas nao tinha intimidade. Eu nao conhecia o Rio direito. Por outro lado, Brasilia eh muito facil de se conhecer, eu tinha estado la por mais de um mes e, como em Belo Horizonte, era dificil andar pelas suas esquinas sem encontrar um amigo ou parente. Nos temos centenas de parentes em Brasilia.

Eu decidi ir pessoalmente porque tinha a impressao de que a minha aparencia europeia pudesse ajudar-me de alguma forma. E eu era um jovem adulto. Juventude eh sempre mais atrativa, antes que se conheca a pessoa em alguns casos. E tinha a maturidade em meu favor. Maturidade eh o que eh atrativo em pessoas de idade. Eu esperava, com todo respeito, contrargumentar e defender-me na entrevista. E a unica coisa que deu errada foi isso, nos estavamos a mais de 6 meses antes da viagem, cuja motivacao era a lua de mel. E a validade dos vistos que estavam sendo expedidos para turistas era de apenas 6 meses e fui convidado a voltar depois. Fiz isso em setembro e a viagem estava planejada para dezembro.

Nos casamos em 5 de dezembro e, a 13 de dezembro, pegamos o aviao em Belo Horizonte. 14 de dezembro estavamos em Miami. Tres dias depois eu estava trabalhando numa fazenda, Fazenda Imaginacao, ajudando a ordenhar vacas. Eu era o unico brasileiro naquele setor da companhia e todos os meus colegas eram mexicanos ou outros centramericanos. Estava surpreso porque era capaz de compreender o que falavam mas eles nao entendiam o que eu falava em portugues. A coisa mais proxima ao espanhol que eu sabia era o que houvera ouvido nos velhos filmes do Cantinflas. Pedro, um deles e provavelmente de El Salvador, disse que eu parecia falar como um nobre. Eu fiquei sem saber se ele estava tirando sarro ou falando serio.

Um mes depois ja estava podenda pagar pelo meu proprio carro. Um Toyota por US$ 500.00, com mais de 10 anos de uso. Nao importa. Estava rodando. No Brasil eu jamais encontraria um carro tao barato. Logo ele apresentou um problema que gastei quase o mesmo preco para consertar. A gente estava maravilhado com as coisas que compravamos e eram proibitivas no Brasil. Minha esposa estava sendo treinada por minha irma para limpar casas, ao estilo americano, e preparando um esquema para ela trabalhar. Ela tambem comecou a ganhar algum dinheiro.

Uma das orientacoes que tivemos foi para solicitar o numero do Social Security. (Funciona como numero de identidade). Ha 18 anos atras somente uns poucos sabiam que era legal naquela epoca solicitar o numero. Ele nao era necessario para obter-se a carteira de motoristas e a maioria dos brasileiros nao sabia da importancia disso. Mas logo nos aprendemos a respeito de um dos usos. Minha esposa estava tendo algumas nauseas e minha irma a orientou a fazer o teste rapido. Deu positivo.

Entao, agora eramos tres. E a Penhinha so pode ter ficado gravida no dia em que nos casamos. Nos dias anteriores ela estava tao preocupada com nosso casamento e a viagem que perdeu todas as contas. Era a primeira vez dela tao longe da familia e do Brasil. Ficou de certa forma desesperada. Antes que se pensasse ela so chorava por falta da familia. Eu estava em meu lugar. Tinha primos e irma por perto. Inclusive a barreira da linguagem nao incomodava. Eu confiava que aprenderia com o tempo.

Mas a carga ficou tao pesado para ela que concordei em virmos para Massachusetts. Eu nao sabia o que encontrariamos mas ela tinha amigos de Santa Efigenia que ja moravam aqui. Eu nao tinha preconceitos em tornar-me amigo dos amigos dela. E o trabalho na fazenda estava dando-me dor de cabeca. De dois em dois meses a gente tinha que trocar os turnos. Eu nao podia ter outro trabalho e os US$ 280.00 por semana que estava ganhando, apos os descontos, nao eram suficientes para a nova situacao.

Fomos recepcionados no Aeroporto Logan, em Boston, pelo amigo dela, Valmir. Ele nos levou para uma casa em Boston onde vivia um casal de Santa Efigenia de Minas: Natalicia (Taica) e Geraldo (Ladinho), com as gemeas, Stephanie e Jennifer, que tinham acabado de fazer um ano e estavam comecando a falar. Ladinho eh primo da Penhinha e tambem meu, por vias diferentes. Eu nao sabia como, mas um dia eu estava conversando com a irma dele, Aparecida, em frente `a casa de meu pai e ele chegou e perguntou a ela os dados da familia. Dai ele explicou a ela como nos eramos parentes. Eu nao havia prestado atencao naquele tempo.

Agora eu sei que eles sao bisnetos da tia Emygdia Honoria Coelho. La nos tambem encontramos a irma dele, conhecida pelo apelido de Cotta (Socorro) e o marido dela: Jose Maria, que ja era meu conhecido de Virginopolis. Penso que o irmao deles, Sebastiao, tambem estava junto. Somente anos depois eh que vim a saber que a Taica eh nossa prima em dobro tambem. Ela descende duas vezes da tia Emygdia.

O nosso destino final era o distrito de Framingham, onde moramos desde entao. O final de semana foi para conhecer alguns amigos da Penhinha que ja moravam aqui. O casal Shella e Siqueira iriam dividir um estudio conosco no Predio Brookside. O Siqueira eh uma das poucas pessoas no Brasil que conheco apenas pelo sobrenome. Como o Ladinho, ele era policial no Brasil. No Brasil a policia militar esta subordinada ao exercito. Eles tinham muitos colegas na mesma situacao. Eles abandonaram seus postos e a qualquer tempo que voltassem ao Brasil teriam que pagar uma pena de prisao. Depois seriam reincorporados. Como a maioria dos serventes publicos brasileiros, tinham um salario baixo e muitos correram o risco para, pelo menos, terem casa propria e comecarem um negocinho que poderia complentar os soldos deles.

Segunda era o dia. Valmir era o homem dos contatos e era chefe de servico na firma de jardinagem e em outra firma de limpeza de escritorios. Comecei a trabalhar nos dois. Logo eu estava trabalhando 70 horas por semana. Isso dificilmente me dava US$ 400.00/semana. Minha esposa tambem comecou a limpar escritorios. Mas eu nao estava tranquilo porque o meu servico principal, jardinagem, nao era emprego para o ano todo. Ele para durante o inverno por mais de 4 meses `as vezes.

De qualquer forma estava feliz. Pelo estudio a gente pagava somente US$ 200.00 por mes. Com outros US$ 50.00/semana, mais ou menos, pagavamos o supermercado. Eu tinha que comprar outro carro e o nosso chefe na limpeza vendeu-me um para pagar em parcelas. Quebrei a minha palavra e liquidei a conta mais cedo.

Tudo estava indo bem antes do verao chegar. No inicio, o nosso primeiro contato com o lugar foi chocante por causa do frio. As arvores pareciam mortas sem folha alguma. Nos estacionamentos tinhamos montanhas de neve acumuladas. A estacao de 1.993-4 tinha sido uma das que mais acumularam ate entao. Nos comecamos varrendo areia dos estacionamentos e sobre as gramas. Este foi um dos servicos mais dificeis que fiz por aqui. Ate julho a gente encontrou gelo debaixo da areia, que eh usada para ajudar a espalhar sal e derreter a neve.

Entao, o verao chegou. Entre os servicos que faziamos um era consertar asfalto. Num final de semana a gente era suposto fazer uma pintura com um produto asfaltico. Minha parte no servico era proteger o gramado com uma peca de compensado. Quando alguem jogou a tinta, o produto espirrou um pouco em minha perna e descobri que era alergico a isso porque comecei a ter uma coceira imediatamente. Nao pude continuar esse trabalho e o Valmir logo indicou-me para trabalhar com outra pessoa. Mas a firma dela era pequena e estava me dando servico por apenas 2 ou 3 dias/semana. Apesar do pagamento por hora ser melhor.

Ao mesmo tempo a gente comecou a conhecer melhor Framingham. E comecamos a frequentar a igreja. A igreja catolica tinha missas em portugues, ministradas por padre brasileiro. Padre Roque Patuzzi. Dai, para a nossa surpresa, comecei a reencontrar pessoas que eram de Virginopolis. Muitos haviam mudado para Governador Valadares antes de virem para ca. Logo descobri que a maioria dos conterraneos que moravam no exterior estava aqui. Duzias deles eram meus parentes.

So para dar nome a alguns. Sandra, Delza, Marcio e Roberto, irmaos e netos da tia Biloca. Guilherme e Almir, mesma coisa. Adriano e Andre, filhos do Cilico. Marlene da tia Maria e filhos. Ge e Wilmar, filhos do seo Oswaldo Perpetuo. Infelizmente, o Wilmar faleceu julho passado de ataque cardiaco em Virginopolis. Marcelo do Seo Gil. Leonardo, da tia Oneida. Kedina e Dil e os irmaos dele. Ramon e Ruizinho, do Rui. Estes eram os que ja estavam aqui mas logo outros chegaram como: Nilma e Nilton, irmaos do Ge e Wilmar. Agnello, neto do tio Darcy, cuja cunhada, Alice, ja estava aqui. O casal Dirceia e Carlos do No. Estou mencionando apenas os que via mais frequentemente. E mais tarde tivemos primos como: Rui, filho da tia Odette. Eonio, filho da tia Odila e irmao da Ivania, autora de nossa genealogia. Nem vou mencionar mais para isso nao virar lista telefonica!

Eh preciso mencionar mais dois coisas importantes daquele tempo. Eu convidaria ao leitor a visitar a pagina: para dar uma olhada na variacao anual de desemprego nos Estados Unidos. Ai a gente pode observar as taxas sempre diminuindo a partir de um pico, parecido com o que temos hoje, nos anos 80 ate ao ponto minimo de 4.0% em 2.000. Apesar disso, o que chamava a atencao dos imigrantes era a pergunta: Como eh possivel existir americano desempregado se nos ao chegar logo comecamos a trabalhar 60, 80 e ate 120 horas/semana? Pois eh! Nos conhecemos uns loucos trabalhando isso tudo! Eu conheco meus limites e nunca arrisquei em tal aventura.

Mas eu nao culpo aos americanos por nao fazerem os servicos que faziamos. No Brasil nos tambem deixamos muitos trabalhos que estavam disponiveis para nos. Nenhum trabalho legal pode humilhar uma pessoa, porem, o pagamento pode. Eu e muitos outros que vimos do Brasil, com grau universitario, nao tinhamos vergonha do que estavamos fazendo porque, afinal, estavamos sendo pagos com salarios razoaveis. E ninguem naquele tempo estava planejando permanecer aqui. A maioria de nos pensava que isso seria passageiro e que a hora de voltar para casa nao tardaria. A vantagem que viamos em nosso pagamento era essa, no Brasil ele nos daria uma vida de classe media. Aqui a gente ocupava a classe mais baixa mas a maioria de nos tinha a ilusao de que o dinheiro enviado para casa iria comprar uma vida de realeza.

Nem mesmo tendo que passar situacao como passei uma vez! Estava limpando um banheiro onde alguem tinha cagado na tampa da privada. A pessoa estava com diarreia e estava tao apressada que nao deve ter tido tempo de se sentar. E eu era aquele que tinha que limpar! Eu jamais teria tal oportunidade de fazer isso no Brasil. O meu estomago virou de dentro para fora. Mas eu respirei fundo e limpei. E pensei: isto eh apenas um imposto mais a pagar por estar tao longe de casa. Pois eh! Isso nao me tornou inferior a ninguem.

Naquele tempo eu era a unica voz pregando no deserto que nao era tempo de voltar para o Brasil. A minha previsao era que, a situacao ficaria muito pior do que a crise que havia nos expulsado. Eu nao cheguei a encontrar com o primo Guilherme antes de voltar ao Brasil. Por sorte ele fez um investimento melhorzinho e nunca teve que retornar. Mas eu falei a outros. Eles estavam tao cansados de trabalhar pesado e com muitas saudades do nosso torrao e parentes. Eu tambem mas sabia que tinhamos que fazer como fiz para limpar aquele banheiro. Respirar fundo e ter paciencia. Para estes eu apenas disse, entao vao mas deixem uma janela aberta em suas mentes para voltarem. E quase todo mundo que voltou para o Brasil naquele tempo, tentou retornar e quase todo mundo conseguiu.

Outra obeservacao interessante. Ja mencionei que com US$ 50.00 a gente enchia um carrinho de supermercado. Agora eh preciso mencionar isso. Na limpeza de escritorios nao era dificil coletar cerca de 250 latinhas e garrafas, o que me davam US$ 12.50/semana, fora o pagamento. Com isso eu enchia um tanque do meu carro e rodava a semana toda. Se eu estivesse trabalhando com o mesmo servico e coletando o mesmo hoje, seria apenas pelo ideal de salvar o planeta. Agora eu preciso de US$ 50.00 para encher o mesmo tanque. E o preco de cada latinha e garrafa continua os mesmos 5 centavos.

Outro dado interessante eh a respeito do numero de brasileiros por aqui. Quando cheguei, em 1.994, tinhamos condominios totalmente tomados por imigrantes e a maioria deles, por brasileiros. Brookside, Second Street, Weld Street, Lord Chesterfield e outros eram os lugares mais brasileiros daqui. Pouco tempo depois uma boa metade da cidade estava tomada por imigrantes, a maioria brasileiros.

Antes da gente vir, o centro de Framingham era um desastre. Era um distrito dormitorio, antes habitado por imigrantes italianos e portugueses no passado e estava visivelmente decadente. Tinha sido lugar com fabricas que haviam fechado. Tinha muitos predios abandonados. A vizinhanca do centro tinha sido invadida por traficantes de drogas e a populacao local tinha medo de ir la. Brasileiros e latinos entraram porque era barato alugar.

Em 1.994 ja nao era tao deprimente. Tinha alguns bolsoes de desespero. Logo a presenca numerosa foi o bom sinal para alguns abrirem seus proprios negocios. O centro voltou a ficar vibrante e isto se espalhou aos suburbios. Alguns anos apos chegarmos, Framingham comecou a tornar-se cara para os recem-chegados e, esses com outros antigos, comecaram a buscar outros lugares como Marlboro, Milford, Ashland e, contrariando a tendencia de buscar moradas baratas, Natick e Wellsley. Agora eh dificil ouvir o nome de uma cidade de Massachusetts sem se saber mencionar algum imigrante vivendo la.

Bom, a gente morou por periodo curto no Brookside. O estudio nao era o melhor espaco para dois casais morarem. E nos estavamos esperando uma terceira pessoa em nossa familia. Minha esposa tomou a iniciativa de encontrar um apartamento na Second Street. Lembro-me de o primo Wilmar ter sido nosso tradutor. Nos mudamos em julho. Nao interessa a razao para nossa mudanca, eu continuava preocupado porque nao gosto de gastar sem a certeza de como fariamos para pagar. Mesmo assim concordei que minha esposa tinha razao. Mesmo que isso fosse nos custar mais do dobro do que estavamos pagando antes.

Em 6 de setembro de 1.994 nos tornamos pais do primeiro filho. Era uma experiencia nova. E eu estava com medo de nao termos renda suficiente mas tambem era jovem e nao tenho medo de trabalhar. Eu estava trabalhando em um restaurante em Wellesley e ganhando apenas US$ 165.00/semana mais os cerca de US$ 125.00 como faxineiro. Minha esposa trabalhou na faxina ate o ultimo mes de gravidez. E entao eu ouvi que o Guilherme estava voltando para o Brasil e eu poderia substitui-lo na fabrica. Estearn Seaboard Packaging INC, ou ESP, era o nome.

Trabalhei nela por quase 10 anos. E para fichar havia aquela perguntinha estupida. Quanto voce deseja ganhar? Todo mundo sabia que voce poderia colocar o quanto quizesse mas so seria contratado se a resposta fosse o minimo. E isso era US$ 6.00/hora. Isso foi a minha bancarrota. Mas essa era a oportunidade de ter salario durante o inverno. La trabalhavam os primos Ge, Roberto e Almir. Logo Agnello e Nilton se juntaram a nos. Haviam outros tres brasileiros la: Margareth, Eli e Fernando cujo apelido eh Gaucho por ser do Rio Grande do Sul e era vizinho do Uruguai e Argentina.

Outro, Francisco Salmen, trabalhava antes tambem na unidade em Holliston, onde estavamos empregados, mas tinha aceitado transferir-se para a Florida. Almir trabalha em meio expediente. E o Roberto normalmente passava os invernos no Brasil. Somente quando o Francisco retornou da Florida nos tivemos um tradutor permanente. Ele era nossa voz na firma. A esposa dele e a do Guilherme sao irmas.

Apos o nascimento do nosso filho a Penhinha comecou a trabalhar na faxina com duas donas do servico. Uma era a Edinha, ministra da eucaristia na Igreja de Sao Tarcisio. A outra era a Marilou, esposa do primo Adriano. E, entao, nos entramos na rotina dos imigrantes. Levantar muito cedo, deixar a crianca com uma baba, ir ao trabalho, voltar, tomar um banho rapido, trabalhar mais e ir para a cama por volta de 11:00 da noite. Minha esposa chegava mais cedo para pegar o menino e cozinhar para o dia.

Por volta de novembro nos vimos a primeira nevada. E isso fez lembrar-me das particulas de gelo que haviam caido em Virginopolis algum tempo antes. Era neve misturada ao chuvisco. Mas quando eu contei aos outros rapazes eles me gozaram. Para eles isso nao seria possivel. E se eu nao tivesse testemunhado tambem teria minhas duvidas. Porem, penso que buscaria analisar melhor. Nos nunca tinhamos tido o conhecimento de neve por la antes. Mas tambem nunca tinhamos visto chuva no inverno. Como nossas temperaturas chegavam a ir aos negativos por periodos curtos em Minas Gerais, entao, o que faltava para nevar era a chuva. Mesmo que eu nao tivesse visto, assim me parece perfeitamente possivel.

Porem, fazer gozacoes uns com os outros era o nosso melhor passatempo. Nossas reunioes durante as paradas serviam para comentarmos as novidades do Brasil, dos Estados Unidos e do mundo. E tambem para a gozacao reciproca. Era sempre lembrado que, ninguem podia chegar atrasado ou sair mais cedo das reunioes porque viraria o assunto da conversa. Mas isso eh muito comum na cultura brasileira. A isso se da o nome de fofoca. Porem, em nosso caso, nao havia a conotacao de maldade imposta pela palavra.

Nao muito tempo apos virmos para Massachusetts descobri que a comunidade brasileira tinha seus jornais proprios. Como ja era minha pratica no Brasil, comecei a mandar minhas opinioes. Muitas de minhas opinioes foram publicadas. A maioria pelo Brazilian Times. E foi em 1.994 que mandei uma carta solicitando ao consulado brasileiro a criacao do Consulado Itinerante. A ideia era a de levar os servicos, pelo menos um dia por semana, `as comunidades espalhadas. Para mim fazia mais sentido mobilizar algumas pessoas para atender milhares num local mais conveniente do que esperar que milhares fossem ao inconveniente endereco no Centro de Boston. Tinhamos pouco tempo que estavamos aqui, a maioria do povo nao possuia carros e era mais dificil usar os transportes coletivos para quem nao sabia nada de ingles. O Consulado Itinerante foi criado algum tempo depois e continua em uso hoje-em-dia.

Desse tempo tenho uma historia curiosa. Uma das donas de esquema de limpeza trabalhava para uma familia americana. E a senhora da casa perguntou a ela se ela era legal porque o marido estava pensando em candidatar-se e, se fosse descoberto que tinha contratado pessoas sem documentos, poderia prejudica-lo. A pessoa era legalizada. Mas a ajudante nao. E ficou por isso mesmo. Depois, esse casal comprou casa no vizinho Estado do New Hampshire. A ajudante trabalhou la normalmente.

Era um transtorno e grande sacrificio fazer a limpeza dessa casa. As faxineiras tinham que levantar-se antes das 5 horas da manha, para chegar la por volta das 8, fazer a limpeza e retornar a tempo de fazer as outras obrigacoes. A dona da limpeza poderia simplesmente ter se negado a fazer a limpeza e procurar outra casa. Mas brasileiro tem aquela mania de fazer sacrificio porque gosta das pessoas e nao respeita aos proprios interesses. Se elas tivessem revelado que havia uma indocumentada trabalhando na casa os donos dela nao pensariam duas vezes em dispensar os servicos.

O que fica estranho nessa Historia tambem eh a hipocrisia americana em relacao a isso. Aqui as pessoas levantam, tomam cafe numa lanchonete, almocam no restaurante, compram em supermercados e lojas de departamentos, compram produtos produzidos nas fazendas e outras coisas mais, sabendo que ha grande possibilidade do servico do imigrante sem documentos estar embutido em todos os produtos. Eles sabem que nao vivem sem o imigrante. Mas nao podem saber que determinado imigrante nao tem documentos mas trabalha para o bem dessa nacao. Se souberem o perseguem.

Tambem eh desse tempo outro fato curioso que vivemos. Um dia Geraldo chegou nos contando que um filho de uma cliente da esposa dele, Alice, descendente do tronco Barbalho Pimenta apresentado no livro do primo Dermeval, dizia que iria ser presidente dos Estados Unidos. Curioso era que ele era ainda crianca e falava isso com toda conviccao. Eu nao creio de forma alguma que as pessoas ja nascam com seus destinos preparados. Dai desconfio que essa vontade foi implantada pelos pais, porque ser presidente do pais lhes parece algo como conseguir aquele brinquedo tao desejado!

Na atual campanha presidencial tenho observado o mesmo nos candidatos do Partido Republicano. Nao todos. Mas tem uns que querem ser presidente pelo status do cargo. Pelo que apresentam e dizem estao totalmente desvinculados da realidade. Eles nao representam uma cabeca para atender `as necessidades do corpo representado pelo povo. Eles querem ser as cabecas para impor ao povo a vontade deles e dos financiadores deles. Como se parecem com aqueles que governaram o Brasil nos primeiros 500 anos!

Estou detalhando demais por aqui. Este capitulo tornar-se-a infinito se nao for simplicado. Penso ser melhor reduzir os detalhes e, talvez, outra pessoa se interessara em escrever uma narrativa mais completa da vida do imigrante brasileiro aqui. Para que voce leitor tenha apenas uma ideia do numero que eramos no inicio, perto de 17 anos atras, eu ofereco a comparacao. Quando comecamos a ir `as missas na igreja de Sao Tarcisio, algumas vezes, as primeiras pessoas que chegavam sentavam-se nos bancos de tras. E no comeco de todas as missas o padre Roque as convidava a chegar mais perto do altar. Nos eramos cerca de 200 pessoas em cada missa.

Cerca de 2 ou 3 anos depois todos os assentos eram tomados. Isso levou `a criacao de novos horarios de missa. E as igrejas evangelicas, que existiam apenas em outras cidades, e poucas aqui, agora se contam em pelo menos uma duzia. A explosao da presenca de brasileiros se deu em torno do ano 2.000. Desde que a gente chegou, em todas as missas o padre Roque perguntava se tinha alguem recem chegado e sempre tinha. Algumas vezes por volta de 10 de uma so vez.

Por muitos problemas, e algumas solucoes, nossa comunidade esta diminuindo desde 2.004. A partir da crise de 2.008 o povo esta fazendo as malas e voltando para o Brasil em definitivo. Alguns americanos que agora tem vinculos matrimoniais tambem estao migrando junto. Porem, um pequeno numero de brasileiros continua tentando estabelecer-se aqui por uma diversidade diferente de razoes.

Voltando `a nossa Historia, em 1.995 escrevi um livro. Ele foi o resultado de velhos pensamentos combinados a novos e com uma nova leitura que fiz da Biblia. Desde entao planejei uma colecao que deveria ser composta de dois livros, referentes ao Antigo e ao Novo Testamentos, e outro que eu estava escrevendo. O nome deste era “O CONHECIMENTO DE DEUS”. Logo depois nasceu a inspiracao para escrever mais um volume com o titulo atual de: “A DIVINA PARABOLA” e que eh o quarto volume da colecao.

Somente em 2.004 comecei a escrever os volumes 1 e 2 da colecao com o nome de: “O TERCEIRO E ULTIMO TESTAMENTO, retirado do: CONHECIMENTO COM RESPEITO A DEUS”. Estes sao os unicos ja publicados no papel, somente em ingles. Os outros estao disponiveis agora, somente em portugues, no meu blog: Comentarei isso posteriormente.

No mesmo blog eu tenho publicado outros de meus textos. Os que estao sendo mais visitados se referem `a Genealogia Coelho. No ano passado tivemos cerca de 10.000 visitas somente. Mas nao esta tao ruim para um Joao Ninguem como eu!

Antes de comentar a respeito do comentario prometido, preciso falar sobre uma publicacao que fiz no Brasil. Era 1.995 e o livro era aquele que havia escrito em 1.977. Estavamos aqui nos Estados Unidos mas a minha esposa nao era capaz de esquecer a distancia da familia e do Brasil. Eu pensava em ficar. Sem nenhuma boa ideia do que fazer no Brasil eu pensei em tentar a carreira de escritor. Dai entrei em contato com meu cunhado, Ricardo, marido da Magda, e ele conhecia um editor. Eu vi que essa seria a unica forma de voltar ao Brasil.

Mas a publicacao nao se deu rapido como planejamos e ela veio justo na hora de causar-me um reverterio. As coisas deram erradas de uma forma inimaginavel. Em 1.992 havia tido um assassinato assombroso no Brasil. O ator de novelas, Guilherme de Padua, e a ex-esposa dele, Paula Thomaz, sequestraram e mataram a tambem atriz: Daniella Perez. Ela era filha da escritora de novelas Gloria Perez que estava trabalhando no canal de televisao mais conhecido no Brasil: a TV Globo.

E o processo judicial, como sempre no Brasil, andou devagar, quase parando. O ator assassino teve tempo de escrever um livro em que ele defendia a versao dele para o crime e mencionava coisas, imaginarias ou nao, com respeito `as vidas dos funcionarios do canal. Por coincidencia ele escolheu o mesmo editor que estava preparando o meu livro. O caso dele ganhou muita publicidade porque dona Gloria Perez entrou na justica tentando bloquear a comercializacao do livro dele, alegando compor-se de mentiras.

Eu nao estava presente e nao conheco os detalhes da aplicacao da lei mas penso que o juiz foi pressionado a dar uma decisao favoravel para dona Gloria porque a televisao havia mobilizado a opiniao publica contra o assassino. Dai ele sofreu, de certa forma, uma supressao dos direitos de defesa ampla. Mas o editor que ja havia imprimido o livro dele recusou-se a recolhe-lo. Ele passou a viver como fugitivo e quanto mais ataques sofreu da televisao mais conseguiu publicidade gratuita para o livro do assassino. O publico estava comprando pela curiosidade se saber o que de negativo era revelado das vidas dos atores.

Ja a publicidade do meu livro foi esquecida. O editor liberou as copias do nosso contrato aos pouquinhos por vez, no meio das noites. Eu estava aqui sem poder fazer nada. Seria muito arriscado ir ao Brasil, deixando a familia porque nao tinhamos documentos ainda. E nao tinha uma opiniao de um numero maior de pessoas para saber se a carreira de escritor valeria a pena. Quem leu meu livro gostou. Pelo menos aqueles que deram retorno. Mas todos eram da familia. Nao posso dizer com certeza que nao tivesse algo de puxassaquismo. Eu proprio gosto dele mas, nao vale porque “sou o pai da crianca”.

E tambem tinha investido todas as economias que tinhamos feito ate entao e meu projeto dependia da venda das primeiras copias para reinvestir nas proximas. Sem publicidade isso nao teria como acontecer. Isso tornou-se um espinho de duas pontas no meu casamento. Aquele que machuca porque ninguem deseja perder numa situacao dessas e tambem porque voce eh tratado como se houvesse sido vontade propria a escolha daquele momento errado.

A probabilidade de algo assim acontecer a qualquer um eh pequena. Mas quando tive a informacao de que o assassino era de Guanhaes e a ex-esposa dele das proximidades, e os acontecimentos se desenrolaram no Rio de Janeiro, fiquei chocado.

No final de 1.997 eu estava muito insatisfeito com a companhia onde trabalhavamos durante o dia. Todos sabiam que eu era bom funcionario e isso nao era segredo para ninguem. Os chefes haviam observado o quanto a produtividade tinha aumentado desde quando assumi o cargo de impressor. Mas o meu salario era pior do que o que eu ganhava como faxineiro. Dai estava decidido esperar a chegada da primavera para pegar quaisquer outras coisas.

Entao, naquele dezembro tivemos a oportunidade de entrar em um processo de legalizacao. Eramos cerca de sete brasileiros trabalhando na fabrica e so o Salmen tinha o Green Card. Nos reunimos para decidir se valeria a pena perguntar ao chefe geral se ele assinaria como responsavel em nossa legalizacao. Olhamo-nos uns aos outros e caimos na gargalhada. Nao tinhamos nada a perder se ele respondesse nao e ninguem permaneceria naquele trabalho.

O chefe geral estava assombrado por nao termos papeis. Fez uma consulta rapida a um advogado e aceitou a responsabilidade. Tinhamos poucos dias para iniciar o processo e recorremos ao escritorio do advogado de imigracao mais conhecido em Boston. Dr. John K. Dvorak disse que nao pegaria o nosso caso porque nao enxergava como nos encaixariamos na lei. Nosso interprete, Icaro, que tinha por volta de 12 anos de idade e eh filho do primo Geraldo, quase subiu na mesa do advogado dizendo: “Mas tem que ter jeito!”. O advogado disse que nao queria tomar o dinheiro da gente, sabendo que era causa perdida. Ja estavamos virando as costas quando uma assistente dele mostrou-lhe uma pequena clausula da lei. Ele deu um sorriso e falou: “Aceito o caso de voces.” O resto eh Historia.

Minha esposa nao gostou nada daquilo. Para ela eu teria que trabalhar mais, num trabalho que pagasse melhor, juntar dinheiro rapido para voltarmos para o Brasil. Desde que chegaramos, ate os proximos quatro anos apos isso, o que ela sabia era chorar de arrependimento por ter tido a ideia de virmos. Dai eu tive que ser a razao fria dos dois e fazer sozinho. Ela chegou a dizer-me: “Eu nao pago um puto por essa legalizacao.” E eu so respondi: Nao estou pedindo nada, so estou te comunicando o que vou fazer.

2.011 chegou e o 11 de setembro nao sai das nossas memorias. Naquela manha a gente tinha chegado cedo ao trabalho e logo depois o supervisor nos disse que um aviao tinha batido numa das Torres Gemeas de Nova Iorque. A situacao era grave mas ninguem esperava que isso fosse outra coisa diferente de um acidente tragico. Nao demorou muito e veio a noticia do segundo e do terceiro ataque. Nao havia mais duvida, fomos para o almoco sentindo o medo e o peso no ar. Nao faziamos ideia do que viria depois.

E os homens do presidente Bush comecaram a falar em guerra. Nas nossas reunioes para cafe e almoco eu defendia a tese de que a melhor forma de resolver o problema seria conversar diretamente com o Osama Bin Laden e a organizacao terrorista dele. Nao. Nao sou tao bonzinho nem inocente. Estava reconhecendo que eles nao estivessem atacando os Estados Unidos por nada. O que eu pensava era que certa conversa poderia evitar piorar a situacao.

Minha visao eh mais complicada do que parece. Praticamente toda a minha vida vi a evolucao do que acontece no Oriente Medio. Desde a Guerra dos Seis Dias eu ja tinha alguma opiniao a respeito. Naquele tempo eu fiquei feliz como uma crianca pensando como heroismo, um pais pequeno como Israel vencer uma guerra contra as forcas combinadas dos paises ao redor. Naquele tempo eu estava mesmo sendo inocente. Nao tinha a menor ideia de que uma guerra nunca tras paz. Uma guerra eh o atalho para as proximas.

Posteriormente, vendo mais eu passei a entender melhor a situacao. Vi os direitos Palestinos de terem seu proprio pais sendo sempre negados e sendo usada forca disproporcional contra eles. Dai eu comecei a lamentar pelos dois povos porque estavam presos no meio da disputa de interesses e empurrados a brigarem um com o outro. Desde entao passei a ver ambos povos como refens de seus lideres e vitimas de uma armacao absurda.

Por volta dos anos 90 houve uma grande oportunidade de ser feita a paz entre os dois povos. Mas o governo israelense disse que, em minhas palavras: eles nao conversariam com uma parte dos palestinos. Na ocasiao eu demonstrei o meu descontentamento escrevendo uma carta para o jornal Estado de Minas. Ela foi publicada e as minhas palavras podem ser resumidas por: Precisamos tratar de paz com nossos inimigos porque nao tratamos disso com amigos, pois, nos celebramos a paz com eles. Desde entao tornou-se claro para mim que os lideres dos dois povos nao estavam lutando pela paz. Eles estavam lutando contra a paz e pondo ambos povos no caminho do perigo.

Infelizmente eu ja era ninguem, escrevendo a um jornal desconhecido fora do Brasil. E eu vejo semelhancas entre a situacao entre os dois povos e aquela que levou aos ataques de 11 de setembro. E a minha solucao eh esta: falar abertamente para que isso seja visto pelo mundo inteiro. Era preciso fazer um gesto de boa vontade que servisse de razao para que os outros povos enxergassem o contraste entre o bem e o mal. Se Osama Bin Laden estendesse a mao os outros povos ficariam admirados do quao magnanimo seriam os americanos. Se nao, os outros povos diriam que ele seria culpado de quaisquer coisas ruins acontecessem a ele, inclusive os muculmanos colegas dele. E ele perderia a credibilidade para atrair guerreiros para seu lado. Desafiando-o antes de conversar so aumentou o apoio `a causa hedionda dele.

Posteriormente a administracao George W. Bush apresentou o caso dela para guerrear Saddhan Hussein. Ai deu-me desespero. As razoes apresentadas `a ONU, para mim, baseavam-se claramente em falsidades. Como eu sabia disso? So Deus sabe. Eh um tipo de intuicao que acontece `as vezes comigo. Inclusive eu cheguei a escrever que suspeitava de que o governo Bush tivesse facilitado a armacao do ataque de 11 de setembro para ter a oportunidade da desculpa de fazer a guerra. Mas isso nao era algo em que eu tivesse muita fe.

Em nossas conversas com os colegas de trabalho as opinioes eram diversas. Ninguem era favoravel `a guerra mas ninguem me dava credito da melhor razao presente. A unica coisa que lembro-me de ter dito foi isso: Infelizmente, o povo ta sendo induzido ao erro mas o povo `as vezes so aprende apanhando. Ele ira mudar de opiniao quando os caixoes, em vez de pessoas vivas, comecarem a chegar em numero.

A minha previsao nao se tornou 100% verdadeira. Para defender a guerra, o governo Bush havia pintado o exercito do Saddhan como um adversario formidavel. Eu sabia que teria que dar um desconto por causa dos exageros dos dois lados. Todos devem lembrar-se do comeco da guerra quando o ministro de comunicacoes iraquiano apresentava a versao de que o exercito do Saddhan estava vencendo. Mas a maioria dos soldados dele teve a boa vontade de depor as armas ao inves de lutar por uma causa perdida. Eu esperava mais mortes entre os americanos no comeco e, gracas somente a Deus, essa impressao foi causada pela informacoes erradas. Mas quando mais tempo passou as dores foram as mesmas.

Ate hoje a unica razao para aquela guerra foi uma vendetta da Familia Bush. Desde os anos 90, por causa da Guerra do Golfo, em que o Bush pai foi incapaz de remover a Familia Hussein daquele ponto estrategico do globo, os dias do Saddhan ja estavam contados. O que faltava era a oportunidade que se apresentou em 2.002.

Em novembro de 2.001 recebemos o comunicado de que nossos Green Cards tinham sido concedidos. Bem na hora. Mamae e papai estavam completando 50 anos de casados e eu ja estava ha 8 anos longe deles. Imediatamente compramos tres passagens para o Brasil. Isso so foi possivel por causa dos ataques terroristas. Normalmente, so encontrariamos lugares vagos com seis meses de antecedencia. Mas o povo tomou medo de viagens aereas. Nos nao pensamos duas vezes.

Dezembro estavamos la. E o visual foi chocante para minha esposa. Ela tinha esquecido como era a cara da pobreza. E ela estava pior do que antes. Da nossa regiao a cidade dela era uma das mais pobres. Somente entao ela entendeu porque eu havia feito a aplicacao para a legalizacao. Apesar do que, serviu apenas para confirmar a mudanca no coracao dela. Ja estavamos comprando uma casa aqui.

E isso eh outro espinho em nossas vidas. Por volta de 1.995 eu pedi a ela para nao investir no Brasil porque nos nao tinhamos chegado a um acordo de onde colocar nosso dinheiro. Ela queria aplicar na cidade dela e eu sabia que nao haveria futuro por um bom periodo. Sugeri ser em Virginopolis mas ela alegou que nunca viveria na cidade porque tinha muita gente orgulhosa la. Para mim isso era impressao falsa. Entao ela aplicou em Belo Horizonte em algo que se tornou um fim da picada.

Desde que decidi pela legalizacao minhas oportunidades de ganhar dinheiro foram travadas. Eu fui obrigado a manter meu emprego mal remunerado mesmo passando por muito tempo de humilhacao. Tudo o que eu fazia era para pagar impostos, despesas da casa e um pouco para pagar a legalizacao. Assim ficava parecendo que tudo o que a gente economizava tinha vindo do pagamento dela mas eu nao sou ligado em dinheiro. Deixei a ela fazer o que quizesse.

Sugeri que comprassemos uma morada aqui e nos poderiamos fazer isso por 45-60 mil. Quando ela mudou de ideia, uma casa estava valendo cerca de 300 mil. Nos ja tinhamos dado entrada em uma quando os ataques aconteceram. Entao eu acordei para o fato de que nao seria boa ideia, e ela concordou comigo por essa uma vez e nos trocamos por outra de 160 mil em um condominio. Quando voltamos ja entramos nessa casa.

No Brasil tinhamos as festas de fim de ano mais as Bodas de Ouro de meus pais e os 60 de casados da tia Odila e tio Eurico. Ela eh a irma que nasceu logo depois de papai mas casou-se no aniversario dele, 10 anos de ele se casar. Dai meus pais anteciparam o aniversario deles para cair entre o natal e o final de ano. Esse se deu em Virginopolis. No 7 de janeiro, aniversario do papai, fomos `as comemoracoes em Governador Valadares. Foi exatamente naqueles dias que papai deu-me o livro de nossa genealogia. Em seguida, voltamos. Tudo passou como um relampago.

Essa foi tambem a ultima vez que vi papai vivo. E a vida continuou como antes. Uma coisa mudou. Como eu tinha legalizado eu nao queria continuar no mesmo trabalho. Tinha perdido 8 anos de minha vida. Meu salario nao era muito mais que US$ 8,00/hora . E a gente era abusado em varios sentidos. Nao apenas na ESP mas em todos os empregos que ja tive. Sendo brasileiros e mineiros a gente aprendeu a resistir. Antes de revidar cada agressao nos preferimos fazer graca das situacoes. Os mineiros sao conhecidos pelos dizeres: “Mineiro da um boi para nao entrar numa briga, e uma boiada para nao sair dela.” Isso significa que a gente faz tudo para nao entrar numa briga mas depois que eh provocado a ponto de comecar nao tem mais volta.

O que havia me feito pensar uma segunda vez foi isso, o primo Nilton tinha entrado no processo de legalizacao tambem. Mas quando estava no meio ele abandonou porque tinha estabelecido que ficaria somente 5 anos aqui. Trabalhando por producao ele ganhava melhor que eu. Entao, eu aceitei o desafio de substitui-lo. O trabalho era muito duro. Tinhamos que trabalhar com maquinas barulhentas, grampeando caixas de papelao o dia inteiro. Era tao duro que nenhuma americano desejava fazer. Mas eu peguei, e nao era como se fosse um trabalho comum mas como uma competicao de fundo. Para que se tenha uma ideia do que isso significa, quando a dona da fabrica viu o Geraldo trabalhando a primeira vez, ela so teve uma palavra para descrever: “Espantoso!”.

Quando a fabrica abria para visitas de futuros clientes para verem como o trabalho era feito nos ja tinhamos uma encenacao preparada e que estavamos familiarizados. Era colocar um monte de caixas, do tipo carta, `as quais eram mais facil de trabalhar, e esperar o sinal para comercarmos. O mais experiente no servico era o Ge e ele era capaz de fazer mais de 2.000 caixas por dia. Eu cheguei a fazer mais de 2.000 tambem mas nao tive tempo para igualar-me a ele. Quem nos via pela primeira vez realmente ficava de queixo caido!

O trabalho era tao duro que a gente desligava o aquecedor mesmo quando as temperaturas estavam congelando. Com 10 minutos de trabalho a gente comecava a suar e eu tinha que tomar garrafas de agua o bebidas esportivas para manter hidratado. Nossos corpos nao tinham gordura alguma, so musculos. Desde entao eu parei de trabalhar depois como faxineiro. No final do dia o corpo exigia relaxamento. So nesse tempo eu comecei a ganhar dinheiro que valesse e era suficiente para pagar seguro saude, investir 5% de cada cheque em plano de aposentadoria e tinha uns duzentos dolares em conta para qualquer emergencia.

Por esse tempo tivemos um fato curioso na fabrica. Nao havia grande competicao naquele campo. Talvez existissem 2 ou 3 competidores em todo o Estado de Massachusetts. Nossa companhia tinha filiais por volta de outros 10 estados. E eles concordaram com um competidor em fechar uma unidade em outro estado, nao recordo direito mas penso ser Michigan, e o competidor fecharia a unidade deles em Massachusetts. E eles trocaram a clientela em cada estado. Aparentemente foi uma jogada de marketing.

A area de producao dobrou e entraram novos colegas de trabalho. Todos de Virginopolis, apontados por nos. Os novos, Ramon, irmao do Agnello, e Amaury, filho da prima Marlene, eram da familia Coelho. Com eles chegou o Carlos (Tchaca), cuja familia fora agregada na fazendo do vovo Juca, mais Edinho e Ademar. O Ademar era filho de um agregado na fazendo do vovo Cista, e a irma dele, Silvana, eh casada com o primo Wellington Soares. A familia deles mora aqui nos Estados Unidos.

Varios outros entraram e sairam da fabrica. Nem todos estao chegando `a minha memoria nesse momento. Mas tivemos tambem o Rodrigo. Ele eh primo da minha esposa e legalizou conosco. Logo depois dele receber o Green Card pediu demissao, para procurar oportunidade melhor. Nelson era um cara de Belo Horizonte mas era casado com virginopolitana. Aender era estranho no ninho mas logo virou irmao de batalha. Esta me fugindo o nome de outro primo mas penso ser o Eustaquio. Sao sete irmaos na familia dele e tive pouco contato com os mais novos. Dai eu misturar seus nomes. Aqui estou misturando a ordem em que eles trabalharam e outro que passou por la foi o Marcelo Nunes Coelho.

Nesse tempo comecamos a trabalhar em dois turnos e o nosso grupo ficou com o diurno. Depois de treinarmos os nossos primos, Geraldo e eu vimos que estavamos puxando duro para produzir mais que os recem-chegados. Em nossa experiencia sabiamos que eles precisariam muito tempo para nos acompanhar mas concluimos que seria melhor dividir a producao. Logo concordamos em partilhar a producao em partes iguais para todos. Nos eramos capazes de grampear mais caixas mas quando iamos junta-las nos bandos os outros, como eles produziam menos, nos ajudavam. O que perdiamos era uma pequena parte mas todos estavamos quase felizes.

O que faltava de felicidade se devia `a brutalidade do servico e as imposicoes do supervisor. Ninguem gostava da forma de ele supervisionar mas nao tinhamos problemas pessoais com ele. Era o proprio manda-chuva.

Em julho de 2.003 a minha esposa passou 40 dias de ferias no Brasil com nosso filho. Eu ja havia comprado minha passagem para o inicio de 2.004. Naquele tempo comecaram meus problemas provocados pela heranca genetica. Penso que ninguem teve vista melhor que a minha. Eh provavel que seja normal e bilhoes de pessoas tivessem igual. Mas a minha ficou opaca. Eram cataratas. Eu entrara nos 40. Exatamente na idade que apareceram em meu pai. Fiz a primeira cirurgia aqui nos Estados Unidos e nao gostei do resultado. Dai eu marquei consultas em Belo Horizonte onde tinhamos o melhor especialista desde o Dr. Hilton Rocha. Dr. Hilton fora o oculista de meu pai e de outros na familia. No lugar dele estava seu discipulo, Dr. Rui Marinho.

Antes de eu ir ao Brasil minha esposa voltou e nos decidimos ter outra crianca. Ela ficou gravida por volta de setembro. Em outubro meu pai faleceu. Nao fui imediatamente porque nao poderia fazer mais nada por ele. Foi a morte de um homem santo. Papai nunca foi uma pessoa perfeita. Mas tinha algo que o distinguia de outros. Era conservador em todos os sentidos. Mas nao era ignorante.

Era filho de um homem rico. E o povo da cidade pensava que ele tambem fosse rico, mas nao sabia o que se passava dentro de nossa casa. Nao era pessoa de conversar demais. Normalmente conversava o essencial. Tem duas coisas que ele nunca deixou de prover em casa. Alimentacao e educacao. Nunca teve um carro proprio. E dizia: “Carro eh uma segunda familia e eu nao aguento prover para ambos.” E no Brasil isso era verdade.

Normalmente nos tinhamos 5 roupas. A de ver Deus, o uniforme da escola, e mais tres de uso diario que usavamos ate ter de joga-las no lixo. Nossas roupas eram feitas em casa, costuradas por mamae que era a mao direita dele e segundo em comando. A maioria das ajudantes da casa tinham que ir `a escola junto conosco. Depois que ele adquiriu a fazenda, o agregado tinha 13 filhos e dois netos dentro de casa. Ele pagou estudos para varios deles, os que quizeram, ate ao segundo grau. Era um investimento extra-salario do agregado.

A gente viveu na casa velha por muitos e muitos anos. Foi nela que a bisavo dele, Joaquina, e a avo, Ercila, haviam falecido. Mamae sempre o cutucava para fazer emprestimo e construir uma nova. Mas ele primeiro juntou as economias e nos entramos na casa nova 26 anos apos o casamento deles. Era o jeito dele de ser. Se tinha que ter algo, fazia primeiro a economia antes de comprar. Raramente pagou juros. E nos o gozavamos por isso porque ele era o gerente da Caixa Economica. Era um bom administrador para a familia mas era uma pessima propaganda para o banco. Na Minascaixa tinha emprego publico e, como funcionario, era mal pago.

Bom, ele era um pai dedicado. Trabalhava muito. Um dia falou que nao morreria antes de conhecer o oceano. Mas ele nunca conheceu o oceano e faleceu provendo para a familia e partilhando com os outros. Estava no hospital, receberia alta no dia seguinte e faleceu na noite por causa de uma trombose na perna. Minha filha nasceu 4 meses depois e foi salva do mesmo problema. Pode ser que tenha sido um sinal de que ele continua olhando por nos la do Ceu. Nao direi mais nada a esse respeito. As biografias dele e de mamae merecem melhor estudo.

Por volta de dezembro eu estava bebendo agua do refrigerador na fabrica e estava tao fria que tinha ferpas de gelo no meio. Uma das ferpas prendeu-se em minha garganta. Tive uma dolorosa sensacao de sufocacao rapida. Mas como veio passou mas senti como uma ferroada. Uma semana depois cai doente.

Meu medico diagnosticou hipertiroidismo e madou-me para casa porque nao havia tratamento no caso. Passei um mes inteiro sem poder levantar meu corpo do nosso sofa sem vomitar. A menos que eu ficasse deitado sentia-me tonto. Dificilmente mantia suco no estomago. A foto que tirei para o passaporte mostra uma versao de mim tao magra que o volume da minha tireoide pode ser delineado no pescoco. Quando cheguei ao Brasil eu ja estava sendo capaz de ficar em pe e comer melhor.

Um medico de la examinou a minha tireoide e disse que qualquer coisa que tivesse acontecido tinha se curado sem deixar vestigios. Outro afirmou que meu coracao estava perfeito. Meu oculista, Dr. Rui Marinho, fez-me duas cirurgias. Uma para tirar a segunda catarata e outra para corrigir a posicao da lente da primeira. Ele sugeriu que era comum medicos inexperientes ficarem com medo de fazer a forca suficiente para implantar a lente artificial no lugar. E meu corpo ja estava reagindo contra o mal posicionamento, e ele teve que limpar com uma cirurgia a laser. Aproveitei para fazer mais coisas mas nao eh de interesse para a narrativa agora.

Minha esposa estava tendo uma gravidez dificil. Estava tendo sangramentos e os primeiros exames indicaram a possibilidade de a crianca ter a Sindrome de Down. O medico dela havia oferecido abortamento. Para nos catolicos era ate absurdo pensar nisso mas a gente compreende ser obrigacao dos medicos aqui fazer a oferta. Nos apenas recusamos. Mas o medico falhou em nao aconselhar repouso absoluto e ela continuou trabalhando. No mesmo dia em que cheguei ao Brasil, telefonou-me dizendo que estava no hospital com principio de abortamento. Desejava que eu voltasse. Mas nao pude. Todas as consultas estavam programadas e nao tinhamos fundos para fazer duas viagens. Tambem sabia que ela estava exagerando, como sempre, e ela tinha duas irmas e dois irmaos aqui.

Ficou duas semanas no hospital antes da crianca dar sinal de que estava sufocando e teve que fazer cesariana. A crianca era minuscula, de cinco meses e meio de gestacao. 562 gramas. Quando voltei, ela cabia inteira na palma da minha mao. So as pernas sobravam. Tivemos quatro meses de idas e vindas ao Hospital Santa Elizabeth em Brighton, suburbio de Boston. Mas quando cheguei ela estava no Hospital New England, no Centro de Boston, porque estava com uma trombose na perna e um anjo disfarcado de enfermeira foi capaz de diagnosticar isso naquela perninha da grossura do meu dedo midinho. Ela tambem teve septisemia, tratada e curada no Santa Elizabeth.

Pode ser apenas uma coincidencia mas em meus estudos genealogicos encontrei que o nosso suposto ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (*) eh descendente de Santa Elizabeth, uma rainha escocesa.

Nossa filha nasceu em 14 de fevereiro, dia das amizades nos Estados Unidos (Valentine’s Day). Em julho trouxemos para casa uma versao completa dela. Na hora do desespero a minha esposa gritou comigo: “Isso eh culpa sua!” Ela se referia ao fato de a minha vontade de ter mais uma crianca fora maior que a dela. E eu, fingindo ser machista chauvinista respondi: Ah se nao fosse! Depois ela arrependeu-se do que tinha dito e reconheceu que essa crianca era a melhor coisa que nos tinha acontecido desde o nascimento do primeiro. Ai eu nao resiti e a encorajei: A culpa eh toda minha!

Tempos depois ela estava com nossa filha andando pela rua e cruzou com o medico dela. Toda alegre correu para mostrar a crianca para ele. Quando a viu, o medico perguntou: “E o nome dela eh Milagre!?” Estava ali, frente-a-frente, o braco do farao e a mao de Herodes. Aquele que queria a nossa permissao para matar nossa crianca. Porem, o gesto dele foi de humildade perante a constatacao do erro que poderia ter-nos induzido a cometer. Nossa menina eh perfeita para os padroes de prematuro.

Na fabrica as coisas comecaram a desandar. Meus colegas conheciam muintos de nossos conterraneos que estavam ganhando mais que nos porque estavam trabalhando com granito e marmore quando a industria de construcao estava muito aquecida, perto dos anos 2.000. E eles desejaram pedir aumento. Eu estava satisfeito com o que ganhava e tinha duvidas quanto se seria uma boa ideia naquela hora. Mas nao quis ser o do contra todos.

Tivemos umas negociacoes um pouco dificeis e o supervisor disse que, para conceder o que queriamos a companhia teria que mandar alguem embora. Mas os colegas bateram o pe em favor do aumento. Mesmo incomodado, nunca disse nao a eles. Em setembro daquele ano, apos uma discussao com o supervisor, ele decidiu dar-me um aviso. Eu assinei sem ler, tao fulo da vida eu estava. Num piscar de olho fui chamado ao escritorio superior e eles me despediram.

Fiquei mais preocupado em saber o que fazer dai para frente do que com raiva. Ja estava chateado demais. Eu conhecia muita gente mas ninguem soube indicar-me um bom emprego. Empregos estavam sobrando mas pelo salario minimo. Todas as lojas de departamento estavam contratando mas o que pagavam era menos do que eu teria que pagar a uma baba para tomar conta da nossa crianca. Como ela era muito prematura, tinha muitas consultas com medicos e uma enfermeira. Alguem teria que leva-la `as consultas. Dai nos decidimos que eu permaneceria com ela enquanto as coisas nao melhorassem.

A dificuldade em arranjar outro servico naquele momento era justamente porque nao tinham mais empresas trabalhando no mesmo setor que a ESP. Se eu tivesse trabalhando como jardineiro ou em qualquer outro setor que os imigrantes trabalham poderia ter usado minha experiencia para ser contratado. Entao fiquei dividido em opinioes contrarias a respeito do que teria sido melhor se eu tivesse antecipado a situacao quando comecei a trabalhar na ESP. La encontrei o beneficio da legalizacao mas nao tinha uso algum da experiencia adquirida e nao havia conseguido ajuntar nada nos primeiros 8 anos dedicados a ela.

Naquele tempo eu comecei a usar nosso computador. Enquanto o nenen fazia os repousos. Assim eu encontrei o e postei nele nossa genealogia. Isso ajudou-me a memorizar os nomes dos membros da familia e passei a ter ideia melhor das nossas relacoes familiares com milhares de pessoas. Logo encontrei tambem o – Portugal, e aprendi muito mais.

A seguir comecei a escrever os volumes 1 e 2 do O TERCEIRO E ULTIMO TESTAMENTO, retirado do O CONHECIMENTO COM RESPEITO A DEUS. Uma nova lida nos escritos biblicos deu-me entendimento melhor dos fatos. Naquela epoca, nossa amiga Sandra Sampaio deu-me uma copia do livro: Quem Escreveu a Biblia? Gostei muito do livro, sem concordar com tudo nele, e tirei um grande ensinamento dele. Nos precisamos ficar atentos para os interesses de quem escreve para entendermos os verdadeiros objetivos dos autores.

E eu escrevi meu livro derrubando muitos conceitos e interpretacoes antigos. Eh quase inacreditavel como os ensinamentos errados estao na cara dos leitores e academicos mas eles nao evoluem o entendimento! De toda forma, eu realmente senti que estava conectado com Deus e o que escrevi esta mais perto da Vontade Dele do que o que tinhamos antes. Entao tive a sensacao de possuir uma missao a cumprir, de fazer o mundo saber o que eh correto e o que eh falso com respeito do que eh dito em relacao a Deus.

E isso foi outro contratempo em minha vida. Na internet eu vi a propaganda dizendo que alguns editores estavam pagando US$ 100.000,00 por qualquer trabalho inedito. Nao acreditei nisso mas tambem me senti desconfortavel em abrir mao do meu direito autoral. Para os autores, livros sao como seus filhos e abrir mao dos direitos autorais nao tras sensacao agradavel. A gente gosta de partilhar o talento que esta no texto como os pais adoram mostrar os filhos fazendo gracinhas. Posteriormente vi por um documentario que era mesmo verdadeira a propaganda. O mercado de publicacao estava tao aquecido que os editores podiam pagar pela tentativa porque no meio de muitos livros sem retorno eles poderiam pescar um best seller que pagaria por todos os outros.

Por outro lado eu ouvi a respeito de um novo tipo de publicacao. Ele tem o nome de “Edicao de acordo com os Pedidos”. Eu nao estava preparado para tomar uma decisao pelo ingles que eu sabia. Eu era capaz de ler e entender a maior parte mas nao os detalhes. Entendi que o editor iria produzir qualquer copia que os compradores desejassem. Mas pensei que fosse razoavel produzir-se um certo numero de livros para coloca-los em exibicao, pelo menos, nas principais livrarias pelo pais afora.

Eu calculei que, como muitas pessoas compram qualquer coisa dos assuntos preferidos delas, e o assunto do livro era religioso, isso poderia traduzir-se na venda de um numero de copias suficientes para pagar meu investimento inicial que andaria por um tanto mais que US$ 10.000,00. Dai eu poderia continuar investindo e fazendo debates que aumentariam o entendimento do texto, o que resultaria em mais vendas para pagar meus custos adicionais. Mas eu estava totalmente enganado quanto a isso.

Agora, o meu ponto-de-vista, eh o de que o sistema nao passa de um esquema de piramide. A gente paga todos os custos da publicacao. Dai o risco eh so nosso. As copias produzidas sao o minimo. A gente pode pedir quantas copias quizer por preco reduzido para revender. Eles tambem tem muitas formas de divulgacao do produto, desde que se pague por isso.

Para promover seu livro voce precisa comprar todas as oportunidades de exposicao e estar presente por conta e risco proprios. Penso que, para comecar, precisaria ter US$ 100.000,00 disponiveis. Em outras palavras a gente eh transformada nao em parceiros, porem, em escrava do sistema porque quanto mais se trabalha mais o editor ganharia sem fazer esforco algum. No final de tudo voce vira um vendedor ambulante, sem salario ou seguro de saude do seu empregador. Mas vai estar vendendo o produto que dara a ele dinheiro vivo.

O sistema pode funcionar para autores bem conhecidos, cujos nomes vem primeiro do que seja la o que for que tenham que vender. Os autores de best sellers anteriores ganham a divulgacao das corporacoes noticiosas. Sao entrevistados a respeito de qualquer producao inedita. Para eles fica facil, nao para os desconhecidos. Mesmo que os livros dos desconhecidos sejam melhor escritos. E nao estou falando aqui da minha producao particular.

Depois de meses com o livro `a venda eu recebi o meu primeiro e unico cheque. Algo em torno de US$ 10.00. Entao eu ja estava conformado com minhas perdas. Provavelmente, o editor nao fez nada ilegal. E esse foi meu pagamento como palhaco. O livro esta disponivel para o publico desde 2.006 sob o IBS: 978-1-4389-5097-6 (sc). Este eh o numero de registro na Livraria do Congresso Americano. O livro virou um calhamaco de 664 paginas, com muito conhecimento e nenhuma leitura.

Este eh mais um espinho de duas pontas no meu casamento! Ate agora a minha esposa nao sabe quanto teremos que pagar por ele. Eu preferia pagar tudo sozinho, e pagar generosamente a aqueles que deram-me o emprestimo sem juros ou data de pagamento. Todavia, eu tenho que manter a cabeca levantada, sem orgulho, para manter a forca e nao deixar ser dominado pelo desespero.

Nunca descontei o cheque. O dinheiro nao vai fazer a gente ficar menos pobre. Ele pertence `a Historia. Se algum dia eu virar um sucesso no futuro ele servira de prova e incentivo a outros que estiverem passando por dificuldades. Minha vida podera ser um exemplo de persistencia. E algo que pode trazer os mortos de suas tumbas para uma realidade afortunada. Se eu falhar na vida, o dinheiro e o fato serao apagados da existencia.

Na Historia Humana eu vejo como ato de improvidencia o fato de o sacerdote Martinho Lutero ter queimado a bula papal que o ameacava de excomunhao. O papa era Giovanni di Lorenzo di Medici, ou Papa Leao X. O documento poderia ser mais uma prova da falibilidade papal. Nao, nao, nao! Nao estou falando em vinganca aqui. Nunca eh meu objetivo. Nos conhecemos mais a respeito da vida do Martinho Lutero e ate esquecemos o nome do oponente dele. Estou certo de que seria mais valioso para o Leao X a gente saber o nome dele e rezar para que ele seja perdoado. Como os mortos, ele nada pode fazer por si mesmo!

Ah sim! Tambem sou catolico. E, tambem, nem todo catolico acredita nos dogmas da Igreja. Para mim, crer na infalibilidade papal eh inocencia por demais. E ignorar um elefante no meio da sala nao fara o elefante sumir. Todos os credos religiosos tem seus lados comicos. Nao que o povo queira que seja assim. Mas porque somos humanos e sujeitos a cometer esse tipo de falhas. A grandeza do grande homem eh reconhecer suas proprias falhas e nao fazer propaganda do seu suposto sucesso. Sucesso para meus olhos humanos pode virar uma falha total defronte da verdade.

Mesmo antes de minha filha vir para nossa casa, quando ainda empregado pela ESP, ficamos sabendo que o nosso antigo suposto competidor, Victory, estava de volta `a cidade. Precisamente, na Cidade de Worcester. E uma parte dos nossos colegas comecou a ser tranferida para ela. Ate o administrador geral. E ficamos sabendo que a ESP estava fechando. Posteriormente nossos primos foram transferidos e nao foi somente eu que perdi o emprego. Uns, como o Ge, por opcao buscou coisa melhor para fazer. Eles estavam revertendo o que havia sido feito cinco anos antes.

Provavelmente eles estavam agindo dentro da lei. Nao seriam bestas de fazer uma operacao tao grande e correndo risco demasiado. Mas senti como os Estados Unidos se pareciam com o Brasil! Esse tipo de jogada costuma ser usado pelos ricos para ficarem mais ricos la. Eles sabem onde estao os furos na legislacao. Melhor dizendo, os mais ricos fazem lobby a favor dos furos atraves do congresso. E eles fazem trocas de favores. Se alguem tem alguma ilusao de que o capitalismo eh feito de conpleta justica, precisa ficar alerta para o quanto o sistema eh fragil e quanto da chances aos oportunistas.

“Nos o povo”, quando pagos via cheque somos taxados mesmo antes do dinheiro chegar aos nosso bolsos. E nisso nao ha furos para nos. No final do dia, “nos o povo” pagamos, proporcionalmente, muito mais impostos que os ricos. E eles ficam com o mel. Mas nao estou falando isso para inflamar o povao. Estou apenas passando informacoes e por isso espero mais reconhecimento da justica de parte daqueles que nao sao “nos o povo”. (Aqui estou mexendo com a Constituicao Americana, porque ela comeca com a frase “We the People”, ou seja, “nos o povo”. Isso significa que todo poder emana do povo e esse poder eh dele e nao dos que querem ser “mais iguais” que os outros).

Nossa vida tem sido um pouco dificultosa desde 2.004. Tenho acompanhado minha filha desde entao. Ela esta muito bem para aquele comeco assombroso. Normalmente, as criancas muito prematuras tem problemas de vistas e cardiacos mas ela nao tem tido complicacoes. A minha saude eh que nao anda mais tao boa. Penso que a interrupcao da minha atividade mais fisica me fez mais susceptivel ao colesterol alto. E isso so foi descoberto a partir do momento em que eu ja estava vendo mosquitos e quase fiquei cego do olho direito. Mas tenho recebido o tratamento.

As cataratas prematuras vem do lado paterno. E a quase cegueira do lado materno. Mamae mesmo perdeu uma das vistas. Possivelmente, a minha dor na coluna vem do lado dela tambem. Mas eh pior em mim por causa da altura. Tenho suspeitas quanto `a diabetes que o papai sofreu a partir dos 60 anos. Mas nao desejo abrir aqui o meu prontuario medico. Penso que tenho saude suficiente para comecar uma nova carreira e isso ira ajudar-me a reverter alguns de meus problemas. A menina esta saindo bem na escola e agora precisa ficar mais independente. Isso tambem faz minha independencia.

A queda da industria da construcao por aqui afetou a familia bem forte. Estamos lutando para manter nossa casa mas perdemos um apartamento. No pico da valorizacao minha esposa decidiu usar as economias para assegurar a faculdade de nosso filho. Eu tinha suspeitas porque o mercado tinha ganhado muito em tao pouco tempo e sabia que era muito arriscado tentar. Mas ela eh do tipo de pessoa que vai onde os outros vao. E a comunidade brasileira, cuja maioria era jovem e inexperiente, nao aceitaria os avisos daqueles que nao eram o melhor exemplo de “sucesso”. Agora temos um rapaz de 17 anos esforcando para ganhar a escola por conta propria.

Por sorte ele esta sendo ajudado pelo “Step Up”. (Uma entidade beneficente que acompanha os alunos de bom rendimento escolar e que pode pagar parte ou o total dos custos de faculdade dos que nao tenham condicoes). Fui `a reuniao de apresentacao dele. Nos tinhamos acabado de entrar no salao e pegamos parte da conversa entre dois membros. Um era o mentor dele e o outro o supervisor geral.

O supervisor falava a respeito do proprio nome, Alfred. Dizia que todos os primeiro nascidos na familia dele recebiam o nome porque ouve um rei chamado Alfred e era ancestral deles. Ele tambem disse que um dos primos dele ate tinha trocado de nome porque chateara-se com tantos homonimos na familia. Falei para meu filho, Eu sei de quem ele esta falando. Eh nosso ancestral tambem. E nao revelei isso porque meu filho se chatearia. Quando eu identifico alguem com quem tenhamos vinculos ele so fala: “Todo mundo eh nosso primo!” E eh verdade mesmo!

Ja estivemos mais vezes no Brasil, inclusive em 2.009. Fomos todos daquela vez. O que nos pareceu diferente foi que, ninguem nos pediu informacoes de como vir para os Estados Unidos. Quando viviamos la a gente tinha que trabalhar duro para comprar uma bicicleta. Agora, carros e motocicletas, todo mundo tem! Os de 18 anos nao estao mais apressados para trabalhar. Estao concentrados em fazer universidade ou faculdade. Sei que demorara muito tempo ate que o Brasil se torne uma sociedade moderna. Mas esta se indo a passos acelerados.

Ha pouco tempo vi a apresentacao de uma pesquisa feita no Mexico que revelava o mesmo fenomeno. As familias agora sao menores e nao se tem pressa de sair de casa. Os pais estao conseguindo prover uma vida melhor para os filhos e nao existe mais a enorme diferenca entre o dinheiro que o povo pode ganhar aqui e la. No Mexico e Brasil pode-se ganhar tres vezes menos que aqui mas vive-se uma vida melhor, proxima a parentes e sem preocupacoes com legalizacoes.

Se a economia desses paises continuarem a melhorar por mais dez anos a direcao da migracao podera se inverter em relacao ha dez anos atras. Talvez sera necessario os Estados Unidos pensarem uma segunda vez em relacao suas politicas imigratorias. Posteriormente eu abordarei melhor esse assunto. O povo daqui precisa saber que se todos os imigrantes sem documentos forem deportados em periodo curto de tempo os Estados Unidos nao irao recobrar da recessao e sua queda vira tao rapida quanto fazer uma torta.

Tenho dados recentes que poderao ajudar a entender isso. Entraram no Brasil cerca de 2.000.000 de imigrantes nos anos recentes. E o governo de la tem dado anistia e legalizando `a maioria dos recem-chegados. Inclusive americanos tem imigrado para la e aproveitando-se da oportunidade de servicos especializados que estao sendo criados sem pessoas treinadas la para exerce-los.

Penso que seria inteligente para pessoas que estao desempregadas aqui comecarem a pensar na oportunidade de procurar algo no exterior. Nos fizemos o mesmo quando nos vimos em apuros e o meu arrependimento foi ter demorado a tomar essa decisao. Empregar-se no exterior eh muito mais util para qualquer carreira do que ficar desempregado em casa. E a gente sempre pode enviar dinheiro para casa para comecar algum negocio proprio.

2.011 foi um senhor ano em nossas vidas. Seguindo as tradicoes brasileiras, nos deixamos para a ultima hora as nossas naturalizacoes. A gente poderia ter feito isso desde completaramos os 5 anos de Green Cards. O cartao tem validade de 10 anos. Dai nos preenchemos as nossas aplicacoes, pagamos as taxas e fizemos os testes. Os funcionarios de imigracao foram excepcionalmente cordiais conosco.

Atrasei-me um pouco em relacao `a minha esposa e ela cidadanizou um dia antes. A cerimonia dela foi um evento enorme, aconteceu no Ginasio Coberto TD Bank, onde os Bruins e os Celtics jogam. Estes sao os times de hokey e basquete de Boston. Perto de 3.500 pessoas estavam cidadanizando juntas. Nem da para descrever a emocao. No dia seguinte fomos ao centro historico de Boston. Numa cerimonia mais simples, cerca de 360 de nos fomos nacionalizados. Os dias foram 31 de agosto e primeiro de setembro.

Bom, nao se fale mais de mim. Estamos no meio da campanha dos republicanos e agora temos apenas 4 candidatos correndo atras. Ontem o ex-presidente da camara ganhou na Carolina do Sul. Com ele estao concorrendo Mitt Romney, Rich Santorum e o deputado Ron Paul. Ron Paul seria o unico que causaria menos prejuizos aos Estados Unidos se fosse eleito. Mas as chances dele sao pequenas porque a decisao nao sera tomada em funcao da racionalidade. Sera tomada segundo a esperteza das elites.

Ate ha pouco tempo eu estava desejando que surgisse um candidato republicano em quem se pudesse acreditar. Este poderia tornar-se uma alternativa `as erratas do governo Obama. Mas penso que nos imigrantes nao teremos a chance de escolher entre dois candidatos bons. Os republicanos estao empurrando a gente para votar na reeleicao do presidente Obama em quaisquer circunstancias. Ele nao eh tao ruim. So nao compreende direito o mundo em que estamos vivendo agora. O problema eh que, os republicanos estao muito menos interessados em compreender o mundo longe do umbigo deles


Antes mesmo de eu comecar o presente capitulo pediria ao leitor dispensar um tempinho lendo dois textos importantes, a menos que ja os tenha lido. Eh apenas uma sugestao de enderecos que farei mas qualquer um podera visitar o Google e jogar os nomes Mahatma Gandhi e Cristovao Buarque para escolher outras fontes. As leituras irao enriquecer o entendimento do que escreverei neste capitulo. Os textos sao: Que contem O Espelho de Mahatma Gandhi, e o, os leitores de lingua portuguesa poderao encontrar textos na propria linguagem.

Nao queria ser dramatico como o trecho do livro de Marcos mas eh necessario tocar meu trombone. No livro, Jesus estava falando a respeito do tempo dos apostolos e nao dagora. Mas muitas coisas do passado estao se repetindo.

Nosso mundo esta em curso de colisao com o passado e algumas nacoes estao a caminho de colidir entre si. Ningurem precisa de uma bola de cristal para perceber isso. E eu me colocarei aqui, deste ponto para frente, como um critico moderado das politicas americanas para o mundo. Tentarei mostrar como os outros povos veem os Estados Unidos de fora para dentro e nao de dentro para fora como os americanos se veem. Pretendo oferecer uma visao que, de certa forma, pode trazer-nos respostas e solucoes. Isso depende da boa vontade dos americanos, porque se eles permanecerem nas mesmas opinioes que muitos tem, nao enxergando as formas de endireitar seus caminhos, provavelmente teremos a III Guerra Mundial, e ninguem saira ganhando nada com isso.

Ficou emblematico o Discurso Anual ao Congresso, feito pelo presidente George W. Bush, em 29 de janeiro de 2.002, quando ele caracterizou ao Iran, Iraque e Coreia do Norte como o Eixo do Mal e os acusou de ajudarem o terrorismo e de buscarem armas de destruicao em massa. Na verdade, como disse o Hugo Chavez diante do mundo inteiro, no discurso dele de 20 de setembro de 2.006 na ONU: “O diabo esteve aqui ontem. E o cheiro de enxofre continua aqui hoje.” Para quase todo o mundo Bush poderia caracterizar qualquer um como parte do Eixo do Mal porque os Estados Unidos se tornaram o proprio mal. Ninguem alem do proprio mal para saber o que eh sua imagem e semelhanca!

De certa forma, o Iraque de Saddhan Hussein, Iran e Coreia do Norte talvez nao parecessem tao ruins se nao fosse pelo historico americano de intervencionismo. Nao desejo explicar tudo ou apontar todos os fatos porque estes sao identificaveis por aqueles que viveram durante, pelo menos, os ultimos 50 anos e aqueles que estudam Historia. Mostrarei apenas um pouquinho. Mas tenho que lembrar ao leitor que, nao vou trabalhar isso como se fosse uma Teoria de Conspiracao.

Geralmente as Teorias de Conspiracao nao avaliam as limitacoes humanas. Os autores simplesmente assumem que, algumas pessoas sao muito mas e elas farao o inimaginavel para alcancarem seus objetivos. So que isso nao funciona tao bem na pratica. E os fatos historicos surgem em consequencia de muitos outros eventos previos e, na maioria dos casos, que nem estao anotados nos livros. Isso tambem acontece com a formacao das personalidades dos individuos.

Quando pessoas humanas entram em disputas umas contra as outras a primeira reacao eh descrever o inimigo numa imagem falsa. O que se fez na preparacao para a ultima Guerra do Iraque eh um exemplo classico disso. Nos dados de campo coletados e expostos ao mundo, Saddhan Hussein ja tinha posse de armas nucleares ou faltava pouco para adquiri-las. Supostamente, essa seria a “razao” para declarar guerra contra ele e os aliados dele. Ele tambem foi acusado de ser aliado da Al Qaeda. Agora sabemos, ambas as acusacoes eram falsas.

Na outra mao, em todo conflito as partes beligerantes assumem posicoes de autopiedade. Os lideres viram herois, defensores das liberdades, os maos da justica, etc. A cultura brasileira tem duas palavras para separar os autoindulgentes do trigo. As palavras sao patriota e patriotada. A traducao da primeira eh obvia: patriot.

Patriotada, porem, ainda nao tem traducao para o ingles. Mas a definicao eh exibicao de patriotismo arrogante. Algo como desafiar um adversario mais fraco para briga, quando este nao tiver meios de fugir, e depois contar vantagem do feito. Bullying eh a palavra atual que tambem descreve isso. O oposto disso tambem pode ser patriotada. Pode acontecer de o mais fraco, conhecendo a propria fraqueza, sentir prazer em desafiar o mais forte. Isso acontece, quando perto de muita gente, porque sabe que se o mais forte aceitar o desafio os outros irao tentar dissuadi-los de brigar. A patriotada tambem pode acontecer a pessoas que nao conhecam direito um assunto e, por engano, sao levadas a praticar acoes supostamente patrioticas como declarar amor pela propria patria e detestar as outras, somente porque as outras sao diferentes.

Das duas palavras deriva outra: patriotario. Estes sao aqueles que estao cegos pelo patriotismo falso e fazem e acreditam em tudo que seu mestre mandar. Um exemplo disso, que ocorreu no Brasil, esta ligado ao slogan: “Brasil, ame-o ou deixe-o”, fabricado no tempo da ditadura e imposto aos dissidentes. A intencao da frase era fazer os patriotarios acreditarem que a administracao da ditadura representava o proprio Brasil. O desejo era faze-los entender que quem nao gostasse dos ditadores nao gostava do pais. O ditado era inteligente. Mas o efeito na populacao foi minimo. E, como os brasileiros costumam dizer: “Nos somos vacinados”. A populacao nao caiu nesse conto porque nao havia muitos patriotarios por la.

Eh por isso que precisamos ficar cientes dos muitos usos da palavra. Qualquer palavra pode ser usada em mais de um sentido. Patriotismo eh uma das palavras do nosso vocabulario que pode nos inspirar tanto vitorias quanto derrotas. Patriotismo pode criar sociedades livres e justas tanto quanto uma terra de fantasias onde liberdade e justica podem tornar-se escravidao debaixo de um veu de falsidades. E eu estou em duvida em qual direcao dos dois extremos os Estados Unidos estao caminhando para ele.

Deixe-se `a mostra algo que esta no amago da sociedade americana. O povo aqui tem uma percepcao disso e os outros tem outra, que eh o oposto. Apos a Segunda Guerra ficou claro para os outros e mesmo para americanos que nossa sociedade eh baseada em competicao. As outras sociedades nao desejavam o mesmo tipo de competicao em certos aspectos da vida. Contudo, competicao aqui nos Estados Unidos eh vista como o unico propulsor do desenvolvimento.

Em outras sociedades como o Brasil de antigamente a parceria era mais aceita, embora o individualismo nao fosse proibido. E, de certa maneira isso eh uma das razoes pelas quais nos podemos, com certeza, apontar um porque do Brasil estar demorando tanto para emergir como sociedade industrializada. Eh interessante tomar esses exemplos porque os Estados Unidos sao o individualismo que deu certo por certo tempo e o Brasil, com seu individualismo, provou o lado contrario. A diferenca estava em a sociedade americana ter apostado na justica para com a maioria da populacao interna dando oportunidades para ela. No Brasil o individualismo foi totalmente excludente. Quem tinha pegava tudo, e os que pouco possuiam eram esquecidos.

Quando a gente analisa isso em relacao ao mundo a gente entende. Tomando cada pais como parte da sociedade terrestre como um todo temos os Estados Unidos como quem levou tudo e os outros paises como os que foram esquecidos. Nao podemos tomar essa analogia como um paralelo perfeito porque alguns dos outros paises industrializados tambem pegaram algo e mesmo partes das sociedades nos paises pobres tambem receberam mais. Mas, no contexto geral, nos temos mais excluidos que integrados. E como eh o Brasil tambem eh o mundo como um todo. Como se diz no Brasil: “O Brasil eh o retrato do mundo.”

Apos a II Grande Guerra a “teologia” da competicao foi implantada. Tendo como cabeca os Estados Unidos e seu principal associado nao foi surpresa nenhuma que eles tomassem a frente e saissem com grande vantagem. Temos que compreender o momento da largada. Naquele tempo, todos os outros paises industrializados estavam devastados pela guerra. Mesmo que os Estados Unidos tenham tido participacao proeminente na guerra o seu territorio continental nao havia sofrido a mesma sorte. O grande capital que os Estados Unidos perderam na guerra foram as vidas humanas, mas se pensarmos isso apenas como capital, nao como uma perda irreparavel para as familias, este capital foi plenamente recuperado pela imigracao que veio do lado destruido. Assim, falando-se apenas do ponto de vista economico, os Estados Unidos ganharam mais forca de trabalho logo apos a guerra do que perdeu durante ela.

Somando isso ao territorio que nao sofreu destruicao fica facil entender porque os Estados Unidos sairam com tanta vantagem em relacao aos competidores. E como um provocador sem cuidado algum, empurrou o resto do mundo para a competicao que no principio os propenentes devem ter imaginado que, “Vao passar mil anos antes que qualquer dos competidores se compararao conosco”. Igualmente sem cuidado algum, ninguem desde entao teve a humildade de pensar: “Mesmo que isso venha daqui a mil anos, agora seria melhor a gente se resguardar. Vamos, para o caso de acontecer, ser mais justos com o resto do mundo porque, no dia em que a gente cair, que ele tenha consideracao com nossa descendencia.”

Pode ser que a ideia de competicao funcione bem nos esportes mas nao estou tao certo de que funcione da mesma forma com a vida. A ideia por si mesma implica que teremos vencedores e vencidos. E este eh o grande problema quando voce aposta sua vida deste jeito. Vida nunca deveria ser posta em jogo com a consequencia de alguns serem classificados como vencedores e outros como perdedores. Isso abre o caminho para as pessoas humanas mostrarem seus piores instintos ocultos.

As pessoas que estarao em posicao melhor de vencer perdem seus sensos de justica e nao pensam duas vezes em usar artimanhas, como os Estados Unidos fizeram na transferencia de dinheiro dos paises em desenvolvimento no tempo do Novo Colonialismo. O mesmo eh visto no periodo chamado Colonialismo, no tempo da escravidao, no genocidio dos nativos de todas as Americas e muito outros mais.

As que estarao em posicoes inferiores de competir no mesmo nivel dos adversarios podem apelar para loucuras como optar por fazer ataques terroristas como os que temos visto ha tempos em nosso mundo.

Competicao pode ajudar e ser divertida, desde que nao haja risco de afetar comportamentos. Lembro-me de nossos colegas de trabalho, Joe e Dick, nos tempos na ESP, em que eles eram torcedores do time de baseball de Boston, o Red Sox. Alguns de nos os gozavam porque a ultima vez que o time deles tinha conquistado um titulo de campeao nacional tinha sido em 1.918. Assim, talvez nem sequer os avos deles sabiam o que era ser campeao.

Em contrapartida, o time de futebol preferido de alguns colegas brasileiros, o Cruzeiro, estava empilhando trofeus nos anos 90 e inicio dos anos 2.000. Somente em 2.004 o Red Sox conseguiu quebrar o jejum de titulos. Porem, os irmaos nao puderam retribuir a gozacao aos colegas brasileiros porque eles estavam celebrando junto. Nos esportes a gente pode ser perdedor por nao se sabe quanto tempo, porque isso nao rouba nada da gente. A gente pode ficar com raiva por uma semana ou mais mas logo a gente comeca a ascender a curiosidade de saber o que acontecera no proximo ano.

O problema em arriscar-se a fazer o mesmo com a vida eh este: voce nao tem muitas vidas para ser perdedor em algumas e vencedor em outras. Vida nao foi feita para entrar em competicao. Foi feita para fazer valer a frase: “Viver e deixar viver.” Em outras palavras, a vida foi feita para haver vitorias dos dois lados. Em termos de economia os americanos tem certo problema para compreender isso. Nem todos mas um grande numero tem. O povo que milita no Partido Republicano eh o que menos entende isso, pelo menos, eh o que parece ser pelos discursos que andam fazendo nos debates para decidir qual deles ira enfrentar o presidente Obama nas eleicoes de 2.012.

E ontem, 7 de fevereiro, o concorrente, senador Rick Santorum, teve uma vitoria simbolica. Ele estava atras dos outros tres competidores e ganhou as primarias no Missouri, Colorado e Minnesota. Foi uma grande vitoria porque estamos no inicio das primarias mas nao foi tao importante quanto pode parecer. Para que os leitores brasileiros saibam, a selecao do candidato de um partido nos Estados Unidos tem que passar por primarias em cada estado. Em alguns estados o vencedor leva todos os delegados eleitos para o seu lado e eles votarao numa convencao nacional que decidira quem sera o candidato do partido. Em outros estados os delegados sao divididos entre os candidatos, de acordo com a proporcao de votos que cada um ganhou na primaria do estado.

Mitt Romney ganhou apenas tres estados ate agora. O senador Santorum ganhou quatro. Mas Romney, somente pela vitoria na Florida, levou 50 delegados e agora conta com 115 do seu lado. Santorum, com quatro vitorias, conta com apenas 34 delegados. Ron Paul eh quem esta em ultimo com apenas 20 delegados e sem ganhar em nenhum estado. Newt Gingrich esta em segundo com 38 delegados. Para ser nomeado candidato do partido, independentemente dos resultados dos outros concorrentes, eles precisam ter 1.245 delegados. Agora eles estao mais preocupados com a primaria chamada de Super Terca. Esta se dara em 6 de marco e varios estados estarao em disputa ao mesmo tempo. Se alguem se descatar na Super Terca, isso, possivelmente, abrira as portas para vencer os estados subsequentes e, talvez, tornar-se o indicado do Partido Republicano. Mas eles tem bastante tempo ate la.

Todavia, o que esta me surpreendendo mais eh o clima de competicao que os candidatos republicanos tem mostrado nos debates. As eleicoes, que irao acontecer em novembro, sao supostas decidir quem sera o presidente dos Estados Unidos. Quem sera eleito para governar apenas o pais e nao o mundo todo. Mas eles ja estao discutindo o que fariam se eleitos em relacao aos outros povos e paises. O senador Rick Santorum, por exemplo, ameacou de bombardear as usinas nucleares do Iran.

Entretanto, antes de eu comentar as pretencoes individuais deles, eu preciso admitir, nao posso votar para nenhum deles. Desde o comeco das primarias todos os candidatos republicanos tem garantido que qualquer um deles seria uma alternativa melhor que o presidente Obama na Casa Branca. Ta bom, eles sao candidatos e sao livres para falarem o que desejarem mas, exceto pelo Ron Paul, eles estao so se parecendo a uma trupe de palhacos em relacao `as relacoes exteriores. Eles tem se apresentado como os manda-chuvas do mundo. Como se o mundo os fosse eleger para fazerem qualquer bobagem que queiram!

O unico que esta em dia com os fatos eh Ron Paul que nao deseja ver os Estados Unidos como o manda-chuva do mundo. Ao contrario, ele esta prometendo mandar voltar para casa todos os soldados americanos no exterior. Inclusive aqueles que estao servindo nas bases americanas, como na Alemanha e Japao, desde a II Guerra. Eu concordo totalmente com essa proposta mas nao da mesma forma. Sim. Ron Paul esta correto quando fala que o intervencionismo americano foi longe demais e isso nao esta resolvendo nenhum de nossos problemas. Assim, assumir uma posicao mais conciliadora seria a melhor politica para as relacoes comerciais internacionais.

Penso que ele esta correto no que deseja mas totalmente enganado na acao a tomar. Tambem quero mudancas radicais nas politicas americanas nas relacoes internacionais. O sistema adotado desde a II Guerra eh uma falha total. Mas eh preciso levar agora em conta o fato de que, se essas politicas forem desmontadas da noite para o dia ira criar-se um vago de poder em alguns lugares. E as consequencias disso poderao ser opostas `as boas intencoes.

Algum tempo atras eu ouvi a respeito das intencoes de alguns de nossos fundadores de criar o Ministerio da Paz. Nao sei porque ele nao foi criado. Ja ouvi a alegacao num canal de noticias que dizia: “Se tivermos um Ministerio da Paz os adversarios serao mais agressivos contra nos porque pensarao que somos fracos”. Ah ha!!! Nunca vi tamanho esperdicio de inteligencia! Possivelmente o senador Santorum ficaria feliz com tal argumento desde que ele pretende, se for eleito, construir as forcas armadas tao terriveis que impedisse qualquer outro de desafiar os Estados Unidos.

Mas nos ja temos tais forcas e a unica coisa que isso esta criando eh outra competicao entre nacoes para saber qual tera mais poder no proximo estagio. Nao importa mais quem tera mais armas de destruicao em massa no proximo estagio porque o que a gente ja tem eh mais que o suficiente para destruir a vida humana na Terra. Entao, no que se baseia a inteligencia em produzir mais armas?

So mais um comentario. Nosso superior comando esta sempre dizendo que, paises como Siria, Iran, Paquistao e outros nao deveriam possuir armas de destruicao em massa porque sempre ha o risco delas terminarem em maos terroristas. A alegacao acrescenta que os governos desses paises ja estao em maos terroristas ou a caminho disso. Tambem, por causa da falta de seguranca sobre essas armas, elas podem ser adquiridas por terroristas. O problema eh este, Estados Unidos, Russia, Franca, Inglaterra, India e outros que possuem tais armas nao sao imunes a crises ou a elegerem presidentes com mentes do tipo do Santorum, que sao igualmente perigosas. Dai, qual eh o plano B em situacoes como essas?!

Da cultura brasileira nos temos o dizer que: “Se queres a paz, prepara-te para a guerra.” Tenho duvida quanto haver inteligencia alguma em dizeres assim porque, se voce esta sempre preparado para fazer a guerra, nunca ira aprender a viver em paz. Penso que essa eh a razao exata de os Estados Unidos estarem envolvidos em tantos conflitos. Eles estao preparados demais para fazer a guerra e nunca aprenderam como fazer a paz. Falta aos Estados Unidos dar uma chance `a paz.

Ainda penso que, se os Estados Unidos permanecerem nesse caminho, eles terao um fim parecido com o do Imperio Romano. Alguns dizem que o Imperio Romano durou por 1.000 anos. Mas podemos cortar isso pela metade porque ele teve seu apice perto do tempo do Julio Cesar. E permaneceu num patamar ate o Constantino I, quando comecou a cair, e caiu em 511. O Imperio Americano nao ira findar, necessariamente, com uma invasao de barbaros. Pode acontecer o contrario.

Os”barbaros” poderao deixa-los de lado. Os outros paises poderao se olharem e simplesmente dizerem: Estamos cansados de tanta imposicao. Vamos fortalecer nossas relacoes com base na paz. O melhor eh: “Das espadas fabricarmos enxadas, e das lancas fabricarmos foices.” Is 2,4. Se eles seguirem o nosso exemplo em praticar o bem nos lhes seremos amigos. Se nao, eles nao sao insubstituiveis! Podemos encontrar um lider melhor, um promotor da paz, nao um cacador de confusoes.

Agora eh necessario relembrar aquilo que aprendi, na Universidade Federal de Vicosa, a respeito da eficiencia na educacao brasileira. Podemos fazer um paralelo entre essa licao e a eficiencia dos Estados Unidos e da ONU como promotores da paz. Pela quantidade de guerras apos a II Grande Guerra, nos podemos medir a eficiencia dessas entidades como promotoras da paz. Serei complacente com a ONU porque ela tem um poder muito limitado e funciona como um braco da Quadrilha dos 5. As outras nacoes sao mais como espectadores, sem nenhum poder de veto.

O problema eh que, “Nos, o povo” somos induzidos a pensar que nossos governos pensam a paz em primeiro lugar. Dai a gente supoe que as muitas guerras que enfrentamos ou que nao fomos capazes de evitar como promotores da paz eh consequencia do mal comportamento dos outros. Pelo menos, isso eh o que o nosso Departamento de Estado quer nos fazer acreditar. Entao, se isso eh assim, “Nos, o povo”, precisamos nos perguntar: Qual tem sido a eficiencia dos nossos governos na causa da paz? A resposta eh clara. Uma falha vergonhosa.

Mas eh preciso nos perguntarmos ainda. Essa falha eh acidental ou nosso governo diz uma coisa e faz o oposto? Depois de tantas guerras, poderiamos nos suspeitarmos que o verdadeiro objetivo do passado, presente e futuros governos seria provocar guerras? Se for, entao eles tem sido uma maquina muito eficiente!

Eh preciso perguntarmo-nos ainda: Por que os nossos governos por tanto tempo tem agido assim? Quais sao os interesses? Nos podemos responder a isso olhando o volume de dinheiro que as guerras custam num periodo curto de tempo. Se prestarmos atencao no deficit monetario americano e dismembra-lo por setores onde o dinheiro entrou pelo ralo, tenho certeza que uma grande parte ira se encaixar na nossa conta de “defesa”. Agora a gente precisa se perguntar: Para onde foi o dinheiro?

Como Lavoisier disse: “Na natureza nada se cria, nada se perde, tudo se transforma”. E muitos americanos estao furiosos com o nosso governo pensando que, O dinheiro foi gasto no Iraque, Afeganistao e outros lugares envolvidos em conflitos. E isso eh verdade na menor parte. Mas o grosso do dinheiro foi usado para os soldos, armas, instrumentos e outros servicos. Dai, no final, a maior parte do dinheiro nunca saiu dos Estados Unidos. E onde ele esta? Penso que os leitores sao suficientemente inteligentes para deduzir, pelo menos, onde parte dele esta.

Isso eh uma abominacao na vida humana. Nao importa o sofrimento que alguns terao. Sempre haverao outros que ganharao dinheiro com isso. E esse eh um grande problema nos Estados Unidos. Um excesso da nossa economia eh baseada na producao e comercio de armamentos. E os senhores das guerras nao se envergonham de ganharem dinheiro com isso. Eles tem o dinheiro e o poder. Eles fazem lobby desavergonhadamente junto ao congresso. Ignorar isso, como a maioria dos americanos faz, nao produzira nada de bom. A baleia azul dentro do tanquinho do peixinho dourado nao ira sumir.

Eu mencionei o Ministerio da Paz. E o que proponho eh que se pegue meio-a-meio o que os Estados Unidos gastam com o chamado Departamento de “Defesa”. Isso porque, fazer a paz eh a melhor defesa. A metade que sobraria para o Departamento de “Defesa” deveria ser usado para fazer uma menor e melhor forcas armadas. Estas nao deveriam ser tomadas como a primeira resposta `as crises mas deviam ser usadas como seguranca, para serem usadas apenas quando as tentativas de paz forem frustradas. E elas teriam que agir com rapidez e eficiencia. Serviriam somente para remover a causa dos problemas e deixar que os promotores da paz concluissem o trabalho.

A proposta do senador Santorum subestima a inteligencia dos outros. E falta inteligencia a ela. Todo mundo fora dos Estados Unidos sabe que os outros nao tem forca para confrontar as forcas armadas americanas num conflito frente-a-frente. Dai os nossos inimigos devem estar soltando foguetes toda vez que os americanos guerreiam. Eles ficam felizes em estudar todo movimento. Esta eh uma forma de aprender a respeito das armas usadas e, talvez, tomar posse de algumas e copia-las, alem de anotar as fraquezas. Quanto mais nos lutamos, mais eles aprenderao, dai eles se prepararao para o caso de chegar a vez deles.

E penso que o deputado Ron Paul deveria juntar ao plano dele de retirada dos militares do exterior `a criacao do Ministerio da Paz. Voltarei a esse assunto depois, em nosso capitulo de economia, e sera quando explicarei como salvar nossa posicao de lideres no mundo. A unica forma dos americanos manterem o sonho de serem lideres do mundo por 1.000 anos sera renunciando ao cargo de Manda-Chuva e assumindo a posicao de parceiros. Nosso Ministerio da Paz deveria ter a capacidade de enviar pessoas, nao soldados, a todos os cantos do globo, como ajudantes na luta contra a pobreza e visando solucionar outros problemas.

Nossa missao nao pode ser dizer aos outros o que eles tem que fazer. A missao deveria ser diagnosticar problemas, perguntar ao povo local qual seria a solucao ele pensa que poderia funcionar para todos e oferecer assistencia para isso ser feito. Nossa missao nao pode ser o dizer aos outros governos que precisam agir de forma diferente. Nem podemos misturar religiao, cultura e idealogia `a missao. Como nossa constituicao garante a nos o direito de escolha a esse respeito, isso deveria igualmente ser nossa orientacao no exterior.

Como mencionei em minha autobiografia no capitulo 15, nos precisamos escolher entre o modelo intervencionista e outro mais democratico. Como na cidade onde nasci, nos anos 70 quando precisavamos de assistencia tecnica para nos mesmos produzirmos mais renda e sermos independentes para precisar de menos caridade, ha bilhoes de pessoas ao redor do globo na mesma situacao. Mas se elas podem conseguir a renda que precisam com nossa assistencia tecnica, depois elas ate ficarao felizes em comprar nossa producao de alta tecnologia. Nao podemos continuar impondo aos outros o que pensamos ser bom para eles. Como nos exigimos o direito de escolha, o mesmo direito precisa ser dado a todos os outros.

Os candidatos republicanos vivem numa Ilha de Fantasia, exceto Ron Paul, ao pensarem que iremos criar mais empregos aqui nos Estados Unidos e mantendo o modelo intervencionista. O modelo intervencionista esta criando apenas mais pobreza, e nao ira criar melhores empregos em nosso pais sem que tenhamos mais pessoas para comprarem nossos produtos de tecnologia avancada.

E tenho um bom exemplo da economia brasileira para explicar isso melhor. Quando era um jovem la, nos tinhamos, basicamente, duas montadoras de carros. Uma era a Volks Wagen e a outra eram as americanas. A Fiat somente entrou no final dos anos 70 e inicio dos 80. E eu vi um resumo de vendas de carros no Brasil do ano passado. A Fiat eh a primeira, a Volks Wagen segunda e a Ford vem em terceira posicao. Historicamente a primeira posicao sempre foi disputada entre os alemaes e americanos.

E na minha interpretacao penso que sei o que esta acontecendo. Quando a Fiat entrou no Brasil era o pior carro que ja viramos. Ela lancou o modelo chamado Fiat 147 que ninguem gostava mas o carro continuou sendo comercializado. Isso porque o mercado era pobre e o preco do veiculo era mais compativel com os salarios brasileiros. Agora o fabricante deve ter melhorado porque o povo das classes C e B estao comprando produtos dele.

O segundo lugar da Volks Wagen tem sua explicacao. A montadora sempre ofereceu veiculos confiaveis. Isso ja era tao importante para os consumidores brasileiros que antigamente tinhamos mais Jeep Willis que fuscas por la. Como a maioria do territorio brasileiro hoje, uma parte maior do pais nem sequer conhecia o que era asfalto. Os carros tinham que ser fortes, baratos e faceis de consertar quando preciso.

O Brasil agora eh um mercado livre para carros. Esta la a maioria das montadoras do mundo. Contudo, carros no pais sao muito mais caros que nos Estados Unidos. Para o nosso exercicio mental nao eh importante explicar porque. A maior parte da populacao brasileira vive em torno da Costa Atlantica onde estradas e ruas sao pavimentadas. Dai, penso que o problema com a Ford ter caido para a terceira posicao no Brasil se deve `a discrepancia entre o produto e o mercado. A Ford deve estar mantendo o estilo americano, o que eh bom para manter a tradicao mas dificulta as vendas.

E falando a respeito de vendas, imagino quao dificil tem sido a vida dos nossos diplomatas para vender os Estados Unidos a outras nacoes. Os governos americanos, nao importa se democrata ou republicano, com suas mascaras de emancipadores e defensores das liberdades precisam explicar a nos para que que servem os bloqueios e as imposicoes de sancoes contra os “inimigos do povo” em muitos paises como Cuba, e agora Siria. Cuba eh o melhor exemplo do que fazer para nao atingir-se um objetivo.

O presidente Obama e eu nao passavamos de garotos quando os Estados Unidos comecaram o bloqueio contra Cuba. Sempre nos foi dito que a pressao iria agir de tal forma que “El Comandante” poderia renunciar e entregar o poder ao povo. 50 anos depois e nada mudou. Por outro lado eu sei como isso bem ajudou a manter nosso “aminimigo” no poder. Todo regime totalitario precisa de um inimigo, real ou imaginario, para se manter no poder. Sim! Se os ditadores nao tiverem inimigos para culpa-los pelas coisas ruins que fazem o povo poderia livrar-se deles mais cedo.

Nao penso que haja sequer um cabelo branco na cabeca do “El Comandante” que nasceu do arrependimento de ter feito algo ruim ao povo. Ele bem sabe que o bloqueio fez todo mal ao povo e deu a ele um argumento para permanecer no poder para sempre. Se nao tivesse o bloqueio e Cuba tivesse sido integrada `a comunidade mundial todos esses anos passados e o povo cubano tivesse vivido numa sociedade de comercio mais livre, qual argumento Fidel poderia apresentar para permanecer no poder? Provavelmente nenhum.

Eu sempre pensei que o bloqueio fosse um tipo de engano. Que fosse algo como: desde que os cubanamericanos odeiam Fidel eles estao cegados para ver que, o odio deles por Fidel era a ajuda que ele precisava para permanecer no poder. E os outros americanos nada fizeram porque eles ficaram refens da influencia politica dos cubanamericanos. Mas agora tenho mudado um pouco a minha persepcao. O poder americano tambem precisa ter ou criar inimigos externos para permanecer no poder. Isso nao passa de um jogo onde os dois lados ruins saem ganhando com seus mal comportamentos.

Se os Estados Unidos nao tivessem inimigos, ou nao tivesse criado alguns, o comercio de armamentos poderia decair e nossas autoridades temem que isso leve a um menor mercado e nossos interesses sejam comprometidos. Mas isso nao eh verdade. Temos coisas demais para fazer para melhorar o mundo. Precisamos produzir muito mais alimentos, muito mais energias alternativas, menos poluicao, maiores e melhores sistemas de transporte e a integracao mundial exigira tanto que, se cortarmos a producao de armamentos a seu minimo necessario, poderemos substituir isso pela producao de instrumentos agricolas e, mesmo assim, o mercado sera maior. Temos bilhoes a mais para alimentar. Mas enquanto escolhemos lutar uns contra os outros ao inves de lutar contra os problemas reais a pobreza ganhara forca e nada do que fizermos para garantir nossa liberdade e felicidade ira funcionar.

As licoes do furacao Katrina, e dos terremotos na Indonesia e no Japao deveriam ter sido aprendidas. Nao interessa o que facamos. Nos nao podemos impedir que acontecam. Entao, precisamos nos preparar para evitar suas consequencias. E os cientistas andam nos avisando que essas coisas nao sao o pior que nos pode acontecer. Eu pretendo escrever outro capitulo, um menor, para talvez alertar para a possibilidade de tres ou mais eventos desses acontecerem ao mesmo tempo.

Meses atras tivemos exemplos de como mal preparados estamos aqui no Nordeste Americano. Uma tempestade pequena de neve e, depois, um dia de chuva intensa deixou alguns sem eletricidade por semanas. Eh inacreditavel a ausencia de seriedade no comportamento de nossos politicos. Eles agem como se nao tivessem a menor pista do risco que a vida contem sem que criemos outros mais. Eles precisavam saber de quantas maneiras e vezes o planeta sofreu extincoes de milhoes de especies. Isso pode se repetir facilmente e nao estamos preparados para nada.

E essas coisas combinadas sao uma das razoes que o presente livro eh chamado: A America Suicida. Nos estamos claramente a caminho da queda e a maioria dos politicos nao se conscientiza. Eles nao estao apenas ignorando o perigo mas estao preocupados apenas com suas proprias agendas. Nao excluo partido algum dessa afirmativa, e eles estao trabalhando para o fim chegar mais cedo. A minha unica duvida em relacao a isso eh: eles estao fazendo isso de proposito ou estao totalmente alienados da realidade?

Desde que tenho duvidas quanto a isso nao posso escrever esse livro na mesma linha daqueles que trabalham com Teorias de Conspiracao. Mesmo eu tendo conhecimento do extremismo cristao `a nossa volta. Temos uma parte do cristianismo que acredita no livro do Apocalipse como se fosse uma previsao do futuro. Sendo assim, ela pensa que a estoria nele eh inevitavel e acredita que: seria missao dela causar o que esta “predito” la. Esta visao apocaliptica eh mais uma piada na interpretacao das Escrituras. Digo, apenas a interpretacao eh piada sem referir-me `as consequencias disso.

Eu ja disse que toda religiao tem algum credo engracado e mencionei a parte dos catolicos que cre na infalibilidade papal. O nome original do livro eh Apocalipse, que em grego significa Revelacao. E, durante a Historia, a estoria narrada nele deu significado novo `a palavra que seria: a combinacao de eventos determinados por Deus para acontecerem, para a purificacao geral, remissao dos arrependidos e punicao eterna dos pecadores nao arrependidos.

O que ha de errado nessa interpretacao? Eh simples. Deus eh Oniciente. Desde o Principio da Vida Ele Sabia o que poderia acontecer durante toda a Historia. E se Ele tivesse dito isso: Um dia Eu Porei um fim ao mundo e Punirei pela Eternidade aos pecadores nao arrependidos, isso seria o mesmo que Ele dizer: Eu Crearei os pecadores para eles fazerem o mal e nao se arrependerem porque quando Eu digo que Sera, Sera e nao podera ser evitado. E Deus seria parte do “mal” creado por Ele Proprio e Parte Dele seria punido por toda a Eternidade. Nao importa qual a proporcao de humanos seria eternamente punida porque isso seria reconhecivel como ineficiencia de Deus. Dai Deus nao poderia ser Perfeito.

O problema com a teoria divina desses cristaos eh isso, eles pensam que conhecem a Deus e criam uma imagem Dele sem prestar atencao nas consequencias que implicam as suposicoes deles. E eles permanecem nas ilusoes deles mesmo quando outros mostram com clareza as contradicoes das teorias deles. Eles se consideram conservadores mas o que fazem na realidade eh permanecer na dureza de coracoes e cabecas.

Bom, eu nao creio em nenhuma parte ruim em Deus. E o povo que cre nisso nao conhece Deus, apesar de ser enganado a pensar diferente. Eh impossivel a Deus ser Bom e mal ao mesmo tempo e continuar Santo. Mas isso eh parte da discussao no meu outro livro: O Conhecimento com Respeito a Deus.

O importante aqui eh termos conhecimento de que, temos um grupo de cristaos extremistas que cre que Deus eh em parte Bom e em parte mal e esse grupo usa sua interpretacao distorcida das Escrituras para justificar o comportamento ruim dele. O grupo esta disposto a usar isso para provocar o retorno de um salvador imaginario, para cumprir uma profecia imaginaria, atribuida ao Proprio Deus. Esta eh a parte da parte dos americanos que tambem sao suicidas. Essa parte nao se difere dos extremistas muculmanos. Mas eh uma minoria que tem um excesso de influencia na politica americana.

Para mim eh claro que, as guerras que andam sendo feitas agora nao defendem nem a liberdade americana nem a liberdade de outros povos. Essas guerras estao defendendo os interesses das multinacionais como as companhias de petroleo e dos fabricantes de armas. E as guerras tem sido pagas pelo povo americano em dinheiro, sangue e sacrificios. Nao eh surpresa alguma os outros povos culparem o povo americano pelos malfeitos de parte de nossa populacao.

Nao sei dizer em qual grau o senador Santorum faz parte do grupo cristao que eh apocaliptico. Ele parece que eh. Estou impedido de votar em tres dos pretendentes a candidato pelo Partido Republicano. Eles sao suicidamente crentes em consertar o mundo atraves dos confrontos e nao das solucoes negociadas. O que eles defendem so ira nos levar a novas guerras. O menos que eles querem, como o Mitt Romney quer, eh comecar uma guerra comercial contra a China. Se ela acontecer, o mundo nao ficara melhor. Vivera apenas outro caminho de instabilidade, o que criara condicoes para uma guerra pior.

Tambem tenho uma razao especial para nao votar no senador Santorum e no ex-presidente do congresso, o Newt Gingrich. Para a surpresa de muitos, a razao eh que eles sao catolicos. Por que um catolico nao votaria noutro catolico? Alguem poderia perguntar. A resposta eh bastante bizarra. Mas precisamos prestar atencao no que ha em torno de nos. Pelo menos 50% das noticias que tenho ouvido a respeito do Vaticano eh a respeito dos abusos cometidos por sacerdotes catolicos pelo mundo afora. E o problema aconteceu sob o olhar dos dois ultimos papas: Joao Paulo II e Bento XVI.

As acusacoes sao de tal forma que ambos os papas nao apenas falharam em proteger nossas criancas contra os predadores sexuais. Eles teriam decidido permitir que os maus permanecessem em posicao de repetir seus malfeitos. Nao sou do tipo de pessoa que culpa as intituicoes por causa dos malfeitos de alguns dos empregados delas. Mas brasileiros tem uma sabedoria que fala: “Cautela e canja de galinha nao fazem mal a ninguem”.

Subliminarmente nas noticias a gente percebe a predisposicao de estampar a Igreja Catolica como: “Igreja Catolica Pederasta Romana”. O Pederasta substitui ao tradicional Apostolica, que tem relacao com os 12 apostolos de Jesus. Nao podemos subestimar o poder das palavras negativas. Se um candidato republicano se tornar presidente dos Estados Unidos, estou certo que coisas ruins surgirao disso. E se coincidir de o presidente americano vier a ser um catolico, mau sentimentos surgirao contra catolicos do mundo inteiro. E nao desejo mais sofrimento `as pessoas inocentes.

Os brasileiros tem outro dizer que eh assim: “Os justos pagam pelos pecadores”. Isso nao eh um ensinamento religioso. Eh uma observacao oriunda da vida pratica. Mesmo ele contradizendo o que esta escrito nas Escrituras, que afirmam que os justos nao pagariam pelos pecados dos outros, eh obvio que, no nosso mundo material, pessoas boas sempre estao sofrendo as consequencias da brutalidade dos pecadores. Isso nao eh suposto acontecer no Dominio de Deus. Mas essa eh a regra no dos homens. Entao, nao espero que todas as pessoas do mundo saberao como fazer a diferenca entre um pecador especifico, por acaso catolico, de todos os outros catolicos. Ai, eh preciso usar-se as precaucoes.

Agora eu quero mudar um pouco o meu dicurso. Isso tambem eh parte do Principio das Dores. Mas o assunto eh imigracao. Esta eh uma das razoes que me impedem de votar no Partido Republicano. Pelas palavras contra os imigrantes isso tambem inclui o candidato Ron Paul. Penso que esse sim seja o assunto mais importante, e o resto consequencia. Eu jamais direi: Eh ruim porque eh republicano. Isso seria uma generalizacao que sei nao ser verdade. Instituicoes nao sao ruins ou boas. Elas sao dirigidas por pessoas humanas e o que de bom ou ruim nascer da direcao sera inerente `as pessoas nao `as instituicoes.

Num espaco maior de tempo um partido pode ser ruim em algumas ocasioes e bom em outras. E isso `as vezes nasce da competicao. O posicionamento a favor ou contra certos assuntos depende da rivalidade entre os partidos. E o sistema bipartidario que domina a politica americana tende a abrir a oportunidade para taxar-se os partidos como algo que eles, necessariamente, nao sao o que a taxacao apregoa. E nesse precioso momento historico o Partido Republicano pode ser facilmente taxado por nazistas amansados.

Eu sei. Ele nao eh um Partido Nazista. Mas para o mundo de fora ele se parece parcialmente nazista. Dai eu somei o amansados. E por que ele se tornou tao indesejavel ao mundo? Estou certo de uma coisa. Nao se trata de o mundo ter inveja do sucesso americano. Como eu tentei explicar antes, o mundo de fora nao tem problemas com o sucesso americano ou de qualquer outro. Se isso fosse tao simples assim, uma artista de sucesso como o Michael Jackson e muitos outros nao fariam sucesso algum em torno do globo. Quando o sucesso nao te causa danos voce se torna fan desse sucesso. Ontem, 11 de fevereiro de 2.012, a Whitney Houston faleceu. E, possivelmente, os americanos nascidos aqui nao imaginam o como ela era amada no exterior!

Nos admiramos o sucesso sem danos provocados, a menos que a pessoa tenha problema comportamental. Em toda populacao a gente encontra pessoas de comportamento torcido. Mas quando um numero maior de qualquer populacao comeca a sentir oprimido por certos tipos de sucesso, nos precisamos comecar a perguntar o porque, porque a resposta, possivelmente, caira sobre algo errado nas razoes para este sucesso e nao no comportamento da populacao como um todo. Quando as pesquisas logo apos aos ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro foram feitas, mostrando que americanos eram odiados em determinada proporcao em todo o globo, a desculpa de inveja foi totalmente errada.

Somente uns poucos com mentes abertas avisaram da necessidade de perguntar-se o que fizemos de errado para provocar isso. Mas a imposicao da resposta de que o mundo nos odeia porque eh invejoso do nosso sucesso agiu da mesma forma que um assalto `a inteligencia dos outros. Eh isso mesmo! Se um ladrao aponta uma arma para sua cabeca e fala: De-me sua carteira ou morre, voce nao pensa duas vezes para obedecer a ordem, nao porque voce concorde que ele esteja fazendo algo bonito.

Hoje eu posso falar abertamente a esse respeito. `As vezes eu assisto ao jornal onde a Erin Burnett da CNN a cada dia esta contando os dias, ate agora por volta de 200, apos os Estados Unidos terem perdido sua classificao de economia AAA no mundo, e ela pergunta: “O nos estamos fazendo para recupera-lo?” Na mesma linha eu gostaria de perguntar: O que estamos fazendo para o mundo nos odiar menos? Infelizmente o que eu tenho visto ate agora eh o que nosso governo anda fazendo para aumentar o odio contra nos. Dizer que o mundo nos detesta por causa do nosso sucesso so aumenta o sentimento de que somos o povo mais arrogante da Terra.

O mundo de fora precisaria ser doido se nao tivesse nenhum odio contra os americanos. E nisso o Ron Paul esta certo. Escreverei um capitulo abordando o terrorismo onde indicarei alguns dos malfeitos do nosso governo que andam dando razoes para os de fora nos odiar mais. Ron Paul mencionou os bombardeios que tem acontecido por mais de uma decada no Oriente Medio e Afeganistao. E o leitor comum podera perguntar: E o que isso tem haver com o resto do mundo tambem nos odiar?

E a resposta eh simples, eles sao seres humanos, seres humanos sensiveis que tem coneccoes de amor aos outros. Eles nao tem apenas interesses pelas coisas dos outros. Eles sentem que os sofrimentos causados afetam todos. Alguns americanos tem a mesma coneccao. No meio dos de fora existem muitos que sao promotores da paz e se sentem traidos porque a preferencia pela paz tem sido morta antes de se dar a ela uma chance. A questao nao eh por que eles nos detestam? A questao nunca respondida eh: O que estamos fazendo para sermos amados?

Antecipando algo a respeito de terrorismo nos podemos mostrar razoes para o odio facil do mundo contra os americanos. Nao faz muito tempo que assisti ao documentario a respeito da missao que matou Osama Bin Laden, produzido pelo canal, National Geografico. Talvez os americanos de nascenca queiram classifica-lo como um documentario mas no conteudo existem cenas que sao estimulos ao odio contra os Estados Unidos. Uma delas eh a entrevista dada por um suposto ex-agente de inteligencia. Ele fala a respeito do calculo, ate `aquele tempo, de 1.800 pessoas terem sido mortas por avioes teleguiados. Ainda disse que 300 seriam terroristas ativos e os outros 1.500 seriam “casualidade de guerra”.

A entrevista estava indo bem ate ele acrescentar, as 1.500 “casualidades de guerra” seriam totalmente aceitaveis para esse tipo de trabalho. Eu pensei na hora: Oh Deus, onde a gente perdeu a humanidade?! Pareceu que o cara estava falando de animais nao de seres humanos. Elas sao gente. Possivelmente ainda tenham maes, pais, primos, tios, filhos, amigos e um grande numero de parentes. Se elas eram conhecidas por, pelo menos, 10.000 pessoas, como eh comum nas sociedades pobres, nos teremos cerca de um milhao e meio de pessoas furiosas com uma declaracao estupida como essa.

Sei. A maioria nao tem meios nem vontade de traduzir sua decepcao em atos de terrorismo. Mas tambem nao fara nada para evitar que alguem os cometa, mesmo que venha a saber de algum com antecedencia. Especulando que somente 0.1% dos ofendidos decida aderir `a causa e tornar-se combatente ativo `a “dominacao americana”, isso nos dara 1.500 ativos inimigos novos em campo. Ai, a quem se culpar pelo aumento do terrorismo no mundo? O que me aborrece mais eh isso, a forma como os Estados Unidos usam para combater o terrorismo esta criando a proxima geracao de combatentes que, possivelmente, saberao fazer o seu trabalho melhor que seus antecessores. O governo americano esta deliberadamente colocando a nossa proxima geracao em risco de tambem ser atacada.

Outra coisa que esta contando contra nos tambem eh o mal uso das palavras. Por que as baixas inocentes do outro lado sao chamadas de “casualidade de guerra” e as baixas inocentes do nosso lado sao chamadas de “vitimas do terrorismo”. Vejam, ate o cinismo precisa ter limite. A maioria da nossa populacao nao percebe o cinismo nestas palavras porque nossa populacao se sente vitima dos ataques terroristas. Mas o outro lado eh mais sensivel a este detalhe e esta mais disposto a falar abertamente a respeito com seus vizinhos.

A guerra de palavras faz parecer que: Americanos se consideram melhores que os outros. Como se tivessemos uma divisao de duas classes de pessoas humanas. Uma superior e outra inferior. Se os 1.500 podem ser considerados “casualidade de guerra”, por que os americanos nao consideraram no mesmo nivel os milhares que morreram nos ataques de 11 de setembro? Se houvessemos agido assim, talvez nao tivessemos perdido os mais de 10.000 de nossos soldados e nao tivessemos os mais de 50.000 feridos. Nao se pode esquecer dos mais de 200.000 dos nossos soldados, acometidos pela Sindrome do stress pos-traumas e dos milhoes de inocentes na mesma situacao em outros paises. Principalmente, nao nos esquecamos que estamos perdendo 18 veteranos de guerra por dia para o suicidio.

Os brasileiros descrevem esse tipo de situacao com o dizer: “Pimenta nos olhos dos outros eh refresco”. O problema eh julgar-se um lado com uma medida e o outro com outra. Infelizmente, eu nao posso dizer com certeza se o governo americano deseja ou nao deseja fazer mais inimigos no mundo. Nao sei dizer qual o objetivo ele deseja atingir. Nao tenho como determinar quais sao os interesses.

Deixe-me, entao, comecar a falar a respeito da imigracao. Nao tenho a intencao de discorrer sobre o assunto como um todo. Neste capitulo apenas mencionarei as estorias de alguns imigrantes. Sao personagens reais e o que apresentarei aconteceu realmente. Comecarei por mim mesmo. Um minimo de minha vida. Por volta dos anos 90 eu era vizinho de algumas pessoas. Viviamos em uma vizinhanca mista com americanos, latinos e brasileiros. E eramos felizes.

A maioria da populacao imigrante, incluindo minha familia, nao tinha documentacao. Estavamos no caminho da legalizacao. Nossos dias eram tipicos. Havia que levantar-se cedo, deixar as criancas na escola e ir para o trabalho diurno e parte da noite. A maioria de nos morava em casas arrendadas, tinha carros velhos e enviava dinheiro ao pais de origem. A maioria estava investindo na possibilidade de possuir uma vida independente na origem ou sustentava a membros da familia por la. Mesmo assim, a maior parte do que ganhavamos era gasta com o necessario aqui mesmo. O aluguel, por exemplo, era uma certa dor de cabeca.

Nao ganhavamos mais dinheiro que ninguem. Melhor dizendo nos eramos os piores salarios do pais e isso era um porque de a gente ter que trabalhar mais. `As vezes tinhamos tres empregos como eu tinha, ou mais, como outros tiveram. Mas nos tambem tinhamos nossos meios de economizar. Ter um carro velho significava tanto um seguro quanto IPVA menores. Cozinhar em casa significava mais horas a se trabalhar mas tambem corte de despesas com restaurantes. Alguns trabalhavam nos restaurantes e tinham a comida gratuita. Ninguem se incomodava em perguntar onde era o Shoping Center ou o cinema. Nossos unicos passatempos eram ir `a igreja, bater bola nos finais de semana e ter a companhia uns dos outros. Assim aconteceu durante anos.

O que motivava ficarmos aqui era que, se eramos casados nos podiamos pagar nossas despesas com nossos salarios. E com um pouco mais de sacrificio, cada um poderia ter um trabalho de meio periodo e juntar US$ 200,00/semana. No final do ano isso da um pouco mais de 10.000 dolares, os quais poderiam ser enviados `a nossa origem para comprar uma casa modesta. Alguns faziam muito mais que isso compartilhando o aluguel com colegas. Eu conheci exemplos de 8 pessoas morando na mesma casa. Mas isso ja eh passado. O dolar tinha um bom valor frente `as outras moedas. Agora esta comprando cerca de 1,80 da moeda brasileira e tudo por la aumentou, enquanto aqui foi para baixo. Com US$ 10.000,00 nao se compra mais muita coisa por la.

Naquele tempo a economia brasileira entrou em parafuso e o mesmo se deu no resta a America Latina. E muita gente comecou a pensar que nao seria possivel voltar mais para la. Alguns decidiram ficar para tentar um meio de vida melhor por aqui. E isso tornou-nos mais visiveis. Infelizmente, de forma errada. Isso se deu porque, chutando, pelo menos 20% dos imigrantes gostam de aparecer com casas e carros caros. A gente costuma ate brincar por isso dizendo: Tem gente que nem se importa de nao ter comida em casa desde que tenha um carrao para dirigir. E a bolha do comercio de casas estava comecando a atrair o interesse dos imigrantes tambem.

Alguns de nos ja havia comprado casas aqui e estavam retirando a valorizacao para comprar mais ou investir na origem. Ninguem se alertou para a arapuca em que estava caindo. Exceto uns poucos, como eu que tinha aprendido as licoes com meu pai. O povao estava pensando que o mercado fosse subir ate a um ponto de estabilizacao. Ninguem queria pensar na possibilidade dos precos despencarem. O desmantelamento do mercado era algo nunca visto. Os Brasileiros nao tinham experiencia dessa situacao porque o credito, desde muito tempo atras, era pouco e caro demais para o povo usa-lo por la.

E os americanos deverao estar intrigados com a noticia de que os imigrantes tambem estavam investindo no mercado de casas. A questao eh, como eles as estavam pagando? E isso eh simples. Nao era dificil. Se se comprava uma casa com duas ou mais moradas e alugava-se os espacos que sobravam, pagava-se as prestacoes no total ou quase isso. Uma das moradas era separada para a familia do proprietario, de tal maneira que o comprador gastava menos que pagaria por um aluguel. No final das contas este estava economizando de duas maneiras porque estava pagando menos e seus locatarios estavam ajudando-o a quitar algo que era esperado tornar-se dele um dia. A valorizacao era um ganho extra. As mentes ficaram hipnotizadas pelo que se poderia ganhar e isso levou o imigrante a deixar a guarda cair.

Aqui em nossa volta muitos imigrantes estavam trabalhando na industria de construcao. Qualquer deles podia comprar uma casa velha por um preco menor e conserta-la. O que custaria aos outros consumidores dezenas de milhares de dolares, a pessoa consertava por si mesma ou com a ajuda de amigos por uma fracao do preco. Assim, quem estava vendo sem o conhecimento de causa era levado a pensar que os imigrantes estavam ficando ricos muito facil.

E essas aparencias conspiraram contra nos. Aquelas pessoas de comportamento desviado comecaram a ver-nos com inveja. No entendimento delas, a gente nem poderia estar aqui. E tudo o que ganhavamos passou a ser visto como roubo. Para elas nao importava se a gente nao estivesse aqui o nosso trabalho nao seria feito. Mesmo a gente sendo mal paga. Elas nao veem problemas no dinheiro a mais que outros ganhavam em nossas costas e que acabavam indo para os bolsos de americanos. A inveja era o problema.

Elas comecaram a espalhar que nos estavamos tomando o servico dos americanos. Mas se todos nos fossemos dispensados, elas proprias jamais fariam o nosso trabalho. No ver delas, nosso trabalho seria bom para outros americanos, nao para si mesmas porque elas sabiam que o que faziamos era muito mais duro do que elas aguentariam. Na mente perfida delas, outros seriam palhacos o suficiente para assumir nosso trabalho. Ate nisso elas sao preconceituosas. Elas pensam que certos americanos valem menos que elas proprias para terem a coragem de fazer servicos que somente imigrantes sem documentos pegam para fazer sem nenhuma reserva.

Algo parecido estava acontecendo no mercado de carros tambem. Alguns estavam aproveitando a ocasiao para comprar carros com problemas, consertando-os e repassando para os conterraneos por um preco bom. Esses intermediarios inclusive passaram a poder comprar carros novos para eles proprios. E essa atitude tornou a comunidade mais visivel, mesmo que a maioria manteve os salarios e vidas modestas. Somente uma pequena parte da comunidade conseguiu trabalhos melhores por causa de suas proprias experiencias na suas origens ou por estarem trabalhando por muito tempo com a mesma atividade.

Nossa visibilidade acabou atraindo o “mal olhado” das pessoas ruins. Muito antes dos ataques de 11 de setembro e os problemas da economia ja existiam pessoas dizendo e fazerndo coisas ruins aos imigrantes aqui. Nos tivemos um vizinho que fundou uma associacao anti-imigrante. Ele e o irmao dele sao muito conhecidos por nos. Eles inclusive usavam um espaco num canal publico de televisao para divulgar a opiniao intolerante deles. Eles tinham a coragem de dizer que, nao eram anti-imigrantes porque o negocio deles nao era perseguir os imigrantes legalizados, mas a forma de como eles falavam as coisas deixaram claras as intencoes que tinham contra qualquer de nos.

A principio ninguem prestou atencao neles. Todo mundo so pensava em trabalhar e manter-se na linha. Quem estava a ponto de ser legalizado nao precisava temer nada. Os outros estavam esperando que alguma lei de legalizacao fosse aprovada. Ate mesmo as instituicoes de defesa dos imigrantes nao cria no poder de intriga deles. Mas eles nao estavam sos. Grupos com a mesma intencao haviam sido formados no pais inteiro. E o conjunto deles comecou a espalhar mais conceitos falsos a respeito dos imigrantes e suas vidas. Outra pessoa, numa cidade diferente da nossa, parte do mesmo movimento preconceituoso chegou a urinar numa bandeira brasileira e mostrou isso no programa dela. Esta acabou tendo o programa suspenso.

Mas eles souberam avaliar as fraquezas dos imigrantes muito bem. Como na Grecia antiga, aqui ha um dizer que tambem funcionou: “Boa coisa eh termos imigrantes em nosso meio porque assim podemos culpa-los por qualquer coisa de errado que fizermos!” Se algum imigrante cometesse qualquer crime, no dia seguinte o crime teria sido cometido pela comunidade. Se um americano mata duzias num surto de loucura assassina, o problema eh logicamente ligado `a pessoa nao a toda a populacao. Se algum americano pega uma doenca contagiosa e sem querer transmite para outros, ninguem iria culpar a populacao americano por isso, mas se for um imigrante, imediatamente se levanta uma grande desconfianca contra toda a populacao imigrante.

A gente so se alertou para o que estava acontecendo quando o projeto de legalizacao dos congressistas Kennedy-McCain foi derrotado vergonhosamente. E foi ai que a maioria dos nazistas amansados se envolveram. Os politicos, principalmente do Partido Republicano, em especial o seu movimento interno chamado de Partido do Cha, pressentiram que seria uma boa forma de conquistar os coracoes e mentes de certos eleitores americanos. Para eles isso nao passa de um jogo de estrategias. Imigrantes ilegais, como eles chamam os sem documentos, nao votam, entao, como donos-da-rua covardes, eles se sentiram no direito de espanca-los ao maximo porque isso nao iria refletir contra eles nas eleicoes.

Contudo, por tras desse movimento anti-imigrante estao todos os sentimentos preconceituosos. Nossos velhos inimigos estao agora suspensos do seu horario na tv. Eles se precipitaram em revelar tambem os sentimentos anti-semita deles. O problema para eles eh que os Judeus nao sao imigrantes e a forte comunidade judaica por aqui deu a eles o que mereceram. Eles usaram as leis e o poder economico deles para os fazerem calar. E estou certo de que, a ma influencia de alguns e o mal comportamento dos politicos sao a receita certa para derrubar o Partido Republicano. E, se o candidato republicano for eleito, os Estados Unidos cairao junto com ele.

A maioria dos americanos nao faz a minima ideia do que esta acontecendo. O que tenho certeza eh que, se a populacao sem documentos for expulsa dos Estados Unidos num mesmo tempo, podemos esquecer qualquer esperanca de a economia americana recuperar, por um periodo longo de tempo. O governo Obama ja teve um exemplo disso. Eles ja deportaram mais de dois milhoes de pessoas e ele suspendeu tal politica. Seus comandados ja entenderam as consequencias que isso tem na economia. Mostrarei isso melhor em nosso capitulo a respeito de economia.

Alguns anos atras havia um grupo de trabalhadores fazendo jardinagem numa base do exercito na cidade de Natick, Massachusetts. Foi bem depois dos ataques de 11 de setembro e eles faziam esse trabalho ha anos seguidos. Ninguem nunca teve problema com isso. Mas num dia infeliz o chefe deles estacionou um carro bloqueando o caminho e um policial da cidade parou para verificar. Ninguem da base havia sido incomodado. Um dos trabalhadores, vendo a cena, tirou o carro do caminho e voltou a trabalhar.

Apos uma longa discussao com o chefe, que eh americano nascido ou naturalizado, o policial resolveu pedir documentos aos trabalhadores. Nenhum dos tres estava carregando nada com eles. Nem mesmo os passaportes. Ninguem nos Estados Unidos anda com documentos desnecessarios e muito menos com passaportes. Todos sabemos que o melhor eh po-los num cofre, a menos que se esteja viajando para o exterior. Um colega do policial percebeu claramente que eles nao tinham nada com o caso. Isso nao fazia parte do trabalho deles. Mas o rapaz resolveu chamar a policia de imigracao. Os imigrantes esperaram ordeiramente sem tentar fugir.

O primeiro tinha entrado pela fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o Mexico. Ele era considerado fugitivo porque nao compareceu `a corte. Os conservadores poderiam entao dizer, Ele eh um criminoso. Mas penso que essa eh uma conclusao super precipitada. Ele eh uma pessoa sem estudos como boa parte dos imigrantes sao. Ele sabe ler e escrever num nivel primario. Possivelmente, nao frequentou mais que 3 ou 4 anos de escola.

E antes de vir para os Estados Unidos a unica coisa que sabia a respeito do pais era que, aqui era suposto ser um lugar onde se trabalha duro e seu trabalho eh reconpensado com justica. O que incentiva os imigrantes a virem para os Estados Unidos ou outros paises ricos eh o fato de se conhecer alguem que esteve aqui, ganhou seu dinheiro, mandou dinheiro de volta para seu pais e esse dinheiro comprou coisas que o imigrante novo nunca teve a chance de possuir. Esta eh a verdadeira isca que pesca imigrantes para aqui.

Os detalhes da lei nao sao comentados. Ninguem conhece. Os traficantes estavam usando os furos da lei para ganhar dinheiro facil. Ja ouvi a respeito de muitos casos em que os imigrantes foram instruidos a cruzar a fronteira e se entregar `as patrulhas de fronteira. Dai eles eram levados `a corte para uma pre-audiencia onde eram instruidos a se apresentarem a nova corte nas proximidades do lugar onde o imigrante estava se dirigindo para viver. Mas ninguem se apresentaria a tal corte.

Os imigrantes pobres nao tinham outra alternativa. Essa maneira era mais segura que andar pelo Deserto do Arizona. Este era o unico furo na lei que favorecia os imigrantes mais pobres. Mas eles nao eram avisados de consequencia alguma. Eu diria que, os traficantes e o furo na lei podem ser culpados pelo crime, nao os proprios imigrantes. Mas isso nunca foi levado em consideracao.

Jose foi o segundo trabalhador a pagar pela infracao que o chefe deles cometeu. Ele teve tragedias na vida mesmo antes de nascer. O avo materno dele fora assassinado quando sua mae era crianca. Mesmo que a avo tenha casado de novo, a fatalidade tem que ter levado consequencias `a mente da mae dele. Ela casou-se jovem e em onze anos de casada teve 10 filhos. Perdeu um parto de gemeas. Jose foi o filho numero 10. E o pai da familia faleceu de ataque cardiaco antes do nascimento dele. A mae nunca casou de novo.

Jose nasceu em 1.970, no tempo em que o trabalho vinha primeiro, antes da educacao escolar. A mae ensinou toda a familia a trabalhar duro mas somente uma irma se formou no segundo grau. A mae, corajosamente assumiu todo o peso de cuidar da familia com um pouco de ajuda dos sogros. Mas sem um pouco mais de educacao escolar a familia teve que enfrentar as durezas da pobreza.

Jose seguiu os passos dos irmaos mais velhos e foi para Sao Paulo logo apos ter completado 18 anos. La ele trabalhou como operario. Conheceu uma namorada e ela lhe deu uma filha. Mas eles nunca se casaram e a mulher casou-se com outro homem. Desse matrimonio ela teve mais filhos. Ele teve outro relacionamento que lhe deu um filho. E a historia repetiu a si mesma.

Posteriormente ele encontrou um jeito de vir para os Estados Unidos. Aqui ele trabalhava duro na jardinagem e como faxineiro. No ponto de vista economico ele eh muito conservador. Os brasileiro costumam dizer que: “Ele cria um escorpiao na carteira para nao ter a tentacao de gastar”. A principio comecou a investir no Brasil. O dolar estava com toda saude e tudo no Brasil era barato. Ele investiu em Sao Paulo e no torrao natal dele.

Antes disso, ele conheceu outra mulher aqui e ficou com ela. Ela tambem eh brasileira, fora casada e era mae de um filho. Enquanto eles estavam juntos, Jose e ela tiveram uma filha. E eles trouxeram o filho dela para criar os filhos juntos. A uniao deles nao era nenhum Setimo Ceu e um dia eles tiveram uma briga feia. Ele estava fazendo o jantar quando aconteceu. Ela nao o denunciou mas a mae dela sim e a policia foi chamada. A estoria piorou quando foi mencionado que ele tinha uma faca na mao. Foi levado preso e na corte a namorada negou o lado feio do evento.

Eu diria que, seria impossivel nao haver uma faca em tal evento. Algumas vezes eu proprio faco comida brasileira aqui e sempre precisa-se de uma faca. O que foi aumentado na estoria foi a violencia. E eu me lembro de um fato em minha vida que pode explicar o engano. Lembro-me um dia estar varrendo a fabrica onde meu grupo de amigos trabalhava. Este eh aquele detalhe em nossas vidas. Normalmente nos tinhamos americanos e brasileiros trabalhando no galpao. Mas somente os brasileiros eram escalados para fazer o trabalho de varrer. Por que? Porque nos eramos considerados menos iguais.

Estou apenas mencionando isso. Isso nao nos incomodava tanto. A gente aproveitava o tempo para relaxar. Nosso trabalho de verdade era muito mais duro. E era nesses momentos que tinhamos a oportunidade de juntarmos aos outros e falar de tudo. E naquele dia o nosso amigo Eli puxou conversa a respeito de religiao. Ele tem uma mente muito conservadora na opiniao de todos nos outros. E eu, com certeza, disse algo a ele nao apenas com a boca mas tambem com os movimentos de maos que todos usam quando estao falando.

Um tempo depois todos os outros colegas comecaram a gozar-me. Eu nao estava entendo o porque. Entao eles disseram que, naquele dia eu movia meus bracos vigorosamente, parecendo que eu fosse um sacerdote, conduzindo uma orquestra com uma vassoura. Eles completaram que esta tinha sido a cena mais humorada que eu tinha proporcionado. Mas eu nao tinha a menor lembranca do detalhe da vassoura em minhas maos. Dai, uma briga numa cozinha brasileira talvez produzisse o mesmo efeito especial!

Voltando ao que eu estava falando antes, o crescimento do mercado de construcao aqui tornou-se tentador demais para o Jose. Primeiro ele comprou um estudio porque era mais barato pagar a prestacao que o aluguel. E a valorizacao estavam indo tao rapida que era um investimento bom demais para se perder a oportunidade. Logo ele foi induzido pela irma dele, que ja era residente legal, a partilhar meio-a-meio um apartamento como investimento. E eles compraram tambem este.

Mais tarde, o mercado estava tao excitante que ele nao resistiu a comprar uma grande casa, usando o nome de um dos cunhados que tambem era residente legal. E naquela hora poderiamos taxa-lo como comerciante de sucesso. Os investimentos no Brasil estavam indo bem mas os daqui estavam indo melhor. E ele comecou a investir na casa, fazendo melhorias e modificacoes que se esperava que valorizassem a propriedade. Isso se deu justamente na hora em que ele tomou o tiro nas asas.

A prisao deles nao foi apenas arbitraria. Os rapazes foram inclusive transferidos de Massachusetts para o Texas, para serem deportados, numa operacao noturna sem aviso `a familia, amigos e ate ao advogado deles. La eles perderam mais de um mes antes que a familia fizesse uma vaquinha para deixa-los responder em liberdade. Estou falando a respeito do Jose e do cunhado dele porque o outro foi deportado sem piedade alguma. O juiz deu prazo a ele de 6 meses para resolver seus negocios e sair voluntariamente. Nao foi considerada uma chance melhor por causa do envolvimento da policia no incidente com a namorada dele.

Os conservadores diriam que ele teve o que mereceu. Ta bom! Este eh um ponto-de-vista. Mas mesmo do Brasil ele tentou manter suas posses aqui, pedindo favores aos parentes para tomar conta disso. Porem, logo o desmantelamento do mercado veio e os investimentos dele deixaram de valer a pena. Como ele tinha juros que variavam de acordo com o mercado e os locatarios dele pediram para reduzir o preco do aluguel, e nao estava aqui para trabalhar e cobrir a diferenca, ele foi forcado a devolver a casa e o apartamento ao mercado. Ele manteve o estudio porque o comprou muito antes e esta conseguindo paga-lo. A intencao era deixa-lo para a filha americana dele.

Mas agora a situacao se complicou. Como os anos se passaram, o relacionamento dele com sua namorada sem documentos daqui, e mae da filha americana, nunca funcionaria. Ele nao pode vir aos Estados Unidos e ela nao pode visitar o Brasil porque eles nao tem permissao para isso. E ele arranjou outra namorada no Brasil e ela um namorado americano aqui. O problema maior eh que ela engravidou e deu `a luz outro filho americano. E a relacao dela com o namorado americano nao durou tempo suficiente.

Agora nos temos uma mae solteira com um filho brasileiro e adolescente, uma filha brasamericana e quase adolescente e um menino americano. Ela esta recebendo ajudas para as suas segunda e terceira criancas e lutando muito para manter tudo nos conformes. Todas as maes nos Estados Unidos devem compreender a situacao que ela esta passando. Pelo menos, as maes das classes desfavorecidas.

Por lei e o desejo de alguns conservadores ela deveria ser deportada imediatamente com todos os filhos. Nao compreendo tal procedimento dos fundamentalistas que se autodenominam cristaos conservadores. Eu admito, eu sou conservador de certa forma em alguns valores cristaos como: sou favoravel `a definicao de que a vida comeca na concepcao. E isso nao vem so de meu credo religioso. Se da porque eu conheco a verdade. Mas sou liberal em outros pontos. A mae cometeu muitos erros na vida dela. Mas eh totalmente anti o credo judeu-cristao fazer as criancas pagarem pelos pecados dos pais.

Com respeito ao Jose, economicamente ele esta se dando bem no Brasil agora. As propriedades que ele comprou na “bacia da almas” estao tendo uma valorizacao muito boa. A vida dele esta entrando em um equilibrio. Agora esta com uma namorada de 18 anos. A primeira filha dele lhe deu o primeiro neto. Ele tera apenas 42 anos em 2.012. Antes de voltar ao Brasil, o que ele mais queria era permanecer aqui e seguir sua vida tranquilo.

Por uns quatro anos que permaneceu la a vontade era retornar. Agora esta se deixando levar pela sorte. Nao penso que queira voltar mais. Ao contrario, ele esta mais para ajudar sua ex-namorada a voltar para o Brasil, onde ela tem mae e outros familiares para ajuda-la na criacao dos filhos, num ambiente mais saudavel. Ele nao a quer de volta mas ama os filhos dela que ele conheceu.

Para os Estados Unidos a deportacao dele foi uma perda pequena. Se ele tivesse permanecido seriam apenas duas residencias que poderiam nao ter voltado ao mercado. As propriedades dele no Brasil podem ser avaliadas em mais de 200 mil dolares, numa estimativa bem conservadora, que ele poderia preferir vender la para investir aqui, porque os precos de casas aqui estao muito mais competitivos agora. Ele pode nao ser uma pessoa muito estudada mas inteligencia para ganhar dinheiro eh o que nao lhe falta!

Ele eh apenas um dos milhoes de exemplos de imigrantes deportados. E nao adianta aos conservadores lancarem suas pedras em mim por eu os estar lembrando isso. O preconceito deles contra todos os Jose, Jesus, Mohammad, Francisco, Antonio e outros eh o que esta fazendo a volta da madeira no lombo da economia americana.

Chamarei o nosso terceiro artista de Richard. Nao eh o nome dele de verdade mas o eh quase. Ele eh irmao do primeiro exemplo. Aquele que foi deportado sem chance alguma de apelar. Tambem eh cunhado do Jose. Tambem vem de uma familia numerosa. O pai dele nasceu em 1.905 e teve um primeiro casamento que lhe deu 7 filhos. Depois ele casou-se novamente e teve mais 11 filhos que chegaram `a idade adulta. Tenho mais intimidade com ele porque a primeira esposa do pai dele era prima de meus avos.

Richard teve um historico parecido com o do Jose. Ele nao foi longe na escola. Foi para Sao Paulo onde morou por mais de uma decada. Depois voltou para Minas Gerais onde foi microempresario e funcionario da prefeitura da cidade onde morou. Dai as coisas comecaram a ficar ruins para ele tambem e veio para os Estados Unidos. Foi orientado por traficantes a passar pelas Bahamas. Este era um esquema muito bem conhecido pelos imigrantes. Voce comprava um pacote turistico para la com extensao ate Miami, via barcaca.

Antes dos ataques de 11 de setembro a fiscalizacao nao era tao rigida e milhares devem ter passado por esse caminho. As Bahamas eram uma das melhores opcoes de vir para os Estados Unidos, de 10 anos para tras. Normalmente espera-se que somente pessoas ricas escolheriam tal paraiso para passar ferias. Entao, a entrada nos Estados Unidos via Miami era bem recebida porque, supostamente, o recem-chegado seria rico. E essa eh mais uma discriminacao clara dos nossos servicos de seguranca. Bom, esse eh um comportamento de nossa sociedade como um todo. Se voce ja eh rico eh bem-vindo em todos os lugares. Se eh pobre, ninguem nem quer saber o seu potencial de tornar-se rico. Esta eh uma verdade cruel.

Nosso amigo Richard veio para os Estados Unidos e comecou a trabalhar com seu cunhado Jose. Logo a esposa dele veio tambem. Ela ganhou o visto primeiro mas esperou o marido entrar primeiro. E eles comecaram a trabalhar duro. Tambem investiram em algo para fugir do aluguel. Primeiramente eles compraram um apartamento onde viveram por alguns anos. Depois compraram uma casa e mantiveram o apartamento porque o aluguel pagava a prestacao e ainda dava a eles uma pequena renda.

Richard amava sua casa e o pais. Ele trabalhava seis dias por semana com jardinagem e nos finais de semana gostava de tratar do jardim da propria casa e da horta no quintal. A casa tinha piscina e ele amava a visita dos amigos para partilha-la. Todo final de semana no verao ele fazia churrasco com os colegas. Este era seu maior prazer.

A policia de imigracao fez as acusacoes. Nelas foi declarado que ele havia entrado ilegalmente nos Estados Unidos. Mas isso era falso e ele tinha o recibo I-94 e o carimbo no passaporte para prova-lo. Depois de meses de incertezas desnecessarias o juiz de imigracao cancelou o processo contra, retirou todas as acusacoes e deu liberdade a ele. Desde entao a policia nao pode usar os dados que havia colhido na prisao irregular dele. Mas ele nunca mais se sentiu livre.

Havia sido permitido a ele permanecer em casa ate a conclusao do caso desde uns dois meses apos a prisao. Quando ele retornou a filha de quatro anos de idade estava traumatizada. Ele nao podia dizer a ela que estava saindo para trabalhar ou para fazer qualquer outra coisa sem que ela questionasse se ele voltaria. Ele proprio nao podia dirigir um carro sem estar tres vezes mais alerta que normalmente um motorista fica. Ele havia sido motorista profissional no Brasil e a unica diferenca agora era que nao tinha uma carteira de motorista valida.

Essa eh outra contradicao criada pelas leis americanas e da situacao dos imigrantes sem documentos. Qualquer um pode comprar um carro, pagar o seguro mas, mesmo que o dono nao tenha outro impedimento, por nao ter documentos a pessoa nao pode ter carteira. Milhares, talvez milhoes, de imigrantes sem documentos dirigem sem a documentacao apropriada por essa razao. Nao porque eles queiram quebrar a lei. Mas porque eles nao tem opcao de transporte para leva-los ao trabalho que precisam fazer.

Eu compreendo os conservadores e tambem penso que ninguem deveria quebrar a lei deliberadamente. Mas igualmente eu compreendo os sem documentos que tem negada a chance de se redimirem de suas situacoes imigracionais. No meu ponto-de-vista, os Estados Unidos precisam de imigrantes e eh por isso que eles encontraram trabalho. Colocar nos ombros deles a culpa pela falta de documentos eh o mesmo que condenar uma pessoa `a morte porque tal pessoa estava extremamente faminta e, sem um trabalho, furtivamente pega algo num mercado lotado, somente para ganhar mais um dia de vida. Condenar tal pessoa ate mesmo a uma pena minima seria a mais genuina expressao de falta de caridade crista.

Antes de condenar os imigrantes sem documentos por quebrar a lei, parte do povo americano deveria aprender melhor o que eh nao ter papeis corretos neste pais. Ninguem mais que o sem documento para desejar o fim da imigracao sem documentos. Todo imigrante sem documentos que ser legalizado e integrado na sociedade americana. O que os impede de chegar a esse objetivo eh o preconceito contra eles.

Se todos fossem ricos nao teriam o menor problema em ser aceitos pela sociedade. Tambem o componente racial eh um fator que decide para que sejam impedidos. Se a maioria dos imigrantes fossem ingleses eu duvido que ainda nao tivesse sido aprovada uma lei justa de anistia. Mas a maioria absoluta de imigrantes sem documentos agora tem tres pecados no ponto de vista dos conservadores. Eles sao pobres, nao frequentaram escolas e sao latinos. Nao importa se a contribuicao deles para a sociedade nao seria diferente de outras pessoas mais brancas.

Tive a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o Richard e conversar com ele por muitas vezes. E gostaria de partilhar com os leitores alguns dizeres dele. Nao partilho com ele da mesma opiniao em tudo que ele disse. O que desejo eh apresentar a autenticidade de mente dele. Os leitores precisam compreender que ele nao eh uma pessoa sem leitura mas a oportunidade de estudar que teve foi muito menor da que eu tive. Deixe isso ser a voz dele:

“Amo demais esse pais. Eh um pais maravilhoso. Mesmo sem ter papeis estou aqui tendo oportunidades que nunca teria no Brasil. No Brasil a gente precisava trabalhar por anos e mesmo assim era dificil comprar uma bicicleta. Aqui a gente comeca a trabalhar um dia e no proximo mes a gente pega credito para comprar um carro. Este eh um pais maravilhoso demais para ser verdade!”

“Que Deus abencoe imensamente os Estados Unidos. Se alguem dizer que aqui nao eh uma maravilha estara mentindo. Eu nao posso falar mal dos Estados Unidos. O pais me deu tudo o que tenho. Eu entrei aqui igual a um pedidor de esmolas e agora tenho casa, dois carros e tudo o que esta dentro. Santo Deus, como eu sou abencoado por estar aqui! Mas eu nao entendo o povo americano. Eles tem o pais mais maravilhoso do mundo, poderiam viver em paz com todo o mundo, mas eles preferem ir do outro lado da terra para comprar briga com os outros. Eu simplesmente nao entendo esse povo!”

“Eu sei. Voce entende muito mais que eu. Voce estudou. Mas eu nao acredito que o homem foi `a Lua de jeito nenhum. Isso eh o mesmo que voce ve nos filmes. Eles montaram tudo. Outra coisa, voce pode me dizer o que quizer a respeito de tecnologia mas para mim a tecnologia eh coisa do diabo. Ela vai acabar com a humanidade. Eu nao acredito que ela vai sempre nos ajudar!”

“Este pais eh maravilhoso, mas que Deus me perdoe por dizer isso: o povo daqui eh muito eh burro mesmo! Se eu fosse americano eu nunca seria contra os imigrantes. Se o problema eh nao ter papel, eu chamaria todo mundo e dava papel para todos que quizessem trabalhar legalmente. Parece que eles nao sabem quantos passageiros mais as aerolinhas teriam. Os imigrantes iam trazer de volta grande parte do dinheiro que mandaram para os paises deles para aplicar aqui. Mas eles veem a gente com tanto preconceito que nao enxergam o que esta acontecendo!”

“Veja, os outros imigrantes estao pedindo carteira de motorista. Eu nao. Eu quero legalizacao. Carteira nao te da permissao para ir ao Brasil e voltar para ca. Eu quero ver minha mae. Meu pai morreu depois de anos sem eu ver ele e nem pude confortar minha mae. Minha mae ja esta ficando velha. Quando a gente era crianca eles fizeram todos os sacrificios por nos. Eu posso mandar muito dinheiro para ela. Mas eu sei que o que ela quer eh ver os filhos e os netos ao lado dela. Isso esta na nossa cultura. No nosso sangue. A pessoa sem a familia nao vale nada.”

“Se os Estados Unidos passassem uma lei falando assim: Nos vamos conceder papel para todos os imigrantes sem documentos com a condicao de que tudo o que tem sera confiscado pelo governo para eles comecarem de novo do zero, eu nao pensaria duas vezes em pegar essa oportunidade. Nao sou nenhum jumento. Eu posso continuar trabalhando e ganhar tudo de novo. O que nao posso eh continuar longe da minha mae, dos meus parentes e amigos no Brasil. Se os americanos fossem tao inteligentes como pensam que sao eles poriam um preco de US$ 50.000,00 pelo greencard e eles ganhariam dinheiro suficiente para limpar parte da cagada que eles criaram na economia.”

“Olha, esse pais esta cada vez mais se parecendo com Cuba. Voce quer levar sua filha na Disneylandia, nao pode porque nao tem papeis. Voce quer viajar no exterior, nao pode porque nao tem como correr tanto risco. Quer saber duma coisa!? Eh melhor voltar para o Brasil antes que eles criem uma lei colocando muralhas em torno de todas as fronteiras e nos proibindo de voltar para casa. Agora este eh o meu medo. Deles prenderem a gente aqui e nao deixar a gente ir embora mais.”

“O americano que eu trabalho para ele eh um burro! Um tempo atras eu estava cortando grama e a maquina quebrou. Eu sabia como consertar mas o chefe estava perto e disse para esperar porque ele iria voltar la na firma para buscar a ferramenta certa para consertar. Mas a gente tinha uma ordem para cumprir. Se eu esperasse nao ia dar tempo. Eu nao queria perder tempo e ser obrigado a trabalhar noite adentro. Foi so ele virar as costas e eu consertei a maquina rapidamente. Quando ele voltou o trabalho estava pronto. E ele falou: “Brasileiro eh muito inteligente!””

“Mas a gente eh inteligente eh nada. A gente esta eh acostumado a nao ter ferramenta. No Brasil todo mundo sabe mais de uma forma de fazer a mesma coisa. Isso vem da necessidade. A gente tem que ser criativo ou nao vive la. So um pouquinho da populacao de la eh rico. Os outros tem que aprender a dar seus pulos. O pior do nosso servico eh ter um chefe do lado. Se a gente ta juntando folhas e o vento tiver soprando de um lado, ele diz pra gente: “Junta as folhas contra o vento”. Mas isso eh porque eles so sabem um jeito de fazer as coisas. E se a gente tenda fazer qualquer coisa diferente do que ele sabe, ele fala: “Esse nao eh o jeito de fazer.””

“Mas eh a gente que tem que fazer o trabalho. E a gente sabe fazer isso fazendo o vento trabalhar a nosso favor, nao contra. Eu tentei muitas vezes explicar isso para ele mas nao sabia como falar em ingles. Ele eh tao burro que nem tentava entender a gente melhor. Se os americanos fossem inteligentes como eles pensam que sao, eles teriam um esquema maior de trabalho e deixavam a gente trabalhar. Eles ganhariam mais dinheiro e a gente trabalharia em paz.”

“Eu nao posso ficar mais aqui. Depois de mais de 10 anos longe do Brasil, da familia e dos amigos, eu nem quero papel mais. Quando voce se legalizou teve que esperar por quatro anos para eles te darem o greencard. Agora tem muito mais pessoas para ser legalizadas que no seu tempo. Se uma lei for aprovada amanha eu vou dizer: nao, nao, nao. Muito obrigado. Tou muito cansado para esperar por mais quatro anos sem minha familia. Agora eu estou ate com medo de uma lei ser aprovada. Eu quero ir para o Brasil mas ia ser dificil decidir entre voltar ou pegar o papel. Quer saber do mais? Sinto muito pelos milhoes que ficarao aqui mas eu estou pedindo a Deus para uma lei nao ser aprovada agora.”

Richard voltou ao Brasil em dezembro de 2.011. Nos ultimos anos que permaneceu aqui sofreu muito para trabalhar na jardinagem porque teve um acidente que lhe deixou sequelas. Apos o acidente, por uma semana, ele permaneceu trabalhando contra toda dor que sentia. Mas isso estava piorando e ele finalmente foi a um hospital. Mas o machucado nunca sarou totalmente. Agora ele anda com um pe inchado. Mesmo o acidente tendo acontecido no trabalho ele nao exigiu os direitos na justica.

Ele tambem teve um milagre na familia. Enquanto vivia no Brasil, ele e a esposa tiveram duas gravidez que terminaram em abortamento natural. Ela fora diagnosticada com utero infantil. Aqui ela teve outra gravidez e lhe ofereceram para provocar o abortamento. Eles se recusaram e a gravidez correu normal. Assim eles tiveram uma filha.

Quando ela estava com 6 anos, Duda, a filha fez um desenho tao bem feito na aula que a professora de artes selecionou-o para ser exposto na entrada da biblioteca publica. E desenhar eh o que ela gosta de fazer. Mas agora no Brasil, morando numa cidade pequena, sem nenhum ensino artistico, ela tera menos chances de desenvolver a tendencia e transforma-la em profissao. Embora isso nao seja imposivel, o mais provavel eh que se tornara um talento esperdicado. Porem, se mesmo com tudo contra ela tiver sucesso, os Estados Unidos perderao o talento dela como exclusivamente americana.

Richard e a familia estao em lua de mel com o Brasil. Ele agora eh o homem mais feliz do mundo. A esposa dele voltou a trabalhar. Ate a filha deles esta fascinada com esse primeiro conhecimento. Ela tem muitos parentes la. Esta surpresa com o monte de amigos que tem feito e com a liberdade que crianca tem por la. As criancas podem brincar do lado de fora o ano todo. E ira comecar suas aulas logo apos ao carnaval que esta acontecendo exatamente nestes dias. Hoje eh 20 de fevereiro de 2.012.

Richard ja tinha investimentos no Brasil e com um pouco de dinheiro que levou espera comecar um negocio proprio. Se tivesse sido legalizado aqui nos Estados Unidos os planos dele eram de fazer isso aqui. Tambem ele nao teria devolvido a casa dele ao mercado. O primeiro apartamento que compraram ja fora devolvido ha tempos atras, por um preco depreciado. O mesmo acontecera com a casa. Tomando somente o que as posses da familia poderiam valer, devem ser outros US$ 200.000,00, tambem numa estimativa conservadora, de investimentos que estao saindo pelo ralo e que as politicas americanas de imigracao estao criando. Vejamos o proximo capitulo. Assunto, economia.

Somente para atualizacao. As primarias do Partido Republicano estao indo e o ex-governador de Massachusetts, Mitt Romney, ganhou no New Hampshire ha algum tempo. Os liberais tem tentado diminuir esse ganho porque ele se deu por pouco mais de cem votos a mais que os do candidato Ron Paul. New Hampshire eh considerado um quintal do Romney porque la ele tem uma de suas residencias. E estao dizendo que se ele nao pode ganhar com frente grande no proprio quintal, entao, nao conseguira vencer o Obama. Nao tenho certeza disso. O falecimento da Whitney Houston tambem ajudou a imprensa a desviar o assunto da politica.

No principio eu estava estudando a possibilidade de votar para um candidato republicano. O presidente Obama decepcionou muito na questao imigratoria. Eu penso que a forma mais facil de derrubar a economia americana eh fazer algo contra os imigrantes sem documentos ou nada fazer pela integracao deles `a sociedade. Obama escolheu a segunda alternativa. Mas a alternativa indicada pelos candidatos republicanos eh tao pior que eles estao me convencendo a ajudar a reeleger o presidente Obama. Mais vejo os debates deles mais convencido estou de que, Obama sera menos danoso `a nossa economia. Eles nao estao sendo justos nem consigo mesmos. Se o presidente Obama for reeleito, o primeiro agradecimento dele deveria ser dirigido `a incompetencia dos candidatos republicanos.

Nao penso que seja uma boa ideia manipular as noticias a favor de um ou outro candidato como se algum deles fosse mais facil de ser vencido nas eleicoes gerais. No ano passado escrevi um artigo, publicado no jornal Brazilian Times, que previa uma disputa acirrada nestas eleicoes de 2.012. Nao interessa qual sera o adversario, o presidente Obama tera que ganhar para permanecer no posto. Mas eu tambem reconheci que, o Partido Republicano so precisaria de um bom candidato e politicas justas para ganhar. Mas esta parecendo que o partido nao tem nem um nem outro.

Ontem, 22 de fevereiro, tivemos outro debate entre os ultimos quatro candidatos do Partido Republicano. Esta eh a ultima disputa antes da chamada Super Terca. Eles disputarao os Estados do Arizona e Michigan e a disputa esta quase empatada entre Mitt Romney e Rick Santorum. Eles estao ignorando o voto latino e fazendo comentarios anti-imigrantes porque nao existem muitos latinos votando no Arizona e os republicanos no estado sao claramente anti-imigrantes. Este tipo de comportamento dos candidatos republicanos eh um fator que os faz vulneraveis ao voto contrario dos imigrantes. Eles estao mudando de opiniao nos assuntos e apresentando opinioes contrarias, dependendo do estado em que fazem campanha. Assim fica claro que eles nao sao de confianca.

Os outros tres foram unanimes e concordaram no ameacar Iran e Siria, dizendo que estariam dispostos a comecar uma guerra preventiva contra eles, alegando que esses paises sao uma ameaca `a comunidade internacional. Somente o Ron Paul foi sobrio no assunto. Ele apresentou a mesma opiniao que a minha de que ameacando so ira piorar tudo. Inclusive ele citou o exemplo da Uniao Sovietica, que possuia 30.000 misseis carregados com armas nucleares e havia matado mais de cem milhoes de pessoas. Apesar disso, os Estados Unidos dialogaram com os sovieticos e o resultado foi o fim do comunismo na comunidade. Este tem sido um estimulo a mais para os ditadores no mundo buscarem as armas de destruicao de massa. Porque os Estados Unidos tem duas caras, uma para lidar com os fracos e outra para lidar com os fortes.

Os 3 “Musquiteiros”, Romney, Santorum e Gingrich discutiram o assunto a respeito do Iran e o Hezbollah estarem tendo presenca na America Latina. Eles falaram a respeito disso como se assunto fosse de relacoes bilaterais entre Estados Unidos e Iran. Como se a America Latina continuasse sendo o quintal deles e tal relacao dependesse da vontade do governo americano. Mas esse assunto eh muito velho para mim. No meu blog nos temos o texto:


Nele eu ja previa que os sentimentos anti-imigrantes nos Estados Unidos e as atitudes preconceituosas contra a populacao imigrante sem documentos tornaria partes da America Latina sujeitas `a influencia dos poderes anti-americanos no exterior. Isso nao eh algo que a administracao Obama esteja permitindo como o ex-presidente do congresso, sr. Gingrich, sugeriu, porque a minha previsao foi anterior `a presenca do Obama na Casa Branca. Isso tem sido um problema causado pelas atitudes grosseiras contra os imigrantes onde o Partido Republicano as tem liderado.

As relacoes bilaterais entre Iran e America Latina nao tem nada haver com os Estados Unidos. E se os Estados Unidos querem intervir nisso, eu aconselharia que nao substimassem a soberania dos Paises Latinamericanos. Se isso for feito eles irao formar mais inimigos do que precisamos nessa hora. Os Estados Unidos precisam reconhecer que, eles abandonaram a America Latina ha muito tempo. E a questao dos imigrantes sem documentos somente esta aumentando a distancia entre nos. E atitudes grosseiras contra qualquer relacao internacional na America Latina somente ira atirar faisca num barril de polvora.


Quando vim para os Estados Unidos jamais pensei ter algo de capitalismo a ensinar aqui. Eh mais que hilario isso acontecer. Nao, nao, nao. Como diria meu amigo Richard. Nao me levem tanto a serio como se eu fosse um doutor no assunto. Nunca entrei no basico de uma escola de economia. Nada sei. O que desejo mostrar eh um ponto-de-vista basico. Ninguem precisara ser especialista para entender o que tenho a dizer. Por favor, leiam primeiro antes de concluir se eh verdade ou nao.

Em segundo lugar poderia enviar essa mensagem aos candidatos do Partido Republicano. Em primeiro lugar estou-o reservando para que o povo americano conheca um ponto-de-vista diferente do que acontece atualmente. Os conservadores neste pais poderao dizer de mim: E o que temos a aprender com os brasileiros? O que a experiencia brasileira pode ensinar-nos? Eles so sabem perder!

Eh mesmo! Nao vim para cantar vitorias. Mas em primeiro lugar tambem sou americano. E disse desde o inicio que estou usando o exemplo brasileiro porque nasci no Brasil e eh o que melhor conheco de tudo na vida, porque tenho 35 anos de experiencias la. Entao, eh melhor eu falar do que sei do que de outra coisa qualquer.

O povo americano comum pode nao saber muito a respeito do Brasil. E, do ponto-de-vista conservador o Brasil pode ser considerado perdedor. Ele possui territorio continental continuo maior do que os Estados Unidos tem. O que quero dizer eh, tirando o Alasca, o Brasil eh maior que os Estados Unidos. E talvez possua mais recursos naturais como: agua, rios, praias quentes, terras agricultaveis e florestas como ja sabemos. Aparentemente, o unico item visivel que ja contaria contra o Brasil ter uma economia semelhante `a americana eh a populacao menor. Hoje ela eh contada em dois tercos do que os Estados Unidos tem.

Dai nao podemos afirmar que o Brasil nao eh perdedor porque tem tudo para estar numa posicao economica melhor do que tem. Mas esta ganhando posicoes e, da oitava colocacao eh esperado assumir a quinta, muito em breve. Mas isso nao depende somente dele. Se o resto do mundo entrar em nova recessao as posicoes poderao mudar drasticamente e nao sabemos o que vira depois.

Quanto a mim, ja descrevi meu curriculo de perdedor no capitulo 15. E abertamente concordei que nao era tudo. Eu assumo que sou um perdedor e nao vale a pena ter vergonha disso. Algumas vezes, ser perdedor pode ajudar a gente a enxergar coisas que estao alem da imaginacao. E o que estou enxergando agora eh isso: a melhor coisa que os candidatos do Partido Republicano deveriam fazer era estudar os 500 anos de Historia do Brasil, desde 1.500 ate 2.000. Eles nao irao ver um exemplo de sucesso a ser seguido. Eles verao o que fazer para nao ser vitorioso mesmo que o suposto era se-lo. Assim eles poderiam se perguntar: Por que nos estamos tomando o modelo brasileiro de fazer as coisas erradamente para aplica-lo aqui nos Estados Unidos?

Infelizmente, o que os candidatos do Partido Republicano estao propondo aos Estados Unidos eh algo parecido ao que os brasileiros tentaram por 500 anos e perderam a oportunidade de fazer direito. O Brasil sempre protegeu aos ricos e deu as costas aos pobres. Eu ja comentei a respeito do Ministro da Economia do Brasil que falou: “Precisamos fazer o bolo crescer para distribuir depois”. O Brasil sempre produziu pessoas ricas. Se compararmos isso, proporcionalmente, talvez os mais ricos por la sejam mais vezes ricos que os pobres do que aqui os ricos sao mais que os pobres.

A economia brasileira nao pode ser mais magnifica que a dos Estados Unidos. Nao existem la tantos bilionarios quantos temos aqui. Mas se compararmos a riqueza e pobreza a diferenca eh proporcionalmente maior no Brasil. Isso nos responde porque o Brasil nao esta numa posicao melhor entre as melhores economias do mundo. O sucesso aparente da economia brasileira na ultima decada se deve `a mudanca nas politicas economicas governamentais que estao tentando diminuir a distancia entre os mais ricos e os mais pobres. Se estas medidas irao funcionar no final eu nao sei. Mas estao funcionando no momento. E penso que sei porque.

Peguemos o simbolo tradicional da distribuicao de renda numa populacao. A piramide eh o melhor exemplo para isso. Pondo toda a populacao numa representacao piramidal temos os ricos no topo e os mais pobres na base. Logicamente a classe media se encontra entremeio `as outras partes.

E a gente poderia dizer: que representacao perfeita! Nunca teriamos pessoas ricas no mundo se nao tivessemos milhares e milhoes de outros trabalhando para elas. E os candidatos republicanos, especialmente Mitt Romney e Rick Santorum, estao ignorando totalmente isso. Eles se esquecem que a piramide representa a sociedade como um todo. A declaracao do Mitt Romney de nao sentir-se envergonhado de ser rico e o dizer do Santorum que ele espera que a diferenca entre ricos e pobres sempre existira sao o mais claro sinal da disconeccao que tem em relacao `a realidade. Quando o Romney disse que nao se preocupa com os mais pobres, porque eles ja tem assistencia do governo, ele demonstra claramente o distanciamento que ele guarda da miseria como um todo.

Tentarei explicar algo a respeito da riqueza e pessoas ricas. Primeiro, como pessoas ficam ricas? Tomemos um exemplo pre-historico. A primeira familia que chegou `as Americas deveria ser eleita como as pessoas mais ricas do mundo. Ate a fortuna do Bill Gates ficaria diminuta perante tal riqueza. Mas se a gente tivesse uma maquina do tempo para dar uma olhadinha nelas, provavelmente concluiriamos: Elas parecem ser as pessoas mais pobres do mundo. Nao tem carros, as roupas sao horriveis, ainda cheiram mal, e precisam batalhar pela comida todos os dias. Oh bando de perdedores!

Ter sucesso para o conceito conservador eh preciso ter. Nao necessariamente ser. Para se ter precisa-se numeros. Numeros de maos que se tenha. Mas Deus nos Deu apenas duas para cada um. Entao, precisamos das maos dos outros, nao importa o que facamos. Para ser rico voce nao depende apenas de uma boa ideia. Tambem eh preciso trabalhar com o maior numero possivel de pessoas e eh da contribuicao pequena de cada pessoa que os mais ricos adquirem suas riquezas.

Deixem que eu diga: uma pessoa humana da pre-historia nunca seria rica para a concepcao conservadora, mesmo que o mundo inteiro fosse dela ou dele. O povo pre-historico tinha que trabalhar duro todos os dias, sete dias por semana para ter apenas abrigo e comida. Isso so mudou quando nalguns lugares comecaram a concentrar populacao e o trabalho passou a ser dividido por grupos. Um grupo passou a construir os abrigos. Outro passou a buscar alimentos. Essa eh a unica forma de uma pessoa possuir mais de duas maos.

Imaginem: e se nosso amigo Bill Gates fosse obrigado a fabricar todos os produtos dele, ir `as ruas ou lojas para vende-los, viajar pelo mundo inteiro para vender cada unidade vendida no exterior, seria ele rico? E tambem, se ele tivesse que construir todos os caminhos; descobrir, retirar e refinar o petroleo que precisasse para o transporte. Se ele tivesse que plantar os proprios alimentos, construir e limpar o proprio abrigo; cuidar dos proprios filhos e fazer o mesmo em todos os aspectos da vida, mesmo com a ajuda da Melinda, ele provavelmente nao seria nem mesmo mais rico que nossos ancestrais pre-historicos.

Quando o movimento “Occupy Wall Street” iniciou, e o candidato Herman Cain estava ainda na disputa, ele disse ao povo: “Vao trabalhar. Nao culpem a Wall Street. Culpem a si proprios”. Infelizmente ele foi prematuramente chutado da competicao por causa das acusacoes de assedio sexual a mulheres. Eu disse infelizmente porque o que ele estava mostrando, tambem quando ele propos a cerca eletrificada para a fronteira mexicana, era a face oculta do Partido Republicano. Nem todo republicano eh como ele mas tem um grupo forte que eh. E para eles precisamos explicar algo. Se eles aprenderao alguma coisa sera escolha deles.

Vamos usar nosso amigo Bill Gates como saco de pancadas de novo. Imaginem, se os 300 milhoes de habitantes dos Estados unidos fossem Milindas e Bill Gates. Pelo pensamento dos candidatos republicanos nos teriamos todos os bilionarios aqui. Santorum por exemplo pensa que vivemos em uma meritocracia. Que pensamento bobo! Vejam, se meio-a-meio da populacao fosse Melinda/Bill Gates com todos os dons que tenham, porem, no mesmo caminho historico que tivemos, obedecendo as mesmas leis do capitalismo, o que poderiamos ter era isso: alguns Bill Gates poderiam ser bilionarios, alguns a mais seriam milionarios, a maioria seria classe media mas um grande numero seria pobre. Nao importa o grau de inteligencia que a maioria tivesse.

Nos trabalhamos em sociedade desde a Era Pre-Historica. Bill Gates so poderia se tornar presidente e creador da Microsoft se parte do povo fosse professores, parte faxineiros, outra parte fazendeiros e assim por diante. E para isso era vital que: os numeros em cada grupo de profissionais teriam que ser imensos. Se todos fossemos Bill Gates, entao, nos o veriamos como motorista de taxis e onibus, como medicos, como professores por todo o canto e ate mesmo como sem-teto e tudo mais. A Microsoft somente surgiria com o numero grande de clientes. E, entao, nos temos a questao: o que eh mais importante para uma multinacional, o presidente ou os clientes? Deixemos a resposta para depois.

Isso eh simples demais para nao se enxergar. Desde que um Bill Gates se tornou o presidente da Microsoft ninguem mais poderia tomar o lugar. E no caso de todos os outros iniciassem companhias iguais, por causa dos numeros, todos e cada um quebraria na hora. O sistema economico nao foi feito para todos terem a mesma oportunidade. E a producao de riquezas na nossa sociedade humana capitalista nao foi feita para todos. Isso se fez para alguns ganharem mais, outros alguma coisa e a maioria pouco. Eh por isso que nosso modelo piramidal eh perfeito para descrever-se o que acontece `a nossa volta.

Mesmo assim, o sistema pode ser manipulado para ser mais ou menos justo. Isso eh possivel porque nem todo mundo quer ser Bill Gates. Nao tenho a intencao de ofende-lo. O que quero dizer eh que todo mundo eh diferente. Fomos feitos para completarmos uns aos outros. Esta eh a chave para um capitalismo justo funcionar direito. Possivelmente, todo mundo no mundo quer ser rico como Bill Gates eh. Mas muitos nao tem a menor ideia de como faze-lo. Outros sabem o quanto o esforco custaria a eles. A maioria absoluta, porem, nem liga para isso. Estes querem apenas fazer parte do rebanho. Somente uma pequena parte da nossa populacao tem alguma incapcidade que a impede de ser competitiva numa sociedade justa, e eh nossa obrigacao como seres humanos prover para ela o que necessitar.

Se todos e cada um de nos comecar uma competicao para nos tornarmos ricos como Bill Gates todos estariamos perdidos porque nao haveria cooperacao alguma entre nos. Seria uma guerra de todos contra todos. Ate os nossos ancestrais pre-historicos foram mais inteligentes que isso. Eles prosperaram por milhares de anos, vencendo situacoes super dificeis, agradeca-se ao sistema de cooperacao.

Eu diria que: nossos ancestrais tiveram sucesso somente porque foram bons socialistas. E agora, com essa experiencia capitalista minima, os candidatos do Partido Republicano e seus seguidores pensam que sao os autores da vida! Desde o principio, os seres humanos tiveram um contrato social que dizia: De uma forma ou de outra nos iremos cooperar uns com os outros. E todas as vezes que esse contrato foi rasgado nos tivemos problemas.

Precisamos prestar atencao no rebanho. Ele eh tao inteligente quanto qualquer um pode ser. Ele tem o dom para tornar-se rico tambem. Mas ele ve na presenca de alguns lideres a oportunidade de trabalhar como time, tendo uma vida mais modesta mas sem stress. Para ele nao importa se um Bill Gates e outros tem as multinacionais. O que ele deseja eh trabalhar junto, receber pagamento justo e participar dos beneficios do trabalho. Essa participacao precisa deixa-lo confortavel em nossa sociedade como um todo.

O problema com o surgimento de movimentos como o “Occupy Wall Street” comeca quando nos comecamos a ver os mais ricos ficarem mais ricos e nos sermos excluidos do que eh justo. Os ricos e poderosos de verdade nos Estados Unidos como Bill Gates, Warren Buffett e George Soros precisam alertar-se para atitudes como as dos candidatos do Partido Republicano, supostamente em defesa deles. Vai ver que eles ate estao pensando e repetindo os dizeres brasileiros: Com amigos como esses nem precisamos de inimigos!

O comentario do Herman Cain: “Vao trabalhar” pode ser comparavel a aquele atribuido `a Maria Antonieta aos pobres da Franca durante a Revolucao Francesa. Conta-se que alguem avisou que o povo nao tinha pao e ela teria dito: “Pois que comam brioches”. Nos ainda nao estamos na mesma situacao que a Franca estava mas nao eh sabio apagar fogo com gasolina em momento algum. Acusar ao povo pelo mal que esta acontecendo, enquanto “Nos, o povo” estamos sofrendo sozinhos todas as consequencias da molecagem de alguns de nossa sociedade eh, no minimo, um atentado para estimular respostas radicais. Se essa foi a intencao do Cain ele nao foi eficiente.

Nao sou aquele que culpa o rico por possuir riquezas. Mas eles precisam prestar atencao na piramide. Ela tambem eh um bom modelo para explicar como o dinheiro corre na sociedade. Quando pomos a piramide de cabeca para baixo podemos ve-la como um funil. No conceito brasileiro ela eh uma coisa do capeta. Isso porque na posicao normal dificulta a qualquer um das classes baixas subir ao topo. De cabeca para baixo essa ascensao continua dificil mas o correr do dinheiro obedece a lei da gravidade. Algumas vezes, “Nos, o povo” nao entendemos o porque de nos vermos de cabeca para cima apesar do que esta em nosso bolso tende a ir para o topo da piramide. Em nosso entedimento empobrecido nos deveriamos ir para onde nosso dinheiro vai, mas a nossa logica nao funciona na pratica.

Por outro lado, o que os candidatos republicanos estao falando eh que: o povo rico precisa um elevador para alcancar um ponto no espaco e de la ele poderia puxar a piramide inteira com cordas. Mas se eles chegarem ao espaco nao terao ponto-de-apoio para levantar tanto peso pesado. No espaco os ricos perderao o peso mas aqui na superficie da Terra nos permaneceremos pesados e nao importara o quao forte eles tentarao para puxar-nos, o mais provavel sera que eles cairao. Traduzamos isso em palavras mais faceis.

Quem vem em primeiro lugar, o rico ou o cliente? Esta eh a nossa questao. O modelo proposto pelos republicanos diz que os ricos precisam ficar mais ricos para investirem na sociedade para criar-se mais empregos. Digamos entao que, suponha-se que um multibilionario decidiu instalar 1.000 fabricas que poderiam dar emprego em media a 50 pessoas cada uma. Teriamos 50.000 empregos criados. Mas em nossa atual situacao o que provavelmente logo aconteceria seria ele perder todo o investimento em tal ideia boba.

Isso eh assim porque a solucao nao eh criar empregos arbitrariamente. A resposta seria a de aumentar o numero de clientes ou aumentar o poder de compra dos clientes que ja temos. Se aumentarmos os salarios, digamos que numa faixa de US$ 20.00/semana, para cada empregado neste pais, possivelmente, criariamos mais oportunidades que 50 fabricas novas poderiam criar. Isso eh assim porque nossa classe trabalhadora esta vivendo dia-a-dia e nao tem como economisar dinheiro neste momento.

E essa gorjeta semanal eh multiplicavel. Isso funciona como a comparacao entre as notas de 20 e 100 dolares. A nota de 20 eh do tamanho exato para se ir a uma venda para comprar algo pequeno. Dai essa nota vai para a mao de outro cliente como troco. Mais tarde ela eh transformada em gasolina no posto. E volta para a mao de outro cliente que ganhou algo na loteria. E a historia se repete pela semana toda. No final, a nota de 20 faz a felicidade de um numero grande de clientes. Mas a de 100 nao funciona tao bem, a menos para os poucos clientes que tiverem a oportunidade de te-la durante a semana.

A nota de 20 cria ainda mais riquezas. E se todo mundo receber uma a cada semana, os donos das pequenas empresas receberao sua parte. Eles comecarao a ter mais confianca e comprarao carro melhor, televisao melhor etc. Os donos das pequenas empresas mesmo comecarao a empregar ajudantes. E isso iria lubrificar o motor da economia. No final de tudo, como a economia inicia uma espiral de otimismo, o correr do dinheiro, como sempre, retorna ao topo da piramide. Pode-se obter qualquer resultado que se queira de acordo com a taxa de aumento do salario minimo. Em nossa situacao atual, talvez os US$ 20.00/semana nao serao suficientes por causa da depreciacao dos nossos salarios comecada ja ha algum tempo.

Eu nao acredito que a economia americana ira produzir algo bom a partir do que temos agora mais a intervencao dos candidatos republicanos. Eles veem a piramide somente do topo para baixo. Estou aqui ha quase duas decadas e o que tenho visto todo o tempo foi os nossos salarios encolhendo. Como disse antes, somente coletando latinhas no meu servico de faxina eu era capaz de encher o tanque do meu carro e usa-lo por uma semana. Hoje-em-dia as mesmas latinhas continuariam dando-me os mesmos US$ 10.00 e o que se faz com isso?

Ha 18 anos atras minhas compras custavam US$ 50.00/semana. Hoje sao 200 e o salario minimo nem sequer dobrou. E a gente pode constatar isso no mesmo supermercado. La tinhamos fila comprida e carrinhos cheios. Hoje temos fila pequena, menos atendentes e carrinhos vazios. Eu confesso, nao tenho a menor pista de como o plano dos candidatos republicanos funcionaria do topo para a base. Eu so consigo enxergar da base para o topo.

A outra forma de melhorar nossa economia seria aumentar o numero de clientes. Sem a atualizacao do poder de compra do dolar e dos trabalhadores nos teriamos que vender mais no exterior ou trazer mais clientes do exterior para comprar aqui. Isso ja esta acontecendo agora mesmo. Os povos da China, India, Russia, Brasil e outros estao invadindo o nosso mercado e comprando como nunca antes. Particularmente os brasileiros estao interessados em dois tipos de investimentos.

O primeiro eh o setor de construcao. O mercado no Brasil esta tao aquecido agora que o preco ao consumidor la esta parecido ao que nos tivemos aqui, antes da crise. Dai os investidores estao sendo pescados para comprarem aqui porque os nossos precos agora estao mais competitivos. Eu conhecos pessoas do Brasil que investiram em casas na Florida. O preco esta tao barato que um comprador deu o aluguel de graca a outro compatriota porque esse outro sabe como melhorar a propriedade. Assim eles fizeram um acordo de trocar a melhora pelo aluguel. Eh uma situacao em que ambos ganham.

E assisti a alguem ser entrevistado no radio ou televisao em que o americano entrevistado estava preocupado com tal tipo de investimento. Ele nao queria aceitar a situacao para o povo americano. Na visao dele isso sera algo ruim para o povo americano porque depois, quando nossa economia melhorar, os estrangeiros irao vender as propriedade para ganhar o lucro. Quando ouvi isso, a unica coisa que me veio `a mente foi: Benvindo ao capitalismo meu amigo!

Nossos executivos tao espertos criaram a situacao no nosso mercado de construcao. E o Partido Republicano deveria ficar mais atento se o indicado dele for o Mitt Romney. Isso eh apenas um alerta. Eles foram quem puzeram o povo para baixo. Eles jogaram nossa nacao no fundo do poco. E como nao estavamos preparados, nao podemos sair sozinhos. Os estrangeiros estao nos ajudando. Nao importa qual seja o motivo deles. Se eles nao fizerem isso nossa situacao podera piorar. Ser contra nesse caso me parece a imitacao de um cao raivoso que morde a quem o tenta ajudar.

O outro tipo de investimento eh o que se chama no Brasil de sacoleiro. A pessoa viaja como turista mas as visitas sao mais aos brechos que qualquer outra coisa. Algo que esta ajudando muito aos sacoleiros eh justamente a presenca de parentes por aqui. E nao importa se os relativos sao considerados legais ou sem documentos. Quanto menos se gasta em hotels, restaurantes, taxis e outros, mais se gasta com as sacolas.

O sacoleiro volta ao Brasil e vende parte da bagagem. Assim ganha dinheiro suficiente para pagar pela visita e ajunta dinheiro para a proxima ou, inclusive, passa a viver disso. Onde esta a magica nisso? Simples. Um tenis que nos compramos aqui por US$ 50.00 pode ser vendido por US$ 180.00 no Brasil. Desde que a pessoa nao pague impostos brasileiros por isso, porque passa a bagagem como pertences pessoais, fica facil viver disso. Mas isso so eh possivel por causa das particularidades do mercado brasileiro. O que vai do exterior eh mais desejado e o sistema de impostos brasileiros eh tao irreal que isso faz roupas, calcados, eletronicos e outros tao caros que qualquer lixo vira luxo.

Deixem-nos exercitarmos as mentes com relacao `a situacao dos imigrantes sem documentos e que os candidatos do partido republicano planejam deportar esses “criminosos”. Desculpem-me. Tenho pena desses que odeiam os imigrantes sem documentos e tenho vontade de rir quando falam disso, pensando que estao fazendo algo de bom. Como disse antes, meu riso nao eh de prazer. E como se alguem tivesse quebrado as costelas e ri de outra coisa qualquer. Quanto mais se ri mais machuca. Mas nao da para ficar sem rir porque a vida sem risos machuca ainda mais.

Quando a ex-candidata, Michele Bachamann, anunciou o plano dela de usar mais de 100 bilhoes de dolares para deportar todos os imigrantes sem documentos dos Estados Unidos eu disse para mim mesmo: Esta ai alguem que nao sabe nem quando esta com fome! Mas os outros candidatos, inclusive os quatro restantes, nao estao tao longe de falar a mesma bobagem. A unica diferenca eh que, Ron Paul evita falar mais no assunto; e Gingrich sabe muito bem que essa eh uma forma errada de tratar do assunto mas esta vendo primeiro se consegue ser apontado como candidato antes de falar a serio do assunto. Os dois agem de forma politicamente quietos.

Tomemos de novo a imagem da nossa piramide para explicar algo mais. Qualquer profissional da construcao poderia confirmar que, a piramide precisa ser construida em medidas exatas ou nao dura muito. Estou considerando o material usado pelos egipcios para construir os monumentos que testemunharam mais de 40 seculos da Historia Humana. Se os angulos do topo `a base nao forem corretos, a pressao ira provocar o colapso do predio. E a base eh o componente fundamental que o faz permanecer erguido e seguro. As piramides precisam ser construidas como tetraedricos perfeitos.

Os candidatos republicanos tem descrito as entradas dos imigrantes sem documentos como pela porta dos fundos. Nao eh verdade. A minha entrada pode ser descrita dessa forma porque eu tinha visto e quase fui convidado a ficar. De um modo geral, quando um rico chama um servical para ir `a casa dele a entrada se da pela porta dos fundos. A porta da frente eh reservada para os pares dele.

Os que chegaram sem visto tem a entrada melhor descrita como por debaixo da cerca. Ou sobre a cerca. “Quando a cerca for eletrificada” sera so por debaixo. E esse povo humilde somente entrou porque o povo americano estava tao apressado para formar uma piramide maior que os americanos que ocupavam a base comecaram a subir. E isso criou espacos. Os administradores perceberam o que estava acontecendo mas falharam por nao criarem um sistema organizado de entrada a quem chegava. E isso nao eh segredo para ninguem.

O Canada por exemplo, ja ha muito tempo, tem sua propria maneira de dar boas vindas aos recem-chegados. La tem um sistema em que o estrangeiro pode ser admitido atraves de pontuacao. Se se conhece uma profissao, conhece uma das linguagens locais e outros criterios, a pessoa vai juntando pontos ao curriculo. E a partir de certa quantidade de pontos o estrangeiro eh legalizado.

O que aconteceu nos Estados Unidos eh isso, eles nao ofereceram um oriente aos recem-chegados pobres, porem, ignoraram sua presenca em nosso pais abertamente. Tambem, quando o povo republicano acusa aos imigrantes sem documentos de serem ilegais ou criminosos eles deveriam saber que os mesmos sem documentos foram usados e abusados por republicanos. Esse eh um problema que vem de longe e tivemos oito anos de um presidente republicano, a saber: George W. Bush, que foi incapaz de consertar o problema durante seus dois governos. O povo sem documentos nesse pais nao eh autor, porem, eh vitima desse esquema piramidal monstruoso.

Os imigrantes sem documentos preencheram os espacos vagos em nossa piramide e desde entao sao aqueles que a sustentam alta e segura. O plano mencionado pela Michele Backamann de deportar todos os imigrantes sem documentos eh o maior tiro no proprio pe que ja ouvi falar. Se eu fosse terrorista ou simpatizante da Al Qaeda no tempo dos ataques de 11 de setembro eu sugeriria a eles, ao contrario, criar uma situacao que poderia espantar todos os imigrantes para longe dos Estados Unidos. Nunca falei disso antes porque temia dar tal ideia ao inimigo mas desde que o Partido Republicano e a administracao Obama tem feito justamente isso ate agora, me sinto livre para falar disso.

Basta olharmos os numeros para vermos isso melhor. Se temos 12 milhoes ou mesmo 10 milhoes de imigrantes sem documentos agora e envia-los de volta `as suas casas, qual seriam as consequencias disso? Nao desejo entrar em detalhes. Repetirei o endereco: Citarei no presente apenas um minimo do que aconteceria depois. Primeiramente seria o mesmo que esvaziar varios estados do nosso pais. Aqui no Nordeste seria como expulsar toda a populacao de Massachusetts e Connecticut (10 milhoes) mais Vermont e Maine (para somarmos 12 milhoes).

Nossa piramide iria desmoronar como se fosse um castelo de cartas. E eh muito prematuro pensar que mandar os sem documentos embora seria o fim das coisas ruins que aconteceriam a nos. Nao ha uma ideia precisa de quantos profissionais americanos perderiam seus trabalhos. Pelo menos 10 milhoes de pessoas tem que dar empregos numerosos a medicos, professores, policiais, bombeiros, motoristas de onibus e tudo o mais nesse entremeio.

O argumento mais razoavel que eu ouvi ate agora veio de um deputado por Nova Iorque. Ouvi a entrevista mas nao memorizei o nome dele. O que sei eh que ele se declarou pertencer `a fe judaica. Entao ele disse que, em minhas palavras: “Isso nao eh uma questao deles precisarem de nos porque nos precisamos deles. Essa eh uma situacao matematica obvia.

Nossa populacao sem imigrantes esta diminuindo. Eles sao os que estao balanceando nossa equacao. Nos nao somente precisamos legaliza-los como tambem oferecer oportunidades aos filhos deles de subir mais e mais. Eles precisam ir `as universidades. Eles sao nossa esperanca. Eles precisam ter empregos bem pagos no futuro nao longe dagora, porque serao eles que irao pagar pela nossa cobertura social. Se nao forem eles, todos os aposentados irao arrepender-se. Serao eles que contribuirao para a nossa aposentadoria.”

Possivelmente isso nao interessa ao Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum e Newt Gingrich. Eles nao planejam depender da previdencia social para as aposentadorias deles. Mas nos, os 99% de nossa populacao, nao podemos ter a mesma certeza disso. A deportacao de tal populacao, para eles, nao passa de um caso de dar-nos tiros nos pes, nao nos deles proprios. Quanto mais eu penso no problema mais me assombro com a auto intitulacao do Mitt Romney de ser o unico com conhecimento economico para liderar nosso pais. Nao sei de onde ele tirou essa ideia de conhecer algo se os fatos matematicos estao na cara dele e as propostas dele sao tao anti-logicas.

Recentemente assisti a outra entrevista na CNN. O entrevistado era autor de um livro. Se lembro bem o nome do livro era: “Como o Bebe Jesus Salvara a America”. O titulo se refere ao nome Jesus ser o mais popular para meninos latinos. Hoje-em-dia eh o nome mais comum para nenens nascidos nos Estados Unidos. Ele salientou que Mohammed tambem eh um dos mais populares nomes de criancas aqui. Entao, nos temos que deixar qualquer preconceiro fora de nossa equacao de patriotadas porque os nossos descendentes irao herdar os gens dessa populacao recem-chegada. O melhor eh cuidarmos bem de todos porque estariamos fazendo um grande favor`a nossa propria descendencia.

O autor desse livro tambem salientou que, na economia moderna nada eh mais precioso que bebes. Bebes sao o futuro de qualquer nacao. E as politicas mais defendidas pelo time republicano, principalmente pelos estados da fronteira mexicana, endocadas pelos candidatos republicanos, tem sido a receita certa para desmantelar a nossa economia dagora para o futuro. Se de uma forma o governo do Obama perseguiu os imigrantes, pelo menos ele colocou parte da legislacao na espera. A opiniao que o Mitt Romney apresentou eh a de fazer a vida dos imigrantes aqui tao insuportavel que prefeririam deportar-se voluntariamente. Mas o que tem sido feito ja esta causando exatamente isso.

Eu ja contei a respeito do meu amigo Richard que voluntariamente voltou ao Brasil. Richard levou para o Brasil sua filha unica. Jose esta planejando levar os tres filhos de sua ex-namorada. E isso nao eh tudo. Em 2.010 meu vizinho e amigo de longa data levou para la outras tres criancas. O que eh diferente neste caso? Meu vizinho eh cidadao e as criancas sao todas americanas. Casos como este temos muitos e o numero de criancas americanas que conheco e estao sendo levadas para o Brasil podem ser contadas `as duzias. E nao sou assistente social ou alguem outro que conheca muita gente para apontar dados exatos do que os Estados Unidos ja estao perdendo em capital de bebes.

Mitt Romney tambem sugeriu uma suposta lei de legalizacao que obrigaria aos interessados na legalizacao voltarem e aguardarem numa fila imaginaria antes de serem legalizados para, entao, reentrar aqui legalmente. Essa ideia eh tao boba que se eu fosse presidente de alguma firma e algum dos meus subordinados apresentassem tal sugestao em relacao aos empregados como assunto serio, eu o despediria com grande prazer. E olha que so de falar em despedir alguem ja me da calafrios porque nao tenho prazer de despedir ninguem nem em imaginacao.

Eu conheco pessoas que aceitaram voltar para esperar a legalizacao delas e estao arrependidas. Elas nao esperavam tanta demora e alguem esta por la ha anos sem nenhuma resposta positiva. Inclusive tem alguem que retornou secretamente. Do ponto de vista administrativo nos temos gente demais sem documentos com conhecimento de causa e ja trabalhando. Faltaria inteligencia mandar esse povo voltar imaginando que temos mais gente que estes chegando legalmente. Ate um recem-chegado adquirir a competencia de substituir um bom trabalhador perder-se-a meses, talvez anos, de produtividade. Se eh isso que o Mitt Romney tem a nos ensinar do que ele sabe de “administracao”, ele ja esta despedido e eu votarei no Obama mesmo!

Trabalhei por quase 10 anos na ESP. E confesso que qualquer um poderia substituir-me no meu servico porque nao demandava tamanho conhecimento. Mas mesmo assim, ano-a-ano eu melhorei minha capacidade de faze-lo. No final a minha produtividade ficou mais facil e melhor feita. A pessoa que ensinou-me o trabalho no comeco teria mais a aprender comigo se retornasse para faze-lo. Se eu fosse ensinar o que aprendi nos dias em que sai, o meu discipulo comecaria de um grau mais alto do que quando comecei porque eu desenvolvi meu conhecimento a partir do que aprendi primeiro.

Porem, se todo mundo for mandado embora de forma brusca, ninguem tera o conhecimento e tudo sera iniciado a partir de degraus inferiores. E se alguem retornar `a origem para esperar papeis, o empregador nao podera esperar para ter o trabalho pronto. Entao ele tera que contratar outro empregado. Dai, quando o imigrante retornar, talvez o seu emprego nao estara mais disponivel para ele.

Nem todo americano de nascimento fica muito tempo trabalhando em servicos que sao deixados para os imigrantes sem documentos. Este eh outro problema que leva aos donos de pequenas empresas preferirem empregar imigrantes que conterraneos. Eles nao podem arriscar-se a ter altenancias demasiadas porque isso faz a produtividade diminuir.

Eu ja mencionei o desastre que seria para a industria de construcao se todos os imigrantes sem documentos fossem deportados. Nao quero prolongar o assunto mais. No meu texto indicado acima qualquer um podera buscar mais informacoes. Eu so sei que a deportacao provocaria uma dor alem da imaginacao aos americanos. Seria outro tiro em nossos proprios pes.

Com respeito a esse assunto quero ir alem do nosso tempo. Todo mundo esta focando apenas o presente momento e o que tem sido feito nao eh o suficiente. Temos dois assuntos que irao estragar a nossa economia futura se nao forem resolvidos imediatamente. Estes sao o problema da construcao e do financiamento universitario. Alguns dias atras o candidato Rick Santorum debochou do presidente Obama porque ele disse que todo mundo deveria entrar nas universidades para ter uma profissao. Santorum duvida porque pensa que sempre teremos a extratificacao chamada de classe D em nossa sociedade. Penso que Obama esta enxergando alem do nosso tempo. E ate ha pouco tempo atras somente os visionarios enxergavam que hoje nos precisariamos uma educacao melhor. E foi porque nao nos preparamos antes que o nosso sistema escolar esta se esfarelando todo.

Para resolver-se isso de uma vez por todas eu proporia a criacao de um fundo permanente. E nao quero saber o que os conservadores pensarao a este respeito, porque o poria como obrigatorio. E toda crianca nascida nos Estados Unidos receberia o direito de ter uma conta para sua casa propria e seu diploma. Isso seria retirado dos pagamentos dos pais para ser depositado, porem, nos casos de pessoas num determinado grau de pobreza, os depositos seriam retirados de um fundo governamental. No fim o deposito para cada crianca seria calculado para, na hora certa, as criancas terem o total necessario para a universidade e para comprar uma primeira casa.

Alguem podera argumentar que alguns jamais irao `a universidade. E outros serao mesmo incapacitados de tal maneira que nem poderao ser responsaveis por casa alguma. Sem problemas. E ainda diria que, outros ainda irao morrer antes da necessidade. Eh vero! Mas o uso do dinheiro pode ser flexibilizado segundo a situacao. Mesmo os casais poderiam escolher usar uma parte para a compra de uma casa e a outra para comecar um negocio em familia. E se o dinheiro de todo nao tiver uso, podera ser usado para as aposentadorias. O sentido da ideia eh nao deixar para depois o que pode ser feito ja.

Nao penso que estejamos sendo inteligentes o suficiente permitindo que nossas criancas tenham duas dividas grandes ja no inicio de suas vidas. Isto esta tornando as pessoas escravas dos bancos. E isso esta fazendo diminuir a criatividade da nossa juventude.

Dito isso, qual seria a alternativa? Penso que podemos enxergar isso desde agora. Temos visto nossos filhos voltando para as casas dos pais. A maioria da prole atual esta sendo obrigada a viver mais tempo com os pais. Nao penso que isso eh sempre algo ruim. Isso sempre sera ruim quando se da por necessidade e nao por escolha.

Nos precisamos somente projetar o nosso pensamento um pouco alem do nosso tempo para enxergar o que acontecera depois. Agora nos estamos ajudando a nossos filhos. Mas os que perderao os pais nesse intervalo poderao nao ter condicoes de manter a casa. E se colocarmos em pratica a alternativa republicana, nossa recessao se prolongara mais que o esperado por alguns e sera pior. Dai eu sugiro, a quem quizer, fazer uma visitinha ao Rio de Janeiro. Vao ver o que no Brasil eh chamada de Cidade Maravilhosa. So nao se esquecam de olhar de perto as favelas porque esta sera a alternativa a nao criarmos o fundo social. Mas atentem para isso: o fundo social que proponho assegurara nao apenas `a populacao mas tambem a industria de construcao e o amago da nossa civilizacao. O nosso conhecimento.

Nao sei dizer como os outros americanos estao compreendendo a proposta republicana em fazer o governo ficar menor. Para mim parece uma pegadinha, um cavalo de Troia ou, modernamente falando, um virus. Os republicanos difundiram a ideia de que o governo eh o nosso inimigo. E tem muita gente ai engolindo a isca. Eles estao apresentando como se nosso povo precisasse ser contra o governo e um governo menor seria melhor para o povo.

Somando a isso eles tambem defendem a ideia de que a economia precise ser emancipada do que chamam de excessiva intromissao do governo. Ainda andam dizendo que o governo esta tornando dificil os ricos ficarem mais ricos para investirem na criacao de empregos. Eu diria que, muitas pessoas estao defendendo tal ideia sem exercitar melhor as mentes em relacao `as consequencias disso. Inclusive penso que, tem gente honesta demais se passando por inocente util nesse assunto. Mas como os brasileiros costumam dizer: “De boas intencoes o inferno esta cheio”.

Direi apenas isso, se todos fossem santos para que teriamos leis? A lei nao foi feita para pessoas boas mas para previnir que pessoas ruins tomem o poder. Imaginemos que todas as pessoas ricas em nosso meio sejam pessoas boas e incapazes de causar qualquer mal a nos. E tambem que seja por causa disso que estejam desconfortaveis com tanta legislacao desde que elas nao precisam disso para comportarem. Dai, o que nos garante que em meio `a proxima geracao nao surgirao os maus?

Todo mundo ja ouviu o velho ditado de que umas poucas macas podres acabam estragando todo o cesto de frutas. Em nosso caso, um governo pequeno, somado a uns poucos poderosos ricos macas podres podem ser desastrosos para a populacao toda. Os americanos estao agindo igual aos brasileiros nesse assunto. Eles estao se excluindo da funcao de governar como se o governo fosse uma entidade separada do povo.

O governo somos “Nos, o povo”. “Nos, o povo” nao podemos permitir a outros tomarem nosso governo como refem. Precisamos ser o governo mesmo que a cada quatro anos a gente selecione alguns para representar-nos, e nao podemos esquecer que nossos representantes irao fazer a nossa vez. Entao, se nao fizerem o que queremos eh nosso direito nao reelege-los no proximo pleito.

A democracia eh a nossa unica esperanca. E “Nos o povo” agindo como governo precisamos eleger pessoas que nos defenderao porque sozinhos nao somos nada. Nos, os 99% outros, so temos poder se nos juntarmos. E o governo democratico eh nosso poder. Precisamos de um governo forte nao para nos comandar a fazer o que nao queremos. Precisamos dele como um escudo contra a esperteza dos outros.

Imaginem so, amanha teremos um governo minimo e fraco. E tambem uma pequena minoria mandona com todo o poder do dinheiro nas maos. Alem disso, toda a desregulamentacao que o Partido Republicano esta pedindo. E que poderemos fazer? Muita coisa mas penso que as consequencias sempre serao desastrosas em todos os casos. Nos estaremos apenas repetindo a escrita. Qualquer um pode lembrar-se o que aconteceu ao povo quando uma Igreja poderosa na Era Medieval estava na posicao de ter todo o poder nas maos de poucos. Tambem quando a nobreza e os reis tomaram todo o poder para si mesmos.

O problema com a desregulamentacao combinada com governo menor eh que, isso poria uma minoria nos dirigindo sem ser eleita. Entao, se nao gostarmos nao teremos o poder do voto para retira-la. O que “Nos o povo” poderiamos fazer era comecar outra revolucao correndo o risco de ser massacrados. Porem, se formos inteligentes, podemos evitar um confronto desde ja, dizendo nao a tal proposta. Precisamos de um equilibrio melhor de poderes. O governo precisa ser nosso escudo, nao o nosso senhor. E o povo rico precisa se satisfazer com o poder do dinheiro e nao tentar morder pedacos maiores que a garganta.

Se eu fosse super rico como alguns nesse pais eu me poria na linha de frente para evitar tal situacao. Eu concordaria com todas as regulamentacoes justas, sem tentar interferir com os assuntos governamentais, a nao ser para ficar do lado do povo, e ficar feliz por ser capaz de fazer minhas contribuicoes. Um governo moderadamente forte tambem eh um bom escudo para os ricos.

Nos sabemos que a nossa situacao economica hoje nasceu de decisoes erradas tomadas pelo governo do Bush. Sim, isso esta mais claro do que cristal de que o que temos agora eh consequencia do que se fez no governo anterior. E se pode dizer mais. Todos os primeiros governos de um novo presidente serao consequencias do trabalho desenvolvido antes. E podemos ver todos os dados de desemprego desde o atual ate a administracao do John F. Kennedy para entendermos o que esta nos acontecendo. Kennedy passou ao Lyndon Johnson um recorde nao tao bom mas o que havia sido preparado funcionou. O desemprego caiu para 3,6% em 1.968.

Dai passou-se para o Nixon, o Ford e o Carter. Neste ponto o indice de desemprego foi crescendo ate o pique de 9.7% em 1.982. Os republicanos estao nostalgicos com respeito ao governo Regan mas o Carter tinha tomado um chutao no traseiro porque pos a mao na combuca que o Gerard Ford tinha deixado para ele. Mas o Carter foi o responsavel por controlar a situacao e mesmo passando um indice de 9.7% de desemprego o sucesso do primeiro governo do Regan foi gracas ao controle. Regan ganhou a reeleicao mas nao foi capaz de reduzir o indice para menos que 5.3%.

E Bush, o pai, fez-nos o presente de grego de deixar-nos uma taxa de 6.9% de desemprego no ultimo ano dele, em 1.993. Mesmo assim eu atribuo a ele o preparo que possibilitou ao Bill Clinton ter sucesso no primeiro governo. Porem parece que o Bill Clinton fez um bom trabalho tambem no segundo governo dele porque deixou a funcao com respeitaveis 4.0% de desemprego. Apesar disso, o povo americano elegeu o republicano Bush, o filho, que decidiu enfiar-nos em duas guerras desnecessarias ao mesmo tempo, e deixou o caximbo cair depois de nao regulamentar as palhacadas feitas na Wall Street, etc.

O resultado disso nos estamos sofrendo agora, dia e noite. E se fizermos uma analise dos dados encontraremos a correlacao dos fatos. Parece que guerras nos trazem desemprego. E isso eh suposto acontecer mesmo. Se ficarmos concentrados no fazer guerras nao podemos usar nossas reservas para criarmos empregos porque nunca se sabe o quanto iremos precisar para sustenta-las. E, tambem, enquanto a gente esta destruindo os outros paises, eles nao serao bons mercados para nos porque a destruicao traz apenas pobreza para eles.

Assim, o que temos agora ainda sao consequencias do governo George W. Bush. E os candidatos republicanos, inclusive o Ron Paul, estao dizendo que, os emprestimos `a Wall Street e `a autoindustria sao a causa do problema. Eles pensam que somos trouxas! Os emprestimos foram tao ruins quanto os remedios contra o cancer. Sou medico e sei alguma coisa a respeito do mal que os remedios causam aos pacientes. Eu nao recomendaria a ninguem tomar remedios, a menos que seja estritamente necessario. A gente toma remedio segundo a equacao: custos/beneficios. Se a alternativa a nao tomar o remedio eh a morte, entao, eu preferiria o remedio.

Se o senador McCain tivesse sido eleito, ou mesmo qualquer um dos quatro pre-candidatos do time republicano de 2.012 fosse presidente logo apos ao desastroso governo Bush, eles nao pensariam duas vezes em emprestar para a Wall Street e tudo o mais. Eles sabem que o futuro do partido estaria na balanca. Nenhum partido resistira `a nostalgia de nao se ter mais a auto industria americana. Eles nao sobreviveriam aos milhoes a mais de desempregados que a alternativa sem emprestimos causaria.

Mesmo assim, nos podemos enxergar como um governo pode ser um bom escudo para os ricos. A ira contra a nossa situacao economica poderia ter sido direcionada toda contra a Wall Street. Mas o governo esta levando a parte dele tambem. Eh melhor para os ricos ter um governo forte que se ponha entre eles e a massa enfurecida. Senao!

Os candidatos republicanos estao defedendo a diminuicao dos impostos para os ricos dizendo que isso os fara mais ricos e iria criar mais empregos para os pobres. Essa eh a maior conversa fiada que ja ouvi na vida. Desde que se eh rico ja se usa os elevadores que so comecam a partir do milesimo andar da piramide. Eles nao precisam dessa ajuda de “Nos o povo”.

Precisamos verificar quais sao as obrigacoes do governo. E estou falando a respeito de todos os niveis de governo, desde as pequenas cidades ate Washington. Voce ve os ricos pagando pela escola primaria, levando servicos basicos para onde nao da lucro ou mesmo pagando para asfaltar nossas estradas? Eh dito que estes servicos sao oferecidos pelo governo ao povo. Mas nao eh. Eles sao providos pelo povo para o uso comum de todos. Tenho duas criancas na escola publica. E sei que estou pagando pelo asfalto da frente da minha casa atraves dos impostos da casa e dos carros que pago. E algumas vezes eu preciso ir a Boston usando a via publica para levar meus filhos ou eu mesmo a consultas medicas.

Mas os ricos precisam disso mais que eu. Se eu nao tivesse escolha eu poderia ir a Boston a pe. Nossos ancestrais fizeram isso por seculos. Mas eu iria rir ao ver os ricos transportando as mercadorias deles de costa a costa sem a ajuda do povo. O povo paga pela escola publica. E nos nos acostumamos a pensar que estamos fazendo algo bom por nos mesmos. E isso eh verdade. Mas os ricos precisam da nossa escola para ficarmos mais informados e inteligentes para que eles tenham melhores empregados e melhor mercado consumidor para transferirem riquezas para eles. Algumas vezes nos usamos os beneficios governamentais e os ricos os usam todo o tempo. Entao, por que eles ganhariam impostos menores e nos nao? Pelo menos, por que todos nos nao pagamos o justo desde que todos dependemos dos beneficios de viver em sociedade?

Nao sou contra aos ricos serem ricos. O que nao gosto eh de injustica. Eu so penso que os ricos sao insubstituiveis como seres humanos mas o dinheiro deles nao. E precisamos de um exemplo para eu explicar-me melhor. Imaginem se as multinacionais desaparecerem e os ricos nao tiverem mais o dinheiro. Porem nos conservariamos nosso conhecimento, as estruturas basicas e o nivel economico de agora, so excluindo mesmo os ricos e os emprestimos do governo.

O que aconteceria logo depois seria uma explosao da economia onde a classe dos ricos seria substituida por uma classe media mais elevada. Contudo, se continuarmos com as mesmas regras de hoje, logo outra classe de ricos surgiria de novo. Isso nao eh pegadinha, eh a pura realidade. Corte de impostos dos ricos nao cria mais empregos, cria somente pessoas mais ricas. E desafio a qualquer matematico a provar o contrario. Corte dos impostos eh o elevador que somente os ricos podem usar para atingir o topo do esquema piramidal.

Aqui, na base da piramide o jogo eh completamente diferente. E somente por coincidencia eu tenho um exemplo pessoal disso. Tenho amigos que comentaram isso comigo antes mas nao prestei muita atencao porque pensei que nao chegaria a minha vez. E o fato eh este: minha familia usava o seguro saude do governo porque somos uma familia de baixa renda. E no ano passado nos subimos nossa declaracao para 35 mil. 35 mil, nao milhoes (Essa eh uma referencia `a declaracao do Mitt Romney). Para uma familia de quatro pessoas.

No mes passado chegaram as mas noticias. Minha esposa e eu tivemos nossa cobertura diminuida. Agora precisaremos pagar uma taxa em todas as visitas medicas, hospitalares e `as farmacias. Os jovens nao compreendem a situacao porque eles raramente adoecem e tem energia para passar para frente. Mas o que fizemos eh mais ou menos US$ 100.00/mes a mais que a quantidade que nos permitiria ter uma cobertura completa. Ai a situacao caiu no estagio seguinte.

Eu tenho glaucoma e colesterol alto. Terei que pagar taxas no meu suplemento mensal de remedios. Se for atendido pelo clinico geral, ver os varios especialistas que estou sujeito e, somente em caso de, ser atendido na emergencia o que `as vezes acontece, poderei ter que gastar bem mais do que os 100 dolares/mes. Visitar o dentista sera um luxo acima do alcance. E nao estou incluindo as necessidades da minha esposa. Ela, ocasionalmente, precisa ir ao medico e tomar algum remedio. A quentinha d’agora eh que uma coroa dela caiu e ela pensa ser vergonhoso demais nao recoloca-la. Eu preferirei ficar sem o servico porque: “quem pode, pode…”

Cade o meu furo legal? Infelizmente tera que ser nao ir ao medico, mesmo que a vida correr certo risco. Se eu sofrer algo mais simples para um comeco, vou esperar chegar ao ponto de nao poder evitar buscar ajuda. E isso nao eh hipotese. Terei que faze-lo porque nao ha alternativa. Entao, a defesa dos impostos menores para os ricos apresentada pelos candidatos republicanos esta me forcando a votar contra eles. Nao porque nao goste dos candidatos republicanos ou das pessoas ricas mas porque nao consigo ver como a proposta deles ira dar aos idosos qualquer escapatoria.

Ja havia escrito todo esse capitulo e agora o estava corrigindo. Resolvi introduzir esses paragrafos porque algo mais aconteceu. Hoje eh 12 de marco de 2012, segunda-feira. No final da semana anterior eu estava com tanta raiva que nao quiz escrever. Tenho procurado ser neutro. Nao quero que a raiva me conduza.

Com a mudanca do nosso plano de saude ouve uma confusao. Eu ja havia marcado uma consulta no mes anterior. Tive que muda-la para este mes. Assim, tive que esticar por mais um mes uma situacao desconfortavel. Como se diz no Brasil, um incomodo. Fiz uma primeira consulta ao medico que fora aprovado pelo plano anterior. E marcamos uma cirurgia para amanha. Coisa simples. Dai veio uma carta do plano atual anunciando que o meu requerimento de consulta havia sido negado porque o medico nao era associado ao plano.

A primeira consequencia eh que eu serei obrigado a pagar toda a primeira consulta. A segunda foi passar pela situacao humilhante de cancelar a cirurgia. Nao vou dizer o que foi mas a cirurgia corrigiria algo que tem me causado tanta humilhacao que eu quase paguei os US$ 125,00 que a cirurgia no consultorio medico me custaria. Somente nao o fiz porque nao aceitavam o meu cartao de credito. A rejeicao acabou levando-me a concluir que nao fara muita diferenca passar um pouco mais de humilhacao e trocar o atual medico por outro que esteja nos quadros do plano.

Para mim sera uma perda. Mas como sou perdedor mesmo, ja estou acostumado. Mas havera uma perda para a populacao do estado. Quando conversei a primeira vez com o primeiro medico ele queria fazer a cirurgia no hospital. Quando questionei quanto eu teria que pagar por isso ele informou-me que teria que pagar uma taxa do hospital. So entao ele revelou que a cirurgia poderia ser feita ambulatorial, assim eu economisaria a taxa hospitalar. Com a mudanca de plano nao sei se terei a mesma chance de pedir o mais barato.

De qualquer forma as pessoas deveriam refletir melhor. O que sera melhor para a sociedade como um todo, continuar produzindo mais perdedores como eu e poucos vencedores ou apostar na reducao de perdedores? Para mim a melhor resposta eh buscar uma sociedade em que todos tenham oportunidades iguais de se tornarem vencedores. Eh preciso buscar condicoes de produzir vencedores e vencedores, nao importando o lado da nossa militancia. Quanto menos perdedores tivermos mais justa sera a nossa sociedade. Nao penso que uma sociedade pode esperar durar muito enquanto essa sociedade continuar deixando atrasadas mais e mais pessoas.

O que eu estava falando antes era que, alguns de meus amigos tinham comentado isso. Inclusive um deles simplesmente pediu demissao de um trabalho de meio tempo porque ele estava dando dor de cabeca. Ele tinha que trabalhar 10 horas por semana, usando o carro, para ganhar mais US$ 5.000,00/ano. E estava pagando mais ou menos a mesma coisa de imposto de renda. Ele largou o trabalho, as dores de cabeca sumiram e ainda ganhou alguma restituicao. Assim ele concluiu: “De graca nao trabalho mais para o governo!”

Este eh o fato: “Nos o povo” inves de termos um elevador temos uma barreira economica para nao alcancarmos o topo da piramide. Para chegarmos la precisamos, como dizem os brasileiros, “dar um paco maior que as pernas.” De 30 mil temos que saltar, pelo menos, para 70 mil/ano para se ter condicoes de pagar um seguro privado e tudo o mais que a vida exige da classe media. Nao podemos andar passo-a-passo. E sabemos disso, a menos que se ganhe na loteria, nao estao se fazendo muitos milagres economicos por aqui mais.

Os candidatos republicano podem nao estar querendo isso mas o que estao tentando criar ira nos dar um quarto poder de governo. Tradicionalmente nos temos: legislativo, executivo e judiciario. Os tres poderes precisam estar em equilibrio para nossa democracia funcionar direito. Mas os candidatos republicanos estao tentando criar o poder dos super ricos que dominaria os outros sem precisar ser eleito. Este eh um esquema historicamente falho. E eh onde o passado e o presente se encontrariam.

Outra gafe dos tres patetas do time do Partido Republicano eh o desejo de comecar uma guerra comercial dizendo que eles trarao de volta os empregos exportados para o exterior. Eu compreendo que isso eh campanha, dai os candidatos falam pelos cotovelos porque querem ganhar a maioria dos votos mas isso nao se casa com a realidade. Primeiramente porque se os negocios estiverem indo bem no exterior estarao cumprindo a funcao social de distribuicao de renda. Produzindo-se sociedades mais ricas no exterior significara que estamos fortalecendo as bases da nossa propria piramide porque os mercados enriquecidos comprarao mais de nos.

Se trouxermos os empregos de volta sem oferecer alternativa aos outros para manter a renda deles ira diminuir nossa lista de clientes. Tambem ira aumentar o ressentimento contra nos. Dai para frente devemos esperar qualquer coisa menos cooperacao entre nos. O proximo passo sera a aplicacao da reciprocidade. Talvez os candidatos republicanos nao saibam o que a palavra significa porque eles estao somente transmitindo o carater de arrogancia onde eles pensam: Nos somos tudo e o resto do mundo eh nosso quintal.

Traduzamos isso em linhas mais simples. Quando comecarmos a trazer de volta os empregos que supostamente exportamos, o mundo podera comecar a ter o mesmo direito de reclamar os empregos exportados para os Estados Unidos. Alguem podera dizer que: Esse cara eh doido ao falar assim porque nunca ouvimos falar de empregos nos Estados Unidos que vieram dos outros paises. Mas estes estao se esquecendo que somos movidos a materias primas que nos chegam do mundo. E o povo do mundo pode comecar a cortar o suprimento. Vamos mencionar apenas petroleio e ferro.

(Nota: hoje, 13 de marco de 2.012, vi no noticiario a mencao de que estao tentando mover uma acao comercial contra a China porque ela esta diminuindo a exportacao de “terras raras”, minerais dos quais a China eh responsaveis por 99% do comercio internacional e materia prima para fabricar produtos de alta tecnologia. Essa ja deve ser uma pequena amostra do que se dara numa guerra comercial).

Os outros paises poderao nos dizer que irao deixar de mandar estes materiais para nos e irao processa-lo eles mesmos. Se quizermos a partir de agora teremos que comprar os subprodutos das materias primas nao mais elas proprias. E os conservadores poderao dizer: voce eh hilario. Eles nao possuem a tecnologia e os especialistas para fazer isso. Mas o mundo podera responder: Ta resolvido. Te damos duas opcoes. Primeiramente voce podera esperar ate nos desenvolvermos a tecnologia para fazer o trabalho. A segunda eh trazerem a tecnologia e alguns especialistas para liderar-nos no que faremos. A escolha eh sua. Senao, podemos tambem buscar especialistas em outros paises.

O plano republicano de trazer de volta os empregos para os Estados Unidos eh como um aviao que saiu da California para Nova Iorque e acabou em Chicago. Dai eles querem levantar voo de novo porque imaginam que conhecem o caminho. Mas eles acabarao no meio do Oceano Atlantico e sem combustivel. Pensam que o problema esta apenas no piloto mas os instrumentos falharam. Eh preciso consertar os instrumentos. E a seguir ajudar ao resto do mundo sair da pobreza porque esta eh a via que aumenta a base da piramide e a estabiliza.

Que o leitor use boa imaginacao para calcular quantos bons empregos a mais nos perderiamos se comercarmos um cabo de guerra contra o resto do mundo! So penso que, nao ha nada mais anti-America que certo tipo de candidatos americanos. E a reducao de impostos para os ricos pode tambem ser entendida como aumento de propina.

Logo apos escrever este capitulo estou retornando para comentar a respeito do que acaba de acontecer nos Estados Unidos. Ontem o presidente Obama recebeu o primeiro ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netaniahu, para dialogos. Israel esta ameacando atacar ao Iram como forma de previnir que o pais arabe adquira armas nucleares porque isso poderia ser usado em ataques terroristas. O presidente Obama assegurou a ele que os Estados Unidos estarao ao lado de Israel mas espera que as pressoes economicas causarao efeito e farao o Iran permitir `a comunidade internacional monitorar as usinas nucleares.

Porem o Partido Republicano esta fazendo pressao no presidente Obama para comecar jogos de guerra contra Iran e Siria. O ex-candidato do partido, senador McCain, ja esta pedindo ataques aereos contra a Siria e os Tres Patetas candidatos ja ate declararam guerra ao Iran. Estao irresponsavelmente falando de guerra porque eles nao terao a responsabilidade de tal decisao sobre os ombros. O que eles querem eh apenas ganhar os votos do eleitorado republicano mais conservador. Mas nos podemos exercitar nossas mentes para vermos as consequencias. Digamos, se nos comecarmos uma guerra contra o Iran agora, quais serao as consequencias daqui a 40 anos?

Nao precisamos bola de cristal alguma para ver isso. O primeiro ministro israelita deseja fazer um ataque preventivo pensando que isso salvara Israel mas esta totalmente errado. Mesmo que nao se faca nada a unica maneira de evitar-se o que direi agora eh comecar a por em pratica um Plano de Paz entre arabes e judeus e toma-lo como unica salvaguarda para o futuro.

Neste exato momento o presidente Obama esta vulneravel porque ele precisa da reeleicao e o voto dos judeus e dos irresponsaveis que apoiam tudo o que Israel faz sera importante para isso. Mas o que ele precisava fazer era colocar cordas nos pescocos dos lideres de Israel e da Palestina e falar: Vou afrouxar as cordas somente quando os dois lados se beijarem. Depois do beijo ele poderia dizer: Agora eh hora de bater um papo com a Siria e o Iran.

De outra forma, todavia, 40 anos `a frente o petroleo no Oriente Medio sera escasso ou nao existira. E, como os paises ao redor nao terao feito a paz, e estao jogando fora o dinheiro dessa materia prima comprando armamentos, e nao pondo atencao em formas alternativas de viver, a pobreza e desespero tomarao conta do povo. E os problemas voltarao com forca. Primeiramente o povo local ira expulsar qualquer ditador que tenha servido como ponta de lanca do Imperialismo Americano. Isso inclui a familia real saudita e outras.

E o povo voltara os olhos para Israel e Estados Unidos e vera o sucesso deles. E o povo a respeito do qual se diz nao ter memoria comecara a questionar-se: Onde esta o dinheiro que nosso petroleo produziu? Por que os outros o usaram para ficar ricos e nos pegamos apenas as migalhas e, agora, a fome? Isso esta errado. E o desespero o fara fazer algo inimaginavel. Nao importara as bombas atomicas que Israel ja possui.

A situacao ira unir alguns paises muculmanos. Ate o Paquistao, o qual ja tem a bomba atomica. Por falar nisso, o Taliban sera a cabeca deste e talvez outros paises. E o resultado sera como: Israel precisara vencer todas as batalhas. E o outro lado precisara vencer apenas uma. Todavia, o custo para os dois lados sera tao catastrofico que sera como se os dois lados perderam. E pergunte-se a qualquer um: eh justo deixarmos esse destino aos nossos descendentes?

Por enquanto, usemos a situacao para rirmos um pouco. Vendo o Netaniahu vindo beijar as maos do Obama fez-me fazer uma analogia. O que parece eh que a preocupacao americana com respeito a Israel eh tao grande que isso faz daquele pais o quinquagesimo primeiro estado americano. E sua definicao parece-se com: Israel eh uma California distante, cercada por mexicanos muculmanos.

Consequencia parecida podera ser esperada das politicas de deportacao que os principais candidatos do Partido Republicano defendem. Digamos que, nos deportaremos, pelo menos, 10 milhoes de trabalhadores sem documentos para os paises de origem. Para pensar uma loucura dessas, a pessoa tem que estar pensando que: isso nao causaram nenhum estrago `a industria de construcao e aos negocios gerais. Entao, exercitaremos nossas mentes apenas em relacao ao proximo passo que seria essa multidao humana voltando para sua antiga casa.

Outra vez, isso demandaria certa reciprocidade. Primeiramente causaria alguma pobreza nos outros paises porque o numero de trabalhadores nao encontraria empregos. Em segundo plano porque a maioria deles sustenta membros da familia por la e essa ajuda acabara. Automaticamente isso aumentara o ressentimento contra os Estados Unidos. Logo em seguida, alguem tera a “grande ideia” pedir um boicote contra o consumo dos produtos americanos. Caso preciso, havera a substituicao de produtos americanos pelos japoneses e europeus e, inclusive, chineses.

A seguir qualquer um pode visualisar o que vira. O sentimento anti-americano aumentara tanto que a substituicao deixara de ser apenas um instrumento de pressao e tornar-se-a uma doce vinganca. Nao desejo assistir `a Ford no Brasil pular do terceiro lugar como mais comprada para o lugar de inexistencia. E a Coca-Cola ser chutada do resto do mundo, vindo assumir um lugar de companhia nacional americana ana. Nisso milhoes de americanos perderao empregos. E talvez venhamos a ter nossa propria revolucao como as que estao ocorrendo na Primavera Arabe. Nao quero, definitivamente, viver num pais parecido com a Siria atual.

Voce nao imagina como as coisas podem mudar num piscar de olhos. Como diz a sabedoria do Lavoisier: nao podemos tomarmo-nos como insubstituiveis. Isso eh pura arrogancia. Temos de lembrar que, nos dialogos a nivel de pais para pais pode-se dizer algo estupido e depois pedir perdao porque os interesses sao maiores e obedecem a um senso comum. Mas nao podemos dizer que o mesmo se de nos dialogos a nivel em que uma parte eh um governo estrangeiro e a outra eh a populacao de outro pais. Interferir com os interesses do povao resultara numa resposta do povao. E nao ha como controla-lo.

Ha dois anos mais ou menos aconteceu algo comigo que podemos usar no nosso exercicio mental. Eu estava na parada do onibus escolar esperando minha filha e vi uma mulher com tracos orientais. Ela estava vestindo uma camisa com a letras FBI. Nao prestei muita atencao nela porque pensei que fosse alguem diferente de minha cultura. Dias depois minha filha saiu do onibus conversando alto com a filha dela. Captei algumas palavras que a mae falou e percebi que ela tambem era brasileira. Desde entao tornamo-nos amigos porque nao tinhamos a barreira da linguagem. E nossas filhas continuam no melhor da amizade.

O que veio era o que menos eu esperava. Conversando com ela e ouvindo o sotaque perguntei de qual estado do Nordeste Brasileiro ela era. E quase com indignacao ela respondeu-me: “Sou de Sao Paulo!” Tudo estava esquisito antes de ela explicar que os pais dela eram do Nordeste do Brasil realmente. So ai eu consegui entender.

O Estado de Sao Paulo e sua capital Sao Paulo sao tao cosmopolitanos quanto Nova Iorque. E as duas cidades sao quase do mesmo tamanho. Elas possuem Historas semelhantes de imigracoes. E atualmente eh o estado mais populoso do Brasil. Algo em torno de 40 milhoes de pessoas, o que eh um pouquinho mais que um quinto da populacao brasileira. O segundo estado mais populoso eh Minas Gerais com seus 20 milhoes. Juntos eles contam um terco da populacao brasileira.

Porem, Sao Paulo eh muito mais rico. Desde o inicio da industrializacao no Brasil este concentrou a maior parte disso. Entao, do inicio dos anos 1.900 em diante ele atraiu outros brasileiros e povos do exterior. Entre os brasileiros os primeiros a chegar foram os mineiros junto com os medio-orientais, japoneses, italianos, portugueses e todos os outros europeus. Mas a partir da segunda metade do seculo XX se deu a migracao dos nordestinos em maior numero. Com todo o movimento Sao Paulo tomou o titulo de mais populoso do vizinho Minas Gerais.

A populacao do Nordeste Brasileiro eh o mais autentico exemplo de nativo brasileiros. Nisso os nortistas sao comparaveis a eles mas os numeros daqueles sao muito maiores. Normalmente eles sao mistura das racas: africanos e europeus mais uma proporcao maior de nativo-brasileiros. A pele deles eh predominantemente morena. Este eh um sinal do passado e do presente clima, dominado pela luminosidade do sol. A aparencia deles pode ser confundida como a aparencia de outros latinos. Mas o predominio eh mesmo a mistura.

Como o Nordeste Brasileiro sempre sofreu com secas infinitas, o povo foi submetido ao ciclo de ir e vir, da e para a terra nativa. Como a maioria era pobre eles tinham que confrontar o preconceito contra eles dos compatriotas com visual mais europeu. Inclusive ha no Brasil uma minoria no extremo Sul que advoga a ideia besta de criar-se um pais separado, mais puro racialmente, nos Estados do Sul. A minoria propaga que os nordestinos sao os culpados pela pobreza no Brasil.

Mas a populacao de Sao Paulo, getilico paulistas, conhece a importancia dos nordestinos em sua economia. Ela nao saberia viver sem o trabalho duro deles em suas plantacoes de cana, laranja, cafe e na industria da construcao e outras do setor de servicos. E essa populacao esta tao entremeada no componente social do estado que nao se sabe dizer quem eh quem somente pela aparencia.

Isso justifica o meu engano na identificacao da minha amiga. Apos anos vivendo aqui no Nordeste Americano a gente se torna mais desbotados porque nao vemos o sol que estamos acostumados. Mas o que quero dizer com a lembranca dessa passagem da minha vida eh que: Se os americanos desejam manter o titulo de pais mais rico do mundo precisam tambem abrirem-se para um numero maior de imigrantes do mundo inteiro. Nos bem sabemos, os numeros contam.

A China esta chegando com toda a forca e logo pode ultrapassar-nos. Isso nao significa que ira destronar tao cedo o nosso modelo de civilizacao. Mas a medida que ela for ficando mais rica e se fizer o dever de casa direitinho, aplicando a riqueza em educacao de qualidade, pesquisa de tecnologia avancada e dai por diante, nos iremos ficar na poeira. Se tratarmos a populacao do mundo com justica, de forma aos Estados Unidos permanecerem na lideranca, como a locomotiva em um trem, em que os outros participarao das riquezas e dos avancos, nos teremos sucesso. Mas se tratarmos os outros como indesejaveis, eles nos tratarao da mesma maneira. Nao esquecamos do Espelho de Gandhi.

Se nosso poder vem do dinheiro que nos vem do mundo, entao, eh imprescindivel aceitarmos a presenca dos povos do mundo em nossa casa. O povo vai aonde o dinheiro esta, nao apenas para desfruta-lo mas para criar um mercado mais vigoroso. E isso nao eh tudo. Precisamos fazer isso com a participacao de todo mundo, equilibradamente. Para assegurar a permanencia de nossa civilizacao, precisamos partilhar o poder, o conhecimento e a inteligencia com o mundo todo.

Seria mais saudavel criar-se de 5 a 12 setores no globo que funcionaria como uma federacao. O minimo de 5 eh representado pelos continentes: Ameridas do Sul e Norte, Europa, Asia e Africa. Mas Australia, India, Oriente Medio, America Central e Caribe, e tres outros setores tambem completariam tal Federacao. O objetivo disso seria o desenvolvimento da confianca de uns para com os outros e a partilha dos poderes da populacao, da economia e do conhecimento. Pretendo voltar a esse assunto em outro capitulo para esclarecer melhor.

Comentarei algo a respeito da politica atual. A campanha do Partido Republicano esta ficando mais clara. Nao comentei antes mas o candidato Mitt Romney teve quatro vitorias. Incluindo-se Michigan, o torrao dele. Hoje eh 4 de marco. Ontem ele ganhou o Estado de Washington. A vitoria dele no Michigan foi a mais significante. Naquele estado os eleitores podem votar nas primarias dos dois partidos. E como as pesquisas indicavam empate entre Romney e Santorum, surgiu a proposta de os democratas votarem no Santorum porque ele pareceria mais fraco no mano-a-mano contra o presidente Obama.

Para mim o feitico virou contra o feiticeiro de certa forma. Nao penso que isso tenha mobilizado um bom numero de eleitores democratas mas sim dos republicanos. Eh provavel que os indecisos antes de votar decidiram votar no Romney. Isso deu a ele uma vitoria apertada apesar de isso ser o que conta. Penso que nas eleicoes gerais ele podera usar isso dizendo que ele eh o mais elegivel porque venceu os apoiadores do Santorum aliados aos democratas. Aparentemente, os que estao por tras de tal esperteza tentavam por duvida na elegilibilidade do Romney nas eleicoes gerais ao mesmo tempo dar um empurraozinho no senador Santorum, suposto, um adversario mais fraco para o presidente.

Imagino que por tras dessa cena anda outra coisa. Para mim, Mitt Romney eh o candidato mais fraco entre os 4 possiveis. O que ele tem eh o poder do dinheiro mas um curriculo desastroso. Lembram-se quando falei que concordava com o “conversa fiada” dito pelo ex-presidente do Congresso, Newt Gingrich, que o Romney nao tentou a reeleicao em Massachusetts porque nao seria eleito? Eles nunca entraram nos detalhes da questao. Por que? Mas isso sera apresentado nas eleicoes gerais.

Mas, por que espalhar-se que o Rick Santorum eh o mais fraco? No meu ponto-de-vista isso eh verdade. Mas os eleitores do Romney agora sao ideologicos. Eles tem duas coisas na mente. Votar nele porque ele parece ser mais forte. Para estes nao importam os detalhes ideologicos porque eles sabem que o Romney nao eh conservador como o Santorum eh. De qualquer forma, eles votariam em qualquer candidato desde que fosse republicano.

Por outro lado, o eleitorado do Santorum vota por paixao. Eles estao votando nele como uma alternativa ao Mitt Romney porque eles nao gostam do ex-governador de Massachusetts. Dai, uma boa parte deles nao ira votar para ninguem nas eleicoes gerais. Eles votariam no Santorum da mesma forma que o eleitorado do Romney tambem faria, porque querem ver o Obama cair fora, nao importa porque nem para quem.

O negocio eh este, eu acredito que Ron Paul seria o melhor candidato para o lado dos republicanos. Todos os eleitores dos outros votariam nele nas eleicoes gerais. E ele eh o unico que esta levando sangue novo para o Partido Republicano. Ele uniria a vozes. Ele conseguiria inclusive o voto de alguns democratas por causa da decepcao com o Obama.

Mas existe outra esperteza por aqui. E a estoria da Festa no Ceu pode ensinar-nos algo. O jovem talvez nao conheca a estoria e eh melhor resumi-la aqui. Dizia-se que: Teve uma vez uma Festa no Ceu. Todos os animais foram convidados mas somente os que voavam poderiam ir. E o sapo comecou a pensar numa forma de comparecer.

Falando com o amigo urubu ele viu o violao que ele estava levando consigo. Entao, esperou que o urubu distraisse e pulou dentro. Eles tiveram uma boa festa e antes do final o sapo acomodou-se no seu lugar no violao. Voando de volta o urubu sentil o violao pesado e olhou dentro. Ao ver o sapo, ficou furioso e gritou: Vou te soltar para voce esborrachar la em baixo. O sapo implorou mas o urubu nao queria nem saber.

Olhando a Terra, o sapo pediu a palavra. Ta bom, mas eu so queria te fazer um ultimo pedido, nao joga na agua porque morro de medo de afogar-me. Joga-me nas pedras porque morrerei na hora. E o urubu continuava tao furioso que jogou o sapo na agua. E era isso mesmo que o sapo queria.

Parece que aqui temos a mesma situacao. Os democratas estao manobrando os republicanos, fazendo-os fazer o que eles querem. O problema eh este: acontecera o planejado? Nao tenho certeza. Eu jamais votaria para um segundo governo do presidente Bush e pensava que os outros americanos fariam o mesmo. Eu estava errado como posso estar errado na suposicao atual. Somente o tempo dira o que sera. Depois de amanha sera a Super Terca. E, com as ultimas 4 vitorias, os eleitores republicanos poderao ter a impressao de que o Mitt Romney eh uma inevitabilidade. Se for assim, eles lhe darao uma vitoria confortavel na maioria dos 10 estados em disputa, e transformarao a inevitabilidade numa realidade.

O principal problema para o Partido Republicano hoje eh a militancia de extrema direita. Esta pegou o partido como refem e o extremismo esta afastando um bom numero de votos da populacao moderada. Este eh um velho problema sistemico. Algum tempo atras o Partido dos Trabalhadores teve um problema parecido no Brasil. Como ele era um partido da esquerda moderado o problema dele era sua porcao de extrema esquerda. Era uma parte menor no partido mas era a mais ativa economicamente, e com posicoes politicas extremas. O partido perdeu algumas eleicoes por causa do medo que o eleitorado comum tinha de o partido ser comunista como um todo. Somente apos os extremo-esquerdistas serem convidados a sair e constituir os proprios partidos deles foi que o Partido dos Trabalhadores se tornou uma forca competitiva de verdade. O Partido Republicano deveria usar a mesma receita para tornar-se de maior confianca no futuro.

Agora, como Mitt Romney parecer ser a inevitabilidade, falarei a respeito do que penso ser o Tendao de Aquiles dele. Para a surpresa de alguns, eh a associacao dele com a empresa Bain Capital e a carreira meteorica de sucesso. E eu direi porque ele deveria estar envergonhado do sucesso. Para ter sucesso ninguem precisa, necessariamente, tornar-se super rico como muitos pensam. Ter sucesso pode ser algo completamente diferente. Nos temos exemplos de animais que tiveram sucesso por milenios no sobreviver a milhares de desastres naturais. Mas nao sabemos se algum rico sobrevivera `a catastrofe criada por eles proprios.

O problema com algumas pessoas de hoje eh que, elas sabem como ajuntar o dinheiro facilmente e pensam que tem sucesso por isso. E ainda pensam que as outras que nao sabem fazer o mesmo nao tem sucesso ou sao inferiores a elas. Mas o que esta acontecendo eh isso: os auto proclamados de sucesso nao passam de viciados em juntar dinheiro. Isso mesmo! Alguem dira que estou inventando coisa nova, que nao existe, para dar-me razao. Mas eu sei que aquilo que se deseja acima da necessidade, sem uma utilidade organica eh vicio.

So porque dinheiro nao eh alcool, drogas, alimento ou remedio nao podemos dizer que ninguem eh viciado nele. Nos podemos tornar-nos viciados em tudo, desde que se tenha um desejo extravagante de possuir. Eu mesmo sou viciado em informacao e escrita. E esta eh a razao que estou planejando, talvez, fazer desse o meu ultimo livro. Assim passarei a concentrar-me mais no bem estar futuro da familia. Mas nem todo mundo eh capaz de entender o problema por si mesmo. O viciado nas drogas sempre tem problema em admitir que eh viciado. E sem o reconhecimento do vicio nao ha tratamento.

Deixem-me falar algo a respeito do vicio do Romney ao dinheiro. “Joint Rapinagem” como o nosso amigo Rick Perry chamou isso, eh a melhor definicao para os atos usados pelo Romney para obter sua fortuna. Ele esta defendendo o historico de criacao de empregos por meio da riqueza e eh provavel que tenha criado algum mesmo. Mas como ele o fez nao foi bom para nossa sociedade. Vamos pegar os exemplos da criacao das companhias Staples e Starbucks.

Nao muito tempo apos eu vir para Massachusetts, comecei a escrever mais livros. Nao tinha a intencao imediata de publica-los porque nao tinha dinheiro para isso e decidi fazer fotocopias para distribuir de presente a amigos e parentes. Eh! Eu tenho estes atos de bondade como um oferecimento gracioso em nome da amizade e parentesco, sem deixar que as pessoas saibam o quanto custou-me. Para isso eu usava os servicos de pequenos comerciantes, um em Holliston e outro em Ashland, porque eles ficavam no meu caminho de trabalho. Algum tempo depois retornei `as lojas familiares e haviam fechado as portas.

Agora, quando eu preciso do servico eu posso leva-lo para ser feito numa Staples em Framingham para ter o mesmo servico. A diferenca eh que serei atendido por um empregado mecanizado ou farei eu mesmo. Nada de conversa com alguem familiar. Penso que a Starbucks funciona no mesmo caminho. Haviam muitos pequenos negocios oferecendo o mesmo servico mas ela usou o poder do dinheiro para troca-los por si mesma. E sinto muito em dizer isso mas o cafe da Starbucks eh o pior que ja tomei. A gente bebe porque eh viciado mas eu evitaria este, todas as vezes que tivesse alternativa. Especialmente se fosse por um cafe tipo caseiro.

O problema com as “Joint Rapinagem” eh que, elas estao interessadas somente em ganhar dinheiro rapido sem prestar atencao nas consequencias. Elas estao criando companhias monstruosas num passo muito acelerado nao dando chances aos negocios tradicionais de competirem. Se Henry Ford tivesse a mesma oportunidade no tempo dele, hoje teriamos uma companhia monstruosa sem que ninguem pudesse competir com ela. O que teriamos seria apenas um monopolio chamado Ford.

E por que isso eh ruim para nossa sociedade? Primeiro porque esta aumentando a distancia entre ricos e outros. Tambem eh ruim porque esta criando empregos e diminuindo as oportunidades. Por que ao inves de se criar companhias monstro a partir de servicos que ja estao sendo oferecidos por pequenos proprietarios as “Joint Rapinagem” como a Bain nao investiram na melhoria dos servicos de cada companhia menor? Podemos entender isso de uma unica forma. Trabalhar-se com um grande numero de pessoas eh mais dificil que trabalhar-se com um pequeno numero. E o trabalho com um grande numero pode ate render mais lucros mas demandaria mais tempo.

Entao, as “Joint Rapinagem” nao estao aqui para produzir um mundo melhor. Se alguem estiver convencido de que elas criam empregos a acao delas esta ao mesmo tempo matando as oportunidades para um maior numero de pessoas. Elas estao apenas roubando as oportunidades de muitos e pondo isso nas maos de poucos. Os poucos que estao ficando super ricos enquanto a maioria ficando pobre.

Quanto isso eh ruim para a sociedade? Deixem-me explicar: se eu fosse dono da Cadillac agora eu diria ao Mitt Romney: “Esta despedido”. E, por favor, nao use nossa marca em nome da sua demagogia. Se eu fosse dono de uma grande empresa, preferiria ter milhoes de compradores usando um de meus produtos que alguns milhares comprando 10 unidades disso. A Cadillac nao precisa do Mitt Romney dirigindo alguns de seus carros. Ela precisa de um mercado solido de milhoes de compradores.

Eu diria que, seria uma boa causa se uma Joint Venture verdadeira comecar a procurar por ai as verdadeiras ideias inovadoras. Ideias que criem empregos que nunca existiram. E isso precisa oferecer oportunidades ao povo novo com ideias, sem deixar parecer que as outras pessoas sejam perdedoras. As Joint Ventures poderiam tambem dar grande estimulo `as ideias antigas desde que favorecendo aos pequenos negociantes. O que a nossa economia precisa eh a criacao de oportunidades, nao apenas empregos.

Penso que os candidatos do Partido Republicano estao somente mostrando as vulnerabilidades do partido. Rick Santorum disse algo a respeito de sermos uma meritocracia, onde a excelencia eh premiada com uma porcao maior de riqueza. Ai temos que nos lembrar do Albert Einstein. Ninguem duvida de que ele era o genio. E ai, por que ele nunca ficou bilionario? Hoje podemos dizer que quase tudo que temos de tecnologia surgiu da mente de Einstein. E o que poderemos esperar das atuais mentes republicanas?

O que eh mais importante para nossa sociedade como um todo, nossos medicos ou nossos lixeiros? Deem-se um tempinho para pensar. Porque eu estou em duvida. Agradeco a todos trabalhadores da area medica que me atenderam durante minha vida. Penso que eles merecem todo o dinheiro que puderem ganhar honestamente. Mas nao concordo com o que eh pago aos lixeiros. O trabalho medico eh util porque nos atende nas necessidades mais dificeis mas o trabalho diario dos lixeiros faz com que precisemos de ir menos vezes aos medicos. A gente paga aos medicos o que eles merecem mas nos nao damos o mesmo respeito a quem nos faz sofrer menos.

Outro sinal de que nao vivemos numa meritocracia eh o salario dos professores. Eu diria que: seria melhor pagar US$ 1.000,00/semana para cada professor nesse pais do que dar bonus aos administradores. Mesmo que os defensores do Partido Republicano jamais concordarao comigo. Sou totalmente a favor de comecarmos uma meritocracia agora mesmo. Mesmo que eu nao tenha merito algum. Se a meritocracia for posta em pratica de verdade eu ficaria feliz em contentar-me com as migalhas que cairem das mesas.

Um sinal de que os colaboradores dos republicanos estao por fora eh a posicao deles contra os sindicatos. O que um sindicato eh suposto fazer? Eh pegar o Joao ninguem e junta-lo com seus pares para que se tornem coletivamente alguem. Alguem que tenha forca suficiente para exigir o direito de todos. A posicao contraria aos sindicatos faz os republicanos parecerem que existem mais Mitt Romney no lado deles que jamais imaginamos.

Por agora nada mais direi a respeito de economia. Pelo menos nao nesse capitulo ou com respeito aos assuntos de nossa economia atual. Porei aqui algo novo com respeito aos estudos da genealogia de nossa familia. Alguns dias atras eu contatei um de meus primos no Brasil e ele deu-me uma pista. Nos falavamos a respeito do avo e familia dele e ele disse ser descendente de uma figura importante da Historia de Minas Gerais. A pessoa foi conhecida como Barao de Cocais. O nome: Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha.

O que meu primo disse foi: o avo dele, Waldemar Leite, era filho de Luiz Furtado Leite e Luiza Nunes Coelho. Ele nao sabia direito como colocar a Luiza na nossa Arvore Genealogica porque nao sabia se ela fosse filha ou neta dos nossos tios: Joaquim Nunes Coelho e Francisca Eufrasia de Assis. Estamos procurando a resposta. Tambem falou que o Luiz Furtado Leite era filho extra-casamento do Barao de Cocais. Dai eu dei uma pesquisada e encontrei a pagina: Nao revelou muita coisa. Somente confirmou a possibilidade de a tradicao ser veridica.

Confirmei alguns resultados desse endereco com os dados do Portugal e descobri o que veio antes na Arvore Genealogica deles. O Barao, Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha era filho de Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho da Cunha e Ana Casimira Furtado Leite de Mendonca. Vejamos duas sequencias genealogicas que conseguimos disso:

Ana Casimira Furtado Leite de Mendonca* – Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho da Cunha*
Inacia Custodia de Sa* – Manuel Furtado Leite de Mendonca
Ana Inacia de Oliveira* – Custodio de Sa
Maximiano de Oliveira Leite* – Inacia Pires de Arruda
Mariana Paes Leme* – Francisco Paes de Oliveira Horta
Fernao Dias Paes Leme* – Maria Garcia Betim

Entao, D. Ana Casimira eh descendente do Bandeirante: Fernao Dias, uma das figuras historicas mais populares da Historia Brasileira. Deixem-me colocar a outra serie.

1,792 Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha* – Antonia Tomasia de Figueiredo
Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho da Cunha* – Ana Casimira Furtado Leite de Mendonca*
1,700 Luis Jose Pinto Coelho da Cunha* – Antonia Joana Miranda Costa
1,671 Antonio Caetano Pinto Coelho* – Maria Josefa Azeredo Coutinho
1,640 Francisco Pinto da Cunha* – D. Francisca Maria da Silva e Castro*
1,600 Antonio Pinto Coelho* – D. Francisca de Ataide*
1,560 Francisca Maria da Silva Coelho de Noronha* – Francisco Pinto da Cunha*
1,540 Aires Coelho* – Maria de Noronha*
1,510 Goncalo Coelho da Silva* – D. Maria de Melo*
1,470 Aires Coelho* – Maria de Castro*
1,435 Goncalo Coelho* – Violante de Magalhaes*
1,420 Martim Coelho* – Joana de Azevedo
1,370 Fernao Coelho – Catarina de Freitas*

Aqui voltamos ao casal que nos liga com todas as familias reais europeias. Eu fiz um rapido passeio turistico procurando nos dados dos ancestrais do nosso suposto ancestral: Jose Coelho de Magalhaes*, quem tambem eh descendente do mesmo casal e notei que ele esta mais conectado com outras linhagens nobres do que estava antes, em meus estudos anteriores. Minha intencao era localizar a ligacao mais curta entre o Barao de Cocais e ele. Mas no numero de ligacoes eh tao grande que preferi nao me perder nos detalhes porque seria tempo demais a gastar.

A impressao foi essa: nao importa onde se olha, estamos ligados a todos. Meus primos no Brasil veem tanto da Familia Coelho quanto da Familia Leite. E muitos dos parentes mais proximos deles vivem atualmente nos Estados Unidos. Somos, em certa extensao, registrados parentes proximos de 32 dos 44 presidentes americanos. Estou dizendo proximos porque somos tantas vezes descendentes dos mesmos ancestrais que o conteudo do nosso DNA tem que ser muito semelhante ao que nossos ancestrais tiveram. E como os 32 presidentes americanos descendem daqueles mesmos ancestrais, nosso DNA se parecera mais como se fosse de um primo ou um tio comum do nosso passado. Por isso somos mais proximos do que se possa esperar.

Com respeito a isso nao tenho a menor duvida que somos parentes proximos da populacao americana como um todo. Temos uma prima no Brasil, da geracao dos nossos pais, que eh chamada pelo apelido de tia Lulu. Ela foi nossa inteligente professora de matematica e tinha uma fenomenal memoria para fisionomia dos outros. Nossos primos costumavam dizer que, em qualquer lugar que ela estivesse, como o exemplo viajando num onibus, instantaneamente ela comecava a analisar os outros passageiros e logo poderia fazer um comentario: “Olha como aquela pessoa eh a cara de fulano!” Dai as sobrinhas e sobrinhos dela gozavam e propunham: “Vamos brincar de tia Lulu?”

O que importa aqui eh a similaridade entre a fisionomia latina e americana. E tenho notado isso em relacao aos candidatos concorrendo nas eleicoes atuais. O ex-pre-candidato, Rick Perry por exemplo eh a cara do nosso heroi da Segunda Guerra, tio Otacilio Barbalho. Apesar de nosso tio so fingir que cometia gafes para fazer a gente rir. Meu filho disse outro dia que o Ron Paul era o Magneto para todos os colegas dele no segundo grau. Nao que eles queiram dizer que Ron Paul seja vilao como o personagem. Eles apenas enxergam grande similaridade facial dele com o ator que representou o Magneto. Todavia, se Ron Paul chegasse a ser o candidato republicano ele possivelmente votaria nele e ate poderia convencer a mim e `a mae dele a fazer o mesmo. Ron Paul se parece muito com nosso tio: Murillo Coelho.

Isso nao eh tudo. Newt Gingrich tem alguma semelhanca com meu pai. Mas eh muito mais fisicamente parecido com meu cunhado Ricardo. Se alguem pegar as fotos dos dois e dizer que sao irmaos, ninguem iria duvidar. O que nao eh tao identica eh a semelhanca entre o presidente Obama e nosso bisavo: Joao Baptista Magalhaes. Tio Joaozinho, como ele exigia aos netos trata-lo, tinha mistura racial e foi a pessoa mais bem humorada na familia.

Outra curiosidade envolvendo nosso parente Barao de Cocais eh a tradicao que nao posso garantir se verdadeira ou nao. Mas ele tinha uma grande fortuna. Isso vinha dos investimentos, particularmente das cotas que possuia da Mina de Morro Velho. Ate hoje a mina eh a maior do Estado de Minas Gerais. A estoria diz que, ele tinha um grande deposito em ouro e dinheiro em um banco ingles. Ele faleceu em 1.869 sem retirar o capital e os herdeiros nao sabiam.

Em 1.965 o governo ingles teria contatado o governo brasileiro avisando que o dinheiro poderia passar `a coroa britanica se ninguem reclamasse a heranca. Muitos descendentes teriam sido contatados mas a estoria continua, acrescentando que os descendentes nao se entenderam e cinco anos depois eles perderam a fortuna que estaria valendo cerca de 120 milhoes de libras. A estoria pode ter algo de verdadeiro mas o que nao creio eh que ninguem levou nada. Um dos descendentes seria o falecido Carvalho Pinto, ex-governador de Sao Paulo.

De qualquer forma tivemos o mesmo de sempre em nossa Historia. O dinheiro grande sempre acaba nas maos dos mais ricos. Se nao nalguma mao de herdeiros brasileiros ricos acabou indo para as maos de nossos ricos primos ingleses. Os dados analisados e a estoria deram-me a impressao de que os primos com quem cresci juntos talvez nao sejam herdeiros do barao. Parece que descendem de um irmao dele. O coronel Luiz. Todavia, o barao, pelo tempo em que nasceu, 1.792 ate 1.970, devia ter pelo menos mil descendentes. Entre eles muitos que deviam estar passando dificuldades financeiras, como sempre entre a populacao comum. Estes, com certeza foram passados para tras, como eh tambem comum.

Da Familia Furtado Leite da area geografica em que nasci temos algumas personalidades das geracoes presentes. Uma delas eh o jogador de futebol, Leandro Almeida, que jogou no Clube Atletico Mineiro, de Belo Horizonte. Agora esta jogando na Ucrania. Outro eh o premiado diretor de cinema, Savio Leite. Ele eh dono da Leite Filmes. Nao posso deixar de citar o primo, Ronalde Cesar Coelho Leite quem passou-me as pistas para comecar a decifrar esse ramo na nossa Arvore Genealogica.

Paralelo aos outros assuntos ocorrendo nos Estados Unidos tivemos uma tempestade de tornados na semana passada que causaram a morte de 39 pessoas. A devastacao foi enorme e a estacao deles acabou de comecar. Isso fez-me lembrar de quando o ex-presidente Bush nao assinou o Tratado de Kioto para controlar as emissoes de CO2 na atmosfera. Naquele tempo eu fiquei com tanta raiva com tamanho desafio ao que todos sabemos vira contra nos. Nao culpo ao presidente Bush pelas mortes atuais. Mesmo que ele tivesse assinado o tratado ja seria tarde para evitar o que acontecera nos proximos 100 anos porque a poluicao que os homens tem causado por 2 seculos e meio terao consequencias por muitos anos adiante.

O problema em nao tomar-se providencias em nosso tempo eh que, de agora para frente nos teremos que fazer mais que antes e mesmo assim as consequencias permanecerao com nossos descendentes por mais tempo. Quando alguem se choca com a devastacao causada pelos tornados e nao sinto da mesma forma. Sinto a tristeza mas nao a surpresa. E devemos esperar e preparar para o pior.

Naquele tempo eu escrevi uma carta ao jornal The Boston Globe. Nao foi publicada. Senti o impulso de escrever mas sabia menos ingles que hoje e escrevi em portugues mesmo. E eu disse em minha visao que, as nacoes tropicais seriam atingidas pelas consequencias primeiro mas logo as outras nacoes teriam suas partes. Ninguem precisava ter bola de cristal para enxergar isso.

No rescaldo da discussao infrutifera a respeito dos contraceptivos na corrida politica, eu tenho algo a dizer a esse respeito. Ja disse que sou conservador ao ponto de dizer que a vida comeca na concepcao. Entao, tudo o que for feito para acabar com o desenvolvimento do bebe apos este momento eh o cru assassinato de um inocente. E nao acredito que seja o direito das mulheres liquidarem uma vida em nome de nada.

Mas tambem sou liberal de certa forma. Tomemos o exemplo de uma estoria que ouvi ha muito tempo a respeito de uma tribo indigena brasileira. Foi dito que na tradicao dela as mulheres foram feitas para servir aos homens. E um dos costumes na tribo eh os pais das mulheres pedirem o favor a um amigo de sua idade para fazer a iniciacao de suas filhas nas artes sexuais, para servir aos futuros maridos. Dai a mulheres jovens vao para a casa do amigo mais antigo para praticar com ele o que seriam supostas a fazer com seus futuros parceiros.

Mas eles teriam um problema. As mulheres jovens poderiam engravidar e nao era essa a intencao. Entao a tribo encontrou uma solucao para isso. Usando um cha feito de raizes que fazem as mulheres paralizarem o ciclo, nao produzindo ovulacao pelo tempo desejado. Apos as aulas terem sido dadas as mulheres tomam outra pocao, feita de outras plantas, e retornam ao ciclo normal.

Eu sei. As leitoras sentirao nauseas pelo que interpretarao como machismo chauvinista na estoria. Alguns homens ficarao excitados pela possibilidade desse sonho tornar-se realidade para eles. A maioria dos conservadores religiosos chamar-me-ao de pervertido so por lembrar tal estoria. Mas essas nao sao minhas intencoes. Estou falando disso apenas porque a estoria existe, mesmo que eu nao possa comprova-la. Mas se tiver um fundo de verdade nela, isso contera uma revelacao. Medicamente falando ela nos diz que, tem um sistema de ligar e desligar as funcoes reprodutivas no corpo feminino.

Se for mesmo teremos outro problema aqui. Eu nao creria que a industria farmaceutica nao sabia disso. E o porque de ela nao estar interessada em revelar isso eh causado pelo dinheiro ser sempre o objetivo principal. E, algumas vezes dinheiro eh tudo, menos solucao. Imaginem se as mulheres pudessem usar esse remedio durante suas vidas! Usariam apenas umas poucas doses e pronto. Mas o uso diario de pilulas e varios outros tipos de contraceptivos tornaram-se uma torneira de dinheiro de verdade. Isso precisava ser investigado.

Eu ja disse varias vezes que sou catolico. E a discussao a respeito do carater obrigatorio que a administracao Obama impos aos Seguros Saude Catolicos de pagarem contraceptivos para as empregadas da Igreja nao me incomodam em nada desde que os outros seguros de saude estao obrigados a fazer o mesmo. Estou completamente do lado da Igreja na luta pela preservacao da vida. Por outro lado estou com a maioria dos catolicos que acredita que nos, mulheres conjuntamente com seus parceiros, precisamos decidir quantas criancas podemos ter. Acidentalmente a gente pode ter mais, ou menos, que o numero que queremos mas eh uma insanidade nao por atencao em quantas pessoas nosso planeta comporta.

A alta hierarquia catolica, por meio de dogmas, esta irresponsavelmente tomando decisoes que, infelizmente, essa propria hierarquia nao pode responsibilizar-se por elas. Nisso a gente tem apenas o top do iceberg. O Brasil eh o maior pais catolico do mundo. E a maioria da populacao de la nao compra a ideia de nao usar contraceptivos naturais ou artificiais. E este eh apenas um dos assuntos em que a alta hierarquia catolica esta indo contra as decisoes do povo. A maioria dos catolicos nao ve problema algum no casamento de padres ou de as mulheres serem ordenadas.

O problema da nossa alta hierarquia eh que: temos apenas homens idosos, totalmente afastados da realidade em alguns assuntos, organizando a Igreja deles. Isso mesmo. Infelizmente eles tomaram a Igreja do povo usando leis do passado que nunca foram atualizadas. Os papas que sao normalmente homens mais velhos nomeiam todos os bispos e cardeais. E agindo como homens comuns so nomeiam aqueles que tem as mesmas opinioes que as deles. Isso nao se da para a unidade da fe e do povo. Eh a simples busca pela imposicao da visao unilateral deles ao futuro. O que se ve hoje na Igreja Catolica nao passa do velho estilo tiranico da Igreja da Idade Media.

E o que a gente vai, melhor dizendo, nossa descendencia ira, ver se a faccao de direita do Partido Republicano alcancar o poder e impor as pretendidas regras deles de governo minimo e todo o poder economico aos ricos, tambem sera a tirania. Uma tirania que somente sera removida por uma revolucao porque a alta hierarquia, da mesma forma, nao seria eleita.

Com respeito aos contraceptivos, a faccao da extrema direita do Partido Republicano se diz ser os verdadeiros conservadores a favor da vida. Eu nao dou tal credito a ela. Eles sao a favor da vida quando isso se refere `as criancas antes do nascimento, como tambem sou. Mas eles sao totalitariamente a favor de guerras totalmente desnecessarias. Eu nao penso que alguem seja a favor da vida se ao mesmo tempo nao eh a favor da vida desde a concepcao ate `a morte natural. O que tambem sou. Repito eles sao totalmente a favor de guerras totalmente desnecessarias. Nao ha como serem a favor da vida.


Nao tem nada errado com o titulo deste capitulo. Os paises do Ocidente estao dizendo que estamos em guerra contra terroristas. Mas o metodo usado nessa guerra contra os chamados terroristas tambem eh terrorista. Pode ate ser que em nosso ponto de vista podemos dizer: os outros eh que sao terroristas. Porem, o povo que tem sido alvo, seus afetivos, seus concidadaos, as casualidades de guerra e todas as consequencias; ate mesmo o mundo muculmano que se sente vitimado pela guerra nao tem duvida em dizer: Os paises do Ocidente eh que sao o proprio terrorismo! Entao, num certo sentido, eu concordo com os dois lados de que, terrorismo tem sido praticado nos dois sentidos.

A questao de quem esta vencendo a guerra dos terroristas nao tem resposta facil. Os especialistas poderiam dizer, no ponto de vista militar deles, que os Estados Unidos e os aliados estao muito `a frente para vencer por causa dos goles marcados pelo assassinato dos principais lideres da Al Qaeda. Mas eu me interesso por outras questoes. Esta guerra esta tornando o mundo mais seguro ou nao? E quais serao as consequencias daqui para frente?

Tambem tem-se resposta alternativa para a resposta creditada aos especialistas. Para entender-se melhor nos deveriamos nos perguntar qual a media ou pequena forca militar no mundo enfrentaria meses de combate contra as forcas totais americanas? Estou excluindo forcas militares equivalente como China e Russia porque uma guerra entre alguma delas e Estados Unidos causaria uma destruicao tao massiva que ninguem poderia declarar vitoria no final. E estou considerando apenas os combates diretos entre as forcas armadas de ambos lados em que um lado nao se desorganizasse, nao considerando o tempo de ocupacao apos a propria guerra.

Mesmo uma guerra contra uma forca oficial militar, pequena ou media, nao sendo esperado durar mais que meses, nos estamos agora com mais de uma decada dizendo: Estamos em guerra contra a Al Qaeda e seus afiliados. E mais, quando a guerra estava no comeco, Osama Bin Laden e os pares dele anunciaram que esperavam que a guerra fosse durar por um tempo indeterminado. Tambem foi dito que estavam preparados para morrer pela causa e preparando as futuras geracoes de combatentes para assumirem os lugares deles quando eles ja tivessem partido. Dai, basicamente, cantar vitoria por matar tal tipo de pessoa eh perda de tempo porque isso eh o que anteciparam antes de acontecer. Eles nao estao nisso para defender as proprias vidas. Estao nisso para defender a causa deles.

Agora eh preciso perguntar: a causa deles esta sendo derrotada com a morte deles? Penso que nao. E os metodos usados para mata-los esta prejudicando o relacionamento americano com o restante do mundo, agora e no futuro? Imagino que a resposta seja um grande sim. O que entao esta errado no assunto como um todo?

Tenho na mente uma resposta simples `a questao. Porem, um mundo inteiro de consequencias que se pode analisar. Vou apenas antecipar a resposta. O que esta totalmente errado nisso tudo eh que: As forcas aliadas e lideradas pelos Estados Unidos contra os terroristas decidiram fazer guerra contra terroristas, usando como armamentos atos terroristas, quando a solucao para o problema seria principalmente a eliminacao do terrorismo como um todo, nao necessariamente os terroristas em particular. Como fazer isso? Essa eh outra questao interessante!

Podemos voltar `a Historia para determinarmos quando o terrorismo comecou. Alguns pensam que isso eh um fenomeno atual mas eh quase tao velho quanto a propria Historia. A propria Biblia descreve alguns eventos. No livro chamado de Leviticos, capitulo 26, 16 temos: “Entao eu os tratarei do seguinte modo: mandarei contra voces o terror, a fraqueza e a febre, que embacam os olhos e consomem a vida. Voces espalharao as sementes em vao, pois o inimigo de voces eh que as comera.”

Neste ponto eu preciso abrir um parenteses de descredito ao texto biblico referindo-se a Deus como autor de qualquer erro ou maldade. O terror foi introduzido nas nossas vidas pelos homens e alguns usaram o nome de Deus para se desculparem dos proprios malfeitos. Deus sempre deseja trazer a paz para nos. Para ele nao interessa se a paz vem para aqueles que sejam chamados de maus ou para aqueles que clamam para si mesmos o titulo de bons. Todos somos pecadores.

Terror tambem foi usado por outros conquistadores. Por volta de 700 a.C. os assirios usavam a crucificacao como uma forma de calar as revoltas dos povos sob o dominio deles. Os romanos fizeram o mesmo. Gengis Khan ordenava a decaptacao de populacoes inteiras para usar o terror como propaganda para evitar que outros desafiassem seus exercitos. Atila, o huno, os barbaros vandalos, Vladimir Dracula, as autoridades da Igreja na Idade Media, todos os principes e princesas absolutistas, os ditadores mais recentes em nossa Historia e todos que passaram nos intervalos usaram terrorismo como instrumento de tomar ou manter poder. Nos estamos acostumados a pensar somente num sentido, em que os maus sao sempre os outros, nunca nos mesmos.

O terrorismo eh usado, pelo menos, ha tres mil anos e sempre foi uma politica falha. Por que nosso governo mantem seu uso como se fosse um instrumento util? So pode ser porque o seu principal objetivo eh nao fazer a paz!

Outra vez, precisamos medir nossa eficiencia. Tambem, nao se pode afirmar que ha conspiracao aqui mas sejamos honestos, se o nosso objetivo principal fosse fazer a paz, fica mais do que claro que estamos usando instrumentos errados. E com isso nos temos sido um poder de ineficiencia incrivel. Por outro lado, se o nosso governo tem usado a palavra paz como disfarce para acobertar sua verdadeira intencao, nao tem se passado por sabio porque esta acumulando vitorias que nalgum dia irao atrair a desgraca para o nosso povo. Podemos usar os romanos como referencia aqui. Estamos repetindo os mesmos erros deles no decorrer da Historia.

Podemos simplificar a Historia do chamado terrorismo moderno para dizer o que acontecera aos nossos descendentes se nao agirmos agora para parar essa loucura. Por volta do inicio dos 1.900 nos tinhamos ataques com bombas pequenas que poderiam atingir a um numero limitado de pessoas. Houve caso em que a pessoa alvo se apresentou no lugar em que a acao estava planejada acompanhada de membro da familia e a acao foi suspensa imediatamente porque uma casualidade de guerra poderia ferir a causa como um todo.

Deste ponto vamos aos anos 60 e inicio dos 70. Eu nao era mais que uma crianca naquele tempo e a maioria das acoes eram: tomar alguns refens e sequestrar algum aviao para negociar qualquer demanda. Dai alguns conservadores linha dura comecaram a boicotar as negociacoes e inclusive passaram a tomar medidas de confrontacao com forca e nao conversar. Lembro-me vagamente do massacre de Munick quando israelenses foram alvo mortos nas Olimpiadas de 1.972. Posteriormente os sequestradores foram cacados e mortos pelo servico secreto de Israel.

Em 1,976 aconteceu o sequestro do aviao que foi desviado para o aeroporto de Entebe, na Uganda. A Uganda estava sob a ditadura cruel de Idi Amin Dada e que estava a favor do grupo de sequestradores pro-palestino. As forcas especiais de Israel agiram de surpresa e mataram a pequena forca palestina e ugandense, liberando quase todos os sequestrados vivos. Essa acao foi comemorada como um sucesso e foi transformada em filme baseado em vida real. Foi uma pequena vitoria com consequencias ruins.

Refiro-me a consequencias ruins ao que se seguiu. Todas as vezes que uma reacao de forca eh tomada contra uma acao terrorista, a proxima acao vem melhor planejada e com consequencias piores. No comeco de 1.979 tivemos a crise diplomatica entre os Estados Unidos e o Iran por causa dos 52 americanos sequestrados por 444 dias. Daquela vez os sequestradores nao permaneceram num mesmo lugar e mantiveram mudando os refens para evitar contra-acao, parecida `aquela feita pelos israelenses em Entebe.

Agora nos sabemos que a Al Qaeda foi criada a partir das batalhas perdidas e eh o grupo terrorista nao governamental mais forte ate hoje. Gradualmente os outros terroristas estao aprendendo com os erros e ficando melhores nas coisas ruins que praticam. O que contribui imensamente para essa aprendizagem eh se manterem engajadas na guerra. E isso so se torna possivel porque a guerra eh contra os terroristas e nao propriamente contra o terrorismo.

O que quero dizer com isso eh que, nossa esperanca de paz sera totalmente em vao enquanto a causa do terrorismo nao for removida. Nao espero um mundo melhor para amanha enquanto o direito de existencia nao for reconhecido para todos os povos da Terra. Com o avanco das tecnologias de destruicao nao podemos esperar um mundo melhor para nossa descendencia se continuarmos amontoando listas de inimigos. Os conservadores pensam que avancando o nosso conhecimento de destruicao ira trazer-nos seguranca mas o que isso fara, com certeza, sera disponibilizar tecnologias mais baratas que poderao ser usadas contra nos mesmos. Isso foi o mesmo que aconteceu ao Imperio Romano que treinou os barbaros e depois foi derrotado por eles.

No meu ponto de vista a unica solucao eh fazer a paz com todos. Eh preciso por em pratica um paradigma novo onde nenhum de nos seja deixado na poeira. A populacao da Terra precisa ser respeitada como se fosse o nosso proprio povo e nao ser separada como se fosse indesejaveis e privilegiados. Nos temos muitos inimigos comuns a combater e muitos deles sao muito mais poderosos que nos sozinhos. Nao podemos nos distrair da realidade de que estamos perdendo tempo precioso em conflitos de uns contra os outros enquanto os verdadeiros inimigos, aqueles que podem causar a destruicao de todos num unico evento, estao escondidos e nem temos ideia de quando ou como sera o proximo ataque deles.

E estou falando aqui do fim do petroleo, da excassez de agua, da poluicao, da nossa propria maldade, etc. Cada um desses problemas pode empurrar-nos para outro ciclo de guerras se nao forem resolvidos. E nao podemos pensar que sao problemas so dos outros porque vivemos nesse unico planeta que sustenta a nossa existencia e o unico que temos. Nos estamos dentro dessa espaconave natural e muitos de nos esta pensando que as solucoes virao como sempre veem. Estes estao apenas ignorando a Historia. A Historia nos ensina que quando nao estamos preparados as crises veem e somente apos muito sofrimento as solucoes chegam.

Nao podemos agir mais como o povo da Idade Media, quando a peste matou mais de um terco da populacao do planeta e todo mundo tinha que ficar conformado com essa sorte. Naquele tempo, eles nao sabiam nada com respeito a bacterias mas nada os impedia de aprender a respeito de higiene, o que poderia ter diminuido o numero de mortes. Como eu disse antes, tornarmos ao que fora antes nao nos pora na direcao correta mas daqui onde estamos nos podemos corrigir o curso para atingir o mesmo objetivo.

Falemos um pouco a respeito da atual situacao do terrorismo no planeta. Parece que as coisas ficaram mais claras apos os ataques de 11 de setembro. A gente caiu na real. E nosso governo demonstrou o quanto despreparado estava para enfrentar a situacao ou, de outra forma, estava apenas esperando isso para comecar a por em pratica um plano secreto de dominar o mundo. Como ja disse, nao estou no partido dos teoristas de conspiracoes. Mas a reacao do nosso governo foi tao amadora que estou em duvida se foi de proposito para justificar qualquer coisa errada que viria a ser feita ou pura incompetencia.

Os ataques de 11 de setembro foram a maior inteligencia que ja ouvi de parte da Al Qaeda. Eles poderiam escolher muitos outros alvos que poderiam ser mais danosos `a economia americana como as usinas nucleares, nossas maiores hidroeletricas e por ai vai. Mas eles usaram o nosso orgulho para escolher os alvos e somente Deus Sabe o que aconteceria se o quarto aviao tivesse atingido o objetivo deles. Nao tenho a informacao se a escolha deles veio de um golpe de sorte ou teve intencao deliberada. O que duvido eh que, qualquer pessoa anteciparia o que aconteceria depois. Foi como se os terroristas tivessem comprado algo diferente e nos lhes demos os numeros vitoriosos num jogo de loteria.

Eles fizeram algo para nos ferir. E nossa resposta nos feriu muito mais. Mesmo que eles tivessem antecipado o espetaculo que seria a queda das torres eles jamais poderia predizer com precisao qual seria a resposta americana e nos marcamos goals contra varias vezes. E concordo em que, somente algumas de nossas respostas eram perfeitamente esperadas para os de fora porque nossa reacao parece ter vindo de um manual de respostas. Duas coisas sao salientes nesse manual: nos sempre somos vingativos e nao avaliamos as consequencias a longo termo de nossas acoes.

As duas regras acima adicionadas ao esperados erros e falhas humanas sao a receita perfeita para emaranharmo-nos exatamente naquilo que o inimigo deseja que facamos. E no caso de guerra nao ha nada mais perigoso que o inimigo ser capaz de antecipar a maioria dos nosso proximos movimentos. Os ataques em solo americano foram um convite para que fossemos combate-los no campo deles. E nos nao apenas aceitamos o convite. Numa atitude espetacular do governo Bush nos fizemos isso em dobro, abrindo uma nova frente no Iraque. Eles tinham um objetivo: fazer os Estados Unidos gastarem o maximo de dinheiro porque todo mundo sabe que um inimigo quebrado eh mais facil de vencer. E nosso governo realizou o sonho deles.

Talvez eu precise explicar alternativas que tinhamos. Como ja disse, precisavamos pelo menos agir como se estivessemos abertos para conversacoes com os lideres da Al Qaeda. Infelizmente, teria sido melhor se a gente tivesse conversado com eles antes dos ataques de 11 de setembro mas o governo do Bush pai avaliou por baixo a resposta que Osama Bin Laden daria por nao deixa-lo combater o Saddam Hussein na primeira Guerra do Golfo.

Esta guerra poderia ter sido feita como esta que ocorreu recentemente na Libia, onde nos nos comportamos como espectadores com o poder de apertarmos alguns botoes. Mas, de toda forma, nao sabemos qual seria o proximo passo do Bin Laden apos derrotar o Saddam Hussein. Precisamos por atencao nos nossos proprios passos. E nada do que fizermos sera permanente, enquanto a solucao para o problema palestino-israelense nao for encontrada. Falarei disso depois.

O que mais prejudicou a nossa causa foi a espetacular pobreza de julgamento que veio logo apos aos ataques de 11 de setembro. O governo do Bush filho, como sempre se faz em preparacoes de guerra, comecou a fazer uma propaganda exagerada do Bin Laden e da Al Qaeda como uma forca superior, digna de ser enfrentada com todo o nosso poder militar. Este eh um procedimento direto dos manuais militares. O inimigo eh sempre o bicho-de-sete-cabecas o Eixo do Mal. Assim eh feito como predesculpa de qualquer ato falho feito por nosso governo ao olhar do nosso publico.

Digamos assim, se o inimigo nunca fosse apresentado como bicho-de-sete-cabecas, como entao justificar as prisoes na Baia de Guatanamo? Como justificar torturas se os torturados nao forem monstros? Nos somos defensores dos direitos humanos! Dai, tortura so pode ter desculpa se os torturados nao forem seres humanos, como os alienigenas do planeta Al Qaeda.

O mesmo tipo de tatica do medo eh usada em ambos os lados. Os militantes da Al Qaeda divulgam a ideia de estarem em guerra contra outra especie, de um planeta diferente. Eles chamam seus inimigos de Cruzados. Tambem os chamam de infieis. Este eh um termo usado ha muito tempo na nossa Historia para designar aqueles que podem ser mortos sem piedade porque eles pensam diferente do “padrao perfeito”. Como este “padrao de perfeicao” foi inventado para excluir alguns comportamentos conhecidos por nos e eh um padrao mais terraqueo, torna-se mais efetivo como instrumento de manipulacao em favor da causa deles.

O que intriga a nos outros, cidadaos comuns do planeta Terra, sao essas duas especies alienigenas vir a essa unica terra que temos e que antes pertecia `as pessoas humanas para se fazerem guerra, pondo nossas vidas em perigo e pondo o futuro de nossos filhos em risco. A desumanizacao usada pelos dois lados dao a elas um empate em desumanidade para si mesmos.

Como os Estados Unidos agem como um poder terrorista? Primeiramente porque a guerra que se seguiu era premeditada para mostrar ao mundo o nosso poder militar superior e nao para dar uma resposta racional. A demonstracao na ONU para convencer aos outros a participarem da guerra sera sempre emblematica. As garantias de que Saddam Hussein tinha armamentos de destruicao em massa nao convencia a ninguem, exceto a aqueles que ja estavam alinhados ao mesmo jeito de pensar. E nao importou ao nosso governo que a maior parte do planeta fosse contra a guerra. Nos estavamos certos e os outros errados! Vamos entao comer as “batatas da liberdade” dagora para frente! Os franceses e alemaes nada sabem. E os brasileiros? Oh bando de perdedores!

De novo vem a questao: Por que o povo do resto do mundo nos odeia? A resposta tragica e sintomatica que nosso governo, acobertado por nossa midia inteira, deu foi: “O mundo nos odeia porque tem inveja do nosso sucesso”. De acordo com esse tipo de pensamento nos nao poderiamos fazer nada para mudar isso porque o problema esta nos outros nao em nos. Como os brasileiros dizem: “Freud explica!”

Essa desculpa eh tao infantil que comecei a pensar se ha sabedoria em deixar um trilhao de dolares por ano nas maos do Pentagono. Serio mesmo!? Por que nem tentamos transformar esse odio em amor? Pensar que nao somos capazes de conquistar o amor do mundo porque o mundo so eh capaz de odiar eh o pensamento mais terrorista de todos. Como saberemos se nunca tentamos?

O engajamento em guerras desnecessarias e nosso orgulho machucado eh apenas parte da chave para nos derrubar. O maior gol que os outros terroristas marcaram com os ataques de 11 de setembro foi mostrar como a populacao americana ja estava dividida mesmo antes. Esta eh a chave que eles usaram para abrir a Caixa da Pandora em nossa sociedade. Que algumas pessoas ja odiavam imigrantes ja era bem conhecido. Antes a gente vivia numa Terra da Fantasia na qual todos os imigrantes eram bem-vindos para realizarem o “sonho americano”.

Agora nos conhecemos a verdade e mesmo a maioria da populacao americana sendo a favor da aprovacao de uma lei de legalizacao dos imigrantes, sabemos que os imigrantes estao sendo perseguidos em cada canto do nosso pais. E nao importa para os perseguidores se isso ira nos ferir mais do que se eles fossem assimilados em nossa sociedade. Esses tem tanta inveja do sucesso dos imigrantes sem documentos que estao preferindo jogar nossa sociedade na beira do suicidio a permitir o reconhecimento de que os imigrantes sao os benfeitores de nossa sociedade.

Assistir `a campanha do Partido Republicano em 2.012 tem sido uma boa oportunidade de perceber a nossa fragilidade. Nos sonhamos com um pais de tolerancia. Mas nos temos um pais em que as minorias como os africanos e os latinos, especialmente os mexicanos sem documentos, so tem vez aqui enquanto eles nao tentam elevar-se na piramide. Mesmo a maioria do nosso eleitorado, porque eh feminina, eh considerada cidada de segunda classe. As outras minorias sao abertamente ignoradas pelos candidatos, a menos que elas tenham algo verde de presente para eles.

Com respeito `as mulheres, nao sou sexista mas o Partido Republicano realmente perdeu a maior oportunidade de apresentar uma mulher confiavel como candidata. Michele Bachmann nao tem sensibilidade para representar as mulheres desse pais. Os republicanos tem possibilidades de candidatas muito melhores como: Madeleine Albright e Condoleezza Rice.

Nao estou dizendo que sejam as candidatas dos meus sonhos. Nao concordo com tudo o que fizeram no Ministerio de Estado. O que penso eh que elas sao intelectualmente melhor preparadas para o servico, mesmo em comparacao com os tres candidatos que estao na frente da disputa. Agora o Partido Republicano tem um problema. Se o presidente for reeleito, em 2.016 os democratas terao a oportunidade de eleger a primeira mulher presidente dos Estados Unidos. Isso nao eh uma questao de sexismo. Isso eh uma questao de oportunidade obvia. Os democratas poderao fazer Historia duas vezes.

Os candidatos republicanos inclusive tem tentado ocultar a guerra de classes aberta em nosso pais. Eles temem que isso seja usado para os democratas ganharem os votos da maioria absoluta que esta na fundo da piramide. Eles nao tem medo de bombardear a populacao sem documentos com comentarios preconceituosos porque esta populacao nao pode defender-se atraves do voto e os parentes dela que tem documentos sao uma minoria. Outra vez, negar o problema nao ira resolve-lo.

Em certo sentido nos poderiamos ate agradecer ao Bin Laden pelos ataques dele ao nosso orgulho. Mas eh preciso sermos humildes e reconhecermos nossas falhas. Nossa sociedade esta mentalmente adoecida. Nosso orgulho ferido fez uma boa parte da populacao americana demonstrar a verdadeira cara de preconceituosa sem mascaras. E seria muito bom se ela recebesse tratamento psicologico intensivo. O primeiro objetivo a ser atingido seria restaurar o nosso senso de humanismo. Porque somos o pais mais rico do mundo, ate ao momento, nao somos, necessariamente, as melhores pessoas. O dinheiro que a gente possui nos permite somente comprar mais coisas que a gente nao precisa mas isso nao faz o nosso amago diferente de ninguem mais.

Precisamos aprender a partilhar, a prestar assistencia, a respeitar e enxergar os outros como iguais e parceiros, nao somente como adversarios. Nosso paradigma precisa ser trocado da pura competicao e odio, por amor e parceria. Somente assim poderemos esperar o respeito dos outros. Veja atraves do Espelho de Gandhi. Os outros nao sao outros, eles sao nos mesmos em corpos diferentes.

O resto do mundo esta cansado dos governantes manda-chuvas dos Estados Unidos. Eh comum vermos referencias aos presidentes americanos como sendo as pessoas mais poderosas do mundo. E isso nao passa de uma falsa impressao. Quando o presidente Obama estava em campanha para as eleicoes de 2.008 ele fez promessas como: nos liberaria das duas guerras que estavamos nelas, legalizaria os imigrantes sem documentos e fecharia a prisao da Baia de Guatanamo.

Entre outras promessas, eu disse a mim mesmo, ou ele nao sabe do que esta falando ou eh promessa de candidato. A unica promessa que eu sabia que poderia ser cumprida, porque isso eh essencial para a economia americana, seria a legalizacao dos sem documentos. Mas ele nao cumpriu nenhuma. Por que? Ele pode culpar o “Congresso que nada faz” por isso. E penso que o apelido de “Congresso que nao faz nada” eh um elogio para a maioria dos nossos representantes. Eles decidiram trabalhar duro para se certificarem que este presidente fosse visto como um assassino de sonhos, em serie.

Em minha inocencia de pessoa comum a respeito de governar, quando temos qualquer problema a resolver precisamos primeiro reconhecer que ha o problema. Entao, se ha o problema o segundo passo eh apresentar as solucoes. Podem existir solucoes diferentes mas o importante em nosso caso eh atingir um resultado fixo. Nisso podemos perder um pouquinho de tempo no decidir qual solucao sera usada. Nesse ponto a politica pode interferir porque eh suposto que os partidos compitam para apresentarem a melhor solucao.

Mas o que temos visto eh isso, no caso da solucao para a imigracao, o Partido Republicano esta boicotando qualquer solucao e pregando o erro porque nunca se conformou com a derrota de 2.008. Para ele nao importa quantos milhoes de pessoas sofrerao por causa da cabeca dura dele. O que importa para ele eh apenas a propria dor de cotovelos.

Penso que sera melhor voltar ao assunto principal. Como os governos americanos tem ajudado o terrorismo no mundo? Nao tomarei muito do tempo discutindo o governo do Bush, filho. Todo mundo sabe que mentiu-se na ONU para comecar a Guerra do Iraque. Houveram as mortes e torturas nas prisoes de Abu Ghraib e Baia de Guantanamo. O governo enviou prisioneiros a paises onde os direitos humanos nao sao respeitados para serem torturados. De acordo com entrevista concedida pelo jornalista Julian Assange `a revista Rolling Stone, no natal de 2.011, o total de mortes civis no Iraque ja era superior a 100.000 pessoas. Entao, usou-se a enganacao como tatica, igual ao Poncio Pilatos.

Como eu disse antes, a administracao do Bush filho pintou a Al Qaeda e o Bin Laden como um poder muito superior ao que era naquele tempo. Ele estava tentando glorificar a si mesmo por derrotar um monstro. Mas o tiro saiu pela culatra, contra ele proprio, porque a propaganda encorajou o engajamento de novos seguidores `a causa deles. E a Al Qaeda que era uma pequena fabrica de terror tornou-se uma multinacional que agora conhecemos.

Pelo lado da Al Qaeda a propaganda foi melhor feita. Ela apenas pintou aos Estados Unidos e aliados como Novos Cruzados. Isso eh suficiente para ser entendido no mundo muculmano. Nos nao sabemos muito a respeito do terrorismo perpetrado pelos europeus no tempo das Cruzadas mas no Oriente Medio eh como uma memoria recente. Para nos isso eh um passado esquecivel. Mas eles sentem como sofrer as consequencias do mesmo passado. E `a propaganda se soma nossa “infidelidade” por nao seguirmos os mesmos principios islamicos.

Eles apenas anunciam na propaganda o que faremos, para provar que somos a besta do Livro do Apocalipse. Dai armam estrategias para que cometamos erros e falhas. A todo tempo que falhamos, na otica de qualquer regra islamica, eles somente apontam para o povo aquele velho: “Nao te disse?!”. Lutando em territorio amigo nao precisam usar a guerra total como esperariamos. Eles precisam apenas de, tempos em tempos, fazer algum ataque para lembrar que estao ali, enquanto nos precisamos estar alertos todo o tempo, ficando fatigados e facil de cometermos falhas. Os eventos mais recentes no Paquistao e Afeganistao estao provando a estrategia deles.

E nada mais traumatizante para o povo conservador muculmano que trocar a cultura tradicional dele por qualquer outra. Portanto, eh muito simplorio nao enxergar isso: favorecer grupos que admiram a cultura ocidental eh um atalho para levar mais seguidores para a causa da Al Qaeda. A conclusao seria esta: mesmo ganhando a guerra e tendo governos pro ocidente nesses paises nao garantira tempo de paz a longo prazo.

Infelizmente, o governo Obama nao tem agido muito diferente do anterior. As promessas quebradas nao sao o problema real aqui porque as promessas que ele fez nao dariam a ele voto algum para ser eleito fora dos Estados Unidos. O grande problema eh definir o que o governo realmente deseja fazer.

Minha teoria com esse respeito eh essa, ser humano algum eh capaz de tomar tantas decisoes numa variedade tao grande de assuntos. Qualquer presidente sempre estara nas maos dos outros para decidir coisas. O titulo de Comandante em Chefe da nossa nacao nao passa de um titulo. Pode-se dizer que a ultima palavra pertence ao presidente. Eh verdade. Os auxiliares dele apresentam o bolo e perguntam: Voce deseja que o bolo seja de chocolate ou de morango? Ele podera escolher entre os dois mas em primeiro lugar nao tera decidido o que foi feito: se seria bolo ou torta.

Eh uma ilusao pensar que os “falcoes do Pentagono” deixariam o presidente saber de tudo que se faz com o trilhao de dolares por ano gasto naquele setor. Para saber disso o presidente teria que ser um deles. E nao estou mencionando isso como teoria de conspiracao. Os detalhes sao tao complexos que eh humanamente impossivel a uma pessoa unica saber tudo o que acontece ao mesmo tempo na educacao, defesa e saude. Para mencionar apenas tres dos ministerios sob a administracao presidencial.

Em nosso caso agora, a seguranca de nosso pais esta nas maos dos “falcoes do Pentagono”, embora eu tenha duvida se eles sabem exatamente o que seguranca significa. Talvez saibam mas tenham la suas ineficiencias. O que eh normal para seres humanos. Penso ate que seja por isso que trabalham tao secretamente. Meu ponto e este, presidentes vem e vao. Estes nao ficam mais que 8 anos. A administracao do Pentagono tem um termo de vida, mais as sugestoes de quem a substituira. O pentagono eh uma especie de Vaticano no nosso setor de defesa.

E antes eu mencionei que os candidatos republicanos estao tentando criar um quarto poder no governo, dando todos os poderes economicos aos super ricos. Esqueci do detalhe de que o quarto poder ja existe. Este eh representado pelo Pentagono e seus “falcoes”. Dai o Partido Republicano deseja criar o quinto poder. Meu amigo Richard, sem saber do que falava, disse que estava com medo de permanecer aqui porque estava aterrorizado de ficar sob um poder secreto que pudesse proibi-lo de voltar ao Brasil. De certa forma ele estava certo nisso.

O poder que ele tinha medo ja existe. Nao tenho certeza de que sera usado e tornar verdadeiros os medos dele. Minha sensacao eh esta: nos estamos muito perto de tornarmo-nos a imagem e semelhanca do que a Uniao Sovietica representou nos anos 60. Desde que a Lei Patriota foi assinada e agora os militares tem o poder de prender qualquer um, por tempo indeterminado, sem provas e julgamento, ou assassinar qualquer um por ser suspeito de estar aliado aos outros terroristas, e nosso experiencia com nossa “inteligencia” nao eh nada boa, ja estou preocupado com os inocentes que irao sofrer.

Por favor. Nao digam que temos dados de credibilidade na defesa dos direitos humanos porque, como os brasileiros dizem: Tudo funciona direitinho no papel. Papel aceita tudo que eh escrito nele. Na pratica a conversa eh outra. A Scotland Yard tinha a credibilidade de ser o melhor departamento de policia do mundo. Num curto periodo de tempo ela falhou em previnir o bombardeio no Metro de Londres; falhou em previnir o segundo ataque, o qual somente nao aconteceu, gracas a Deus, porque os terroristas erraram e as bombas nao explodiram; e para coroar a falha total eles executaram um inocente que estava a caminho do trabalho.

Se a Scotland Yard nao tinha a menor pista da diferenca entre um trabalhador brasileiro e um terrorista militante, eu suspeito que o servico secreto americano nao seja tao diferente. O que agravou mais a situacao foi a negacao de que a policia errou feio e a justica nunca se fez. O nome do jovem executado era Jean Charles de Menezes. Nasceu na Cidade de Gonzaga. Um dos distritos que emancipou-se de meu torrao natal: Virginopolis.

Menezes eh um sobrenome comum dos portugueses, espanhois, brasileiros e outros latinos. Eh um nome nobre vinculado a todas as familias reais do mundo. O Jean Charles era provavelmente um primo distante de sua magestade a rainha da Inglaterra, Elizabeth II. Nem isso previniu a ele de ser assassinado no tal engano curioso. Como em minha familia, o nome esta presente em muitos de meus primos desde muito tempo atras. Tenho apenas suspeita que ele tinha vinculos conosco. Nao garanto isso porque nao tenho a genealogia dele para certificar-me.

A diferenca entre combater terroristas e combater terrorismo eh esta: voce corre atras dos terroristas e comete enganos. Isso estimula outros a engajar na causa porque enganos sao interpretados como se fossem maldade. Voce combate o terrorismo quando remove as causas que estiverem causando-o. Por exemplo, se os Estados Unidos tivessem a vontade de combater o terrorismo, eles deveriam ter conversado com os terroristas antes de atacar. Porque o grupo ao qual os americanos estao combatendo nessa guerra eh muculmano, os Estados Unidos deveriam prestar atencao nas leis islamicas para evitar estimular o engajamento de mais combatentes.

Tomemos o exemplo do assassinato do Bin Laden. Os Estados Unidos cometeram tantos erros que ate hoje eu tenho duvidas se a operacao como um todo foi planejada para estimular terrorismo. Com certeza nao foi feita para previnir contra isso. E se a prevencao fosse o objetivo, eu diria que foi executada com uma incompetencia fora do normal.

Em primeiro lugar, algum tempo antes foi dito que Bin Laden tornara-se um alvo irrelevante porque ele nao era mais fundamental na administracao do grupo. Se isso foi uma informacao falsa para desviar a atencao do publico de alguma forma, nao penso que funcionou. O que mais me preocupa foi que a operacao foi praticada no territorio de um pais amigo sem comunicacao alguma com os administradores do pais. Outra vez, essa pode ser outra informacao falsa para enganar `a populacao paquistanesa, para ela crer que seus lideres nao estavam envolvidos no assassinato. Poderia ser tipo um escudo eleitoral.

O que eu nao estou certo eh de que a engancao funcionou como o planejado porque a invasao do territorio do pais sem a suposta autorizacao nao eh menos provocadora. E a resposta quase cordial dos lideres paquistaneses foi um sacrilegio para milhoes de cidadaos. Nos podemos apenas imaginar que o Taliban deve ter ganho milhares de voluntarios para sua causa naquele pais. E aqueles que ja estavam engajados na causa, agora estao, provavelmente, com as opinioes mais seguras. Matematicamente isso funciona assim: mata-se um e compra-se milhares de inimigos. Nao penso que isso possa ser chamado de combate ao terrorismo. Provavelmente a verdade seja o contrario.

De qualquer forma a operacao foi feita. Aqui temos tantos detalhes envolvidos que eh dificil determinar qual seria a melhor opcao. So para o leitor saber, minha preferencia era pela captura do Bin Laden. Mata-lo era o mais provavel acontecer desde que ele tinha jurado nao se deixar ser preso. Mas parece que a decisao foi a de mata-lo e nao prende-lo. O que se filtrou atraves das noticias oficiais eh que: ficaria muito caro dar-lhe um julgamento justo. Mas isso era essecial para mostrar para o mundo que, pelo menos, nos estariamos nos passando por bons mocinhos. Ele era um matador sem compaixao. Mas nos somos diferentes. Essa deveria ser a nossa linha de comportamento para nao estimular outros a se engajarem em terrorismo.

Em segundo plano, de todo jeito ele foi morto. E o nosso servico de “inteligencia” deu o conselho de joga-lo ao mar. E isso eh o que mais me preocupa. Nossa “inteligencia” em duas oportunidades consecutivas cometeu o mesmo erro. Como podemos alegar que nao sabiamos o quao sagrado sao os corpos para os muculmanos? Como nossa “inteligencia” perdeu a oportunidade de devolver o corpo `a familia dele para deixar claro que nos somos diferentes? Ao contrario, a opcao de livrar-se do corpo em qualquer lugar so deu ao mundo muculmano a impressao de que cristaos sao bestas. Como um departamento que custa um trilhao de dolares por ano comete tal desvio?

E a lista de erros nao termina. A desculpa para jogar o corpo no mar foi esta: Se o corpo fosse devolvido `a familia poderia ser construido um santuario e isso poderia ser usado como forma de convocar mais afiliados para a causa deles. Aloooo! A gente sabe que ate os restos mortais que estao enterrados abaixo da Basilica de Sao Pedro no Vaticano nao sao do apostolo Pedro. Apesar disso, temos Santuarios de Sao Pedro no mundo todo. O que induz o povo a fazer isso eh crer em alguma outra coisa. O descarte do corpo nao previnira contra a criacao de santuarios em nome de Bin Laden. O que poderia fazer isso seria provar ao povo que cre na causa dele que nos eh que somos os bons mocinhos, nao os matadores e violadores de corpos.

Eu nao pensaria tempo algum para decidir devolver o corpo do Bin Laden `a familia dele. Mesmo que eles dissessem que fossem construir um santuario em honra a ele. Isso porque, em qualquer hora que alguem entrar no santuario lembrar-se-ia de duas coisas. Primeiro de tudo, os americanos teriam agido honrosamente conosco porque nao violaram nossas leis. E segundo porque seria um santuario em homenagem a um morto. Todo visitante do santuario nunca iria esquecer que, nao importando o que ele tenha feito, acabou morto e a prova disso era o proprio santuario.

Dizer que os americanos nao retornariam o corpo de Bin Laden porque poderia ser usado num santuario foi a pior de todas as deculpas. Nao importa como nos interpretamos isso. Para os amigos do Bin Laden sempre sera: Eles esconderam o corpo porque estao com medo de nos. O que mais poderia ser? E isso se torna um estimulo para que mantenham a jihad.

O que veio apos ao assassinato tambem foi bizarro. Foi dito que o servico secreto do Paquistao entregou um helicoptero americano, que acidentou na operacao, aos chineses. E os oficiais foram descritos como se tivessem ficado tao loucos de raiva com a operacao sem consulta a eles que poderiam comecar guerra contra os Estados Unidos a qualquer momento. Isso para mim nem curiosidade eh. Curioso foi os americanos serem inocentes a ponto de esperar que eles nao fariam loucura alguma apos serem enganados.

Logo apos, os Estados Unidos comecaram a pressionar o governo paquistanez para entregar os documentos que haviam sido deixados na fortaleza onde o Bin Laden escondia. Em todos os noticiarios aqui nos Estados Unidos o mantra era o mesmo: Como o servico secreto do Paquistao falhou ao deixar o inimigo esconder-se nas proximidades da academia militar mais importante do pais, sem saber de nada? Todas as suspeitas foram levantadas contra os paquistaneses. O senador de Massachusetts e ex-candidato democrata `a presidencia nas eleicoes de 2.004, John Kerry, estava na frente com palavras e acusacoes rispidas ao governo paquistanez.

Aqui eu repetiria a frase brasileira: “Com amigos como esses ninguem precisa de inimigos.” E estou referindo-me aos conterraneos americanos. Aprendamos algo a respeito de esconderijos de bandidos. Ninguem questionou o ex-governador da California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, o porque dele estar escondendo James “Whitey” Bulger, um mafioso de Boston que passou 16 anos como fugitivo da policia e foi encontrado naquele estado perto do mesmo tempo em que Bin Laden foi morto.

Outra informacao a esse respeito que eu poderia usar vem do Brasil. Nos anos 70 o Brasil teve sua copia do “Jesse James”. O nome dele era Lucio Flavio. A vida dele tambem virou filme. Era o ladrao mais intrepido por la. Apos alguns anos sendo endeusado encontrou o fim nas maos da policia militar. No Brasil nao ha pena de morte. Dai, quando alguem ficava muito famoso naquele tempo, a policia tinha uma receita para elimina-lo. Era so colocar o fascinora numa cela com um marginal pago para mata-lo. Assim a “justica” era servida. Porem, em suas memorias Lucio Flavio revelou que os melhores esconderijos que ele usava eram proximos `as delegacias de policia. Eram pontos estrategicos porque ele podia vigiar sem ser vigiado porque era o ultimo lugar que alguem pensaria que ele estivesse.

Se o servico secreto paquistanez ficou maluco nao eh sem razao. Nao apenas o servico secreto mas todos os representantes paquistaneses deveriam ficar alerta para o que os Estados Unidos andam fazendo por la. Precisamos compreender a posicao deles. Reflitamos: se o Partido do Cha tornar-se um pouco mais louco do que ja eh e comecar a se armar para impor o modo de pensar dele ao resto do pais; e digamos tambem, se a maioria dos membros dele adquirir armamentos legalmente. Ninguem deveria ficar preocupado com isso?

O Paquistao eh uma sociedade mais dividida no amago, com mais pessoas tendo opinioes mais radicais. E um dos grupos que possui uma presenca massiva no Paquistao eh o Taliban e que esta buscando retomar o poder no Afeganistao e assumi-lo tambem no Paquistao. E os Estados Unidos invadiram o territorio paquistanez, matou um dos associados ao Taliban mais respeitados e, ainda, quer que os representantes paquistaneses aceitem isso como algo a comemorar?! Penso que estamos em paginas diferentes da realidade.

Os americanos tem reclamado do comportamento dubio dos representantes paquistaneses mas eu penso que eles estao conscientes do que esta acontecendo ao redor de si mesmos. Eles sabem muito bem que logo que os americanos atingirem os objetivos planejados eles perderao o interesse de se manterem na regiao e picarao a mula. Mas os paquistaneses sabem muito bem que o Taliban ficara la por muito, muito tempo. E o que eh mais provavel acontecer eh o Taliban tornar-se uma forca maior local. Eles ja conhecem as consequencias da guerra, e certamente nao desejam voltar `a situacao varias vezes.

Infelizmente, os americanos atualmente no poder nao conhecem outra forma de paz que nao a imposta pelas armas. E a paz imposta pelas armas eh perigosamente efemera. Uma paz desse naipe eh comparavel a todo mundo comecar a juntar polvora no porao. Numa hora uma casa pode pegar fogo e detonar uma serie de explosoes. Para a administracao americana isso nao importa porque estamos protegidos contra uma guerra civil do povo paquistanez.

Dai, ja que os americanos sao irresponsaveis, os representantes paquistaneses podem agir como loucos aos nossos olhos mas eles, provavelmente, estao apenas colocando em pratica um plano de contigencia para escuda-los contra loucuras piores. Os paquistaneses podem parecer loucos para os americanos, eles nao podem eh ser loucos de parecerem bobos para o proprio povo.

Se eu estivesse no lugar do presidente Obama agora eu tentaria nao usar o assassinato e os atos que se seguiram como cabo eleitoral. Eu deixaria os republicanos dizerem o que quizerem falar e somente responderia: Eu fiz exatamente aquilo que qualquer republicano faria em meu lugar. Eles nao podem negar que tais erros se parecem exatamente com o comportamento normal dos republicanos. Nisso eles estao empates.

E se eles insistirem o sr. Obama teria mais um argumento. Se ele tivesse pensado em usar isso na campanha eleitoral teria sido melhor pegar o Bin Laden vivo porque ele permaneceria vivo durante o ano de 2.012. Nisso o Bin Laden poderia ser transformado num macaco de gaiola que recolheria votos a favor do Obama. E dai para frente eu procuraria melhor aconselhamento de outras pessoas no Pengano, mas com ideias menos republicanas.

Todavia, continua muito dificil para mim determinar qual o principal objetivo dos governos americanos. Nao sei se eh de proposito que estes enganos se repetem tao frequentemente ou sao erros intencionais ou, eu tento crer nisso, eh pura ineficiencia. Nao posso dizer com toda a certeza que os Estados Unidos tenham algum programa de paz para o mundo ou se o programa eh ir em frente, provocando guerras menores do tipo fogo apagando fogo. Ainda, o que tem acontecido indica que algo esta acontecendo e nao sabemos exatamente o que eh.

Eh razoavel por exemplo pensar que o ataque feito pelo aviao robot numa aduaneiro do Paquistao, na fronteira com o Afeganistao, nao passou de um acidente. Tambem o rastro de assassinatos pelo soldado americano que deixou 16 paquistaneses mortos poderia ser esperado desde que guerra eh maquina de fazer ate santo ficar doido. Matar guerreiros Talibans pode ser uma questao de matar ou ser morto, afinal nos estamos em guerra contra eles mas urinar nos corpos de alguns eh perder o senso. A queima de coroes eh um deslize um pouco alem da minha compreensao para nao entende-la como provocativa. Mas tudo acima, num compasso de tempo, parece plano pre concebido. Mas eh plano para o que?

Com respeito `a queima dos livros sagrados, logo apos ao fato, o povo afegao revoltou no que eu considero um repudio justificavel a um procedimento estupido. Alguns deles acabaram sendo mortos. E isso levou mais raiva ao povao. O presidente Obama, compreensivelmente, pediu perdao alegando que a queima havia sido por engano. Mas dois soldados americanos acabaram mortos na confusao. Neste ponto o candidato republicano, Newt Gingrich, subiu no palco para condenar o sr. Obama pela gentileza com o povo afegao. Ele tambem falou que, o presidente afegao nos devia desculpas pelas mortes dos nossos soldados.

O show demonstra apenas o quao desorientado o sr. Gingrich eh. Ele so pode estar delirando por causa das muitas derrotas que tem enfrentado nas seletivas. Primeiro de tudo veio a queima. E isso provocou a reacao popular. A morte dos nossos soldados foi em consequencia direta da queima, o que nao teve nenhuma iniciativa afega. Entao, se alguem tinha que pedir perdao `a nossa nacao e aos parentes e amigos dos soldados, esse alguem tinha que ser o nosso Comandante Chefe. Eh mais do que claro que a pessoa afrontada por primeiro nisso foi o povo afegao.

Neste caso o sr. Gingrich so mostrou o quanto oportunista ele eh. Ele pensou que poderia ganhar alguns votos do nosso eleitorado conservador, passando um pito no presidente, mas ele nao soube nem analisar os fatos. Na sequencia um agente do Taliban fingindo de soldado Afegao matou mais dois dos nossos. E este eh o tipo de acao que devemos estar preparados para encontrar todo o tempo. Possivelmente, se o sr. Gingrich fosse o presidente ele responderia a isso com seu espirito despreparado. Assim ele faria o jogo que os terroristas querem que se faca.

Gostaria de colocar aqui mais um fato como parabola. Morando em Belo Horizonte por um tempo, como a maioria dos pobres no Brasil eu usava onibus para andar na cidade. Foi num feriado, eu entrei num onibus diferente para ir `a periferia. Naquele tempo a cidade tinha onibus sem ar condicionado e os veiculos quase sempre faziam o itinerario com as janelas abertas. Era a unica forma de moderar o calor tropical.

Porque era feriado o onibus estava quase vazio. Havia apenas o motorista, o trocador e cerca de cinco passageiros. Nos entravamos pela porta de tras, pagavamos as passagens para sentarmos nalgum lugar proximo `a porta da frente, por onde se saia. Mas era meu costume sentar nos bancos de tras e escolhia o que me parecia o melhor lugar. Outra pessoa tinha se sentado bem no fundo do veiculo. Os outros passageiros ja haviam tomado lugares na frente.

O onibus estacionou numa parada e um ultimo passageiro entrou. Ele ficou em pe, perto do trocador, e parecia ser um tagarela. Falava alto ao trocador que respondia `as questoes sem fixar o olhar no rapaz. O trocador parecia aborrecido com a falacao. Mas o tagarela continuou falando por longos minutos. O motorista parou o onibus para um dos passageiros sair e haviam dois jovens na parada, possivelmente, esperando um onibus diferente do que estavamos.

O falador esperou o nosso onibus comecar a arrancar e gritou umas provocacoes aos jovens, pensando que nos outros passageiros ficariamos deliciados por ve-los enraivecidos. E um dos jovens viu um monte de areia ao lado, pegou uma mao e a jogou na direcao do onibus. A areia entrou por todas as janelas e o rapaz que estava sentado mais atras levou uma ferpa no olho. E o falador ficou com raiva da reacao dos outros e nos chamou para sair, juntar uma galera para darmos uma licao no que jogou areia.

O camarada que levou areia nos olhos imediatamente se levantou e deu um safanao tao bem dado no peito do falador que ele passou pela roleta sem ter como se apoiar e saiu catando baratas ate estatelar-se junto ao motorista. E o autor do empurrao gritou para ele: “A galera ta ai, quer mais?” O falador levantou-se devagar, olhou para nos que o fitavamos. A cena era hilaria mas ninguem estava rindo. E o matraqueiro entendeu o que os nossos olhos diziam, deu sinal para a proxima parada e, caladinho, sumiu no mundo.

Quando nos sofremos os ataques de 11 de setembro nosso governo comecou a vociferar palavras de guerra e penso que os que se envolveram perderam uma grande oportunidade de lancar o mesmo olhar a ele. Um olhar como aquele poderia ter nos dado mais tempo para pensar melhor a proxima estrategia, a qual deveria causar menos consequencias danosas. Infelizmente nao podemos mudar a Historia. O que haviamos feito antes para comprar uma resposta como os ataques de 11 de setembro pode nao ter sido a pior coisa do mundo. Mas nos foramos avisados de que o Bin Laden e a gang dele tinham ficando com muita raiva. Entao, deveriamos ter conversado com eles.

O problema eh termos a impressao de sermos donos da mesa. Damos as cartas e que os outros joguem segundo as nossas regras. Isso eh um tipo de pura arrogancia. E a resposta dada pela Al Qaeda pode ter sido exagerada em relacao ao que fizemos. Mas nos multiplicamos nossa contra resposta com forca muito mais disproporcional. Dai nao podemos dormir em paz imaginando que o que vira depois sera amigavel, a menos que comecemos desde ja a reprogramar nosso comportamente e mudarmos os nossos rumos para algo que respeite aos outros.

So por coincidencia, ontem estava chateado pelo que estava passando nos noticiarios dos canais que assisto e me enganei pressionando o numero 0111, da operadora Verizon e abri o ESPN-3. La estava mostrando um debate intitulado: Iran & Hezbollah Treat Assessment (Compreendendo o Perigo que Representam Iran e Hezbollah). Basicamente era um grupo de congressistas republicanos se encontrando com funiconarios publicos que representam os servicos de seguranca no pais. E eles falavam a respeito de terrorismo supostamente financiado pelo Iran e as formas que o Hezbollah tem usado para controlar parte do trafico de drogas para financiar suas atividades. Bom, nao vi muita coisa nova nas acusacoes.

O que foi mencionado era que, os servicos de seguranca tem vigiado de perto a Fronteira do Suldoeste, o nome fatasia para a fronteira com o Mexico, e esquecendo da fronteira com o Canada que pode ser usada para traficar qualquer coisa que os terroristas queiram. Basicamente eu nao estou tao preocupado com tal possibilidade. Penso que o problema eh maior. E nao concordo que os modos americanos usados no combate ao terrorismo funcionarao para sempre. Repito, combater terrorista eh o caminho para o desastre. O que se precisa fazer eh combater o terrorismo. Como fazer isso?

No caso de nossa fronteira com o Mexico precisamos reconhecer tres problemas. Temos a imigracao sem documentos, o trafico de drogas e a possibilidade do terrorismo envolver-se com eles. E o dinheiro eh o que os atrai. Como homens de negocios eles sao atraidos pelas oportunidades que as fronteiras significam, e isso envolve dinheiro grande.

As sugestoes levantadas pela maioria dos conservadores eh a de domar o povo. Ponha-se uma cerca eletrica ou uma Grande Muralha nas fronteiras, perseguir os imigrantes e tudo o que eh usado para combater as consequencias, nao as causas. Desde que eu me encontrava no Brasil eu tinha a ideia de uma forma diferente de solucionar o problema. Como o principal objetivo dos traficantes e terroristas eh ganhar dinheiro, como podemos impedir que eles o facam?

Para mim eh mais do que claro que uma lei justa de legalizacao eh fundamental para solucionar o problema rapidamente. Legalizando a populacao que ja esta aqui com a intencao unica de trabalhar e oferecer aos filhos dela o “Sonho Americano” eh a unica forma de libertar essas pessoas dos riscos de se envolverem com os bandidos. Ao mesmo tempo estar-se-a tirando essa pressao da policia de fronteira porque esta tera um volume menor de trabalho ao diminuir o numero de transeuntes. Tirando essa pressao da fronteira, isso tirara dinheiro das maos dos traficantes e terroristas porque nao serao tantas pessoas que pagariam pela travessia.

O problema do trafico de drogas eh um pouquinho mais complicado mas somente existe porque os traficantes ganham dinheiro por meio dele. Precisamos reconhecer que involve pessoas viciadas. E a pessoa viciada precisa ser tratada como vitima do problema, tanto quanto os sem documentos sao para o trafico de pessoas. Uma pessoa viciada nao pode ser considerada totalmente responsavel porque o vicio eh uma doenca, nao exatamente uma escolha. E, como doenca, precisa de tratamento.

Como podemos, ao mesmo tempo, tratar a doenca e tomar dos traficantes a oportunidade de tirar dinheiro dos viciados? A resposta vem do proprio preco das drogas. Por exemplo, a planta da coca eh uma fonte de renda comercial e negocio legal. A planta tem outros produtos que nao a droga. E a droga mesma eh facil e barata de produzir quando nas maos dos fazendeiros.

Muitas vezes se ve noticias anunciando que a policia fez uma apreensao milionaria em drogas e dinheiro. Essa eh uma concepcao falsa. A droga em si so se torna dinheiro depois de vendida e feita a coleta do dinheiro. Na verdade, enquanto droga nas maos dos traficantes, ela eh muito mais barata. Eh possivel ate que os traficantes usem a tatica de vez por outra deixar a policia localizar um certo volume de drogas. E enquanto a policia se distrai com o que estao apreendendo os traficantes estao passando com a verdadeira muamba que servira ao mercado do trafico. Perder um pouco da mercadoria nao significa muito para eles. Porque o volume principal cobre todas as despesas.

O que se poderia fazer seria comprar a droga legalmente de comerciantes estabelecidos e usar isso como tratamento para os viciados. Se o viciado tiver a oportunidade de ter a droga de uma cadeia governamental nao tera necessidade de comprar do traficante. O traficante perdendo sua clientela perdera renda e o trafico se desmancha. Enquanto o viciado for tratado com a droga, a protecao governamental tera a oportunidade de orienta-lo para deixar esse tipo de vida.

O povo conservador quer isso diferente: so proibicao, cadeia e outros, pensando que isso resolve, e endurecimento das leis. Mas toda vez que se aumenta a repressao, mais sofisticado e perigoso o trafico se torna. Como ele fica mais caro tambem os traficantes sofrem a pressao para obter algum resultado. Dai eles apertam mais a pressao sobre os viciados que, estando no final da linha, comecam a cometer mais crimes para pagarem os debitos. Eles se tornam escravos nas maos dos traficantes e isso leva `a consequencia do aumento da violencia em nossa sociedade. No final a sociedade sofre mais nos dois sentidos: economico e emocional.

Nao eh atoa que o super conservador Pat Robertson pediu recentemente para liberarem o uso legal da maconha. Ele lutou a vida toda do lado conservador e somente agora percebeu que tem lutado em vao. Eles queriam fazer a forca contra o jeito. Os Estados Unidos tem seis milhoes de pessoas encarceradas. E a maioria esta envolvida com o trafico e o uso das drogas. Este eh apenas um lado das estatisticas. Do outro lado existem milhoes de pessoas assassinadas, familias destruidas e vidas esperdicadas. Nao vejo sucesso algum nesse tipo de luta.

As pessoas viciadas precisam primeiro a nossa ajuda para se libertar das maos dos traficantes. E depois para se livrarem do vicio. Assim nos podemos nos dedicar e vencer a guerra contra os traficantes e terroristas. Eles perderao a fonte de renda e os escravos deles nao farao por eles aquilo que nao sao capazes de eles proprios praticarem.

Este seria apenas um principio da Guerra do Final Feliz. E os traficantes continuarao procurando meios de ganharem dinheiro facil e eles encontrarao meios de traficar ou roubar outras coisas. Mas o importante eh primeiro tirar os escravos das maos deles porque o viciado eh um escravo sob a influencia de algo que o faz agir como se fosse besta. Tirando a pressao de cima do viciado de pagar pelo vicio devera tornar a sociedade mais segura. E a seguranca em si se tornaria mais barata com cada vez menos prisoes. Acredito que, o que a sociedade gastaria com esse tipo de prevencao seria muito menos do que se economisara em seguranca e estragos.

Hoje em dia precisamos nos conscientizar de que o comercio de drogas esta se movendo para drogas farmaceuticas comuns. Parece que os laboratorios legalizados estao ganhando mais dinheiro vendendo drogas legais para o mercado ilegal que no comercio correto. Se nos queremos realmente resolver o problema tambem esse assunto precisa ser reconhecido com rapidez.

Com respeito `as fronteiras eh essencial que as massas nao as cruzem ilegalmente. Tanto os terroristas quanto os traficantes estao sempre buscando se misturar ao povo para passarem dispercebidos. Isso coloca o povo em risco de ser atacado pelos dois lados como reais casualidades de guerra. E nos nao podemos continuar a combater terroristas com armamentos tao tenebrosos que causam terror `as pessoas comuns. Todos somos pessoas comuns enquanto algo incomum nao aconteca.

Nao tenho sabido organizar os assuntos no presente capitulo. As ideas estao chegando e eu estou escrevendo-as em alguns paragrafos a cada dia. Nao estou certo se eh porque estou me cansando de escrever o livro como um todo ou eh sintoma de outra coisa. Hoje eh 24 de marco de 2.012. E tenho escrito sete dias por semana por mais de sete meses, e ainda mantendo algumas de minhas responsabilidades da mesma forma, esquecendo-me ate da minha saude. Essa confusao poderia ser atribuida a eu ter tido ideias a respeito do terrorismo desde que comecei a escrever. E agora eu tenho que recordar as ideias passadas e outras estao chegando misturadas. De qualquer forma, vou escrever algo que me veio na noite passada.

O principal objetivo da Al Qaeda eh fazer-nos gastar nosso dinheiro e recursos. E isso tem sido feito com nossa propria colaboracao. A opcao por cacar terroristas em oposicao a combater o terrorismo funciona exatamente como eles planejaram. Eles sabiam que: o mais provavel seria que fossem mortos ou presos. Entao, o que precisam fazer para atingir o objetivo eh tornar mais dificil suas proprias capturas. Tomemos a morte do Bin Laden como exemplo. Quantos milhoes ou bilhoes foram gostos para mata-lo? E quanto a Al Qaeda gastou para esconde-lo? Com certeza foi uma equacao totalmente desproporcional!

E eh dessa forma que eles trabalham. Os terroristas nao precisam pesquisar armamentos. Eles precisam apenas ficar atentos enquanto nos fazemos isso por eles. Ninguem do lado deles construiu aviao algum. E eles sequestraram os nossos e os miraram contra nos. Esta eh a guerra da inteligencia. E nos temos sempre corrido atras. Isso foi verdade no ataque ao S. S. Cole; no 11 de setembro; no Metro de Londres; nos trens espanhois e por ai vai. Eles estao `a frente nessa guerra, espalhando os incendios e nos deixando com o servico de bombeiros.

A situacao virou mais ou menos assim, como a sabedoria arabe nos ensina: “Os caes ladram enquanto a caravana passa.” O problema eh que, enquanto nos combatemos terroristas e nao o terrorismo, o dizer se parece mais com: “Enquanto os caes latem uns aos outros nenhuma caravana passa.” Isso significa que, nao eh sabio dar tanta atencao aos caes e nenhuma `as caravanas.

Nisso se resume a sabedoria da Al Qaeda e seus afiliados. Estamos pagando bilhoes para cacar terroristas um por um. Se tivessemos gasto a metade do dinheiro fazendo boas coisas para os pobres do mundo, nos estariamos combatendo o terrorismo melhor porque iriamos ganhar a confianca da populacao. A populacao do mundo poderia nos enxergar como solucionadores dos problemas e nao os criadores de ilusoes. Isso trabalharia como prevencao contra o terrorismo porque tornaria mais dificil aos terroristas ganhar mais seguidores. E a caca de um a um ficaria mais facil. Enquanto somente alguns caes ladrassem, as caravanas continuariam indo e vindo e o comercio ajudaria a pagar pela caca dos piores terroristas.

Temos sido levados a temer que os terroristas consigam produzir armamentos por meio de pesquisa propria. Mas eles nao precisam fazer isso. Eles nos deixam fazer isso por eles. Alguns de nos pensa que precisamos desenvolver armamentos para estar preparado para qualquer eventualidade. Mas eles precisam encontrar apenas um jeito de pegar nosso armamento para usa-lo contra nos mesmos. Espelhe-se no que fizeram com nossos tres avioes. E imaginem, se eles tivessem sequestrado alguns avioes de nossas forcas armadas qual teria sido o estrago! Este sempre sera o objetivo dos terroristas do outro lado.

Nos pensamos que estamos mais seguros agora porque temos o sistema de defesa mais avancado. Mas a realidade tem demonstrado o quao arriscado isso eh. Imagine se algum terrorista descobrir os codigos para usar nossas bombas atomicas para usa-las contra nos mesmos! Ou usar isso para comecar uma guerra atomica contra outra nacao nuclearizada! Eles podem tirar proveito de qualquer tempo de dificuldades de relacionamento entre nacoes. E o curso que nossa Historia esta tomando nao podemos duvidar que muitas oportunidades aparecerao para eles.

Ha pouco tempo foi revelado que os israelenses foram capazes de entrar no sistema e causar estragos nas usinas nucleares do iran para atrasar algumas partes do programa nuclear dele. Nao penso que tenha sido algo inteligente. Inteligencia seria fazer a paz e resolver todas as diferencas. O que foi feito eh um convite para a mesma tatica ser usada para ser praticado o mal e ferir os inimigos deles, os quais se incluem israelenses e americanos.

Enquanto estamos transformando todo tipo de tecnologia em armamento estamos nos arriscando a ferir nos mesmos. Acaso nos ja imaginamos a possibilidade de termos outra Guerra Civil como tivemos no seculo XIX? Como estamos afundados numa cultura de guerra, nao podemos dizer que nunca esta possibilidade acontecera mesmo que ela se pareca remota neste momento. O fato eh que nossas disputas internas estao criando mais e mais diferencas entre privilegiados e despossuidos. Este eh um dos fatos que pode jogar-nos ou a nossa descendencia numa Guerra Civil. E o pais pode sofrer mudancas feias.

Hoje, se eu fosse terrorista, ou tivesse poder num pais inimigo, eu poria atencao especial naquilo que poderia ser usado para interromper todas as comunicacoes ou, pelo menos, as mais usadas como as que passam por satelites. Nos sabemos, a maioria do nosso armamento hoje depende dos satelites e uma forma de neutralizar isso seria a destruicao da nossa capacidade espacial. A China ja testou com sucesso uma arma com esse sentido. E como na Historia, os outros paises, cedo ou tarde, irao buscar o mesmo. Para cada armamento que temos os outros estao buscando uma anti-versao a ele. E, provavelmente, tem uma versao secreta somente conhecida por eles proprios.

A unica forma de acabar com os riscos de extinguirmo-nos atraves de nossas proprias maos eh criar condicoes para termos a total confianca entre os povos. Nos precisamos estar presentes nas dificuldades que os outros passarem e eles precisam estar por nos da mesma forma. Dar seguimento a politicas divisionistas como as sugeridas pelos candidatos republicanos so nos tornara susceptiveis a ser jogados nas guerras dos outros e isso estimulara mais terrorismos contra nos.

Nao podemos nunca esquecer. No seculo XVI somente governos eram capazes de produzir e possuir grandes navios e canhoes. E isso era a tecnologia de vanguarda na epoca. Mas logo os piratas conseguiram obte-los. Hoje, qualquer navio pequeno e armas portateis sao muito mais letais que aquela tecnologia. Precisamos perguntar a nos mesmos: O que estara ao alcance de qualquer um nos seculos que virao? Para mim nao ha inteligencia alguma nao pensarmos nisso agora e deixar nossa descendencia sofrer as consequencias.

Neste momento nosso governo esta confrontando um dilema. Desde que a CIA usou um aviao teleguiado para matar o cidadao americano, Anwar al-Aulaki, que era suspeito de terrorismo ligado `a Al Qaeda. Estou usando o termo suspeito porque isso eh a lei desde que ele nao fora julgado e declarado culpado, apesar das evidencias. O pai dele estava questionando a legalidade do assassinato atraves dos tribunais americanos e foi negada a pretendida justica. Se eu fosse ele, continuaria na busca pela justica e tentaria nas cortes de lei internacional. Por que? Para tentar parar a loucura que esta acontecendo por aqui.

O problema nao eh decidir se alguem eh culpado ou nao. O problema eh que, tal forma de execucao nao eh outra coisa a nao ser ato de terrorismo desde que isso foi uma execucao extra-judicial. E isso envolve direitos humanos, os quais os Estados Unidos estao negando que os chamados terroristas possuem. Nao existe lei afirmando que alguem eh menos ou mais ser humano, entao, todas as pessoas tem os direitos humanos de serem ouvidas perante um tribunal antes de serem consideradas culpadas. Compreendo que alguem possa ser morto como resultado de um cerco policial e resista violentamente `a prisao. Mas o que esta se fazendo por meio dos avioes teleguiados eh o uso desproporcional de forca. Simples execucao extra-judicial. Uma violacao clara dos direitos humanos.

Tambem ouvi no radio, enquanto esperava por minha filha sair da escola, comentarios a respeito de tal tipo de execucao. Entrevistador e entrevistado estavam debatendo a respeito do problema quando um ouvinte questionou a validade do ato, dizendo que isso era abuso de poder e estava preocupado com o que aconteceria se os tais assassinatos extra-judiciais comecarem a ser usados frequentemente. O entrevistado assegurou que este nao seria o caso porque as execucoes so seriam usadas em paises em que as regras da lei nao estariam sendo respeitadas. Mas o questionamento so surgiu no ultimo minuto do programa e o assunto morreu ai.

Tal alegacao deixou mais perguntas que respostas. Como, entao, justificar a execucao extra-judicial do Bin Laden? Acaso o Paquistao eh um pais sem lei? Recentemente, o Brasil e a Italia tiveram uma disputa porque a Italia julgou uma pessoa como terrorista e assassina `a revelia de sua presenca e defesa. Pela lei brasileira o presidente poderia escolher se extraditava ou nao a pessoa para Italia. E o presidente Lula negou o pedido da justica italiana alegando que o julgamento nao havia sido justo. E ai, no ponto-de-vista americano, a Italia teria o direito de fazer uma “execucao extra-judicial” em solo brasileiro?

Outra questao. Os Estados Unidos protegem muitos cubano-americanos ou exilados cubanos que sao considerados terroristas pelo governo de Cuba. Entao, Cuba teria o direito a executa-los inclusive em solo americano? Ou no solo de outros paises se eles viajarem e forem pegos pelos agentes cubanos?

Penso que esta claro que os Estados Unidos estao tentando criar leis de excecao. Isso eh coisa comum nas ditaduras. Nos que nascemos brasileiros temos la nossas experiencias e isso nao nos traz memorias agradaveis. Essas coisas comecam com boas intencoes e depois viram monstros debaixo das camas. Os cidadaos comuns comecam a desenvolver paranoias, tipo o sentimento detestavel de estar sendo vigiado nao interessa o que se faca. E esta eh uma receita boa para levar ao desenvolvimento de comportamentos distorcidos que resultam em atos de terrorismos verdadeiros. O que quero dizer eh que: nossa liberdade esta sendo sequestrada por essa falta de juizo.

Outro caso que tem indicado a presenca da loucura em nossa sociedade foi o assassinato do Trayvon Martim, na Florida. Isso so pode ser resultado do comportamento paranoico que foi exacerbado pela guerra contra terroristas. A ligacao entre o terrorismo e esse assassinato em particular eh indireta. Deste os ataques de 11 de setembro o povo americano passou a aceitar comportamentos irregulares como aceitaveis. Dai o direito de possuir e usar armas de fogo ficou mais justificavel perante `a opiniao publica. Isso, aliado a algum comportamento discrepante que estava enrustido antes do 11 de setembro aflorou em muitas cabecas e esta causando incidentes que em sociedades melhores nao seriam aceitaveis.

Trayvon Martin era um adolescente aframericano de 17 anos que estava desarmado e se dirigindo `a casa dos pais num condominio na Florida. Ele usava um capuz e um vigilante na area julgou-o suspeito. Inclusive o vigilante sendo instruido pela policia para nao interceptar o suspeito, parece que ele o fez. O resultado que todos sabem com certeza eh que o adolescente foi morto e pelo vigilante que eh branco. Isso esta espalhando manifestacoes no pais todo e sendo considerado um crime por odio racial pela comunidade aframericana.

O problema esta em que a Florida tem uma lei controversa que permite a qualquer um matar, desde que se sinta ameacado e temendo pela propria vida. Acima, descrevi o caso como assassinato porque, mesmo que o matador estivesse se defendendo de ser morto, ele em primeito lugar desobedeceu ao aviso de nao interceptar o adolescente. E em segundo lugar porque o fato talvez tenha acontecido pela oportunidade que a Constituicao Americana oferece com a facilitacao de porte de armas.

Para mim eh mais do que claro que a boa intencao dos nossos fundadores incluiram o direito ao porte de armas no tempo deles por causa da situacao historica do momento. Nao se tinha um policiamento regular por todo o pais, a maioria das pessoas viviam em areas rurais onde andavam sob a ameaca de animais e as armas nao tinham a potencia que agora tem. Eu duvido que se os fundadores soubessem o que uma arma portatil faria hoje se eles nao teriam posto restricoes nesse direito. Eles eram mais racionais que a maioria de nos hoje-em-dia.

A verdade eh essa, a maioria daqueles que querem o total direito de portar armas nao pensam profundamente o problema. Desde que a pessoa esta portando uma arma isso automaticamente se transforma em instrumento de solucao, embora nem sempre seja um instrumento necessario. O que quero dizer eh que, se o matador nao tivesse portando a arma ele pensaria duas vezes antes de confrontar qualquer um. A gente pode inclusive fazer uma analogia com a cultura de guerra dos Estados Unidos. Se fossemos menos preparados para fazer guerras, pensariamos duas vezes antes de comecarmos guerras desnecessarias. E isso nos ajudaria a economisar capital humano e monetario.

Armas dao a impressao de seguranca e poderio, e a pessoa se sente automaticamente livre para arriscar-se da mesma forma que o Estado. No caso do Trayvon Martin nao temos testemunhas oculares do lado dele. As unicas coisas que sabemos eh que era um adolescente, desarmado, tomando cha gelado e estava se dirigindo para a casa dos pais e agora esta morto. O matador tambem parece ter bons antecedentes, exceto pelo erro de desobedecer `as intrucoes policiais. O que sabemos com certeza eh que: As solucoes das armas sao as que apresentam os piores resultados.

“Nos o povo” estamos muito sensibilizados com a situacao. Especialmente a comunidade aframericana. Mesmo o presidente Obama disse que se ele tivesse um filho ele se pareceria com o Trayvon. Isso em alusao aos aframericanos serem tratados como suspeitos antes de provar-se o contrario. Como pai de um filho de 17 anos eu deixo meus sentimentos com a familia dele. Nao consigo imaginar ser sacudido por tal tragedia. Eh muito dificil para a pessoa humana carregar um filho no colo, acompanhar o desenvolvimento, sonhar com o que ele sera quando crescer e tudo se acabar em tragedia. Morte nessa situacao eh o pior dos nossos medos.

Mas temos uma analogia dessa tragedia com o que se passa neste pais. Mesmo que a morte nao esteja envolvida na maioria dos casos, a vida tem sido cortada pela metade para todos os filhos de imigrantes sem documentos. Eles estao sendo julgados pelo que os pais fizeram, pelo que o nosso governo nao foi capaz de fazer e pelo que nossa sociedade nao tem sido capaz de oferecer. Quando alguem como o Mitt Romney diz que vetaria a lei chamada “Dream Act”, para mim eh o mesmo que ele falar que ele faria o mesmo que o matador do Trayvon Martin fez. A grande diferenca eh essa, o Mitt Romney faria isso numa escala massiva.

Trayvon Martin e sua tragedia eh apenas um lado da moeda. Ele teve uma morte rapida e agora os pais, parentes e amigos sofrerao toda a dor por um tempo longo. Mas no outro lado da moeda estao os imigrantes sem documentos, com o mesmo problema de serem perseguidos por serem diferentes dos padroes. As criancas, os imigrantes sem documentos, parentes e amigos estao sofrendo a pior tortura desde os tempos da escravidao. Eles nao podem levar uma vida normal enquanto nao puderem dar um passo sem verificar se estao sendo vigiados. Eles estao sujeitos ao terror de toda vigilancia nesse pais.

No meu caso particular eu sou contrario `a legislacao do Dream Act em certa forma. A “Lei do Sonho” oferece um caminho de legalizacao somente para as pessoas jovens que foram trazidas para o pais e criadas aqui. Dai a legalizacao delas eh o mesmo que deliberadamente separar a familia. Mesmo que os pais sejam trabalhadores sem documentos eles somente vieram porque nosso governo e nossa sociedade falharam de alguma forma. Portano, nao ha sabedoria alguma em toma-los como unicos responsaveis e unicos punidos por isso.

O que quero dizer com escrever essas coisas aqui eh que, nos precisamos deixar de lado nossas emocoes e egos. Precisamos comecar a fazer as coisas direito, mesmo que isso seja de alguma forma desagradavel para nos. Se alguem de nos tem preconceito contra a populacao de cor, eh preciso superar isso e defender primeiro os direitos constitucionais porque essa eh a coisa certa a fazer.

Se alguem nao gosta de imigrante sem documentos, ou mesmo somente algum tipo de imigrante que pareca diferente, porque pensa que eles estao aqui ilegalmente, entao, pense tambem que se nos vivemos hoje nessa grande nacao chamada pelo nome de Estados Unidos foi porque alguns de nossos fundadores foram “terroristas” o suficiente ao ponto de desafiar as leis inglesas e internacionais, declarar e conquistar a independencia do pais.

A bagunca em que nos encontramos agora tem um ponto positivo. Esta nos mostrando que mesmo antes dos ataques de 11 de setembro tinhamos no amago de nossa sociedade pessoas com todo tipo de comportamento distorcido. Pessoas com preconceitos em termos de raca, religiao, sexo, nivel economico, orientacao sexual e muito mais. E isso nao acabara se ignorarmos a realidade dizendo que so enxergamos o que eh bonito. Porque nisso ja esta embutido o preconceito.

Em razao das vitorias do Movimento dos Direitos Civis no passado, nos pensavamos que tinhamos plena democracia em nossa sociedade mas estavamos errados. A luta pelos Direitos Civis precisa continuar. Geracao apos geracao. Porque o preconceito pode mudar de roupa mas eh uma doenca dificil de acabar. Essa eh uma licao que o presidente Obama deveria ter aprendido primeiro que todos. Ele sofreu preconceito por causa de aspectos raciais e por ser filho de um imigrante. O sucesso dele, contra todas as probabilidades, nao poderia deixa-lo esquecer os outros que ficaram para tras.

Ultimamente nao tenho nem visto os jornais. Tenho visto pouco porque estao dedicando tempo demais com o mesmo assunto que eh o assassinato do Trayvon Martin. O problema eh que o tempo gasto nao resolvera nada e as emissoras so estao tirando vantagem do momento para fazer propaganda. Infelizmente, aqui nos Estados Unidos o judiciario virou mais circo que justica. E a televisao usa isso enquanto o publico se interesse em seguir os casos.

Porem, o assunto principal desse capitulo era suposto ser terrorismo e terroristas. Mas eh impossivel separar isso do interesse das nacoes. E o governo americano estava pressionando o governo sirio para largar o poder para o povo. O problema eh que o povo sirio esta profundamente dividido no assunto de quem tem mais direito ao poder. E o ditador Assad esta massacrando sua oposicao e nao ha como para-lo.

O problema eh que, foi proposta uma mocao no Conselho de Seguranca da ONU para dar mais poderes a outras nacoes a ajudarem a remover o ditador. Mas a Russia e a China vetaram a resolucao. A embaixadora americana ficou louca com isso. E a diplomacia americana apenas mostrou imaturidade com tais esperancas. A Primavera Arabe foi forte o suficiente para derrubar as ditaduras da Tunisia, Libia e Egito. Mas na Siria e Iran o problema eh diferente.

Penso ser uma imaturidade pedir ajuda `a Russia e China porque elas nao sao apenas os melhores amigos da Siria e do Iran. Seriam tambem a proxima parada do movimento que estava prometendo derrubar todas as ditaduras do mundo. O veto foi uma questao de se escudarem contra a mesma situacao. E, por volta de um mes atras, hoje eh 30 de marco, toda a midia esta focada no conflito sirio. Agora ela esta apenas apresentando uma pequena nota informando o numero de mortes causadas pelo ditadura.

Tem pessoas extremamente nervosas com a matanca, dizendo que o regime ja causou mais de 10.000 mortes no conflito de um ano. Comparando com as 100.000 mortes de civis na invasao do Iraque em menos de 10 anos, parece que a equacao zerou. Nao estou defendendo o regime Assad mas a diplomacia e a midia americanas precisavam ficar mais espertas no assunto.

Se nao temos competencia para controlar tantos conflitos ao mesmo tempo, teria sido mais inteligente se ha um ano atras tivessemos pedido ao povo anti-Assad para segurar suas ambicoes. Primeiro precisariamos saber qual direcao Tunisia, Libia e Egito irao tomar porque senao estaremos correndo o risco de estar ajudando aos inimigos, como fizemos no passado no Afeganistao e ultimamente no Iraque. La nos entregamos o poder aos Talibans e no Iraque aos Chiitas, aliados do Iran.

Agora, dfesejo apenas fazer alguns comentarios a respeito das primarias republicanas. Penso que o interesse publico nesse assunto foi substancialmente reduzido. Os 10 estados que decidiram na Super Terca ficaram dividiso; 6 deram vitoria ao Mitt Romney, 3 ao Rick Santorum e 1 ao Newt Gingrich. O Ron Paul esta em passo de tartaruga em terra. Depois tivemos outros preeleicoes no pais e o Romney e o Santorum estao partilhando as vitorias. Os outros tem somado apenas alguns delegados.

Os maiores estados como Texas, California e Nova Iorque estao ainda por realizar suas primarias mas inclusive se o Rick Santorum ganhar a maioria dos delegados parece que o Romney sera o indicado do partido. Isso se da porque, desde a ultima vez que verifiquei os numeros, o Romney assegurou uns 600 delegados; Rick Santorum nao passa da metade disso; Newt Gingrich beira aos 200 e Ron Paul tem abaixo de 100. A soma dos tres eh menor que o total do Romney. Nao vejo como algum dos outros conseguiria superar os numeros do Mitt.

Porem os numeros estao mostrando coisas curiosas. Mitt Romney nao esta ganhando grande vantagem em votos populares. Parece que a maioria do eleitorado preferia outro candidato, menos ele, mas os outros tres estao dividindo as preferencias e dando oportunidade ao Romney de estar na frente sem unir o Partido Republicano. Desde ha muito os especialistas tem sugerido ao Newt Gingrich sair da disputa para ver se o Rich Santorum seria capaz de assimilar o eleitorado dele e, neste caso, ele poderia mostra-se mais forte que o Romney na disputa mano-a-mano contra o presidente Barack Obama.

Parece que o Newt Gingrich esta mostrando sua cara vingativa. Qualquer um que entra numa disputa como essa, com certeza pensa ser o melhor candidato. Mas as regras do jogo nao foram a favor do Gingrich. Romney e seu “Super*Pac” usaram o poder economico para derruba-lo por meio de propaganda negativa. E o grupo do Romney ja estava se preparando desde que ele comecou a buscar a ser candidato anos atras. A candidatura do Newt parece nao ser mais que uma vontade de aparecer dele proprio.

*Super Pac eh uma regra esdruxula da lei eleitoral americana que comecou a vigorar este ano de 2.012. Ela permite que um clube de apoiadores do candidato se reuna, arrecade dinheiro sem declarar a fonte, nao ha limite de contribuicao, e usar isso para fazer propaganda eleitoral paga. Eh ilegal os candidatos terem contato com os seus proprios Super Pacs. Assim eles se desculpam da baixaria que entra nas propagandas. E o Super Pac do Romney esta ajudando-o a investir 5 vezes ou mais os valores que os outros candidatos tem gasto. E a maior parte da propaganda tem sido para apontar as fragilidades (propaganda negativa) dos outros candidatos e quase nada para o que o proprio candidato faria se ganhasse a eleicao. Nisso tem se caracterizado a fragilidade da candidatura do Mitt Romney porque, apesar de toda a forca economica, nos estados chave ele nao tem levado grande vantagem sobre o segundo colocado que eh o Rick Santorum.

A motivacao politica do candidato Gingrich nao esta clara ainda. Ou ele esta totalmente iludido com respeito `as proprias possibilidades ou esta coligado com o Mitt Romney, por tras dos panos. Esta eh uma possibilidade porque esta dividindo o eleitorado mais conservador e se tornando uma ajuda fundamental para o Romney vencer alguns estados chave por margem pequena de votos. Os numeros indicam que se o eleitorado de Gingrich votasse em maioria a favor do Rick Santorum mudar-se-ia o ganhador. E isso seria fundamental para o eleitorado como um todo adquirir mais confianca no senador Santorum como melhor posicionado para vencer.

O que o Gingrich esta dizendo eh que, juntos eles impediriam ao Mitt Romney de conquistar o numero magico de 1.144 delegados e na Convencao em Tampa eles poderiam virar a mesa. Todavia, nao importaria quem se tornara o indicado do Partido Republicano. O indicado ficara enfraquecido pela tatica divisiva. Mesmo que a maioria dos republicanos ira votar para qualquer um que representar o partido eles precisariam dos votos de outros que nao estao afiliados ao partido. Mas a negatividade e o divisionismo jogara contra o otimismo deles.

O sonho do Gingrich de fazer alguma diferenca na Convencao Nacional pode ser furado. Eh que a imprensa fez uma certa pressao no Rick Santorum e ele admitiu que aceitaria ser o vice na chapa do Mitt Romney, tudo em prol do objetivo principal que seria impedir, a qualquer custo, um segundo mandato de Barack Obama. Se assim se fizer o Gingrich nao tera influencia alguma no destino dessas eleicoes.

A negatividade da campanha tem sido tao marcante que ate a dona Barbara Bush, a esposa do ex-presidente George Bush, concordou que esta tem sido a pior campanha que ja viu. E ela viu muitas campanhas. Parece que a unica bandeira que os candidatos republicanos se agarraram a ela eh a negatividade contra o presidente. Nao tem plano melhor algum para salvar a America e, entao, irao atras apenas do que, no ponto-de-vista deles, eh ruim no governo Obama. Eh uma tatica muito fraca para energizar os eleitores. Um ponto a favor deles eh que o presidente Obama tambem nao tem sido capaz de energizar seus apoiadores como fez em sua primeira eleicao.

Outro ponto que podera cair contra o Partido Republicano sera o caso da nova Lei da Previdencia Social para Todos. Na semana passada iniciou-se o julgamento da validade da lei na Corte Suprema porque muitos governadores republicanos e uma firma privada de seguros de saude entraram com acao contraria `a constitucionalidade dela. A demanda esta centrada num ponto crucial. A lei manda que todos os cidadaos comprem o seguro saude. Para que brasileiros e outros compreendam melhor, a lei dispoe que todos tenham um seguro de saude, mesmo para quem nao tenha condicoes, entao, foi criado um sistema semelhante `a Previdencia Social que brasileiros e europeus ja possuem. Apesar de no Brasil isso nao funcionar tao bem. Mas em alguns paises europeus funciona. Parece que eh uma questao administrativa, nao uma questao de eficiencia do sistema.

O estranho eh que o carater mandatorio sempre foi uma bandeira do Partido Republicano. Agora eles mudaram os conceitos, talvez, so para tentar causar uma derrota ao governo Obama e enfraquecer as chances de ele se reeleger. Nao penso que esteja havendo sabedoria nisso. Eles tem argumentado que nao podem deixar o governo Obama vencer porque, se acontecer, o que mais ele obrigaria `a populacao comprar? Estao usando a tatica do medo de um suposto plano para controlar todos os aspectos da vida dos nossos cidadaos.

O problema esta em que, tem tantos outros dispositivos a nao ser o mandado que se for considerada a inconstitucionalidade da lei inteira as consequencias irao afetar duramente a base da piramide. A maioria da militancia republicana eh branca, com melhor educacao escolar e mais rica que o cidadao comum. A maioria dela ja tem um seguro privado, entao, esta apenas insensivel `as dificuldades vividas pelos mais pobres. E isso pode ser facilmente manipulado para conquistar o voto de boa parte do eleitorado americano. A estatisticas recentes indicam que cerca de 50.000.000 de americanos esta vivendo na linha da pobreza.

Nao se pode dizer que isso sera decisivo nas eleicoes de 2.012. Como o voto eh opcional nos Estados Unidos, a populacao pobre eh justamente a menos informada e nao sabe como usar o voto para melhorar suas oportunidades. Pesquisas indicam que quem nasce pobre tem uma chance muito maior de permancer pobre toda a vida. De toda forma, o rico pode mandar os filhos para ser educados em qualquer lugar que desejarem nao importa o preco. E os com melhor educacao escolar tem, automaticamente, uma chance melhor de elevar-se na piramide.

Se a populacao pobre nao souber como usar o voto para conquistar uma educacao e saude melhores, com certeza, esse povo sera sempre o mais vulneravel em questao de manter-se na pobreza.

Existe uma particularidade que os republicanos estao ignorando em relacao `a nova Lei da Previdencia. Como tenho dito, nao passamos de um bando de galinhas de granja. E o mundo esta se tornando o nosso aviario. A populacao comum nao compreende o que isso significa na questao da busca de saude para todos. Medicamente falando, estamos colocando a sociedade como um todo em risco so pelo fato de permitir que parte da populacao nao possua acesso a um acompanhamento medico.

Isso significa que, algumas pessoas poderao adoecer e, ficando sem assistencia medica, poderao incubar doencas por tempo suficiente para que haja mutacoes, talvez muito mais virulentas. E isso ira ser disseminado na `a sociedade como um todo, nao importa se voce tera ou nao seguro saude. Ter um bom acompanhamento pode fazer a diferenca entre o sucesso ou nao da sociedade como um todo. Neste caso, o mandado, mesmo que seja para muitos dificil de engolir, favorece `a equacao custo/beneficio, fazendo pesar mais para o beneficio. Quem duvidar dessa minha preocupacao, va visitar uma granja e pergunte aos administradores quais sao as medidas para manter-se os frangos sadios. Pergunte se algum deles eh deixado sem cuidados e porque nao.

Esse caso todo entrou em questao porque pela legislacao constitucional de comercio fica proibido ao governo interferir no sentido de favorecer aos comerciantes obrigando o povo a comprar os produtos deles. E o juiz Antonin Scalia, um dos membros da Suprema Corte, inclusive questionou o assunto fazendo a comparacao: “Sera licito permitirmos ao governo obrigar ao cidadao a comprar brocolis porque isso eh bom para a saude dele?” Neste caso ele esta comparando banana com abacaxi. O cidadao pode escolher comer brocoli para melhorar a saude ou comer outra coisa que oferecera o mesmo resultado. Eh uma questao de preferencia individual.

Porem, negligenciar `a saude como um todo, por nao ter recursos para isso, eh uma questao de saude publica. Isso afeta nao apenas ao individuo mas `a sociedade como um todo. E na presente legislacao americana ja existem indicacoes de que o governo tem o direito a tornar a lei obrigatoria. Sabemos que se algum individuo for diagnosticado com tuberculose ele ira para uma unidade hospitalar de isolamento e sera tratado tendo ou nao vontade para isso. Vale mais a saude da sociedade do que a vontade do individuo. Eh uma questao de seguranca publica sobre os direitos individuais do cidadao.

A coisa complicou para o Partido Republicano neste caso porque este eh o modelo de lei que esta funcionando aqui no Estado, desde que o Mitt Romney foi o governador. Foi no governo dele que se implantou praticamente a mesma lei e que o governo do presidente Obama simplesmente pensou que fosse boa ideia e a copiou para elaborar o plano nacional. Se o presidente fosse do Partido Republicano isso nao incomodaria aos militantes republicanos. Mas isso tambem sera usado contra qualquer indicado pelos republicanos na eleicao geral. Se a lei federal for anulada pela Suprema Corte, ficarei profundamente preocupado com o que acontecera ao que ja esta funcionando bem aqui em Massachusetts. Nao sei dizer se seremos capazes de pagar um seguro saude particular sem nenhuma ajuda.

Terminemos esse capitulo falando algo da minha vida. Tenho-me concentrado tanto em escrever esse livro que me distrai de verificar se a minha oculista participava do meu seguro saude novo. Somente na vespera da consulta lembrei-me de verificar e ela nao participa. Fui obrigado a cancelar a consulta. O meu caso eh um pouquinho melindroso porque tenho glaucoma e isso preocupou todas as atendentes e pessoal medico que me da assistencia. Minha secretaria ficou cheia de mensagens pedindo-me para buscar ajuda porque nao poderia ficar sem atendimento. Estava aborrecido com a situacao mas tambem sensibilizado com tamanha solidariedade. A todos o meu muito obrigado. Agora marquei consulta com outro medico para logo-logo.

Economicamente a gente esta quase indo `a bancarrota. Esta ate parecendo que a nossa economia eh uma represa feita de areia e choveu muito `a noite. Primeiramente, um formigueiro apareceu dentro de casa e nos roubou o custo de combate-lo. E, ha duas semanas atras, minha esposa percebeu que o jeep dela parou de dar a re. Foi um caso simples de diferencial quebrado. O total para consertar nao ficou longe dos US$ 4.000,00, e na semana passada deu outro problema que custara a ela mais US$ 1.000,00. A gente estava custando a fazer um pe-de-meia para nosso filho poder frequentar a universidade. Nao da para colocar aqui as palavras que estou pensando.

E os candidatos do Partido Republicano esperam conseguir o nosso voto, pregando as isencoes para o povo rico ao mesmo tempo que estao impondo barreiras aos nossos menores sonhos. Como dizia o Chacrinha: “Vao ganhar o Trofeu Abacaxi.” E que o levem nas vias dolorosas!

Se a nova Lei da Previdencia Social for derrubada pela Suprema Corte, nos iremos tomar conta melhor de nossas galinhas do que dos nossos proprios cidadaos.

Vou deixar para o leitor tirar a propria conclusao de quem esta vencendo a guerra dos terroristas. Nao tenho certeza se tem alguem ganhando qualquer coisa com ela. As formas usadas para lutar-se esta fornecendo desculpa para que ela continue por tempo indeterminado. O que tenho certeza eh que o povo em geral esta perdendo. Nao importa quem ira vencer porque “Nos o povo” perderemos de todo jeito. Porque uma guerra sem fim ira ferir a todos.


Em 23 de setembro de 2.011 eu assisti ao discurso do primeiro ministro, Benjamin Netanyahu, na ONU. E logo depois deixei um lembrete numa das paginas deste livro anunciando que iria comenta-lo. Entao, agora voltamos ao assunto. Porei este capitulo na sequencia do anterior que falo a respeito de terrorismo porque existem ligacoes entre os dois. O assunto eh delicado, eu sei. E nao tenho uma opiniao formatada segundo as opinioes dominantes. Porem a verdade precisa ser dita inclusive para aqueles que nao a queiram ouvir.

Outra coisa. Nao pedirei para mim o titulo de promotor da paz nem me considero merecedor de nada. Somente desejo apresentar uns pontos de vista e deixar que os leitores desenvolvam suas proprias conclusoes. Nada sei mais que ninguem. E nao quero levantar o peso de ser o autor de nenhuma ideia que leve `a paz ou `a guerra. O que eu sei eh isto, paz ou guerra nao dependem de mim. Se dependesse apenas de mim eu diria: esta resolvido. Mas paz ou guerra nao dependem da vontade de apenas uma pessoa. Elas vem do fundo dos coracoes de, pelo menos, duas pessoas que decidam uma ou outra.

Tem algo que conheco bem. Nao importa o que essa geracao faca em favor da paz. Ela somente permanecera para sempre se as geracoes que virao renova-la enquanto o tempo existir. Por todo o tempo em que eu tenho seguido os conflitos no Oriente Medio, sempre tive um sentimento de descredito. Nao tenho confianca nas liderancas e penso que os povos palestino e israelense sao vitimas dos interesses de outros que nao tem boa vontade. E a paz so vira da boa vontade de ambos os lados.

Minha mae sempre dizia que: “Quando um nao quer, dois nao brigam”. Eh simplorio imaginar que o dizer resolva isso. E ela tomava outra atitude para fazer-nos crer nisso. Pelo menos, pense duas vezes antes de brigar. Ela sempre completava: “Se eu ficar sabendo que algum de voces brigaram na rua, quando puzerem o pe dentro de casa vao entrar no couro do mesmo jeito”. E o problema das guerras eh que, elas deixam consequencias que funcionam como a punicao que a gente poderia receber em casa. Uma guerra deixa sempre janelas abertas para novas guerras e somente a boa vontade pode mante-las fechadas.

Nao desejo copiar as palavras do Netanyahu naquele discurso. Irei apenas relembrar algo que ele disse, em minhas proprias palavras, e fazer uma pequena analise delas. Nao porei os assuntos na mesma ordem que estao no discurso dele. E comecarei a partir da mencao que ele fez a Israel ser um pais pequenissimo. Baseado nas dimensoes reduzidas, ele se preocupa em nao deixar o Estado Palestino existir antes que os lideres palestinos nao derem garantias de seguranca a Israel. E ele perguntou: “Que pai seria irresponsavel de por os filhos numa situacao de perigo?

Nao conheco pai algum desejando por os proprios filhos em perigo. O que sei eh que os dois lados tem feito isso. E nao somente pondo os proprios filhos em perigo. Eles tem posto tambem os nossos filhos sujeitos a acontecimentos ruins. E deixe-nos comecar por 1.948 quando o Estado de Israel foi criado. Ele foi criado por meio de uma Resolucao da ONU, contra a vontade de todas as nacoes ao redor. Os pais judeus naquela ocasiao sabiam que estavam pondo os filhos em perigo. O que eles nao sabiam era o quanto ruim isso ficaria hoje e quanto pior se tornara se nos mativermos a Historia no mesmo rumo que ela esta. Manter esse rumo eh a forma de Benjamin Netanyahu colocar as nossas presente e futuras geracoes em perigo.

Benjamin Netanyahu, todos os israelenses e a maioria dos cristaos acreditam, ou fingem crer, no conto da Biblia de que Deus deu a terra para o descendencia de Abraao. E depois isso foi limitado `a descendencia de Jaco. Quem conhece o que esta escrito na Biblia esta familiarizado com o conto. E mais, os escritores biblicos estabeleceram que, muito antes de Abraao, que era um imigrante na terra, existia um povo que era dono do lugar. E somente uma pequena fracao da terra foi comprada.

Posteriormente a familia de Jaco abandonou a terra e foi para o Egito. Apos geracoes ela voltou na forma de um povo numeroso para reclamar a posse. Foi dito que, Josue liderou o povo com ordens expressas de cometer genocidio contra todos os outros povos locais. Neste ponto, os escritores hebreus alegam que, o Proprio Deus teria dado essa ordem porque o povo que estava vivendo no lugar era pecador. Mas a conquista da terra demorou certo tempo, e o povo chamado de Israelita desobedeceu a Deus, nao eliminando todos os pecadores. E foi isso que foi alegado para a ocorrencia do sofrimento que o povo passou dai para frente.

Os escritores biblicos tentaram, com subterfugios, nem sempre culpar a Deus pelo que aconteceu mas os escritos atraicoam essas intencoes deles. Primeiramente eles usaram o velho truque de fazer algo errado e culpar outros por isso. Desde o comeco apos o estabelecimento na terra, eles atribuiram todas as coisas ruins que aconteceram a si mesmos aos proprios pecados, porem, alegaram que os pecados somente se deram porque haveriam sido induzidos pelos sobreviventes do genocidio, supostamente ordenado por Deus.

O problema com tal teoria eh isso, foi dito que, antes do povo hebreu invadir a terra, Deus o teria declarado povo santo, povo escolhido. E este seria separado dos outros para manter a santidade. Tambem alegou que Deus deu duas escolhas a tal povo dizendo, em minhas proprias palavras, se voces se comportarem voces nunca sofrerao mas do contrario Eu punirei voces com minhas maos poderosas. Este foi o preparado para desculpar Deus de feitos errados. Supostamente, tudo de errado que veio depois foi sujeitado `a desobediencia das ordens de Deus. E os pecados do povo viraram o motivo para os sofrimentos.

Contudo, para validar tal proposicao com respeito ao comportamento divino, os escritores, deliberadamente ou nao, esqueceram-se de como os Poderes de Deus funcionam. Deus Eh Oniciente. Isso significa que Ele Sabe tudo antes de acontecer. Quando os escritores supuzeram que Ele havia dito, se o povo de Israel nao O obedecesse, o povo seria punido, eh uma contradicao, porque Ele saberia todas as coisas ruins que surgiriam do comportamento do povo. Nisso os escritores biblicos culpam a Deus por todas as coisas ruins que viriam a acontecer porque Ele ja sabia quais seriam cada detalhe do comportamento do povo e, mesmo assim, Ele teria posto o povo em perigo.

Entao, a questao que Netanyahu pensou ser inteligente naquele momento: “Que pai deixaria seus filhos em perigo?”, eh respondida pela teologia que ele eh suposto ser seguidor, porque ele se declara da fe judaica. E a resposta eh uma acusacao contra Deus porque diz: Deus eh tal pai. Supostamente Ele sabia que o povo israelita pecaria de tal forma que Ele teria que chuta-lo para fora da “Terra Prometida” por, pelo menos, duas vezes ate agora.

Outra informacao importante que esta na Biblia, vem do livro, 2 Cronicas, 33, 9, que diz: “Manasses, porem, levou o povo de Juda e de Jerusalem a cometer erros maiores que os erros das nacoes que Jave tinha arrasado diante dos israelitas.” Bom, Judah eh somente uma parte do povo de Israel, entretanto todas as 13 tribos estavam representadas nele. Israel propriamente, ou 10 das tribos, haviam sido conquistadas pelo Assirios. E a razao para isso ter acontecido fora similar.

Isso significa que todas as ilusoes de os israelitas serem um povo especial, separado dos outros por causa de sua santidade, o povo escolhido, e a luz para o mundo eh falsa. Assim o eh porque se Deus tivesse ordenado o genocidio dos canaanitas, Ele seria um deus de duas caras como aqueles fabricados pelas maos e mentes humanas. Como ele poderia merecer ser chamado de O Justo e Deus Vivo se Ele tivesse ordenado o genocidio de alguns, por causa dos pecados destes, e nao ordenado o mesmo para quem fez pior?

Aqui temos uma bifurcacao traicoeira. O que eu creio eh que, Deus nunca ordenou o genocidio dos Canaanitas. Dai, todas as alegacoes posteriores a esta suposicao sao falsas. Porem pessoas creem no literalismo biblico. Neste caso, os dias dos judeus estao contados e o fim deles vem segundo o Tempo Divino e nao segundo o nosso. Isso significa que, cedo ou tarde, a fe judaica desaparecera, nao necessariamente as pessoas serao extintas, baseado em que: sabemos que isso tambem nao aconteceu aos antigos canaanitas. Os gens deles estao presentes em todo o mundo, da mesma forma que os dos hebreus estao igualmente disseminados. Os proprios israelenses portam marcas dos genes deles.

Talvez eu precise explicar algo aqui. Sim, eu sou cristao e tambem sei que Deus Existe. A minha explicacao para que assim seja e eu nao crer nas interpretacoes biblicas dominantes eh que, o conto biblico eh uma narrativa baseada em alguns fatos, os quais foram interpretados por pessoas humanas. Os escritores biblicos tentaram conciliar o entendimento teologico deles com a Historia que conheciam. Isso era vital para fazer a coneccao com o futuro do povo. Se nao fosse pela Historia nos nao entenderiamos nossas ligacoes com os muitos povos e, talvez, nao seriamos capazes de nos mantermos unidos como nacoes.

Eh por isso que nos tempos antigos a tendencia das nacoes era serem bem menores que hoje. O povo conhecia apenas a Historia que era passada via contos orais e, como uma mesma familia se espalhava pelos interiores, com partes vivendo geracoes separadas de outros grupos, sem compartilhar das mesmas experiencias e nao tendo um centro comum de administracao; isso criou as condicoes que resultaram em nacoes e linguas diferentes. A Historia escrita combinada com a religiao e um centro de adoracao tornou possivel algumas partes do mesmo povo viver em terras distantes e continuar ligadas a um maior numero de pessoas e linhagens genealogicas diversificadas dentro da mesma cultura. Foi isso que permitiu a existencia de nacoes maiores.

A minha pesquisa ao texto biblico tem uma explicacao logica. Pelo discurso, Netanyahu parece crer que exista mesmo uma ligacao especial entre a terra e o povo de Israel assim como foi alegado no texto biblico. O que eu desejo eh demonstrar que isso nao eh verdade. Nao querendo dizer que eles nao tenham ancestrais de la.

Ele disse, por examplo, possuir um selo oficial no escritorio dele em Israel que fora encontrado junto ao muro em Jerusalem e datado por volta de 700 AC. O selo, formatado como um anel, se parece com outros que sabemos, em tempos antigos, eram usados para autenticar os documentos escritos. Ele tambem disse que o nome do oficial que o usou chamava-se Netanyahu, como no sobrenome dele. Tambem lembrou que o nome Benjamin eh uma referencia ao filho mais novo de Jaco. Ele usou tais informacoes para salientar o suposto direito de se ter uma nacao chamada pelo nome de Israel hoje, porque nos tempos antigos houve outra nacao com o mesmo nome.

Nao faco parte de nenhum grupo que duvida da existencia do antigo Israel. Mas eh preciso salientar-se que, o anel nada prova. Sabemos que Jerusalem ja era centro de peregrinacao mesmo antes da alegada existencia de Israel. Dai, nada prova que o anel pertencia a algum peregrino de algum lugar distante ou de um residente local. E sabemos que o uso de sobrenomes eh uma invencao relativamente recente.

Naquele tempo as pessoas usavam somente o primeiro nome e alguns eram distinguidos com alguma diferenciacao, quando o nome era muito comum. Algo como: Jose, filho do Jaco. Ou Jose, o carpiteiro. E mesmo, Jose de Arimateia. Somente muito depois as profissoes, lugares de nascimento, caracteristicas fisicas e outros foram adicionados como nome de familia.

Bom, nao vejo necessidade alguma de provar que Israel existiu nos tempos antigos. O que Benjamin Netanyahu tinha que provar seria o que a nacao antiga de Israel tem haver com Israel de hoje. Isso porque desde que o Israel antigo deixou de existir tivemos milhares de anos de Historia que, parece, o sr. Netanyahu pede que todos ignorem. Parece que ele quer fazer-nos crer que o Israel antigo esteve la, desapareceu e milhares de anos depois reapareceu numa terra sem donos.

Eu tenho uma ideia melhor de como obter uma prova de heranca da terra melhor que o anel do Netanyahu. As ciencias de hoje oferecem isso a nos. Sabemos que o clima local da Canaan antiga eh um tanto seco e isso ajuda na preservacao de ossos. Talbem eh bem conhecido que ossos de pessoas de geracao apos geracao dos antigos habitantes da area continuam la e sao de desde milhares de anos antes dos hebreus, palestinos e cristaos terem nascido.

Entao, se a heranca for estabelecida pelo direito de quem primeiro se estabeleceu na terra, como parece ser o ponto levantado por Netanyahu, poderiamos solicitar aos cientistas o extrato do DNA dos ossos mais antigos e verificar o DNA da populacao que vive hoje. Qualquer que possuir DNA semelhante ao dos antigos habitantes deverao ser os herdeiros da terra.

Porem, preciso avisar a todos da existencia de um probleminha. Com certeza, Palestinos e Israelenses terao a semelhanca. E o mesmo se dara com boa parte da populacao terrestre. E porque nao!? Baseado em meus estudos de semelhanca genealogica que postei no inicio deste livro, pessoas como Abraao podem facilmente ser multiplas vezes ancestrais de todos nos na Terra hoje. E baseado nos dados que ja temos de genealogia em maos podemos afirmar que, todos os povos da Peninsula Iberica tem que ser multiplas vezes descendentes de Jaco, atraves da rainha Ester, aquela cujo nome ate se tornou nome de livro na Biblia; e, tambem, descendentes de Abraao em doubro, atraves da linhagem direta do profeta Mohammad, que foi ancestral de Zayra Ibn Zaida.

Somente para o leitor localizar-se melhor no capitulo da Historia que estou recorrendo, Zayra Ibn Zaida foi esposa de Lovesendo Ramires. Ele foi filho de Ramiro II, rei de Leon. O casal se tornou ancestral de todas as familias reais e nobres da Peninsula Iberica e de la a descendencia deles passou seus gens a toda os nobres europeus. Desde que eles viveram antes do ano 1.000 DC, nao somente os nobres herdaram a genetica deles, porem, toda a populacao que descende deles. O que se pode garantir eh que, todos os espanhois e portugueses descendentes que fizerem um teste de DNA hoje deverao possuir no sangue tracos ou mesmo boa parte do DNA medioriental e terao provas de ser herdeiros das “Promessas Divinas”.

Como Benjamin Netaniahu quer ser, todos nos somos descendentes de Abraao. Entao, o direito que ele alega ter para si mesmo e seus compatriotas judeus tera que ser obrigatoriamente partilhado com todos nos, e outros porque mencionei apenas duas das linhagens que nos ligam a eles. Contudo, Abraao deixou milhares de linhagens que migraram para Africa, Asia e Europa, entao, o direito precisa contemplar a todos. A menos que o primeiro ministro de Israel queira estabelecer que o direito so valera para os da fe judaica. Ou apenas para aqueles que tiverem o cromossoma Y, como nos velhos tempos em que somente homens eram creditados como transmissores de heranca.

Nao importa o que ele pensou. Baseado na forma dele pensar, nos cristaos teremos que ter o direito de possuir nosso proprio pais no local que fora ocupado pelo Israel antigo. Pois eh, essa eh a verdade! Nos somos descendentes dos patriarcas. Quando Roma adotou a fe crista na epoca do imperador Constantino, a Palestina foi governada pela cristandade. Posteriormente os Cruzados governaram a terra por cerca de 200 anos. E antes da atual nacao de Israel ser fundada nos nossos dias la era governado pelo cristao Imperio Ingles. O problema com a teoria de Benjamin Netanyahu eh esse, ele pensa que pode fazer todos nos de bobos mas a bobeira eh a bandeira dele proprio.

Se a exigencia de direito de possuir um Estado de Israel for validado por qualquer um, com base no que se deu milhares de anos atras, isso significara que, todos os descendentes dos povos antigos que ja tiveram uma nacao estabelecida nalgum lugar qualquer terao o mesmo direito de recriar uma versao nova da nacao antiga com o mesmo nome. E a Historia se tornara mais ou menos assim: os Incas terao a nacao deles no Peru e imediacoes. Os maias tomarao de volta boa parte do Mexico e outros. As muitas tribos nas Americas terao o mesmo direito. Dai, se os Cherokees, Blackfeet, Pueblo, Navajo, Sioux, Arawak, Inuit e muitos outros quizerem, eles deverao ter o direito de decidir se quererao continuar a identidade propria deles ou manter a identidade americana. Ou ambas como muitos israelenses possuem.

Eu ja ia continuar este texto quando abri meu email box hoje e la estava um email mandado por um de meus irmaos. No titulo estava a promessa de alguns ditos da sabedoria dos indigenas da America do Norte. E imediatamente selecionei alguns para reproduzir aqui. Se isso nao for uma Intervencao Divina, o que sera entao?! Vejamos apenas dois:

Pensamento Shenandoah: “Falar de paz nao eh suficiente, o que precisa eh pensar, sentir, agir e viver em paz.”

Pensamento Seneca: “Quanto maior a esperteza que o homem pensa ter, maior a necessidade da protecao Divina para que ele seja protegido de si mesmo.”

Outro argumento levantado pelo sr. Netanyahu, que sempre eh levantado pelos defensores da idea do Estado de Israel permanente, eh esse: Israel eh a unica democracia nos arredores. Ele ate reclama que, apesar de ser a unica democracia nos arredores, recebeu mais condenacoes da ONU que todas as outras nacoes juntas. Alegou ainda que, como democracia, Israel possui todos os tipos de pessoas residindo la, inclusive descendencia arabe. E ele cre que Israel foi injustamente acusado de racismo porque, ele acusa, os palestinos eh que mereceriam tal titulo. Por ultimo alegou que em Ramallah, Palestina, ha uma lei de pena de morte contra quem vender terras para os judeus.

Em outras palavras, a descricao de Israel e seu governo dada pelo primeiro ministro, eh de algo parecido com o Paraiso administrado por santos. No outro lado da moeda veio a descricao dos islamicos radicais, especialmente do sr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, como a fonte de todo o mal. Nao desejo parecer ironico ao dizer: eu quase fui convencido a ir para aquele lugar “Celestial” que o sr. Benjamin pensa que construiu, carregando algum armamento, para ajudar a eliminar todos os inimigos dele. Se eu usar ironia poderei ser criticado e o que eu tenho a dizer podera ser rebaixado a apenas inveja do sucesso de Israel!

O que eu preciso informar ao primeiro ministro de Israel eh isto: nos, povo comum, especialmente os nascidos e criados no Brasil, temos um dizer que eh assim: “Quando a esmola eh muita o santo desconfia”. Neste caso, a situacao nao eh a mais apropriada para usa-lo porque nele ha um significado diferente. Mas o uso pode ser adaptado assim: Se Israel e seu governo sao tao perfeitos e os vizinhos sao tao detestaveis, por que insistir em viver lado a lado com eles? Isso nao eh colocar em perigo todas as geracoes por vir?

Eu compreendo. Como um judeu, o sr. Netanyahu quer mais eh vender o peixe dele. Mas o problema eh que, ele deveria pelo menos admitir algumas imperfeicoes no regime dele e algumas qualidade dos oponentes para nos, os santos, termos uma melhor ideia do que se passa. Se ele deseja vender-nos a Ilha da Fantasia somado ao Dominio do Inferno como verdadeiros, nos, os santos, teremos que taxa-lo de mentiroso. Os santos nao creem em jardim perfeito ou inferno perfeito na Terra. Nos sabemos que sempre existe algo de ruim nos homens bons e algo de bom nos malfeitos dos homens maus. E eh isso que produz tanta confusao no mundo.

O argumento de ser uma democracia eh mais um peso que uma vantagem porque, se fosse, Israel precisava ser melhor do que tem sido. No discurso, o sr. Netanyahu eh o proprio responsavel por cantradizer suas palavras. Nao penso que ha espaco em Israel para a militancia do Hamas e Hezbollah divulgarem as ideias deles. Se ela entrar na area chamada pelo nome Israel e ser detectada pelo Mossad, sera certamente presa ou morta. Nesse caso, a lei que fala: se alguem vender uma propriedade a um judeu em Ramallah sera punido com a pena de morte, da um empate entre Israel e Palestina.

Lembremos aqui a opiniao que apresentei no jornal “Estado de Minas” alguns anos atras. Naquele tempo ocorriam algumas preparacoes para negociacoes de paz entre palestinos e israelenses. E o governo de Israel declarou que nao conversaria com os inimigos de Israel. Ele somente falaria com os palestinos que aceitariam a condicao previa de paz. E eu argumentei na carta enderecada ao jornal que, a gente negocia paz eh com os nossos inimigos se tivermos algum. Com nossos amigos a gente a celebra. Se eu tivesse qualquer inimigo uma fala poderia ajudar-nos a sanar nossas diferencas e tornarmo-nos amigos. Sem conversa isso eh impossivel.

Outra contradicao no discurso foi o dito que: de jeito algum ele aceitaria milhoes de palestinos em Israel. Penso que ele estava sugerindo que isso seria um plano dos palestinos. Mas para entendermos isso melhor precisamos voltar ao tempo, anterior `a criacao do Estado de Israel. E sabemos que o Imperio Ingles tinha conquistado a terra do Imperio Otomano. Como um protetorado ingles, a Palestina como um todo era habitada por arabes, judeus, palestinos e outros; a maioria eram pessoas nascidas no local ou os ancestrais delas tinham migrado e se estabelecido ja por algum tempo.

Como o protetorado era ingles, todos os habitantes tinham a liberdade de mudar-se para qualquer lugar no pais. E a convivencia entre os diferentes ramos religiosos era tao pacifica quanto fora durante o dominio islamico. Isso inclui muculmanos, judeus e cristaos, ortodoxos e nao ortodoxos. Mas essa condicao de paz relativa comecou a ser desfeita porque alguns judeus, a maioria conhecida como Sionistas, iniciaram a conspirar para a recriacao de um Estado Judeu.

O problema nisso e isso eh o porque de Israel vir sendo condenado muitas vezes na ONU eh que o modelo de Estado desejado pelos sionistas era um Estado habitado e governado por judeus, nao importando a composicao da populacao residente local. E o plano de criacao de tal Estado foi abencoado pelos administradores ingleses. O grande problema foi a presenca das outras culturas, particularmente a palestina, que era a maioria. Para superar tal situacao, os sinonistas promoveram a migracao de judeus do mundo inteiro. E comecaram a se concentrar nalgumas areas onde se tornaram maioria.

Antes da criacao de Israel, os sionistas foram considerados terroristas, igual o Hamas e Hezbollah sao acusados hoje, e praticaram muitos atos contra as autoridades inglesas. Uma pessoa conhecida por tais ataques foi Isaac Rabin, o entao futuro e agora falecido primeiro ministro de Israel. Isaac Rabin depois foi vestido com roupas de bom rapaz e acabou sendo assassinado por um judeu extremista, porque fez concessoes nas convencoes de paz com os palestinos.

A criacao do Estado de Israel estava sendo implantada com um forte descontentamento da comunidade arabe que inclui os palestinos. O que precipitou a criacao em 1.948 foi o Holocausto durante a Segunda Guerra. O argumento tornou-se este: o povo judeu precisava ter seu Estado proprio para proteger-se contra seus agressores. Eh conhecido que os judeus sofreram muitas perseguicoes durante a Historia. E o Holocausto deu um grande argumento para acelerar tal intencao. Mas, como os brasileiros dizem: “O que comeca errado termina errado”.

A criacao do novo Estado veio atraves de uma resolucao da ONU. E a assembleia de criacao foi caracterizada pela aquisicao de alguns votos atraves de corrupcao. A resolucao criou um Estado pequeno, de acordo com todas as demandas da lideranca israelenses daquela hora. Logo a criacao tambem ascentuou a rivalidade e as guerras comecaram. Em 1.967 veio certo climax com a chamada Guerra dos Seis Dias. Desde entao, Israel invadiu e mantem ocupadas terras da Siria, Jordania e Egito. Terras que supostamente seriam usadas para a criacao do Estado Palestino. E isso inclui Jerusalem.

Em consequencia das guerras, muitos palestinos foram desapropriados e mantidos distantes de seu torrao natal ate hoje. Muitos continuam vivendo em acampamentos provisorios. Esta populacao mantida `a distancia do torrao natal reside pelo mundo afora e principalmente no Libano, Siria, Jordania e Egito. E ela eh aquela que deseja voltar para casa e continua sendo punida atraves da negativa do cumprimento do direito humano mais basico. Essa populacao tambem tornou-se susceptivel `a influencia da militancia radical, como o Hamas e o Hezbollah. A populacao exilada multiplicou-se e eh a respeito disso que Benjamin Netanyahu disse que ele nao permitiria milhoes de palestinos invadir Israel.

No processamento dos fatos, o Libano tornou-se uma imensa casualidade de guerras. Ele era um pais pacifico e desenvolvido. A maioria da populacao era crista e era considerado a Suica no Oriente Medio. E os lideres cristaos, em oposicao `a alegada neutralidade suica, deu apoio ao Estado de Israel. A economia do Libano entrou em recessao e parte da populacao crista sentiu a necessidade de emigrar. Muitos acabaram no Brasil, nos Estados Unidos e outros lugares.

Em contraposicao, a populacao muculmana, reforcada com os palestinos exilados, multiplicou-se e tornou-se maioria. Apesar da situacao nova o governo cristao, apoiado por Israel, comecou a ignorar isso e tentou manter o poder por meio da forca. Isso levou a uma revolucao onde os cristaos perderam e a maioria islamica assumiu o poder. Muito da populacao arabe que Netanyahu alegou viver em paz dentro de Israel veio desse grupo de pessoas que antes fora apoiado por Israel e perdeu o poder no Libano.

Dai, quando Netanyahu requer o direito de ser tratado como especial porque vive na unica democracia na regiao, nos precisamos nos perguntar se uma verdadeira democracia eh aquela que fala disso mas nao respeita o regulamento democratido em outros lugares ou se eh aquela que fala e respeita o regulamento democratio em todos os lugares. Ser democracia nao nos da licenca de praticar coisas erradas porque tal pratica, em tempos determinados, nos parece dar algumas vantagens.

Os Estados Unidos tambem se autorgam o titulo de serem a maior democracia do universo mas foram os maiores financiadores de muitas ditaduras no mundo. Eles finananciaram a ditadura do Saddam Hussein porque isso pareceu ser uma boa ideia contra a Revolucao Iraniana. Mas o que nos conseguimos com isso foi a radicalizacao do regime em cima do povo iraniano e a ameaca contra o israelense. So para nos lembrarmos: os Estados Unidos e Israel ajudaram ao Hosni Mubarak no Egito e terminaram tendo um bom relacionamento com Muammar Gaddafi, enquanto a ultima revolucao na Libia nao comecou.

O sr. Netanyahu falou que, a origem de todo mal vem do extremismo islamico. Nao estou totalmente convencido disso. Desde que temos extremismos em ambos os lados sou mais por acreditar na reciprocidade. O mal nao vem somente dos extremistas. Isso esta mais ligado a aqueles que pensam ser tao bons que acabam neglegenciando na prevencao ao surgimento do radicalismo. Ninguem nasce extremista.

Eu ate diria ao sr. Benjamin uma coisa, pegue um nenem de um casal de extremistas islamicos e outro dum casal de extremistas judeus e de o nenen judeu ao casal muculmano e o nenem muculmano ao casal judeu. deixe-os criar as criancas como se fossem seus proprios filhos. O que voces pensariam que ira acontecer a seguir? Podemos usar outra analogia. Pegue-se os dois nenens e deixem-nos ser criados numa area remota do Brasil por um casal responsavel, nao judeu ou muculmano, e sem nenhuma doutrina extremista. Nao penso que havera extremismo algum no futuro comportamento das criancas.

Tenho certeza de que o extremismo tem sido produzido, criado e alimentado pelos politicas de duas caras usadas no Oriente Medio pelos governos locais e intervencionistas. A cultura do odio tem sido cultivado com todo cuidado, inclusive pelo governo “pacifista” de Israel. Como eu disse antes, todas as ditaduras precisam ter um inimigo, real ou imaginario, forte o suficiente para causar mais medo nas pessoas que a propria ditadura. E isso eh valido tambem para certos governos democraticos. O governo de Israel eh um exemplo classico disso. Ele precisa de um inimigo forte porque tem planos de restaurar Israel, tao grande quanto foi nos tempos antigos.

Ate recentemente isso seria um grande problema para os administradores palestinos mas agora caiu a ficha para eles. Tambem eles nao desejam a paz porque paz significaria o fim das ambicoes deles. Eles querem reconquistar, no que penso estarem corretos, o que foi ocupado por Israel, e dominar a mesma area que antes fora o antigo Israel e, antes disso, a antiga Canaan. O problema agora eh que Israel esta no meio do caminho dos administradores palestinos e a Palestina esta no caminho dos israelenses. Paz nao interessa a nenhum dos dois enquanto um nao se livrar do outro.

Benjamin Netanyahu falou a respeito de paz no discurso dele afirmando que, Israel estendeu as maos `a paz desde sua criacao. Ainda disse que as maos de Israel continuam estendidas, especialmente a aqueles que desejam fazer a paz com Israel. Mas ele subestima nossa inteligencia quando deixou claro que o governo dele nao desejava fazer a paz com seus inimigos. Especialmente quando falou a respeito do sr. Ahmadinejad, o presidente do Iran, ate mesmo sem citar o nome dele. Netanyahu fala a respeito de paz mas dentro dele queima o enxofre. Eh como o ensinamento Shenandoah diz: falar eh a parte facil, mas a pratica precisa mais que um simples desejo.

Considero alguns dos meus colegas veterinarios, biologos e bioquimicos um bom caso de heroismo permanente. Especialmente aqueles que trabalham com animais peconhentos como as cobras. Eles criam cobras como a cascavel e a urutu. Os outros povos podem nao ter ouvido a respeito da urutu porque ela eh indigena no Brasil. Eh dito que: quanto ela pica, mata ou aleija. O veneno dela eh tao forte que pode matar uma pessoa adulta em menos de uma hora e na maioria das vezes os ofendidos perdem partes do corpo por amputacao. Para nossa surpresa, eh dito que ela possui o que se parece uma cruz na cabeca. Um sinal que os cristaos usam em suas ultimas moradas.

O trabalho dos meus colegas eh feito para coletar veneno e transforma-lo em anti-veneno que ira salvar milhares de vidas todos os anos. Nossos herois poem suas proprias vida em risco para salvar outros. Mas isso eh feito com preventivos. Eles criam as cobras dando bons abrigos e boa comida. E tudo o mais necessario para manter os animais confortaveis e menos agressivos. Assim eles transformam uma situacao de perigo noutra de vencedores e vencedores. As cobras tem o que querem e as pessoas tem o que eh necessario.

No caso do governo israelense nos podemos fazer uma analogia com isso. Nao estou comparando cobras com pessoas mas eh algo parecido que o governo israelense anda fazendo como numa pesquisa para encontrar o quanto radical a militancia muculmana pode chegar. Ele nao esta simplesmente criando cobras para ajudar `as pessoas. Ele esta procurando fazer uma selecao para obter a qualidade de mais radical e letal inimigo. Penso que o governo israelense nao esta sendo tao inteligente quanto pensa ser. Uma diferenca fundamental entre cobras e pessoas humanas eh que, as cobras podem ser inteligentes mas nao raciocinam como pessoas humanas. Nos trabalhamos com cobras porque nos sabemos exatamente do que elas sao capazes mas pela inteligencia as pessoas humanas sempre podem surpreender-nos, tanto para o bem quanto para o mal.

Peguemos alguns fatos que provam que o primeiro ministro de Israel nao fala serio com respeito a paz. O governo dele deseja fazer paz com aqueles que sao moderados e nao querem nem falar com os considerados extremistas. Se o povo moderado morder essa isca ele sera a proxima vitima dos extremistas, por isso eles nao querem cometer o mesmo engano de Anwar El Sadat. Para os que nao se lembram, Sadat foi o presidente do Egito que voou ate Israel para fazer a paz. E ele fez isso sem o apoio dos outros. Acabou morto por um complo dentro do proprio pais, apesar de ele ter conseguido fazer a paz com Israel e conquistado a admiracao do mundo inteiro.

Outro fato recente exposto no proprio discurso do ministro Netanyahu foi que, ele falou de paz com o povo do Iran claramente excluindo o presidente Ahmadinejad e o partido extremista ao qual ele pertence. Por fora do discurso os noticiarios estao cheios de ameacas do governo de Israel que deseja fazer um ataque preventivo contra o Iran. Da mesma forma ele fala de paz com os palestinos no mesmo momento em que lideres palestinos tem sido mortos numa onda seletiva de assassinatos. O que torna dificil de entender eh alguem falando em fazer a paz com o mundo inteiro, exceto com os proprios inimigos.

O que tambem eh contraditorio no discurso do Netanyahu eh a negativa da criacao do Estado Palestino atraves duma Resolucao da ONU. Ele disse isso porque, ao mesmo tempo em que discursava, o presidente palestino, Mahmoud Abbas, estava no predio procurando convencer os membros a aprovarem a criacao do Estado para eles. Desde que Israel foi criado por meio de uma Resolucao da ONU, o Estado Palestino nao pode ser tratado diferente. E ele quase ordenou ao sr. Abbas a encontra-lo naquele exato momento para falar a respeito de paz, numa conversacao de pessoa para pessoa.

O primeiro ministro de Israel estava so usando artimanha porque ele sabe melhor do que todo mundo que a conversacao entre eles nao resolveria nada. Ele estava apenas usando a ONU para sua aparicao teatral para o mundo. A maioria das pessoas que estavam assistindo-o via televisao, sem um bom conhecimento da situacao politica no Oriente Medio, como a maioria do publico mundial sofre de falta de informacao, poderia acreditar que ele estivesse mesmo falando a verdade. Mas, infelizmente, para ele proprio, ele precisava convencer que estava sendo verdadeiro era justamente aqueles que ele chama de inimigos dele e de Israel, nao o publico mal informado e amigavel.

O que eh mais certo de acontecer sera, as mentiras irao tornar os extremistas mais raivosos. E Benjamin Netanyahu sabe disso. Entao, a unica conclusao a que podemos chegar eh que, ele nao quer fazer a paz com ninguem. Ele sabe que o povo moderado nao pode fazer uma paz em separado com ele e tambem sabe que ele esta provocando a raiva contra Israel nos extremistas. Em outras palavras, ele os esta provocando deliberadamente. Mas provoca-los para que? O que o sr. Netanyahu quer ganhar com isso? Quais sao os interesses dele?

Ele quer apenas ganhar tempo. Para construir mais assentamentos ilegais no lado palestino e depois usar isso num imaginario direito de uso capiao. Ou, pelo menos, para quando os israelenses e palestinos realmente se sentarem com a intencao de resolver o problema, para que os israelenses possam dizer: nos ja estamos fazendo o sacrificio de abandonar as areas que ja conquistamos, entao, voces estao em divida conosco.

Essa eh a enganacao mais antiga usada por mercadores desonestos. Primeiro eles te tomam algo e fazem um negocio paralelo colocando-te em desvantagem. Depois devolvem o que foi tomado para que voce se iluda com a surpresa e esqueca a verdadeira matematica. Talvez o sr. Netanyahu vendera o peixe podre dele aos clientes despreparados como nos mas esse negocio eh uma venda de mercador para mercador.

Estou falando a respeito disso porque de certa forma ja fui vitimado por enganacao parecida. Quando eu estava na universidade, o movimento estudantil estava exigindo a manutencao dos gastos governamentais para a qualidade da educacao nao ser afetada. E a administracao da nossa unidade simplesmente cortou nossa racao pela metade. Uma semana de fome depois, os nossos representantes voltaram com a noticia que nossas porcoes haviam sido restituidas ao nivel normal e cantaram vitoria, esquecendo pelo que estavamos lutando. Que os meus colegas me perdoem, ate hoje me rio das caras deles.

Bom, se eu falar apenas a respeito do meu criticismo ao discurso do sr. Netanyahu ninguem a favor dele nem sequer lera. Porem peco ao leitor para estender meu criticismo aos dois lados. E aqui gostaria de sugerir uma solucao para o conflito no Oriente Medio. Esta nao eh a solucao. Eh uma sugestao e no final do capitulo pretendo colocar outra que penso ser uma solucao mais realista. A presente sugestao eh baseada no fato de que ambos lados desejam restaurar o dominio sobre a Palestina. E no meu ponto de vista so ha uma maneira de isso ser feito e atender as exigencias dos dois extremos em relacao `a posse da terra.

Em primeiro lugar precisamos voltar `a Escritura Biblica. Ambos lados reclamam o direito de primogenitura para herdar a terra. E nisso sou totalmente a favor dos direitos dos palestinos. Nao pelo que eles tem dito mas por causa do que esta escrito na propria Biblia. Eles se dizem os primogenitos de Abraao, atraves do primogenito dele, Ismael. E os israelitas exigem direito de primogenitura atraves de Isaac. Mas a realidade eh que: Ismael foi o primogenito de Abraao e Isaac foi o primogenito da esposa dele, Sarai ou Sara.

O conto tardio para transferir a primogenitura a Isaac eh falso. Por que? Deus Eh o Senhor do Tempo, Senhor do Conhecimento e Senhor da Sabedoria. Se Ele desejasse que Isaac fosse o primogenito de Abraao este teria nascido primeiro que Ismael. Primogenito eh aquele que nasce primeiro, antes dos outros. Entao, se Deus tivesse planos para Isaac ser primogenito Ele colocaria as coisas em ordem. Se Ele deixasse Ismael nascer primeiro para depois resolver dar o direito de primogenitura a outro, entao, Ele teria que ser um deus enganador como os feitos pelas maos e mentes humanas.

Em segundo lugar o conto eh refeito na descendencia de Isaac. Ele casou-se com Rebeca e ela ganhou gemeos. Esau, que depois passou a ser chamado de Canaan, nasceu primeiro. Jaco veio em seguida. Outra vez, nao importa se ha outro conto dizendo que Jaco, que depois assumiu o nome de Israel, roubou o direito de primogenitura de Esau. A decisao nao vem dos homens nesse caso porque Deus Determinou quem nasceria primeiro. E Deus Eh Pessoa de uma Palavra.

Se isso nao for o suficiente nos tambem podemos recordar o escrito em Esdras, 10. Resumindo, o texto descreve que o povo que voltou da Babilonia casou-se com mulheres locais. E elas tiveram filhos. Mas o ortodoxo Sequenias interpretou isso como transgressao contra o desejo divino e induziu primeiro ao Esdras e depois ao povo a fazer: “3 Nos nos comprometemos, com o nosso Deus, a despedir todas as mulheres estrangeiras e os filhos que tivemos com elas, conforme o conselho do meu senhor e dos que observam o mandamento do nosso Deus. Que a lei seja cumprida!”

Porem, a lei tambem diz: Dt. 24, 16: “Os pais nao serao mortos pela culpa dos filhos, nem os filhos pela culpa dos pais. Cada um sera executado por causa de seu proprio crime.” Isso significa que, as criancas eram inocentes por qualquer pecado cometido pelos pais. Desde que elas foram punidas erroneamente elas nunca perderam o direito de pertencer `a Assembleia de Deus. Nos podemos apenas especular que tais criancas sao agora ancestrais de toda a populacao do Oriente Medio, entao, se o direito delas for respeitado, esta tambem sera descendente de Israel, com todos os direitos dados aos judeus.

E nao pensem que minha interpretacao esteja errada porque o texto do Deuteronomio fala a respeito de morte, portanto, tratando-se de algum pecado mais grave. O texto no Livro de Ruth, que seria melhor entitulado pelo nome completo dela: Ruth Moabita, narra como ela tornou-se a esposa do judeu Boaz. O povo moabita, segundo o texto da Torah, estava sob o mesmo decreto de exterminio atribuido a Deus e passado para os israelitas por Moises.

Para quem nao se lembra como o conto se desenvolve, Ruth e Boaz foram os avos de Jesse, pai do Davi, o famoso rei dos israelitas. Desde que Davi foi desculpado por ser descendente de um casamento proibido, posteriormente a mesma desculpa teria que ser aplicada em favor das criancas das quais o Livro de Edras fala. E a passagem no Livro de Ruth nos lembra disso: Se fosse algo verdadeiro abandonar as criancas dos exilados retornados da Babilonia, entao, toda a descendencia de Boaz tambem teria que ser expulsa de qualquer alianca, e isso inclui o rei Davi e a descendencia dele.

Nao desejo impor interpretacoes a ninguem. Mas precisamos ficar atentos para o que eh valido para alguns porque, se for verdade, entao sera valido para todos. E vejam o que esta escrito no Salmo 118, 22: “A pedra que os construtores rejeitaram tornou-se a pedra angular.” E os que adotam uma interpretacao mais crista eu indicaria a sentenca atribuida a Jesus, por Mateus, no capitulo 21, 43-44: “Por isso eu lhes afirmo: o Reino de Deus sera tirado de voces, e sera entregue a uma nacao que produzira seus frutos. 44 Quem cair sobre essa pedra, ficara em pedacos; e aquele sobre quem ela cair, sera esmagado.”

Certamente, o que Mateus tinha em mente era que Jesus, que era judeu e falava a uma audiencia judia, estava falando a respeito do Reino de Deus ser tomado dos Judeus e entregue aos cristaos. Mas os cristaos, especialmente alguns interpretes modernos aqui dos Estados Unidos, nunca tomaram isso como garantido. Esses interpretes cometem o grande erro de pensar que a terra de Israel eh o Portal do Ceu.

Desde os tempos antigos os hebreus e outros atribuiram `aquele canto da Terra o titulo de Terra Santa, e Terra Prometida. Isso se deu pelo pensamento egoista deles. Se alguem me perguntasse onde eh a Terra Santa, na qual eu sinto como Santa, nao teria a menor duvida em dizer: eh onde nasci. Eu sei! Temos a velha tradicao dizendo que Terra Santa eh outro lugar qualquer. E eu perguntaria a quem quizer ouvir: Terra Santa deveria ser um lugar governado por paz ou governado por guerra?

O lugar que o povo hebreu chamou pelo nome de Terra Santa parece ser um lugar que atrai povo para fazer guerra e, na pratica, o povo la so fala a respeito de paz mas nao sabe pratica-la. Entao, comparando-se com isso nao tenho duvida, o lugar onde nasci se parece mais com uma Terra Santa que o outro chamado por tal nome. Mas este nao eh o problema. O problema eh, nao ha Terra Santa. Para que seja Santa ela teria que ter a vontade de nao praticar o mal. Mas terra nao tem vontade, portanto, a terra pode ser pura, porque os humanos nao teriam pecado sobre ela; ou contaminada, porque os humanos pecaram nela.

Mesmo assim, a minha Terra Santa continua parecendo pura porque nao temos tido guerras la ha muito tempo e o povo parece ser mais pacifico porque nao tem brigado. Porem eu sei, se eu dar o nome de Terra Santa ao lugar onde nasci, estarei sendo egoista. Por que? Porque estarei dizendo que Deus escolheu a mim e a meu povo para ser superior aos outros. E isso nao eh verdadeiro porque se acreditamos que: Deus Fez a Terra e o povo, entao, nao temos escolha senao admitir que todos os lugares na Terra eram puros desde a Creacao por Deus e ate os humanos eram puros. Porem o que permanece puro ou sera purificado depende da vontade humana. A humanidade contaminou, entao, a ela a onus de limpar.

Temos um ensinamento vindo de um judeu que creio ser mesmo verdade. O ensinamento eh este: “Portanto, se voce for ate o altar para levar a sua oferta, e ai se lembrar de que o seu irmao tem alguma coisa contra voce, 24 deixe a oferta ai diante do altar, e va primeiro fazer as pazes com seu irmao; depois, volte para apresentar a oferta.” Isto esta escrito no Livro de Mateus, 5, 23-24. E o judeu eh Jesus.

Eu sei! Alguns suspeitarao que estou usando o velho truque de recorrer a versos soltos da Biblia para impor minha interpretacao, como isso tem sido feito por estudiosos, leigos, pastores e sacerdotes. Mas eu jamais apontaria tais pequenas partes do texto se isso nao fizesse sentido diante do primeiro e segundo Mandamentos que estabelecem que, primeiro de tudo precisamos amar a Deus e como consequencia disso precisamos amar a Obra Dele.

Digo-vos, ao contrario do que eh largamente aceito, o conflito entre palestinos e israelenses tem haver com tudo, menos religiao. Religiao para mim eh praticar a Vontade de Deus e o que esta acontecendo pode ser tudo, menos isso. Nao importa o que um lado fala, se o que tem feito eh de acordo com o que Moises falou ou o outro lado diz que eh de acordo com o que Mohammad falou. A Vontade de Deus sempre foi, eh e sera a paz entre as creaturas Dele. Quem disser o contrario eh mentiroso.

O conflito eh exclusivamente a respeito de terra e posse. Nao eh espiritual, eh mundano. E os palestinos querem a terra em nome deles porque ela antes foi ocupada por eles. E os israelenses dizem que a terra pertence a eles porque agora tem a posse. Estes clamores nao sao perfeitos por nao levarem `a paz permanente porque abrem as portas para futuros eventos de guerra, porque se for assim, entao, facamos a guerra para decidir quem sera o futuro dono por direito conquistado.

Entao, a conclusao a qual cheguei eh esta: se ha paz possivel, seria sabio unir os territorios palestino e israelense para formar apenas um pais. Este nao poderia ser chamado de Palestina nem Israel. Ambos os nomes clamam separacao. E ambos os povos se arrogam o direito de descender de Abraao; seja entao chamado de Terra de Abraao. Deixem essa ser a terra para adoracao do Deus Unico que una judeus, muculmanos e cristaos. Ele Eh o Autor da vida. Iniciem, entao, a usar instrumentos para salvar vidas nao armas que as destroi.

Sei. O problema esta em que, o tempo longo de guerra feriu tanto a ambos os lados que nao existe confianca de um no outro. Esta eh a maior de todas as barreiras que ambos os povos precisam vencer. Mas se for feito passo-a-passo com verdade e boa vontade de ambos os lados, com a Ajuda dos Ceus, nao eh impossivel. Naquele tempo Jesus falou: “7 Felizes os que sao misericordiosos, porque encontrarao a misericordia. 8 Felizes os puros de coracao, porque verao a Deus. 9 Felizes os que promovem a paz, porque serao chamados filhos de Deus.” Mateus 5. Se qualquer dos lados desejar ser filho de Deus nao ha outro jeito senao fazer a Vondade de Deus e, entao, fazer as pazes.

Netanyahu anunciou que o problema sao os extremistas muculmanos e estes seriam aqueles que nao desejam fazer a paz. Entao, eu diria a ele: melhor sera que os israelenses se preparem para mudar porque a Historia ira se repetir de novo e de novo. E como os brasileiros dizem: “Pegaa porque este filho eh teu”. Como disse antes, o sionismo criou o extremismo muculmano e para desfazer o que foi feito eh preciso dar tempo para isso apos a proxima geracao se for; para que as viboras de ambos os lados percam o veneno. Os filhos da terceira geracao terao uma visao diferente de seus ancestrais; caso sejam criados na paz.

A criacao do Estado de Israel nunca foi um ato de paz. Os fundadores sabiam que isso seria uma declaracao de guerra para os anos seguintes. A guerra vinha no pacote junto com a criacao. Na criacao de Israel, a paz foi deixada de lado. O choro do primeiro ministro eh falso por essa razao. Os israelenses queriam a terra de qualquer maneira, mesmo que a decisao significasse guerra. E eles receberam exatamente o que barganharam.

Porei algo extra aqui, antes que me esqueca. A cena dos Estados Unidos suspendendo a contribuicao financeira para a Unesco seria comica se nao fosse tao tragica. Isso aconteceu porque a Autoridade Palestina recebeu o apoio total da agencia cultural da ONU depois de 107 votos a favor, 14 contra e 52 abstencoes. O que estava pensando a administracao do Obama? Tirar o dinheiro da educacao dos povos pobres e deixar um espaco em branco para as “industrias” como a Al Qaeda e outros assemelhados abrirem novas fabricas de terror? E eu pensei comigo mesmo: Santo esperdicio de inteligencia!

No comeco do discurso, o sr. Netanyahu fez referencia a muitos judeus serem famosos por trabalharem na literatura, artes e ciencias. E mencionou saber algo que os outros nao sabem do como lidar com o que acontece no Oriente Medio. Penso que ele queria mandar para o mundo uma continha nestes termos: Vejam o bem que o povo judeu tem feito pelo mundo, agora chegou a hora do mundo nos pagar e se colocar na nossa retaguarda, nao importa no que queiramos fazer. Bom, vamos questiona-lo?

Normalmente, atribuimos `a Renascenca o comeco da cultura ocidental moderna. E ela aconteceu por diversos fatores. Um deles foi a introducao do papel inventado na China, na Europa. Outro eh a redescoberta dos conhecimentos de romanos, gregos e outros. Curiosamente, os dois eventos foram proporcionados pelo Imperio Muculmano. Primeiramente, eles tornaram o uso do papel comum e acessivel. E em segundo plano, eles foram os que copiaram e mantiveram vivos quase todo o conhecimento mais antigo, para dai a Europa reaprende-lo atraves deles. Assim, nos devemos algo aos muculmanos, aos chineses, romanos e, pelo menos, gregos.

A exigencia dele parece ter grande parte de preconceito porque atras do que disse ha esse entendimento: Vejam o quao inteligente o povo judeu eh e voces nao tem a mesma inteligencia! Eu argumentaria com o sr. Netanyahu em outros termos. Talvez ele e todos os judeus possam ser mais inteligentes que eu. E eu os admiro pela inteligencia deles. Mas inteligencia sem sabedoria nao eh o suficiente. Talvez eu seja interpretado como ignorante por dizer isso mas eu recorro a um dos meus herois, este eh Einstein.

Penso que todos saibam que Einstein tem ancestrais judeus. Ele foi tao inteligente que conquistou o Premio Nobel em fisica. E a Teoria da Relatividade dele continua sendo usada como modelo para estudarmos os universos, pequeno e grande. Ele inclusive trabalhou secretamente para construir a bomba atomica que os Estados Unidos possuem. Agora, nao posso culpar ao Einstein porque outros querem fazer mal uso das descobertas dele. Mas chega a ser ironico que: ele foi o cranio por tras da bomba atomica e agora o povo dele teme que isso seja usado contra si mesmo. Ele teria sido sabio se tivesse promovido a paz antes de revelar o que a ciencia dele seria capaz de fabricar.

Nos sabemos o quanto o povo judeu foi perseguido durante a Historia. Atraves da Biblia a gente ja conhecia as destruicoes dos Templos e a escravidao que o povo foi submetido. Nos sabemos o que os romanos fizeram, em dose dupla, em 66 e 140 d.C. Isso resultou na Diaspora. Depois veio a Inquisicao, a qual foi usada tanto contra judeus quanto muculmanos. O mais recente foi o Holocausto. Vejo um padrao nisso. E perguntaria ao leitor: O que todos estes eventos tem em comum uns com os outros? Somente a Inquisicao eh um pouco diferente. Darei tempo ao leitor para meditar a esse respeito, e responderei depois nesse capitulo.

Deixe-nos, entao, analisar algumas afirmacoes do sr. Netanyahu no discurso e verificar se sao verdadeiras por completo como ele falou que seriam. Ele negou o titulo de racista. Talvez ele esteja certo nisso. Racismo tem que ser algo envolvendo raca. E como hoje-em-dia os cientistas tem dito, nao temos diferencas suficientes para classificar a especie humana em racas. No passado nossos ancestrais classificaram como raca alguns aspectos visuais como: asiaticos, africanos e europeus.

O problema eh este, mesmo que tenhamos algumas caracteristicas especificas existem, por exemplo, algumas familias do povo africano que sao mais diferentes entre si mesmas que elas sao dos europeus. E a diferenca entre alguns africanos e alguns europeus eh tao pequena que eles nao podem ser classificados como racas diferentes. Dai nao podemos dizer: o governo israelense eh racista.

O que podemos dizer com certeza eh, ele eh preconceituoso. E o proprio Netanyahu mostrou isso para nos quando declarou que, ele nao admitiria milhoes de palestinos em Israel. Por que nao? Palestinos e israelenses sao supostamente primos, com milhoes de mesmo ancestrais desde 4.000 para ca. Israel abriu as portas para judeus do mundo inteiro. Inclusive para o povo Lemba da Africa, que primeiro foi rejeitado em Israel mas passou a ser aceito quando o exame de DNA provou a ascendencia judaica dele.

Mas a descendencia dos palestinos que foram exilados de cerca de 60 anos para ca esta proibida de entrar em Israel, porque ela pratica a “perigosa” religiao islamica. O que fica claro nessa situacao eh que: o governo sionista nao deseja mais muculmanos nos arredores porque eles podem se tornar politicamente mais forte que a comunidade judaica e o governo “democratico” teria que submeter-se a um novo equilibrio, onde os judeus seriam minoria. Benjamin deveria saber que isso faz parte da democracia e ele com o governo dele nao estao jogando pelas regras democraticas. Dai, isso nao eh racismo, eh preconceito.

Ele tambem fez outra afirmacao verdadeira. Resolucoes da ONU nao asseguram paz. Paz so pode vir atraves de negociacoes diretas entre os adversarios. Isso eh verdade. Porem eu relembro, ja ha muito tempo Israel vem evitando falar com os inimigos dele. Entao, uma coisa eh o falar e outra bem diferente eh o que esta sendo praticado.

O sr. Netanyahu defendeu a tese de que os palestinos querem um Estado mas nao querem garantir a seguranca do Estado de Israel. Bom, algo parecido se deu em 1.948 quando o Estado de Israel foi criado contra a vontade dos palestinos, dai, se o oposto for feito sera jogo limpo. O relacionamento entre Estados obedece a lei da reciprocidade. Aqui nao estou defendendo a hipotese de que Israel deva ter inimigos como vizinhos. Estou apenas lembrando os fatos e passando isso em palavras modestas. Se Netanyahu nao deseja inimigos em volta, ele deveria correr e fazer a paz com todos os inimigos dele.

Ele mencionou o sr. Ahmadinejad como: “aquele homem”, dizendo: nao se deveria permitir a ele possuir armas nucleares e fez a acusacao de que: armas nucleares nas maos deles seria o mesmo que por tais armas nas maos de terroristas. Ele tambem disse: os lideres precisam ver as coisas como elas sao, nao como elas deveriam ser.

Bom, vejamos o Mapa Mundi. O Iran nao eh uma ilha isolada. Ao redor temos: Paquistao, India, Coreia do Norte, China, Russia e Israel. Todos possuem armas nucleares. Suponham que qualquer um deles ataque o Iran; Israel saira em defesa do Iran ou o Iran tera que defender-se sozinho? E qual a garantia que Israel daria que o Iran jamais sera atacado pelos outros? Claro, nenhuma. Dai, o Iran esta so. E eu nao tenho certeza alguma de que os outros viriam em socorro do Iran em caso de Israel ataca-lo. Pela lei da reciprocidade o Iran tem o direito de possuir armas nucleares.

De novo, eu sou totalmente pacifista. Penso que todas as nacoes que tenhem armas nucleares deveriam comecar a conversar para, na medida do possivel, eliminar todos os armamentos nucleares. E, gradualmente, desmantelar a maioria dos armamentos convencionais no mundo. Nos deveriamos possuir somente armamentos para combater ou remover as consequencias de desastres naturais. Deveriamos transformar todos os nossos instrumentos de guerra em instrumentos agricolas. Mas se eu fosse um advogado, nao teria argumentos para defender a proposta do primeiro ministro de Israel desde que, contrario `as leis, Israel possui armas nucleares.

A reciprocidade esta em que, o sr. Ahmadinejad precisa enxergar a realidade como ela eh, nao como deveria ser. E a verdade esta em que, a menos que ambos os lados se falem, nunca teremos solucao, mas as guerras provavelmente acontecerao. As guerras sao o problema e nao a solucao. Fingir-se de inocente neste caso nao ajudara ao sr. Netanyahu nem ao povo de Israel. Ele precisa ser menos ator e mais heroico. Parece-me que ele precisa mais coragem para fazer a paz do que fazer guerras.

Supoe-se que os lideres sao aqueles que transformam a Historia daquilo que ela eh naquilo que deveria ser. Lideres que sao incapazes de fazer isso deveriam ser humildes e cair fora do governo para deixar que os capazes facam o trabalho. Nao eh suficiente dizer que os outros nao querem o que eu quero. Os outros sempre nao querem o que eu quero. E foi por essa razao que as mesas de negociacoes foram criadas.

A pressao que os Estados Unidos vem impondo ao Iram para ele abandonar suas ambicoes nucleares eh ironica. Aqui nos temos a lei mais permissiva de porte de armas por civis em comparacao com todas as nacoes industrializadas. E todas as vezes que algum cidadao preocupado menciona que isso precisa ser controlado, o lobby a favor da lei vem rapido e furioso contra. Mesmo sabendo que, a cada ano uma cidade inteira eh assassinada pelas armas que eles promovem. A ironia esta em que, sabendo como o relacionamento entre nacoes podem deteriorar, os Estados Unidos quer decretar que: algumas nacoes nao podem possuir certas armas para defenderem a si mesmas!

O sr. Netanyahu tambem afirmou que a militancia extremista islamica nao eh contra as politicas de Israel, ela eh contra a existencia de Israel. Completou dizendo que a militancia islamica eh racista com isso. Outra vez, raca nao eh o problema desde ambos os povos seriam da mesma raca. Posso inclinar-me a aceitar a acusacao de preconceito nao racismo. E ambos os lados empatam nisso. Mas tambem inclino-me para relembrar que se o Estado de Israel tivesse sido criado no territorio brasileiro, americano ou outro lugar qualquer e Israel estivesse colocando a mesmas politicas nestes lugares, provavelmente ele ja teria tomado um chutao, ou o problema seria identico.

O problema esta em que: as politicas israelenses sao erradas, pura e simplesmente. E os extremistas nao podem ser acusados de racismo neste caso porque, se fosse qualquer outro povo fazendo o mesmo e nao Israel, pondo em pratica as mesmas politicas, a disputa seria a mesma. A remocao do povo palestino da terra para ser substituido pelo povo israelense nao eh diferente do que Stalin fez, movendo povos de um lugar para outro para satisfazer seus proprios propositos.

O primeiro ministro tambem alegou que ele nao trocaria terras pela paz porque isso ja fora feito antes, sem resultados. Deisem-me repassar aqui uma inspiracao que tive no meio da noite passada, 10 para 11 de abril de 2.012. Enquanto religiao for mais importante para voce que a paz, voce tera guerra. Enquanto a terra para voce for mais importante que a paz, voce tera a guerra. Voce ama religiao e terra. E essas sao coisas que nao podem retribuir-lhe o amor. Entao, comece a amar povos porque somente o seu semelhante eh capaz de corresponde-lo.

Nao sei o quao familiarizado o sr. Netanyahu esta com a Biblia Crista mas nela tem um texto atribuido a Jesus que eh assim: “43 Voces ouviram o que foi dito: “Ame o seu proximo, e odeie o seu inimigo!” 44 Eu, porem, lhes digo: amem os seus inimigos, e rezem por aqueles que perseguem voces! 45 Assim voces se tornarao filhos do Pai que esta no ceu, porque ele faz o sol nascer sobre maus e bons, e a chuva cair sobre justos e injustos. 46 Pois, se voces amam somente aqueles que os amam, que recompensa voces terao? Os cobradores de impostos nao fazem a mesma coisa? 47 E se voces cumprimentam somente seus irmaos, o que eh que voces fazem de extraordinario? Os pagaos nao fazem a mesma coisa? 48 Portanto, sejam perfeitos como eh perfeito o Pai de voces que esta no ceu.”

O que corrobora com isso esta no Livro de Genesis, capitulo 17, 1: “Quando Abrao completou noventa e nove anos, Jave lhe apareceu e disse: “Eu sou o Deus todo-poderoso. Comporte-se de acordo comigo e seja perfeito…”

Jesus sempre nos estimula a fazer coisas que parecem surpreendentes. Mas elas para mim sao perfeitamente logicas. Ele tambem nos pediu para sermos como o Pai que esta no Ceu. Imagine que loucura tal proposicao eh! Ninguem pode ser como Deus, mas nos podemos observar o exemplo Dele e, pelo menos, fazer algo semelhante a Ele. E, como ja falei antes, o Universo eh grande de tal maneira que nao entra direito em nossa imaginacao, e somos nao mais que poeira no interior dele. Porem, Deus Ama mais a poeira que as coisas maiores porque a poeira eh capaz de retribuir o Amor Dele e as maiorais nao. Benjamin Netanyahu deveria tentar amar aos inimigos dele porque eles tem a capacidade de retribui-lo. Talvez ele seja surpreendido se tentar.

Deus nao eh propriedade de muculmanos ou judeus. Melhor eles se submeterem a Ele e tudo se resolvera. Nos, os outros, aprendemos com os antigos hebreus e arabes como viver em paz. Nao eh ironico que na presente situacao onde os arabes e judeus sao supostos mostrar-nos como por a paz em pratica mas eles nao saibam como fazer-se isso?

Ao falar nas pequenas dimensoes de Israel, o primeiro ministro tentou justificar a ocupacao de terras como desculpa de assegurar a sua seguranca. Mas a ocupacao nao esta assegurando sua seguranca e esta pondo na cumbuca a existencia de Israel. Hoje temos um padrao de armamento que Israel usa para dizer: nossa seguranca eh determinada pelo alcance dele. Amanha os armamentos terao um alcance maior, dai Israel tera que ampliar a ocupacao. Depois de amanha isso acabara em muito mais problemas e ambos os povos sofrerao mais e mais. Nao importa os custos, a paz eh que precisa ser alcancada.

Ele teve a audacia de sugerir isso: se Israel implantasse bases militares no territorio palestino nao seria considerado um ato de agressao. E para defender a ideia deu os exemplos dos Estados Unidos terem bases dentro do Japao, Alemanha e Coreia do Sul. Tambem de outros paises tendo isso em outros paises sem que percam a soberania. Vamos esquecer a Historia de tais bases e focarmo-nos somente no que elas significam agora. Japao, Alemanha e Coreia do Sul tem vizinhos que tem armamentos nucleares e tem medo de ser atacados por eles. Como eh suposto que nao tenham tais armamentos, escolheram tolerar as bases americanas nos seus territorios porque tem mais confianca nos Estados Unidos que nos outros.

Eu presumo que, para os palestino, Israel possuir bases em seu territorio seria o mesmo que a antiga Uniao Sovietica ter bases na antiga Alemanha Ocidental; seria o mesmo que o Japao permitir `a China instalar bases no territorio dele e a Coreia do Sul deixar a Coreia do Norte ter bases nela. Infelizmente, para o sr. Netanyahu, a proposta dele nao faz nenhum sentido. O problema eh a falta de confianca mutua. Israel nunca trabalhou para construir um relacionamento baseado em confianca com seus vizinhos. Eles tem os motivos deles para nao confiarem em Israel. Se as bases forem criterio, temo que nao teremos paz alguma!

Entre outras coisas, o primeiro ministro de Israel tambem disse: Os assentamentos nos territorios palestinos nao sao motivo para o conflito. Os assentamentos seriam uma consequencia dele. Mas nao importa o que aconteceu primeiro porque no presente o resultado eh o mesmo. Israel rejeita acabar com os assentamentos e os palestinos rejeitam fazer a paz enquanto eles existirem.

Essas coisas tornam valido o meu ponto de vista de que poderia haver alguma esperanca se ambos os lados adotassem apenas um pais, que poderia ser chamado de Terra de Abraao, onde nao houvesse separacao e ambos os povos tivessem onde viver. Assim, Jerusalem nao seria a capital palestina ou capital israelense. Seria a capital da Terra de Abraao. Ambos os povos teriam que fazer acordos em todos os outros detalhes com o focus num objetivo maior que seria: as tantas coisas mais que terao que entrar em acordo durante todo o milenio.

Como eu tenho ensinado com respeito ao assunto genealogia, nao podemos focar nossas acoes pensando apenas em nos mesmos, nossos filhos e nossos netos. Como Deus nos deu uma capacidade reprodutiva tao espantosa que nos podemos nos tornarmos ancestrais de mais de 16 bilhoes de pessoas, vivendo ao mesmo tempo no final de 1,000 anos, e cada geracao tendo apenas 2 filhos; a menos que um lado destrua o outro, a descendencia do sr. Abbas ira casar-se com a descendencia do sr. Benjamin Netanyahu.

Nao importa se o sr. Netanyahu e o sr. Abbas quererao isso ou nao. Se os muculmanos extremistas e judeus extremistas quizerem ou nao. A decisao sera da descendencia e nao dos ancestrais. E se ambos os lados realmente desejam a paz, os casamentos virao mais cedo do que tarde. Dai, a melhor decisao eh comecar a planejar a amar ambas as descendencias porque elas serao uma e a mesma. Os patriarcas de hoje deveriam agir melhor que Abraao. Abraao tornou-se patriarca de todos nos mas nunca prestou atencao em nos de hoje. Ele teve seus filhos mas nao foi capaz de ensina-los a se amarem. A gente pode nao ser capaz de ser melhor que Abraao, mas pelo menos podemos tentar.

Ta bom! Nao estou esquecendo que o sr. Netanyahu e o sr. Mahmoud Abbas nao sao cristaos e tem o direito de nao se conduzirem pelos ensinamentos cristaos, a menos que os mesmos ensinamentos facam parte da Biblia judaica e do Corao. E eu preciso avisar a todos que, o que eu creio ser cristao com respeito a Jesus eh mais proximo `a visao judaica e islamica do que o que meus irmaos cristaos creem. Meu credo cristao esta mais proximo do credo das pessoas que ficaram conhecidas como arianas.

Acredita-se que a teologia ariana surgiu com os primeiros cristaos. Eles rejeitavam a Trindade crista. Acreditavam que Deus fosse uma unica Pessoa. Jesus e o Espirito Santo sao ajudantes e nao propriamente Deus como foi imposto no Concilio de Niceia, em torno dos anos 300 apos `a morte de Jesus. Esta teologia ficou conhecida como Arianismo porque, naquele tempo do Concilio de Niceia, o defensor mais importante dela foi chamado de Arius, um presbitero de Alexandria.

Eu tinha que deixar isso claro porque nao eh a minha intencao ser tomado por um sacerdote cristao querendo converter muculmanos e judeus. Meu objetivo aqui eh pedir-lhes para praticarem a Vontade de Deus. Nao importa para mim a forma que nossos irmaos escolheram para adora-Lo. Se na forma islamica ou judaica. O que importa mais eh isso: no final, todos sejam chamados de Filhos de Deus. E o Filho de Deus eh aquele que pratica a Vondade Dele.

Igual a ambos povos, eu tenho imensa dificuldade no crer na teologia crista dominante. Eh dito que: Jesus eh Deus e nosso salvador pessoal. O que os cristaos acreditam eh que: Jesus morreu por nos, e se alguem aceita-lo e ser batizado, sera salvo. A minha dificuldade em aceitar tal teologia esta nas bases dela. A Escritura Crista fala que, Jesus sabia que seria morto e mesmo assim entrou em Jerusalem onde era esperado que ele morresse e alegou isso ser necessario. O problema esta em que: a mesma Escritura atribui a alguns o pecado de assassina-lo. Como ele sabia o que estava por acontecer, e mesmo assim ele nao evitou o pecado, entao, ele era suicida. Entao, estao ai dois pecados, o assassinato e o suicidio. Eu nao creio que tais pecados possam salvar a mim ou a outros. O pecado nao nos salva.

Dai, o que eu acredito eh. Nos podemos eliminar a parte da teologia crista que atribui um poder magico `a morte de jesus para salvar-nos e credita-lo como profeta que nos tras alguma Sabedoria Celestial. Para mim, O Messias ou Cristo nao eh uma pessoa mas a Sabedoria e Conhecimento de Deus. Quando as gente a pratica, pela Misericordia de Deus, podemos ser salvos. Jesus nao eh Deus e nem mesmo o Messias. Ele eh parte Dele, como todos os profetas sao. Mas mesmo sendo parte do Messias todos os profetas mantem o poder humano de cometer erros.

Por isso, Escritura alguma esta isenta de conter enganos. E, por essa razao, nos temos que buscar a Sabedoria de Deus para sermos inteligentes o suficiente e sermos capazes de separar o que eh trigo e o que eh joio dentro das Escrituras. Precisamos ser sabios o suficiente para pormos em pratica aquilo que for considerado Sabedoria de Deus.

E eu citaria mais uma sabedoria da Biblia, ela vem do Livro de Habacuc, capitulo 2: “12 Ai de quem constroi com sangue uma cidade, e com o crime funda uma capital! 13 Nao provem de Jave dos exercitos que os povos trabalhem para o fogo e que as nacoes se afadiguem inultimente? 14 Pois a terra inteira estara repleta do conhecimento da gloria de Jave, tal como as aguas enchem o mar.” Aconselho que leiam todo o capitulo 2 de Habacuc. Procurem a Sabedoria de Deus com toda a forca de cerebro e mente, ponham em pratica o resultado disso e assim havera paz.

Deixem-me relembra-los algo que lembro-me de ter assistido na televisao alguns anos atras. Nao tenho absoluta certeza qual das guerras estava havendo, talvez tenha sido a do Yom Kippur. E eu vi a entrevista de um casal mais velho que havia acabado de perder o unico filho. Eles diziam que: a genealogia havia sido mantida por milhares de anos, eles sabiam exatamente como milhares de ancestrais deles se chamavam e num evento unico isso havia sido tomado, porque a esposa era muito idosa para gerar outro filho. E ate hoje tenho o impulso de ser solidario ao casal. E eu perguntaria `a lideranca de ambos os lados: Por que elas se mantem tentando a Deus para deixar isso se repetir com ambos os povos?

Eu sei! O casal nao sera culpado pela morte do proprio filho. Embora nao tenha conseguido enxergar as coisas pelo lado bom. Deus proveu uma capacidade tao espantosa para as formas de vida se reproduzirem que ele sera representado pela presenca dos sobrinhos e sobrinhas. Se nao tiverem nenhum, isso podera ser feito pelos primos atraves dos avos, bisavos e assim vai.

A passagem do DNA de geracao em geracao eh uma forma de a gente viver quase para sempre. O que passamos `a nossa descendencia eh praticamente a poeira de nos mesmos e esta poeira contem a receita que ira forma cada tecido que forma nossa descendencia e eh responsavel por assegurar que nos seremos lembrados de alguma forma ou outra na Presenca de Deus. Isso funciona exatamente como uma planta com sementes que parece morrer, porem, se mantem viva nas sementes. E as geracoes veem e vao mas a vida nao cessa. Antes de a planta morrer a vida ja esta presente em suas sementes.

Antes de continuarmos deixem-me por a resposta `a questao que prometi. Eu tinha falado a respeito das varias vezes na Historia em que o povo judeu foi perseguido e perguntei: O que tais eventos tem em comum entre si? Minha resposta eh esta: exceto por alguns, conhecidos como profetas, ninguem estava esperando as coisas se tornarem tao ruins como se mostraram. O povo foi massacrado inclusive sem a culpa que os “interpretes” atribuiram nos escritos. Aqueles escribas que interpretam acontecimentos ruins como se fosse punicao por Deus.

E na maioria das vezes o massacre era perfeitamente evitavel se o povo tivesse o bom senso de flexibilizar suas opinioes. Oucam, eu nao estou culpando as vitimas pelos pecados dos outros. Tomemos a Segunda Revolta judia contra Roma, ocorrida em torno de 132-135 d.C., e liderada por Simao Bar-Kokhba. A revolta foi um sucesso no comeco e virou um desastre no fim. Se alguem soubesse disso, que o fim estava proximo, e mantido a Historia como ela se deu, nao teria que ser chamado de suicida?

A revolta resultou em massacre, escravidao e Diaspora. O massacre sofrido pelo povo judeu durante a Segunda Guerra nao foi diferente. O que foi diferente eh que, na revolta o povo judeu estava se defendendo com armas nas maos, pelo menos os soldados estavam. E na Segunda Guerra o povo estava desarmado. Entretanto, o resultado foi parecido, Simao Bar-Kokhba eh considerado heroi e Hitler vilao. Em ambos os casos o sofrimento foi o mesmo. As consequencias eh que foram contrarias. A revolta levou a quase 2.000 anos de exilio e suas consequencias se fazem sentir ate hoje. O Holocausto abriu as portas para o povo voltar `a terra.

Baseando somente nas consequencias, quem deveria ser chamado de heroi? Hitler ou Simao? Povo, povo, povo! Nao tirem conclusao alguma. Se o que Simao fez, pensando que estava fazendo o melhor para o povo, tera mais de 2.000 anos de consequencias, por que voces esperariam que o que Hitler fez, sabendo que estava fazendo coisas mas, nao tera consequencias piores? Hitler fez o que fez sem levar em consideracao suas proprias origens judias. E o povo judeu, como em outras vezes, escolheu voltar ao abatedouro. E o tempo esta chegando rapido mas nao sabemos quando.

Oucam isso com mais cuidado. O sr. Netanyahu defendeu a ideia de que os extremistas muculmanos nao descansarao enquanto nao matarem ou expulsarem cada judeu da terra. Eu nao garantiria isso. Porem, enquanto nao houver confianca reciproca este sera o desejo deles. Dai eu penso que seria mais sabio por parte do povo judeu ter um plano B para conquistar a confianca do mundo muculmano. Isto podera parecer chocante para a comunidade judaica mas a melhor maneira de fazer isso eh: voluntariamente deixar a terra e voltar ao exilio.

Eu sei. Isto eh algo duro ate de pensar nele. Mas eh preciso ser feito em nome do amor. A mensagem aos palestinos seria esta: nos vos amamos mais que a terra que eh apenas uma coisa e nao nos pode retribuir amor. Penso que os Estados Unidos e outros paises nas Americas podem tornar-se de grande ajuda, oferecendo a cidadania a todos que decidirem fazer isso. Inclusive o Brasil, Canada ou os Estados Unidos poderiam dar boas vindas `a comunidade judaica por inteiro, porque o territorio continental deles eh praticamente vazio.

Os tres paises possuem uma comunidade humana diversificada. Isso podera ajudar na absorcao de milhoes de judeus num relativo periodo curto de tempo. E a comunidade judaica ira levar ao pais escolhido a sua tecnologia, que seria bem vinda por qualquer um. E de qualquer lugar que a comunidade estiver, ela podera manter os esforcos para ajudar nao apenas aos palestinos mas toda a comunidade arabe que confrontara um grande numero de desafios num curto periodo de tempo porvir.

Nem todos teria que sair. Uma parte da comunidade judia nao tem problemas quanto ser governada por oficiais muculmanos. Muitos poderiam ficar e ajudar na nova economia porque, enquanto o pais se tornar pacifico, o turismo ira aumentar. E a comunidade judia que deixa-lo gostara de voltar algumas vezes para ver a terra dos ancestrais dela. E muitas atividades, como arqueologia, demandarao pessoas especializadas de ambos os lados.

Nos ja sabemo que o petroleo logo findara. As comunidades arabes terao de enfrentar a escassez de agua. Isso, mais a superpopulacao, podem ser os fatores de guerras tenebrosas se nao forem resolvidos com propriedade. Ajudando aos outros construir-se-a a confianca reciproca. Em oposicao a isso, o esforco para manter Israel num ambiente de odio mais os problemas que estao por vir, nao dara prosperidade a nenhum dos lados. Isso, possivelmente, terminara em massacre de um ou outro, ou de ambos.

Se isso for feito, o povo israelense perdera um pais mas ganhara o mundo. Isso sera dificil apos tantos sacrificios. Eu proprio posso dizer isso porque sou um migrante. Da experiencia brasileira de ser uma populacao migrante temos uma sabedoria: “A gente deixa o Brasil mas o Brasil nao sai da gente.” A gente continua sentindo que o Brasil eh o local mais apropriado para vivermos mas nossas criancas ja pensam diferente. Elas amam o Brasil como um lugar para viajar e ser bem recebidas. Mas elas sentem que, qualquer que seja o lugar que tenham nascido, la sera o lugar mais apropriado para elas. Dai, o sacrificio eh somente por uma geracao.

Mas os prospectos nao terminam ai. Conquistando a confianca mutua e a comunidade judaica e outras ajudando a resolver os problemas do mundo, isso abrira as portas para a verdadeira amizade entre os povos. E, eventualmente, a descendencia do sr. Netanyahu casar-se-a com a palestina. E mesmo que isso seja um unico caso, cem anos apos hoje, e a descendencia for frutuosa com as Bencaos de Deus, no final do milenio todos os habitantes do Oriente Medio serao descendentes do sr. Benjamin Netanyahu.

O mesmo se dara com todos os membros da atual comunidade judaica de hoje e cada uma das pessoas vivendo no Oriente Medio 1.000 anos depois sera, simultaneamente, descendente de toda a comunidade judia vivendo hoje. Isso so depende da boa vontade de todos hoje e das Bencaos de Deus.

E sabe do mais? O mesmo povo que vivera no Oriente Medio daqui a 1.000 anos sera, simultaneamente, descendente de toda a comunidade arabe que vive no Oriente Medio hoje. Tudo depende apenas de boa vontade. Se a paz for preferida ao contrario do odio, a mesma populacao do Oriente Medio daqui a 1.000 anos sera tambem, simultaneamente, descendente de todos nos vivendo hoje. E toda a populacao do mundo inteiro daqui a 1.000 anos tambem sera, simultaneamente, descendente de toda a comunidade arabe vivendo no Oriente Medio de hoje.

Oucam! Isso nao eh magiaca. Eh verdadeiro e vem de Deus. Ele nao fez tal promessa somente a Abraao. Ele Permitiu a todos nos ter o mesmo poder potencial de nos tornarmos pais de muitas nacoes, princesas, principes, rainhas e reis. A minha unica tristeza ao revelar isso eh nao ter o Malba Tahan aqui para ver o discipulo dele. Malba Tahan foi um diplomata persa, viveu no Brasil e foi autor do livro: O Homem que Calculava. Malba conquistou o Brasil com sua sabedoria e literatura. As criancas da minha geracao acreditavam que ele fosso um verdadeiro brasileiro mas ele eh universal. Nos tambem precisamos aprender a tornarmo-nos universais.

Bem, se a posse da terra eh o problema de qualquer um em conflito, lembrem-se disso: Atraves da paz e amor nossa descendencia sera dona do mundo. Atraves das guerras todos estaremos em risco de ter a tristeza de nossa descendencia ser eliminada e nao ganharmos senao a terra que estara colada aos nossos ossos.

Das Escrituras nos temos o conto de Davi e Golias. Mas este eh conto de um so lado. Depois do combate e da vitoria de Davi e a Historia continuar, agora sabemos que boa parte da populacao humana eh descendente de Davi. Porem, o texto dos livros bilbicos so contam o que aconteceu do lado judeu. Mas nao eh dificil deduzir que, Golias era um principe junto aos filisteus. E assim ele, provavelmente, teve uma grande familia. A Biblia tambem afirma que: Davi e seu filho Salomao tiveram centenas de esposas.

Nao seria surpresa alguma se uma ou mais dessas esposas fossem descendentes de Golias. Isso era praticado porque era uma forma de se dominar um povo conquistado. Porem, os filhos de mulheres descendentes de Golias, com Davi ou sua descendencia, seria considerados descendencia propria de Davi. Os textos apenas mencionam vagamente as esposas mas somente alguns filhos nascidos delas. Isso eh porque a descendencia nao citada nao seria considerada sucessora ao trono por direito. Mas era considerada boa o suficiente para casar-se como outros membros da comunidade judaica.

Eles pensavam naquele tempo que, uma forma de purificar a descendencia interracial era casando-a por varias geracoes com judeus puros. Porem, mesmo a descendencia de judeus puros seria, verdadeiramente, descendencia de Golias tambem. E isso eh o que aconteceu mais provavelmente. Todos os judeus e palestinos de hoje sao, mais provavelmente, descendentes de Davi e Golias ao mesmo tempo. Eles sao, provavelmente, inclusive descendentes de Raab tambem (Josue, 2, 1). O mesmo se da conosco, atraves de nossa ascendencia em Abraao.

Sabendo de tudo isso, eh facil para mim amar toda e cada uma pessoa no Planeta Terra. Eu sei, com as Bencaos de Deus, minha descendencia ira se multiplicar tanto quanto Ele Permitiu a toda e qualquer pessoa. Dessa maneira sera impossivel que no futuro a minha descendencia nao seja uma e a mesma descendencia de todas as pessoas vivas com a capacidade de reproduzir-se hoje. Entao, amar e cuidar de todas e cada uma das pessoas vivas hoje sera o mesmo que amar e cuidar da minha propria futura descendencia.

O leitor percebe a vaidade que sao as guerras? Se os israelenses fizerem o sacrificio de abandonar a vaidade de possuir a terra, o Iran podera ser persuadido a tambem abandonar suas ambicoes de possuir armamentos nucleares. Diga-se a verdade, as sancoes nunca irao atingir o objetivo de paz permanente e, ao contrario de todas as nacoes imporem sancoes ao Iran, ele poderia ser estimulado a juntar-se `as forcas de paz para ajudar a convencer os vizinhos dele a tambem abandonarem suas ambicoes de manter suas armas nucleares. Nos precisamos desligar o focus que pomos em nossos inimigos, fazendo a paz com eles, para focar nas solucoes para que toda a nossa descendencia fique em paz durante todo o proximo milenio.

Se ha alguma, as descendencias dos sr. Netanyahu e do sr. Ahmadinejad irao casar-se entre si. Eh melhor que isso venha mais cedo do que tarde. Isso eh inevitavel. A menos que ambas ou uma seja eliminada. Seria melhor para eles nao porem barreiras no trabalho da paz, para que suas descendencias nao os condenem. Como sabemos, logo cada um deles nao estara mais no poder e rapidamente, comparando-se com um milenio, eles se irao. Seria preferivel serem lembrados como promotores da paz que qualquer outra coisa. Nao apenas para si mesmos mas para a propria descendencia deles. Como Deus, nos deveriamos amar mais a poeira que podemos passar atraves dos milenios que a nossos corpos que virarao poeira de verdade.

O discurso de Netanyahu me parece ser algo da filosofia que propoe: “Nunca duvide da estupidez humana.” Eu prefiro crer nisso, nunca duvide da Sabedoria de Deus, que Eh Quem fez a humanidade com capacidade de escolher praticar as coisas boas e as ruins em diferentes partes de sua vida. Ate agora nos praticamos as coisas ruins, entao, chegou o tempo de escolhermos o outro caminho.

Os povos israelense e palestino precisam por em mente algo, antes de tomarem qualquer decisao no destino de um e outro. Agora o mundo inteiro esta conectado de varias maneiras. O que acontece no Oriente Medio nao fica so no Oriente Medio. Todos os cantos do mundo serao mais ou menos afetados pelas decisoes deles. E, por isso, o mundo inteiro podera decidir deixa-los na geladeira enquanto nao tenham uma solucao melhor. Tomem esse comparativo nao como algo a ser copiado. Se uma pessoa tem um cancer pequeno, o que o Senhor do Universo deveria fazer: eliminar a pessoa e salvar o cancer ou fazer o contrario? Eliminem a maldade que ha em voces mesmos porque essa eh a unica maneira de salvar a descendencia de Abraao.

Nos todos sabemos que Nosso Pai que Esta no Ceu tem Vontade que todos nos sejamos mutuamente verdadeiros e que facamos a paz. Por que entao voces ouviriam suas proprias vaidades e fariam suas proprias vontades? Nos ja sabemos que: A Vontade de Deus tem apenas consequencias boas. E a vontade dos homens pode tambem ter boas mas sempre tem mas consequencias. Para mim, mesmo que algumas vezes praticar a Vontade de Deus eh como um peso, eu sei que eh melhor praticar a Vontade Dele porque o tempo ira mostrar que essa eh a melhor escolha.

Em particular para os judeus eu diria que: Nos nao cremos que Jesus morreu por nos e nao creditamos a morte dele como nossa tabua da salvacao. Para mim esse eh um sabio entendimento. Mas a gente tambem pode entender que, se ele fez o que esta escrito na Biblia crista, sacrificando a si mesmo, pensando que poderia ajudar aos outros, nos poderiamos tomar isso como um sinal. O sacrificio de judeus pelos romanos, o sacrificio dos judeus em Masada e o Holocausto tambem nao ajudam a ninguem ir para o Ceu. Mas o sacrifio da terra pode salvar milhoes de vidas e, certamente, pora milhoes de almas no caminho do Ceu. A escolha eh de voces. Voces nao precisam sacrificar suas proprias vidas num altar impuro para serem a salvacao do mundo. Nem precisam coloca-las em risco e tentar a Deus. Qualquer que seja sua decisao, tentem alcancar a solucao permanente, nao apenas concretizar suas proprias vontades.

Ontem, 14 de abril de 2.012, Tarek Mehanna recebeu uma pena de 17,5 anos de prisao. Ele eh um homem que morou aqui no Estado de Massachusetts. Foi acusado de conspirar para ajudar a Al Qaeda. O que foi dito eh que, ele fez traducoes de material produzido pela Al Qaeda, com a intencao de recrutar membros. Tambem teria tentado receber treinamento militar e planejara matar americanos no exterior. Tambem foi dito que, ele falhou em todos os objetivos dele. Nao critico a justica americana. Nao tive informacoes suficientes a respeito do caso e acredito que a condenacao dele foi provavelmente justa.

O que me incuca eh isso, se tomarmos a maioria das acusacoes `as quais ele foi sujeito e transferi-las para o ex-presidente George W. Bush e seus auxiliares, acredito que eles deveriam ser condenados pelos mesmos crimes. Tarek Mehanna foi uma ineficiencia completa nos objetivos dele. Ele nao matou, nao recrutou e so mostrou suas opinioes radicais erradas. Bush e auxiliares conspiraram, levaram milhares de americanos `a morte e promoveram a Al Qaeda de tal maneira que ela veio de um simples escritorio de terror a transformar-se numa multinacional nisso. E os conspiradores nao serao nem considerados para ser punidos. Se o objetivo destes fosse manter a paz, tambem foram completamente ineficientes nisso.

Eu disse antes que: o evento da Inquisicao Espanhola foi algo diferente dos outros tempos em que os judeus foram perseguidos. E o que eu queria dizer com esse respeito eh que: este foi o tempo em que os executores deram opcao de escolha. Nao estou dizendo que foi justo. Mas eles disseram: voces podem deixar o dominio dos reis espanhois ou converter ao cristianismo. Claro que nao era justo e infelismente a gente nao tem as estatisticas para informar quantos escolheram o que.

O que sabemos eh que, pelo menos 200.000 muculmanos fugiram da Espanha e voltaram para os reinos muculmanos no Norte da Africa. Possivelmente, um numero igual ou maior de judeus fugiu para Portugal e Federacao Holandesa. Um numero desconhecido preferiu ser convertido. Estes foram chamados de Cristaos Novos. Com a pressao feita pelos reis da Espanha, os reis portugueses tambem tentaram converter os judeus e muculmanos portugueses. Para eles foi dada outra escolha que foi a de fugir para as colonias portugesas e usufruir de um pouco de liberdade religiosa.

Antes que continue, melhor eh lembrarmos como as comunidades muculmana e judia se tornaram uma forca na Peninsula Iberica. Os romanos expulsaram os judeus de propria patria e puzeram um restante la, entre 70 e 140 d. C. Estes restantes foram chamados de judeus sefardins. O termo sefardim relembra a longa distancia entre Iberia e Juda. E essa comunidade multiplicou-se por casamentos internos e por conversoes.

A comunidade islamica comecou por volta de 711 d.C., quando a Peninsula Iberica foi conquistado pelo Imperio Islamico. E o dominio levou para a Peninsula nao apenas os arabes mas tambem povos do Norte da Africa. Tambem essa comunidade multiplicou-se por casamentos homogenos e conversoes.

Desde a conquista, um pequeno numero de cristaos locais, com a ajuda de outros reinos europeus, comecou a reconquistar a terra. Mas o dominio por mais de 7 seculos foi longo o suficiente para deixar uma influencia cultural grande. Houveram ate certos periodos em que as tres fes, sob o dominio muculmano, conviveram sob um manto de paz. Este periodo foi o bom tempo iluminado, anterior `a Renascenca Europeia. Foi dito que, uma freira de origem europeia visitou a Espanha naquele tempo e comparou a Europa como estando numa Era de Escuridao, em contraste com o Iluminismo acontecendo no Imperio Muculmano.

Se observarmos a linguagem portuguesa nos podemos facilmente identificar 2.000 anos de influencias. A base eh o grecolatim. Eu so nao sei como apontar as influencias celta e germanica (visigotica) mas certamente elas estao la. Talvez nos nomes pessoais de nossos ancestrais. Mesmo hoje a maioria dos nomes sao biblicos, na maioria. O que nao necessariamente signifique a mesma influencia genetica porque os judeus expulsos da Palestina e introduzidos na Peninsula eram um pequeno numero e misturou-se com uma populacao maior. Muitas palavras nos vem de origem arabe. No Brasil, existem mais adicoes das populacoes nativa e africana. Dai, o que a gente pode esperar eh que a influencia genetica seja semelhante `a influencia liguistica.

O que sabemos com certeza eh que: muitos judeus fugiram para o norte onde eles encontraram tolerancia religiosa na comunidade holandesa. Boa parte dos muculmanos voltou para Africa. E estes levaram para a Africa as geneticas portuguesa e espanhola. Suponho que um numero maior, provavelmente da populacao mais pobre, escolheu conversao. E, apos a Reconquista do ultimo baluarte muculmano em 1,492 pelos reis catolicos: Fernando de Castela e Isabel de Leon, a Inquisicao foi usada para forcar as conversoes.

Muitos portugueses judeus fugiram para o Brasil e comecaram a praticar um misto de catolicismo e judaismo. Isso eh chamado de cripto judaismo. Frequentemente a gente ve, na internet, textos dizendo que certos nomes de familia estao ligados aos judeus. Normalmente os nomes de plantas e animais. Mas isso nao eh inteiramente verdadeiro. Eh dito, por exemplo, que o nome Oliveira eh um nome iniciado por judeus e que teria sido adotado no seculo XV. Isso nao eh verdade porque o nome ja era usado desde o seculo XIV.

O que aconteceu foi isso: as perseguicoes comecaram no reino do Fernando e da Isabel. E os convertidos adotaram nomes de familias que ja eram os mais populares em volta deles para que nao fosse reconhecidos facilmente. O problema era que, os inquisitores estabeleceram que as certidoes de batismos teriam as letras CN ou Cristao Novo. Foi para que se eles precisassem verificar a vida de qualquer um, a genealogia deste era usada para identificar a ascendencia judia. Mas eu ja disse anteriormente neste livro: muito da nossa genealogia se perdeu por causa das intemperies e negligencia oficial.

De qualquer forma, o periodo da Inquisicao foi um tempo em que os judeus foram inteligentes o suficiente para perceber o perigo da situacao e preferiram usar a tatica da retirada. Por muito que as escolhas dadas fossem injustas para eles podemos observar que a tatica foi a melhor defesa. Eles perderam a nacionalidade e ganharam o mundo. As oportunidades para eles estavam fechadas na Peninsula Iberica e eles tiveram outras oportunidades em outros lugares. Eles evitaram ser exterminados e se transformaram em acnestrais de muitas nacoes. Os lideres judeus nunca souberam capitalisar em cima dessa ascendencia genetica dos povos.

A presenca judia em nossa Historia vem com forca no capitulo chamado de Invasoes holandesas no Brasil. Naquele tempo, parte da comunidade judia havia se estabelecido na Federacao Holandesa que pertencia `a Espanha. A tentativa de forcar a conversao do povo que era portestante ou judeu levou `a revolta e independencia da Federacao Holandesa. Como represalia, os Holandeses invadiram partes do Brasil, particularmente onde hoje eh o Estado de Pernambuco.

Como a comunidade holandesa era uma democracia religiosa, judeus tinham a chance de praticar a religiao. E desde 1.635 ate 1.654 eles a praticaram na primeira sinagoga fundada nas Americas. A comunidade judaica tomou o nome de Kahal Zur Israel. Nos podemos ver a mencao disso no endereco: O rabino era: Isaac Aboab da Fonseca. O interessante a respeito do sobrenome “da Fonseca” eh que, eh dito que tenha multiplas origens, incluindo italiana, iberica e sefardinica.

Em Portugal, o nome vem do lugar que tinha um poco que secava durante os veroes. E o significado do nome eh: “fonte seca”, “mina seca” ou “olho d’agua seco”. Foi dito ter sido usado por D. Garcia Rodrigues, que conquistou o lugar Fonseca aos mouros. Tambem o filho dele: D. Egas Garcia da Fonseca o usou. Mas eles nao passaram o nome para a descendencia.

Naquele tempo, a familia dominante na area entre os rios Minho e Douro, que ficam no Norte de Portugal, era conhecida pelo nome de Riba Douro. Um dos representantes eh Egas Moniz, o Aio. Aquele que foi o tutor do D. Afonso Henriques, o primeiro rei de Portugal. E o bisneto dele: Mem Goncalves da Fonseca, passou o nome aos nove filhos e o nome de familia “da Fonseca” foi passado e multiplicado pela descendencia dele. Fonseka eh uma variacao comum no Sri Lanca onde os colonizadores portugueses puzeram os pes.

A data base que o Mem Goncalves da Fonseca viveu esta em torno do ano 1.200. Entao eh razoavel pensar que o rabino Isaac Aboab da Fonseca era, provavelmente, um descendente da mesma origem. Nosso antepassado, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (ou Coelho da Rocha) eh suposto ser descendente desse ramo da Familia Fonseca. A Familia Coelho vem de outro bisneto do Egas Moniz, o Aio, com o nome de Soeiro Viegas Coelho. E a mae da minha bisavo: Ercila Coelho de Andrade, tinha o nome de Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca.

Outra informacao interessante eh com respeito aos nomes de familia envolvidos no conflito denominado “Invasoes Holandesas” no Brasil. Primeiramente, a cana de acucar foi introduzida no Brasil pelo primeiro Governador Geral do Brasil: Martim Afonso de Sousa. O Martim foi tambem vice-rei na India, quando o colonialismo portugues foi estabelecido la. Posteriormente a Capitania Hereditaria de pernambuco foi fundada pelo Duarte Coelho. Ele e seus descendentes fizeram dela a capitania mais rica, baseado em producao de acucar. E os Holandesas a tomaram.

No meio dos holandeses muitos eram de origem espanhola e portuguesa que haviam sido expulsos pela Inquisicao. A invasao de Pernambuco aconteceu de 1.630 a 1.654. E aqui ha um confluencia de fatos. Primeiramente, no periodo de 1.580 a 1.640 Portugal perdeu a propria linhagem monarquica para a Espanha. Em 1.640 a Monarquia Portuguesa foi restaurada e isso estimulou o patriotismo luzo-brasileiro. Outro fator importante foi o religioso. Os holandeses eram protestantes ou judeus, enquanto a tradicao brasileira era catolica.

Apesar disso, a Colonizacao Holandesa ia bem, ate que seu lider: o principe Mauricio de Nassau, decidiu ampliar a colonia tomando mais terras do dominio portugues. E outra colonia portuguesa que ele pos os olhos em cima foi a Bahia. La ele encontrou barranco. Na defesa dela estava um velho inimigo dos holandeses, que havia nascido em Olinda, e cujo nome era Luis Barbalho Bezerra. A tentativa de invadir a Bahia custou cara porque a, quase suicida, defesa feita pelo Luis e seus amigos levou `a consequencia do principe de Nassau perder o emprego e teve que voltar para a Holanda.

A nova administracao comecou a liquidar os debitos dos brasileiros e isso irritou a populacao que ja estava sofrendo com as interminaveis secas do Nordeste. A rebeliao foi liderada por Joao Fernandes Vieira, um portugues vivendo no Brasil desde seus 11 anos; Andre Vidal de Negreiros, brasileiro, senhor de engenho; Antonio Felipe Camarao, o nativo brasileiro que tinha o nome indigena de Poti, e o escravo alforriado Henrique Dias, que foi morto em batalha. Os nomes deles foram escolhidos por historiadores posteriores para simbolizar a diversidade racial e a uniao delas em torno da questao do patriotismo.

Antes de eu continuar, ponhamos algo de informacao a respeito do nome de familia Barbalho. Houve um pesquisador no Brasil que defendeu a tese que o nome vem de origens orientais. Ele afirmou que, a raiz do nome eh algo parecido a “Barb Al”. Depois foi convertido a Barbalho nos dominios portugueses. Mas ha um significado portugues tambem. Ele pode vir da combinacao das palavras “barba” e “alho”. O nome pode parecer Barbad’alho. E isso tem fundamento porque quando eu era jovem e comecei a ter barba ela se parecia com raiz de alho.

Bom, a presenca judaica no Brasil passou a ser representada pela comunidade Kahal Zur Israel em Pernambuco. Ela foi formada pelos expatriados de Portugal e, entao, vivendo nos dominios da Federacao Holandesa. Contava tambem com brasileiros que eram descendentes das conversoes forcadas por Portugal e Espanha. O numero total era cerca de 1.400 pessoas. Quando os holandeses foram derrotados, a maioria do judeus decidiu mudar-se.

O problema que levou a isso foi a criacao de ressentimentos contrarios porque parte deles estava envolvida no comercio do acucar e fazia parte do grupo dono do capital. Estes eram os credores dos senhores de engenhos que tinham debitos com os holandeses. uma parte dos judeus da congregacao retornou para Holanda. Outra parte foi para a area do Caribe onde ela usou a experiencia adquirida no Brasil para produzir acucar. Um pouco permaneceu no Brasil.

No entanto, 26 chefes de familia foram para a colonia holandesa de Nova Amsterda. La eles fundaram, em 1.654, uma comunidade judaica nova e deram o nome de Shearith Israel. Logo depois a colonia holandesa foi trocada pelo Suriname e tornou-se a colonia inglesa de Nova Iorque. A comunidade judaica dos 26 fundou a primeira sinagoga da America do Norte que foi por muitos anos a unica comunidade judia nos Estados Unidos. A descendencia deles se envolveu no movemento da independencia. 3 dos fundadores da Bolsa de Nova Iorque (NYSE) eram membros da Sheriath Israel. Pode-se aprender mais no endereco:

Ja mencionei que todas as familias reais europeias tem DNA judeu e muculmano e, com isso, toda a populacao da America Latina carrega uma porcao dessa genetica. Mencionei nossa ancestral Ester, a esposa do rei Xerxes que eh a mesma rainha Ester celebrada no livro biblico: Ester. Ela foi ancestral da Familia Savoia atravez de Anna de Bizancio. A Familia Savoia tornou-se a familia real da Italia e foi responsavel pela reunificacao do pais, com a ajuda de Giuseppe Garibaldi e a esposa brasileira dele, Anita, no seculo XIX. E a nobreza portuguesa tornou-se descendente da Casa de Savoia atraves da rainha: Mafalda de Savoia, a esposa do primeiro rei portugues: D. Afonso Henriques.

Mencionei tambem Zayra Ibn Zayda, que se casou com Lovesendo Ramires, o filho do rei Ramiro II de Leon. Ela era descendente do profeta Mohammad. Mas nao eh so ela. Temos outra princesa muculmana em nossa genealogia. O nome dela era Zaida, que depois foi batizada com o nome de Isabel de Sevilha e era descendente de Ishmael (ibn Quaris), Imam de Sevilha. Ela se casou com o rei Alfonso VI de Castela. Eles sao ancestrais do D. Dinis, rei de Portugal. Estes sao ancestrais do Martim Afonso de Sousa, que eh um dos muitos ancestrais da Familia Andrade de Itabira, em Minas Gerais. Um ramo de minha familia eh suposta descendente desse sobrenome atraves de Joaquim Coelho de Andrade (o Joaquim Honorio), que foi o marido da avo Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca mencionada acima.

Uma ligacao a mais com a genealogia judaica vem da Madragana, que foi batizada como Mor Afonso. Ela era filha do prefeito da Cidade do Faro, uma das ultimas posses muculmanas em Portugal. D. Afonso III, rei de Portugal e pai do D. Dinis, foi o responsavel por completar a reconquista de Portugal. D. Afonso III tomou a Madragana como amante e tambem eles sao ancestrais do Martim Afonso de Sousa da mesma forma que do nosso suposto ancestral, Jose Coelho de Magalhaes.

E a genealogia da America Latina e da Peninsula Iberica tem que possuir outras ligacoes com ancestrais arabes. Mesquita eh um nome comum pelo mundo. O nobre Jose, nosso suposto ancestral, teve um pai com o nome de Bernardo Antonio Pinto de Mesquita. Pinto significa filhote de galinha; pintado ou colorido. E eh um dos nomes mais comuns na genealogia luzo-brasileira e atribuido a ascendencia judaica. Mas nao posso tomar isso como definitivo porque o nome aparece, entre outros, em 1.290 no nome Vasco Martins Pinto, senhor da Torre Cha. E ele o passou para a descendencia. Pinto tambem esta presente na India, levado pelos colonos portugueses.

Mas nao ha duvida quanto `a origem genetica arabe da Familia Mesquita. Mesquita seria a igreja muculmana e nao seria tolerado mante-lo numa sociedade de dominancia catolica durante a Inquisicao se nao viesse de alta nobreza muculmana. Mesquita eh um nome comum no Brasil e inclusive da nome a duas cidades. Uma em Minas Gerais e outra no Rio de Janeiro. O nome esta tambem presente nos Estados Unidos como no nome do famoso Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. Quem desejar conhece-lo melhor eh so buscar no google ou outro servidor popular.

Agora, com respeito ao sobrenome Coelho podemos apenas especular mas ha algumas coincidencias que precisam investigacao. Ha pouco tempo atras alguem comunicou-me a especulacao do sobrenome ter origem judaica. Eu duvidei. Por outro lado eu juntei alguns eventos que podem ajudar a decifrar se isso eh verdade ou nao. Primeiramente, precisamos ver o livro biblico chamado Eclesiastes onde ha a mencao `a palavra pregador, mencionando o autor. Pregador em hebreu eh tambem Coelet.

Ha uma longa tradicao que fala, na epoca do Imperio Romano nos tivemos um ancestral chamado Marcus Coellius Rufu. Ele teria sido discipulo de Cicero. Dai o nome teria passado para a Peninsula Iberica. Mas o que tenho duvida em relacao `a tradicao eh que: Coellius deveria ser um nome derivado de Coeli, que em latim significa Ceu. De outra forma para nos eh o animal. O equivalente em latim a cunicula.

Porem, esquecamo-nos dos significados diferentes da palavra e ficando apenas com as letras Coel da raiz. Talvez tenha sido uma tentativa de nossos ancestrais deixar uma pista de nossas origens. Religiosamente falando os significados se tornam mais proximos se associarmos Pregador, Ceu e Coelho. Por que Coelho? Talvez seja acidente mas o coelho tornou-se o simbolo da Pascoa. Se isso for verdade nos podemos colocar toda a descendencia portuguesa no mesmo barco porque toda ela tem ascendencia Coelho.

Nao eh somente isso. Coelho eh uma palavra isolada na lingua portuguesa. As outras palavras com a raiz coel sao derivadas de coelho. Isso sugere ser um estrangeirismo `a linguagem luzitana. Por outro lado, o nome latino cunicula nao me parece gerar coelho. Por certo, eh mais apropriado esperar-se que o Coeli gerasse coelho. E, posteriormente, o animal recebeu um nome novo, devido `a associacao que ele tinha com assuntos celestiais. Ha sentido, porem, nao garanto nada. Nao sou linguista.

Com respeito `a guerra que foi feita para libertar o Nordeste Brasileiro do dominio holandes nos podemos tirar licoes interessantes. Na verdade, esta foi uma guerra da descendencia de um Abraao dividida em dois times adversarios. Foi o judeu aliado ao portestante contra o catolico descendente de judeus e muculmanos. Foi uma guerra do poder urbano contra o poder rural. Uma guerra do grande capital urbano contra o modesto capital rural. E a vitoria dos brasileiros e portugueses tornou-se um desastre para a economia local porque tinha nas maos uma verdadeira mina de ouro branco, que era representada pelo acucar, e perderam-na para o dominio holandes no Caribe.

Os holandeses tambem tiveram algo a perder. Sem os recursos naturais brasileiros e portugueses o Imperio Holandes ficou enfraquecido. Isso abriu a oportunidade para o surgimento da Inglaterra como poder naval. A Inglaterra acabou vencendo os holandeses e logo tornou-se a unica super potencia maritima no mundo. E a gente precisa pensar o quanto a Historia poderia ter sido diferente se ao inves de levar suas diferencas `as ultimas consequencias, holandeses e luso-brasileiros tivessem entrado em acordo e preferido a paz e nao guerra! Lembre-se disso: a Historia pode se repetir. Se israelenses e palestinos continuarem destruindo uns aos outros darao oportunidade a outros tomarem os lugares deles na Historia.

Eu nao creio no que esta escrito no livro biblico do Apocalipse como uma previsao de futuro. Para mim, profecia nao envolve predicao de futuro. Nao eh obra dos homens o que acontecera no depois de amanha. Se fosse assim, ninguem sofreria as perseguicoes semelhantes a aquelas que os judeus sofreram durante a Historia. O povo teria que ser bobo se soubesse o que iria acontecer na vida dele, como o que se deu no tempo do Holocausto, e nao antecipar uma saida da Europa para ir para o Novo Mundo. O que os profetas fizeram foi recolher os acontecimentos passados e os colocaram numa forma que parece predizer o futuro. E o significado que queriam dar a isso era: Vejam, se voces continuarem se comportando como antes, a Historia se repetira e voces irao sofrer com a mesma sorte, de novo e de novo.

Respeitando os sentimentos daqueles que creem na predicao de futuro eu consideraria a possibilidade de pessoas acessarem um rasgo de possibilidades de futuros. Digamos que Joao de Patmos teve um rasgo de futuro em sonhos. Como sabemos, ele nao escreveu enquanto sonhava e depois teve que interpretar o que teria visto e escreveu. E, no capitulo 13, 1 ele disse: “Vi, entao, uma Besta que subia do mar. Tinha dez chifres e sete cabecas. Em cima dos chifres havia dez diademas, e nomes blasfemos sobre as cabecas.”

Como isso pode ser interpretado? Precisamos enxergar com a visao de Joao, nao as nossas. O Imperio Ingles foi a supotencia quando o poder naval era o maximo no mundo. Tambem a Besta surge do mar. As muitas cabecas, chifres e diademas podem ser interpretados como as colonias inglesas em torno do mundo. A identificacao do Imperio Ingles como a Besta pode ser um engano de Joao mas com uma justificativa. Ele poderia ter cometido o erro porque o Imperio foi o responsavel por estimular a restauracao de Israel como ele eh hoje.

A explicacao para a comparacao pode estar ainda no porvir. Suponha-se que, as guerras entre arabes e israelenses levem `a situacao em que os judeus serao derrotados e, logicamente, sofrerao outro Diaspora e, ate, outro Holocausto. Indiretamente o Imperio Ingles podera ser responsabilizado pelas consequencias do primeiro ato. A blasfemia pode estar em que, de acordo com outras profecias, Deus teria que ser Aquele que conduz Israel de volta `a Palestina e nao um poder humano. A Bondade de Deus eh Aquilo que deveria restaurar e promover uma paz eterna entre os povos, nao o uso de armamentos.

Recordem disso, Shimon Bar Kokhba ou qualquer outro judeu que se proclamasse ser o Messias seria identificado por Joao como o anti-Cristo porque, como cristao, ele acreditava firmimente que Jesus ja era o Messias.

Analisando tais coisas eu convidaria ambas as comunidades, arabe e judia, a pensar melhor a situacao. Eh preciso se tornarem menos parecidos com os politicos que enxergam a educacao apenas como custo aos pagadores de impostos e comecarem a ver isso como um investimento para o futuro. Os judeus podem comecar a enxergar a saida da terra como um investimento sacrificial, nao apenas como um derrota cara. Se a paz nao podera ser feita por causa do odio ser tao grande, ela pode ser feita em nome da nossa descendencia comum. O melhor eh investir num futuro pacifico para nossos filhos, porque isso levara a consequencias boas, do que conservar a vaidade presente e jogar na combuca o futuro de todos.

O que esta em jogo eh muito mais que o futuro das comunidades judia e muculmana. Eh o futuro do mundo inteiro. Ambos os lado tem de lembrar-se que nao eh o lugar que os fara Filhos de Deus. O lugar e o ambiente dependem do comportamento humano. Precisamos comportar como sendo Filhos de Deus nao importa onde estejamos.

Por que as pessoas em conflito nunca enxergam que: Paz eh a unica via para a seguranca permanente? Nao deixem seus interesses vaidosos interferirem com a vida de bilhoes dos nossos descendentes. Individualmente as pessoas podem arriscar suas poupancas num futuro que nao sabem se o terao. Oucam entao meu conselho, prefira colocar tudo o que tem na promocao da paz, dai teremos um futuro solido. Apostem na educacao para todos da nossa descendencia e nos nao seremos esquecidos.

Meu objetivo principal em escrever o presente capitulo eh colocar em ordem de prioridade o que importa. E o que eh mais importante para mim eh a garantia de seguranca para os povos. A Historia tem nos mostrado que: Estados vem e vao no passar dela. Ela tambem nos mostra que: Algumas vezes os povos se garantem melhor nao tendo um Estado proprio mas tendo outro Estado que os acolham como seu proprio povo. Na presente situacao temos um bom exemplo disso. Israel, como existe hoje, nunca tera sua seguranca garantida. E parece ser mais certo que levara o povo a outra destruicao. Por isso eu escolheria que o povo viva do que outra coisa.

Desde que eu estou analisando o que aconteceu durante a Historia eu conclui que, talvez eu deveria trocar o nome desse livro para: O Comportamento Humano Suicida. Os Estados Unidos nao estao sozinhos nessa canoa furada!

So relembrando. Se qualquer judeu ou nao judeu americanos tiverem a ideia de fazer uma vistia `a Cidade do Recife para ver o local da primeira sinagoga das Americas eh melhor tirar vantagem do pacote turistico. A base americana da Segunda Guerra de onde os soldados embarcavam para o Norte da Africa fica proxima, na Cidade de Natal, capital do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Pode-se fazer uma triangulacao com o Parque da Pedra Furada, Estado do Piaui, onde se encontra o sitio arqueologico do povoamento humano mais antigo das Americas ja identificado. E no Nordeste Brasileiro encontram-se uma serie de boas praias. Eh melhor buscar um agente de turismo para melhor se informarem.

No campo das eleicoes de 2.012 aqui nos Estados Unidos temos uma informacao nao tao nova. Rick Santorum desistiu da candidatura. O que parece ser eh que: ele esta de calcas curtas e estava a ponto de disputar a Pennsylvania, o estado onde nasceu. Como estava ficando claro que o Romney sera mesmo o candidato republicano, muitos dos cabecudos do partido comecaram a endoca-lo. Dai o Rick Santorum estava ficando encurralado e foi melhor pular fora do que passar por humilhacao maior.

O Newt Gingrich continua la mas como uma mosca morta. E o deputado Ron Paul continua no mesmo rumo. Ele nunca entrou nessa pensando que poderia se tornar o candidato. O objetivo dele era promover a causa dos libertarios. Ele conseguiu chamar muito mais a atencao para o ideario que nas eleicoes passadas. Ele pensa que ele se tornara dominante nas proximas duas ou tres eleicoes. Talvez, se eles o ajustarem um pouquinho, ele se tornara o caminho modelo a ser seguido pelos Estados Unidos. Hoje eh quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2.012.

Nova informacao. Passadas as primarias de ontem, 24 de abril de 2.012, o candidato Newt Gingrich enfim entregou. Todos os estados disputados foram vencidos pelo virtual candidato republicano, Romney. E parece que eu estava correto em minha suspeita anterior. Ele queria mesmo era atrapalhar o Rick Santorum e favorecer ao ex-governador de Massachusetts. Isso se pode suspeitar porque parece que ele ja esta negociando a participacao na campanha do Romney de agora para frente.

Hoje eh terca-feira, 24 de abril de 2.012 e estou terminando a traducao para o portugues. Apesar do meu criticismo em relacao ao discurso do primeiro ministro de Israel, nao tenho uma rejeicao pessoal a ele. Fato eh que nao ha como conhecer-se uma pessoa apenas por uma passagem dela em frente `as nossas janelas. Eh possivel que ele proprio nao compreenda o sentimento que desperta nas outras pessoas. Eh comum a gente ter opinioes erroneas em relacao aos outros porque temos tanta conviccao no que acreditamos que perdemos a habilidade de compreender que as outras pessoas tem direitos exatamente iguais aos que nos damos. Ignorar a si mesmo nao eh ser uma ma pessoa, embora, as consequencias de nossas acoes sejam as mesmas se fossemos maus.

O importante para mim foi refletir profundamente a respeito do discurso dele. Isso fez-me conhecer melhor o jeito de ele pensar e obrigou-me a raciocinar melhor a respeito da situacao como um todo. O resultado eh que tenho aprendido com isso. E o que desejo eh que os meus escritos registrem isso e que sirvam para outros como ponto de reflexao. Nao quero que sejam impostos a ninguem. Que os aceitem quem desejar a paz.


O que menos quero eh ser identificado com o rotulo de Profeta da Desgraca. Nao sou, e nunca irei jogar praga em ninguem. Fazer isso seria o mesmo que rogar praga em mim mesmo porque tudo de ruim que eu desejar aos outros sera o mesmo que desejar `a minha descendencia. Nao desejo influenciar o povo do futuro no sentido de ele pensar que estarei lendo-lhe o futuro. Isso nao seria verdade. A unica praga que penso jogar contra os outros eh essa: que todo o mau que desejarem a mim e aos meus nunca se concretize.

Terremotos acontecerao. Vulcoes entrarao em erupcao. Mega tsunamis invadirao a terra seca. Ilhas desaparecerao diante das nossas vistas. Doencas e pragas acontecerao. Guerras serao feitas. E o que ha de novo nisso? Nada. A novidade eh que algumas coisas parecerao que nunca haviam acontecido antes e nunca acontecerao depois. Isso se parece Apocalipse para voce? Entao voce nunca conheceu Historia ou nunca prestou atencao nas coisas dela.

Os desastres naturais foram feitos para acontecer durante toda a Historia. E nao vem para punir ninguem. Inclusive nem eh coisa ruim. Essa eh so uma forma de a Terra desestressar-se. A Terra nem sequer sabe que existimos. E ela nao envia nada para o nosso endereco. Somos os unicos culpados pelo que nos acontece por nao prestarmos atencao onde e como andamos ou moramos.

Nos somos supostos a prestar atencao e estudar o que pode acontecer para fazermos provisoes que minimizem as consequencias. E ja temos um bom conhecimento a esse respeito. Porem, estamos tao distraidos com nossas obrigacoes do dia-a-dia e conflitos, deixando de lado o que realmente importa, que o proximo desastre ainda vai nos surpreender como se fosse o fim do mundo.

Oh! Ah se a gente tivesse posto atencao em toda sabedoria que poderiamos ter aprendido dos sabios que nos foram enviados! A sabedoria esta ai e nos veio gota-a-gota nestes ultimos milenios de nossa Historia. Mas nos distraimos tanto com o ganhar mais e mais que deixamos de lado a sabedoria em troca do dinheiro. Quanto pagamos para ver um jogador de futebol, um ator encenando, ou um artigo da moda? E o que ha de sabio em nos?

Eu estava no “mundo da lua” como sempre ando em partes do dia. Andando sem direcao e somente atento em saber como voltar. Minha mente nunca fica vazia e raramente nao esta em conflito. Desta vez eu estava angustiado como de muitas outras vezes. Meus problemas particulares estavam me pressionando e isso humidecia meus olhos. Entao pensei, dessa vez sera simples como as outras. O que irei lembrar disso daqui a um mes?! Estou protegido.

O barulho dos carros passando tornou-se distante. Minha atencao passou para as arvores e o laguinho perto do clube de golf ao lado do caminho. Normalmente vejo muitos passaros e outros animais por aqui. Eh o que me da paz. Olhei e nao vi nenhum. Entao, percebi o silencio da natureza. Pensei, Isso eh muito estranho! Cade os sabias e seus cantos chorosos do entardecer? Por que eu nao estava ouvindo nem pardais? Somente o zumbido em meus ouvidos acentuou.

Naquele momento senti-me deslisando e tive o pensamento rapido de sentar-me no passeio. Passaram-se segundos e ai ouvi um ruido alto no laguinho ao mesmo tempo em que senti um empurrao no corpo. Pensei que fosse a hora de reencontrar-me com meus ancestrais. Ja estava conformado com a ideia de deixar-me ir. Olhei em volta e tudo parecia normal. Os carros continuavam passando na rua. E dois ou tres motoristas deram-me aquele olhar de: O que te passa oh maluco!? Logo levantei-me e tomei o rumo de volta para casa.

A angustia continuava forte mesmo depois de eu tomar agua e minha maos tremiam. Liguei a televisao e vi imagens de devastacao. Elas me pareceram familiares e o som estava perto do zero. Pensei: So pode ser retrospectiva dos terremotos da Indonesia ou do Japao. Somente ai li o sinal de Noticia Extra. Levantei o som e me informei de que o esperado tinha ocorrido. As imagens vinham da Costa Oeste e foi num dia de sol e ceu azul.

O maior de todos os terremotos tinha acontecido perto de Seattle. A devastacao era quase incompreensivel. Tsunamis estavam ainda a caminho e o aviso de evacuacao foi dado tanto para a direcao norte quanto a sul. Pequenas tomadas mostravam o outro lado do Pacifico ja em preparacao para tambem receber as consequentes tsunamis. Tudo mostrado ao vivo como num filme de terror. Pensei comigo mesmo: Ninguem esta seguro mesmo aqui do outro lado do continente. Nao darei mais detalhes dos acontecimentos. Estou tao cansado!

No dia seguinte todo mundo estava procurando mais noticias e o que ficou claro com isso era que, nos nao estavamos preparados para o evento. Lembrem-se do que aconteceu em Nova Orleans logo apos ao Katrina. Agora multiplique aquilo muitas vezes e tera uma pequena ideia da crise. Quase todo o sistema portuario foi destruido ou seriamente danificado. Isso colocou na prateleira mais da metade a economia americana. Nao poderiamos dizer que o mesmo se deu do outro lado do Pacifico mas o comercio la ficou entre truncado a nao existente.

Gastamos mais de um mes apenas para levantar os estragos e muitos meses mais para fazer uns reparos provisorios e fazer os portos funcionarem como ha 100 anos atras. A maioria da populacao foi removida para outras partes do pais por causa da falta de servicos basicos. A perda de vidas foi alta mesmo sendo em numero inferior ao esperado pelos especialistas.

Os geologos tiveram os 15 minutos de fama deles para explicarem o evento. Mesmo assim, mais da metade concordou que tinha aprendido muitas coisas novas de como a Terra funciona. E somente alguns disseram que a subsequente erupcao do Monte Santa Helena nao tinha ligacao com o terremoto. Muitos deles nao esperavam acontecer outro evento de grande magnitude tao cedo. Mas isso veio antes de a poeira se assentar.

So que dessa vez recebemos o aviso. O Cumbre Vieja estava tremendo. Ele eh um vulcao na Ilha de la Palma. Os cientistas tem avisado por varios anos que na proxima vez que ele entrar em erupcao metade da montanha sera jogada no Atlantico e causara uma mega tsunami que podera devastar toda a Costa Leste Americana. E nos ficamos com a respiracao presa.

O desemprego ja estava alto por causa do incidente anterior, e a destruicao de parte das estruturas basicas do pais. O aviso com duas semanas de antecedencia martelou os nossos nervos. Alguns foram pegos pelo desespero alem da compreensao. Suicidios aconteceram. Os crimes e as tensoes subiram. Mas quando a erupcao comecou ninguem esperou para fugir. Num lapso de horas a Costa Leste estava totalmente vazia. A destruicao nao chegou a espantar como esperado mas somada ao do grande terremoto fez parecer que o Juizo Final tinha chegado.

Nao tivemos nem tempo para tomar folego. Todos nos que tinhamos saude suficiente e eramos fortes o suficiente para empunhar uma ferramenta fomos convocados para o trabalho de restauracao. Mas nao demorou muito. Um furacao mostruoso estava se formando no Atlantico e imaginava-se que iria atingir a Costa Leste. Porem, ele fez um itinerario bizarro, cortando a Florida de costa-a-costa e entrou no Golfo. La tomou a direcao do Mexico ate que fez um circulo completo e mudou a direcao para o norte. Foi decretada a evacuacao completa da Costa do Golfo. E a populacao fugiu em direcao ao norte.

Ninguem ficou sabendo porque. Nao houve aviso. Inesperadamente, eu presumo, o Super Vulcao Yellowstone explodiu na cara de todo mundo. O dia virou noite em muitos estados ao mesmo tempo. Os avioes nao puderam voar. Nao havia seguranca nas estradas. A energia foi cortada na maior parte do pais. E a entrada do furacao no continente completou a combinacao maligna de eventos. Logo a fuligem do vulcao foi detectada ate no Norte do Canada. E a chuva acida envenenou grande parte do continente.

Com toda a devastacao em todas as direcoes e, comparativamente, os poucos danos sofridos pelo Mexico, este pareceu a taboa da salvacao para muitos sobreviventes. Mesmo que a natureza nao reconheca fronteiras e a devastacao nao tivesse atingido apenas aos Estados Unidos, a cerca na fronteira mexicana foi lembrada com ironia. E o governo mexicano tinha recursos limitados a oferecer. O governo aceitou seus cidadaos de volta e tentou coordenar alguma assistencia humanitaria aos americanos. Para isso foi fundamental o bom coracao do povo mexicano. Ate os pobres receberam um ou dois americanos em suas casas.

Isto foi apenas um arranjo emergencial. O pior estava por vir. Milhoes de pessoas haviam morrido em consequencia dos desastres. E, em muitos casos, estes foram os mais felizes. Logo apos `a erupcao do Yellowstone nos tivemos todas as pragas do Egito. Exceto a morte dos primogenitos. Melhor dizendo, nao foram apenas os primogenitos que morreram. Cedo ficou comprovado que o governo nao se havia preparado para tal sequencia de eventos infelizes.

E os sobreviventes comecaram a questionar dizendo algo como: Voce se lembra que tinhamos a NASA? Oh desperdicio de dinheiro! Quanto era mesmo os fundos do Departamento de Defesa? Todo o conhecimento, todos os avancos e agora nos estamos no bico do urubu! E o clima comecou a sofrer mudancas erraticas. Como os cientistas ja haviam avisado, a erupcao do Yellowstone provocou a queda das medias de temperatura na Terra. E a mudanca do clima contribuiu para uma producao menor de alimentos. E …

Nao direi mais nada. Porque se eu disser, isso nao sera ciencia nem profecia. O que posso dizer, porem, eh que cada evento isolado nao eh ficcao. O que eh ficcao foi a sequencia em que eu os organizei. Sabemos que cedo ou tarde os quatro eventos ocorrerao. Nao necessariamente juntos. Um deles pode acontecer tanto amanha quanto daqui a mil anos. Os outros podem acontecer tanto juntos quanto separados. Eles podem vir amanha ou num espaco de 10.000 anos. Mas estes nao sao as unicas possibilidades de desastres naturais. Temos muitos outros.

Este capitulo poderia ser preenchido com revelacoes assustadoras como o canibalismo entre os sobreviventes. Ataques de terror. Mas deixarei para o leitor completar da propria imaginacao todas as possibilidades de consequencias inimaginaveis. Os governos dizem que teriam um plano B para assegurar ao pais a existencia de algum tipo de administracao apos qualquer eventualidade mas, a nao ser as reparticoes secretas para abrigar alguns privilegiados, como isso eh mostrado em filmes, plano algum funcionaria em tal situacao. A destruicao seria tao grande que ela superaria qualquer prevencao. O que poderia vir a seguir poderia ser revolucao, anarquia e soldados atirando contra o proprio povo.

Nao creio ser necessario lembrar ao leitor que existem outras possibilidades que poderiam riscar a vida humana da Terra. Um impacto entre um asteroide maior e nosso planeta eh somente um exemplo de possibilidades. Mas em todos os casos o problema de verdade nao sao os desastres naturais. O grande problema eh nao estarmos preparados para eles. Nos sabemos que se desejamos ter alimentos no inverno precisamos estoca-lo no verao. E tudo o mais acontece semelhantemente. Se voce gasta tudo o que consegue no verao, nao sendo um urso polar, voce esta apenas enganando a si mesmo.

O que posso dizer com certeza eh que, desastre natural algum eh realmente algo ruim. A estoria da Arca de Noe eh interessante nao porque eh Historia verdadeira ou nos da uma grande licao de moral mas sim porque eh uma profecia. Ela indica que, nao importa o quao grande seja o desastre, se voce sabe disso e faz as preparacoes corretas, voce podera sobreviver.

Eu chamo de estoria o Conto de Noe porque se fosse uma Historia de verdade nao estariamos aqui porque o numero pequeno de pessoas como o que sobreviveu, descrito no conto, iria produzir uma descendencia tao fraca que nao duraria tres ou quatro geracoes. Para que fosse Historia haveria que ter um numero maior e uma variedade maior de gens. Numeros sao a chave em tal situacao.

Tambem podemos ouvir `a licao de Louis Pasteur que disse: “A sorte favorece ao espirito preparado”. Porem, aqui e agora, quem esta realmente preparado para tais eventos? Um canal pseudocientifico tem apresentado uma serie a respeito de pessoas que tem feito alguma preparacao. Eu diria que eles estao no caminho certo. Porem, o que tem mostrado eh o individualismo das pessoas em nossa sociedade. Primeiramente seria necessario escolher cooperacao antes de um evento desses acontecer. Sem o espirito de cooperacao o que devera acontecer entre os sobreviventes provavelmente sera a guerra de uns contra os outros e, talvez, isso sim provoque a extincao da especie.

Eu poderia continuar e mostrar mais detalhes do que aconteceria logo apos `a tal possibilidade de eventos. Mas nao o farei. E tenho duas razoes para isso. Uma eh porque os detalhes terriveis so iriam causar apreensao ao publico geral. E nao saberia dizer exatamente o que acontecera `as pessoas individualmente. A outra razao eh esta: o que eu disser nao causara efeito alguns nas liderancas. Elas nao agirao enquanto um desses eventos nao acontecer. As atitudes delas apenas revelarao a falta de consideracao com o povo.

Outra coisa. Estou resumindo ao maximo este e o proximo capitulo porque meus sensos estao avisando para agir assim. Parece-me ja ser tarde demais para evitar o pior. O problema nao esta no que pode acontecer `a humanidade. O problema esta na falta de honra, respeito e amor na humanidade. Para previnir algumas consequencias dos desastres seria apenas uma questao de aplicacao do conhecimento que ja possuimos. Mas para que isso fosse feito precisavamos de pessoas com nobreza, como cabecas do mundo.

Carater nobre eh algo que somente atraves de uma vida inteira de treinamento se adquire. Consigo ver nobreza em muitos cidadaos comuns. Mas nao o suficiente nos lideres do mundo atual. Estes exibem vaidade escessiva. E a vaidade os tem tornado cegos para nao enxergarem as coisas corretas que precisam ser praticadas. Todos eles olham no espelho e so enxergam os proprios egos, ao contrario, deveriam enxergar seus semelhantes e se perguntarem: O que poderia eu fazer para que meus semelhantes tenham o mesmo que eu possuo?

O que parece eh que, os lideres do mundo atual olham no espelho e enxergam seus semelhantes. E eles tem perguntado a si mesmo: O que farei para tomar-lhes a diginidade e satisfazer o meu proprio ego? E nao estou falando isso somente a respeito dos lideres do braco executivo do governo. Em nossos dias temos tido dois tipos de lideres. Um eh representado pelos irresponsaveis. O outro pelos adolescentes. Nada tenho contra os adolescentes verdadeiros. O problema eh que eles nao tem maturidade o suficiente para ser responsaveis, o mesmo se pode dizer a respeito do segundo grupo. Estou calando a minha boca daqui para a frente.

Se me recordo bem, ontem, 2 de maio de 2.012, ouvi no radio o discurso, de nao sei dizer quem, apresentando desculpas para o uso de avioes teleguiados na guerra contra terroristas. O interessante a esse respeito eh que, se eu fosse uma pessoa alienada, poderia pensar que estivessem dando-me uma resposta direta ao capitulo 18 deste livro. Meu ego eh menor que isso e sei que, o questionamento deve estar ficando maior que a capacidade deles de ignorarem a opiniao publica, e eles estao respondendo a um publico maior, nao a mim.

O cara do discurso parecia-se comigo ha alguns anos atras. Por volta do ano de 1.999 um de meus amigos, muito conhecido do publico brasileiro nestas imediacoes, pediu-me para escrever algo que justificasse a compra de casas por nossa comunidade. Naquele tempo nos estavamos procurando adquirir uma. E perguntei: Por que voce esta me perguntando? Eu nao trabalho com isso? E ele respondeu: “Mas voce esta melhor informado que os outros”.

Concordei em escrever e puz enfase somente no que pareceu ser bom para mim. O mercado estava aquecido, os precos estavam bons, a gente deixaria de pagar aluguel e a valorizacao estava indo para o ceu. Minha esposa e eu ja estavamos vendo se compravamos algo. Mas a analise que fiz ignorou totalmente o proprio mercado. Esqueci-me do sobe e desce. Nao penso que foi por causa da minha opiniao que a comunidade brasileira comecou a investir como louca por aqui. Sei que a palavra passou de boca-a-boca e logo todos os meus amigos e os amigos de meus amigos estavam morando em suas proprias propriedades.

Somente por volta de 2.005 eu mudei completamente de ideia. Para quem ja havia comprado eu diria: mantenha se voce comprou bem barato. Para os que estavam planejando comprar eu dizia: esse nao eh mais o tempo de comprar. Mas o povo estava tao entusiasmado com a possibilidade de possuir casa propria que ninguem queria ouvir minha nova opiniao. Eu nao estou dizendo isso porque ja sabia o que iria acontecer depois. Estava falando por causa do meu sexto sentido e sobretudo porque alguns especialistas estavam avisando isso. O meu senso apenas me dizia que o mercado estava subindo rapido demais para nao ser uma armadilha.

E agora eh o mesmo sentimento que tive quando ouvi o cara falando somente coisas boas a respeito dos avioes teleguiados. Em outras palavras ele defendeu ate a ideia de que essa seria uma assistencia humanitaria aos paises pobrezinhos, coitados, infestados de terroristas e sem um governo sabio para lidera-los. Ele nao lembrou nenhuma das consequencias maleficas que os “drones” estao promovendo, tais como a matanca sem a intencao de pessoas inocentes ser cinco vezes maior que a matanca de supostos terroristas.

Ele esperdicou um longo tempo falando a respeito da legalidade da matanca. E, intencionalmente, esqueceu-se de que isso tem sido execucao extra judicial. Ele afirmou que os “drones” tinham a intencao de cortar na carne da Al Qaeda e seus afiliados. Mas os numeros tem demonstrado o contrario. Imaginem se um cirurgiao tivesse menos de 20% de eficiencia em suas intervencoes, sera que seria aceito ele conservar o diploma?

E a captura de um desses avioes pelo Iran confirmou os meus medos. Os iranianos nao apenas o capturaram, tambem fizeram piada do pedido do presidente Obama para devolve-lo. Os iranianos revelaram que decifraram o codigo e sabem como o mecanismo secreto funciona. O Pentagono duvidou da abilidade dos iranianos de quebrar os codigos e insinuou uma acusacao contra a Russia e a China que teriam toda a capacidade para isso. Nao sei se vale a pena duvidar da inteligencia dos povos dos paises perifericos. Este eh um problema em pessoas arrogantes!

O certo eh que, agora, uma tecnologia produzida nos Estados Unidos pode ser usada ao bel prazer do governo iraniano e de quem quer que seja que eles quizerem repassa-la. Teria sido inteligente de parte das pessoas no Pentagono se tivessem mandado uma falsificacao cheia de tecnologias erradas para que eles se perdessem na tentativa de reproduzi-la. Mas esse nao parece ser o caso. E os nossos aliados na regiao e o proprio povo iraniano tem algo mais a temer.

Lembro-me ha algum tempo atras de discutir o assunto armas atomicas com um americano meu amigo. E eu disse que o Brasil tinha a bomba atomica. E a reacao dele foi a de negar isso como se fosse uma impossibilidade um pais de III mundo reinventar uma tecnologia que temos desde os anos 40. Ele deve ter sido pego de surpresa com a minha afirmacao e isso era um “segredo” conhecido por todo mundo na comunidade universitaria no meu tempo. A verdade teria sido mais correta se eu tivesse dito que os cientistas brasileiros sabiam exatamente o que fazer para ter a bomba atomica mas o governo preferiu nao fabrica-la.

E agora sabemos que nao era nenhum bicho-de-sete-cabecas para ninguem. De fato, pelas palavras do ex-presidente Collor, ele disse, os militares brasileiros estavam se preparando para testar a bomba atomica quando ele assinou o decreto de proibicao dos experimentos. E a Coreia do Norte, India e Paquistao estao ai para provar o que acreditavamos. Nao importa com que dificuldade uma tecnologia nova eh desenvolvida, assim que ela se torna realidade para um, os outros logo a terao se se interessarem. Inclusive por formas mais faceis. Nao importa o lugar de onde procedemos, nosso nivel de inteligencia eh praticamente o mesmo.

Eles insistem em declarar a matanca de civis como casualidade de guerra. Entao, por que o povo americano continua nao aceitando as mortes provocadas pelos ataques de 11 de setembro da mesma forma? Eu apenas perguntaria a qualquer um se a situacao fosse o oposto: Qual seria a opiniao americana com esse respeito. Esclarecendo, se fossemos um pais pobre e uma potencia estrangeira tivesse “drones” sobre nossas cabecas, usando contra nossos vizinhos? Sera que estariamos vibrando com tal potencia ou estariamos furiosos? O sentimento que o povo comum de la deve ter devera ser o mesmo que o povo americano sente em relacao aos ataques de 11 de setembro!

O povo americano precisa se colocar na pele dos outros. Vamos refletir, voce eh uma pessoa comum. Tem esposa e filhos. Seus filhos bricam com os filhos do seu vizinho a quem voce conhece como pessoa comum tambem. Dai a casa dele esplode, matando-o junto a alguns familiares. Sera que nao se passaria por sua cabeca que seus filhos poderiam estar la? E mesmo apos certificar-se que nenhum dos seus foi morto, sera que voce ira sentir amor pelos autores do ataque? O que digo eh que: o sentimento de nacao desmoralizada tem que ser o mesmo que os ataques de 11 de setembro provocaram. E, se nao desejamos isso para nos mesmos, por que expor os outros a isso?

O cara tambem nao discutiu alternativa alguma. A unica coisa que falou seria que se soldados fossem fazer o servico pessoalmente custaria muito dinheiro e vidas do nosso lado. Contudo, eu gostaria de usar alternativas verdadeiras como prestar ajuda `as pessoas dos paises pobres para liberta-las da pobreza, para que elas ficassem menos susceptiveis `as mas influencias. Se desejarmos um trabalho bem feito, precisamos conquistar o amor das pessoas boas e nao estimula-las a se tornarem nossas inimigas.

A tentativa de justificar o uso dos “drones” nao mudou em nada meu modo de pensar. Fez o oposto. Ela pareceu-me muito similar a voltarmos ao Brazil e ouvir as mesmas desculpas da ultima ditadura por la para justificar os grupos de exterminio. Naquele tempo, a ditadura usava a palavra terrorista como desculpa para eliminar e fazer pessoas desaparecerem. Tambem faziam uso do secreto para esconder o que realmente estava acontecendo. E aqueles que estavam dando apoio cego a ela constataram tardiamente que estavam sendo somente usados com a desculpa de ser a maioria da opiniao publica.

Ha pouco, o presidente Obama foi ao Afeganistao em visita secreta aos soldados e teve a oportunidade de tambem fazer politica com o pais e em favor da candidatura dele `a reeleicao. Isso colocou os republicanos numa situacao de cuidadosa irritacao. Eles nao conformam com os ganhos politicos dele aos olhos do publico americano mas nao puderam culpa-lo de nenhum malfeito porque ele fez o que se espera que um presidente americano faca em tal situacao. Ele estava usando a mascara de Comandante Chefe dando apoio aos subordinados.

Possivelmente ele cometeu outras indiscricoes mas observei duas. Uma foi negar que os americanos sao vingativos. Apos tantos exemplos para comprovar isso, ficou patetico negar a realidade. Outra foi durante o discurso voltado para nossa nacao, quando terminou-o com o mantra: “Deus abencoe os nossos soldados, Deus abencoe os Estados Unidos”. Penso que ele pareceria menos arrogante se tambem tivesse lembrado de dizer: Deus abencoe o Afeganistao tambem. Daria um sinal de respeito ao solo de onde estava falando. Isso poderia ecoar positivamente nos ouvidos do povo afegao. E poderia ajudar muito a conquistar a simpatia dele e um pouco mais de confianca nos americanos. Essas coisas sao vitais para aqueles que desejam a paz no mundo.

O sr. Newt Gingrich anunciou o apoio dele ao Mitt Romney. Depois de falar cobras e lagartos dele na campanha ele usou a desculpa para mudar sua opiniao explicando que, esta nao sera uma eleicao de Ronald Reagan contra Mitt Romney e sim Mitt Romney contra Barack Obama. E Barack Obama, no entendimento dele, eh o presidente mais esquerdista que os Estados Unidos ja tiveram. Entao, entre o meio-conservador e um esquerdista ele nao teria outra escolha.

Nenhuma novidade na decisao. Todo mundo sabia que no final o Partido Republicano deveria unir-se em torno de qualquer um que fosse indicado pelo partido. Nao ha ai o que se discutir. O problema eh ele ser um professor de Historia e chamar Barack Obama de esquerdista. Nos que nascemos em paises onde os espectros politicos sao mais diversificados nao compreendemos como qualquer presidente americano, ate hoje, poderia ser classificado como esquerdista. E as atitudes da administracao Obama no campo internacional sao os maiores indicativos do comportamento direitista dele.

No Brasil, Barack Obama seria classificado, no maximo, como centrista. Talvez alguem o classificasse como da esquerda festiva. Esquerda festiva eh um pejorativo de alguem que fala como um esquerdista e age como um direitista. Mas o pejorativo seria usado apenas pelos comediantes para fazer piada dele nao necessariamente para definir suas intencoes politicas reais.

A classificacao de Barack Obama como esquerdista pelo sr. Gingrich somente nos mostra o cinismo politico. Quando os democratas falam em justica para pedir uma melhor distribuicao de riquezas para o povo, os republicanos apelidam isso de socialismo. Como se uma distribuicao melhor de renda nao melhorasse o capitalismo, desde que isso ajudaria os consumidores a comprarem mais e criar mais riquezas. Toda vez que o time do Barack Obama menciona justica, os republicanos o acusam de instigar a luta de classes. Da mesma forma, a classificacao de esquerdista feita por Gingrich tem a unica intencao de assustar aos leigos que nao conhecem o verdadeiro sentido da palavra.

Antes que o Gingrich acusasse o presidente Obama de ser esquerdista, como historiador, deveria primeiro ter lembrado do que Franklin Delano Roosevelt – FDR – fez. FDR, proporcionalmente, fez muito mais que o Obama em termos de decisoes “socialistas”. O que torna os dois comparaveis eh que o FDR teve um problema maior em maos, com uma quebra maior, uma taxa de desemprego maior e um pais de tamanho economico menor. Se o FDR estivesse no lugar do Obama e tivesse feito o mesmo que fez entao, os republicanos nao o estariam chamando apenas de esquerdista, eles o estariam taxando de comunista.

Todos sabemos: “Ninguem eh perfeito”. Como isso eh assim, entao, eh impossivel termos uma teoria economica perfeita planejada por pessoas humanas. O Partido Republicano tem defendido a ideia de que o capitalismo eh perfeito e que nada tem a aprender com ninguem. Eles estao apenas agindo com grande estupidez. Precisamos reconhecer nossas falhas se queremos melhorar o futuro desejado. Se nao reconhecermos nossas falhas, tambem nao seremos capazes de resolver nossos problemas.

Como as nossas instituicoes economicas nao sao perfeitas, nao penso que seja vergonha tomar ideias emprestadas de outros sistemas para resolver alguns dos nossos problemas. Essa eh uma questao de fazer bom uso da nossa inteligencia. Vejam o exemplo dos chineses. Eles continuam afirmando que sao comunistas mas desde ha muito tomaram emprestadas muitas ideias e ajuda do capitalismo para reinventarem o sistema economico que esta funcionando para eles. Talvez o maior de nossos problemas esta em quererem ser uma sociedade tao conservadora que seria incapaz de evoluir um passo sequer. Os chineses estao ganhando a frente e o Partido Republicano quer que nos marchemos atras.

Recentemente, tivemos a noticia de que uma sociedade de muito-ricos resolveu unir-se para explorar o espaco. O principal objetivo deles eh mineirar asteroides. Isso significa que tem planos de usar nossa tecnologia espacial para encontrar e extrair minerais raros na Terra para traze-los para aqui. Um plano inteligente? De alguma forma eh. Mas tambem mostra o quao disconectado as pessoas ricas estao em relacao a “nos o povo”. E isso faz soar os sinos do quanto errado esta o Partido Republicano ao escolher uma pessoa rica e desconectada para representa-lo nas eleicoes de 2.012.

Este comportamento eh um padrao de como as mentes de pessoas ricas trabalham na maioria das vezes. Nos estamos cheios de problemas maiores do que o que podera vir num futuro distante mas eles ja estao pensando em como ganhar dinheiro com uma coisa que nao ira resolver nossos problemas maiores e imediatos. Deixem que eu diga, eles estao buscando riquezas para si mesmo nao importando que milhoes irao morrer por falta de alimentos. Em outras palavras, eles estao planejando atacar a retaguarda do inimigo sem prestar algo de atencao se as pessoas que estao lutando na frente irao sobreviver. Imaginem eles gastando bilhoes de dolares numa aventura enquanto o mercado podera voltar `a recessao! Eles querem crescer antes de garantir o que ja temos. Nao eh uma jogada inteligente.

E isso tem outro lado baixo. A tecnologia que ja temos foi inteiramente desenvolvida por uma agencia governamental que foi construida com nossos impostos. Isso significa que a tecnologia surgiu do nosso bolso coletivo. Eles nao desenvolveram tecnologia alguma mas desejam usar a que temos para o beneficio proprio. E nao digo que nunca possam fazer isso. So estou dizendo que temos outras urgencias maiores que a de ajuda-los a ficar mais ricos. E, por essa razao, nao se deixem enganar por causa do meu comentario anterior a respeito da NASA. Nao sou contra o progresso cientifico. Apenas acredito na coordenacao entre os avancos cientificos e o bem estar de “nos o povo”.

Esta eh a mesma impressao que tenho da candidatura do Mitt Romney nas eleicoes de 2.012. Ele esta tentando defender a Historia dele como ex-executivo da Bain Capital. Mas o que ele fez nela foi cozinhar uma receita para o desastre. Ele priorizou ganhar dinheiro antes de garantir o bem estar dos consumidores. E ter numero maior e consumidores mais ricos eh o melhor caminho de salvar a economia. O bem estar dos consumidores eh a chave, e se sempre decidirmos eliminar custos, diminuindo oportunidades para os empregados nao estariamos pensando no bem estar de nossos consumidores porque consumidores e empregados sao um e os mesmos.

O que o Mitt Romney fez aqui na Bain Capital foi o mesmo que foi feito no Brasil no inicio dos anos 90. Os efeitos do que a Bain Capital fez ficou mascarado por causa da vitalidade da economia americana naquele tempo. Os empregados que foram dispensados tiveram outras alternativas de se empregarem em outras companhias porque a economia estava em expansao. No Brasil ela estava quase em recessao. E empregados de grandes companhias como a Vale do Rio Doce e Acesita, literalmente, se perderam.

Como o ex-governador de Massachusetts “gosta de dispensar pessoas”, nao se envergonha dos modos dele de tornar-se rico e acredita firmemente nos meios conservadores de fazer negocios; ele provavelmente se tornaria outro desastre para os Estados Unidos, caso seja eleito e aplicar as teorias economicas dele em nosso mercado enfraquecido.

E nao estou aqui defendendo o desempenho economico da administracao Obama. So estou expressando minha propria experiencia e levantando algumas questoes. Antes de o Partido Republicano ter apresentado sua visao a respeito de consertar a economia eles deveriam ter mandado especialistas a Minas Gerais para estudarem os efeitos colaterais do pensamento conservador aplicado na vida real. Disse antes e confirmo agora, Mitt Romney foi o pior candidato que o Partido Republicano poderia nos apresentar nesse momento economico particular.

Ele esta proclamando com todos os pulmoes que sabe como consertar a nossa economia. Ele alega isso com base na experiencia dele como executivo. Tambem, eu nao tenho nenhuma experiencia para desafiar a dele. Meu historico eh o de sempre ter estado do outro lado da moeda. O lado em que quando o governo faz algo errado ele eh martelado. Quando um super rico faz coisas erradas, ele eh martelado. E eh por isso que da-me medo de ser martelado em dobro se ele assumir o poder sendo tao rico e orgulhoso de se-lo.

Mitt Romney fala como se soubesse como consertar nossos problemas economicos sem reconhecer que, em primeiro lugar a crise foi criada por investidores como ele proprio. Povo que nao se envergonha de jogar com as vidas de todos no planeta. Se ele sabia algo mais que qualquer outro, entao, a falha dele foi nao ter-nos avisado nada com respeito ao que iria acontecer no final do governo do presidente Bush. E ele nao apenas nao sabe como consertar nossos problemas economicos, tambem ira criar mais se for eleito.

Ele, inclusive sendo candidato a representante do Partido Republicano nas eleicoes de 2.008, nao disse nada. Ele foi mais fiel ao colega dele na presidencia que a “nos o povo”, a quem se devia o respeito de ser melhor informado. Em nenhum momento ele fez critica publica alguma ao presidente Bush mas, possivelmente, ganhou muito dinheiro com a ignorancia do publico. O silencio revela o carater dele.

Com respeito a meus estudos genealogicos, tivemos a visita de uma amiga do Brasil e ela deu-me mais uma pista da nossa grandiosa Arvore Genealogica. O nome dela eh Maria da Conceicao Leite e faz parte do tronco familiar que tem a tradicao de ser descendente do Jose Feliciano Pinto Coelho da Cunha, o Barao de Cocais. O avo dela foi o sr. Modesto Furtado Leite, irmao do Francisco e Luis mencionados anteriormente.

Agora tambem estou informado de que os irmaos procedem das Cidades de Itambe do Mato Dentro e Sao Goncalo do Rio Abaixo. As duas estao nas vizinhancas da Cidade de Barao de Cocais, onde o barao nasceu. Assim, a tradicao esta se mostrando verdadeira. Como ela tambem deu-me os nomes do pai, irmaos e irmas eu pude localizar mais ligacoes entre o ramo Coelho da minha familia com a Familia Furtado Leite. Agora posso dizer que: conheco mais americanos nascidos que descendem da nobreza da Peninsula Iberica. Inclua-se ai a propria neta da Conceicao que, aos tres anos de idade, foi a razao para ela visitar-nos.

Eu ja havia fechado esse capitulo mas aconteceu algo mais. Vou direto ao assunto. O presidente Obama saiu do armario e admitiu que os casais homossexuais deveriam ter o direito de se casarem. Ele somente oficializou o que as atitudes dele em relacao ao assunto indicavam. Nao esta acontecendo nada novo para mim. A atitude dele fez seu oponente, Mitt Romney, declarar o outro lado da moeda onde casamento deveria ser somente entre uma mulher e um homem.

Esta foi uma decisao inteligente e arriscada da parte do presidente. Ninguem sabe exatamente os efeitos que ela causara na campanha a longo termo e pode ser prejudicado de alguma forma com isso. Mas parece que a aposta esta rendendo. Pelo menos em termos monetarios porque ele tem conseguido arrecadar quantias vultosas para sua campanha. Mas o que me fez falar a respeito do assunto eh outra razao.

Esse eh um assunto que nao afeta na minha decisao em quem votar. Brasileiros tem um dito que fala: “Quem tem teto de vidro nao joga pedras na janela do seu vizinho”. O dizer nao cai em mim. Eu apenas o usarei na minha explicacao. O meu pensamento com respeito ao assunto tem evoluido desde os anos 60. Quando eu era crianca no Brasil esse era um assunto que os pais nem tinham a liberdade de conversar conosco. Eh provavel ate que nem entre si eles comentavam.

Nos anos 60 a nossa sociedade era tao conservadora que um beijo na boca exibido na televisao causou comocao em alguns. A legalizacao do divorcio em torno do mundo era algo condenado em nossa sociedade. E o Brasil estava muito atrasado em assuntos delicados como esses. Dai, o assunto homossexualismo era algo que a gente ouvia pouco e nao comentava muito.

O conhecimento do assunto por mim surgiu de forma natural. O tempo foi mostrando. Nunca tive contato com a comunidade e apenas conhecia pessoas que eram gays e nao fazia julgamento do comportamento delas. O que eu sentia era: isso nao eh para mim e a vida dos outros nao me afeta nesse sentido.

Todavia, isso nao quer dizer que eu nao tivesse nenhum preconceito disso. Eh verdade. Temos que admitir que, apesar do nosso patrulhamento para nao termos preconceitos, as pessoas humanas sempre tem um pouco. Isso eh ate natural. O que eh doentio com esse respeito sao as pessoas terem o preconceito e julgar as outras baseando-se nos sentimentos preconceituosos e nao no pensamento racional.

O que sera estranho para alguns eh que, meus sentimentos a respeito dos gays somente foram pacificados apos longos estudos da Biblia. Pois eh! Ninguem podera negar a realidade de que o texto biblico condena o comportamento gay. Alguns buscam respostas e mencionam passagens que parecem aprovar o relacionamento homossexual mas nao passa de desculpa para negar o obvio. Dai, por que entao eu diria que: o casamento entre homossexuais eh aceitavel?

Em primeiro lugar eu pensei na sociedade pederasta da Historia Grega. Naquela sociedade, o amor entre dois homens era tido como mais relevante que o amor entre um homem e uma mulher. Mulher era tolerada apenas por causa da funcao reprodutiva. Elas nao eram consideradas mais que objetos uteis. E isso tambem nao se encaixava no que eu sinto. Entao imaginei: E se nos vivessemos numa sociedade pederasta em que a maioria absoluta fosse homossexual e se essa maioria tentasse impor o comportamento dela sobre todos os heterossexuais, o que eu iria fazer?

Para concluir minha forma de pensar tambem me perguntei: O casamento dos gays interfere com meu casamento heterossexual? Ou interfere com qualquer outro casamento heterossexual? Nao consigo ver qualquer forma de isso acontecer. Dai eu evolui o pensamento.

Penso que quem esta contra o casamento dos gays esta apenas sendo egoista no assunto. Outra forma para melhor explicar isso eh so pegar a definicao de duas palavras envolvidas no assunto. Temos casamento e matrimonio. As definicoes das palavras afetam o assunto ate porque a Biblia que chegou a nos foi originalmente traduzida para o latim, e a lingua define o significado. Casamento, da mesma forma que marriage em ingles, tem um significado mais amplo de uniao, complemento, alianca, harmonia e combinacao.

Isso permite ao portugueses dizerem coisas como: O parafuso casa com a porca. E os de lingua anglicana podem falar: “um casamento de mentalidade” significando apenas ter a mesma ideia. Dai, as pessoas que querem definir o casamento como sendo apenas entre uma mulher e um homem so querem provocar confusao. O que eles pensam deveria ser definido com a palavra matrimonio. Matrimonio eh a palavra que implica em maternidade que eh usado nos ritos das igrejas para definir a relacao entre marido e esposa. Somente os conservadores extremos eh que nao querem enxergar isso porque estao cegos pelo preconceito.

Eu comparo essa situacao com algo que aconteceu comigo no Brasil. Desde quando eu era crianca eu detestava cebola. Mas ela eh usada como condimento em quase tudo da cozinha brasileira. Como eu era parte apenas de uma minoria significante, antes de comer eu separava a cebola picada num lado do prato. Em minha familia esse eh um caso antigo que todos conhecem. Mas eu nao era o unico.

Porem, de vez em quando aparecia um engracadinho que cortava a cebola em pedacos bem pequenos e jogava numa comida cuja cor escondia isso. Eu sempre ficava irritado com isso porque nao era o visual que me incomodava e sim o gosto. E se eu comia isso, tinha diarreia no dia seguinte. Penso que o povo que eh contrario ao casamento homossexual esta apenas sendo bully. Porque eu tenho gosto pelo casamento heterossexual isso nao significa que tenho o direito de impedir os outros de pensarem diferente.

Agora, vamos casar as ideias com respeito ao problema biblico e o dito brasileiro acima. Eu me libertei da ditadura do que “esta escrito na Biblia” desde que estudando-a encontrei um monte de contradicoes. Ai pensei: As contradicoes nao podem existir se ela foi ditada por Deus. Entao, o texto biblico representa a Verdadeira Palavra de Deus ou, em outros termos, reflete apenas o pensamento humano numa janela de tempo? Deixarei a resposta para voces, os leitores.

Mas eh preciso falar um pouco mais a respeito da decisao do presidente Obama de dar apoio ao casamento homossexual. Primeiramente os comentaristas tem dito que ele pode ser prejudicado pela propria decisao porque a comunidade negra eh na maioria conservadora no assunto casamento homossexual. Como na eleicao anterior ele ganhou a maioria dos votos da comunidade negra, agora a comunidade podera tirar o apoio a ele. E eu assisti `a entrevista de um pastor negro sendo na CNN a respeito do assunto.

Ele concordou que: Obama pode perder votos da comunidade por causa dessa decisao dele. E ele claramente apoiou a ideia de que o que esta escrito na Biblia eh a Vontade de Deus, e nos nao poderiamos interpretar diferente. E aqui esta o porque de eu discordar das nocoes dele e dos outros tradicionalistas com respeito ao que “esta escrito na Biblia”. Na Biblia se encontra a lei que permite a escravidao. Qualquer um pode ver isso em Exodus 21 e outros. Em toda a Biblia a gente encontra passagens que se referem `a humanizacao da escravidao mas em nenhum caso ela decreta sua abolicao.

Entao, esconder o preconceito contra o homossexualismo atras do que “esta escrito na Biblia” seria o mesmo que dizer: “discriminacao antes, agora e discriminacao para sempre”. Desde que nao esta escrito na Biblia que: Eh uma vergonha possuir escravos diante de Deus e Ele Proprio foi o suposto autor da autorizacao para escravizar os outros, entao, a comunidade negra precisava estar alerta para a possibilidade de a escravidao retornar.

Foi por isso que eu usei o dito brasileiro antes. No caso de o pastor estar tao confiante em que: foi Deus Quem discriminou os homossexuais na Biblia, ele tambem tem que admitir que: a escravidao continua valida perante aos olhos de Deus. E estou mencionando a comunidade negra neste caso somente por causa de ser um exemplo mais recente entre as discrepancias entre o texto e a Vontade de Deus. Nao creio que Deus discrimine ninguem. Mas o telhado do pastor foi feito de vidro.

Nao me interpretem mal. Todos os tetos foram feitos de vidro nesse caso porque no tempo em que o texto biblico foi escrito qualquer um poderia ser escravizado. Ate os reis. Meu ponto eh este, nos sabemos, escravidao eh uma vergonha diante de Deus. Da mesma forma que as outras discriminacoes tambem o sao.

Melhor eh fechar esse capitulo de vez!


Ontem, 16 de maio de 2.012, eu publiquei o capitulo 20 deste livro em meu blog. Mas imediatamente depois tive umas inspiracoes para ampliar meus argumentos. Entao, antes de entrar no assunto do titulo Solucoes propriamente, postarei aqui as ideias novas.

Com respeito ao casamento homossexual, para aqueles que tem o texto biblico como padrao de comportamento, tenho essa mensagem. Em minha analise temos duas formas de crer na Biblia. A primeira eh quando o crente pensa que todo o texto foi algo ditado por Deus e perfeitamente passado em palavras humanas pelos escritores.

Neste caso, o crente nao tem outra escolha senao seguir a cada palavra no texto. Se alguem escolher seguir algumas instrucoes e nao seguir a outras, entao, este esta sendo falso. Isso so eh assim porque Deus nao muda de ideia e apenas diz o que teria que ser feito no passado, presente e futuro. O que foi dito nao pode ser alterado.

A segunda forma de crer-se eh esta: os escritos na Biblia foram uma tentativa das pessoas humanas de interpretar a Vontade de Deus. Mas, com toda a boa vontade deles, os autores cometeram erros porque eram pessoas humanas. Neste caso o crente tem que praticar o que representar o bem para si mesmo e o bem para todos os seus semelhantes. Mas nao precisa seguir o que representar preconceitos.

O pastor que mencionei anteriormente aceita a discriminacao contra os gays como sendo parte da Vontade de Deus. Ele nao disse isso mas nao acredito que ele aceitaria qualquer discriminacao contra si mesmo. Mas encontra-se sobre a cabeca dele a sentenca de escravidao. Se ele disser que jamais podera ser escravizado, entao, estaria negando que esta “escrito na Biblia”, como se fosse da Vondade de Deus, e isso tem que ser seguido por ele. Se ele esquivar-se dizendo que o caso dele eh diferente, ele estaria apenas inventando desculpa para se livrar dos regulamentos, porem, estaria pondo sobre os ombros dos outros uma sentenca que nao queria para si mesmo. Este eh um sinal de preconceito.

O outro assunto eh com respeito `as alegacoes do time do Mitt Romney, incluindo ele mesmo, de que o que ele fez na Bain Capital foi apenas defender os interesses dos investidores. Ai se encluem os fundos de pensoes. Estao dizendo que a Bain Capital deu aos investidores o que eles desejavam, o que seria: altos lucros. De certa forma isso eh verdade porque: Quem nao quereria investir algum dinheiro numa coisa que pagasse juros altos?

Contudo, o que eles estao afirmando e algo como: Vejam, ninguem pode considerar isso um pecado porque, se fosse, todo mundo estaria pecando por praticar o que eh permitido em lei. Tambem, se todo mundo pecar junto, ninguem podera ser punido por isso. A estrategia eh inteligente, tanto quanto falsa.

Primeiro de tudo, para atrair investidores a Bain Capital tera oferecido altos ganhos. E o investidor menor foi pego exatamente como um peixe que nao enxerga o anzol mas ve a isca. Penso que nem todo mundo investiria na Bain Capital se fosse avisado que isso iria prejudicar empregados e donos de companhias menores.

Isso mesmo, todo mundo quer ficar rico, mas a maioria de nos quer isso com justica. Se eu tivesse a oportunidade de ter investido no que a Bain Capital estava fazerndo, no tempo em que o Mitt Romney estava trabalhando nela, sabendo as consequencias disso, eu diria: Nao obrigado, tenho outros lugares onde investir. Posso nao ganhar tanto mas quero paz de consciencia.

O que o time do Mitt Romney esta tentando fazer eh convencer a todos nos que os pecados dele nao podem ser considerados ruins como sao na realidade porque todo mundo que investiu nas propostas dele estava feliz depois. O que o time do Romney esta fazendo eh tentar vender a imagem dele como se ele fosse o administrador infiel, descrito no Livro de Lucas, 16, 1-13. O que ele fez eh errado mas esta dizendo aos que lucraram com isso: Eu ajudei voces, agora voces estao obrigados a receber-me em suas moradas eternas.

Eu confesso, nunca entendi esta parabola. Como um homem corrupto que corrompe muitos outros poderia ser apresentado como bom exemplo de comportamento? Para mim esta eh uma das contradicoes que estao no texto biblico, porem, eu posso usa-la para comparar o que o Mitt Romney fez como sendo o mesmo que o administrador infiel, descrito na parabola, fez.

Outra forma de comparacao com o que o Mitt Romney fez eh dar um exemplo do pescador mau. O pescador mau usou redes tao finas que pescava a maioria das criaturas do mar, ate mesmo os menores filhotes dos peixes maiores. Com isso o Ciclo da Vida foi totalmente interrompido. Quando o povo foi a ele para reclamar da maldade que ele estava fazendo, ele disse: Mas o que eu fiz foi somente porque voces queriam comer peixe! Voces sao os pecadores. A esperteza esta nisso: transferir para o povo a culpa da maldade que o Mitt praticou.

Esta situacao lembrou-me do meu avo paterno: Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho, o Cista. Vovo Cista e os irmaos dele eram das familias bem estabelecidas desde os primeiros moradores europeus em nossa regiao. Nao posso dizer que fossem ricos. Quando ele tinha 10 anos de idade o avo dele faleceu e ele comecou a trabalhar para viver, como todas as criancas nessa idade o faziam naquele tempo. Ele nasceu em 1.890.

Quando o vovo Cista estava com 20 anos o pai dele faleceu tambem. Alem disso ele se casou e eu imagino que ele passou dificuldades. Comecou a vida de quase nada. E decidiu dar um grande passo na vida. Propos comprar uma fazenda do nosso tio-bisavo: Benjamin Rodrigues Coelho. E ele teve um prazo curto para pagar ou perder tudo o que tinha.

Porem ele teve a quem recorrer. Nosso primo, Nelson Coelho de Senna era melhor estabelecido porque era mais velho e era professor universitario. Ele tambem foi deputado varias vezes em Minas Gerais, alem de ser escritor e genealogista. Ele deu emprestimo ao vovo em condicoes que somente um grande amigo ou pai emprestaria. Vovo Cista quitou a fazenda e trabalhou como sempre fez. Com coragem.

Naquele tempo, o Brasil nao tinha estradas de rodagem boas e a linha de trem era usada quase que somente para passageiros. O transporte era feito por tropas. Da nossa cidade ate ao Rio de Janeiro eles gastavam perto de um mes. Outro mes para voltar. Ele tinha que produzir como fazendeiro, transportar para o Rio de Janeiro, vender, e comprar as mercadorias que nossa cidade precisava. Para isso ele tambem tinha venda na cidade. Ele tinha tudo porque trabalhava duro.

Trabalhando assim ele provavelmente tornou-se a pessoa mais rica da cidade. Apesar da Grande Depressao ele manteve o rumo. Com os lucros de cada atividade ele comecou a modernizar a producao e foi capaz de dar a cada filho uma profissao. Todos se tornaram fazendeiros ou comerciantes. Exceto dois que escolheram estudar: meu pai, dentista, e tio Murillo Barbalho, que se tornou advogado.

A licao que aprendemos do vovo Cista foi esta: trabalho duro da grande retorno. Essa se tornou uma licao falsa do final da vida dele para frente. O problema foi que, os caminhos do Brasil mudaram. Alguns se tornaram intermediarios. Estes foram as pessoas que nao trabalhavam duro nas fazendas. Eles somente iam `as fazenda para buscar a producao e transporta-las para as grandes cidades. La eles as repassavam para outros intermediarios que passavam os produtos para os varejistas.

Os fazendeiros perderam grande parte de suas rendas, e no outro lado da linha os consumidores passaram a pagar mais caro. Os unicos que adquiriam riquezas foram os intermediarios. Somente o trabalho duro permaneceu nas maos do povo. E se qualquer um desejar saber porque o Brasil ficou para tras em termos de desenvolvimento, precisa saber disso. Os intermediarios ganharam muito mais do que trabalharam.

A situacao de companhias como a Bain Capital eh igual a dos intermediarios. Eu imagino que, se o vovo tivesse que ter pago os juros que os que trabalham duro tem que pagar aos intermediarios de hoje, ele nunca teria ficado rico e, provavelmente, teria de ter trabalhado mais para ganhar muito menos. E um numero muito menor de pessoas no Brasil seriam ricas, com a riqueza mais concentrada em poucas maos, sem beneficio algum para o povo.

Penso que, o caminho que colocou o Brasil no atraso por tantos anos eh o mesmo que Mitt Romney e o Partido Republicano estao tentando impor aos Estados Unidos de hoje. Ninguem precisa de uns poucos explorando os frutos do trabalho dos outros. O que os Estados Unidos precisam eh devolver as mesmas oportunidades que os trabalhadores duros tinham antes. Os que trabalham duro podem reerguer o pais. E os intermediarios somente irao acabar de arrasa-los.

Dito isso, voltemos ao assunto do presente capitulo.

O titulo, Solucoes, nao eh uma definicao exata do que tenho a dizer. Penso que qualquer um que for altruista sonha com solucoes para todos os problemas. Mas o problema esta em que, nos somos o problema. Altruismo deveria ser a chave de todas as solucoes. Mas nao temos uma cultura baseada em altruismo. Nossos lideres estao sempre pensando a respeito de solucoes onde eles proprios irao ganhar algo primeiro ou a mais que os outros. Quando algum pensa nalguma solucao coletiva, acaba pensando numa solucao que traga algo a mais ou primeiro para o proprio povo, nao para todos.

Se alguem me perguntar o que fazer para resolver o problema eu responderia: Nao sei. Nao sou solucao de nada. O que sei eh tao pouco! O pouco que sei com certeza eh que, cada um de nos eh parte da todas as solucoes. Nao importa o quao pequeno sejamos nesse mundo. Se a gente for passado para tras em qualquer solucao, entao, viraremos problema. Entao, a solucao so existe se for coletiva e altruista. Nos precisamos menos de mim e menos de meu, e mais de nos e mais de nosso.

Mais do que nunca temos visto o quanto a humanidade tem se multiplicado num planeta tao pequeno. Agora, tudo o que acontece em qualquer pais no mundo afeta aos outros. Parece ate que o planeta ficou menor. Isso se parece com a gente ter crescido tanto que nossas casas nao nos contem. Precisamos de ter cuidado ao abrir os bracos sem estragar as casas dos vizinhos ou machuca-los.

Isso requer uma forma nova de comportar. E nao ha mais lugar no mundo para pensar que qualquer um seja escolhido. Nenhum pais, nenhum povo, nenhuma pessoa. Nos viajamos numa mesma espaconave e se nos tentarmos destruir o nosso vizinho, seremos destruidos junto com ele. Entao, a solucao passa por: O que queremos, preservar a todos ou destruir a todos? Eh por isso que a solucao precisa ser altruista, coletiva e conservativista.

Eh interessante relembrarmos uma informacao a respeito de nossas primeiras civilizacoes. Desde milhares de anos atras, nossos ancestrais acreditavam que eles precisavam fazer algo para manter o universo em equilibrio. Se a gente nao apaziguasse aos deuses com certas acoes o universo poderia desorganizar-se e coisas ruins aconteceriam ao povo e `a Terra. Se isso eh verdadeiro ou falso nos podemos comparar a duracao dos imperios para termos uma ideia. Praticando o que acreditavam, alguns imperios, como o egipcio, duraram milhares de anos. E o quanto iremos durar seguindo o que temos praticado?

Nossos credos judeo-cristaos de certa forma herdaram o mesmo ideal. Tinhamos la os nossos cerimoniais para apaziguar a Deus, para Ele nos ser favoravel. Equilibrio eh chave para resolver nossos problemas. E quando falo em equilibrio, penso em todos os sentidos. O que eh hilario eh isso: os nossos ancestrais conhecidos mais antigos acreditavam que precisavamos manter o equilibrio para que os ceus nao desabassem em nossas cabecas. Agora, alguns conservadores nao creem nem que o nosso mal comportamento em relacao `a natureza eh inclusive capaz de causar mudancas climaticas. Eles pensam que podemos prejudicar a natureza para sempre e a natureza jamais ira revidar.

Penso ainda que, se queremos solucao, entao precisamos nos comprometer com a paz. Nao importa o que facamos de diferente, se nao tivermos paz, tambem nao teremos garantias de futuro algum. Ate hoje nos tivemos imperios poderosos liderando todo o mundo conhecido. E todos eles cairam por falta de paz. Entao, se queremos permanecer por tempo indeterminado, a paz tem que ser a nossa orientacao. Entao, nossas solucoes tem que ser: altruistas, coletivas, conservativistas, equilibradas e pacificas.

Durante a Historia nos experimentamos muitos sistemas de governo. Todos foram falhos de alguma forma. E o que fica mais visivel nas falhas sao as fraquezas dos governantes. E nao estou aqui falando no sentido de nao se conduzir coisas do Estado com maos de ferro. Os que o fizeram falharam em dose dupla. Refiro-me `a fraqueza no sentido de falta de honestidade. Nao importa se foram monarquistas ou republicanos, presidencialistas ou parlamentaristas.

Da mesma forma nos experimentamos varios sistemas economicos. Cada um deles apresentou pontos fortes e pontos fracos. Ha pouco tempo assistimos ao desmantelamento do comunismo sovietico. Hoje nos estamos cruzando nossos dedos para nao vermos a mesma sorte no capitalismo. Mesmo que o capitalismo tem se reinventado em varios periodos diferentes, o que parece eh que ele esta precisando de um melhor equilibrio. O capitalismo esta precisando de uma reinvencao e um par melhor de asas para escapar de tanta turbulencia.

Entre as escolhas: democracia e autocracia (nao importa se ditadura ou monarquia) nao penso que haja o que se discutir esse assunto. A democracia ainda nao eh um sistema perfeito mas os outros sao muito piores. Dai se tira uma pergunta: Como fazer a democracia evoluir de maneira tal que ela realmente seja traduzida em: O governo do povo, pelo povo e para o povo? Esta mais que claro que nao ha lugar na democracia para outros interesses acima dos interesses do povo. E isso nao tem sido respeitado como deveria ser.

O que sei eh que a economia nao eh o nosso problema maior. Mesmo que isso tenha sido tratado como se fosse. Seria assim se nao houvesse uma solucao. Existem solucoes. Porem, ha necessidade de vontade para alcanca-las. E nao enxergo assim apenas por causa das tramas de nossos dias. Por que? O que falta eh justica. Nao teremos solucao sem justica.

O que eu entendo por justica passa pela questao: Qual eh a maior empresa no mundo? Alguns dirao que sao alguns bancos e outros dirao: Consulte a Nasdaq e voce sabera. Eh verdade! Wall Mart, Toyota, Shell, Exxon Mobil e algumas outras estao disputando o titulo das maiores do mundo. Mas nos temos uma empresa maior que todas elas juntas. Mas eh invisivel `a maioria dos olhos.

Tomemos o exemplo do Facebook para explicarmos algo. Ontem, 22 de maio de 2.012, o Facebook comecou a negociar acoes na Bolsa de Nova Iorque. (New York Stocks Exchange – NYSE). Alguem ja antecipou que o valor dele gira em torno de 80 a 100 bilhoes de dolares. Isso eh mais que o produto interno bruto da maioria dos paises individualmente. E esta eh apenas uma companhia media.

Onde eu desejo concentrar o foco aqui eh no como ele tornou-se do tamanho que eh para valer tanto. Comecou como se fosse uma brincadeira de jovens. Explorando o instinto natural humano de se reconectar com amigos. E logo atraiu milhares, milhoes e centenas de milhoes. E isso tornou-se possivel porque o povo age como gado. Alguns de meus amigos entraram e me convidaram. Entao, entrei porque eles entraram.

Isso so foi possivel tambem porque o servico eh oferecido gratuito. Como no dizer brasileiro que fala: “Se o boi soubesse a forca que tem nunca seria dominado!” Eh isso ai, ignorancia tambem faz parte do nosso mundo e nao precisamos ser bois para entrar no rebanho. Chamar os outros de bois no portugues eh inclusive abuso como dizer: leva vida de gado. Isso significa alguem que sempre eh conduzido por outros.

E o Facebook eh uma companhia que trabalha em cima dessa fraqueza humana. A maioria das outras companhias faz o mesmo. Mesmo que isso nao seja, necessariamente, algo ruim. O mal eh quando o gado eh usado sem saber disso. A maioria de nos usa o Facebook porque tem amigos e deseja ficar em contato com eles. A gente partilha os pensamentos, fotos, documentos e outras coisas. Para a maioria de nos, nossa relacao com o Facebook termina ai. Mas para os donos do Facebook isso nao eh o fim, eh apenas o comeco.

Para nos, somos usuarios. Para eles somos mercadoria. Somos mercadoria igual `a jabuticaba do sertao. Eles gastam pouquissimo para coletar-nos no campo, e nos vendem por pouco mais que nada. Mas nos somos tantos que, somando todos, o pouco vira bilhoes. Eles vendem propaganda para outras companhias. Nao temos a obrigacao de comprar nada. Mas, com certeza, um dia cada um de nos ira comprar algo via Facebook. Nao tem nada de errado ai. Isso nao eh diferente de comprar algo que se viu na propaganda num jornal ou televisao.

O que se tornaria diferente seria se os diretores do Facebook comecassem a ver-nos apenas como gado, ignorando o nosso dia-a-dia de “trabalho” para ele e agirem com desrespeito dizendo: Nos criamos o Facebook, fomos nos que fizemos tudo e o que estamos ganhando nao eh o suficiente, entao, dagora para frente havera uma taxa de uso. E eu pergunto: boa ideia? Ser mal agradecido eh o pior dos pecados.

Imaginemos entao: Se o Mark Zuckerberg ficar tao orgulhoso do que ja fez e se transformar numa mascara de exibicionismo de tal modo que comecasse a pensar que ninguem mais interessava. E ele comecar a dizer: Eu criei o Facebook, criei milhares de empregos, levei o Facebook para a NYSE e eu …, e por ai vai. Sera que isso soaria familiar?

Certo eh que, ele criaria uma situacao com todos os colegas, amigos e usuarios. Quebraria toda a confianca que depositamos nele. E nao muito distante apos ao dia que ele dissesse isso, amigos de um mesmo grupo comecariam a fechar as contas no Facebook e se mudar para outros sitios competidores. E logo veriamos a maioria dos usuarios do Facebook migrarem para longe. E, entao, veriamos quem realmente eh o dono deste negocio.

Nao tem muito tempo que o slogan do comercio era: “O fregues em primeiro lugar”. E a minha impressao nao eh solitaria. Eu ja estava pronto para continuar quando verifiquei no Google um soletrar para escrever corretamente. E por curiosidade passei olhos no artigo: Putting Customers First” (Atendimento por Excelencia), da autora: Jena McGregor, escrito em 1o. de outubro de 2.004. E eu repito essas palavras dela: “Voce assume que mais companhias tenham isso como lema. Infelizmente, organizacoes que poem os fregueses no centro dos servicos que elas oferecerem sao raras – tao raras que nos as estamos aplaudindo.”

Tenho como grande problema dos nossos dias a falsa interpretacao de que o povo nao eh a maior corporacao que ja tivemos. Ate agora as outras companhias tem nos tratado com base na psicologia humana de gado. Tem usado isso a favor delas e o povo nao compreendeu ainda que eh muito mais forte do que o resto. O povo precisa reconhecer sua propria forca. Porem, tem que reconhecer que, com o poder vem a responsabilidade. Eh preciso aprender a usar a forca que tem sem ferir a si mesmo.

Podemos visitar nosso passado para aprendermos mais a respeito disso. O capitulo da Historia Geral chamado: “Os Despotas Esclarecidos”, eh um exemplo do como os dirigentes podem ficar tao distanciados do povo que ate mesmo o boi manso comeca a reagir violentamente. Eles tinham tanta certeza que o povo nao reagiria ao despotismo deles que mantiveram o abuso do povo por decadas, ate que a Revolucao Francesa surgiu. Hoje, o povo frances e a maioria do mundo celebra a Revolucao Francesa. Mas a Revolucao Francesa foi totalmente falha como movimento e terminou com milhoes de mortes. O lado bom foram os ideais que posteriormente foram adotados.

Em 1.917 tivemos outro exemplo de um poder abusivo levando `a revolta. A Revolucao Bolchevista nasceu. E o que o povo ganhou com isso? Ele fugiu do lobo e caiu na toca dos leoes. O povo sofreu 70 anos de repressao e continua sofrendo consequencias ruins desse passado. Portanto, temos que tomar cuidado com o que dizemos ou fazemos.

E o que eu concluo agora eh isso, nos estamos sendo atacados por um tipo de pensamento distorcido aqui nos Estados Unidos. O Partido Republicano, liderado por seu mais provavel candidato `as eleicoes de 2.012, Mitt Romney, esta concentrando seus esforcos na defesa do direito de ser rico forjando a ideia que os ricos criam mais empregos. Nao sei por quao estupidos eles nos tomam mas essa ideia eh a que mais se assemelha ao Esquema de Piramide.

Ta bom! Nao sou tao doido assim. Eu admito que, pessoas ricas com boas intencoes podem criar alguns empregos e nao preocupo se alguns de nos ficam mais ricos que os outros, fazendo coisas boas na sociedade. O que eu digo e sei ser impossivel eh uma pessoa se dedicar a ficar rica e ter a mesma consideracao com a sociedade. Jesus nos disse que nao podemos ter dois senhores ao mesmo tempo. E eu acredito nisso tambem.

A minha experiencia como brasileiro tem demonstrado justamente o oposto do que o Partido Republicano esta pregando. O Brasil viveu decadas perdidas. Desde os anos 70 ate os 90 o Brasil era inexplicavelmente pobre. A gente podia viajar por uma cidade atras da outra no Estado de Minas, em torno do meu torrao natal, e nas centenas delas a gente via a pobreza fluindo como agua. A pobreza estava em todo lugar que se podia enxergar.

E onde estavam os ricos para ajudar ao povo? Nao os encontravamos. Foi entao que o povo encontrou um jeito de migrar e comecou a sair para todos os lados do mundo para ajudar a si mesmo. A maioria passou pela situacao de ser explorado por oportunistas. Os oportunistas ficaram ricos mas nao ajudaram ninguem. Os migrantes enfrentaram todo tipo de perigo. Eles viraram sangue, suor, lagrimas e perseguicao.

Quando o Brasil estava na pior e o povo necessitando ajuda dos ricos, foi o periodo em que o povo mais foi explorado por eles. Os Estados Unidos nao podem orgulhar-se do que fez. Para que se messa como os brasileiros foram tratados naquele tempo, qualquer um so precisa ir a qualquer cidade do Nordeste de Minas Gerais e perguntar quantas pessoas conhecidas tiveram vistos negados. Nao houve respeito algum. Nem mesmo aos idosos que desejavam vir para ver netos pela primeira vez. Nao havia criterio na concecao de vistos.

Apesar de tudo o povo chegou aqui e em outros lugares. E, durante trinta anos, a gente viu uma cidade atras da outra serem ajudadas pelos emigrantes. A gente via construcoes novas nas cidades pobres. Quando perguntavamos: Eh de quem? Na maioria das vezes era alguem que estava mandando dinheiro do exterior. Boa parte das familias sobreviveram com a ajuda de parentes emigrados. E se nao fosse por isso muitos nem teriam tido dinheiro para comer.

E onde estavam as multinacionais para ajudar ao povo? Eu nao sei! A unica coisa que sei com certeza eh que o povo estava consumindo alguns dos produtos delas. Por isso eh que conclui, as multinacionais e os ricos nao estavam presentes para ajudar o povo mas o povo sempre os ajudou.

Agora eh um novo tempo. Agradeca-se a novas politicas e um melhor salario que o povo esta tendo, as coisas melhoraram. Alguns estao ficando verdadeiramente ricos. Brasileiro agora representa lucro para todos que se interessam nisso. Os turistas brasileiros estao entre os que mais gastam em suas viagens. Agora, o turista brasileiro representa mais negocios do que migracao. E a filosofia em realacao aos brasileiros esta mudando tanto que os consulados americanos estao distribuindo mais e mais vistos. Os Estados Unidos inclusive estao abrindo dois novos consulados: no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e no de Minas Gerais.

O que quero dizer com isso eh que, se o povo quizer solucao para seus problemas, nao vale a pena esperar que a ajuda venha dos ricos. Mas os ricos estarao sempre espreitando quando os problemas forem resolvidos para lucrar com o sucesso do povo. Nao estou condenando os ricos. Muitos deles inclusive sao ex-pobres que tiveram uma oportunidade e a usaram para tornarem-se ricos. Mas a minha certeza eh essa, se as oportunidades chegassem primeiro ao povo, todo mundo ganharia o seu quinhao. Mas se as oportunidades forem apenas para alguns, o problema jamais sera resolvido.

O que os republicanos liderados por Mitt Romney estao fazendo eh apenas vendendo ilusoes. Eles nao sabem como criar empregos. O que eles sabem eh como lucrar com isso. A criacao de empregos vem da equacao mais simples. Precisamos apenas que o povo seja pago com justica. O povo age como gado. Tendo dinheiro no bolso logo sai para as lojas. E nao eh a criacao de fabricas que cria empregos. A demanda eh que eh a responsavel pela criacao das fabricas. E o povo sem dinheiro nao cria demanda.

A unica forma de se ter consumidores eh por dinheiro nas maos do povo. Nao se precisa dar o dinheiro. O que eh necessario eh somente pagar os salarios com justica. O povo nao quer o dinheiro sem trabalhar por ele. O povo so deseja ser pago com justica em todo e qualquer emprego. Mas, desde o inicio da globalizacao promovida pelas multinacionais com a promessa falsa de produtos baratos, isso esta dando esse retorno `a economia. Nao vale a pena ter produtos baratos se as fabricas diminuem o numero e pagam menos aos empregados que sobraram.

Ao fazer isso, eles estao automaticamente diminuindo o dinheiro que circula no mercado e o mercado so pode cair. Isso eh tao simples quando dizer: o mercado nao trabalha com magica. E eu sei, muita magica tem sido feita nas ultimas decadas. Isso eh o porque entramos em recessao antes e o porque de a Europa esta em dificuldades agora. E o mundo inteiro esta correndo o mesmo risco.

Afora isso, eu precisava explicar porque o povo eh a maior de todas as corporacoes. Mitt Romney esta defendendo sua historia como diretor da Bain Capital dizendo que, a experiencia dele no setor privado seria o dom que usaria como presidente. Nao penso que precisamos ser muito inteligentes para enxergar a esperteza na afirmacao. O dinheiro investido pela Bain Capital nao era dele mas veio do povo quem o ganhou. Isso mesmo. Eu ja disse, ele usa a mascara de benfeitor do povo mas apenas usou a oportunidade que o povo deu a ele.

Se a Bain nao tivesse investidores, o Mitt Romney teria que ir a outro lugar para se empregar. Primeiro de tudo foi o povo quem deu a ele um emprego. Agora ele vem dizer que criou empregos com suas atitudes na Bain Capital. Como um ex-investidor eu digo: vamos repensar isso! Emprego nao eh o objetivo de nenhuma firma de investimento. O objetivo delas eh faturar juros.

E eu posso usar a minha propria experiencia para explicar isso melhor. Quando eu estava trabalhando no setor de transporte de mudanca foi oferecido a todos os empregados a oportunidade de transferir um fundo particular que tinhamos junto ao nosso empregador para uma firma de investimentos. Nos aceitamos a oferta. E alguns especialistas vieram nos explicar algo a respeito de investimentos. Basicamente, a unica coisa que disseram para nos foi que poderiamos colocar o nosso investimento em tres categorias: alto, medio e sem risco. Nao seria inteligente colocar tudo numa aposta unica por causa dos riscos.

Isso era por volta do ano 2.000 e quase todos nos nunca tinha investido. E eu nao era totalmente ignorante no assunto porque, no tempo em que vivemos no Brasil, nos tivemos duras licoes porque estivemos no lado oposto dos investimentos. Naquele tempo, a economia no Brasil era instavel demais e pagava um dos maiores juros do mundo. Lembro-me de epocas em que as taxas de juros oscilavam entre 50 a 170% por ano. E estou falando apenas a respeito dos juros, sem adicao da inflacao.

Dai, a economia brasileira era o lugar para os credores nunca para os devedores. Mesmo assim tinham aqueles que nao tinham escolha a nao ser arriscar-se. E eu sabia que, provavelmente, os investimentos de alto risco oferecidos a nos seriam acoes brasileiras ou de outro pais pobre em condicoes semelhantes. O que eu tinha para investir era insignificante. Do meu pagamento bissemanal seriam retirados de 30 a 50 dolares. Se me lembro bem, o meu capital inicial estava em torno de 1.500 dolares.

Mesmo para mim que fazia parte do grupo de trabalhadores que estava vendendo o almoco para comprar o jantar isso nao era demais. Era so o que eu tinha em maos. Mas se eu pegasse isso para meus gastos eu os usaria nas despesas diarias e nunca teria poupanca alguma. O que pensei foi isso, se eu usa-lo comigo mesmo nao sairei da pobreza. E se eu investir nas acoes de alto risco eu poderia ganhar algo que nunca tive. Se perdesse, isso tambem nao alteraria nada em minha vida.

E eu pensei mais ainda. O problema era o seguinte: se eu escolhesse investir em acoes de alto risco estaria provavelmente investindo no Brasil e os tomadores do dinheiro por emprestimo de la teriam que trabalhar duro como burros para quitarem os juros absurdos. Dai eu conclui que, se eu nao investisse, outros fariam isso. Entao, se de toda forma os brasileiros teriam que pagar a conta, melhor seria que pagassem a mim que tambem sou brasileiro. Dai eu escolhi colocar tudo o que tinha nos investimentos de alto risco. Eu so nao imaginava quem, individualmente, me pagaria mas sabia que o trabalho duro do povo estava na outra ponta da corda.

Nao investimos na Bain capital. Mas os principios de investimento sao quase os mesmos em todas elas. Dai, quando o Mitt Romney fala que tem orgulho do trabalho que fazia, sem levar em consideracao que ele estava sendo apenas um intermediario entre dois grupos de trabalhadores, onde um grupo lhe deu a oportunidade de ter um emprego muito bem pago e o outro pagava os custos, eu fui convencido a nao votar nele, nao importa o que. O que ele alega eh que, fez algo extraordinariamente bom, quando na verdade estava apenas explorando o trabalho duro dos outros.

Voltemos ao nosso exemplo do Facebook. Eh um exemplo interessante porque penso que todos nos, os leigos, podemos entender o que estou querendo dizer sem nada saber a respeito de economia. Eu sou um usuario comum do Facebook e sou agradecido por ele ser uma realidade porque, como eu estou muito longe dos lugares em que vivi, posso manter contato com meus amigos. Isso ja era verdade mesmo antes de abrir minha conta no Facebook porque usava e-mails e Orkut. E hao outros meios sociais de comunicacao que podemos usar.

Seria grande falha dos diretores do Facebook se nao tratassem cada individuo da lista de usuarios como consumidores de valor. E, como eh assim, precisamos ser postos como essenciais. Se o Facebook realmente vale uns 80 bilhoes de dolares ou mais, os “donos” dele precisam se lembrar que nos valemos uma cota equivalente em centavos. Nao sei quanto. Como sao eles que sabem o quanto: quanto o Facebook vale e o numero exato de usuarios, entao, que facam a divisao para saberem o quanto cada um de nos tem.

Nao importa qual seja o valor que os “donos” do Facebook possuem, eles tem que aceitar isso como um presente nosso dado a eles. Precisam ser humildes e reconhecer que, “Nos, o povo” estamos concedendo a eles um presente condicional, por mais que tenham trabalhado para fazer do site uma realidade, eles estao sendo pagos extraordinariamente bem. Nao podem considerar-se a alma e o coracao do Facebook. Isto quem eh eh o povo.

E agora eu tambem vou dizer porque eu mencionei as Revolucoes Francesa e Bolchevista. Estou falando apenas em hipotese. Digamos que, se o Mark Zuckerberg comecar a fazer palhacadas e menosprezar os usuarios porque agora ele eh extremamente rico e o povo nao passa de povo! Mesmo sendo uma missao dificil convencer todo o povo que a atitude dele seria errada, um grupo de cidadaos preocupados poderia comecar um boicote e todos ou a maioria de usuarios poderia migrar para outras sitios sociais.

Alguns diriam que, isso seria impossivel porque o Facebook eh o melhor no ramo, entao, somente alguns sairiam. Mas eu penso que isso eh perfeitamente possivel, desde que o povo seja bem informado de que, sem o Facebook, os outros sitios sociais tomariam o lugar dele e se melhorarao porque os funcionarios do Facebook migrariam para os outros. O Facebook so existe porque tem usuarios e algumas pessoas trabalhando por tras da cena. Talvez o Zuckerberg seja o rosto do Facebook mas “Nos, o Povo” somos o capital dele. Zuckerberg so ficou rico porque nos lhe demos a oportunidade e se ele perder o nosso respeito, seria justo puxar o tapete dele.

E cada uma das outras firmas no mundo nao eh o que eh por elas mesmas. Elas tem apenas dois componentes insubstituiveis. O corpo de empregados e o corpo de consumidores. Todo o resto eh perfeitamente substituivel. E cada um de nos precisa tomar cuidado com o nosso orgulho porque todos nos somos individualmente substituiveis. Juntos, porem, somente uma geracao nova pode nos substituir.

Ha muito tempo eu dialoguei a respeito desse assunto e recentemente eu dei uma passada d’olhos numa entrevista a alguem que dizia ser falsa a impressao de que temos herois que fizeram coisas extraordinarias. Tudo que uma grande pessoa pode fazer depende da aprovacao e do comportamento do povo. Eh errado ensinar `as nossas criancas que George Washington eh o pai da nossa nacao sem mencionar que o povo daquele tempo participou da paternidade. Washington so cumpriu a missao dele porque a maioria do povo deu apoio e trabalhou junto no que tinha que ser feito para chegarmos `a independencia americana. Sem o povo, nada havia por ser feito.

Com respeito `a minha mencao ao lema: “o fregues sempre tem razao”, isso caiu em desuso. Tambem, o dizer brasileiro: “O boi se deixa dominar porque nao sabe a forca que tem”. Esse segundo cai bem como carapuca sobre o povo. Mas estou enxergando em um futuro nao muito longe que algumas pessoas ficarao alertas para isso. Chegara o tempo em que o povo sabera o quao forte eh. E o povo estara cansado de ser escravizado e, depois de concluir que nao tem sido respeitado, fara coisas que servirao de mensagem forte.

Direi isso como exemplo. E se o setor automobilistico comecar a macaquear conosco? O povo devera se juntar e mandar um recado para que ele se comporte de acordo a agradar ao povo. Se isso nao funcionar, entao, o povo se juntara novamente e decidira qual marca sera eliminada do mercado. A partir disso, ninguem comprara produto algum daquele fabricante. E os outros se comportarao direito.

E aqui esta o porque de eu ter mencionado as Revolucoes Francesa e Bolchevista. O povo precisa aprender as licoes delas. O povo tem o poder de negociar sem ferir a si mesmo. Nos teriamos muito a perder se uma revolucao total fosse feita. Se todas as pessoas boicotassem todos os fabricantes, nos perderiamos todos os empregos que os fabricantes representam. Porem, se o povo escolher boicotar somente um fabricante e continuando a comprar carros dos outros, os empregados da marca boicotada serao necessarios e nao perderao os empregos. Somente os investidores de determinado fabricante irao perder.

So estou relembrando isso porque isso fara parte das solucoes. O povo deve ser posto em primeiro lugar, nao os lideres que se dao mais valor do que merecem.

Nos temos muitas pessoas hoje-em-dia pensando ser melhores que outras porque ganham mais dinheiro. Esta eh outra falsa impressao. E isso eh peculiar naqueles contaminados pela doenca da vaidade. A nossa sociedade da credito exagerado a estes que ganham mais dinheiro. E esta eh a razao pela qual muitas pessoas estao preferindo fazer coisas que nao gostam mas que pagam melhor.

Mitt Romney eh um desses que tem orgulho de ser rico como se isso o fizesse melhor que os outros. Este tipo de comportamento nao eh bom para nossa sociedade. Se ganhar dinheiro for a razao para o sucesso e todo mundo so procurar fazer aquilo que pagara melhor, quem ira se sujeitar a fazer certos trabalhos essenciais para a sociedade? Precisamos, pelo menos, manter um certo equilibrio entre o quanto as pessoas irao ganhar em media e o valor que o top da piramide fatura.

Se alguem imagina que eh melhor que os outros, em razao de ganhar mais dinheiro, isso so prova ser uma pessoa de comportamento distorcido. Por que eu faco essa afirmacao? Observem, se voce eh treinado para ser um medico, voce eh suposto fazer seu trabalho melhor que qualquer outra pessoa treinada para fazer outro servico. Nao se espera que um ator seja melhor que o cientista que esteja representando. Ninguem espera que um padeiro ira ser melhor pintor que o artista. Dai, ninguem espera que nenhum outro na sociedade sabera conduzir melhor a economia do pais que alguem treinado para fazer exatamente isso.

Se alguem se torna capaz de ganhar dinheiro porque foi treinado para faze-lo, entao, ganhar dinheiro nao passa de sua obrigacao. Porem, se a nossa sociedade comecar a dar muitos privilegios para aqueles que ja sabem ganhar dinheiro, sendo desrespeitosa com os outros, entao, todos serao atraidos a somente fazer coisas que sejam convertidas em dinheiro. Imaginem entao se todos comecarem a procurar apenas os altos cargos e recusar-se a fazer outros servicos essenciais! Quem ira colher? Quem ira coletar lixo? Quem tomara conta das criancas? Quem ira fazer todas as outras coisas necessarias em toda sociedade para que ela seja justa?

Sem o ar voce morre em questao de minutos. Sem a agua espera-se que voce morra em questao de poucos dias. Sem comida voce pode viver alguns dias a mais. Sem as pessoas capazes de ganhar muito dinheiro, ninguem morre.

Equilibrio eh o que eh essencial a qualquer sociedade justa. E o que ficou claro agora eh que nossa sociedade esta totalmente fora de equilibrio. O rico esta ficando cada vez mais rico e o pobre esta perdendo ate as esperancas. E nao podemos insinuar que a culpa disso eh apenas dos Republicanos ou dos Democratas. Erros tem sido cometidos assim como a Historia dos Estados Unidos tem acontecido. E a politica de acusar uns aos outros nao esta indireitando nada. Esta apenas dificultando a aplicacao das solucoes.

Vejam essa excecao. Os paises chamados de BRICS, onde o B simboliza o Brasil, sao os paises em desenvolvimento que estao fazendo a diferenca em nossos dias. E isso nao eh porque eles estejam indo tao bem. Nao podemos compara-los com os outros que ja sao desenvolvidos ha muito tempo. A forma de desenvolvimento dos BRICS ainda nao foi provada. Por exemplo, nao podemos comparar Brasil e Estados Unidos como se fossem macas da mesma caixa. Mas o que tem sido feito pelo Brasil pode ser a demonstracao do que nao esta sendo feito aqui e, em parte, explica o porque da nossa economia andar em dificuldades.

Como eu ja disse, quando estavamos sendo expulsos do Brasil pelas decadas de politicas falhas, o salario minimo estava por volta de US$ 100,00/mes. Nao se admirem com isso. O dinheiro na epoca podia comprar algo das necessidades de uma familia, apesar da menor capacidade de consumo. As pessoas comuns so podiam comprar coisas produzidas no proprio Brasil. Mas eu digo que, um casal com filhos que tivesse que viver com apenas um salario minimo no Brasil, poderia viver melhor que um casal vivendo nos Estados Unidos com o salario minimo por volta dos US$ 800.00/mes como o era. A diferenca era que o casal aqui teria assistencia governamental melhor.

No Brasil quase ninguem tinha um carro proprio. Um numero pequeno de pessoas possuia televisao e outras coisas do genero. O que mudou desde entao e agora eh que, o governo decidiu controlar a inflacao e a elevar o salario minimo gota-a-gota. Hoje, o salario minimo brasileiro esta por volta de US$ 300,00. O salario minimo triplicou e o produto interno bruto anual do pais como um todo cresceu cinco vezes. Duvido que isso seria possivel se somente os mais ricos recebessem incentivos da sociedade.

O lado bom disso eh que, mais e mais pessoas por la estao ganhando mais dinheiro que o salario minimo, e estou certo de que isso eh consequencia do dinheiro estar mais disponivel na base da piramide. O governo tambem criou meios de colocar algum dinheiro extra nos bolsos dos mais pobres.

O brasil continua sendo aquele paradoxo de ser um dos paises mais ricos do mundo sem ter as estruturas basicas para garantir riqueza a todos. Mas esta sendo como o meu amigo Richard fala: “Gente que nao podia nem comprar uma bicicleta agora tem carro.” E esta eh a essencia do Brasil hoje. O Brasil nao eh um exemplo de justica economica. Mas esta melhor do quando o deixamos.

Outra coisa visivel tambem eh esta: as grandes companhias e os ricos nunca fizeram sacrificio algum para ser assim. E os ricos estao ficando cada vez mais ricos. E mais pessoas estao ficando ricas. Essas sao as razoes pelas quais penso ser ilusao ou alucinacao pensar que os ricos sao aqueles que criam empregos em qualquer pais. Se o povo tem o dinheiro no bolso, ai o mercado se ajusta. O que cria todas as oportunidades eh quando o povo menor tem o dinheiro nos bolsos. O povo com dinheiro eh o consumidor e eh ele que cria a demanda. Tendo demanda, todos irao buscar as oportunidades de investir em qualquer tipo de negocio. E isso eh a unica forma de criar-se empregos.

E, para que assim seja, a medida menos efetiva eh dar estimulos para aqueles que ja tem dinheiro. Estes nao irao balancar o mercado sem consumidores. Fazer a distribuicao do dinheiro no topo da piramide so fara com que os privilegiados fiquem mais ricos e nao ira ajudar em nada. O sucesso da sociedade nao esta naquilo que ela investe nas elites mas naquilo que ela investe no seu povo. Numa sociedade livre o sucesso do povo rico nao esta naquilo que a sociedade investe nele mas naquilo que os consumidores do mercado livre decidem gastar.

Riqueza eh uma consequencia, nao causa da sociedade. Como no Brasil onde uma cidade apos outra em redor do meu torrao natal nao recebeu investimentos das grandes companhias para melhora-las e agora as grandes companhias como os produtores de carros, eletronicos e outros estao vendendo seus produtos como nunca dantes, o mesmo podera acontecer quando o povo miudo tiver dinheiro nos bolsos em qualquer outro lugar.

Ontem, 26 de maio, eu estava assistindo a uma entrevista feita pelo Piers Morgan, da CNN, a um conhecido apoiador do projeto Mitt Romney. E ele estava afirmando que as firmas de investimentos sao boas para a sociedade porque elas entram nas empresas que estao doentes, reorganizam-nas numa forma que as tornam competitivas com salarios mais bem pagos,. Segundo interpretei do que ele estava dizendo ele disse: firmas de investimento funcionam como medicos, salvando a vida de doentes terminais. Ta bom. Eh um argumento forte.

Mas como na vida real, eu preferiria nao ir ao medico. Nada contra eles. Tenho consciencia da utilidade deles. Mas isso me pareceu ser o mesmo que a impressao que as pessoas leigas tem atualmente. Parece que quanto mais os medicos se especializam mais as pessoas ficam doentes. Por que isso parece ser assim? Para mim poderia ser porque quanto mais os medicos ganham dinheiro na atividade mais eles estao, ate mesmo inconscientemente, trabalhando para que as doencas permanecam. Parece que eles trabalham mais para encontrar remedios para as doencas do que remover as causas delas.

O que ele tambem disse claramente eh que, firmas de capital nao estao ai para salvar empregos para o povo mas para salvar alguns negocios. Negocios que eles esperam que os paguem bem. Mas se eles desejassem ser a salvacao da patria, teriam que investir no povo. Isto eh algo assim, os negocios se contaminam com a doenca presente na nossa sociedade. A doenca eh resultado do salario baixo do povo. Se o povo tivesse recebendo um pagamento melhor, nao teriamos negocios em dificuldade. Entao, eles estao investindo nas doencas nao na remocao da causa delas.

Nao vale a pena tratar do povo intoxicado sem tambem limpar a lagoa onde a contaminacao da agua esta se dando. Quem eh curado e bebe da mesma agua voltara a adoecer. A doenca na nossa sociedade eh o valor baixo dos salarios. Se isso nao for resolvido tambem a sociedade nao tera cura. O que parece eh que, os republicanos ricos querem ganhar dinheiro com as nossas doencas e depois devolver um pouco em forma de caridade para que parecam piedosos. Nao penso que “Nos, o Povo” queremos caridade. “Nos, o Povo” queremos justica.

O que as firmas de capitalizacao tambem tem feito eh manter vivas as doencas do nosso mercado. Para que possam tirar lucro delas. E a solucao para os nossos problemas economicos eh tao simples como comer mamao. Basta fortalecer o mercado e isso so se tornara possivel quando a base da piramide vir primeiro. A imagem que os apoiadores do Mitt Romney estao tentando vender ao nosso povo eh que agora a piramide esta de cabeca para baixo e o top eh que sustenta a base. Engracado! Este eh um pensamento totalmente desequilibrado. E, se for mesmo, cuidado, pois o tombo sera mais estrondoso!

Ninguem chamaria de socialistas aqueles que escreveram nossa constituicao e foram eles quem colocaram: “Nos, o Povo” em primeiro lugar. No preambulo ja fica clara a mensagem de nossos ancestrais dizendo assim: o povo deveria ser o foco numero um em nossa sociedade. Colocar as elites em primeiro lugar eh uma inversao dos nossos mais sagrados ideais. Fazer isso nao eh solucao, eh confusao.

Nao faz muita diferenca se andarmos na linha dos republicanos ou democratas. Parece que o resultado sera o mesmo. Por nossa propria experiencia nos vimos como a administracao ajudou aos grandes negocios e o resultado disso foi a protecao dos investimentos dos ricos. Enquanto isso, “Nos, o Povo” estamos saindo pelo ralo.

Os republicanos pregam que eles teriam deixado os negocios que precisaram de ajuda sair pelo bueiro. Mas ao mesmo tempo eles estao advogando as isencoes para os ricos. Dai, os resultados seriam praticamente os mesmos porque o dinheiro tambem acabaria nos bolsos dos ricos. A diferenca esta em que, se algumas das empresas que receberam ajuda tivessem quebrado, o povo poderia estar sofrendo muito mais.

Penso que a ajuda dada em nosso passado recente foi um remedio com gosto horrivel para o povo beber, porem, necessario para evitar a piora do caos. Agora o povo precisa continuar em frente e exigir mais responsabilidade dos ricos e nao deixar acontecer outra palhacada por parte da direcao da Wall Street. Senao, um boicote seletivo poderia ser proposto.

A minha conclusao com respeito ao problema economia eh essa: Nos temos duas opcoes de caminho. Um eh investir em nossa elites. Outra eh investir em nosso povo. Uma eh confusao e a outro a solucao.

Os republicanos sao dominantemente cristaos mas nunca aprenderam a licao. A riqueza eh multiplicada de acordo como eh partilhada. Pode parecer contradicao mas eh a pura verdade. Se voce quer ver mais riquezas voce deveria partilhar o que tem com os outros. Quanto mais a riqueza eh concentrada em poucas maos menos ela ira ser multiplicada. Mat. 19, 23. Os republicanos pensam que os Ceus sempre estarao abertos para eles mas como podem eles esperar ser recebidos com um entendimento tao pobre de como fazer a Vondade de Deus?

Nao estou escrevendo essas coisas para acusar `as firmas de capitais de praticarem coisas ilegais. Penso que o povo que esta por tras delas esta apenas tirando vantagem das oportunidades que o mercado oferece. Desde que nao hajam leis dizendo que isso eh errado, eles nao as estao quebrando. O que nao quero eh ser tomado por estupido que possa ser facilmente convencido que elas criam empregos ou oferecam empregos mais bem pagos para outros que nao os agregados delas. Se eles disserem a verdade, fica tudo legal comigo.

Mas eh preciso considerar o meu aviso. Eles dizem que vivemos em um mundo de oportunidade. Entao, eles precisam aprender a ser oportunistas sem machucar os outros. Penso que este seja um bom aviso porque precisamos de ter meios para termos sucesso numa mao e na outra mao precisamos nao transformar o nosso sucesso em causa da nossa queda. Em tudo precisa equilibrio.

Todos precisamos nos lembrarmos que, como as oportunidades se nos apresentam e se nos as manipulamos com desrespeito, ferindo a outros, outros oportunistas podem usar as feridas como oportunidades para si mesmos. Se o povo nao tivesse sido abandonado nos casos das Revolucoes Francesa e Bolchevista, estes fatos jamais fariam parte de nossa Historia. Que isso seja dito, se qualquer problema serio ocorrer com nossa economia num periodo curto a partir de hoje, e as empresas maiores precisarem de recursos do governo, estaria criada uma situacao quase fora de controle, porque isso se tornaria como fogo num paiol. E eu penso que um acontecimento como esse so ajudaria aos piores oportunistas.

Hoje eh sexta-feira, 08 de junho de 2.012. E estava ausente por alguns dias porque encontrei algumas pistas de nossa linhagem genetica e nao estava conseguindo concentrar-me suficientemente sobre o assunto deste capitulo. E o que aconteceu de novidade foi a declaracao do ex-presidente Bill Clinton que disse ser favoravel a manter-se as isencoes dadas pelo governo Bush, inclusive para os americanos mais ricos, ate ao proximo ano. Ele inclusive elogiou o Mitt Romney pela forma como administrou a copanhia Bain Capital.

O que era esperado acontecer em seguida nao bengou. Imediatamente os republicanos usaram isso como se a intencao de Clinton fosse apoiar os ideais republicanos. Os brasileiros tem um dizer mais ou menos assim: “Em boca fechada nao entra mosquito”. Agora o senhor Clinton esta tentando retificar as proprias palavras. Os republicanos desejam que as isencoes sejam transformadas em permanente mas ele so concorda com elas serem extendidas ate ao proximo ano. Tambem disse estar no barco para reeleger ao presidente Obama. Dizer que o Mitt Romneu fez um bom trabalho em favor proprio e dos investidores da Bain nao significa dizer que ele fez o mesmo para o povo.

Outro dizer brasileiro eh esse: “Quando fazer algo errado nao explique. Seus amigos vao crer em voce sem nenhuma explicacao e os inimigos nunca irao acreditar de forma alguma!” Nao penso que o senhor Clinton cometeu engano algum. O fato eh que desde que o senhor Obama entrou na Casa Branca a lideranca e a ala de extrema direita do Partido Republicano estao fazendo uma oposicao insana contra a administracao dele. E esta parte ma dos republicanos esta constrangindo a boa parte do Partido a fazer o mesmo e destruindo o ideal de se trabalhar em conjunto.

Isso ficou a olhos vistos com a decisao da senadora Olympia Snowe, do Maine, de pedir aposentadoria antecipada por causa da intolerancia no congresso. Ela eh republicana com grande senso de responsabilidade e nao aceita a intolerancia. Ela sempre votou com os democratas quando lhe pareceu trazer boas consequencias para o pais. Mas agora ela esta preferindo aposentar para nao se dobrar `as imposicoes de seus companheiros.

Como uma velha raposa, o ex-presidente sabe muito bem que, mesmo que a extensao das isencoes para os mais ricos nao ira ajudar a outros que nao a eles proprios, esse preco eh baixo em troca de conseguir que algo seja feito nesse congresso que nada faz. Ele sabe, nos temos que pensar a longo prazo e nao no imediatismo como parte dos republicanos quer. Para resolver os problemas americanos nao vamos precisar de decadas e nao anos. Perder um ano nesse meio de tempo somente ira desacelerar o trem, sem descarrilha-lo.

Eu ja estava pronto para voltar ao assunto quando vi o que o presidente Obama disse a respeito da economia. Ele disse que o setor privado estava indo bem. Isso gerou muito blablabla e o Mitt Romney resolveu ataca-lo, chamando-o de incensivel aos problemas dos desempregados d’agora. E assim a politica funciona! Se alguem deseja dizer algo positivo de suas proprias conquistas eh preciso escolher cuidadosamente as palavras certas ou sera atacado num nivel muito maior do que valiam suas palavras.

Comparando o que acontece ao nosso redor da para ver que, o senhor Obama esta correto de certa forma. Quando ele entrou no cargo, herdou do governo Bush tamanha combuca que muitos negocios fecharam as portas no centro de Framingham, onde a maior parte do comercio brasileiro se concentra. O sentimento naquele tempo poderia ser descrito como aquelas cenas dos bang-bangs onde as bolas de mato seco passam rolando numa cidade fantasma. Hoje as portas foram reabertas e a situacao pode ser classificada como moderadamente otimista.

Muitas lojas antigas fecharam as portas e isso abriu a oportunidade para novos comerciantes aventurarem. A situacao poderia ser melhor se o senhor Obama tivesse mantido a palavra e passado uma legislacao que legalizasse os imigrantes sem documentos. Ao contrario, ele os deportou mais que qualquer outro presidente antes. E muitos outros preferiram a deportacao voluntaria. O governo Obama, ao sentir a pressao da percepcao preconceituosa contra os sem documentos, fez o que parte do eleitorado americano queria. Mas isso significou um tiro nos proprios pes.

Eh verdade! Os negocios privados estao indo bem, num nivel abaixo do ideal. E a criacao de milhoes de empregos pode servir de medida disso. Mas nao eh o suficiente. Apesar de que, se Mitt Romney e seus parceiros estivessem no lugar do presidente Obama, com a agenda anti-imigrante dele, nao tenho duvida em dizer: nos estariamos numa situacao muito mais delicada que estamos. E isso eh o porque de eu poder repetir: nao temos outra escolha alem de votar a favor do politico menos perigoso para a nacao nessas eleicoes de 2.012.

Dito isso, voltemos ao assunto solucoes. Ja mencionei a Confederacao de Nacoes, divididas em 5 a 12 unidades em torno do globo. Este eh o objetivo a ser atingido mas eu sei que temos mil degraus a conquistar antes. Fundamentalmente precisamos conquistar a confianca de uns nos outros. Tambem precisamos abandonar a ideia do “direito de explorar os recursos dos mais fracos”. Essa nao eh uma declaracao anti-capitalista. Mas precisamos aprender que, se queremos partilhar as riquezas que vem dos fracos nos tambem precisamos partilhar as nossas riquezas e conhecimentos com eles. Tudo precisa ser posto em equilibrio.

O principal objetivo que precisamos ter eh a permanencia da nossa civilizacao e de nossos gens. E o maior de todos os problemas a ser resolvido eh o que ha de errado dentro de nos mesmos. Precisamos reconhecer o direito de todos de serem igualmente donos dessa espaconave que chamamos de Terra. Temos que criar condicoes para resolver nossas diferencas. Precisamos reconhecer que todos tem o direito de ter sua propria religiao ou nao ter nenhuma; ter uma cultura e os outros nao podem interferir no sentido de forcar os outros a fazer o que nao querem e assim por diante. Precisamos atingir um patamar superior de respeito de uns pelos outros.

Quando todos sentirem que ninguem ira rouba-los, ai conquistaremos a confianca que precisamos para atingir degraus superiores. A criacao da Federacao de Nacoes devera ser baseada em vizinhanca. Assim, a Europa poderia ser uma unidade, Africa outra, Asia da mesma forma, e tambem as Americas do Norte e do Sul. Cada uma dessas unidades precisa ser estruturada para receber todo o conhecimento que a humanidade ja adquiriu. Elas precisam funcionar como unidades diferentes de uma mesma universidade. O nivel economico precisa ser semelhante. Por isso temos muito investimento a fazer.

Toda a populacao do globo precisa ser livre para ir e voltar de e para onde quizer. Porem, a residencia devera ser balanceada de forma a que cada unidade tenha uma populacao proporcional `a capacidade do ambiente suportar. Digamos que, como temos 7 bilhoes de pessoas vivendo na Terra hoje, se dividirmos a Federacao em 7 unidades, cada unidade deveria ter um bilhao de residentes.

Isso deveria ser feito como prevencao ao que nos pode acontecer, como descrito no capitulo anterior. Se qualquer das unidades for atingida por um evento desastroso, cada uma das outras unidades deveria ter capacidade reserva para abrigar entre 10 a 20% da propria populacao. Imediatamente apos um evento desastroso isso poderia ser usado para abrigar os mais vulneraveis da unidade atingida como as criancas, os doentes e os idosos. Com isso, os mais fortes poderao se concentrar apenas nos salvamentos e reconstrucoes.

Nao desejo usar muito espaco nos meus escritos com detalhes. Nao sou dono de nenhuma verdade. Porem, precisamos comecar a explorar as ideias de construirmos unidades de sobrevivencia no subsolo e no fundo do mar. Inclusive comecar a estudar com seriedade planos para implantarmos unidades de civilizacoes na Lua e, talvez, em Marte. Estes poderiam ser considerados planos de contingencia para a sobrevivencia de nossa civilizacao em eventos como o impacto de um asteroide maior. Cada unidade devera ter um grupo genetico representativo das culturas e dos povos humanos.

Como sera preciso elevar-se o nivel economico de muitas partes do planeta o consumo sera elevado. Entao, precisaremos ficar alertas para o problema do consumismo barato. Precisamos aprender como usar melhor os recursos renovaveis e produzir menos lixo. Sabemos que a capacidade de sobreviver dos bilhoes de especies foi conquistada naturalmente atraves do equilibrio ecologico em milhoes de anos e agora esse equilibrio foi quebrado pelas atividades humanas. Nos precisamos reintroduzir-nos no ambiente natural de forma a nao causar mais estragos.

Temo que voce leitor me tomara por um sonhador ou construtor de utopias. Isso pode parecer assim porque sabemos que estamos na beira do abismo e a maioria dos nossos visionarios futuristas ja disseram que, o fim eh uma questao de quando e nao do se. E parece que ate o Stephen Hawking disse que, em minhas palavras: toda vez que duas civilizacoes se encontram, uma causa o fim da outra. Voce nao imagina o quanto importante, quao perigoso e influente tal credo se faz para a nossa sociedade. Mas ele estava falando a respeito da possibilidade de civilizacoes extraterrestres existirem e estarem a ponto de fazerem contato conosco.

Para quem nao se lembra quem eh Stephen Hawking eh, ele eh o fisico mais influente desde os tempos de Albert Einstein. E eh aquela pessoa com a maior mente aberta, presa num corpo paraplegico. Da cadeira de rodas ele eh o lider cientifico e o mais influente pensador de nosso tempo. E o que ele fala eh aceito quase como verdade profetica e imutavel.

Penso que ele seja realmente quase tudo que esta na fama mas falha um pouco na analise do carater humano. Quando ele disse o que disse ignorou a parte nao natural do comportamento humano. E o dizer dele torna-se um precedente perigoso porque temos em nossa sociedade uma linha forte de pensamento que se baseia justamente no que Hawking falou. Ele nada disse de novidade e, talvez, o que disse nao tivesse a intencao de influir no pensamento dos outros e ele sim eh que foi influenciado por aquela falsa crenca.

Porem, as palavras dele poderao ser tomadas como um endosso a algumas agendas secretas de dominacao do mundo. Agendas daqueles negligentes que pensam que o mundo nao passa de um parque de diversoes nas maos de adultos, com comportamento infantilizado, e sonhadores que querem fazer do mundo um lugar com apenas uma forma de pensamento onde eles proprios seriam os donos. Nao apenas me oponho a esse tipo de pensamento como digo: a forma unica de pensamento nao eh apenas anti democratica mas tambem eh uma aberracao abominavel. E as diferencas de pensamento nao implicam na necessidade automatica de dominacao e eliminacao de uns pelos outros.

Eh verdade. Temos muitos exemplos de confrontos de civilizacoes e na maioria dos casos uma exterminou a outra ou a reduziu a uma significancia minima. Mas precisamos entender isso como um objetivo de decisoes predeterminadas. Isso foi uma questao de escolha, nao uma questao de inevitabilidade.

Humanos sao animais originados na natureza que aprenderam como agir de forma nao natural. Se o nosso comportamento fosse governado apenas pelas leis da natureza nunca teriamos civilizacoes. Eh por essa razao que criamos leis nao naturais para guiar nossa sociedade. Se alguem pensa que eh natural a gente obedecer a leis como: nao matar, nao roubar e ser fiel em qualquer situacao, este precisa observar as criaturas naturais para repensar sua propria concepcao.

Ser humano eh o mesmo que ter compotamento anti-natural. Porque as pessoas humanas sao capazes de atingir uma compreensao da natureza, automaticamente se tornam anti-naturais. E eh isso que nos torna capazes de vivermos em sociedades multiculturais como a nossa propria. Nao somos perfeitos. Mas se fossemos guiados somente por nossos instintos naturais seria impossivel a nossa civilizacao existir. Assim como criamos leis anti-naturais como aquelas que procuram garantir status iguais para os sexos, aparencia da pele e seguimento religioso, podemos tambem criar leis que nos contenha de sermos egoistas em termos civilizatorios.

Os outros nao precisam comportar-se exatamente igual a nos para interargirmos de forma positiva com eles. Isso eh somente uma questao de tomarmos isso como um principio a ser seguido. E este eh o ponto crucial para que tenhamos respeito uns dos outros e ganharmos a confianca necessaria para alcancarmos o mais alto objetivo que eh a nossa sobrevivencia como especie e como civilizacao.

Conhecemos a lenda. Mesmo que a caracterizacao como lenda nao seja toda a verdade. Antes da maioria das nossas civilizacoes antigas surgissem, foi dito que Atlantica foi a civilizacao mais avancada na Terra e um desastre natural a reduziu a um mito. Desde quase 24 seculos atras, Platao a mencionou em seus dialogos e desde entao foi interpretada como fruto da imaginacao dele. Mas parece que ela nao eh tao mitica desde as descobertas de uma civilizacao antiga se deram no Parque Nacional Dona Anna, na Espanha.

Nao importa se depois for concluido que essa nao sera Atlantica. Nos temos outros fatos historicos mais faceis de ser acreditados. A civilizacao greco-romana foi conquistada pelos nossos ancestrais, os godos, e ela era relativamente mais avancada do que o que a substituiu durante a Idade Media. Nos podemos considerar a civilizacao europeia no periodo entre o VI ate ao XIV seculo como o tempo de redescoberta do que fora antigo para as civilizacoes classicas. O nosso desenvolvimento hoje-em-dia poderia ser mais avancado se nao tivessemos tido 8 seculos de hibernacao tecnicologica em nosso desenvolvimento.

E precisamos prestar atencao nessa licao porque, como descrevi no capitulo anterior, um desastre natural podera fazer-nos voltar a um nivel de desenvolvimento igual ao tempo da Era Glacial. Pois eh! Eu sei! Nosso governo tem tentado previnir isso estocando nosso conhecimento em alguns lugares ditos seguros. Mas isso esta longe de ser o suficiente. Quando a nossa civilizacao for reduzida a migalhas por um desastre natural, nao teremos a menor ideia de quem ira sobreviver. Ah, a caverna na montanha!? Talvez ela ira se tornar uma tumba para muitos, como uma consequencia inesperada do desastre. Tudo pode acontecer!

Um problema a mais eh que, os sobreviventes terao que lutar por suas vidas no logo depois do grande desastre natural. A prioridade sera ficar vivo e nao preservar o conhecimento. O problema seguinte eh que: manter e desenvolver o conhecimento custa caro e o nosso nivel de civilizacao eh baseado em um numero maior de populacao. Digamos que, mesmo que 1% de nossa populacao sobreviva apos ao super desastre, com certeza nao sera o suficiente para manter o nivel de conhecimento existente. E se o numero de sobreviventes for apenas uma fracao disso, nossa civilizacao sera reduzida a um nivel de conhecimento igual ao da Idade Media ou menos.

E ai vem o grande problema. A civilizacao humana tera que recomecar do rascunho. Talvez, depois de milhares de anos que o desastre ter acontecido a unica coisa que o povo se lembrara serao algumas “lendas” como Atlantica. Ai os historiadores tentarao redescobrir tudo o que aconteceu, procurando separar os fatos das ficcoes. Eles estudarao coisas a respeito do “mitologico” ouro negro que podia ser usado como combustivel de maquinas, as quais deveriam facilitar a vida. Porem, eles terao dificuldade em encontrar o “mitologico” liquido magico porque nos ja teremos exaurido nossas reservas e o que sobrou sera muito dificil de encontrar.

E sem uma fonte barata de combustivel sera improvavel recriar nossa civilizacao. Talvez a humanidade ira sobreviver por mais alguns milhares de anos sem ao menos ser capaz de voltar `a Lua. E isso sera o final prematuro de nossa Historia. Agradeca-se aos nossos lideres no poder, tanto no governo quanto no setor economico, que estao pensando mais nas suas proximas ferias que nas solucoes para os nossos problemas maiores.

Nossas concepcoes terao que ganhar um novo paradigma onde o rico nao sera mais considerado excepcional por ser rico e o pobre nao sera tomado por inferior em consequencia da pobreza. Alguns de nossos lideres estao confortaveis com a situacao, acreditando que eles tem o direito `as oportunidades de se tornarem ricos enquanto condenam os pobres a uma quase eterna pobreza. Como eu sei e ja disse: no fim de mil anos a geracao de mil anos atras tera tido a oportunidade de tornar-se ascendente de todas as pessoas vivas daquela era. Entao, nos precisamos comecar a pensar no futuro, incluindo toda a nossa descendencia sem excluir a maioria somente porque nao a conheceremos.

Dai, a solucao para os nossos problemas nao irao cair dos ceus. Primeiramente teremos que ter consciencia das possibilidades de futuro e a vontade de resolver as dificuldades como sociedade nao apenas como individuos. Se insistirmos no individualismo como prioridade, nos nos colocaremos no caminho certo de suicidarmos como civilizacao. Nao tenho duvida alguma quanto a isso: os caminhos dos americanos de hoje levam ao suicidio de nossa genetica e conhecimento no final. E nao penso que valha a pena mantermo-nos na direcao do abismo desde que podemos mudar nossos rumos a qualquer momento que queiramos.

Agora, vou atualizar nossas noticias politicas. A revolucao na Siria chegou a um novo nivel de insanidade. O regime Assad continua atacando o proprio povo e parece que a rebeliao esta ganhando forca. E, pior, esta sendo armada por outros inimigos do regime Assad, tornando a Siria um campo aberto de batalha. Isto tem sido tomado como combustivel pelos republicanos para criticar o governo Obama porque ele tem tentado evitar um envolvimento mais proximo. Por tras da cortina de fumaca, a batalha dos politicos e a Historia sao duas coisas completamente diferentes.

Essa eh a verdade! Todo mundo sabia do que o Assad e sua gangue eram capazes. Ele eh um ditador igual ao pai dele que governou antes. E os Estados Unidos tem muita culpa no que acontece por la. Oh nao! Nao estou sendo anti-americano no meu comentario. O problema nao sao os Estados Unidos como um todo mas tao somente o codigo de conduta que seguimos por tempo demais.

Isso esta na nossa cultura de guerras. Estamos acostumados demais a tentar resolver problemas `a base da forca, principalmente quando os adversarios sao muito mais fracos que nos. A gente so leva a aproximacao diplomatica a serio quando sabemos que o adversario eh forte e podera nos dar mais trabalho que resultados. E isso eh a razao para os mais fracos estarem tentando obter as armas de destruicao em massa, para se tornarem fortes e serem tratados com mais respeito.

Isso aconteceu no Iraque, esta acontecendo no Afeganistao e espalhando para o Paquistao. A intervencao da OTAN na Libia serviu como sinal que o povo sirio interpretou como que ele tambem poderia fazer o mesmo porque esperava que quando estivesse no meio do conflito nos o ajudariamos. Ai caimos no problema. A situacao na Siria eh completamente diferente e estamos sem combustivel para dar apoio a outra revolucao no momento. E o maior de todos os problemas eh que o movimento do povo sirio nao foi coordenado com nossa capacidade.

Se ha tempos atras tivessemos tido uma politica mais responsavel em relacao `a paz e somente intervissemos quando todas a tentativas diplomaticas tivessem falhado, o povo sirio poderia ter pensado duas vezes antes de comecar uma nova revolucao num momento delicado como esse. Ele precisava pelo menos ter uma lideranca unida, com um caminho claro do como tomar o poder e como comportar-se a seguir.

No que fomos informados, a revolucao siria nao passa de um sonho desejavel. A Siria eh dominada por uma ditadura que a sabedoria comum interpreta como ser algo a ser trocado por outro melhor. Dai, o que interessa mais eh saber antes: trocado exatamente pelo que!? Nos estamos cansados de trocar seis por meia duzia.

Centenas de civis estao sendo mortos no conflito. Criancas tem sido torturadas. E dai!? E o que iriamos esperar vir de uma besta? Como um veterinario formado eu jamais estimularia `as pessoas comuns a combaterem uma matilha de lobos selvagens que estivessem invadindo as terras delas, se fosse minha escolha. Voce precisa de pessoas treinadas para combater a maldade, de preferencia, causando o minimo de danos colaterais.

O que os Estados Unidos tem feito ha muito tempo eh estimular revolucoes e pondo pessoas inocentes no meio do fogo cruzado. Depois usa isso como desculpa para expandir sua propria agenda. E o povo em sofrimento nem sempre se sente manipulado por fazer o que os Estados Unidos querem, e nao necessariamente o que eh melhor para todos.

Estou abismado com a arrogancia da Secretaria de Estado ao falar a respeito do ditador Assad. Eh como se ele ja fosse historia, e os dias deles ja estivessem contados. Nossos governos tem imposto `a forca algo chamado de governos democraticos. Mas por nossa experiencia isso pode ser traduzido por ditaduras disfarcadas. Iraque e Afeganistao sao dois dos mais recentes exemplos disso. Eles nao passam de dois vulcoes dormentes, esperando o momento certo para reentrarem em erupcao.

Ao inves de estimular conflitos para derrubar ditadores nos poderiamos usar uma politica diferente de aproximacao, como a de converter os ditadores `a democratizacao. Poderiamos ensinar a eles o como nos mantemos o nosso governo democratico e como a alternancia de poder mantem as mesmas pessoas no poder sem que ninguem se de conta que esta sendo enganado. Essa eh uma forma melhor de possuir o poder sem aquele velho final sangrento em que as ditaduras normalmente acabam. Alguns deles poderao compreender que poder nao eh uma questao apenas de testosterona mas sim uma questao de esperteza.

Outro sururu que anda acontecendo eh a respeito dos vazamentos que a midia tem nos apresentado com respeito `as atividades secretas de nosso governo. Os republicanos rapidamente tomaram isso como vazamento premeditado pela Casa Branca para aumentar a popularidade do presidente Obama. Entre outros, os vazamentos revelaram que o que fez cerca de 1.000 centrifugas nucleares ter problemas no Iran nao passou de um ataque coordenado pela CIA.

Os republicanos nao tem a menor do como ou quem serviu o vazamento de bandeja mas ja apontaram os dedos para o lado do presidente porque, na forma de eles enxergarem, pensam que a revelacao favoreceria ao ocupante da Casa Branca. Eles deveriam ter mais cuidado em relacao a essa acusacao porque se eles afirmam que isso iria trabalhar a favor da reeleicao do presidente Obama, entao, sera porque o publico americano pensa que atacar o Iran dessa forma eh algo bom de se fazer.

Porem, eles tambem concluiram que a revelacao compromete a nossa seguranca nacional. Entao, eles estao interessados que o tiro saia pela culatra e a favor deles. A nossa seguranca nacional ja esta comprometida desde que comecamos a promover guerras desnecessarias ha muito tempo atras. O modelo intervencionista de nossa diplomacia e poder economico criou as condicoes para os nossos cidadaos serem atacados ao redor do globo. Quando sofremos os ataques de 11 de setembro, isso ja nao era uma questao de se, com certeza, era quando.

Quando mostraram nossos soldados urinando sobre corpos de militantes do Taliban, o caso da queima dos Coroes e outros, pensei que isso so poderia ser trabalho da militancia republicana em nossas forcas armadas para prejudicar o governo Obama. Porem, desde que nao tinha prova alguma de minhas suspeitas eu nunca acusaria alguem, nem o partido, do malfeito. Eh uma questao de etica. Nao que eu tirasse toda suspeita de outros se fosse eu quem estivesse investigando tal evento. A minha concepcao seria somente essa, a militancia republicana seria a suspeita numero um. Mas eu somente revelaria isso apos toda a investigacao pronta.

Nossa seguranca national tem sido comprometida nao apenas pelos ultimos vazamentos. A nossa diplomacia oficial muitas vezes tem sido responsavel por piorar tudo. Tortura legalizada, prisoes extra-judiciais e sem acusacao, invasao de paises sob alegacoes falsas, uso de sancoes indiscriminadamente, avioes teleguiados, chamar outros de Eixo do Mal, ter a arrogancia de pensar que os outros eh que tem que adaptar-se ao que queremos e muito mais sao outras coisas a se levar em conta no caso de nossa seguranca nacional.

Quando os republicanos fingem estar preocupados com certos vazamentos causarem alguma ameaca `a nossa seguranca nacional eles so mostram hipocrisia. Pois eh! Isso e verdade! Os vazamentos aumentam os nossos problemas de seguranca nacional. Mas o que foi feito nos oito anos do governo Bush (somado ao que tem sido feito pelo governo Obama) e ao que os candidatos republicanos ja disseram que fariam, durante seus debates, se eleitos, eh o suficiente para concluir-se que: o Partido Republicano nao esta preocupados um minimo com a nossa seguranca nacional. Ou, melhor dizendo, eles pensam que a nossa seguranca nacional depende apenas de nossa capacidade armada.

Outro acontecimento politico por aqui nos Estados Unidos foi a revisao da eleicao no Estado do Wisconsin. Este evento foi gerado pela agenda do governador eleito, Scott Walker. Ele eh um republicano pondo em pratica a Biblia dos conservativismo. Em um dos atos dele, ele passou uma lei que limita os direitos dos trabalhadores sindicalizados. Dai os sindicatos quizeram livrar-se dele pedindo que a eleicao fosse refeita mas perderam. A medida contra os sindicatos eh um dos fundamentos pregados pelos conservadores que desejam diminuir a forca dos governos e concentrar o poder em poucas maos da iniciativa privada.

Quando o senhor Obama disse que nossa iniciativa privada estava indo bem, o provavelmente adversario dele nas eleicoes de 2.012, Mitt Romney, perguntou-lhe se ele nao tinha ouvido a mensagem da eleicao no Wisconsin. Ele interpretou isso como se os resultados dessas eleicoes especiais seriam a traducao da vontade do povo como um todo. No meu ponto de vista isso nao eh nem um julgamento claro da luta entre os sindicatos e o governador. O problema eh mais complexo que isso. E os resultados dessa eleicao mostram que, o povo do Wisconsin disse nao `a troca de um governor eleito somente em funcao da luta contra um setor da comunidade. Se toda hora que um governador nao se entender com parte do eleitorado for feita outra eleicao, nos vamos nos perder. Por enquanto, a decisao dos eleitores do Wisconsin foi o melhor.

O que o senhor Romney se esqueceu foram os resultados de duas eleicoes na Europa. Uma na Franca e outra na Grecia. Nelas o eleitorado refutou a agenda conservadora dos seus presidentes e elegeram os oponentes. Ha 18 anos atras o eleitorado brasileiro tambem votou a favor de agenda parecida com a que o Mitt Romney esta tentando implantar nos Estados Unidos. E os brasileiros reelegeram a mesma agenda quatro anos depois. Nao teve nada de errado com a decisao do eleitorado brasileiro, desde que ele estava tentando resolver os problemas com visoes politicas que ninguem conhecia as consequencias.

No final dos oito anos o eleitorado teve a oportunidade de escolher novamente e rejeitou aquela resposta aos seus problemas porque ela estava colocando o pais no caminho da recessao e mantendo o povo na pobreza eterna `a qual havia sido condenado pelas elites pelos cinco seculos anteriores. Agora os brasileiros reelegeram a alternativa e deram mais uma chance a ela. Estao caminhando para o decimo ano na alternativa e rejeicao da agenda conservadora. Como descrevi antes e todo mundo sabe, o Brasil esta se transformando para melhor.

Romney teve a oportunidade de colocar em pratica seu pensamento aqui em Massachusetts. No final do primeiro mandato ele nao teve nem a coragem de disputar a reeleicao. Naquele tempo a gente ja sabia que ele tomaria um chute no traseiro se tivesse tentado. Ele nao foi capaz de fazer seu sucessor e desde entao o nosso governador eh o Deval Patrick, que eh democrata e se opos `a agenda conservadora proposta pelo ex-governador.

Infelizmente, eleicao nao funciona como matematica. Somar os votos para alguem nao garante que tal pessoa resolvera nossos problemas. Vez por outra a gente pode afirmar: se essa pessoa for eleita podemos afirmar que sua administracao sera boa ou ruim. Nesse momento particular nos podemos afirmar que: o senhor Obama nao manteve a palavra de candidato dele quando foi eleito para a Casa Branca. Porem, eu estou pondo nele um certo credito por causa da situacao excepcional que ele encontrou no tempo de sua posse e dos anos subsequentes, ate agora. Desde que ele foi eleito eu ja reconhecia que seria humanamente impossivel resolver em tempo curto todos os estragos produzidos pelo antecessor.

Contudo, meu voto para ele sera por apostar na seguranca. Sera mais porque nao temos outra alternativa. Eu penso que os Republicanos ja nos causaram prejuizos demais durante o governo Bush e agora eles estao querendo retornar com ideias ainda piores. Por isso eu estou temeroso ate mesmo de escolher qualquer um republicano, mesmo que me parecesse ser uma boa pessoa. Se os democratas voltarem a nos decepcionar, vou tentar ir com o Jesse Ventura da proxima vez.

Para quem nao o conhece eh melhor fazer uma pesquisa do que sao as ideias dele. Por enquanto ele esta dizendo a verdade. Republicanos e democratas tem prejudicado por tempo demais a esse pais. Precisamos de uma terceira via. Uma alternativa verdadeira. Isso funcionou no Brasil e pode funcionar aqui tambem. Mas o que falta eh essa terceira via ser organizada. Por enquanto existem pessoas e ideias. Elas precisam se encontrar em um partido novo. Talvez, dai para frente a gente tenha para onde correr.

Preciso acrescentar mais dois argumentos para minha decisao de votar contra o ex-governador de Massachusetts. Uma eh a posicao dele em relacao a pedir desculpas. Ele disse que o presidente estava se desculpando demais pelos erros cometidos pelos Estados Unidos em torno do globo. E afirmou que ele jamais se desculparia. Compreendo o posicionamento dele como candidato diante do eleitorado. A maioria das pessoas pensam que pedir desculpas seja sinonimo de fraqueza. E ele prefere se apresentar como um lider testosteronico.

O problema que vejo nisso esta nas bases do nosso sistema educacional. A gente nao precisa fingir para parecer forte para os outros. Tenho filhos jovens e ainda no sistema escolar e algo que eh considerado fundamental para vivermos numa sociedade justa eh ensinar `as criancas a pedir desculpas por qualquer malfeito. Isso eh vital para as vidas jovens e adultas. Nos nao precisamos ser trogloditas para parecer fortes. Mahatma Gandhi provou isso para nos, pois, foi mais forte que o Imperio Ingles, sem perder a ternura.

A postura de nao se desculpar do Mitt Romney eh arrogante e obscena. Nem posso deixar minha filha de oito anos assistir ao noticiario quando tanta obscenidade estiver sendo apresentada.

Outro argumento tem haver com a declaracao do Mitt Romney de que ele nao esta nem ligando para os pobres porque estes teriam uma rede protetora para cuidar deles. Isso so mostra a mim o quanto ignorante o ex-governador de Massachusetts eh em relacao `a pobreza. Eu posso falar disso porque posso ser considerado um especialista no assunto ja que toda a minha vida vivi cercado pela e estou na pobreza.

O problema com a alegada rede protetora que temos eh que, ela foi pensada para atender `as pessoas com deficiencias que as mantem permanentemente dependentes de alguma forma. Caridade poderia ser o nome do meio dela. Nenhum problema com a rede protetora ou com a caridade. Acredito na caridade inclusive para aqueles que momentariamente estiverem precisando dela por causa de algum evento inesperado. Porem, a caridade permanente para aqueles com capacidade de trabalhar e que nao estao trabalhando por causa da situacao economica, pode gerar orgulho naqueles que estao fazendo a caridade e causar vergonha naqueles que a estao recebendo.

Antes de o Mitt Romney abrir a boca dele para dizer qualquer coisa a respeito da nossa rede protetora ele deveria dar tudo o que tem aos pobres e experimenta-la para ter conhecimento apropriado. Eh claro, se ele fizesse isso, provavelmente logo encontraria um bom emprego oferecido pelos seus companheiros antigos. Dai ele nao passaria tempo suficiente dependendo a rede protetora, assim, a rede funcionaria para ele. Mas se ele fosse reduzido `a pobreza de verdade e ficasse nela por algum tempo, quando voltasse iria apresentar milhoes de desculpas a todos aqueles a quem tem ofendido pela falta de consideracao conosco em seus dizeres. O comentario dele com respeito `a pobreza tambem eh obsceno.

Penso que precisamos manter a administracao do Obama por mais um periodo porque ele esta no meio do caminho. Talvez o que ele tem feito nao seja 100% certo. Mas eh pelo menos 80%. Eh uma porcentagem boa para quem esta na politica. No caso dele, ele pode manter o que esteja indo bem e corrigir os rumos do que nao esteja.

A promessa do Mitt Romney eh mudar tudo. Como um executivo da iniciativa privada ele proprio sabe que essa eh uma forma errada de fazer negocios. Desse jeito os resultados dele nao seriam bons para o povo e o povo nao tolerara um segundo governo dele. A altenancia de poder nesse caso eh perigosa porque perderemos tempo e dinheiro no mudar para o caminho do Mitt Romney e isso se repetiria no retorno para o caminho dos democratas. Entao, se de todo jeito iremos votar democratas no final da linha, nao penso nem que valha a pena tentar um governo de Mitt Romney.

Para findar esse capitulo eu so desejo comentar a respeito da edicao especial do GPS com o Fareed Zacaria, na CNN. O titulo foi “Fazendo a Imigracao Funcional”. (Making Immigration Work). Basicamente, ele repetiu o que eu venho dizendo ha muito. Mas ele eh um formador de opinioes importante nesse pais. E mais, ele eh economista, portanto, deve saber do que esta falando. Nao estou querendo comparar-me com ele. E penso que nossas opinioes se parecem porque a nossa experiencia de vida tem algo em comum. Porem, preciso ressaltar que ele tem o diploma que eu nao tenho.

Ele foi polido com os dois partidos no documentario. Nao criticou ninguem. Limitou-se a comentar o que tem dado certo no assunto, feito em outros paises, e falando o que deveria ser feito para resolver a nossa situacao. Quando mencionou nomes de politicos foi para dizer o que fizeram de bom e nao mencionou os nomes dos errados. Inclusive citou o bom exemplo dos senadores Kennedy e McCain, na epoca do presidente Bush, que quizeram passar uma lei de legalizacao.

Ele so mencionou que ela foi refutada por setores dos dois partidos e pelos sindicatos. O prognostico dele foi triste. Reconheceu que o problema nao sera resolvido tao cedo quanto precisava, por causa das rusgas entre os setores radicais dos dois partidos. Nao quero ser tao polido. Para mim esta claro que, os setores radicais de ambos partidos nao passam de suicidas. E eh por isso que nao importa para eles se o pais como um todo for arrastado para o buraco. Eles sao suicidas e nos querem arrastar com eles. Porem, a escolha eh nossa de deixar ou nao isso acontecer.

Estou quase acabando esse livro aqui. Escreverei um epilogo para ele mas somente em portugues. O que estou planejando escrever sera mais de fundo pessoal e incluir algo mais a respeito do que tenho descoberto com respeito `a genealogia de minha familia. Nao penso que isso sera de maior interesse para outro publico que nao o brazileiro. Talvez no futuro, mas enquanto ele nao vier alguem outro podera fazer a traducao para o ingles.

A razao para deixar assim eh porque estou cansado. Ja tem quase um ano que comecei a escrever dois livros ao mesmo tempo. Isso mesmo! A versao em ingles eh um pouco diferente da versao portuguesa. Assim se da por causa da forma de pensar e dos interesses serem um pouco diferentes em relacao a americanos e brasileiros. E o que eh tambem importante eh que estou escrevendo como contribuicao. Eh um servico prestado aos americanos e aos outros. Eh voluntario e, provavelmente, jamais serei pago pelos sofrimentos e renuncias.

E o mais eh que alguem na minha familia precisou de mim e eu nao pude servi-la como deveria. Nao sao todos os dias que se tem uma pessoa de 88 anos, que dedicou toda a sua vida a ajudar aos outros, precisa de uma pequena ajuda e voce nao tem outra escolha senao dizer: neste momento nao posso ajudar.

Hoje eh 15 de junho de 2.012 e ja estava pondo um ponto final nesse capitulo, versao em ingles, quando vi o sinal de extra anunciando que o presidente Obama assinou uma medida provisoria para proteger imigrantes sem documentos contra deportacao, no caso de terem sido trazidos para os Estados Unidos antes de completarem 16 anos de idade e estiverem com menos de 30 anos. A medida valera por dois anos, com a possibilidade de renovacao. Ja se passaram varias horas depois e ainda nao tenho os detalhes mas ja nao gosto da ideia.

Concordo, sera bom dar um refresco para cerca de 800.000 almas que vivem num estado de limbo. A menos que o Mitt Romney seja eleito em novembro, estes jovens terao um tempo em que o congresso podera decidir se os envia direto para o Ceu ou para o inferno. O que eh mais provavel de acontecer eh tudo continuar no mesmo e nada ser resolvido. E eh por isso que nao gosto. Em tudo eu nao gosto de decisoes provisorias, a menos que a situacao seja de desastre. O que temos aqui eh um caso de tortura deliberada.

Mesmo sendo verdade, alguns bebes choroes, a maioria republicana, perguntarao: Por que tentar resolver o problema dos jovens sem documentos nesse pais enquanto nos temos muitos outros problemas dos nacionais a ser resolvidos? Tambem vira a eterna lamentacao daqueles que pensam que nao ter documento eh um crime e deve-se punir isso com deportacao. Nao perderei meu tempo mostrando outros argumentos para acalmar ninguem. So defenderei um ponto.

Temos muitos problemas e todo mundo sabe disso. E nos precisamos aprovar uma lei de legalizacao justa. Nao temos mais tempo de ficar discutindo isso de novo, de novo, de novo. Feita a lei nos teremos um problema a menos que nos preocupar e isso iria juntar mais cerebros e maos para comecarmos a resolver os outros problemas. Nossos outros problemas poderao ser mais relevantes mas a solucao para o problema dos sem documentos eh muito mais facil de resolver. Ate mesmo uma anistia total eh muito mais barata e justa do que tentar deportar uma parte inteira da nossa sociedade.

Eu posso nao saber de nada a respeito do resto. Mas a unica coisa que estou completamente certo eh que, de aos sem documentos nesse pais uma chance justa e imediatamente depois nos estaremos pondo o foco na solucao dos outros problemas. E a coisa andara como numa avalanche. Logo que um problema for resolvido outro sera enfrentado e dai os bebes choroes nao terao mais o que lamentar. Enquanto tomarmos os imigrantes sem documentos como inimigos nos estamos pondo mais um problema na longa lista dos que temos.

Mesmo que tudo o mais seja verdade nao vejo essa medida provisoria com bons olhos por causa do conteudo preconceituoso nela. Eh discriminacao dizer que, uma pessoa de certa idade sera contemplada por ela e outra pessoa com as mesmas qualificacoes nao sera por ser mais velha. Outra forma de discriminacao eh a colocacao de condicoes como a de servir ao exercito ou estar cursando a universidade. Isso eh o mesmo que dizer que, os americanos natos e sem diploma, que nao serviram no exercito, sao de certa forma cidadaos inferiores. Nossa constituicao proibe-nos de discriminar e acredito nisso porque fazer o contrario eh totalmente errado.

Por outro lado, lembram-se dos meus amigos Richard e Jose? Eles sao dois ex-imigrantes aqui nos Estados Unidos, vieram legalmente mas comecaram a trabalhar e dai foram chamados de foras da lei. Eles gastaram mais de 10 anos aqui, trabalhando duro e economizando. Estavam investindo e planejando abrir negocios que poderiam criar alguns empregos. Eles nem sequer chegaram a concluir o primeiro grau. Mas tem inteligencia o suficiente e tinham mais saude para ganhar dinheiro que eu proprio que tenho diploma universitario.

Os dois caras foram presos somente porque um policial estupido queria isso. Jose escolheu a deportacao voluntaria. O juiz de imigracao encerrou o caso do Richard por causa dos erros no processo contra ele. Ele permaneceu aqui por mais uns cinco anos esperando que se desse uma oportunidade de legalizacao. So depois ele perdeu a paciencia e retornou voluntariamente para o Brasil. Ambos agora estao investindo, consumindo e criando empregos por la.

No meu ponto de vista eh muita falta de inteligencia nao perdoar um pecado pequeno como eh o de quebrar a lei de imigracao uma vez e perder o potencial de milhoes de imigrantes como eles. E os bebes choroes que estao dizendo que deveriamos primeiro cuidar de nossos cidadaos que estao desempregados e nao fornecer uma lei justa de legalizacao para os sem documentos estao sendo enganados pelas suas proprias ignorancias. O que tem tirado o emprego de muitos de nossos cidadaos eh a erosao na base de nossa piramide, que eh causada pela falta de compreencao das boas coisas que, mesmo sendo sem documentos, o imigrante tem criado. Eles podem inclusive ser chamados de ilegais, porem, a riqueza criada por eles eh real e justa.

Eu concluo que, se alguem veio para os Estados Unidos muito jovem como no exemplo de uma crianca de 5 anos, e fica aqui durante todo o resto de sua infancia e adolescencia, nao importa onde nasceu porque esse sera culturalmente absolutamente americana. Deporta-la para um pais de cultura diferente sera apenas tomar uma atitude preconceituosa. Isso deveria ser considerado um crime contra a humanidade. Seria fazer o mesmo que foi feito pelos conquistadores portugueses e espanhois durante o periodo colonial nas Americas.

A impressao que tenho dos politicos americanos eh que, eles gostam de comecar conflitos mas nao de resolver problemas. Parece que eles tem medo de resolver os problemas e nao ter mais o que fazer. Contudo, quando resolvemos nossos problemas outros comecam a aparecer na frente dos nossos olhos. Eles ja estavam ali, porem, a gente nao os via porque estavam atras dos primeiros. Este eh o grande desafio da vida. E se a gente nao resolve os problemas que ja conhecemos, eles se amontoam. E nao resolver os problemas eh a maneira mais pratica de se destruir qualquer imperio.


Apos todos esses meses de trabalho intenso, estou em parte feliz por entregar esta obra a quem quizer a leia. Porem, sempre existe aquela porcao um tanto dificultosa a superar. Nao vou fazer meia-voltas. Vamos diretamente aos fatos.

Durante todo esse tempo que estou escrevendo vivi cenas como a mais recente, dentro de casa, com a arguicao. O que voce esta fazendo? Escrevendo! Para que voce esta buscando essas coisas velhas? Porque sao interessantes! Interessantes como, quem que vai lucrar com isso? Eu, meus filhos e provavelmente outras pessoas ao conhecerem melhor o passado! E quanto de dinheiro isso esta te dando? Nao sei e nao quero saber! Eu queria ver eh isso dar dinheiro! Que que adianta ficar indo atras dessas velharias que nao vai te dar dinheiro algum? Silencio!…

De outra pessoa ouvi isso: quem gosta de velho eh o Alzheimer. Isso porque as pessoas atacadas pelo mal de Alzheimer sao capazes de lembrar coisas do passado e nao se adaptam bem ao presente e futuro. Alem disso, algumas pessoas tem manifestado a preocupacao por eu nao estar trabalhando em outras areas para ganhar dinheiro. E nao eh que eu estou lisongeado! Tem gente preocupada com o que eu faco ou deixo de fazer!

Do ponto de vista pratico nao deixo de dar alguma razao aos imediatistas. Estou ja ha quase dez anos “desocupado”. E tive um bom motivo para o comeco. Minha filha nasceu tao prematura que cabia na palma da minha mao. Ela precisava de uma assistencia intensiva e seria mais pratico alguem da casa ficar por conta dela para leva-la `as consultas, receber visitas da enfermeira etc. Eu tinha sido chutado para fora do meu emprego. Minha esposa tem um trabalho que paga muito melhor do que eu conseguiria trabalhando inclusive dois periodos por dia. A logica monetaria era evidente.

Passados varios anos, parece que eu acostumei com a “vagabundagem”. A minha crianca ja esta independente, embora, ainda dependa de assistencia, apenas por precaucao. Mas aqui tambem tem um segundo lado. Quando eu comecar a trabalhar para ganhar dinheiro, teremos que pagar algo para alguem tomar conta dela enquanto estivermos ausentes. Assim, mesmo antes de comecar a ganhar o salario ele ja vai estar sendo gasto. E essa diferenca foi o que pesou para decidirmos que um de nos ficaria em casa porque, com o meu trabalho eu iria pagar apenas as novas despesas com ela. E ainda teria que faltar ao trabalho frequentemente para leva-la aos medicos.

Porem fica sempre aquela situacao. Voce nao esta pondo dinheiro dentro de casa. E, pior, nao sou nenhuma “dona-de-casa” exemplar. Nao me adapto `a cozinha, lavacao de roupa e arrumacao de casa. Sao coisas que faco a contra gosto. Quando faco! Para mim seria uma maravilha fazer minha sobrevivencia do que escrevo e pesquiso. Pois eh! Mas quem vai me pagar por isso?!…

Entao, nao tenho mesmo mais recursos. Vou ter que ir trabalhar para ganhar dinheiro. E estou torcendo para encontrar algo que demande mais o fisico, como fiz a partir do momento que entrei nos Estados Unidos. Alguns trabalhos fisicos pagam relativamente bem por aqui. O problema eh encaixar isso para uma pessoa “idosa”. Faltam 14 dias para eu emplacar os 54. Se conseguir, evito gastar meus neuronios com coisas que talvez venha a detestar fazer. Que Deus me ajude!

Tem sido frequente a acusacao de que eu esteja querendo viver no passado. Pelo menos nisso eu posso dizer aos meus detratores que essa conclusao deles eh fruto das proprias ignorancias. As pessoas imaginam que o trabalho dos arqueologos, paleontologos, historiadores e outros sao coisas do passado. O geneologo entao, cheira a poeira de museu! Nao sou nada disso, porem, a minha formacao ecletica ajudou-me a compreender esse lado do conhecimento humano, nao apenas em seus procedimentos mas tambem em relacao `a sua importancia.

Genealogia e genetica tem muito em comum. Sao irmas, embora de pais diferentes. Porem, o casamento dos frutos de ambas se torna perfeito. E a genetica eh a ciencia do presente e do futuro. Contudo, a genealogia podera ser um auxiliar perfeito para ela. Basta que as pessoas envolvidas compreendam as duas.

A minha afirmacao se baseia no fato de a genetica ser o estudo dos gens em todos os sentidos. Por enquanto, estamos decifrando o codigo genetico como um todo. Para quem nao entende bem como isso funciona sera bom fazer uma analogia. Na verdade, nossos gens nao passam de uma receita. Uma receita tao comprida que preenche uma enciclopedia. Porem, digamos que, diferentemente dos livros que tem muitas separacoes, o nosso livro da vida eh escrito como se fosse uma palavra imensa para cada detalhe da receita.

Eh como se fosse uma receita de bolo. Porem um bolo que tem muito mais camadas que qualquer bolo ja feito. E cada camada tem instrucoes que variam um pouquinho em relacao `as outras. Essas instrucoes contem codigos que determinam se o bolo sera maior ou menor. Se tera camada de chocolate ou de creme. Cada pequeno detalhe que existe em nosso organismo esta descrito na receita.

O que eh de interessante nisso eh que: todas as instrucoes que determinaram a formacao do organismo de cada um de nos, ja estavam escritas nos gens de nossos mais remotos ancestrais. Quando as instrucoes chegaram a nos, nos nao trouxemos nada novo para o mundo. Tudo ja era conhecido pela natureza. Porem, somos nos que as estamos descobrindo agora. Alem disso, mesmo que se passem milhares de anos a partir de hoje e, no final a nossa descendencia estando presente, as instrucoes que serao possiveis de ler nos organismos deles serao as mesmas que estao em nos. Portanto, a genetica eh o nosso passado, presente e futuro.

A genealogia eh apenas auxiliar. Infelizmente, nossos ancestrais nao despertaram para a importancia da genealogia e nos deixaram dados muito incompletos dos proprios ancestrais deles. Nao que eles tivessem alguma culpa por agir assim. Mas no tempo deles a genealogia foi usada como algo superfluo, coisa de gente orgulhosa, que queria deixar escrito que descendia de tal ou tal figura importante dos livros de Historia ou das artes.

E eh isso que, talvez, tenha despertado em muitas pessoas um certo nojo pela disciplina. Quando a gente via uma pessoa antipatica falando dos muitos ancestrais famosos que ela tinha a gente via apenas o orgulho e futilidade da pessoa e isso nos impedia de enxergar a verdadeira finalidade da genealogia.

Como a nossa sociedade do passado sempre foi dividida em serventia e exploracao, ou seja, senzala e casa grande, ou ainda, senhores de terras e agregados, o que gerou orgulho e preconceito de um lado e humilhacao e desrespeito do outro, a maioria de nos comecou a desligar-se da realidade. A realidade eh esta, todos nos descendemos dos mesmos ancestrais, porem, so alguns de nos assumiu as posicoes de destaque em nossa sociedade.

Aquele proverbio antigo sempre foi valido. Ele propoe: “Eu sou parente dos ricos mas eles nao me conhecem, e sou parente dos pobres mas nao os conheco”. Um exemplo pratico, para aqueles que estao familiarizados com os meandros genealogicos da familia Barbalho na cidade de Virginopolis, de Minas Gerais. Possivelmente, muitos deles, se ainda nao sabem, ficariam orgulhosos de saber que um dos pioneiros da cidade de Governador Valadares, o seo Gil Pacheco eh um dos nossos primos. Por outro lado, tem gente que torceria o nariz ao saber que o deficiente mental, conhecido como Paulinho da Vila, ou Paulinho da Favela, eh nosso primo do mesmo jeito!

Nada contra o Paulinho, pelo contrario, sou primo dele e ele eh pobre. Alias, deu-me o maior prazer receber um abraco dele em uma das ultimas vezes que visitei a cidade. O nosso outro primo, Marcelo Barbalho, brincou ao dizer a ele: “Ai Paulinho, eh Honorio tambem”. Em seguida fui agarrado por uma forca descomunal. Poderiamos descrever o aperto como sendo um abraco de tamandua. Tao apertado que quase nao podia respirar. Eu estava sendo abracado, porem, nem conseguia retribuir. Pela minha experiencia, nao dei sinal algum de resistencia. Apenas esperei que ele se desse por satisfeito. No fundo o prazer era todo meu.

Melhor explicando, ate onde sabemos, o Paulinho nao eh Barbalho. Ele descende dos nossos trisavos: Joaquim Coelho de Andrade e Joaquina Umbelina da Fonseca. O trisavo Joaquim era conhecido como Joaquim Honorio. Povoou um corrego nas cercanias de Divinolandia de Minas. E o corrego recebeu por nome o apelido dele. Ou seja, Corrego dos Honorios. E a bisavo Hercila eh quem se casou com a bisavo Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho. Dai nos somos essa mistura toda de sobrenomes e muito mais.

O que fez-me lembrar do Paulinho eh que temos a tradicao de sermos primos do poeta Carlos Drummond de Andrade por via desse ultimo sobrenome dele. Ainda nao conseguimos comprovar. Sabemos que os trisavos Joaquim e Joaquina viveram num patrimonio em Itabira. Ou no antigo territorio atribuido a esta.

Mas sendo comprovada essa tradicao, teremos que o Paulinho sera descendente de reis como Carlos Magno, Afonso Henriques, primeiro rei de Portugal e muitos outros mais. Dai podemos observar que, o fato de ser descendente de reis nao nos protege contra os males comuns que atacam a humanidade. E, pior, significa que nos teremos descendentes com necessidades especiais, tais quais as que atacam ao Paulinho.

Baseados nessa acertiva, seria bom que reconhecessemos a necessidade especial de pessoas como ele. Nao como um castigo de Deus mas sim como uma negligencia dos homens. O problema, talvez, possa ser inevitavel. Mas a situacao em que pessoas como ele ficam reduzidas pode e deve ser amenizada por uma assistencia de melhor qualidade. Se buscarmos a assistencia para quem sofre em nossos dias, estaremos garantindo um futuro melhor para quando chegar a vez de nossa descendencia encontrar um ambiente melhor no mundo.

Daqui para frente espero que o leitor tire suas proprias conclusoes. O que quero deixar entendido eh apenas que, as possibilidades sao tao grandes que, por pior que seja a situacao que uma pessoa esteja passando em nossa sociedade, o provavel eh que ela seja parente dos que estejam ocupando os melhores cargos da mesma sociedade. Nada mais confirma isso do que o fato de que 75% dos presidentes dos Estados Unidos sao, comprovadamente por vias genealogias, descendentes dos mesmos portugueses que os brasileiros sao. Mas essa eh a parte do passado que “queremos esquecer”! Nao eh mesmo?!

Aqui faco uma previsao bastante futuristica. Nos temos na genealogia muitas lacunas. E muitas delas aparecem por razoes pouco obvias. Um exemplo eh o caso de sabermos que somos parentes do poeta Carlos Drummond mas nao temos os dados para garantir como. Pode ser que o desconhecimento se deva a nao termos encontrado os documentos em que existam os registros corretos. Mas tambem pode ser que eles tenham sido negligenciados e nao existam mais.

Uma forma de preencher uma lacuna como essa no futuro sera recorrermos `a genetica. Eh claro, precisaremos ter acesso a super computadores e a amostras de toda a populacao descendente dos mesmos ancestrais. Assim, o nosso DNA sera lido como em um livro e comparado com o DNA de outros pessoas, conhecidamente descendentes dos mesmos ancestrais que o Carlos Drummond era. Juntando-se a isso um pouco de matematica, poderemos dizer quem eram os intermediarios entre nos e um dos ancestrais do poeta. Talvez jamais lhes saberemos os nomes. Porem faremos a ponte entre o que temos sobre o que falta.

Neste caso, usaremos uma solucao futuristica para resolver um problema ocorrido no passado. Agora voces irao perguntar-me: E para que isso?! A razao eh simples. Tendo o maximo possivel de dados, como os gens nao mudam, eles sao apenas transmitidos de geracao em geracao. Lembrem-se, os gens podem mudar quando ocorre alguma mutacao mas essas sao tao raras que praticamente as podemos ignorar. Com os dados genealogicos, combinados ao exame genetico, nos poderemos dizer em qual grau de parentesco cada pessoa sera relacionada uma com a outra na Terra. Sera como um exame de DNA, porem, muito mais complexo.

Isso tera alguma importancia para os casamentos. Como as pessoas se casam aleatoriamente e sem saber o grau de parentesco que tem entre si, na maioria das vezes, sera possivel predizer qual o grau de risco os filhos teriam em herdar algumas doencas transmitidas por combinacoes geneticas. Neste caso, o casal podera ser instruido a evitar ter filhos em caso de risco extremo ou se preparar para que suas criancas sejam melhor acompanhadas, evitando-se as condicoes de risco que possam induzir `a manifestacao de problemas presentes em suas geneticas. Em caso de um futuro mais alem, fazer a correcao a nivel genetico talvez enquanto no utero.

Digo isso porque sei, o futuro da medicina sera a prevencao. Como sabemos, chegara o momento em que a Terra nao tera como comportar mais crescimento da populacao. Entao, nossos descendentes serao obrigados, por suas proprias consciencias, a nao terem mais filhos do que o planeta comporte. Assim, sera importante ter menos filhos, porem, necessario que os que nascam sejam saudaveis. O que, economicamente falando, ja deveria estar sendo feito desde ja. Nao quero aqui defender nenhuma ideia ditatorial. Quero apenas conciliar o etico com o pratico e correto.

Mas nao quero exceder-me em detalhes. Gostaria apenas de deixar claro que minha cabeca nao esta presa ao passado. Porem, eu sei que eh necessario conhecer o passado, para compreendermos o presente e buscarmos um futuro melhor. Estudar o passado nao eh um prazer para todos. Porem eh util para os que nascerao depois de nos. Eh tambem um grande sacrificio. Um sacrificio causado pela incompreensao de alguns.

Eu comparo o que estou fazendo ao que meu avo Jose (Juca) Coelho Junior fez em toda a vida dele. Para os familiares mais proximos ele parecia ter sido negligente como pai de duas duzias de filhos. Tirava o sustenta da familia atraves do emprego publico. Mas o irmao dele, o tio Gama (Gamaliel), dizia que: “Dos irmaos, o Juca foi o unico que nunca trabalhou na vida”. Mas o vovo Juca era o cara que levantava fundos, promovia bailes, quermesses, bingos e tudo mais para que a cidade tivesse: hospital, maternidade, educandario, forum e outras coisas que outros nao reconheciam necessarias.

Hoje-em-dia, talvez nao houvesse necessidade de eu estar lembrando essas coisas. Alias, a foto e o nome do vovo Juca estao presentes em varios lugares porque ele eh lembrado como benfeitor da Cidade de Virginopolis, Minas Gerais. E o tio Gama, coitado, como nao se casou para deixar uma melhor lembranca da existencia dele na Terra, tem que ser lembrado dessa forma. Porem, quero deixar claro que era uma pessoa muito boa e amavel conosco que eramos sobrinhos-netos. E nao falava do vovo por maldade, apenas porque pensava que trabalho era so usar o fisico para obter resultados financeiros. Ele nao esperava que o futuro do mundo estava naquelas coisas que o irmao dele fazia.

Partamos entao para o que interessa. Acredito que por volta de dois meses atras retornou `a minha atencao algo soprado por uma de nossas primas ha muito. Marietta, o nome dela, havia sido apresentada pela Roxane. Ambas sao netas dos tios-avos: Onesimo Barbalho e Marietta Nunes Rabelo. E a informacao que ela havia passado era a de que, ao dialogar com alguem na internet, fora informada que o sobrenome Barbalho teria originado de migrantes do oriente cujo sobrenome era Barb Al, ou coisa que o valha.

Entao comecei a buscar na internet e acabei localizando o sobrenome Barbal, na Espanha. Esse Barbal esta espalhado pelo mundo todo, porem, nao encontrei nada que se estendesse alem dos anos 1.800. A versao passada tambem dizia que, em Portugal o sobrenome teria evoluido para Barbalho. O que sempre me pareceu a combinacao de Barba e alho.

Outro detalhe de minhas pesquisas nessa area foi ter encontrado o sobrenome na Espanha, presente em personalidades recentes. Uma delas eh a escritora Maria Barbal. A outra eh Manuel Barbal Cosan, que foi um clerigo catolico, martirizado pela ditadura Franco em 1.937. O nome dele na irmandade passou a ser Jaime Hilario Barbal. Foi ai que pensei: estamos mesmo precisando de um milagre para descobrirmos qual o parentesco temos com o Santo Jaime, bem que ele poderia nos dar uma ajudazinha!

Outro detalhe dessa minha pesquisa sao as tradicoes de nossa familia. Ate onde sabiamos, o nosso ancestral mineiro mais antigo era o padre Policarpo Barbalho. Baseado nos dados que tinhamos eu imaginava que ele houvesse nascido em torno de 1.800. Mas o problema de se conhecer alguma coisa apenas pela tradicao eh as tradicoes serem transmitidas verbalmente e, ao viajar no tempo, de geracao em geracao, sempre sao acrescidas ou suprimidas informacoes que nos levam a becos sem saida.

E nossa tradicao continha duas informacoes que o davam como nascido no Nordeste, possivelmente nos Estados do Ceara ou Rio Grande do Norte, e que eram tres irmaos. Um deles teria permanecido no Nordeste, outro teria ido para Minas Gerais e o terceiro para o Rio Grande do Sul. Isso havia me levado a buscar por todos os lados do Nordeste alguem que tivesse encontrado algum Policarpo Barbalho, nascido la. Dai as pesquisas ficaram estacadas porque nao obtive retorno algum.

Eu sabia que a melhor forma de encontrar informacoes seria buscar os documentos da familia ate onde ja as tinhamos, para ir em direcao `as raizes. Ou seja, o melhor seria encontrar o registro de casamento de nossos trisavos: Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho e Eugenia Maria da Cruz, por exemplo. O casamento tem que ter se dado em Guanhaes, por volta de 1.847, epoca em que a Freguesia pertencia `a recem-criada Vila de Conceicao do Mato Dentro. Portanto, a documentacao deveria estar arquivada nesta ultima cidade.

O problema todo eh que eu estou nos Estados Unidos e sem as condicoes financeiras para ir e vir e realizar uma pesquisa no local. O problema financeiro nao eh so meu e, associado `a excassez de tempo, outros que tem a mesma vontade de reencontrar as nossas raizes perdidas, tambem estao sendo freiados no intento de realizar essa tarefa.

Apesar disso, logo apos eu ter tido aquele desejo em relacao ao Santo Jaime, tropecei nos arquivos da Igreja dos Mormons e, em seguida, encontrei dados da genealogia do compositor Chico Buarque de Holanda. Alem disso, ja eram velhos conhecidos meus, os dados da familia Barbalho Bezerra, originada em Pernambuco, e os encontrados no livro: A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente, escrito por nosso primo: Demerval Jose Pimenta.

Juntei os conhecimentos novos e os antigos, somados a outros pequenos encontrados na internet. Isso tornou possivel o levantamento de uma teoria que nos levava a uma possivel linhagem Barbalho que se apresenta desde o inicio da colonizacao portuguesa no Brasil ate aos dias de hoje. Assim que rascunhei tal teoria, escrevi um relatorio para enviar aos primos e expo-la na internet para, quem sabe, obter a ajuda de mais alguns anjos nesse ramo. colocarei abaixo o texto que lancei, para a seguir apresentar mais detalhes de novos achados que se mostraram a partir dai.


Meus caros amigos,

Nao estou podendo continuar minhas pesquisas e estudos sem a ajuda e participacao de voces. Eh duro deixar um projeto pela metade. Mas acredito que, se nao fizermos acontecer, podemos esperar que outros pesquisadores acabarao deixando pistas na internet que nos ajudarao. Nao sei se terei tempo de ficar procurando por elas ou quando no tempo elas aparecerao. Talvez, nao necessariamente no meu tempo.

Bom, vou fazer um relatorio a respeito dos meus ultimos “furos de reportagem” para que fique facil para todos entenderem, e dar as dicas do que nos falta para decifrarmos nossa linhagem Barbalho. Decifrar este primeiro passo seria super importante porque se portaria como uma espinha dorsal do corpo. A partir dela penso que todos os Barbalho do mundo poderao ser conectados.

Em primeiro lugar, porei aqui a espinha dorsal. Mas nao se esquecam que ela, por enquanto, tem sua parte hipotetica. Os nomes e as geracoes nao sao ficticias. Fazem parte de dados reais que temos ou encontramos. O que eh hipotese, por enquanto, sao as coneccoes. Vou colocar numeros para indicar onde estao essas coneccoes e abaixo explicarei como investigar se sao verdadeiras ou nao.

Caso nao sejam, a descoberta do que indicar que nao sejam nos mostrara o proximo passo a ser tomado. O encontro de empecilho nao eh um obstaculo se o tomarmos como oportunidade para ampliar os nossos horizontes. Vejam entao essa linhagem genealogica que comecarei a partir de meus filhos: (n=data de nascimento e c=data de casamento).

Maria Clara e Teofilo Andrade de Magalhaes Barbalho
c. 05.12.1993 Valquirio de Magalhaes Barbalho – Maria da Penha de Andrade Barbalho
n. 07.01.1922 Odon de Magalhaes Barbalho – Maria Judith Coelho Barbalho
n. 20.04.1890 Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho – Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes
c. 05.07.1879 Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho – Hercila Coelho de Andrade
c. + – 1847 Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho -*1 – Eugenia Maria da Cruz
c. 30.08.1808 Policarpo Jose Barbalho – Izidora Francisca de Magalhaes
c. + – 1780 Jose Vaz Barbalho – *2 – Anna Joaquina Maria de Sao Jose
c. 18.09.1732 Manoel Vaz Barbalho – Josefa Pimenta de Souza
c. + – 1700 Maria da Costa Barbalho – Manoel Aguiar
c. 19.01.1668 Pascoa Barbalho – *3 – Pedro da Costa
c. + – 1645 Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra – Beatriz ou Brites de Lemos

Hoje eh 16 de julho de 2.012, e estou retornando a esses escritos em carater de urgencia porque fui enganado pela distracao de alguem e por minha falta de atencao. O fato eh que o site da Cidade de Nilopolis contem um pequeno engano ao sugerir que houvesse um Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, filho de Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra e casado com Beatriz de Lemos. A verdade eh que o marido de D. Beatriz eh o Agostinho, filho do governador Luis Barbalho Bezerra e irmao do Jeronimo.

Tambem nao sei dizer onde esta o fundamento para o professor Demerval ter deixado escrito que D. Pascoa Barbalho fosse neta de Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra, pois, a data proposta para o casamento dela, no Rio de Janeiro, em 19 de janeiro de 1668, pagina 252 do livro, eh um pouco prematura para que ele tivesse netos em idade de casamento, sendo data compativel com o nascimento deles, portanto, eh possivel que D. Pascoa tenha sido filha e nao neta do personagem ou, hiposete remota, ter sido filha do seu irmao Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra.

De qualquer forma, enquanto a gente nao encontrar dados mais concretos a respeito dos detalhes dessa linhagem genealogica, ela continuara valida enquanto nao se provar o contrario. Esta minha ultima intervencao esta se dando no dia 3 de agosto de 2.012 e o que ha de mais recente em minhas descobertas com respeito `a nossa genealogia esta sendo publicado no endereco:

Ainda nao temos uma resposta exata do como somos descendentes dos primeiros Barbalho que chegaram ao Brasil, porem, essa questao esta por ser resolvida em questao dos detalhes das passagens do Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra para D. Pascoa Barbalho e do Manoel Vaz Barbalho para o Jose Vaz Barbalho.

c. + – 1625 Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra – Izabel Pedroso (Pedrosa ou Pedreira)
n. 1590 Luis Barbalho Bezerra – Maria Furtado de Mendonca
n. 1572 Camila Barbalho – Antonio ou Guilherme Bezerra Felpa de Barbuda
n. ? Bras Barbalho Feio – Maria de Guardez

Tai uma possibilidade rarissima em genealogia. O sobrenome Barbalho em nossa familia pode ter sobrevivido quase por milagre por causa de algumas passagens em que ele foi transmitido por via materna. Inclusive na passagem dupla da Pascoa Barbalho para a Maria da Costa Barbalho. Isso aponta para o sintoma de que ate o sobrenome Barbalho era considerado de origem nobre. E isso eh mencionado em alguns enderecos que visitei onde, a Familia Barbalho do Rio de Janeiro estava entre as mais nobres das familias. Contudo, essa consideracao nao foi conservada no ponto de vista da descendencia que migrou para Minas Gerais durante o Ciclo do Ouro.

Uma alternativa a essa linhagem, que nao guardou o sobrenome eh a parte que temos com os Coelho do Centro-Nordeste de Minas Gerais. Descreverei essa alternativa a partir da mamae. Mas sao muitos os caminhos que nos levam `a mesma alternativa. Segue entao:

n. 15.10.1925 Maria Judith Coelho Barbalho – Odon de Magalhaes Barbalho
n. 12.06.1892 Jose Batista Coelho Junior – Davina Magalhaes
n. 05.08.1864 Jose Batista Coelho – Maria Marcolina Coelho
n. 05.04.1822 tenente Joao Batista Coelho – Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho
n. 1782 capitao Jose Coelho da Rocha – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
c. 07.07.1779 Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha – alferes Jose Coelho de Magalhaes
c. + – 1755 Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho – *4 – Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha
c. 18.09.1732 Manoel Vaz Barbalho – Josefa Pimenta de Souza

Aqui reencontrariamos com a linhagem anterior. E agora esplicarei cada passo em relacao ao que precisamos para provar que essa hipotese eh verdadeira e algumas possiveis alternativas a ela. Darei alguns enderecos que sustentam a teoria. Vamos la entao:

*1. A teoria de que o nosso ancestral, padre Policarpo, se chamava Policarpo Jose Barbalho ganhou corpo de veracidade com o encontro nos Arquivos da Igreja Mormon, no endereco via Google: international genealogical index/south america search results Barbalho. Ai sao encontrados fichas de documentos que os Mormons fotocopiaram por todo o Brasil. Inclusive o registro de casamento de Policarpo Jose Barbalho e Izidora Francisca de Magalhaes.

Quando entravam para o seminario eram feitas investigacoes das vidas dos candidatos aos sacerdocios. Este documento tem o nome de Autos de Genere. Depois, na epoca da ordenacao eram abertos os Autos de Habilitacao. Apos ficar viuvo o padre Policarpo voltou ao seminario. E o filho dele, Emygdio ou Emidio de Magalhaes Barbalho tambem foi padre. Os autos deles devem se encontrar em Mariana, unico local onde havia seminario antes dos 1840s, em Minas Gerais.

Este seria o documento ideal de se encontrar porque as vidas dos candidatos eram vasculhadas por, pelo menos, tres ou quatro geracoes. Para que nao se ordenassem cristaos-novos e seus descendentes ou outros que devessem ao Santo Oficio. Mais `a frente, veremos que, sendo esta hipotese de linhagem confirmada, nao foi feita o exame alem de quatro geracoes senao poderia ser comprovada origem judaizante deles.

O casamento se deu em Santo Antonio de Santa Barbara, ou seja, Santa Barbara em Minas Gerais. No registro de casamento do irmao do Policarpo, Firmiano Jose Barbalho, esta a informacao de que este nasceu em Conceicao do Mato Dentro. Eh provavel que os registros dos casamentos estejam todos sob a custodia da Arquivo Metropolitano da Arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte. Penso que Santa Barbara pertence `a Arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte e ja estive no Arquivo Metropolitano para procurar outro documento. Ele fica no Bairro Santa Teresa, ao lado da Igreja de Santa Teresa. Mas isso pode ficar para depois.

O que precisamos primeiro eh ter em maos um documento qualquer que nos indique que o trisavo Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho seja filho de Policarpo e Izidora. Tudo indica que sim porque a lembranca estava na memoria do papai. O Odin disse que quando indagou a ele, ele gaguejou (oh novidade!) um Isa… Isa… e chutou Isabel, Isabelita.

Mas o endereco: deixa escrito que seria Genoveva. Confusao?! Quase certo. Porque o mesmo endereco apresenta a trisavo Eugenia Maria da Cruz, esposa do trisavo Francisco Marcal, como filha de Joao e Luiza, mas ela era filha do irmao dele: o Jose Coelho da Rocha e Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. No sfreinobreza encontra-se uma pequena genealogia do bispo D. Manoel Nunes Coelho, que era bisneto do padre Policarpo.

Ha a possibilidade de ser mesmo Genoveva. Esta poderia ser irma da Izidora e poderia ser que estivesse substituindo a irma, apos o falecimento desta. Nos temos muitos casos identicos na familia. A tia Virginia substituiu a bisavo Maria Marcolina. A Tinah substituiu a Maria, irma dela, ao casar-se com o seu Ary Dias de Andrade. E a dona Diva do tio Simao substituiu a Cira. Sao diversos outros exemplos. O certo eh tambem que a Izidora era filha de Genoveva Nunes Ferreira. O nome Genoveva rodava mesmo na familia. E na colecao dos Mormons ha uma filha do casal, Genoveva , nascida em 1.812, alem de Maria e Lucinda. Nossa genealogia ja registrava uma tia Lucinda mesmo.

Outros documentos que poderiamos usar sao: o atestado de obito do trisavo Francisco Marcal, que faleceu em 29.11.1900, algum Testamento ou Inventario daquela epoca e que devem existir em Guanhaes. O registro de casamento deles, que deve ter-se dado por volta de 1847, deve estar no Arquivo de Conceicao do Mato Dentro. No mais, deve haver registro dele como eleitor, em Guanhaes. Essa etapa eu creio que sejam favas contadas. Mas nunca se sabe.

*2. Jo(z)se Vaz Barbalho e Anna Joaquina Maria de Sao Jose aparecem como pais do Policarpo, do Firmiano e Gervazio Jose Barbalho. O tres casados em Santo Antonio de Santa Barbara. Acredito que Jose e Anna tenham se casado nalgumas das muitas Freguesias em que Conceicao do Mato Dentro era composta. Outra possibilidade seria em alguma Freguesia do Serro. Porem, hoje em dia todos os documentos daquela epoca remota estao nos Arquivos de Conceicao ou no Serro. Isso facilita a procura.

Desconfio que o Jose Vaz seja filho do Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josefa Pimenta de Souza. Este ultimo casal aparece no livro: A Mata do Pecanha, sua Historia e sua Gente, do professor e nosso primo Demerval Jose Pimenta. O casal eh ancestral dele e ele eh nosso primo, com comprovacao, atraves dos dois troncos: Pereira do Amaral e Borges Monteiro. Eh possivel que sera no Barbalho tambem.

No livro dele eh que se encontra a informacao que vai do Manoel Vaz Barbalho ate `a d. Pascoa Barbalho. Parece que ele tinha comprovacao do que deixou escrito porque fazia parte do Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia, situado no Rio de Janeiro, onde se encontra um fichario com todos os registros do passado daquela capital. Assim ele chegou ate `a d. Pascoa, mas so revela que ela seria neta de Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra que morreu no cadafalso.

*3. Agora entramos em uma particularidade que encontrei recentemente na net. Nos sabemos que o Jeronimo Barbalho Bezerra foi “governador” do Rio de Janeiro, por cinco meses, no episodio chamado “A Revolta da Cachaca”. Posteriormente, o irmao dele, Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, teve grande influencia chegando a governador do Rio de fato, por dois anos. Eu tenho encontrado muito poucos dados relativos aos dois. O livro do prof. Demerval aponta como Izabel Pedreira o nome da esposa do Jeronimo. Mas ja encontrei fontes mais seguras que seja Isabel Pedroso. No fim da tudo na mesma coisa.

O que nos interessa mesmo eh o endereco: Ai voces encontrarao a reproducao do livro: Memorial Nilopolitano – Tomo 1. Se desejarem leiam mas se quizerem ir diretamente ao assunto, rolem o material mais ou menos uma polegada. Ai voces vao encontrar uma pequena genealogia de Joao Alvares Pereira. A primeira filha dele, Brites ou Beatriz de Lemos, casou-se com Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, filho do governador Jeronimo Barbalho bezerra.

Passada a genealogia, ha uma referencia a que, “muitos dos membros da familia de Joao Alvares Pereira foram condenados ou penitenciados em autos de fe pela Inquisicao por serem cristaos-novos…” Nao ha na genealogia os nomes dos filhos daquele Agostinho, que era o sobrinho, e d. Brites de Lemos. Porem ela tem uma sobrinha tambem com o nome de Pascoa de Araujo.

Outro fato interessante eh que penso existir ai um indicativo de que a nossa suposta ancestral Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho tenha mesmo algum vinculo parental com a familia Barbalho do Rio de Janeiro. No livro da nossa prima, Ivania Batista Coelho: Arvore Genealogica da Familia Coelho, ela fala a respeito do nosso tio-tetravo, capitao Joao Coelho de Magalhaes: “casando-se em 1.804, com sua prima BEBIANA LOURENCA DE ARAUJO.” Ai ha um indicativo de que ja haviam lacos familiares entre os Araujo e, possivelmente, os Barbalho. A ancestral Maria deve ter nascido por volta de 1.735 e d. Pascoa Araujo deve ter nascido por volta de 1.670. A diferenca nao eh tao grande assim.

As informacoes a respeito da familia do tio Joao devem ter sido emprestadas do trabalho do professor Nelson Coelho de Senna. Ele eh o autor do: Algumas Notas Genealogicas, I edicao, 1.939, Sao Paulo. Os tios Joao e Bebiana eram os bisavos dele. Infelizmente, nao tive acesso a essa preciosidade ainda. Obra que precisaria consultar para ajudar a decifrar os melindres de nossa genealogia.

Pascoa nao eh um nome tao comum entre os catolicos. Como a Pascoa eh a maior festa de devocao dos judeus, eh provavel que a nossa possivel ancestral, Pascoa Barbalho, seja filha do Agostinho e Brites. Porem, mais nada encontrei a respeito da descendencia do Jeronimo, exceto que ele teve uma filha: Micaela Barbalho Bezerra, que poderia ser, ou nao, mae de d. Pascoa Barbalho, e uma mencao de que ele teria tido dois filhos. Dai penso que a nossa fatura esteja fechada.

O que precisariamos seria encontrar algum documento no Rio de Janeiro, de preferencia, o de casamento de d. Pascoa Barbalho com Pedro da Costa. E, pelo que deve ser possivel, seria encontrado nos Arquivos no Rio de Janeiro, onde estao os dados de Nilopolis. Tai gente, para quem gosta, ja eramos Beija Flor muito antes do carnaval fazer parte das nossas tradicoes mais afogueadas.

Quanto ao Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra, o tio, nada tenho encontrado quanto ao casamento ou descendencia dele. A unica mencao de que foi casado esta no endereco: Na passagem das paginas 16 para 17 esta o nome de Joao Barbosa Calheiros. O autor afirma que certamente era parente de Antonio Barbosa Calheiros, genro de Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra. Livro este de autoria do funcionario Jose Eduardo Pimentel de Godoy e trata-se de uma relacao de chefes da Alfandega do Rio de Janeiro. Olha os colegas do Odinho ai gente!

O certo eh que, no Rio de Janeiro, devemos ter muito mais parentes do que jamais imaginamos. Para la foram Borges Monteiro, Rodrigues Coelho etc. Mas a descendencia Barbalho deve estar presente em todas as cidades e, principalmente, no entorno da Cidade do Rio. Isso, sem contar com os outros sobrenomes encontrados ai na coluna dorsal por mim hipotetizada. O problema de o sobrenome Barbalho nao ser tao frequente seria a tendencia de nascimentos femininos entre nos. Ja repararam como isso acontece? Muita gente eh descendente dos Barbalho no Brasil e nao sabe disso porque nao herdou o sobrenome por causa da tradicao de herdarmos, na maioria das vezes, somente os nomes paternos.

Quem quizer dar uma verificada, pode entrar no endereco: Vejam ali que ela eh a mae do Luis Barbalho Bezerra, o pai do Jeronimo. Eh so ir clicando sobre os nomes que aparecem para seguir a ascendencia. Voces vao chegar na filha do Jeronimo, Micaela Barbalho Bezerra. Quem quizer continuar seguindo ira encontrar nossos primos la em Santa Catarina.

Descendentes dela foram para la. Mas a familia continuou carioca por umas tres geracoes antes disso. Ao passarem pelo Luis Barbalho Bezerra observem a foto, retirada de um quadro da colecao de Governadores do Rio de Janeiro, e busquem as diferencas entre a fisionomia e a foto do vovo Cista (Trajano de Magalhaes Barbalho) quando estava por volta dos 30 anos de idade ou um pouco mais. Eh a cara dum, fucinho do outro!

*4. Ha ai essa possibilidade de a ancestral dos Coelho, apontada como tal tambem pelo professor Demerval Jose Pimenta, em revisao posterior `a primeira edicao do seu livro de 1966, Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho, nos dar uma dupla dose da mesma origem Barbalho. O Odinho e eu estavamos duvidando da possibilidade de termos uma ancestral com tal sobrenome completo, principalmente, por ela tambem ter sido apresentada como esposa de Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha. Mas tenho trabalhado mais as evidencias e pode ser que estejamos errados em relacao a isso.

Seria bom se procurassemos os registros de casamento do portugues Jose Coelho de Magalhaes e Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha. A Eugenia seria filha do casal. Os registros devem encontrar-se em Conceicao do Mato Dentro. Seria bom tambem encontrarmos os registros dos avos Giuseppe e Maria. Ai encontrariamos os nomes dos pais deles com seguranca.

Eh possivel que este suposto avo Calabres tenha feito um itinerario semelhante ao que posteriormente foi feito por nosso outro ancestral: Miguel Pereira do Amaral. Este nasceu nos Acores, Ilha de Sao Miguel, e casou-se em Congonhas do Campo. Segundo o prof. Demerval, o filho dele, Malaquias, nasceu em Conceicao do Mato Dentro e aparece depois como um dos fundadores, juntamente com outro ancestral: Antonio Borges Moteiro Junior, de Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes, a atual Sabinopolis.

Uma fonte importante que se pode consultar quanto `a presenca do Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha seria o livro Velhos Troncos Mineiros, do conego Trindade. Eh um calhamaco de tres volumes. Acredito que ele descreva a familia de Manoel Rodrigues Coelho, o ricaco do inicio do Ciclo do Ouro que alguem aponta como nosso ancestral e pai de Jose Coelho de Magalhaes. Eh possivel que aquele seja pai ou avo da Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho e depois o Jose tenha levado a culpa. Este livro deve ser encontrado, para consultas, no Arquivo Publico Mineiro, em Belo Horizonte, ou no Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia, no Rio de Janeiro. O professor Demerval menciona de relance que a familia “da Rocha” era a poderosa da epoca na regiao do Serro e Conceicao.

Deverao encontrar-se tambem em Conceicao do Mato Dentro documentos relativos `a posse da Fazenda Axupe, local onde moraram e criaram os filhos antes que o Jose Coelho da Rocha fosse residir na Fazenda da Lapinha, onde foi pai do Jose Coelho da Rocha Neto, em Conceicao do Mato Dentro. Pode ser que a Fazenda Axupe seja na cidade do Morro do Pilar, que fica na sequencia do Corrego Axupe que passa antes por Conceicao. Porem, todos os registros de terra devem encontrar-se nos Arquivos em Conceicao do Mato Dentro atualmente.

O portugues Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, pode ter sido identificado como Jose Coelho da Rocha e a esposa dele como Eugenia Maria da Cruz ao inves de Rodrigues Rocha. Ambos aparecem com a dupla denominacao em nossa genealogia.

Bom, a razao pela qual passei a dar mais credito ao professor Demerval em relacao a termos tido um ancestral meio portugues e meio italiano eh corroborada pelo fato de o nosso tio, Joao Coelho de Magalhaes ou Joao Coelho da Rocha ter tido uma filha com o nome de Emilia Brasiliana Coelho. Brasiliana era um nome um tanto erudito para o nosso portugues, enquanto esse seria o gentilico das brasileiras em italiano. Ela nasceu em 1828, um pouco antes da invasao italiana durante o Segundo Imperio. Dai eh possivel ate que tenhamos alguma tia com o nome Brasiliana, irma da Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha.

A Emilia Brasiliana foi a mae da Maria Brasiliana que, por sua vez, foi a mae do professor Nelson Coelho de Senna. Os bisnetos do professor Nelson, na linhagem Mucio Emilio, pai de Silvia Amelia se casaram na familia real brasileira. Atraves da esposa do Mucio Emilio, a d. Sylvia Amelia Alvim de Mello Franco, eles tambem sao primos proximos do Chico Buarque de Holanda, e descendem de Brasia Monteiro, irma do Luis Barbalho Bezerra e do Felipe.

Tenho visto o nome Brasia Monteiro em outras genealogias mas nao parece tratar-se da mesma. A ascendente do Chico casou-se com Francisco Coelho Negromonte. Ele teve mais de uma ascendente com esse nome, por isso esta confuso. Mas o que desejo informar eh que o nome Brasia, como nada encontrei para explicar a sua existencia, parece ser o modo caboclo brasileiro de achar feminino para o nome Brasil. Ou seja, como nao havia ainda um gentilico brasileiro ou o feminino do nome, a homenagem `a terra que estava se tornando nova mae dos portugueses originou o Brasia. Assim, o Brasiliana so teria sido introduzido com os italianos.

Mas isso tambem nos leva a outra hipotese. Seria normal que um recem-chegado ao Estado de Minas por volta dos anos 1740, principalmente com origem meio estrangeira, buscasse primeiro os centros maiores. E por essa epoca, os Arquivos dos Mormons nos mostram que havia outra Familia Barbalho se desenvolvendo em Congonhas do Campo. Era o casal Igacio Barbalho e Ignes da Silva Campo. Eles sao pais de Antonio (1.737), Manoel (1.739) e Jose (1.743). A avo Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho teria que ter nascido em torno disso para se tornar mae da Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha, por volta de 1.759.

Parece que ai se encaixam algumas pecas do nosso quebra-cabecas. O Manoel Rodrigues Coelho, que foi dito nosso ancestral, como membro da elite mineira da area de Ouro Preto, tinha residencia em Congonhas do Campo. Inclusive foi um dos que muito contribuiu com: “vultosas quantias” para a construcao do Santuario de Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, que eh simbolo da cidade e de Minas Gerais. Ali se encontrava um nucleo da Familia Barbalho. E pode ser que um membro de uma familia casou-se com um membro da outra, gerando a ancestral Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho. Onde, por acaso, passou o Giuseppe, casou e mudou-se para Santo Antonio do Rio Abaixo. Santo Antonio esta na sombra de Conceicao do Mato Dentro e Morro do Pilar, sendo o local indicado no site como sendo onde a nossa ancestral, Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha teria falecido.

A solucao desta questao so se dara quando encontrarmos algum documento revelando a verdade. Eh possivel que o Ignacio Barbalho seja dos mesmos Barbalho chegados do Rio de Janeiro, juntamente com a metade da populacao daquele tempo no Brasil, que migraram para Minas Gerais, em pleno Ciclo do Ouro. Mas tambem pode ter vindo diretamente do Nordeste, onde baianos e pernambucanos estavam entre os primeiros Emboabas a chegar na terra.

Quanto `a nossa origem no Nordeste, alguma coisa mudou. A referencia que tinhamos antes eh aquela que se encontra no sitio Portugal. Mas ela se mostrou falha. Tinhamos que os pais do Luis Barbalho Bezerra fossem Antonio Barbalho Bezerra e Camila Bezerra. Os nomes estao trocados ou, pelo menos, misturados.

Encontrei no google um projeto de livro com os ancestrais do Chico Buarque de Holanda. Pode-se buscar no Google: Chico Buarque e seus Antepassados – Usina de Letras. Na 11a. geracao anterior a ele esta a ancestral Camila Barbalho. Que, por acaso, eh a mae do Luiz, Felipe Bezerra Barbalho e Brasia Monteiro. E o nome dos pais deles era: Guilherme ou, mais provavelmente, Antonio Bezerra Felpa de Barbuda. Parece que havia alguma confusao quanto a ela ter se casado com um pai ou um filho de mesmo nome. Mas ao buscar no Google, Camila Barbalho 341, encontramos um endereco relativo `a Revista Genealogica Latina.

Paginas antigas estao apresentadas la com os dizeres: “341) pg 88 1. 22 Camila Barbalho nao era mulher de Antonio Bezerra Felpa de Barbuda, mas nora e casada com Antonio Barbalho Felpa de Barbuda.” Essa mencao daria a entender que ambos eram da Familia Barbalho. Deve ter havido um engano e eles trocaram o Bezerra pelo Barbalho, no segundo Antonio. Ja, se buscarmos no endereco do: Chico Buarque e seus Antepassados – Usina de Letras, encontra-se que o Antonio pai era procedente de Ponte de Lima em Portugal e fora um dos colonos que chegaram com o primeiro donatario da Capitania de Pernambuco, Duarte Coelho e era casado com Maria Araujo.

Ja o Bras Barbalho Feio entra na 12a. geracao de ancestrais do Chico, sob o numero 9694, e foi um dos primeiros povoadores de Pernambuco e era casado com uma filha de Francico Carvalho de Andrade e Maria Tavares de Guardes. No numero 9695 esta relacionada Maria de Guardes, como mae de Alvaro Barbalho Feio e de Camila Barbalho. Acredito que esse sobrenome Feio seja o resultado da bela caligrafia do passado ou documento estragado que nao deixou ler a palavra completa. Deve ser Feijo. Ou o seu equivalente espanhol, Fejo, cuja pronuncia se parece com Feio acentuado no final. Mas ai eh caso para analise de especialistas, nao minha.

Como nao eh dito a epoca em que o Bras Barbalho Feio entrou no Brasil, nem de onde veio em Portugal, isso torna possivel especular que ele ja tenha nascido no Brasil. Pode ser filho de algum dos degredados que chegaram com o Martim Afonso de Sousa, 1.532. O que implicaria que seria mestico, filho de portugues com indigena. Considero essa possibilidade em razao da possivel origem do sobrenome Barbalho ser derivada do oriental Barbal. Poderia ser filho de alguem condenado pela Inquisicao ou fugido da perseguicao inquisitoria. Se for, a nossa linhagem acompanhou todos os fatos historicos brasileiros. Desde a pre-Historia.

Por ai se ve que o nosso Barbalho tem, assegurados, quase 500 anos de residencia no Brasil. E nos podemos descender deles desde o primeiro momento em que puzeram o pe no pais sem nenhuma quebra de geracao na assinatura. Ha tambem que se registrar a importancia dessas correcoes pelo fato de que, com os nomes corrigidos, havera a oportunidade de pesquisadores buscarem a fundo mais nomes para a nossa ascendencia. Tai gente, Ponte de Lima eh um dos locais a entrar na agenda dos visitantes a Portugal, e de alguns ja repatriados, sabendo que um pedaco da nossa Historia esta la.

Porem, eu nao espero que ninguem va tao longe somente para buscar nossos ancestrais se isso nao fizer parte de um trabalho. Porem, saber de tudo isso eh muito bom. Tai tambem a boa licao aos pesquisadores genealogicos iniciantes. Estando dificil encontrar resultados, busque os nomes dos famosos que tem o seu mesmo sobrenome. Como as genealogias deles sao mais estudadas ha a possibilidade de se fazer alguma ponte (de Lima) entre a sua genealogia e a deles, o que facilita nossas pesquisas. E acrescente-se a importancia de se estudar a genealogia. As criancas que souberem ser descendentes de personagens historicas nao terao problema ao estudarem a disciplina Historia.

Quanto `as minhas teoria genealogicas, elas estao sendo comprovadas pelos ultimos dados encontrados. Se verificarem a genealogia do Tom Jobim, tambem irao encontrar que a ascendencia dele eh absolutamente paulista. Porem, numa pequena janela encontramos como ancestral dele o famoso Jeronimo de Albuquerque, O “Adao de Pernambuco” que ja pode ser considerado o “Adao do Brasil”, e cunhado do Duarte Coelho.

Eh tambem ancestral do Tom um dos Antonio Bezerra Felpa de Barbuda. Pelo tempo que ja se passou e pela liberdade que eles tiveram em deixar filhos no mundo eh dificil encontrarmos brasileiros quatrocentoes que nao sejam descendentes deles. A dificuldade sera apenas associar a genealogia das pessoas a uma coluna vertebral genealogica que chegue ate eles.

Obrigado a todos que tem me incentivado a pesquisar. Se encontrarem alguma novidade e desejarem, mandem-me um alo. Vai ser dificil pesquisar dagora para frente mas vou continuar interssado pelo assunto. Grandissimo abraco a todos,

Nao demorou muitos dias apos eu ter publicado a carta acima e logo obtive um resultado positivo. Ele veio atraves do primo Ricardo Rodrigues Coelho, dono da lanhouse: Vgp Internet Ltda, em Virginopolis. O Ricardo divide conosco o gosto pela genealogia. Porem, quem descobriu a novidade e a passou para ele foi o Joberto Miranda Rodrigues. O Joberto eh outro aficcionado por nosso passatempo e atende no endereco: Aqui repasso na integra o documento enviado a mim. Depois analiso as consequencias.

AEAM – Arquivo Eclesiástico da Arquidiocese de Mariana-MG
Documento: De Genere Et Moribus
Nome: Emígdio de Magalhães Barbalho
Local: Itabira-MG
Referencia: (Armário:12 / Pasta: 359)


– Data do Batizado: 30/03/1813.
– Local do Batizado: Capela de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Itabira, filial da Matriz de Santo Antônio do Ribeirão de Santa Bárbara, Minas Gerais.
– Padrinhos: Não consta.

– Data da Ordenação: 1845
– Pároco em: Guanhães (1853 a 1859).

– Filiação: POLICARPO JOSÉ BARBALHO e ISIDORA FRANCISCA DE MAGALHÃES, aquele natural do Inficcionado e esta natural de Itabira.
– Avós paternos: JOSÉ VAZ BARBALHO e ANA JOAQUINA DE SÃO JOSÉ, aquele natural da Vila do Príncipe (Serro-MG) e esta natural da freguesia da Conceição.
– Avós maternos: GENOVEVA NUNES FILGUEIRAS (ou FERREIRA), natural de Itabira.

Observações: Constam anexados ao processo o batismo do habilitando e o casamento dos pais do habilitando. Nos depoimentos consta que a mãe do habilitando já era falecida, portanto, falecida antes de 1838. Consta também que a Isidora Francisca de Magalhães era filha natural de Genoveva Nunes Filgueiras.

[Batismo do habilitando:] Emígdio de Magalhães Barbalho

Certifico que revendo o Livro nº. 10 de Batismo desta freguesia, nele a folha nº. 55 se acha um assento do teor seguinte: Aos 30/03/1813 na Capela de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Itabira, filial da Matriz de Santo Antônio do Ribeirão de Santa Bárbara, o Reverendo Capelão José Antônio de Araújo batizou solenemente e pós os santos, digo, batizou privativo por estar em perigo de vida e pós os santos óleos a EMIGDIO párvulo, filho legítimo do Alferes Policarpo José Barbalho e de Isidora Francisca de Magalhães.
Coadjutor: Antônio da Costa Marinho.
Santa Bárbara, 29/01/1838.
Vigário: João Batista de Figueiredo.

[Casamento dos pais do habilitando:] Policarpo José Barbalho e Isidora Francisca de Magalhães

Certifico que revendo o Livro nº. 4 de casamentos desta freguesia, nele a folha nº. 56 se acha um assento do teor seguinte: Aos 30/08/1808 na Capela de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Itabira, filial da Matriz de Santo Antônio do Ribeirão de Santa Bárbara, feitas as denunciações canônicas e tudo mais que determina o Sagrado Concilho Tridentino, sem constar impedimento algum, com a Provisão do Muito Reverendíssimo Doutor Vigário da Vara desta Comarca de Sabará, assistiu o Reverendo José Antônio de Araújo, de licença do Reverendo Párocho ao sacramento do matrimônio que entre si contraíram por palavras, POLICARPO JOSÉ BARBALHO, filho legítimo do Capitão José Vaz Barbalho e de Dona Ana Joaquina de São José, natural da freguesia de Nossa Senhora de Nazaré do Inficcionado; e ISIDORA FRANCISCA DE MAGALHÃES, natural desta dita freguesia, filha natural de Genoveva Nunes Ferreira, e ambos moradores nesta freguesia, e logo lhes dei as bênçãos nupciais na forma do Ritual Romano, sendo testemunhas presentes o Reverendo Antônio da Cunha de Pádua e o Sacristão Manoel Antônio de Magalhães, do que fiz este assento e assinei.
Coadjutor: Antônio da Costa Marinho.
Santa Bárbara, 29/01/1838.
Vigário: João Batista de Figueiredo.

Nao se assustem com a palavra parvulo, logo em seguida ao nome Emigdio do batizando. Nao eh pejorativo algum. Fora apenas uma forma erudita de descrever a situacao do pequenino. Provavelmente, no entender da populacao de lingua portuguesa da epoca teria o mesmo significado que hoje damos `a palavra prematuro. E `aquela epoca, para ter nascido nessas condicoes, ser do sexo masculino e sobreviver, o mais certo eh que tenha nascido apos 7 meses de gestacao, e teria sido considerado uma sobrevivencia milagrosa.

Observam-se aqui outras falhas em nossas tradicoes. Nos contavamos como certo que o nosso Magalhaes tivesse origem em familia oriunda de Mariana. Porem, verificam-se coisas diferentes nessa documentacao. Primeiro: quem nasceu em Mariana, Distrito do Inficcionado e atual Distrito de Santa Rita Durao, foi o padre Policarpo. Segundo: o pai dele foi nascido no Serro, e nao nalgum estado do Nordeste Brasileiro, dai temos um reforco `a hipotese de que seja mesmo filho de Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josepha Pimenta de Souza. O nascimento nao precisa ter sido necessariamente na Cidade do Serro, podendo ter se dado no Distrito de Milho Verde, onde os pais contrairam matrimonio.

Pelo que ja temos, podemos supor que Jose Vaz Barbalho e Anna Joaquina Maria de Sao Jose, mudaram-se algumas vezes em suas vidas. Eles residiram em Conceicao do Mato Dentro porque foi la que se casaram e tambem onde o filho Gervaz(s)io Jose Barbalho nasceu. Nos dados expostos pelos Mormons nao esta indicado onde o Firmiano nasceu.

E agora sabemos que o padre Policarpo nasceu em Santa Rita Durao, alias, onde dizem as nossas tradicoes: “terminou os seus dias como paroco local”. A certidao do casamento informa que o padre Policarpo era residente de Itabira por ocasiao deste fato. Como os outros dois irmaos se casaram nas mesmas circunstancias, eh de se supor que tenha sido la a ultima morada dos ancestrais Jose e Anna Joaquina.

Outro detalhe. O nome Anna Joaquina Maria de Sao Jose nos da uma mostra da religiosidade de nosso povo `a epoca. Ai esta toda a genealogia conhecida de Jesus. Segundo as tradicoes catolicas, Sant’Anna e Sao Joaquim eram os avos de Santa Maria, que foi a esposa de Sao Jose. Na Biblia temos duas versoes de genealogias, uma em Mateus e outra em Lucas. Ambas indicam ser de Sao Jose. Porem, nao ha mais como verificar se e qual eh verdadeira, porque indicam pais diferentes para Sao Jose. Com o detalhe de nenhuma das duas apontar Sant’Anna e Sao Joaquim para justificar a concepcao posterior, surgida com a Reforma, de que uma seria de Santa Maria e outra de Sao Jose.

Outra pista significativa, porem, nao de garantia, eh o nome do Reverendo que ministrou no dia do casamento entre Isidora e Policarpo ser Jose Antonio Araujo. Pode ser apenas uma coincidencia, afinal, a familia Araujo ja era antiga no Brasil e seus membros ja deveriam estar espalhados por todos os cantos. Mas observem o detalhe de que o Reverendo Paroco Antonio da Cunha de Padua deu licenca para que a cerimonia fosse presidida pelo Reverendo Jose Antonio. E isso corrobora com os meus achados em Nilopolis, onde Araujo e Barbalho tiveram relacoes parentais, o mesmo ocorrendo em Guanhaes, se acaso os Coelho locais forem mesmo descendentes dos mesmo Barbalho e com o casamento dos tios Joao Coelho de Magalhes com sua prima Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo.

Diante destes dados, eh possivel levantar nova hipotese a respeito de nossa genealogia. O mais provavel eh que, se conseguirmos decifrar as linhagens dos nossos lados maternos ate pelo menos a metade do seculo XVII (1.600s), teremos ancestrais com o sobrenome Araujo. Para quem desejar pesquisar eh so visitar o site e buscar Coelho Araujo. Vera varias opcoes, da presenca Araujo unida `a familia Coelho.

A maioria, descendente dos tios: Joao Coelho de Magalhaes e Bebiana Lourenca de Araujo. Porem hao outros Araujo que nao sei especificar se tem a mesma raiz. O Certo eh que eles estavam na mesma regiao que os nossos outros ramos familiares e o mais comum eh terem se reencontrado em Governador Valadares. A cidade tornou-se ponto de reencontro de diversos troncos da mesma descendencia, multiplicou-se e espalhou-se pelo resto do mundo.

Acredito que, infelizmente, teremos muita dificuldade em encontrar a origem do nosso sobrenome Magalhaes no ramo Barbalho. Nos o herdamos atraves da possivel tetravo Isidora Francisca mas os documentos apenas revelam que era filha natural de Genoveva Nunes Filgueiras ou Ferreira. Os dados encontrados nos arquivos dos Mormons revelam que havia um nucleo da Familia Filgueiras em Santo Antonio do Ribeirao de Santa Barbara. O que pode significar Itabira, porque eles tomaram como referencia somente a Igreja Matriz e nao as Igrejas Filiais.

Naqueles arquivos tambem encontrei que um Filgueiras casou-se com uma Coelho e foram pais de Manuel Nunes Coelho. Soou o gongo ai? Nao ha provas de nada. Sao diversos Manuel Nunes Coelho pelo Brasil afora. A coincidencia eh que este viveu tambem na area abrangida pela Matriz de Santo Antonio do Ribeirao de Santa Barbara. Pelo menos, ele se casou em 1.804 na jurisdicao dela. Porem, nao ha como afirmar que fosse o pai do nosso ancestral Eusebio Nunes Coelho. Na mesma ocasiao, o pentavo Eusebio estava se casando, tornando-se pai do tetravo Clemente em 1.806. Portanto, para ser o mesmo Manuel, haveria que ser um segundo casamento dele.

Nao temos registros de casamento algum do ancestral Manuel Nunes Coelho. Porem temos que o filho dele, Clemente Nunes Coelho, era pai do Antonio (politico desde 1.871 no circuito de Pecanha), Prudencio e da trisavo Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho. Esses, nasceram na decada de 1.820. No livro dela, a Ivania tambem registra o trio: Marcolina, Vitalina e Pio, filhos de Clemente Nunes Coelho e Anna Maria, casados com os tios-avos: Lindolpho, Altivo e Josephina, respectivamente. Este segundo trio nasceu na decada de 1.860. Mas nao explica se o Clemente pai eh o mesmo. Ha ai a possibilidade de os Nunes Coelho sobreviverem ao primeiro casamento e cometerem o segundo erro!

Eh um mal menor, porem, nao menos delicado. Nos, os Barbalho da linhagem do padre Policarpo, ja somos Filgueiras por causa da avo Isidora e seriamos Filgueiras por causa do avo Manuel. Contudo, temos aqueles que seriam repetidas vezes Nunes Coelho e tambem Barbalho. Ainda sao varias vezes descendentes dos Coelho de Magalhaes que estao entremeados com os dois anteriores. Ou seja, nao nos foi dado muitas chances ter termos uma variabilidade genetica mais segura.

Nao deve ser muito dificil encontrar-se documentacao que ofereca melhores esclarecimentos a respeito da ou das familias do avo Clemente Nunes Coelho. Na ata de criacao da Vila de Sao Miguel e Almas, atual Guanhaes, menciona-se que os limites entre os municipios de Guanhaes e Sabinopolis teriam como referencia as fazendas pertencentes a Bento e Clemente Nunes Coelho. Eles eram irmaos.

Um fato que esta dificultando preenchermos essas lacunas atraves dos Arquivos Mormons eh o que ja mencionei anteriormente. O Bispo de Diamantina `a epoca, nao aceitou que os Mormons microfilmassem os documentos na circunscricao comandada por ele. Ou seja, justamente as que abrangem as cidades no entorno do Serro, Conceicao do Mato Dentro, Guanhaes e Pecanha, onde nossos ancestrais chegaram, cresceram e se multiplicaram.

Mas observem que o nome do sacristao assistente e testemunha no casamento se chamava Manoel Antonio de Magalhaes. Pode ter sido um parente ou ate mesmo pai natural da Isidora, assistindo ao casamento da filha. Alem do mais, temos um tio cujo nome eh Manoel. Seria bom encontrarmos o registro de batismo dele porque pode ser mais que apenas um nome comum a se repetir e poder ser uma homenagem ao avo. Dai ha que se investigar a familia do sacristao para, talvez, encontrarmos uma indicacao ou afirmacao da origem do nosso Magalhaes.

Nos dias de hoje eh uma aberracao nao termos um Arquivo Publico Central Brasileiro que exponha na Internet pelo menos um fichario `a semelhanca do que os Mormons tem. Eh contraprodutivo alguem ter que ficar viajando de cidade em cidade, sem ter uma nocao do que ira encontrar ou nao, para fazer uma associacao de dados familiares. Alem do mais, pela delicadeza dos documentos antigos, dever-se-ia evitar de manipula-los ao minimo possivel. Copiados em microfilmes, nos museus onde se encontram e com as fichas expostas na Internet, facilitariam a pesquisa e incentivariam as excursoes turisticas para pessoas que desejassem conhecer os locais em que seus ancestrais viveram e obter a reproducao dos documentos que comprovem suas existencias.

Os documentos acima corrigem um pequeno engano de identificacao que ha nos Arquivos dos Mormons. Como podemos observar, o casamento de Policarpo e Isidora e o batismo do padre Emigdio se deram na Capela de Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Itabira, cuja Freguesia levava o mesmo nome, por causa da relacao intima que havia entre o Estado e a Igreja. A capela era filial da Matriz de Santo Antonio do Ribeirao de Santa Barbara, que ja era Vila, ou seja, cidade. Por ai sabemos que Itabira era uma das freguesias (distritos) de Santa Barbara. Assim, isso confirma as nossas tradicoes, em parte, de que a familia tinha origem em Itabira. Porem, itabiranas eram as avos Isidora e Genoveva.

Estes documentos tambem revelam que Isidora Francisca de Magalhaes era mesmo esposa do padre Policarpo. E os documentos em posse dos Mormons revelam que alem do Emigdio eles foram pais de Maria, Lucinda, Genoveva e Joao, dos quais tinhamos noticias apenas de Emigdio e Lucinda. Nao sabemos porque somente cinco dos nomes dos filhos chegaram ate a nos. Entre eles: Jose, Manoel e Francisco Marcal nao tem os registros de batismo no Arquivo dos Mormons. E ha a possibilidade de alguns terem falecido na infancia, dai nao terem chegado ao nosso conhecimento.

Deixem entao que eu antecipe outras revelacoes nos trazidas pelos Arquivos dos Mormons. Dias anteriores eu havia dado uma passada rapida de olhos neles e observei o nome Policarpo Jose Barbalho associado a Josepha Pimenta de Souza com a localidade Rio Grande do … Nao prestei atencao no final. Apenas vi o nome Bernarda Maria de Azevedo e resolvi nem abrir o fichario. Associei os nomes `as nossas tradicoes e imaginei que fosse o Rio Grande do Norte.

E ainda pensei: ai complicou tudo! A associacao de dois nomes exatamente iguais com um lugar diferente deveria indicar que havia se repetido a mesma combinacao em outro lugar. E, pior, sendo Rio Grande do Norte, entao, iria sugerir que tudo nao passava de coincidencia e ficariamos mais longe de verificar a nossa genealogia. Mas depois que recebi o e-mail do Ricardo, relembrei do fato e observei melhor os dados.

O rio Grande do … era Sul. Por curiosidade abri o fichario referente ao registro de obito do Policarpo Jose Barbalho, que se dera na Villa de Porto Alegre, em 1.801. Para a minha surpresa, a viuva, dona Bernarda Maria de Azevedo fora nora de Manoel Vaz Barbalho e dona Josepha Pimenta de Souza. E mais, tinha tido uma filha com o marido cujo nome era homonimo ao da avo. Essa segunda Josefa Pimenta de Souza casou-se em 1.794, em Gravatai, Rio Grande do Sul, com Jose Peixoto de Miranda, filho de Jose Peixoto Cabral e Eufrazia Maria Caetana.

Como ja estou pensando em colocar Gravatai na relacao de cidades no texto:, dei uma pequena olhada na historia da cidade. O sitio da prefeitura, nos informa que o prefeito que exerceu o cargo entre 1.969 a 1.972 se chama: Lidio da Silveira Peixoto. Esta ai a possibilidade de termos tido esse primo no comando por la.

Claro, o regiao ja era habitada pelos nativos brasileiros. Mas lembremos que pertencia `a Espanha, desde o Tratado de Tordesilhas. A Espanha, como o tamanho do territorio que tinha por direito legal era imenso demais para ser ocupado por sua populacao, deu chances aos portugueses de ocuparem uma parte. Houveram algumas disputas, principalmente ocasionadas pelos Vicentinos (Paulistas) que a invadiam para escravisar os indigenas. No fim houve o acordo e Gravatai foi fundada, oficialmente, em 1.763. Como podemos observar, a presenca dos Barbalho se deu pouco tempo depois.

No atestado de obito consta que o Policarpo, filho do casal Manoel e Josepha, tinha 66 anos ao falecer e que, portanto, nascera em 1.735. Penso que teria que haver algo muito errado na logica para ser apenas coicidencia. Policarpo e Bernarda foram tambem pais de, em Gravatai: Umbelino (1.782), Anna (1.783), Pocidonio (1.785), Julio (1.788), Candida (1.789), Eugenia (1.791) e Manoel (1.793). Acredito que a Josefa devesse ser a filha mais velha e ter nascido em Conceicao do Mato Dentro, por volta de 1.780 ou antes.

Ou talvez a familia fosse bem maior e alguns dos filhos tenham permanecido em Minas Gerais. Ha ai possibilidade tambem de ter havido uma primeira familia e a Benarda Maria ter sido uma segunda esposa do Policarpo. Esse pensamento tem logica porque, em 1.790 ele ja contava os 45 anos. O que nao eh incomum em nossa familia os homens se casarem mais tarde. Porem, naquela epoca, 45 anos ja era um pouco mais que a idade media das pessoas e era mais raro alguem esperar tanto para ter o primeiro matrimonio.

As informacoes que levantei de Gravatai tambem informam que eh uma cidade da Grande Porto Alegre. Tem atualmente por volta de 255 mil habitantes. Nao sei como se deu a evolucao populacional por la mas ha uma possibilidade pequena de ate uns 10% ou mais descender do casal Policarpo e Bernarda Maria. Digo pequena pelo fato de alguns nascidos poderem ter falecido antes de chegarem `a fase adulta ou nao terem se casado e reproduzido. Mas pelos padroes normais de nossa familia, nao reproduzir eh valido somente em parte.

Outra possibilidade eh a de que houveram muitos casamentos entre primos, descendentes dos primeiros nascidos. O resultado disso eh a diminuicao do numero total de descendentes. O mais provavel, porem, eh que muitos dos primeiros descendentes tenham migrado para outros locais e, talvez, tenhamos varias cidades irmas no Sul do Brasil. Porem, se a maioria ficou mesmo e se multiplicou em Gravatai, ter-se-a que considerar parte da populacao como irma mesmo, e com, talvez, dose dupla de genealogia. Isso se considerarmos apenas o casal Maria Bernarda e Policarpo.

Essa minha suposicao tem por base a assinatura Azevedo na Maria Bernarda. Porei abaixo uma sequencia genealogica para que isso fique melhor explicado. Supondo que ela tenha mesmo nascido ou vivido na circunscricao da Cidade do Serro e ter nascido por volta de 1.760. Vejamos entao:

Manoel de Sousa Azevedo – Anna Coelho
+ 29.08.1791 Joao de Sousa Azevedo – Doroteia Barbosa Fiuza
+ 20.12.1780 Maria de Souza Fiuza – Antonio Borges Monteiro
b 03.07.1777 Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior – Maria Magdalena de Santana
n 1825 Maria Francelina Borges Monteiro – Daniel Pereira do Amaral
n 25.04.1843 Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral – Antonio Rodrigues Coelho
n 15.07.1869 Maria Marcolina Coelho – Jose Baptista Coelho

Maria Marcolina e Ze Coelho ja estao noutra sequencia genealogica no texto acima, por serem meus bisavos maternos. Segundo o fichario de batismo dos filhos, Bernarda Maria de Azevedo era filha de Silvestre de Souza e Anna das Dores Gomes de Almeida. Nao faria muito sentido ela receber o sobrenome Azevedo se o pai nao fosse de Souza Azevedo. Eh possivel que seja uma neta do nosso ancestral Joao de Souza Azevedo. Temos o conhecimento apenas de duas filhas dele mas deve ter tido muito mais.

Esse lado, porem, nao podera ser comprovado pelos dados encontrados no fichario dos Mormons. Sao diversos filhos e em cada registro os nomes dos avos maternos aparecem diferente. O Silvestre aparece com o sobrenome Moura e inclusive Moura Azevedo. A Anna aparece mais como Anna Gomes, porem, numa das fichas aparece como Anna Gomes de Azevedo. Bom os descendentes deles terao que pagar uma visitinha a Minas Gerais, Conceicao do Mato Dentro ou Serro, para que, encontrando o registro de casamento, tirem todas as duvidas.

Eh, com certeza, um grande estimulo para os estudos da disciplina Historia termos o conhecimento desses detalhes genealogicos. Imagino que esses nossos parentes cresceram e multiplicaram. Devemos lembrar que o Sul do Brasil passou por um periodo muito conturbado naquela epoca. Houveram as Guerras Cisplatinas, do Paraguai e a Revolucao Farroupilha. As guerras tambem podem ter se tornado um fator de limitacao do crescimento populacional de nossos parentes por la, caso tenham ceifado a vida de muitos na juventude. Mas imagino ainda que alguns desses nossos aparentados foram companheiros de luta de Anita e Giuseppe Garibaldi, que lutaram ao lado de Bento Goncalves.

E, por falar em Historia, vejam esse extrato que retirei do endereco:

“Jefferson comunicou a sua conversa com Vendek à comissão para a correspondência secreta do congresso continental americano: “Eles consideram a Revolução Norte-Americana como um precedente para a sua”, escreveu o embaixador; “pensam que os Estados Unidos é que poderiam dar-lhes um apoio honesto e, por vários motivos, simpatizam conosco (…) no caso de uma revolução vitoriosa no Brasil, um governo republicano seria instalado” (JEFFERSON, 1953, p.13-9).

Vendek, José Joaquim Maia e Barbalho, natural do Rio de Janeiro, era estudante da Universidade de Coimbra. Jefferson respondeu a Maia que não tinha autoridade para assumir um compromisso oficial. Porém, uma revolução vitoriosa no Brasil, obviamente, disse ele, “não seria desinteressante para os Estados Unidos, e a perspectiva de lucros poderia, talvez, atrair um certo número de pessoas para a sua causa, e motivos mais elevados atrairiam outras” (Idem, p.17).”

Eu acrescentei o extrato acima porque ja havia encontrado o nome do Jose Joaquim entre os revolucionarios da Inconfidencia Mineira. Que, como se pode ver, era tambem carioca. O embaixador Jefferson citado ai nao eh ninguem mais que o terceiro presidente dos Estados Unidos, Thomas Jefferson. Ele eh nosso primo por descender dos reis de Portugal. O outro inconfidente que entrou em contato com Jefferson foi Domingos Vidal Barbosa. O meu objetivo aqui foi verificar qual o grau de parentesco que o Joaquim Jose tera conosco, porem, nao lhe encontrei dados genealogicos mais profundos por enquanto. Um motivo a mais para estudarmos a Inconfidencia Mineira.

Outro motivo de eu trazer `a luz essa participacao dos Barbalho na Inconfidencia Mineira eh a curiosidade de saber qual teria sido a opiniao de nossos familiares na epoca a respeito do movimento. Achei curioso esse nosso tio Policarpo Jose Barbalho ter migrado para o Sul naquele momento. A Inconfidencia se deu em !.789 e ele podera ter ido antes mas, pelas datas de nascimento dos filhos, poderemos supor que tenha sido exatamente depois. Os documentos nao mencionam patente, portanto, nao espero que tenha sido um militar destacado para a regiao fronteirica.

O curioso eh que naquela epoca os mineiros nao tinham atrativos para se mudarem para fora do Estado. O ouro de aluviao havia acabado mas havia ainda muita terra para colonizar em Minas Gerais. Se ele estivesse buscando riquezas, Minas Gerais ainda estava atraindo imigrantes pelo fato de encontrar-se bolsoes de ouro em varios lugares. Exemplos disso foram Guanhaes nos anos 1.830 a 1.840 e Barao de Cocais na decada de 1.850. O unico motivo que expulsava os mineiros do Estado natal `a epoca foi justamente o degredo, pela participacao na Inconfidencia. Ou para fugir do degredo.

O inconfidente Jose Joaquim Maia e Barbalho nasceu no Rio de Janeiro, em 1.751 ou 1.757, segundo sua biografia. Epoca na qual o tambem fluminense de nascimento, Manoel Vaz Barbalho, estava criando a familia em Itaponhoacanga. Eh provavel que tenham tido parentesco relativamente proximo e o Manoel deve ter conhecido os avos do inconfidente no Rio de Janeiro.

O professor Demerval nao nos deu nenhuma pista da atividade economica do ancestral Manoel. Porem, a Historia do Distrito registra que la se tornou o veio de ouro mais frutuoso das Minas Gerais, na mesma epoca em que a filha Isidora Maria da Encarnacao nascia em Itaponhoacanga. Se a economia deles dependia da mineracao, o mais certo eh que os filhos tenham mesmo participado da Inconfidencia Mineira, embora, foram milhares os que foram perdoados sem mesmo ser processados.

Aqui podemos registrar que os gens Barbalho aparecem nos diversos capitulos da Historia do Brasil. Desde os primeiros colonos em Pernambuco; passando pela Expulsao dos Holandeses (Luis Barbalho Bezerra), na Revolta da Cachaca, no Rio de Janeiro, entre os bandeirantes e pesquisadores dos minerios preciosos com a participacao do (tio) Agostinho Barbalho Bezerra; na Inconfidencia Mineira, na Revolucao Liberal de 1.842, com a participacao do nosso primo Modesto Jose Pimenta e, mais provavelmente, nas Guerras acontecidas no Sul do pais, especialmente na Revolucao Farroupilha.

Ha algum tempo, ouvi um “causo” um tanto escraboso. Quem me o relatou foi a prima Roxane Barbalho. Eu nao sabia da tradicao de que o trisavo Francisco Marcal teria sido perseguido por algum motivo politico. Ela contou-me que o padre de Virginopolis o teria escondido atras do altar da igrejinha velha enquanto as tropas teriam amarrado a avo Eugenia Maria da Cruz, do lado de fora, para forca-lo a se entregar. Ela disse ate que eles a teriam exposto nua. Creio que como tradicao ha certo exagero ou o fato ficaria mais enraigado na memoria coletiva.

Os perseguidores nao sabiam onde o trisavo Francisco Marcal estava escondido e o padre o convenceu a nao se apresentar, e eles foram embora de maos vazias. Sempre ouve uma certa richa entre os Coelho mais ricos e os Barbalho, que passaram a ser tao Coelho quanto os outros porque a trisavo Eugenia Maria da Cruz era Coelho sem assinar. Mas duvido que tenham chegado a tanto. E as richas acabaram sendo apagadas pelos diversos casamentos havidos entre os dois ramos e a dispersao da familia pelo mundo.

Mas eh possivel que por tras da tradicao haja algo de verdadeiro. Os Barbalho eram mais liberais que os Coelho que eram absolutamente conservadores. Eh muito possivel que aos 18 anos de idade o trisavo Francisco Marcal tenha se engajado nas fileiras liberais, seguindo a lideranca de Teofilo Benedicto Otonni. A revolta foi sufocada pelas forcas do Duque de Caxias, em Santa Luzia- MG, em 1.842. Em 1.843 o lider foi julgado e unanimimente absolvido.

Como o casamento dos trisavos Francisco e Eugenia somente se deu por volta de 1.847, pode ser que os antigos apoiadores estivessem ainda vivendo sob vigilancia, dai o motivo para o estarem procurando. Porem, nunca o acharam e qualquer divida que tivesse foi perdoada pelo esquecimento. Apos ter sido absolvido, Teofilo Otoni nao havia abandonado seus ideais. Somente o fez posteriormente porque os outros liberais se deixaram corromper. Eh provavel que o trisavo Francisco tenha sido purista tambem, dai o tornar-se perseguido.

Nao ha como dizer com absoluta certeza, sem algum registro que mostre a verdade, mas penso nao apenas que o nosso provavel ancestral, Jose Vaz Barbalho, seja o filho, mas tambem o mais velho do casal Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josepha Pimenta de Souza. Neste caso, sobraria para ele nascer a data de 1.733. Isso porque o Policarpo do Sul nasceu em 1.735 e a Isidora Maria da Encarnacao em 1.738. Como a tradicao passada pelo professor Demerval Jose Pimenta relata que os netos da Isidora receberam o sobrenome de Jose Pimenta em homenagem `a avo, penso que para ser tao apreciada, o primeiro filho deve ter recebido o nome de Jose.

Claro, isso eh apenas uma expeculacao minha. Ele poderia muito bem ser o mais novo. E o nome Jose Vaz Barbalho seria justificavel porque ficaria esquisito chamar-se: Jose Jose Barbalho. So pelo fato de ter recebido o nome de Jose ja podemos imaginar que fosse o queridinho da mamae! (Os Barbalho do nosso ramo vao odiar essa brincadeira minha!). E pelo Jose que os filhos Gervasio, Firmiano e Policarpo herdaram, da para se perceber que ele retribuiu o amor materno, segundo a tradicao nos passada pelo professor Demerval. De qualquer forma, o Policarpo Jose Barbalho, o sobrinho, deve mesmo ter nascido na mesma epoca que os primos dele estavam nascendo em Gravatai.

Bom, vou tomar emprestados alguns pareceres do professor Demerval Jose Pimenta para dar uma base mais solida `as minhas conjecturas. Nas paginas de 252 a 254 ele faz uma pequena descricao do “Tronco Pimenta-Vaz Barbalho”. Na verdade, nessas tres paginas ele procura deixar claro que o livro ira versar a respeito da descendencia do casal: Josepha Pimenta de Souza e Manoel Vaz Barbalho. Dai ele faz uma pequena descricao da linhagem Barbalho, entre o Manoel ate o Luis Barbalho Bezerra, e outra entre Josepha ate ao bisavo dela, o portugues: Manoel Pimenta de Carvalho. Ele frisa que as duas familias foram formadas no Rio de Janeiro e quatro geracoes apos houve o casamento de nossos patriarcas, no Distrito de Milho Verde, pertencente ao Serro.

Assim ele conta no livro: “Realizado o casamento em Milho Verde, aos 18-9-1732, esse casal, apos alguns anos, fixou residencia no Arraial de Sao Jose de Tapanhoacanga, pertencente `a Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao da Vila Nova do Principe, onde criou a familia. Eh possivel que tenham nascido outros filhos, mas so conseguimos obter dados sobre a sua filha Isidora Maria da Encarnacao.” Atualmente, o Distrito de Itaponhoacanga pertence ao municipio de Alvorada de Minas.

Falando a respeito do casal que se formou a seguir: Isidora Maria da Encarnacao e o marido, portugues, capitao Antonio Francisco de Carvalho, ele escreve: “Foi nos dado constatar que este ultimo casal teve nove filhos, mas somente de dois deles, Vitoriana e Boaventura, pudemos obter dados sobre seus descendentes, os quais receberam o sobrenome de JOSE PIMENTA, herdados de JOSEFA PIMENTA.”

Mais abaixo ele segue: “Ha fortes indicios de que as varias familias PIMENTA residentes no Norte e Nordeste de Minas se originaram de Sao Jose do Tapanhoacanga e de Milho Verde. Todavia, nao desprezamos a hipotese de que alguns dos possiveis filhos do casal MANOEL e JOSEFA tenham usado o sobrenome de PIMENTA BARBALHO ou VAZ BARBALHO, os quais teriam dado origem `as familias de sobrenomes VAZ ou BARBALHO.”

No restante da genealogia ele se preocupou mais em descrever a descendencia do casal Boaventura Jose Pimenta que se casou com Maria Balbina de Santana. Esta ultima, filha de Antonio Borges Monteiro Junior e Maria Magdalena de Santana. A seguir, ele afunila mais ainda a genealogia, descrevendo a descendencia de Modesto Jose Pimenta, filho de Boaventura e Maria Balbina, e de Ermelinada Querubina Pereira do Amaral. Esta ultima, filha de Malaquias Pereira do Amaral e Ana Maria de Jesus.

Dos 12 flhos do casal Modesto e Ermelinda ele se esmera em detalhes da descendencia do casal Cornelio Jose Pimenta e Josefina Carvalho de Souza, que eram os pais dele. Os bisavos dele foram fundadores de Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes (Sabinopolis) e os pais foram fundadores de Sao Joao Evangelista. Ja mencionei anteriormente, uma parte do nosso ramo familiar descende dos tres troncos familiares, ate onde podemos afirmar. Falta-nos ainda desvendar outros detalhes para clarear ainda mais esse emaranhado.

Eh provavel que o tronco familiar do professor Demerval tinha a tradicao de crer que o Jose dado aos filhos seria uma homenagem `a matriarca Josepha Pimenta de Carvalho, a partir da geracao dos netos. Contudo, com o encontro dos dados de Policarpo Jose Barbalho verifica-se que a homenagem ja havia comecado desde a geracao dos filhos. Nao sei se em vida ele teve a oportunidade de ter o conhecimento da existencia de outros descendentes alem do ramo da trisavo dele, Isidora Maria da Encarnacao. Ele faleceu nos anos 90, aos quase 100 anos de idade.

Acredito que quando mencionou os nomes do nosso trisavo: Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho e do nosso bisavo: Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho nao tenha sequer imaginado de eles serem seus primos e, relativamente, proximos. Porem, esta minha observacao nao esta ainda 100% comprovada. Embora sera quase impossivel negar ser um fato. De qualquer forma, precisamos proceder segundo as regras cientificas que ditam, em genealogia, que ninguem eh parente sem uma prova documental ou de exame de DNA.

Neste caso, continuamos sem os comprovantes de que somos descendentes do casal Policarpo Jose Barbalho e Isidora Francisca de Magalhaes. A certidao de nascimento garante que o padre Emigdio era. Porem, continuamos quase na mesma situacao em que estavamos antes de encontrar os documentos referentes a ele. Claro, agora aumenta muito a nossa esperanca de que assim seja. Mas os detalhes, se nao forem comprovados, acabam anulando a hipotese.

Os dados referentes ao padre Emigdio ajudam muito. Informam, por exemplo, que ele ordenou-se em 1.845. Como a tradicao diz que era “padre mais velho” que o proprio pai, significando que ordenara antes, entao, quer dizer que o padre Policarpo ordenou-se apos 1.845. Mas nao deve ser muito tempo depois. Isso porque ele se casou em 1.808, entao, deve ter nascido antes de 1.790. E em 1,845 ja estaria com 55 anos. Idade ja um pouco avancada em relacao `a media de idade do brasileiro naquela epoca.

Seria o ideal encontrarmos o documento: “De Genere et Moribus” do padre Policarpo. Como se pode observar no documento referente ao padre Emigdio, a Inquisicao ja havia ha muito sido abolida. Assim, ele nao teve que comprovar nada a mais alem dos avos dele. O que, no caso do padre Policarpo seria uma mao na roda para nos. Ja sabemos que os nomes dos pais dele eram Jose Vaz Barbalho e Anna Joaquina Maria de Sao Jose. Tudo indica que o Jose Vaz Barbalho seja mesmo filho de Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josepha Pimenta de Souza, porem, nos falta a prova documental.

Outro detalhe, o processo do padre Policarpo deve ter sido bem mais complexo. Como era viuvo, deve ter apresentado a relacao de todos os filhos, com os respectivos conjuges, em caso dos casados, alem dos avos. O problema em relacao `a duvida de que ele seja pai do nosso trisavo Francisco Marcal eh apenas de detalhes. Segundo o livro da Ivania, o nosso trisavo nasceu em 30.6.1824. E a certidao de batismo da tia Lucinda afirma que ela foi batizada em 10.07.1824, ou seja, 10 dias apos `a primeira data. O problema eh que nao temos nenhuma tradicao que disesse que os dois fossem gemeos.

Alem do mais, nao haviam os registros dos filhos do sexo masculino nos arquivos dos Mormons. Imagino que os homens foram registrados em livros separados e os Mormons coletaram os dados apenas do livro referentes `as mulheres. Agora eles tem o registro do padre Emigdio e imagino que tenha sido o Joberto quem os tenha informado. Se nao encontrarmos os Autos de Habilitacao ou de Genere do padre Policarpo, que resolveria de uma so vez as duas duvidas, teremos que encontrar algum documento pessoal do trisavo Francisco Marcal. E o de casamento do Jose Vaz Barbalho e Anna Joaquina Maria de Sao Jose que deve encontrar-se em Conceicao do Mato Dentro.

Para nos que somos tambem descendentes do Jose de Magalhaes Barbalho, atraves da Sinh’Anna, mae do Joao Batista Magalhaes, mais conhecido como tio Joaozinho e que foi o marido da bisavo Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho, a Sa Candinha, o melhor mesmo seria encontrar os autos do padre Policarpo, para comprovarmos tambem a paternidade do avo Jose. Alem deles, falta-nos comprovar a paternidade do tio Manoel. Outro que nao se encontra nos Arquivos por enquanto.

Antes que eu me esqueca e para que ninguem faca confusao. Observem que tinhamos duas pessoas com o mesmo nome: Policarpo Jose Barbalho. Aquele que citei e foi para o Gravatai-RS, deve ter sido tio do segundo. O padre deveria chamar-se, se fosse comum fazer a distincao na epoca: Policarpo Jose Barbalho Sobrinho. E aquilo que pensei a principio poder ser algo que dificultasse a comprovacao de nossa genealogia tornou-se um argumento a mais em favor dela. Eh possivel que um irmao: Jose Vaz Barbalho, tenha feito essa homenagem ao outro, dando nome igual ao filho.

Preciso relatar que existem outras pessoas nos Arquivos dos Mormons que parecem ser da familia, porem, os ficharios apresentados por eles nao indicam a ligacao clara. Ha por exemplo um Victoriano Jose Barbalho identificado como procedente de Santo Antonio de Santa Barbara. Casado, com filhos e da mesma epoca dos nossos ancestrais. Como ja foi dito, uma das filhas de Isidora Maria da Encarnacao se chamava Vitoriana Florinda de Ataide, nascida em 1.762. Portanto o nome ja corria na familia. Dona Vitoriana era bisavo de dona Alice dos Reis, que se casou com o senhor Alipio Teixeira, que fazem parte de minhas memorias de infancia e juventude.

Diga-se de passagem, d. Alice e seo Alipio tiveram um neto com o nome Naciff. Este faleceu ainda jovem e a crenca popular ja o beatificou, antes mesmo de um processo formal junto ao Vaticano. Muitos pedem a ele a intersecao de milagres.

Hao outros presentes nos Arquivos dos Mormons, como Januario e Liandro Jose Barbalho. O que parece eh que estes nasceram na circunscricao do Serro, portanto, nao tem seus batismos ou casamentos registrados por causa da proibicao editada pelo bispo de Diamantina. Certamente, nao havera que ser um trabalho demasiado arduo, desde que se visite os Arquivos do Serro e Conceicao do Mato Dentro, encontrar-se os elos perdidos que nos ligam.

O proprio professor Pimenta menciona em seu livro, nas paginas 39 e 40, a presenca do senhor Cirino Jose Barbalho, eleito em 1.875 para o cargo de primeiro Juiz de Paz da Vila do Rio Doce. Este nome foi adotado provisoriamente pela Cidade de Pecanha. Eu presumo que este tenha origem nesse mesmo ramo. E, pela quantidade de pessoas daquele passado que assinaram o sobrenome Barbalho fica facil concluir que sera dificil para boa parte da populacao do Centro Nordeste Mineiro nao ter o casal Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josepha Pimenta de Souza como ancestrais.

Isso, porque nao sabemos se eles tiveram outros filhos porque, se eles houverem, e a menos que a descendencia tenha se casado entre si, assim diminuindo muito a capacidade de multiplicacao, boa parte da atual populacao mineira e brasileira devera ter a obrigacao de render-lhes os respeitos e homenagens reservados aos ancestrais. Milho Verde, onde se casaram, e Itaponhoacanga, onde viveram, serao os pontos de encontros turisticos a todos nos que os temos como avos. Eles procedem do Rio de Janeiro mas em Minas Gerais esses dois lugares parecem ter sido a Terra Prometida para nos.

Voltemos, entao, a aquela pequena sequencia no texto acima, onde eu aponto a suspeita de que tambem os Coelho do Centro-Nordeste de Minas Gerais sejam descendentes do mesmo casal. Colocarei outra sequencia genealogica para refrescar a nossa memoria e acrescentar um pouco mais de luz no assunto. Segue entao:

n. 25.08.1893 Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes – Trajano (Cista) de Magalhaes Barbalho
n. 27.01.1872 Joao Rodrigues Coelho – Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral
n. 22.01.1829 tenente Antonio Rodrigues Coelho – Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral
n. 1782 capitao Jose Coelho da Rocha – Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo
c. 07.07.1779 Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha – alferes Jose Coelho de Magalhaes
c. + – 1755 Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho – *4 – Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha
c. 18.09.1732 Manoel Vaz Barbalho – Josefa Pimenta de Souza

Observem que, por caminho diferente, retornei aos meus avos paternos. Pois eh! Essa eh uma das minhas maiores preocupacoes e motivos para estudar nossa genealogia. Eh apenas hipotese que o casal Manoel Vaz e Josepha Pimenta sejam os pais de nossa suposta ancestral Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho. Como disse, ela aparece em reedicao o livro do professor Pimenta.

Pode ser que o meu temor de que tenhamos mais essa ligacao com o casal esteja perigosamente se concretizando. O problema eh que o personagem Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha, marido da Maria Rodrigues, parece ter uma significancia de respeitabilidade na epoca. No entanto, nao encontrei nenhum registro ate hoje que nos afirmasse que ele nao seja um personagem imaginario. Porem isso pode dever-se ao fato de ele poder ter chegado diretamente de Portugal e se instalado na circunscricao do Serro, onde, os Barbalho se originaram do casal Manoel e Josepha. Entao, qualquer registro relativo a ele deve encontrar-se naquela circunscricao que inclui Conceicao do Mato Dentro.

Se se concretizar tal hipotese, no curto periodo de tempo de menos de dois seculos e meio os filhos de meus pais sao, pelo menos, dentro daquilo que ja teremos conhecido, nove vezes descendentes do mesmo casal: Josepha e Manoel. E nos nao seriamos os recordistas nessa modalidade. Saber disso, pode ser bom para a nossa descendencia, porem, um mal sem conserto para nos. Geneticamente a gente sabe que o excesso de consanguinidade pode levar a problemas de saude. Contudo, para a nossa descendencia eh importante que se saiba toda a verdade, para que ela se previna e procure melhor com quem ter filhos, evitando-se os perigos do excesso de consanguinidade.

Para nos, como nao tem mais conserto, sobrariam os tratamentos paliativos. Restaria-nos apenas os consolos. Pelo visto, ficaria comprovado que somos nao apenas uma mas 9 vezes primos do Chico Buarque de Holanda e do Tom Jobim. Isso, apenas tomando como base o lado Barbalho. Porque, naturalmente, o Chico eh comprovadamente Coelho mas nao sei dizer se o mesmo pode ser dito do Tom. (Magda, vou citar somente os que partilhamos o apreco e nao mencionarei os outros famosos, com parentes de carater duvidoso, ta bom!?) Consolo, porem, nao ajuda porque ser parente uma vez ja bastava!

Mas ha uma certa valvula de escape para nos nesse caso. O Liandro Jose Barbalho casou-se em Mariana, aos 27.10.1753, com a sra. V. Barbalho. Ele era filho de Jose Rodrigues e Teresa Maria de Jesus. E dela so tem registrado o nome do pai: Dionisio Barbalho Bezerra. Por ai se pode observar que houve um encontro entre os sobrenomes Rodrigues e Barbalho numa epoca favoravel ao nascimento da ancestral Maria. Pode ser que um nucleo dos Rodrigues Barbalho mais antigos que esses tenha se deslocado para a circunscricao do Serro e, por essa razao, os registros do nascimento da avo Maria estejam escondidos na poeira dos Arquivos da regiao. Estes estao apenas esperando por serem descobertos.

Nao escaparemos, todavia, de sermos descendentes dos Barbalho Bezerra, mais certamente de origem fluminense, porem, com um pouquinho de variabilidade genetica em relacao `a outra opcao. E nisso, talvez, possamos comprovar que o Rodrigues que rolou nas assinaturas de nossos ancestrais e que muitos ainda usam venha mesmo do Manuel Rodrigues Coelho, que habitou a regiao de Mariana e Congonhas do Campo. Assim ficaria explicada aquela frase no livro da Ivania, repassada dos escritos do professor Nelson Coelho de Senna: “Dele procede o Alferes de Milicia: JOSE COELHO DE MAGALHAES”.

O Januario Jose Barbalho tambem se casou na mesma epoca. So que foi em Ouro Preto, com Dionisia Coelho da Silva, filha de Antonio Coelho da Silva e Thereza Fernandes de Abreu. Ele era irmao do Liandro. Por ai se constata que Coelho, Rodrigues e Barbalho ja andavam juntos. E verifiquei em diversas oportunidades que o sobrenome Magalhaes tambem ja circulava na mesma area, especialmente em Congonhas do Campo. A possibilidade de que tenha nascido uma Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho naquela epoca existe. So nos falta comprovar que ocorreu de fato e que eh a nossa ancestral.

E aqui voltamos ao principio de minhas pesquisas. Eu comecei a partir do livro da prima Ivania: Arvore Genealogica da Familia Coelho, cujo foco principal eh a descendencia do alferes Jose Coelho de Magalhaes e Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha. Desde o comeco nos veio a duvida se seria possivel mesmo que ele fosse filho do Manuel Rodrigues Coelho. E quanto mais pesquisei mais as duvidas aumentaram mas nada encontrei ate hoje para sanar isso. Eh por isso que eu tinha a esperanca de encontrar uma resposta no livro: Velhos Troncos Mineiros, do conego Raimundo Octavio Trindade. Mas meu braco eh curto para folhea-lo la no Brasil.

No Arquivo Publico Mineiro (APM), existe uma Carta de Sesmaria, em que, em 03.12.1744, o general Gomes Freire de Andrade, 1o. conde de Bobadella, concede o documento a um certo Manuel Rodrigues Coelho. Outro documento da conta que o mesmo nome aparece na pessoa do tesoureiro da Camara de Villa Rica, porem, em 1.719. O abastado Manuel eh citado como doador de polpudas quantias para a construcao do Santuario do Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, em Mariana, que comecou a ser construido em 1.757. Manuel Rodrigues Coelho tambem surge, aparentemente, como artesao de um oratorio no mesmo santuario e outro em na Cidade de Sao Joao Del Rei.

Creio que o Manuel referido como nosso ancestral, citado assim pelo professor Nelson Coelho de Senna, sendo segundado pela Ivania, deve ter nascido na mesma epoca que o 1o. conde De Bobadella, nascido em Juromenha 1.685 e falecido como governador da Capitania do Rio De Janeiro, em 1.763. Segundo a tradicao nos passada, o Manuel Rodrigues Coelho poderia ser o pai do Jose Coelho de Magalhaes que, por sua vez, teria nascido na terra de seu pai, em Portugal.

As coisas ai nao se encaixam porque esse primeiro Manuel nao deve ter voltado para Portugal, na idade avancada que devia ter, para tornar-se pai do Jose. Mesmo no Brasil nao seria uma impossibilidade mas sim uma improbabilidade. Mas como a nossa tradicao dizia que o padre Policarpo Jose Barbalho teria sido um imigrante do Nordeste e os fatos apontam que nao, pode ser que o nosso ancestral Jose Coelho de Magalhaes possa tambem ser mineiro e nao portugues. Mas ha a possibilidade de o primeiro Manuel ter sido pai de um segundo e, esse sim, poderia ter ido para Portugal, para estudos, segundo era o costumes dos ricos na epoca e la ter sido pai do Jose e te-lo levado depois para o Brasil.

Mas isso seria apenas ajeitar a tradicao com explicacoes possiveis. O que vale mesmo sao as provas. E nisso, nada melhor que obtermos o registro de casamento dos pentavos: Jose Coelho de Magalhaes e Eugenia Rodrigues Rocha. Eh dito que eles criaram a familia na Fazenda Axupe, em Morro do Pilar, antigo Morro do Gaspar Soares. So que ai fica a dificuldade de saber-se exatamente onde encontrar o documento. Acredito que Morro do Pilar tera pertencido tambem a Santa Barbara. Mas estava tambem nos limites do dominio do Serro, sob as bencaos de Nossa Senhora da Conceicao do Serro, ou seja, atual Cidade de Conceicao do Mato Dentro.

Esse sim deve ser um documento revelador, caso contenha nao apenas os nomes dos pais mas tambem dos avos dos nubentes. O casamento deve ter-se dado em 07.07.1779. Assim, tirariamos nao apenas as duvidas quanto aos pais da Maria Rodrigues e a procedencia do Giuseppe Nicatsi da Rocha. Tambem avancariamos muito em relacao `as raizes do ramo Coelho que sempre tivemos como sendo o tronco principal em nossa familia.

Com relacao ao que esta na pagina da internet:, penso nao ser dificil entender o que pode ter acontecido para os nomes de nossos ancestrais terem sido trocados. O possivel de ter acontecido eh que: no dia do casamento dos trisavos Eugenia Maria da Cruz e Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho estiveram na cerimonia o ainda senhor Policarpo Jose Barbalho, com sua filha mais velha: Genoveva de Magalhaes, representando a mae falecida.

Outro fato que se ha de acrescentar eh que o capitao Jose Coelho de Magalhaes, ou da Rocha como era conhecido, ja havia falecido em 17.7.1844. Como o casamento se deu por volta de 1.847, o mais provavel eh que a noiva tenha sido levada ao altar pelo irmao dele, o capitao Joao Coelho de Magalhaes. Era o tio mais velho e partilhara com o irmao a criacao do povoado de Sao Miguel e Almas, atual Guanhaes.

O mais provavel eh que o futuro padre Policarpo deve ter indagado a respeito dos ancestrais da noiva e o tio Joao deve ter respondido que tambem era Barbalho, pelo lado da avo materna. Ao revelar que a avo se chamava Maria e o avo era o luzo-italiano Giuseppe, o avo Policarpo comecaria a rir, porque eles seriam tios dele. Pelo que tenho visto, a avo Maria pode ser irma do pai do padre Policarpo, o Jose Vaz Barbalho. E ambos, como mandava o ritual, nao deixariam de abencoar em dobro aos noivos tambem por causa do parentesco.

A cerimonia deve ter sido um acontecimento de repercussao regional. E possivelmente deve ter sido lembrada por alguma cronica e, talvez, sido noticiada num jornal na Cidade do Serro. Lembremos que `a epoca, existira “O Liberal” que pertencera a Teofilo Otonni. O lider politico que desafiou o governo tutorial, em substituicao a rei menino, D. Pedro II. Esse jornal havia sido proibido de circular.

Mas qualquer reporter menos experiente poderia ter visto a cena e deixado escrito que os pais da noiva eram: Joao Coelho da Rocha e Luiza de Magalhaes (sobrenome que ela poderia ter usado por causa do marido falecido) e, do noivo: Policarpo Barbalho e Genoveva de Magalhaes. Quem tirou os dados do jornal para escrever isso na biografia do bispo D. Manoel Nunes Coelho nao estava errado sozinho, mas o erro pode ter sido induzido pelo engano do reporter.

E isso eh algo que se espera ter acontecido em Minas Gerais. Observe-se que o surgimento do Estado aconteceu abruptamente, com a descoberta do ouro um pouco antes do ano de 1.700. Em 1.712 haviam apenas uma meia duzia de povoados elevados `a categoria de Vila, o que para nos hoje-em-dia significa cidade. A Capitania das Minas de Ouro so foi criada em 1.820. Antes pertencera a Capitania de Sao Vicente, que abrangia tambem o Rio de Janeiro. Nao eh dificil que alguem mais abastado e com muitos filhos, tenha mandado um ou dois filhos para cada cidade recem-criada.

Os filhos tiveram filhos e os enviaram para as Freguesias que estavam sendo criadas logo depois, espalhando a familia. E esse processo se sucedeu por dez geracoes depois. Como os outros moradores dos lugares, geralmente, ja tinham algum grau de parentesco uns com os outros, assim as familias se multiplicaram, contudo, os patriarcas vinham de poucas familias consideradas dominantes. Na verdade, a palavra dominante aqui pode ser definida pelo dizer: “Em terra de cego quem tem um olho eh rei.”

A populacao de origem portuguesa era em sua maioria analfabeta. Somente alguns ricos davam estudos aos filhos. Estes eram muitas vezes: um padre, alguns advogados e quando no mais um medico. Estes acabavam dominando nao apenas por exercerem suas funcoes mas tambem porque ocupavam os cargos publicos mais desejados. Porem, passado um seculo mais ou menos, muitos ramos das familias que se espalharam desde o inicio teriam perdido a nocao de quem foram seus ancestrais.

Esse parece ser o caso dos ramos Pimenta e Barbalho da regiao Centro-Nordeste do Estado de Minas Gerais. Os dois descendiam do casal Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josepha Pimenta de Souza. O ramo Coelho talvez tenha caido na mesma situacao. Contudo, mesmo que nao sejam descentes do mesmo casal, os Coelho podem descender de outro casal um pouco mais antigo, porem, procedente do mesmo ramo Barbalho Bezerra multiplicado no Rio de Janeiro.

E nisso esta a beleza da disciplina genealogia. Ela tem a funcao de dar luz aos misterios que a ignorancia do povo criou por nao se anotar com mais exatidao as passagens de todas as pessoas pelo mundo.

Nao sei porque deu-me o tino de buscar pelo nome de nosso ancestral Antonio Jose Moniz. Juntamente com Manuela do Espirito Santo, sao os pais da tetravo Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. Estes viveram no Corrego da prata, possivelmente, esse eh nome de uma Fazenda em Conceicao. Nos foi dito que moravam em Conceicao do Mato Dentro, onde a filha se casou com o capitao Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (ou da Rocha) e viveram na Fazenda da Lapinha, onde o primeiro filho nasceu. Os tres seguintes nasceram tambem em Conceicao.

Depois, compraram terras e mudaram para a beira do Ribeirao Graipu, onde estavam entre os fundadores e primeiros moradores de Sao Miguel e Almas, futura Guanhaes. Onde tiveram mais quatro filhos. O anjo Sao Miguel era o santo da devocao do avo Jose Coelho. A maior parte da familia dos fundadores, posteriormente, mudou-se para a Fazenda Sao Pedro, mais proxima ao povoado de Nossa Senhora do Patrocinio de Guanhaes, futura Virginopolis, onde a familia muito multiplicou antes de ganhar o mundo.

Porem, encontrei dois personagens: Antonio Jose Muniz e seu sogro Caetano Saldanha nas paginas 167 e 168 do livro: Genealogia Tropeira, de Claudio Nunes Pereira. Trata-se de um historico do povoamento de parte do Sul do Brasil. Os dois personagens aparecem entre os povoadores de Lages-SC. E aqui temos um pouquinho dos segredos dos estudos genealogicos.

Monio e Munio sao dois nomes comuns da Era Medieval. Provavelmente, de origem celta, goda ou galega. Antes de os sobrenomes serem adotados, os filhos de Monio recebiam a alcunha de Moniz e o Muniz era dado aos filhos de qualquer Munio. Porem, os netos nao recebiam a mesma alcunha como sobrenome se o filho nao se chamasse Monio ou Munio tambem. Posteriormente, alguns fixaram o adjetivo paterno e o transformaram em sobrenome.

Eh fato tambem que, durante a lavratura de documentos, muitos escrivaes cometiam erros, acrescentando ou diminuindo letras e trocando os nomes das pessoas nos registros. Por isso, pensei na possibilidade de o nosso ancestral Moniz ser esse Muniz que eh apresentado no livro. Quem desejar conferir o texto, podera busca-lo no endereco: Role mais ou menos 2/3 do conteudo para alcarem os titulos: Antonio Jose Muniz e Caetano Saldanha.

Nele se le que o Antonio Jose Muniz era filho de Miguel Monis Travacos e Joana da Silva. Alem disso, nascera em Itatiaia, no Bispado de Mariana. Casou-se em Lages com Genoveva Maria de Saldanha em 7.1.1777. Esta fora batizada em Nossa Senhora da Conceicao do Pouso Alto, MG, tambem no Bispado de Mariana. Portanto, eram imigrantes em Lages. La tiveram duas filhas: Anna (1.778) e Rita (1.779).

Pelo texto, parece que eles tinham um desafeto com o Capitao-Mor de Lages e desapareceram do local por volta de 1.783. E para fechar as coincidencias, a Genoveva Maria de Saldanha tinha uma irma, Anna Maria de Saldanha que casou-se com o tenente Pedro da Silva Ribeiro, filho de Manoel da Silva Ribeiro e de Maria Bernardes do Espirito Santo. O tenente Pedro era natural de Viamao.

Viamao hoje eh a setima cidade mais populosa do Rio Grande do Sul, com seus mais de 260.000 habitantes. Tambem se encontra na Micro Regiao de Porto Alegre e esta no contorno mais ao norte da Lagoa dos Patos. E se acaso formos confirmados como descendentes dessas pessoas correremos o risco de nao termos acrescentado riqueza genetica alguma em nosso sangue.

O problema eh que a populacao de Viamao, desde o inicio, foi multiplicada pela chegada dos acorianos. Lembrem-se que ja somos de descendencia acoriana atraves da heranca Pereira do Amaral chegada a Minas Gerais com Miguel Pereira do Amaral, proveniente da Ilha de Sao Miguel. Descendemos dele e de nao sei mais quantos acorianos.

Parece tudo ser coincidencia, dai o risco de tomar-se decisoes precipitadas. Haveria ai a possibilidade desse Antonio Jose Muniz (Monis(z), se olharmos a assinatura do pai), ser o nosso ancestral. Um evento muito comum eram a mulheres falecerem novas e em consequencia de partos. Ele poderia ter ficado viuvo e, tendo ja o parentesco colateral, ter-se casado com uma filha dos sogros da cunhada Anna Maria. Se isso tiver acontecido, nao seria novidade alguma.

Assim se explicaria a presenca de nosso ancestral: Antonio Jose Moniz, casado com Manuela do Espirito Santo, que poderiam ter regressado a Minas Gerais, onde teriam sido pais de Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo, em 1.789, e todos serem nossos ancestrais. Mas ningurem precisa soltar foguetes em comemoracao antecipada. Em outro endereco:, encontrei que parte da familia se encontra em Sao Joaquim, levando a supor que a hipotese de eles terem voltado para Minas Gerais pode nao ter fundamento.

Porem, ha ai o fundamento de guardar-se essas notas aqui. Basta-nos agora encontrarmos registros da familia em Conceicao do Mato Dentro. O documento que devera nos dar uma resposta imediata deve ser o registro de casamento do capitao Jose Coelho de Magalhaes (ou da Rocha) e Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo. Os dados citando Antonio Jose Moniz e Manuela do Espirito Santo como pais dela nao devem ter sido tirados do registro e pode dever-se `a memoria de pessoas da familia, mais novas que eles. Os registros podem conter os nomes dos avos dela. Se coincidirem com os dos achados no livro, entao, daremos um salto na descoberta de nossas raizes.

Nao sei ai ate onde a nossa genealogia eh fundamentada em documentacao porque tinhamos o bisavo Joao Rodrigues Coelho que, alem de escrivao em Virginopolis, fazia anotacoes de dados da familia em um caderno. Ele deve ter tido acesso ao registro de casamento do pai dele: Antonio Rodrigues Coelho, onde pode ter encontrado os nomes de Antonio e Manuela, apenas citados como avos de seu pai. Porem nao deve ter buscado os registros de casamento do capitao Jose e Luiza Maria, que deve encontrar-se em Conceicao ou no Serro.

Nao vejo nenhuma dificuldade em que os nomes deles tenham nos chegado apenas por tradicao. Antonio Rodrigues Coelho era neto dos avos Antonio e Manuela. Ele viveu bem contados 81 anos. Nao deve ter conhecido os avos porque nasceu em 1.829. E se for mesmo aquele Antonio Jose “Muniz” que teve uma breve passagem por Lages, este poderia estar por volta dos 70 anos ou mais nessa data. Porem, o trisavo Antonio conviveu com a mae dele ate 1.861, quando ela faleceu.

A seguir, o trisavo Antonio Rodrigues Coelho conviveu com os filhos da esposa legitima. A mais nova, tia Carmelita, nasceu em 1.886, tendo a oportunidade de conviver com o pai ate 1.910, quando ele faleceu. O bisavo Joao Rodrigues conviveu com ele por 38 anos de sua vida, vindo a falecer em 1.948. Contudo, quem melhor pode ter-nos passado tradicoes pode ter sido a tia Virginia, que tive a oportunidade de conhecer e conviver durante a minha infancia e juventude.

Ela era tia e madrasta do meu avo Juca, que viveu ate 1.983. Chegou aos quase 100 anos de idade. E o vovo Juca conviveu com o avo Antonio por 18 anos. Contudo, devem ter guardado nao mais que os nomes pelo fato de o sobrenome Coelho ter sido considerado o dominante na regiao. E nao termos noticias de que o sobrenome Moniz tenha permanecido em outros possiveis descendentes daqueles nossos ancestrais.

Tia Nenem (Marina Coelho de Oliveira), que foi nora do trisavo Antonio Rodrigues Coelho por ter se casado com o tio Daniel, viveu ate aos 101 anos e sabe-se que teve uma memoria muito boa. Para completar, o tio Joao Coelho, filho da tia Virginia e meio-irmao do avo Juca, viveu ate dezembro de 2.010, vindo a falecer com quase 95 anos. Alguns meses antes, eu o havia visitado no Lar dos Velhinhos em Virginopolis. Levava comigo o livro de genealogia da Ivania e enquanto conversavamos a respeito dos familiares antigos ele dizia os nomes, datas de nascimento e casamentos. Eu os confrontava com os dados do livro e ele nao errou sequer um dado do qual conversamos.

Fica aqui registrado que estou decifrando os meandros de nossa genealogia pelas beiradas. Sem as continuacoes que dependem dos dados supostamente encontraveis em Conceicao do Mato Dentro ou Serro fica-se no ar. Ha algum tempo, veio-me um e-mail, de nosso primo Glauco, filho dos tios-avos: Bernardino Batista Coelho e Geralda, informando que tinha ficado sabendo que Conceicao do Mato Dentro tem um Arquivo enorme da genealogia da nossa familia. E realmente eh o esperado. Pelo menos, quando alguem puder ou mesmo eu puder pagar outra visita `a terra de parte de nossos ancestrais, para certificarmos a existencia dos dados, teremos que voltar de maos cheias. O mesmo direi do Serro.

Digo retornar porque ja estive uma vez em Conceicao do Mato Dentro. Fui para fazer companhia ao primo Carlucio Campos que estava levando a tia Maria Helena Coelho para matar as saudades do local. Nao tinha a menor ideia de que era um local tao importante para a nossa familia. E, por falar nisso, quem desejar conhecer ou rever o dr. Carlucio Campos (Rodrigues Coelho), basta acessar o endereco do Youtube:

Na pagina, verificar os titulos, Entrevista com o Dr. Carlucio Campos. Vejam se a conversa do advogado ira convence-los a votar em sua pessoa para a presidencia da Republica Federativa do Brasil. Ja falei a ele, querer pode, mas para conseguir precida candidatar!

Estranhamente nunca estive no Serro. Ja rodei, por diversos motivos, nos arredores do antigo territorio dessa cidade que passa por Conceicao do Mato Dentro, Governador Valadares, Nanuque, Montes Claros, Coracao de jesus, Diamantina, etc. Em todas estive. Porem, estou devendo uma visita do tipo: “O bom filho`a casa materna torna”, `a antiga capital do Norte de Minas Gerais. Espero nao demorar muito para acontecer isto! Nao estou prometendo, apenas desejando.

Quando terminarmos de coletar os nossos dados nos antigos dominios do Serro e Conceicao do Mato Dentro sera a hora de a “porca torcer o rabo”. Teremos um leque enorme, com muitos casais que se formaram por volta do inicio do Ciclo do Ouro e se dirigiram para Minas Gerais. Devem ser provenientes de diversas partes do Brasil, de Portugal e, talvez, do resto do mundo. Porem, teremos um ou outro casal, como o Josepha Pimenta de Souza e Manoel Vaz Barbalho monopolizando, simultaneamente, a primazia de ser ancestral de diversas familias ao mesmo tempo.

Nao posso esquecer de talvez, pagar em primeiro lugar, uma segunda visita a Mariana para ver se encontramos o documento “De Genere Et Moribus” do padre Policarpo Jose Barbalho no AEAM – Arquivo Eclesiastico da Arquidiocese de Mariana. Contudo, seria bom antes encontrar algum documento em Conceicao que nos sinalizasse quem seriam os pais do nosso ancestral Antonio Jose Moniz. Caso sejam Miguel Moni(z)s Travacos e Joana da Silva, talvez encontremos mais dados deles em Mariana por Itatiaia, onde teriam sido pais do ancestral Antonio, pertencer a este bispado. Embora Mariana tenha se tornado bispado em meados do seculo XVIII, pertencendo anteriormente ao Rio de Janeiro.

Digo uma segunda visita porque ja estive la. De passagem nas diversas vezes que fui para Vicosa enquanto estudante. Mas puz mesmo o pes na cidade por volta de 1.986, quando fiz um estagio atraves da Prefeitura de Ouro Preto, numa campanha de vacinacao anti-rabica. Nosso colega, e contemporaneo mais antigo da Universidade de Vicosa, Ricardo Valim, era secretario da prefeitura e convidou-nos para fazer essa empreitada. Porem, nada sabia a respeito do nosso envolvimento genealogico com Mariana.

Observo como o trabalho de genealogia da suas voltas curiosas. Quando fui informado da existencia da avo Maria Rodrigues de Magalhaes Barbalho, levantei a hipotese de que houvesse parentesco proximo entre ela e o padre Policarpo, por causa do sobrenome e por terem vivido numa mesma regiao do Estado. Porem, descartei a ideia por causa da tradicao dizer que ele, e nao o sobrenome como um todo, fosse proveniente do Nordeste.

Quando estudei o livro do professor Demerval Jose Pimenta e descobri a existencia do casal Manoel Vaz Barbalho e Josepha Pimenta, suspeitei logo que houvesse alguma relacao parental deles com a ancestral Maria, porem, isso tera ainda que ser comprovado e nao tenho esperanca que se concretize em termos de o serem muito proximos.

O que jamais imaginei eh que fosse chegar o dia em que ficariamos mais proximos de comprovar que o padre Policarpo fosse neto do casal Manoel e Josepha.

Esse pequeno estudo que esta em andamento, com respeito ao sobrenome Barbalho, nos da uma boa ideia de como a familia brasileira foi formada. Neste momento, estamos descartando a possibilidade de o nosso sobrenome ter sido importado diretamente dos Estados do Ceara ou Rio Grande do Norte, como diziam nossas tradicoes. Porem, confirmamos o que eh sabido de que a familia Barbalho tem origem em portugueses chegados ao Nordeste, particularmente, `a Capitania de Pernambuco. Tambem, os Barbalho do Ceara e do Rio Grande do Norte nao deixam de ser nossos parentes porque, se buscarem, encontrarao ancestrais na mesma linhagem que nos originou.

Segundo outros dados, temos ancestrais oriundos de Sergipe. O professor Demerval aponta nossa ancestral Teresa de Jesus como: “brasileira, natural de Tabaiana, na Bahia.” (pagina 248 do livro dele). Esta era a esposa do Sargento-Mor: Domingos Barbosa Moreira que era portugues. Ele nao explica se se casaram em Tabaiana ou se no Serro. Sabe-se que, la chegaram e constituiram familia no Distrito de Sao Goncalo do Rio das Pedras.

Eles foram pais de Noroteia Barbosa Fiuza, que se casou com Joao de Souza Azevedo. Estes sao os pais Maria de Souza Fiuza, a primeira esposa do ancestral Antonio Borges Monteiro. Tabaiana posteriormente foi rebatizada por Itabaiana, e a partir de 1.823 deixou de pertencer `a Bahia com a restauracao de Sergipe no inicio do reinado de D. Pedro I.

Um ramo da familia Barbalho mudou e se multiplicou no Rio de Janeiro. Acompanhando a Historia do Brasil criou raizes no Estado de Minas e seguiu tambem para o Sul do pais. Hoje podemos ter certeza que o sangue esta tao espalhado quanto possivel, dentro e, em parte, fora do territorio brasileiro. Nao ha que se esperar que essa distribuicao tenha sido diferente em relacao a todas as outras familias que migraram para o Brasil no inicio de sua colonizacao. E eh o que se espera repetir quando as geracoes futuras sucederem as nossas.

Ha que se ressaltar que nenhum estudo genealogico eh completo. Pelo menos, antes da invencao da Internet, o trabalho de fazer os levantamentos de apenas uma linhagem dos ancestrais era tao absurdo que o mais comum era vermos uma coluna dorsal, semelhante a que coloquei no texto acima, e a partir de certa altura mostrar-se dados mais completos. Um exemplo concreto esta na altura do nosso possivel ancestral: Luis Barbalho Bezerra.

Poderemos em breve confirmar que somos mesmo descendentes dele. Porem, sera muito dificil fazermos o mesmo esforco para descobrirmos quem sao os descendentes dos irmaos dele: Brasia e Felipe. Isso se da tambem porque os registros dificultam o encontro de parentes proximos. Numa certidao de casamento, por exemplo, encontra-se os nomes dos pais e, nem sempre, dos avos dos nubentes. Eh preciso descobrir-se e consultar-se outros documentos para encontrar mais detalhes. E nao ha tempo e dinheiro para que poucos facam o trabalho por muitos.

Assim, a Arvore Genealogica da familia so vai se completando quando ha a combinacao de trabalhos de pessoas diferentes, porem, com ancestrais comuns. Em nosso caso, `a medida que os outros descendentes do Luis Barbalho rastrearem os seus propios dados e os descendentes da Brasia e Felipe fizerem o mesmo, a soma ira contribuir para composicao final da grande familia. Contudo, observem que a cada geracao a gente tem tios, conhecidos ou nao, que tambem precisam ter suas descendencias reveladas para que a Arvore se complete o melhor possivel.

Por melhor que sejam tais levantamentos, como estamos falando de um passado mais remoto, as Arvores Genealogicas nunca ficam verdadeiramente completas. Isso se da porque muitos dados se perderam na poeira do passado. Ou por nao terem sido anotados ou por terem sido destruidos. Quem sabera quantos filhos “naturais” nossos parentes tiveram e que nao foram computados? Eu estou pondo o naturais entre aspas porque, antigamente, se dizia isso dos filhos fora dos matrimonios, mas o termo levanta a suspeita de que os filhos dentro dos casamentos fossem artificiais.

Nao ha que haver distincao entre os meios atraves dos quais os filhos nasceram porque os filhos nao sao culpados pelos erros dos pais. E a forma de se “fabricar” filhos eh exatamente a mesma, dentro ou fora do casamento. Seriam diferentes se nao tivessem ancestrais comuns.

O correto eh saber-se que, temos ancestrais comuns com todos. E isso nao eh uma concepcao distante como a levantada nos textos biblicos que nos dao por descendentes de Adao e Eva. Nao ha necessidade de voltarmos tanto no tempo para encontrarmos ancestrais comuns com todos. Basta algumas geracoes limitadas, em torno de 33 ja devera ser o suficiente, ou o equivalente a aproximadamente 1.000 anos. Existem excecoes. E ha que sempre se ter isso em mente tambem.

Mas a capacidade de reproducao humana eh tao assombrosa que somos milhares e, mais provavelmente, milhoes de vezes parentes das pessoas com quem convivemos, sem considera-las nossas parentes. Temos que ter em mente uma acertiva. O meu sobrenome eh Barbalho por uma unica razao. Porque na maioria das vezes ele foi o sobrenome da parte masculina na familia. Porem, se ampliarmos os nossos dados, tomando como base os lados maternos, verificaremos que pertencemos, simultaneamente, a centenas e milhares de outras familias, cujos sobrenomes nao assinamos.

Dai a grande necessidade de mantermos uma Arvore Genealogica o mais completa possivel. Se o fizermos por mil anos seguidos, o que digo agora sera confirmado. E o que houver se passado em anos anteriores aos nossos, geneticamente falando, nao fara mais diferenca.

Um assunto puxa o outro e acabei lembrando-me de deixar aqui mais uns detalhes da genealogia da casa de meus pais. Este assunto torna-se interessante nao apenas para nos, os membros da grande familia Coelho e Barbalho que se multiplicou nas imediacoes de Guanhaes e Virginopolis, antes de sairmos para o mundo. As pessoas de outras familias e outros lugares podem tomar o exemplo de nossa familia como um padrao que se repetiu e continua se repetindo em todos os lugares do mundo. Principalmente quando analisamos as genealogias de cidades menores. Observem os tres segmentos genealogicos abaixo:

n. 25.08.1893 Zulmira Coelho de Magalhaes – Trajano (Cista) de Magalhaes Barbalho
n. 29.04.1876 Olimpia Rosa Coelho do Amaral – Joao Rodrigues Coelho
n. 24.04.1846 Joao Batista Coelho Junior – Quiteria Rosa do Amaral
n. 05.04.1822 tenente Joao Batista Coelho – Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho

Se retornarem `as sequencias anteriores observarao que iniciei essa sequencia por meus avos paternos e retornei a meus trisavos maternos. Isso se da porque o meu bisavo materno, Jose (Ze Coelho) Batista Coelho, era irmao do meu trisavo paterno: Joao Batista Coelho

n. 03.11.1895 Davina Magalhaes – Jose (Juca) Batista Coelho Junior
n. 10.01.1858 Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho – Joao Batista de Magalhaes
c. + – 1847 Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho -*1 – Eugenia Maria da Cruz
c. 30.08.1808 Policarpo Jose Barbalho – Izidora Francisca de Magalhaes

Aqui retornei aos meus avos maternos porque a bisavo Candida era irma do bisavo Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho.

c. 30.08.1808 Policarpo Jose Barbalho – Izidora Francisca de Magalhaes
Jose de Magalhaes Barbalho – esposa nao identificada
Anna (Sinh’Anna) Magalhaes – parceiro nao identificado
n. 15.10.1862 Joao Batista Magalhaes – Candida de Magalhaes Barbalho

Outra vez, retorno aos bisavos maternos, deixando demonstrado que pela terceira vez descendemos do padre Policarpo Jose Barbalho. O que diminui bastante qualquer variabilidade genetica em uma familia eh essa repeticao continua de mesmo ancestrais. E tudo esta inserido na Historia.

Por volta de 1.800, as terras conhecidas como “As Matas do Pecanha” eram habitadas apenas por indigenas e uns poucos colonos. A partir de 1.807, com a criacao de um destacamento militar em Pecanha, para combater os indigenas resistentes, tornou-se possivel a invasao daquela area pela populacao de origem europeia, que levava junto os seus escravos e agregados. Assim surgiram os povoamentos de Sao Sebastiao dos Correntes (Sabinopolis – 1.819), Sao Miguel e Almas de Guanhaes (Guanhaes – 1.822) Nossa Senhora do Patrocinio de Guanhaes (Virginopolis – 1.858) e Sao Joao Novo (Sao Joao Evangelista – 1.875).

Por serem mais proximas da cidade materna, Vila do Principe, atual Serro, e por darem passagem para outros lugares diferentes, as outras tres cidades podem ter dado uma maior oportunidade genetica aos que nasceram em seus dominios porque mais pessoas poderiam ter decidido a estabelecer-se nelas desde o inicio da povoacao. Porem, pela analise que fiz do texto do livro do professor Demerval, notei que a desejada diversidade nao aconteceu em Sao Joao Evangelista, onde muitos foram os primeiros moradores, porem, boa parte ja tinha lacos consanguineos entre si.

Virginopolis teve a caracteristica inicial de ser quase um beco sem saida. Dela para frente, a cidade de grande importancia era Vitoria, no Estado do Espirito Santo. Contudo nao havia naquela direcao senao uma picada que cortava centenas de quilometros de mata. E o surgimento de novos povoamentos so se deu com o lento passar do tempo.

Isso somente mudou a partir da implantacao da Estrada de Ferro Vitoria Minas e com a inauguracao da estacao, em 1.910, em Porto de D. Manoel, ou Figueira, atual Governador Valadares. Antes disso, todo o comercio era feito no sentido oposto, atraves da Estrada Real, que ligava Minas Gerais ao Rio de Janeiro e Sao Paulo. Com a construcao da estrada de Rodagem Rio-Bahia, no inicio dos anos 40, Governador Valadares passou a experimentar um salto populacional espetacular. Absorvendo nao apenas os parentes dos pioneiros que chegaram la, provenientes da Regiao Centro-Nordeste de Minas, como tambem de todos os cantos do Brasil.

Virginopolis deixou de ser um dos pontos de passagem obrigatoria em direcao a Governador Valadares para tornar-se uma fornecedora de excedentes populacionais para o crescimento daquele novo Eldorado. Analisando a nossa genealogia, observa-se que a familia crescia em Virginopolis e cidades adjacentes `a semelhanca de um balao sendo inflado pelo ar. Com o crescimento de Governador Valadares, o movimento migratorio passou a parecer-se com o ar do balao sendo liberado por um furo em sua parte superior. Foram mais ou menos 100 anos inflando e o esvaziamento se deu num periodo de cerca de 2 decadas, entre o meio dos 50 ao meio dos 70.

Os nossos pentavos: Jose Coelho da Rocha e Luiza Maria do Espirito Santo estao entre os fundadores do Municipio de Guanhaes. Eles foram pais de oito filhos: Jose, Maria Luiza (Nha Moca), Francisca, Ana Maria (Nha Ninha), Joao Batista, Eugenia, Antonina (falecida crianca) e Antonio. Francisca casou-se com Joaquim Nunes Coelho e Joao Batista casou-se com Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho. Joaquim era tio de Maria Honoria. E, aparentemente, o Coelho das duas familias nao eh o mesmo. tio Joaquim e o trisavo Joao Batista estao na lista de primeiros moradores de Virginopolis.

Alem dos dois casais, a Eugenia Maria da Cruz foi a esposa do Francisco Marcal de Magalhaes Barbalho e o Antonio Rodrigues Coelho casou-se com Maria Marcolina Borges do Amaral. Estes terceiro e quarto casais nao sendo primeiros moradores de Virginopolis, residiram em fazendas proximas, particularmente, no patrimonio que foi a Fazenda Sao Pedro. Esta ocupava terras das duas margens do Rio Corrente, porem, com o passar das geracoes, foi sendo dividida em partes menores e ainda existe a sede como fazenda, porem, bem menor do que fora no passado.

Com a proximidade, a maioria dos descendentes dos terceiro e quarto casais estabeleceu-se em Virginopolis, e sua multiplicacao foi exponencial, resultante dos casamentos repetidamente entre primos durante os 100 anos. Atualmente os casamentos entre primos de diversos graus continuam acontecendo, dentro e fora dos dominios da cidade, porem, a dispersao pelo mundo ajudou a diversificacao. Hoje computamos nascidos em diversos estados do Brasil e outros paises.

Contudo ha que considerar-se a limitacao da multiplicacao causada pelos casamentos homogeneos. Para se ter uma ideia do que isso significa, basta tomarmos o exemplo de meus pais. Eles tiveram 9 filhos. Se minha mae tivesse se casado com uma pessoa de fora da familia e tivesse tido 9 filhos e meu pai tivesse feito o mesmo, cada um deles teria o mesmo numero de filhos que tiveram juntos. Porem, meus trisavos teriam dezoito descendentes no computo geral, ou seja, 9 a mais do que realmente tiveram.

Imaginem, entao, o quanto a familia cresceria se nas repetidas vezes em que houve casamentos entre primos, tivesse havido casamentos heterogeneos, entre familias diferentes. Na verdade, se os casamentos heterogeneos houvessem acontecido, nos nao teriamos nascido, porque nao haveriam os filhos de meu pai com minha mae. Eles tambem nao teriam nascido porque nao haveriam os casamentos de seus pais, nem os casamentos dos avos deles. Nos teriamos sido substituidos por outras pessoas mas ninguem iria sentir a nossa falta, ja que nunca teriamos nascido.

Isso pode parecer triste porque a realidade eh que nascemos e estamos agradecidos por isso ter acontecido. Pode parecer que eu esteja falando isso por causa de algum ressentimento nao revelado. Porem, estou apenas fazendo uma analise da realidade. Com a alternativa de nao termos nascido teriamos a possibilidade de as pessoas que nos substituissem fossem mais saudaveis, porque seriam resultado de uma diversidade genetica maior.

Mas isso eh apenas especulacao. E assunto para ser estudado, para confirmacao ou negacao. Afinal, nao ha garantia alguma que os outros que entrariam como parceiros de nossos ancestrais ja nao lhes seriam primos, senao pelo lado que conhecemos, por outros que desconhecemos. Imaginem, se durante 100 anos se deu tantos casamentos entre primos em nossa genealogia, imaginem quantos nao terao se dado nalguma das pequenas vilas em Portugal a partir de 1000 anos atras, anteriores a nossos ancestrais terem saido delas. Ha 1000 anos atras, a populacao portuguesa era minima, e toda ela ja seria descendente de mesmos ancestrais por milenios anteriores.

Uma particularidade racial de nossa familia. Nao sabemos quem eh a mae ou avos da nossa trisavo Maria Honoria Nunes Coelho, porem, sabemos que tinha a pele escura, sugerindo que fosse mulata. Sabemos que o pai dela: Clemente Nunes Coelho era branco.

O mesmo se da com a avo Sinh’Anna. Ela era de cor escura e o Jose de Magalhaes Barbalho, seu pai, parece-nos branco. O filho dela, o bisavo Joaozinho, foi concebido em Itabira, possivelmente com um homem da sociedade local que era casado. Ela era muito nova e foi enviada para Guanhaes para que os tios: padre Emigdio e Francisco Marcal cuidassem dela. Eles a casaram com alguem cujo nome era Domingos que assumiu o filho como se fosse dele tambem. Dai o nosso bisavo tambem ser conhecido por Joao Domingos (ou do Domingos).

Minha mae tem mais sangue Magalhaes Barbalho que meu pai mas assina Coelho. Meu pai tem mais sangue Coelho que minha mae mas assina Magalhaes Barbalho. Os filhos deles se tornaram 7 vezes Magalhaes, e 6 vezes Coelho de Magalhaes e 9 vezes Barbalho e 9 vezes Coelho em curto espaco de 4 geracoes. Minha mae teve tres avos na mesma familia Coelho de Magalhaes e o unico diferente foi o bisavo Joaozinho, que tinha sangue Barbalho tambem. Meu pai repete os dados de minha mae, e a unica avo diferente eh a Dindinha Hercila Coelho de Andrade, ou seja, diferente, porem, Coelho.

Todos esses dados juntos inspiraram-me a vontade de fazer um documentario a esse respeito. O problema eh nao ter por onde comecar tal empreitada que exige tantos conhecimentos tecnicos e de custo, para mim, inimaginavel. O problema tecnico poderia ser resolvido por termos primos como Flavia Barbalho e Savio Leite que sao cineastas. Contudo, encontrar patrocinadores eh que eh uma verdadeira pedrada.

Como ultimo pensamento neste assunto, quem desejar, visite o endereco: Trata-se de uma entrevista que dei ao site Myheritage, atraves do representante dele no Brasil: Walter Olivas.

Voltemos agora `a politicagem aqui nos Estados Unidos. Na semana passada, hoje eh domingo, primeiro de julho de 2.012, as coisas andaram quentes. Na semana anterior, a Suprema Corte de Justica havia decidido pela inconstitucionalidade da lei chamada SB 1070, do Estado do Arizona. Eh uma lei totalmente anti-imigrante pela qual a Assembleia Legislativa local ultrapassou suas funcoes, legislando sobre assuntos exclusivamente delegados `a Uniao.

Apesar disso, a Suprema Corte manteve um dispositivo que da direito ao policiamento do Estado do Arizona a chamar a policia de imigracao em casos de apanhar um imigrante por qualquer outra razao e houver uma suspeita razoavel de que ele seja indocumentado no pais. Essa era a parte mais controversa da lei, porque o limite entre a suspeita e a realidade eh muito tenue e pode levar `a pura perseguicao discriminatoria. Creio que ai a decisao foi meramente politica. Os conservadores tem maioria no Supremo e esta nao se sentiria tao `a vontade se tivesse que contradizer seus pares nos campos executivo e legislativo.

Mas o que matou mesmo o campo conservador foi a decisao de terca-feira passada onde a lei apelidada de Obamacare, o que corresponde a um plano universal de saude, foi considerada constitucional. Os conservadores, especialmente os republicanos, ficaram furiosos com a decisao. Eles desejavam que a lei fosse considerada inconstitucional porque a administracao Obama gastou grande parte deste mandato para conseguir aprova-la e tem sido considerada a maior realizacao dele ate agora. Assim, se fosse considerada inconstitucional, os republicanos teriam um argumento forte para tentar descarrilhar a reeleicao dele.

O interessante aqui foi que o Supremo estava dividido em 5 votos a 4, a favor dos conservadores. Contudo, de ultima hora o conservador Roberts decidiu pelo outro lado. Na verdade, nesse caso, quem estava com a corda no pescoco era o proprio Supremo. A lei eh claramente constitucional. Porem, a disputa politica no pais esta tao polarizada, com os dois maiores partidos: Democratas e Republicanos, evitando de toda maneira trabalhar com objetivos acima da rivalidade, que a pressao sobre os conservadores do supremo era total.

Porem, o juiz Roberts sentiu-se na obrigacao de colocar a razao acima do coracao, embora, tenha rateado e concedido aos republicanos uma pequena escapatoria. O fato eh que a lei obriga a todos possuirem seguro saude. Quem nao tiver como pagar, caira num sistema de assistencia governamental, do tipo Previdencia Social no Brasil. E os conservadores sao contra isso porque pensam que os pobres irao honerar demais os cofres publicos, aumentando o deficit da nacao. Alem disso, eles defedem a liberdade das seguradoras privadas de explorarem o mercado sem a interferencia do governo.

O resultado da atitude dos conservadores eh que uma boa parte da populacao americana nao tem seguro saude. E nisso “a vaca vai para o brejo”. Sem o seguro saude, quando os 30% da populacao precisam de uma emergencia, os custos acabam recaindo nas costas do povo de qualquer maneira. Seja porque a previdencia do governo assume as contas, ou porque as instituicoes de saude cobram mais caro de quem paga para fazer reservas e cobrir essas despesas ou, ainda, porque grandes empresas quitam essas despesas para depois apresenta-las na declaracao do imposto de renda, sendo assim isentadas pelo governo.

A filosofia da lei eh essa: todo mundo sera coberto. Quem nao possuir o seguro sera multado quando fizer a declaracao do imposto de renda. No inicio a multa sera pequena. Com o passar dos anos ela ira aumentar exponencialmente. Mesmo que ela for menor do que o total do custo de um seguro particular, havera uma contribuicao forcada que ajudara a pagar as contas dos custos da saude no pais. Como os 30% da populacao nao contribuiam com nada, o valor dessa contribuicao fara alguma diferenca.

Outra particularidade que a lei procura combater eh essa. Muita gente, principalmente os mais novos, nao compra um seguro saude porque pensa que nao ira precisar. Mesmo essas pessoas tendo condicoes financeiras de compra-lo. Essas pessoas podem passar decadas de vida sem pagar nada. Porem, quando lhes acontecia algo mais grave, elas perdiam tudo antes de entrarem para a rede governamental. Isso compromete o futuro dos filhos e transfere os custos para o poder publico, por causa da falta do seguro.

Uma particularidade era que os seguros particulares de saude podiam negar seguro a pessoas com condicoes preexistentes. E as pessoas se arriscavam a receber o diagnostico de um cancer, por exemplo, para, entao, procurar um seguro. A lei ira cortar as regalias dos relapsos. E esta proibido `as seguradoras recusarem clientes por condicoes preexistentes.

Porem, os conservadores queriam manter essa condicao com a alegacao de que isso eh um direito de liberdade da pessoa decidir a viver a vida como desejar. Este eh um principio constitucional nos Estados Unidos. Contudo, esse excesso de liberdade influi na vida de outros que sao mais responsaveis, tolhendo-lhes suas liberdades. Ja que os responsaveis, no final de tudo, acabam cobrindo os furos dos relapsos.

O que assusta os conservadores, porem, eh o carater experimental da lei. Os Estados Unidos nao tem tradicoes de obrigatoriedade e os conservadores estao exagerando a consequencia de honerar-se ainda mais o erario publico. Por outro lado, o que os liberais antecipam, eh que as novas contribuicoes cobrirao os furos, assim, havera a possibilidade de haver uma maior garantia de a sociedade como um todo receber uma assistencia de saude melhor e ficar protegida contra as dores de cabeca por causa de situacoes inesperadas.

No fundo, a discussao d’agora nada tem haver com alguma preocupacao dos conservadores com o futuro de nossos filhos ou filhos de nossos filhos. Somente tem haver com o fato de que eles estao fora do comando da Casa Branca e quem a controla hoje eh o adversario. Quando eles estiveram la, a ideia que defendiam era muito parecida com o que os democratas conseguiram passar. Mas eles queriam derrota-los na Corte Suprema, somente para terem argumentos nas eleicoes de 2.012.

Mitt Romney esta jurando que ira extinguir a lei, no primeiro dia de governo dele, caso seja eleito. Eh uma mentira pura e simples. Para que ele fizesse isso precisaria do apoio de 2/3 do Congresso porque somente o Congresso pode repudiar uma lei passada no Congresso, assinada pela presidencia e aprovada no judiciario. O discurso dele atualmente esta muito proximo `aquele que o Fernando Collor de Mello fez para eleger-se no Brasil. Pelo que conhecemos dele, e se for eleito, nos corremos o risco de vivenciar um fim semelhante aqui tambem.

Na decisao do juiz Roberts ele declarou a lei como sendo a criacao de um novo imposto. Como a criacao de imposto eh algo considerado pornografico aqui na liberalissima economia americana, os republicanos praticamente comemoraram essa decisao. A administracao Obama sempre manteve o parecer de que nao era um imposto e sim uma punicao para os que desobedeceriam a lei. Contudo, penso que o julgamento do juiz Roberts teve ai uma certa esperteza.

A lei eh absolutamente normal e nao tem imposto algum envolvido. Ele sabia que o resultado da aplicacao da lei sera bom para o pais ao longo do tempo. Contudo ele precisava dar seu voto de forma a garantir a independencia do judiciario, cujo indice de aprovacao popular esta muito abaixo do desejado, ao mesmo tempo que oferecesse um consolo aos conservadores. Os membros da Suprema Corte tem um grau de inteligencia superior `a media da populacao e seria impossivel eles nao terem percebido que muito mais que politicas erradas, as disputas partidarias eh que estao ameacando o futuro do pais.

A classificacao como imposto tem apenas um joguete psicologico de aprovar o que eh correto parecendo que a aprovacao o fora com contrariedade. Isso mantem a legitimidade do Supremo, ao mesmo tempo que o blinda contra maiores criticas do lado conservador. Mesmo contrariados, os conservadores pensam ter ganho o argumento de apresentar o presidente Obama como mentiroso, porque afirmou que nao era imposto e sim multa.

Eh obvio que tal “imposto” tem mais caracteriscas de multa. Imposto esta geralmente associado com a aquisicao de alguma coisa. Tudo o que se compra, ou adquire legalmente, leva algum imposto embutido, mesmo naquilo que eh dito isento. As pessoas que ja possuem seguro saude nao terao que pagar mais nada. Contudo, aquelas que nao se enquadrarem na lei receberao a punicao que, na maioria do entendimento publico, se traduz por multa e nao imposto. O argumento levantado pela administracao Obama eh bem claro a esse respeito. O seguro de carros eh obrigatorio para todos os donos, contudo, ninguem chama isso de imposto.

Os republicanos nao apenas tem sido derrotados mas tambem tem se apresentado como mal perdedores. Contudo, as derrotas deles nao tem se dado pelas qualidades dos democratas. Numa comparacao, os democratas nao estao vencendo porque tem um time melhor mas porque o tecnico dos republicanos eh tao ruim que nao consegue fazer o time republicano mostrar uma qualidade melhor em campo. Quem esta assistindo essa disputa e foi do tempo ou ouviu falar, pode associar a politica americana atual ao tempo do PSD e UDN no Brasil. Eles estao preocupados em derrubar um ao outro, nao interessa o quanto isso custe ao pais.

Um dos motivos para fazer-me crer nisso esta relacionada `a questao imigratoria. O presidente Obama colocou os republicanos no canto, em modo de defensiva, com a instituicao da suspensao das deportacoes de filhos de imigrantes sem documentos que foram trazidos para os Estados Unidos ainda criancas e culturalizadas americanas. Mitt Romney tinha falado abertamente que vetaria o “Dream Act” e que tornaria a vida do imigrante sem documentos tao dificil que ele iria preferir se auto deportar.

Agora, o voto do imigrante tem se mostrado fundamental. Por si so isso ja obrigou Mitt Romney a recuar as promessas que fez para ganhar o voto do eleitorado republicano mais radical, amenizando um pouco suas palavras e afirmando que substituiria a decisao provisoria do presidente por uma solucao definitiva. O que ele nao revelou eh qual seria tal solucao. Esta falando agora em uma legislacao com a participacao bipartidaria, o que poe em xeque a determinacao dos republicanos nos ultimos tres anos e meio de fazer tudo quanto fosse possivel para que o governo democrata do presidente Obama nao desse certo, nao importando os meios.

A estrategia dos republicanos em relacao aos imigrantes foi, como eu sempre afirmei, um tiro nos proprios pes, nao apenas deles proprios mas da nacao como um todo. Eles se deixaram enganar pelas impressoes das pesquisas de opiniao publica. Todas as pesquisas sempre mostraram que a preocupacao numero um do eleitorado americano eh com a economia. E isso nao se mostra diferente em relacao ao eleitorado imigrante, particularmente, o imigrante latino que eh o dominante. E mais acentuado junto ao eleitorado de origem mexicana.

Por essa razao, os republicanos nao se deram conta de que o menosprezo que deram ao eleitorado latino seria, talvez, a pedra fundamental, da qual dependeria a eleicao de seus candidatos. Eles calcularam que o que definiria o voto seria eles apresentarem alguma solucao para o problema economico e que o resto seria esquecido. Ledo engano. Em primeiro lugar porque eles nao tem plano algum para salvar a nossa economia cambaleante. Pelo contrario, se puzerem em pratica o que propoem, nos fara descer ainda mais.

Para demonstrar o que penso, vou fazer uma pequena comparacao. Nos os imigrantes naturalizados e com direito a voto estamos como as pessoas de pernas quebradas. Sendo as pernas quebradas comparaveis `a situacao dos nossos familiares sem documentos. Se nos perguntassem qual seria a nossa preocupacao principal no momento em que nossas pernas foram quebradas, a gente responderia imediatamente que precisariamos de ir para um hospital e nada mais nos importava. Sendo o hospital uma lei de legalizacao.

Passada a situacao de emergencia, nos nos lembrariamos que havia muito tempo que estavamos sem comer. Portanto, se nos indagassem qual seria a nossa preocupacao principal naquele momento, nos responderiamos que necessitariamos de alimentacao. Neste caso, a comida representaria a economia. Entao, as nossas pernas quebradas deixaram de ser problema? Em momento algum. Apenas saberiamos que nao estava em nosso poder fazer mais nada alem de esperar pelo tempo para nos restabelecermos.

Nos nao nos esquecemos que os republicanos sao contrarios aos nossos parentes sem documentos. Se a gente soubesse que as nossas pernas quebradas pudessem receber um tratamento novo que sarasse as quebraduras nas proximas 12 horas, mesmo sabendo que iriamos ficar sem comer durante todo esse tempo, a gente continuaria dizendo que a nossa preocupacao numero um seriam as pernas quebradas e nao a fome.

A nossa prioridade passou a ser a fome porque sabemos que teremos que esperar algum tempo para as pernas quebradas se recuperarem. Seria como se a gente tivesse deixado dormentes nossa prioridade numero um para solucionar o problema numero dois, porque sabemos que entre a solucao do problema numero um e a nossa priorizacao esta o tempo.

Tirar a nossa atencao do problema principal, para resolver o problema secundario, somente nos mostra uma coisa, nao queremos ficar parados, esperando a solucao para o numero um, se ja podemos ir antecipando a solucao para o problema numero dois. E nos sabemos que, o problema numero um so nao foi resolvido por causa da interferencia negativa do partido republicano.

Outra questao relativa ao problema imigratorio eh a insistencia dos republicanos em perseguir os imigrantes sem documentos, dizendo que temos que solucionar o problema da fronteira com o Mexico antes de solucionar o problema dos imigrantes que ja estao aqui e, muitos deles, ha mais de decada. Os republicanos continuam com a ideia sem nexo de afirmar que quem chegou aqui por meios “ilegais” passou na frente dos que querem vir por meios “legais”.

Eles dizem que milhares de pessoas estao aguardando numa linha imaginaria em seus paises para terem suas requisicoes de imigracao aprovadas. Mas isso nao se torna possivel porque os “ilegais” que ja estao aqui estao tomando o lugar delas. Antes de virmos para ca, ha quase vinte anos atras, sabiamos que a ultima coisa que poderiamos fazer numa reparticao consular americana seria admitir que viriamos para trabalhar, pois que senao os vistos seriam negados imediatamente. Eles eram negados aleatoriamente e muitos que vinham apenas para fazer turismo tiveram seus vistos negados por causa da falta de criterio.

Esse eh o velho e classico argumento de acusar a vitima pelo erro do agressor. Eh muito semelhante ao agressor sexual alegar que a vitima estava vestida convidativamente. Nao creio em momento algum que as pessoas estejam furando fila. O que acontece eh que nao existe uma lei justa que contemple as pessoas que querem vir imigrar para e trabalhar honestamente nos Estados Unidos. O correto eh que primeiro houvesse a lei. Assim, todos procurariam enquadrar-se nela e o numero de violadores seria muito menor e mais facil de ser controlados.

Eu conheci casos de pessoas que chegaram ha mais de dez anos atras aqui nos Estados Unidos, trabalharam aqui e voltaram ao Brasil sem ter tido a oportunidade de legalizar. E todos que assim o fizeram afirmaram que, se houvesse uma lei que os tivesse permitido entrar legalmente no pais, nao teriam nunca cometido o erro de vir sem as garantias da lei. As pessoas que conheco, chegaram aqui antes dos ataques de 11 de setembro, antes das guerras do Iraque e do Afeganistao. Nao tiveram envolvimento algum com isso. Mas alguns republicanos tem jogado a culpa de alguns em todos.

Para sermos verdadeiros, nao sejamos entao sem inteligencia. Quem entrou na fila para chegar legalmente nos Estados Unidos ha cinco anos atras, nao chegou primeiro na fila. Este sim eh que estaria querendo entrar na frente daqueles que muito antes teriam entrado na fila, caso ela existisse para eles. A fila nao existia. Portanto, nao se pode acusar ninguem de te-la furado. Isso nao quer dizer que eu nao seja solidario com quem esta hoje nessa fila imaginaria. O que eu gostaria eh que essa fila imaginaria tivesse sido real e desse protecao a todos que entraram ou que entrariam nela.

A defesa que os republicanos tem feito dos que estao na fila esperando eh apenas casualistica. Eles foram os principais responsaveis por impedir a aprovacao de uma lei justa para a imigracao. Eles sao a maioria dos que criaram o problema e querem jogar nas costas das vitimas o peso das consequencias da criacao deles.

O pensamento contrario eh tao forte que o jornalista Jose Antonio Vargas considera-se um fura-fila nessa situacao. Para quem nao sabe quem eh a pessoa, Jose Antonio Vargas eh um filipino de nascimento que aos 12 anos de idade foi trazido para os Estados Unidos, onde passou a viver o restante de sua vida. Como tal, ele foi educado neste pais, tornando-se jornalista e inclusive sendo vencedor do Pulitzer-Prize. Quando chegou a hora de comecar a trabalhar, teve que usar identidade falsa porque nao tinha documentos.

A vida dele estava indo normal quando a lei chamada de Dream Act, que legalizaria pessoas na situacao semelhante `a dele, foi rejeitada pela maioria republicana no Cogresso. Ou melhor, ele se apresentou antes da lei ser rejeitada, juntando-se a milhares de outros estudantes e para expor a situacao como desumana que eh. No mes passado ele foi capa da revista Time Magazine, juntamente com outros americanos sem documentos. Embora a intransigencia republicana seja o unico empecilho para que essa desumanidade seja desfeita.

Em entrevista `a CNN, logo apos `a assinatura da lei provisoria que permite a estes americanos sem documentos permanecerem no pais sem serem molestados pelos agentes da imigracao, ele admitiu sentir-se culpado e pediu desculpas aos outros que estao impedidos de ingressar no pais porque, ele proprio nao soube enxergar isso, estao sendo vitimados pela falta de uma lei correta de imigracao nos Estados Unidos.

Ele nao tem que se sentir culpado de nada porque uma pessoa que chegou aos Estados Unidos aos 12 anos, foi educada segundo a cultura do pais e se sente americana como outra pessoa qualquer nascida no pais, nao tomou nada de ninguem. Dessas pessoas sim esta se tomando a liberdade de ir e vir e os culpados dessa situacao estao saindo ilesos, como se nao tivessem culpa alguma.

Durante decadas, antes da “bolha economica do setor de construcoes explodir”, os Estados Unidos, leia-se em particular os republicanos, nao aceitaram iniciativa alguma em relacao `a criacao de uma lei que organizasse a imigracao. Toda iniciativa foi vetada. Embora, os imigrantes entravam e saiam `as vistas de todos. Ninguem se importava com o assunto porque o assunto nao retornava em forma de votos.

Apos os ataques de 11 de setembro os votos comecaram a ser influidos pela situacao migratoria. Os republicanos tomaram o partido dos preconceituosos e impuzeram todas as barreiras que puderam `a solucao do problema. Comecaram a exigir que colocassem seguranca na fronteira com o Mexico antes de promulgar uma lei de legalizacao.

Eles sao os maiores culpados porque com uma lei de imigracao colocando criterios claros entre os que podem e os que nao podem entrar, deixaria a fronteira vazia em termos de pessoas que querem apenas trabalhar e nao causar problemas. Com isso, tornar-se-ia muito mais facil e efetivo fazer a seguranca na fronteira. Os republicanos estao apenas querendo “colocar o carro na frente dos bois”. Deles, nao sao culpados somente aqueles que nao conhecem o problema.

E os republicanos tiveram tempo habil para apresentar uma lei justa e ate melhor que o que os democratas vem oferecendo. Mas eles nao apenas se recusaram a fazer justica, eles resolveram tornar-se a propria injustica. Com isso deram oportunidade ao presidente Obama de aparecer como o defensor dos imigrantes mesmo tendo deportado mais de 1 milhao de pessoas sem documentos no curto periodo de tempo que ja governou. Os republicamos falharam por deixar a faca e o queijo nas maos dele.

Mas nao estou falando isso como se tudo fossem favas contadas. Por incrivel que pareca, nao importa o quanto ruim ou bom o governo de uma pessoa possa ter sido aqui nos Estados Unidos. Raramente ha um governo excepcionalmente ruim ou bom. E os estados aqui sao em sua maioria torcedores de um ou outro partido. Assim, os republicanos votam republicano e os democratas votam democrata. Nao ha outra alternativa. Alguns poucos alternam, de acordo com o que esteja acontecendo no momento. Estes sao os que decidem. (swing states).

Na verdade, as eleicoes aqui comecam empatadas. No momento, o presidente Obama esta em vantagem. Mas serao pouco mais de tres meses entre agora e as eleicoes. Ele precisa manter o que esta ganhando, torcer para que o resto do mundo nao entre em recessao e nao cometer nenhum outro erro grave. Qualquer deslise pode resultar numa virada de mesa. E o lado oposto ja cometeu todos os erros que poderia.

Mitt Romney esta fazendo o jogo do tipo Zagallo, no comando da selecao. Todo mundo recuado, esperando que o adversario cometa algum erro, sem arriscar nada, como se o empate fosse vitoria. O que conta a favor dele eh o capital que estao investindo na candidatura dele. Ele tem um apoio expressivo da classe empresarial. Mas nao porque essa classe queira consertar as molestias da economia. Ela quer apenas garantir alguns privilegios que ele manteria, e que estao ameacados pela permanencia do presidente Obama na Casa Branca.

A minha questao particular de saude aqui continua a mesma. Nao faz diferenca se o “Obamacare” foi considerado constitucional ou nao. As pessoas aqui tem um otimo sistema de saude, enquanto estiverem saudaveis! Eu sempre ouvi essa reclamacao dos meus compatriotas de nascimento brasileiros. Eles criticavam a incompetencia dos medicos que, quase sempre, apenas recebiam um cliente para repassa-lo a outro, geralmente, especialista. Eu sempre defendia o sistema aqui, dando um parecer baseado em meus conhecimentos medicos.

Mas o povo defendia os medicos e a medicina no Brasil. Alegavam que, no Brasil, os medicos nao tinham acesso a equipamentos sofisticados e que davam o diagnostico na hora. Receitam os remedios e a gente ja sai melhor do consultorio, toma os remedios e sara. Aqui parece que as doencas se prolongam e viram cronicas. A gente passa na mao de um e outro medico e nunca cura. Entra com uma doenca e sai com varias.

Ja comentei no capitulo 15 deste livro algo da minha experiencia de saude aqui. E gostaria de acrescentar que estou comecando a concordar com meus amigos criticos. Eu compreendo a cautela dos medicos americanos e tambem compreendo que eles estao sujeitos a um sistema errado, que privilegia a permanencia em tratamento nao `a cura das doencas. Infelizmente, o que conduz a medicina neste pais eh o dinheiro, como em todas as outras coisas. Nao temos medicina, temos hipocrisia, e nada vale o juramento de Hipocrates.

Ha aqui um exagero de uso de instrumentos eletronicos para diagnosticos. Os medicos mal fazem qualquer anamnese (investigacao a respeito dos precedentes que levaram aos sintomas). O paciente apenas fala que esta com sentindo um ou outro sintoma e eles logo o enviam ao laboratorio. Muitos medicos sao donos das clinicas e ganham mais quanto mais exames fazem, portanto, nao lhes interessa dar um diagnostico prematuro.

Por outro lado eles tambem sao vitimas do sistema. Como eu tenho conhecimento do processo clinico, por ser veterinario formado, reconheco a possibilidade de muitos sintomas semelhantes poderem levar a diagnosticos errados. Sei muito bem que uma dor de cabeca pode dever-se a centenas de problemas diferentes. Sintomas sao inespecificos, muitas doencas podem causar os mesmos sintomas, porem, numa anamnese bem feita o medico experiente pode dar um diagnostico diferencial em 99% das vezes.

O problema esta no 1% restante. Se um medico errar nessa porcao menor ele pode ser levado na justica e perder o que ganhou em seus acertos. Dai eles preferem tambem se precaver. Porem, com todas as precaucoes, ha uma epidemia de diagnosticos errados e que levam os pacientes ate mesmo ao obito. Contudo, os medicos ficam isentos de culpa se provarem que ofereceram o melhor atendimento possivel, ou seja, muitos exames, e que o problema foi causado por falhas do processo e nao deles proprios.

De toda forma, os medicos aqui estao sob uma intensa pressao. Eles se sentem pressionados pela natureza da propria profissao que eh a de trabalhar com a vida e a morte das pessoas; pelas imposicoes da sociedade que exige um falso sucesso na carreira; pela pressao da sociedade que exige sucesso economico de todos, enquanto as boas oportunidades nao sao para todos, enfim, tenho certa duvida entre distinguir quem eh feliz neste pais, um medico muito rico ou um trabalhador de jardinagem que vai levando a vida sem responsabilidade alguma!

Essa situactuacao toda tem levado-me a reavaliar a minha presenca aqui nos Estados Unidos. Como eu ja disse, agora tenho um seguro saude que nao cobre todas as despesas, minhas e de minha esposa, os ganhos estao no limite entre o seguro total e esse parcial, ou seja, o que ganharmos acima, e talvez mais um pouco, serao gastos com despesas de saude, por causa das diversas condicoes clinicas `as quais eu e minha esposa estamos sujeitos. Eu passei dos 50 e ela dos 40, portanto, as pessoas de nossa era saberao compreender a situacao.

Para nao ultrapassar muito o nosso deficit eu ja decidi a fazer um jogo de risco. Ou seja, estou evitando ao maximo tratar de problemas antigos que nunca irao sarar, apenas me farao voltar muitas vezes `as clinicas. O risco eh de as condicoes cronicas desenvolverem para coisa pior. Nao abandonei os tratamentos de situacoes que sei que nao tem conserto, porem, acarretariam consequencias drasticas se fossem abandonados tais como o para colesterol alto e o glaucoma. A situacao eh essa, a gente tem que se arriscar a cair numa situacao de invalidez permanente para ter cobertura total. A alternativa eh morrer sem alcancar o grau de invalidez.

Eu vivi uma situacao dessa que daria pavor `a maioria das pessoas. Cerca de uns tres meses atras percebi que a minha face direita ficou paralisada. Se eu enchesse a boca com ar o lado nao segurava. Quando tentava assobiar, nao conseguia. Ora, eu tive uma experiencia no ano anterior de ter sido hospitalizado por tres dias por absolutamente nada. Outra, uma ressonancia que eu havia feito ha mais tempo, levou ao diagnostico de um aneurisma cerebral, que o especialista depois afirmou ser tao minimo que nao chegava a preocupar.

Entao, a decisao passou a ser minha. Se eu fosse ao clinico geral com aqueles sintomas, de antemao eu ja sabia que seria internado e colocado num monte de aparelhagem, por nao sei quanto tempo, nao imagino a qual custo e o com quanto eu iria ter que responsabilizar por ele. Medindo e pesando as consequencias, e consultando os meus conhecimentos praticos de medicina humana referendados por minha pratica veterinaria, optei por nao fazer tratamento algum.

Pensava que teria sido um derrame mas sabia que as consequencias haviam sido minimas. Pensei: se vier um segundo vai matar ou aleijar mas vou arriscar assim mesmo! O resultado eh que dias depois meu rosto voltou a trabalhar normalmente. Nao percebi nenhuma sequela. O que levou-me a concluir que sofri uma paralisia momentanea. Isso eh comum acontecer em consequencia de “friagens” (“Eh o reumatismo, com caibras esporadicas, nos dias de friagem.” – do Aurelio, citando Nelson de Farias, autor de Tiziu e Outras Estorias). E estavamos justamente na passagem de estacao do inverno para a primavera, tempo ideal para o surgimento de friagens.

Penso que d’agora para frente esse sera o toque de minha vida. Vou ter de voltar a trabalhar em busca de dinheiro nao para ficar rico, mas para deixar de passar vergonha. Vou ter que deixar de fazer o que gosto, porque o que gosto so tem valor para mim mesmo. Vou fechar aqui estas paginas, e sair delas feliz porque eh melhor pescar do que exercer a filosofia. (Malba Tahan nao estava de todo errado ao concluir que o filosofo descansava pescando e o pescador filosofando).

Penso que no inicio enderecei este livro aos presidentes dos Estados Unidos. Mudo aqui de ideia e o endereco aos povos de um modo geral. Os povos sao os verdadeiros donos do poder e eles precisam assumir o controle dele para que a democracia de torne o bem do povo, pelo povo e para o povo.